EGE 105 Pagtuturo NG Filipino Sa Elementarya 2

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FM-AA-CIA-13 Rev.

01 06-Sep-2022


Alaminos City, Pangasinan


2nd Semester, A.Y 2022-2023



COURSE TITLE Pagtuturo ng Filipino sa Elementarya 2 (Panitikan ng Pilipinas)
COURSE TYPE □ Lecture □ Laboratory □ Lecture & Laboratory
CLASS HOURS 3 hours per week (2 hours Face-to-Face, 1 hour synchronous)
EGE 102 (Pagtuturo ng Filipino sa Elementarya 1)
COURSE SCHEDULE II BEED A (Tuesday, 3:00-4:00; Thursday, 3:00-5:00); II BEED B (Tuesday, 1:00-3:00; Thursday, 3:00-4:00)


UNIVERSITY VISION To become an ASEAN Premier State University by 2025

The Pangasinan State University, through instruction, research, extension and production, commits to develop highly principled, morally
upright, innovative and globally competent individuals capable of meeting the needs of industry, public service and civil society.
QUALITY POLICY The Pangasinan State University shall be recognized as an ASEAN premier state university that provides quality education and satisfactory
service delivery through instruction, research, extension and production.
We commit our expertise and resources to produce professionals who meet the expectations of the industry and other interested parties in
the national and international community.
We shall continuously improve our operations in response to changing environment and in support of the institution’s strategic direction.
INSTITUTIONAL The Pangasinan State University Institutional Learning Outcomes (PSU ILO) are the qualities that PSUnians must possess. These outcomes
OUTCOMES are anchored on the following core values: Accountability and Transparency, Credibility and Integrity, Competence and Commitment to
Achieve, Excellence in Service Delivery, Social and Environmental Responsiveness, and Spirituality – (ACCESS).

Anchored on these core values, the PSU graduates are able to:
1. Demonstrate through institutional mechanisms, systems, policies, and processes which are reflective of transparency, equity,
participatory decision making, and accountability;
2. Engage in relevant, comprehensive and sustainable development initiatives through multiple perspectives in decisions and actions

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that build personal and professional credibility and integrity.

3. Set challenging goals and tasks with determination and sense of urgency which provide continuous improvement and producing
quality outputs leading to inclusive growth;
4. Exhibit life-long learning and global competency proficiency in communication skills, inter/interpersonal skills, entrepreneurial skills,
innovative mindset, research and production initiatives and capability in meeting the industry requirements of local, ASEAN and
international human capital market through relevant and comprehensive programs;
5. Display, socially and environmentally responsive organizational culture, which ensures higher productivity among the university
constituents and elevate the welfare of the multi-sectoral communities and;
6. Practice spiritual values and morally upright behavior which promote and inspire greater harmony to project a credible public image.


1. People’s Champion  Articulate the rootedness of education in  Identify various types of learners and provide them with
philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, appropriate, culturally-relevant learning activities and
psychological, and political contexts (PO.L.) experiences.
 Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline.
 Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the
diversity of learners in various learning areas.

 Exhibit life-long learning and global competence  Keep abreast with educational issues, trends, and
proficiency in communication skills, practices vis-à-vis local and global context to provide
intra/interpersonal skills, entrepreneurial skills, relevant learning experiences.
innovative mindset, research and production
initiatives and capability in meeting industry
requirements of local, ASEAN and international
human capital market through relevant and
comprehensive programs. (PO.D.)
 Articulate the rootedness of education in
philosophical, socio-cultural, historical,
psychological, and political contexts. (PO.L.)
 Pursue lifelong learning for personal and
professional growth through varied experiential
and field-based opportunities. (PO.S.)

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 Manifest meaningful and comprehensive

pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of the
different subject areas. (PO.U.)

 Practice spiritual values and morally upright  Manifest positive personal and professional qualities of a
behavior which promote and inspire greater teacher.
harmony to project a credible public image. (PO.F.)
 Demonstrate positive attributes of a model teacher,
both as individual and as a professional. (PO.X.)

 Act in recognition of professional, social, and  Pursue personal growth and professional development
ethical responsibility. (PO.J.) through attendance in seminar-workshops, participation in
 Manifest meaningful and comprehensive demo-fests, conducting action research, and other
education-related activities.
pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of the
different subject areas. (PO.U.)
 Manifest a desire to continuously pursue personal
and professional development. (PO.Y.)

2. Continuous Innovative Learner  Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline.  Develop and utilize relevant materials that match the
(PO.M.) learners’ learning styles, goals and culture.
 Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching
methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to
specific learners and their environments. (PO.N.)
 Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans,
teaching approaches, and resources for diverse
learners. (PO.O.)
 Manifest skills in communication, higher order
thinking and use of tools and technology to
accelerate learning and teaching. (PO.W.)

 Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching  Select instructional strategies for the development of
methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to learners’ critical and creative thinking skills.
specific learners and their environments. (PO.N.)
 Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans,
teaching approaches, and resources for diverse

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learners. (PO.O.)
 Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the
diversity of learners in various learning areas.
 Manifest meaningful and comprehensive
pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of the
different subject areas. (PO.U.)

 Set challenging goals and tasks with determination  Utilize developmentally appropriate activities in teaching
and sense of urgency which provide continuous the different learning areas.
improvement and producing quality outputs leading
to inclusive growth. (PO.C.)
 Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline.
 Pursue lifelong learning for personal and
professional growth through varied experiential
and field-based opportunities. (PO.S.)
 Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the
diversity of learners in various learning areas.

 Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline.

(PO.M.)  Utilize appropriate technologies to achieve the learning
 Apply skills in the development and utilization of outcomes.
ICT to promote quality, relevant, and sustainable
educational practices. (PO.P.)
 Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the
diversity of learners in various learning areas.

 Articulate and discuss the latest development in  Apply theories of learning in designing learning-teaching
the specific field of practice. (PO.G.) experiences.
 Work effectively and independently in multi-
disciplinary and multi-cultural teams (PO.I.)
 Articulate the rootedness of education in

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philosophical, socio-cultural, historical,

psychological, and political contexts. (PO.L.)
 Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching
methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to
specific learners and their environments. (PO.N.)
 Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans,
teaching approaches, and resources for diverse
learners. (PO.O.)

 Articulate and discuss the latest development in  Explain subject matter content, accurately and
the specific field of practice. (PO.G.) comprehensively.
 Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline.
 Manifest meaningful and comprehensive
pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of the
different subject areas. (PO.U.)

 Articulate and discuss the latest development in  Relate current content with past and future lessons.
the specific field of practice. (PO.G.)
 Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans,
teaching approaches, and resources for diverse
learners. (PO.O.)
 Manifest meaningful and comprehensive
pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of the
different subject areas. (PO.U.)

 Work effectively and independently in multi-  Integrate recent developments in education and in the
disciplinary and multi-cultural teams (PO.I.) specific field to enrich learning.
 Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans,
teaching approaches, and resources for diverse
learners. (PO.O.)
 Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning,
monitoring, assessing, and reporting learning
processes and outcomes. (PO.Q.)
 Contribute to the generation of new knowledge by

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participating in various research and development

projects. (PO.Z.)

 Demonstrate through institutional mechanisms,  Provide examples from real life to make learning
system, policies, and processes which are meaningful.
reflective of transparency, equity, participatory
decision making, and accountability. (PO.A.)
 Engage in relevant, comprehensive, and
sustainable development initiatives through
multiple perspectives in decisions and actions that
build personal and professional credibility and
integrity. (PO.B.)
 Set challenging goals and tasks with determination
and sense of urgency which provide continuous
improvement and producing quality outputs leading
to inclusive growth. (PO.C.)
 Exhibit life-long learning and global competence
proficiency in communication skills,
intra/interpersonal skills, entrepreneurial skills,
innovative mindset, research and production
initiatives and capability in meeting industry
requirements of local, ASEAN and international
human capital market through. (PO.D.)

 Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline.  Utilize appropriate teaching-learning methods and

(PO.M.) technology for specific subject matter content.
 Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching
methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to
specific learners and their environments. (PO.N.)
 Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans,
teaching approaches, and resources for diverse
learners. (PO.O.)
 Apply skills in the development and utilization of
ICT to promote quality, relevant, and sustainable
educational practices. (PO.P.)

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 Pursue lifelong learning for personal and

professional growth through varied experiential
and field-based opportunities. (PO.S.)

 Apply skills in the development and utilization of  Design authentic assessment, evaluation instruments and
ICT to promote quality, relevant, and sustainable alternative assessment tools.
educational practices. (PO.P.)
 Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning,
monitoring, assessing, and reporting learning
processes and outcomes. (PO.Q.)
 Utilize appropriate assessment and evaluation
tools to measure learning outcomes. (PO.V.)

 Apply skills in the development and utilization of  Interpret assessment results and use these to improve
ICT to promote quality, relevant, and sustainable learning and teaching.
educational practices. (PO.P.)
 Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning,
monitoring, assessing, and reporting learning
processes and outcomes. (PO.Q.)
 Utilize appropriate assessment and evaluation
tools to measure learning outcomes. (PO.V.)

 Apply skills in the development and utilization of  Keep accurate and updated records of the learners’
ICT to promote quality, relevant, and sustainable performance using technology tools where feasible and
educational practices. (PO.P.) appropriate.
 Utilize appropriate assessment and evaluation
tools to measure learning outcomes. (PO.V.)

 Demonstrate through institutional mechanisms,  Create learning experiences that develop the learners’
system, policies, and processes which are higher order thinking skills.
reflective of transparency, equity, participatory
decision making, and accountability. (PO.A.)
 Set challenging goals and tasks with determination
and sense of urgency which provide continuous
improvement and producing quality outputs leading

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to inclusive growth. (PO.C.)

 Exhibit life-long learning and global competence
proficiency in communication skills,
intra/interpersonal skills, entrepreneurial skills,
innovative mindset, research and production
initiatives and capability in meeting industry
requirements of local, ASEAN and international
human capital market through relevant and
comprehensive programs. (PO.D.)
 Practice professional and ethical teaching
standards sensitive to the changing local, national,
and global realities. (PO.R.)
 Pursue lifelong learning for personal and
professional growth through varied experiential
and field-based opportunities. (PO.S.)

 Apply skills in the development and utilization of  Use tolls and technology to enhance learning and
ICT to promote quality, relevant, and sustainable teaching.
educational practices. (PO.P.)
 Manifest skills in communication, higher order
thinking and use of tools and technology to
accelerate learning and teaching. (PO.W.)

3. Community Developer  Utilize appropriate assessment and evaluation  Provide timely feedback of assessment results to parents
tools to measure learning outcomes. (PO.V.) and other stakeholders.

 Display, socially and environmentally responsive  Observe integrity and professionalism in handling issues,
organizational culture, which ensures higher conflicts and controversies related to student’s welfare as
productivity among the university constituents and well as parent’s, and community concerns.
elevates the welfare of the multi-sectoral
communities. (PO.E.)
 Practice spiritual values and morally upright
behavior which promote and inspire greater
harmony to project a credible public image. (PO.F.)
 Demonstrate positive attributes of a model teacher,

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both as individual and as a professional. (PO.X.)

 Engage in relevant, comprehensive, and  Provide opportunities that develop the learners’
sustainable development initiatives through communication skills.
multiple perspectives in decisions and actions that
build personal and professional credibility and
integrity. (PO.B.)
 Set challenging goals and tasks with determination
and sense of urgency which provide continuous
improvement and producing quality outputs leading
to inclusive growth. (PO.C.)
 Exhibit life-long learning and global competence
proficiency in communication skills,
intra/interpersonal skills, entrepreneurial skills,
innovative mindset, research and production
initiatives and capability in meeting industry
requirements of local, ASEAN and international
human capital market through relevant and
comprehensive programs. (PO.D.)
 Pursue lifelong learning for personal and
professional growth through varied experiential
and field-based opportunities. (PO.S.)
 Manifest skills in communication, higher order
thinking and use of tools and technology to
accelerate learning and teaching. (PO.W.)

 Display, socially and environmentally responsive  Act according to the norms of the teaching profession in
organizational culture, which ensures higher dealing with students, parents, colleagues and other
productivity among the university constituents and stakeholders.
elevates the welfare of the multi-sectoral
communities. (PO.E.)
 Practice spiritual values and morally upright
behavior which promote and inspire greater
harmony to project a credible public image. (PO.F.)
 Act in recognition of professional, social, and

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ethical responsibility. (PO.J.)

 Demonstrate positive attributes of a model teacher,
both as individual and as a professional. (PO.X.)


Sinasaklaw ng kursong ito ang paggamit ng iba’t ibang anyo ng literatura ng Pilipinas galing sa sarili at iba’t ibang rehiyon sa pagtuturo, produksiyon ng mga
kagamitang panturo at pagtatayang angkop sa elementarya. Mahalaga ang kursong ito sapagkat ihahanda at ipapadanas sa mismong mga mag-aaral ang landasin kung
paano ituturo ang mga panitikang nakalaan sa antas ng elementarya gamit ang wikang Filipino. Higit na bibigyang-tuon ang mga layuning nakatala sa Curriculum Guide
mula sa Kagawaran ng Edukasyon, ang aktuwal na mga sipi ng teksto mula sa librong ginagamit sa pampubliko at pampribadong paaralan at paglikha ng mga kagamitang
panturo. Sa huli, layunin ng kursong ito na maikintal at mapalalim sa mga mag-aaral (pre-service teachers) ang kanilang kamalayan at pagpapahalaga sa panitikan upang
sila ay maging mahusay na guro ng Filipino sa elementarya.



Sa pagtatapos ng kurso, inaasahan ang mga mag-aaral na: POt POm POp POq POn POv POx
CO1 1. Naipapamalas ang kasanayan sa pagpapaliwanag ng mga batayang kaalaman
sa pagtuturo ng panitikan ng Pilipinas sa elementarya; I P I I

CO2 2. Naipapamalas ang kahusayan sa pagtuturo ng Filipino gamit ang wikang Filipino
at mother tongue at akmang dulog pagtuturo at pagkatuto ng/sa panitikang I P I D P I
Filipino ayon sa kahingian ng K-12 kurikulum;

CO3 3. Nakakapili, nakakalikha at nakakagamit ng kagamitang panturong nakaugat sa

lokal na kultura; at D D I P I

CO4 4. Nakakapili, nakakalikha at nakakagamit ng mga akmang pagdulog sa pagtasa at

pagtaya sa pagtuturo at pagkatuto ng/sa wikang Filipino. D D D P D I


Course Hour Learning Activities Learning Materials and

Learning Outcomes Topics Assessment
Outcome/s s (Synchronous, Platform

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Asynchronous and
 Naikikintal sa isip ng Oryentasyon sa Kurso 1 Online Online Online
mag-aaral ang VMGO VMGO  Pagbasa ng Nilalaman  Student Handbook  Maikling
at Quality Policy ng Quality Policy ng Student Handbook Face-to-Face Pagsusulit
unibersidad at ang Mga Patakaran sa Kurso Face-to-Face  PowerPoint tungkol sa
 Pinatnubayang Presentation Bisyon at
mga patakaran at Mga Kahingian sa Kurso
Diskusyon  Student Handbook Misyon ng
kahingian ng kurso.  Open Forum PSU

CO1  Nakakabuo ng tiyak at Kahulugan ng Panitikan 3 Online Online Online

malinaw na kahulugan  Malayang Talakayan  MS Teams  Paggawa ng
ng panitikan. Kahalagahan ng Panitikan  Pagbabasa ng isang  Babasahing akdang Posisyong
 Nasusuri ang Akdang Pampanitikan pampanitikan ng mag- Papel
kahulugan ng  Pagsulat ng Sanaysay aaral Face-to-Face
Uri at Anyo ng Panitikan
panitikan sa lapit- tungkol sa kung paano Face-to-Face  Maikling
estruktural. naimpluwensiyahan  PowerPoint Pagsusulit/
 Nasasabi ang ng panitikang nabasa Presentation Pagsasanay
kaugnayan ng ang kanilang buhay.  Student Hand out
panitikan sa sarili at Face-to-Face
lipunan.  Pinatnubayang
 Naiisa-isa ang halaga Talakayan
ng panitikan batay sa  Pagbabahagi ng
iba’t ibang kategorya Nabuong Sanaysay
o pamantayan.
 Nakikritika ang
kahalagahan ng
panitikan batay sa
sariling danas.
 Nakakabuo ng
posisyong papel
kaugnay sa halaga ng
pagtuturo ng panitikan
sa elementarya.
CO1  Naipapaliwanag ang Tula 4 Online Online Online
iba’t ibang kahulugan  Bugtungan  MS Teams  Isang
ng tula. Bugtong  Pagbasa ng Tula  Babasahing tula ng pagsasanay
 Napag-uusapan ang  Paghahanap ng mag-aaral kung saan

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mga elementong Halimbawang Bugtong Face-to-Face magiisip ng

bumubuo sa tula. Face-to-Face  PowerPoint mga
 Nailalapat sa piling  Aktibong Talakayan Presentation ‘makabagong
tula ang mga  Pagbabahagi ng mga  Student Hand out bugtong’ na
elementong tinataglay kasanayang ang mga sagot
nito sa tulong ng nahuhubog sa mga ay mga
maikling pagsusuri. mag-aaral kapag sila modernong
 Naibibigay ang ay nag-iisip ng mga bagay gaya ng
malinaw na kahulugan kasagutan sa bugtong cellphone,
ng bugtong. internet, atbp.
 Nasusuri ang paraan  Pagsusuri ng
ng konstruksiyon ng Tula
bugtong at kung Face-to-Face
paano ito maituturo sa  Maikling
mga magaaral sa Pagsusulit/
elementarya. Pagsasanay
 Nakapagbibigay ng  Pagsulat ng
mga halimbawang Tula
CO1  Naipapaliwanag ang Salawikain 4 Online Online Online
kahulugan ng  Pagsulat ng  MS Teams  Paglikha ng
salawikain. Kuwento Reaksyong Papel  Babasahing kwento sariling
tungkol sa kwentong ng mag-aaral makabagong
 Nabibigyang-
pambatang nabasa Face-to-Face salawikain
pagpapakulugan ang  Pagbasa ng Kwentong  Paggawa ng
 PowerPoint
ilang piling salawikain. Pambata Presentation Banghay ng
 Nakakalikha ng Face-to-Face  Student Hand out isang Kuwento
sariling makabagong  Aktibong Talakayan Face-to-Face
salawikain  Pagbabahagi ng mga  Maikling
 Nabibigyang- ideya tungkol sa Pagsusulit/
itinatagong kahulugan Pagsasanay
kahulugan ang
ng mga salawikain  Pagsulat ng
kuwento.  Pagbuo ng puppet na Sariling
 Naipapaliwanag kung maaaring gamitin sa Kwentong
bakit mahalaga ang pagkwekwento Pambata
mga kuwento sa
paghubog ng
kamalayan ng mga

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 Nakakalikha sariling
mga kuwentong

 Naipapaliwanag ang Alamat 4 Online Online Online

kahulugan ng alamat.  Interaktibong  MS Teams  Pagsulat ng
 Nakakabasa ng ilang Pabula Talakayan  PowerPoint Sariling Alamat
piling alamat.  Pagbasa at Alamat Presentation tungkol sa
 Nakikritika ang  Pagbasa ng Pabula  Student Handout barangay
nilalaman ng alamat  Pagkritika ng  Babasahing alamat at  Grupong
lalo na ang taglay na Nabasang Alamat at pabula ng mag-aaral Pagsulat ng
pagpapahalaga o Pabula Face-to-Face Pabula
esensiya nito. Face-to-Face  Powerpoint Face-to-Face
 Nakasusulat ng  Think-Pair-Share Presentation  Maikling
sariling alamat tungkol tungkol sa pabulang Pagsusulit/
sa barangay na nabasa Pagsasanay
pinagmulan  Masining na
 Nailalahad ang pagsasadula
pagiging epektibo ng ng naisulat na
mga pabula sa pabula
pagbibigay ng aral
lalo na sa mga mag-
aaral sa elementarya.
 Nakakabasa at
nakikritika ang ilang
piling pabula.
 Nakasusulat ng
sariling pabula
CO2, CO3,  Naipapamalas ang Mga epektibong dulog at 10 Online Online Online
CO4 kahusayan sa estratehiya sa pagtuturo ng  Interaktibong  MS Teams  Pagsulat ng
pagtuturo ng Filipino panitikan, paglikha ng Talakayan  PowerPoint Banghay Aralin
gamit ang wikang kagamitang panturo at pagtataya  Pagpili ng Paksa sa Presentation  Grupong
Filipino at mother Panitikan  Student Handout Pagbuo ng
tongue at akmang  Paglikha ng Face-to-Face Digital Story
dulog pagtuturo at Kagamitang Panturo  PowerPoint Face-to-Face
pagkatuto ng/sa Face-to-Face Presentation  Paunang
panitikang Filipino  Brainstorming Pakitang Turo
ayon sa kahingian ng tungkol sa Pagbuo ng (Motibasyon)
K-12 kurikulum Digital Storytelling
 Nakakapili,  Pagbuo ng Angkop na

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nakakalikha at Pagtataya
nakakagamit ng (assessment)
kagamitang panturong
nakaugat sa lokal na
 Nakakapili,
nakakalikha at
nakakagamit ng mga
akmang pagdulog sa
pagtasa at pagtaya sa
pagtuturo at
pagkatuto ng/sa
wikang Filipino.
Total no. of Hours 27
CO1  Naikokontrast ang Parabula 3 Online Online Online
parabula sa pabula.  Komunikatibong  MS Teams  Paghahambing
 Nakakabasa ng ilang Kuwentong-bayan talakayan sa  PowerPoint at
piling parabula. kahalagahan ng mga Presentation Pagkokontrast
 Naitatanghal ang ilang kuwentong bayan sa  Student Handout sa Pabula at
piling parabula. paghubog ng  Babasahing parabula Parabula gamit
 Naipapaliwanag ang kamalayan ng mga ng mag-aaral ang Venn
katuturan ng mag-aaral  Venn Diagram Diagram
kuwentong-bayan.  Interaktibong Face-to-Face Face-to-Face
 Nakakahanap sa Talakayan tungkol sa  PowerPoint  Maikling
sariling lugar ng mga parabula Presentation Pagsusulit/
kuwentong-bayan.  Pagbasa ng Parabula  Rubric Pagsasanay
 Naisasalaysay sa  Paghanap at  Grupong
klase ang nilalaman pagbabasa ng Pagtatanghal
ng nahanap na kwentong bayan sa ng Nabasang
kuwentong-bayan. sariling lugar Parabula
 Bahagiang Pangklase
CO1  Naipapaliwanag ang Mitolohiya 3 Online Online Online
ibig sabihin ng  Interaktibong  MS Teams  Pagkritika sa
mitolohiya. Epiko Talakayan  PowerPoint Nabasang
 Nakiktika ang ilang  Pagbasa ng Presentation Mitolohiya
piling mitolohiya sa Mitolohiya  Student Handout Face-to-Face
tulong ng mga Face-to-Face  Babasahing mitolohiya  Maikling
karakter na bida rito.  Kantahan/Chanting ng mag-aaral Pagsusulit/

COURSE SYLLABUS IN EGE 106- Pagtuturo ng Filipino sa Elementarya 2 (Panitikan ng Pilipinas) 14

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 Nakikilala ang mga  Bahagiang Pangklase Face-to-Face Pagsasanay

ganda ng isang epiko. tungkol sa nabasang  Sipi ng Epikong  Pagpapakilala
 Napapangalanan ang mitolohiya Kakantahin ng Piling
mga sikat na epiko sa Tauhan sa
bansa. Nabasang
 Nakakanta ang ilang Mitolohiya
piling epiko
CO1  Naipapaliwanag ang Sanaysay 4 Online Online Online
kahulugan ng  Pinatnubayang  MS Teams  Pagkritika sa
sanaysay. Pormal at Di-Pormal na Talakayan  PowerPoint Nabasang
 Nakikritika ang Sanaysay  Paghahanap at Presentation Sanaysay
pagkakabuo nito. Pagbabasa ng  Student Handout Face-to-Face
 Naikokontrast ang Pagbasa ng Sanaysay Halimbawa ng Pormal  Sipi ng Sanaysay na  Kritikang
pormal sa di-pormal at Di Pormal na Babasahin pangklase at
na sanaysay. Pagsulat ng Sanaysay Sanaysay Face-to-Face pagbabahagi
 Nakakahanap ng mga Face-to-Face  Venn Diagram ng mga
tiyak na halimbawa ng  Paggawa ng Venn natatanging
pormal at di-pormal Diagram na makabagong
na sanaysay. nagpapakita ng sanaysay na
 Nakakabasa ng pagkakahalintulad at marapat na
napapanahong pagkakaiba ng pormal isama sa pag-
sanaysay. at di-pormal na aaral ng mga
 Napag-uusapan ang sanaysay estudyante sa
nilalaman nito.  Pagsulat ng Di-Pormal elementarya
 Nakikritika ang na sanaysay tungkol  Pagsulat ng
sanaysay batay sa sa kahalagahan ng Pormal at Di
nilalaman at estilo ng pagtuturo ng panitikan Pormal na
pagkakasulat nito. sa elementarya. Sanaysay
 Nakakasulat ng
sariling sanaysay.
 Nababasa ang
ginawang sariling
 Nakikritika ang
sanaysay sa
pamamagitan ng
binuong rubriks para
sa klase.
CO1  Nabibigyang- Dula 4 Online Online Online
depinisyon ang dula.  Madulang Pagtalakay  MS Teams  Pagkikritika ng

COURSE SYLLABUS IN EGE 106- Pagtuturo ng Filipino sa Elementarya 2 (Panitikan ng Pilipinas) 15

FM-AA-CIA-13 Rev.01 06-Sep-2022

 Nakakapanood ng Mga Uri ng Dula sa Kahulugan at Uri  PowerPoint dula base sa

ilang piling dula. ng Dula Presentation artistikong
 Nakikritika ang Pagsulat ng Dula  Panonood ng Dula  Student Handout pagkakatangh
napanood na dula  Paggawa ng  Sipi ng Dulang al at sa
 Nailalarawan ang mga Aktuwal na Pagsasadula Reaksyong Papel Panonoorin mahahalagang
uri ng dula. tungkol sa napanood Face-to-Face aral o
 Nakakakapagbigay ng na dula  Sipi ng Dulang konseptong
mga tiyak na Face-to-Face Panonoorin ibinabahagi
halimbawa sa mga uri  Aktwal na Panonood nito
ng dula. ng Dula  Pagpapasulat
 Nabibigyang-  Isahang Pagsasadula ng dula na
reaksiyon ang ilang (Monologo) sumasaklaw
piling eksena sa dula.  Klaseng Pagsasadula sa mga
 Nakakasulat ng isang sa Tulong ng Napiling kasalukuyang
dula para sa bata. Paksa isyu na
 Naibabahagi sa klase kinakaharap
ang ginawang dula. ng mga
 Nakikitrika ang
nilalaman ng dula.
 Pagkritika sa
 Nakakapagsadula ang
isang klase sa tulong
ng napiling piyesa.
 Pagsulat ng
 Namamarkahan ang
pagsasadula sa
papel tungkol
tulong ng rubriks.
sa ginawang
 Nakikritika ang
CO2, CO3,  Naipapamalas ang Mga epektibong dulog at 12 Online Online Online
CO4 kahusayan sa estratehiya sa pagtuturo ng  Malayang Talakayan  MS Teams  Pagsulat ng
pagtuturo ng Filipino panitikan, paglikha ng  Pagpili ng Paksa sa Face-to-Face Banghay Aralin
gamit ang wikang kagamitang panturo at pagtataya Panitikan  PowerPoint Face-to-Face
Filipino at mother  Paglikha ng Presentation  Huling
tongue at akmang Kagamitang Panturo  Rubric Pakitang Turo
dulog pagtuturo at Face-to-Face
pagkatuto ng/sa  Paglikha ng
panitikang Filipino Kagamitang Panturo
ayon sa kahingian ng  Pagbuo ng Angkop na
K-12 kurikulum, Pagtataya
 Nakapipili, (assessment)

COURSE SYLLABUS IN EGE 106- Pagtuturo ng Filipino sa Elementarya 2 (Panitikan ng Pilipinas) 16

FM-AA-CIA-13 Rev.01 06-Sep-2022

nakakalikha at
nakakagamit ng
kagamitang panturong
nakaugat sa lokal na
kultura at;
 Nakakapili,
nakakalikha at
nakakagamit ng mga
akmang pagdulog sa
pagtasa at pagtaya sa
pagtuturo at
pagkatuto ng/sa
wikang Filipino.
Total no. of Hours 27


A. Books and E-Books C. Electronic Sources
 Casanova, Arthur P. Klasrum Drama, Mga Anyo ng Dulaan para sa Paaralan. Lungsod 
Mandaluyong: Anvil Publishing, Inc. 2011. Panitikan_ng_Pilipinas.html?
 Corpuz, B. & Salandanan, G. (2015). Principles of teaching (with TLE). Quezon City: LORIMAR id=pQYxvHD3rt8C&redir_esc=y
Publishing. 
 Gojo Cruz, Genaro R. “Sampung Pinakamahusay na Teknik na Ating Ginagamit sa Pagtuturo
ng Panitikan.”
 Nasa Villafuerte, Pat V., et al. Pamfilo D. Catacataca, PhD: Ang Manghahasik ng Edukasyong hl=tl&id=stmPy4haa80C&redir_esc=y
Pangwika. Lungsod Caloocan: Suatengco Publishing House. 2009. 
 Comilo-Gallo, Roseta V., et. al. Modyul Para sa Pagtuturo ng Filipino sa Elementarya 1: Rex Panitikan_ng_pilipinas
Bookstore. 2020 
 Sanchez, Remedious A., et. al. Panitikan ng Pilipinas: Ultimate Books Library Services and panitikan-sa-pilipinas/
Publishing. 2019 
B. Journals/Magazines
 PPST-RPMS Manual Villafuerte, Patrocinio V. Pagpapahalaga sa Panitikan (Sining 
Pantanghalan). Lungsod Malabon: Jimcyzville Publications. 2012 Filipino-CG.pdf

COURSE SYLLABUS IN EGE 106- Pagtuturo ng Filipino sa Elementarya 2 (Panitikan ng Pilipinas) 17

FM-AA-CIA-13 Rev.01 06-Sep-2022

1. Regular na pagdalo sa klase (online at Face to Face)
2. Pagpasa sa mga pagsusulit na midterm at pinal maging sa mga maikling pagsusulit
3. Paggawa ng iba’t ibang uri at anyo ng sulatin
4. Pagsulat ng Masusing Banghay Aralin
5. Paglikha ng mga Kagamitang Pampagtuturo
6. Pakikilahok sa mga pangkatang-gawain
7. Aktibo at makabuluhang partisipasyon sa klase
8. Pakitang-turo (Pauna at Pinal)
9. Pagpapasa ng mga proyekto


Midterm na Marka
Midterm Exam 40%
Attendance, Quizzes 30%
Home-Based Requirements 30%
Tentatibong Pinal na Grado
Final Exam 40%
Attendance, Quizzes 30%
Home-Based Requirements 30%
Kasanayan sa Pagtuturo- 30% Nilalaman – 20%
Kasanayan sa Komunikasyon- 30% Pag-unawa sa Teoryang Nakapaloob – 20%
Pangangasiwa sa Klase- 25% Gramatika at Paraan ng Pagkakasulat – 10%
Personalidad ng Guro- 10%
Pagsulat ng Banghay Aralin- 5%


Pormat – 30% Appearance – 20%
Kagamitan at Sanggunian – 30% Portability – 20%
Paggamit ng Makabagong Teknolohiya – 25% Relativity – 20%
Teknikalidad – 15% Sufficiency – 20%
Technology Integration – 20%


Kalidad ng Boses – 20% Iskrip – 40%
Daloy ng Kwento – 15% Pagkakaganap ng Tauhan – 35%

COURSE SYLLABUS IN EGE 106- Pagtuturo ng Filipino sa Elementarya 2 (Panitikan ng Pilipinas) 18

FM-AA-CIA-13 Rev.01 06-Sep-2022

Teknikalidad – 10% Kasuotan – 15%

Haba ng Oras – 5% Paggamit ng Akmang Props – 10%


Polisiya sa Lekturang Klase (Klaseng Residensiyal / Harapan)
 Isuot ang face mask sa lahat ng pagkakataon. Magdala ng sariling alkohol, bolpen, papel, at iba pang kagamitan. Mahigpit na ipinagbabawal ang hiraman ng mga
 Manatili sa bahay kapag masama ang pakiramdam.
 Ang pagdalo sa klase ay tanda ng kahandaan sa pakikilahok sa talakayan at mga gawain.
 Responsable ang mag-aaral sa kanyang pagliban.
 Awtomatikong mamarkahan ng DRP (Dropped) ang mag-aaral pagkatapos ng walong (8) magkakasunod na pagliban.
 Ang mga kahingian ay kailangang ipasa sa takdang petsa ng pasahán.
 BAWAL ANG CELLPHONE O ELEKTRONING KAGAMITAN SA LAHAT NG PAGKAKATAON. Ang lahat ng mga tuntunin ng paaralan ay susundin ayon sa
nakalahad sa handbook ng mag-aaral.
 Ipapataw ang kabawasan sa puntos sa mga nahuling awtput, subalit ang kaluwagan ay susundin.
 Iba pa (napagkasunduan sa klase)

Polisiya sa Lekturang Klase (Klaseng Online)

 Magsuot ng disente at kaswal na kasuotan habang nasa web conference.
 Ipinagbabawal ang lapastangang pananalita sa mga talakayang online.
 Obserbahan ang puntuwalidad at paggalan.
 Ang mga pribadong usapan habang nasa web conference ay hindi pinahihintulutan.
 Ang respeto ay kailangang ipamalas ng guro at mag-aaral.
 Ang pangongopya at plagiarism ay hindi palalampasin.
 Pagsusumite ng mga kahingian sa takdang oras na napagkasuduan sa oryentasyon ng klase.

Karagdagang Impormasyon:
 Lilikha ng isang Messenger Group Chat para sa asignatura na gagamitin sa kagyat na patugon sa mga tanong.
 Lilikha ng isang opisyal na MS Teams na gagamitin sa pagpapaskil ng mga pabatid, silabus, takdang-aralin, rubrik, panuto, manwal ng laboratoyo, video, o link ng
mga kagamitang pampagtuturo.
 Lahat ng takdang-aralin ay kailangang ipapasa sa opisyal na MS Teams ng kurso.
 Lahat ng mga dokumento at/o larawan ay kailangang pangalanan gamit ang pangalan at bílang/pamagat ng gawain (hal. Salazar, JM_EGE 105 – Gawain 1) para
sa pagmomonitor ng pasahán at ng pagsunod sa takdang oras ng pagpapása.


COURSE SYLLABUS IN EGE 106- Pagtuturo ng Filipino sa Elementarya 2 (Panitikan ng Pilipinas) 19

FM-AA-CIA-13 Rev.01 06-Sep-2022

 Pinagyaman ang nilalaman ng silabus sa pamamagitan ng pagdaragdag ng mga
 Paglalahok ng mga gawain sa asingkrono at harapang klase;
 Pagtutugma ng programang tunguhin sa mga katangian ng gradweyt;
 Pagtutugma ng mga indikador ng programa sa mga programang tunguhin;
Setyembre 5-13, 2022 Setyembre 19, 2022
 Pagtutugma ng tunguhin ng kurso sa mga tunguhin ng programa;
 Paglalahok ng mga rubrik para sa mga gawain at pagtataya;
 Pagsasaayos ng laang oras sa bawat paksa/aralin/kabanata; at
 Pagsasaayos ng mga polisiya sa loob ng klasrum.

Pebrero 20, 2023  Nirebisa ang mga gawaing pampagkatuto para sa harapan at singkronong mga
2023-02 Pebrero 14, 2023 Ikalawang Sem AT 2022- klase.
Prepared by the:
Focal Person (Common Program) JOHN MICHAEL S. SALAZAR February 13, 2023
Faculty (Stand-alone Program) Fakulti
Endorsed by the Council of Deans and Department Chairs on: February 17, 2023



Miyerkules at Biyernes (9:00-11:00 ng umaga)
OFFICE LOCATION Faculti Room, Kolehiyo ng Panggurong Edukasyon

COURSE SYLLABUS IN EGE 106- Pagtuturo ng Filipino sa Elementarya 2 (Panitikan ng Pilipinas) 20

FM-AA-CIA-13 Rev.01 06-Sep-2022

Prepared by: Checked by: Recommended by: Approved:

Faculty Department Chairperson College Dean Campus Executive Director

Certified for Campus/University Utilization for A.Y.2022-2023

WEENALEI T. FAJARDO, PhD _______________________________________
Direktor para sa Kurikulum at Instruksiyon Pangalawang Pangulo para sa Gawaing Akademiko at Pang-mag-aaral

COURSE SYLLABUS IN EGE 106- Pagtuturo ng Filipino sa Elementarya 2 (Panitikan ng Pilipinas) 21

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