Gua Sha Guide by MEM

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A guide for facial

magicearthmumma 2021

massage with any

kind of Gua Sha
Facial massage gently invigorates the dermis and underlying
muscle structure for a more toned complexion, relaxation and
lymphatic drainage. Using your Gua Sha paddle as part of a
daily skin ritual can help to alleviate tension related skin issues,
emotional stress and re-establish a gentle self-care routine that
has benefits far beyond simply improving your complexion.

Each stone from Magic Earth Mumma has been energetically

cleansed and cleared ready to use. You can maintain this by
rinsing with pure water and placing it in moonlight each full
moon, passing it through sacred incense smoke, or leaving it
on some pure rock salt for a few hours after each use. Store
your Gua Sha stone in a pouch or box for safekeeping.

Use a botanical oil to reduce friction and the possibility of

causing irritation. There are a selection of Multi-purpose Body
Oils, Facial Oils and intensive nourishing salves from to choose from, or simply use a high
quality, raw, organic, Coconut, Olive or Jojoba Oil. For anyone
with very dry skin the using a soothing, natural cream or
bodyvelvet cream may be helpful instead of an oil.

Gua Sha paddles vary in style and shape, colour and

thickness, and you will find what suits you once you begin to
use and appreciate the ritual of massage.
Get to know your Gua Sha paddle…
Each style is different but you’ll be able to use this
guide to get the most out of whatever paddle you
have. I love the heart shape paddles, but have used
angel wing and fish shape paddles as well.
You don’t have to limit your Gua Sha to just facials. Use
it on the whole body to release tension from aching
muscles, move fluids to relieve congestion and reduce

This outward curving edge is The points are helpful for

best for smoothing the front of massaging the naso-labial folds
the neck. Use it below the either side of the mouth and
collarbones and towards the nose, along the jawline, down
armpits for a lymphatic drain. the neck and under the chin to
Use it further down the body help re-adhere the skin to the
for between the breasts and muscle layer and improve the
down to the abdomen. It can firmness of the skin.
be used to rub the soles of the
feet and the inside wrists to
stimulate Qi flow.

The dip molds to the jawline

and hollow of the cheek. Use it
in long, sweeping motions with
The rounded point is perfect gentle to firm strokes for
for the eye sockets and releasing tension from the
corners of the mouth, or any jaws. Place it between the
creases from sleeping fingers and massage gently to
positions. Used when cool, release tension from
Always use the stone on an angle to overworked hands. Repeat on
simply place it on the inner
the skin’s surface, using the ‘flat’ the toes to increase circulation.
eye socket area lightly. This
face of each edge or point.
can remove tension and relax
the muscles quickly,
improving circulation and
smoothing the skin’s TIP: to reduce inflammation and The inward curving edge molds
appearance. puffiness, especially around the onto the forehead, cheekbones and
eyes, chill your stone before and sides of the neck. Use it on an angle
during use by placing it on a small in a stroking massage to relieve
dish filled with ice cubes. stress and tension.
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rounded point

1. Use a flat inward curving edge to wipe gently up from the 3

bridge of the nose, across the Third Eye, and up to the
forehead. Repeat a number of times. Using the rounded
point, trace a gentle arc over the eye socket, along the
bones under the eyebrows and above the cheekbones.
Repeat several times.

2. With a flat part of the inward curve begin to wipe gently

from the bridge of the nose to the outer edge of the
cheekbone. Finish at the point around the top of the ear and
middle of the ear.

3. Using the points, gently massage the corners of the

mouth. Tip the stone around to use the inward curved edge
on an angle gently swiping upwards from the eyebrows to
the hairline all the way into the hair to the top of the head.
Repeat slowly to relax the muscles and treat ‘11’s’.

If you have deep naso-labial folds, jowel lines or loose skin under the chin, take extra time to massage these
areas with your stone. Always use gentle pressure to avoid damaging your skin or underlying muscles. Regular
gentle massage will get better results than sporadic and harsh treatment.
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6 rounded point

4. Using a flat side of the inward curve, wipe gently along the eyebrow
and forehead to the outer temple and into the hairline. Tip the stone
around to use the dip along the jawline, making the jawbone ‘sit’ in the
dip. Gently pull it from the chin to the earlobe repeating firmly but gently.

5. Using the outward curving edge, rub up and down along either side
of the windpipe making sure to keep the pressure comfortable. Repeat
several times.

6. Finish the Gua Sha treatment with gentle wiping motions up from the
jaw to the temples and along the eyebrows to the hairline.

To complete as a relaxation session, have a cool damp facial cloth

ready to place over the face for a few minutes. Splash the face or mist
afterwards to bring yourself fully back if required,...or simply drift of to
sleep once the cloth is removed.

You can easily incorporate these directions when using a Roller or similar Gua Sha tool
and if necessary use your fingertips and palms to mimic the massage directions.
Gua Sha stone paddles in all kinds of crystal. It doesn’t matter which one you
choose, they are all helpful as long as you use them regularly. I hope you
enjoy using the Gua Sha Guidebook and find daily massage helpful.

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