Landfill Leachate Treatment 2
Landfill Leachate Treatment 2
Landfill Leachate Treatment 2
The study was undertaken to examine feasibility of biological treating of landfill leachate in anaerobic submerged
membrane bioreactor. The aim of the work was to estimate the optimal concentration of leachate in the reactor influent
and process parameters on the base of anaerobic digestion efficiency. The treatment efficiency under different
feeding condition of leachate dilution in the range of 5–75% (v/v) with a synthetic wastewater was studied.
A higher COD removal over 95% was maintained with leachate addition of 10% and 20% (v/v). Gradual decrease
in organic removals was observed as leachate percentage increase. At leachate addition of 25% the COD removal
reached value of 80%. For leachate concentration in influent above 30% (v/v) significant decrease of anaerobic
treatment efficiency due to inhibition of microbiological activity was observed.
The influence of various hydraulic retention time (HRT) and organic loading rate (OLR) on pollutants removal
efficiency and biogas production was also investigated. MBR reactor was operated at HRT in the range of 7–1 days
and OLR in the range 0.7–4.9 kg COD/m3 d. The best anaerobic digestion efficiency (COD removal 90%) was
observed for HRT of 2 days and OLR of 2.5 kg COD/m3 d.
Keywords: Anaerobic treatment; Landfill leachate; Membrane bioreactor
contaminated with organic contaminants, with In this study, anaerobic submerged membrane
ammonia, halogenated hydrocarbons, heavy metals bioreactor was employed for landfill leachate
and inorganic salts [1–3]. treatment. The aim of the work was to estimate
High loading of landfill leachate, divergent the optimal concentration of leachate in the reactor
composition and different volume of leachate in influent on the base of anaerobic digestion effi-
particular seasons of the year make the treatment ciency. The influence of various hydraulic reten-
of such wastewater very complicated. tion times and organic loading rate on pollutants
Processes for landfill leachate treatment used removal efficiency and biogas production was
today are often combined techniques; usually com- also investigated. Due to poor quality of MBR
binations of physical, chemical and biological effluent the RO process and stripping has been
methods are used. Among the biological methods employed to post-treatment.
used for leachate treatment aerobic, anaerobic and
anoxic processes are the major ones [4–7]. While
air stripping, adsorption and membrane filtration 2. Materials and methods
belong to the major physical methods applied 2.1. Membrane bioreactor
to leachate treatment. Among the membrane The 29 L capacity laboratory scale submerged
processes, reverse osmosis has been one of the membrane reactor with the capillary ultrafiltration
most widely used methods for the last 20 years. module (Zenon) was used in this study (Fig. 1).
There is growing interest in combining mem- A nominal pore size of membranes was 0.1 µm
branes with biological wastewater treatment — and effective filtration area was 0.46 m2.
membrane bioreactor (MBR) — where membranes The reactor was filled up with granular sludge
are the main solid–liquid devices [8]. There are from industrial wastewater treatment plant and
two types of MBR reactors according to the increasing percentage of leachate. Biological treat-
locations of membrane units i.e. submerged and ment of leachate under anaerobic conditions was
external reactors. In the recent years submerged conducted using anaerobic granular sludge at the
membrane reactors have attracted great attention concentration of 10 g/L. Experiments were per-
due to more compact system and energy saving. formed under temperature of 35°C.
The submerged membrane bioreactor is an
improvement on the conventional activated sludge
process, where the traditional secondary clarifier
is replaced by membrane unit of treated wastewa-
ter from the mixed solution in the bioreactor [9].
Membrane bioreactor process has been one of
the alternatives for both municipal and industrial
wastewater treatment. MBRs use ultrafiltration
and/or microfiltration membranes for the comple-
tion retention of sludge. This leads to increase
microorganism’s concentration in the reactor and
improvement process efficiency with lower sludge
production. The industrial application of mem-
brane bioreactors include i.e. oil wastewater treat-
ment, nitrogen removal from food processing
wastewater and complex compounds from phar- Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of experimental system
maceutical wastewaters. (MB-membrane bioreactor, B-membrane module).
J. Bohdziewicz et al. / Desalination 221 (2008) 559–565 561
Table 3
Efficiency of landfill leachate treatment in MBR and RO processes
Regulation of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry, dated 8 July 2003, on the classi-
fication of water and conditions the sewage discharged to waters and soil should satisfy, Journal of Law No.168, item 1763.
achieved value of 1560 mg/dm3 CH3COOH, that is the MBR effluent and results of that experiment
close critical level for fermentation process. Also are presented on Fig. 6.
critical value for redox potential was observed Comparison of treatment efficiency of anaer-
in the bioreactor (−320 mV). obic co-treatment in MBR reactor and RO post-
Very important parameter monitored during treatment process were shown in Table 3.
cotreatment of leachate and synthetic wastewater Although the treatment efficiency in RO
was biogas yield. At the longer HRT of 7 d and process was very high permeate cannot be dis-
5 d, the biogas yield was on the same level charged into natural water because of high con-
(0.3 dm3biogas/gCODremover × d) whereas the centration of ammonia (29.8 mg/dm3). That is
highest value achieved at HRT of 2 d why in last step of this study the stripping pro-
(0.45 dm3biogas/gCODremover × d). Relationship cess has been applied. Permeate from RO has
between COD removal efficiency, daily biogas been aerated for 12 h at pH 12. The efficiency
production and hydraulic retention time was pre- of striping process achieved value of 76%
sented on Fig. 5. with effluent ammonia concentration of 7.1 mg
4.1. Post-treatment in RO process
Because of poor quality of effluent from 5. Conclusion
MBR reactor (COD-417 mgO2/dm3, ammonia - In this study biological treating of landfill
206 mg/dm3 NH4+), the reverse osmosis has leachate in anaerobic submerged membrane
been employed as a post-treatment technique. In bioreactor was examined. The most important
order to determine transport properties of used results are:
membranes they have been tested with distillated • It was possible to acclimatize a bacterial popu-
water determining a relationship between the vol- lation for the treatment of landfill leachate in
ume water flux and transmembrane pressure from laboratory scale MBR reactor .The leachate
1.0 MPa to 3.0 MPa. It was found that volume percentage content of 20% (v/v) is the most
water flux increased with increasing pressure. Per- appropriate in MBR influent.
meate flux achieved value of 8.960 × 10−6 m3/m2 s • The most favorable COD removal of leachate
at transmembrane pressure of 2 MPa and cross and synthetic wastewater mixture was 90%
flow velocity of 2 m/s. Under such conditions the at organic loadings of 2.5 kg/m3 d and at an
post-treatment process has been carried out for HRT of 2 d.
J. Bohdziewicz et al. / Desalination 221 (2008) 559–565 565
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