Maha Shivaratri Study Guide English
Maha Shivaratri Study Guide English
Maha Shivaratri Study Guide English
Inner Significance of
Maha Shivaratri
A Study Guide based on the teachings
of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
What is Shivaratri?
W e are spending nights daily ever since
we are born, but not all those nights
T oday is the holy day of Shivaratri. Shiva
means auspiciousness. Where there is
Shiva (auspiciousness) there cannot be shava
can be termed as Shivaratri. People meditate
upon, sing, and listen to the glory of the
divine name and experience the divinity of
(inauspiciousness). This holy day of Shivaratri
Lord Shiva. Since the whole night is spent in
must be spent in the constant contemplation
meditation and singing the glory of the
of God chanting the holy name of Shiva right
divine name of Lord Shiva, this night is called
from early in the morning till you go to bed.
Shivaratri. Not only this night, whenever you
The Lord’s name must dance on your tongue.
March 8, 2005
spend the entire night meditating upon the divine name, that night is also Shivaratri.
Lord Shiva is not a separate Avatar.
Shiva means auspiciousness. Since Shiva February 23, 2009
resides in us, does that imply that we too
The Inner Significance of Maha Shivaratri
The Inner Significance of Maha Shivaratri
T he nights you experience on other days and steadfastness. What sort of Sadhana you
are ordinary nights. But Shivaratri is an must undertake? Cleanse your heart of all
auspicious night. How is it auspicious? It is evil qualities. Evil qualities arise in you
auspicious when you spend your time in an because of the misuse of the senses. It is the
auspicious way singing the glories of the root cause of all sins. Sadhana does not mean
Lord. The mind has sixteen aspects. The doing Japa and meditation. You should
moon is the presiding deity of the mind. Of develop pure and divine feelings in you.
the sixteen aspects of the moon, fifteen are Consider everyone as divine. Respect them.
absent today. If you sing His glory through- “All are Mine and I belong to everybody.”
out the night wholeheartedly, even the Once you have such firm conviction, you can
remaining one aspect can also be merged enjoy immense happiness in life. There will
with the Divine. On this day, it is possible to
The Inner Significance of Maha Shivaratri
The Inner Significance of Maha Shivaratri
Significance of Lingam
The Inner Significance of Maha Shivaratri
T his body is an Angamu (limb) of society. promoting spiritual strength, not as weaken-
There exists a Sangamu (association of ing physical stamina.
attributes) in Angamu, a Jangamu (individual February 1966
soul) in Sangamu, and Lingamu (Paramatma)
in Jangamu. Linga is Atma, which is our very
life principle. That is why the Atma is consid-
ered to be of the form of Linga. A Linga has
Y ou will be observing Shivaratri in the true
spirit of the term only when you give up
bad qualities and cultivate divine love. Merely
neither a beginning nor an end. It has no
observing vigil on Shivaratri is not sufficient.
head or feet. Hence, when you perform wor-
You have to contemplate on God incessantly.
ship, you can keep it anyway you like. The
Many people claim that they have observed
Atma has a name but not a specific form.
Jagarana (vigil) on Shivaratri night by playing
Bliss is its true form.
March 1, 2003
cards. The fisherman goes on watching intently to trap the fish in the net. Can this
be termed meditation? If one abstains from
Discovery of the self (Linga) appears to food on account of quarrel with one’s wife,
be the fundamental basis for our can it be called fasting? No. Similarly, obser-
forming relationship with self, family and vance of sacred vigil on Shivaratri night is
society. The answer to the world’s not achieved by playing cards the whole
problems perhaps lies in the fact that all night. You should spend this night chanting
our association with the world is perhaps
the name of God, using the time in doing
devoid from our connectivity with our
Atmalinga. Contemplate on this fact and
good deeds.
February 14, 1990
assess if this is the truth and if so how do
we make this connectivity.
What is the purpose of fasting which is
prescribed in most rituals? We can
substitute abstinence due to other
reasons but the real reason should be
develop self-control. Sleep can be
The Inner Significance of Maha Shivaratri
Unity in Diversity
(Shiva’s Family)
The Inner Significance of Maha Shivaratri
Why does Swami stress on the principle Lord Shiva has donned this divine form in
of Unity? order to teach a renunciant outlook to the
world, including his consort, Parvati. His
What does it mean when Swami says another habit is to beg for alms. Parvati, how-
that our restlessness and suffering is due ever, did not develop any aversion or disgust
to dualistic feeling? toward her husband, Lord Shiva, on account
of His strange attire or habits. She did not
run away from Him saying, “How can I lead a
family life with such a person?” She faithfully
followed Him, submitting herself to His
wishes and happiness. Both of them lived in
peace and harmony. Now about their sons.
The vehicle of the younger son, Lord
Subramanya, is the peacock, which is by
nature an enemy of the serpents worn as
ornaments by the father. The serpents begin
hissing at the sight of a peacock. They hate
each other. Similarly, the vehicle of the elder
son, Lord Vinayaka, is the rat, which again is
The Inner Significance of Maha Shivaratri
a natural prey of the serpent. They are bitter forehead. These two are conflicting forces.
enemies. In spite of such divergent natures, Yet they maintained perfect harmony and set
all the members of the family of Lord Shiva an example to the world. Thus, there was not
lived happily in perfect peace. Each member, even slightest difference of opinion or dis-
while discharging their duty, provided happi- cordant note in the universal family of Lord
ness and joy to others. Shiva. It is a perfectly ideal family, which the
entire world should emulate. In sharp con-
March 2, 2003 trast to this situation, there is bitter hatred
today between one person and another.
Contemplate on each of the symbols Hatred is ruling all fields in the world. Even
and relate its significance to deriving in the same family, there is discord between
happiness and peace in daily living. husband and wife, between parents and chil-
dren, and between brothers. Lord Shiva and
This great night is a lesson for us to Mother Parvati by their own example are
destroy our enmity and not our enemies. exhorting the entire world to shed hatred
How can we share love with all those
and enmity.
with whom we might have a
March 2. 2003
The Inner Significance of Maha Shivaratri
Lord Shiva is giver of Jnana How do we look at the world with the
W hat is liberation? It is not just reaching eye of wisdom and not with a physical
God, it means complete merger with eye?
the Divine. Rivers like Ganga, Godavari, and
Saraswathi have different names and forms,
but once they merge in the ocean, they lose
their name and become one with the ocean.
ou have to recognize that Atma Thathwa
- not by your charmachakshu (physical
eyes) but by the jnanachakshu (eye of wis-
Similarly, once you merge in God, there will dom). Then, the question arises as to what is
be no difference whatsoever. Experiencing jnana (wisdom)? Is it physical knowledge or
such nondualism is the true objective of secular knowledge or knowledge relating to
human life. the objects of nature? No, none of these. The
February 15, 1999 true and eternal Atma Thathwa is immanent in one’s own body. It can be realized only by
The Inner Significance of Maha Shivaratri
T ry to understand the true nature and sig- you do not use this word in bhajans.
nificance of the names. It is a fact that
nobody has ever seen Lord Easwara in per-
February 26, 2006
L ord Shiva is described by some as Mukkanti the entire universe. The foremost duty of a
(the Lord with three eyes). All of you have human being is to love Easwaratwa (the
only two eyes. But the Lord has a third eye as divinity of Lord Easwara). Actually, the same
well. You are aware of only the past and the divine power is immanent in every human
present. You cannot visualize the future. body also. Just as the human body is covered
Only God can. Lord Shiva, who can visualize with a cloth, Divinity is enveloped in maya
the future with His third eye, i.e. jnananetra, (illusion). Hence, though Easwaratwa is
is therefore referred to as Mukkanti. omnipresent it is not visible. In accordance
The Inner Significance of Maha Shivaratri
T he Shivaratri Festival, as celebrated here, Sushumna nerve in the center of the spinal
is an example for you. You might ask, column. The worship of the snake, ridiculed
“Swami has often declared that all days are as superstition, is the symbolic counterpart
holy days, that there is no special rite or rit- of this great Yogic sadhana which confers
ual that has to be observed on any single day; vigor and vitality.
but Swami Himself is pouring vibhuti (holy February 20, 1974
ash) on the Idol and calling it abhisheka
(anointing the idol); is this right?” Swami is
doing so, to teach you a lesson.
February 20, 1974