GGSR ch3
GGSR ch3
GGSR ch3
Corporate Governance
Chapter Outline
A corporation is a legal entity that is separate and distinct from its owners. Under
the law, corporations possess many of the same rights and responsibilities as
individuals. They can enter contracts, loan and borrow money, sue and be sued,
hire employees, own assets, and pay taxes.
A corporation's distinguishing characteristic is limited liability. Limited liability of a
corporation means that its shareholders are not personally responsible for the
company's debts.
A corporation may be created by an individual or a group of people.
What is a Corporation?
Shareholder rights
Risk management
Executive compensation
Auditing and control
Board of directors composition
CEO selection and termination decisions
Issues on Corporate Governance
The major functions of the SEC include the registration and supervision of
corporations, including financing and lending companies. It is also charged with the
registration of securities, analysis of every registered security, and the evaluation
of the financial condition and operations of applicants for security issue.
The SEC is among the few securities commissions in the world that simultaneously
acts as a corporate registrar and a securities regulator. Such a dual role allows
the Commission a comprehensive view of the business and investment landscape,
and for a more coordinated and enabling regulatory environment.
SEC Model Manual on Corporate Governance
Read SEC Memorandum No. 19, s. 2016 – Code of Corporate Governance for Publicly
Listed Companies
Characteristics of Good Governance
Characteristics of Good Governance
1. Participation
The participation of citizens in the process of
governance is the key characteristic of good
governance. Participation is an important step for
mobilizing people to participate in the
decision-making process. It can be direct or indirect
but participation needs to be informed and organized.
The aims and objectives of the political rights would
be fulfilled by the greater participation of the people
in the society. The legal framework represents the
rule of law which ensures impartiality in terms of
participation in the decision-making process of
Characteristics of Good Governance
2. Rule of Law
It needs a fair legal framework to establish the rule of law in
society. Rule of law ensures impartiality which helps to protect
human rights, particularly who is most marginal in society. The
Independent judiciary system, its impartial nature, and the
incorruptible police force are the key element to ensure the rule of
3. Transparency
Governance needs transparency for the fair delivery of services to
the citizens. It ensures a balance between policymaking and its
enforcement following proper rules and regulations. It enables the
citizen to access governmental information regarding various
policies and their implementation freely. Proper media should be
established for an easy understanding of this information.
Characteristics of Good Governance
4. Responsiveness
Responsiveness has a basic necessity of the
administration which can motivate the interrelationships
between administration and people. It requires sufficient
services to the people within a specific time.
5. Consensus Oriented
Governance depends on the consensus of people in
society to make it good. It could fulfill the interest of the
people as well as the community. It helped to achieve the
long-term perspective of human development. And it
originated from the social culture and institutional
behaviors of the particular society.
Characteristics of Good Governance
6. Equity and Inclusiveness
An equitable just society must be established for ensuring
good governance. Society’s well-being depends on how its
members feel about it. It requires all its members to feel that
they have a stake in it and they are not excluded from the
mainstream in the governance.
7. Effectiveness and Efficiency
Effectiveness and efficiency ensure the outcomes of the
institutions to meet the needs of society. Proper utilization of
society’s resources for the establishment of sustainable
development is the key to good governance. It also ensures
the sustainable use of natural resources for the protection of
the environment.
Characteristics of Good Governance
8. Accountability
Accountability is one of the most important characteristics of
good governance. Good governance depends on how
accountable government, as well as private sectors and civil
society organizations, are to their people and their institutional
stakeholders. Without transparency and the rule of law,
accountability cannot be established.
Source: Chapter-14.pdf (