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June 26, 1973

lhe Evongelrcol
Vol. 46, No. 20 June 26, /973

Photo by George Keck
by Leighton Ford SEOUL, KOREA - Evangelist Billy Graham speaking to an estimated one million
7 FROM ROCK MUSIC TO THE Koreans at the closing rally Sunday, June 3, in YoiDo Plaza. This is the largest
ROCK OF AGES crowd Graham has spoken to in his thirty year evangelistic career, and probably
the largest ever assembled to hear the proclamation of the Christian Gospel.
7 CONVERTED JUNK Calculating the totals were local crusade officials. In keeping with the Korean
by Helen Leckrone custom, most of the people walked miles to attend and then sat huddled close
I) SINGING SAILORS GLORIFY THE together on mats and papers on the blacktop surface of YoiDo Plazo. The
LORD JESUS CHRIST five-day Seoul Crusade closed with over three million hearing the gospel preached
through an interpreter, another Billy, Billy Kim.
by Marcia Rae Piepgrass LONDON (EP) - Southern Baptist

13 CONCERNING CONCERNS Evangelist Arthur Blessitt has returned
by H. Bruce Clwp111t111 to London following a 3,000-mile walk
through western Europe, North Africa
by Loma A nderso11
and West Africa to make plans for his
most ambitious project: a walk the
whole breadth of Africa.
MIRACLE CHILD To begin in July, the pilgrimage for.
by Mrs. Jean Gree11er the Gospel will find Blessitt accompa­
nied by his wife, Sherry, and their four DR. L. A. PETERSON DIES
lt)EPAIRTmEnirs children.
The former minister of Holywood's
SEATTLE, WASH. - Funeral services
were held May 29 for Dr. Lloyd A. Pe­
Sunset Strip said a series of crusades in terson, 63, a former pastor in the 1950's
2 News Ditest 20 TWC England and Scotland lasting until July of the Elim Evangelical Free Church
12 Edi1ori11/ '21 Trinity Now will culminate in a massive rally at of Oak Lawn, Ill. He had served nine
16 Smile '22 New Books Derby, central England, on June 30. O years prior to his death as pastor of
18 Missiongrams '22 Dis1ric1 News the Berean Church in Seattle. He retired
CANADIANS PROPOSE in January due to illness.
19 FCYF JO WMS Activities
ASSOCIATION OF CHRISTIAN Dr. Peterson received his doctorate
19 S1ewardship
BROADCASTERS from Bob Jones University, Greenville,
WILLOWDALE, Ont. (EP) - Citing S.C. He is survived by his wife, Lucille:
-George M. Keck,
Acting Editor
a need for evangelical Christians in a daughter, Jeanelle, and a son, Jerome.
Canada to coordinate their religious Burial was in Kiron, Iowa. 0
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS - Arnold T. Olson, Lester telecasting and broadcasting activities, a
P. Westlund, Marlin Jones, Herbert E. Kyrk, Mn. proposal has been accepted by the 14,000 AT OPENING OF
Violo Groenhoff, Calvin 8. Hanson, John W. Walk.
up, Darrel 0. Stark, J. Robert Christensen, William Evangelical Fellowship of Canada CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC
H. R•mland. Council to form an association of Chris­ RENEWAL CONFERENCE
DISTRICT EDITORS - Eastern, Arne B. Hansen; Great
Lakes, R. Deon Smith; North Central, Lester E.
tian Broadcasters. NOTRE DAME, Ind. (EP) - Leaders
Nelson; Central, Ray Johnson; Midwest, Stanley H. An EFC task force is drafting a brief of the 7th annual international confer­
Westlund; South Central, Paul Buckert; Rocky Moun·
fain, Virgil Nyberg; Western, Herbert D. Peterson;
to present to the Ontario government ence of the Catholic Charismatic Re­
Pacific Northwest, David Enerson; Canadian Prairie, about the proposed elimination of Chris­ newal Movement registered 14,000 peo­
James Woltman; Canadian Pacific, Elmer Olson;
Southea,tern, Trygve Landru; Kentucky, Miss Helga tian standards of morality from the ple here on June 1 - the first day of
Peterson; Southwe,t, Wallace G. Norling. school act. the three-day meeting.
The council has viewed with grave Theme for the gathering, which
Published biweekly (every other Tuesday). alarm the gradual eroding of Christian closed with the concelebration of Mass
Official organ of the Evangelical Free Church
of America. standards and noted that evangelical by some 500 Catholic priests, was:
Editorial and circulation offices: parents seem increasingly unable to sup­ "The Spirit of Jesus Among us."
1515 E. 66th street, Minneapolis, Minn. 55423 port the public school system. "To a large extent, the movement has
SubHription price: S4.50 per year.
Church list equol to 100 per cent of membership - The meeting of Canadian evangelicals to do with a hunger for God," stated
$2.50 per year. here in mid May, was chaired by in­ the Rev. Kilian McDonnell, executive
Church list equol to 75 per cent of membership -
$2.75 per year. coming president A. Donald Macleod director for Ecumenical and Cultural
Church list equal to 50 per cent of membership - of Toronto. The council meeting marked Research at Collegeville, Minn. "The
SJ.00 per year.
Skond clan postage paid at Minneapolis, Minn.
the first at which evangelicals from charismatic movement has to do with
Printed by Free Church Pren.
all parts of Canada were represented. A the rediscovery of this hunger for God
Copyright © The Evangelical Beacon 1973 full time executive secretary will be and the .sense of his presence. There is
Member of :he Evangelical Press Association appointed soon to direct the rapidly hardly a more precise descriptive word
growing organization. O for the movement than 'presence.' " O
Gives Annual Report at EFCA Conference

.J President Olson Calls· For Praise to God,

Reports Strong Membership, Church Growth
olid membership growth, amount� guard Our Spiritual Heritage. "It is tional Association of Evangelicals
ing to an estimated 9.5 per cent our prayer that each congregation, convention in Portland, Ore., and has
for the year, the addition of .16 · · each institution and each member . received widespread publicity and .
new congregations to the denomina­ might use this document as a guide praise. It appeared in two installments
tion, and a substantial increase in giv­ for a period of self-study. We speak in the May 29 and June 12 editions of
ing, keynoted the annual report given of. the need for renewal. We pray for the Evangelical Beacon.
to the 89th annual conference of the revival. We must begin with an hon­ Dr. Olson's third overseas trip was
Evangelical Free Church of America est self-examination. · May God to India to lecture at the·· conference
by Dr. ArnoldT. Olson, EFCA p�es- through .the Holy Spirit move · us in of the newly .formed Evangelical Free
ident. this direction." Church of India, followed by a stop
Perhaps even more thrilling to del­ Free Church ministers, some of in Israel enroute home.
egates asseml?led June 18-24 at Green . whom were still pastoring churches, This final journey. was followed;
Lake, Wis., was the note of victory wh9 went to be with the Lord during immediately on. arrival home in late
in Dr. Olson's report as he called "for the year were Wallace V. Davison, May, by a trip to the hospital· for .
special praise to our God for leading Hjalmar Ekblad, Anders Herje, A.·P. major surgery. Dr. Olson made a very
us as a church through this year." McElheran, Arthur N. Olson, Ernest swift recovery in time to be able to
He pointed out that what could L. Oskarson and Arthur G. Peterson. participate · in the conference at
have been a "disastrous year" due to Dr. Olson reported that those com­ Green Lake.
the passing of several key men "has missioned as missionaries were Rev. "The entire church owes much
turned out to be a year of victory." Fulton Chin, Rev. and Mrs. Henry praise to God. What could have been
The deaths of Mel Larson, Evangeli­ Griffith, Dr. and Mrs. John Hanson, a year of delays has turned out to
· cal Beacon editor; Paul Carlson, heac;l Rev. and Mrs. Sigvart Odland, Rev. be a year in which our faith in God
) of Christian Investors Foundation, and Mrs. Edward· Rommen, Mr. and has been strengthened and our faith
\-/ ·and .Alton And�rson, headquarters Mrs. Larry Schlotfeldt and Mr. and in the organizational structure of the
custodian, were especially noted by Mrs. Gary Shaver. EFCA renewed."
Dr. Olson. Missionaries recommissioned dur­ Dr. Olson concluded: "With such
Evangelical Free Church member­ ing the year were: Dr. and Mrs. evidence of God's help we face the
ship is now estimated at 83,337. In Richard Anderson, Rev. and Mrs. coming year with great anticipation.
addition to the 16 congregations offi­ Marvin Ang, Rev. and Mrs. Earl We believe, as we call upon Him to
cially organized and accepted into Blomberg, Rev. and Mrs. Robert 'try our hearts,' a spiritual renewal is
membership, there are 12 congrega­ Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Carlson, assured. Then as we gather for our
tions in the process of being organ­ Rev. and Mrs. Don Carlson; Rev. and 90th conference in 1974, we will be
ized, bringing the total for the de­ · Mrs. Stanley Conrad, Miss Lorraine considering a 10 year plan of advance
nomination to 604 churches in the Ditmar, Miss Verna Lindgren, Mr. now under study by the newly ap­
United States and Canada. and Mrs. Lowell Olson, Miss Sherrill pointed Committee on Priorities."
Dr. Olson said giving to various Peterson, Mrs. Ruth Rodine and Rev.
Evangelical Free Church departments and Mrs. Ben Sawatsky. Rebecca "But the God of all grace,
and institutions, includingTrinity Col­ Bauer was commissioned as a short who hath called us unto his eter­
lege and Divinity School and Trinity term (one year) missionary. nal glory by Christ Jesus, after
Western College, rose to $8,102,348, As leader of the denomination, Dr. that ye have suffered a while,
over a million dollars more than the Olson traveled extensively throughout make you perfect, stablish,
1971-72 total of $7,020,089. the year. He participated in 19 dedica­ strengthen, settle you. To him be
During the fiscal year the churches tions, seven anniversary celebrations, glory and dominion for ever and
reported receiving a total of $30,500, spoke at eight Bible conferences, lec­ ever. Amen." 1 Peter 5:10,
357, up from $26,229,709 for the tured for a week at Trinity Western 11. •
previous year. Per capita giving College, presented his annual series
showed . an increase from $343 to of history lectures atTrinity Evangel­
$399, or about 15 per cent. The ical Divinity School and had numer­ Editor's Note: Dr. Olson has re­
money was used for local work ous other speaking engagements. ferred to the report by the Committee
(73.2%), overseas missions (14.3%) His journeys included three over­ to Safeguard our Spiritual Heritage
and home missions and benevolences seas trips·. The first was to Zaire, as a ''historic document." Our re­
(12.5%). Ethiopia, Greece, Denmark and Nor­ sponse to this report can have tremen­
Dr. Olson issued a "call to boll­ way.The second was a special Easter dous meaning for the future of the
) week trip to Israel as a guest of the
� ness" and urged careful study by each Evangelical Free Church of America.
EFCA member and congregation of Israeli government to study reports Look for it, in fuD, in the next Issue
the report given to the annual con­ of anti-missionary activity. His report of the Evangelical Beacon.
ference by The Committee to Safe- on that trip was presented at the Na-
JUNE 26, 1973 3
GRADUATES, happy with anticipa­
tion, file in through the crowded

narthex of the Presbyterian Church
of Deerfield, Ill., to take their
places for 1973 commencement
services. · Inset photo shows the
beautiful mansion used as adminis­
tration building on the campus of
Trinity College and Trinity Evan­
gelical Divinity Schaal.

An article in the Oct. 9, 1972, issue of Time magazine pointed out that Trinity
Evangelical Divinity School is one of the nation's conservative seminaries where
enrollments are increasing and academic standards remain high. This was con­
trasted with problems at liberal seminaries, which face dwindling enrollments
and increasing financial problems. These are schools where basic Christian
doctrines and the historical accuracy of the Bible are questioned. We have cause
to praise God for a record graduating class at Trinity Evangelical Divinity
Sclwol - graduates who believe the Bible and are committed to the task of
taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a needy world.

G odthehasservice
given us minds to use in
of God. If we neglect
ing spirit" and to have minds that take
the initiative and are not "content with
a Methodist minister, began a distin­
guished business career in I 912 and
has headed several major firms. He and
the mind, we shall not be able to min­ the status quo."
ister to the whole persoo. Use all of Graduates, friends and relatives filled his wife have been active in the Presby­
the gifts God has given you." the Presbyterian Church of Deerfield, terian Church for 30 years.
These words were addressed to the Ill., to overflowing on a warm summer Impressed by the quality of the
record size ( 123) Class of 1973 of evening for the impressive commence­ Christian education offered at Trinity,
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School at ment rites. The program included pre­ they have donated funds for construc­
the school's 76th annual commence­ sentation of two honorary doctoral de­ tion of a new Divinity School Library
ment on Friday, June 8. grees. to be named the James R. Rolfing
The speaker, Dr. Colin Brown of The degree of Doctor of Laws was Memorial Library in memory of their
Trinity College, Bristol, England, ex­ conferred upon Reuben Charles Rolf­ son, who was killed in an airplane ac­
horted the graduates to "be of one ing, chairman of the board and chief cident in 1960.
mind" regarding the things of Christ. executive officer of the Wurlitzer Co. Dr. Harry L. Evans, Trinity presi­
He urged them to cultivate a "pioneer- Dr. Rolfing, born in 1891, the son of dent, noted that Rolfing has "given
IT WAS PHOTO TIME following commencement, as graduates posed
inside the church for proud parents and friends who wished to
preserve the happy occasion on film.

COUPLE HONORED - Mr. and Mrs. Reuben

Charles Rolfing pictured in President Evans'
office prior to the commencement service.
He was awarded the honorary degree of
Doctor of Laws.

generously to many great Christian

The other honorary degree was a
Doctor of Divinity degree conferred
on Wallace G. Norling of Costa Mesa,
Calif., superintendent of the Southwest
District, Evangelical Free Church of
ACADEMIC ROBES are being adjusted in the office of the college
A native of Minnesota, where he was president prior to the 76th annual commencement. In the photo,
born in 1925, Rev. Norling attended from left, are Rev. Kenneth M. Meyer, chairman of the board of
Northwestern and Harvard universities directors; E. David Wennstrom, vice president of public affairs;
� and Bethel Seminary, St. Paul, Minn., Reuben Charles Rolfing, honorary degree recipient; Dr. Kenneth S.
and served several congregations as pas­ Kantzer, vice president for graduate studies, and Rev. Wallace G.
tor before becoming district superinten­ Norling, honorary degree recipient.
dent in 1967.
Since this time, the number of
churches in his district has increased
from 22 to 40 and the district budget
has had a six-fold increase. He has
helped establish several new churches
in the southern California area. "Only
those have been engaged in such labor
can appreciate what it means," said
Evans in presenting the doctoral degree.
Dr. Kenneth S. Kantzer, vice presi­
dent for graduate studies, in presenting
the candidates for degrees, expressed
pride in the Class of 1973 and remind­
ed the degree recipients, "We are send­
ing you forth to represent the Lord
CONGRATULATIONS - Dr. Harry L. Evans, left, college president,
In the Charge to the Graduates, Wal­ congratulates Rev. Wallace G. Norling, superintendent of South­
ter C. Kaiser Jr., professor of Old west District of the Evangelical Free Church. Rev. Norling received
Testament, urged them from I Timothy the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity.
4: 16 to "take heed unto thyself" and
exhorted them to "end the famine of COMMENCEMENT participants posed for pictures prior to the
the Word of God in our land." start of the service. They are, from left, Dr. Kenneth S. Kantzer,
The walls and vaulted ceiling of the Rev. Wallace G. Norling, Dr. Harry L. Evans, Reuben Charles Rolfing
and Rev. Kenneth M. Meyer.
impressive church edifice reverberated
with the Hymn of Commitment sung
by the congregation preceding the ben­
The Recessional was followed by a
happy time of conversation, picture
_ taking and rejoicing at the milestone
,,. moment in their lives as the graduates
were greeted and congratulated by
friends and family members. 0
JUNE 26, 1973
Shock" Alvin Toffler says that "a
conventional marriage proves itself
less and less capable of delivering on
its promises of lifelong love . . . we
can anticipate public acceptance of
temporary marriages." The future
marriage ritual may go, "I, John, take
thee, Mary, . . . for the next five
Others suggest a two-level system.
The first, a short-term marriage with­
out childbearing or child-rearing re­
sponsibilities. The second, for those
who graduate, would be exclusive,
permanent, and available only to
selected couples. One of the key is­
sues is whether future marriage will
be seen as a temporary fling, or a
permanent commitment.
Religious leaders raised the same
question with Jesus (Matthew 19:3-9).
"Is it lawful," they asked, "to divorce
one's wife for any cause?"
Note carefully how Jesus answered:
"Have you not read that He who
made them from the beginning made
them male and female, and sajd, 'for
this reason a man shall leave hjs
father and mother and be joined to
his wife, and the two shall become
one'? So they are no longer two but
one. What therefore God has joined
together, let no man put asunder."
Jesus would not talk about divorce
until He had talked about the pur­
pose of marriage!
But, can we really expect people to
live up to Jesus' teaching? Can we
make His words into a law for a
modern, pagan society, made up of
selfish, secular people? Probably not.
Jesus is giving the ideal. He is not
legislating for society.
Even Christians don't constantly
live up to what Jesus taught in the
Sermon on the Mount ... "Whoever
divorces his wife, let him give her
a certificate of divorce. But I say to
you that every one who divo5ces his
wife, except on the grounds of un­


chasti\y, makes her an adulteress; and
whoever marries a divorced woman
commits adultery." (Matthew 5: 31-
When Jesus spoke those words,
by Leighton Ford

the world was witnessing the break­
up of marriage. Sadly, Christians
themselves have not been excluded
ne in three. trouble. A broken home may cause from divorce. Just as you can't un­
In 1972, statistics show that shock waves that go on for genera­ scramble eggs, there are some situa­
one in three marriages in the tions to come, for children need the tions so mixed up they seem beyond
U.S. ended in divorce. In 1920, that security and stability of the home. repair. Yet even then God can for­
figure was one in seven. Startling sta­ Perhaps we need a new look at give us, though scars may remain.
tistics if one believes that, like a pier what marriage really is. Can married But, Jesus says, don't be cynical!
resting on its pilings, society rests on love, in fact, stay alive in the 1970's? Don't give in to the casual, quick­
its homes - and when those supports Some people predict radical chang­ and-easy divorce and marriage that is
rot or are. shaken, the society is in es in marriage styles. In "Future all around us today. Remember God's
original plan·: one man; one woman; would get down on the floor and im­
growing in love for a lifetime. With itate the sex act while rock music was
man, with you and me, that may be being played. This young man had
....__/ impossible. But with God, all things a family to support and playing in the
are possible! God can give us new band was his only means of support.
hearts, new minds. Jesus Christ can I told him to give his heart to Christ
put His mind in us, help us to see and let Jesus supply a new job.It was
and treat husband or wife with His difficult for him to do this but he did.
kind of love! "That very night when he came
Sometimes it's said marriage is a forward and then went to the room
50-50 proposition. Don't you believe to be helped and prayed with, he sat
it! Of course, in one sense a good beside a man who offered him a job
marriage has to include giving in and the next morning. As a result of his
adjusting to each other in many ways, full surrender to Christ, this man's
big and small. But at the heart, mar­ wife was saved, his son was then
'riage is no 50-50 deal. It's 100%
'give both ways! That's what Paul was
"Then his father came to the ser­
driving at when he said, "As the
Church is subject to Christ, so let
to the vice the next night. The father asked
to see me and told me, even before
wives also be subject in everything to
their husbands. Husbands, love your ROCK OF AGES the service began, "I came to this
church tonight to find God."
wives, as Christ loved the Church Other evangelical pastors who were
and gave himself up for her." (Ephes­ eenagers burned hundreds of dol­ in the meeting want McGano to come
ians 5:24, 25). T lars worth of hard rock records. back in '75 for a united evangelical
If you've got trouble in your mar­ An 84-year-old mother received crusade. They remarked to me that
·riage, says Jesus, don't begin by ask­ new life in Jesus Christ.A rock band there were no gimmicks in McGann's
ing "what are the grounds for di­ musician quit his band and the Lord meetings.They said the power of the
vorce?" Start by asking "what is God's provided him with a new job the same Spirit of God was most evident." •
plan for our marriage?" Never talk day.
about divorce until you've thought
about the purpose of marriage, and
the possibility of reconciliation.
This was some of the exciting news
from a May crusade held at
the First Evangelical Free Church in ,,,,.-
G ,0/
Ft. Dodge, Iowa. We'll Jet Rev. Earl
- -...tp�,W .. ,�·.. :
Long ago, Martin Luther said some
wise words: "A change is a fast and
� easy thing, but an improvement is a
T. Gunsolley, pastor, tell the story as
contained in a letter from him to Rev.
rare and doubtful thing " and he add­ Herbert E. Kyrk, Home Missions
ed, "The best way to prevent divorce
and other discord is for everyone to
"We just finished a crusade with
learn patience in putting up with the Rev. and Mrs. Aubrey McGann. by Helen Leckrone
common faults and troubles of his sta­ There were 82 first-time decisions for "Therefore if any man be in Christ
tion in life and to put up with them Christ! Over 50 Christians rededica­ he is a new creature; old things are
in his wife as well, knowing that we ted themselves to Christ. On the last passed away: behold, all things are
can never have everything just right, night an elderly mother 84 years of become new." II Corinthians 5:17
the way we would like to have it." age came to Christ.Many people over

A marriage that begins ... or be­ 50 found the Lord. I saw Christians small church had just completed
gins again ... at the foot of the Cross, go to each other and make things a remodeling job.It had been an
is one in which we can say, "By God's right. expensive project and no money
grace I will love you, accept you, "The young people brought their was left to buy an outdoor sign.
forgive you, as God has loved me, hardrock records, magazines, pictures However the church pastor was an
accepted me, forgiven me." There will from off their walls and placed them ingenious man. When he heard that
still be problems to work out ...but in a box - there were over $600 a neon beer sign had been left at the
now we have some ground to walk worth of records and tapes brought in. city dump, he obtained permission to
on. The effects of this brief crusade salvage it.A sign company agreed to
Don't wait for some other member reached into two schools in our area repaint and reletter it without charge.
of your family to take the first step, where McGann spoke. It has reached When it was finished, he jokingly told
though it would be great if you could into several area churches through his congregation he had converted the
do it together. If you will submit people who came and found Christ. beer sign.
,your life totally to Jesus Christ He "One very thrilling conversion is This little story has a spiritual par­
this: A young man, member of a rock allel. When a person accepts Christ,
will come, deal with sin, crucify the no matter what they have been, Christ
self, and fill you with the joy, power band came to me (he had never at­
and praise of His Holy Spirit! tended even one meeting prior to his erases the old look and when He
coming). He wanted out of the band. "re-does " a person, it is more than a
Here are seven words to change He prayed that God would cause him salvage job ... they are made into
your home, if you will pray them and to go blind so that he could not see new creatures.As someone aptly said,
mean them: "Lord, change our home, the terrible acts of sin that his music "Christ not only puts a new suit on a
� beginning with me." • inspired couples to commit while he man, but He puts a new man in the
Reprinted from Crusade Information was playing rock music. suit."
Service, Leighton Ford Crusade,
Sacramento Reachout, May 21, 1973 "He said that men and women Isn't that wonderful? •
JUNE 26, 1973 7
s�s��il'I SINGING FOR JESUS - At the Chongi
Prison Officers' Club, The Prairie Chapel
Singers present the message of God's
grace and love in song. These men ex­
perience and "feel" the message they

7ie fe4a4
sing. Left to right they ore: SA Jerry

Scolomiero, SK3 Stanley Greer, HM2 Don

Syvrud, SA Joe Hand, 051 Bill Cother,
PN3 Amond Goodar, FN Joe Brown, SA
Van Buren Lee, SMSN Rickey Evans.

n Evangelical Free Church minis­
ter serving as chaplain aboard the
U.S.S. Prairie in the western Pa­
cific, heads a group of singing sailors
which is being used by God to glor­
ify Christ, both on ship and on shore.
The chaplain, Lt. Cmdr. William
E. Kennard, writes enthusiastically
about the group, which got its big
start at the Evangelical Free Church
in Singapore, where Missionary Rich­
ard Carlson and his wife, Pamela,
are ministering.
Let's let Rev. Kennard tell the
BROTHERS IN THE LORD - united in the common bond of telling the
"The Lord bas been doing some world in word and song about Jesus Christ. Prairie Chapel Singers ore
remarkable things aboard ship and leaving from their ship, USS PRAIRIE, in the background, to begin a day
in the ministry here. I still tend to of singing and speaking throughout Singapore. The members from left
have open-mouthed amazement at the to right, are: First row, SA Von Buren Lee, 051 Bill Cother, HM2 D� n
Syvrud, SMSN Rickey Evans, PN3 Amond Goodar; Second row, Chaplain
Holy Spirit's accomplishments. For William Kennard, SA Joe Hand, SK3 Stanley Greer, FN Joe Brown, SA
one thing, He bas developed a body Jerry Scolomiero.
of believers on board that is more like
a family of brothers than anything I with the Carlsons and it was then gagements had to be declined due to
have ever seen before. that we took our songs and put them the ship leaving Singapore.
in a sequence that told of God's love. "Prairie's commanding officer,
"Though from different back­ I supplied the narration and Scrip­ Capt. R. A. Vollertsen, has given the
grounds, including some who have ture between songs. The result was efforts of the Prairie Chapel Singers
recently been born again and have no a one-hour program that amazed us. strong support and encouragement.
religious background, the Holy Spirit We knew God had planned it. For this we are grateful to God.
has formed a bond of love and com­ "The reception of the program fur­ "God has greatly blessed our ef­
mitment seldom seen. They daily live ther amazed us. From then until now forts and we see no end to what He
their faith in Christ in holiness and God has used us in many places. Mr.
witness to His amazing grace. will do with us. It is wonderfully
Henry Kooh, educational officer of exciting to be used in the hands of
"From this group has evolved the Singapore's maximum security Chungi our Lord, so we are more than willing
Prairie Chapel Singers. They are a prison, is a member of the Evangeli­ for Him to continue."
direct product of the Holy Spirit. I cal Free Church of Singapore. Will you STOP right now for a
was asked to speak April 1, 1973, at Through him, the Prairie Chapel moment before turning the page? Say
the Evangelical Free Church of Sing­ Singers were invited to sing in prison. a prayer for Chaplain Kennard and
apore, and offered to bring some They were enthusiastically received the Prairie Chapel Singers. Praise
musical talent. and invited to return. However, the God for their ministry. Thank Him
"Nine of us spent the afternoon return date and five other singing en- for His love for us all! •
town of Somonauk, Ill., has a
of 1,100. The Somonauk
Baptist Temple recorded a recent Sun­
day school attendance of 8 J9.
This is a church that five years ago
averaged 150 in Sunday school. What
caused the change?
Rev. David J. Barton, a I 969 gradu­
ate of Trinity Evangelical Divinity
School who is now serving as assistant
pastor at Somonauk Baptist Temple,
writes that Pastor Russell L. Keller Jr.,
attributes the phenomenal growth to
taking the Lord's Great Commission BUS DRIVERS - Pictured ore the bus drivers involved in o busing ministry thot
seriously. hos proved exceptionally successful at the Illinois church where Rev. David J.
Rev. Barton served three and a half Barton, a 1969 graduate of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, is serving as
years as pastor of the Belmont Heights assistant pastor. Sunday school attendance at the Somonauk Baptist Temple
(Chicago, Ill.) Evangelical Free Church has reached as high as 819 in a town with a population of 1,100.
before going to Somonauk as assistant high day was March 11, with an at­ have been saved and baptized.
pastor. He feels the ideas used at Som­ tendance of 819, with 484 (59%) rid­ What about your church? A bus min­
onauk could well be adopted by many ing the buses. Just three months ago, istry requires a lot of work and plan­
rural area Evangelical Free Church con­ December, 1972, the Sunday School ning. But it is work which brings eternal
gregations to increase their outreach. average attendance was 580, with 340 results. "For God is not unrighteous to
Here is how they do it: weekly on the buses. forget your work and labour of love,
The church has found several fac­ As a result of the bus ministry, peo­ which ye have showed toward his
tors have contributed to its success. ple are getting saved weekly. Hundreds name . . . " Hebrews 6: 10. 0
These include: I) obeying all the ac­
tions in the Great Commission (Matt­
hew 28: J 9-20); 2) Sunday School
teachers who are trained and are liv­
ing separated lives; 3) soul winning
visitation; 4) promotional incentives;
5 ) buildings; 6) planning for crowds;
7) graded children's churches and, 8)
an altar call.
The bus ministry is an effective way
to carry out the Great Commission.
Somonauk Baptist Temple now uses 17
buses with 14 bus routes weekly. The
buses are used for Sunday school,
church, Sunday evening and Wednesday
evening. There is a combined Awana
Club, prayer meeting and preaching ser­
vice on Wednesday.
The seventeen buses include six vans,
four of which are owned by individuals,
but have the church name on them.
The longest route is about 25 miles
in one direction from the church. Folk
are picked up in 25 towns or villages
now as well as many in the rural areas. INDEPENDENCE DAY JULY 4, 1973
Most of the buses are parked at the Psalms 33: 12-22 from The LIVING BIBLE
driver's home and are driven in from Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, whose
there. The bus captains are required to
visit all their regular riders and attempt people he has chosen as his own. The Lord gazes
to enlist ten new riders every Saturday down upon mankil).d from heaven where he lives. He
- three hours of visitation is required. has made their hearts and closely watches every­
The organized bus ministry began in thing they do. The best-equipped army cannot save
May, 197 J, after Dr. Wally Beebe gave a king-for great strength is not enough to save
his bus lecture. The average Sunday anyone. A war horse is a poor ri$k for winning vic­
School attendance for the three months tories-it is strong but it cannot save. But the eyes
prior to that date was 360 weekly. Now of the Lord are watching over those whc fear him,
the church is constantly bringing in who rely upon his steady love. He will keep them
more than that number on the buses from death even in times of 1amine ! We depend
A glance at these statistics will show
upon the Lord alone to save us." Only he can help
how the bus ministry has enlarged the us; he protects us like a shield. No wonder we are
church's outreach. The first ten Sundays happy· in the Lord! For we are trusting him. We
of 1973, the average attendance in Sun­ trust his holy name. Yes, Lord, let your constant
day School was 683 a week, with 374 love surround us, for our hopes are in you alone.
(55%) weekly coming in on buses. The
JUNE 26, 1973 9
The Lord


ny vacationer who comes to
Chocolate Town, U.S.A., to en­
joy the amusement park, to tour
the brand new Chocolate World ex­
hibit center, to play on one of the
five golf courses, or to camp at one
of the many camp sites in the area,
should stop by Cocoa and Chocolate
Avenues to sense the working of the
Lord as He builds one of His earthly
A first-timer to the Evangelical
Free Church of Hershey, Pa., is greet­
ed by a warm, firm hand shake. Then
in the morning Bible study hour he
feels excitement as pupils learn verses
of Scripture in-depth from questions,
answers, and explanations. After the
service, the newcomer is welcomed
by smiling faces and hears on many
lips, "Praise the Lord!"
These are common words heard at
the corner of Cocoa and Chocolate
Avenues as people from the Hershey
area gather in the Community Center
for church.
Why? Because these people who
form the Evangelical Free Church in
Hershey have reason to praise the
Lord. They can say, "The Lord hath
done great things for us whereof we
are glad," because in a short year
and seven months He has built a local
church in Chocolate Town, U.S.A.
The Lord began with only 15
building blocks. In October and No-
the Lord's designing hand. and praise services, moving baptis­
"Before all of this had begun my mals in the Community Center pool,
family and I were praying about a the recently added radio and bus
church or Bible study in which we ministries. These, too, have brought
could become involved. We found people to the church on the comer of
this group." Chocolate and Cocoa.

Builds A
"Then one day, I got a letter from
�me Hansen, Eastern District Super­ . , A third observer might say, "No,
1t s 1?-�t the pastor, �or the programs,
mtendent for the Evangelical Free but 1t s the personahty of the services
Church of America, asking if I was that brings people. You see " they
the man who had contacted him about might explain, "the church d�es not
starting a church." �ave . a traditional Sunday morning
"It wasn't me," Brontsema said, hturg1cal, lecture-sermon service. In­

House In
"but the Lord used it to make this stead the Sunday morning service is
Bible study part of the denomination. a study hour with Pastor Dave teach­
To this day Ame doesn't know where ing, asking questions, drawing the
he got my name. But," he concluded lesson from audience response."
"we feel it was direct leading froni · But, most regular attenders would
the Lord." insist that neither the pastor, nor the

Town, USA
This and other examples of clear pro�ams, nor the personality of the
guidance indicated to the group that services can generate and maintain
God's voucher was on this His house. excitement in people.
Soon the number multiplied again "The growth has been spontaneous,
and a larger place was needed. It was
felt that the Community Center Build­ �ot programmed," Pastor Martin said.
People are excited about the per­
ing, in the very heart of Hershey at sonal wealth that they have found in
by Marcia Rae Plepgrass the comer of Chocolate and Cocoa
editor of The Hershey Star Jesus Christ. They have experienced
Avenues, would be an ideal place to the revolutionizing character of the
hold church services and Sunday Gospel and want to share that with
school classes. After several attempts others."
and some initial discouragements the Thus, through people - not pro­
vember, 1971, 15 residents of the Lord moved again and the tl'oors grams, nor personality, nor the pas­
Hershey area, and a few medical stu­ opened widely. tor - the Lord has built a local
The first Sunday morning study
� dents from the Milton S. Hershey church, His house, in Chocolate
Medical School of Pennsylvania State hour in the Center was on Palm Sun­ Town. Individual excitement shared
University, met in a home for Bible day, 1972. Attendance immediately with others has multiplied numbers.
study. jumped to over 100. From Palm Sun­
day, 1972, until Palm Sunday, 1973, Recently, the church purchased
The Builder sparked interest among numbers multiplied to over 300. 10.8 acres of land in Hershey. It was
the group to start an evangelical work dedicated to the Lord on June 3,
in Hershey. A Christmas buffet was The group expanded to fill two because they are sure that "unless the
planned to take a thermometer read­ !arge meeting �ooms on Sunday mom­ Lord build the house, they labor in
ing of interest in the community. To mgs and the Little Theatre, also in the vain that build it."
that buffet the Lord brought over 60 Center, on Sunday evenings.
Then early in May, 1973, because Reading the thermometer of the
building blocks and the mercury read­ Holy Spirit's leading, a building pro­
ing indicated high interest. �f additional .growth, the group of be­ gram is projected in the next six
Thus, Sunday school began in Jan­ lievers was given the use of the Little
Theatre for both services. months. But, the church in Hershey
uary, 1972, with seven adults and has been and will be built with peo­
eight children. In the next two months An onlooker could attribute the
growth to the exceptionally young in­ ple, not with bricks.
"the Lord added to the church such Since the Lord bro_ke ground in
as should be . . ." And by the end tellig�nt and interesting pastor, Dave
of this time about 50 people were �artm. PB:stor Dave, as h!s congrega­ •October, 1971, the church has not
meeting for Sunday school and Bible tion affectionately calls him, is a re­ met in a regular church building with
stud� hour. !he group then began an cent graduate of Trinity Evangelical steeple, stained glass windows and
evening service. Divinity School. plush pews. It has met in homes in
All services up to this time were The Lord brought him, his wife. the Hershey Fire. Hall and in 'the .
held in homes, but the group outgrew Sharon, and their son, Eddie, to the Community Center. There has not
the homes. New Testament multipli­ Central Pennsylvania area just when been a building, so the church has
cation prompted a move. So the eve­ the Evangelical Free Church of Her­ been people.
ning service was held in the Hershey shey needed assistance with teaching. According to Pastor Martin that is
Fire Hall. There the Lord raised the And Pastor Martin's verse-by-verse what a biblical church is, "a fellow­
number of believers to 75. searching of Scripture has been a ship of people who are God's repre­
Through the entire six months of factor in drawing people to the sentatives on earth."
) building the Lord was obviously the church. And as any vacationer who stops in
� Architect and Construction Engineer On the other hand, someone else will see, that is the kind of house the
of this Hershey church. might attribute increasing numbers to Lord has built in Hershey, a fellow­
John Brontsema, one of· the origi­ church programs - the music, youth ship of God's representatives to Choc­
nal 15, related one of the signs of meetings, Wednesday evening prayer olate Town, U.S.A. •
JUNE 26, 1973 11
the cause of Christ and His church?
The divinity school, for instance, is �
the source of pastors and Christian (
Lives of Trinity Graduates education leaders for new churches ·- .,,,
for our growing denomination and for

Represent Limitless Potential

pastors needed to replace men who
retire or who finish their earthly days
and are (praise God!) eternally with

imitless potential! The Evangelical Free Church of These are not men who doubt or
This was one of the strong America can and should have · tre­ waver. They are· men of conviction,
mental impressions received while mendous pride in its schools - but who know and preach the living Word
sitting in the beautiful Presbyterian little complacency. Trinity College, of God. Can we, dare we, be guilty
Church of Deerfield, Ill., for the 76th Trinity Evangelical Divinity School of possibly retarding or reducing this
annual commencement of Trinity and Trinity Western College face, flow of graduates? This is the living
Evangelical Divinity School. year-by-year, a constant struggle to water that the world so desperately
remain afloat financially. In spite of needs. We have the high honor and
These young men (121) and wo­ our Lord's commands regarding deep responsibility to make sure the
men (two) have been trained at a worry, it is difficult for school admin­ river does not dry up.
divinity school that was described by istrators and leaders to avoid some It has been estimated giving of
commencement speaker Dr. Colin nagging concern as they see bills $15 per year per member of the
Brown of Trinity College, Bristol, mounting and bank balances dimin­ Evangelical Free Church would am­
England, as "second to none in the ishing. ply provide for the needs of our
world." A distinguished Presbyterian lay­ schools. Is it worth $15 to you to
They are grounded, settled and man, Reuben Charles Rolfing, chair­ make certain that they are able to
trained in the faith of the Lord Jesus man of the board of the Wurlitzer continue the educational task they are
Christ, equipped to proclaim, teach Co., was so impressed by the quality now accomplishing so admirably?
and live the Gospel. We can certainly of the Christian education provided There may be a Moody or a
trust that God has among them many by Trinity that he and his wife have Graham or a Finney among the class
who will be used by Him in a remark­ donated funds for construction of a of 1973. There may simply be just
able way to reach the world for new divinity school library, which many fine and well trained graduates
Christ. will be named the James Rolfing who will be used in this country and
Even a modest mental projection is Memorial Library in honor of the around the world in quieter but no
cause for giving praise and thanks to late son of the Rolfings. Jess glorious ministries.
God for Trinity, and for asking our­ There is certainly cause to praise But one thing is certain. This is a _ ,
selves what we should be doing , to God for the witness Trinity has been river of God's love that must be -en­
make certain that it continues to send to this generous couple and for the couraged to flow throughout this
forth the "word of life" through high­ way He has moved them to help. But needy world bearing the redemptive
ly motivated and thoroughly trained there is also cause for self-examina­ message of Jesus Christ and the sal­
graduates. tion. Does the Evangelical Free vation that can be found alone in
Suppose, for instance, that each of Church constituency have the re­ Him.
the. 74 master of divinity graduates sources to adequately support its "Therefore to him that knoweth to
went into the pastoral ministry and schools - institutions which are true do good, and doeth it not, to him it
that each preached to an average of to the Word of God and remain as is sin." (James 4:17) We know that
only 100 listeners each Sunday for shining beacons in an educational the education our Free Church col­
40 years. This would amount to a world darkened by doubt and liber­ leges are providing is· good, and we
total audience of about 15 million. alism? know that it is good that they con­
The above is, of course, just playing There is no doubt whatsoever that tinue to send men and women who
around with fi�es, but it does give we have the ability to keep our love Jesus into the world.
a small and very conservative idea of schools financially sound. The ques­ We. know it is good to help provide
the vast potential for reaching the tion really is - do we have the con­ for the needs of these schools. If we
world for Christ embodied in Trinity's cern and the desire to do so? Have have the resources and neglect this
Class of 1973, the largest in the you ever sat down and thought known good we are accountable be­
school's history. through what these schools mean for fore God for this sin. •
I i.tAVE FA lil-\ Ti.IA,
,AN<frHING. CAN 6E Dc»JE !


''FORE" means you better find
cover because someone has hit a ball

from behind you and it is coming
in your direction. It is a warning to
duck. My "friends" had concluded
that they couldn't drive the ball to

where I was standing, so decided to
hit before I did. When they yelled
"FORE," I ducked, and turned in
time to see the ball land ten yards be­
hind me. I was less than exultant at
their impatience.
When my friends caught up with
us on the 6th tee they apologized for
by H. Bruce Chapman
hitting when they should not have
done so. One of them added a re­
mark, in jest, which burned a bit,
though he did not intend it so.
My friend said, "When I saw that
ball go toward you, I could think of
only one other person I. would rather
not do that to." I knew who the
other person was, but that really
didn't mean anything to me. What
was important was the truth in that
light-hearted comment about me.
Quips have their barbs.

The comment was particularly
penetrating because I was that very
day memorizing the third chapter of

James. In that chapter James des­
cribes what a wise man is like. He

doesn't describe a wise man in terms
of insights into situations, nor know­

ing answers to problems, but in the
f in the spring a young man's fancy was waiting on the fairway to hit my attributes of his character.
turns to love, you know what an second shot toward the green. There In contrast to earthly wisdom,
old golfer's fancy turns to. was another group ahead of us al­ which brings tension, strife, and con­
Though winter had been gentle, it ready on the green, putting. For those fusion, he says, "But the wisdom
did seem long. Now a damp and cool of you unacquainted with golf man­ that is from above is first pure, then
spring had kept the golfers from get­ ners, you always must wait for those peaceable, gentle, and easy to be in­
ting in their early swings. It did mean, ahead to get out of the way so that treated, full of mercy and good fruits,
though, that the fairways would be you do not hit them with the ball. without partiality and without hypoc­
lush and thick when the sun would It is a point of courtesy - as James risy." (James 3: 17)
finally invite us to the course. said, "Let patience have her perfect Was I a wise man? There were
I had earlier in the spring played work." three phrases which stood out to me
on a "pitch and putt" course - when This particular day was trying our in James's description that related to
we did have a few hours of warmth - patience because play was very slow. that quip, ". . . peaceable, gentle,
but had not yet played a full round You are tempted on these occasions and easy to be intreated."
of golf. Now, with the temperature to hit the ball before you should in
your impatience with the foursome In saying that they would rather
in the low 70's and a clear day with not face me after hitting the ball so
little wind, it was more than I could ahead of you. On each tee we had
had extended waiting and sometimes close, they were suggesting that there
resist - though I have been known were more approachable people in the
to succumb to lesser temptation. So, were delayed along the fairways.
I was playing with two friends, world than I. Though that was not
with five other golfers, we got to­ news, it was not good news either.
gether for an afternoon of relaxation. ready to hit to the green, while be­
hind us three other friends were wait­ If I had been one who was "peace­
(Maybe that isn't the most accurate able, gentle, and easy to be intreated,"
word to describe it). ing on the tee for us to get out of
their way. We had all been waiting that insight would have been unneces­
I used to believe that in setting golf four or five minutes, wondering why sary.
handicaps, my swing was my big those ahead of us were not moving. I have concluded that my swing
handicap. Those who. have played Finally, the fifth green cleared and is not my biggest handicap after all.
with me will, I know, be too ready we were able to hit. My two friends But thanks be to God who takes our
to agree. But I was to have another went first and I was just getting lined handicaps and makes them handles
handicap, inadvertently emphasized up when, as I was about to begin my to His holiness. "He who has begun
on this day. Let me tell you about it. backswjng, I heard a mighty a good work in you . . . ."
I had driven from the fifth tee and "FORE!" JESU� IS LORD! •
JUNE 26, 1973 13
by Lorna Anderson How can you satisfy these needs? on the pastor overburdened with min­
Williams Lake, B.C., Canada Is there any new approach-that would isterial duties; on the laymen whose
spark fresh interest? Does the Bible talents are bypassed and allowed to
suggest any answer? lie dormant, and on the church, de­
ave you heard about the young There are several elements to con­ prived of the ministry its members
H missionary who attended prayer sider: could perform for one another.
meeting before leaving for the In considering personnel then, the
field? There were five people present. 1. Personnel - In Acts 13 we
read of the church at Antioch and first thing you can do is to look at
They prayed for travelling mercies for the laymen God has placed in your
his journey, the pastor, the sick and how it had "certain prophets and
teachers," naming five. Was each ac­ congregation and ask what help they
the services. might provide.
Many years later the missionary re­ tive in a different direction, with his
turned home and hurried to the own distinct talent ministering at a 2. Time - To provide a varied
prayer meeting. There in the church certain level to the needs of the con­ slate of services, churches usually
were the same five people praying for gregation? schedule them one at a time on dif­
the missionaries, the pastor, the sick Today, in larger churches, we ex­ ferent nights - young people's, boys'
and the services. tend our services with a minister of and girls' clubs, prayer meeting, mis­
Have you wondered how you could youth, a minister of music, etc., but sionary meetings, choir, etc. This can
make your midweek service more smaller churches are unable to sup­ c'ause problems in chauffering young­
meaningful? You believe prayer and port this extra personnel. The pastor sters back and forth, arranging for
Bible study are important in the is in charge of the total program and baby sitters, and in maintaining fam­
church program, but judging by at­ is expected to be an expert in every ily togetherness.
tendance your present Wednesday­ field. To escape these difficulties, some
night-prayer-and-Bible-study-meeti n g New Testament practice differed churches schedule all meetings con­
is not fulfilling its purpose? from ours in that it made no distinc­ currently, parents and children com­
It may be that, with varied inter­ tion between paid professional church ing to church together and separating
ests and talents and at different stages leaders and self-supporting laymen. for their different activities.
of spiritual development, people re­ "Prophets and teachers" were in An­ 3. Programs - Another weakness
quire different types of midweek pro­ tioch, with no discrimination between in many church schedules is the nar­
grams to meet their particular needs. them. Our method works an injustice row field of subject matter offered to
each age group, as if spiritual needs 6. Personnel Training on the Joh by another church (or even by your
can be classified according to chrono­ - Church members taking part in own drama class.) Above all, plan
logical age. There is prayer-meeting­ teaching will grow in Christian use­ special graduation exercises at regular
and-Bible-study for adults, mission fulness and responsibility; their stu­ intervals.
� circle for ladies, business meetings for dents in turn will be disposed to ac­ What an encouragement to the mis­
men, youth rallies for teens, etc. cept short-term teaching assignments. sionary on furlough to find his church
When do the young people learn how Even teen-agers can teach subjects crowded on prayer meeting night, the
to administer church business? When with which they are familiar. people praying for his needs on the
do the men learn of missionary op­ 7. Procedure - On church college mission field, and studying to take his
portunities and express their mission­ night your members (hopefully most place!
ary concern? What about other areas of them) assemble for the singing of A Christian community college in
of Christian service in need of promo­ a hymn, announcements and prayer your church - why not? •
tion and participation? requests. Retiring to their classrooms, Appendix: Some suggested topics for
4. A New Approach - In secular each group starts with a short season short-term courses - Old Testament Bible
life there is a new development in of prayer. This could be as effective Studies (or other concentrated Bible stud­
adult education: the community col­ as your present prayer meeting ses­ ies), Sunday School Teacher Training
Courses, Child Evangelism Methods, Crc­
lege offering numerous short-term sions. ativc Writing, Christian Journalism, Church
courses. In the classes, the Bible, if not the Growth Seminar, Personal Evangelism
There is good Scriptural basis for basic textbook, is at least the basic (Courses offered by Campus Crusade, the
having something like this in the reference book, its principles and Navigators, and others),
church, even the small church. Jesus' practices always the court of appeal Bible Memory courses (Courses offered
followers for three years were called in discussions. This leads to much by Bible Memory Association and others),
"disciples," an old-fashioned word for practical Bible study. Laubnch Literncy Methods, Choir, Band,
"students;" they called Him "Mas­ Music Lessons (voice, piano, organ, other
8. Special Considerations - Some instruments), Art. (How many Christian
ter," the old-fashioned term for "Pro­ special arrangements have to be made. people are taking art classes in their spare
fessor." The number of students regis­ The nursery needs to be supervised. time, unaware of the need for their talents
tered in His school was 12, and vary­ You need to shorten class periods as illustrators for Christian publications),
ing numbers of outsiders "audited the for younger children and add a recre­ Handcrafts (for kindergartens, Vacation
course" from time to time. ational program or story-telling ses­ Bible Schools, etc.), Home and Practical
5. A Suggested Application - sion for half the time. Nursing, Elementary Library Science, First
Checking with the Antioch church A potluck supper arrangement can Aid. Public Speaking, Business Adminis­
again, we find that some prophesied, get all classes off to an earlier start. tration, Bookkeeping for Christian Steward­
ship, Missionary Principles and Practices)
some taught, and all served, practiced 9. ExJ>cnscs - Students provide Foreign Languages and Linguistics, Ele­
self-denial and prayed. their own notebooks and materials. mentary Cabinet Mnking (learning while
J Every church has members quali­ You may charge a small fee to cover making furnishings for the church), Home
fied to teach in one or more fields. expenses beyond the church budget. Management, Cooking on a Budget, Sew­
None may have the time to devote to A self-supporting project is often ing for the "Missionary Barrel". Secretar­
teaching on a permanent basis, but taken more seriously and is more ben­ ial Skills, Sports and Sportsmanship, De­
some may agree to teach a series of eficial than one offered gratuitously. fensive Driving (and traits of character
four to twelve classes. that make for the safe driver), Archaeology
10. Special Occasions - Once in and the Bible. Bible-Science, The Chi istian
The studies for which you have a while you can plan or take advan­ Approach to Psychiatry, Drama, Christian
teachers available can be posted on tage of a special feature for everyone Insight into Philosophy, Prophecy for To­
your bulletin board with space un­ together: a visiting missionary, a col­ day, Our Christian Literary Heritage (Swift,
derneath for signatures. With ten or lege choir, a seasonal drama presented Defoe, Milton, etc.) 0
twelve a class may be started. There
need be no age restrictions.
Having all classes short-term, no
one is committed to any one topic for
too long. After a series is completed,
students may sign up for another in a
different subject, or for more pro­
gressive studies in the same line, or by a Servant
they may take a break for a while.
On completion of each course, Patience that keeps me waiting on Him,
award a certificate to show tangible
accomplishment. You can give a cer­ :Remembrance that keeps me alert to needs,
tificate of achievement when work is
completed or learned; or of attend­ 'llttitudes that keep me responsive to God's will,
ance if achievement falls short, but
classes were attended faithfully. Yearning that keeps me corning to Him for help,
Under this program you can have
classes suitable for even the youngest 'Enthusiasm that keeps my relationship to Him alive,
children (such as a Bible memoriza­
:Results that keep me aware of His power and concern
r tion series). Anyone may request a
topic, and if others are interested,
doubtless you can find someone to
teach a short course on the subject.
JUNE 26, 1973 15
PASTOR HONORED-Pastor Otto Larsen was
honored by the congregation of Bethany
Evangelical Free Church, LoCrosse, Wis., at a
surprise party in honor of his 80th birthday
following the evening service Moy 6. Mrs.
NEW CHURCH STARTED - The congregation at Pittsfield, Moss., met in Larsen is shown with her husband, who serves
gratitude to God on a recently purchased three acre site for a Moy ground­ the Bethany church as visitation pastor. He
breaking service marking the start of work on a new church building. Pastor pastored the church for 27 years and was
Frederick Peters, right, is pictured with some of the participants. Robert its first pastor. Since retirement he hos also
Thoresen of Concord, Moss., represented the Eastern District Association. served the Calvary Free Church, Spring
Grove, Minn. The lorsens celebrated their
50th anniversary in November.

PASTOR ORDAINED - Rev. Jerry Foote was

ordained to the ministry June 1 at Trinity
LAND PURCHASED - The Evangelical Free ORDINATION HELD-The ordination to the Evangelical Free Church, Stanton, Mich. Dr.
Church of Son Jose, Calif., is rejoicing in Gospel ministry of Rev. Poul F. Platte Jr. took Norman Erickson, Trinity professor, gave the
the purchase, debt-free, of 10 acres of hill­ place at the Crystal lake, Ill., Evangelical Free installation message. Those pictured, all of
side land and is planning to relocate to the Church. Pictured following the service were, whom took port in the impressive service,
new site as soon as possible. Participating in a from left, John Gobel, church chairman; Rev. were, from left, Rev. Enoch Olson, Rev. Ches­
deed presentation ceremony held in Moy Forrest Thorsby, Rev. and Mrs. Poul F. Platte, ter Fronzke, Rev. Poul Snuffer, Mrs. Foote,
were, from left, Poul Shannon, building com­ Rev. Aaron Jaeger, pastor, Rev. Philip Weiss, Dr. Norman Erickson, Rev. Jerry Foote, Fronk
mittee chairman; Pastor Marvin K. Francine, Poul F. Platte Sr. and R. Deon Smith, district Brandle, church chairman, and R. Deon Smith,
and Dole Cook, finance committee chairman. superintendent. district superintendent.
DR. OLSON REPORTS-A special report from
Israel to the National Association of Evangeli­
cals was brought by Dr. Arnold T. Olson, for­
mer NAE president and president of the Evan­
gelical Free Church of America, to the 31st
annual NAE convention in Portland, Ore. Dr.
Olson was invited by the Israeli government
to meet with key officials there prior to NAE's
convention to assure Christians of America of
continued religious freedom in Israel.


Roesler, front center, 1973 graduate of
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, was
HEADING FOR SPAIN - David Esau of installed as pastor of the Albion, Minn.,
the Prince George, B.C., Evangelical Evangelical Free Church on June 10.
Free Church is under appointment to Taking part in the service were Church
Spain with The Evangelical Alliance Chairman Charles Walters, former pas­
Mission. He was ordained recently dur­ tor Carl G. Nicholson, District Superin­
ing a missionary conference at the tendent Lester E. Nelson, Assistant Su­
Prince George church. perintendent Mervin 0. Seashore, and
Pastor Walter Eriksen of Waseca, Lyn­
don Roesler's home church.

ORGANIST HONORED - Mrs. Gena Birkeland, who has been church

organist and has attended faithfully at the Bethany Evangelical
Free Church of Houston, Minn., for more than 40 years, was
· honored with a "This Is Your Day" program at a Sunday morning
worship service followed by a fellowship dinner.

DIX HILLS INSTALLS - Sunday, June 3, was FAITH IN FORT COLLINS - Dedication of
a day of rejoicing for the Dix Hills, N.Y., the new Faith Evangelical Free Church, Ft.
INSTALLATION HELD - The congregation Evangelical Free Church as Rev. Dwight Collins, Colo., was held May 27. Among
of the First Latin Church, Brooklyn, N.Y., Hodne, formerly of Libertyville, Ill., was in­ those participating were, from left, Tom Mc­
conducted an installation service for their stalled as pastor. He is a graduate of Trinity Millen, church chairman; Hollis Campain,
new pastor, Rev. Felix Mata on Sunday, Evangelical Divinity School and he and his building chairman, Pastor Leroy Grimm, Mrs.
June 3. Rev. John Johnsen, Rev. Enrique wife were converted through the ministry of E.V. Streed, wife of the late Rev. Streed,
Millan, Dr. E. Lopez Cele and District Super­ the Free Church. In the photo, from left, are second pastor at Ft. Collins; Jack Olson, song
intendent A. B. Hansen shared in the service. District Superintendent A.B. Hansen, Mrs. leader; Rev. Gordon Gustafson, first pastor,
The photo shows Rev. Hansen welcoming Hodne, Rev. Hodne and John Egland, church and District Superintendent Virgil Nyberg,
Pastor and Mrs. Mata and their four sons. chairman. who gave the dedication message.
is the radio staff in
Venezuela, men and
women anxious to keep
the Gospel going out
Dr. Lester P. Westlund over the airwaves.
Standing, from left,

Don't Look Back! are Eunice de Polanco,

W i I f o r d Anderson,
Nancy Anderson, Mar­
by Bert and Vernes Johnson go Matson and Bert
Evangelical Free Church missionaries Johnson. Seated is Ra­
dio Pastor Manuel
in Venezuela
We didates,
were starry-eyed missionary can­
eager to get to Venezuela
for our first term, when Rev. Ken

Around the World in 30 Days

Meyer preached that sermon nearly 10
years ago. He was right. There is noth­
ing to be gained by re-hashing the past.
Still, there is a type of looking back
needed to gain perspective for the fu­ and the impact it had on a pastor's life & ministry
ture. Nearly four years ago ground was
broken and what was once a mission
storeroom turned into a beautiful, top R ev.Evangelical
Paul Thompson, pastor of the
Free Church of Liberty­
heart of God." This was my experi­
ence while in India. My heart was
broken, not only in India but every­
quality recording studio. Only a few ville, Ill., recently completed a 30-day
months ago that building, a result of trip around the world, visiting mission­ where I went. I think I know how our
the National WMS project of 1961, was aries in a number of countries, plus Lord must have felt when he saw
dedicated. visiting London, Frankfort and J eru­ the multitudes and being moved with
Don't look back! Right! But learn salem. compassion He said, "There is a
from past mistakes we must! For some Pastor Thompson originally respond­ great harvest, but few workers to
crazy reason the history of the radio ed to an invitation to preach in India. gather it in. Pray to the owner of
ministry here in Venezuela is one of When he arrived there it was evident the harvest that he will send out more
ups and downs. Because funds on a the Holy Spirit had gone before and workers to gather in his harvest." I
month-to-month basis have been inade­ prepared the way. Many respondeo to asked myself again and again, "How
quate, the radio ministry has virtually the invitation to receive Christ as are these teeming multitudes going
had to close up shop every four or five Savior. This was a never-to-be-forgotten to be reached? Are we too late with
years, waiting for a balance to build experience for Pastor Thompson. too little? Does the church, the Evan­
enough to permit growth and top speed He also visited Evangelical Free gelical Free Church have what it
production. No business in the world Churches in Malaysia/Singapore, Hong takes? Does it make any difference
would run that way! Should God's busi­ Kong, Japan, the Philippines and Hon­ in my stewardship, sacrifice and liv­
ness? Of course not! Right now we are olulu. He returned home with a new ing in this closing day of God's
seeing an openness to the Gospel via vision of the great needs in the world Grace?" A. H. Strong penned these
mass media never before witnessed in and the lostness of man without Christ. words. He asks, "What are churches
Venezuela. This is the time to MOVE In his letter to us, Pastor Thompson for?"
FORWARD, to increase programming. says the following impressions were What are churches for
This is the time to REAP! deeply made in his own life as a result But to make missionaries!
But we can't unless adequate financ­ of this trip: What is education for
es are available. Three years ago a bud­ 1. 'THE POWER OF PRAYER But to train. them!
get of $1,000 per month was set as a In India Christians met daily at 5:30 What is commerce for
goal for the radio ministry. We have a.m. and also in the afternoon for But to carry them!
never quite reached that goal. Mean­ special prayer. My church and stu­ What is money for
while, prices have risen sharply, and dents at Trinity were also praying. But to send them!
the value of the dollar has decreased Cortland Myers summed it up when What is life itself for
IO per cent or more. What we're trying he said, "If prayer is anything, it is But to fulfill the purpose of
to do is impossible with these 1973- everything; if it is true, it is the missions-
sized dollars. greatest truth." The enthroning of Jesus Christ
DON'T LOOK BACK! But it was in the hearts of men..
hard to board that plane on June 2 for 2. THE POWER OF GOD'S WORD
furlough and fly away from our co­ God has promised His church that Our Lord promised victory to every­
workers in radio, knowing the treasurer in the battle for the souls of men a one who loves Him. "We are more
was holding less than enough for two powerful weapon is at our disposal, than conquerors through Him that
months operating expenses. Well, we the Sword of the Spirit which is the loved us." (Romans 8:37) God
won't look back. We'll go forward con­ Word of God. (Ephesians 6: 17) brings about victory through human
fidently, knowing our Lord will supply Night after night I witnessed the instruments, through people like you
the money needed for the radio work. power of God's Word as many were and me. I met some of these human
We know our Lord will provide even convicted of sin, righteousness and instruments, namely, our missionaries
in these Lean. Summer Months; these of judgment. (Romans 1: 16)
around the world. These richly de­
months that always eat up the balances 3. THE PRIVAT/ON OF WORK- serve our prayers and our financial
and leave the treasurer rather frantic. ERS support. Victory is assured! Praise
We know God will supply. But don't I heard someone make this request the Lord!
be surprised if He decides to supply to God, he said, "Lord, break my Rev. Paul Thompson
those needs THROUGH YOU. O heart with the things that break the Libertyville, Illinois O
Two missionaries have lost loved
ones in · recent days. Robert. Tuttle of �--- _J STEWARDSHIP
Venezuela. returned home when his
uncle, who had raised him, Robert An­ ?;
derson, passed away. The mother of Rev. Darrel o. Stark
Dr. William Colby of Zaire has also Rev. Marlin Jones
passed away. We covet your prayers for Think About It!
these in this hour of loss.
Youth Invited to
Attend Christmas Out of this life I shali never take
Miss Vera Ewoldt, missionary teacher Things of silver and gold I make.
at Faith Academy in Manila, has re­
turned home for furlough. Miss Marion
Retreat in Europe All that I cherish and hoard away
After I leave, on earth m�t stay.
Fry, missionary teacher in the American
School in Cebu City, Philippines, has Rev.FCYFers
Dave Heinrichs has invited
to visit the Youth Retreat
Though I have toiled for a painting
also returned home. at Reutte, Austria. This retreat was To hang on my wall, I must leave it
A large number of missionaries from the 1972 FCYF project. We want to there.
Venezuela have arrived home or are take 25-30 youth to Europe for Christ­ Though I call it mine and boast of its
enroute at this writing. This list includes mas vacation. worth,
Miss Marjorie Johnson, Miss Norma We will visit London, England, and I m·ust give it up when I quit the earth.
Andreasen, the Will Andersons, the Munich and Augsburg, Germany. We All that I gather and all that I keep,
Herman Matsons, the Dan Eeks, the will attend a Free Church for Sunday I must leave. behind when I fall asleep.
Bert Johnsons and Miss Charlotte John­ evening services Dec. 23, and then go And I wonder often what I shall own
son. to the Retreat on Monday. You'll be In that other life, when I pass alone.
able to ski, toboggan or visit a castle. What shall they find and what shall
The Harry Prins family has arrived We will also go to Switzerland the week
from Japan for furlough. All of these they see
of December 24-30. The retreat plans In the soul that answers the call for me?
will be appearing in missionary con­ will be formulated by our missionaries
ferences and other services across North Shall the great Judge learn, when my
on the field. We will return home task is through
America during the next year. We trust Dec. 31.
their furloughs will be relaxing and re­ That the spirit had gathered some
Over the weekend several German riches, too?
warding. 0 youth will be at the retreat. This is an
opportunity to see a mission field, meet
Or shall at the last it be mine to find
missionaries, and get to know Christian
'That all I had worked /or I'd left
interesting and blessed service of
took place Sunday
brothers and sisters of Germany. Plan
NOW and fill out this form. The ap­
proximate cost for the tour, December
by Edgar A. Guest

evening, May 20, for Robert and Althea 20-31 will be $675, including air fare, PAPERBACKS RECEIVED
Carey, missionaries ·to the Philippines. meals, lodging, and other pertinent
items. 157 More Fun To Do Handcrafts, by
The service took place in Mrs. Carey's Eleanor Doan. Zondervan. $1.25.
home church in Hope, Kansas, with I am interested in this tour to the I Found God In Soviet Russia, by John
many of her relatives attending. Germany Youth Retreat. Enroll me Noble. Zondervan. 95¢
Dr. Lester Westlund brought the now • Please send more informa­ Let's Read The Old Testament, by Ray­
message and· presented the papers to the tion mond Brown. Christian Literature. $1.75.
Name�----------­ Prayers For Every Occasion, by Don
Careys, who will be returning to the Sanford. Zondervan. 75¢
Philippines for their third term shortly Address -----------
City/State/Zip _________ I Talk Back To The Devil, by A. W.
after the annual conference. Galen, who Tozer. Christian Pub. $1.25.
attends Trinity College, will remain in Manhood With Meaning, by Richard
the States. Return to: Christian Education Halverson. Zondervan. 95¢
Department Spaced Out And Gathered In, by Jerry
1515 East 66th Street Halliday. Revell. 95¢
ED WOODBURYS RECOMMISSIONED Minneapolis, MN 55423 0 Changed By Beholding Him, by Newton
C. Conant. Christian Literature. $1.50.
The Ed Woodburys, who will be going The Book Of Numbers, by Kenneth B.

I to Venezuela, to work in the Press Jones. Baker. $1.95.
while Norma Andreasen is on a brief On Bumping Into God, by Kenneth F.
furlough, were commissioned May 20 in Hall. Warner. $2.50.
The Arab Israeli Struggle, by Charles
the First Evangelical Free Church of F. Pfeiffer. Baker. 95¢
St. Paul. After the brief time in Vene­ What Is ft all about? What does
ft mean when a person says, ''I've Christian Prisoners In Russia, by Rose­
zuela, the Woodbury's will go to Costa mary Harris. Tyndale. $1.25.
Rica for language studies before return­ been saved"? Does it sound like Who'd Be A Missionary?, by Helen
ing to Venezuela as regular missionaries. some kind of super-religious talk? Morgan. Christian Literature.
Rev. Wesley Gustafson brought the mes­ The Bible uses the word very often. The Jesus People Speak Out, by Ruben
sage at the commissioning service and If you don't know what it means to Ortega. David C. Cook. 95¢
presented the papers. be saved, fill out the coupon below Studies In The Gospel Of John, by
O Horatius Bonar. Zondervan. $1.95.
and send ft In, we'll be happy to
explain It to you. The Bible And Pastoral Care, by Wayne
1'laD1e ---------� B. Oates. Baker. $2.45.
Bible Quizzes And Puzzles, by Helen
"Let all those that seek thee Street Pettigrew. Baker. $1.50.
rejoice and be glad in thee: let City, State, Zip ------- Did Man Just Happen, by W. A. Cris­
such as love thy salvation say well. Zondervan. 95¢
continually, The Lord be mag­ Send to: Evangelical Beacon, 151S Give Up Your Small Ambitions, by
E. 66th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Michael C. Griffiths. Moody. $1.95.
nified." Psalm 40:16 Praise The Lord Anyway, by Frances
Gardner Hunter. Warner 95¢ O
JUNE 26, 1973 19

[ill [f]
Dr. Colvin 8. Hanson

AREA IS CLEARED - This area looked like o jungle two weeks earlier, but is
being transformed into o pork by six students ot Trinity Western College who
are working under on Opportunities for Youth grant.

Beautification Project Underway at TWC

On May 14, six Trinity Western the Campus. In Canadian history, James
students began a beautification project McMillan discovered the mouth of the
on the front area of the Campus. They Fraser River on a portage between the
are working under an Opportunities for Nicklemackle River and the Salmon
Youth Grant. These grants are awarded River. The Salmon River runs through
to young people in order to create em­ the lower portion of the College Cam­
ployment opportunities and to provide pus.
benefits for the community. The Langley community and TWC
HARD AT WORK - Bonnie Austring,
The six members of the McMillan will both have access to the picnic sites.
Regino, Saskatchewan, heads o beauti­ Park Project were all students at Trinity Also, the students plan a scenic walk­
fication project which will create a Western this past year: Bonnie Austring, way, lined with flowers, shrubs, and
lovely new scenic and picnic area Regina, Saskatchewan; Dan Collins, rocks along the Salmon River.
along the Salmon River at the Trinity Langley, B.C.; Pauline Harder, Abbots­ Upon your next visit, alumni and
Western College campus. ford, B.C.; Jim Lee, Vancouver, B.C.; visitors, we hope you will like the new

things especially concern me these Mark Neufeld, Cloverdale, B.C.; and wrappings of Trinity Western. McMil­
weeks. One is the volume June Schultz, Chilliwack, B.C. lan Park and the proposed lakes will
of applications in relation to available The park focal point is the McMillan help greatly to enhance the beauty of
space in the dormitories and in our monument on Glover Road, parallel to the area. --Signed-The Busbwackers.
classrooms next fall. This does look
most encouraging at this writing! With
the largest returning class we have ever tion which really must come out in the
had, the prognosis for a modest increase black, as we simply do not have un­
in the size of our student body is op­ limited borrowing power and opportun­ Same Folks-New
timistic. ities.
However, we well know that we really I want to challenge you to exercise Place of Service
don't know where we are on this until your faith with us in expectation of The Evangelical Beacon, with this
our students have actually arrived. Also, another miracle here at Trinity Western issue, is starting a new service to read­
every year we do get sizeable numbers College. The miracle of another fiscal ers. We will publish, on a regular basis,
of communications from prospective year in the black! Believe me, at this the new addresses of pastors who have
students throughout the summer. Hence. moment I am cognizant as never before moved. It is hoped this will prove use­
we have learned to count on this and that this requires a miracle. I am grate­ ful to friends who wish to keep in touch
do trust that ,this will be the case again ful that ours is a God of miracles and with them. Our first list of address
this year. we have learned to expect the miracu­ changes follows:
Then, I am also extremely concerned lous. I want to challenge you in the
Rev. R. Wesley Carlson, Box 7, John­
about the volume of our contribution strongest terms I possibly can to expect
the miraculous with us. ston, fa., 50131 (formerly Sarasota, Fla.)
flow day by day. Through April we
were just about right on target in terms If you possibly can make a contribu­ Rev. Jerry Foote, 2333 Atwood, Long­
of what our budget called for in the tion to God's work on this campus this mont, Colo., 80501 (formerly Stonton,
way of general contributions. I had summer that would be great. Perhaps Mich.)
optimistically hoped that perhaps this you can encourage a friend or a Bible Rev. H. Huntley Lagasse, P.O. Box 829,
year our contributions would remain Class or your church to do something. Avalon, Ca. 90704 (formerly 346 Catalina
steady right through the summer. How­ We usually add, in the kind of tone Ave., Avalon)
ever, May saw a decided dip and so far that suggests less value, that if you can't Rev. Frank W. Loewen, Box 102, Tea,
June indicates the same trend. do anything else you can pray. Really, S.D. 57064 (formerly Hector, Minn.)
This means that we are in need not I think it ought to be the other way Rev. Barry Warner, Rt. 3, Box 418,
only of seeing the volume of contribu­ around. Real prayer is no doubt more Brooksville, Fin., 33512 (formerly St.
tions return to normal, but actually difficult than writing out a modest James, Minn.)
increased to above normal if we are to check for most of our constituency.
wind up our eleventh academic year Real prayer would no doubt be the Rev. William Bjork, 6743 Alondra
in the black. As I have said so many, most significant contribution you could Blvd., Paramount, Ca. 90723. O
many times we are the kind of institu- make. May I challenge you to this? O
Bannockburn, Deerfield, Illinois 60015

debt, but exchanges short-term notes

for five-year notes while we work on
the deficit. The loan program stands 1iinJty
at about $600,000. has just received
5. We have cut over half a million a gift for the construction
dollars in building our budget the last of Divinity School faculty
two years - this is too much. offices. Conslruction scheduled to
6. At this moment of writing, we
need approximately $325,000 during start in June.
June, July and August to end our fis­
cal year in the black.
I will be very pleased to answer any
in-depth questions you have on these
essentials. We deeply appreciate your
North Park College
recognition that these are not only the Honors President Evans
problems of the administration or
Board of Directors; these are our uni­ On Sunday afternoon, May 27,
ted responsibility. Thank you for your North Park College celebrated its 80th
President Evans Reports prayers and interest. D annual Commencement exercises, hon­
oring 243 graduates of the college and
Recently a friend was in my office seminary. Harry L. Evans, Trinity's
who was expressing concern about president, was the guest speaker at the
the financial viability and future of Baccalaureate service conducted earlier
our schools. As you know by now, this the same day.
is not an unusual type of discussion; At the afternoon Commencement Ex­
not only because of Trinity's particular ercises, Dr. Evans was one of five men
needs, but because most private schools FROM NORWAY - awarded the honorary degree, Doctor
in America are discussing this topic on Attendance over 500 at first of Laws, LL.B. The others receiving
a continuing basis, in one way or an­ two European Choir Tour concerts. honorary degrees included one layman
other. My friend stated that, although and three clergymen, all active in the
he knows how many times I have spok­ Covenant Church. The Doctor of Laws
en of these matters and we have written recognizes an individual's outstanding
of them to our constituency, he still contribution in a specific area. Dr.
finds in his contacts with our people Annual TEDS Evans was cited for his active participa­
that they do not really understand our tion in the Council for the Advance­
fiscal situation. Baccalaureate Service ment of Small Colleges and on Presi­
After five years as a Board Member The annual TEDS Baccalaureate dent Nixon's five-man commission to
and eight years as an administrator, J Service was conducted on Thursday, study volunteerism across the country,
do not find this to be a great shock - May 3 I, at ten o'clock a.m. in the as well as for the eight years he has
and have developed considerable em­ School of World Mission. The Bac­ spent as President of Trinity College
pathy for the difficulty most anyone calaureate Service marked the final and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
could have at keeping a complex set gathering of the entire divinity school 0
of figures with the tentative variable family for the 1973 school year.
factors clearly in mind. The 1973 Baccalaureate was indeed
It may not hurt to repeat the essence "a family affair." Participants included Highlighting the service was the
of our financial situation: Mrs. Paul Leonard, wife of a TEDS message brought by Rev. David How­
I. Our College students, to put it as New Testament professor; Elizabeth ard. Mr. Howard is a graduate of
simply as possible, pay for their educa­ Fledderjohann, wife of a TEDS stu­ Wheaton College and Wheaton Grad­
tion almost entirely, apart from the dent; and the TEDS Men's Chorus pro­ uate School of Theology. He served
mortgage payments which we make viding organ, vocal solo and choral for 15 years with the Latin America
every year on the College buildings. music selections, respectively. Faculty Mission and is presently on a leave of
2. The Divinity School building in­ members Rev. Carroll Nelson; Dr. absence from the LAM. Mr. Howard
debtedness is much less, but graduate Warren Filkin; Dr. Kenneth Kantzer, is Missions Director of Inter-Varsity
education is more expensive and must Dean; and Dr. Harry Evans, President, Christian Fellowship and Director of
be subsidized much more heavily be­ also took part. IVCF's 1973 Urbana Convention. O
cause of the non-lucrative nature of
ministerial and missionary work. In
contrast, for example, almost no med­
ical schools provide scholarships these

Budget Needs:
days - only loans against the day of
greater income.
3. The accumulated deficit of slight­
ly over a million dollars is a continu­
ing curse to us not only because it
creates cash-flow problems, but be­
cause we must also pay interest to $300,000 needed by
carry it.
4. Our Joan program, now offering
7%, will carry this accumulated de­
August 31 to ba la nee the
ficit when it reaches over a million dol­
lars. This does not take us deeper into budget. ($100,000 per month)
Pastor Carlson and family were hon-
ored in a farewell gathering June 10 r'
with many gifts in appreciation for
over 15 years of service. The Sunday
evening "Request Musicale" was vir-
tually a cavalcade of music to the bless-
ing of all on June 10.
Robert W. Armitage, a home m1ss1ons
appointee to Kentucky, spoke June 10.
The congregation heard Rev. Donald
L. Hamilton from Canton, Ohio, on
June 17. -Trygve Landru. 0

ROCKY mounTArn
Fort Collins Church
Dedicates New
Sanctuary in May
FAREWELL GIFT - District Superintendent Trygve Landru, right, presents a gift LITTLETON, COLO.
from the Southeastern District to Rev. and Mrs. R. Wesley Carlson in recognition Eighteen were baptized June 3. The
of their many years (nearly 16) of dedicated service in behalf of district work. church will again have a summer series
The (orisons, who have been serving the congregation at Sarasota, Fla., will
begin a new ministry July 1 at Johnston, lowo. of Patio Prayer meetings.
SOUTHEASTERn In a day when so many marriages end

in divorce, it is refreshing to see cou­
BOOKS 17 Members Are
ples reach their 50th anniversary and
over. This church family has had three
Received at recent 50th or over anniversaries: Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Motz, 57th, April
Englewood Church 16; Mr. and Mrs. Vic Leeper, 53rd,
A Psychologist Looks at Life, by April 24; and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Har­
Gary R. Collins. Key Publishers. $1.95. ENGLEWOOD, FLA. bert, 50th, June 3.
This is an excellent book from the pen ARVADA, COLO.
of a Trinity Ev. Divinity School Professor, Seventeen more were received into the
Gary Collins. Dr. Collins has the un­ membership in May. Paul Beagle was elected congregation
beatable combination of professional skill GAINESVILLE, FLA. president. The Living Creation Singers
married to orthodox Biblical faith. In his Vince Strawbridge, a student from presented music June 3.
treatment of subjects like anxiety, dis­ Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, is BOULDER, COLO.
couragement, anger, guilt, inferiority, pride, assisting in the church on a summer in­ Dr. David Beckman, president of
loneliness and rigidity, he writes as a pro­ Rockmont College, and Dr. Vernon
fessional well acquainted in his field and ternship program.
brings the light of Scripture to bare in a LAKELAND, FLA. Grounds, president of Conservative
helpful way. Here is help for the Pastoral The local FCLF "kick-off" dinner June Baptist Seminary, conducted a brief
counselor and the layman looking for I 5 featured Pastor Mike Braun of prophetic conference the end of May.
down-to-earih advice on the way life can Gainesville. BROOMFIELD, COLO.
be lived more effectively. Black Evangelist Sam Dalton will hold
-Donald K. Childs O MIRAMAR, FLA.
The church library officially opened special services July 1-3.
Historical Backgrounds of Bible His­ June 10 with many interesting selec­ DENVER, COLO., BELCARO
tory, by Jack P. Lewis. Baker. $3.95. tions. The parsonage recently hosted a Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hoglund, long time
Dr. Lewis is Professor of Bible at Sunday evening "Afterglow" singspira­ members of the church, celebrated
Harding College Graduate School of Re­ tion with refreshments. their 50th wedding anniversary. Two
ligion, Memphis, Tenn. He has degrees members were received.
from Harvard Divinity School and Har­
vard University. The Creation of Life, by A. E: Wilder FORT COLLINS, COLO.
Here is a book aimed at the non-special­ Smith. Harold Shaw. $5.95. The new sanctuary and facilities of the
ist dealing with 63 persons - covering a In The Creation of Life, Dr. Wilder Faith Church were dedicated May 27.
period of about 1,000 years. Biblical and Smith sets forth scientific data that refutes About 260 persons attended. Because
archaeological information are combined in a very commanding way that which is Dr. Arnold T. Olson was unable to
to give a succinct summary of men like being espoused on the high school campus attend because of surgery, Rev. Gor­
Tiglath-pileser Ill, Sennacherib and peo­ and in institutions of higher learning. The don Gustafson, first pastor of the
ple like the Philistines, Edomites and Per­ :iuthor convincingly, by way of a scientific
sians. You will find a good treatment of background, gives abounding evidence for church, spoke in the morning and Su­
N. T. historical figures surrounding the an intelligent design behind the origin of perintendent Virgil Nyberg at the after­
life and times of Christ. life as being more credible than arguments noon dedication service.
You would have to own many volumes presented by those who deny the creationist GRAND JUNCTION, COLO.
to bring together the information set forth view. Redlands Community Church, pastored
in this book of 199 pages, complete with The book is heavy reading am.I would by Rev. Larry Haas, has started "Sun­
footnotes on primary sources, index of best be used by the student with a scientific
Scripture references, names and authors. background, although it could serve a real day Evening Under The Stars" to run
This is a good book for Bible background need for the student who is seeking ;:n­ for nine weeks. Sermons From Science
study. swers from a biblical perspective. -Paul films will be shown in the church
-Donald K. Childs O L. Thompson. D parking lot.
The congregation has welcomed home Mr. and Mrs. Del Norton were hon­ A Commissioning was held for Ruth
Mabel Peterson, a member of the ored June 16 on their 50th anniversary. Turnwall, a missionary from our fel­
church, from Venezuela. Six mem­ BLOOMINGTON, MINN., OXBORO lowship to the children of Norway with
bers have been received and eight per­ Youth Pastor Ron Carlson received his Child Evangelism Fellowship. Pastor
sons baptized. Master of Divinity Degree from Bethel Dennis Johnson and family have been
STERLING, COLO. Seminary on May 27. Fifteen young very well received and enjoy their new
The pastor, Rev. Mark Bodholdt, gave people will be spending two weeks in work.
the morning meditation over a local Mexico this summer doing missionary GRANITE CITY, ILL.
radio station. John and Dorice Neir, work. Miss Laura Martin was guest speaker.
just returned from Hong Kong on fur­ PRINCETON, MINN. She represents Southside Witness to
lough, ministered June 3. A brief series A pre-school Bible school May 14-18 Israel, a group taking the Gospel
of services on revival was held June had an average attendance of 33. message to the Jewish people in
21-23 with Rev. Tom Colley and sev­ WEST BLOOMINGTON, MINN. Chicago.
eral laymen from the Sunnydale Church Sixteen young people graduated from LAKE ZURICH, ILL.
near Flagler, Colo. These were union the Pastor's Bible Instruction Class on Pastor Dwight R. Kennedy will be
services with Grace Bible Church. June 3. A new parsonage has been leaving June 16 for Israel to study at
THE TRINITY WESTERN ENSEM­ purchased. It is located at 11317 Good­ the American Institute of Holy Land
BLE has appeared in many district rich Road. Studies. He has been pastor for three
churches in recent weeks. -Virgil A. years. In his absence, Rev. Robert
Among the graduates of Trinity Evan­ Steeves will be conducting the Sunday
gelical Divinity School receiving Master services at the Free Church. Rev.
noRTH CEnTRAl of Divinity degrees on June 8 were
Nor-th Central District pastors Lyndon
Steeves : 3 an EFC missionary home on
furlough from the Philippines. Eight
Roesler, Albion; William Smith, An­ adults and three young people were
nar·dale; David Lindvall, Richfield; baptized at a lakeside baptismal. Mis­
Lyndon Roesler Is M&rk Wold, St. Paul, First; and Don sionary Conference speakers were:
Installed as Pastor Nydam of Litchville-Valley City, N.D. Rev. Robert Steeves, Philippines, Rev.
Jeff Dangers, Zaire, Rev. Conrad Wil­
At Albion, Minn. -Lester E. Nelson. O cox, TEAM, and Dr. Paul Krishna,
Lyndon Roesler, 1973 graduate of Barrington Boy's The Faurest Bredts from Camp Timber­
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Lee were guest speakers. Pastor Hines
was installed as pastor on June 10, with Witness Brings His was counselor chairman for the Billy
former pastor Carl Nicholson; Walter Graham film ''Time to Run." Over
Eriksen, pastor of Rev. Roesler's home Friend to the Lord 3,500 attended, and 490 were inquirers.
church at Waseca; assistant superinten­ MADISON, WIS., BLACKHAWK
dent Mervin Seashore, and superinten­ BARRINGTON, ILi... The new pastor and family, the Dan
dent Lester E. Nelson taking part. Also Rev. Harold DeVries welcomed 12 Menzers, recently moved to Madison.
present were Mrs. Roesler's parents, members June 3. Superintendent R. MUSKEGON, MICH.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Wagner, from Fair­ Dean Smith was present to present Peter Edward Dondit was born into the
mont and Pastor Roesler's parents, Mr. Shareholders and District work. pastor's family April 25. Congratula­
and Mrs. R. B. Roesler. CANTON, ILL. tions!
BISMARCK, N.D. Andy Beltz, age nine, witnessed to a
Dale Preszler, FCYF president, is go­ friend at school and he came to the RACINE, WIS., FIRST
ing to Bolivia under Teen Missions this parsonage that afternoon to receive the Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Veenstra cele­
summer to assist in building a Bible Lord. On May 20 during the morning brated the fiftieth anniversary of their
Camp. Rev. Edward J. Hales, Director worship, two came forward to confess marriage recently.
of Field Services for NAE, spoke on Christ as Savior. Another accepted the ROCKFORD, ILi...,
May 13. Trudy Stewart is travelling in Lord in the pastor's study after the ser­ FAIRHAVEN CHRISTIAN· HOME
Europe as the accompanist for a musi­ vice. On May 23, Rev. and Mrs. Orla Administrator Marvin Johnson and staff
cal group from Trinity College. Blair, missionaries to Rhodesia under were host to a large group of guests at
CONSTANCE, MINN. TEAM, ministered and at the close of Open House for the new 74-bed
Fourteen were baptized on April 24. the service, four young people said they nursing center, June 3. The new build­
CROSS LAKE, MINN. would serve the Lord in any way He ing looks beautiful, and the conducted
There were 106 in attendance at the wanted for their lives. tours revealed the extensive planning
first Sunday service on May 27. Reg­ CHICAGO, ILL., FIRST and work that has gone into this new
ular services will be held at 11 a.m. Four members were received. Dan Mut­ District enterprise.
each Sunday at the Game and Fish schler, Divinity student at Trinity, SOUTH BEND, IND.
Club on highway 6 through Sept. 30, starts as part-time youth minister July June 3 was our first Sunday in our new
with Dr. Edwin Groenhoff as pastor 1. Sanctuary. Dedication is set for Octo­
and speaker. Sunday school is at CHICAGO, ILL., SOUTH SHORE ber 14.
10 a.m. Radio Broadcast will be held every VILLA PARK, ILL.
LAKEVILLE, MINN., TRINITY Sunday, May - August, 7-8 p.m. on A WMBI Radio Rally at HABC, with
Eleven young people graduated from WMPP, 1470 AM. Robert Neff, Station Manager, assisted
the Pastor's Bible Instruction Class. CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. by Gary Leonard, was held with
MOUN·D, MINN. Two Summer Mission Teams will be special music and a unique slide presen­
Average attendance at the pre-school going out, one to Wisconsin, and one tation.
Bible school May 14-25 was 130. Les­ to Kentucky. WASHINGTON ISLAND, WIS.
sons on "David the Shepherd Boy" CLEAR LAKE, WIS. WMS Silver Tea was held, with Mrs.
were written by Mrs. Chester Hagen, Pastor Gummeson was pianist for the Bruce Helland, missionary to Japan, as
the pastor's wife. United Crusade in Amery June 3-10. speaker. -R. Dean Smith. 0
JUNE 26, 1973 23
Pastor Wally Roseberg was God's
servant to lead a man to the Lord when
the appointment· was to visit the home
Improvement Made (
in the Faith Promise Commitment pro­ At Cody Church
Battle Ground Student gram. The church bud�et w� ove�­
subscribed, but conversions hke this CODY, KY.
Fatally Injured are more valuable by far than money. Wall-to-wall carpeting, new pews and
However, it underscores again that Bib­
In Car-Truck Crash lical preaching and practicing of good
new pulpit, were recently installed.
Many of the pews are in memory of
stewardship is at home with evangelistic some loved one.
RENTON, WASH. outreach. -David E. Enarson. 0 CLEAR CREEK, KY.
Bill Vermillion, who has served as youth On May 20,. two men came forward at
director for Village Free Church, was the morning service, one to be restored
called as an assistant pastor on Sunday,
May 20. He will be giving most of his SOUTH CEnTRAL into fellowship with the Lord, and one
to confess Christ as Savior.
time to the youth emphasis.
BATTLE GROUND, WASH. A new well has been drilled, a gift
Kathleen Bodin, a much appreciated
young person in the Charter Oak Free
San Antonio Ministers from the husband to one of the ladies
who attends the church. The monthly
Church and student at TWC, entered To Needs of Burn district hymn sing was held here on
the Lord's presence very suddenly Sun­
day, May 20, in a truck-car accident. Stricken Family June 3.
We extend our love and prayers to the
Les Bodin family. Earth's loss · is A Mother-Daughter Banquet, in the
DALLAS, TEXAS, NORTHWOOD form of a salad supper, with 30 in at­
heaven's gain, but Kathy will be greatly Mary Ann Anderson and Darrell Ek­
missed by all. tendance, was held in May. Each moth­
dahl were married June 16 at the er received a plant and "A Mother's
SEATTLE, WASH. Northwood Evangelical Free Church. Heritage To Her Daughter." A neigh­
Terry McLaughlin reports three more Darrell is treasurer for the South Cen­ boring pastor's wife gave a challenge
conversions, two teenagers and the tral District. They will live in George­
wife of one of the members at Bethel. based on Phil. 4: 19. The Brashear
town, Texas. Our sincere congratula­ Cousins' Trio, provided special music.
PORT TOWNSEND, WASH. tions, with our prayers for God's rich The fellowship closed by everyone
Groundbreaking for the new addition blessings on this new home! forming a circle and Mrs. Ken Mettler
to Lagoon Nursing Home was May 14. HOUSTON, TEXAS, SPRING VALLEY closing in prayer. The church has be­
Many community officials participated. gun an extensive visitation program.
Faith Promise Pledges for the mission­
CENTRALIA, WASH. Don Hall, a member of the church,
ary conference, over and above the reg­
Sam Mattix, just returned missionary ular giving, were $2,700. Chery Rich­ has graduated from Southland Bible
POW, spoke May 15 at the Puget ard graduated cum laude from Kincaid Institute and is waiting on the Lord
Sound Regional WMS. High School. Congratulations! Two for a call into the ministry. -Helga
SEATTLE, WASH. members were received. A new 16 mm Peterson. 0
The pastor families of the Puget Sound sound projector was purchased ithrough
area held a farewell for Pastor and
Mrs. Flickinger May 29. The Flickin­
gifts in memory of loved ones, including
former pastor, Rev. Ernest Street. At
gers are retiring June 30. They expect
to make their home in Nebraska.
the After Dinner Dinner, an adult only North Platte Setting
fellowship, on May 19, three films
TACOMA, WASH. produced by the After Dinner Players Attendance Records,
Alan Colton, after three years of min­
istry at Elim, tendered his resignation.
were shown. These were: Proverbs,
Stet, and Footnote.
New Sanctuary In Use
He expects to enroll as a Navy Chap­ AUSTIN, TEXAS, TRINITY
lain in October. His wife will live in GOTHEN1BURG, NEB.
California. Earl Weatherford and the Weatherford Ten young people graduated from the
quartet presented an evening of music Pastor's Bible Instruction Class on May
AIRWAY HEIGHTS, WASH. and song on May 24.
An installation service for Harold 27. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Meyers from
Richardson, coupled with a dedication CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS, Zaire participated in Missionary Sun­
service for new furnishings, was held BAYSHORE day services on June 3.
May 23 at Airway Free Church. Each Sunday at Bayshore Evangelical GRAND ISLAND, NEB.
YACOLT, WASH. Free Church the Sunday school teach­ The WMS presented a program at . the
After four years of very good ministry, ers bring a sack lunch and remain after Christian Homes at Holdrege on June 5.
both for the pastor and the congrega­ the morning service for teacher training HOLDREGE, NEB., TRINITY
tion, Pastor Hudson has resigned so classes. Rev. Dick Sisson of Aurora, Neb., spoke
that he might give full time to com­ SAN· ANTONIO, TEXAS, FAIRVIEW at a Men of Trinity dinner. Mrs. Mary
pleting his seminary training. Fairview Evangelical Free Church has Lou Campbell interpreted for Barna
TACOMA, WASH. had the wonderful privilege of minis­ Gbayelemo, a male nurse in our hos­
Pastor Wayne Tanner and Pastor tering to the special needs of a family pital in Zaire, on a recent Sunday eve­
Charles McGee were the talent God that was flown from Lincoln, Neb., to ning.
used for a very successful Faith Prom­ the Burn Center at Lackland AFB, LEXINGTON, NEB.
ise Commitment ·to the total budget where they are undergoing treatment. The John Neirs, missionaries to Hong
of Portland Avenue EFC. Chet Delin, Sadness and sorrow has come with the Kong, ministered May 23. Pastor Jun­
much appreciated member of Portland death of the little boy. The mother was tunen's daughter, Donna, is in Mexico
Avenue, went to be with the Lord sud­ permitted to return to Lincoln for the for summer missionary training.
denly. He died of a heart attack. An funeral, but the father, in critical con­ MARQUETTE, NEB., MAMRE
overflow crowd attended his memorial dition, is still unaware of the death of The Bible Instruction Class of ten mem­
service at the church on May 21. their son. -Paul Buckert. D bers was presented Sunday, May 27.
Darold Hibbs will be in charge of the
youth ministries for the three summer
Another attendance record was broken
Sunday, May 20, with 273 in the morn­
ing worship services. The first service in
the new sanctuary will be on June 17.
Evangelist Boyd Halford, sponsored by
the Oakland Ministerial as part of Key
73, ministered in several area churches,
including the Evangelical Free.
David Carnifix spoke Sunday evening,
June 10. Rev. Joy Cummings is holding
a crusade June 24-28.
Mrs. Bill Tallman, wife of the camp
director and camp cook, has been hos­
pitalized. She would appreciate your
prayers for strength and wisdom. COMMISSIONING - Mr. and Mrs. Edward Remmen, who left for Free Church
work in Germany on June 6th, were commissioned to the ministry of Overseas
WICHITA, KANS. Missions in the Evangelical Free Church of America in the worship service in
Dr. Kenneth Kantzer, Dean of Trinity New City, N.Y., on May 13, 1973. District Superintendent Arne Hansen gave the
Evangelical Divinity School, spoke June Charge to the Congregation; Pastor Wendell Hjertman, the Charge to the Can·
3. Ordination service for Rev. Steve didates, and Henry Belland of the New City congregation, offered the com­
C!inton was held in the evening, June 3, missioning prayer. The pictures shows Superintendent Arne Hansen presenting
wnh Dr. Kantzer, Superintendent West­ the Commissioning Certificate to the Rommens, while Pastor Wendell Hjertman,
second from right, and Church Chairman Clarence Holvig look on.
lund and Rev. John McNeill taking part.
The Bible Instruction Class of seven time. The Quiz Team went to Clear­ turned from his pastorate at Bow Is­
members was presented Sunday, May water Camp for the holiday weekend land, Alberta, to make this possible.
27. Three members were received. Rev. and brought back the honors. ONE HUNDRED MILE HOUSE, B.C.
and Mrs. Richard Wischmeier, mission­ NORTH VANCOUVER, B.C. Sunday School records are being brok­
aries to Portugal, ministered recently. Interim pastor John Kaiser has been en. A recent Sunday morning total was
Pastor and Mrs. L. A. Hansen's son, called and has accepted the pastorate. 175, emphasizing a need for expanded
David, and his wife, Judy, graduated CLEARWATER CAMP quarters.
from Grace Bible Institute and are pre­ The Youth Retreat had 75 attending. LANGLEY, B.C.
paring to be radio missionaries in Italy. CLEARWATER, B.C. The new pews give a transformed ap­
They ministered here Sunday morning, The church celebrated its 20th anniver­ pearance to the church and provide
June 3. -E. Walter Lindgren. O sary with a banquet on June IO. added room. There will be a dedication
BLUE RIVER, B.C. service on June 3. Bev Cook, one of the
CAnADIAn PACIFIC Leslie Johnson, one of the first con­ church young people, is home from
verts of this church, is now home on Viet Nam for a short vacation, and was
furlough from Japan. He serves under a featured speaker. Bev is secretary to
Revival Atmosphere the Japan Evangelical Mission. the Mission to Orphans in Saigon. Youth
At Prince George, Pastor Tim Klassen has begun his
Clearwater Celebrates The budget was raised $ I 0,000 (to $70,
000) during a recent missionary confer­ WILLIAMS LAKE, B.C.
ence. Revival atmosphere prevails as This congregation rejoices over the as­
VANCOUVER, B.C., BETHEL many continue to accept Christ. On the surance that they will be accepted in the
Rev. Charles Sinclair continues to Saturday evening of the conference, Shareholders plan, probably in July.
serve as pastor. Because many younger David Esau was ordained into the Gos­ The church nears completion and the
families are leaving for the suburbs and pel ministry. He is a TEAM missionary congregation continues to grow under
because of a complete change of en­ to Spain, now home on furlough. the ministry of Rev. Leon Tiede.
vironment, the church feels it has MISSIONARY MEETINGS FT. LANGLEY, B.C.
reached a crossroads. Much prayer Missionaries Alfred and Ruth Bjurlin of At a Sunday evening service in the
would be appreciated. Venezuela, David Heinrichs of Ger­ Langley church the congregation from
BURNABY, B.C. CENTRAL many, Sig Odland, candidate for Vene­ the Fort joined them in a service of
Richard Reynolds of Victoria was a re­ zuela, Ronald and Linda Dauke, candi­ praise for new pews and many other
cent speaker. dates for Hong Kong, Sherrill Peterson improvements. A testimony was given
JOHNSTON HEIGHTS, B.C. of Zaire and Wendy Bergman (short by Rev. Stanley Nelson, who has ac­
Quiet celebrations took place marking term in Zaire) held missionary confer­ cepted the call to become their pastor.
J 5 years since the merger between ences and meetings in all of our lower He will begin his ministry September 1.
Green Timbers and North Road mis­ mainland churches. Merritt, Kelowna, NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C.
sions which formed the Johnston Salmon Arm, Chase, Kamloops and A week of special services with Rev.
Heights church. The church added Blue River were also visited in the in­ Ernest B. Rockstad was held. The
$2,000 to its missionary budget during terior. Sig Odland visited Prince church will launch an extended visita­
the missionary conference. An even George, Quesnel, Williams Lake and tion effort and will use the nearby Uni­
greater investment was made when 100 Mile. Some of the lower mainland ted church, with its larger facilities, for
about 50 people responded to the ser­ meetings featured the Heinrichs' broth­ the evening services during the summer.
vice of commitment, 12 for the first ers male quartet. Brother Harry re- -Elmer Olson. D
JUNE 26, 1973 25
Rev. Willard Eckman of Trinity Evan­ A Junior Church has been added to the
Cedar Rapids Starts gelical Divinity Scho�l c�mducted .a Will Sunday morning ministry.
New Publication Seminar. Steve Mernll 1s new D1rector SACRAMENTO, CALIF., GRACE
of Christian Education. Dr. and Mrs. Claudia Rhoades, daughter of Rev. and
Stanley Lindquist are traveling in the Mrs. Rhoades, will be serving on the
BRITT, IOWA South Pacific and Dr. Lindquist will de­ summer staff of Campus Crusade,
Rev. and Mrs. Harold Marceau, Spen­ liver the major address at the 12th an­ working with high schoolers. The
cer ministered June IO while Pastor nual convocation of Caermiller Insti­ church hopes to get a bonding program
and Mrs. Kling attended the wedding tute of Psychology in Melbourne, Aus­ for construction of a new church under­
of their son, David, to Sheryl Bloom­ tralia. way soon.
quist in the Woodbridge, Conn., church. GROVELAND, CALIF. SAN RAFAEL, CALIF.
CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA Pastor Erick Schone reports a success­ Sunday evening services in June fea­
"Parish Tidings", a new publication to ful spiritual retreat with many young tured three outstanding films, "Let My
appear twice monthly, is made possible people reached with the Gospel. People Go"; "They Looked for a City"
by an anonymously concerned member. HAMILTON CITY, CALIF. and "The Return." One member was
ALTA, IOWA, CENTER GROVE Pastor Terry Tyler conducted memor­ received.
The congregation honored Pastor and ial services for Joseph Moreland, faith­ TURLOCK, CALIF.
Mrs. Peters on their wedding anniver­ ful member of the church. The past month six souls have come to
sary with a reception and monetary gift. KINGSBURG, CALIF. know Jesus Christ as their personal
CLINTON, IOWA Open house was held for Rev. D. L Savior.
Memorial services for Arthur G. Suter, Foster, May 25, in honor of his 90th TWAIN HARTE, CALIF.
a charter member, were held June 2. birthday. Over 125 relatives and friends The church began two Sunday morn­
DISTRICT APPRECIATION gathered for the happy occasion. Among ing services in June. With many tour­
A number of our churches enjoyed the the speakers was his son, Robert. At ists in this beautiful mountain area, the
excellent concert presented by the Trin­ age 90, Rev. Foster is still pastor of extended ministry of the church should
ity Western College Trumpet Trio. Riverbend Methodist Church, near prove a real blessing. -Herbert D. Pe­
Their presentation, and that of Marvin Kingsburg. Pastor Skaret conducted terson. 0
Giddings, dean of students, was much memorial services for Clifford Larson.
appreciated. LOLETA, CALIF.
POLK CITY, IOWA A heart-warming musical service was BIBLE PREACHING?
Seven children were dedicated to the conducted by the Reflections of God
Lord on Children's Sunday, June 3. singing group. Several new musical try EBENEZER
SIOUX CITY, IOWA groups have been formed within the S. 43rd Slreel & Oklahoma Ave.

Dr. Lloyd Peterson, who served the church and their music has added great­ Milwaukee. Wisconsin

church 1939-1946 passed away May 26 ly to its total ministry. C. WM. SHAFFER, Paslor
in Seattle, Wash., where he was pastor
of the Berean Church. Committal rites
were conducted at the cemetery in GORDY ISTAD RESIOENCE PHONE

Kiron, Iowa. -Ray G. Johnson. 0

PHOTOCR.t.PHER 611-.4.54-6114

§. (htad photography
Napa Votes Increase


Fourteen members were received in you can earn tirnh\ �
visiting Grand Marais, Minn.? Slap at the
NAPA, CALIF. Wedgewood - a restful spot among the
The annual church report reveals a year birches, overlooking lake Superior. Two
of progress and blessing. Thirty-six miles to town and the Evangelical Free
Church, Continental breakfast. Reasonable
thousand dollars went through the fi­ rates, Christion owners.
nancial books the past year. The new Evelyn and Norm Larsen, Grand Marais,
Minn. 55604. Phone: 218-387-2944.
budget adds a substantial increase in
missionary giving to the District, our "HOLi DAY SHORES"
schools and overseas missions. interest by investing in bonds.
Cabins and campsites in the rustic splendor
ORLAND, CALIF. Not only will you get a good retur of WISCONSIN DELLS. Forty acres on the
Fourteen members were received. but you will be helping finance th Wisconsin River. Management encourages
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harry ord's work. church groups.
Gundry, long-time members, on their l RR 2, Wisconsin Dells, Wis.
50th anniversary. Send your name and address o Phone 608-254-2717
PETALUMA, CALIF. call and we will be happy to have Owner Ben Zaugg, 4485 Troilridge Rood,
A farewell reception was held for Rev. pertinent investment information Rockford, Ill., Phone 815-963-3628.
and Mrs. Robert Edwards and family. given to you.
The Edwards are moving to Gardena, MOTOR HOME SALES
Calif. (15017 Watkins Street). & RENTALS
Send your name and address or call:
PLEASANTON, CALIF. Pace Arrow and Bonner
The Church elected William Bahr, LAKEWOOD Valpo RecV's, Inc.
chairman, and John Brink, Superinten­ EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH P.O. Box 232, Valparaiso, Ind.
dent of Christian Education. The Men's 2600 E. County Road E Phone 219-462-863 l
Fellowship heard Helmut H. Schmitz, White Bear Lake, MN. 55110 Write or phone collect
author of "From Hitler to Jesus Christ." 612/770-3172 Harold L. Follis, Pres.


BAY AREA OF CALIFORNIA ... If you would like to subscribe to the Evangolical
ATTEND AN .. . Bt:acon . and would like to save S1 .00 in so doing,
cl,p th,s coupon and send SJ.SO with it to The
EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH Evangelical Beacon, 1515 E. 66th street, Minne•
opolis, Minn. 55423. The regular rato is $4.50 for
For l!st of c �urches and map showing geographical the yoor. Thi5 offer is not good on renewals.
Camarillo Is Growing, locot1on, write to Rev. Rodger Henderson 28 Inyo
Street, Brisbone, Co. 94005. The regular roto will bo $5.00 por year starting
July 1, 1973.
Take First Place 1137 Broadway Rockford, Ill. Poul H. Albinson and Sons

YORBA LINDA, CALIF. "Where diamonds and gold

Congratulations to Pastor Paul Cedar are fairly sold"
who received a Doctor of Ministrres
degree from the American Baptist Sem­
inary of the West. 0

2200 Nicoll;t Av�;:;;­

SANTA BARBARA, CALIF. Minneapolis, Minn.
Eight members were received June 3. AT KNOTT'S BERRY FARM
Dr. John Jantzen is spending six weeks (South Entrance) VISITING THE NATION'S CAPITOL
this summer in France directing a group Worship with us at the
of Westmont College students in their 7800 Crescent Ave. (at Highway 39)
study of French. Buena Park, California 90620 3901 GallowsRoad
This young work continues to develop 10 miles from downtown D.C.
both numerically and spiritually. It has
become self-supporting and able to re­
BUZZ LONG REALTY Capito! Beltway Exit 6E
Sunday 11 a.m., 7 p.m.
SERVING ORANGE COUNTY Wednesday service 7:30 p.m.
linquish the support given by the Bur­
bank Church. A new home Bible study Homes - Land - Apartments Gerald Hall, Pastor Tel. (Study: 256-3799
529 S. State College Blvd. Phone 774-2442 (Home: 941-4170
has been started in the Oxnard area.

3436 W. Lincoln at Knott Phone 821-5500
Anaheim, Calif. 92806
Congratulations to the Garden Grove
quiz team which finished first in dis­ 5150 CHICAGO AV S MINNEAPOLIS MINN

trict competition. WHEN BUYING A

9 4$ A M Sunday Sch0ol
PHOENIX, ARIZ., DESERT HILLS 11 iX> A M Worsh,p San-,co
An enlargement of the parking lot and SEE
71l0 PM Evening Sen,,ce
a sound system are items recently do­ Rev. H Bruce Ct111pm11n
nated to enhance the ministry in this M,. Scon Johnson
growing community. LUNDEEN BROS. INC. Re..,. Roy A Thompson


An Expansion Fund has been estab­ ANNANDALE, MINN.
lished as this congregation must face the Telephone 274·8211 WORSHIP IN WISCONSIN'S
need for expanded facilities. A IO to 12 CAPITOL ... . .
acre site is being sought. Forty mem­
bers were received May 10. · I eI BETHANY EVANGELICAL
stay awhile.
In o comfortable room or a private cabin.
The Youth Choir and Drama Group Dine in o comolctely new and ve,y different Riverside Dr. and Winnebago St.
from Walnut Creek was featured May kind of family rl·stou,ant. Lake Superior
27. It was the first place winner in
":.tretches out forever in front of you. !he Madison, Wisconsin
Coscode River tumbles down out of the
competition in the Western district. The forest behind you. Cascode is yours to en·
joy for O!t long as you con - an hour, a Creotive Worship ........................ 8:30 A.M.
largest budget in the history of the day. or a week. We should worn you, Sunday School ............................ 9:40 A.M.
church was adopted at the annual meet­ though. it's not on cosy place to leave.
ing. It includes a 15 per cent increase MANAGEMENT Worship Service ........................11 :00 A.M.
(Liston on WRVS-FM 102.5
for all EFC missionaries and a $1,200 Carl and Mae Odmark whon driving through)
increase for Trinity. Write for free brochure Evening Fellowship ...................... 7:00 P.M.
PARAMOUNT, CALIF. Phone (218) 387-9980
Howard 0. Lanphear, Pastor
Pastor John Van Dixhorn of Orange Box 6938 Grand Marais, Minnesota 55604
was guest speaker at the 11th Anniver­
sary Banquet of the church. When in Minneapolis Attend

Twenty members were received June 3. 14th Avenue S. and E. 31st Street
Gary Russell, Interim Pastor
Beginning June 3 services were moved YOU WILL ENJOY SALEM'S HOMEY, FRIENDLY, FAMILY SPIRIT
to Hope Lutheran Church. We are
grateful to the various congregation� "TIMBER-LEE Family Campgrounds, located in beautiful Southeastern
that are making their facilities available Wisconsin, and operated by the Great Lakes District, is now open
to our new churches. May 1st till November 1st. Complete facilities for your recreational
vehicle or tent, with programs and activities consistent with Free
LA MESA, CALIF. Church Standards. Saturday night concerts with well known artists
'--<: Congratulations to Pastor Gary Stafford during July and August. Why not spend a day or a week at
who received a Master's degree from TIMBER.LEE this year? Write for a 1973 program brochure."
the California Graduate School of The­ TIMBER-LEE Christian Center, RR 2, East Troy, WI 53120
ology. -Wallace G. Norling. 0
JUNE 26, 1973 27
A small evangelical home for neglected boys CALVARY PROTESTANT
needs an additional couple (up to age 65) to be
houseparents, caring for 8 to 10 boys. We will CHURCH
Attendance Increases, train and will accept couples with children. Col­
lege education helpful but not necessary. Excellent
Baldwin, L.I., N.Y.
Church Street and Park Avenue
Bus Ministry Started opportunity to serve Christ and see lives changed
in a growing, progressive home. Salary, hospital­ Ministers: Leroy F. Moon
Edward E. Thomas
At Belle Mead
ization and room and board. Majority of staff Sunday services: 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
has been affilioted with the Evangelical Free Bible school 9:45 a.m.
Church. "Endorsed by the Great Lakes District of Prayer meeting: Wednesday 7:30 p.m.
the Evangelical Free Church." Contact Corl Lange,
Executive Director, Christion Haven,. Rt. 1, Box 17A, Affiliated with the
KEARNY, N.J. Wheatfield, Indiana 46392 (75 miles southeast of Ev. Free Church of Amenca
An appreciation fellowship was held for Chicago).
Youth Pastor Gary Fredericks as he
concluded his ministry May 20. ON ROCKFORD'S EAST SIDE
The congregation sponsored a banquet
in May for the deacon board, class SUNDAY SERVICES
members and parents of the pastor's in­ 9: 15 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship
struction class. A fellowship coffee hour (8roadcast WROK - 1440k.c.)
is conducted in the fireplace room fol­ 5:30 p.m. Youth Meetings WEDNESDAY
lowing the worship hour. The Billy

7:00 p.m. Wednesday-Midweek
Graham film "Two A Penny" was 7:00 p.m. Evening Service Prayer Meeting
shown May 13.
Rev. and Mrs. Gustaf Erickson showed
slides from their visit to Zaire. Several
decisions for Christ were made at a
showing of the film "So Long, Joey." EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH
Pastor E. Thomas has been hospitalized OURTH AVENUE t SIXTH STREET • ROCKFORD. ILLINOIS
for surgery and we request prayer to KENNETH M. MEYER. PASTOR
God in his behalf.
Several have recently come to accept suggests a
Christ as Savior. A high attendance of
168 was reached in Sunday school May
13. Pastor J. Kelly was the speaker at
Evangelical Vacation/Worship
the community Memorial Day services.
July 1 has been set as the goal for the ., Free Church in
"Chocolatetown, U.S.A."
payment of a $9,000 note on the newly
acquired property. A bus has been
purchased as a bus ministry was intro­ of •
Resort Area
duced in May. Pastor Thomas Thomp­ • Christion Fellowship

• Hershey Park
son of Allentown, Pa., spoke at the •

Chocolate World
• Biblo Bar-8-Q's.
• Prayer & Share
land dedication and sign unveiling on • Milton Hershey Times
the new property June 3. There were School
• Medical Center • Youth Activities
291 present for a recent Sunday eve­ • Historical Tours • His Place
ning service as several believers were
baptized. Sundays: Corner of Chocolate For Details Call:
ALLENTOWN, PA. & Cocoa Avenues 717-533-4861
Bob Larson presented a worthwhile ser­ 10:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 717-534-4912
ies of meetings, June 3-6 dealing with DAVID V. MARTIN, Pastor or P.O. Sox 82, Hershey, Pa., 17033
such subjects as: rock music, astrology,
satanism, and drugs. The Back Home


Hour, a social fellowship in homes fol­
lowing Sunday evening services contin­
ues to be a blessing. Fifteen hundred Invites you to steµ out of the hum drum ... enjoy
copies of the Beacon were distributed a New England vacation in a relaxed Christian
in the community Sunday afternoon, atmos11here ... we are sure that once you do, you
May 20. will return often.
BELLE MEAD, N.J. Our purpose...to make your stay with
The average April worship service at­ us completely satisfying - delicious
tendance was 210, up 38 over one year food, attractii;e accommoda­
tions, delightful surrou11d-
ago. The new bus has now been com­ i11gs-all 11en11eated l,y the
pleted and the Sunday school bus route lit"i11g l)l'l'<f'nce of Christ.
established for the introduction of a I/ere is a wcation spot for
bus ministry. all, regardless of age-a
true "Family Resort''-cli­
rectly 011 the shores of
THE BEACON BOOK STORE Beautiful Lake Sunapee.
Woodie and Trudy Style, Your Host and Hostess
IS THE PLACE Seminole Point Lodge and Cottages
TO BUY YOUR BOOKS Write for our Color Brochure B-73 Sunapee, New Hampshire 03782
I Tel: (603) 763-5810
A farewell service was held for Mission­ A total of 78 people were prayed with
ary Joe Faber, who with his family re­ as they came forward at the Joy Cum­
turned to Africa in May under the mings meetings. A plan has been intro­
Africa Evangelical Fellowship. Seven­ duced whereby parents, given outlines
teen graduated from the pastor's Teen and guidance on Wednesday nights, will
Doctrine Class. Dr. Lester Westlund become teachers for their youth in
and The Columbia Presbyterian Hos­ studies of doctrine and Christian life.
pital Nurses' trio presented a World
Missions Night in May.
Three members were received in May.
Study Programs
The Stringband has been a blessing and Missionary Thelma Landrud showed
brought lasting spiritual results in a slides of the work at the TandaJa Hos­
ministry at The Eger Home. pital at a Family Night Dinner. The

� 1973 �
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y., SALEM Lord is blessing the work through the
The congregation is again planning an ministry of Pastor Paul Engle, as spir­
outreach program through a summer itual victories are won and attendance
Saturday night outdoor film ministry. is increasing.
Over 200 were present for the mother­ HUDSON, MASS.
daughter banquet in May. The Free The ministry of Crossroads, a local Add something special this year -
Men of Allentown, Pa., presented a con­ youth ministry, was presented by Jack a Trinity summer course!
cert at a special Saturday night service Gerry. Superintendent Arne Hansen
in May. spoke at the midweek service, May 29. ON CAMPUS
Nine young people graduated from the Dr. Calvin B. Hanson of Trinity Wide variety of college courses
Pastor's Instruction Class. Thomas Ol­ Western College, travelled in our dis­
sen has assumed responsibilities as a trict, May 13-27. His ministry in so Graduate courses (Trinity Evangeli­
summer missionary and youth director. many of our churches was appreciated cal Divinity School) also offered.
Lay preacher and longtime member, and the work at Trinity Western is
better understood. -Arne B. Hansen. D Summer programs begin June 25
Irving Berg, went to be with the Lord,
May 9. Some courses 3 weeks, others 6 weeks.
BROOKLYN, N.Y., 66TH ST., (NORW.) Evening courses available.
Gunner Jensen, well known, respected Most instructors are regular Trinity
and former church chairman, went to faculty.
be with the Lord May 14. A farewell
service was held for Pastor lngvar An­
dersen, June 3. Pastor and Mrs. Ander­ AT CAMP-OF-THE-WOODS,
sen and two of their children leave for
Norway in June. Word has been re­ Speculator, New York
ceived that Rev. Ivar Overgaard of Nor­
way has accepted a call as pastor and Trinity Evangelical Divinity
will arrive in the United States in early School courses
1974. July 23 - August 31
Most courses 2 weeks, some l week.
An Operation Andrew, for the purpose Non-credit courses for loymen and
of inviting and praying for specific in­ graduate courses.
dividuals, has been started in prepara­ Instructors: Professor Benson, Dr. Kant­
tion for the Aubrey McGann meetings zer, Dr. McComiskey, Dr. Perry, and Dr.
to be held June 24-28. Eighteen young Williams.
people graduated from the pastor's in­
struction class. Souls continue to come
to Christ each week.
SOUND BEACH, N.Y. r--------------
Director of Continuing Education
Two members were welcomed June 3.
The Billy Graham film "His Land" and
Word of Life worker Rev. Ray Namie
were included as part of a special em­ I � and
phasis weekend, May 26-27. I ---TRINITY EVANGELICA L
The Lord continues to bless in this
home missions work as the congregation I Deerfield, Illinois 60015
is growing and solidifying. The new IO Send information on Trinity's Summer
building has helped give permanence. For information on WILLS and I School at Trinity Campus.
Pray for Pastor Barry Liffiton as he IO I'm interested in Trinity's Comp-of-the
continues to minister the Word. how to include your church, IWoods Summer Study Program.
write to; I Rush information.
Superintendent Arne Hansen spoke at Evangelical Free Church I Nome------------
a recent midweek service and presented STEWARDSHIP SERVICES 1
a $ I 0,828 Shareholders check to the 1515 EAST 66TH STREET IAddress, ___________
congregation. The Ed Rommens, mis­ MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55423 ICitY-------------
sionaries to Germany spoke May 13.
1 State ZiP---
JUNE 26, 1973 a.;. ______________ _.
The President's Report

wms ���
onwARD by Mrs. William C. Olson

included nine who are candidates) with ness of Arthur Peterson, father of Mrs.
a gift of $25 each. Harold Eash. Mrs. Peterson survives
WHITE CROSS funds have been and is active for the Lord. We would
Mrs. Viola Groenhoff
used to respond to needs in Alaska, also say that our dear and much-loved

familiar surroundings of the as­
grounds at Green Lake, Wis­
Japan, Zaire, Venezuela, Germany,
Hong Kong, Malaysia/ Singapore and
former Beacon editor, Mel Larson, is
sorely missed but will always be re­
membered with joy and thankfulness.
consin, helped us feel at home as we the Philippines. This means that all of
gathered on WMS DAY, June 20, for our mission fields have been helped His concern and interest in WMS was
the 65th annual meeting of our Na­ somewhat. Standing commitments have helpful and encouraging to us on many
tional Women's Missionary Society. been fulfilled; Beacon by air to our occasions.
ABOVE ALL ELSE, THE WORLD mission fields and Shareholders' pro­ An unforgettable experience of last
NEEDS JESUS. This theme doesn't pre­ jects. Local groups are now sending September was to go on Rev. Rob­
sent some new anJ startling thought. their own White Cross material to Zaire. ert Dillon's tour of Free Church
The need of the world has always been It is best to mail this out gradually mission fields in Zaire and Germany.
for reconciliation to God through the throughout the year. No used clothing On the spot viewing of the Tandala
atoning death of Jesus Christ. But now is to be sent unless requested by some Hospital Addition, our 1971 WMS pro­
we feel a greater urgency! Even people missionary. ject, was exciting and rewarding. The
who have not accepted Christ have been Some disbursements from the GEN­ dedication service and the tour of the
gripped with a sense of foreboding. ERAL FUND have included three renovated hospital accented the oc­
Everything seems to be falling apart! Shareholders' projects, Home Missions, casion. The most treasured souvenirs I
The familiar John 3: 16 emphasizes the The Evangelical Beacon, three Trinity brought back were the priceless mem­
love of God and stresses that the world scholarships, Women's Fellowship ories that I will treasure as Jong as
is perishing. Verse 17 adds that the (NAE), EFCA general fund, and print­ I live. Later we were in Athens. Our
Son came, not to condemn these perish­ ing, travel or conference expenses. trek around the ruins of the Acropolis,
ing people, but to save them. WMS has If the generosity has equalled the en­ a bus tour to Old Corinth, Sunday
an awesome responsibility and a glorious thusiasm and concern for the HAWAII morning devotions on Mars Hill and
opportunity to point them to Christ. MISSION HOUSE project, there should attending a service at the Greek Free
Yes, our WOMEN'S MISSIONARY be a substantial amount for this phase Evangelical Church were most mem­
SOCIETY is now 65 years old but has of home missions effort. Rev. Darrell orable. From there we flew to Munich,
no thought or need of retiring. Her step Pearson's four articles in the Beacon then went by van to the Alphof retreat
is vigorous, hearing still acute, and vi­ have amply clarified the need and en­ center in the breath-taking Austrian
sion keen. The Lord has again blessed lightened us about the situation in Alps. This center is in conjunction with
our national fellowship beyond our ex­ Hawaii. Pray that our gift will be an the Free Church and youth center in
pectations. Through Him and with your investment that will lead to the win­ Augsburg, Germany. More workers are
willing cooperation we have been able to ning of many souls in Hawaii. They critically needed for this promising field
be of help to many whose uppermost need Jesus above all else! of missions.
need has been to accept Jesus as their The BETTY CROCKER coupon pro­ In February we particpated in the
Savior. ject needs our help. The aim is to se­ SOUTHEAST DISTRICT Conference WMS
God has been at work through the cure a small grand piano for the Trin­ session and visited five 10cal groups in
ten missionaries who receive partial sup­ ity College Chapel. It's very discourag­ Florida. Then in April I had a part
port from your MI$$I0NARY ing when the coupons come dribbling in the CONNECTICUT DIVISION meeting
$HARE$. We are glad that it was pos­ in when we need a deluge of them. A at Branford. Later a banquet sponsored
sible to increase this support somewhat. concerted effort of all local groups for by the METROPOLITAN New YORK-New
These shares, at one dollar each, bol­ the accumulation of coupons would help JERSEY DIVISION gave me an opportunity
stered by the prayerful concern of each tremendously. Rush them to Mrs. Jan to share with the women there. In all
woman and empowered by God Him­ Nielsen at Free Church Headquarters. three of these areas there was the most
self, can bring multiplied blessings of Again we urge you to read the Beacon warm-hearted hospitality and precious
salvation to many who desperately need regularly, especially the WMS ACTIV­ fellowship possible. Late in May I had
Jesus. Each field where these mission­ ITIES PAGE edited by our ingeniom the joy of meeting some of tne Canadian
aries labor has its share of problems, Viola Groenhoff. We consider this an wdmen at two division rallies. Most
some extremely serious. Mrs. Robert excellent way to reach you with impor­ of the other officers on the board have
Carey will return to the Philippines this tant information. We also like to see been traveling too, some of them have
summer. Elizabeth Anderson, and prob­ the reports or pictures from your area been abroad, and others to distant
ably Mrs. Nils Oldberg, will come from gatherings. Shirley Dillon's thought pro­ states. All have had a chance to present
Zaire. Mrs. Robert Hoobyar will come voking articles remind you to be punc­ various facets of WMS involvement.
from our home missions field in Alaska. tual in joining with all of us at the Thank you for your prayers and en­
The others will stay on the field. designated 9 O'Clock "Prayer time. We couragement during our term of ser­
In addition to these ten, all of our are sure that Muriel Hanson's Honey vice. Now we will be praying for the
missionaries covet greater prayer sup­ and Salt will keep you coming back nine women who will shoulder the
port for the many problems they face repeatedly for another tasty sample. varied responsibilities next. A part of
continually. Be faithful every day in Our family of missionaries has lost a verse found in 2 Peter 3: 15 (LB) ap­
praying. Use the prayer calendar book­ a .stalwart MESSENGER in the passing plies to all of us if we truly feel that
lets that you can buy from Overseas of Rev. Arthur Peterson, retired veteran ABOVE ALL ELSE, 'THE WORLD
Missions. Your gifts to the MISSION­ missionary who had spent most of his NEEDS JESUS. "And remember why
ARY CHRISTMAS GIFT FUND made adult years serving the Lord in Vene­ He is waiting. He is giving us time to
it possible for us to present a visible zuela. Many came to the Lord in their get His message of salvation out to
bit of love to our 199 missionaries (this need because of the prayers and wit- others." D
10th avenue S. at 7th street 9:15 a.m............................. Sunday School
Minneapolis, Minn. l 0: 15 a.m......................... Morning Worship
Rev. Lloyd J. Von Dixhorn, Pastor 7:00 p.m............................... Aloha Service
Wednesday 7:30 p.m ......... Prayer & Study
Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m. 7210 Kalanianaole Highway
Evening Service: 6:00 p.m.
Honolulu, Hawaii 96821
Midweek Service: 7:30 p.m.
Rev. Darrell L. Pearson, Pastor
Junior High, Senior High: 7:30 p.m. Tourists call 377-9462 for transportation

Orland, Calif., travel booth

PHOENIX, First Pastor: Dole Leander
498 West Miuouri 1717 West Monteroso
Phone: 279,6011 Phone: 263,0043
PHOENIX, Desert Hills Pastor: Allen Zierke
3636 W. Greenway 9036 N. 37th Avenue
Phone: 938,3950 Phone: 939·0688
TEMPE, Faith Pastor: l. 0. Manlove
1251 E. Southern Avenue 731 E. Campus Drive
Phone: 838,6559 Phone: 966,7987
TUCSON, First Pastor: Wayne lehsten
5150 East Fifth Street 5457 East Hawthorne
� x:::'--

....._ Phone: 327,0352 Phone: 325,9716
TUCSON, Saguaro Pastor: Tom Terry
10111 Old Spanish Trail 6961 E. Kirkland Dr.
P. 0. Box 17054 Phone: 855·1088
Phone: 885,7088

Above at left is Mrs. Fern Erickson, the

speaker, and Mrs. Mildred Cose, program
chairman, at Orland, Calif., on their project

Come to Beautiful Hawaii

Each lady attending Orland, Calif.,
WMS' Hawaiian Armchair Tour re­ ARE YOU LOOKING
ceived a handmade lei. The Social Hall
was colorfully decorated with a travel
booth, large paper tiki torches, and
lanterns which hung from the light fix­
tures. Hawaiian music played in the
Our travel agent, Mildred Cose (pro­ Why Not Consider
gram chairman), introduced the tour
guide, Mrs. Fern Erickson, who, along CHRISTIAN INVESTORS FOUNDATION
with her husband, Rev. Ben Erickson,
were the first to pastor the Hawaiian
church. Mrs. Erickson showed slides SO FAR 110 CHURCHES HAVE BEEN HELPED BY CIF.
she had taken while in Hawaii, and
talked about the work of the church, WHAT IS CHRISTIAN INVESTORS FOUNDATION? It is a plan whereby our Free
Church people can invest their savings in the Lord's work and at the same
the people, and of the very real needs time receive interest checks twice yearly at 6% interest on five year certificates
there. and 5% on instant interest accounts.
The fare for this tour was a love
offering for the Hawaii Mission House Your savings are constantly serving our Lord - building new Free Churches -
project and $ I 02.32 was received toward New additions - and other improvements. Over 800 Free Church members are
the National Project goal of $30,000. depositors. Applications for loans are waiting - We need deposits. Send your
At the completion of the tour, the requests for brochure and deposit application to:
ladies were invited to stop by the
"place," a table laden with delicious CHRISTIAN INVESTORS FOUNDATION
fruits and other taste treats typical of 1515 E. 66th Street, Minneapolis, Minn. 55423
Hawaii. -Mrs. Judy Simpson, secretary.
JUNE 26, 1973 31
her nostrils, but during the night the _.....
specialist, with several doctors assist-
ing him, worked frantically to save
her life.
Our phone rang just as we were
about to go to Sunday school and they
requested us to return to the hospital.
We called our pastor, asked prayer
for our daughter, and left for St.
We were informed there was little
hope. The blood was draining out of
her faster than they could transfuse
and her little life was fading fast.
I bowed my head in the hospital
lobby. I thanked God for entrusting
this precious child to us as her par­
ents, but if it was time to give her
back to Him, to please give me added
strength to be willing to give her up.
Immediately a feeling of peace
swept over me and I know God sent
His Holy Spirit to comfort me.
My husband and I sat for several
hours and finally one of the doctors
appeared and quietly said, "Jody is
being transferred to intensive care.
She is holding her own."
Tears of joy streaked my face. I
looked at the clock and at the very
moment the doctor had spoken to us
I knew our congregation at the Estes ...--...
Brook Evangelical Free Church had
been pouring out their hearts to God
on Jody's behalf.
by Mrs. Jean Greener The Greeners, members of the Estes Jody remained in intensive care
for four days and then we were al­

Brook Evangelical Free Church, Oak
he arrived April 19, 1969, and Park, Minn., are praising the Lord for lowed to take our "breakable china
weighed in as a robust 9 lb. 6 the way He has worked in the life of doll" home.
oz. daughter, the newest addition their little girl Jody. A hematologist arrived in St. Cloud
to an already active household of two shortly after that, and he recom­
brothers and three sisters. Summer arrived and Jody was mended a trip to the Mayo Clinic.
Jody grew and developed in a eager to romp and play outside on We are so grateful to him, for now
normal manner and surprised us all our spacious farm. She loved the out­ we know why Jody had so many
by learning to walk during her eighth of-doors, but the more she played out­ problems.
month. side the more she began to look like She has Von Willebrand's disease.
Most parents would be proud and a spotted leopard. She had black. and In layman's terms, she is a girl
delighted with this early accomplish­ blue marks from head to toe, and each bleeder.
ment, but I soon learned to dread bruise had a hard center. I tried to The doctors told us it's an inheri­
every step she took. think this was just part of growing up ted incurable blood disease. This was
Jody walked with her tongue be­ and being an active toddler, but deep very discouraging news to us, but
tween her teeth. She would stumble, inside I was concerned. again the Lord took over and an­
bite her tongue and within a four Our family doctor checked her and swered still another request.
month period we made four high­ recommended taking her to a hema­ During the past year a drug sales­
speed trips to the emergency room of tologist, but at the time there wasn't man heard about Jody. He contacted
St. Cloud hospital to have her mouth one nearby, so we just dismissed the our family doctor and told him about
or tongue stitched. As I would leave idea. a new medication that might help her.
the hospital, the doctor would remind May l 6, 1970, when Jody was 13 Jody cut her finger the other day
me to )ust hold her for the next few months old, she woke up covered with and I burst into tears of joy as I
days until the stitches healed. blood from a severe nose bleed. Her just sat and watched her blood "bub­
This was a very difficult time in bed was a foam-padded playpen with ble," instead of run, and shortly the
my life. As any mother knows, it's nothing sharp in sight, so we couldn't bleeding stopped. ,,--....
not an easy task to entertain a hyper­ figure out what caused it. Our "modern day miracle child"
active eight month old child on your We called the doctor and again can lead a nearly normal life now,
lap during her waking hours. Only made a flying trip to the emergency thanks to a praying congregation, a
through daily conversation with the room. team of skilled physicians (one of
Lord and praying friends, was I able By evening her nose was bleeding them being her grandfather), and an
to cope with my extra burden. uncontrollably. The doctors packed alert drug salesman. •

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