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December 2013


Read, understand and obey the safety rules and
operating instructions in the appropriate Operator's
Manual on your machine before attempting any
maintenance procedure.

Basic mechanical, hydraulic and electrical

skills are required to perform most procedures.
However, several procedures require specialized
skills, tools, lifting equipment and a suitable
workshop. In these instances, we strongly
recommend that maintenance and repair be
performed at an authorized Genie dealer
service center.

Machine Classification
Group B/Type 3 as defined by ISO 16368
Machine Design Life
Unrestricted with proper operation, inspection and
scheduled maintenance.

Technical Publications
Genie has endeavored to deliver the highest
degree of accuracy possible. However, continuous
improvement of our products is a Genie policy.
Therefore, product specifications are subject to
change without notice.
Readers are encouraged to notify Genie of errors
and send in suggestions for improvement. All
communications will be carefully considered for
future printings of this and all other manuals.

Contact Us: Copyright © 2011 by Terex Corporation

www.genielift.com 227656 Rev D December 2013

e-mail: awp.techpub@terex.com First Edition, Fourth Printing

"Genie" is a registered trademark of Terex South

Dakota in the U.S.A. and many other countries.

Printed on recycled paper

Printed in U.S.A.

ii GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013

Revision History
Revision Date Section Procedure / Schematic Page / Description
A 4/2011 New release

B 6/2011 4 - Repair 2-2

B1 9/2011 3 - Maint. B-15

C 7/2012 2 - Spec. 2-1, 2-2, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6

3 - Maint. A-4, C-1

6 - Schem. 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5, 6-6, 6-8

D 11/2012 4 - Repair 1-2

6 - Schem. 6-7, 6-9, 6-11


Section 3_Maintenance, B-3. Electronic Version

Section 4_Repair Procedure, 4-2.
Section 5_Diagnostic Codes, All charts. Click on any procedure or page number
Section 6_Schematics, Legends diagrams and highlighted in blue to view the update.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J iii

December 2013


Revision Date Section Procedure / Schematic Page / Description


Section 3_Maintenance, B-3. Electronic Version

Section 4_Repair Procedure, 4-2.
Section 5_Diagnostic Codes, All charts. Click on any procedure or page number
Section 6_Schematics, Legends diagrams and highlighted in blue to view the update.

iv GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013


Serial Number Legend

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J v

Section 1 • Safety Rules December 2013

Safety Rules

Failure to obey the instructions and safety rules
in this manual and the appropriate Operator's
Manual on your machine will result in death or
serious injury.
Many of the hazards identified in the
operator’s manual are also safety hazards
when maintenance and repair procedures
are performed.

Do Not Perform Maintenance

You are trained and qualified to perform
maintenance on this machine.
You read, understand and obey:
- manufacturer’s instructions and safety rules
- employer’s safety rules and worksite
- applicable governmental regulations
You have the appropriate tools, lifting
equipment and a suitable workshop.

vi GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 1 • Safety Rules


Personal Safety Workplace Safety

Any person working on or around a machine must Be sure to keep sparks, flames and
be aware of all known safety hazards. Personal lighted tobacco away from flammable and
safety and the continued safe operation of the combustible materials like battery gases
machine should be your top priority. and engine fuels. Always have an approved fire
extinguisher within easy reach.

Read each procedure thoroughly. This Be sure that all tools and working areas
manual and the decals on the machine, are properly maintained and ready for
use signal words to identify the following: use. Keep work surfaces clean and free of
debris that could get into machine components and
Safety alert symbol—used to alert cause damage.
personnel to potential personal
injury hazards. Obey all safety Be sure any forklift, overhead crane or
messages that follow this symbol other lifting or supporting device is fully
to avoid possible injury or death. capable of supporting and stabilizing the
weight to be lifted. Use only chains or straps that
Indicates an imminently hazardous
are in good condition and of ample capacity.
situation which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury. Be sure that fasteners intended for one
Indicates a potentially hazardous time use (i.e., cotter pins and self-locking
situation which, if not avoided, nuts) are not reused. These components
could result in death or serious may fail if they are used a second time.
injury. Be sure to properly dispose of old oil or
Indicates a potentially hazardous other fluids. Use an approved container.
situation which, if not avoided, Please be environmentally safe .
may cause minor or moderate Be sure that your workshop or work area
injury. is properly ventilated and well lit.
Indicates a potentially hazardous
situation which, if not avoided,
may result in property damage.
Be sure to wear protective eye wear and
other protective clothing if the situation
warrants it.

Be aware of potential crushing hazards

such as moving parts, free swinging or
unsecured components when lifting or
placing loads. Always wear approved steel-toed

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J vii

December 2013

Table of Contents

Important Information ......................................................................................... ii
Revision History ................................................................................................ iii
Serial Number Legend ...................................................................................... v

Section 1 Safety Rules

General Safety Rules ........................................................................................ vi

Section 2 Specifications
Machine Specifications ................................................................................ 2 - 1
Performance Specifications ......................................................................... 2 - 2
Hydraulic Specifications ............................................................................... 2 - 2
Manifold Component Specifications ............................................................. 2 - 3
Hydraulic Hose and Fitting Torque Specifications ........................................ 2 - 4
SAE and Metric Fasteners Torque Charts ................................................... 2 - 6

Section 3 Scheduled Maintenance Procedures

Introduction .................................................................................................. 3 - 1
Pre-delivery Preparation Report .................................................................. 3 - 3
Maintenance Inspection Report ................................................................... 3 - 5
Checklist A Procedures
A-1 Inspect the Manuals and Decals ......................................................... 3 - 7
A-2 Perform Pre-operation Inspection ....................................................... 3 - 8
A-3 Perform Function Tests ...................................................................... 3 - 8
A-4 Perform 30 Day Service ..................................................................... 3 - 8
A-5 Hydraulic Suction Strainer .................................................................. 3 - 9

viii GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013


Section 3 Scheduled Maintenance Procedures, continued

Checklist B Procedures
B-1 Inspect the Batteries ......................................................................... 3 - 10
B-2 Inspect the Electrical Wiring ............................................................. 3 - 11
B-3 Inspect the Tires, Wheels ................................................................. 3 - 12
B-4 Test the Emergency Stop ................................................................. 3 - 13
B-5 Test the Horn .................................................................................... 3 - 13
B-6 Test the Key Switch .......................................................................... 3 - 14
B-7 Test the Drive Brakes ....................................................................... 3 - 15
B-8 Test the Drive Speed - Stowed Position ........................................... 3 - 16
B-9 Test the Drive Speed - Raised Position ............................................ 3 - 17
B-10 Inspect the Flashing Beacons (if equipped) ...................................... 3 - 18
B-11 Test the Motion Alarm ...................................................................... 3 - 19
B-12 Perform Hydraulic Oil Analysis ......................................................... 3 - 20
B-13 Inspect the Breather Cap .................................................................. 3 - 20
B-14 Inspect the Rear Axle Free-wheeling ................................................ 3 - 21
B-15 Inspect the Lateral Offset of the Mast ............................................... 3 - 22
B-16 Inspect the Mast Wear Pads ............................................................ 3 - 23
Checklist C Procedures
C-1 Calibrate the Platform Overload System (if equipped) ...................... 3 - 24
C-2 Replace the Hydraulic Tank Breather Cap -
Models with Optional Hydraulic Oil ................................................... 3 - 25
Checklist D Procedures
D-1 Replace the Hydraulic Tank Return Filter Element ........................... 3 - 26
Checklist E Procedure
E-1 Test or Replace the Hydraulic Oil ..................................................... 3 - 27

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J ix

December 2013


Section 4 Repair Procedures

Introduction .................................................................................................. 4 - 1
Platform Controls
1-1 Circuit Boards .................................................................................... 4 - 2
1-2 Controller Adjustments ....................................................................... 4 - 3
Platform Components
2-1 Platform ............................................................................................. 4 - 7
2-2 Platform Overload System ................................................................. 4 - 8
Jib Components
3-1 Jib Cylinder ...................................................................................... 4 - 10
Mast Components
4-1 Mast Assembly ................................................................................. 4 - 11
4-2 Lift Cylinder ...................................................................................... 4 - 24
Ground Controls
5-1 Level Sensor .................................................................................... 4 - 26
Hydraulic Pump
6-1 Function Pump ................................................................................. 4 - 27
Function Manifold
7-1 Function Manifold Components ........................................................ 4 - 30
7-2 Valve Adjustments - Function Manifold ............................................ 4 - 32
Steer Axle Components
8-1 Hydraulic Tank ................................................................................. 4 - 35

x GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013


Section 4 Repair Procedures, continued

Turntable Components
9-1 Turntable Rotation Motor .................................................................. 4 - 36
9-2 Battery ............................................................................................. 4 - 38
9-3 Battery Charger ................................................................................ 4 - 39
Steer Axle Components
10-1 Yoke ................................................................................................. 4 - 40
10-2 Steer Cylinder .................................................................................. 4 - 41
10-3 Steering Rod .................................................................................... 4 - 42
10-4 Steer Angle Sensor .......................................................................... 4 - 42
Non-steer Axle Components
11-1 Drive Motors ..................................................................................... 4 - 44
11-2 Drive Brake ...................................................................................... 4 - 46

Section 5 Fault Codes

Introduction .................................................................................................. 5 - 1
Fault Code Chart ......................................................................................... 5 - 3

Section 6 Schematics
Introduction .................................................................................................. 6 - 1
Electrical Component and Wire Color Legend ............................................. 6 - 2
ECM Pin-out legend ..................................................................................... 6 - 3
Limit Switch and Sensor Legend .................................................................. 6 - 4
Electrical Symbols Legend ........................................................................... 6 - 5

Electrical Schematics - ANSI Models

GR-26J ........................................................................................................ 6 - 6
Electrical Schematics - CE Models
GR-20J and GR-26J .................................................................................... 6 - 8
Hydraulic Schematic
Component Reference and Hydraulic Symbols Legend ............................. 6 - 10
GR-20J and GR-26J .................................................................................. 6 - 11

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J xi

December 2013

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GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 2 • Specifications

Machine Specifications Tires and wheels

Battery, Standard Tire size (solid rubber) 16 x 5 x 11 in

40.6 x 12.7 x 28 cm
Voltage 2V DC
Castle nut torque, dry (non-steer end) 89 ft-lbs
Group C5 120 Nm
Castle nut torque, lubricated (non-steer end) 66 ft-lbs
Quantity 12 90 Nm
Battery capacity, maximum ANSI - 280 AH Lug bolt torque, dry (steer end) 132 ft-lbs
CE - 250 AH 180 Nm
Lug bolt torque, lubricated (steer end) 96 ft-lbs
Fluid capacities 130 Nm
Hydraulic tank 5.8 gallons
22 liters
Continuous improvement of our products is a
Height, stowed maximum Genie policy. Product specifications are
subject to change without notice.
GR-20J (CE only) & GR-26J 78 in
1.99 m

For operational specifications, refer to the

Operator's Manual.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 2-1

Section 2 • Specifications December 2013


Performance Specifications Hydraulic Specifications

Drive speed, maximum Hydraulic Oil Specifications

Platform stowed 2.8 mph Hydraulic oil type Shell PW 46

40 ft / 9.8 sec Viscosity grade Multi-viscosity
4.5 km/h Viscosity index 152
12.2 m / 9.8 sec
Cleanliness level, minimum 15/13
Platform raised 0.4 mph
40 ft / 54.8 sec Water content, maximum 200 ppm
0.65 km/h
Genie specifications require hydraulic oils which are
12.2 m / 54.8 sec
designed to give maximum protection to hydraulic
Braking distance, maximum systems, have the ability to perform over a wide
temperature range, and the viscosity index should
High range on paved surface 60 in exceed 140. They should provide excellent antiwear,
152 cm oxidation, corrosion inhibition, seal conditioning, and
foam and aeration suppression properties.
Gradeability 25%
Optional fluids
Airborne noise emissions
Biodegradable Texaco Hydra 46
Sound pressure level at ground workstation <70 dBA Shell Naturelle HF-E 46
Sound pressure level at platform workstation <70 dBA

Function speed, maximum Note: Genie specifications require additional

equipment and special installation instructions for
GR-20J the approved optional fluids. Consult the Genie
Platform up 24 to 26 seconds Industries Service Department before use.
Platform down 19 to 21 seconds
Function pump
Type Gear
Platform up 54 to 56 seconds
Platform down 40 to 42 seconds Displacement per revolution 0.256 cu in
4.2 cc
Rated work load at full height, maximum
Function manifold
Platform, ANSI (GR-20J) 500 lbs
227 kg System relief valve pressure, maximum 2030 psi
140 bar
Platform, CE (GR-20J & GR-26J) 440 lbs
200 kg Lift relief valve pressure 930 psi
64 bar

Filter cap torque 37 ft-lbs

Continuous improvement of our products is a
50 Nm
Genie policy. Product specifications are
subject to change without notice.

2-2 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 2 • Specifications


Torque specifications Manifold Component

Brake mounting fasteners, dry 75 ft-lbs Specifications
102 Nm
Plug torque
Brake mounting fasteners, lubricated 56 ft-lbs
76 Nm SAE No. 2 50 in-lbs / 6 Nm

Grease Specification SAE No. 4 13 ft-lbs / 18 Nm

RETINAX HDX2 grease, NLGI (lithium based) SAE No. 6 18 ft-lbs / 24 Nm

or equivalent
SAE No. 8 50 ft-lbs / 68 Nm

SAE No. 10 55 ft-lbs / 75 Nm

SAE No. 12 75 ft-lbs / 102 Nm

Continuous improvement of our products is a

Genie policy. Product specifications are subject
to change without notice.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 2-3

Section 2 • Specifications December 2013


Hydraulic Hose and Fitting Torque SAE O-ring Boss Port

(tube fitting - installed into Aluminum)
Specifications (all types)
Your machine is equipped with Parker Seal-Lok™
SAE Dash size Torque
ORFS or 37° JIC fittings and hose ends.
Genie specifications require that fittings and hose -4 14 ft-lbs / 19 Nm
ends be torqued to specification when they are
-6 23 ft-lbs / 31.2 Nm
removed and installed or when new hoses or
fittings are installed. -8 36 ft-lbs / 54.2 Nm

-10 62 ft-lbs / 84 Nm
Seal-Lok™ Fittings
(hose end - ORFS) -12 84 ft-lbs / 114 Nm

SAE Dash size Torque -16 125 ft-lbs / 169.5 Nm

-4 10 ft-lbs / 13.6 Nm -20 151 ft-lbs / 204.7 Nm

-6 30 ft-lbs / 40.7 Nm -24 184 ft-lbs / 249.5 Nm

-8 40 ft-lbs / 54.2 Nm

-10 60 ft-lbs / 81.3 Nm Jamb nut Non-adjustable

-12 85 ft-lbs / 115 Nm fitting (Non-
Adjustable adj)
-16 110 ft-lbs / 150 Nm
fitting (Adj)
-20 140 ft-lbs / 190 Nm
SAE O-ring Boss Port
-24 180 ft-lbs / 245 Nm (tube fitting - installed into Steel)

SAE Dash size Torque

JIC 37° Fittings -4 ORFS / 37° (Adj) 15 ft-lbs / 20.3 Nm

(swivel nut or hose connection) ORFS (Non-adj) 26 ft-lbs / 35.3 Nm
37° (Non-adj) 22 ft-lbs / 30 Nm
SAE Dash size Thread Size Flats
-6 ORFS (Adj / Non-adj) 35 ft-lbs / 47.5 Nm
-4 7/16-20 2 37° (Adj / Non-adj) 29 ft-lbs / 39.3 Nm

-6 9/16-18 1 1 /4 -8 ORFS (Adj / Non-adj) 60 ft-lbs / 81.3 Nm

37° (Adj / Non-adj) 52 ft-lbs / 70.5 Nm
-8 1
-10 ORFS (Adj / Non-adj) 100 ft-lbs / 135.6 Nm
-10 1
37° (Adj / Non-adj) 85 ft-lbs / 115.3 Nm
-12 1 1/16-12 1
-12 (All types) 135 ft-lbs / 183 Nm
-16 1 5/16-12 1
-16 (All types) 200 ft-lbs / 271.2 Nm
-20 1 5/8-12 1
-20 (All types) 250 ft-lbs / 339 Nm
-24 1 7/8-12 1
-24 (All types) 305 ft-lbs / 413.5 Nm

2-4 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 2 • Specifications


Torque Procedure
Seal-Lok™ fittings
1 Replace the O-ring. The O-ring must be
replaced anytime the seal has been broken. c b
The O-ring cannot be re-used if the fitting or
hose end has been tightened beyond finger
Figure 1
Note: The O-rings used in the Parker Seal Lok™
fittings and hose ends are custom-size O-rings. a hex nut
They are not standard SAE size O-rings. They are b reference mark
available in the O-ring field service kit (Genie part c body hex fitting
number 49612). 3 Working clockwise on the body hex fitting,
2 Lubricate the O-ring before installation. make a second mark with a permanent ink
marker to indicate the proper tightening
3 Be sure that the face seal O-ring is seated and position. Refer to Figure 2.
retained properly.
Note: Use the JIC 37° Fittings table on the
4 Position the tube and nut squarely on the face previous page to determine the correct number of
seal end of the fitting and tighten the nut finger flats for the proper tightening position.
Note: The marks indicate that the correct
5 Tighten the nut or fitting to the appropriate tightening positions have been determined. Use
torque per given size as shown in the table. the second mark on the body hex fitting to
properly tighten the joint after it has been
6 Operate all machine functions and inspect the
hoses and fittings and related components to
confirm that there are no leaks.
JIC 37° fittings
1 Align the tube flare (hex nut) against the nose a
of the fitting body (body hex fitting) and tighten c
the hex nut to the body hex fitting to hand-
tight, approximately 30 in-lbs / 3.4 Nm.
2 Make a reference mark on one of the flats of
the hex nut, and continue it on to the body hex Figure 2
fitting with a permanent ink marker. Refer to
Figure 1. a body hex fitting
b reference mark
c second mark

4 Tighten the hex nut until the mark on the hex

nut is aligned with the second mark on the
body hex fitting.
5 Operate all machine functions and inspect the
hoses and fittings and related components to
confirm that there are no leaks.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 2-5

Section 2 • Specifications December 2013



• This chart is to be used as a guide only unless noted elsewhere in this manual •
A574 High Strength
SIZE THREAD Grade 5 Grade 8 Black Oxide Bolts
in-lbs Nm in-lbs Nm in-lbs Nm in-lbs Nm in-lbs Nm
20 80 9 100 11.3 110 12.4 140 15.8 130 14.7
28 90 10.1 120 13.5 120 13.5 160 18 140 15.8
ft-lbs Nm ft-lbs Nm ft-lbs Nm ft-lbs Nm ft-lbs Nm
5/16 18 13 17.6 17 23 18 24 25 33.9 21 28.4
24 14 19 19 25.7 20 27.1 27 36.6 24 32.5
16 23 31.2 31 42 33 44.7 44 59.6 38 51.5
24 26 35.2 35 47.4 37 50.1 49 66.4 43 58.3
14 37 50.1 49 66.4 50 67.8 70 94.7 61 82.7
20 41 55.5 55 74.5 60 81.3 80 108.4 68 92.1
13 57 77.3 75 101.6 80 108.4 110 149 93 126
20 64 86.7 85 115 90 122 120 162 105 142
9/16 12 80 108.4 110 149 120 162 150 203 130 176
18 90 122 120 162 130 176 170 230 140 189
5/8 11 110 149 150 203 160 217 210 284 180 244
18 130 176 170 230 180 244 240 325 200 271
10 200 271 270 366 280 379 380 515 320 433
16 220 298 300 406 310 420 420 569 350 474
9 320 433 430 583 450 610 610 827 510 691
14 350 474 470 637 500 678 670 908 560 759
8 480 650 640 867 680 922 910 1233 770 1044
1 530 718 710 962 750 1016 990 1342 840 1139
1 7 590 800 790 1071 970 1315 1290 1749 1090 1477
1 /8 670 908 890 1206 1080 1464 1440 1952 1220 1654
1 7 840 1138 1120 1518 1360 1844 1820 2467 1530 2074
1 /4 12 930 1260 1240 1681 1510 2047 2010 2725 1700 2304
6 1460 1979 1950 2643 2370 3213 3160 4284 2670 3620
1 1/2
12 1640 2223 2190 2969 2670 3620 3560 4826 3000 4067


• This chart is to be used as a guide only unless noted elsewhere in this manual •

Size Class 4.6 Class 8.8 Class 10.9 Class 12.9

in-lbs Nm in-lbs Nm in-lbs Nm in-lbs Nm in-lbs Nm in-lbs Nm in-lbs Nm in-lbs Nm
5 16 1.8 21 2.4 41 4.63 54 6.18 58 6.63 78 8.84 68 7.75 91 10.3
6 19 3.05 36 4.07 69 7.87 93 10.5 100 11.3 132 15 116 13.2 155 17.6
7 45 5.12 60 6.83 116 13.2 155 17.6 167 18.9 223 25.2 1.95 22.1 260 29.4
ft-lbs Nm ft-lbs Nm ft-lbs Nm ft-lbs Nm ft-lbs Nm ft-lbs Nm ft-lbs Nm ft-lbs Nm
8 5.4 7.41 7.2 9.88 14 19.1 18.8 25.5 20.1 27.3 26.9 36.5 23.6 32 31.4 42.6
10 10.8 14.7 14.4 19.6 27.9 37.8 37.2 50.5 39.9 54.1 53.2 72.2 46.7 63.3 62.3 84.4
12 18.9 25.6 25.1 34.1 48.6 66 64.9 88 69.7 94.5 92.2 125 81 110 108 147
14 30.1 40.8 40 54.3 77.4 105 103 140 110 150 147 200 129 175 172 234
16 46.9 63.6 62.5 84.8 125 170 166 226 173 235 230 313 202 274 269 365
18 64.5 87.5 86.2 117 171 233 229 311 238 323 317 430 278 377 371 503
20 91 124 121 165 243 330 325 441 337 458 450 610 394 535 525 713
22 124 169 166 225 331 450 442 600 458 622 612 830 536 727 715 970
24 157 214 210 285 420 570 562 762 583 791 778 1055 682 925 909 1233

2-6 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures

Scheduled Maintenance Procedures

About This Section
This section contains detailed procedures for each
scheduled maintenance inspection.

Each procedure includes a description, safety

warnings and step-by-step instructions.
Observe and Obey:
Symbols Legend
Maintenance inspections shall be completed
Safety alert symbol—used to alert
by a person trained and qualified on the personnel to potential personal
maintenance of this machine. injury hazards. Obey all safety
Scheduled maintenance inspections shall be messages that follow this symbol
completed daily, quarterly, semi-annually, to avoid possible injury or death.
annually and every 2 years as specified on the Indicates an imminently hazardous
Maintenance Inspection Report. situation which, if not avoided, will
Failure to properly complete each result in death or serious injury.
inspection when required may Indicates a potentially hazardous
cause death, serious injury or situation which, if not avoided,
substantial machine damage. could result in death or serious
Immediately tag and remove from service a injury.
damaged or malfunctioning machine. Indicates a potentially hazardous
Repair any machine damage or malfunction situation which, if not avoided,
may cause minor or moderate
before operating the machine.
Use only Genie approved replacement parts.
Indicates a potentially hazardous
Machines that have been out of service for a situation which, if not avoided,
period longer than 3 months must complete the may result in property damage.
quarterly inspection. Indicates that a specific result is expected after
Unless otherwise specified, perform each performing a series of steps.
procedure with the machine in the following
Indicates that an incorrect result has occurred
configuration: after performing a series of steps.
• Machine parked on a firm, level surface
• Platform in the stowed position
• Key switch in the off position with the key
• The red Emergency Stop button in the off
position at both ground and platform controls
• Wheels chocked
• All external AC power supply disconnected
from the machine

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 3-1

Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures December 2013


Maintenance Symbols Legend Pre-delivery Preparation Report

Note: The following symbols have been used in The pre-delivery preparation report contains
this manual to help communicate the intent of the checklists for each type of scheduled inspection.
instructions. When one or more of the symbols
appears at the beginning of a maintenance Make copies of the Pre-delivery Preparation report
procedure, it conveys the meaning below. to use for each inspection. Store completed forms
as required.

Maintenance Schedule
Indicates that tools will be required to
perform this procedure. There are five types of maintenance inspections
that must be performed according to a schedule—
daily, quarterly, semi-annually, annually, and
two year. The Scheduled Maintenance Procedures
Indicates that new parts will be required
Section and the Maintenance Inspection Report
to perform this procedure.
have been divided into five subsections—A, B, C,
D, and E. Use the following chart to determine
which group(s) of procedures are required to
Indicates that a cold motor or pump will perform a scheduled inspection.
be required to perform this procedure.
Inspection Checklist

Indicates that dealer service will be Daily or every 8 hours A

required to perform this procedure.
Quarterly or every 250 hours A+B

Semi-annually or every 500 hours A+B+C

Annually or every 1000 hours A+B+C+D

Two year or every 2000 hours A+B+C+D+E

Maintenance Inspection Report

The maintenance inspection report contains

checklists for each type of scheduled inspection.
Make copies of the Maintenance Inspection Report
to use for each inspection. Maintain completed
forms for a minimum of 4 years or in compliance
with employer, jobsite and governmental
regulations and requirements.

3-2 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

Pre-Deliveryy Preparation

Fundamentals Instructions
It is the responsibility of the dealer to perform the Use the operator’s manual on your machine.
Pre-delivery Preparation.
The Pre-delivery Preparation consists of completing
The Pre-delivery Preparation is performed prior to the Pre-operation Inspection, the Maintenance items
each delivery. The inspection is designed to discover if and the Function Tests.
anything is apparently wrong with a machine before it
is put into service. Use this form to record the results. Place a check in
the appropriate box after each part is completed.
A damaged or modified machine must never be used. Follow the instructions in the operator’s manual.
If damage or any variation from factory delivered
condition is discovered, the machine must be tagged If any inspection receives an N, remove the machine
and removed from service. from service, repair and reinspect it. After repair, place
a check in the R box.
Repairs to the machine may only be made by a
qualified service technician, according to the Legend
manufacturer's specifications. Y = yes, completed
Scheduled maintenance inspections shall be N = no, unable to complete
performed by qualified service technicians, according R = repaired
to the manufacturer's specifications and the Comments
requirements listed in the responsibilities manual.

Pre-Delivery Preparation Y N R
Pre-operation inspection
Maintenance items completed
Function tests completed


Serial number


Machine owner

Inspected by (print)

Inspector signature

Inspector title

Inspector company

Terex South Dakota, Inc USA Genie UK

500 Oak Wood Road The Maltings, Wharf Road
PO Box 1150 Grantham, Lincolnshire
Watertown, SD 57201-6150 NG31- 6BH England
(605) 882-4000 (44) 1476-584333
Copyright © 2011 Terex Corporation. Genie® is a registered trademark of Terex South
Dakota, Inc. 133192 Rev D
Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures December 2013

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3-4 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures

Maintenance Inspection Report

Model Checklist A Y N R Checklist B Y N R
A-1 Inspect the manuals B-1 Inspect the battery
Serial number and decals B-2 Electrical wiring
Date A-2 Pre-operation B-3 Tires and wheels
B-4 Emergency stop
Hour meter A-3 Function tests
B-5 Horn
Perform after 40 hours:
Machine owner B-6 Key switch
A-4 30 day service
B-7 Drive brakes
Inspected by (print) Perform every 100 hours:
B-8 Drive speed - stowed
A-5 Hydraulic suction
B-9 Drive speed - raised
Inspector signature strainer
B-10 Flashing beacon
Inspector title (if equipped)
B-11 Motion alarm
Inspector company B-12 Hydraulic oil analysis
B-13 Breather cap
B-14 Rear axle free-wheeling
• Make copies of this report to use for
each inspection. B-15 Lateral offset of
the mast
• Select the appropriate checklist(s) for
the type of inspection to be B-16 Mast wear pads
Checklist C Y N R
Daily or 8 hours
Inspection: A C-1 Calibrate platform
overload (if equipped)
Quarterly or 250 hours
Inspection: A+B C-2 Breather cap - models
with optional oil
Semi-annually or
500 hours
Inspection: A+B+C Checklist D Y N R
Annually or D-1 Tank return filter
1000 hours
Inspection: A+B+C+D Checklist E Y N R
Two year or E-1 Hydraulic oil
2000 hours
Inspection: A+B+C+D+E
• Place a check in the appropriate box Comments
after each inspection procedure is
• Use the step-by-step procedures in
this section to learn how to perform
these inspections.
• If any inspection receives an “N”, tag
and remove the machine from service,
repair and re-inspect it. After repair,
place a check in the “R” box.
Y = yes, acceptable
N = no, remove from service
R = repaired

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 3-5

Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures December 2013

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3-6 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures

Checklist A Procedures
A-1 3 Open the operator's manual to the decals
inspection section. Carefully and thoroughly
Inspect the Manuals and Decals inspect all decals on the machine for legibility
Genie specifications require that this procedure be and damage.
performed every 8 hours or daily, whichever Result: The machine is equipped with all
comes first. required decals, and all decals are legible and
Maintaining the operator’s and safety manuals in in good condition.
good condition is essential to safe machine Result: The machine is not equipped with all
operation. Manuals are included with each required decals, or one or more decals are
machine and should be stored in the container illegible or in poor condition. Remove the
provided in the platform. An illegible or missing machine from service until the decals are
manual will not provide safety and operational replaced.
information necessary for a safe operating
condition. 4 Always return the manuals to the storage
container after use.
In addition, maintaining all of the safety and
instructional decals in good condition is mandatory Note: Contact your authorized Genie distributor or
for safe machine operation. Decals alert operators Genie Industries if replacement manuals or decals
and personnel to the many possible hazards are needed.
associated with using this machine. They also
provide users with operation and maintenance
information. An illegible decal will fail to alert
personnel of a procedure or hazard and could
result in unsafe operating conditions.

1 Check to make sure that the operator's and

safety manuals are present and complete in the
storage container on the platform.
2 Examine the pages of each manual to be sure
that they are legible and in good condition.
Result: The operator's manual is appropriate for
the machine and all manuals are legible and in
good condition.
Result: The operator's manual is not
appropriate for the machine or all manuals are
not in good condition or is illegible. Remove the
machine from service until the manual is

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 3-7

Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures December 2013


A-2 A-3
Perform Pre-operation Inspection Perform Function Tests
Genie specifications require that this procedure be Genie specifications require that this procedure be
performed every 8 hours or daily, whichever performed every 8 hours or daily, whichever
comes first. comes first.

Completing a Pre-operation Inspection is essential Completing the function tests is essential to safe
to safe machine operation. The Pre-operation machine operation. Function tests are designed to
Inspection is a visual inspection performed by the discover any malfunctions before the machine is
operator prior to each work shift. The inspection is put into service. A malfunctioning machine must
designed to discover if anything is apparently never be used. If malfunctions are discovered, the
wrong with a machine before the operator performs machine must be tagged and removed from
the function tests. The Pre-operation Inspection service.
also serves to determine if routine maintenance
procedures are required. Complete information to perform this procedure is
available in the appropriate operator's manual.
Complete information to perform this procedure is Refer to the Operator's Manual on your machine.
available in the appropriate operator's manual.
Refer to the Operator's Manual on your machine.

Perform 30 Day Service

The 30 day maintenance procedure is a one time

procedure to be performed after the first 30 days or
40 hours of usage. After this interval, refer to the
maintenance tables for continued scheduled

1 Perform the following maintenance procedures:

• B-3 Inspect the Tires and Wheels
(including castle nut torque)
• D-1 Replace the Hydraulic Tank
Return Filter

3-8 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures


A-5 5 Tag and disconnect the cables from the motor.

Replace the Hydraulic Suction 6 Tag, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hoses at
the function manifold. Cap the fittings on the
Strainer manifold.
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
hydraulic oil can penetrate and
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
Genie specifications require that this procedure be
connections very slowly to allow
performed every 100 hours or monthly, whichever
the oil pressure to dissipate
comes first.
gradually. Do not allow oil to squirt
Replacement of the hydraulic suction strainer is or spray.
essential for good machine performance and 7 Place a suitable container under the hydraulic
service life. A dirty or clogged suction strainer may tank. Refer to Section 2, Specifications.
cause the machine to perform poorly and
continued use may cause component damage. 8 Locate and remove the hydraulic tank filler cap.
Extremely dirty conditions may require that the Set the filler cap to the side.
suction strainer be replaced more often.
9 Remove the drain plug and drain all of the oil
Beware of hot oil. Contact with hot into a suitable container.
oil may cause severe burns. 10 Clean up any oil that may have spilled. Properly
Note: When removing a hose assembly or fitting, discard the used oil.
the O-ring on the fitting and/or hose end must be 11 Remove the fasteners securing the function
replaced and then torqued to specification during manifold to the hydraulic tank. Set the fasteners
installation. Refer to Section 2, Hydraulic Hose and to the side.
Fitting Torque Specifications.
12 Loosen the clamp securing the hydraulic power
Note: Perform this procedure with the machine in unit to the hydraulic tank. Do not remove the
stowed position. clamp.
1 Disconnect the battery pack from the machine. 13 Remove the clamp securing the hydraulic
power unit to the chassis. Set the clamp to the
2 Open and remove the turntable cover at the
hydraulic power unit side of the machine.
14 Carefully remove the hydraulic power unit from
3 Working next to the hydraulic tank, remove the
the tank and place it on a clean work bench.
fasteners securing the chassis side cover to the
chassis. Remove the side cover. Lay the side Note: If necessary, loosen the bottom connector of
cover and fasteners to the side. auxiliary pump to more easily remove the hydraulic
power unit.
4 Tag and disconnect the wire harness
connectors from the function manifold. 15 Remove the suction strainer from the end of the
plastic tube.
16 Install the new suction strainer at the end of the
plastic tube.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 3-9

Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures December 2013

Checklist B Procedures
Inspect the Battery

F9 b
250A Fuse

Genie specifications require that this procedure be e G7

performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever
comes first. P1 c
f U9
Battery Charger
Proper battery condition is essential to good
machine performance and operational safety.
Improper fluid levels or damaged cables and 12-2V
connections can result in component damage and
hazardous conditions.
U6 d
Electrocution/burn hazard. Contact Motor Controller

with electrically charged circuits

a battery B9
could result in death or serious
b fuse 250A F9
injury. Remove all rings, watches c emergency stop button P1
and other jewelry. d motor controller U6
e battery charger indicator G7
Bodily injury hazard. Batteries f battery charger U9
contain acid. Avoid spilling or
contacting battery acid. Neutralize 4 Put on protective clothing and eye wear.
battery acid spills with baking soda 5 Remove the battery vent caps and check the
and water. battery acid level. If needed, replenish with
1 Open the turntable covers of the machine. distilled water to 1/8 inch / 3 mm below the
bottom of the battery fill tube. Do not overfill.
2 Confirm that the battery cable connections are
tight and free of corrosion. 6 Install the vent caps and neutralize any
electrolyte that may have spilled.
Note: Adding terminal protectors and a corrosion
preventative sealant will help eliminate corrosion
on the battery terminals and cables.

3 Locate the bolts between the battery pack and

the counterweight. Confirm that the head of
each bolt is firmly in contact with the battery
pack so that the battery pack does not move.

3 - 10 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures


B-2 4 Turn the key switch to off position and push in

the red Emergency Stop button to the off
Inspect the Electrical Wiring position at the ground control.
5 Tag and disconnect the cables from the ground
terminal of the battery.

Genie specifications require that this procedure be 6 Remove the fasteners securing the rear chassis
performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever cover to the chassis at the non-steer end of the
comes first. machine. Remove the chassis cover. Lay the
cover and fasteners to the side.
Maintaining electrical wiring in good condition is
essential to safe operation and good machine 7 Inspect the drive motors connections for burnt,
performance. Failure to find and replace burnt, chafed, pinched cables and loose connections.
chafed, corroded or pinched wires could result in 8 Install the rear chassis cover at the non-steer
unsafe operating conditions and may cause end of the machine and securely install the
component damage. fasteners.
Electrocution/burn hazard. Contact 9 Install the cables onto the ground terminal of the
with electrically charged circuits battery, and securely tighten.
could result in death or serious
injury. Remove all rings, watches 10 Inspect the battery pack for burnt, chafed and
and other jewelry. pinched cables.

1 Open and remove the turntable covers from the 11 Inspect the following areas for burnt, chafed,
machine. corroded and loose wires:

2 Turn the key switch to ground control and pull • Ground control panel
out the red Emergency Stop button to the on • Battery charger
position at both the ground and platform
• Hydraulic power unit
12 Turn the key switch to ground control and pull
Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at out the red Emergency Stop button to the on
platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise position at the ground control.
direction to restore the power supply. The red
Emergency Stop button returns automatically to Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at
the out, or on position. platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise
direction to restore the power supply. The red
3 Raise the jib boom until the platform is Emergency Stop button returns automatically to
approximately 8 feet / 2.4 m from the ground. the out, or on position.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 3 - 11

Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures December 2013


13 Lower the jib boom until the platform is B-3

approximately 2 feet / 0.5 m from the ground.
Inspect the Tires and Wheels
14 Turn the key switch to off position and push in
the red Emergency Stop button to the off
position at both the ground and platform
controls. Genie specifications require that this procedure be
performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever
15 Inspect the following areas for burnt, chafed,
comes first.
corroded and loose wires:
• Mast cable Maintaining the tires and wheels in good condition,
including proper castle nut torque, is essential to
• Platform controls safe operation and good performance. Tire and/or
• Power to platform wiring wheel failure could result in a machine tip-over.
Component damage may also result if problems
16 Inspect for a liberal coating of dielectric grease
are not discovered and repaired in a timely fashion.
in all wiring connections between the ground
control panel and the platform controls, and 1 Check the tire surface and sidewalls for cuts,
level sensor wiring. cracks and unusual wear.
17 Install both the turntable covers on the machine. 2 Check each wheel for damage, bends and
Non-steer end:

3 Remove the lock washer flange from the slot of

the castle nut. Check the castle nut for proper
torque. Refer to Section 2, Specifications.
4 Install the lock washer flange into a slot of the
castle nut.
Steer end:

5 Check each lug bolt for proper torque. Refer to

Section 2, Specifications.

3 - 12 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures


B-4 B-5
Test the Emergency Stop Test the Horn
Genie specifications require that this procedure be Genie specifications require that this procedure be
performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever
comes first. comes first.

A properly functioning Emergency Stop is essential The horn is activated at the platform controls and
for safe machine operation. An improperly sounds at the ground as a warning to ground
operating red Emergency Stop button will fail to personnel. An improperly functioning horn will
shut off power and stop all machine functions, prevent the operator from alerting ground
resulting in a hazardous situation. personnel of hazards or unsafe conditions.
1 Turn the key switch to ground control and pull 1 Turn the key switch to platform control and
out the red Emergency Stop button to the on pull out the red Emergency Stop button to the
position at both the ground and platform on position at both the ground and
controls. platform controls.
Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at
platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise
direction to restore the power supply. The red direction to restore the power supply. The red
Emergency Stop button returns automatically to Emergency Stop button returns automatically to
the out, or on position. the out, or on position.

2 Push in the red Emergency Stop button at the 2 Push down the horn button at the platform
ground controls to the off position. controls.
3 Check the machine functions from the ground Result: The horn should sound.
Result: The machine functions should not
4 Turn the key switch to platform control and pull
out the red Emergency Stop button to the on
position at both the ground and platform
5 Push the red Emergency Stop button at the
platform controls to the off position.
6 Check the machine functions from the platform
Result: The machine functions should not
Note: The red Emergency Stop button at the
ground controls will stop all machine operations,
even if the key switch is turned to the platform

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 3 - 13

Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures December 2013


Test the Key Switch a

Genie specifications require that this procedure be

performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever
comes first.

Proper key switch action and response is essential b

to safe machine operation. The machine can be OFF
operated from the ground or platform controls and
the activation of one or the other is accomplished c
with the key switch. Failure of the key switch to
activate the appropriate control panel could cause
a hazardous operating situation.
a platform control
1 Turn the key switch to platform control and pull b machine switch off
c ground control
out the red Emergency stop button to the on
position at both the ground and platform 3 Turn the key switch to ground control.
4 Check the machine functions from the platform
Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at controls.
platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise
direction to restore the power supply. The red Result: The machine functions should not
Emergency Stop button returns automatically to operate.
the out, or on position.
5 Turn the key switch to the off position.
2 Check the machine functions from the ground 6 Test the machine functions from the ground and
controls. platform controls.
Result: The machine functions should not Result: The machine functions should not
operate. operate.

3 - 14 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures


Test the Drive Brakes

Genie specifications require that this procedure be a

performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever
comes first.
Proper brake action is essential to safe machine a drive function select button BN130
operation. The drive brake function should operate
5 Choose a point on the machine i.e. contact
smoothly, free of hesitation, jerking and unusual
patch of a tire, as a visual reference for use
noise. Hydraulically-released individual wheel
when crossing the test line.
brakes can appear to operate normally when not
fully operational. 6 Bring the machine to top drive speed before
reaching the test line. Release the function
Note: Perform this procedure with the machine on enable switch or the joystick when your
a firm, level surface that is free of obstructions. reference point on the machine crosses the test
1 Mark a test line on the ground for reference. line.

2 Turn the key switch to platform control and pull 7 Measure the distance between the test line and
out the red Emergency Stop button to the on your machine reference point. Refer to
position at both the ground and platform Section 2, Specifications.
controls. Note: The brakes must be able to hold the machine
Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at on any slope it is able to climb.
platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise
direction to restore the power supply. The red
Emergency Stop button returns automatically to
the out, or on position.
3 Lower the platform to the stowed position.
4 Press the drive function select button.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 3 - 15

Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures December 2013


Test the Drive Speed -
Stowed Position

Genie specifications require that this procedure be
performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever
comes first. a drive function select button BN130
Proper drive functions are essential to safe 5 Choose a point on the machine i.e. contact
machine operation. The drive function should patch of a tire, as a visual reference for use
respond quickly and smoothly to operator control. when crossing the start and finish lines.
Drive performance should also be free of
hesitation, jerking and unusual noise over the 6 Bring the machine to top drive speed before
entire proportionally controlled speed range. reaching the start line. Begin timing when your
reference point on the machine crosses the
Note: Perform this procedure with the machine on start line.
a firm, level surface that is free of obstructions.
7 Continue at full speed and note the time when
1 Create start and finish lines by marking two your reference point on the machine passes
lines on the ground 40 feet / 12.2 m apart. over the finish line. Refer to Section 2,
2 Turn the key switch to platform control and pull
out the red Emergency Stop button to the on
position at both the ground and platform
Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at
platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise
direction to restore the power supply. The red
Emergency Stop button returns automatically to
the out, or on position.
3 Lower the platform to the stowed position.
4 Press the drive function select button.

3 - 16 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures


Test the Drive Speed -
Raised Position

Genie specifications require that this procedure be

performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever
comes first. a
Proper drive functions are essential to safe
a lift function select button BN63
machine operation. The drive function should b drive function select button BN130
respond quickly and smoothly to operator control.
Drive performance should also be free of 5 Raise the platform approximately 2 feet / 70 cm
hesitation, jerking and unusual noise over the from the ground.
entire proportionally controlled speed range.
6 Press the drive function select button.
Note: Perform this procedure with the machine on 7 Choose a point on the machine i.e. contact
a firm, level surface that is free of obstructions. patch of a tire, as a visual reference for use
1 Create start and finish lines by marking two when crossing the start and finish lines.
lines on the ground 40 feet / 12.2 m apart. 8 Bring the machine to top drive speed before
2 Turn the key switch to platform control and pull reaching the start line. Begin timing when your
out the red Emergency Stop button to the on reference point on the machine crosses the
position at both the ground and platform start line.
controls. 9 Continue at full speed and note the time when
Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at your reference point on the machine passes
platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise over the finish line. Refer to Section 2,
direction to restore the power supply. The red Specifications.
Emergency Stop button returns automatically to
the out, or on position.
3 Press the lift function select button.
4 Press and hold the function enable switch on
the joystick.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 3 - 17

Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures December 2013


Test the Flashing Beacon
(if equipped)
Genie specifications require that this procedure be
performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever
comes first.

Flashing beacon is used to alert operators and

ground personnel of machine proximity and
1 Turn the key switch to ground control and pull
out the red Emergency Stop button to the on
position at both the ground and platform
Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at
platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise
direction to restore the power supply. The red
Emergency Stop button returns automatically to
the out, or on position.

2 Activate any machine function from the ground

control (as indicated on the ground control box).
Result: The beacon should flash.
3 Turn the key switch to platform controls.
4 Activate any machine function from the platform
control (as indicated on the platform control
Result: The beacon should flash.
Note: Beacon will flash only when you activate any
machine function either from ground control or
platform control.

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December 2013 Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures


B-11 6 Press and hold the function enable switch on

the joystick. Move the joystick off center, hold
Test the Motion Alarm for a moment and then release it. Move the
Genie specifications require that this procedure be joystick off center in the opposite direction, hold
performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever for a moment and then release it.
comes first. Result: The motion alarm will sound when the
joystick is moved off center in either direction.
Alarm is used to alert operators and ground
personnel of machine proximity and motion. 7 Press the drive function select button.

1 Turn the key switch to ground control and pull 8 Press and hold the function enable switch on
out the red Emergency Stop button to the on the joystick. Move the joystick off center, hold
position at both the ground and platform for a moment and then release it. Move the
controls. joystick off center in the opposite direction, hold
for a moment and then release it.
Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at
platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise Result: The motion alarm will sound when the
direction to restore the power supply. The red joystick is moved off center in either direction.
Emergency Stop button returns automatically to 9 Press and hold the function enable switch on
the out, or on position. the joystick. Press and hold the thumb rocker
switch for a moment to the left position and then
2 Raise the platform approximately 1 ft / 30.5 cm. release it. Press and hold the thumb rocker
Result: When raising the platform, the motion switch for a moment to the right position and
alarm will sound. then release it.
Result: The motion alarm will sound when the
3 Lower the platform to the stowed position.
rocker switch is moved off center in either
Result: When lowering the platform, the motion direction.
alarm will sound.
4 Turn the key switch to platform controls.
5 Press the lift function select button.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 3 - 19

Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures December 2013


B-12 B-13
Perform Hydraulic Oil Analysis Inspect the Breather Cap
Genie specifications require that this procedure be
performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever
comes first. Perform this procedure more often if
Genie specifications require that this procedure be dusty conditions exist.
performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever
comes first. A free-breathing hydraulic tank cap is essential for
good machine performance and service life. A dirty
Replacement or testing of the hydraulic oil is or clogged cap may cause the machine to perform
essential for good machine performance and poorly. Extremely dirty conditions may require that
service life. Dirty oil may cause the machine to the cap be inspected more often.
perform poorly and continued use may cause
component damage. Extremely dirty conditions 1 Open the turntable cover at the hydraulic power
may require oil changes to be performed more unit side of the machine.
often. Refer to Section 2, Specifications. 2 Locate and remove the breather cap from the
Before replacing the hydraulic oil, the oil may be hydraulic tank.
tested by an oil distributor for specific levels of 3 Check the breather cap for proper venting.
contamination to verify that changing the oil is
necessary. Result: Air passes through the breather cap.
If the hydraulic oil is not replaced at the two Proceed to step 5.
year inspection, test the oil quarterly. Replace Result: If air does not pass through the cap,
the oil when it fails the test. See E-1, Test or clean or replace the cap. Proceed to step 4.
Replace the Hydraulic Oil.
Note: When checking the hydraulic tank breather
cap for venting, air should pass freely through the
4 Using a mild solvent, carefully wash the cap
venting system. Dry using low pressure
compressed air. Repeat this procedure
beginning with step 3.
5 Install the breather cap onto the hydraulic tank.

3 - 20 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures


Inspect the Rear Axle

Genie specifications require that this procedure be

performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever b
comes first.
Note: Perform this procedure with the machine on
a firm, level surface that is free of obstructions, a free-wheel selector switch
with the wheels chocked. b ground control box

1 Secure the steer end of the machine to a forklift 6 Move the free-wheel selector switch to the left.
or similar device using a connecting bar no
Result: The parking brakes will set and the horn
greater than 3 ft / 1 m in length. Set the brakes
will not sound.
on forklift.
7 Using a fork lift or similar device, apply force to
2 Open the turntable cover at the ground control
the machine.
side of the machine.
Result: The machine will not move freely.
3 Using the illustration as a guide, locate the
free-wheel selector switch on the top of the
ground control box.
4 Move the free-wheel selector switch to the right
to set the machine to free-wheel condition.
Result: The parking brakes will release and the
horn will sound softly.
5 Remove the wheel chocks and, using a fork lift
or similar device, apply force to the machine.
Result: The machine will move freely.
Component damage hazard. The
machine can be damaged if it
breaks free from the forklift. Do not
attempt to test the free-wheeling
function unless a connecting bar
of adequate size and strength is
used to secure the GR-J to the
forklift or similar device.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 3 - 21

Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures December 2013


B-15 4 Using a suitable torque measuring device, apply

a lateral force of 29.5 ft-lb / 40 Nm near the
Inspect the Lateral Offset of the floor of the platform at location "F". Refer to the
Mast illustration.
Result: Lateral offset of the mast i.e. distance
L1 and L2 as shown in the illustration should
not exceed 13.75 inches / 350 mm.
Genie specifications require that this procedure be
performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever F
comes first.
Note: Perform this procedure with the machine on
a firm, level surface that is free of obstructions,
with the wheels chocked.

1 Turn the key switch to ground control and pull

out the red Emergency Stop button to the on L1
position at both the ground and platform
Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at
platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise
direction to restore the power supply. The red
Emergency Stop button returns automatically to
the out, or on position.

2 Raise the jib boom to a horizontal position. F

3 Raise the mast head approximately
8 inches / 20 cm.

3 - 22 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures


Inspect the Mast Wear Pads

Genie specifications require that this procedure be

performed every 250 hours or quarterly, whichever
comes first.
Mast wear pads should always be in good
condition and greased for good machine
performance and service life. A damaged wear b
pads may cause the unsafe machine operation. a

Note: Perform this procedure with the machine on

a firm, level surface that is free of obstructions.

Note: Perform this procedure in a location that is

sheltered from the wind.
a number 1 mast
1 Using the illustration as a guide, install a plumb b plumb line
line of a suitable length onto the platform.
4 Raise the jib boom to a horizontal position.
2 Using a suitable lifting device, place a
440 lbs / 200 Kg test weight in the center of the 5 Activate the mast up function and fully raise the
platform. Secure the weight to the platform. mast.
3 Turn the key switch to ground control and pull 6 Using a suitable measuring device, measure
out the red Emergency Stop button to the on the distance between plumb line and the face of
position at both the ground and platform the number 1 mast. Refer to illustration.
Result: The distance between the plumb line
Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at and the face of the number 1 mast does not
platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise exceed 66.9 inches / 1700 mm. The wear pads
direction to restore the power supply. The red are in good condition.
Emergency Stop button returns automatically to
Result: The distance between the plumb line
the out, or on position.
and the face of the number 1 mast exceeds
66.9 inches / 1700 mm. The wear pads are not
in good condition. Install new wear pads. Refer
to Repair Procedure 4-1, How to Remove the
Mast Assembly.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 3 - 23

Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures December 2013

Checklist C Procedure
C-1 Models equipped with the platform overload option
are provided with additional machine components:
Calibrate the Platform Overload an adjustable spring-loaded subassembly, a limit
System (if equipped) switch harness, an electronic module which
receives the overload signal and interrupts power,
and an audio/visual warning indication to alert the
operator of the overload.
Genie specifications require that this procedure be Refer to Repair Procedure 2-2, How to Calibrate
performed every 500 hours or six months, the Platform Overload System (if equipped).
whichever comes first OR when the machine fails
to lift the maximum rated load.
Calibrating the platform overload system regularly
is essential to safe machine operation. Continued
use of an improperly operating platform overload
system could result in the system not sensing an
overloaded platform condition. Machine stability
could be compromised resulting in the machine
tipping over.

The platform overload system is designed to

prevent machine operation in the event the
platform is overloaded. Models equipped with the
platform overload option are provided with two
overload pressure sensors.
a adjustable spring-loaded
subassembly and limit switch

3 - 24 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures


Replace the Hydraulic Tank
Breather Cap - Models with
Optional Hydraulic Oil

Genie specifications require that this procedure be

performed every 500 hours or six months,
whichever comes first OR when the machine fails
to lift the maximum rated load.
The hydraulic tank is a vented-type tank. The
breather cap has an internal air filter that can
become clogged or, over time, can deteriorate. If
the breather cap is faulty or improperly installed,
impurities can enter the hydraulic system which
may cause component damage. Extremely dirty
conditions may require that the cap be inspected
more often.

1 Remove breather cap from the hydraulic tank.

Discard the breather cap.
Note: The tank filler cap and breather are one
piece component.

2 Install a new breather cap onto the hydraulic


Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 3 - 25

Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures December 2013

Checklist D Procedure
Replace the Hydraulic Tank
Return Filter

Genie specifications require that this procedure be

performed every 1000 hours or annually,
whichever comes first.
Replacement of the hydraulic tank return filter is
essential for good machine performance and
service life. A dirty or clogged filter may cause the a filter cap
machine to perform poorly and continued use may
cause component damage. Extremely dirty 6 Install the new filter into the function manifold,
conditions may require that the filter be replaced and securely tighten.
more often.
7 Install the filter cap onto the function manifold
Beware of hot oil. Contact with hot and torque to specification. Refer to Section 2,
oil may cause severe burns. Specifications.
Note: Perform this procedure on a firm, level 8 Turn the key switch to ground control and pull
surface. out the red Emergency Stop button to the on
position at both the ground and platform
1 Turn the key switch to off position and push in controls.
the red Emergency Stop button to the off
position at both the ground and platform Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at
controls. platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise
direction to restore the power supply. The red
2 Using the illustration as a guide, locate the filter Emergency Stop button returns automatically to
cap of the function manifold. Clean the area the out, or on position.
around the filter cap.
9 Press and hold the function enable button.
3 Remove the filter cap from the function
manifold. Set it to the side. 10 Activate the mast up function and raise the
mast slightly.
4 Remove the oil filter placed underneath the filter
cap. 11 Inspect the filter and related components to
be sure that there are no oil leaks.
5 Apply a thin layer of oil to the new oil filter
gasket. 12 Clean up any oil that may have spilled.

3 - 26 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures

Checklist E Procedure
E-1 4 Place a suitable container under the hydraulic
tank. Refer to Section 2, Specifications.
Test or Replace the Hydraulic Oil
5 Locate and remove the hydraulic tank filler cap.
Set the filler cap to the side.
6 Remove the drain plug and drain all of the oil
Genie specifications require that this procedure be into a suitable container.
performed every 2000 hours or every two years, 7 Clean up any oil that may have spilled. Properly
whichever comes first. discard the used oil.
Replacement or testing of the hydraulic oil is Note: To clean the inside of the hydraulic tank
essential for good machine performance and using a mild solvent, it may be helpful to remove
service life. Dirty oil may cause the machine to the hydraulic power unit from the tank. Refer to
perform poorly and continued use may cause Repair Procedure 6-1, How to Remove the
component damage. Extremely dirty conditions Function Pump.
may require oil changes to be performed more
often. 8 Install the drain plug onto the hydraulic tank and
torque to specification.
Before replacing the hydraulic oil, the oil may be
tested by an oil distributor for specific levels of
Torque specification
contamination to verify that changing the oil is
necessary. If the hydraulic oil is not replaced at Hydraulic tank drain plug 44 in-lbs
the two year inspection, test the oil quarterly. 5 Nm
Replace the oil when it fails the test.
Note: Perform this procedure with the machine in 9 Fill the tank with hydraulic oil until the fluid is at
the stowed position. the full indicator on the hydraulic tank. Do not
1 Open the turntable covers of the machine.
10 Install the filler cap onto the hydraulic tank, and
2 Disconnect the battery pack from the machine. securely tighten. Do not over tighten.
Electrocution/burn hazard. Contact 11 Activate the pump to fill the hydraulic system
with electrically charged circuits with oil and bleed the system of air.
could result in death or serious
Component damage hazard. The
injury. Remove all rings, watches
pump can be damaged if operated
and other jewelry.
without oil. Be careful not to empty
3 Remove the fasteners securing the chassis side the hydraulic tank while in the
cover next to the tank to the chassis. Remove process of filling the hydraulic
the side cover. Lay the side cover and system. Do not allow the pump to
fasteners to the side. activate.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 3 - 27

Section 3 • Scheduled Maintenance Procedures December 2013

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3 - 28 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 4 • Repair Procedures

Repair Procedures
About This Section
Most of the procedures in this section should only
be performed by a trained service professional
in a suitably equipped workshop. Select the
appropriate repair procedure after troubleshooting
the problem.
Observe and Obey:
Perform disassembly procedures to the point
Repair procedures shall be completed by a where repairs can be completed. Then to
person trained and qualified on the repair of this reassemble, perform the disassembly steps in
machine. reverse order.
Immediately tag and remove from service a Symbols Legend
damaged or malfunctioning machine.
Safety alert symbol—used to alert
Repair any machine damage or malfunction personnel to potential personal
before operating the machine. injury hazards. Obey all safety
messages that follow this symbol
Before Repairs Start: to avoid possible injury or death.

Read, understand and obey the safety rules Indicates an imminently hazardous
and operating instructions in the appropriate situation which, if not avoided, will
operator's manual on your machine. result in death or serious injury.

Be sure that all necessary tools and parts are Indicates a potentially hazardous
situation which, if not avoided,
available and ready for use.
could result in death or serious
Use only Genie approved replacement parts. injury.
Read each procedure completely and adhere to Indicates a potentially hazardous
the instructions. Attempting shortcuts may situation which, if not avoided,
produce hazardous conditions. may cause minor or moderate
Unless otherwise specified, perform each repair
procedure with the machine in the following Indicates a potentially hazardous
configuration: situation which, if not avoided,
may result in property damage.
• Machine parked on a firm, level surface
Indicates that a specific result is expected after
• Platform in the stowed position
performing a series of steps.
• Key switch in the off position with the key
removed Indicates that an incorrect result has occurred
after performing a series of steps.
• The red Emergency Stop button in the off
position at both ground and platform controls
• Wheels chocked
• All external AC power supply disconnected
from the machine

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 4-1

Section 4 • Repair Procedures December 2013

Platform Controls
The platform controls, used to operate the machine 1-1
from the platform. The platform controls are used
to operate the various machine functions. Circuit Boards
The platform controls consist of an electronic How to Remove the Platform
circuit board, joystick, alarm, buttons and LEDs.
Controls Circuit Board
For further information or assistance, consult the
Genie Service Department. 1 Push in the red Emergency Stop button to the
off position at both the ground and platform
2 Remove the fasteners securing the top plate
assembly to the platform control box. Carefully
remove the top plate assembly from the box to
expose the circuit boards.
3 Tag and disconnect the wire harness
connectors from the platform controls circuit
Electrocution/burn hazard. Contact
with electrically charged circuits
could result in death or serious
injury. Remove all rings, watches
and other jewelry.
Component damage hazard.
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can
damage printed circuit board
components. Maintain firm contact
with a metal part of the machine
that is grounded at all times when
handling printed circuit boards OR
use a grounded wrist strap.
4 Remove the fasteners securing the platform
controls circuit board to the top plate assembly.
Set the fasteners to the side.
5 Remove the platform controls circuit boards
from the top plate assembly.

4-2 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 4 • Repair Procedures


Controller Adjustments h
How to Activate or Deactivate b
the Motion Alarm
The alarm is activated at the platform controls and
sounds at the ground as a warning to ground
personnel. An improperly functioning alarm will f e d c
prevent the operator from alerting ground
personnel of hazards or unsafe conditions. a joystick function enable switch
b thumb rocker switch
1 Turn the key switch to platform control and pull c joystick
d jib boom function button BN97
out the red Emergency Stop button to the on e lift function and turntable rotate
position at both the ground and platform function button BN63
controls. f drive function button BN130
g function indicator lights
Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at h red Emergency Stop button P2
platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise
direction to restore the power supply. The red 5 Press and hold the drive function button for
Emergency Stop button returns automatically to 3 seconds.
the out, or on position. Result: All 3 indicator lights will flash for 3
2 Simultaneously press and hold all three function seconds and turn off.
buttons for 3 seconds. 6 Push in the red Emergency Stop button at
Result: A beep sounds and three function platform controls to confirm the procedure.
indicator lights will flash one after another. Result: The motion alarm will sound during all
3 Simultaneously press and hold the drive machine movements.
function and the lift function buttons for 3 Note: To deactivate the motion alarm, perform this
seconds. procedure beginning with step 1.
Result: All three function indicator lights will stop
4 Briefly press and release the drive function
button to turn the motion alarm on or off.
Result: The drive indicator light will be on if the
motion alarm is activated.It will be off if the
motion alarm is deactivated.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 4-3

Section 4 • Repair Procedures December 2013


How to Activate or Deactivate the

Flashing Beacon h
(if equipped) g

The Flashing Beacon is installed to alert operators b

and ground personnel of machine proximity and
motion. The Flashing Beacon is installed on the
ground control side of the mast.
f e d c
1 Turn the key switch to platform control and pull
out the red Emergency Stop button to the on
a joystick function enable switch
position at both the ground and platform b thumb rocker switch
controls. c joystick
d jib boom function button BN97
Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at e lift function and turntable rotate
platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise function button BN63
direction to restore the power supply. The red f drive function button BN130
g function indicator lights
Emergency Stop button returns automatically to h red Emergency Stop button P2
the out, or on position.
5 Press and hold the drive function button for
2 Simultaneously press and hold all three function
3 seconds.
buttons for 3 seconds.
Result: All 3 indicator lights will flash for 3
Result: A beep sounds and three function
seconds and turn off.
indicator lights will flash one after another.
6 Push in the red Emergency Stop button at
3 Simultaneously press and hold the drive
platform controls to confirm the procedure.
function and lift function buttons for 3 seconds.
Result: The beacon will flash during all machine
Result: All three function indicator lights will stop
Note: To deactivate the flashing beacon option,
4 Briefly press and release the lift function button
perform this procedure beginning with step 1.
to turn the flashing beacon on or off.
Result: The lift indicator light will be on if the
flashing beacon is activated.It will be off if the
flashing beacon is deactivated.

4-4 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 4 • Repair Procedures


How to Calibrate the Joystick

Calibration of the joystick is essential for safe a
machine operation. The joystick on this machine g
utilize Hall Effect technology for proportional
control. If a joystick is disconnected or replaced, it
must be calibrated before operating the machine.

1 Turn the key switch to platform control and pull

out the red Emergency Stop button to the on f e d c
position at both the ground and platform
controls. a joystick function enable switch
b thumb rocker switch
Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at c joystick
platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise d jib boom function button BN97
direction to restore the power supply. The red e lift function and turntable rotate
Emergency Stop button returns automatically to function button BN63
f drive function button BN130
the out, or on position. g function indicator lights
h red Emergency Stop button P2
2 Simultaneously press and hold all three function
buttons for 3 seconds. 5 Move the joystick fully to the right, then return
the joystick to the neutral position.
Result: A beep sounds and three function
indicator lights will flash one after another. 6 Move the joystick fully to the rear, then return
the joystick to the neutral position.
3 Simultaneously press and hold the drive
function and jib boom function buttons for 3 7 Move the joystick fully to the front, then return
seconds. the joystick to the neutral position.
Result: All three function indicator lights will stop 8 Press and hold the drive function button for
flashing. 3 seconds.

4 Using the illustration as a guide, move the Result: All three function indicator lights will
joystick fully to the left, then return the joystick flash three times. Joystick calibration is
to the neutral position. complete.
Note: Do not squeeze or activate the joystick
function enable switch. No machine function
should operate while performing the joystick
calibration procedure.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 4-5

Section 4 • Repair Procedures December 2013


How to Calibrate the Steer Angle

Sensor h
Calibration of the Steer Angle Sensor is essential g
for safe machine operation. The Steer Angle b
Sensor controls the maximum steering angle that
can be attained.

1 Adjust the wheels at the steer end of the

machine so they are in straight driving position. f e d c

2 Turn the key switch to off position and push in a joystick function enable switch
the red Emergency Stop button to the off b thumb rocker switch
position at both the ground and platform c joystick
d jib boom function button BN97
controls. e lift function and turntable rotate
function button BN63
3 Tag and disconnect the steer angle sensor wire
f drive function button BN130
harness from the machine wire harness. g function indicator lights
h red Emergency Stop button P2
4 With a multimeter set to read 4K±0.2 ohms,
connect the leads to the green and black wires 8 Simultaneously press and hold the lift function
of the potentiometer. and jib boom function buttons for 3 seconds.
Result: The reading is 4K±0.2 ohms. Result: All three function indicator lights will stop
Proceed to step 5. flashing.
Result: The reading is not 4K±0.2 ohms. 9 Press and hold the joystick function enable
See 10-4, How to Replace the Steer Angle switch and activate the thumb rocker switch
Sensor. turning the wheels fully to the left.
5 Connect the steer angle sensor wire harness to 10 Press the drive function button for 1 second to
the machine wire harness. validate the left side steering limit.
6 Turn the key switch to platform control and pull 11 Press and hold the joystick function enable
out the red Emergency Stop button to the on switch and activate the thumb rocker switch
position at both the ground and platform turning the wheels fully to the right.
12 Press the jib boom function button for 1 second
Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at to validate the right side steering limit.
platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise
direction to restore the power supply. The red 13 Press and hold the joystick function enable
Emergency Stop button returns automatically to switch and activate the thumb rocker switch
the out, or on position. placing the wheels in line with the chassis.

7 Simultaneously press and hold all three function 14 Press the lift function button for 1 second.
select buttons for 3 seconds. 15 Press the drive function button for 3 seconds.
Steer Sensor calibration is complete.
Result: A beep sounds and three function
indicator lights will flash one after another.

4-6 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 4 • Repair Procedures

Platform Components
2-1 7 Remove the fasteners securing the outlet
mounting plate to the platform. Set the
Platform mounting plate assembly and fasteners to the
How to Remove the Platform 8 Attach a lifting strap of suitable capacity from an
1 Push in the red Emergency Stop button to the overhead crane to the bottom of the platform.
off position at both the ground and platform Support the platform. Do not apply any lifting
controls. pressure.

2 Disconnect the battery pack from the machine. Component damage hazard. The
platform railings can be damaged
3 Remove the fasteners securing the top plate if they are used to lift the platform.
assembly to the platform control box. Do not attach the lifting strap to
4 Tag and disconnect the wire harness the platform railings or put
connectors from the platform controls circuit pressure on the railings.
boards. 9 Remove the platform mounting pins retaining
Electrocution/burn hazard. Contact fasteners. Set the fasteners to the side.
with electrically charged circuits 10 Remove the pins securing the platform to the jib
could result in death or serious boom.
injury. Remove all rings, watches
and other jewelry. 11 Remove the platform from the machine.

Component damage hazard. Crushing hazard. The platform

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can could become unbalanced and fall
damage printed circuit board when removed from the machine.
components. Maintain firm contact Use caution when removing the
with a metal part of the machine platform from the machine.
that is grounded at all times when Note: During platform removal, the overhead crane
handling printed circuit boards OR strap will need to be carefully adjusted for proper
use a grounded wrist strap. balancing.
5 Tag and disconnect the wire harness
connectors from the joystick. Set the top plate
assembly to the side.
6 Remove the fasteners securing the bottom plate
assembly to the platform control box. Lay the
bottom plate assembly and fasteners to the

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 4-7

Section 4 • Repair Procedures December 2013


2-2 a b c
Platform Overload System

How to Calibrate the Platform

Overload System (if equipped)
Calibration of the platform overload system is
essential to safe machine operation. Continued
use of an improperly calibrated platform overload
system could result in the system failing to sense
an overloaded platform. The stability of the
machine is compromised and it could tip over.
e g f e a d
Note: Perform this procedure with the machine on
a firm, level surface that is free of obstructions, and a adjusting screw
the machine in stowed position. b overload sensor number 1
c overload spring adjustment screw
1 Block the wheels at the steer end of the d overload sensor number 2
machine. e overload sensor mounting bracket
f overload spring
2 Remove all weight, tools and accessories from g spacer
the platform.
6 Place an additional 44 lbs / 20 kg test weight in
Note: Failure to remove all weight, tools and the center of the platform. Secure the weight to
accessories from the platform will result in an the platform.
incorrect calibration.
7 Turn the key switch to platform control and pull
3 Fully tighten the adjusting screws of both the out the red Emergency Stop button to the on
overload sensors. Do not over tighten. position at both the ground and platform
4 Using a suitable lifting device, place a
440 lbs / 200 Kg test weight in the center of the Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at
platform. Secure the weight to the platform. platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise
5 Tighten the overload spring adjustment direction to restore the power supply. The red
screw just until the screw and lock nut will Emergency Stop button returns automatically to
rotate freely, and the clearance between the the out, or on position.
lock nut and sensor mounting bracket is

4-8 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 4 • Repair Procedures


8 Turn the adjusting screw of the number 1 11 Turn the key switch to the ground control.
overload sensor 10° in a counterclockwise
12 Test all machine functions from the ground
Result: The overload indicator lights are
Result: All ground control functions should not
flashing at the ground and platform controls,
and the alarm is sounding intermittently.
Proceed to step 9. 13 Using a suitable lifting device, remove the test
weight from the platform.
Result: The overload indicator lights are off at
the ground and platform controls and the alarm Result: The platform overload indicator light
does not sound intermittently. Repeat the should be off at both the ground and platform
procedure beginning with step 8. controls and the alarm should not sound.
9 Turn the adjusting screw of the number 2 14 Test all machine functions from ground controls.
overload sensor 10° in a counterclockwise
direction. Result: All ground control functions should
operate normally.
Result: The overload indicator lights are
flashing at the ground and platform controls, 15 Turn the key switch to the platform control.
and the alarm is sounding continuously. 16 Test all machine functions from the platform
Proceed to step 10. controls.
Result: The overload indicator lights are off at Result: All platform control functions should
the ground and platform controls and the alarm
operate normally.
does not sound continuously. Repeat the
procedure beginning with step 9.
10 Test all machine functions from the platform
Result: All platform control functions should not

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 4-9

Section 4 • Repair Procedures December 2013

Jib Components
Jib Cylinder

How to Remove the Jib Cylinder

Bodily injury hazard. This
procedure requires specific repair
skills, lifting equipment and a
suitable workshop. Attempting this
procedure without these skills and c b a
tools could result in death or
serious injury and significant a jib boom
component damage. b jib cylinder
c platform
Note: When removing a hose assembly or fitting,
the O-ring on the fitting and/or hose end must be 4 Tag, disconnect and plug the jib cylinder
replaced and then torqued to specification during hydraulic hoses. Cap the fittings on the
installation. Refer to Section 2, Hydraulic Hose and cylinder.
Fitting Torque Specifications. Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
hydraulic oil can penetrate and
1 Turn the key switch to platform control and pull
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
out the red Emergency Stop button to the on
connections very slowly to allow
position at both the ground and platform
the oil pressure to dissipate
gradually. Do not allow oil to squirt
Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at or spray.
platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise
5 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the jib
direction to restore the power supply. The red
cylinder rod-end pivot pin. Do not remove the
Emergency Stop button returns automatically to
the out, or on position.
6 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the jib
2 Raise the jib boom to a comfortable working
cylinder barrel-end pivot pin. Do not remove the
height and place blocks under the platform for
support. Lower the jib boom until the platform is
resting on the blocks. 7 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane to
the lug on the rod-end of the jib cylinder.
3 Turn the key switch to off position and push in
the red Emergency Stop button to the off 8 Place a block across both sides of the jib boom
position at both the ground and platform under the jib cylinder.
9 Use a soft metal drift to remove the barrel-end
pivot pin and rod-end pivot pin.
10 Carefully remove the jib cylinder from the
Crushing hazard. The jib cylinder
could become unbalanced and fall
if not properly supported when
removed from the machine.

4 - 10 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 4 • Repair Procedures

Mast Components
4-1 3 Turn the key switch to off position and push in
the red Emergency Stop button to the off
Mast Assembly position at both the ground and platform
How to Remove the Mast 4 Open and remove the turntable covers.
5 Remove the fasteners securing the mast head
Bodily injury hazard. This cover to the mast. Set the fasteners to the side.
procedure requires specific repair
6 Remove the mast head cover from the mast
skills, lifting equipment and a
suitable workshop. Attempting this
procedure without these skills and 7 Tag and disconnect the proximity sensor. Lay
tools could result in death or the proximity sensor to the side.
serious injury and significant
component damage. Dealer 8 Tag, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hose at
service is strongly recommended. the top of the lift cylinder. Remove the hose
connector from the lift cylinder. Plug the lift
Note: When removing a hose assembly or fitting, cylinder.
the O-ring on the fitting and/or hose end must be Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
replaced and then torqued to specification during hydraulic oil can penetrate and
installation. Refer to Section 2, Hydraulic Hose and burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
Fitting Torque Specifications. connections very slowly to allow
the oil pressure to dissipate
Note: Perform this procedure with the machine on
gradually. Do not allow oil to squirt
a firm, level surface that is free of obstructions, and
or spray.
the machine in stowed position.
1 Check the condition of the wear pads. Refer to
Maintenance Procedure B-16, Inspect the Mast b
Wear Pads. g
2 Using Illustration 1 as a guide, create a safety
steel plate using the dimensions specified.
25 e c
mm 50

2 x Ø18 mm
0m d
10 mm

13 Illustration 2
a mast head cover
b mast head cover fasteners
Illustration 1 c mast head
d jib boom
a safety steel plate e proximity sensor
f lift cylinder
g mast head fasteners
h lift cylinder fasteners

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 4 - 11

Section 4 • Repair Procedures December 2013


9 Attach a lifting strap of suitable capacity from an

overhead crane to the mast head, jib boom and
platform assembly. Support the assembly. Do
not apply any lifting pressure.
Component damage hazard. The b

platform railings can be damaged
if they are used to lift the
assembly. Do not attach the lifting
strap to the platform railings or put
pressure on the railings.
10 Remove the fasteners securing the mast head Illustration 3
to the mast assembly. Set the fasteners to the a stops
side. b mast assembly

11 Raise the mast head, jib boom and platform 14 Using the mast head fasteners, install the safety
assembly and move the assembly steel plate onto the top of the mast assembly.
approximately 20 inches / 50 cm towards the Securely tighten the fasteners. Do not over
non-steer end of the machine. tighten.
Crushing hazard. The mast head,
jib boom and platform assembly a
could become unbalanced and fall
when removed from the machine. a
Component damage hazard.
Cables and hose can be damaged
if they are kinked or pinched.
Note: During removal the mast head, jib boom and
platform assembly, the overhead crane strap will
need to be carefully adjusted for proper balancing.
A properly balanced lifting strap is essential when b
removing the assembly from the machine.
12 Remove the fasteners securing the lift cylinder
to the mast head. Set the fasteners to the side.
13 Using Illustration 3 as a guide, remove the Illustration 4
fasteners securing the stops to the mast
assembly and remove the stops. Set the a M16 shackles
b mast assembly
fasteners and stops to the side. c safety steel plate

4 - 12 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 4 • Repair Procedures


15 Using an overhead crane, attach a lifting strap

of suitable capacity equipped with the M16
shackles to the threaded rings at the top of the
outer mast.
16 Lift the mast assembly approximately
12 inches / 30 cm. Use a permanent marker to
indicate the face closest to the platform with the
mark 'P' on the number 1 mast. Refer to
Illustration 3.
17 Remove the mast assembly from the machine,
while carefully pulling the cables and hydraulic
hose from the mast. With the 'P' mark facing
upwards, place the mast assembly on a level
workbench capable of supporting it.
Crushing hazard. The mast
assembly could become
unbalanced and fall if not properly
supported when removed from the
Component damage hazard.
Cables and hoses can be
damaged if they are kinked or

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 4 - 13

Section 4 • Repair Procedures December 2013




1 8


4 5 6 7

Illustration 1

1 number 1 mast
2 shims
3 wear pads
4 fasteners Ground Controls Side
5 stops Steer End
6 number 2 mast
7 number 3 mast
8 number 4 mast
9 cover plate

(Non-Steer End) Power Unit Side

Illustration 2

4 - 14 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 4 • Repair Procedures


How to Disassemble the Mast, BOTTOM

Bodily injury hazard. This
procedure requires specific repair
skills, lifting equipment and a TOP
suitable workshop. Attempting this

procedure without these skills and

tools could result in death or

serious injury and significant
component damage. Dealer

service is strongly recommended.
1 Remove the mast assembly. See 4-1, How to
Remove the Mast Assembly. a c
b d
2 With the 'P' mark facing upwards, use a clamp
to secure the mast assembly to the workbench. Illustration 3
Securely tighten the clamp. Do not over tighten. a number 1 mast
b number 2 mast
3 Working from the top of the mast assembly, pull
c number 3 mast
the number 2, 3 and 4 mast sections d number 4 mast
approximately 12 inches / 30 cm. Out of mast 1,
use a permanent marker to indicate the face 6 Working from the bottom of the mast assembly,
closest to the platform with the 'P' mark on the pull the number 4 mast half way out.
number 2, 3 and 4 mast sections corresponding
7 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane to
to the 'P' mark on mast 1. Refer to Illustration 3.
the number 4 mast section. Remove the
4 Working from the top of the mast assembly, number 4 mast while carefully pulling it out from
push the number 2, 3 and 4 mast sections fully the bottom of the number 3 mast. With the 'P'
into the number 1 mast. mark facing upwards, place the number 4 mast
on a level workbench capable of supporting it.
5 Remove the fasteners securing the safety steel
plate to the mast assembly. Remove the safety Crushing hazard. The mast
steel plate. Set the fasteners and safety steel section could become unbalanced
plate to the side. and fall if not properly supported
when removed from the mast
Note: During removal, the overhead crane strap
will need to be carefully adjusted for proper

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 4 - 15

Section 4 • Repair Procedures December 2013


8 Slide the number 2 mast and the number 3 14 Working from the bottom of the number 2 mast,
mast towards the top of the number 1 mast to pull the number 3 mast half way out.
gain the access to the stops at the bottom of
15 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane to
the number 1 mast.
the number 3 mast section. Remove the
9 Remove the fasteners securing stops to the number 3 mast while carefully pulling the it out
inside of the number 1 mast. Remove the from the bottom of the number 2 mast. With the
stops. Set the fasteners and stops to the side. 'P' mark facing upwards, place the number 3
mast on a level workbench capable of
10 Push the number 3 mast fully into the number 2
supporting it.
mast. Working from the bottom of the number 1
mast, pull the number 2 mast and the number 3 Crushing hazard. The mast
mast half way out. section could become unbalanced
and fall if not properly supported
11 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane to
when removed from the mast
the number 2 mast section. Remove both the
number 2 mast and the number 3 mast while
carefully pulling the assembly out from the Note: During removal, the overhead crane strap
bottom of the number 1 mast. With the 'P' mark will need to be carefully adjusted for proper
facing upwards, place the number 2 mast and balancing.
the number 3 mast assembly on a level
workbench capable of supporting it. 16 Using Illustration 1 as a guide, tag and remove
the outer wear pads and shims from the bottom
Crushing hazard. The mast of the number 4 mast section. Set the shims to
sections could become the side. Discard the wear pads.
unbalanced and fall if not properly
supported when removed from the Note: For ease of mast reassembly, make careful
mast assembly. note of the location, order and orientation of the
Note: During removal, the overhead crane strap
will need to be carefully adjusted for proper Note: Use a hammer and chisel if necessary to
balancing. gently loosen the wear pads from the mast.

12 Slide the number 3 mast towards the top of the 17 Using Illustration 1 as a guide, carefully tag and
number 2 mast to gain the access to the stops remove the outer wear pads and shims from
at the bottom of the number 2 mast. the bottom of the number 3 mast section. Set
the shims to the side. Discard the wear pads.
13 Remove the fasteners securing stops to the
inside of the number 2 mast. Remove the Note: For ease of reassembly of the mast, make
stops. Set the fasteners and stops to the side. careful note of the location, order and orientation of
the shims.

Note: Use a hammer and chisel if necessary to

gently loosen the wear pads from the mast.

4 - 16 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 4 • Repair Procedures


18 Using Illustration 1 as a guide, tag and remove 21 Using Illustration 1 as a guide, tag and remove
the inner wear pads from the top of the number the outer wear pads and shims from the bottom
3 mast section. Set the shims to the side. of the number 1 mast section. Set the shims to
Discard the wear pads. the side. Discard the wear pads.
Note: For ease of mast reassembly, make careful Note: For ease of mast reassembly, make careful
note of the location, order and orientation of the note of the location, order and orientation of the
shims. shims.

Note: Use a hammer and chisel if necessary to Note: Use a hammer and chisel if necessary to
gently loosen the wear pads from the mast. gently loosen the wear pads from the mast.
19 Using Illustration 1 as a guide, tag and remove 22 Using Illustration 1 as a guide, tag and remove
the outer wear pads and shims from the bottom the inner wear pads and shims from the top of
of the number 2 mast section. Set the shims to the number 1 mast section. Set the shims to the
the side. Discard the wear pads. side. Discard the wear pads.
Note: For ease of mast reassembly, make careful Note: For ease of mast reassembly, make careful
note of the location, order and orientation of the note of the location, order and orientation of the
shims. shims.

Note: Use a hammer and chisel if necessary to Note: Use a hammer and chisel if necessary to
gently loosen the wear pads from the mast. gently loosen the wear pads from the mast.

20 Using Illustration 1 as a guide, tag and remove

the inner wear pads from the top of the number
2 mast section. Set the shims to the side.
Discard the wear pads.
Note: For ease of mast reassembly, make careful
note of the location, order and orientation of the
Note: Use a hammer and chisel if necessary to
gently loosen the wear pads from the mast.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 4 - 17

Section 4 • Repair Procedures December 2013


How to Assemble the Mast, 2 Install six 12 mm wear pads, and the
corresponding shims removed in the mast
GR-26J disassembly process, onto the bottom of mast
Bodily injury hazard. This sections 1, 2, 3 and 4.
procedure requires specific repair 3 Using Illustration 1 as a guide, install two 10
skills, lifting equipment and a mm wear pads, and the corresponding shims
suitable workshop. Attempting this removed in the mast disassembly process, onto
procedure without these skills and the top of mast sections 1, 2 and 3.
tools could result in death or
serious injury and significant 4 Install six 12 mm wear pads, and the
component damage. Dealer corresponding shims removed in the mast
service is strongly recommended. disassembly process, onto the top of mast
sections 1, 2 and 3.
1 Using Illustration 1 as a guide, install two 10
mm wear pads, and the corresponding shims 5 Using Illustration 2 as a guide, apply grease
removed in the mast disassembly process, onto onto the inner faces of the mast sections 1, 2
the bottom of mast sections 1, 2, 3 and 4. and 3.

a b a Grease Specification

RETINAX HDX2 grease, NLGI (lithium based)

BOTTOM or equivalent

a b


Illustration 1 b a

a wear pad 10 mm Illustration 2

b mast section (mast 1 shown)
a grease
b mast section (mast 1 shown)

4 - 18 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 4 • Repair Procedures


6 Using Illustration 3 as a guide, apply grease

onto the outer faces of the mast sections 1, 2, 3
and 4.
7 Carefully assemble the mast sections using the
mast disassembly procedure in reverse order.
See 4-1, How to Disassemble the Mast,

Illustration 3

a grease
b mast section (mast 4 shown)

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 4 - 19

Section 4 • Repair Procedures December 2013




1 5


3 4

Illustration 1

1 number 1 mast Ground Controls Side

2 stops Steer End
3 shims
4 wear pads
5 number 2 mast
6 cover plate
(Non-Steer End) Power Unit Side

Illustration 2

4 - 20 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 4 • Repair Procedures


How to Disassemble the Mast, BOTTOM

Bodily injury hazard. This
procedure requires specific repair
skills, lifting equipment and a TOP
suitable workshop. Attempting this

procedure without these skills and

tools could result in death or
serious injury and significant
component damage. Dealer
service is strongly recommended.
1 Remove the mast assembly. See 4-1, How to
Remove the Mast Assembly.
a b
2 With the 'P' mark facing upwards, use a clamp
to secure the mast assembly to the workbench. Illustration 3
Securely tighten the clamp. Do not over tighten.
a number 1 mast
3 Working from the top of the mast assembly, pull b number 2 mast
the number 2 mast section approximately
7 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane to
12 inches / 30 cm. Out of mast 1, use a
the number 2 mast section. Remove the
permanent marker to indicate the face closest
number 2 mast while carefully pulling the it out
to the platform with the 'P' mark on the number
from the bottom of the number 1 mast. With the
2 mast section corresponding to the 'P' mark on
'P' mark facing upwards, place the number 2
mast 1. Refer to Illustration 3.
mast on a level workbench capable of
4 Remove the fasteners securing the safety steel supporting it.
plate to the mast assembly. Remove the safety
Crushing hazard. The mast
steel plate. Set the fasteners and safety steel
section could become unbalanced
plate to the side.
and fall if not properly supported
5 Remove the fasteners securing stops to the when removed from the mast
inside of the number 1 mast. Remove the assembly.
stops. Set the fasteners and stops to the side.
Note: During removal, the overhead crane strap
6 Working from the bottom of the number 1 mast, will need to be carefully adjusted for proper
pull the number 2 mast half way out. balancing.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 4 - 21

Section 4 • Repair Procedures December 2013


8 Using Illustration 1 as a guide, tag and remove How to Assemble the Mast,
the outer wear pads and shims from the bottom
of the number 2 mast section. Set the shims to GR-20J
the side. Discard the wear pads. Bodily injury hazard. This
Note: For ease of mast reassembly, make careful procedure requires specific repair
note of the location, order and orientation of the skills, lifting equipment and a
shims. suitable workshop. Attempting this
procedure without these skills and
Note: Use a hammer and chisel if necessary to tools could result in death or
gently loosen the wear pads from the mast. serious injury and significant
component damage. Dealer
9 Using Illustration 1 as a guide, tag and remove
service is strongly recommended.
the outer wear pads and shims from the bottom
of the number 1 mast section. Set the shims to 1 Using Illustration 1 as a guide, install two 10
the side. Discard the wear pads. mm wear pads, and the corresponding shims
removed in the mast disassembly process, onto
Note: For ease of mast reassembly, make careful
the bottom of mast sections 1 and 2.
note of the location, order and orientation of the

Note: Use a hammer and chisel if necessary to a b a

gently loosen the wear pads from the mast.

10 Using Illustration 1 as a guide, tag and remove BOTTOM

the inner wear pads and shims from the top of
the number 1 mast section. Set the shims to the
side. Discard the wear pads.
Note: For ease of mast reassembly, make careful
note of the location, order and orientation of the
shims. TOP

Note: Use a hammer and chisel if necessary to

gently loosen the wear pads from the mast.

Illustration 1

a wear pad 10 mm
b mast section (mast 1 shown)

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December 2013 Section 4 • Repair Procedures


2 Install six 12 mm wear pads, and the 6 Using Illustration 3 as a guide, apply grease
corresponding shims removed in the mast onto the outer faces of the mast sections 1 and
disassembly process, onto the bottom mast 2.
sections 1 and 2.
7 Carefully assemble the mast sections using the
3 Using Illustration 1 as a guide, install two 10 mast disassembly procedure in reverse order.
mm wear pads, and the corresponding shims See 4-1, How to Disassemble the Mast,
removed in the mast disassembly process, onto GR-20J.
the top of mast section 1.
4 Install six 12 mm wear pads, and the
corresponding shims removed in the mast
disassembly process, onto the top mast
section 1.
5 Using Illustration 2 as a guide, apply the grease a
onto the inner faces of the mast section 1.

Grease Specification b

RETINAX HDX2 grease, NLGI (lithium based)

or equivalent Illustration 3

a grease
b mast section (mast 2 shown)
a b

b a

Illustration 2

a grease
b mast section (mast 1 shown)

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 4 - 23

Section 4 • Repair Procedures December 2013


4-2 a
Lift Cylinder h
How to Remove the Lift Cylinder
Bodily injury hazard. This
procedure requires specific repair e c
skills, lifting equipment and a
suitable workshop. Attempting this
procedure without these skills and d
tools could result in death or
serious injury and significant
component damage.
Note: When removing a hose assembly or fitting, a mast head cover
the O-ring on the fitting and/or hose end must be b mast head cover fasteners
replaced and then torqued to specification during c mast head
d jib boom
installation. Refer to Section 2, Hydraulic Hose and e proximity sensor
Fitting Torque Specifications. f lift cylinder
g mast head fasteners
Note: Perform this procedure with the machine on h lift cylinder fasteners
a firm, level surface that is free of obstructions, and
the machine in stowed position. 6 Remove the nut securing the bottom of the lift
cylinder to the chassis. Set it to the side.
1 Block the wheels at the non-steer end of the
machine. 7 Raise the machine slightly. Remove the blocks
from under the chassis and lower the machine
2 Open and remove the turntable covers of the onto the ground. Remove the jack.
8 Remove the fasteners securing the mast head
3 Center a lifting jack under the drive chassis at cover to the mast. Remove the mast head
the steer end of the machine. cover. Set the mast head cover and fasteners
4 Raise the steer end of the machine to the side.
approximately 10 inches / 25 cm to access the 9 Tag and disconnect the proximity sensor. Lay
nut at the bottom of the lift cylinder. the proximity sensor to the side.
5 Place blocks under the chassis for support.
Lower the machine onto the blocks.
Crushing hazard. The chassis
could fall if not properly supported.

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December 2013 Section 4 • Repair Procedures


10 Tag, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hose at 13 Raise the mast head, jib boom and platform
the top of the lift cylinder. Remove the hose assembly and move the assembly
connector from the lift cylinder. Plug the lift approximately 20 inches / 50 cm towards the
cylinder. non-steer end of the machine.
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying Crushing hazard. The mast head,
hydraulic oil can penetrate and jib boom and platform assembly
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic could become unbalanced and fall
connections very slowly to allow when removed from the machine.
the oil pressure to dissipate
Component damage hazard.
gradually. Do not allow oil to squirt
Cables and hose can be damaged
or spray.
if they are kinked or pinched.
11 Attach a lifting strap of suitable capacity from an
overhead crane to the mast head, jib boom and Note: During removal the mast head, jib boom and
platform assembly. Support the assembly. Do platform assembly, the overhead crane strap will
not apply any lifting pressure. need to be carefully adjusted for proper balancing.

Component damage hazard. The 14 Remove the fasteners securing the lift cylinder
platform railings can be damaged to the mast head. Set the fasteners to the side.
if they are used to lift the 15 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead crane to
assembly. Do not attach the lifting the lift cylinder.
strap to the platform railings or put
pressure on the railings. 16 Carefully remove the lift cylinder from the
12 Remove the fasteners securing the mast head
to the mast assembly. Set the fasteners to the Crushing hazard. The lift cylinder
side. could become unbalanced and fall
if not properly supported when
removed from the machine.
Component damage hazard. The
lift cylinder can be damaged if it

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Section 4 • Repair Procedures December 2013

Ground Controls
5-1 6 Securely install the level sensor pigtail into the
machine wire harness, disconnected in step 3.
Level Sensor
7 Remove the plastic cap from the end of the
The tilt alarm sounds when the incline of the level sensor calibration wire.
chassis exceeds 2° to the side, front or rear. 8 Using a length of wire approximately
40 inches / 1 m long, connect the level sensor
How to Install and Calibrate the calibration wire to the negative post of the
Level Sensor battery.

Tip-over hazard. Failure to install Result: The green LED underneath the level
or calibrate the level sensor as sensor flashes several times and stops. The
instructed will compromise level sensor calibration is complete.
machine stability and cause the
Result: The green LED underneath the level
machine to tip over, resulting in
sensor does not flash. Check the calibration
death or serious injury. Do not
wire connection. Contact Genie Industries
install or calibrate the level sensor
Service Department.
other than specified in this
procedure. Note: The green LED is on during normal machine
operation and it only goes out when the tilt angle of
Note: Perform this procedure with the machine on
the machine exceeds 2°.
a firm, level surface that is free of obstructions, and
the machine in stowed position. 9 After the green LED stops flashing, disconnect
the calibration wire from the battery, and
1 Open the turntable cover at the ground control
securely install the plastic cap removed in
side of the machine.
step 7.
2 Locate the level sensor which is mounted on
the turntable base below the battery charger.
3 Tag and disconnect the level sensor pigtail from
the machine wire harness.
4 After noting the orientation of level sensor
assembly, remove the fasteners securing the
base of level sensor assembly to the chassis.
5 Install the new level sensor onto the machine.
Install and securely tighten the fasteners. Do
not over tighten.

4 - 26 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 4 • Repair Procedures

Hydraulic Pump
6-1 How to Remove the Function
Function Pump Pump
Note: When removing a hose assembly or fitting,
The hydraulic pump is attached to the motor which
the O-ring on the fitting and/or hose end must be
makes up the hydraulic power unit.
replaced and then torqued to specification during
How to Test the Function Pump installation. Refer to Section 2, Hydraulic Hose and
Fitting Torque Specifications.
See 7-2, How to Adjust the System Relief Valve.
Note: Perform this procedure with the machine in
stowed position.
1 Disconnect the battery pack from the machine.
2 Open and remove the turntable cover at the
hydraulic power unit side of the machine.
3 Tag and disconnect the wire harness
connectors from the function manifold.
4 Tag and disconnect the cables from the motor.


Illustration 1

a motor
b function manifold
c hydraulic tank
d connector fittings
e hydraulic hoses

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 4 - 27

Section 4 • Repair Procedures December 2013


5 Tag, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hoses at

the function manifold. Cap the fittings on the
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
hydraulic oil can penetrate and
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
connections very slowly to allow
the oil pressure to dissipate
gradually. Do not allow oil to squirt
or spray. b

6 Remove the fasteners securing the function Illustration 2

manifold to the hydraulic tank. Set the fasteners
to the side. a function pump
b hydraulic tank
7 Loosen the clamp securing the hydraulic power
unit to the hydraulic tank. Do not remove the 10 Remove the fasteners securing the function
clamp. pump to the function manifold. Set the fasteners
to the side.
8 Remove the clamp securing the hydraulic
power unit to the chassis. Set the clamp to the 11 Carefully remove the function pump from the
side. hydraulic power unit.
9 Carefully remove the hydraulic power unit from Tip-over hazard. After replacing
the tank and place it on a clean work bench. the hydraulic pump, it is critical to
return the relief valve settings to
Note: If necessary, loosen the bottom connector of original factory specifications.
auxiliary pump to more easily remove the hydraulic Failure to restore the machine to
power unit. original factory specifications
could cause the machine to tip
over, resulting in death or serious

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December 2013 Section 4 • Repair Procedures

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Section 4 • Repair Procedures December 2013

Function Manifold
Function Manifold Components
The function manifold is mounted underneath the hydraulic power unit.
Index Schematic
No. Description Item Function Torque
1 Filter,
Filter cap .................................................... H ......................... Suction filter ............................ 37 ft-lbs / 50 Nm
2 Solenoid valve, 2 position 4 way ............... B ......................... Steer/Turntable directional ..... 18 ft-lbs / 25 Nm
3 Check valve ............................................... I .......................... Blocks flow from auxiliary
pump to function pump . 29 ft-lbs / 40 Nm
4 Solenoid valve, 2 position 2 way ............... D ......................... Platform up ............................. 18 ft-lbs / 25 Nm
5 Solenoid valve, 2 position 4 way ............... C ......................... Turntable rotate left/right ........ 18 ft-lbs / 25 Nm
6 Solenoid valve, 2 position 2 way ............... E ......................... Platform down and jib down ... 18 ft-lbs / 25 Nm
7 Relief valve,
930 psi / 64 bar .......................................... G ......................... Platform up ............................. 18 ft-lbs / 25 Nm
8 Solenoid valve, 2 position 4 way ............... A ......................... Steer left/right ......................... 18 ft-lbs / 25 Nm
9 Relief valve,
2030 psi / 140 bar ...................................... F ......................... System relief ........................... 18 ft-lbs / 25 Nm

4 - 30 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 4 • Repair Procedures



Y117 2

G 3

E Y21 Y22


Note: 'alpha' callouts refer

to corresponding notes on
the hydraulic schematic

Note: 'alpha-numeric' callouts

refer to corresponding notes
on the electrical schematic

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 4 - 31

Section 4 • Repair Procedures December 2013


Valve Adjustments -
Function Manifold

How to Adjust the System Relief

Note: Be sure that the hydraulic oil level is at the
FULL mark on the hydraulic tank.
1 Block the wheels at the steer end of the
2 Open the turntable cover at the hydraulic power
unit side of the machine.
a system relief valve
3 Remove the fasteners securing the function
manifold to the hydraulic tank. Set the fasteners 8 Turn the key switch to ground control and pull
to the side. out the red Emergency Stop button to the on
position at both the ground and platform
4 Loosen the clamp securing the hydraulic power controls.
unit to the hydraulic tank. Do not remove the
clamp. Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at
platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise
5 Remove the clamp securing the hydraulic direction to restore the power supply. The red
power unit to the chassis. Set the clamp to the Emergency Stop button returns automatically to
side. the out, or on position.
6 Rotate the function manifold and locate the 9 At the ground controls, press and hold the
system relief valve on the function manifold function enable button.
(schematic item F).
7 Connect a 0 to 2500 psi / 0 to 175 bar
pressure gauge to the test port on the hydraulic
hose reel.

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December 2013 Section 4 • Repair Procedures


10 Press and hold the jib function button to fully

raise the jib boom, then continue to activate the
jib lift function while observing the pressure
reading on the pressure gauge. Note the
pressure. Refer to Section 2, Specifications.
11 Turn the key switch to the off position.
12 Hold the system relief valve with a wrench and
remove the cap.
13 Adjust the internal hex socket. Turn it clockwise
to increase the pressure or counterclockwise to
decrease the pressure. Install the relief valve
Tip-over hazard. Failure to adjust
the relief valves to specification
could result in the machine tipping
over, causing death or serious
injury. Do not adjust the relief
valve pressures higher than
14 Turn the key switch to the ground controls.
15 Repeat this procedure, beginning with step 8, to
confirm the system relief valve pressure.
16 Turn the key switch to the off position.
17 Install and tighten the fasteners securing the
function manifold to the hydraulic tank.
18 Install and securely tighten the hydraulic power
unit clamps. Do not over tighten.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 4 - 33

Section 4 • Repair Procedures December 2013


How to Adjust the Platform Lift

Relief Valve
Note: Be sure that the hydraulic oil level is at the
FULL mark on the hydraulic tank.

1 Block the wheels at the steer end of the

2 Using a suitable lifting device, place a
660 lbs / 300 Kg test weight in the center of the
platform. Secure the weight to the platform.
3 Locate the lift relief valve on the function
manifold (schematic item G). a
4 Turn the key switch to ground control and pull
out the red Emergency Stop button to the on a lift relief valve
position at both the ground and platform b system relief valve
9 Adjust the internal hex socket. Turn it clockwise
Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at to increase the pressure. Install the relief valve
platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise cap.
direction to restore the power supply. The red
Emergency Stop button returns automatically to 10 Turn the key switch to ground control.
the out, or on position. 11 Repeat the procedure beginning with step 5.
5 Press and hold the function enable button. 12 Lower the platform to the stowed position.
6 Press and hold the lift function button and raise 13 Turn the key switch to the off position.
the platform approximately 12 inches / 30 cm.
14 Adjust the internal hex socket. Turn it
Result: The platform should lift the weight. counterclockwise to decrease the pressure just
Proceed to step 12. until the platform will not lift the weight. Install
the relief valve cap.
Result: The platform does not lift the weight.
Proceed to step 7. 15 Turn the key switch to the ground control.
Component damage hazard. Do 16 Activate the platform up function and attempt to
not continue to operate the raise the platform.
machine if the hydraulic pump is
Result: The platform does not lift the weight.
Proceed to step 18.
7 Turn the key switch to the off position.
Result: The platform lifts the weight. Proceed to
8 Hold the lift relief valve with a wrench and step 12.
remove the cap (schematic item G).
17 Turn the key switch to the off position and
remove the weight from the platform.

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December 2013 Section 4 • Repair Procedures

Hydraulic Tank
8-1 7 Place a suitable container under the hydraulic
tank. Refer to Section 2, Specifications.
Hydraulic Tank
8 Locate and remove the hydraulic tank filler cap.
The primary functions of the hydraulic tank are to Set the filler cap to the side.
cool and deaerate the hydraulic fluid during 9 Remove the drain plug and drain all of the oil
operation. into a suitable container.
How to Remove the Hydraulic 10 Clean up any oil that may have spilled. Properly
discard the used oil.
11 Install the drain plug onto the hydraulic tank and
Component damage hazard. The tighten to finger tight.
work area and surfaces where this
procedure will be performed must 12 Install the filler cap onto the hydraulic tank and
be clean and free of debris that tighten to finger tight.
could get into the hydraulic
13 Remove the clamp securing the hydraulic
power unit to the chassis. Set the clamp to the
Note: Perform this procedure with the machine in side.
stowed position.
14 Carefully remove the hydraulic tank along with
1 Disconnect the battery pack from the machine. hydraulic power unit from the machine and
place it on a clean work bench.
2 Open and remove the turntable cover at the
hydraulic power unit side of the machine. 15 Remove the fasteners securing the function
manifold to the hydraulic tank. Set the fasteners
3 Working next to the hydraulic tank, remove the to the side.
fasteners securing the chassis side cover to the
chassis. Remove the side cover. Lay the side 16 Remove the clamp securing the hydraulic
cover and fasteners to the side. power unit to the hydraulic tank. Set the clamp
to the side.
4 Tag and disconnect the wire harness
connectors from the function manifold. 17 Remove the hydraulic power unit from the
hydraulic tank.
5 Tag and disconnect the cables from the motor.
6 Tag, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hoses at Torque specifications
the function manifold. Cap the fittings on the Hydraulic oil reservoir drain plug 44 in-lbs
manifold. 5 Nm
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying Manifold to tank fasteners 40 in-lbs
hydraulic oil can penetrate and 4.5 Nm
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
connections very slowly to allow
the oil pressure to dissipate
gradually. Do not allow oil to squirt
or spray.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 4 - 35

Section 4 • Repair Procedures December 2013

Turntable Components
Turntable Rotation Motor

How to Remove the Turntable a

Rotation Motor b
Note: When removing a hose assembly or fitting,
the fitting and/or hose end must be torqued to
specification during installation. Refer to Section 2,
Hydraulic Hose and Fitting Torque Specifications.
Bodily injury hazard. This
procedure requires specific repair a turntable rotation motor
b fasteners
skills, lifting equipment and a c hydraulic hoses
suitable workshop. Attempting this
procedure without these skills and 4 Remove the fasteners securing the rear chassis
tools could result in death or cover to the chassis at the non-steer end of the
serious injury and significant machine. Remove the chassis cover. Lay the
component damage. Dealer cover and fasteners to the side.
service is strongly recommended.
5 Remove the fasteners securing the side covers
1 Turn the key switch to ground control and pull to the chassis. Remove the side covers from
out the red Emergency Stop button to the on the machine. Lay the side covers and fasteners
position at both the ground and platform to the side.
6 Remove the fasteners securing the turntable
Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at motor protection plate to the chassis. Remove
platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise the protection plate from the machine. Lay the
direction to restore the power supply. The red protection plate and fasteners to the side.
Emergency Stop button returns automatically to
the out, or on position. Note: The turntable motor protection plate is
located above the turntable rotation motor.
2 Raise the jib boom to the maximum height.
3 Turn the key switch to off position and push in
the red Emergency Stop button to the off
position at both the ground and platform

4 - 36 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 4 • Repair Procedures


7 Tag, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hoses at

the turntable rotation motor. Cap the fittings.
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
hydraulic oil can penetrate and
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
connections very slowly to allow
the oil pressure to dissipate
gradually. Do not allow oil to squirt
or spray.
8 Remove fasteners securing the turntable
rotation motor to the chassis. Set the fasteners
to the side.
9 Carefully remove the turntable rotation motor
from the machine.
Bodily injury hazard. The
turntable rotation motor may fall if
not properly supported when
removed from the machine.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 4 - 37

Section 4 • Repair Procedures December 2013



How to Remove the Battery

Electrocution/burn hazard. Contact
with electrically charged circuits
could result in death or serious a
injury. Remove all rings, watches
and other jewelry.
Bodily injury hazard. Batteries
contain acid. Avoid spilling or
contacting battery acid. Neutralize
battery acid spills with baking soda
and water.
a battery
Note: Perform this procedure with the machine in
stowed position. 6 Attach a lifting strap from an overhead
1100 lbs / 500 Kg crane to the battery pack.
1 Turn the key switch to off position and push in
7 Carefully remove the battery pack from the
the red Emergency Stop button to the off
position at both the ground and platform
controls. Crushing hazard. The battery pack
could become unbalanced and fall
2 Open and remove the turntable covers.
if not properly supported.
3 Tag and disconnect the cables connected to the
Component damage hazard. The
ground terminal of the battery.
battery pack can be damaged if it
4 Tag and disconnect the cables connected to the falls.
positive terminal of the battery.
5 Locate the bolts between the battery pack and
the counterweight. Loosen the bolts holding the
battery pack in position.

4 - 38 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 4 • Repair Procedures


9-3 d a
Battery Charger

How to Remove the Battery b

Electrocution/burn hazard. Contact c
with electrically charged circuits
could result in death or serious
injury. Remove all rings, watches a power cable
and other jewelry. b charger cutout harness connector
1 Turn the key switch to off position and push in d charger-to-battery wires
the red Emergency Stop button to the off
position at both the ground and platform 8 Locate and remove the nut holding the ground
controls. control box closed, and open the ground control
2 Open and remove the turntable cover at the
ground control side of the machine. 9 Remove the fasteners securing the top of the
battery charger to the machine. Set the
3 Tag and disconnect the cables connected to the fasteners to the side.
ground terminal of the battery.
10 Close the ground control box and install the nut.
4 Tag and disconnect the black and red battery
charger wires from the battery. 11 Remove the fasteners securing the bottom of
the battery charger to the machine. Set the
5 Tag and disconnect the power cable from the fasteners to the side.
battery charger.
12 Lower the battery charger towards the tilt
6 Locate the LED at the bottom of the bulkhead. sensor, and remove the battery charger from
Tag and disconnect the LED wire harness the machine.
7 Tag and disconnect the charger cutout harness

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 4 - 39

Section 4 • Repair Procedures December 2013

Steer Axle Components

10-1 9 Ground control side: Remove the steer
sensor from the yoke pivot.
10 Remove the retaining fasteners from the yoke
pivot shaft. Set the fasteners to the side.
How to Remove the Yoke
11 Remove the yoke assembly from the machine.
Note: When removing a hose assembly or fitting,
the fitting and/or hose end must be torqued to Bodily injury hazard. The
specification during installation. Refer to Section 2, yoke assembly may fall if not
Hydraulic Hose and Fitting Torque Specifications. properly supported when removed
from the machine.
1 Block the wheels at the non-steer end of the
2 Loosen the bolts of the wheel at the steer end of
the machine. Do not remove the bolts.
3 Center a lifting jack under the drive chassis at
the steer end of the machine.
4 Raise the machine approximately
6 inches / 15 cm. Place blocks under the
chassis for support. Lower the chassis onto
Crushing hazard. The chassis
could fall if not properly supported.
5 Remove the bolts from the wheel at the steer
end of the machine. Remove the wheel from
the machine.
6 Support and secure the yoke assembly to an
appropriate lifting device.
7 Remove the top cir-clip from the pin at the
steering rod.
8 Remove the plastic cap above the yoke pivot
shaft. Set the cap to the side.

4 - 40 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 4 • Repair Procedures


10-2 6 Center a lifting jack under the drive chassis at

the steer end of the machine.
Steer Cylinder
7 Raise the machine approximately
6 inches / 15 cm. Place blocks under the
How to Remove the Steer chassis for support.
Crushing hazard. The chassis
Note: When removing a hose assembly or fitting, could fall if not properly supported.
the O-ring on the fitting and/or hose end must be
8 Turn the wheels at the steer end of the machine
replaced and then torqued to specification during
fully to the left.
installation. Refer to Section 2, Hydraulic Hose and
Fitting Torque Specifications. 9 Tag, disconnect and plug the steer cylinder
hydraulic hoses. Cap the fittings on the
1 Turn the key switch to platform control and pull cylinder.
out the red Emergency Stop button to the on
position at both the ground and platform Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
controls. hydraulic oil can penetrate and
burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at connections very slowly to allow
platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise the oil pressure to dissipate
direction to restore the power supply. The red gradually. Do not allow oil to squirt
Emergency Stop button returns automatically to or spray.
the out, or on position.
10 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the
2 Turn the wheels at the steer end of the steer cylinder rod-end pivot pin. Set the
machine, 20° to 25° to the right. washers to the side. Discard the cotter pin.
3 Turn the key switch to off position and push in Note: Always replace the cotter pin with a new one
the red Emergency Stop button to the off when removing the fasteners.
position at both the ground and platform
controls. 11 Carefully remove the steer cylinder from the
4 Block the wheels at the non-steer end of the
5 Remove the pin retaining fasteners from the top
of the steer cylinder barrel-end pivot pin.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 4 - 41

Section 4 • Repair Procedures December 2013


10-3 10-4
Steering Rod Steer Angle Sensor

How to Remove the Steering Rod How to Replace the Steer Angle
1 Remove the steer cylinder. See 10-2, How to Sensor
Remove the Steer Cylinder. 1 Adjust the wheels at the steer end of the
2 Remove the top cir-clips securing the steering machine so they are in straight driving position.
rod to the steer yoke at both the ends of the 2 Turn the key switch to off position and push in
steering rod. the red Emergency Stop button to the off
3 Lift the steering rod up and off of the yoke, and position at both the ground and platform
remove the steering rod from the machine. controls.
3 Tag and disconnect the steer angle sensor wire
harness from the machine wire harness.
4 Remove the plastic cap above the steer yoke
pivot. Set the cap to the side.
5 Carefully remove the sensor activator pin from
the steer yoke pivot. Set the pin to the side.
Note: Inspect the sensor activator pin to confirm it
is not broken or twisted. If the sensor activator pin
is broken or twisted, it must be replaced. Note the
installation and orientation of the old sensor to be
sure the new one is installed correctly.

6 Remove the steer angle sensor retaining

fasteners. Remove the steer angle sensor
7 Turn the key switch to platform control and pull
out the red Emergency Stop button to the on
position at both the ground and platform
Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at
platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise
direction to restore the power supply. The red
Emergency Stop button returns automatically to
the out, or on position.

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December 2013 Section 4 • Repair Procedures


8 Using the illustration as a guide, mount the 11 Install the bottom plate and it's fasteners on the
potentiometer on to the plate and securely steer yoke pivot.
tighten with the nut.
12 Install the sensor activator pin on to the steer
yoke pivot.
Note: Be sure the sensor activator pin is engaged
b into the sensor.

13 Install the plate along with potentiometer on the

c steer yoke pivot and securely tighten the
potentiometer stem with the screw. Do not over
e 14 Install the plastic cap on to the steer yoke pivot.
15 Connect the steer angle sensor wire harness to
g the machine wire harness.
16 Calibrate the steer sensor. See 1-2, Controller
f Adjustments for How to Calibrate the Steer

a steer yoke pivot cap

b potentiometer
c potentiometer mounting plate
d fasteners
e bottom plate
f sensor activator pin
g chassis
h screw

9 With a multimeter set to read 4K±0.2 ohms,

connect the leads to the green and black wires
of the potentiometer.
10 Adjust the potentiometer until a reading of
4K±0.2 ohms is obtained.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 4 - 43

Section 4 • Repair Procedures December 2013

Non-steer Axle Components

Drive Motors
How to Remove the Drive Motors
Bodily injury hazard. This
procedure requires specific repair
skills, lifting equipment and a a
suitable workshop. Attempting this
procedure without these skills and c
tools could result in death or
serious injury and significant b
component damage. Dealer
service is strongly recommended.
a cable guard
1 Block the wheels at the steer end of the b right drive motor assembly
c left drive motor assembly
d fasteners
2 Turn the key switch to ground control and pull e chassis
out the red Emergency Stop button to the on
6 Tag and disconnect the cables from the ground
position at both the ground and platform
terminal of the battery.
7 Remove the fasteners securing the rear chassis
Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at
cover to the chassis at the non-steer end of the
platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise
machine. Remove the chassis cover. Lay the
direction to restore the power supply. The red
cover and fasteners to the side.
Emergency Stop button returns automatically to
the out, or on position. 8 Tag and disconnect the two wire harness
connectors at the steel bar above the drive
3 Raise the jib boom to the maximum height. motors.
4 Turn the key switch to off position and push in 9 Remove the fasteners securing the steel bar to
the red Emergency Stop button to the off the chassis. Set the fasteners to the side.
position at the ground control.
10 Turn over the steel bar and cut the zip ties
5 Open the turntable cover at the ground control attaching the two wire harness connectors to
side of the machine. the steel bar. Lay the steel bar to the side.

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December 2013 Section 4 • Repair Procedures


11 Tag and disconnect the cables from the drive 16 Place a 2 x 4 x 6 inch / 5 x 10 x 15 cm long
motor assembly. wood block under the left drive motor.
12 Loosen the castle nut of the wheel at the Note: The wood block will support to the drive
non-steer end of the machine. Do not remove motor assembly when the fasteners are removed.
the castle nut.
17 Remove the fasteners securing the left drive
Note: To remove the right drive motor assembly, motor assembly to the chassis. Set the
first it is necessary to remove the left drive motor fasteners to the side.
18 Carefully remove the left drive motor assembly
13 Center a lifting jack under the drive chassis at from the machine. Place it onto a suitable
the non-steer end of the machine. workbench capable of supporting it.
14 Raise the machine approximately Bodily injury hazard. The
6 inches / 15 cm. Place blocks under the drive motor assembly may fall if
chassis for support. Lower the chassis onto the not properly supported when
blocks. removed from the machine.
Crushing hazard. The chassis
could fall if not properly supported.
15 Remove the castle nut from the wheel at the
non-steer end of the machine. Remove the
wheel from the machine.
Note: A properly sized puller may be needed to
remove the wheel from the tapered shaft.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 4 - 45

Section 4 • Repair Procedures December 2013


11-2 a b c d e
Drive Brake

How to Remove the Drive Brake

1 Block the wheels at the steer end of the
2 Turn the key switch to ground control and pull
out the red Emergency Stop button to the on
position at both the ground and platform
Note: Rotate the red Emergency Stop button at
platform control one quarter turn in a clockwise a drive brake
b drive motor assembly
direction to restore the power supply. The red c speed reducer assembly
Emergency Stop button returns automatically to d mounting plate
the out, or on position. e fasteners

3 Raise the jib boom to the maximum height. 9 Remove the fasteners securing the steel bar to
the chassis. Set the fasteners to the side.
4 Turn the key switch to off position and push in
the red Emergency Stop button to the off 10 Turn over the steel bar and cut the zip ties
position at the ground control. attaching the two wire harness connectors to
the steel bar. Lay the steel bar to the side.
5 Open the turntable cover at the ground control
side of the machine. 11 Remove the fasteners securing the drive brake
to the drive motor assembly. Set the fasteners
6 Tag and disconnect the cables from the ground
to the side.
terminal of the battery.
12 Carefully remove the drive brake from the drive
7 Remove the fasteners securing the rear chassis
motor assembly.
cover to the chassis at the non-steer end of the
machine. Remove the chassis cover. Lay the
cover and fasteners to the side. Torque specifications

8 Tag and disconnect the two wire harness Brake mounting fasteners, dry 75 ft-lbs
connectors at the steel bar. 102 Nm

Brake mounting fasteners, lubricated 56 ft-lbs

76 Nm

4 - 46 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 5 • Fault Codes

Fault Codes
Before Troubleshooting:
Read, understand and obey the safety rules
and operating instructions in the appropriate
operator's manual on your machine.
Be sure that all necessary tools and test
equipment are available and ready for use.
Observe and Obey:
Be aware of the following hazards and follow
Troubleshooting and repair procedures shall be generally accepted safe workshop practices.
completed by a person trained and qualified on
Crushing hazard. When testing
the repair of this machine.
or replacing any hydraulic
Immediately tag and remove from service a component, always support
damaged or malfunctioning machine. the structure and secure it
from movement.
Repair any machine damage or malfunction
before operating the machine. Electrocution/burn hazard. Contact
with electrically charged circuits
Unless otherwise specified, perform each could result in death or serious
repair procedure with the machine in the injury. Remove all rings, watches
following configuration: and other jewelry.
• Machine parked on a firm, level surface
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
• Platform in the stowed position hydraulic oil can penetrate and
• Key switch in the off position with the key burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
removed connections very slowly to allow
the oil pressure to dissipate
• The red Emergency Stop button in the off
gradually. Do not allow oil to
position at both ground and platform controls
squirt or spray.
• Wheels chocked
• All external AC power supply disconnected
from the machine

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 5-1

Section 5 • Fault Codes December 2013


About This Section LED Diagnostic Readout

When a malfunction is discovered, the fault code The diagnostic readout displays numerical codes
chart in this section will help a service professional that provide the information about the machine
pinpoint the cause of the problem. To use this operating status and malfunctions.
section, basic hand tools and certain pieces of test
equipment are required—voltmeter, ohmmeter,
pressure gauges.

General Repair Process


Malfunction Identify Troubleshoot c

discovered symptoms b

still exists
a Error Source: First two digits indicates the
Return to Inspect Perform
affected machine area or component.
service problem and test repair • '01' Controller interface board
• '02' Controller logic board
• '08' Platform controls circuit board
• '16' Diagnostic display
b Third digit always an alphabet "A" when fault
code is displayed.
c Error Type: Last two digits indicates the fault
The codes listed in the Fault Code Chart
describe malfunctions and can aid in
troubleshooting the machine by pinpointing the
area or component affected.

5-2 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 5 • Fault Codes

Fault Code Chart

Error Source Error Type
Condition Solution
ID Name ID Name
Controller This alarm may appear from
01 interface time to time upon starting. Any
board initialization delay can cause
The base board is waiting this alarm to appear. If the alarm
02 Logic fault #1 for the controller to appears too often or if it is
complete its internal test. permanent, there is an internal
error. Check the current
software version or replace the
The internal device which
controls all the auxiliary
Valv. Drv. off outputs has a problem
03 line and is not communicating
Replace the controller.
correctly with the
This alarm is due to a
disparity between the
operating states detected
by the two computers. The
Check whether the software
controller has asked the
Output versions installed on the two
base board to activate the
04 mismatch
output for the drive or the
consoles are correct. If so, there
overcharge must be an internal fault.
pump but the interface
does not identify a
command or an operating
state where the drive or
pump must be allowed.
It is an internal fault. Replace
There is a fault in the
the controller. The platform can
of the internal EEPROM.
still function but the controller
will use default values for the
internal parameters.
The algorithm used to
Try to break the contact. If the
Wrong RAM verify the main memory is
06 memory working with erroneous
alarm is still present, replace the
Incorrect software
Check the installed software
10 Flash check downloaded or the Flash
version or replace the controller.
memory is corrupted.
There is a fault in the A/D
15 Analog input converter of the micro- Replace the controller.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 5-3

Section 5 • Fault Codes December 2013


Error Source Error Type

Condition Solution
ID Name ID Name
Controller The controller has not
01 interface Serial error responded to the request
19 #1 from the base board as
Replace the controller.
If the fault occurs on starting or
during an alarm, the fault is
most likely to be linked to an
under-voltage. Check whether
the main voltage SI is stable. If
the fault occurs on acceleration
of the motor or activation of the
pump, the fault may be due to
under-voltage. Check the
Under-voltage or over- charge and the battery
Logic failure voltage has been connections. If the fault is
32 #1 detected. detected during braking, the
fault may be due to over-
voltage: Check the battery
voltage during braking. In any
other case, the fault may be due
to an internal fault of the
controller then replace it. Check
whether there is contact or low
impedance between pin A12
and the battery. Otherwise the
circuit is damaged.
Check whether there is a short
Eb. Drv. The electric cable of the circuit or low impedance
33 Shorted brake is in short-circuit. between pin A10 and the
Check whether there is a short
circuit in parallel with the brake
Driver The main conductor of the solenoid valve coil. Otherwise
34 shorted driver is short-circuited. the conductor circuit is damaged
and the controller must be
Excitation wire on
Emergency Repair wire on the emergency
36 button wire
emergency button is
Eb. Drv. / coil The electric circuit of the
37 fail break is open.
Replace the controller.
Mc enable The EB coil can not
40 short. activate.
Replace the controller.
Eb. enable The power contactor is Check the wiring or change the
41 short short-circuited. controller.

5-4 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 5 • Fault Codes


Error Source Error Type

Condition Solution
ID Name ID Name
The electric brake is short-
01 Controller
interface Multi circuited. Check the conformity of the
50 selection Several movements control selectors.
activated simultaneously.
The controller receives
several commands
Plat. double Check the wiring or change the
51 required
simultaneously from the
platform controls circuit
The controller receives
several commands
GND double Check the wiring or change the
52 required
simultaneously from the
platform controls circuit
Check the conformity of the tilt
Tilt triggers audible
53 Tilted
warning beep.
sensor and its connection or
change the controller.
Overload of HBT2 and Check the condition of the
54 HBT
HBT1 signals Overload overload sensors or change the
incoherence. controller.
Check the condition of the
55 Overcharge Overload fault. overload sensors or change the
If the alarm is triggered when
56 Battery low Low battery voltage. the battery is fully charged,
change the controller.
The interface board has Check the BUSCAN connection
57 signal
not received the CAN between the modules or change
signal. the controller.
There is a large disparity
between the hour counter
stored in the diagnostic After two minutes, the hour
display and the hour counter of the controller will
No alarm on
58 the console
counter stored in the automatically find the diagnostic
controller. The maximum display.
acceptable difference is
10 hours. If it is greater,
this alarm will appear.
The alarm should disappear as
soon as the pump motor cools
The temperature sensor of
Temperature down. If this does not happen,
59 of pump high
the pump has detected a
there is a problem with the
high temperature.
connection of terminal A16 or
the temperature sensor.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 5-5

Section 5 • Fault Codes December 2013


Error Source Error Type

Condition Solution
ID Name ID Name
Controller Joystick is pushed when
01 interface 61 Joystick
machine is switching on.
Repair or replace the joystick.

board It should be possible to stop the

alarm by stopping the main
Short-circuit The function switch has
contactor or via the emergency
on function been closed for more than
62 switches 2.5 seconds.
stop. If the problem persists,
check the wiring connection. If
there is no problem, the alarm is
due to an internal fault.
The battery parameter
Battery out of differs by more than 20% Check the battery type
63 adjustment from the nominal battery parameter.
If the alarm appears with the
charger disconnected from the
The platform has been
Charge in mains, there may be a problem
64 progress
started up with the battery
with the connection of terminal
charger in operation.
A17. Otherwise, it is an internal
fault of the controller.
The value read by the Check that the angle sensor
Value of
potentiometer is different potentiometer is functioning
65 angle sensor
from the programmed correctly. Otherwise, check the
value. wiring.
There is a problem on one Check the condition of the
of the following outputs: valves and their connections.
80 Lifting valve
terminal A32, terminal Otherwise, it is an internal fault
A26. of the controller.

5-6 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 5 • Fault Codes


Error Source Error Type

Condition Solution
ID Name ID Name
Controller There is a problem on one Check the condition of the
01 interface or other of the following valves and their connections.
81 Descent valve
outputs: terminal A30, Otherwise, it is an internal fault
terminal A26. of the controller.
There is a problem on one Check the condition of the
or other of the following valves and their connections.
82 Rotation valve
outputs: terminal A34, Otherwise, it is an internal fault
terminal A25. of the controller.
There is a problem on one Check the condition of the
or other of the following valves and their connections.
83 Steering valve
outputs: terminal A34, Otherwise, it is an internal fault
terminal A26. of the controller.
There is a problem on one
or other of the following
84 Aux. Valve
outputs: "FLASHING
Repair or replace the option.
Check the connections of the
The main driver coil is not BRAKE coil. Otherwise the
Brake coil
86 open
connected to pin A12 of conductor circuit is damaged
NEB. and the controller must be
There is a problem
Check the horn and its wiring.
(short-circuit to negative
Horn If the wiring is correct and the
89 conductor
or positive, to absent
alarm persists, there is an
horn) on the "WARNING"
internal fault.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 5-7

Section 5 • Fault Codes December 2013


Error Source Error Type

Condition Solution
ID Name ID Name
Controller The controller and the
02 logic base board are not
It is an internal fault.
board 7 Type disparity suitable for the type of
Replace the controller.
operation chosen by the
The HBT status is verified
by the controller and the
It is an internal fault.
8 HBT disparity base board. If a difference
Replace the controller.
is found between the two,
this alarm appears.
The algorithm used to
Disconnect the key and then, if
verify the main memory
9 Faulty RAM
detects an error. The file
the alarm is still present, replace
the controller.
is corrupt.
The instantaneous sum is
different from that
Instantaneous expected. Incorrect It is an internal fault.
10 sum software has been Replace the controller.
downloaded or the flash
memory is corrupted.
The thermal sensor is not
functioning correctly: its It is an internal fault.
11 sensor
output voltage is outside Replace the controller.
the acceptable range.
The right armature current
Stand by sensor detects a current It is an internal fault.
12 motor right other than zero when the Replace the controller.
right motor is not running.
The left armature current
Stand by sensor detects a current It is an internal fault.
13 motor left other than zero when the Replace the controller.
left motor is not running.
A current other than zero
High field passes through the field It is an internal fault.
14 current circuit even if the field Replace the controller.
conductor is not active.
There is a fault in the A/D
It is an internal fault.
15 Analog input converter of the
Replace the controller.
The current sensor for the
armature of motor 1
and/or motor 2 is not It is an internal fault.
16 Trac. I sensor
functioning correctly: its Replace the controller.
output voltage is outside
the acceptable range.

5-8 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 5 • Fault Codes


Error Source Error Type

Condition Solution
ID Name ID Name
Controller The current sensor of the
02 logic Stand by pump detects a current It is an internal fault.
17 pump other than zero when the Replace the controller.
pump is not working.
Check the connection of the
The current sensor of the
pump: if the pump is not
pump detects a current of
connected, current cannot flow
18 Pump I=0 zero even though the
and the diagnostic fails.
pump is working.
Otherwise, it is an internal
The base board has not
responded to the request
as expected. Th e
Periodic error It is an internal fault.
19 #1
controller board has asked
Replace the controller.
the base board to leave its
drive input inactive but it is
1) An external charge is in
parallel with the capacitor When the key is connected, the
and reduces the current of controller tries to charge the
the recharge circuit, power capacitors via a resistor
Capacitor thereby preventing the and checks whether the
20 charge capacitors from charging. capacitors are charged. If they
2) There is a problem with do not charge, an alarm is
the charging circuit and generated. The main driver is
the controller must be not closed.
During stand-by the field
The possible external causes
voltage should be approx.
Charge are: incorrect connection of the
½ V. This alarm is
21 control lamp
generated if the field
excitation wires, leakage to the
incorrect framework of the platform.
voltage differs from this
Otherwise, it is an internal fault.
This alarm appears during
stand-by. Check : internal motor
The VMN voltage of one connections; electric cable
22 VMN low of the drive motors is low. connections; leakage from the
motor to the framework of the
platform. If everything is OK, the
controller has an internal fault

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 5-9

Section 5 • Fault Codes December 2013


Error Source Error Type

Condition Solution
ID Name ID Name
Controller This alarm appears only on
02 logic start-up. Check: internal motor
The VMN voltage of one
board connections. Electric cable
of the motors is high when
23 VMN high
it should be low.
connections, leakage from the
motor to the framework of the
lorry. If everything is OK, the
controller has an internal fault.
This alarm may appear during
stand-by or during pump
The VMN voltage of the operation. Check: internal pum p
Pump VMN pump is low when it connections. Electric cable
24 low should be high. connections, leakage from the
pump to the framework of the
platform. If everything is OK, the
controller has an internal fault.
This alarm appears while the
pump is working. Check:
The VMN voltage of the internal pump connections.
Pump VMN pump is high when it Electric cable connections,
25 high should be low. leakage from the pump to the
framework of the platform. If
everything is OK, the controller
has an internal fault.
This alarm only appears when
the drive motors are activated.
The VMN voltage of the Check: internal motor
VMN right low right motor is low when it connections. Electric cable
26 should be high. connections, leakage from the
motors to the framework of the
platform. If everything is OK, the
controller has an internal fault.
This alarm only appears when
the drive motors are activated.
The VMN voltage of the Check: internal motor
VMN right right motor is high when it connections. Electric cable
27 high should be low. connections, leakage from the
motor to the framework of the
platform. If everything is OK, the
controller has an internal fault.

5 - 10 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 5 • Fault Codes


Error Source Error Type

Condition Solution
ID Name ID Name
Controller This alarm only appears when
02 logic the drive motors are activated.
board The VMN voltage of the Check: internal motor
left motor is low when it connections. Electric cable
28 VMN left low
should be high. connections, leakage from the
motor to the framework of the
platform. If everything is OK, the
controller has an internal fault.
This alarm only appears when
the drive motors are activated.
The VMN voltage of the Check: internal motor
left motor is high when it connections. Electric cable
29 VMN left high
should be low. connections, leakage from the
motor to the framework of the
platform. If everything is OK, the
controller has an internal fault.
Before activating the
power relay, the controller
Check the contacts of the power
checks whether the driver
30 Driver closed
is closed. If the test is not
relay. Replace the power relay if
conclusive, this alarm
The power relay is
controlled by the The power relay is probably not
31 Driver open
controller, but this will not working. Replace it.
If the fault is detected on
starting or during an alarm, it is
most likely to be under-voltage.
Check whether the main voltage
SI is stable. If the fault is
detected during acceleration of
Under-voltage or over- the drive motors or pump, the
32 Logic fault #1
voltage has been detected fault may be due to under-
voltage: check the battery
charge and connections. If the
fault is detected during braking,
the fault may be due to over-
voltage: check the battery
voltage during braking.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 5 - 11

Section 5 • Fault Codes December 2013


Error Source Error Type

Condition Solution
ID Name ID Name
Controller The drive output of the
02 logic 42 Drive shorted base board is short-
It is an internal fault.
Replace the controller.
board circuited.
The base board and the
controller have performed a
check of the signals for the
drive conductor. If the It is an internal fault.
42 Driver 3
controller board detects a Replace the controller.
problem in its own control
circuit (right or left motor),
this alarm will appear.
The base board and the
controller perform a check
of the signals for the pump.
It is an internal fault.
43 Driver2 If the controller board
Replace the controller.
detects a problem in its
own control circuit, this
alarm appears.
The interface and logic
board performs a counter-
check of signals for the
steering choice. If the logic It is an internal fault.
44 Driver1
detects a problem in its Replace the controller.
own control circuit (field
conductor circuit), this
alarm appears.
Check the connection of the
Although the ground motor to the controller or look
No ground conductor is active, no for possible leakage to the
46 current current through the field is framework of the platform. If
detected. everything is OK, the controller
has an internal fault.
The current sensor of the
pump is not working
It is an internal fault.
47 Pump sensor correctly. Its output voltage
Replace the controller.
is outside the acceptable

5 - 12 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 5 • Fault Codes


Error Source Error Type

Condition Solution
ID Name ID Name
The pump inputs of the
02 Controller
logic 49 Pump shorted base board are short-
It is an internal fault.
Replace the controller.
board circuited.
Check the BUSCAN
connection between the
The interface board has
modules. Otherwise, there is
not received the message
an internal fault in a module
No CAN from CAN "N"
57 message (1= CMD+TRAC
which causes a transmission
error, or there is excessive
noise on the BUSCAN line
which is interfering with the
The power section of the The alarm disappears as soon
fuse has reached the as the cutout cools down. If this
60 temperatures
temperature limit: the does not happen, there is a
maximum current is problem with the internal
automatically reduced. temperature sensor.
The value read by the Check that the angle sensor
Value of
potentiometer is different potentiometer is functioning
65 angle sensor
from the programmed correctly. Otherwise, check the
value. wiring.
The controller board asks Check the software versions
the base board to activate installed on the interface and
the drive motors or the logic board. This alarm may be
87 Time delay
pump. If they are not due to a software disparity.
activated after 400 ms, this Otherwise, there is an internal
alarm is activated. fault.

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 5 - 13

Section 5 • Fault Codes December 2013


Error Source Error Type

Condition Solution
ID Name ID Name
Platform Internal system
08 controls surveillance has been put
circuit System into operation. If the It is an internal fault.
70 surveillance surveillance detects a Replace the controller.
board fault in the execution of
this surveillance, this
alarm appears.
There is a problem Check the wiring. If the wiring
(short-circuit to ground or is correct and the alarm
72 SV1 incorrect
to positive) on output persists, there is an internal
CNE-10. fault.
There is a problem Check the wiring. If the wiring
(short-circuit to ground or is correct and the alarm
73 SV2 incorrect
to positive) on output persists, there is an internal
CNE-5. fault.
There is a problem Check the wiring. If the wiring
SV3-4 (short-circuit to negative is correct and the alarm
74 incorrect persists, there is an internal
or to positive) on output
CNE-1 or CNE-3. fault.
There may be an interruption of
the BUSCAN signal. Check the
connection of the BUSCAN
The platform controls
BUSCAN between the modules.
circuit board is not
75 incorrect Otherwise, there is an internal
receiving the CAN signal
fault in a module which causes
from the controller.
a transmission error, or there is
excessive noise on the
BUSCAN line.

Error Source Error Type

Condition Solution
ID Name ID Name
Check wire connections. Repair
Diagnostic No The diagnostic display is
16 display
06 communication not working properly.
or replace the diagnostic

5 - 14 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 6 • Schematics

About This Section
There are two groups of schematics in this section.
An illustration legend precedes each group of

Electrical Schematics

Observe and Obey: Electrocution/burn hazard. Contact

with electrically charged circuits
Troubleshooting and repair procedures shall be could result in death or serious
completed by a person trained and qualified on injury. Remove all rings, watches
the repair of this machine. and other jewelry.
Immediately tag and remove from service a Hydraulic Schematics
damaged or malfunctioning machine.
Bodily injury hazard. Spraying
Repair any machine damage or malfunction hydraulic oil can penetrate and
before operating the machine. burn skin. Loosen hydraulic
connections very slowly to allow
Before Troubleshooting: the oil pressure to dissipate
Read, understand and obey the safety rules gradually. Do not allow oil to squirt
and operating instructions in the appropriate or spray.
operator's manual on your machine. General Repair Process
Be sure that all necessary tools and test
equipment are available and ready for use.
Malfunction Identify Troubleshoot
discovered symptoms

still exists

Return to Inspect Perform

service problem and test repair

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 6-1

Section 6 • Schematics December 2013

Electrical Schematic Abbreviation and Wire Color Legends


Item Description
B9 Battery
BN Button
BN5 = Horn
BN8 = Drive enable
BN9 = Lift enable/select
BN57 = Turntable rotate enable
BN63 = Mast enable
BN97 = Jib enable
BN128 = Descend/Rotate left enable
BN129 = Lift/Rotate right enable
BN130 = Drive select
CR89 Parking Brake Relay
F Fuse
F6 = Fuse, 250A
F9 = Fuse, 5A
F9A = Fuse
F9B = Fuse
FB1 Flashing beacon
G6/G7/G8 Hour meter/Battery charge indicator/Fault code display
GND Ground
H Horn or Alarm
H1 = Horn
H2 = Automotive-style horn
JC1 Joystick controller
KS1 Key switch
L LED or Indicator light
L1 = Drive enable
L4 = Platform overload
L17 = Drive select
L30 = Work light (Option)
L48 = Machine level
L68 = Platform overload
L79 = Out of level
L81 = Mast up-down/turntable rotate
L82 = Jib
LS Limit switch
LS3 = Drive enable
LS11 = Jib boom
LS18 = Mast down
LS31 = Platform overload

6-2 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 6 • Schematics

ECM Pin-out Legend

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 6-3

Section 6 • Schematics December 2013

Limit Switch and Sensor Legend

Limit and Sensor Legend

a Platform overload LS31

b Mast down LS18
c Steer angle S21
d Tilt sensor S7
e Jib down LS11

6-4 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 6 • Schematics

Electrical Symbols Legend

Circuits Crossing Switch or Button

(no connection)
Motor Level Sensor

Toggle Switch
Solenoid Valve

Connection Battery Charger

(no terminal) Emergency Stop Button

Parking Brake

Key Switch

Electric Motor

Horn or Alarm Control Relay

Flashing Beacon

LED (hydraulic oil temperature) Joystick Controller

Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 6-5

Section 6 • Schematics December 2013

Electrical Schematic - GR-26J

ANSI - Part 1 of 2


GR 2
RD 1


G6 1
G7 GR/YL-2

6 BN9 15
5 BN57 GR/YL
L4 L79 2 B- LS3
4 BN97 7

3 BN128 1
2 BN129
BL-4 9
1 GR/YL-2
F9B BL-13
7 RD-11

RD-3 8 U6
Y-5 1
F9A Y-6
20 B+
OR-15 21
22 M5
6 OR-14 24
D2 D1
31 P
4 3 RD-12
J1 2 1 2
35 M7A A2 A1
FB1 1 T1



S4 PP-22 2
26 F1 F2
Y121 1 F2

KS1 PP-5


A2 A1
RD-7 RD-23
Y117 RD-6 23
F2 F1
PP-3 16
Y118 RD-6 34
28 M7
Y21 RD-6
PP-2 F1
PP-1 PP-1
Y22 RD-6 PP-7 TS75 87A
2 2 12
U53 1


85 86

U54 CR89
3 2 1
- BK BK 29 P1

2 2
1 1
2 F6
OR C 2 2
+24V dc BR A 1 1
S7 11
BL B 3 3

F9 -




6-6 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 6 • Schematics

Electrical Schematic - GR-26J

ANSI - Part 2 of 2


C P2
6 3 RD BK

2 BK
D 2 1 1 RD BK LS31
4 BK

6 1




BR-10 BK LS18
A Y-2

2 Y102
1 RD
1 Y-14





OR/BK-8 U10
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 BK J2
6 1 BK-20 14
1 7

E BK-18 +

RD-16 -
5 2


F 8
6 3 1
L17 4 3
2 1




Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 6-7

Section 6 • Schematics December 2013

Electrical Schematic - GR-20J and GR-26J

CE - Part 1 of 2


GR 2
RD 1


G6 1
G7 GR/YL-2

6 BN9 15
5 BN57 GR/YL
L4 L79 2 B- LS3
4 BN97 7

3 BN128 1
2 BN129
BL-4 9
1 GR/YL-2
F9B BL-13
7 RD-11

RD-3 8 U6
Y-5 1
F9A Y-6
20 B+
OR-15 21
22 M5
6 OR-14 24
D2 D1
31 P
4 3 RD-12
J1 2 1 2
35 M7A A2 A1
FB1 1 T1



S4 PP-22 2
26 F1 F2
Y121 1 F2

KS1 PP-5


A2 A1
RD-7 RD-23
Y117 RD-6 23
F2 F1
PP-3 16
Y118 RD-6 34
28 M7
Y21 RD-6
PP-2 F1
PP-1 PP-1
Y22 RD-6 PP-7 TS75 87A
2 2 12
U53 1


85 86

U54 CR89
3 2 1
- BK BK 29 P1

2 2
1 1
2 F6
OR C 2 2
+24V dc BR A 1 1
S7 11
BL B 3 3

F9 -




6-8 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 6 • Schematics

Electrical Schematic - GR-20J and GR-26J

CE - Part 2 of 2


C P2
6 3 RD BK

2 BK
D 2 1 1 RD BK LS31
4 BK

6 1




BR-10 BK LS18
A Y-2

2 Y102
1 RD
1 Y-14





OR/BK-8 U10
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 BK J2
6 1 BK-20 14
1 7

E BK-18 +

RD-16 -
5 2


F 8
6 3 1
L17 4 3
2 1





Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 6-9

Section 6 • Schematics December 2013

Hydraulic Component Reference and

Symbols Legend

Auxiliary pump Variable speed motor Fixed displacement pump Check valve

Hydraulic cylinder Filter Relief valve Bi-directional motor

Solenoid operated Solenoid operated Solenoid operated Solenoid operated

2 position 2 way 2 position 2 way 2 position 2 way 2 position 4 way
directional valve directional valve directional valve directional valve

Hose reel Solenoid operated Solenoid operated

2 position 2 way 2 position 4 way
directional valve directional valve



Y21 Y22
E Y118

Fucntion pump and manifold

6 - 10 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

December 2013 Section 6 • Schematics

Hydraulic Schematic



HOSE Y101 Y102


1450 psi 1450 psi
100 bar 100 bar


P2 P3 P5 P6 T2 P1 P4


Y116 E
Y22 Y21
B10 = 100
930 psi
F 64 bar
2030 psi
Q 140 bar



HYDRAULIC TANK Hydraulic Component


A = Steer select
B = Steer/Turntable Directional
C = Turntable select
D = Platform up
E = Platform down
F = System relief
VALVE ACTIVATION G = Platform up/down relief
Y21 Y22 Y101 Y102 Y116 Y117 Y118 Y121 H = Filter
STEER RIGHT I = Check valve
STEER LEFT J = Turntable rotate right relief
K = Turntable rotate left relief
L = Test port
TURNTABLE ROTATE LEFT M = Lift cylinder select
JIB CYLINDER RAISE P = Jib up/down flow control


Part No. 227656 GR-20J • GR-26J 6 - 11

Section 6 • Schematics December 2013

This page intentionally left blank.

6 - 12 GR-20J • GR-26J Part No. 227656

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