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DeswikCAD - Basic Design

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DeswikCAD Basic Design Guide

Release Date: 09 March 2011

Version: 1.0

Level 1 428 Upper Edward St, Spring Hill, Queensland, Australia, 4000
•Email: info@deswiksoftware.com• Tel: +61 7 3821-3310 • Fax: +61 7 3821-3312
ABN 37 136 642 450
1.0 Working Plane....................................................................................................................................................6

2.0 Viewing Plane.....................................................................................................................................................9

2.1.1 Rotating View.........................................................................................................................................9

2.1.2 3D views...............................................................................................................................................10

2.1.3 3D Views - Isometric.............................................................................................................................10

2.1.4 View Pan/Zoom....................................................................................................................................10

3.0 Layer Control....................................................................................................................................................10

3.1.1 Active....................................................................................................................................................11

3.1.2 Selected................................................................................................................................................11

3.1.3 Locked layers........................................................................................................................................11

3.1.4 Imported Layers....................................................................................................................................12

3.1.5 reloading...............................................................................................................................................12

3.1.6 Exporting Layers...................................................................................................................................12

3.1.7 Copy Layers...........................................................................................................................................13

3.1.8 Move Layers.........................................................................................................................................13

3.1.9 Layer Attributes....................................................................................................................................13

3.1.10 Parse by Attribute.................................................................................................................................14

3.1.11 Parse by Attribute Advanced................................................................................................................15

3.1.12 Layer Display.........................................................................................................................................16

4.0 Snapping...........................................................................................................................................................17

5.0 Visual Style.......................................................................................................................................................17

6.0 Drawing a Polyline/String.................................................................................................................................20

6.1.1 New String............................................................................................................................................20

6.1.2 Co-ordinate...........................................................................................................................................20

6.1.3 Rotation................................................................................................................................................20

Page 2
6.1.4 Relative rotation...................................................................................................................................20

6.1.5 Relative Co-ordinate.............................................................................................................................21

6.1.6 Draw Entities........................................................................................................................................21

7.0 Draw Decline....................................................................................................................................................21

7.1 Straight.........................................................................................................................................................21
7.2 Curved..........................................................................................................................................................22
8.0 Modifying Polylines..........................................................................................................................................24

8.1.1 Polylines/points....................................................................................................................................24

8.1.2 Polylines/connect.................................................................................................................................24

8.1.3 Polylines/Break.....................................................................................................................................25

8.1.4 Polylines/Extend...................................................................................................................................26

8.1.5 Polylines/Gradient................................................................................................................................28

8.1.6 Polylines/label......................................................................................................................................29

8.1.7 Polylines/Open Close & Clockwise........................................................................................................30

8.1.8 Polylines/Condition...............................................................................................................................30

8.1.9 Polylines/reverse..................................................................................................................................31

8.1.10 Polylines/Convert from entities............................................................................................................31

8.2 Polyline Checking..........................................................................................................................................31

8.2.1 Polylines/Validate.................................................................................................................................31

8.2.2 Polylines/Simplify.................................................................................................................................32

8.2.3 Polylines/Vertex list..............................................................................................................................33

8.3 Query Polylines.............................................................................................................................................33

9.0 Translate...........................................................................................................................................................34

10.0 Clipping.............................................................................................................................................................35

11.0 Filters................................................................................................................................................................35

11.1.1 Appling a filter......................................................................................................................................36

11.1.2 Creating a new filter.............................................................................................................................36

11.1.3 Filter on attribute.................................................................................................................................37

Page 3
11.1.4 Remove all filters..................................................................................................................................37

11.1.5 Interactive Filter...................................................................................................................................37

11.1.6 Hide Selected entity..............................................................................................................................39

11.1.7 Isolate selected entity...........................................................................................................................39

11.1.8 Invert Selection....................................................................................................................................39

12.0 Legends............................................................................................................................................................39

12.1.1 Application Legend...............................................................................................................................39

12.1.2 New Legend..........................................................................................................................................39

12.1.3 Value.....................................................................................................................................................40

12.1.4 Range....................................................................................................................................................40

12.1.5 Filter.....................................................................................................................................................41

12.1.6 Remove Legend....................................................................................................................................42

13.0 Solids................................................................................................................................................................ 42

13.1 Validating solids............................................................................................................................................44

13.2 Query Volume and Surface area...................................................................................................................45
13.3 Interrogation of wireframes.........................................................................................................................46
13.3.1 Batch Interrogation...............................................................................................................................47

14.0 Block Models....................................................................................................................................................48

14.1.1 Slicing Block Model...............................................................................................................................48

14.2 Create outline around block model..............................................................................................................49

15.0 Layer Presets....................................................................................................................................................51

15.1.1 Creating a Preset..................................................................................................................................52

16.0 Sections............................................................................................................................................................56

16.1 Creating a section.........................................................................................................................................56

16.2 Modifying a Section......................................................................................................................................60
16.3 Creating Slices from a Section......................................................................................................................63
17.0 PRINTING..........................................................................................................................................................66

17.1 Layouts.........................................................................................................................................................66
17.2 Viewports.....................................................................................................................................................67

Page 4
17.2.1 Creating a Viewport..............................................................................................................................67

17.2.2 Modifying a Viewport...........................................................................................................................68

17.2.3 Printing Grid..........................................................................................................................................77

17.2.4 North Arrow..........................................................................................................................................80

17.2.5 Scale Bar...............................................................................................................................................83

Page 5
1.0 Working Plane

The tool bar above is the working plane tool bar, the working plane is the plane that any new strings/polylines will
be drawn on.

the working plane can be shown in 3d space by the grey rectangle outline, this can be turned on and off by using the

following button. in the working plane menu. It is on when there is a yellow boarder and shading around
the outside. The menu command for this is View/Working Plane/ display guide
Working plane can be moved along the axis either forward or backwards if in section, or up and down if in plane
view by using the following buttons. simply set the amount you want to change the section by and use the up and
down arrows.

Plane by points

typing 1 or clicking on the button will do plane by one point, can either be snapped to a point on the design
window, or a RL. Plane by one point can be Plan view, east-west, etc etc . If you wish to snap to a RL then use the

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co-ordinate tab at the bottom of the screen. In the Z box type in the RL that you wish. (or X/Y) and click on the

padlock. Click on the screen using the and select plan. The view is now plan on the 120 RL. All drawing will occur
on that level.

typing 2 or clicking on the button will do plane by two points, can either be snapped to points on the design
window, or a x/y/z (use the co-ordinate locking as above). Plane by two points gives the following options.
vertical/Horizontal/Perpendicular/Aligned. This will be most commonly used for section plans.

typing 3 or clicking on the button or view/Plane by 3 points will do plane by three points, meaning in the x,y & z
planes, can either be snapped to points on the design window, or a x/y/z (use the co-ordinate locking as above).
Plane by two points gives the following options. vertical/Horizontal/Perpendicular/Aligned. This will be most
commonly used for section plans.

Working Plane properties or View/Working plane/Angles allows you to set the properties of the working plane
you wish to uses without snapping to points or using the plane by X points commands. The following box allows you
to put in the target x,y & z, as well as the azimuth, dip and twist.

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Set the working plane to the current view or View/working plane/ from view, allows you to set the working
plane to the a view that you may have rotated in the design menu .

Set the current plane to working view or View/working plane/ to view allows you to reset the view back to your
working plane. If you are designing in a section view, you can use the orbit

1. section view by two points. 2. rotate to view View/Rotate/Orbit

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3. Reset back to Section view / View/working plane/ to view

2.0 Viewing Plane

2.1.1 Rotating View

Rotating view & Centre on rotating view

Rotate View - View/Rotate/Orbit - rotates around current centre

Snap Rotation centre View - View/Rotate/snap to point then orbit - rotated centre around snapped point.

Selected entity Centre Rotate View -View/Rotate/Orbit Selected Entity - rotates centre is around selected entity.

Re-centre on orbit view/Rotate/ recentre on orbit - if selected when using one of the above 3 rotations it will
re-centre the view to the middle of the screen.

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2.1.2 3D views

View/ 3d views/top / bottom / north / south/ east / west

2.1.3 3D Views - Isometric

view/3D Views/ from south east/ from south west / from north east / from north west

2.1.4 View Pan/Zoom


View Window - draw window on screen . (ZX)

View Zoom Extents- Zoom Extents (ZE) - zooms extends and resets to plan view - working plan unchanged

View Zoom All- Zoom All (ZA) - zooms to extents of data, view orientation stays the same/ working plan stays
the same

Zoom in and Zoom out, mouse wheel also does the same function without buttons .

Zoom extends of selected entity

- Regen/Redraw - View/Regen and View/Redraw

3.0 Layer Control

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Adding a layer - select the current layer you wish to create a new layer under, right click, ADD A layer is always
added under the SELECTED layer, not the ACTIVE layer. LAYER/ADD
To delete a layer, select the layer to delete, right click DELETE . LAYER/DELETE or LAYER/DELETE MULTIPLE - delete
multiple gives you a view of all the layers, check which layers you wish to delete.
To rename a layer, right click RENAME

3.1.1 Active
A layer needs to be ACTIVE in order to draw on that layer, A layer becomes active by double clicking on the layer
until it is bold - Scheduler layer below is active. You can only draw on an active layer, even if that layer is not visible.
BEWARE - however you can delete items from any layer that is visible on the screen unless that layer is locked.
Right clicking on a layer and choosing activate, will also make a layer active.

3.1.2 Selected
If you click ONCE on a layer it becomes SELECTED. A layer can be Active and selected or can be just selected. Various
functions such as adding layers, copying entities etc In the table below the layer TOPO_DTM is the selected layer
and has a light grey box over it.

The layer control menu shows the various functionality that can be used on the layers.

3.1.3 Locked layers

To lock a layer right click on the layer and choose lock, to unlock right click and select unlock. A locked layer is
shown by a red highlighted box, as seen below on the design layer.
When a layer is locked you can not draw on that layer, even if it is active, you also can't delete anything off that
layer. Useful when using various layers for reference.

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3.1.4 Imported Layers

A design can be imported into the project from another project/ design package or csv file. The function to import is
File/Import/(select program)
Stopes and tunnels above in the layer control are imported layers, they have slightly different properties than an
deswikCAD built layer.
Drag and drop - can also be used for any string and dtm files from datamine/surpac ect ect. you can load multiple
files by selecting the files in windows explorer and dropping them into the black Design window. (don't drop in the
layer control as it won't import)
use the function zoom extents (ZE) or view from top to centre the new data loaded.

3.1.5 reloading
Reloding a Data source, right click on an imported layer, and select reload datasource. This will delete any changes
you have made to the file and re-import the original file from where it sits on either your computer or server. Using
this process will delete any ATTRIBUTES that have been added to the strings.

3.1.6 Exporting Layers

The same process is used for exporting layers - if exporting to surpac to to file/export/surpac strings. It will ask you
what you want to export, with a choice between active or selected layers, specifying a particular layer, or exporting
what you have selected on the screen. - Selected items have blue squares highlighted on the points of polylines or
solids. OR all entities in the project. When you export to surpac, these will export all as one string file. So if you
require separate files, then export them one at a time.

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3.1.7 Copy Layers
A layer can be copied from one part of the layer tree structure to another. this can be useful if you want to keep one
layer as a reference layer, and make design changes to another. this can be done by LAYER/COPY - copy selected or
copy active. (active and selected are described above)

3.1.8 Move Layers

Layers can be moved around the tree structure to create a more organised project. To move a layer, either make it
selected or Active, go to LAYER/MOVE/MOVE SELECTED or LAYER/MOVE/MOVE ACTIVE. This will bring up the layer
control structure, you will need to double click on where you want to move the layer too. The layer to be moved is
tunnels (this is active) double click on the layer you want to move tunnels to, say Block model slices . The tunnels
layer is now moved to Block model slices. - note UNDO will not revoke any changes to the layer structure, you will
need to move them back by the same process.

3.1.9 Layer Attributes

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Layers attributes can be changed by either LAYER/ATTRIBUTES, or selecting a layer and right clicking on it, choose

The following layer attribute box will be brought up, Attributes are carried across into the schedule and will be case
sensitive. it is best to choose either all capitals, or lower case and keep to that convention.

To add a new attribute, click on the play button with a yellow star, type in the new attribute Name under the name
column. The type can be string (alpha numeric) or Integer (double has more characters available) A default value
can also be added for each layer.

Copy from and to allow the attributes to be copied from another layer, - ie you can copy the attributes from the
stopes level to the tunnels level. This will over-write any attributes of the SAME name, and will replace any default

3.1.10 Parse by Attribute

Select layer to parse out, can parse out numeric or string attributes using this function. A list of attributes on that
layer will be displayed, select the layer (or using ctrl key multiple layers to parse attributes on.

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Parsing the stopes layer by selecting level and side, will split the stopes into RL's and Right or left hand side of the
access drive.

3.1.11 Parse by Attribute Advanced

Choose the input layer - in this case tunnels , choose an output layer - you can either type a new layer in here using
the \button to separate, or select the ... key and double click the chosen layer. The attribute to parse out is selected.
This can only be a numeric value.

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The new layers are named using the output layering name joined with the level attribute. The structure now
contains all the levels split out into separate layers.

3.1.12 Layer Display

An individual layer is displayed by ticking the check box next to it.

To display all layers check on the 0 box with the ctrl key held down, or using the layer menu Layer/Display all -
Layer/Hide all
All children layers can be displayed by ticking the parent layer to display whilst holding down the cntrl key. or layer
display children/ layer hide children.

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4.0 Snapping

No snapping - The snapping tool bar is located on the left hand side of the screen the red circle with the bar

across it turns off all snapping. More than one snapping can be turned on at any one time. ensure you uncheck
the 1 button if you wish to continue snapping when you draw.
You can choose to have snapping turned on for one action, or turned on for all actions,

point snapping - snaps to the end of points, shows as a yellow square when snapped

Mid Point snapping - snaps to the midpoint between two points on a string

Line Snapping - snaps to anywhere on the nearest line

perpendicular snapping - will snap to a point at right angles

Node Snapping - snaps to a node - used in Interactive Scheduler in dependency creation.

5.0 Visual Style

2D - displays solids and polylines all as lines - clipping is ignored in this style

3D - - displays all entities as 3D , honours clipping.

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3D hidden line - - doesn't show inside lines of a solid.

3D slicing - - displays solids as polylines upon the working plane.

3D shaded - - shades in wireframes to create filled solids

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3D shaded with edges - - shows edges of triangulations with wireframes.

Rendered - - applies various lighting conditions to wireframed solids - can use excessive memory

Animation - - opens the animation window for use with the interactive scheduler - see introductory manual

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6.0 Drawing a Polyline/String
6.1.1 New String

Draw Polyline (NS) Draw/Polyline - the polyline will be drawn on the working plane. (working plane can be
set using above commands)

6.1.2 Co-ordinate

setting the co-ordinates in the Co-Ordinate boxes at the bottom of the screen will snap to co-ordinates.

6.1.3 Rotation
set azimuth/ set gradient ie 1:n or % and set distance to draw a set line.

6.1.4 Relative rotation

set azimuth relative to current string location, set dip and set distance.

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6.1.5 Relative Co-ordinate

set the delta X, delta Y and delta Z, this is used for putting in an change in x/y/z without using co-ordinates.

6.1.6 Draw Entities

Draw Rectangle - A rectangle/circle or Arc is NOT a polyline, to turn into a polyline go to

Modify/Polylines/Convert from Entities. This will allow attributes to be put on the polyline and can be used in the
interactive scheduler.
Draw Arc/Circle/Ellipse - creates entities

Draw point

7.0 Draw Decline

7.1 Straight
Start Position - can either type in the z,y,z position into the boxes or select position on the screen, Pick >> use
snapping if connecting to a existing design.
Azimuth - the azimuth can either be manually entered or drawn on the screen using the PICK >> menu.
Straight - choose if sloped lines, horizontal or vertical.
Distance - Type in or use the pick box to select
Gradient -select the convention used , ie 1:N , type in the gradient, ie -7 for negative 1:7 or 7 for + 1:7
segment length - this is important for curved sections, as if the segment length is set too high, it will create straight
edges rather then a curved section. A good guide for curved sections is to set it to the cut length achieved by the
You can change any section by clicking on the section on the right hand side, in this case the curve section is
highlighted. The length can be updated, azimuth, gradient etc. this will redraw the section.
Show tunnel - this allows you to put a profile on a section as you are designing to check pillar distances between
drives in the same vicinity. This is for visualisation purposes only and will be removed when you close the decline

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7.2 Curved

The curved section will follow on from the straight section, however if you want a new section, click on New decline,
and use snapping to snap to the end of the previous string.
Radius - set the decline curve radius
Distance - set the type of curve that you require
Gradient - ie 7 for 1:7 or -7 for -1:7
segment length - best to be the cut length of the jumbo.

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The following shows how the decline is created on the screen as you build it.

Edit existing - open the decline design tool, select the one that you wish to change. it will open in the window.
Change any of the settings from above and click on update section.

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8.0 Modifying Polylines

8.1.1 Polylines/points

modify/polyines/points - general design functions, select the polyline, select the task to carry out.
delete - DPO
Insert - IPO
Insert at Intersections - IAI
insert at spacing - IAS

8.1.2 Polylines/connect

Modify/Polylines/connect/automatically - select polylines to connect - either using a square around the outside or
using the ctrl key. - if the polylines are not going in the same direction they will be reversed by the process and will
duplicate strings, so ensure that all polylines are facing the same direction. this can be checked by turning on the
direction arrows at the bottom of the properties window.

Modify/Polylines/connect/manually - select first string, select end to connect from/ select second string/ select end
to connect too - will connect the polylines into one string. Instructions displayed in the bottom right hand side of
the screen.

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modify/Polylines/connect/internally - this is used for connection of haul roads for the dumping module - not used
for general design.

8.1.3 Polylines/Break

Polylines can be broken at a point, or segment,

Modify/Polylines/Break/At Intersections - select polyline to govern breaking, right click to accept, Select polylines to
break (hold down ctrl key to select more than one polyline) All polylines will be broken at the intersection between
the governing string and the selected strings.

- instructions are displayed in the right hand corner of the screen.

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8.1.4 Polylines/Extend

to reverse modify/polylines/reverse or PREV

Modify/Polylines/extend/by distance - select string, type in distance to extend, and check start or end.

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Modify /Polylines/extend/adjust to length

type in the length you wish the string to be, ie if it is currently 20 metres and you want a 22metre stockpile then
type in 22, it will keep the same azimuth and dip. It will also reduce the length of the string if shortened.
modify/Polylines/extend/interactive - or EXT - interactively allows you to extend the string, from the END of the

checking on the showdirectionArrows in the attributes window will allow you to see which way the Polyline is going.

modify/Polylines/extend/to polyline - first select the polyline to extend, next choose the polyline to extend too-
choose either from the start or finish or either, apparent intersection, means if it is not on the same rl, it will extend
in the X/Y plane. The original string will keep its gradient and azimuth.

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8.1.5 Polylines/Gradient

modify / polylines/gradient/adjust
Type in new gradient into the box, -7 for down +7 for up, change the 1:n to different measurement type if used, ie %
or degrees.
pick either start or end, or from picked point. Occasionally you may need to reverse the string to get the correct
gradient on the section you require.

modify/polylines/gradient/adjust to limits
select the maximum and minimum gradients and from which end it should adjust from.

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8.1.6 Polylines/label

modify/polylines/label/selection - select the data that you wish to label - from elevation, point number any
attributes on the strings, or inputting a formula

This can also be accessed via right clicking on the selected polyline - choosing polyline/label/selection

remove selection or remove all will delete any of the labels. These labels will not carry thru for printing they are
simply for checking points and crossovers. unless you are using snagit, and they will copy across.

using attributes to put names on strings.

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Putting on point ID's

8.1.7 Polylines/Open Close & Clockwise

modify/Polylines/Close Open - Can use either the menu buttons or the Variable properties in the properties window
on the right hand side of the screen. simply tick the check box to close, uncheck to open.

close all and open all are used when multiple polylines are selected.

8.1.8 Polylines/Condition

This is used for smoothing out strings.

modify/Polylines/condition/remove spikes - remove cross over.

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8.1.9 Polylines/reverse

check direction of string by turning on the direction arrows in the properties window. Change direction by using
shortcut key of PREV or modify/Polylines/Reverse

8.1.10 Polylines/Convert from entities

This function will turn a square, rectangle, circle or arc into a polyline. The scheduler will ignore entities which are
not polylines.

8.2 Polyline Checking

8.2.1 Polylines/Validate
Polylines/Validate - Modify/Polylines/Validate -

Select either visible or selected entities - check for cross overs/ a point count greater then 2, length is greater
than .1 of a metre, area is greater than 1, segment length is not too large or small and checking for duplicate strings.

It is a good idea to run this process prior to creating tunnels in the interactive scheduler.

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the follow screen will show a tick box where there are errors in the strings. Show selected will filter any string that
you choose, repair will attempt to fix the problem string.

8.2.2 Polylines/Simplify

Polylines/simplify - Modify/Polylines/simplify - this allows you to choose the minimum distance between polylines,
this is done in X & Y dimensions, checking the 3D box will allow a minimum distance check in all directions, - it will
delete any points closer than this distance.

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8.2.3 Polylines/Vertex list

Polylines can also be altered by opening the vertex list at the bottom of the properties window.

The vertex list allows you to check for duplicate points, delete them, change the dip or azimuths on points, and
change the distance of any polylines. As you click on each vertex in the list it is highlighted on the screen, this allows
for checking of duplicate points and crossovers visually. Simply select the point in the box which is duplicated and

click on the delete button. You can also use the other controls to insert or add new points. The
string can be reversed by clicking on the reverse button, or a point moved to a particular position using either
the up and down arrows or typing in the row number to moved to..

8.3 Query Polylines

Tools query polyline - use snapping to point to select the end of the polyline - and snap to the final point.

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To find out the length of a multi point polyline, select that polyline in the design window. The following fixed
properties will be displayed on the righthand section of the screen. If you select multiple strings it will add the
length together.

9.0 Translate

modify/Translate - can be used to translate Polylines, solids or dtms.

Direction and distance - can be manually typed in, ie translate drive up 10 meters.

Delta - can use pick to choose interactively, or type in an x, y or z value.

Attributes can be copied across from the original string, type in the attribute adn select the base value and

copies - 1 or multiple.

Delete original - This is Default - so ensure you uncheck if you don't want to loose your original design.

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10.0 Clipping

Clipping can be used in near or far direction by clicking on either the left or right clipping button. or both buy clicking
on the centre button. Clipping can be turned off by clicking on the button again. it is active when there is an orange
filled square around the button. View/Clipping

11.0 Filters

The follow tool bar is used for applying and creating filters. - they are located in the menu bar under edit/filters

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11.1.1 Appling a filter

A filter can be applied by dropping down the filter list, it will only be applied to the current active layer.

11.1.2 Creating a new filter

New Filter - - can be applied to block models, polylines and solids. The description field can be an attribute on
a polyline or solid or can be a block model field.
Filters can be used to isolate selected data or used to create detailed fields for legend application for the interactive

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11.1.3 Filter on attribute

Attribute - filtering - Selecting a string and choosing filter on attribute will bring up a box of all attributes that
can be filtered on, selecting one or more of these will apply this filter to all visible entities and return those which
match the selection.

11.1.4 Remove all filters

- removes all filters applied, it will not remove filters applied on layers which are not active. select the drop
down box and remove those when the layer is active.

11.1.5 Interactive Filter

- this can also be used by right clicking the layer in the Layer Control. Will allow filtering on ore or more
attributes in one or more layers by using various controls.

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Choose attribute (s) to filter on .
Select one or more rows to display data - in this case it will display pen colour of 3,0 and 29

Data - can also choose to filter on active layer, selected layer and or multiple layers.

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choosing two layers will show the entities of the colours above in both the dev designs layer and the stopes layer.

11.1.6 Hide Selected entity

- will hide the selected entity, if more than one use ctrl key and select hide, can use this process multiple

11.1.7 Isolate selected entity

- shows only the entity (s) that have been selected in the design window.

11.1.8 Invert Selection

- this takes all visible entities on the screen on layers that are active and makes them invisible, and makes
invisible entities visible.

12.0 Legends

12.1.1 Application Legend

Select the drop down box and choose the legend in the list, this will apply to only the ACTIVE layer.

12.1.2 New Legend

- clicking on this button will open the creating a new legend application

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The blue outlined button is used to create a new filter, in which a box types up to add a name, The red cross button
deletes the legend and the play with .. renames the filter.
A legend can be applied using a field that can be an attribute on a polyline or solid, or a block model field. if it is not
in the drop down list Type it in the box. This is CASE sensitive so ensure it matches exactly with the block model
fields or attribute names or it won't return the correct value.

12.1.3 Value

The value tab can be used if a particular field will only have one value. ie all measured ore will have a res_class of 1.
thus a value bin of 1 can be used.

12.1.4 Range

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When a range bin is applied as above from 3 - 4 for indicated
the following convention is used. The From is >= (greater than equal to) 3 and to is < (less than )4
The Inferred bin will be >= 4 and < 5, so any data with a res_clas of 4 will be reported into the inferred bin, a
res_class of 3.9999999 will be reported in the Indicated Bin.

12.1.5 Filter

Filters can be built an applied when more than one field is to be used. for instance if you wanted to report on Ore
classification and reserve status.
High grade -say if you wanted to report high grade ore of greater than 5g/t that has a reserve class of measured.
You would need to build a filter for that.
Au_ok < 5 and res_cat = 1. the filter will look like the one below.

the bin HG Ore measured has a filter attached of HG Measure Ore, which will return all values that fit within that
filter to the bin above.

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12.1.6 Remove Legend

- this removes a legend from the active layer.

13.0 Solids

Draw/Solids/Link polylines , - select strings to link/ hold down ctrl key to select more than one
Grouping strings by - Pen colour / Stope Num - only strings of the same pen colour and stopenum will be linked as
one wireframe.
General options include End Cap / Tie Lines/Additional Points and the wireframe can be validated when completed.
Different linking methods can be used to create validated solids.

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Stopes that have been wireframed

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The attributes from the strings will be copied to wireframes.

13.1 Validating solids

Modify/Solids/Validate - this is used to validate solids and repair solids.

Entities can be selected by clicking on the solid and choosing Selected Entities, using selected or active layers, using
specified layers or visible entities. If there are a significant amount of wireframes then using either visible entities
ore specified or selected layers will be significantly quicker then picking entities in the design window.

Various choices can be used for validating the solids. Generally creating polylines for errors should only be used to
locate the error selection and the poly line should be deleted when recreating the wireframes.

The handle is a unique ID of solid, the status for a wireframe should be OK solid, the status for a topography or
surface should be OK surface. The other checks should be 0.

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13.2 Query Volume and Surface area

Tools/Query/Surface area - Volume - same selection box as above, if only a few wireframes pick on the screen,

holding down the control key to select more then one wireframe. else use other options. Query Volume

The output if you select all lines will give a sum of the volume and surface area at the top. using the copy function
this can be pasted into columns in excel. The summary table will also list the attributes for the wireframes and the
type of entity queried.

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13.3 Interrogation of wireframes

Tools/interrogate/interactive interrogation
step one is to select the blockmodel to interrogate against in windows explorer.
Set the density field - in this case SG, set the default density. Legends can be used to put into bins such as waste/ore
or measures/Indicated/Inferred

Use the Pick >>> field to select the wireframes to interrogate. Pick either by selecting one at a time and holding
down the ctrl key, or drawing a rectangle around all entities to be interrogated.
If the model squares do not entirely cover the wireframe being interrogated then the Model tonnes and Model
volume will be different from the Total volume and Total Volume. the total volume and tonnes are based upon the
shapes and the default density in the event the block model doesn't cover the entire area to be interrogated.

The copy function will allow this to be copy and pasted into excel.

only one wireframe can be interrogated at a time using this process.

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13.3.1 Batch Interrogation

This can be used for multiple wireframes and outputs to a CSV file.

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14.0 Block Models

14.1.1 Slicing Block Model

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- Format/Block model Slicing - this allows the block model to be sliced either dynamically or creating a layer
of a slice. legends and filters can be applied to this for ease of viewing. this process would be used to do stope
outlines around economic areas.

block model - set the location of the block model for slicing
dynamic - used when stepping thru model on various planes, if unchecked will create a new layer with a block
model slice on that orientation.

legend - colours the blocks by the legend specified using the create legend
Filter - can be used to filter out waste blocks or unclassified blocks for ease of viewing
filled - can fill blocks - this can be used for printing
Opacity - can be set o see thru or opaque.

14.2 Create outline around block model

snapping is turned on
Plane by 1 point - set to plan view ( can set RL to that of drive) - snap to designed drive point.

snapping is turned off -

Plane by two points - select orientation of new plane in relation to drive - this will be the orientation of the rings.
set to vertical

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use command NS or to create a new string. digitises the desired stope shape around the ore body.
The poly line can be closed by either snapping to the original point, or checking the closed box on the attributes
The colour can be changed by dropping down the pen colour box, and selecting a different colour index, or
selecting a different system colour.

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use the move the plane , set the spacing to the ring spacing used. then use
the arrows to move either near or far.
the block model if set to dynamic will move with this plane, a new outline can now be drawn.

15.0 Layer Presets

Layer presets allow you to set up specific layers to be visible as well as adding a bunch of attributes to those layers
you wish to see. You can lock them so they can't be selected, a legend can be applied, filters can be applied , it can
be set to apply to just the parent layer, or can be set to all the children layers as well. THe presets can also be used
to set up all other layers not specified, ie expand all of the layer tree, lock all layers not being used. make them
visible or invisible, apply filters and legends to all.
The active layer can also be set.

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15.1.1 Creating a Preset

Click on layer/presets/edit Presets or the edit preset button from the preset menu.

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click on the add new button to create a new preset.
Give the new preset a name.

click on the to add a new layer to use.

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click on the ... to choose a new layer.

Apply a legend already created, in this case it colours the stages to a specific colour. Stages = cutbacks.

If there were various children layers, the Apply to could be selected to set a legend for them as well.

Initial Action for all layers - this would generally be set to all invisible, but the ones you have selected, without
legends or filters applied.

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The active layer can be set to change the drawing layer for each time this process is run.

The inherit from current button allows you to set up the layer view with legends and filters and simply copy all of
that information over to a preset..

To apply a preset either click on the Apply Preset button, or select the preset from the drop down

Before Preset applied.

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After presest applied.

To remove any filtering or legends from these layers, ensure the layer is active by double clicking, and then turn off

the legend and filter. In this case change the to a

or click on the remove all legends from all layers button.

16.0 Sections

16.1 Creating a section

Firstly turn on the working plane so that you can see where your section will be created.

view/workingplane/display guide.

select the layer view/ plane definitions or the following tool bar.

Firstly put the model space into the view you wish, using plane by 1 point, 2 points or 3 points.

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plane by 2 points and simply selecting those two points mid way through the design tives the following vertical

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If the plane needs to be on a defined angle then draw a line with the desired end points and azimuth and use
snapping to set the plane to these points.

Turning clipping on , and selecting the visual style to convert

wireframes to lines gives the following output.

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to create a section that can be referred back to at a later date, go to view/plane definitions/create from current

view or click on . Ensure that the apply plane definition is checked.

Give the new plane a name - it will be created under what ever layer you have selected, so ensure you have the
correct layer selected in the layer menu.
The following check box is opened to allow for manipulation of the plane created.

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16.2 Modifying a Section

The following changes were made to the set up. Changing the target point changes the centre of the section, this is
important when using sections for printing. The azimuth was slightly off so was changed to 130 degrees. Layer
presets can be used which will turn on certain layers, apply filters or legends to those layers and can even make a
certain layer active. The entity display is changed, in this case to use 3d solid slicing.
To ensure the working plane is changed to the new definition, as well as the view, turn both of these on. The apply
to layer button lets you direct the new sections layer to the correct position.

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Model space view prior to turning on the section view.

A new layer has been created called GEOTECH SECTION - if you right click on this layer it allows you to modify ,

replace or load the plane definition . These functions are also in the drop down menu and in the picture

click on load menu

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the working plane has changed as well as the view plane, the colours have been applied from the presets menu, the
view style is 3d slicing.

Using the move working plane menu, you can step through the slices at any
distance selected. To return to the original setup slice simply load the section view again.

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16.3 Creating Slices from a Section
Load up the Geotech sections to ensure the working plane is in the correct location. Create a new layer

in the layer menu and ensure it is active by double clicking.

Type in "msl" or select draw/solids/slice

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The solids slice box allows for the user input, if just creating a plan view slice, type in the starting elevation. Or set
either the working or view planes to the orientation required. In this case the above section definition is used for
creating the slices.

In this case the working plane is checked, it is to be sliced at spacing to the data extents, meaning that it will
progress forward and backwards at the incremental value until all slices have been created.
The spacing is set in this case at 100, but variable spacing can be used.

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Slices are created in a forward direction offset from the working plane. If the slices are to be created in the opposite
direction then a negative must be used.

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17.1 Layouts

A Layout is created by choosing inster/Layout

The printer and paper size is selected. Followed by the orientation. A preset up title block can be chosen, these can
also be imported from other programs and saved as a Deswik title block.
A new tab is created next to the model space for printing, it is called Geotech Sections. And is essentially a blank
drawing area

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17.2 Viewports

17.2.1 Creating a Viewport

The next task is to insert a view port. Using the mouse click and drag a box to insert the viewport.

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This will take a section from model space and show it on the printing section.

17.2.2 Modifying a Viewport

clicking on Modify/Layer objects/viewport allows changes to be made to the viewport.

you can also move the viewport by clicking on the grips and draging.

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The scale can be set and locked so that it doesn't change with moving centre or zooming in model space.
Dimensions on the page and centre of the page can be changed as well.

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This will change the scale and alter how the models space is displayed.
Changing the Centre on page will move the viewport out of the Layout window.

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The entity display is selected - note that some of these displays will not honour clipping.

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Once the size is correct the Model space can be changed, the source can either come direct from the model space,
or be set up using the target points and rotation. Clipping can be applied in either method.

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view using model space,

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setup for plane definition without model space

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Setup for Layers - this allows the selection of specific layers to be displayed. firstly uncheck use from model space,

then click on the edit button, this will open the multiple layer selection menu which allows layers to be
selected, they are now listed in the layers box.

Selecting the previously created geotech sections, alters the layout window to display that section.

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Multiple sections can be used and scrolled through when printing, using the move working plane

button and the view/ plane definition/create from view new sections
can be created 50 metres apart from the original Geotech section above.

17.2.3 Printing Grid

Draw /Viewport Grid

modify/layer objects/viewport grid, can be used to put a grid over the print setup.

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An automatic grid is applied which can be modified by right clicking on the grid in the layer menu, select modify grid.

Turn off the Auto interval tick and type in the interval that is required. , Various styles can be used and positions
changed, If the text for the annotation goes out side the dotted lines on the viewport, it will probably be cut off in
the printing. This can be fixed by using smaller text, or moving resizing the viewport by moving the grips at the end
of page.

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printed copy of window, with 500 metre interval grid spacing.

17.2.4 North Arrow

Dravv/North Arrow

You need to select the viewport to draw the arrow on.

select the edge of the viewport, use snapping if required

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Various arrows can be selected from the drop down menu, and the location and size can be chosen. Click apply to
view how this looks before making other changes.

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The Arrow can be modified by using Modify/Layer Objects/ North arrow

or right clicking in the layer menu on north arrow and selecting modify.

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Plan section of model view - with a smaller viewport of section slice.

17.2.5 Scale Bar

Draw/Scale bar

click on the viewport the scale bar needs to be added to.

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The scale can be changed or read directly from the viewport. the scale bar can be formatted and the location
changed to suit the drawing.

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