LDS Conference Report 1946 Semi Annual
LDS Conference Report 1946 Semi Annual
LDS Conference Report 1946 Semi Annual
Published by the
(Reprint warranted by demand)
"Aims to embody a concise and somewhat original manner and style,
a general view of the Science of Theology as gathered from revelation, history,
prophecy, reason and analogy."
PllC 6 n i
- m««..i».S1|00
Price $25.00
The first meeting of the Conference was held Friday morning,
October 4, at 10 o'clock. President George Albert Smith presided
and conducted the services.
Every available seat in the great auditorium and gallaries was
occupied, and in addition many were standing in the aisles and
President George Albert Smith:
This is a beautiful sight, the Tabernacle filled to capacity.
This is the opening session of the 117th Semi- Annual Confer-
ence of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We
are con-
vened in the great Tabernacle on Temple Square in Salt Lake City.
There are on the stand this morning all of the General Authori-
ties of the Church, except Elder Stephen L Richards of the Council
of the Twelve, who is detained at home by his doctor's orders; Elder
Ezra Taft Benson, also of the Council of the Twelve, who is in
Europe in charge of the European Mission; and the Patriarch to the
Church, also absent on account of illness.
Elder Joseph Anderson is the Clerk of the Conference.
This full service will be broadcast over Station KSL, Salt Lake
City, as will also the service this afternoon beginning at 2:00 p.m.
The services tomorrow, Saturday, at 10:00 a.m. and at 2:00 p.m.,
will likewise be broadcast over KSL, and also the two services on
Sunday at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. These same sessions will be
broadcast over KSUB at Cedar City, and KID at Idaho Falls will
broadcast the 10:00 a.m. sessions each day. The Priesthood meet-
ing on Saturday evening will not be broadcast.
The singing today will be by a combined chorus of the Relief
Society Singing Mothers of the Jordan Valley Region. Sister Flor-
ence Jepperson Madsen is the conductor, and Elder Alexander
Schreiner is the organist. The first song will be; "I Will Exalt Thee,
O Lord," by Harrison.
The opening prayer will be offered by President Alando B. Bal-
lantyne of the Southern Arizona Stake.
Early Conferences
Of course only a little handful of the membership of the
this is
held on June 9, 1830, and there were eighteen present. The second
conference was held a few months later with about the same number
present; then the first annual conference of the Church was held
June 3, 1831, just one year later, and there were present in that con-
ference forty-three elders, ten priests, and ten teachers, making a
total of sixty-three present.
In those days the meetings were held for the officers of the
Church, and the public was not generally invited to attend, but later
in Nauvoo, it became customary to invite the public, and from that
time on, each six months, the membership of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints have been invited to meet with the Lord
in a general conference of such a character as the one we assemble
in this morning.
As I look out into this congregation and see the men and women
who are here, I recognize those that I have known, many of them
from my childhood. I have been in many of your homes and have
been entertained most graciously, when I have been visiting the stakes
of Zion and the mission field. Every once in a while we are able to
get together here and enjoy the companionship of one another, and
more than that, to feel the power that comes from our Heavenly
Father in fulfilment of his promise that he will be with us.
all these years of advice and counsel, taken advantage of their op-
portunities. Unless the people of this world hasten their repentance
and turn to the Lord, the conditions that we have recently passed
through in this great world war will be intensified in wickedness and
sorrow. So this morning, my dear brothers and sisters and I speak —
that word "dear" with all my heart —
I am grateful for your fellow-
The gospel of Jesus Christ was restored in the year 1 830, after
centuries of darkness had passed. When
the call was given, the
missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints went
out into the world not to criticize others, not to find fault, but to
say to our Father's other children:
Keep all the good that you have received, keep all the truth that you
have learned, all that has come to you in your homes, in your institutions
of learning, under your many facilities for education, keep it all; and then
let us divide with you additional truths that have been revealed by our
Heavenly Father in our day.
Let us reason with you; let us explain to you something that we are
sure will make you happy as it hasmade us happy!
That the history of the missionary work of the Church with
which we are identified. Today we have missionaries scattered in
many parts of the earth; some of them are in the armed services and
rejoicing in their testimonies, they have been glad to divide the truth
with those with whom they came in contact.
several of these men said: "Thank you, Brother Smith. It has been a
great encouragement to us to- hear a voice from the tops of the Rocky
Mountains, one that some of us are familiar with, and to know that
you are thinking of us and are anxious for us. We will not let you
I thought that was a beautiful experience, and that is just one
brethren. Some of them have been in the mission field for many, many
years. They have remained away from home and reared their fami-
lies. They are back to visit with us in conference, and ready to go
again if they may be needed. That is the spirit of the gfospel of Jesus
Christ. A mission president who had been away from us about ten
years was released and came home recently. He and his wife reared
their three children down in the South Pacific among the descendants
of Father Lehi. When he came home, he was glad to come back to
this marvelous country that we live in and to associate with his family;
and then when the matter of going into the mission field was talked
about briefly, he was ready to turn around and go right back.
That is the spirit of the gospel of Jesus Christ, to labor without
a salary, to labor without the comforts that we sometimes have at
home, but to labor for the salvation of the human family, to bring
our Father's other children to a knowledge of the truth. The great
reward that missionaries expect as the result of these years of service
is to have the companionship of these men and women that they have
I pray that the Lord will bless you in your hearts and in your
Friday, October 4 First Day
homes. pray for those of our people who are isolated in distant
lands, far from the organized wards and branches of the Church,
many of them almost alone in great communities. I pray that the
Lord will bless them and that they may feel today the influences that
we enjoy here, and in the due time of our Heavenly Father that they
may be permitted to "come out of her," as the Lord indicated his
people should do, prior to the winding-up scene when this earth will
be cleansed and purified by fire, when all mortality will be taken
away and only those who are prepared to dwell in the celestial king-
dom under the guidance of our Heavenly Father, under the leader-
ship of our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, will be here. I pray that
they and we and all the men and women of the world who have the
desire to live righteously and are keeping the commandments of God
may be among that number.
I pray that our homes may be sanctified by the righteousness of
our lives, that the adversary may have no power to come there and
dstroy the children of our homes or those who dwell under our roofs.
If we will honor God and keep his commandments, our homes will
be sacred, the adversary will have no influence, and we will live in
happiness and peace until the winding-up scene in mortality and we
go to receive our reward in immortality.
God bless you; peace be with you; joy and satisfaction abide
with you all, henceforth and forever, I humbly pray in the name of
Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Friday, October 4 First Day '
Ogden 32nd Ward, Weber Stake formed by a division of Og-
den 22nd Ward.
Emmett 2nd Ward, Weiser Stake formed by a division of
Emmett Ward.
West Jordan 2nd Ward, West Jordan Stake formed by a divis-
ion of West Jordan Ward.
Ward Discontinued:
Garfield East and Garfield West Wards, Oquirrh Stake
merged and formed the Garfield Ward of the Oquirrh Stake.
West Jordan 1st Ward, West Jordan Stake —formerly the West
Jordan Ward and changed at time of organization of West Jordan
2nd Ward.
General Authorities Who Have Passed Away:
Elder John H. Taylor of the First Council of Seventy passed
away May 28, 1946.
Alice Robinson Richards, wife of President George F. Richards
Twelve Apostles, died April 21, 1946.
of the Council of the
May Anderson, formerly president of the General Board of the
Primary Association, died June 14, 1946.
comes the flowering in the hearts of men of the gospel of the Lord
Jesus Christ.
let us look back to the labors of those who have gone before us, our
fathers who founded the Church under God's direction, who toiled
from city to' city, across the plains and the desert to- build a common-
wealth. They left behind them, not necessarily the heritage of
their methods, for the world has changed, but the heritage of their
undaunted, unchanging spirit. We must be as eager to fulfil God's
word as they were in their day. We must do that, my brethren and
sisters, if we are to fulfil and meet our full obligation in this difficult
age. To those who catch the spirit of this obligation, of this com-
mission, of this calling to a great people will come strength to resist,
as I have said, the temptations of the world. It will be easy to reject
the cocktail; the cigar can be laid aside easily; to divide with the
Lord in tithing will not seem difficult; to- converse with the Lord in
prayer will be a joyful experience. Men are changed and trans-
formed who enter into partnership with God in helping to establish
his great cause upon the face of the earth.
through the world, and while I have not traveled as much as Presi-
dent Smith, I have traveled far and wide, I have found thousands
of people not acquainted with the gospel; good, clean, wholesome
people, walking in darkness, who are looking for light, who, misled
by untruths, are looking for truth, and unhappy because of the un-
truths handed to them by tradition. There are a vast congregation
of men and women throughout the world, in every country, of every
creed and color, waiting for us and our great message. The field
is ripe unto harvest.
Now I pray, my brethren and sisters, that we may rise in oui
strength, the strength of Zion, and fill and fulfil our commission.
Let us forget at least a part of the time the daily duties that hold us
down, and give ourselves to thoughts and actions, in building ac-
tively under our great obligation, the great latter-day kingdom of
God, the Almighty Father. May it be so, I pray in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Friday, October 4 First Dag
Assistant to the Council of the Twelve Apostles
siding Bishopric of our Church upon the splendid efforts they are
putting forth in behalf of both the boys and men in the Aaronic
Priesthood. After they had made a survey of the Aaronic
Priesthood members, and it was shown that there were nearly as
many men (that is, men over twenty-one), as boys under twenty-
one, they set about to discover the cause the source that brought
about such a condition, and are now trying to remove the cause.
They are fencing the cliff. Many of you know the poem on "The
Fence or the Ambulance," that illustrates what I mean by discover-
ing and removing the source of evil.
the fence around the cliff; the other, the ambulance down in the
valley. And the ambulance, it seemed, had the majority; and so they
put the ambulance down in the valley. Then an old sage remarked,
"It's a marvel to me that people give more attention to repairing
results than to stopping the cause, when they had much better aim
at prevention."
Better guide well the young than reclaim them when old,
For the voice of true wisdom is calling,
To rescue the fallen is good,
But it is best to prevent other people from falling.
Returned Servicemen
I am very happy that the Presidency of the Church appointed
these very intelligent young men who in the words of the Ancient in
Three Wise Foots, have reached the age of reason.
Juvenile Delinquency
A man we shall call Bishop Brown, for the sake of anonymity, sat
reading his evening newspaper and came across one item that especial-
ly interested him. After reading it he said to his wife who sat near by,
"I see that Jones boy has finally gone to jail. It's a wonder he didn't
go sooner, considering the record he had." And then he recalled
that this Jones boy, when he used to go to Church, was rather rowdy
and hard to handle. Later he became a truant at high school, sluffed
his classes to go out joy riding with the boys, and then later with a
group began to steal automobiles. Then, one night when the boys
were short of money, a few of them decided to rob a store. It was
for this crime that they were being sent to jail. The bishop, turning
to his wife said, "It's certainly terrible, isn't it, how the young people
carry on these days?"
This was a favorite theme with the bishop. He would talk about
Friday, October 4 First Day
it quite frequently in his Sunday evening meetings and would quote
statistics to prove his point. Among the statistics he would use were
some like these:
The F.B.I, reports that the first six months of 1946 show the
highest rate of increase in crime in the United States of any period
since crime figures have been compiled on a national basis. The
increase was fifty percent higher in rural areas than in cities, contrary
to the prevailing opinion. More arrests were made among seventeen-
year-olds than in any other age group. In 1 945, arrests of boys, seven-
teen years of age or under, increased twenty-nine percent over the
three-year average for the period 1939 to 1941. Arrests of girls,
seventeen or under, for this same period showed an increase of one
hundred and fifteen percent.
What is the picture in Utah? Figures provided by the state
child welfare department reveal that from 1936 to 1944, the number
of cases referred to the juvenile courts in Utah increased more than
three hundred percent. Stealing by juveniles in Utah nearly doubled
during this period. Truancy more than doubled. Children listed as
ungovernable increased more than four times, and juvenile traffic
violations went up twelve times.
Whose children are these? Are they yours or someone else's?
In the first six months of 1946, the little town of Layton, Utah, had
fifty-one cases of juvenile delinquency, serious enough to be referred
to the juvenile courts. Clearfield had thirty-three; Price had fifty-one;
Cedar City, thirty-five; Fillmore, twenty-two; Brigham City, thirty-
seven; Murray, twenty-seven; Vernal, forty; Provo, one hundred
seventy-eight; Ogden, four hundred eighty-one; Salt Lake City, one
thousand forty-eight; and many other cases distributed over the re-
maining parts of the state in proportion.
parents with regard to their children, but if Bishop Brown had read
further into the reports of these national experts, he would have dis-
covered that these same authorities declare that a large part of the
responsibility for the juvenile delinquency in America must also be
borne by the local leaders of various churches; that the religious leaders
of our communities must shoulder a good part of the responsibility.
Some of the young people who had gone astray came from that bish-
op's own ward. Did he ever connect their delinquency with his own
work as a bishop? Did he connect it at all with the work being done
by his Sunday
School, Primary, Mutual Improvement Associations, or
Aaronic Priesthood leaders? Did he trace the difficulty in which
these young people found themselves to any failure on the part of the
leadership of the various organizations in his ward to carry out suc-
cessfully the youth program of the Church?
The good bishop forgot that his Aaronic Priesthood work was
at a low ebb and failed to reach a great number of the boys in his
ward. Yet the Aaronic Priesthood program is designed to build
character and strength and spirituality in the boys of the ward. When
boys are not reached by it, they lose the strength which the program
provides and thus weakened, some of them fall into sin when tempta-
tion comes along.
The good bishop also forgot that his M.I. A. work was very weak,
and like the Aaronic Priesthood activity in the ward, failed to build
strength of character among the young people. And he forgot that
there was very little enlistment work done in his Sunday School.
He forgot, too, that he had failed to< adopt the Latter-day Saint
girls' program, because he didn't agree with all of the minor details
in it. And he forgot that his ward provided little or no recreation for
the young people, and that all last year it had given only two dances
for the young people who like to come there. During the remaining
fifty weeks of the year, the doors of the recreation hall of that ward
were closed against the young people who would have liked to go
there for their dances. And yet that same good bishop would stand
up on Sunday night and denounce some of these young people because
they went to public dance halls.
Did the bishop ever think to ask how often young people like to
go out? Did he content himself with two dances a year when he was
young and when he went courting?
public dance halls where so often liquor is available and where fre-
quently undesirable elements are present. Yet, like Bishop Brown,
we do so little about it. Our young people would far rather dance in
good places with good people to good music, but they want to do it
Friday, October 4 First Day
more than eight times a year. Likewise, our young people enjoy their
Fireside groups, their M
Men and Gleaner work, their Boy Scout and
Aaronic Priesthood, their Junior girl and Bee Hive activity when
there is an interested leadership present. But put yourselves in their
places. Which of you would stay with an organization that was only
half alive?
He did not say, neglect the child and let him run the streets. Neither
did he say, forget the youth program of the Church, and let the chil-
dren shift for themselves. The Lord loves the children; it was he
who said:
Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for
of such is the kingdom of God. (Mark 10:14.)
the British Mission from January 1 0, 1 940 until May, 1 944 for four
years and five months.
May I take you back to the year 1 937 when the British Mission
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was celebrating
its centennial. It is the oldest mission of the Church, the mission which
contributed eighty-four per cent of Church membership, originally.
It was our centennial. Our late President, Heber J. Grant, and Presi-
dent J. Reuben Clark, Jr., and Sister Ruth May Fox, and many others,
came from Zion to Great Britian to celebrate our centennial. We
learned the day and the hour when the train would arrive in London,
at the Liverpool Street Station, so a group of about twenty young
people of the MIA gathered to meet President Grant. After waiting
some time, the train finally pulled into the station, and we eagerly
looked into the windows of the carriages to see whether we could find
President Grant. We were fortunate enough to be about the middle
of the platform and his carriage pulled up just about where we stood
waiting for him. As we stood there, irresolute as to what to do, one
of the sisters touched my elbow and said, "Go on Brother Anastasiou,
start," and we started singing "We Thank Thee O
God for a Proph-
et." We didn't care about the porters and the people pushing by; we
were so anxious to meet President Grant. We had never seen him
before.We had heard of him, we had read his speeches, we had seen
his pictures, but to see him in person was a great moment in our lives.
And so as we sang that hymn, he came out of the carriage alone, as I
remember it. He came to our group, took his hat off, and began sing-
ing with us. Before we finished singing he was crying. Welooked
upon him: a noble man, so humble in appearance, so simply dressed
and we felt he was a servant of the Lord. I shall never forget that
The great moment of the Mission centennial was culminated in
Rochdale, Lancashire, where we hired a town hall and many other
places for our various conferences and meetings. And during the
three days of jubilee and rejoicing, the President of the Church
sounded the voice of warning. He said," A day will come when every
missionary will be removed from the British Isles." That was 1937.
In 1939 Great Britian was again at war and every missionary had to
be removed from the British Isles, literally every one. In World War
No 1 there was a skeleton representation of missionaries from Zion
but on this occasion every one had to be removed. President Hugh
B. Brown said to me: "My passport has been cancelled and I have to
go." He left London on January 10, at 10:00 o'clock in the morning,
and we came to London at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon. My coming
to the Mission headquarters, brothers and sisters, and being called
to do that work was not unexpected. Almost two years before that
we lived in the little village of Bookham in Surrey. It is a picturesque
little place. We had two other little villages nearby, Fetcham and
Cookham, but we lived in Bookham.
Often we used to bring missionaries from London from our near-
Friday, October 4 First Day
in Great Britain during the year 1935, and I believe '36. It was his
task to remove all the missionaries from Zion from administering the
affairs of the branches. These brethren could see what was coming.
When the war was declared the Saints said: "Why, President Grant's
prophecy has been fulfilled. Every missionary, for the first time in the
history of the British Mission, has been removed from this land."
And so we were not unprepared. Every branch was self-admin-
istered, and we began to take care of the 68 branches under our re-
sponsibility. While men clung to weapons of war in defending their
country, in trying to help Poland and other overrun nations, some of
us gave up our work and came and gave our full time to missionary
London, particularly, and many other large cities were in danger
of destruction. Bombing began and it was very severe. Many people
perished by day ar\d by night. Latter-day Saints, I imagine, with the
rest of the people prayed harder than ever before to be delivered from
destruction. We spent nearly two years in cellars and shelters, hiding
from destructive bombs, but I am grateful to say that not one Latter-
day Saint perished in the destruction of the cities of Great Britain,
not one.
I lay certain stress on "Saints." May I be permitted to say that
we have defined some of our Church members as Saints, Aints and
Complaints. Among the Saints, we have not lost a single one.
Some people said to me: "Brother Anastasiou, do you mean to
tell us that not one member of the Church perished in that terrible
bombing of London?"
I said: "Yes, it is true, not one Latter-day Saint." We lost one
family whose mother was a member of the church but in name only.
Friday, October 4 First Day
or three hundred people, but the faith of that little humble family was
so wonderful that I shall never forget it.
The next morning the A.R.P. Squad was on the scene. The
whole neighborhood was removed for forty-eight hours and the bomb
was finally taken away. When it was successfully removed the people
were called back to their homes.
On the way back Brother Patey asked the foreman of the A.R.P.
Squad: "Well, what did you find?"
"Mr. Patey, we got at the bomb outside of your door and found
it ready to explode at any moment. There was nothing wrong with it.
your homes to go back to." Brother Patey knew deep in his heart that
it was the answer to a humble prayer of a good Latter-day Saint and
his children.
He said to me: "I was so anxious that our Branch records in
my home would not be destroyed." That was his anxiety.
Well, we had regulations by the hundred; we Latter-day Saints,
condensed the principles of the Gospel into a kind of pill form. We
said to the Saints: "Brothers and Sisters, if you need the protection of
the Lord you must be true to the principles of the Gospel." We said:
1. Pray night and morning. 2. Keep the Sabbath Day holy. 3. Go
to the house of the Lord and take the sacrament worthily. Don't bear
false witness to it. 4. Sustain loyally the Church Authorities. 5.
Pay your tithing and fast offerings. 6. Keep the Word of Wisdom,
and 7. Do your temple work.
And members adhered to this. We
called 101 full time mission-
aries and most of them went into the field without a penny, and yet
everyone had the means. We called 425 part-time missionaries and
every one gave us five hours a week for nearly two years, apart from
their regular work. Our missionaries were asked to preach the Gospel
and not to give talks. At testimony meetings we had marvelous in-
spirational occasions.
The police sometimes would come and say: "Don't you think
itunwise that you should hold your services while the air raid is on?
Think of the casualities you would sustain if a bomb were to fall upon
your church." We said: "Thank you, officer, we recognize the dan-
ger but we feel safe in a dedicated building," and we never cancelled a
single service. Many of our buildings, of course, had no windows and
no ceilings. The government saw that we had roofs over our heads.
We had hardly any heat and hardly any light.
I remember one testimony meeting when every Saint took one
minute to bear a testimony, and one little old lady got up. She said:
"Brothers and sisters, the testimony of the Gospel is burning in my
bosom." And as she sat down, she said to her neighbor: "My dear,
my feet are freezing."
We went throughout the mission, in accordance with the wishes
of the First Presidency, once a year. We
called young people to go
on missions, saying to them: "Brothers and sisters, if you will answer
the call of your brethren it makes no difference whether you have any
means or not, the Lord will provide."
I must give way in a moment, but may I bear a testimony that
I have seen the hand of the Lord move among those faithful Latter-
She was set apart the last thing on Sunday night and I said:
"I will write to you on Tuesday, when I get back." It took a day to
get back to London, to my desk, and among the pile of letters there
was the answer to the promise given to that sister. One faithful brother
from the army wrote to me saying: "President, I would like to' take
care of a missionary for six months. Here is the check for the first
month, and the others will follow." All of that money went to that
Time will not permit me to say much more, but by the time my
successor arrived back in Great Britain, President Hugh B. Brown,
we had 75 branches in operation, everyone self-sustaining and self-
administered, and it has been a testimony to me that "the rights of
the priesthood are inseparably connected with the powers of Heaven,
Friday. October 4 First Day
but that the powers of Heaven cannot be controlled nor handled except
upon the principles of righteousness," (Doc. & Cov. 121:36.) and
such is my testimony to bear to you, brothers and sisters, that we have
witnessed the hand of the Lord in our midst, by day and by night,
and I rejoice in being with you today in Zion.
There are at least twenty or thirty young people in Great Britain
today who were denied the opportunity to go on missions because of
the war work. Now they are willing to go on missions anywhere in
the world and the means will be found when they are called.
God grant that we may appreciate the blessings of this Gospel,
I humbly pray, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Conference reconvened at 2 o'clock P.M., Friday, October 4.
President George Albert Smith:
This is the second session of the 1 1 7th Semi- Annual Conference
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We
are convened
in the Tabernacle on Temple Square, Salt Lake City.
The house is filled to overflowing and people standing.
There are present on the stand this afternoon all of the General
Authorities of the Church, except Elder Stephen L Richards of the
Council of the Twelve, who is detained at home under instruction of
his physician; Elder Ezra Taft Benson, also of the Council of the
Twelve, who is in Europe in charge of the European Mission; and
the Patriarch to the Church, also absent on account of illness.
The proceedings of this session will be broadcast over KSL at
Salt Lake City and KSUB at Cedar City.
Wewill begin the services this afternoon by the combined chorus
snare the souls of the Lord's children and have them follow after him.
These two philosophies have been found in government. We
find that in the days of George Washington, in the day of these wise
men that the Lord raised up to found a republic, founded upon the
principle of free agency, that there were those who opposed the idea;
there were those who fought against the principles as advocated by
Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and the Revolutionary fathers. And
from that day until this, the world over, these two philosophies have
been struggling with each other. The Lord gave Joseph Smith an-
other revelation, one that should be a warning to all of us, with refer-
ence to the principle of force as advocated by Lucifer, for the Lord
And again, I say unto you that the enemy in the secret chambers
seeketh your lives. Ye hear of wars in far countries, and you say that
there will soon be great wars in far countries, but ye know not the hearts
of men in your own land. (D. & C. 38:28, 29.)
these two great systems, we can readily see that they are but a carry-
over from that great battle which took place in the spirit world.
When I think of these wise men, George Washington and
Jefferson and Franklin, I think of men who were servants of God,
raised up for the purpose of establishing the Constitution and es-
tablishing this great government. Thomas Jefferson was endowed
from on high with prophetic power. If you will study the Doctrines
of Democracy as advocated by Thomas Jefferson one hundred thirty
years ago, you will find that in many respects we have departed
from the principles that made us a great and powerful nation.
Over the years that have passed, the states have given up many
of their rights to the federal government. As a result, we are be-
coming a closely supervised nation in many respects. This man of
God understood this and warned us and forewarned us to protect
our rights as states and as individuals.
Jefferson foresaw the time when, should we be regulated in our
businesses, in all our endeavors, there would come a day of famine.
I shall read to you one of his statements: "Were we directed from
Washington when to sow and when to reap, we should soon want
We are living in that very day. We
have seen the need for
bread; we have seen the need for meat; we have seen the need for
sugar; we have seen the need for many of the necessities of life. I
am sure this wise man of God enjoyed the inspiration of the spirit of
prophecy when he made the above declaration.
There are those who would change our form of government,
would regiment us in all of our endeavors. It would be only a short
time when men would be called to perform work whether they were
qualified to do it or not. They would be forced into the harness of
labor without any opportunity to express their own desires. Serf-
dom would soon dominate the lives of the people.
Friday. October 4 First Day
hope we have not gone so far in this nation of ours that be-
Brethren and sisters, these are the words of one of God's in-
spired servants, one of those whom he told us through revelation he
had raised up to help establish the government of the United States.
Benefits of Freedom
Iask you to compare the fruits of this great republic with the
fruits of those nations where they have accepted or had forced upon
them these "isms" of the evil one. For example, in the United States,
with roughly six percent of the world's population in six percent of
its area, America enjoys forty-four percent of the productive wealth
of the world. Thirty million families live in American homes valued
at a hundred and two billion dollars. They cultivate six and a half
million farms with an estimated value of fifty-eight billion dollars.
American families enjoy the use of twenty-five million automobiles,
nineteen million telephones, and forty-five million radios.
And so I could go on and point out to you the fruits, the temporal
fruits, that have come to us because we have had the privilege of
living under a government founded upon the divine principle of free
agency. These figures, after all, brethren and sisters, are a tribute to
the wisdom of our system of government with its freedom and its in-
dividual initiative which have always been the urge to these accomp-
Now I ask you to compare these accomplishments and fruits
with those nations that have adopted a system where men and women
are regimented, where they dare not express their thoughts nor have
the right to worship God as their conscience dictates to them. Have
they achieved any such results as these? You and I know that they
have not, and they never can, because so long as the individual is
shackled, there will be no opportunity for individual progress. And
one of the grand and glorious things about our republic is the fact
that it is the individual that counts, and the state is but to serve him.
He does not become a mere pawn of the state and a cog in a grieat
machine; he is the objective of the government. And as long as the
individual is the objective of this great government, you can rest
well assured that we will continue to make progress and enjoy all of
the blessings in the future that we have in the past.
children that this great government and its fundamental law were
given to us by God, that he inspired men who framed the Constitu-
tion of the United States. Oh, I am fearful that in our schools little
consideration is given to the Constitution! I am fearful that our
young men and our young women are not learning very much about
this great republic, and that being the case, it is time that in the
home we, as parents, take upon ourselves the responsibility of teach-
ing the youth of the land the very truth that God revealed for the
establishment of the Constitution of the United States and the organ-
izing of our republic.
I can with unshaken confidence appeal to the Divine Arbiter for the
truth of the declaration that I have been influenced by no impure purpose
and no personal motive, have sought no personal aggrandizement, but
that in all of my public acts, I have had a full and single eye and a warm
and devoted heart directed and dedicated to what, in my best judgment, I
believed to be the true interest of my country.
would to God that every public servant should have that at-
the teachings of the founders of this great nation, that we will make
When a man and woman have received their endowments and seal-
ings, and then had children born to them afterwards, those children are
legal heirs to the kingdom and to all its blessings and promises, and they
are the only ones that are on this earth. There is not a young man in our
community who would not be willing to travel from here to England to be
married right, if he understood things as they are; there is not a young
woman in our community, who loves the gospel and wishes its blessings,
that would be married in any other way; they would live unmarried until
they . were as old as Sarah before she had Isaac born to her. Many of
. .
our brethren have married off their children without taking this into con-
sideration, and thinking it a matter of little importance. I wish we all
understood this in the light in which heaven understands it. {Discourses of
Brigham Young, pp. 195, 196, 1934 edition.)
Be careful, O ye mothers in Israel, and do not teach your daughters
in the future, as many of them have been taught, to marry out of Israel.
Woe to you who do it; you will lose your crowns as sure as God lives.
How is it with you, sisters? Do you distinguish between a man of God
and a man of the world? It is one of the strangest things that happens in my
existence, to think that any man or woman can love a being that will not
receive the truth of heaven. The love this gospel produces is far above
the love of women; it is the love of God —
the the love of eternity —
of eter-
nal lives. (Ibid.)
gard the matter. Some people feel that it does not make very much dif-
ference whether a girl marries a man in the Church, full of the faith of the
gospel, or an unbeliever. Some of our young people have married outside
of the Church; but very few of those who have done it have failed to
come to grief. I would like to see Latter-day Saint men marry Latter-day
Saint women; and Methodists marry Methodists, Catholics marry Catholics;
and Presbyterians marry Presbyterians, and so on to the limit. Let them
keep within the pale of their own faith and church, and marry and inter-
marry there, and let the Latter-day Saints do the same thing in their
Church. Then we will see who comes out best in the end. [Gospel
Doctrine, p. 380. 1919 edition.)
You will clearly perceive, from the revelation which God has given,
that you can never obtain a fulness of glory, without being married to a
righteous man for time and for all eternity. If you marry a man who re-
ceives not the gospel, you lay a foundation for sorrow in this world, besides
losing the privilege of enjoying the society of a husband in eternity. You
forfeit your right to an endless increase of immortal lives. And even the
children which you may be favoured with in this life, will not be entrusted
to your charge in eternity, but you will be left in that world without a
husband, without a family, without a kingdom, without any means of en-
larging yourselves, being subject to the principalities and powers who are
counted worthy of families, and kingdoms, and thrones, and the increase of
dominions forever. To them you will be servants and angels— that is,
provided that your conduct should be such as to secure this measure of
glory. Can it be possible that any females, after knowing these things,
will suffer themselves to keep company with persons out of this Church?
It matters not how great the morality of such persons may be, nor how kind
they may be to you, they are not numbered with the people of God; they
are not in the way of salvation, they cannot save themselves nor their
families, and after what God has revealed upon this subject, you cannot
be justified, for one moment, in keeping their company. It would be in-
finitely better for you to suffer poverty and tribulation with the people of
God, than to place yourselves under the power of those who will not em-
brace the great truth of heaven. By marrying an unbeliever, you place
yourselves in open disobedience to the command of God requiring
his people to gather together. Do you expect to be saved in direct violation
of the command of heaven? (Millennial Star, XV: 584.)
of the fact that their daughters are to be married or their sons are
to be married and they are going to be married by some minister of
some other church, maybe by a bishop of this Church who can only
marry them for time he cannot marry them for eternity and they —
seem to be happy about it. I do not know how they can, in the face
of all that the Lord has revealed. For every contract, every bond,
every covenant that is made that is not according to the Lord's will
and commandment, and enforced by his law will of necessity come
to an end. These young people who seem to be so happy now, when
they rise in the resurrection, and find themselves in the condition in
which they will find themselves, then there will be weeping and
wailing and gnashing of teeth, bitterness of soul, and they have
brought it upon themselves because of their lack of faith and under-
standing of the gospel, and from, I am sorry to say, the encourage-
ment they have received many times from their own parents.
I am quite satisfied in my own mind that the parents are not
means nothing more nor less than this: that where God joins in mar-
riage, man cannot put it asunder. And the Lord never does anything
just for time. Everything is for eternity.
erly, the Lord commands them to multiply. Now that is not in ac-
cord with the teachings of the world, nor the practice of the world,
especially the practice, and so I want to read one or two other pas-
sages now; this from President Young:
There are multitudes of pure and holy spirits waiting to take taber-
nacles, —
now what is our duty? To prepare tabernacles for them; to take
a course that will not tend to drive those spirits into the families of the
wicked, where they will be trained in wickedness, debauchery, and every
species of crime. It is the duty of every righteous man and woman to pre-
pare tabernacles for all the spirits they can.
To check the increase of our race has its advocates among the influ-
ential and powerful circles of society in our nation and in other nations.
The same practice existed forty-five years ago, and various devices were
used by married persons to prevent the expenses and responsibilities of a
family of children, which they must have incurred had they suffered na-
ture's laws to rule pre-eminent. That which was practiced then in fear and
against reproving conscience, is now boldly trumpeted abroad as one of
the best means of ameliorating the miseries and sorrows of humanity. In-
fanticide is very prevalent in our nation. It is a crime that comes within
the purview of the law, and is therefore not so boldly practised as is the
other equally great crime, which, no doubt, to a great extent, prevents the
necessity of infanticide. The unnatural style of living, the extensive use
of narcotics, the attempt to destroy and dry up the fountains of life,
are fast destroying the American element of the nation; it is passing away
before the increase of the more healthy, robust, honest, and less sinful class
of the people which are pouring into the country daily from the old world.
(Discourses o{ Bcigham Young, p. 197, 1943 edition.)
As a Man Thinketh
The ancient statement, "As [a man] thinketh in his heart, so
is he," (Prov. 23:7) is a divine, sublime, and eternal truth. Every
act that we have committed and every word that we have spoken
have come about as a result of our thoughts. Your character and my
character today are the results of the complete sum of all our
thoughts. Thus a man is literally what he thinks. Every plant springs
forth from its seed. So it is with the deeds of man. Every one of his
First Day
acts springs forth from the hidden seeds of thought. Our minds are as
fertile gardens. If we plant in these gardens seeds of impure and
unholy thoughts, these seeds grow as weeds and crowd out that
which is pure and noble. Under these conditions, our lives become
filled with filthy, ungodly, and immoral actions. Paul, the ancient
Christian apostle to the Gentiles, warned humanity against sowing
evil thoughts which always result in wicked deeds.
Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth,
that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh
reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap
lifeeverlasting. (Galatians 6:7, 8.)
Since all that is evil and all that is good in human nature comes
forth from the heart of man, we shall be held accountable before the
judgment seat of God for all that comes from the heart. In fact, the
gospel plan of salvation proclaims that every man and every woman
who have their free agency to choose the course that they follow
and who are mentally sound and capable of making choices are held
responsible for the actions that they commit. God our Eternal Father
is both merciful and just. He is very merciful in that he gave to the
human family the gospel; and to be completely just, he requires each
of us to> obey every word that has come from his mouth.
. . . our words will condemn us, yea, all our works will condemn us;
we shall not be found spotless; and our thoughts will also condemn us.
(Alma 12:14.)
For thereis nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid,
that shall not be known. Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness
shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in
closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. (Luke 12:2, 3.)
the good with a greater degree of satisfaction and joy than he will
the evil.
If it pays well to guard our lips, it pays just as well and even
better to guard our thoughts, for every word that we speak is pre-
ceded by the thought. We, as Saints of the Most High, should ac-
custom ourselves at all times to think such pure thoughts that if our
minds and hearts were laid open before the world, nothing would
appear which when brought to light would cause us to blush. Since
the key to every man is his thoughts, we should thoroughly under-
stand that our habitual thoughts will completely determine our char-
acter, for the soul is truly dyed by the thoughts. Therefore, thought
and character are one. Our reputation is what men believe us to
be, but our character is what God and angels actually know of us.
The Lord gave us the key in modern revelation by which we can
build lives of righteousness:
Let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men, and to the
household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly; then
shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of God; and the doctrine
of the priesthood shall distil upon thy soul as the dews from heaven. The
Holy Ghost shall be thy constant companion, and thy scepter an un-
changing scepter of righteousness and truth; and thy dominion shall be
-an everlasting dominion, and without compulsory means it shall flow unto
thee forever and ever. (D. & C. 121:45, 46.)
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep
his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring
every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good,
or whether it be evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14.) »
Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not
commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman
to lust alter her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
(Matt. 5:27, 28.)
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will
not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6.)
prophet of the Most High and that he holds the keys of the priest-
hood just as the other holy prophets have done. I humbly pray
that God will bless us all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus
Christ. Amen.
Relief Society Singing Mothers and the congregation joined
in singing the hymn, "We
Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet," by
Norton, (Hymn Book page 152, L.D.S. Hymns page 298.)
"1 can no more remember the books that I have read than the
meals that I have eaten," said Emerson, "but they have made me."
To countless thousands, who have basked in the spirit of the Book of
Mormon, the truth that Joseph Smith spoke comes home to their
souls. He remarked that " a man would get nearer to God by
abiding by its [Book of Mormon] precepts, than by any other book."
the action they took was a credit to their righteousness and to their
sense of the justice of God. They passed a resolution repealing the)
doctrine of "infant damnation," and what a beautiful thing they
did when they made that decision retroactive. President Woodrow
Wilson, himself a member of that great body of good people that
decided against the doctrine of "infant damnation" and declared
"the decision retroactive," laughed and said, "Think of all those
dear little babies that have been burning in hell so long; now they
will all be released."
The Book of Mormon teaches the nobility of service. What
isman without work? Work
is known by the angels of God. They
are immersed in its atmosphere, and that service is eternal. He is
a poor "Mormon" elder, hardly worth his salt, who believes that
when he goes to heaven, he will sit in inactive, endless bliss. Cen-
turies before he was born in the flesh, according to the Book of
Mormon, Jesus said:
. for my work is not yet finished; neither shall
. . it be until the end
of man, neither from that time henceforth and forever. (II Nephi 29:9.)
come subject unto man in the flesh, and die for all men, that all men might
become subject unto him. (II Nephi 9:5.)
brethren and sisters, we do become subject to men in the
flesh by the work of the ministry, but in God's own due time the
people will look upon us as saviors upon Mount Zion, and they
will become subject in a heavenly way unto those who taught them
the gospel.
and know those we loved here. ... If I felt sure of the point of identifying
and being with our loved ones in the world to come, I would prefer not
to live long.
be joined by the eternity and glory and power of the gospel which
is the power of God unto salvation.
The Book of Mormon prophets give great comfort to this na-
tion. They declared that this nation was set up by the Almighty
and should be pre-eminent among the people of the world. It is
pre-eminent in glory and in power, but alas, there are corroding
and corrupting influences that are trying to sap the strength of this
great republic. This republic is the house of our fathers, our fellow
our friends, and our brothers, and with them we shall stand,
by the grace of God, to contest the supremacy of any communist
or foreign-born element who seeks to destroy the Constitution.
... to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ,
the Eternal God, manifesting himself unto all nations. (Book of Mormon,
Title Page.)
that I know that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. He
is the resurrection and the life, the author and the finisher of our
faith, and if we will obey his commandments, this nation shall prosper
and with him all of us shall go into eternal glory, is testimony, my
in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Friday, October 4 First Day
Industrial Disputes
ment or society that does not find an effective way of dealing with it.
There is no more excuse for permitting those with an industrial
complaint, real or fancied, sincerely entertained or shammed, to
cover up a sinister purpose, to take into their own hands the redress-
ing of their own grievances, than there is for permitting any private
individual to take upon himself the satisfaction of his own wrongs
of whatsoever nature without regard to the good order and welfare
of the whole society.
There is no more justification for permitting an organized group
to stop a farmer carrying his own produce, the fruits of his own
toil, to market and tip over and break his truck and destroy his
foodstuffs unless he will take on and pay another driver whom
neither wants nor needs, than there is for permitting a man whose
son has been killed, perhaps to go out and without
in a brawl,
investigation kill the perpetrator of the death.
There is no greater right in an organized body to obstruct
public streets or to throw picket lines in front of entrances to places
of work and hold others out by violence, intimidation, threat, and
injury than there is in any person whose property has been stolen
to retrieve it by force of arms, killing or maiming if need be in the
Neither does it help the cause any to say, even though true,
that workers have in the past suffered gross wrongs. An evil is
never cured by transferring the power to perpetrate it from one set
of hands over into the hands of those on the opposite side. Wrong
is just as sinister and just as fatal to orderly living when perpetrated
by one side to a controversy as if perpetrated by the other. Former
wrongs are not righted by the commission of new ones by the
other party.
I hope it will not interfere with what you are thinking about
for me to say it is written by one of old "choose you this day whom
The third session of the Conference convened Saturday morn-
ing, October 5, and commenced promptly at 10 o'clock.
Primeval Gathering
The vision of this primeval gathering is recorded as follows:
Now the Lord had shown unto me, Abraham, the intelligences that
were organized before the world was; and among all these there were
many of the noble and great ones; And God saw these souls that they were
good, and he stood in the midst of them, and he said: These I will make
my rulers; for he stood among those that were spirits, and he saw that
they were good; and he said unto me: Abraham, thou are one of them;
thou wast chosen before thou wast born. And there stood one among
them that was like unto God, and he said unto those who were with him:
We will go down, for there is space there, and we will take of these mater-
ials, and we will make an earth whereon these may dwell; And we will
prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord
their God shall command them. (Pearl of Great Price, Abraham 3:22-25.)
without him was not any thing made that was made. (John 1: 1, 3.)
And Jesus the Christ created the earth and gave it light and es-
tablished upon it the plant and animal life, and finally man, created
in his image.
In confirmation, he says long centuries later to the Nephites:
... I am Jesus Christ the Son of God. I created the heavens and
the earth, and all things that in them are. (Ill Nephi 9:15.)
And he beheld the spirit world and all creations not visible to
the natural eye. From hills and high places, Enoch warned them, and
... no man laid hands on him; ... for he walked with god. (Ibid,,
verse 39.)
... I stood upon the mount, I beheld the heavens open, and I was
clothedupon with glory; And I saw the Lord; and he stood before my face,
and he talked with me, even as a man talketh one with another, face to
face. (Moses 7:3. 4.)
And thus Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord; for Noah was a
just man, and perfect in his generation; and he walked with God. (Moses
Again at the time of the tower of Babel, the Lord Jesus came
to earth when the Jaredites prepared to cross the ocean for the prom-
ised land, now known as America, and they went into the moun-
tains and "did molten out of a rock sixteen small stones" (Ether 3:
1 )
, and the prophet entreated the Lord to touch these stones that
they might shine forth in the darkness of the enclosed vessels to give
light while they crossed the sea. And as the Lord touched each stone
the veil was taken from off the eyes of the brother of Jared, and
. . .
he saw the finger of the Lord; and it was as the finger of a man, like unto
flesh and blood. (Ether 3:6.)
Saturday, October 5 Second Day
The prophet fell to the earth with fear lest he should be smitten,
... for I knew not that the Lord had flesh and blood. And the Lord
said unto him: Because of thy faith thou hast seen that I shall take upon
me flesh and blood; and never has man come before me with such exceed-
ing faith as thou hast; for were it not so ye could not have seen my finger.
. .And when he had said these words, behold, the Lord showed himself
unto him, and said: Behold, I am he who was prepared from the founda-
. . .
Seest thou that ye are created after mine own image? Behold, this. . .
appear unto thee to be in the spirit will I appear unto my people in the
flesh. (Ether 3:8, 9, 13-16.)
And that night the darkness did not come, and two days and a
night were as one day, and the righteous people knew that that day
would see the birth of the Savior of the world. new star appeared A
as further evidence that the Christ was born.
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us. . . . (John 1:14.)
Birth of Jesus
And far across the ocean in the land of Judea that same star
shone forth and led the wise men from the East to a stable out of
Bethlehem. Here they found a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes
and lying in a manger. Mary had become the mother of the Son of
God. The shepherds called and paid homage, the angels sang hos-
annas and the Savior was born into mortality, into his flesh and blood
tabernacle. And "his name was called Jesus." (Luke 2:21.)
And the child Jesus was presented in the temple and blessed by
the righteous Simeon.
Little is known of the childhood of Jesus, but it is related:
And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom;
and the grace of God was upon him. (Luke 2:40.)
And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and
answers. (Luke 2:47.)
. the heavens were opned unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God
. .
descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: And lo a voice from
heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
(Matt. 3:16, 17.)
Wefollow our Savior down the dusty roads of Judea over the
rocky paths of the highlands and the sandy beaches of the seas,
into the synagogues to reprove and rebuke, in the byways to call to
find the Redeemer at the marriage at Cana turning water
into wine; at the temple at Jerusalem where with his handmade
scourge of small cords, he drove from the temple the desecrating
traders and money-changers, saying to the cowards:
.. Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of
He came unto his own, and his own received him not. (John 1:11.)
And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon
called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for
they were fishers. And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make
you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.
(Matt. 4:18-20.)
Saturday. October 5 Second Day
And he saw James and John mending their nets and likewise
called them and subsequently called other eight from all walks of
life to> lead his Church, and he "named them apostles."
Miracles Performed
behind him and touched the border of his garment"- and immedi- —
ately was healed.
Again he forgave the sinner, stilled the tempest, cleansed the
and raised the dead; even his friend Lazarus
lepers, stirred souls,
who was four days dead, and "by this time stinketh" when the —
voice of Jehovah commanded: "Lazarus come forth."
. Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them
. .
up into an high mountain apart, And was transfigured before them: and his
face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light. . . .
While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them; and be-
hold a voice out of the cloud which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom
I am well pleased; hear ye him. (Matt. 17:1, 2, 5.)
Knowing that his hour had come he repaired to the room which
had been prepared, and there he gave to his disciples the Last Sup-
per, after which he retired into the Garden of Gethsemane, where
he poured out his soul unto his Father:
. . . O my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I
drink it, thy will be done. (Matt. 26:42.)
. . . Father, forgive them: for they know not what they do. (Luke
They took his body carefully down, and wrapped it in linen and
laid it in a sepulchre.
three days ended, and Jesus came forth as he had prom-
ised. His disciples, both women and men, had been to the tomb and
found it empty and were surprised, still not comprehending the fact
of the resurrection.
The same day he appeared in the locked room with his apostles
and revealed himself to them, convincing them that he lived again.
Many hundreds were similarly convinced.
Now his Church was organized, the program clarified, and
leaders developed into whose hands he could leave his kingdom.
And when his followers were gathered together in Jerusalem:
... he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And
while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two
men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said, Ye men of Galilee,
why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up
from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him
go into heaven. (Acts 1:9-11.)
and the earth, and all things that in them are. ... I came unto my own,
and my own received me not. ... I am the light and the life of the world.
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Behold, I have . . .
come unto the world to bring redemption unto the world, to save the
world from sin. (Ill Nephi 9:15, 16, 18, 21.)
in a white robe; and he came down and stood in the midst of them; and
... he stretched forth his hand and spake unto the people saying Behold, :
I am Jesus Christ, whom the prophets testified shall come into the world.
... I have drunk out of that bitter cup which the Father hath given me,
and have glorified the Father in taking upon me the sins of the world,
. the whole multitude fell to the earth; for they remembered that it had
. .
been prophesied among them that Christ should show himself unto them
. saying
. . thrust your hands into my side
. . . feel the prints of the . . .
nails in my hands and in my feet, that ye may know that I am the God
of Israel, and the God of the whole earth, and have been slain for the
sins of the world." (Ill Nephi 11:8-12, 14.)
And all the people felt the prints of the nails and of the sword
. . .did know of a surety and did bear record, that it was he, of whom
it was written by the prophets, that should come. (Ill Nephi 11:15.)
could not see Jesus. And while they were overshadowed he departed from
them, and ascended into heaven. (Ill Nephi 18:38, 39.)
said — —
above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name, and
pointing to the other "This is my beloved Son, hear him." (History
of the Church, Vol. I, p. 5.)
. .Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery retired to the pulpit, the veils
being dropped, and there bowed in silent prayer. After rising from their
knees the Savior appeared to them standing on the breast-work of the
pulpit and blessed them, accepting the building in his name. (Essentials
in Church History, pp. 191-192.)
We testify with John the Baptist, who, as he saw the Lord ap-
proaching to him, saith:
Behold the
. . . Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the
world. (John 1:29.)
. . . Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel. (John
personages, and they did in reality speak to me; ... I have actually seen
a vision, and who am I that I can deny what I have actually seen?
. . .
For I had seen a vision; I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could
not deny it, neither dared I do it, at least I knew that by so doing I would
offend God, and come under condemnation. (History of the Church, Vol.
I, pp. 7, 8.)
I my testimony:
I know
that Jesus, through eternities past and future, is the
Creator, the Redeemer, the Savior, the Son of God. I bear it in his
holy name. Amen.
of many of you, and I bring you, from them, a good word. I want
to tell you that they are interested in their work, they are devoted to
it,and they are striving to the best of their ability and their utmost
power to teach and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. I pray that
you will have faith in them, that you will have no misgivings as to
their future, for they are in the hands of God and are striving to do
his work. It was interesting to study with them their problems, and
to strive to help them in the solution of these problems. One of the
questions that they confront most often, is the statement of many
people, "We could accept your teachings and the principles which
you advocate, if it were not for the supernatural conditions that you
allege surrounded the birth of your organization."
that they were any more dear to God their Heavenly Father, as
his children, than we and our fathers and grandfathers. And I can't
bring myself to believe that we are any more unworthy of the aid
of God than they were. So to me, it seems a more or less proper thing
and a natural thing, that God should so manifest himself.
and spoke to him thus bringing back to the world the testimony as
to the true personality of God. I believe that they should further
teach them the various and sundry teachings of the Church, regard-
ing these things; baptism, repentance, faith in God, charity in their
lives, chastity, and all the virtues that go- to make fine men and
women, SO' that those who may be called for missionary service shall
go into the world fully convinced in their hearts that God lives; that
he is the Father of their spirits; that he is the guardian of them all;
that he actually has personal interest in our welfare; and that he
can be sought in prayer for aid and assistance. If they go into the
world understanding these things, they will be effective and efficient
missionaries for the Church.
after preparing those boys and young men and young women
for that work, to present them, even at a sacrifice, if you want to call
itsuch, to the Church for the short period of time that is required in
the mission field. That is the work of the seventy, to testify to the
restoration of the gospel; and if they can't do it personally, why can
they not do it through their sons and their daughters?
It is a pleasing thing to me that there is an increasing percentage
of men in the missions of the world. It has been our experience in
the stake missions, that as the percentage of men decreased, the hours
required for baptism increased. It seems that there is a power in the
priesthood of God that is neccessary to the ultimate conversion of
men. And I would like to see this percentage increase beyond its pres-
ent status, both in the foreign missions and in the stake missions.
When our stake missions began, we had a percentage of sixty from
the seventies quorum, whose special duty it is to teach, and today
that percentage is as low as thirty-five. I personally would like to see
that restored to its original percentage, or better, so that the seventies
of the Church will actually be doing the work for which they are set
aside by ordination.
Now, that is our duty; it is the duty of the Church to break
down the unfounded traditions of the past and to teach the restora-
tion of the gospel. Every man who is warned should warn his neigh-
bor. We are doing a valiant work, but we are likely not doing all
we could and all we ought to do in this capacity.
I pray that God may give us a proper appreciation of our obli-
gations to each other and to the world, that he may give us a proper
understanding of the principles of the gospel, that may enable us
to teach our young men and young women, our boys and our girls,
our sons and daughters, the doctrines upon which they should rest
their faith, in such a way as to build up in their hearts an undying
faith regarding this great work in which we are engaged; so that
at such time, when the Presidency of the Church sees fit to ask them
for a service, they may be ready for it. May
he bless us all, that we
may live more near to him, that we ourselves may understand better
our obligations to each other, that we may be able to purify our
thoughts and our emotions and our actions so- as to be worthy re-
cipients of the Spirit of God, I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
For of him unto whom much is given much is required. (D. & C. 82:3.)
. . . perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own
selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, un-
thankful, unholy, . . . incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.
(II Tim. 3:1-4.)
peace, but success has not yet been sighted. The spirit of the Golden
Rule does not yet dominate the hearts and minds of the negotiators,
and so another war may be imminent; it is being talked of in hushed
terms. Apparently it can be avoided only if certain great powers
will recede from positions they have taken. During the recent war,
ideals were set up and efforts to implement them are now meeting
with determined opposition, just as was the case following World
War I. This country fought then, as it did in the recent conflict,
that war should be no more.
Why can't the same rules govern nations as govern individuals?
In civilized countries, no two men can go at each other with their
fists or guns without subjecting themselves to prosecution in a court.
Why can't a similar rule apply to nations? Why
is it legal to slay in
masses and not in singles? Shall we not continue to hope and pray
that efforts to outlaw war will soon succeed? God grant that this
may be so, and that we shall not have to await the millennium for
this great boon!
months ago, a great labor strike was called which directly involved
hundreds of thousands of people and indirectly the entire country.
An increase of thirty percent in wages was demanded in order that
the same take-home pay, enjoyed during the war should continue.
But it was requested that there should be no> increase in the cost of
living— a request impossible to implement. Those making these de-
mands seemed to have forgotten that in order to hasten war produc-
tion, war workers were given their wage demands and were thus
placed in a highly favored class in comparison with all other civilians
who received no wage increases. When these workers returned to
civilian production, was it fair, right, and just to continue this dis-
crimination? Remember that these discriminated-against civilians
greatly outnumbered the war workers. But even so, the politicians
know that the majority of the people are unorganized and that labor
unions hold the balance of power in elections; hence their subservience
to labor unions.
What have the great strikes of the last several months accom-
plished? Among other things, they have impoverished many of the
members of labor unions and it will take years to recover all the
wages lost during the prolonged strikes; they have increased the cost
of living for everybody; they have brought labor unions into dis-
repute; they have delayed the production of much needed civilian
goods; they have brought unrest, suffering, and uncertainty into mil-
lions of homes, and have thrown great multitudes on to public relief;
they have brought indecision and trouble to the government, both
federal and state, and have weakened the influence of America
abroad. The method of the strike has been the mass-picket and the
closed shop. What difference, in principle, is there between this
method of holdup and that of a gun? In both, force is applied. Then
are not both methods forms of robbery? And is not robbery intoler-
able to our American way of life? Does not freedom demand that
all forms of robbery shall be outlawed? Shall not the cries of a suf-
fering people be heard and relief be granted? Do we not need states-
men and fewer weak-kneed politicians in public office? Shall the
selfish interests of a few continue to prevail over the interests of the
many? Are not the interests of the public always involved in strikes
and lockouts? Hence, does it not appear that a means of bringing
peace to management and labor is an imperative need of the hour,
if we are to revert to the way of life given us by the founders of our
Republic a way that made our country great? Various means to
this end have been proposed by both writers and speakers; but as
I see it, no means of bringing permanent peace can succeed unless
have read this letter because I feel the need for it is more evi-
dent today than it was ten years ago. The spirit of communism is
unquestionably wholly foreign to the spirit of true Americanism. As
seen in the country where it has long been dominant, it is wholly
it denies the existence of God; as frequently manifested, it
isextremely cruel and inhuman. Confiscation and murder have been
employed to reach its end. It should be impossible to get any Latter-
day Saint to give the least degree of sympathy to communism as it
is manifested in Europe.
Brethren and sisters, there is but one safe course for us —which
is to be steadfast, loyal, and true to the Church and its leadership.
May the Lord help us to be so, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ,
our Lord. Amen.
brethren and sisters: This is a tremendous experience for
me. I know
that the importance of this occasion is far above person-
but I never get up to address you in general conference but
what something happens to my voice, and my spirit, and my body.
Responsibility of Addressing a General Conference
I knowthe gospel is true. I doubt if I shall know it better, that
is, with more certainty, when I stand before my Maker and give an
that I accept, without any reservation whatever, the truth that this
is a general conference of the citizens of the literal kingdom of God.
I know that the Redeemer is here in spirit today, and I know that
the men through whom he speaks to all the rest of his brothers and
sisters now on the earth, all of God's children, are right behind me
on my right. I know that if the Savior should come to earth today,
he would come here. I know that you know that, and I know that
you have come here to get spiritual food and to be built up in your
And since I am called to speak, I know that I have the responsi-
a message worthy of this occasion, and so I pray that
bility of giving
while stand here, you will support me with your prayers. I want
to say something that will be worth your while and that will help to
build up God's kingdom in the earth. The thing I have had in mind
to say has been referred to in almost every sermon given in this great
conference. President George Albert Smith mentitoned it. He said,
speaking of world conditions, that there is no way to improve them
Saturday, October 5 Second Day
other than by obedience to the plan the Lord has outlined. Brother
Widtsoe talked about the way to peace, and as I understood him,
he said there is no way to peace except through obedience to those
principles upon which peace is founded.
leadership of this Church, who do not follow in their living the things
which the leadership of the Church teach them. I refer, of course, to
the men whom we sustain as prophets, seers, and revelators.
The principle of obedience to the laws of the gospel is funda-
mental. It lies at the base. The Prophet Joseph Smith learned it
very early in his ministry. He learned it when he went that first
morning, after the visits of Moroni, to the Hill Cumorah. He had
gone there under the direction of the angel, who had told him that
he should have no thought in mind other than to bring to pass the
righteousness of God and the accomplishment of his purposes in the
earth. Joseph's family was very poor, and as he walked toward the
hill, he thought about the intrinsic value of the things that the angel
had told him were buried there. He wondered if the plates, or some-
thing else to be found with them, could not be used to relieve the
poverty of his parents and their family. When he uncovered the
box and saw the gold plates, he reached to take them out and re-
ceived a shock that set him back. He reached again and received a
more severe shock. Then the third time, thinking all he needed was
physical strength, he reached with all his might to take the plates
and received still another shock which sapped his strength, and he
cried out, "Why can I not obtain this book?" And unexpectedly to
him, the angel said, "Because you have not kept the commandments
of the Lord." And then Joseph received a great manifestation that
I have not time here to tell you about, but it kept him reminded all
the days of his life that he had to obey in order to receive the prom-
ised blessings. The angel told him that he could not get the plates
then, and that he would not be able to get them until he was not only
willing to obey the laws of God but also was able to do so.
of the Lord. And Samuel said, What meaneth then this bleating of the
Saturday. October 5 Second Day
sheep in mine ears, and the lowing of the oxen which I hear? (I Sam. 15:
13, 14.)
Then Saul began to justify himself. He argued that his partial per-
formance was a complete performance, and that he had done what
the Lord had asked him to do. Samuel called to his attention that
when he was humble, "When thou wast little in thine own sight,"
he said, the Lord took you out of obscurity, and raised you up, and
magnified you, and made you king over Israel, and now you have
chosen to disobey the commandment of the Lord. ( See I Samuel
15:17-19.) Saul hit on the best excuse he could find when he said
that they had brought the cattle and sheep and lambs and fallings
back to offer as sacrifices unto the Lord. He thus claimed to be re-
lying on the commandment to offer sacrifices.
today that you will listen to their counsels, and that you will fol-
if I did not mention these things. The Lord bless us and help us to
carry on the great work in which we are engaged, help us to sus-
tain these brethren who stand at the head of the Church, not only
by our uplifted hand but by our every act, I humbly pray, in the
name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
President J. Reuben Clark, Jr.;
The Richfield Combined Choruses will now sing, "O Death,
Where is Thy Sting?"
closing prayer will be offered by President Elton L. Taylor
of the Carbon Stake, after which this Conference will stand ad-
journed until 2:00 this afternoon.
The proceedings of the afternoon session will be broadcast over
KSL at Salt Lake City and KSUB at Cedar City.
The time has arrived for the beginning of our meeting this after-
noon. The house is filled to overflowing and people standing in the
gallery and in the doorways in the lower part of the house. I would
like to suggest, brethren and sisters, that those of you who can
squeeze up just one inch on a bench will give quite a number of
people an opportunity to be seated. The Assembly Hall is open
and is also warmed, and the radio is working over there.
President David O. McKay will conduct the services this after-
and it would move about six and a quarter inches downwind and back
to about an inch and three quarters upwind — an almost unbelievable
fact in a great and massive structure SO' seemingly solid. And up
there it doesn't matter. It was built to take it. But I have often
thought, and have sometimes given utterance to the thought, what
would happen to the Empire State Building if some earth movement
or some super force of some kind should shift its foundations eight
inches. It would be but the prelude to destruction.
Our lives are lived, if we are to follow the path of safety and
if we are to realize those things of which we are capable, on the found-
ational structure of the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and
by this test and standard all things must be proved. Now, up in
the upper reaches, up in the superficial structure of our lives, there
are many changes that can occur without any hazard whatsoever.
It really doesn't matter whether we wear double-breasted or single-
breasted suits, or whether ladies' shoes have holes in the toes when
they buy them or after they wear them for awhile. These are the su-
perficial changes which can sway in the wind without any damage to
the structure. But any change which would shift the basic principles
of our lives, must be resisted with every legitimate means of resist-
ance. And it is up to us to teach our youth these basic principles,
so that they will be able to discriminate and judge for themselves as
to what changes are good, as to what changes conform to the stand-
ards of the gospel of Jesus Christ and are qn the road toward eternal
progress and what changes are actually retrogressive. Those who
would advocate taking men back to days of serfdom and regimenta-
tion, to days before they had won their freedom, and the rights of
free men, are the real reactionaries of the world, and they must
be known for what they are.
Basic Principles
But the basic structure of the gospel of Jesus Christ, which ac-
cepts all progress, and which accepts all truth is still founded on two
cardinal principles, among others: the free agency of men, and the
eternal permanence of the individual; and anything which is con-
trary to the operation or the belief or the free exercise of these two
basic principles is change for the worse and not for the better.
May our lives be flexible enough to adjust ourselves to the
changes of our time which are necessary or which are not destructive
of basic principles; but may we be solid enough in our convictions,
in our beliefs, and in our defense of them, to withstand all attempt
to shift the foundations and bring the destruction that inevitably
would follow.
Times have changed, but many things have not. May God help
us to discriminate, and help us to help our youth to do likewise, that
we may accept all progress and resist all disintegration and reversion
to things from which we have emerged and which were bought at
great cost, I ask in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
. . lovest thou me more than these? Yea, Lord; thou knowest that
. . .
And the only excuse and likewise the only reason that any of us have
for standing before you in this conference is that we shall feed you.
Brother Widtsoe yesterday made allusion to a principle, spoke
somewhat about it, to which I wish now to refer. He spoke of our
duties and our obligations as those who held the truth. It is a very
great blessing, not only, to have the truth, but it imposes likewise a
great responsibility. We
of this Church are possessors of the truth
in so far as it has been revealed, the ultimate truth, and we are the
possessors and custodians of the power of the Holy Priesthood.
war of which even barbarous nations would have been ashamed; recourse
being had to arms for slight reasons or no reasons; and when arms were
once taken up, all reverence for divine and human law was thrown away,
just as if 'men were thenceforth authorized to commit all crimes without
Principle of Neutrality
When our nation was formed, we contributed to the world
some great among the greatest being that of neutrality,
the intent thereof being to confine the war conflagration in as narrow
a space as possible with the purpose of providing that the peoples
of the nations that were not fighting might conduct their intercourse
as usual. The miseries and woes of war were not to be inflicted upon
innocent, disinterested peoples. We
came to the brink of war in
the last years of the eighteenth century to maintain this principle as
applied to ourselves. The effort was to make it impossible to have
what we have now come to glorify as "global war" and "total war."
We then knew such a war was a curse.
rape and arson and the whole train of like crimes that we read so
much about today were forbidden.
sand people, men, women and children, including wounded who had
been collected there) was in violation of a tacit understanding that
if Germany would leave Oxford and Cambridge alone, we would
not touch Dresden. I do not know how true this report is; but we
know the result.
Tragedy of Use of Atom Bomb
Now do not forget that of the nations had prepared before
World War II to use they had already used submarines in
World War I; and we know we were prepared to use poi-
in this area
son gases. Then as the crowning savagery of the war, we Americans
wiped out hundreds of thousands of civilian population with the
atom bomb in Japan, few if any of the ordinary civilians being any
more responsible for the war than were we, and perhaps most of
them no more aiding Japan in the war than we were aiding America.
Military men are now saying that the atom bomb was a mistake. It
was more than that: it was a world tragedy. Thus we have lost
all that we gained during the years from Grotius (1625) to 1912.
And the worst of this atomic bomb tragedy is not that not only did
the people of the United States not rise up in protest against this
savagery, not only did it not shock us to read of this wholesale de-
struction of men, women, and children, and cripples, but that it ac-
tually drew from the nation at large a general approval of this fiend-
ish butchery.
The other day there appeared in the New York Times, it may
have appeared here, too, but I have it from the New York Times, an
article which I shall read to you.
A new super-deadly poison, the most potent known to man, has been
developed by the special projects division of the United States Chemical
Warfare Service. [That is, it is officially developed.]
An innocent-looking crystaline toxin, the poison is so powerful that
an inch-cube size of it, roughly an ounce, could kill every person living
in the United States and Canada, silently and swiftly.
"If World War III comes.which we pray will never happen, it will be a
war in which most people may die from silent, insidious, anti-human
weapons that make no sound, give no warning, destroy no forts or ships or
cities, but can wipe out human beings by the millions," Dr. Gerald Wendt
of New York City, editorial director of Science Illustrated magazine, de-
clared in a General Electric Science Forum address.
Dr. Wendt said: "The United States has already spent $50,000,000 in
research on it, a small sum compared with the cost of radar and the atomic
bomb. Most startling are two facts: These killers are invisible, micro-
scopic in size, capable of spreading to reach every living enemy"; [I
wonder how we are going to direct these killers so that they will work
only on the enemy.] "and they can be easily and cheaply prepared by any
belligerent whoi has as much as a brewery and the skill to operate it.
"If any small nation is competent in biological warfare, a large nation,
even with atomic bombs, may be helpless against it."
There are other new biological weapons, Dr. Wendt asserted, that
"operate through the slow agony of starvation. It is the attack on plants
and animals."
did partake of it, in the day that they should eat thereof, they should
surely die.
It was an interesting thing to us to know that that happened
there, that they did partake of the forbidden fruit, and as a result
they were driven out of the garden, and there was brought about
what we commonly know as the fall of man. After they were driven
out of that beautitful place, Eve found that she was about to become
the mother of a child, and they rejoiced before the Lord, that now
they evidently were in a condition to fulfill that great commandment
for which they were sent upon the earth, to multiply and replenish
the earth, and they rejoiced before the Lord because of that bless-
ing which was now to come to them. They went out of the garden,
and it is interesting to know, as we understood it there and as I
understand it now, that they went not far away. They traveled
north-easterly, for about seventy-five miles, and there they lived in
Adam-ondi-Ahman of which you read in the revelations of the Church,
and that was the land where Adam and Eve dwelt. They may have
traveled far, and possibly lived at times in the country that is now
looked upon as the place where the race started, in the Orient, but
in the valley of Adam-ondi-Ahman is where Adam dwelt, and when
he was nine hundred twenty-seven years old, stooped with age, he
called his faithful followers together in that valley to receive an ac-
counting of their stewardships and to bless them, and on that oc-
casion, certainly the most important gathering that had been held
in the history of the world up to that time, Our Lord and Savior,
Jesus Christ, appeared at that point upon this land, to bless Adam
and comfort him in his old age, and Adam told his people what
would happen, down to the end of the world. Those things are
written, and in the future, probably not the far-distant future, we
will have the history of the world, written in advance by Adam which
will undoubtedly be a great blessing to us. There, three years later,
Adam died, probably at Adam-ondi-Ahman, and was buried there.
That makes that a very sacred place and one of tremendous interest.
There, we understand from the prophecies of the ancient prophets
and the modern prophets and revelators of our Church, Adam will
sit as the Ancient of days upon his throne, and a thousand times a
thousand will come there to pay homage to him and ten thousand
times ten thousand will come there to receive judgment at his hand.
Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, will appear at that point and
through the great conclave of Priesthood leadership that will be
called into conference at that point in the next few years, we are
inclined to think, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, will appear and
there he will be crowned King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the reign
of Satan will be terminated and the kingdoms of this earth shall
become the kingdoms of our God and His Christ, and He shall reign
with his people forever and forever. Those are things of tremendous
importance to us, and in that land you are reminded of them. I was
glad to learn on a trip there about two months ago, shortly after
Saturday. October 5 Second Day
President Smith had been there, that he reminded the people of the
tremendous things that are to happen there, the great things that
have happened there and that the great Temple of the Lord, the
new Jerusalem is to be established in that part. One of the greatest
buildings that has ever been erected in the history of the world will
be established in Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, and
the glory of God will rest upon it as a pillar of cloud by day and
a pillar of fire by night, and from that center will reign our Lord
and Savior, Jesus Christ, and the law will go forth from Zion as the
word of the Lord will go forth from Jerusalem.
We are thankful that we had the opportunity to labor there in
that holy land, in that sacred place, because of the tremendous things
that happened there and because of the tremendous things that are
to take place. These things will happen there, my brothers and
sisters you will find them written in the revelations. We haven't
been excused from the great responsibility of building up the center
place of Zion. Many of us think that we have the center place of
Zion here. It is the center place now; these stakes will never be dis-
rupted, but that is the center place of Zion, under the revelations,
and that is where the great Temple will be built and people will be
called there in the due time of the Lord to build up that place, pre-
paratory to the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Now let me remind you of one thing in closing. From this pul-
pit, in 1898, President Snow, the Prophet, Seer and Revelator of
the Church at that time, in answering some of the questions that
were arising in the minds of the people as to whether they had been
discharged from their responsibility pertaining to the building up
of the center place of Zion, told the people: "We are not going back
to Jackson County today, nor next week, nor next month, but I testify
to you in the name of the Lord that we will go back there, and there
are many, there are hundreds," and then he repeated it, "yes, hun-
dreds sitting in this congregation who will live in the flesh to go back
to Jackson County to assist in building the Temple. "This is im-
portant to us in that it indicates to us the nearness of the coming of
our Lord, and the best council that I can think of to give to myself,
to my family, and to you, my brethren and sisters, is the council that
our Lord and Savior gave to his apostles, when they asked him when
these things would be, that Christ was speaking of that would hap-
pen at the end of the world, and he stated, to watch and pray that
ye be not taken as a thief in the night.
May the Lord help us to measure up to our responsibilities of
carrying forward this great work, to preach this Gospel in all the
world as a witness unto all nations as we are undertaking to do it
now, with the realization that when we have filled our responsibility,
then the end will come and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, will
come to reign personally upon the earth for a thousand years. May
the Lord help us to do it, I humbly pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
the authorities of this Church sent to us the very cream of the young
men and women of the Church to serve as missionaries, and we shall
is much quicker to get from one part of the island to another with a
boat than it is to go around. Then we have two other islands which
are new to the Church. In 1939 I felt impressed to send a missionary
to Kepples Island Niuatoputapu. It was during a conference. I called
two men, one young man and one older man, to go to this island,,
and I said, "Gather all the genealogy you can from that island and
try and convert some of the people."
They went over there and two months later we received a wire-
less that four people had been baptized. The next February, I got
on a boat and went over there, not thinking of how I was going to
get back. I went over on a large steamer and went ashore. After I
got ashore there were two sailboats there. I found that they were
going around by Niuafo'ou and I concluded I had better stay there
rather than go to Niuafo'ou which was another 200 miles west and
then it would be 220 miles back to Vava'u. I thought I would rather
wait and go back 160 miles straight south. So I stayed there. It was
not until April that I was able to get off the island again, but during
that time I visited every home on the island and copied all of the
dates of birth, all of the marriage dates and the dates of death from
1 888 on that island, and those were the first records I could find be-
cause they had had a hurricane and water had destroyed all of their
previous records.
We have found since that my time spent there, through the provi-
dence of the Lord in keeping me there, was most profitable. Those
records have been more valuable to the people in the Tongan Mis-
sion than any we have had, because many of the people go back to
this island of Niuatoputapu where they stop. Then Niuatoputapu
was the collecting place of the people from 'Uvea Samoa and Ni'ua
and Niuafo'ou. They seemed to collect on this island, as it was in
the center, and we found that from there a lot of our genealogy to
these other countries could be traced.
In 1938 we were favored with a visit from Brother, now Presi-
dent, George Albert Smith. He arrived in Tongatapu early in the
morning. A
three-day conference was scheduled. Before we started
the first meeting Brother Smith said to me: "Brother Dunn, what
is our program?"
I said: "We are going to try and visit every person in the
Tongan Mission."
He said: "Are they here in Nuku'alofa?"
I said: "Not any of
the other islands are here."
He said, "It will be difficult to go out from this island. I thought
you would have all of the people here in Tongatapu."
I asked President Smith, "Did you come to see those who are
wealthy, those who are strong in body, those who are able to travel
around, or did you come to see everyone who is a member of the
Church, and to contact all those who are not so fortunate, who are
not able to go so far in sailboats?"
He said: "I want to see them all."
Saturday. October 5 Second Day
Tongans say "fiu." That means, had enough. I have not had enough
of missionary work. I can see too many situations in this world that
need missionaries.
In those islands, there are Tonga, and Samoa, right out there
in the middle of thousands of islands that have never been touched.
I am very grateful that the missionaries were sent from New Zea-
land over to Rara-Tonga, because President Grant wrote me at one
time and said: "Brother Dunn, we would like to have you go over
to Rara-Tonga and open up the work over there."
Rara-Tonga is an isolated place from Tonga. The two names
go together but if you hear the names, Rara-Tonga is riot Tonga.
It is Maori because they have the "r" and we have the "1." In Tonga
we call it Lalo-Tonga. In Maori they say Raro-Tonga. So, take
the "r" from New Zealand and they speak nearer the same language.
It would have taken me on a trip to Samoa, New Zealand, back to
Rara-Tonga, and then back to New Zealand and back to Samoa to
return to Tonga. That would make about two thousand miles, or a
little more, to get there and four thousand miles to get back, so I
wrote and told them the situation, that I could only go over there
once in six months, and I felt that if it could be worked from New
Zealand, it would be easier to take care of. They did change and
send missionaries from New Zealand and I understand now that
there are 29 Saints in Rara-Tonga. It is quite a relief to me because
I felt that there was a load on me, that I had not completed a job
those things should be printed as they were, because since that time
the Tongan language has taken a radical change. They have put
in all of. the glottal stops, they have put in "ng" instead of a "g," they
have thrown out the "B" and put all "p's" and several other things
have been changed in the language. After all those changes were
made, then Brother Morton copied the Book of Mormon into the
proper language and today we have it. I was very happy to receive
the Book of Mormon in Tongan before I left, to present to the Queen
and some of the people there, and a shipment of the Book of Mormon
no doubt has arrived there before now.
When those Saints receive that they will have a testimony to
bear to other people and they will have something that the people
can see, something they can read, and I am sure that the Book of
Mormon will convert a lot of those fine people.
The Tongan people, as a whole, and the Samoan people, are
not against the Church. Some of the leaders and others are agitating
some things among them, but, really, if you talk to the Tongans they
are interested in knowing the history of their ancestors; they are
interested in the Gospel; they are interested in knowing the truth,
and if we were to say that they are a fine people, every word of it
is true.
The Sabbath day is the Sabbath day in Tonga. If any man
would work he would be shunned by all the people. There is no
work done. The entire nation is at rest on the Sabbath day. I am
very thankful to the Lord that they are not as wealthy as some
other people and they have to live on the land that the Lord has
given them and they are humble.
May the Lord bless us all, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
As one reads the signs of the times there comes a certain con-
viction that the redemption of man comes not from the kingdoms of
the earth; that if the race is to ascend from the valley of darkness
into which it has been cast by "man's inhumanity to man," it will do
so only by seeking a power outside and beyond the limitations and
wisdom of the world.
The most urgent need of our time is for that same power to
govern in the affairs of nations, to the end that peace will dwell reg-
... the wisdom, of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding
of their prudent men shall be hid. (Isaiah 29: 14.)
The promise here that those who seek the kingdom of God, will
find righteousness, and that all things should be added unto them.
The kingdoms of this earth are not, in and of themselves, right-
eous kingdoms. Within them, however, there are many righteous
souls who have found, by earnest seeking, the kingdom of God in
the midst of evil.
In teaching his disciples to pray, Jesus said:
After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth,
as it is in heaven. (Matt. 6:9, 10.)
Instead, Christ's life and ministry were during that period when
the fourth of the great kingdoms of Nebuchadnezzar's monarchy
vision was a world empire. Indeed it was by order of a tribunal of
that empire that the Son of God was crucified. Had the heavenly
kingdom of Daniel's prophecy been established in the Meridian of
Time, Christ would have reigned over it as King of kings and Lord
of lords; and certainly his crown would not have been one of thorns.
So that Jesus in teaching his followers to pray: "Thy kingdom
come. Thy will be done in earth, as in heaven," foresaw, as did
Daniel, the coming of a kingdom which would stand forever and whose
king would not be crucified.
Pharisees demanding of Jesus when the kingdom of God
should come were answered as follows:
The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:
. . . Neither shall
they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within
you. (Luke 17:20, 21.)
universe holds within it many forces or kingdoms of power,
which come not with observation, and yet man converts these hidden
forces to his own use and purpose, and he knows, without question-
ing, that these forces are eternal. The elements, for instance, which
are transmitting the sound of my voice to many distant points do
not come within my observation, neither does the power which sets
them in motion come with observation, yet no one questions the
existence of that power.
Christ went about healing the sick, restoring vision to the blind
and hearing to the deaf; making the lame to walk and cleansing the
leper. These gifts of the spirit and powers of his priesthood were
made manifest throughout his ministry. These powers, like the air
Saturday, October 5 Second Day
waves the kingdom of the radio, were powers that could not be
seen, but they could be set in motion for the good of mankind.
In the baptism by John to which Jesus submitted himself, be-
cause, as he said:
whatever agency or force the water set in motion to the end that
righteousness would be fulfilled, could not be seen, but the Father's
voice of approval came down from the heavens, saying:
. . . This is ray beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. (Matt. 3:17.)
some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the
work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all
come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God,
unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of
Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and
carried about with every wind of doctrine. (Eph. 4:11-14.)
God would not withhold his will from the priesthood of the
kingdom, because, as the Prophet Amos said:
: )
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret
unto his servants the prophets. Amos 3:7.)
And did not Christ promise to be with his organized kingdom even
unto the end, if men would but "believe and be baptized" and "all
nations be taught to observe whatsoever he commanded." .
God would call men to the ministry in his kingdom. They would
not if they could and could not if they would, arrogate the authority
unto themselves.
And no man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called
of God, as was Aaron. (Hebrews 5:4.)
Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the
Holy Ghost. (Acts 2:38.)
The world cannot be set right unless man becomes right. Con-
fucius understood this procedure when he said:
Their hearts being rectified, their own selves were cultivated; their
own selves being cultivated, their families were regulated. Their families
being regulated then states were rightly governed. Their states being
rightly governed, the whole empire was made tranquil and happy.
Preliminary to the commencement of the fifth session of the
General Conference, which convened at 10 o'clock a.m., Sunday,
October 6, the regular Sunday morning nation-wide Tabernacle
Choir and Organ Broadcast was presented from 9:30 to 10 a.m. The
large Tabernacle was crowded to capacity long before the hour ar-
rived for the presentation of the broadcast, people from all over the
Church having assembled to listen to this radio program and the ses-
sion of the General Conference which was to follow. In addition,
the Assembly Hall was crowded to capacity, and hundreds of others
assembled on the Tabernacle grounds, loud-speaking equipment
having been installed in the Assembly Hall and on the grounds, that
those who were unable to find accomodation in the Tabernacle could
listen to the services as they were broadcast from the Tabernacle.
I want to have you folks see this boy here, 87 years young —
George Margetts. He has attended every Conference that has been
held here for 64 years, as the chief usher most of the time, and he is
always on hand smiling, with some kind of flower for some of the
Second Counselor in the First Presidency
"I charge thee," wrote Paul to Timothy, "before God, and the
Lord Jesus Christ, ... Preach the word; be instant in season, out of
Associated with this was the statement that only from ten to
fifteen percent of the population are closely linked to any Christian
Commenting upon this report, one of the daily papers in England
said, among other things:
Youth is —
finding in religion no
largely indifferent to Christianity
relevance to life, and inj life itself no meaning. If we inquire what it is
that has caused these alarming symptoms of national decline and fall,
the answer is that our generation has succumbed to the age-long delusion
of a self-sufficient humanism which puts man (not God) in the center of
his world, and regards man (not God) as the standard of reference.
The worst, however, is not yet told, for the Church itself has become
infected with the spirit of the age, and has thereby lost its vision, its
vitality and its spiritual authority. The real problem is not the ninety
percent which stand outside the churches, but the ten percent inside the
churches, so many of whom
are only half converted and ill-instructed.
blindly for the truth or have become lovers of pleasure more than
lovers of God, having a form of godliness, but denying the power
Among the glaring evil products of the war and postwar periods
Juvenile Delinquency
Out of each one thousand marching in this endless parade, five hun-
dred twenty-one have marched before to a prior arrest, and two hundred
ten are under twenty-one years of age. More persons aged seventeen
are arrested than in any other age group. Of each one thousand mur-
derers, one hundred forty are under twenty-one years of age; of every one
thousand robbers, three hundred sixty are under twenty-one; of burglars,
five hundred ten; of thieves, three hundred forty; of arsonists, two hun-
Sunday. October 6 Third Day
dred fifty; of one thousand car thieves, six hundred thirty are under
twenty-one; and of one thousand rapists, three hundred twenty are under
twenty-one years of age.
cause of the increase in child delinquency is a letdown in
home ideals. The exigencies of war induced many mothers to take
up war work, and to leave their children in the care of others, or, too
often, to let them shift for themselves. A growing desire for economic
independence, or a too eager willingness to improve financial circum-
stances, has influenced some mothers to neglect the greatest of all
responsibilities —
the rearing of a family. The national director of
the Federal Bureau of Investigation makes the definite statement that
If his pent-up energies and desires had been directed along wholesome
channels; if his problems the problems that made him a problem child
had been solved by patient and attentive parents, he would have proved
to be an influeftce for good in his community.
The Church
Next to the home as a safeguard to delinquency, the church
should be a dominant force. In the Church of Jesus Christ every
child should be more or less safeguarded; first, by the ward teacher,
whose duty it is to ". watch over the church always (the "church"
. .
The Schools
If the reports be true, with reference to the indifference of the
country as a whole toward Christian churches, we shall have to place
next to the home, not the church, but the public school, as the most
influential factor in lessening delinquency.
Present-day conditions emphasize the fact ( and I believe it with
all my heart ) that the most paramount objective of the public school
system from kindergarten to the university should be character build-
ing and the evolving of true, loyal citizens of the republic. The teach-
ing of the three "R's," of the arts; and the sciences, even the delving
into research work, should be but a means to the development of true
manhood and noble womanhood. Education for loyal citizenship!
Ralph Waldo Emerson (sometimes referred to as the wisest Am-
erican ) truly said
Character is higher than intellect; a great soul will be fit to live as
well as to think.
few years ago inquiry made into the school status of juvenile
delinquents in one of our Utah school districts, revealed the fact that
eighty-one percent of the offenses were found committed by five per-
cent of school pupils. A committee appointed to deal with this situa-
tion made the following report
1. Since the school offers one of the best resources in the state to
prevent and treat delinquency, every effort should be made by both school
and court to help the delinquent make a satisfactory school adjustment. In
order to accomplish this result, cases which come to the court should be im-
mediately referred to the school coordinator or attendance department of
the school district in which the juvenile resides in order to determine whether
or not the delinquent has a satisfactory school or work record. If he
}jas not, the court and schools should not cease their efforts until the de-
The writer then quotes Thomas Jefferson who "did not believe
that you can get a good society except through good, honest, well-
mannered, considerate, law-abiding, clean-living citizens. He thought,
in fact, that if education concentrated in the first line on creating
these, society and the state would ake care of themselves."
Yes, we are living in perilous times, but let us hope that they
may be to the present generation as the fiery furnace that consumes the
dross but purifies the gold.
A clean man is a national asset. A
pure woman is the incarnation of
true national glory. A citizen who loves justice and hates evil is better
than a battleship. The strength of any community consists of and exists
in the men who are pure, clean, upright and straightforward, ready for the
right and sensitive to every approach of evil. Let such ideals be the stand-
ard of citizenship.
There are no bad boys, and there are no bad men, there are only bad
remember that from his youth he had walked in a road that led away
from the Church. I recall his old grandfather, a pioneer. As a boy
I had heard his testimony. He had seen the Prophet. He had heard
him speak. This veteran came to Nauvoo when mobocracy and perse-
cution were rampant. He later left his home and his little farm and
cast his lot with the persecuted and driven people, driven across the
prairie to the Rocky Mountains. Why did he do it? Because he had
A Mother's Faithfulness
I recall now that my mother, when she was not yet in her 'teens,
walked across the prairie from Council Bluffs, Iowa, to Cache valley,
Utah, behind a yoke of oxen and a covered wagon; she, and her par-
ents, trudged along over the dusty and sun-baked- plains, until they
reached the "valleys of the mountains." The first year was spent in
a dugout; they endured hardships and privations. Why? Because a
humble missionary had brought the gospel to their home and ex-
plained it to them in such a way that they could understand it. So it
seems to me that we all have such a heritage. I am thankful for it.
Choir and congregation joined in singing the hymn, "O Ye
Mountains High," by Penrose.
I would like to say to those who do not know it, that the glorious
hymn which we have just sung was composed by a man who had
never seen the Rocky Mountains, never been here, but wrote it under
the inspiration of the Lord.
ties to borrow money and invest in land or livestock are before them,
as such opportunities were before us twenty-five years ago. Money
is easy, and my apprehension, my brothers and sisters, and it comes
from some experience in contacting many of our boys, is that we are
not protecting them against heavy obligations obligations that —
they cannot meet. It is an easy thing, under the present system, for
our boys to go heavily in debt for the purchase of a home. I am not
decrying that —
I went in debt for my own home, and I suppose nearly
every other young man as he started out in life and had nothing to
begin with did that very thing and thought himself justified in doing
it, as many no doubt were. The danger, however, lies in taking on
ourselves debts that we cannot pay. Now with these young men, the
tendency under the G. I. Bill of Rights is to incur obligations that it
will be impossible to meet when the day of reckoning comes. Values
are high and when you consider a boy, who has nothing, obligating
himself for a seven or eight thousand dollar home, with good wages
now, but with the possibility that when the leveling off comes his
wages will be very meager, one can see the danger that confronts
our youth. And so, my brethren and sisters, we should give them
the benefit of our experience, our counsel and advice in these most
serious problems.
May we avoid debt just as far as possible, and may we help
our youth to avoid these pitfalls. Some of them are justified in obli-
gating themselves if they can see their way out, but we should bear
in mind that we cannot always maintain the wage level that obtains
today, try as we will. I don't care what the theories of the econo-
mists are, it just simply can't be done. There is a law of retribution
that operates in these matters, just as in everything else, and some
day we shall have to pay. High wages will not always exist, hopeful
as we are; neither will jobs be as plentiful as they now are. And so
when that day comes, we do not want our boys in bondage as many
of us were in the early thirties when the depression broke.
And SO' I say to you, it is well for us to accept the counsel and
advice that is given us by the men whose right it is to give it, and I
repeat again:
. .WUCLllCl by
. mine own
uy llililC uw voice or by the voice of my servants,
it is the same. (D. & C. 1:38.)
most acceptable.
I think of the time when I was a boy and the things that im-
pressed me, and I remember reading the Life of the Prophet Joseph
Smith by George Q. Cannon. It did something for me and caused
my soul to burn within me, and I couldn't help wishing that I might
have shared some of the responsibilities of those early days. Then
I read his own statement where he was so concerned, and wondered
we beheld and bear record that these things are true. And it is
marvelous in our eyes. Nevertheless, the voice of the Lord com-
manded us that we should bear record of it; wherefore, to be obedi-
ent unto the commandments of God, we bear testimony of these
things. And we know that if we are faithful in Christ, we shall rid
our garments of the blood of all men, and be found spotless before
the judgment-seat of Christ, and shall dwell with him eternally in
the heavens. And the honor be to the Father, and to the Son, and
to the Holy Ghost, which is one God. Amen." (Book of Mormon,
Now, if you want to read the conclusion of those testimonies,
just read the histories of those three men when they lay on their
deathbeds, and when a peace came over them when they lifted their
voices before they went into the eternal world to bear witness that
the testimony they had given was of, God.
I want to tell you, brothers and sisters, that when your boys and
girls feel that, they have something that will hold them against all
the powers of wickedness in this world. I would rather trust my
boys and my girls in this world with a testimony of this work burn-
ing in their souls than all the information you can give them out of
all the schoolbooks that have ever been written.
ards, he opened itthe middle of the book and read a few pages;
he then closed the book and said: "That book was either written
by God or the devil, and I intend to find out who wrote it." He read
it through twice within the next ten days, and he said the devil
couldn't have done it; it was from the Lord. It is from the Lord,
brothers and sisters, and that is what our boys and girls ought to
German Ellsworth
Appreciation of E. \
the plates he got down on his knees before the Lord, and said, "O,
God, what will the world say?" And the voice of God came to him,
"Fear not, I will cause the earth to testify of the truth of these things."
And by the time this institute spends this sixty or seventy million
tral and South America that had been uncovered, and said, "If that
Book of Mormon isn't true, you tell me how Joseph Smith knew
those cities were buried out in Central and South America." It
didn't take him long to find the truth.
pear tree, and then I know it is a pear tree." "Well," I said, "my
boy, I wouldn't worry too much about that if I were you. Pears grow
on our tree, too. Now you take the Book of Mormon, and you apply
all the anlaysis you can to it from every source; how it could have
been written; who could have written it; who could have put in it
the information that is there save God the Eternal Father, or some-
one to whom he gave that information."
Well, I sent this boy out into Alabama. A few weeks later I
went over to attend a conference, and I said to the district president
that I would like to hear from that young man down there. He called
on him. He bore a magnificent testimony. I walked up to him after
the meeting. I said, "You must have found some pears on the pear
tree." And he said, "Oh, President Richards, forget it."
My wife was in company with me one day when we met a boy
we had helped rear and who had learned about twelve languages
and had a Ph.D. She turned to him and said, "What do you think
is the greatest evidence of the divinity of the Book of Mormon?"
"Why," he said, "every page in it! No human being could have
written that book of himself. No knowledge in this world could have
given it, save it was from God."
Now brothers and sisters, I must not take more time, but I want
to tell you that when our boys and girls get to feel the truth of that
book, there will be less worry about where their feet are leading
them by day and by night. God bless the youth of Zion. God bless
every man and every woman who bears responsibility in the home
and in the organizations and in the priesthood quorums, and may our
testimonies and our lives so affect theirs that they will become powers
for good in this world, and may this book yet fulfill this great decree,
as written in the preface, that it shall be a witness of the Lord Jesus
Christ, unto all nations. I pray, and leave you my testimony, in the
name of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Third Dag
ards has just told you. If we could send our boys and girls into the
mission fields with a thorough knowledge of the Book of Mormon,
they would never want for a witness and a testimony to bear to those
who, in their hearts, are ready to hear the gospel.
Myexperience in traveling about the missions is that when the
missionaries know this great witness, they have no doubt in their
minds. They have confidence in the truth of the gospel and are pos-
sessors of a sure testimony of its restoration and of the goodness of
the Savior to us in this day.
disappears around the bend, Mother and Father wipe the tears from
their eyes, turn homeward, and wonder what kind of man will re-
ceive their loved one. All they know is that they have given their
child for two years to a man who is only a name to them. They won-
der if he will understand the temperament and disposition of their
missionary, and if he will bring out the best qualities which are in
What is the life of a mission president? No one doubts that
these servants of the Lord are chosen from among the best people
we have in the Church. What kind of life do they lead, and what
are their problems?
The mission president first worries over finding someone to take
his house for three or four years with some hope of receiving it back
in good condition. Then he has to decide which of his possessions he
will store away and which he will take with him. While engrossed
in these operations, he is stopped many times by his friends who say
words something like this, "I envy you now that you are going to
have a three-year vacation at the expense of the Church." He has
this repeated to him so often that before he is fairly on his way, he
begins to wonder if in some way he could be taking advantage of the
Church that is, until he arrives in the mission.
In due time he reaches the mission home with his family. He
rings the bell, and is welcomed by the office staff and the house-
keeper, if he is lucky enough to have one. They all make the new
president and his family welcome. If any children are tagging along,
they are looked upon with some suspicion by the office staff. Certainly
the children are equally suspicious of them.
The first meal is an eye opener. If he had an idea he could ever
have his family to himself, it is dispelled here. The table is set for
from ten to fifteen people. Never again will the president be free from
strangers at mealtime. The number will vary, but it will always be
more than was expected. Somehow his children must adjust to this
new condition. They must learn that other things are more import-
ant. New table manners must be taught. Often they feel lost in the
immensity of it all. The president's wife is, in the meantime, rearrang-
ing her idea of things. She used to plan for three, or four, or six,
now she must plan for double or treble the number. She must supply
the physical wants of from six to twelve extra people all the time.
Sleeping problems are continually pressing. About the time
rooms are permanently assigned to the regular dwellers, someone
from headquarters comes to visit, and things must be rearranged.
Elders are continually going to and coming from their fields of labor.
Often they stay all night, or two, or three nights. New missionaries
arrive and have to be cared for while they are being assigned.
Then in the middle of all of these problems, the president and
his wife have to be away visiting the branches and the missionaries
in their fields of labor. Fully sixty percent of their time is spent
away from the home.
Sunday, October 6 Third Day
Words of Encouragement
I should like to add one thing as I stand here looking at this
great audience. There are assembled in this room one percent, ap-
proximately, of the Church. I am sorry you mission presidents are
facing this way. If you could turn your chairs around and see the
faces of those who support you, and who pray that you may have
strength to do what you are called upon to do, you would go back to
your missions happy and pleased to think that you have the backing
of the finest group of men and women there is on the earth. They
want you to send their boys and girls home safely to them; they want
you to teach them the gospel that they may come home with a testi-
mony; but they want you to know, too, if I sense the feeling of this
group, that you have their unbounded backing to the limit, and will
always have it. And they envy you, it is true, because they would like
to be in the same boat, and they would like to row it with you. They
do go with you vicariously.
May God bless these mission presidents who carry the great
load of preaching the gospel to the nations of the earth. The rest
of us can go around and inspect and talk to them, and give them ad-
vice and counsel, but after we have gone home, they have to do the
job. And they do it most nobly. They love the people of their mis-
sions; they give them courage; they build up their spirit; and they
bring them to the Zion of the Lord our God in happiness and in joy.
They bear their testimonies to the nations of the earth and teach the
boys and girls of our community the kind of courage they musf have
to do the same thing. May the Lord sustain them in their high and
holy calling, I ask, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
The sixth and concluding session of the Conference convened
at 2 o'clock p.m., Sunday, October 6th.
Once more the Tabernacle was crowded to capacity, the As-
sembly Hall was filled with people, and a great number of others
congregated on the grounds.
The time has arrived for continuing our Conference. I can see
quite a number of people who are too comfortable in their seats. They
have too much room, and if you will just follow the rule now and move
toward the center of these benches, making room for two or three
people on each bench, we can seat another 150 or 200 people this
afternoon. Thank you very much! I knew you would be delighted
to do it. Now if you are all comfortably seated, we will continue.
This is the sixth and closing session of the 117th Semi- Annual
Conference of the Church of Jesus' Christ of Latter-day Saints. We
are convened in the Tabernacle on Temple Square at Salt Lake City.
There are present on the stand this afternoon all the General
Authorities of the Church, except Elder Stephen L Richards, who
is detained at home by his doctor's orders, Elder Ezra Taft Benson,
who is in Europe presiding over the European Mission, and the
Patriarch to the Church, also absent on account of illness.
The proceedings of this session will be broadcast over KSL at
Salt Lake City and KSUB at Cedar City.
We will begin the afternoon services by the Tabernacle Choir
singing; "Song of Praise," by Gates. Elder J. Spencer Cornwall is
the director, and Elder Frank W.
Asper is the organist.
The opening prayer will be offered by President Milton F.
Hartvigsen of the Bannock Stake.
The Tabernacle Choir sang: "Song of Praise."
Elder Milton F. Hartvigsen, President of the Bannock Stake,
offered the invocation.
Selection by the Tabernacle Choir, "Come Thou Fount of Every
Blessing," by Wyeth.
appreciated, and been more inspired with, than this conference. All
I regret is that I didn't know ahead of time I would be left this late
to speak so I could appreciate it that much more. If I had my way,
I should before you people, thank the Lord for my blessings. I was
never more grateful in my life. I would do that, then I would com-
pliment you people for the fine things you are doing, and sit down.
I am sure when you compliment people you are on the safe side of
things. Someone has said, "Once upon a time there was a man who
wouldn't listen to compliments. He was deaf."
I am mindful of the way in which we who visit you people of the-
different stakes are treated. I'm not only thinking of the presidents
of stakes and counselors; I'm thinking of your wives and the courtesies
you have extended. All I regret is that we don't have enough time or
opportunities to reciprocate the way we'd like to. We appreciate
your kindness very much. We appreciate the fine things you are
tion. And those same people would hammer the stand and remind us
where those young people are going. As far as they are concerned,
the young people would go to that place, and you know what place
I am talking about. I wouldn't want to break these fine fibres of this
Faithfulness to be Encouraged
This singing we have had in this conference is a sample of what
we ought to be thankful for. The Singing Mothers on the first day
of this conference and those fine people who came from Richfield,
most of them young, are an inspiration. A
lot of young people are
going to this place we are talking about, but there are thousands of
them that we're taking care of through the fine cooperation of the
people of this Church. This work that N. Lorenzo Mitchell has been
doing with the boys of his chorus is a sample of what can be accom-
May I just shift gears a little bit and mention another side of
things. Do we think of those lowly, patient, sacrificing fellows or
wives or families that in every ward are doing their duty and living
their religion? Sometime ago at a stake conference, I noticed a little
lady about eighty years of age, plodding up the steps, the best she
could. My hand automatically went to her arm to give her a little
lift. In talking with the stake president, later, he said, "Do you
know who you walked up the steps with?" I said, "No, sir." He said,
"The mother of sixteen children, eight of her own and eight of the
good lady who died, whose place she took. She, with her husband,
operated eighty acres of land. When everybody else had automobiles,
they had a horse and buggy; but they pulled all those boys into the
mission field and pulled all those children into college all from that
eighty acres."
Now, not forget those people.
let's We
who have the respon-
sibility such as I have right at this minute are not worth very much,
except for the devotion and stability of people like this good lady that
I am talking about.
and should be. Let us not forget that kind of people. They are
the sinew and the muscle of this Church, and without them we
wouldn't be worth ten cents. Let's not forget it.
I ask you, Bishop; you, Stake President; and you, Officer of the
ward, wherever you are, are you mindful of these people? Are you
playing to others with large machines or wealth, or do you keep in
mind eternally that the most important thing you can do, is forever-
lastingly to pay courtesies and tribute to people who have given their
lives for the Church? If you don't mind, I am going to relate a story
that probably I have told before some of you, and if you'll act as if
you've never heard it before, I'll certainly appreciate it.
When you think of this upside down world and what the world
needs, it doesn't take much intelligence to know what the conditions
are. But the important thing now is the need in this world of character,
of men and women making decisions, forgetting what is going to
happen if you do this or what is going to happen if you take the other
course. What's right? How many men will figure out what's right,
then pull the trigger, regardless of what the results are? We do too
much catering; we always ask ourselves, "What will happen?" How
much steel have we got in our spines? Do we make decisions no mat-
ter what happens?
yet they know that probably he is the lad's attorney. They pick the
jury, and go on with the trial. He stays mum. (We'll have to shorten
this story up a little.) Finally it is important that the attorney for
the boy talk. He faces the jury, calls each man by his name. He says,
"Years ago, boys, I came here as a lad, helpless, trying to split some
rails, calling at this door and the other door, but only one family beck-
oned me in and helped me out. God bless them. I told God if he'd
ever give me a chance to pay that bill, I'd pay it. Sometimes when God
calls us, he expects a sacrifice with it. Gentlemen, I have made that
The jury goes out; comes in: "Not guilty." One of those great
big arms cupped the mother; the other arm cupped that boy as he
Incidentally, the boy had got into a tangle with a farmer, his
boss. The farmer got out of patience. The boy, not understanding,
struck him with a pitchfork. That's the way the farmer met his death.
"Not guilty."
That fellow didn't go to Congress. He
was defeated, but he
dared to say, "This is the way. I'm pulling the trigger, regardless
of what happens."
Later when they had that convention in Chicago and brought
those hickory rails in, they raised the roof higher than the architect
intended it to be. Abraham Lincoln was nominated President of the
United States. He dared to do what was right. He dared take no-
tice of those who are not noticed. He dared put emphasis on the
humble walker through life. Do you dare? Do I dare?
A Doctor's Devotion
There was a little story in one of the magazines, some weeks
ago. It is a story of one of those faithful doctors you read about.
No matter whether the stork was making his journey, and he was
trying to get there first, or a boy was dying, the doctor was always
on the job, sitting through and holding that dear person's hand
through the night. He made every sacrifice in the world. His little
office was on the second floor on the main street, and all the designa-
tion that was given was, "Dr. Jones, upstairs."
They tell us in that story, that on the day of his wedding, he got
a call from a poverty-stricken Italian family. Their boy had been
in an accident. His life was hanging on a string. The doctor had to
make the decision quick and fast, whether to marry the girl right this
minute or five hours later. He chose to go to the bed of that little
sufferer. Of course, the intended wife got her "spunk" up, whirled
on her heels, and said: "If he thinks more of the Italian lad than he
does of me, well, let him go." (I think that fellow just saved a lot of
unnecessary miseries in going through life.
Well, to shorten the story, he goes through life unmarried —
life filled with devotion, and then he died. The town thought so
much of him, that people went about suggesting, "We will build a
monument to his name."
Weeks went on. Months went on. His grave remained un-
marked. Finally the father of the boy that he helped, went one day
to the grave, unbeknown to anyone. He labeled the grave right:
"Here lies the body of Dr. John Jones. Office upstairs!"
don't. I don't know how much you know about it, but it's my judg-
ment that we who get up there, if we're not too' presumptuous, will
get up there because of sacrifice, service, and making the right de-
cisions, no matter what happens.
May the Lord help us to make the decisions, to do what is right,
to have steel up our backs, I pray in the name of the Lord, Jesus
Christ. Amen.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting
life. (John 3:16.)
We also know that the Savior gave himself voluntarily for all;
that his atonement meant, in life and in death, a voluntary gift for
us, a manifestation of love that has no comparison. When he was
upon the cross in the agonies of death, he turned his thoughts toward
hisFather in heaven and prayed earnestly:
. . . Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. (Luke
out of the Church, whether they be good or bad, whatever their con-
dition of life. They are the children of our Eternal Father; they are
our brothers and sisters.
No doubt we with them rejoiced and were happy together,
When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God
shouted for joy. (Job 38:7)
that the plan of salvation had been made and that the Savior had been
chosen. We, no doubt, were happy together, all of the children of
dent of the stake, Brother Levi Udall, and that night I had a remark-
able dream. I have seldom mentioned this to other people, but I do
not know why I should not. It seems to me appropriate in talking
along this line. I dreamed that I and a group of my own associates
found ourselves in a courtyard where, around the outer edge of it,
were .German soldiers and Fiihrer Adolph Hitler was there with
his group, and they seemed to be sharpening their swords and clean-
ing their guns, and making preparations for a slaughter of some kind,
or an execution. We
knew not what, but, evidently we were the
objects. But presently a circle was formed and this Fiihrer and his
men were all within the circle, and my group and I were circled on
the outside, and he was sitting on the inside of the circle with his
back to the outside, and when we walked around and I got directly
opposite to him, I stepped inside the circle and walked across to
where he was sitting, and spoke to him in a manner something like
"I am your brother. You are my brother. In our heavenly home
we lived together in love and peace. Why can we not so live here
on the earth?"
And it seemed to me that I felt in myself, welling up in my soul,
a love for that man, and I could feel that he was having the same ex-
perience, and presently he arose, and we embraced each other and
kissed each other, a kiss of affection.
Then the scene changed so that our group was within the circle,
and he and his group were on the outside, and when he came around
to where I was standing, he stepped inside the circle and embraced
me again, with a kiss of affection.
I think the Lord gave me that dream. Why
should I dream of
this man, one of the greatest enemies of mankind, and one of the
wickedest, but that the Lord should teach me that I must love my
enemies, and I must love the wicked as well as the good?
Now, who is there in this wide world that I could not love under
those conditions, if I could only continue to feel as I felt then? I have
tried to maintain this feeling and, thank the Lord, I have no enmity
toward any person in this world; I can forgive all men, so far as I
am concerned, and I am happy in doing so and in the love which I
have for my fellow men.
I love the Saints of God, as I love, the Lord and his work. I love
you faithful men and women who are laboring for the Lord, and for
your fellow men.
Faithfulness Commended
I would like to endorse what Brother S. Dilworth Young said
I sincerely pray that the Spirit of the Lord might guide my few
remarks and that they might be in full harmony with all that has been
said on this occasion.
That scripture has been the text for certain economic philoso-
phies that are with us today, and from that text has been coined a
term, "The abundant life," which has been used frequently to refer
to a condition of plenty or sufficiency or a profuseness of the material
things of life. But if we are to strip those philosophies of all their
high-sounding phrases and explanations, we might describe them in
this language: "Giving more and more to an individual in return
for less and less from him."
As I think back over my life, I remember that these philosophies
did not begin with the last few years. When
I think of the first
stand for a full dinner pail," and on another occasion: "We stand
for a chicken in every pot," and still later, "Two cars in every garage."
I remember picking up a magazine and seeing a picture of a family
in a beautiful convertible, off to the movies, and underneath it said:
"This is the American way of life." And more recently, we have a
philosophy, or slogan: "Full employment for everybody in America
and a pint of milk for everybody in the world."
Now, I call these sayings to your attention, and you, who are
older than I, can add other slogans along the same line, not to ridi-
cule, but to call your attention to the fact that in this land, and per-
haps other lands, we have been choosing as ideals these material
and we have called them the way to an abundant life.
In commenting about these things that seemingly have existed
here in America, the president of one of our great American uni-
versities said this:
But the ideal of comfort which is the best we have been able to think
of for ourselves will never do as an aim for a world order. Men can never
be comfortable enough; we can never have enough material goods, if
material goods are what we want. Any world order with this ideal
will be torn to pieces by the divisions to which it leads.
As long
as it is assumed, then, that it is the duty of all of us
to get we can and make the ideal of comfort our goal in life, then
we may expect a similar fate to that nation, or community, or that
family which builds on such an ideal. They will certainly be torn
to pieces, by the divisions to which such an ideal will lead.
I think I would be safe in saying, and I believe you would agree
with me, that perhaps never before in the history of the world has
so much been said about the abundant life and so little effort ex-
pended in obtaining the essentials that make for an abundant life.
you, I am the door of the sheep. ... I am the door: by me if any man
enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
(John 10:1. 7, 9.)
... I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the
Father, but by me. (John 14:6.)
Those who seek for the abundant life in any other way, then,
but by the way the Master has laid out in the gospel plan, or, "as a
thief and a robber," to use the Master's words. But the tragedy
is that he who does so rob, is also the victim of his own robbery,
and his own house is left to him desolate in the day of his great
spiritual need. Then, certainly, such a one is poor indeed, and he
is as the man to whom the Master referred in his Sermon on the
Mount one who builds his house upon the sand and when the
storms come, the winds blow and the rains descend, his house
will fall, because it is founded upon the sand. (See Matt. 7:26-27.)
But apparently, as I read the scriptures, the Lord did not intend
to convey that a fulness of the abundant life was attainable even in
this life, forwe find him saying in a revelation to the Prophet Joseph
Wherefore, fear not even unto death; for in this world your joy
is not full, but in me your joy is full. (D. & C. 101:36.)
And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue;
and to virtue knowledge; And to knowledge temperance; and to temper-
ance patience; and to patience godliness; And to godliness brotherly
kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. For if these things be in
you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor
unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But he that
lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten
that he was purged from his old sins. Wherefore the rather, brethren,
give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these
things, ye shall never fall: For so an entrance shall be ministered unto
Sunday, October 6 Third Day
you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of out Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ. (II Peter 1:5-11.)
Only can an individual receive that joy and that abundant life
whose life is patterned to the standards as laid down in the gospel
of Jesus Christ. We
have a splendid illustration that I should like
to call your attention as to how this might be obtained.
pest lay on us, all hope that we should be saved was then taken away.
(Acts 27:20.)
. . . after long abstinence Paul stood forth in the midst of them, and
said, . . . And now I exhort you to be of good cheer: for there shall be
no loss of any man's life among you, but of the ship. For there stood
by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve, Saying,
Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar: and, lo, God hath
given thee all them that sail with thee. (Acts 27:21-24.)
Then the Apostle Paul quieted his shipmates with this testimony:
With that goal always before us, seeing every act of our lives,
every decision we make as patterned toward the development of a
that shall permit us to enter into the presence of the Lord our
Heavenly Father, to gain which is to obtain eternal life, how much
more wisdom there would be in the many things of life. Cannot you
Sunday, October 6 Thud Dag
see, mothers, is the responsibility and you sense it, as the
if yours
Lord has placed it upon you, to teach your little children that there
is a Heavenly Father and that life has a purpose, and that purpose
is to prepare to go back to his presence in a day not far distant, then
when that child, thus possessed of faith from such motherly teach-
ings, comes to a decision in the choice of educational subjects in
school, shall it be a course in home economics, or a career in theatri-
cal fields, I am wondering if this child may not well choose rightly
in such a question?
If all our selfish motives, then and all our personal desires, and
expediency, would be subordinated to a desire to know the will of
the Lord, one could have the companionship of heavenly vision. If
your problems be too great for human intelligence or too much for
human strength, you too, if you are faithful and appeal rightly unto
the source of divine power, might have standing by you in your hour
of peril or great need an angel of God, whose you are and whom
you serve. One who lives thus worthy of a testimony that God
lives and that Jesus is the Christ, and who is willing to reach out to
him in constant inquiry to know if his course is approved is the one
who is living life to its full abundance here, and is preparing for
the celestial world, which is to live eternally with his Heavenly
I bear you my humble testimony, as one of the humblest among
you: I know there are powers that can draw close to one who fills
his heart with the kind of love of which President Richards has
spoken so beautifully this afternoon. I came to a night, some years
ago, when on my bed, I realized that before I could be worthy of the
high place to which I had been called, I must love and forgive every
soul that walked the earth, and in that time I came to know and I
received a peace and a direction, and a comfort, and an inspiration,
that told me things to come and gave me impressions that I knew
were from a divine source. I know that these things are true and
that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ, and that each of us might
live the abundant life by drawing thus close to him, and I bear you
that testimony, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
of the Lord to say the things that he would have me say. I trust that
we who are here may be inspired of our Heavenly Father to rejoice
in the blessings that are ours, and that we may be here today as
brothers and sisters in the sense in which he desires that we should be.
This is only a small congregation compared to the multitude of
our Father's children scattered over the earth, but it is a very choice
congregation, because so many of those who are here have devoted
most of their lives to going about doing good. That, in a measure,
is the sum of the meaning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, to go about
doing good. While there are in this congregation men and women
who are not members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints, I hope that you will feel that you are welcome in this great
congregation, and then realize that wherever you may go and find
members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who are
worthy of the name, you will be welcome, and they will be glad to do
you good.
Last night over ten thousand men assembled in this house and
the adjoining building, all listening to the same voice at the same time.
It was probably the largest group of men that have ever been as-
sembled together in a priesthood meeting since the world began. The
fact that so many of you brethren have the priesthood, of course, is
one principle that many people do not understand.
at the wheel of an automobile and drive off into traffic when they
themselves ought to be in bed under the care of a physician, and some
of them ought to be in jail sobering up.
Now, what can we do? Let us join with the nation. Let this
group of men and women here exercise their influence in encouraging
our sons and our daughters and our neighbors, while we are setting
the example ourselves, to safeguard the lives of every one of these,
our Father's children. They are his, and he will not be pleased with
us if by our carelessness, or our wickedness, we destroy their lives.
A number of years ago we did not drive so fast. I remember
when the governor of this state drove a car at a time the limit was
thirty miles an hour. Of course that was flying in those days, it was
so much faster than a horse. I was riding with the governor and no-
ticed that he drove very carefully. As we rode along the highway, I
said: "You are a pretty safe driver, aren't you?"
He said: "I want to be."
Isaid, "This is a lovely car you are driving."
"Yes," he said. "The state furnishes me this car, and just as
soon as I got it, my boys and girls wanted to drive it. I couldn't very
well keep them from doing it, and so we had this agreement, that when-
ever we were in the car it would be law-abiding. So," he said, "this
is one car in the state that observes the law."
fellow who- sat through a long meeting. When the last speaker got
up and said: "I just don't know what to talk about," the little fellow
helped him by saying, "Talk about a minute."
yards from the very spot where I first breathed the breath of life.
It was just across the street in a little humble home, a little adobe
Sunday, October 6 Third Day
house with four or five rooms, surrounded by a little garden and or-
chard. That is where I began. Salt Lake City at that time was a
village. We
did not have any water pipes. All our water was picked
up and barrels at the side of the ditches that ran down our
in buckets
streets,and then it was carried to the house in smaller receptacles. We
did not have any electric lights in those days. We
had tallow candles,
or kerosene oil lamps, but no electric lights. The gas did come a little
later while I was a child.
At that early day we did not have a foot of pavement in the city,
either on the roads or on the sidewalks. I can remember this great
wide road just at the west of us here. There used to be about six
inches of dust upon it in the summer time, the finest dust that you
could ever put your feet into. That is the way we used to play, bare-
footed, running up and down the street playing ball. We did not have
to dodge automobiles. Nobody had ever dreamed of an automobile
at that time, I think; at any rate it was a long time after that before
the first one came here, and then it was a curiosity. I am thinking of
what has happened since. This house was built at the time I was a
a child. The temple was begun before that time, and when it was com-
pleted I still lived across the street.
During the time that has elapsed since my birth I have traveled
in many parts of the world and met many of our Father's other chil-
dren, men and women of various creeds and nationalities; and what
occasion I have this day to be grateful for the kindness they have ex-
Mother's Teachings
was trained at the knee of a Latter-day Saint mother. One of
the things I remember was when she took me by the hand and led
me upstairs. In the room there were two beds, the bed in which my
parents slept, and a little trundle bed over on the other side. I can
remember it as if it were yesterday. When we got upstairs, she sat
down by my little trundle bed. She had me kneel in front of her. She
folded my hands and took them in hers, and taught me my first prayer.
I will never forget it. I do not want to forget it. It is one of the love-
liest memories that I have in life, an angelic mother sitting down by my
bedside and teaching me to pray.
It was such a simple prayer but I can repeat it today.
Evan Stephens
We used to have here a number of years ago a young man who
came from Wales. He did not have the opportunity of a college
education, but he was a Welshman, full of Welsh music. When he
came here, he became the leader of this great choir. He it was who
had joy, along with those who preceded him and those who followed,
in building a choir not just to sing but to sing praises to our Heavenly
I want you a little incident about Evan Stephens. Some
to tell
very prominent people were coming here. In that day we did not
have so many visitors of prominence. We were too far out in the
wilderness. One of our good bishops came to Evan Stephens and
said: "Brother Stephens, I have some company coming next Sunday
to the religious meeting"
o'clock every Sunday)
(we used to have a meeting here at two
"and I hope you are going to have some
good music."
Brother Stephens said: "All right, Bishop, we will have good
The bishop
did not think that was enough assurance so he pressed
it a He said: "These people are not ordinary people. They are
men of affairs and wealth. Their families are wealthy, and I would
like them to see just what a fine choir we have. Now, won't you give
us something just a little extra?"
Brother Stephens said: "Bishop, we have already had our prac-
tice. The music has all been prepared. I don't see how we can make
a change. I think it will be good enough for your friends."
Then the bishop pressed him a little harder, and then Brother
Stephens' Welsh got up, and he said: "Now look here, Bishop, we
have prepared the music for next Sunday to sing to the Lord, and 1
suppose if it is good enough for the Lord, it is good enough for your
That is the spirit that has always been here. This house was
dedicated to the worship of God, by the spoken word and by music,
by song and by story. I stand in a pulpit here that has been sanctified
by the righteous men and women who have stood here and have
testified of their knowledge of God and have encouraged others to
keep his commandments, that they might be happy. I feel very grate-
ful for my blessings.
. Warning and Testimony
In conclusion let me say: We
are not out of the woods. This
world is in for a housecleaning unless the sons and daughters of our
Heavenly Father repent of their sins and turn to him.' And that means
the Latter-day Saints, or the members of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints, along with all the rest, but we, first of all, ought
to be setting the example. We
have sent over seventy thousand of
our sons and daughters into the world, paying their own expenses,
to divide the gospel of Jesus Christ with his other children. Why?
Because we know it is the only plan God has given to the children of
men to earn a place in the celestial kingdom. That is why it is so im-
portant. In this great building that has been so sacred to all, after
listening to the splendid choir and the organ, listening to the prayers
that have been offered here, listening to the testimonies that have been
borne, I want to leave my testimony with you and say to you: I
know that God lives. I know that Jesus is the Christ. I know that
Joseph Smith was a Prophet of the Living God, and had restored to
him the true gospel of Jesus Christ in these latter days.
That might sound like boasting if it were not so serious. It is
serious, and I know that I will have to answer for that testimony as I
leave it with you today. It will not be long until this man who is
talking will have finished his work and passed to the other side, and
when I go, I want to be worthy to join my grandparents and my par-
ents, my brothers and sisters who have passed on. I know they have
earned a place that is worth while. I want to go where they have gone,
and I know that if I were not to tell you the truth in regard to this
matter, I might lose that opportunity.
to all our Father's children, I leave this witness with you that this is
the gospel of Jesus Christ, the only power of God unto salvation in
preparation for the celestial kingdom, into which kingdom we may
all go if we will, but it will be on his terms, and I bear you that witness
this day, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Commissioner of Education
Franklin L. West
Seminary Supervisor
J. Karl Wood
Auditing and Finance Committee ;
Tabernacle Choir
Lester F. Hewlett, President; J. Spencer Cornwall, Conductor,
Richard P. Condie, Assistant Conductor.
All the members of the Choir as they are now listed.
Alexander Schreiner Frank W. Asper
Sunday, October 6 Third Dm)
General Committee
Henry D. Moyle, Chairman
Harold B. Lee, Managing Director
Marion G. Romney, Assistant Managing Director
Mark Austin Roscoe W. Eardley
William E. Ryberg Ezra C. Knowlton
Clyde C. Edmunds Clyde J. Brown
Sterling H. Nelson Paul C. Child
Stringham A. Stevens Lorenzo H. Hatch
Howard Barker
Primary Association
Adele Cannon Howells, President
LaVern W. Parmley, First Counselor
Dessie G. Boyle, Second Counselor
with all the members of the board as at present constituted.
and sympathy for his condition, the First Presidency, with the ex-
pressed assent and approval of the Council of the Twelve, have
decided, under all the circumstances, that Brother Joseph F. Smith
shall be released from his duties as Patriarch to the Church.
12,000, not less than 12,000 people at worship in this building and the
adjoining building and outside on the block.
Tonight at 7:00 will be the regular conference of the Deseret
Sunday School Union. Those of you who have never been here to
that fine meeting and the program carried on by the Sunday School,
I am sure will enjoy it, and everybody is welcome.
President Maw
will now offer the benediction.
Anastasiou, Elder Andre K, 22
Anderson, Elder Joseph 78
Ashton, Elder Marvin O. 132
The youth problem, 133 Faithfulness to be encouraged, 134 —
story from Lincoln's life, 135 —A doctor's devotion, —
136 The way to
the Celestial Kingdom, 137.
Authorities and Officers Present 1
Bowen, Elder Albert E. 48
History of redress of wrongs, 48 Justice under law, 49 Industrial —
disputes, 49 — —
Defiance of law decried, 50 Future freedom of religion
at stake, 51 —
Christian religion and democracy, 52.
Bowman, Elder John F. 90
Broadcast of Choir and Organ 108
Callis, Elder Charles A. 44
Teachings of Book of Mormon, 44 Noble calling of wives and
mothers, 45 —
Economic system of ancient America, 46 Immortality —
taught in Book of Mormon, 46 New witness that Jesus is the
Christ, 47.
— —
Marriage looseness and infidelity, 113 Juvenile delinquency, 113
The home the first safeguard, 114 The church, 115 The schools, —
1 16 —
The community atmosphere, 117.
McKay, Elder Thomas E 16
Commendation for good work 16 The fence or the ambulance, 16
Presiding Bishopric fencing the cliff, 17 Privilege of the ballot,
17 Returned servicemen, 18 —
President Smith Ambassador of good —
will, 19.
YOUNG 2.50