Maha Shivaratri Study Guide English

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Inner Significance of
Maha Shivaratri
A Study Guide based on the teachings
of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

What is Shivaratri?
W e are spending nights daily ever since
we are born, but not all those nights
T oday is the holy day of Shivaratri. Shiva
means auspiciousness. Where there is
Shiva (auspiciousness) there cannot be shava
can be termed as Shivaratri. People meditate
upon, sing, and listen to the glory of the
divine name and experience the divinity of
(inauspiciousness). This holy day of Shivaratri
Lord Shiva. Since the whole night is spent in
must be spent in the constant contemplation
meditation and singing the glory of the
of God chanting the holy name of Shiva right
divine name of Lord Shiva, this night is called
from early in the morning till you go to bed.
Shivaratri. Not only this night, whenever you
The Lord’s name must dance on your tongue.
March 8, 2005
spend the entire night meditating upon the divine name, that night is also Shivaratri.
Lord Shiva is not a separate Avatar.
Shiva means auspiciousness. Since Shiva February 23, 2009
resides in us, does that imply that we too

must be auspicious? How do we then

feel auspicious at all times? The night is a blessed night and in all
discourses during Shivaratri, Swami has
How can we constantly remember to emphasized its importance. How can we
chant the name of the Lord on better prepare ourselves for
Shivaratri? undertaking some form of spiritual
exercise for this special night?
The Inner Significance of Maha Shivaratri

N o one seems to have made an effort to

recognize the meaning and significance
of Shivaratri. In fact, the very word Shivaratri
T oday we are celebrating Shivaratri. What
does it mean? Ratri (night) is associated
with darkness. The Vedas declare,
reveals its meaning. “Shiva” means auspi- “Chandrama Manaso Jatha, Chaksho Suryo
cious and “ratri” means night. Thus, Shivaratri Ajayatha (the moon was born out of the mind
means auspicious night. Then the question and the sun out of the eyes of the Purusha).”
arises: who is Shiva? The divine conscious- Moon is the presiding deity of the mind. So,
ness pervading all the living beings is none mind should be pure and unsullied.
other than Shiva. This Shivattwa (divine con- February 14, 1999
sciousness) permeates not only human
beings but the birds, beasts, and animals as
well. In fact, every moment in our life can be Why does Shivaratri place its
importance on the mind?
taken to be Shivaratri. We need not wait for
Shivaratri on a particular day in a year. What relevance is the significance of
March 9, 2005 Shivaratri to our daily living?

The night is only an orientation program

for us to imbibe the spirit of Shivaratri
and make this an integral lifestyle for the
Y ou will be observing Shivaratri in the true
spirit of the term only when you give up
bad qualities and cultivate divine love. Merely
rest of our lives. What transformational observing vigil on Shivaratri is not sufficient.
changes do we want to see in ourselves?
You have to contemplate on God incessantly.
What new resolutions can we make on
this night to bring a transformational
Many people claim that they have observed
change? jagarana (vigil) on Shivaratri night by playing
cards. The fisherman goes on watching
intently to trap the fish in the net. Can this
be termed meditation? If one abstains from
food on account of quarrel with one’s wife,
can it be called fasting? No. Similarly, obser-
vance of sacred vigil on Shivaratri night is
not achieved by playing cards the whole
night. You should spend this night chanting
the name of God, using the time in doing
good deeds.
February 14, 1999

Here the emphasis Swami is making on

the need to move away from
mechanically carrying out rituals as
opposed to appreciating the real
purpose of these auspicious events.
Contemplate and describe the various
rituals involved during Shivaratri and
find relevant significance behind each
one of these acts.

The Inner Significance of Maha Shivaratri

T oday is the sacred day of Shivaratri.

Legend has it that when Shiva, in order
to save the world, swallowed halahala (poi-
get full control over the mind by contemplat-
ing on God. Hence it is considered as an aus-
picious night. Unfortunately, in this Kali Age,
son), He lost consciousness and fell down. people observe the vigil of Shivaratri by see-
The resultant heat affected the world. In ing cinema shows or playing cards all through
order to cool down the world, Shiva created the night. This cannot be called Shivaratri.
the Himalayas. Then He placed the Himalayas Every moment of the night should be devoted
on His stomach. As a result, the Himalayas to the thoughts of God and chanting of His
absorbed all the heat from His body and He name wholeheartedly. The chanting should
got up. People celebrate this event as come from within. This is what is called the
Shivaratri. But, this is only a worldly inter- reflection of the inner being.
pretation. Truly speaking, the Himalayas are March 4, 2000
within you. In fact, the whole world is within
you. The Divinity within you has neither
birth nor death. The body may undergo The most important night of all nights is
Shivaratri. It appears that this is the
change, but the Divine Principle remains the
night, with appropriate vigilance and
same. Love never undergoes any change. It steadfast devotion we might get a leap
remains love always. The quality of sugar is of consciousness. What intensity and
sweetness. It does not change whether it is intention should we possess in order to
added to coffee, tea, water or rice pudding. gain this opportunity?
February 15, 1999 How much more dedication must we
pour to make the event a memorable
Swallowing Halahala (poison) by Shiva is one? What extra vigilance and
a very important event. How can we steadfastness that we need this time to
relate this to daily life events? be sharper and more devoted to the
Lord of our hearts?
Shiva created the Himalayas and placed
in his stomach and thereby absorbed
the heat. Again these can be left as
stories but there is a deeper inner
significance of these two events.
T oday is the very auspicious day of
Shivaratri. Shiva stands for auspicious-
ness. What is so special and auspicious about
Contemplate on the inner significance of Shivaratri? Mind has 16 aspects, of which 15
these two events and assess how these are merged on this night and only one is
can be relatable in daily living. remaining. Make proper use of this holy
night by undertaking Sadhana with devotion

T he nights you experience on other days and steadfastness. What sort of Sadhana you
are ordinary nights. But Shivaratri is an must undertake? Cleanse your heart of all
auspicious night. How is it auspicious? It is evil qualities. Evil qualities arise in you
auspicious when you spend your time in an because of the misuse of the senses. It is the
auspicious way singing the glories of the root cause of all sins. Sadhana does not mean
Lord. The mind has sixteen aspects. The doing Japa and meditation. You should
moon is the presiding deity of the mind. Of develop pure and divine feelings in you.
the sixteen aspects of the moon, fifteen are Consider everyone as divine. Respect them.
absent today. If you sing His glory through- “All are Mine and I belong to everybody.”
out the night wholeheartedly, even the Once you have such firm conviction, you can
remaining one aspect can also be merged enjoy immense happiness in life. There will
with the Divine. On this day, it is possible to

The Inner Significance of Maha Shivaratri

be no trace of worry in your life Have Firm

Faith In God. I
n order to rise to the level of divine, satsang
is very essential. “One thought, one vision,
February 21, 2001 and one action.” These three must be unified.
Shivaratri is celebrated to recognise the one-
ness of Divinity. When you do bhajans
Contemplate on the negative qualities tonight, you will have only one thought. You
that we have and can we be better
will experience the bliss of bhajans. It is the
prepared to surrender this negative
traits to Lord Shiva on that night.
nondual bliss. Why is it prescribed that you
should do bhajans all through the night?
Imagine a life without these negative Bhajan is done to control the mind and focus
qualities in our lives. Imagine the it on Divinity. Some people keep discussing
envisaged peace and love we would worldly matters even while they are doing
experience in the future, leading a life bhajan. Do not go anywhere near such
without these negative qualities. Anchor people.
on the possible envisaged future and March 1, 2003
readily and willingly surrender these
Alignment of thought word and deed.
Take a vow not to engage in any other
T herefore it is said, Truth is the life of the
tongue. Righteousness is the life of
hands. Non- violence is the life of the heart.
activities but remain silent and vigilant
over your thoughts. Spent this night on
constant contemplation. Contemplate
Shivaratri is celebrated to teach man the on this very deeply and assess how
significance of these values. Shiva also many times did the mind did not obey
stands for humility. A person with humility this injunction that you have imposed on
is one of Shivam (auspiciousness). On the yourself. This is the first step towards
other hand, a person with ego is verily a meditation. To become vigilant over
savam (corpse). your thoughts . Use this night profitably
March 12, 2002 to gain a mastery over your mind.
The Shiva-consciousness is all-
Swami has said that one of the first pervading. How can we limit it to a
qualities of a seeker heading towards particular time and place?
the light of truth is humility. Shiva stands
for humility. The whole objective of the
night is to be vigilant and absorb the Sarvatah Panipadam
qualities of Lord Shiva. Hence Tat Sarvathokshi Siromukham
contemplate in your life the incidences Sarvatah Sruthimalloke Sarvamavruthya
that made you realize that your own ego Tishthati
manifested in your life which resulted in
the spring of anger, hatred etc. Use this (With hands, feet, eyes, head, mouth
auspicious night to anchor back to our and ears pervading everything, He
innate true nature and make a permeates the entire Universe).
commitment to always manifest humility
and make humility an integral part of
one’s lifestyle. I f we carefully analyze this aspect once, it
will be obvious that all that we witness
around is Shiva consciousness, and nothing
else. Shiva does not mean a particular form
with matted hair and tiger skin. Wherever
we look and whichever form we come across

The Inner Significance of Maha Shivaratri

–whether a child or an elderly person,

whether a woman or a man– in every form,
the Shiva consciousness is resplendent. How
D evelop virtues and lead an ideal life.
Only then will Swami be pleased with
you. If you make Me happy with your ideal
can you describe that all-pervading Shiva- conduct, I will confer much more happiness
consciousness or limit it to a particular time on you. Your happiness is My happiness.
and place? People display a particular dance Wherever you go, earn a good name for your-
form to portray the Shiva Tandava (the cos- self. Your character is very important for Me.
mic dance of Lord Shiva and Parvati). But Hence, make every effort to mould your
this is only symbolic and does not portray the character and be an ideal to others. This is
real Shiva Tandava. How can one describe the message I would like to give you on this
the transcendental Shiva consciousness, auspicious day of Shivaratri. The day on
which words cannot describe or the mind which you experience eternal bliss is
cannot comprehend? Shivaratri for Me. I shower My blessings on
March 9, 2005 all of you on this holy night of Shivaratri.
Sing the Divine Name throughout the night.
To the extent possible, spend the night in
This beautiful extract of the speech contemplation of God. Only then can you
summarizes the conclusion of the
experience divine bliss. You can even witness
experience. Our consciousness must
graduate to a point in which we confine
the manifestation of divine effulgence. Sing
the term Shiva to a particular form, the Divine Name wholeheartedly. You may
space and time. All whom we see must sing any name, but you should understand
be seen with auspiciousness. All whom its inner meaning.
we encounter must be with February 26, 2006
auspiciousness. How can we evolve to
the level of consciousness?
What new ideals can I form on this?

Significance of Lingam

A s Bhagawan was continuing with His

discourse, He started showing signs of
uneasiness as the emergence of the Atma
Lingam was imminent. He sat down and sig-
nalled the students to start singing Bhajans.
After a few moments, a golden lingam
emerged from Bhagawan’s mouth, and He
held it aloft for everyone to see. As Bhagawan
was continuing with His discourse, He
started showing signs of uneasiness
as the emergence of the Atma
Lingam was imminent. He sat
down and signalled the students
to start singing Bhajans. After a
few moments, a golden lingam emerged from
Bhagawan’s mouth, and He held it aloft for
everyone to see. During the process of
Lingodhbhavam (the emergence of the lin-
gam), the body, of course felt some strain.
The Inner Significance of Maha Shivaratri

However, I assure you that you need not be

worried about it. Suffering for the body is T
his Principle of Love is Hiranyagarbha.
This Hiranyagarbha is situated on the
quite common. It just comes and goes like right side of the human body, with the phys-
passing clouds. ical heart is on the left. The physical heart on
February 18, 2004 the left side has to be left one day or the other, in some circumstance or the other.

Hiranyagarbha, located on the right side of

During the emergence of the Linga, the human body is always right. It is immor-
Swami says the body goes through tal, divine, eternal, and all-encompassing. It
some strain. But Swami does not feel the
is present not only in human beings but also
pain. What is the pertinent lesson for us
here? in birds, beasts, and all other living beings.
The Vedas declare: “Eswara Sarvabhoothanam
(God is present in all living beings),”
T here is the principle of Hiranyagarbha
within every individual. Hiranya means
gold. When gold is mixed with other metals
“Isavasyam Idam Jagat (God pervades the
entire cosmos).” Love is the reflection of
Hiranyagarbha and originates from it. The
such as copper, silver, brass, it loses its bril-
three principles of reaction, resound, and
liance, value, and identity. Then it becomes
reflection have also originated from
impossible to ascertain whether it is gold or
silver or brass or copper. Similarly, man’s
February 15, 1999
heart, which is Hiranmaya, is losing its bril-
liance, value, and identity on account of its
association with vishaya vasanas (sensual Love usually pours from the heart and
desires). Consequently, it is impossible to here Swami is saying that if love poured
ascertain whether one is a human being or from Hiranyagrabha, it will be immortal,
an animal or a devil or a demon. divine, eternal and all encompassing.
February 14, 1999 How can we cultivate this quality of love?

What is the significance of How do we contemplate and ensure that

understanding this Hiranyagarbha? the understanding of reaction, resound
and reflection is embedded in all my day
How can the heart of man lose its to day living activities?
brilliance and value by associating with
sensual desires? Provide examples and
evidence that this phenomenon is really
taking place. W hat is the significance of Lingodbhava?
God is known as Hiranyagarbha (one
having a golden womb). The golden essence
By our thoughts, words and deeds how (rasa) present in His womb undergoes a vig-
will Swami judge us – human being or an orous churning process and assumes the
animal or a devil or a demon? shape of a Linga. Linga means a symbol or a
sign. [Showing the golden Linga that He cre-
ated in the beginning of His Discourse,
Bhagawan said] As you can see, it has no dis-
tinctive features like eyes, face, etc. It has nei-
ther feet nor head. It can be placed in any
manner. It symbolizes the formless Divinity.
Leeyathe Gamyathe Ithi Lingaha. It is the basis
of everything. The golden essence (rasa),

The Inner Significance of Maha Shivaratri

after assuming the shape of a Linga, emerges Purpose of Fasting

out. You need fire in order to melt gold.
Similarly, the fire within melts the gold and
moulds it into the shape of a Linga. Hence,
Y ou must free yourself from all thought of
food and concentrate on the thought of
God. If thoughts of food bother you, if pangs
the difficulty at the time of its emergence. It
of hunger disturb you, then, it is much better
has to assume the form of a Linga and come
to eat and then start Sadhana. Upa-vasa, the
word for the vow of fasting, means “living in
March 13, 2002 the proximity of God” (Upa-near; vasa-living)
and so, the vow is meant to liberate you from
The linga is said to be the “formless” the worry and bother of preparing and eating
form. How can Linga be considered the food, so that you might dwell more inti-
basis of everything? mately with God. Remember that the pur-
pose of Fast is spending time in the
The process of manifesting the linga contemplation of God and not simply pun-
appears to be a deep inner message for ishing the body by cutting a meal or a series
us. How can we draw the significance of
of meals. Vows, vigils, fasts, etc. along with all
this message and relate to daily living?
kinds of voluntarily imposed or involuntarily
suffered hardships are to be looked upon as

T his body is an Angamu (limb) of society. promoting spiritual strength, not as weaken-
There exists a Sangamu (association of ing physical stamina.
attributes) in Angamu, a Jangamu (individual February 1966
soul) in Sangamu, and Lingamu (Paramatma)
in Jangamu. Linga is Atma, which is our very
life principle. That is why the Atma is consid-
ered to be of the form of Linga. A Linga has
Y ou will be observing Shivaratri in the true
spirit of the term only when you give up
bad qualities and cultivate divine love. Merely
neither a beginning nor an end. It has no
observing vigil on Shivaratri is not sufficient.
head or feet. Hence, when you perform wor-
You have to contemplate on God incessantly.
ship, you can keep it anyway you like. The
Many people claim that they have observed
Atma has a name but not a specific form.
Jagarana (vigil) on Shivaratri night by playing
Bliss is its true form.
March 1, 2003
cards. The fisherman goes on watching intently to trap the fish in the net. Can this
be termed meditation? If one abstains from
Discovery of the self (Linga) appears to food on account of quarrel with one’s wife,
be the fundamental basis for our can it be called fasting? No. Similarly, obser-
forming relationship with self, family and vance of sacred vigil on Shivaratri night is
society. The answer to the world’s not achieved by playing cards the whole
problems perhaps lies in the fact that all night. You should spend this night chanting
our association with the world is perhaps
the name of God, using the time in doing
devoid from our connectivity with our
Atmalinga. Contemplate on this fact and
good deeds.
February 14, 1990
assess if this is the truth and if so how do
we make this connectivity.
What is the purpose of fasting which is
prescribed in most rituals? We can
substitute abstinence due to other
reasons but the real reason should be
develop self-control. Sleep can be

The Inner Significance of Maha Shivaratri

overpowering and yet if we dedicate our

efforts towards having spiritual stamina
and strength to overcome sleep then we
are exerting self-control. Is this really
necessary? What benefits can be
accrued by this effort?

What other activities can we undertake

in preparation for this great night?

Unity in Diversity
(Shiva’s Family)

I n the divine family of Lord Shiva, there are

only four members, namely, Lord Easwara,
his consort Parvati, and the two sons,
peacock, whereas the elder son Vinayaka’s is
the tiny mouse. They move about the whole
Subramanya and Vinayaka. This is an ideal world on such strange vehicles, which are
family. There is no difference of opinion antagonistic in nature, they but still lead a
whatsoever either between husband and wife perfect and harmonious family life.
or the two brothers. There is perfect accord March 2, 2003
and harmony in their family. Mother Parvati

and Lord Parameswara wanted to set an

example to the whole world in the matter of The night is a reminder to assess how
a most harmonious, perfect and loving rela- harmonious is our own family. Dedicate
some time and exert effort in order to
tionship between a wife and husband and
gain greater harmony and peace in the
between brothers. A family is the most family. The diverse family members with
important functional unit in the world. If the different animals can create havoc. It is a
family is running on sound lines, the world message that family harmony is vital and
will also run smoothly. If the unity among is necessary to have peace and love in
the family members suffers even to a small the family. This night is also a night to
extent, the world will face the repercussions. reflect how much am I contributing to
Unity gives strength to the lives of the family the harmony of my family. These
members. Therefore, every family should questions can help:
strive for achieving unity and harmonious Am I an ideal son or daughter?
relationship among its members. Every fam-
ily should strive to emulate the example of How can I be a better son or daughter to
Lord Shiva’s family. Today, even if there are my parents?
only two sons in a family, there is no har-
mony between them. Similar is the case of What efforts can I take before Shivaratri
husband and wife. This is not the position in to settle any outstanding issues with my
respect of Lord Shiva’s family. The vehicles family members in order to achieve
peace and love?
they ride, the circumstances in which they
function, the wealth they possess - in fact, in How can I be more humble and create
every aspect, the members of this divine fam- peace among members of the family?
ily set an example to the whole world. For
example, Lord Shiva’s vehicle is Nandi, the Can I amend rifting relationships and be
bull. Mother Parvati’s vehicle is the Lion. The a source of peace and happiness for
younger son, Subramanya’s vehicle is the others?

The Inner Significance of Maha Shivaratri

N ever criticize God. Never deny Him.

Everything is the manifestation of
Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheswara. All are
L ord Shiva has no special ornaments on
His body. All his ornaments are the ser-
pents that He wears round his neck, the mat-
divine. This is what you have to learn on this ted locks, the crescent moon, the cool water
auspicious day of Shivaratri. There is noth- of the Ganga and the vibhuti (holy ash) that
ing other than Divinity in this world. The he smears all over His body. This Divine form
principle of Divinity present in a grain of of Lord Shiva is beautifully portrayed thus:
sand and in a big laddu (a sweet) is one and Lo! Behold The Lord of the icy peak
same. Once you realize this truth, you Crowned with crescent moon
become Brahma verily. You do not need to Glistening matted locks,
search for Brahma elsewhere. You are Bedrenched by heaven descending Ganga
Brahma, you are Vishnu, you are Shiva, you
Flaming eye in the forehead,
are the very embodiment of the Divine
Venomous potion - poison - Halahala
Trinity. It is only your feeling that assumes
purpling the beauteous neck
the form of Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheswara.
Live bracelets of wriggling Serpents and a
You are subjected to unrest and suffering
belt of Cobra holding up the Elephant hide,
because of your dualistic feeling. You per-
His sole garment.
ceive unity as diversity, instead of visualizing
Pearly ash smearing the chest
unity in diversity. Unity confers purity, which
will in turn lead to Divinity. Hence, all of you A blinding white spot of vermilion on the
must stand united. You belong to the human Forehead beside the searing eye
race. You belong to one family. Hence, you Ruddy lips smeared by Fresh chewed betel,
must conduct yourself like brothers and sis- Diamond studded earrings Of purest gold,
ters. Absence of such spirit of unity will dancing like Stars twinkling in the sky,
diminish purity and take you away from Vision negating form
Divinity. The fair person of the Lord Radiating
February 26, 2006 Effulgence Divine. (Telugu Poem)

Why does Swami stress on the principle Lord Shiva has donned this divine form in
of Unity? order to teach a renunciant outlook to the
world, including his consort, Parvati. His
What does it mean when Swami says another habit is to beg for alms. Parvati, how-
that our restlessness and suffering is due ever, did not develop any aversion or disgust
to dualistic feeling? toward her husband, Lord Shiva, on account
of His strange attire or habits. She did not
run away from Him saying, “How can I lead a
family life with such a person?” She faithfully
followed Him, submitting herself to His
wishes and happiness. Both of them lived in
peace and harmony. Now about their sons.
The vehicle of the younger son, Lord
Subramanya, is the peacock, which is by
nature an enemy of the serpents worn as
ornaments by the father. The serpents begin
hissing at the sight of a peacock. They hate
each other. Similarly, the vehicle of the elder
son, Lord Vinayaka, is the rat, which again is

The Inner Significance of Maha Shivaratri

a natural prey of the serpent. They are bitter forehead. These two are conflicting forces.
enemies. In spite of such divergent natures, Yet they maintained perfect harmony and set
all the members of the family of Lord Shiva an example to the world. Thus, there was not
lived happily in perfect peace. Each member, even slightest difference of opinion or dis-
while discharging their duty, provided happi- cordant note in the universal family of Lord
ness and joy to others. Shiva. It is a perfectly ideal family, which the
entire world should emulate. In sharp con-
March 2, 2003 trast to this situation, there is bitter hatred
today between one person and another.
Contemplate on each of the symbols Hatred is ruling all fields in the world. Even
and relate its significance to deriving in the same family, there is discord between
happiness and peace in daily living. husband and wife, between parents and chil-
dren, and between brothers. Lord Shiva and
This great night is a lesson for us to Mother Parvati by their own example are
destroy our enmity and not our enemies. exhorting the entire world to shed hatred
How can we share love with all those
and enmity.
with whom we might have a
March 2. 2003

E ven in the form of Lord Shiva Himself,

there are apparent contradictions. He has
Ganga on His head and the crescent moon in
The principle of Ying-Yang is
emphasized here where a correct
balance of the opposites is necessary to
create the right balance on earth. The
His matted locks. These are signs of coolness.
principle of unity in diversity becomes
In contrast to these, He has literally fire in apparent. Contemplate on the
the third eye in His forehead. Thus, there is differences you encounter in people or
cool water on His head and fire below on His events which annoys or disturbs you.
This beautiful message tells us that we
need to change our perspectives and
include everyone as the family of Shiva.
This reminds us that we need to
experience unity in diversity.

The Inner Significance of Maha Shivaratri

Lord Shiva is giver of Jnana How do we look at the world with the

W hat is liberation? It is not just reaching eye of wisdom and not with a physical
God, it means complete merger with eye?
the Divine. Rivers like Ganga, Godavari, and
Saraswathi have different names and forms,
but once they merge in the ocean, they lose
their name and become one with the ocean.
ou have to recognize that Atma Thathwa
- not by your charmachakshu (physical
eyes) but by the jnanachakshu (eye of wis-
Similarly, once you merge in God, there will dom). Then, the question arises as to what is
be no difference whatsoever. Experiencing jnana (wisdom)? Is it physical knowledge or
such nondualism is the true objective of secular knowledge or knowledge relating to
human life. the objects of nature? No, none of these. The
February 15, 1999 true and eternal Atma Thathwa is immanent in one’s own body. It can be realized only by

the jnananetras (eyes of wisdom). You have to

What does liberation mean to you? gradually give up dehabhimana (attachment
to the body) and cultivate Atmabhimana (love
The rivers lose their distinctive names
toward the Atma). You think you are the body
when they merge into the ocean.
Similarly, the identification with body,
and develop attachment to it.
mind and intellect disappears when we February 19, 2004
realize our true nature as Atma. Thus,
humility and simplicity become the
hallmark of a spiritual person. How can we develop in daily life
Atmabhimana and give up
Is this true and is it evident in our lives? dehabhimana?

Y ou have to understand the true signifi-

cance and philosophy underlying the fes-
tival of Shivaratri. First, realise that you are
V ishnu and Shiva are not limited to a phys-
ical frame. They are beyond description.
They are formless and attributeless. God is
not the physical body, which is perishable attributeless, unsullied, final abode, eternal,
and impermanent. You have to look at this pure, enlightened, free, and the embodiment
objective world with jnanachakshu (the eye of of sacredness (nirgunam, niranjanam, sana-
wisdom), not with the charmachakshu (phys- tana niketanam, nitya, suddha, buddha, mukta,
ical eye). The animals, insects, birds, and nirmala swarupinam). Shiva then clarified
beasts are looking at this world with their that God has no name and form; He is
physical eyes. If you also look at this objec- changeless; He has neither birth nor death,
tive world with mere physical eyes, what dif- neither beginning nor end; He is eternal and
ference is there between you and those the embodiment of Atma (Atmaswarupa). He
beings? You will then simply remain an ani- also emphasized that it is illusion to ascribe a
mal, bird, beast, or insect. You will not be able name and form to God. The formless God
to realize your true nature, which is beyond manifests with a particular form and name as
the physical world. You have to comprehend per the wishes of the devotees, to fulfil their
the transcendental reality, which is beyond aspirations.
the body and the mind. This is possible only February 23, 2009
with the help of jnanachakshu (the eye of
February 19, 2004

The Inner Significance of Maha Shivaratri

Meanings of names of Shiva One of the names given to this divine

Consciousness is Shivattwa (Shiva
S pend the whole night in chanting the holy
Name and spread this spiritual energy to
the world at large. Who is Eswara? He is
Consciousness). It is not therefore correct to
describe Shivattwa by such appellations like
Mukkanti, Trinetra, etc. Shivattwa means the
all-pervasive. Just as the wind blows freely
all-pervading divine Consciousness. In fact,
everywhere, so also do we find the principle
all the devotees sitting in this Hall are embod-
of Eswara pervasive. Share your love with all
iments of Lord Shiva. Sarvam Shivamayam
and propagate the Divine Name to the entire
(all that you witness in this objective world is
March 12, 2002
a manifestation of Shiva). It pervades all the three worlds - the earth, the space, and the
nether world. It exists in all the three periods

O ne of the names attributed to Lord Shiva

is Mrityunjaya, which means one who
has transcended death.
of time - the past, present and future. It is
indescribable. Any length of time is insuffi-
cient to describe the Shivattwa.
March 8, 2005 March 9, 2005

L ord Shiva, however, chose to name the

child Amrutaputra. In fact, every human
being is an amrutaputra (son of immortality).
“Digambara” is one of the names of Lord
Shiva. Digambara, in common parlance,
Even the Upanishads declare him so. The refers to the one who is naked. But if you
Upanishads reveal the true identity of a enquire into the inner meaning, you will
human being by addressing as Srunvantu know that “Digambara” is the One who has
Viswe Amrutasya Putrah (Oh the children of dikkulu (four sides - east, west, north, and
immortality) south - as His ambara (vesture). There is a
March 8, 2005 possibility that people misunderstand this word and think that Shiva does not wear
anything on His body. Hence, it is better that

T ry to understand the true nature and sig- you do not use this word in bhajans.
nificance of the names. It is a fact that
nobody has ever seen Lord Easwara in per-
February 26, 2006

son. People call Him “Kailasavasi” (the Lord

who resides in Kailasa). Where is Kailasa? It is
only when you contemplate on Him in the E
aswara knew her nature and Parvati knew
Shiva’s nature. They are, in fact, not dif-
depth of silence that you can visualize Lord ferent from one another. Lord Shiva is Shiva-
Easwara in Kailasa. sakti-atmaka-swarupa (embodiment of Shiva
March 8, 2005 and Sakti). So too is Parvati. Isavasyam idam sarvam (the entire universe is permeated by
God). The power of Lord Shiva permeates

L ord Shiva is described by some as Mukkanti the entire universe. The foremost duty of a
(the Lord with three eyes). All of you have human being is to love Easwaratwa (the
only two eyes. But the Lord has a third eye as divinity of Lord Easwara). Actually, the same
well. You are aware of only the past and the divine power is immanent in every human
present. You cannot visualize the future. body also. Just as the human body is covered
Only God can. Lord Shiva, who can visualize with a cloth, Divinity is enveloped in maya
the future with His third eye, i.e. jnananetra, (illusion). Hence, though Easwaratwa is
is therefore referred to as Mukkanti. omnipresent it is not visible. In accordance

The Inner Significance of Maha Shivaratri

with the maxim Easwara sarva bhutanam Significance of Snake

(God is the indweller of all beings),
Easwaratwa is permeating every living being.
Parvati explained that this Easwaratwa tran-
n the science of Kundalini Yoga, the vital
energy of man lying dormant like a coiled
snake, at the bottom of this column in the
scends age and it is in no way related to exter-
lowest Muladhara Chakra (the Basal Plexus)
nal appearance.
is awakened and aroused, so that it courses
February 17, 2007 up through six more wheels (centers of supe-
rior consciousness) until it reaches the
Sahasrara (thousand-petalled Lotus Energy
Significance of Vibhuti Centre) at the very top of the skull. The pas-
Abhishekam sage for the Kundalini is through the

T he Shivaratri Festival, as celebrated here, Sushumna nerve in the center of the spinal
is an example for you. You might ask, column. The worship of the snake, ridiculed
“Swami has often declared that all days are as superstition, is the symbolic counterpart
holy days, that there is no special rite or rit- of this great Yogic sadhana which confers
ual that has to be observed on any single day; vigor and vitality.
but Swami Himself is pouring vibhuti (holy February 20, 1974
ash) on the Idol and calling it abhisheka
(anointing the idol); is this right?” Swami is
doing so, to teach you a lesson.
February 20, 1974

W hat greater offering can you give God

to glorify Him than the ash signifying
your triumph over tantalizing desire? Ash is
the ultimate condition of things; it cannot
undergo any further change. The Abhisheka
with Vibhuti is done to inspire you to give up
desire and offer Shiva the ashes of its destruc-
tion as the most valuable of all the articles
you have earned. Ash cannot fade as flowers
do in a day or two; it does not dry and disap-
pear or get soiled and unpotable as water
does; it will not lose color as leaves do, in a
few hours; it does not rot as fruits do in a few
days. Ash is ash for ever and ever. So, burn
your viles, your vices, your bad habits; wor-
ship Shiva, rendering yourselves pure in
thought and word and deed.
February 20, 1974


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