Chapter 14
Chapter 14
Chapter 14
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
EPI (*100) OBI CPI LPI: Political accountability LPI: Government integrity
LPI: Government effectiveness
CPI = Corruption Perceptions Index, EPI = e-Participation Index, LPI = Legatum Prosperity Index, OBI = Open Budget Index.
Sources: United Nations United Nations (UN). UN E-Government Knowledgebase: Philippines. UN E-Government Development Database (accessed October 23, 2022).; International Budget Partnership (IBP). 2021. “Country Results:
Philippines.” Open Budget Survey 2021.
pdf; Transparency International. Corruption Perceptions Index 2021. (accessed October 22, 2022); and
Legatum Institute Foundation. 2021. The Legatum Prosperity Index—Changes Made Since 2020 Index and Summary of Indicator Details. https://docs.prosperity.
The Philippines’ scores in the LPI- International13 reported that the Philippines,
Government Integrity11 and Corruption like other countries in the Asia-Pacific,
Perceptions Index (CPI)12 have declined may be merely mitigating petty corruption
in recent years. In 2021, Transparency but is unable to curb grand corruption.
Strategy Framework
Figure 14.2 presents the strategies to facilitate meaningful inclusion and better quality of
good governance and improve bureaucratic participation, more intensified information
efficiency that will contribute to the enabling transparency and access, rightsizing of
environment of the Philippine Development government functions and structure, and
Plan (PDP) 2023–2028. The framework the competence and future readiness of the
highlights the strategic pursuit of more government and its public servants.
Figure 14.2
Figure 14.2 Strategy Framework to Practice Good Governance and Improve Bureaucratic Efficiency
Ensure sufficient and Enhance public feedback loops Pursue rightsizing and the Guarantee complete and
functional participatory spaces whole-of-government approach capable human resources in
Intensify transparency in public in re-engineering systems and government
Broaden public access to procedures
information Promote conducive working
Strengthen implementation and Accelerate digital transformation environments
Improve the quality of
participation monitoring of anti-corruption in government
laws and programs
Increase inclusivity and Raise the productivity
accessibility of elections Improve national governance
performance of agencies
Legislative Agenda
Table 14.1 contains priority bills for the 19th Congress during the Plan period to practice good
governance and improve bureaucratic efficiency.
Table 14.1 Legislative Agenda to Practice Good Governance and Improve Bureaucratic Efficiency
Rightsizing the Government This will implement transformational improvements to streamline the functions, mandates, structure, and
staffing of departments and agencies and simplify systems and processes to deliver public goods and
services in the most efficient, effective, and economical manner.
E-Governancea This will promote the use of information and communications technology in improving government service
delivery and providing access to reliable data and information.
Budget Modernization This seeks to institutionalize the cash-based budgeting system to strengthen fiscal discipline in the
allocation and use of budget resources. It will also promote public participation in the local budgeting
process for shared accountability.
National Evaluation Policy This will strengthen legal and institutional frameworks for the regular measurement, reporting, and
utilization of the results of public policies, programs, and projects toward supporting evidence-based
decisions, ensuring program improvement, and promoting transparency and accountability in the
government. It also seeks to advance the culture and practice of evaluation in the public sector, emphasizing
accountability for results and strengthening government collaboration to institutionalize the National
Evaluation Policy Framework. Moreover, the proposed bill will ensure credible and quality evaluations to
support the planning, formulation, budgeting, and implementation of development interventions.
Freedom of Information The bill will require government agencies to allow the public to review and copy all official information, and
to promote meaningful and increased participation in government decision-making and public accountability.
This expands the coverage of Executive Order 2, s. 2016 to the entire bureaucracy, and not just the executive
Creation of Human Resource and The bill seeks to establish HRM Offices and mandate regular (plantilla) HRM officers in LGUs to develop
Management (HRM) Offices in local competent and credible employees at the local level. It amends the Local Government Code’s optional
government units (LGUs) designation of such local officers.
Recognition of Indigenous People (IP) This will ensure that IP Mandatory Representatives are recognized in local legislative bodies and their
Mandatory Representatives capabilities for local legislation are harnessed for more effective representation and promotion of IP rights
through policymaking.
This is separate from the E-Government Act, which merely institutionalizes the E-Government Masterplan. Both bills may be harmonized
into a single measure as there are overlaps in the proposed bills.
Table 14.2 Results Matrix: Practice Good Governance and Improve Bureaucratic Efficiency
(YEAR) 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 VERIFICATION
Outcome 1: Participatory governance deepened
Percentage of P: 85% P: 87% P: 89% P: 91% P: 93% P: 95% P: 100% Department DILG
provinces (P), cities C: 83% C: 83% C: 85% C: 87% C: 89% C: 91% C: 100% of the Interior
(C), and municipalities M:74% M: 76% M: 79% M: 82% M: 85% M: 88% M: 91% and Local
(M) (PCMs) compliant (2022) Government
with Local Development (DILG) Annual
Council (LDC) Report
functionality standards
* Targets are reflected every other year due to the survey’s frequency.
** As of September 2022.