Cats On Instagram
Cats On Instagram
Cats On Instagram
by @cats_of_instagram
Introduction and Compilation Copyright © 2016 by
The Omidi Company LLC
Cats on Instagram and @cats_of_instagram are operated
independently and are not affiliated with, endorsed, or
sponsored by Instagram LLC. All photographs copyright © by
the individual photographers.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced
in any form without written permission from the publisher.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
ISBN 978-1-4521-5196-0 (hc)
ISBN 987-1-4521-5281-3 (epub, mobi)
ats of Instagram is run and cultures and age ranges, and we wanted
operated by two humans. Our to make sure that was made visible to the
names are Eli Omidi and Kady world. Thus, the #catsofinstagram hashtag
Lone. We are ordinary cat (and animal) was born. The hashtag was our daily driver
lovers, just like you. @ cats_of_instagram in selecting photos from the Instagram
was born in 2011 as a safe haven for cat community. Long before the Internet
lovers everywhere. We wanted to create existed, people were photographing
a community free from the drudgery their furry friends. Now with the advent of
of advertising and to diverge from the Instagram, we had the tools necessary to
money-making social media machines build a central hub for people to enjoy the
from the past. We wanted to organically best, original, cat photos in existence.
build a community that was truly molded
This book was created with the same love,
and shaped by its followers.
care, and attention to detail that we take
One of our principal goals was to into selecting photos for our blog. We
consistently and accurately portray cats like to think of the book as our personal,
and their daily, often mysterious, lives. handpicked favorites from the past few
Additionally, we wanted to negate the years. As you can imagine, this was no easy
stereotype that cat lovers are chiefly elderly task. The challenging part was narrowing
women. Cat lovers come in all shapes, down an already exclusive list of photos
from our account into fun and distinctly to compile their works here. This quite
unique categories. We dove deep into our possibly could be the cutest collection of
archive of thousands of featured photos original, accredited cat photos in a book
and methodically created a list of photos ever. We hope that wherever you may be
we wanted to include in the book. in the world, this book will instantly bring a
smile to your face whenever you pick it up.
There were a lot of considerations that
went into selecting a photo for the book, It is a tremendous honor to run the largest
including what photos our community loved cat based social media account in the
best. From there, we reached out to people known universe. Along with our furry
one by one to get the photo in the highest friends, you are the daily inspiration to
quality format for print and your viewing continue to make Cats of Instagram the
pleasure. It took many moons to nail it, but greatest cat photo gallery ever created.
we think we just might have pulled it off. Thank you for being a part of the Cats of
Instagram family.
Just like our blog, this book would not have
been possible without the people behind
the photos. We are immensely fortunate to -Eli and Kady
have such a loving and creative community
to pull from. They are our inspiration and
it is they that have given us the ability @cats_of_instagram
@yeonhoo_doma @fosterprops Being a kitten is brilliant.
@kelbelle14 @kitchan523
@cheddarcheesepuff @yodaandpadme
@charliebrownthecat @Cobythecat
@poonchic @poonchic
@kootythecat @haru_thecat
@LeahPerryPhotography @birmanchella
@CAT_BROMANCE @twocatstwoeyes
@dvdmfft @catnissandsimba
@veggiedayz @guismu13
@samuelecescato @emajanelane
@memee_and_calvin @soazigcrenn
@wednesdayandgizmo Did someone order a purrito?
@meowscott Kitteh chaos!
@katelynward_xo @whereishali
@meowlikeviolet @alana.cushman
@saralebelle @heatherchuk
@heatherchuk Look in
@lauravisani94 @SIQUYEN
my eyes.
@emilyvanaelst @litter_bears
@mpierreroy @MaryKolende
@alain_cat @more_cheeze_pleeze
@millathecat @alain_cat
I’m currently accepting
belly rubs as of now.
@steve_rose @rubyeve12
@thesauerkrautkitty @ashbren
@sweatshirtdressshirt @poesjemiew
@Rafamacks @whitneyheather
@toygersociety @TheRealIrishMum
@cobythecat Pondering
life and my next meal.
@dannywascou @thebusrailhan
@Olliethecatofficial & @kennonf
@Whiskered_Away The light is always perfect in the afternoons!
@bruno_the_tabbycat @sus_w
@panchobear Channeling my
inner leopard!
SuperMax to the
rescue! @themaxsociety
@LOLLOBOB31 @thebusrailhan
@keystonecats But . . .
but . . . I thought you
loved me!?!
@macchacat @tinaf78
If I had to describe myself in one
word, it would be “mellow.”
@haru_thecat @khusnanadia
@bluebellkitty @creambrother_thecat
@randy_thecat @rogerdea
@mooncakecat Being
cute is exhausting
@_milothecat7 @HenryNoodle
@hollysisson @madhatterkellie
Please don’t make
me go into the scary
outdoors again.
@Baconcup @msmi196
@princesscheeto @kircilthekaratecat
@sus_w @sarahwolven
@bigmommasweets I may judge you but I love you. @pudgethecat Peek-a-boo, Pudge sees you!
@wadilleo @floydthelion @fosterbabys
A match made in
rescue heaven!
@finforthewin @SeriouslyRubylicious
@morgancunningham1 @melissa_scottish
@kootythecat @realfiesta
@onlyyui @butters_official
@ashmiemu @Persiancleo
@itstibbers @psayopsayo
@littlepthecat When
your mom brings home
pizza and you’re on a
@littlepthecat @onlyyui
@zoiepg @edge_heart
@MillaTheCat One man’s trash is another cat’s treasure
@pearlmetzger & @nvml
@polagram You may call it fat. I call it love.
@sherrybobbins @yayoi89
@precious_luna I can
see them, do you think
they can see me? @Analuisa7 @Banjoandfriends
Special delivery!
@marionbcn @mirugaru
@sammy_merlin @slythetabby
@_pilotti If I don’t move, they won’t see me.
@khadiaa @laurenrosemichelle
@ialbeshari & @oaikthxbai
@elislikeatheorem @paisleymeowtticks@
@ariesmeow @melissa_scottish
@crystal_catherine @melissa_scottish
@thereseromero @erinmbrady
@peacelovemanatee Closed Eyes,
Full Belly, Let’s Snooze!
@peacelovemanatee @shanti_cat_
@milohpicalo @_csma
@DinoTheRagdoll @summer_dawn_adams
@siarenee @nohea_lua
@bcckmp &
@scampbell1022 @kingsofmeow
@bre @tianyanmo
@Biancaababe @sus_w
Be good and bring me
@Mino.ivan @mreggsthecat
chicken treats.
@peri_the_paraplegic @_ahlex
@pati.24 @krista_kerms
@emonemon @kuki3x5
@Agatha_themunchkincat @otisandjr
@duchessvivian @ilovecat0318
@oliveandrye @psayopsayo
@playground_ragdolls Sprouting kittens!
@fosterkittys @kaseyroar @sarahdonnerparty @anniepaddington
@caprisunns @onlyyui