Krobi Boq

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DATE October 24, 2023



I. Mobilization/Demobilization 1.00 lot 42,000.00 42,000.00 12,600.00 12,600.00 ₱ 54,600.00
II. Hauling 12.00 trips 5,250.00 63,000.00 1,575.00 18,900.00 ₱ 81,900.00
III. Planning/Documentation/As-Built Plans 1.00 lot 47,250.00 47,250.00 - - ₱ 47,250.00
IV. Permits 1.00 lot 15,750.00 15,750.00 - - ₱ 15,750.00
V. Bonds and Insurances - - - - ₱ -
1.00 Performance Bond 1.00 lot 43,575.00 43,575.00 - - ₱ 43,575.00
VI. Temporary Site Facilities/Utilities - - - - ₱ -
1.00 Barracks/Warehouse 1.00 lot 36,750.00 36,750.00 - - ₱ 36,750.00
VII. Electric Consumption 15.00 months 4,200.00 63,000.00 - - ₱ 63,000.00
VIII. Water Consumption 15.00 months 5,250.00 78,750.00 - - ₱ 78,750.00
XI. Safety 1.00 lot 31,500.00 31,500.00 9,450.00 9,450.00 ₱ 40,950.00
X. Site Supervision 15.00 months - - 23,100.00 346,500.00 ₱ 346,500.00

SUB-TOTAL GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ₱ 421,575.00 ₱ 387,450.00 ₱ 809,025.00

I. Excavation 162.56 cu.m. 1,575.00 256,032.39 1,045.75 169,996.98 ₱ 426,029.37
II. Backfilling 67.06 cu.m. 682.50 45,765.79 105.00 7,040.89 ₱ 52,806.68
III. Gravel Bedding 46.59 cu.m. 945.00 44,029.06 472.50 22,014.53 ₱ 66,043.59
IV. Soil Poisoning 360.00 sq.m. 136.50 49,140.00 52.50 18,900.00 ₱ 68,040.00
V. Polyethylene (SOG) 173.00 sq.m. 70.17 12,139.67 52.50 9,082.50 ₱ 21,222.17
VI. Earthfill and Compaction 50.00 cu.m. 997.50 49,875.00 498.75 24,937.50 ₱ 74,812.50
VII. Layout and Staking
1.00 Coco Lumber 2"x3"x12' 70.00 pcs 199.50 13,965.00 99.75 6,982.50 ₱ 20,947.50
2.00 Coco Lumber 2"x2"x12" 52.00 pcs 136.50 7,098.00 68.25 3,549.00 ₱ 10,647.00
3.00 CWN4" 5.00 kgs 73.50 367.50 36.75 183.75 ₱ 551.25
4.00 Nylon/Tansi 350.00 m 10.50 3,675.00 5.25 1,837.50 ₱ 5,512.50
VIII. Site Clearing 360.00 sq.m. 36.75 13,230.00 18.38 6,615.00 ₱ 19,845.00

SUB-TOTAL SITE PREPARATION WORKS ₱ 495,317.42 ₱ 271,140.15 ₱ 766,457.56


I. Formworks
1.00 2"x3"x12' good lumber 800.00 pcs 199.50 159,600.00 99.75 79,800.00 ₱ 239,400.00
2.00 2"x2"x10' good lumber 200.00 pcs 136.50 27,300.00 68.25 13,650.00 ₱ 40,950.00
3.00 4' x 8' x 3/4' thk Marine Plywood 185.00 pcs 756.00 139,860.00 378.00 69,930.00 ₱ 209,790.00
4.00 4' x 8' x 3/4' thk Crocodile Phenolic Board 80.00 pcs 1,260.00 100,800.00 630.00 50,400.00 ₱ 151,200.00
5.00 CW Nail 2" 42.50 kgs 73.50 3,123.75 36.75 1,561.88 ₱ 4,685.63
6.00 CW Nail 4" 86.00 kgs 73.50 6,321.00 36.75 3,160.50 ₱ 9,481.50
7.00 Finishing Nail 1" 17.80 kgs 73.50 1,308.30 36.75 654.15 ₱ 1,962.45
II. Scaffoldings
1.00 Scaffoldings 32.00 sets 4,725.00 151,200.00 2,362.50 75,600.00 ₱ 226,800.00
2.00 Consumables 1.00 lot 22,050.00 22,050.00 11,025.00 11,025.00 ₱ 33,075.00

SUB-TOTAL FORMWORKS AND SCAFFOLDINGS ₱ 611,563.05 ₱ 305,781.53 ₱ 917,344.58

Concreting (3000 PSI)
I. Footing - -
1.00 40 kg Portland Cement 168 bags 273.00 45,864.00 136.50 22,932.00 ₱ 68,796.00
2.00 Sand 10.35 cu.m. 1,365.00 14,121.32 682.50 7,060.66 ₱ 21,181.99
3.00 3/4 Gravel 18.07 cu.m. 1,470.00 26,568.10 735.00 13,284.05 ₱ 39,852.15
II. Beams (FTB,RB) - - - - ₱ -
1.00 40 kg Portland Cement 120.00 bags 273.00 32,760.00 136.50 16,380.00 ₱ 49,140.00
2.00 Sand 6.15 cu.m. 1,365.00 8,394.96 682.50 4,197.48 ₱ 12,592.44
3.00 3/4 Gravel 10.74 cu.m. 1,470.00 15,794.42 735.00 7,897.21 ₱ 23,691.62
III. Columns - - - - ₱ -
1.00 40 kg Portland Cement 360.00 bags 273.00 98,280.00 136.50 49,140.00 ₱ 147,420.00
2.00 Sand 22.74 cu.m. 1,365.00 31,036.61 682.50 15,518.31 ₱ 46,554.92
3.00 3/4 Gravel 39.72 cu.m. 1,470.00 58,392.81 735.00 29,196.41 ₱ 87,589.22
IV. Slab on fill - - - - ₱ -
1.00 40 kg Portland Cement 202.00 bags 273.00 55,146.00 136.50 27,573.00 ₱ 82,719.00
2.00 Sand 12.75 cum 1,365.00 17,397.00 682.50 8,698.50 ₱ 26,095.51
3.00 3/4 Gravel 22.27 cum 1,470.00 32,731.02 735.00 16,365.51 ₱ 49,096.53
V. Slab ₱ -
1.00 40 kg Portland Cement 191.00 bags 260.00 49,660.00 130.00 24,830.00 ₱ 74,490.00
2.00 Sand 12.12 cu.m. 1,300.00 15,750.79 650.00 7,875.39 ₱ 23,626.18
3.00 3/4 Gravel 21.17 cu.m. 1,400.00 29,633.80 700.00 14,816.90 ₱ 44,450.70
VI. Stairs ₱ -
1.00 40 kg Portland Cement 31.00 bags 260.00 8,060.00 130.00 4,030.00 ₱ 12,090.00
2.00 Sand 1.67 cu.m. 1,300.00 2,175.89 650.00 1,087.94 ₱ 3,263.83
3.00 3/4 Gravel 3.00 cu.m. 1,400.00 4,200.00 700.00 2,100.00 ₱ 6,300.00

SUB-TOTAL CONCRETING WORKS ₱ 545,966.72 ₱ 272,983.36 ₱ 818,950.08

Reinforcing Bar (Grade 40)
I. Footing
1.00 16mm dia Bars x 6m (Grade 40) 134.00 pcs 460.95 61,767.30 230.48 30,883.65 ₱ 92,650.95
2.00 Tie wire 17.50 kgs 84.00 1,470.00 42.00 735.00 ₱ 2,205.00
II. Beams (FTB,RB)
1.00 20mm dia Bars x 6m (Grade 40) 642.00 pcs 790.65 507,597.30 395.33 253,798.65 ₱ 761,395.95
1.00 16mm dia Bars x 6m (Grade 40) 228.00 pcs 460.95 105,096.60 230.48 52,548.30 ₱ 157,644.90
2.00 10mm dia Bars x 6m (Grade 40) 950.00 pcs 180.60 171,570.00 90.30 85,785.00 ₱ 257,355.00
3.00 Tie wire 129.40 kgs 84.00 10,869.60 42.00 5,434.80 ₱ 16,304.40
III. Column
1.00 20mm dia Bars x 6m (Grade 40) 196.00 pcs 790.65 154,967.40 395.33 77,483.70 ₱ 232,451.10
1.00 16mm dia Bars x 6m (Grade 40) 161.00 pcs 460.95 74,212.95 230.48 37,106.48 ₱ 111,319.43
2.00 10mm dia Bars x 6m (Grade 40) 415.00 pcs 180.60 74,949.00 90.30 37,474.50 ₱ 112,423.50
3.00 Tie wire 80.00 kgs 84.00 6,720.00 42.00 3,360.00 ₱ 10,080.00
IV. Slab on Fill
1.00 10mm dia Bars x 6m (Grade 40) 278.00 pcs 180.60 50,206.80 90.30 25,103.40 ₱ 75,310.20
2.00 Tie wire 77.00 kgs 84.00 6,468.00 42.00 3,234.00 ₱ 9,702.00
V. Slab
1.00 12mm dia Bars x 6m (Grade 40) 682.00 pcs 220.50 150,381.00 110.25 75,190.50 ₱ 225,571.50
2.00 Tie wire 75.00 kgs 84.00 6,300.00 42.00 3,150.00 ₱ 9,450.00
Vi. Stairs
1.00 12mm dia Bars x 6m (Grade 40) 60.00 pcs 220.50 13,230.00 110.25 6,615.00 ₱ 19,845.00
2.00 10mm dia Bars x 6m (Grade 40) 54.00 pcs 180.60 9,752.40 90.30 4,876.20 ₱ 14,628.60
2.00 8mm dia Bars x 6m (Grade 40) 25.00 pcs 173.25 4,331.25 86.63 2,165.63 ₱ 6,496.88
3.00 Tie wire 6.00 kgs 84.00 504.00 42.00 252.00 ₱ 756.00
VI. Walls
1.00 10mm dia Bars x 6m (Grade 40) 438.00 pcs 180.60 79,102.80 90.30 39,551.40 ₱ 118,654.20
2.00 Tie wire 28.80 kgs 84.00 2,419.20 42.00 1,209.60 ₱ 3,628.80

SUB-TOTAL FOR STEEL REINFORCEMENT WORKS ₱ 1,491,915.60 ₱ 745,957.80 ₱ 2,237,873.40

I. WF-01 150mm THK CHB Exterior Wall with Plaster
1.00 150mm thk Chb 4505.00 pcs 25.20 113,526.00 12.60 56,763.00 ₱ 170,289.00
2.00 40 kg Portland Cement 552.00 bags 252.00 139,104.00 126.00 69,552.00 ₱ 208,656.00
3.00 White sand 40.40 cu.m 1,890.00 76,356.00 945.00 38,178.00 ₱ 114,534.00
II. WF-02 100mm THK CHB Interior Wall with Plaster
1.00 100mm thk Chb 3863.00 pcs 23.10 89,235.30 11.55 44,617.65 ₱ 133,852.95
2.00 40 kg Portland Cement 329.00 bags 252.00 82,908.00 126.00 41,454.00 ₱ 124,362.00
3.00 White sand 22.70 cu.m 1,890.00 42,903.00 945.00 21,451.50 ₱ 64,354.50
SUB-TOTAL MASONRY WORKS ₱ 544,032.30 ₱ 272,016.15 ₱ 816,048.45
I. Roofing framing -
1.00 2"x6"x1.5mm Tubular Steel 33.00 pcs 1,785.00 58,905.00 892.50 29,452.50 ₱ 88,357.50
2.00 2"x2" Angle Bar 71.00 pcs 805.35 57,179.85 402.68 28,589.93 ₱ 85,769.78
3.00 2"x3" C Purlins 66.00 pcs 533.40 35,204.40 266.70 17,602.20 ₱ 52,806.60
4.00 50mm Flat bar 8.00 pcs 1,029.00 8,232.00 514.50 4,116.00 ₱ 12,348.00
II. Others
1.00 Miscellaneous 1.00 lot 80,640.00 80,640.00 40,320.00 40,320.00 ₱ 120,960.00
- - - - ₱ -
SUB-TOTAL ROOF FRAMING ₱ 240,161.25 ₱ 120,080.63 ₱ 360,241.88

I. Roofing -
1.00 Main Roof - Light Gray Roof Shingles 260.00 sq.m. 472.50 122,850.00 236.25 61,425.00 ₱ 184,275.00
2.00 3/4" Marine Plywood 98.00 pcs 1,118.25 109,588.50 559.13 54,794.25 ₱ 164,382.75
3.00 Gutter 56.00 ln.m 367.50 20,580.00 183.75 10,290.00 ₱ 30,870.00
4.00 Flashing 124.00 ln.m 336.00 41,664.00 168.00 20,832.00 ₱ 62,496.00
5.00 Fascia Board - Hardieflex Senepa 10in x 8ft x 9mm 35.00 pcs 313.95 10,988.25 156.98 5,494.13 ₱ 16,482.38
6.00 Miscellaneous 1.00 lot 41,055.00 41,055.00 20,527.50 20,527.50 ₱ 61,582.50
- - -
SUB-TOTAL STEEL/METAL WORKS ₱ 346,725.75 ₱ 173,362.88 ₱ 520,088.63

Water Proofing (Thoroseal) Cementitious
1.00 Terrace 38.00 sq.m. 651.00 24,738.00 260.40 9,895.20 ₱ 34,633.20
2.00 T&B 20.00 sq.m. 651.00 13,020.00 260.40 5,208.00 ₱ 18,228.00

TOTAL WATERPROOFING WORKS AMOUNT ₱ 37,758.00 ₱ 15,103.20 ₱ 52,861.20


I. Doors
1.00 2.55mx2.10m Solid Wood Panel Door w/ Narrow Glass Slits 1.00 set/s 42,170.63 42,170.63 10,542.66 10,542.66 ₱ 52,713.28
33,681.38 33,681.38 8,420.34 8,420.34 ₱ 42,101.72
2.00 2.35mx2.10m Solid Wood Panel Double Door w/ 2 Wide 10mm Tempered Glass 1.00 set/s
3.00 2.25mx1.10m Maple Stained Flush Door 3.00 set/s 14,293.13 42,879.38 3,573.28 10,719.84 ₱ 53,599.22
4.00 2.25mx1.0m Maple Stained Flush Door 5.00 set/s 12,993.75 64,968.75 3,248.44 16,242.19 ₱ 81,210.94
5.00 2.25mx0.9m Maple Stained Flush Door 8.00 set/s 11,694.38 93,555.00 2,923.59 23,388.75 ₱ 116,943.75
6.00 2.25mx0.8m Maple Stained Flush Door 2.00 set/s 10,395.00 20,790.00 2,598.75 5,197.50 ₱ 25,987.50
7.00 1.35mx1.29m Maple Stained Flush Door 1.00 set/s 10,057.16 10,057.16 2,514.29 2,514.29 ₱ 12,571.45
36,582.00 36,582.00 9,145.50 9,145.50 ₱ 45,727.50
8.00 2.60mx2.68m Aluminum Sliding Door w/ Tempered Glass Panels 1.00 set/s
32,350.50 32,350.50 8,087.63 8,087.63 ₱ 40,438.13
9.00 2.60mx2.37m Aluminum Sliding Door w/ Tempered Glass Panels 1.00 set/s
10.00 Miscellaneous 1.00 lot 36,750.00 36,750.00 9,187.50 9,187.50 ₱ 45,937.50
II. Windows
1.00 2.95mx2.64m 2 Sliding Aluminum Windows w/ 7 Fixed Panels 5.00 set/s 36,798.30 183,991.50 9,199.58 45,997.88 ₱ 229,989.38
2.00 2.95mx1.98m 1 Sliding Aluminum Window w/5 Fixed Panels 2.00 set/s 24,532.20 49,064.40 6,133.05 12,266.10 ₱ 61,330.50
4,756.08 23,780.40 1,189.02 5,945.10 ₱ 29,725.50
3.00 2.98mx0.40m 2 Seamless Aluminum Windows over Glass Blocks 5.00 set/s
4.00 2.98mx0.40m 2 Seamless Awning Windows over Glass Blocks 1.00 set/s 4,630.92 4,630.92 1,157.73 1,157.73 ₱ 5,788.65
5.00 0.97mx0.39m Blue Tinted Glass Blocks 1.00 set/s 1,668.30 1,668.30 417.08 417.08 ₱ 2,085.38
6.00 0.58mx0.39m Blue Tinted Glass Blocks 3.00 set/s 997.54 2,992.63 249.39 748.16 ₱ 3,740.78
7.00 1.83mx0.71m 6" Jalousy Blades w/ Black Louver Frame 1.00 set/s 4,911.35 4,911.35 1,227.84 1,227.84 ₱ 6,139.19
8.00 0.71mx3.67m 3 Seamless Aluminum Awning Windows 1.00 set/s 10,396.74 10,396.74 2,599.19 2,599.19 ₱ 12,995.93
9.00 0.71mx2.54m 2 Seamless Aluminum Awning Windows 2.00 set/s 6,059.42 12,118.85 1,514.86 3,029.71 ₱ 15,148.56
10.00 2.45mx3.67m 3 Seamless Aluminum Awning Window w/ 6 Fixed Panels 2.00 set/s 33,987.87 67,975.74 8,496.97 16,993.94 ₱ 84,969.68
5,492.29 16,476.86 1,373.07 4,119.22 ₱ 20,596.08
11.00 2.45mx0.61m 2 Seamless Aluminum Awning Windows w/ Fixed Panels 3.00 set/s
2,791.16 16,746.98 697.79 4,186.74 ₱ 20,933.72
12.00 2.45mx0.31m 2 Seamless Aluminum Awning Windows w/ 2 Fixed Panels 6.00 set/s
2,910.78 17,464.70 727.70 4,366.18 ₱ 21,830.88
13.00 2.45mx0.31m 2 Seamless Aluminum Awning Windows w/ 2 Fixed Panels 6.00 set/s
36,983.31 36,983.31 9,245.83 9,245.83 ₱ 46,229.14
14.00 4.37mx2.60m 6 Seamless Aluminum Awning Wondows w/ 16 Fixed Panels 1.00 set/s
15.00 2.99mx3.20m 2x4" Anodized Grey Finish Steel Grill 1.00 set/s 39,180.96 39,180.96 9,795.24 9,795.24 ₱ 48,976.20
16.00 2.99mx2.0m 2x4" Anodized Grey Finish Steel Grill 1.00 set/s 25,743.90 25,743.90 6,435.98 6,435.98 ₱ 32,179.88
17.00 Miscellaneous 1.00 lot 26,250.00 26,250.00 6,562.50 6,562.50 ₱ 32,812.50
TOTAL OPENINGS (DOOR AND WINDOW) AMOUNT ₱ 954,162.33 ₱ 238,540.58 ₱ 1,192,702.91

I. Ceiling
Gypsum Board
1.00 12mm thk gypsum board 145.00 pcs 609.00 88,305.00 304.50 44,152.50 ₱ 132,457.50
2.00 Metal Furring, .5mmx19mmx50mmx5M 429.00 pcs 270.27 115,945.83 135.14 57,972.92 ₱ 173,918.75
3.00 Wall Angle 25 x 25mm x 3000mm 140.00 pcs 103.95 14,553.00 51.98 7,276.50 ₱ 21,829.50
4.00 Blind Rivets 8000.00 pcs 1.58 12,600.00 0.79 6,300.00 ₱ 18,900.00
5.00 Black Srew 5500.00 pcs 2.63 14,437.50 1.31 7,218.75 ₱ 21,656.25
3.00 Hangers and Supports 1.00 lot 36,225.00 36,225.00 18,112.50 18,112.50 ₱ 54,337.50
Polished Terrazo Flooring
1.00 Terrazo Flooring 287.00 sq.m 341.25 97,938.75 170.63 48,969.38 ₱ 146,908.13
2.00 Miscellneous 1.00 lot 20,567.14 20,567.14 10,283.57 10,283.57 ₱ 30,850.71
Floor Tiles-Aurea Grey Mariwasa
1.00 60x60 cm ceramic tiles 106.00 pcs 201.60 21,369.60 100.80 10,684.80 ₱ 32,054.40
2.00 40 kg Portland Cement 4.00 bags 252.00 1,008.00 126.00 504.00 ₱ 1,512.00
3.00 ABC tile grout, 2kg 6.00 bags 210.00 1,260.00 105.00 630.00 ₱ 1,890.00
4.00 ABC tile adhesive 18.00 bags 294.00 5,292.00 147.00 2,646.00 ₱ 7,938.00
T&B Floor Tiles-Chandon Porfido Mariwasa
1.00 30x30 cm ceramic tiles 120.00 pcs 158.03 18,963.00 79.01 9,481.50 ₱ 28,444.50
2.00 40 kg Portland Cement 1.00 bags 252.00 252.00 126.00 126.00 ₱ 378.00
3.00 ABC tile grout, 2kg 2.00 bags 210.00 420.00 105.00 210.00 ₱ 630.00
4.00 ABC tile adhesive 6.00 bags 294.00 1,764.00 147.00 882.00 ₱ 2,646.00
T&B Wall Tiles-Moriones Gray Mariwasa
1.00 30x30 cm ceramic tiles 569.00 pcs 115.50 65,719.50 57.75 32,859.75 ₱ 98,579.25
2.00 40 kg Portland Cement 5.00 bags 252.00 1,260.00 126.00 630.00 ₱ 1,890.00
3.00 ABC tile grout, 2kg 6.00 bags 210.00 1,260.00 105.00 630.00 ₱ 1,890.00
4.00 ABC tile adhesive 25.00 bags 294.00 7,350.00 147.00 3,675.00 ₱ 11,025.00
T&B Floor Tiles-Moriones Gray Mariwasa
1.00 30x30 cm ceramic tiles 104.00 pcs 158.03 16,434.60 79.01 8,217.30 ₱ 24,651.90
2.00 40 kg Portland Cement 1.00 bags 252.00 252.00 126.00 126.00 ₱ 378.00
3.00 ABC tile grout, 2kg 1.00 bags 210.00 210.00 105.00 105.00 ₱ 315.00
4.00 ABC tile adhesive 5.00 bags 294.00 1,470.00 147.00 735.00 ₱ 2,205.00
T&B Wall Tiles-Chandon Porfido Mariwasa
1.00 30x30 cm ceramic tiles 353.00 pcs 115.50 40,771.50 57.75 20,385.75 ₱ 61,157.25
2.00 40 kg Portland Cement 3.00 bags 252.00 756.00 126.00 378.00 ₱ 1,134.00
3.00 ABC tile grout, 2kg 4.00 bags 210.00 840.00 105.00 420.00 ₱ 1,260.00
4.00 ABC tile adhesive 16.00 bags 294.00 4,704.00 147.00 2,352.00 ₱ 7,056.00

SUB-TOTAL FINISHES ₱ 591,928.42 ₱ 295,964.21 ₱ 887,892.63

I. Exterior Painting
1.00 Acrytex Cast 50.00 bags 787.50 39,375.00 472.50 23,625.00 ₱ 63,000.00
2.00 Primer - Boysen Flat Latex White 27.00 gals 461.74 12,466.91 277.04 7,480.15 ₱ 19,947.06
3.00 Topcoat - Boysen Permacoat Latex (2 coats) 22.00 gals 724.50 15,939.00 434.70 9,563.40 ₱ 25,502.40
4.00 Boysen Elastomeric (2 coats) 22.00 gals 1,029.00 22,638.00 617.40 13,582.80 ₱ 36,220.80
II. Interior Painting -
1.00 Bostik Ultrafino Skimcoat, 20kg 93.00 bags 630.00 58,590.00 378.00 35,154.00 ₱ 93,744.00
2.00 Primer - Boysen Flat Latex White 52.00 gals 724.50 37,674.00 434.70 22,604.40 ₱ 60,278.40
3.00 Topcoat - Boysen Semi-Gloss (2 coats) 42.00 gals 756.00 31,752.00 453.60 19,051.20 ₱ 50,803.20
III. Steel Trusses Painting -
1.00 Red Oxide - Primer 49.00 gals 826.35 40,491.15 495.81 24,294.69 ₱ 64,785.84
2.00 Boysen QDE Paint 32.00 gals 1,025.85 32,827.20 615.51 19,696.32 ₱ 52,523.52
IV. Ceiling Painting -
1.00 ABC Gypsum Putty 30.00 bags 693.00 20,790.00 415.80 12,474.00 ₱ 33,264.00
2.00 Primer - Boysen Flat Latex White 54.00 gals 724.50 39,123.00 434.70 23,473.80 ₱ 62,596.80
3.00 Topcoat - Boysen Semi-Gloss (2 coats) 24.00 gals 756.00 18,144.00 453.60 10,886.40 ₱ 29,030.40
V. Others
1.00 Paint Thinner liters 141.75 - 85.05 - ₱ -
2.00 Consumables 1.00 lot 24,225.60 24,225.60 14,535.36 14,535.36 ₱ 38,760.96

SUB-TOTAL PAINTING WORKS ₱ 394,035.86 ₱ 236,421.52 ₱ 630,457.38

I. Cabinets and Countertop
1.00 Kitchen 18mm thk Laminated MDF Overhead Cabinets with Concealed Hinges 1.00 lot 51,922.50 51,922.50 15,576.75 15,576.75 ₱ 67,499.25
2.00 Kitchen Cabinet with 18mm thk Granite Counter Top 1.00 lot 65,446.50 65,446.50 19,633.95 19,633.95 ₱ 85,080.45
II. Metal Works - - - - ₱ -
1.00 Stair Railings - Main 69.40 l.m 1,039.50 72,141.30 311.85 21,642.39 ₱ 93,783.69
1.00 Stair Railings - Rear 65.00 l.m 1,029.00 66,885.00 308.70 20,065.50 ₱ 86,950.50

SUB-TOTAL FOR SPECIALTIES ₱ 256,395.30 ₱ 76,918.59 ₱ 333,313.89

THHN/THWN (Stranded Wire)
1.00 8.0 mm² 2.00 boxes 9,450.00 18,900.00 3,780.00 7,560.00 ₱ 26,460.00
2.00 5.5 mm² 2.00 boxes 6,384.00 12,768.00 2,553.60 5,107.20 ₱ 17,875.20
3.00 3.5 mm² 28.00 boxes 4,095.00 114,660.00 1,638.00 45,864.00 ₱ 160,524.00
THHN/THWN (Stranded Wire)
1.00 2.0 mm² 4.00 boxes 3,465.00 13,860.00 1,386.00 5,544.00 ₱ 19,404.00
2.00 5.5 mm² 1.00 boxes 6,384.00 6,384.00 2,553.60 2,553.60 ₱ 8,937.60
3.00 Consumable materials 1.00 lot 15,750.00 15,750.00 6,300.00 6,300.00 ₱ 22,050.00
1.00 25mmØ PVC 74.00 pcs 666.17 49,296.77 199.85 14,789.03 ₱ 64,085.79
2.00 25mmØ Adapter w/ Locknut 12.00 pairs 37.80 453.60 11.34 136.08 ₱ 589.68
3.00 25mmØ Elbow 100.00 pcs 51.56 5,155.50 15.47 1,546.65 ₱ 6,702.15
4.00 20mmØ PVC 24.00 pcs 445.20 10,684.80 133.56 3,205.44 ₱ 13,890.24
5.00 20mmØ Adapter w/ Locknut 5.00 pairs 25.20 126.00 7.56 37.80 ₱ 163.80
6.00 20mmØ coupling 50.00 pcs 31.50 1,575.00 9.45 472.50 ₱ 2,047.50
7.00 20mmØ elbow 30.00 pcs 42.00 1,260.00 12.60 378.00 ₱ 1,638.00
8.00 Hangers, Supports & consumable materials 1.00 lot 31,500.00 31,500.00 9,450.00 9,450.00 ₱ 40,950.00
9.00 15mmØ PVC 668.00 pcs 327.60 218,836.80 98.28 65,651.04 ₱ 284,487.84
10.00 15mmØ Adapter w/ Locknut 298.00 pairs 14.70 4,380.60 4.41 1,314.18 ₱ 5,694.78
11.00 15mmØ coupling 200.00 pcs 21.00 4,200.00 6.30 1,260.00 ₱ 5,460.00
12.00 15mmØ elbow 150.00 pcs 27.30 4,095.00 8.19 1,228.50 ₱ 5,323.50
13.00 Hangers, Supports & consumable materials 1.00 lot 10,500.00 10,500.00 3,150.00 3,150.00 ₱ 13,650.00
1.00 Duplex Convenience Outlet, Universal, grounding type 73.00 pcs 262.50 19,162.50 105.00 7,665.00 ₱ 26,827.50
2.00 ACU Outlet 8.00 pcs 378.00 3,024.00 105.00 840.00 ₱ 3,864.00
3.00 Refrigirator Outlet 1.00 pc 341.25 341.25 105.00 105.00 ₱ 446.25
4.00 Range Outlet 1.00 pc 330.75 330.75 105.00 105.00 ₱ 435.75
5.00 Shower Heater Outlet 3.00 pcs 393.75 1,181.25 105.00 315.00 ₱ 1,496.25
6.00 Washing Machine Outlet 3.00 pcs 383.25 1,149.75 105.00 315.00 ₱ 1,464.75
7.00 Water Heater 3.00 pcs 399.00 1,197.00 105.00 315.00 ₱ 1,512.00
1.00 Switches 388.00 pcs 411.60 159,700.80 105.00 40,740.00 ₱ 200,440.80
1.00 Metal Junction Box ga#16 480.00 pcs 68.25 32,760.00 52.50 25,200.00 ₱ 57,960.00
2.00 Metal Utility Box, ga #16 300.00 pcs 68.25 20,475.00 52.50 15,750.00 ₱ 36,225.00
1.00 Lighting Fixtures 1.00 lot 103,063.80 103,063.80 787.50 787.50 ₱ 103,851.30
VIII. Breaker Gutter
1.00 Nema 1,GA #16 w/cover complete w/breaker, support 1.00 Assy 5,826.49 5,826.49 1,747.95 1,747.95 ₱ 7,574.43
and other related accessories.
1.00 Nema 1,surface mounted w/grey powdered paint
finish w/multi-terminal block for solid ground and
neutral bus.
MAIN: E: 250 AT, 250 AF, 2P, 25
kAIC, 240 V Molded Case Circuit Breaker
2.00 Nema 1,surface mounted w/grey powdered paint 1.00 Assy 51,211.44 51,211.44 15,363.43 15,363.43 ₱ 66,574.87
finish w/multi-terminal block for solid ground and
neutral bus.
MAIN: 125 AT, 125 AF, 2P, 25
kAIC, 240 V MOLDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKE Molded Case Circuit Breaker
3.00 Wires and Conduits 1.00 lot 49,612.50 49,612.50 14,883.75 14,883.75 ₱ 64,496.25
4.00 Hangers, Supports & Consumable materials 1.00 lot 11,778.57 11,778.57 3,533.57 3,533.57 ₱ 15,312.14
X. Cable Tray -
1.00 Cable Tray 1.00 lot 41,872.85 41,872.85 4,187.28 4,187.28 ₱ 46,060.13
1.00 Grounding system 1.00 lot 10,206.00 10,206.00 1,020.60 1,020.60 ₱ 11,226.60
SUB-TOTAL ELECTRICAL WORKS ₱ 1,037,280.01 ₱ 308,422.10 ₱ 1,345,702.11

PVC S1000
1.00 75mmØ 66.00 pcs 631.05 41,649.30 252.42 16,659.72 ₱ 58,309.02
PVC Bend 45°
2.00 75mm x 45° 20.00 pc/s 47.25 945.00 18.90 378.00 ₱ 1,323.00
PVC Bend 90°
3.00 75mm x 90° 32.00 pc/s 57.75 1,848.00 23.10 739.20 ₱ 2,587.20
PVC tee
4.00 75mm 5.00 pc/s 68.25 341.25 27.30 136.50 ₱ 477.75
PVC wye
5.00 75mm 8.00 pc/s 68.25 546.00 27.30 218.40 ₱ 764.40
PVC S1000
1.00 50mmØ 29.00 pcs 282.45 8,191.05 112.98 3,276.42 ₱ 11,467.47
PVC Bend 45°
2.00 50mm x 45° 25.00 pc/s 26.25 656.25 10.50 262.50 ₱ 918.75
PVC Bend 90°
3.00 50mm x 90° 16.00 pc/s 32.55 520.80 13.02 208.32 ₱ 729.12
PVC tee
4.00 50mm 8.00 pc/s 95.55 764.40 38.22 305.76 ₱ 1,070.16
PVC wye
5.00 50mm 16.00 pc/s 68.25 1,092.00 27.30 436.80 ₱ 1,528.80
PVC S1000
1.00 100mmØ 45.00 pcs 840.00 37,800.00 336.00 15,120.00 ₱ 52,920.00
2.00 50mmØ 19.00 pcs 282.45 5,366.55 112.98 2,146.62 ₱ 7,513.17
PVC Bend 45°
3.00 100mm x 45° 11.00 pc/s 74.55 820.05 29.82 328.02 ₱ 1,148.07
4.00 50mm x 45° 17.00 pc/s 26.25 446.25 10.50 178.50 ₱ 624.75
PVC Bend 90°
5.00 100mm x 90° 8.00 pc/s 96.60 772.80 38.64 309.12 ₱ 1,081.92
6.00 50mm x 90° 17.00 pc/s 32.55 553.35 13.02 221.34 ₱ 774.69
PVC Wye/Reducer
7.00 100mm x 50mm 20.00 pc/s 1,284.15 25,683.00 513.66 10,273.20 ₱ 35,956.20
8.00 100mm 16.00 pc/s 1,029.00 16,464.00 411.60 6,585.60 ₱ 23,049.60
9.00 50mm 12.00 pc/s 1,029.00 12,348.00 411.60 4,939.20 ₱ 17,287.20
10.00 100mm x 50mm 20.00 pc/s 134.40 2,688.00 53.76 1,075.20 ₱ 3,763.20
11.00 100mm 5.00 pc/s 268.80 1,344.00 107.52 537.60 ₱ 1,881.60
12.00 50mm 12.00 pc/s 95.55 1,146.60 38.22 458.64 ₱ 1,605.24
13.00 FCO, 100mmØ 6.00 pc/s 126.00 756.00 50.40 302.40 ₱ 1,058.40
14.00 50mmØ 6.00 pc/s 99.75 598.50 39.90 239.40 ₱ 837.90
1.00 1 "Ø (25mmØ ) 18.00 pcs 350.70 6,312.60 140.28 2,525.04 ₱ 8,837.64
2.00 3/4 "Ø (20mmØ ) 24.00 pcs 168.00 4,032.00 67.20 1,612.80 ₱ 5,644.80
3.00 1/2 "Ø (15mmØ ) 42.00 pcs 138.60 5,821.20 55.44 2,328.48 ₱ 8,149.68
PVC ELBOW 90° - - - - ₱ -
4.00 1 "Ø (25mmØ ) 30.00 pc/s 47.25 1,417.50 18.90 567.00 ₱ 1,984.50
5.00 3/4 "Ø (20mmØ ) 35.00 pc/s 35.70 1,249.50 14.28 499.80 ₱ 1,749.30
6.00 1/2 "Ø (15mmØ ) 40.00 pc/s 15.75 630.00 6.30 252.00 ₱ 882.00
PVC TEE - - - - ₱ -
7.00 1 "Ø (25mmØ ) 5.00 pcs 39.90 199.50 15.96 79.80 ₱ 279.30
8.00 3/4 "Ø (20mmØ ) 10.00 pcs 30.45 304.50 12.18 121.80 ₱ 426.30
9.00 1/2 "Ø (15mmØ ) 20.00 pc/s 15.75 315.00 6.30 126.00 ₱ 441.00
PVC TEE/ TEE REDUCER - - - - ₱ -
10.00 1 "Ø (25mmØ ) 5.00 pcs 168.00 840.00 67.20 336.00 ₱ 1,176.00
11.00 3/4 "Ø (20mmØ ) 5.00 pcs 138.60 693.00 55.44 277.20 ₱ 970.20
12.00 1/2 "Ø (15mmØ ) 5.00 pc/s 78.75 393.75 31.50 157.50 ₱ 551.25
PVC END CAP - - - - ₱ -
13.00 1 "Ø (25mmØ ) 5.00 pcs 26.25 131.25 10.50 52.50 ₱ 183.75
14.00 3/4 "Ø (20mmØ ) 5.00 pcs 15.75 78.75 6.30 31.50 ₱ 110.25
15.00 1/2 "Ø (15mmØ ) 5.00 pc/s 10.50 52.50 4.20 21.00 ₱ 73.50
16.00 1 "Ø (25mmØ ) 10.00 pcs 60.90 609.00 24.36 243.60 ₱ 852.60
17.00 3/4 "Ø (20mmØ ) 5.00 pcs 44.10 220.50 17.64 88.20 ₱ 308.70
18.00 1/2 "Ø (15mmØ ) 23.00 pc/s 36.75 845.25 14.70 338.10 ₱ 1,183.35
PVC TEE THREADED - - - - ₱ -
19.00 1 "Ø (25mmØ ) 5.00 pcs 81.90 409.50 32.76 163.80 ₱ 573.30
20.00 3/4 "Ø (20mmØ ) 5.00 pcs 68.25 341.25 27.30 136.50 ₱ 477.75
21.00 1/2 "Ø (15mmØ ) 10.00 pc/s 47.25 472.50 18.90 189.00 ₱ 661.50
22.00 1/2 "Ø (15mmØ ) 18.00 pcs 227.85 4,101.30 91.14 1,640.52 ₱ 5,741.82
PPR ELBOW 90° - - - - ₱ -
23.00 1/2 "Ø (15mmØ ) 3.00 pc/s 60.90 182.70 24.36 73.08 ₱ 255.78
PPR WELDED 45° - - - - ₱ -
24.00 1/2 "Ø (15mmØ ) 5.00 pc/s 60.90 304.50 24.36 121.80 ₱ 426.30
PPR TEE - - - - ₱ -
25.00 1 "Ø (25mmØ ) 9.00 pc/s 56.70 510.30 22.68 204.12 ₱ 714.42
PPR TEE W/ THREAD - - - - ₱ -
26.00 1/2 "Ø (15mmØ ) 8.00 pc/s 82.95 663.60 33.18 265.44 ₱ 929.04
PPRC END CAP - - - - ₱ -
27.00 1/2 "Ø (15mmØ ) 12.00 pc/s 19.95 239.40 7.98 95.76 ₱ 335.16
28.00 1/2 "Ø (15mmØ ) 7.00 pc/s 449.09 3,143.63 179.64 1,257.45 ₱ 4,401.08
29.00 1/2 "Ø (15mmØ ) 7.00 pc/s 561.36 3,929.53 224.54 1,571.81 ₱ 5,501.35
30.00 Septic Tank 1.00 lot 40,950.00 40,950.00 16,380.00 16,380.00 ₱ 57,330.00
31.00 Cistern Tank 1.00 lot 36,750.00 36,750.00 14,700.00 14,700.00 ₱ 51,450.00
32.00 Catch Basin 6.00 item 3,150.00 18,900.00 1,260.00 7,560.00 ₱ 26,460.00
33.00 Gate Valve 1.00 pc/s 1,029.00 1,029.00 411.60 411.60 ₱ 1,440.60
34.00 Consumables 1.00 lot 38,623.20 38,623.20 15,449.28 15,449.28 ₱ 54,072.48
1.00 Watercloset (Tank Type) 7.00 set/s 10,500.00 73,500.00 4,200.00 29,400.00 ₱ 102,900.00
2.00 Wall hung Lavatory 7.00 set/s 9,450.00 66,150.00 3,780.00 26,460.00 ₱ 92,610.00
3.00 Lavatory Faucet w/ complete Accessories 7.00 set/s 934.50 6,541.50 373.80 2,616.60 ₱ 9,158.10
4.00 Kitchen Sink with complete accessories 2.00 set/s 7,350.00 14,700.00 2,940.00 5,880.00 ₱ 20,580.00
5.00 Kitchen faucet 2.00 set/s 1,029.00 2,058.00 411.60 823.20 ₱ 2,881.20
6.00 Floor Drain,Shower Drain 50mmØ,S/S 7.00 pc/s 932.40 6,526.80 372.96 2,610.72 ₱ 9,137.52
7.00 Shower set w/ complete accessories 7.00 set/s 12,600.00 88,200.00 5,040.00 35,280.00 ₱ 123,480.00
8.00 Consumables 1.00 lot 5,250.00 5,250.00 2,100.00 2,100.00 ₱ 7,350.00
SUB-TOTAL PLUMBING WORKS ₱ 600,963.66 ₱ 240,385.46 ₱ 841,349.12

I. Fence
1.00 Perimeter Fence 102.67 sq.m 2,835.00 291,069.45 1,417.50 145,534.73 ₱ 436,604.18
II. Steel Gate
1.00 2x6 Tubular Powder Coated 16.00 pcs 2,625.00 42,000.00 1,312.50 21,000.00 ₱ 63,000.00
2.00 Perforated Metal Sheets 3.00 pcs 2,205.00 6,615.00 1,102.50 3,307.50 ₱ 9,922.50
3.00 Stainless Steel Hinges 20.00 pcs 367.50 7,350.00 183.75 3,675.00 ₱ 11,025.00
4.00 Gate operator 1.00 set 8,762.25 8,762.25 4,381.13 4,381.13 ₱ 13,143.38
5.00 Gate Catcher 1.00 set 856.80 856.80 428.40 428.40 ₱ 1,285.20
6.00 Galvanized Steel Rack 7.00 ln.m 1,575.00 11,025.00 787.50 5,512.50 ₱ 16,537.50
7.00 Photocell Sensor 2.00 pcs 3,087.00 6,174.00 1,543.50 3,087.00 ₱ 9,261.00
8.00 Lower Magnet 1.00 pc 1,023.75 1,023.75 511.88 511.88 ₱ 1,535.63
9.00 Higher Magnet 1.00 pc 1,039.50 1,039.50 519.75 519.75 ₱ 1,559.25
10.00 Ugroove Roller 2.00 pcs 1,632.75 3,265.50 816.38 1,632.75 ₱ 4,898.25
11.00 Ugroove Roller Track 7.00 ln.m 957.60 6,703.20 478.80 3,351.60 ₱ 10,054.80
12.00 Guide Bracket w/ Nylon Rollers 1.00 set 1,234.80 1,234.80 617.40 617.40 ₱ 1,852.20
13.00 Alarm Lamp 1.00 set 1,207.50 1,207.50 603.75 603.75 ₱ 1,811.25
14.00 Electrical Supply 1.00 lot 3,150.00 3,150.00 1,575.00 1,575.00 ₱ 4,725.00
15.00 Consumables 1.00 lot 2,100.00 2,100.00 - ₱ 2,100.00
III. Ramp
1.00 Earthworks 20.00 cu.m 819.00 16,380.00 409.50 8,190.00 ₱ 24,570.00
2.00 Concreting 7.37 cu.m 4,725.00 34,823.25 2,362.50 17,411.63 ₱ 52,234.88
IV. Gazeebo
Carpentry Works
1.00 Gazeebo sq.m 2,625.00 - 1,312.50 - ₱ -
V. Others - - - - ₱ -
1.00 Storage Tank 1.00 lot 39,228.00 39,228.00 19,614.00 19,614.00 ₱ 58,842.00
2.00 Pressure pump 1.00 lot 6,300.00 6,300.00 3,150.00 3,150.00 ₱ 9,450.00
3.00 Pressure Tank 1.00 lot 17,535.00 17,535.00 8,767.50 8,767.50 ₱ 26,302.50
4.00 Water filter 1.00 lot 6,300.00 6,300.00 3,150.00 3,150.00 ₱ 9,450.00

SUB-TOTAL SITE DEVELOPMENT ₱ 514,143.00 ₱ 256,021.50 ₱ 770,164.50

I. Earthworks
1.00 Excavation 62.60 cu.m 1,127.18 70,561.75 563.59 35,280.88 ₱ 105,842.63
2.00 Fill - - - - ₱ -
3.00 Disposal 22.72 cu.m 514.50 11,691.63 257.25 5,845.81 ₱ 17,537.44
II. Wall Footing - - - - ₱ -
1.00 Cement 30.00 bags 252.00 7,560.00 126.00 3,780.00 ₱ 11,340.00
2.00 Sand 1.36 cum 1,470.00 2,002.73 735.00 1,001.36 ₱ 3,004.09
3.00 Gravel 2.72 cum 2,100.00 5,722.08 1,050.00 2,861.04 ₱ 8,583.12
III. Masonry - - - - ₱ -
1.00 5" CHB 712.00 pcs 23.10 16,447.20 11.55 8,223.60 ₱ 24,670.80
2.00 Cement 56.00 bags 252.00 14,112.00 126.00 7,056.00 ₱ 21,168.00
3.00 Sand 4.70 cum 1,470.00 6,909.00 735.00 3,454.50 ₱ 10,363.50
4.00 Gravel bed 6.15 cum 2,100.00 12,918.36 1,050.00 6,459.18 ₱ 19,377.54
IV. Reinforcement - -
1.00 12mm dia 20.00 pcs 220.50 4,410.00 110.25 2,205.00 ₱ 6,615.00
2.00 10mm dia 22.00 pcs 204.75 4,504.50 102.38 2,252.25 ₱ 6,756.75
3.00 GI Wire 5.00 kgs 84.00 420.00 42.00 210.00 ₱ 630.00
V. Steel Matting - -
1.00 2"x2"x4.0mm 133.00 pcs 735.00 97,755.00 367.50 48,877.50 ₱ 146,632.50
2.00 Cement 32.00 bags 252.00 8,064.00 126.00 4,032.00 ₱ 12,096.00
3.00 Sand 1.80 cum 1,470.00 2,646.00 735.00 1,323.00 ₱ 3,969.00
VI. Concreting - -
1.00 Pumpcrete Rental 7.38 cum 4,725.00 34,879.57 2,362.50 17,439.79 ₱ 52,319.36
VII. Waterproofing - -
1.00 Cementitious Waterproofing 113.65 sq.m 651.00 73,983.55 325.50 36,991.77 ₱ 110,975.32
VIII. Electrical Works - - - - ₱ -
1.00 Underwater Light 12V 4.00 pcs 17,850.00 71,400.00 8,925.00 35,700.00 ₱ 107,100.00
2.00 Conduits - -
3/4 dia 1.00 lot 5,103.00 5,103.00 2,551.50 2,551.50 ₱ 7,654.50
3.00 Wires 1.00 lot 11,550.00 11,550.00 5,775.00 5,775.00 ₱ 17,325.00
4.00 Panel board 1.00 lot 5,250.00 5,250.00 2,625.00 2,625.00 ₱ 7,875.00
5.00 Magnetic Switch 1.00 lot 4,095.00 4,095.00 2,047.50 2,047.50 ₱ 6,142.50
6.00 Push button switches 2.00 item 640.50 1,281.00 320.25 640.50 ₱ 1,921.50
7.00 Transformer 300w w/ 12 16v 2.00 item 3,843.00 7,686.00 1,921.50 3,843.00 ₱ 11,529.00
1.00 Skimmer 1.00 lot 14,112.00 14,112.00 7,056.00 7,056.00 ₱ 21,168.00
2.00 Supply of pvc pipes and fittings 1.00 lot 108,885.00 108,885.00 54,442.50 54,442.50 ₱ 163,327.50
3.00 Supply of Waterline pipes from pump 1.00 lot 23,058.00 23,058.00 11,529.00 11,529.00 ₱ 34,587.00
4.00 Supply of fitting 1.00 lot 9,975.00 9,975.00 4,987.50 4,987.50 ₱ 14,962.50
5.00 Maind drain cover 1.00 lot 1,921.50 1,921.50 960.75 960.75 ₱ 2,882.25
6.00 Vacc Fittings 2.00 item 768.60 1,537.20 384.30 768.60 ₱ 2,305.80
7.00 Return fittings 4.00 item 768.60 3,074.40 384.30 1,537.20 ₱ 4,611.60
8.00 Hydrostatic relief valce 1.00 item 1,793.40 1,793.40 896.70 896.70 ₱ 2,690.10
X. Swimming Pool Equipment - - - - ₱ -
1.00 Centrifugal pump/motor,2hp 1.00 item 43,554.00 43,554.00 21,777.00 21,777.00 ₱ 65,331.00
2.00 Sand Filter w/ multiport valve 1.00 item 76,860.00 76,860.00 38,430.00 38,430.00 ₱ 115,290.00
3.00 Vacuum Cleaning set 1.00 item 19,215.00 19,215.00 9,607.50 9,607.50
XI. Others - - - - ₱ -
1.00 Construction of pump room 1.00 lot 15,750.00 15,750.00 7,875.00 7,875.00 ₱ 23,625.00
2.00 Construction of balancing tank 1.00 lot 147,000.00 147,000.00 73,500.00 73,500.00 ₱ 220,500.00
XII. Tiling Works - - - - ₱ -
1.00 30x30 1260.00 pcs 157.50 198,450.00 78.75 99,225.00 ₱ 297,675.00
2.00 Adhesive 12.00 bags 577.50 6,930.00 288.75 3,465.00 ₱ 10,395.00
3.00 Epoxy type grout 50.00 kgs 84.00 4,200.00 42.00 2,100.00 ₱ 6,300.00
4.00 Cement 10.00 bags 252.00 2,520.00 126.00 1,260.00 ₱ 3,780.00
XIII. Miscellaneous 1.00 lot 32,690.60 32,690.60 9,807.18 9,807.18 ₱ 42,497.78

SUB-TOTAL POOL ₱ 1,192,478.47 ₱ 589,701.11 ₱ 1,753,357.08

TOTAL DIRECT COST ₱ 10,276,402.13 ₱ 4,806,250.76 ₱ 15,053,830.39

OCM ₱ 1,505,383.04
TOTAL PROJECT COST ₱16,559,213.43

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