Common - IT Tools
Common - IT Tools
Common - IT Tools
IT Tools
NOTE: Experienced users may benefit from this tutorial, as 2016 is different from previous
Let’s take an in depth look at the Backstage. First, click your File tab (found at
the top left corner of the window).
The first page you see is the Info Page. Info displays your file’s name, size, and authors. You
can also see when the last AutoSave occurred. AutoSaves are Office’s safety net. Periodically,
your computer will automatically save your file as a temporary file. If you experience a computer
shut down, you can recover some of your work from the AutoSaves.
Open: Click this option to open a previously saved file and continue editing it.
Save: Save your file frequently. You can also click the in the upper left
corner. Or, press CTRL + S on your keyboard at the same time.
Save As: The first time you save your file you will see the Save As menu.
See below for more information.
Save as Adobe PDF: Lets you save the document as an Adobe PDF file.
Print: Print your document using this screen. We will go into more details about
this later in the class.
Share: This is new to Office 2016. This allows you to email your file, upload it
to a blog site or present your document online. You will need additional
accounts to use these features, such as a Microsoft Account (to present) or a
WordPress account (to blog). For this introduction we will not cover these
features in-depth, but be aware that these capabilities exist.
Export: Allows you to export (or save) your document as a different document
Account: Allows you to change the colors of your Office Background and sign in
with a different Microsoft Account if needed.
Options: Gives you access to the advanced features in Word. This feature
also allows you to rearrange the ribbon or other settings in this application.
NOTE: Either before you start or shortly after, you should save your document. Saving a
document frequently prevents a loss of file if your computer unexpectedly shuts down.
At this point, you can start entering text. You may need several sessions in Word to complete
final versions of lengthy or complex documents.
NOW YOU TRY: Try typing: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Lesson 2: Save As
The Save As menu appears the first time you save your file. You can also use the Save As
menu to save different copies of the same file by giving each copy a slightly different file name.
This can be done at any time.
You can save your file before, during, or after you have finished your session. Let’s save our file
now so you can learn about the Saving screen.
Open the Save As screen. Remember, you have to be in the backstage area.
By default, you have two places that you can save your file: (1) directly on your computer, or (2)
in a OneDrive Account.
Your OneDrive account is a cloud storage service where you can save your file on Microsoft’s
servers instead of your computer. This option allows you to access your files from any
computer, anywhere that has Internet access. For this course we will not be going over
OneDrive, only saving our file to the computer. For more information, including pricing, please
Unless you want to use an OneDrive account, you will save most of your files onto a computer.
From the Save As screen:
The Browse button opens the Save As dialog box menu (see below).
You can also use the Save As dialog box to save different copies of the same file by giving each
copy a slightly different file name.
2. File Path At the top of the box, you can see the file path of the document. The File Path
shows which folders the document is saved under.
3. File Location The default location where the document will be saved is My Documents.
To store the document in a different location (including flash drives), you can click on the
folder or drive on the left side of the Save As dialog box.
4. Similar Files When you are saving a document, files of similar types will be displayed.
For example, if you are saving a Word 2016 Document, you will see other Word 2016
(.docx) documents listed.
5. New Folder You might consider creating a new folder before saving your file. This step
will help you organize and find them later.
6. File Type When you save a file, you can also change its format type. For example, you
can save your file as a PDF (protected document format) or as a Word Document. Click
the drop down box to save your preferred type. The file type is denoted by the file
name’s extension (.pdf, .doc, .docx, or .jpg).
NOTE: You can also save files as older Word Documents (such as Word 2003).
If you click the “X” before you save, you will see the
pop-up to the right.
Documents previously stored on your computer or OneDrive can be opened for revision.
Choose Open from the backstage.
If the file you that you want to open is on OneDrive, then select OneDrive to download and edit
files stored in your OneDrive account (see page 5 for more information).
Notice that recently saved documents are listed on the right side. You can open these by
clicking on the folder or file name.
If you don’t see the file that you need, choose Browse. This will cause the Open dialog box to
pop up. It is very similar to the Save As dialog box. Use this tool to search for and open your file.
If you see your file in the current location, select it and click Open (4).
A file saved in a specific folder is opened by double-clicking the folder to view the files in the
folder (2).
For a file saved on a flash drive, select the flash drive on the left (1) to view folders and files on
If you do not remember where you saved the file, you can type the file name in the Search Box
(3) and click the magnifying glass symbol to search for it.
NOTE: Search will only look through one drive at a time. To search your flash drive, you need
to click the icon located on the left side
The Print Preview in Word 2016 is automatically displayed with the print menu. To return to the
Word window without printing, click the arrow at the top-left corner.
Click the File tab and click Print. It’s the same menu from the previous lesson.
You can use this menu to adjust your current print settings. For example, you can specify how
many copies you need or the portion of
the document you would like to print
(e.g. single page or paragraph). 1
Before we go any further, let’s look at
other Printing Options including
selecting a range (set of pages you want
to print) and choosing a printer.
WARNING: If your printer is wifi enabled, make sure it is your printer you are printing to!
At the top left is a list of your most used commands. The default buttons are Save, Undo, and
Redo. However, you can change your default buttons to other commands.
Undo: Lets you undo your most recent action (this command is your best friend).
Redo: Undo an undo. In other words, if you undid your most recent action, you can
click redo if you decide to go back and keep it.
Customize Quick Access Toolbar: You can add more commands to the tool bar by
selecting this option.
Next to the Quick Access toolbar is the Title Bar. The Title Bar displays the title of the
document on which you are currently working. Word names the first new document you open
“Document1” until you save it and give it a new name.
The Ribbon
In Microsoft Word 2016, you use the ribbon to issue commands. The ribbon is located near the
top of the screen and below the Quick Access toolbar.
At the top of the ribbon are several tabs; clicking a tab displays several related command
Home: This tab contains the most commonly used commands in word. Some of these include
commands to change how the text looks and is displayed on the page. The Cut, Copy, and
Paste commands are also here.
Insert: This tab contains commands that allows you to insert various objects such as pictures,
tables, and shapes into the document.
Design: In this tab you can change the way the document looks and add visual features.
Page Layout: Here you can change the position of the text on the page and the document
References: You can manage your sources and citations. You can also add a table of contents
and footnotes here.
Mailings: This tab lets you set up and use the Mail Merge feature of Microsoft Word.
Review: This tab allows you to use spell and grammar check, insert comments, track changes
that you have made to the document, and use a thesaurus.
View: In this tab you can change how the Word window looks.
You will notice the faint lines that divide the ribbon.
Command Group
This is a Command Group. A command group is where similar commands are stored together
in the ribbon. For example, in the picture above, all of the commands that allow you to edit the
font are stored in the Font command group. There are several command groups located in each
To locate a command, you will need to click on a tab and open that ribbon.
NOW YOU TRY: Open the Insert tab, for example, to open the Insert ribbon. What
command group contains the command to insert:
o a table? o wordart?
o header? o a picture?
Dialog Box Menus
Some of the command groups have commands that are not shown. These additional options
are indicated by a dialog box launcher button. Let’s look at the Paragraph Dialog Box
launcher. The Paragraph command group is found under the Home ribbon.
Just below the ruler is a large area for your work. The blinking vertical line in the upper-left
corner of the text area is the cursor. It marks the insertion point. As you type, your text displays
at the cursor location.
The Ruler
The ruler is found below the ribbon. Using the ruler, you can efficiently adjust your page margins
and paragraph indents.
The vertical and horizontal scroll bars enable you to move up, down, and across your
window simply by dragging the white square located on the scroll bar. On the right is
an example of the vertical scroll bar.
The vertical scroll bar is located along the right side of the screen. To move up and
down your document, click and drag the vertical scroll bar up and down.
The horizontal scroll bar is located just above the status bar. To move back and forth
across your document, click and drag the horizontal scroll bar back and forth.
NOTE: You won't see a horizontal scroll bar if the width of your document fits on your
The Status Bar appears at the bottom-left corner of Word. The status bar
displays the current page and the word count (the number of words) of
your document. You can customize what displays on the Status Bar.
NOW YOU TRY: Add the Line Number option to the status bar.
1. Draft View: Draft view eliminates excess space. You will not be able to see margins or
the page layout.
2. Web Layout: View your document as it would appear in a web browser such as Internet
3. Print Layout: Shows everything from margins to page layout. It is the most common
document view, as it shows how the document will look when printed
4. Read Mode: You can view how your document looks as a two-page spread. This is a
great way to test how your document may look on tablet devices. You cannot edit while
in this mode.
5. Outline View: Displays the document in outline form. You can display headings without
the text. If you move a heading, the accompanying text moves with it.
NOTE: You cannot edit while in Read Mode. However, you can make some setting
adjustments such as changing the background to Sepia. You still have full access to the
Backstage. To get out of Read Mode, hit the Esc key on the keyboard.
How to Highlight
1. Position the cursor in front of the first letter of your text. Click the mouse button once so that
the blinking insertion point is present.
2. Hold down the Shift key on the keyboard.
3. As you hold the Shift key, press the right arrow key. This will highlight one letter at a time.
4. Press the down arrow key until the first paragraph is highlighted.
5. Click anywhere outside the highlighted area to remove the highlighting.
Tip: If you need to highlight the entire document, press the Ctrl and A keys at the same time.
A font is the style, or typeface, of the text. Some of the most common fonts are Calibri, Times
New Roman, and Arial. The default font of Word 2016 is Calibri.
Font sizes are measured in points. Point size is the vertical measurement of a character. One
inch equals 72 points. The most common point sizes are 10 and 12 point. This handout is
written in 11 pt. Arial.
Point Size
The ribbon has shortcuts to make it easier to change the size, shape, and style of your font.
From here, you can Bold ( ), Italicize ( ), or Underline ( ) your text. You can also change
the point size and the font style. First highlight the text, then select the command.
You can change the default line spacing at any time. For example, you can change the setting
when you open a new document, in the middle of drafting a document, or after you have
finished. Some users prefer to type their document first and format it (or change the style) after
they’ve typed. Others prefer to format before typing.
Twinsburg Library
You can change line spacing for an entire document by specifying the spacing before you begin
typing. Or, you can change the line spacing by highlighting a specific paragraph (as you just
To Cut: means to remove the text from your document and store on your Clipboard
To Paste: means to deposit the text that you have either cut or copied, to another
location in your document, or to a different document.
Use format painter to apply formatting settings to another set of text on your
Tip: This is great for keeping any headings or titles consistent in your document.
o Click the paste icon ( ). This should paste a second copy of your name on your
document. Every time you click the paste icon, another copy of your name appears.
Spell Checker: A feature of Microsoft Office that checks for spelling errors throughout the document.
A.) You can right-click over the red or green lines. Word will
display a menu of how to correct any possible mistakes
(see right).
B.) You can select Spelling & Grammar under the Review
You will see a pane open on the right side of your screen that
displays possible mistakes in the document.
Click Ignore All if you want to ignore all instances of the word in the
current document.
Click Change All to replace all instances of the misspelled word with
the suggested word.
1. Click File.
2. Click Options.
3. Click Proofing.
4. Click AutoCorrect Options.
Basic Shortcut Keys for Navigating Through Documents The following are keyboard
shortcuts (keys are bolded):
Go to the Windows Start menu , then select Programs and click on microsoft
Excel icon.
Getting Started
As you click on the microsoft Excel option, a Blank Spreadsheet Book 1
(called as a Workbook), appears on the screen (Figure 11.20) ; or you can select
Open a document and select a spreadsheet you have already created.
In Microsoft Excel, a workbook is the file, in which you work and store your
data. Because each workbook can contain many Worksheets, you can organize
various kinds of related information in a single file.
Understanding Worksheets
2. To create a new, blank workbook, click the General tab, and then double-click the
Workbook icon or click OK.
Writing Data And Text
This Topic tells you how to write data into your worksheets, how to insert
cells and delete selected ranges, columns, and rows. Also, how to use formulas.
Entering Data
You can enter either a value or a formula in any cell of an Excel worksheet.
Values are numbers, sets of characters, date, or time; for example, 267.2,
04/08/81, 7:115 PM. Formulas are combinations of values, cell references, and
operators that Excel uses to calculate a result.
When you place the cursor in a given cell and begin typing, your entry appears
in the Formula bar at the top of window, as shown if Figure 11.211. In the Formula
bar, the insertion pointer (the flashing vertical bar) indicates where the characters that
you type will appear. As you type an entry, a Check button and an X (Cancel) button
appear enabled in the Formula bar. You can click the Check button when you finish
typing the entry to accept it, or you can just press Enter. If you decide that you don‟t
want to use an entry, you can either click the X button in the Formula bar or press the
Esc key.
Entering text
Your text entries can be any combination of letters, numbers, or other special characters. To
enter text, select the desired cell and start typing. When done with the entry, press Enter . By
default, Excel aligns text at the left side of the cell. Suppose the text is too long, e.g. title of a
table, first of all simply go on typing the text. Finally to fit the text in the cell, choose Format
option from the main tool bar menu . It has many options like, format cells, rows, columns;
with the help of which you can adjust the width and height of the cells.
the result to the data in cell B11, and the result in cell B5. You could do so by
placing the cursor in cell B5 and simple formula, =B1*B2+B11. Creating formulas in the
Formula bar or with edit directly in cell If you place the cursor in any cell and then type
an equal symbol, the symbol and a flashing cursor appear in the Formula bar. As you enter
the formula, it appears within the Formula bar. When you press Enter, Excel performs the
calculation based upon the formula and then displays, in the cell, the results of the
calculation. Arithmetic operators
Operator Function
+ Addition
- Subtraction.
* Multiplication
/ Division
^ Exponential
% Percentage
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In addition to the math operators, Excel accepts an ampersand (&) as a text operator for
strings of text. The ampersand is used to combine text strings (this is known as
concatenation). For example, if cell B12 contains Ram and cell B111 contains Mohan,
the formula =B12 & B111 would yield the result, RamMohan. Comparison operators
are used to compare values and provide a logical value based on comparison. The
following table described them
Operator Function
< Less than
> Greater than
<= Less than or equal to
>= Greater than or equal to
= Equal to
<> Not equal to
Displaying and editing formulas
By default, Excel shows the results of the formula that you enter in cells, and not
the actual formulas. But you can examine any formula by moving the cursor to the cell that
contains it and then looking at the Formula bar. However you can see all the formulas in
your worksheet. Follow the following steps:
Choose ToolsOptions.
With the Options dialog box appears, click the View tab.
Under the Window options, turn on the Formulas check box and then click OK.
The worksheet will show all your formulas in the cells, and Excel will
automatically widen the columns to accommodate the formulas.
Using AutoSum
Since the Sum function is the most commonly used function in Excel, there is a
toolbar button dedicated to the sum function‟s use — the AutoSum tool. Using
AutoSum is simple:
Place the cursor in the cell below or to the right of the column or row that you
want to sum.
Click the AutoSum button in the standard toolbar (it‟s the one containing the Greek letter)
When you do this, Excel makes its best guess about what you would like summed, based
on the current cell‟s location relative to the row or column.
Most charts (with the exception of pie charts) have two axes: a horizontal axis called
the X-axis or Category axis and a vertical axis called Y-axis or value axis
You can add descriptive text to a chart, such as a title and you can place the text
in different locations. Your charts can also contain legends which indicates which data is
represented by the markers of the chart.
Embedded Charts and Chart Sheets
You can add charts to Excel worksheet in one of two ways; as embedded charts
or as chartsheets. Embedded charts are inserted into a existing worksheet page; hence, the
page can show worksheet data with the chart. Chartsheets, on the other hand, are charts
that are placed on separate sheets of a workbook, part from any worksheet data.
Understanding the Parts of a Chart
It di control when After, Chart Wizard dialog box appears, as shown in Figure In this
dialog box, you can specify whether you want an optional title for the chart, whether a
legend should be included, and whether optional titles for the axes should be
included. Write Production of computers for title, Months for x-axis and number of
units for y-axis then click on the Next button
Adding Titles
Click the chart to which you want to add a title.
On the Chart menu, click Chart Options, and then click the Titles tab.
To add a chart title, click in the Chart title box, and then type the text you want.
Add a legend to a chart
Click the chart to which you want to add a legend.
On the Chart menu, click Chart Options, and then click the Legend tab. Select
the Show legend check box.
Under Placement, click the option you want.
Saving and Printing Charts
Because charts are stored with worksheet pages, the tasks of saving and
printing charts are no different from saving and printing worksheets. When you save the
worksheet by choosing FileSave, the chart gets saved along with the worksheet. You can
print the chart by activating the page that contains the chart and choosing FilePrint.
Introduction And Creating Slides
Power Point is the most popular Presentation Tool from Microsoft, in which you can
prepare Live; Multimedia based presentation in few hours.
Creating a slide from scratch
1. Open the PowerPoint program. The PowerPoint dialog box appears.
Note: The PowerPoint dialog box appears only when you first launch the program.If you are already
working in PowerPoint and want to create a new blank presentation, click the New button on the
Standard Toolbar
2. In the PowerPoint dialog box, click the Blank Presentation option button. The New Slide dialog box
appears. It asks you to choose an AutoLayout format.
3. Click the Title Slide layout. It's the first in the list. The name Title Slide appears in the preview box.
4. Click OK. A Title Slide appears, ready for you to work with. a. Click the File menu, then Click
b. In the New Presentation dialog box, click Blank Presentation, and then click OK.
1. Click in the Title text box. A thick gray border appears around the text box
indicating that it is selected.
2. Type a title.
2. The AutoLayout dialog box will appear. Choose a layout for your next slide.
1. Saving Your Presentation
1. Click the File menu, and then click Save As. The Save As dialog box will
2. In the File name box, type a name for your presentation. 3.
Click Save.
The presentation is now saved to your hard drive.
Moving from slide to slide
AutoContent Wizard
What is the AutoContent Wizard?
The AutoContent Wizard is a good option for creating a presentation if you are a beginner.
The AutoContent Wizard offers suggestions for templates to use and types of content to put in.
This option is also good if you are in hurry and want to create a presentation quickly.
1. Click the File menu, then click New. The New Presentation dialog box appears.
2. Click the Presentation Designs tab, and then click an appropriate template. The
design will appear in the preview box.
3. Click OK. The New Presentation dialog box will close.
3. Place the pointer in the center of a resizing handle. The pointer will change into a cropping
4. Holding down the mouse button, drag inwards. A part of the image will disappear.
5. When enough of the image has been cropped, release the mouse button.
6. To turn the cropping tool off, click the crop button on the picture toolbar.
Did you accidentally crop off too much of the image? No problem. To restore an image that
has been cropped, simply click the Crop button, then click a resizing handle and drag outwards.
The cropped portion of the image will reappear.
To add a chart to any slide, click the Insert Chart button on the Standard Toolbar. When you
insert a chart, a sample data sheet and corresponding bar chart will
appear on your slide.
PowerPoint has included some sample data in the first four columns. The bars in the
chart are the graphical representation of the numbers in the data sheet. Notice how a
higher number in the data sheet results in a taller corresponding bar.
To create your own chart, you can replace the data in the sample data sheet with
your own. Try adding a number to the chart to see how it changes the
corresponding bar on the chart.
1. On the data sheet, click in the first row of column A.
2. Type in the number 50, then press Enter. The corresponding bar on the chart
3. Try adding other numbers into the data sheet to see how they affect the bars. Note:
Some slide Auto Layouts have placeholders for charts. To insert a chart into one
of these layouts, just double-click the chart placeholder.
After you've finished entering data, exit the work window by clicking
anywhere outside the chart or the data sheet. The data sheet will disappear.
If you need to make any revisions to the chart, double-click the chart and the data
sheet will appear again.
If the data sheet doesn't appear after you double-click the chart, click the View Data
Sheet button on the Standard Toolbar.
Checking a transition
In Slide Sorter View, click the slide transition icon. The transition effect you
applied should be displayed.
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Timing a transition
If you want your slide show to run automatically, you must add timing to the slides. When
you add timing to a slide, you specify the number of seconds to remain on each slide.
Here's how you add timing to your slides:
1. Select the slide you want to add a timing to by clicking it.
2. In Slide Sorter View, click the Slide Show menu, and then click Slide Transition. The Slide
Transition dialog box will appear.
11. Under Advance, click the check box next to Automatically After.
4. In the seconds box, type the number of seconds to remain on the slide. For example, 5
5. Click the Apply button.
When you run your slide show, the slide that you have applied the timing to will only
remain on screen for five seconds.
Adding your own artwork
When you animate an object, you add special visual or sound effects to it.
The following steps will show you how to animate a cartoon image while working in
Slide View.
1. Click the Slide View button to go to Slide View. 2. On the slide, click the cartoon image to select it.
3 On the Formatting Toolbar, click the Animation Effects button. The Animation Effects Toolbar
will appear.
4. On the Animation Effects Toolbar, click the Flying Effect button. The flying effect is now added to
the image
Another thing you can do is animate text. For example, you can make text appear as if it is
being typed letter by letter by a typewriter.
Animating Text
Try adding the typewriter effect to text on your slide.
1. In Slide View, select the text you want to animate by clicking it.
2. On the Animation Effects Toolbar, click the Typewriter Text Effect button. The typewriter text
effect is now added to the text.
Animating a chart
You can make charts more interesting by animating them. When you animate a
chart, the chart appears "bit by bit". You specify the way the elements of the chart will
appear in the Custom Animation dialog box.
Try animating a chart so that elements of chart are introduced onscreen by category.
1. In Slide View, click the chart you want to animate.
2. On the Animation Effects Toolbar, click the Custom Animation button. The
Custom Animation dialog box will appear.
The need for transforming conventional government offices into more efficient and
transparent e-offices, eliminating huge amounts of paperwork has long been felt.
The e-Office product pioneered by National Informatics Centre (NIC) aims to support
governance by using more effective and transparent inter and intra-government
e-File, an integral part of e-Office suite is a system designed for the Government
departments, PSUs and Autonomous bodies to enable a paperless office by scanning,
registering and routing the inward correspondences along with creation of file, noting,
referencing, correspondence attachment, draft for approvals and finally movement
and tracking of files as well as receipts.
e-File is a workflow -based system that includes the features of existing manual
handling of files in addition to more efficient electronic system. This system involves all
stages of working in a file, including the diarisation of inward receipts, creation of files,
movement of receipts and files and finally, the archival of records. With this system, the
movement of receipts and files becomes seamless and there is more transparency in the
system since each and every action taken on a file is recorded electronically. This simplifies
decision making, as all the required information is available at a single point.
It envisions a paperless office, with increased transparency, efficiency and
accountability of the organization.
A revolutionary product aimed to make office work like never before in the
history of Indian Governance, is based on the Thirteenth edition of Central Secretariat
Manual of Office Procedures (CSMoP) of the Department of Administrative Reforms &
Public Grievances (DARPG), Govt. of India.
Information technology has changed the lifestyle of people over a period of time. At
the same time, the environment plays a major role in the innovation of technology, and later
technology becomes the need of the society.
Files and receipts became an important entity in any organization. There may be
thousands of paper documents in the form of Files/Receipts being dealt in an organization on a
daily basis. Keeping record of these paper documents, their movement and safety involves lots
of time, money and efforts which in turn decreases the efficiency and productivity of an
So, any organization looking for a solution that will allow it to capture the documents in
digital form, archive them with some basic information for fast retrieval, movement of the
document with the comment/remark, opening of file to bring all related documents in one
folder, noting on file, movement of file for approval finally issuance of letter to the sender,
can go for this product.
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What began with the development and implementation of the ―File Tracking System‖
which was a major step towards Less Paper Office, NIC (National Informatics centre)
always in forefront in the adoption of new enabling technologies in information and
communication technology to meet the need of the organization/society, paved the path for
the e-File a workflow -based product enabling end to end electronic file movement across
the government.
Manual techniques for diarizing, moving and recording of Files/Letters, makes the
tracking of those files/letters a very difficult task, thus delaying the work and decreasing the
efficiency. Due to the inefficiency of tracking with the manual system, there arose a need
for a Computerized File Tracking System. An automated office attempts to perform the
functions of ordinary office by means of a computerized system. In a manual office
scenario, there are thousands of letters and files and their manual tracking is not a very easy
task. A computerized File Tracking System enables users to track these letters and files
within seconds. Also, dispatch and record keeping are made easy. It ensures proper
distribution of work load, thus increasing the efficiency of the system and bringing
transparency to the system. The system simulates the manual system in a digital environment.
e-File Login
Enter the Login ID &Password in the e-Office portal, click button
as shown in Fig.
Figure : Menu
Description of Sub Modules
Let‘s learn about these subs - modules one by one:
Browse & Diarize: It is used to generate receipts which can be either physical or
Physical: The unique number for the DAK is generated by the system, and further
processing of the receipt can either be physical (manual) or electronic in nature.
Electronic: The unique number for the DAK is generated by the system, and
further processing of the receipt is always electronic in nature.
Click the Electronic link under Browse & Diarize sub-module, as shown in
below Fig .
Click the button. The File Upload dialog box appears. Select the
desired scanned PDF document (upto 20 MB ) and click button as shown in
below Fig.
Once the scanned DAK/ letter is uploaded, enter the required metadata
(various details in the fields available on the right of the screen) and then, click
The DAK / letter gets diarized and a unique Receipt Number is generated as
shown in below Fig.
The generated receipts are saved in the ―Created‖ sub-module till they are
marked to other user(s).
Figure : Contacts
User can also click the ‗To‟ link, then, click Contacts tab and select user from
the list box as shown in Fig 30.
1. All: By default, ―All remains selected giving the logged in user option to
view and select a recipient from all the active users in the department.
2. Reporting Officer: When ―Reporting Officer‖ is selected, the ‗Send To‘ list
will display the official just above in the hierarchy of the logged in employee.
3. Sub-ordinates: When ―Sub-ordinates‖ is selected, the list will display the
officials just below in the hierarchy of the logged in employee.
4. In channel: It helps the user to mark the receipt to officials who are already in
the submitted channel of the receipt.
5. Preferred List: It helps to select officials from the list of ―Preferred List‖
already created by the user.
b) Cc: It is used to mark copies of the receipt to users other than main recipient
selected in To field.
f) Initiate Action: It is used to track the set of action(s) taken on any receipt. The
receipt can be tracked even after it is put in file. Check the Initiate Action check box,
provide initiation type to initiate action and track the actions that will be taken on the
g) Remarks: These are the forwarding comments given on receipt while sending
them to recipient. Type forwarding remarks in the Remarks field.
After selecting the recipient(s) and entering other details, user can send the receipt
using any of the following Send
Send: On clicking button in Fig 31, the receipt will be marked to the
intended user(s).
DSC token Pin. Enter the Pin and click Button and the receipt is sent.
e-sign and Send: On clicking button, a pop window appears asking to continue the
agreement with “I Agree”. Enter the OTP received on aadhaar registered mobile number and
click button, the receipt is sent.
Once the receipt is sent using any of the above Send option, the receipt will be
visible in the Inbox of recipient. The user who sent the receipt can check the details of the
receipt in his/her own Sent folder.
2. Put in a File: To put the generated receipt into a concerned file, perform the
following steps:
Select the file in which the receipt needs to be put In. Click the
User can also search the file using Year and Search fields.
Create the New File (non-SFS File) from the receipt Put in a File list
screen itself using Create File button as shown in Below Fig
Figure : Create_new_file
Figure : E-file
After confirming, the dispatch screen is displayed with the pre-filled receipt
metadata on right side.
To create the Draft for Approval (DFA), type the draft content or copy
the content from already created word/ text files and paste it or choose a pre-defined
template by clicking or upload the doc/ pdf by clicking
After creating the DFA, click the SAVE Button See Fig.
a) After approving of the draft the actions available are shown in Fig 38. a) Edit: To modify the
Communication Details only in the approved DFA.
b) DSC sign: To sign the approved DFA with digital signature using DSC token device.
c) E-Sign: To sign the approved DFA with digital signature using Aadhaar authentication.
d) Custom Sign: The provision to select the desired location in the approved draft to DSC sign /e-Sign.
e) Dispatch By Self: It is used, if the person, who has the receipt with the approved/ signed draft, wants to
dispatch (send the issue) himself/ herself. The issue can be dispatched electronically through mail (by using
―Email Details‖) or physically through post (by using ―Postal & Out Register Details).
f) Further the two options send with Follow-up and Send without Follow-up appears, as shown in below
The draft gets dispatched, and an entry of the dispatched draft gets displayed
in Sent sub-module under ―Dispatch module‖ with status ―Issued and
dispatched‖ as shown in Fig .
File Inbox sub module displays all the incoming files that have been marked to
the logged in user. There are six action tabs provided in Files Inbox as shown in Fig .
Click link
The Noting screen becomes active. Type the note content manually or copy the content
from already created word/ text files and paste it. After adding the content, click
After the note is saved, the actions provided as per authorization are shown in
content from already created word/ text files and paste it., as shown in Fig .
Figure : Active green note
Noting done gets saved automatically.
To optimize the usage of eFile & provide real-time monitoring, an explicit MIS-Report
application has been integrated in the pre-existing eOffice application suite. The product has
been designed with role-based scope privilege for users to access different reports based on
user‘s department, OU and hierarchy.
The product has been broadly categorized into File, Receipt, Dispatch, VIP, My Reports and
Miscellaneous modules to provide seamless monitoring of all the actions & entities involved in
the decision-making process. System facilitates reports for all the available parameters in the
eFile application, along-with provision of customized output. Additionally user can generate
these reports in different formats viz. HTML, EXCEL and PDF.
File: This is to view the MIS reports of file. It has the following subheadings
· File Closed
· File Conversion
· File Forwarded
· File Parked
· File Migration
· File Monitoring
· File Pendency
· File Received
· File Register
EMD is an application in eOffice which helps building the organization structure and
the employee data in the eOffice product.
It is the backbone of the product that maintains the employee details which is used
by various applications part of eOffice product suite.
The administration of the application or rather the employee data in the application
is done by administrators at two levels –
Whereas, the EMD Manager is mainly responsible for creating the organization units
(list of Offices/Sections), employees, assigning employees post and etc. to get the
end-user accounts created in eOffice.
An EMD manager to be able to create users in the system and assign roles in eOffice (i.e.
functional accounts for working in ‗File Management System).
1. For users to be able to create eFiles in the ‗File management System‘, the list of File
codes is to be entered in the application by the Super Administrator.
2. The file codes are entered against each ‗Organization Unit‘ name.
3. Hence, Super Administrator can only enter the list of File Codes against OUs, once the
EMD Manager has created all OUs.
4. Once the EMD Manager has created all OUs, he/she must communicate the same to the
Super Administrator for further population of File Heads in the application.
The utilization of ERP & e-office software allows companies to decrease the time
it takes the company to get paid for its goods or services after the sale. Employing an ERP
& e-office system allows for increased cash flow. The utilization of the ERP & E-OFFICE
system‘s integrated system architecture removes the necessity for multiple, different
systems to be used within the company and consolidates to the same system across
multiple geographies.
Different locations can use and see the same data regardless of the physical
geography and eliminates the knees for storing redundant data in multiple physical
locations. The ERP & E-OFFICE system also eliminates the requirement for each
location to upload or extract data to and from the central data storage site. ERP & E-
OFFICE systems increase productivity by integrating data and processes across multiple
departments and location which allows our company to move product faster, process
orders quicker, invoice customers more aptly and reconcile shipments sooner. Information
flow is the lifeblood of any company.
Utilizing an ERP & E-OFFICE system allows access to a multitude of company
information. The ERP & E-OFFICE system also tends to have more accuracy and
relevancy because it all comes from one source, not multiple sources. The ERP & E-
OFFICE system will provide the company various reporting tools and make generating
time sensitive and up-to-date information faster and more user-friendly.
2nd Step: An employee gets on the home page and follows four steps to complete
the download operation.
2. The portal takes to the new web page and, employees must enter login ID and email.
3. After furnishing the details, click on the submit button. And the portal shall send a recovery
link. The employee must open the link from the email and complete the verification to reset the
password. The portal will verify the employee’s credentials and, then the employee can create a
new password and complete the process.
4. The ERP portal tracks the employee’s working hours and a benefits list for employees.
5. Medical Claim
6. General Claim
8. Transfer Application