English Language Year 9 Paper 1

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Read the passages below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the most
appropriate of the options lettered A-E.

The youthful age is the most exciting, active and dynamic period of one’s life. This stage of life is
characterised by physical strength, dreams of a great future, quest for adventure and
acquisition of knowledge and experience. At this stage, one can achieve the best in life. Youths
are full of hopes and dreams.
They want to try new things, discover and create things. In a way, these are advantageous to
them because this penchant to discover, create and try new things can be channelled towards
Besides, some great innovations in the world today were pioneered by young people who were
curious, passionate and adventurous; young men and women who dared to dream.
If the youths are well guided and mentored, they will discover their God-given potentials, and
channel those potentials towards problem-solving. They will not only be useful to themselves
and their families, they will also be making substantial inputs to national development.
History is replete with youths who have contributed immensely to the progress of their
countries. 16-year-old Olivia Hallisey discovered a way to detect Ebola in less than 30 minutes
compared to the current method that takes up to 12 hours to get results.
Four Nigerian high school students, all under age 15, devised a “urine-powered” generator that
can supply 6 hours of uninterrupted electricity with one litre of processed urine. These
ingenious minds are just a few of the countless number of youths in our generation.
Youths should constantly be reminded of their uniqueness and encouraged to be at their best
before this stage of their lives passes by.

1. Which of these statements is not true 3. To discover their potentials, youths need
according to the passage? to be……………………
A. All youths are curious and A. guided
adventurous. B. honoured
B. Olivia discovered the fastest way of C. motivated
detecting Ebola. D. rewarded
C. Some great innovations in the world E. sponsored
today were made by youths. 4. The word that can replace “devised” as
D. Youths contribute to national used in the passage is…………….
development A. configured
E. Youth with ingenious minds are few B. designed
in number C. forged
2. According to the passage, the ingenuity D. invented
in youths has led to…………………. E. produced
A. economic recovery in many nations 5. The aim of the writer in this passage is to
B. great inventions in the world A. appraise
C. industrialisation B. argue
D. job creation C. criticise
E. social Vices D. entertain
E. inform

There are four different species of kangaroo- the red kangaroo, the Eastern kangaroo, the
Western grey kangaroo and the antelope kangaroo. They are the only large animals that use
hopping as their primary method of locomotion. Their large tails provide balance as they hop
around quickly on two legs or walk around slowly on all four legs.
Kangaroos can jump very high, sometimes three times their own height and they can also swim.
On land, they move their hind legs together, however, in water, they kick each leg
independently to swim. They eat grass, leaves, herbs and roots. They need little water to enable
them go far distances. Kangaroos are social animals which stay in groups of at least three or
four individuals. Some groups can have up to one hundred kangaroos, most of which are active
at nights.
They usually have one young annually. Females have a bag in which babies live and drink milk
for eight months. Kangaroos usually live about six years in the forest.
6. The passage is mainly …………………. in 7. Which of these is not true according to
nature. the passage?
A. argumentative A. All kangaroos are active at night
B. descriptive B. Antelope kangaroo is a species of
C. expository the kangaroo
D. narrative C. Baby kangaroo drink milk for eight
E. persuasive
D. Kangaroos have large tails
E. Most kangaroos are active at night 9. From the passage, it can be deduced
8. Kangaroos are social animals because that kangaroos are ……………. animals.
they……………. A. aquatic
A. are active mostly at night B. carnivorous
B. are always in clusters C. cosmetic
C. can swim D. herbivorous
D. can travel far E. omnivorous
E. give birth to young ones yearly 10. Which of the following can replace the
word ‘independently’ as used in the
A. carefully
B. confidently
C. forcefully
D. quickly
E. separately

Complete each of the following sentences with the most appropriate of the options lettered
A-E (Nos. 11-25).

11. I bought five ………. of yams at the 14. I was so hungry that I finished a………….
market. of rice.
A. bunches A. basket
B. clusters B. bowl
C. grains C. chunk
D. pieces D. heap
E. tubers E. morsel
12. The student who committed a grievous 15. Mrs Sam……….. the deadly corona.
offence was …………. A. acquired
A. dismissed B. caught
B. ejected C. contracted
C. evicted D. infected
D. expelled E. obtained
E. sacked 16. The robbery …………………was arraigned
13. The opposition leader disobeyed the in court.
court ……….…… A. accuse
A. command B. convict
B. decree C. criminal
C. decision D. squad
D. injunction E. suspect
E. request 17. The ……………dismissed the case for lack
of evidence.
A. advocate
B. counsel
C. judge
D. prosecutor

E. solicitor E. employees
18. The ………………. trained his players on 22. Ade plays football as ……………….
defence techniques. A. a career
A. captain B. a craft
B. coach C. a handiwork
C. manager D. a vocation
D. referee E. an apprentice
E. umpire 23. Judith was the first …………..
19. Our family doctor ……………. some drugs during the debate.
to my sick daughter. A. opposer
A. diagnosed B. orator
B. dispensed C. presenter
C. prescribed D. speaker
D. recommended E. spectator
E. selected 24. The bank gave Musa five percent
20. The ………………… created an ……………… on his savings
intercontinental recipe for our account.
restaurant. A. dividend
A. baker B. increase
B. caterer C. interest
C. chef D. profit
D. maid E. rate
E. steward 25. The poem was arranged into
21. Many …………….. were interviewed, but four ……………………
only few were employed. A. chapters
A. applicants B. paragraphs
B. candidates C. sections
C. contenders D. stanzas
D. contestants E. units

In the passage below, the numbered gaps indicate missing words. Against each number in the
list below the passage, five options are offered in columns lettered A-E. Fill each numbered gap
with the most appropriate of the options (Nos. 26 -40).

When he had finished sweeping the sitting_26_, he took up the slightly moist_27_ and used it
to wipe off the_28_ from the surfaces of the table, chairs, stools and window_29_. After
that, she adjusted the _30_ on the windows and doors and_31_the few books and other items
on the table and stools. She then moved to the_32_ where the dishes from the previous
evening’s_33_ remained piled up, unwashed.
She turned on the _34_ and started washing. It took her thirty minutes to turn the dirty plates
and _35_ into gleaming pieces. She lit the_36_ , filled up the_37_ from the running tap and put
it on the fire. That was for tea. She took a tuber of _38_ peeled it clean, and cut it into
neat_39_. She cracked open four _40_ on to a plate and mixed them thoroughly.

26. room apartment corridor chamber parlour
27. sweeper wiper cleaner mop duster
28. mould mist dust sands powder
29. frames bars glasses sheets panes
30. clothes curtains dresses coverlets covering
31. read wrote rearranged compiled remade
32. toilet bedroom store pantry kitchen
33. breakfast supper lunch food snacks
34. tap switch knob handle key
35. instruments implements cutlery furniture utensils
36. fire heater lantern lamp stove
37. plate kettle saucepan frying-pan warmer
38. banana corn lettuce yam cabbage
39. slices cubes morsels portions fragments
40. coconuts tomatoes eggs onions palm-nuts

INSTRUCTION: From the words lettered A to E, choose the word that is most nearly opposite
in meaning to the underlined word and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in the
sentence. (41-50)

41. Although he is usually well-informed 43. One of the armed robbers was as daring
about most events in the town, he in his words at the stake as the other
seemed to be..............of the recent was…………………….
developments. A. morose
A. innocent B. secretive
B. disinterested C. reckless
C. misinformed D. timid
D. ignorant E. careless
E. blind 44. The English teacher wants us to
42. The deputy’s loyalty to the boss is .............. the motion, so don't oppose it.
unalloyed but the confidence of the A. sustain
boss in him is …………..… B. support
A. credible C. defame
B. half-hearted D. applaud
C. incredible E. deride
D. strong 45. Ade was so..............about his marriage
E. certain plans; it was his brother who was open
enough to tell me about it.
A. mysterious
B. secretive
C. silent
D. closed
E. withdrawn

46. Although the building itself was quite 48. Jide attended the lecture in the hopes
ancient, the interior turned out to be that it would ………... him, but it only
very ……………. seemed to confuse him the more.
A. recent A. brighten
B. fashionable B. illuminate
C. concrete C. inform
D. stylish D. elucidate
E. modern E. enlighten
47. Susan was upset by her neighbour’s 49. Our mechanized services contrast
hostile nature. Whereas she was……….. sharply with the …………….operations
towards her neighbour. we had before.
A. negative A. manual
B. positive B. original
C. friendly C. reserved
D. cooperative D. electrical
E. bad E. controlled
50. My uncle is prosperous
businessman; my aunt,
unfortunately, is quite ……………
A. unskilful
B. strict
C. unsuccessful
D. unqualified
E. dishonest

INSTRUCTION: From the words lettered A to E, choose the one that is nearest in meaning to the
underlined word as it is used in each of the following sentences. (51-60)

51. This species of birds is very rare in the 53. The dispute was settled amicably.
tropics. A. quietly
A. obscure B. easily
B. uncommon C. peacefully
C. sparse D. wisely
D. slim E. undoubtedly
E. individual 54. Many urban centres are becoming
52. James is quite inflexible when he has congested because of the influx of
made up his mind. people.
A. bent A. packed
B. stationary B. overcrowded
C. stable C. stuffed
D. unyielding D. dense
E. permanent E. infested

55. The man did everything possible to 58. The magistrate said that he needed
rectify his mistake. concrete evidence before he could
A. correct convict the thief.
B. erase A. suggestions
C. retrieve B. proof
D. improve C. clues
E. elaborate D. testimony
56. Albert indicated his consent with a nod E. statements
of the head. 59. The General did everything possible to
A. consensus boost the morale of his men.
B. agreement A. enliven
C. understanding B. inflate
D. conviction C. inject
E. proposal D. multiply
57. His conduct in the classroom offended E. raise
the teacher. 60. The headmaster said he merely wanted
A. behaviour to know the truth.
B. customs A. mostly
C. methods B. only
D. habits C. hardly
E. appearance D. really
E. precisely

Complete each of the following sentences with the most appropriate of the options lettered
A-E (Nos. 61-70).
61. Active voice: Mary is decorating the 63. We need a ……………. of sand to fill the
rooms. gully.
Passive voice: The rooms A. clump
……………….decorated by Mary. B. collection
A. are being C. group
B. is being D. heap
C. was being E. pack
D. was 64. The baby’s hair was ……………… packed
E. were being with ribbons.
62. Direct speech: “They have gone home” A. beautifully
John said. B. calmly
Indirect speech: John said that they C. joyfully
……………… home. D. quietly
A. are going E. roughly
B. had gone 65. Which of the following prefixes can be
C. has gone used with the word ‘force’ to form a
D. have gone new word?
E. were going A. en-
B. il-
C. in-
D. mis-
E. re-
66. He woke up very early ……….. still 68. They boy wanted to know ………… his
missed the first bus. brother did the work.
A. and A. and
B. but B. as
C. even C. how
D. though D. which
E. yet E. while
67. We ………….not be late to school if we 69. We travel to the village every
don’t want to be punished. December …………….. bus.
A. can A. by
B. may B. in
C. must C. on
D. shall D. through
E. would E. with
70. John and Bayo blamed ………………for the
A. each other
B. one another
C. theirselves
D. themselves
E. themselves

Choose from the options lettered A- E the one that contains the given phonetic symbol (Nos. 71 - 80)

71. /i:/ 74. /α:/

A. great A. among
B. grief B. bother
C. head C. hay
D. trick D. heart
E. wisdom E. pack
72. /ↄ:/ 75. /θ/
A. corner A. bathe
B. holy B. boat
C. owl C. dear
D. recoil D. health
E. sow E. thus
73. /t/ 76. /æ/
A. attention A. bow
B. castle B. cap
C. caution C. cup
D. listen D. hate
E. watch E. pie

77. /b/ 79. /3:/
A. comb A. herb
B. debt B. palm
C. doubt C. pet
D. probe D. save
E. thumb E. stalk
78. /dʒ/ 80. /aɪ /
A. batch A. bail
B. drag B. how
C. leisure C. love
D. wage D. sign
E. wash E. tame


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