CL57T V4.0
CL57T V4.0
CL57T V4.0
Closed Loop Stepper Driver
Revision 4.0
Record of Revisions
4.00 Oct, 2020 Add S1 rotating switch, 5/24V selector switch, brake output.
CL57T(V4.0) Closed-Loop Stepper Driver
Table of Content
1. Features ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1
2. Specifications ....................................................................................................................................................................1
1. Features
2. Specifications
CL57T(V4.0) Closed-Loop Stepper Driver
(unit: mm [1inch=25.4mm])
CL57T(V4.0) Closed-Loop Stepper Driver
A CL57T(V4.0) closed loop stepper drive has 4 connection blocks from P1 to P4 (see figure 2).
The P1 connector in Figure 2 contains connections for control signals and 2 digital output.
See the following table for details.
PIN I/O Details
Pulse and Direction Connection:
PUL+ (CW+) I
(1) Optically isolated, high level 3.5-5V or 24V, low voltage 0-0.5V
(2) Maximum 500 KHz input frequency
PUL- (CW-) I (3) The width of PUL signal is at least 1.0μs, duty cycle is recommended 50%
(4) Single pulse (step & direction) or double pulse (CW/CCW) is set by DIP Switch SW7
DIR+ (CCW+) I (5) DIR signal requires advance PUL signal minimum 2 μs in single pulse mode
(6) The factory setting of control signal voltage is 24V, must need to set S3 (figure 2) if it is
DIR- (CCW-) I 5V
Enable Signals: Optional.
ENA+ I (1) Effective high level is 3.5-24V; Effective low level is 0-0.5V connection
(2) ENA signal requires advance DIR signal minimum 200ms in single pulse mode, (default
ENA- I no connection)
Alarm : They takes a sinking or sourcing 100mA current at 5-24V. Max 30V
BRK O Brake : Max. 24/100mA, connect with brake coil, relay and diode.
Common connection of single-end output signals (common-cathode)
CL57T(V4.0) Closed-Loop Stepper Driver
(2) To avoid/reduce interference, don’t tie control signal cables and power wires together;
The P2 connector in Figure 2 is for encoder signals connection. Refer to the following table for details.
PIN Details
A+ Connect to motor A+ wire
A- Connect to motor A- wire
B+ Connect to motor B+ wire
B- Connect to motor B- wire
Pin Details
GND Connect to power supply ground connection.
+VDC Connect to power supply positive connection. Suggest 24-48VDC power supply voltage
Warning: Don’t plug/unplug P3 or P4 connector to avoid drive damage or injury while powered on.
There are two LED lights. The GREEN one is the power indicator which should be always on in normal circumstance.
The RED one is a alarm status indication light, which will be OFF while working normally but ON and flash some times
in a 3-second period in the case of enabled alarm protections.
3.6 Switches
The CL57T(V4.0) has one rotating switch, one 8-bit DIP switch and one 1-bit selector switch.
CL57T(V4.0) Closed-Loop Stepper Driver
switch S1 Drive Peak Current and Gain adjustment
Microstep resolution
Rotation direction
Pulse Mode
switch S2
Positional command filter
Closed / Open Loop Mode
The CL57T(V4.0) can power medium and large size stepping motors (frame size from NEMA 17 to 24). To get good
driving performances, it is important to select supply voltage and output current properly. Generally speaking, supply
voltage determines the high speed performance of the motor, while output current determines the output torque of
the driven motor (particularly at lower speed). Higher supply voltage will allow higher motor speed to be achieved, at
the price of more noise and heating. If the motion speed requirement is low, it’s better to use lower supply voltage to
decrease noise, heating and improve reliability.
Multiple CL57T(V4.0) drives can share one power supply to reduce cost, if that power supply has enough power
capacity. To avoid cross interference, connect each stepper drive directly to the shared power supply separately. To
avoid cross interference, DO NOT daisy-chain connect the power supply input pins of the Drivers. Instead connect
them to power supply separately.
The CL57T(V4.0) is designed to operate within 18 - 50VDC voltage input. When selecting a power supply, besides
voltage from the power supply power line voltage fluctuation and back EMF voltage generated during motor
deceleration needs also to be taken into account. Please make sure leaving enough room for power line voltage
fluctuation and back-EMF voltage charge back, it’s recommended 24 - 48VDC.
Higher supply voltage can increase motor torque at higher speeds (>300 RPM), thus helpful for avoiding losing steps.
However, higher voltage may cause bigger motor vibration at lower speed, and it may also cause over-voltage
protection or even drive damage.
CL57T(V4.0) Closed-Loop Stepper Driver
5. Switch Configurations
Control mode
Each CL57T(V4.0) has 16 microstep settings which can be configured through DIP switches SW1, SW2, SW3 and SW4.
See the following table for detail.
CL57T(V4.0) Closed-Loop Stepper Driver
Function ON OFF
SW5 Rotation Direction CW (clockwise) CCW (counterclockwise)
SW6 Control Mode Open loop control Closed loop control
CL57T(V4.0) has an advanced feature called Pulse Filter Time to make the input pulse from pulse generator (controller,
PLC, etc.) S-curve acceleration, to improve motion smoothness and high-speed start frequency in many
The Filter Time value must be set to the same for each CL57T(V4.0) in multi-axis applications
The 1-bit selector is located on the top (S3 in figure 2), used to configure the voltage of control signals. For the safety
of optically coupled, the factory setting is 24V, which no need to connect 2K resistors, making it easier to use. When
the voltage of the control signal is 5V, the S3 must be set to 5V, otherwise, the motor won't work.
CL57T(V4.0) Closed-Loop Stepper Driver
6. Typical Connection
A complete closed loop stepper system should include a stepper motor with encoder, CL57T(V4.0) drive, power
supply and controller (pulse generator). A typical connection is as below.
The CL57T(V4.0) can accept can accept differential or single-ended control signals (pulse, direction, and enable) in
open-collector or PNP connection through the P1 connector (figure 2). It is recommend to add an EMI line filter
between the power supply and the drive to increase noise immunity for the drive in interference environments.
(1) ENA signal is no-connected as default;
(2) Control signal amplitude is 24 V as default. If it is 12 V, please set the S3 (Figure 2) selector switch to 5 V first, then
connect 1KΩ resistor; If it is 5V, please set the S3 to 5V.
CL57T(V4.0) Closed-Loop Stepper Driver
When over voltage or over current protection happens, CL57T(V4.0) red status LED light will blink and the impedance
state between ALM and COM- will change (from low to high or high to low depending on configuration) and can thus
be detected. Fault output connection is optional, and it can be connected either in sinking or sourcing.
This drive has a special brake output, it needs to drive the motor brake with a relay. The connection is below:
CL57T(V4.0) Closed-Loop Stepper Driver
a) t1: ENA must be ahead of DIR by at least 200ms. Usually, ENA+ and ENA- are NC (not connected). See
“Connector P1 Configurations” for more information.
b) t2: DIR must be ahead of PUL effective edge by 2us to ensure correct direction;
c) t3: Pulse width not less than 1us;
d) t4: Low level width not less than 1us;
e) Duty cycle of PUL signal is recommended 50%.
Sequence wave of red LED Description Trouble shooting
5S Turn off the power immediately.
CL57T(V4.0) Closed-Loop Stepper Driver
In the event that your drive doesn’t operate properly, the first step is to identify whether the problem is electrical or
mechanical in nature. The next step is to isolate the system component that is causing the problem. As part of this
process you may have to disconnect the individual components that make up your system and verify that they
operate independently. It is important to document each step in the troubleshooting process. You may need this
documentation to refer back to at a later date, and these details will greatly assist our Technical Support staff in
determining the problem should you need assistance.
Many of the problems that affect motion control systems can be traced to electrical noise, controller software errors,
or mistake in wiring.
Motor is not rotating Fault condition exists Check wiring and restart power
Wrong motor rotation direction The Direction signal level is reverse Toggling the SW5 DIP switch
CL57T(V4.0) Closed-Loop Stepper Driver
Motor stalls during acceleration Motor is undersized for the application Choose another motor with higher torque
Excessive motor & drive heating Reduce the current value refer to motor
Motor peak current setting is too high
Motor vibration when power on Speed loop Kp is too high Reduce the speed loop Kp value