Chapter 14

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Practice Good Governance

and Improve Bureaucratic

Practice Good Governance and

Improve Bureaucratic Efficiency
Achieving a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient society through economic transformation requires the
practice of open, efficient, and accountable governance. In this desired future, citizens, civil society
organizations, and the private sector are able to access clear and capable platforms that effectively
receive and respond to their agenda at all levels of government. Citizen participation is inclusive, fair,
and empowering, allowing Filipinos to transact conveniently with the government through digital
technologies and maximizing the benefits of an integrated and productive bureaucracy. Furthermore,
public servants are agile, resilient, and accountable; and citizens trust that they will consistently perform
at the highest levels of inclusion, productivity, and integrity.
This chapter presents the challenges facing good governance and bureaucratic efficiency as well as
the outcomes to be pursued to address these challenges during the Plan period. These outcomes are:
(a) participatory governance deepened; (b) public accountability and integrity bolstered; (c) government
functions, systems, and mechanisms rationalized and strengthened; and (d) competent, motivated,
agile, and resilient public servants supported.

Assessment and Challenges

The Philippines has made progressive and public financial management reforms
improvements in its performance in various brought about by the Seal of Good Local
global governance indices, such as the Governance Act of 2019 or Republic Act No.
e-Participation Index (EPI),1 Open Budget 11292, have increased transparency among
Index (OBI),2 and the Legatum Prosperity local government units (LGUs).
Index (LPI)-Political Accountability
(See Figure 14.1). This may be attributed
3,4 Higher rates of civil society organizations
to the implementation of the Freedom of (CSO) participation were facilitated
Information (FOI) policy;5 the National by the Fiscal Openness Program of the
Government Portal and its subsequent Department of Budget and Management
provision of over 200 online government (DBM), the Support for Local Governance
services;6 and the expansion of open data Program of the Department of the Interior
features of government information.7 and Local Government (DILG), and the
Likewise, enhancements in the Philippine commitments made under the Philippine
Government Electronic Procurement System Open Government Partnership (PH-OGP).
and the increase in free public Wi-Fi hotspots Similarly, the Citizens Participatory Audit
nationwide8 have also contributed to this (CPA) program of the Commission on Audit
achievement. At the same time, full disclosure (COA) improved citizen participation in

Chapter 14 Practice Good Governance and Improve Bureaucratic Efficiency | 329

the public audit process, and was recently Business (EODB) and Efficient Government
recognized as the best of its kind in the Asia- Service Delivery (EGSD) Law, as well as
Pacific region.9 reforms in public fiscal management policies,
enabled the country to sustain its LPI scores
However, the decline in the scores at the despite the challenges brought about by the
onset of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. In fact, the Philippines emerged as
pandemic in 2020 highlighted the one of only four countries and the only Asian
disruption of transparency and participatory country that demonstrated an adequate level
mechanisms when the government diverted of accountability in its early COVID-19 fiscal
its resources to more urgent service delivery policy responses.10
issues. Nevertheless, the continuous
implementation of the Ease of Doing

Figure 14.1 Philippines’ Score in Selected International Governance Indices, 2011–2021





2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

EPI (*100) OBI CPI LPI: Political accountability LPI: Government integrity
LPI: Government effectiveness

CPI = Corruption Perceptions Index, EPI = e-Participation Index, LPI = Legatum Prosperity Index, OBI = Open Budget Index.
Sources: United Nations United Nations (UN). UN E-Government Knowledgebase: Philippines. UN E-Government Development Database (accessed October 23, 2022).; International Budget Partnership (IBP). 2021. “Country Results:
Philippines.” Open Budget Survey 2021.
pdf; Transparency International. Corruption Perceptions Index 2021. (accessed October 22, 2022); and
Legatum Institute Foundation. 2021. The Legatum Prosperity Index—Changes Made Since 2020 Index and Summary of Indicator Details. https://docs.prosperity.

The Philippines’ scores in the LPI- International13 reported that the Philippines,
Government Integrity11 and Corruption like other countries in the Asia-Pacific,
Perceptions Index (CPI)12 have declined may be merely mitigating petty corruption
in recent years. In 2021, Transparency but is unable to curb grand corruption.

330 | Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028

Moreover, Freedom House14 observed some to adapt to accelerated innovations.15 The
instances when certain civil liberties were government must also anticipate and mitigate
curtailed, the government’s transparency the impacts of the ongoing COVID-19
and accountability, and thus, its ability to pandemic and the transition due to the
mitigate corruption are undermined. As Mandanas-Garcia16 ruling implementation,
government integrity is measured by the as both expose bottlenecks, silos, and
impartiality, openness, and accountability of variances in participatory practices and
its institutions, corruption may in turn, erode service delivery efficiency across different
trust in the public sector, thereby affecting the government sectors. Finally, socio-political
overall effectiveness of governance. barriers to inclusion and the meaningful
participation of marginalized sectors must be
Aside from addressing the obstacles to good strategically addressed, particularly, the gaps
governance, the government also needs to in implementing the Magna Carta for Women
resolve structural and multifaceted challenges (RA 9710), the Indigenous People’s Rights Act
to bureaucratic efficiency. These include (RA 8371), the mandatory representation of
uneven resource capacities to digitalize the 14 basic sectors, and inclusionary policies
transactions and services at both the national espousing government support of CSO
and local levels; issues on data privacy, participation at all levels of governance.
sharing, coordination, and interoperability;
and the limited capacity of public servants

Strategy Framework
Figure 14.2 presents the strategies to facilitate meaningful inclusion and better quality of
good governance and improve bureaucratic participation, more intensified information
efficiency that will contribute to the enabling transparency and access, rightsizing of
environment of the Philippine Development government functions and structure, and
Plan (PDP) 2023–2028. The framework the competence and future readiness of the
highlights the strategic pursuit of more government and its public servants.

Figure 14.2
Figure 14.2 Strategy Framework to Practice Good Governance and Improve Bureaucratic Efficiency




Ensure sufficient and Enhance public feedback loops Pursue rightsizing and the Guarantee complete and
functional participatory spaces whole-of-government approach capable human resources in
Intensify transparency in public in re-engineering systems and government
Broaden public access to procedures
information Promote conducive working
Strengthen implementation and Accelerate digital transformation environments
Improve the quality of
participation monitoring of anti-corruption in government
laws and programs
Increase inclusivity and Raise the productivity
accessibility of elections Improve national governance
performance of agencies

Chapter 14 Practice Good Governance and Improve Bureaucratic Efficiency | 331

The first two outcomes (participatory this PDP. For instance, a rightsized and
governance deepened; public accountability productive government with capable
and integrity bolstered) provide strategies civil servants contributes to bolstering
for practicing good governance, while public accountability. These strategies
the latter two (government functions, also require coherence with other chapter
systems, and mechanisms rationalized and outcomes in the PDP, such as promoting
strengthened; and competent, motivated, competition and improving regulatory
agile, and resilient public servants efficiency (See Chapter 10), ensuring sound
supported) are for improving government fiscal management (See Subchapter 11.2),
efficiency. These strategies complement each upgrading infrastructure (See Chapter 12),
other and contribute to other outcomes and enhancing the administration of justice
in the focus areas in other chapters of (See Subchapter 13.2).

Outcome 1: Participatory governance deepened

Deepening participatory governance not only established and convened according to
means establishing functional participatory policy standards. To this end, the DBM will
platforms that inform or consult citizens, intensify CSOs’ participation in the national
but also ensuring that citizens and CSOs budget preparation process. Meanwhile,
have concrete roles and significant influence the DILG will expand the monitoring of
in all stages of public decision-making.17 the functionality of the local special bodies
Achieving this outcome will require a (LSB) and People’s Councils; and enhance
deeper understanding of the nuances and policy guidelines to make CSO accreditation
priorities of marginalized sectors such and local networking more inclusive. The
as women, children, indigenous peoples, PH-OGP Steering Committee will involve
overseas Filipinos and overseas Filipino more agencies in the national action plan,
workers, persons with disabilities, agricultural and mainstream PH-OGP mechanisms at the
communities, and geographically isolated and regional and local levels. Agencies will ensure
disadvantaged areas. that their decision-making bodies with
sufficient sectoral representation, particularly
Ensure sufficient and functional from marginalized sectors, are created,
participatory spaces reviewed for functionality and effectiveness,
To ensure sufficient and functional and enhanced accordingly.
participatory spaces, the government will
Broaden public access to information
increase the availability and accessibility
of protected spaces for various sectors Broadening public access to information not
and concerns, while functionality will merely entails publicizing more information,
be secured through platforms that are but also observing open data formats,

332 | Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028

removing barriers to internet connectivity, the Council on Good Local Governance and
and providing seamless experiences for intensify capacity development interventions
citizens who are requesting government for CSO members of LSBs. The PH-OGP will
information. Pursuant to this strategy, the continue to implement collaborative practices
government will build on the gains of the with CSOs in developing, implementing, and
FOI implementation in national agencies, monitoring government programs; and will
improve on the e-FOI portal services, and strengthen the capacity of national and local
intensify partnerships with LGUs for FOI CSOs to engage the government effectively.
policies. The Department of Information
Increase inclusivity and accessibility
and Communications Technology (DICT)
of elections
will also enhance the volume and scope
of information in Open Data Philippines Drawing from challenges and lessons learned
(online repository of open data from different from conducting national and local elections
government agencies), and the provision of during the pandemic, the Commission on
free public Wi-Fi services nationwide. Elections will expand the use of satellite
and special registrations, innovate voting
Improve the quality of participation modalities, intensify voters’ education and
The quality of participation is improved when information campaigns outside of the election
it is free from cooptation and tokenism18 and period, and strengthen election laws and
conducted not for mere compliance with procedures to build resilience against health
policy guidelines.19 To improve the quality and natural hazards. For structural reforms,
of participation, the DBM and DILG, with policies on strengthening political parties,
PH-OGP partner agencies, will mainstream regulating political dynasties, and enhancing
the implementation of Participatory competition in the political sphere will be
Governance Metrics 20
for assessing the jointly pursued by the relevant agencies
quality of participation in LSBs and national and Congress.21
programs. The DILG will also strengthen

Outcome 2: Public accountability and integrity

To address the complex challenges of building policy integration and coherence among
integrity and preventing corruption, the concerned national and local units.
government will implement strategies that
will foster higher levels of trust, satisfaction, Enhance public feedback loops
and political efficacy among the public. These Effective feedback loops provide precise
strategies will bolster reporting and redress and timely responses to citizens’ demands.
mechanisms; increase the precision and Thus, enhancing these loops presents
responsiveness of government agencies and a transformative potential for social
programs to public concerns; and improve accountability and improving citizens’

Chapter 14 Practice Good Governance and Improve Bureaucratic Efficiency | 333

trust and confidence in government. To the observance of Open Contracting Data
operationalize this strategy, the government Standards25 in the modernized Philippine
will ensure the functionality, efficiency, Government Electronic Procurement
and effectiveness of helplines, hotlines, and System; the timely publication of budget and
helpdesks outlined in existing laws. At the financial accountability reports through the
national level, the monitoring and resolution Transparency Seal among agencies; and the
of citizen reports will be improved through expansion of COA’s CPA implementation to
the EODB and EGSD Acts, the Anti-Red other audit sectors. The DILG will intensify
Tape Authority’s (ARTA) Harmonized Client monitoring transparency practices in LSBs,
Satisfaction Measurement, the Civil Service extending these to the local Bids and Awards
Commission’s (CSC) Contact Center ng and Project Monitoring Committees. More
Bayan, and people’s feedback mechanisms joint agency initiatives will also help break
required in national agency websites. The down barriers to transparency26 in data
DBM will also institute a CSO desk to privacy policies.
receive and respond to CSOs’ budget-related
concerns. At the local level, the DILG will Strengthen implementation and
monitor the functionality and responsiveness monitoring of anti-corruption laws
of feedback mechanisms, including the CSO and programs
desks and Barangay Violence Against Women Fulfilling the Philippines’ commitment to
helpdesks;22 improve the Citizen Satisfaction the United Nations Convention Against
Index System implementation with CSOs; Corruption requires a whole-of-government
and pursue third-party monitoring of approach. This involves the sectoral
state-funded projects. Moreover, digital capacity assessment of the anti-corruption
technologies will be used to augment the infrastructure in the country; strengthening
implementation of these mechanisms and harmonizing the development,
with due emphasis on access, inclusion, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation
context-sensitivity, and empowerment of of anti-corruption programs and laws; and
marginalized sectors.23 developing a dynamic and multi-disciplinary
information technology-enabled, multi-year
Intensify transparency in public
innovation plan.27 The Office of the
Ombudsman, the CSC, and their partner
Complementary to the strategies for agencies and stakeholders will build on
broadening access to information, intensifying lessons learned from programs such as the
transparency in public spending will help Integrity Management Program; Integrity,
ensure that health emergencies and natural Transparency, and Accountability in Public
hazards, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, Service; Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and
will not disrupt the timely and accessible Net Worth declaration; and public integrity
disclosure of public spending information.24 campaigns.28 The observance of a code
This will be achieved through the full of conduct for all government employees
implementation of the EODB and EGSD Act; and capacity development in integrity
better integration of government units and management and corruption controls will be

334 | Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028

pursued to reduce corruption vulnerabilities. to assessments contribute to improving
The DILG will also enable and monitor government efficiency. In this endeavor, the
the local Sangguniang Bayan or municipal government will hasten the development and
council’s quasi-judicial functions and act on roll-out of a National Governance Index29
various corruption-related complaints filed and intensify the National Evaluation Policy
against local officials. Framework.30 The DILG and the Council of
Good Local Governance will maintain the
Improve national governance
implementation of the Seal of Good Local
Governance assessment of LGUs. This will
As a cross-cutting strategy, the government further ensure that the evaluation framework
will ensure the effective and timely reflects the political capacity indicators of
conduct of governance assessments and LGUs’ resilience to the COVID-19 pandemic
improve the policy learning environment and other risks, as well as service delivery
at all government levels. Monitoring and standards, in order to transition national
evaluation of government processes, service and local governments effectively to the
delivery, and outcomes enhance transparency post-Mandanas-Garcia scenario.
and accountability, while policy responses

Outcome 3: Government functions, systems, and

mechanisms rationalized and strengthened
Improving bureaucratic efficiency is implement structural and procedural
foundational to an enabling environment reforms in the executive branch and advocate
for economic transformation and in rightsizing among LGUs, the legislature,
facilitating the Philippines’ transition to an the judiciary, and other constitutional
upper middle-income country. An efficient bodies. To do this, appropriate diagnostic
bureaucracy exercises the best use of its frameworks, upholding economic principles,
resources including operational costs, time, and strategic reviews of the role, mandates,
and human resources (HR),31 while effecting functions, and structure of government
coherence,32 rationality, and uncertainty will be employed.34 The government will
reduction to deliver the intended results. also optimize the performance of national
Strategies for this outcome include rightsizing agencies’ core functions, and ensure the
and digitalizing government functions, while effective and efficient implementation
enhancing productivity. of public services. Precursory to this
priority reform, agencies will improve the
Pursue rightsizing and the
implementation of complementary policies
whole-of-government approach
such as the authority of the Governance
in re-engineering systems and
Commission for Government-Owned or
-Controlled Corporations (GOCCs) to
The government will enact the National reorganize, streamline, abolish, or privatize
Government Rightsizing Program33 to GOCCs; ARTA’s mainstreaming of the

Chapter 14 Practice Good Governance and Improve Bureaucratic Efficiency | 335

Whole-of-Government Re-engineering information, resource-sharing, and
Manual; and streamlining of audits and
communications network to deliver public
systems development across agencies.36 services. Building up to the legislative reform,
the government will ensure the effective
In addition, the government will facilitate implementation of policies and programs
the strategic delineation of functions, such as the adoption of digital payments for
structure, and staffing of national agencies government disbursements and collections,40
and LGUs concerning the Supreme Court’s DICT’s E-Government Masterplan 2022
Mandanas-Garcia ruling and Executive on digitalization of frontline government
Order (EO) No. 138, s. 2021.37 Led by transactions and administrative functions,41
the DBM and DILG, concerned national DBM’s Budget and Treasury Management
agencies will expedite their respective System,42 the Philippine Business Hub,43
transitions into capable policy development DICT’s Integrated Business Permits and
and oversight bodies that can provide sound Licensing System with LGUs,44 and the
and timely service delivery standards and integration of government services into the
capacity development interventions for Philippine Identification System.45
LGUs. The functions of inter-agency and
multi-stakeholder bodies and committees Raise the productivity performance
that support the transition at the subnational of agencies
levels will be streamlined as part of the
To pursue this strategy, the government
functions of the Regional Development
will strengthen productivity performance
frameworks across government sectors
Accelerate digital transformation in and levels and translate these into more
government coherent capacity development programs
and incentive structures. Contributory
The COVID-19 pandemic response to this strategy is the strengthening of
emphasized the importance of digital the implementation of the Government
information and services.38 Accordingly, the Quality Management Program,46 results-
government will adopt digital technologies based performance management system
for the optimization and integration of standards, and the Development Academy
its services to improve efficiency and of the Philippines’ (DAP) productivity
rightsize the government.39 To accelerate capability development programs;47 as well
digital transformation, the government as the adoption of the Philippine Quality
will strengthen its legal and institutional Award performance excellence framework.
framework; adopt paperless, cashless, and The Government Quality Management
data-empowered transactions at all levels; Program assessments, Citizen Satisfaction
and develop civil service capacity for e-Survey,48 and Business Satisfaction
implementation. To this end, the government e-Survey will contribute to the development

will pass an e-Governance law to establish an of broader national governance assessments.

integrated, interconnected, and interoperable Likewise, guidance and assistance will be

336 | Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028

pursued in utilizing data from the national outside-in and inside-out approaches to
satisfaction surveys to identify standards and improve citizen-centered design and delivery
improvement priorities as well as balancing performance.

Outcome 4: Competent, motivated, agile, and resilient

public servants supported
Transformation in government systems and behavioral competencies essential to being
mechanisms will not be possible without the a qualified regulator and making substantive
development of public servants’ competence, contributions not only to government, but
motivation, agility, and resilience. The also to society, as a whole.
ability, motivation, and productivity of
government personnel are key determinants Moreover, the Career Executive Service Board
of government capability.50 This outcome (CESB) will develop the new competency
advances the policy capacity (micro-level profile of career officials to be more
dimensions of analytical, operational, and adaptable to the ever-changing times. The
evaluation capacity) of civil servants. It also CES system will be strengthened through
accounts for the profound set of skills and merit and fitness, and continuous updating
competencies identified as necessary during of its program offerings. Potential and
the COVID-19 pandemic such as digital qualified third-level officials will undergo
skills, agility, futures thinking, foresight, and the four-stage CES eligibility examination
innovation competencies. process, the CES Leadership Management
and Proficiency Program, and other CES
Guarantee complete and capable lifelong learning programs for appointment to
human resources in government CES ranks to build up a critical mass of CES
officers and eligibles.
To advance human capital development
and harmonize capacity-building initiatives Learning and development52 (delivered
among agency providers,51 the government through pandemic-responsive modalities);
will adopt a purposive and programmatic and awards and incentives53 programs will
approach to developing new competency support public servants at all stages of their
frameworks for the public sector. The careers while advocating for higher levels
competency framework will involve of employee engagement.54 Contributing to
coherently linking the Public Management the strategy implementation are the CSC’s
Development Program and the revitalized Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy
National Government Career Executive and Excellence in Human Resource
Service (CES) Development Program with Management55 and the CES system.
the CES process to hasten and enhance the Legislating the creation of HR management
quality of senior public officials and their offices in LGUs will also be pursued.
successors. The competency framework
will also develop a set of functional and

Chapter 14 Practice Good Governance and Improve Bureaucratic Efficiency | 337

Promote conducive working use of information and communications
environments technology (ICT) tools; providing support
for remote work; and improving policies
Conducive working environments enable
on authorizations, data management,
qualified, impartial, values-driven,
and audit.58 Initiatives will also include
professional, and ethical civil servants56 who
advocating occupational health and safety,
are sufficiently supported to be motivated
ensuring public service continuity, and
and productive even in challenging
strengthening mental wellness programs.59
scenarios, as what was experienced
The CSC will develop a bureaucracy-wide HR
during the pandemic. To achieve this, the
Management Information System, shifting
government will institutionalize alternative
HR management from transactional to the
working arrangements in the public
more proactive strategic through digital or
sector.57 This entails establishing clear
web-based systems.
performance standards for remote functions;
strengthening capabilities for the effective

Legislative Agenda
Table 14.1 contains priority bills for the 19th Congress during the Plan period to practice good
governance and improve bureaucratic efficiency.

Table 14.1 Legislative Agenda to Practice Good Governance and Improve Bureaucratic Efficiency
Rightsizing the Government This will implement transformational improvements to streamline the functions, mandates, structure, and
staffing of departments and agencies and simplify systems and processes to deliver public goods and
services in the most efficient, effective, and economical manner.

E-Governancea This will promote the use of information and communications technology in improving government service
delivery and providing access to reliable data and information.

Budget Modernization This seeks to institutionalize the cash-based budgeting system to strengthen fiscal discipline in the
allocation and use of budget resources. It will also promote public participation in the local budgeting
process for shared accountability.

National Evaluation Policy This will strengthen legal and institutional frameworks for the regular measurement, reporting, and
utilization of the results of public policies, programs, and projects toward supporting evidence-based
decisions, ensuring program improvement, and promoting transparency and accountability in the
government. It also seeks to advance the culture and practice of evaluation in the public sector, emphasizing
accountability for results and strengthening government collaboration to institutionalize the National
Evaluation Policy Framework. Moreover, the proposed bill will ensure credible and quality evaluations to
support the planning, formulation, budgeting, and implementation of development interventions.

Freedom of Information The bill will require government agencies to allow the public to review and copy all official information, and
to promote meaningful and increased participation in government decision-making and public accountability.
This expands the coverage of Executive Order 2, s. 2016 to the entire bureaucracy, and not just the executive

Creation of Human Resource and The bill seeks to establish HRM Offices and mandate regular (plantilla) HRM officers in LGUs to develop
Management (HRM) Offices in local competent and credible employees at the local level. It amends the Local Government Code’s optional
government units (LGUs) designation of such local officers.

Recognition of Indigenous People (IP) This will ensure that IP Mandatory Representatives are recognized in local legislative bodies and their
Mandatory Representatives capabilities for local legislation are harnessed for more effective representation and promotion of IP rights
through policymaking.
This is separate from the E-Government Act, which merely institutionalizes the E-Government Masterplan. Both bills may be harmonized
into a single measure as there are overlaps in the proposed bills.

338 | Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028

Results Matrix
Table 14.2 contains year-by-year and end-of-plan indicators and targets that the government
seeks to attain within each of the outcomes during the Plan period to practice good governance
and improve bureaucratic efficiency.

Table 14.2 Results Matrix: Practice Good Governance and Improve Bureaucratic Efficiency
(YEAR) 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 VERIFICATION
Outcome 1: Participatory governance deepened
Percentage of P: 85% P: 87% P: 89% P: 91% P: 93% P: 95% P: 100% Department DILG
provinces (P), cities C: 83% C: 83% C: 85% C: 87% C: 89% C: 91% C: 100% of the Interior
(C), and municipalities M:74% M: 76% M: 79% M: 82% M: 85% M: 88% M: 91% and Local
(M) (PCMs) compliant (2022) Government
with Local Development (DILG) Annual
Council (LDC) Report
functionality standards

Outcome 2: Public accountability and integrity bolstered

Open Budget Index 68 71 N/A 72 N/A 73 73 OBI Report Department
(OBI) score improved* (2021) of Budget and

Outcome 3: Government functions, systems, and mechanisms rationalized and strengthened

Percentage of PCMs 21% or 350 Increasing DILG Annual DILG
conferred with the PCMs Report
Seal of Good Local (2022)
Governance increased

Number of government 0 21 30 40 40 40 40 Department of DICT

agencies/offices (2022) Information and
onboarded and Communications
contributing to the Technology
Open Data Philippines (DICT) Annual
Portal increased Report
Outcome 4: Competent, motivated, agile, and resilient public servants supported
Percentage of Career 45%** 50% 51% 52% 53% 54% 55% CESB CESB
Executive Service (CES) Occupancy
positions occupied by Report
CES Officers and CES
eligibles increased

* Targets are reflected every other year due to the survey’s frequency.
** As of September 2022.

Chapter 14 Practice Good Governance and Improve Bureaucratic Efficiency | 339

As a supplementary index to the United Nations E-Government Survey, EPI assesses the use of online services to facilitate the provision of information by
governments to citizens (“e-information sharing”), interaction with stakeholders (“e-consultation”), and engagement in decision-making processes (“e-decision-
making). See United Nations (UN). UN E-Government Knowledgebase: Philippines. UN E-Government Development Database. Retrieved from https:// (October 23, 2022).
The OBI score is a component of the Open Budget Survey that assesses public access to central government budget information. See International Budget
Partnership (IBP). Country Results: Philippines. Open Budget Survey 2021. Retrieved from
As the LPI is a composite measure of domains of prosperity, the assessment and targets for this chapter only focus on the Governance Pillar under the Inclusive
Societies domain. See Legatum Institute Foundation. (2021). The Legatum Prosperity Index— Changes Made Since 2020 Index and Summary Of Indicator Details.
Legatum Institute. Retrieved from
Political accountability is the degree to which the public can hold public institutions accountable, considering the degree of political pluralism and other
accountability mechanisms.
Duterte, R. R. Executive Order No. 02, s. 2016: Operationalizing in the Executive Branch the People’s Constitutional Right to Information and the State Policies to
Full Public Disclosure and Transparency in the Public Service and Providing Guidelines therefor. July 23, 2016. Retrieved from
Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT). Full List of e-Services. Retrieved from (October 23, 2022).
This includes the Open Data Portal, Transparency Seal across all government websites, and the Full Disclosure Policy, among others.
DICT. About Free Wi-Fi for All. Retrieved from (October 22, 2022).
During the 2021 OGP Impact Awards, the CPA strategy was selected first place for the Asia Pacific region. See COA. (2021). “COA’s Citizen Participatory Audit (CPA)
Strategy Wins First Place in OGP Impact Award.” December 16, 2021. Retrieved from
International Budget Partnership. (2021). Managing COVID Funds: The Accountability Gap. Retrieved from
The LPI’s definition of “government integrity” encompasses both the absence of corruption and the degree to which government fosters citizen participation and
engagement through open information and transparent processes.
The CPI assesses and ranks countries by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, using a scale of 0–100 where 0 = highly corrupt and 100 = very clean. See
Transparency International. (2022). Corruption Perceptions Index 2021. Retrieved from (October 22, 2022).
Transparency International. (2022). CPI 2021 for Asia Pacific: Grand Corruption and Lack of Freedoms Holding Back Progress. Retrieved from https://www. (October 22, 2022).
Freedom House. (2022). Freedom in the World 2022: Philippines. Retrieved from
(October 22, 2022).
World Bank. (2022). Philippines: Government Efficiency Policy Notes. Washington, DC.
The Supreme Court ruling in the Mandanas case (General Register No. 199802, July 3, 2018) significantly expands the tax base for LGUs’ share in national taxes to
include not only national internal revenue taxes but also customs duties and fees.
International Association for Public Participation (IAP2). IAP2 Public Participation Spectrum. Retrieved from
(October 22, 2022).
Arnstein, S. (1969). “A Ladder of Citizen Participation.” Journal of American Planning Association 35 (4): 216–224. Retrieved from https://doi.
Caucus of Development NGO Networks and Alternative Law Groups, CIVICUS, International Center for Not-for-Profit Law, World Movement for Democracy, and
Article 19. 2016. Assessment of the Enabling Environment for Civil Society Organizations in the Philippines. Retrieved from
Medina-Guce, C. (2022). Participatory Governance Metrics for the Philippine Open Government Partnership Commitments: Lessons and Recommendations from
Pilot Customizations. Manila: United Nations Development Programme and Department of the Interior and Local Government.
Mendoza, R., M. Banaag, J. Hiwatig, and M. H. Yusingco. (2020). Term Limits and Political Dynasties in the Philippines: Unpacking the Links. Asia-Pacific Social
Science Review 20 (4): 88­–99.
Ladia, M.A. and N. Parreno. 2021. Philippines: Gender-based Violence Policy and Institutional Mapping Report. Washington, DC: The World Bank. https://thedocs.
Medina-Guce, C. 2022. “Civic Tech for Social Accountability in Philippine Local Governments.” In Decentralization, Digitalization, and Development: Strengthening
Local Governance for Crisis Response, Recovery, Resilience, and the Sustainable Development Goals. Manila: UNDP Philippines.
Canares, M. and F. van Scalkwyk. (2021). Inclusive Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Open Contracting. Hivos. Retrieved from https://
Open Contracting Data Publication is a country commitment to the OGP. This pertains to the mandatory publication of contracting data (from planning to
implementation) in machine-readable formats. See Open Government Partnership. Open Contracting Data Publication (PH0066). Retrieved from https://www.
Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ). (2018). Public Contracting in the Philippines: Breakthroughs and Barriers. PCIJ, Hivos, and Article19.
Retrieved from
17th Congress. Republic Act No. 11293 (Philippine Innovation Act). Manila; and NEDA, DOST, and DTI. 2020. Administrative Order No. 01, s. 2020: Promulgating the
Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 11293 Otherwise Known as the Philippine Innovation Act. February 7, 2020. Manila.
Campaigns include the OMB’s Campus Integrity Crusaders, Sikhay Laban sa Korupsyon, and Aral at Asal Project (with the University of the Philippines System
and the Commission on Higher Education).
The Index will serve as the local counterpart of global governance indices, based on the nuances of the Philippine context.
NEDA and DBM. (2015). Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2015-01: National Evaluation Policy Framework of the Philippines. July 15, 2015 Retrieved from
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Evaluation Criteria. Retrieved from
daccriteriaforevaluatingdevelopmentassistance.htm (October 22, 2022).

340 | Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028

Gajduschek, G. (2003). Bureaucracy: Is It Efficient? Is It Not? Is That The Question?: Uncertainty Reduction: An Ignored Element of Bureaucratic Rationality.
Administration & Society 34 (6): 700–723.
DBM. (2022). Briefer on NGRP. Manila.
Diokno-Sicat, C.J. (2018). Economic Principles for Rightsizing Government. Philippine Institute for Development Studies Discussion Paper Series No. 2018-46.
Retrieved from
ARTA. (2021). Memorandum Circular No. 2021-09 Series of 2021: Issuance of the Whole-of-Government Reengineering Manual. June 25, 2021. Retrieved from
Such as rightsizing and/or streamlining reviews stipulated in Section 88, General Provisions of the FY 2022 and the Philippine Government Asset Management
Policy. See Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. 2022. General Appropriations Act: General Provisions Fiscal Year 2022. Official Gazette 118 (1).
Retrieved from; and DOF, DBM, and NEDA. 2020. Joint Memorandum Circular
No. 2020-1: Implementation of a Philippine Government Asset Management Policy. September 24, 2020. Retrieved from
Duterte, R.R. Executive Order No. 138, s. 2021: Full Devolution of Certain Functions of the Executive Branch to Local Governments, Creation of a Committee on
Devolution, and for Other Purposes. June 1, 2021. Retrieved from
Tubuga, A., S. Domingo, C.J. Diokno-Sicat, and V. G. Ulep. (2020). Innovating Governance: Building Resilience against COVID-19 Pandemic and Other Risks.
Philippine Institute for Development Studies Discussion Paper Series No. 2020-23. September 2020. Retrieved from
World Bank. Philippines: Government Efficiency. 3-8. Washington, DC.
Duterte, R.R. (2022). Executive Order No. 170, s. 2022: Adoption of Digital Payments for Government Disbursements and Collections. May 12, 2022. Retrieved from
DICT. (2019). E-Government Masterplan 2022. Quezon City. Retrieved from
The Budget and Treasury Management System is a core element of the Integrated Financial Management Information System, which seeks to: (a) facilitate an
efficient and secure government financial transactions and (b) strengthen the monitoring and reporting of financial and fiscal data.
The Philippine Business Hub – Central Business Portal ( serves as a central system to receive applications and capture application
data involving business-related transactions.
iBPLS is a software that enables LGUs and their constituents to apply and process building permits and occupancy permits electronically. See ARTA. (2020). ARTA
To LGUs: Automate Business and Building Permits Now using DICT’s IBPLS. ARTA Press Releases. September 15, 2020.
Duterte, R.R. (2022). Memorandum Circular No. 95, s. 2022: Directing All Government Agencies, Offices, Instrumentalities, as Well as Local Government Units,
to Prepare for the Implementation of the Philippine Identification System and Its Integration into Government Processes, Databases, Systems and Services.
February 7, 2022. Retrieved from
DAP. Government Quality Management Program. Retrieved from (October 22,
DAP. Capability Development. Retrieved from Retrieved from (October 22, 2022).
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DAP. Business Satisfaction e-Survey (e-BizSat). Retrieved from (October 22, 2022).
World Bank Group. (2019). Innovating Bureaucracy for a More Capable Government. Washington, DC. Retrieved from
handle/10986/31284 (February 12, 2019).
Agency providers include the CSC, DAP, and CESB.
Includes DAP’s Local Government Executives and Managers Class under the Public Management Development Program, and CESB’s Leadership and
Management Proficiency Program.
CSC has harmonized the Strategic Performance Management System with the Program Expenditure Classification and the Results-based Performance
Management System.
OECD. (2021). The Future of the Public Service: Preparing the Workforce for Change in a Context of Uncertainty. OECD iLibrary. Retrieved from https://www.oecd- (October 22, 2022).
This program aims to elevate public sector HR management to a level of excellence through the assessment, assistance, and awarding processes of HRM
Systems, Practices, and Competencies using HRM maturity level indicators that are at par with global HRM standards.
OECD. (2017). Skills for a High Performing Civil Service. OECD Public Governance Reviews. OECD Publishing. Retrieved from
a-high-performing-civil-service-9789264280724-en.htm (October 22, 2022).
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employees (October 22, 2022).
DAP. n.d. The Public Sector Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study on the Adoption of Alternative Working Arrangement. Retrieved from https://coe-psp.
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CSC, Department of Health, and Department of Labor and Employment. (2020). Joint Memorandum Circular No. 1, s. 2020: Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
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Chapter 14 Practice Good Governance and Improve Bureaucratic Efficiency | 341

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