Rezervare Vila Lefkada
Rezervare Vila Lefkada
Rezervare Vila Lefkada
Stay details:
Nights 6
Guests 2 adults
Subtotal €753.30
Check-in policy:
Stay restrictions:
May 26 €125.55
May 27 €125.55
May 28 €125.55
May 29 €125.55
May 30 €125.55
May 31 €125.55
Payment policy:
The total cost of the accomondation will be charged at the time of booking confirmation and is non - refundable.
In case of failure to provide payment as above, Anemones Villas reserves the right to cancel reservation without any further
obligation and notification.
Cancellation policy:
If cancelled, modified or in case of no-show, the total price of the reservation will be charged.
Booking total:
Credit / Debit Card:
Guest details:
Phone +40735986977
Country Romania
City/Location Bucharest
State/Region Bucharest
Level: Basic