The Names of God

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The Names of God

1. Jehovah-Elohiym — the Eternal Creator (Gen 2:4-25)

2. Adonai-Jehovah — the Lord our Sovereign; Master Jehovah (Gen 15:2,8
3. Jehovah-Jireh — the Lord will see or provide (Gen 22:8-14)
4. Jehovah-Nissi — the Lord our banner (Ex 17:15)
5. Jehovah-Rapha — the Lord our healer (Ex 15:26)
6. Jehovah-Shalom — the Lord our peace (Judg 6:24)
7. Jehovah-Tsidqenuw — the Lord our righteousness (Jer 23:6; 33:16)
8. Jehovah-Mekaddishkem — the Lord our sanctifier (Ex 31:13; Lev 20:8; 21:8;
22:9,16,32; Ezek 20:12)
9. Jehovah-Sabaoth — the Lord of hosts (1 Sam 1:3; etc., 284 times
10. Jehovah-Shammah — the Lord is present (Ezek 48:35)
11. Jehovah-Elyown — the Lord Most High (Ps 7:17; 47:2; 97:9)
12. Jehovah-Rohi — the Lord my Shepherd (Ps 23:1)
13. Jehovah-Hoseenu — the Lord our Maker (Ps 95:6)
14. Jehovah-Eloheenu — the Lord our God (Ps 99:5,8,9)
15. Jehovah-Eloheka — the Lord thy God (Ex 20:2,5,7)
16. Jehovah-Elohay — the Lord my God (Zech 14:5)

Names, Titles, and Offices of the Trinity (Gen 1:26)

74 names, titles, or offices of God the Father:
1. God (Hebrew: °Elohiym(OT:430), Gods, Gen 1:1)
2. Lord God (Yahweh(OT:3069) °Elohiym(OT:430), Gen 2:4-22)
3. Most High God (Gen 14:18-22)
4. The Almighty God (Gen 17:1; Rev 19:15)
5. The everlasting God (Gen 21:33)
6. The God of heaven (Gen 24:3)
7. The God of earth (Gen 24:3; Rev 11:4)
8. The Lord God of heaven (Gen 24:7)
9. God Almighty (Gen 28:3; 43:14; 48:3)
10. The mighty God (Gen 49:24)
11. The God of Abraham (Ex 3:6)
12. The God of Isaac (Ex 3:6)
13. The God of Jacob (Ex 3:6; 2 Sam 23:1)
14. I AM (Ex 3:13-15)
15. God of the Hebrews (Ex 5:3; 7:16)
16. Jehovah (Ex 6:3; Ps 83:18; Isa 12:2; 26:4; 42:8)
17. God of Israel (Ex 24:10; 34:23)
18. Jealous (Ex 34:14)
19. God of the spirits of all flesh (Num 16:22; 27:16)
20. The God of gods (Deut 10:17)
21. The eternal God (Deut 33:27)
22. The living God (Josh 3:10)
23. Lord God of Israel (Josh 22:16; 24:2)
24. Lord God of gods (Josh 22:22)
25. Strength of Israel (1 Sam 15:29)
26. The Rock (2 Sam 22:32; Ps 18:2,31)
27. God of my rock (2 Sam 22:3)
28. God of the rock of my salvation (2 Sam 22:47)
29. The Rock of Israel (2 Sam 23:3)
30. The God of David (2 Chron 34:3)
31. The righteous God (Ps 7:9)
32. Fortress (Ps 18:2; 91:2)
33. Deliverer (Ps 18:2; 91:3)
34. Strength (Ps 18:2)
35. Buckler (Ps 18:2; 91:4)
36. The horn of salvation (Ps 18:2)
37. High tower (Ps 18:2)
38. The God of my salvation (Ps 18:46)
39. The God of glory (Ps 29:3)
40. The God of truth (Ps 31:5; Isa 65:16)
41. Yah (OT:3050), JAH (Ps 68:4). See Sixteen Jehovah Titles .
42. The Most High (Ps 91:1,9)
43. The Almighty (Ps 91:1)
44. Refuge (Ps 91:2,9)
45. Holy One of Israel (Isa 30:15)
46. The glorious Lord (Isa 33:21)
47. The Creator (Isa 40:28)
48. Lord God of hosts (Isa 22:5)
49. The Lord thy Savior and Redeemer (Isa 60:16)
50. The mighty One of Jacob (Isa 60:16)
51. The Lord of hosts (Jer 7:3,21)
52. The true God (Jer 10:10; John 17:3)
53. The great and mighty God (Jer 32:18)
54. The God of all flesh (Jer 32:27)
55. Ancient of days (Dan 7:9,22)
56. The God of judgment (Mal 2:17)
57. God of the living (Mark 12:27)
58. The uncorruptible God (Rom 1:23)
59. God of patience and consolation (Rom 15:5)
60. The God of hope (Rom 15:13)
61. The God of peace (Rom 16:20)
62. God of all comfort (2 Cor 1:3)
63. God of love and peace (2 Cor 13:11)
64. The living and true God (1 Thess 1:9)
65. The only wise God (1 Tim 1:17)
66. The blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of Lords (1 Tim
67. The great God (Titus 2:13; Rev 19:17)
68. God the Judge of all (Heb 12:23)
69. God the Father (1 Peter 1:2; 2 John 3)
70. The God of all grace (1 Peter 5:10)
71. The only Lord God (Jude 4)
72. Lord God Almighty (Rev 4:8; 11:17; 15:3; 16:7; 21:22)
73. The Lord God omnipotent (Rev 19:6)
74. The Lord God of the holy prophets (Rev 22:6)
137 names, titles, or offices of God the Son:
1. Seed of the woman (Gen 3:15)
2. Jehovah (the Lord, Gen 19:24; Ps 110:1,5)
3. Shiloh (Gen 49:10)
4. The star out of Jacob (Num 24:17)
5. Prophet (Deut 18:15; Luke 24:19)
6. Rock of salvation (Deut 32:15)
7. Daysman (Job 9:33)
8. The Anointed (Ps 2:2)
9. The Son (Ps 2:12; Heb 3:6)
10. Sanctuary (Isa 8:14)
11. Stone of stumbling (Isa 8:14)
12. Rock of offence (Isa 8:14)
13. Wonderful (Isa 9:6)
14. Counsellor (Isa 9:6)
15. The mighty God (Isa 9:6)
16. The everlasting Father (Isa 9:6)
17. The Prince of Peace (Isa 9:6)
18. Rod out of Jesse (Isa 11:1)
19. The Branch (Isa 11:1; Zech 3:8; 6:12)
20. An ensign of the people (Isa 11:10)
21. My Servant (Isa 42:1; Matt 12:18)
22. My elect (Isa 42:1)
23. Polished shaft (Isa 49:2)
24. The Redeemer (Isa 59:20)
25. The angel of His presence (Isa 63:9)
26. The Lord our righteousness (Jer 23:6)
27. Plant of renown (Ezek 34:29)
28. Messiah (Dan 9:25; John 4:25)
29. The Judge of Israel (Mic 5:1)
30. The desire of all nations (Hag 2:7)
31. The man that is My fellow (Zech 13:7)
32. Refiner and purifier (Mal 3:3)
33. Sun of righteousness (Mal 4:2)
34. Jesus Christ (note, Matt 1:1)
35. The son of Abraham (Matt 1:1)
36. The son of David (Matt 1:1; 9:27)
37. Christ (Matt 1:17; 2:4)
38. Jesus (Matt 1:21, note)
39. Emmanuel (God with us, Matt 1:23)
40. King of the Jews (Matt 2:2; 21:5)
41. Governor (Matt 2:6)
42. Nazarene (Matt 2:23)
43. The Son of God (Matt 4:3)
44. Master (Matt 8:19)
45. The Son of man (Matt 8:20)
46. Physician (Matt 9:12)
47. The bridegroom (Matt 9:15)
48. The friend of sinners (Matt 11:19)
49. The beloved (Matt 12:18; Eph 1:6)
50. The sower of the seed (Matt 13:3)
51. The Son of the Highest (Luke 1:32)
52. The horn of salvation (Luke 1:69)
53. The dayspring (Luke 1:78)
54. Christ the Lord (Luke 2:11)
55. Savior (Luke 2:11)
56. The consolation of Israel (Luke 2:25)
57. Salvation (Luke 2:30)
58. Jesus of Nazareth (Luke 4:34)
59. Holy One of God (Luke 4:34)
60. The Word (John 1:1-2)
61. God (John 1:1-3; 20:28; Heb 1:8)
62. The true Light (John 1:9)
63. Only begotten Son (John 1:18; 3:16)
64. Lamb of God (John 1:29; Rev 5:6)
65. The King of Israel (John 1:49)
66. Teacher (John 3:2)
67. Gift of God (John 4:10)
68. Savior of the world (John 4:42)
69. The bread of God (John 6:33)
70. The bread of life (John 6:35,48-51)
71. Light of the world (John 8:12)
72. Door of the sheep (John 10:7)
73. The good shepherd (John 10:11)
74. The way, the truth, the life (John 14:6)
75. The vine (John 15:1-8)
76. Lord and God (John 20:28)
77. Holy One and Just (Acts 3:14)
78. Thy holy child Jesus (Acts 4:27)
79. A Prince and a Savior (Acts 5:31)
80. Lord of all (Acts 10:36)
81. A propitiation (Rom 3:25; 1 John 2:2)
82. Jesus Christ our Lord (Rom 6:23)
83. The Deliverer (Rom 11:26)
84. Christ Jesus (1 Cor 1:2; 1 Tim 2:5)
85. The power of God (1 Cor 1:24)
86. The wisdom of God (1 Cor 1:24)
87. Sanctification (1 Cor 1:30)
88. Lord of glory (1 Cor 2:8)
89. Our passover (1 Cor 5:7)
90. Spiritual Rock (1 Cor 10:4)
91. Christ the firstfruits (1 Cor 15:23)
92. The last Adam (1 Cor 15:45)
93. The second man (Adam, 1 Cor 15:45-47)
94. Image of God (2 Cor 4:4)
95. Seed of Abraham (Gal 3:29)
96. Chief corner stone (Eph 2:20)
97. Head of the church (Col 1:18)
98. Firstborn from the dead (Col 1:18)
99. Christ Jesus our Lord (1 Tim 1:12)
100. Mediator (1 Tim 2:4-5)
101. The man Christ Jesus (1 Tim 2:5)
102. Ransom for all (1 Tim 2:6)
103. Seed of David (2 Tim 2:8)
104. Lord Jesus Christ our Savior (Titus 1:4)
105. Brightness of His glory (Heb 1:3)
106. Express image of His person (Heb 1:3)
107. Upholder of all things (Heb 1:3)
108. Captain of salvation (Heb 2:10)
109. The Apostle and High Priest of our profession (Heb 3:1)
110. Forerunner (Heb 6:20)
111. Minister of the sanctuary (Heb 8:2)
112. Testator (Heb 9:16-17)
113. Author and finisher of faith (Heb 12:2)
114. Great shepherd of the sheep (Heb 13:20)
115. Shepherd and Bishop of souls (1 Peter 2:25)
116. Chief Shepherd (1 Peter 5:4)
117. Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Peter 1:11)
118. Day star (2 Peter 1:19)
119. Advocate (1 John 2:1)
120. Jesus Christ the righteous (1 John 2:1)
121. Eternal life (1 John 5:20)
122. Faithful witness (Rev 1:5)
123. First begotten of the dead (Rev 1:5)
124. Prince of the kings of earth (Rev 1:5)
125. Alpha and Omega (Rev 1:8; 21:6; 22:13)
126. The beginning and ending (Rev 1:8)
127. The first and the last (Rev 2:8)
128. Morning star (Rev 2:28)
129. The Amen (Rev 3:14)
130. Faithful and true witness (Rev 3:14)
131. Beginning of creation — the One who began creating all things through the
Father (Rev 3:14; Eph 3:9; Col 1:15-18)
132. Lion of the tribe of Judah (Rev 5:5)
133. The Root of David (Rev 5:5)
134. The Word of God (Rev 19:13)
135. King of kings, Lord of lords (Rev 19:16)
136. Root and offspring of David (Rev 22:16)
137. Bright and morning star (Rev 22:16)

36 names, titles, or offices of God the Holy Spirit:

1. Spirit of God (22 Times, Gen 1:2; 41:38; Matt 3:16; 1 Cor 2:11-14)
2. Spirit of wisdom (Ex 28:3; Deut 34:9; Isa 11:2; Eph 1:17)
3. The Spirit (113 times, Num 11:17,25; Ezek 1:20; 2:2; Gal 6:8; Eph 2:22)
4. His Spirit (Num 11:29; Ps 106:33; Isa 48:16; Rom 8:11; 1 Cor 2:10). Thy Spirit
(2 Kings 2:9; Ps 104:30; 139:7) and My Spirit (Isa 42:1; Acts 2:17-18)
5. The Spirit of the Lord (30 times, Judg 3:10; 6:34; 11:29; 13:25; 14:6,19;
15:14; Luke 4:18; 2 Cor 3:17-18)
6. The Spirit of Elijah (2 Kings 2:15; Luke 1:17)
7. Thy good Spirit (Neh 9:20)
8. Thy free Spirit (Ps 51:12)
9. The Spirit of judgment (Isa 4:4; 28:6)
10. The Spirit of burning (Isa 4:4)
11. Spirit of wisdom and understanding (Isa 11:2)
12. Spirit of counsel and might (Isa 11:2)
13. Spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord (Isa 11:2; cp. 2 Tim 1:7)
14. Spirit of the Holy Gods (Dan 4:8-9,18; 5:11)
15. Excellent Spirit (Dan 5:12; 6:3)
16. Spirit of the Gods (Dan 5:14)
17. Spirit of grace and supplications (Zech 12:10; Heb 10:29)
18. The Holy Ghost (89 times, Matt 1:18-20; 3:11; 12:31-32; 28:19; 1 John 5:7)
19. The Spirit of your Father (Matt 10:20)
20. The power of the Highest (Luke 1:35)
21. The Holy Spirit (1 Time, Luke 11:13)
22. The Comforter (John 14:16,26; 15:26)
23. The Spirit of truth (John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13; 1 John 4:6; 5:6)
24. Spirit of holiness (Rom 1:4)
25. Spirit of life (Rom 8:2)
26. Spirit of Christ (Rom 8:9; 1 Peter 1:11)
27. Spirit of adoption (Rom 8:15)
28. Spirit of the living God (2 Cor 3:3)
29. The Spirit of His Son (Gal 4:6)
30. Holy Spirit of promise (Eph 1:13)
31. Spirit of wisdom and revelation (Eph 1:17)
32. Holy Spirit of God (Eph 4:30)
33. Spirit of Jesus Christ (Phil 1:19)
34. The eternal Spirit (Heb 9:14)
35. The Spirit of glory (1 Peter 4:14)
36. The Spirit of prophecy (Rev 19:10)
(from Dake Annotated Reference Bible © 2007 by Dake Publishing. All rights
reserved in U.S.A. and Other Countries.)

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