Study - Id125136 - Gen Z Generation Z in Thailand

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Target audience: Gen Z /

Generation Z in Thailand

Consumer Insights

August 2023
Statista Consumer Insights Target Audience Report

Report overview Consumer Insights Global methodology (1)

This report analyses Gen Z (Generation Z), which are Design: Online Survey, split questionnaire design
consumers that were born between 1995 - 2012.
Duration: approx. 15 minutes
The report offers the reader a comprehensive
Language: official language(s) of each country with
overview of Gen Z / Generation Z in Thailand: who they
American English offered as an alternative
are; what they like; what they think; and how to reach
them. It provides insights on their demographics, Region: 56 countries
lifestyle, opinions, and marketing touchpoints.
Number of respondents:
Additionally, the report allows the reader to • 12,000+ for countries with the extended survey
benchmark Gen Z / Generation Z in Thailand (’’target • 2,000+ for the basic survey
audience’’) against the average Thai onliner, labelled
Sample: Internet users, aged 18 – 64, quotas set on
as ’’all respondents’’ in the charts.
gender and age
The report is updated quarterly and is based on data
from the Statista Consumer Insights Global survey.
• Continuous from January to December
• Countries that receive the basic survey are updated
every year

2 Notes: (1): See the full methodology for a detailed overview of the study design

Sources: Statista Consumer Insights Global as of August 2023

Gen Z / Generation Z in Thailand
Management summary: key insights

Demographic profile Consumer lifestyle Consumer attitudes Marketing touchpoints

26% of all respondents are part of Safety and security has less importance 27% of Gen Z / Generation Z state that Gen Z / Generation Z tend to go to the
Generation Z. to Gen Z / Generation Z than to the they could imagine getting all their movies more often than the average
average consumer. financial services from a tech company consumer.
59% of Gen Z / Generation Z are male.
such as Google or Apple.
Gaming and eSports are relatively Gen Z / Generation Z tend to like posts
Many Gen Z / Generation Z have a low
prevalent interests of Gen Z / A relatively high share of Gen Z / by other users more often than the
annual household income.
Generation Z. Generation Z think that government average onliner.
Gen Z / Generation Z are more likely to debt is an issue that needs to be
Gen Z / Generation Z are more likely to Gen Z / Generation Z remember seeing
live in small towns and rural addressed.
have video gaming as a hobby than the ads on TV less often than the average
communities than the average
average consumer Gen Z / Generation Z tend to have more consumer.
left leaning political views than the
Gen Z / Generation Z remember seeing
average consumer.
ads on social media less often than the
average consumer.

Sources: Statista Consumer Insights Global as of August 2023


Demographic profile

• Life stages

• Gender

• Education

• Income

• Household classification

• Type of community
26% of all respondents are part of Generation Z
Demographic profile: life stages

Age of consumers in Thailand

Target audience 100%


All respondents 26% 38% 32% 5%

Generation Z Millennials Generation X Baby Boomers

5 Notes: ’’How old are you?’’; Single Pick; How old are you?; Single Pick; Base: n=541 Gen Z / Generation Z, n=2092 all respondents

Sources: Statista Consumer Insights Global as of August 2023

59% of Gen Z / Generation Z are male
Demographic profile: gender

Gender of consumers in Thailand

Target audience 59% 41%

All respondents 57% 43%

Male Female

6 Notes: ’’What is your gender?’’; Single Pick; How old are you?; Single Pick; Base: n=541 Gen Z / Generation Z, n=2092 all respondents

Sources: Statista Consumer Insights Global as of August 2023

20% of Gen Z / Generation Z have a lower secondary education but are not
eligible for university study
Demographic profile: education

Consumer’s level of education in Thailand



8% 10% 9%
4% 5% 6%
3% 2% 2% 1%

No formal Secondary Further Technical / Bachelor degree Master degree Doctoral degree
education / education education vocational or equivalent or equivalent or equivalent
primary school (permission to education
go to university)
Target audience All respondents

7 Notes: ’’What is the highest level of education you have completed?’’; Single Pick; How old are you?; Single Pick; Base: n=541 Gen Z / Generation Z, n=2092 all respondents

Sources: Statista Consumer Insights Global as of August 2023

Many Gen Z / Generation Z have a low annual household income
Demographic profile: income

Share of consumers in Thailand in the high, middle, and low thirds of monthly household gross income

Target audience 26% 29% 45%

All respondents 34% 35% 32%

High Middle Low

8 Notes: Recalculated to only include respondents that provide income information, recode based on ’’Monthly/annual household income (local currency)’’; Single Pick; How old are you?; Single Pick; Base: n=430 Gen Z / Generation Z,
n=1837 all respondents
Sources: Statista Consumer Insights Global as of August 2023
A relatively high share of Gen Z / Generation Z live in a household of two or
more related adults
Demographic profile: household classification

Type of households in which consumers in Thailand live​




10% 9%
7% 6% 6%
5% 3% 5%

Single household Couple Single parent Nuclear family Multi- Two or more Other
household household generational related adults household types
Target audience All respondents

9 Notes: Typology based on ’’household size’’, ’’household constellation’’ and ’’children under the age of 14 in household’’; Single Pick; How old are you?; Single Pick; Base: n=541 Gen Z / Generation Z, n=2092 all respondents

Sources: Statista Consumer Insights Global as of August 2023

Gen Z / Generation Z are more likely to live in small towns and rural
communities than the average consumer
Demographic profile: type of community

Communities where consumers live in Thailand




17% 17%
14% 15%

Rural community Small town Medium-sized town Large city City with over 1 Megacity with over 5
million inhabitants million inhabitants
Target audience All respondents

10 Notes: ’’In what type of community do you live?’’; Single Pick; How old are you?; Single Pick; Base: n=541 Gen Z / Generation Z, n=2092 all respondents

Sources: Statista Consumer Insights Global as of August 2023


Consumer lifestyle

• Life values

• Main interests

• Hobbies & leisure activities

Safety and security has less importance to Gen Z / Generation Z than to the
average consumer
Consumer lifestyle: life values

Most important aspects of life for consumers in Thailand

56% 55%

37% 38%
35% 33%
30% 30% 31% 29% 27%

16% 16% 17%


6% 6%

To be Safety and A happy Having a Learning Advancing Making Social An honest Traditions
successful security relationship good time new things my career my own justice and
decisions respectable
Target audience All respondents

12 Notes: ’’Out of the following list, which are the 3 most important aspects to you in life? Please choose exactly 3.’’; Multi Pick; How old are you?; Single Pick; Base: n=541 Gen Z / Generation Z, n=2092 all respondents

Sources: Statista Consumer Insights Global as of August 2023

Gaming and eSports are relatively prevalent interests of Gen Z / Generation Z
Consumer lifestyle: main interests

Top 10 interests of Gen Z / Generation Z in Thailand

46% 44% 43% 41% 43%
38% 37% 37%
35% 34% 34% 34% 35%
33% 31% 32%


Finance & Food & Movies, Fashion Health & Travel Gaming & Career & Science & Sports
economy dining TV shows & beauty fitness eSports education technology
& music

Target audience All respondents

13 Notes: ’’What topics are you personally interested in?’’; Multi Pick; How old are you?; Single Pick; Base: n=541 Gen Z / Generation Z, n=2092 all respondents

Sources: Statista Consumer Insights Global as of August 2023

Gen Z / Generation Z are more likely to have video gaming as a hobby than the
average consumer
Consumer lifestyle: hobbies & leisure activities

Top 10 hobbies and leisure activities of Gen Z / Generation Z in Thailand



35% 34%
31% 31% 31% 30% 32%
28% 29% 29% 27% 26% 27%
20% 19% 21%

Video Tech & Doing Photography Pets Traveling Making Reading Cooking Socializing
gaming computers sports music / baking
and fitness

Target audience All respondents

14 Notes: ’’What are your personal hobbies and activities?’’; Multi Pick; How old are you?; Single Pick; Base: n=541 Gen Z / Generation Z, n=2092 all respondents

Sources: Statista Consumer Insights Global as of August 2023


Consumer attitudes

• Consumer attitudes

• Challenges facing the country

• Politics

27% of Gen Z / Generation Z state that they could imagine getting all their
financial services from a tech company such as Google or Apple
Consumer attitudes

Agreement with statements in Thailand


33% 33%
23% 22% 23%

15% 15%

Owning a car is I avoid artificial flavors I could imagine getting I have bought products I don’t trust the
important to me and preservatives all my financial services because celebrities or mainstream media in
from a tech company influencers advertised my country of residence
such as Google or Apple them (e.g., news channels)

Target audience All respondents

16 Notes: ’’Which of these statements apply to you?’’; Multi Pick; How old are you?; Single Pick; Base: n=276 Gen Z / Generation Z, n=1047 all respondents

Sources: Statista Consumer Insights Global as of August 2023

A relatively high share of Gen Z / Generation Z think that government debt is an
issue that needs to be addressed
Consumer attitudes: challenges facing the country

The 10 most important issues facing Thailand according to Gen Z / Generation Z

63% 65%
55% 54%
48% 48%
44% 43%
39% 40% 39%
35% 36% 36% 35% 36%
29% 31%

Economic Poverty Rising prices Unemploy- Government Education Environ- Civil rights Crime Climate
situation / inflation / ment debt ment change
cost of living

Target audience All respondents

17 Notes: ’’What do you personally think are the most important issues in your country of residence that need to be addressed?’’; Multi Pick; How old are you?; Single Pick; Base: n=541 Gen Z / Generation Z, n=2092 all respondents

Sources: Statista Consumer Insights Global as of August 2023

Gen Z / Generation Z tend to have more left leaning political views than the
average consumer
Consumer attitudes: politics

Political attitudes of consumers in Thailand

Target audience 30% 29% 20% 21%

All respondents 22% 41% 19% 18%

Left Center Right Prefer not to answer

18 Notes: Recode based on ’’Many people use the terms ’left’ and ’right’ when they want to describe political views. Where would you place yourself on a scale from left to right?’’; Single Pick; How old are you?; Single Pick; Base: n=541
Gen Z / Generation Z, n=2092 all respondents
Sources: Statista Consumer Insights Global as of August 2023

Marketing touchpoints

• Media usage

• Digital advertising touchpoints

• Internet usage by device

• Social media usage

• Non-digital advertising touchpoints

Gen Z / Generation Z tend to go to the movies more often than the average
Marketing touchpoints: media usage

Type of media consumers in Thailand have been using in the past 4 weeks
79% 78%


57% 56%
25% 24% 25% 26%
22% 22%
11% 11%

Digital video TV Digital music Movies / Online news Podcasts Magazines Daily Online Radio Weekly
content content cinema websites newspapers magazines newspapers
Target audience All respondents

20 Notes: ’’What kind of media have you used in the past 4 weeks?’’; Multi Pick; How old are you?; Single Pick; Base: n=541 Gen Z / Generation Z, n=2092 all respondents

Sources: Statista Global Consumer Survey as of August 2023

Gen Z / Generation Z remember seeing ads on social media less often than the
average consumer
Marketing touchpoints: digital advertising touchpoints

Top 10 places where Gen Z / Generation Z in Thailand have come across digital advertising in the past 4 weeks

43% 43% 44%
34% 33%
29% 30% 29%
25% 24% 26%
21% 20% 22%

Video Social Video Online Video Websites Other apps Music Search Editorial
portals media games stores streaming and apps portals engines websites
services of brands and apps
Target audience All respondents

21 Notes: ’’Where have you come across digital advertisements in the past 4 weeks?’’; Multi Pick; How old are you?; Single Pick; Base: n=541 Gen Z / Generation Z, n= 2092 all respondents

Sources: Statista Consumer Insights Global as of August 2023

Gen Z / Generation Z access the internet via a smart TV less often than the
average onliner
Marketing touchpoints: internet usage by device

Devices consumers in Thailand use regularly to access the internet

94% 96%

50% 50%
43% 46% 43%
39% 38%

23% 21% 22%

14% 14% 14% 13%

Smartphone Laptop Desktop PC Smart TV Tablet Gaming Smartwatch Streaming Smart

console device speakers

Target audience All respondents

22 Notes: ’’Which of these devices do you regularly use with an internet connection?’’; Multi Pick; How old are you?; Single Pick; Base: n=541 Gen Z / Generation Z, n=2092 all respondents

Sources: Statista Consumer Insights Global as of August 2023

Gen Z / Generation Z tend to like posts by other users more often than the
average onliner
Marketing touchpoints: social media usage

Social media activities in Thailand by type​

54% 54%
51% 50% 49% 51%
40% 40% 42%

28% 29%
22% 22% 22% 20%

12% 12%

1% 1%

Liked posts Sent private Posted Followed Commented Shared Posted texts Liked Followed Shared Passive social No social
by other messages pictures people on posts posts by / status company companies company media usage media usage
users / videos other users updates posts posts

Target audience All respondents

23 Notes: ’’Which of these things have you done on social networks in the past 4 weeks?’’; Multi Pick; How old are you?; Single Pick; Base: n=541 Gen Z / Generation Z, n=2092 all respondents

Sources: Statista Consumer Insights Global as of August 2023

Gen Z / Generation Z remember seeing ads on TV less often than the average
Marketing touchpoints: non-digital advertising touchpoints

Places where consumers in Thailand have come across non-digital advertising in the past 4 weeks


28% 28%
18% 19% 19%
17% 17%

On TV On advertising Directly in At the movies By mailshot / In printed In printed On the

spaces the store /cinema advertising magazines daily radio
on the go mail and journals newspapers
Target audience All respondents

24 Notes: ’’Where have you come across non-digital advertisements in the past 4 weeks?’’; Multi Pick; How old are you?; Single Pick; Base: n=541 Gen Z / Generation Z, n=2092 all respondents

Sources: Statista Consumer Insights Global as of August 2023


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Jan Gewiese Stefan Rau

Senior Research Manager Research Manager

Jan Gewiese has degrees in Economics (B.Sc.) from the University of Hohenheim Stefan Rau studied Economics (B.Sc.) at the Ludwigs-Maximilian-University in Munich and
and Business Administration (M.Sc.) from the University of Hamburg. He Interned Public and Nonprofit Studies (M.Sc.) at the University of Hamburg. During his studies, he
at the Hamburg Center for Health Economics and Mercedes-Benz USA. interned at TNS Infratest.​

For the Statista Consumer Insights team, he is responsible for concepting reports, Stefan's current role in the Consumer Insights team at Statista focuses on process design
automation design, and is a trusted advisor to clients and stakeholders for the and report automation, specifically QA processes. Stefan’s expertise also includes Python
product. and developing the teams AI offer.


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