12.final Master Plan VPT
12.final Master Plan VPT
12.final Master Plan VPT
Prepared for
Prepared by
July 2016
All rights reserved. No section or element of this document may be removed from this document, reproduced, electronically
stored or transmitted in any form without the written permission of AECOM India Private Limited.
Final Report
8.0 RAIL AND ROAD - INTERNAL NETWORK AND EXTERNAL CONNECTIVITY ............................................ 8-1
As shown in Figure 1.1, the Sagarmala project envisages transforming existing ports into modern
world-class ports, and developing new top notch ports based on the requirement. It also aspires to
efficiently integrate ports with industrial clusters, the hinterland and the evacuation systems, through
road, rail, inland and coastal waterways. This would enable ports to drive economic activity in coastal
areas. Further, Sagarmala aims to develop coastal and inland shipping as a major mode of transport
for the carriage of goods along the coastal and riverine economic centres.
As an outcome, it would offer efficient and seamless evacuation of cargo for both the EXIM and
domestic sectors, thereby reducing logistics costs with ports becoming a larger economy.
In order to meet the objectives, Indian Port Association (IPA) appointed the consortium of McKinsey
and AECOM as Consultant to prepare the National Perspective Plan as part of the Sagarmala
As indicated above, the origin-destination of key cargo (accounting for greater than 85% of the total
traffic) in Indian ports have been mapped to develop traffic scenarios for a period of next 20 years.
The forces and developments that will drive change in the cargo flows are also identified. This would
lead to the identification of regions along the coastline where the potential for the expansion of
existing port exists. The various activities involved in the port led developments are charted in
Figure 1.3.
Accordingly, this Master Plan report has been prepared taking into consideration the inputs provided
on the future traffic and the benchmarking and operational improvements suggested for this port.
Section 1 : Introduction
Section 2 : The Port and Site Conditions
Section 3 : Details of Existing Facilities
Section 4 : Details of Ongoing & Planned Developments
Section 5 : Performance, Options for Debottlenecking & Capacity Assessment
Section 6 : Traffic Projections
Section 7 : Capacity Augmentation Requirements
Section 8 : Rail and Road - Internal Network and External Connectivity
Section 9 : Scope for Future Capacity Expansion
Section 10 : Shelf of New Projects and Phasing
Port of Visakhapatnam is one of the leading major ports of India and is located on the east coast
midway between Kolkata and Chennai. The Port is located at Latitude 17° 41’ N and Longitude 83°
18’ E. The time zone is GMT +5:30 hr.
The Port has two components viz., Inner harbour and an Outer harbour. The Outer Harbour is
accessed through an approach channel which is 3.1km long; 200m wide and 20m deep. This is up to
the Dolphin’s nose light house. This leads to a turning circle of 610m diameter. The Inner Harbour is
accessed through an extension of this approach channel which is 1.1km long (from Dolphin’s nose
light house); the width varies from a minimum of 111m to 168m and is 16.1m deep. This leads to a
turning circle of 440 m diameter.
The Inner Harbour is a natural harbour with a turning basin and three navigable arms – northern,
western and north-western. The total water spread is about 100 hectares. It accommodates 18 berths.
It can accommodate fully loaded Panamax vessels of 230m LOA; 32.5m beam and 14.5m draft.
The port has a vast hinterland and is surrounded by many major industries such as M/s RINL, SAIL,
NALCO, NMDC, MMTC, Hindustan Shipyard, Coromandel Fertilizers, Hindustan Zinc Ltd., RCL,
HPCL, etc. within the vicinity of port. The Headquarters of Eastern Naval Command also exists
adjacent to Visakhapatnam port. The inner harbour channel is shared by the Port and Eastern Naval
Command for movement of vessels.
The relative locations of VPT inner harbour, VPT outer harbour, Eastern Naval Command and
Hindustan Shipyard are shown in the satellite picture hereunder in Figure 2.2.
Figure 2.2 Relative Locations of VPT Inner Harbour, VPT Outer Harbour, Eastern Naval
Command and Hindustan Shipyard
The total road network within the Port limits is about 85 km out which 23.5 km is available within the
operational area connecting the entire stacking areas for free movement of vehicles. A 12.47 km port
connectivity road was implemented jointly by the Port and NHAI through a SPV “Visakhapatnam Port
Road Limited”. This flyover cum road project facilitates smooth movement of cargo traffic between
Port and National Highway-5.
The port is well connected by a 4 lane road to NH-5 (Chennai-Kolkata) with access to Tamil Nadu and
Odisha/West Bengal. The distance to Chennai is 790 km, while that to Bhubaneswar is 442 km.
The port is having an internal rail network connecting the berths handling bulk and container cargo.
This railway network operated by the port is the largest amongst Indian Ports with over 200km rail
length and over 30 Sidings. The Port is equipped with 15 WDS-6 locos of 1400 HP and 3 WDG-3
locos of 3100 HP capacity for carrying out marshalling operations.
The Port is also well connected with the Indian railways network directly through the Waltair Railway
Marshalling Yard to Chennai-Howrah Main line of East Coast. This line branches off at Kothavlasa
leading to Bailadilla Iron Ore mines in Chhattisgarh. This main line goes further up North passing
through coastal Orissa, West Bengal up to Assam facilitating movement of imported fertilizers
petroleum products etc. to various stations. Climate
The Climate of this region is governed by its location in the tropics and the monsoons. The climate of
the South East coast of Bay of Bengal is characterized by the recurring seasonal monsoons, which
divide the year into four seasons as follows:
The pre-monsoon period is from March to May, usually the beginning of the hottest period of
the year, when the winds shift towards south-westerly direction.
South-west monsoon period is from the middle of May up to the middle of October with
predominantly south-Westerly winds, cloudy weather and frequent rains.
The post-monsoon period is from the middle of October to the end of November with variable
weather and witnesses cyclones with relatively greater frequency.
The North-east monsoon period is from the end of November to the end of February with
predominantly north-easterly winds. Cyclones are frequent during November.
The climatic division is, of course, not absolute and there is some overlap between seasons.
There is a seasonal variation in temperature. May and June are hotter months whereas December
and January are colder months.
The annual mean maximum temperature is 30°C and the annual mean minimum temperature is
The highest temperature so far recorded was 44.4° C in the month of June in 1923 and the lowest
temperature was 12.8° C in the month of January in 1958.
The humidity is comparatively high and fairly uniform throughout the year. The mean daily relative
humidity over a year is about 76% at 0800 hrs and 72% at 1700 hrs. The highest recorded value is
81% and lowest recorded value is 64%. Rainfall
The rainy season persists mainly during the south-west monsoon and also during north-east
monsoon. September and October are the wettest months of the year with an average rainfall of
167.3 mm and 259.3 mm respectively. The average annual rainfall is about 973.6 mm. The average
number of rainy days per year is 50. Visibility
Visibility is good throughout the year as fog is infrequent at sea in all seasons. Reduction in visibility
is mostly due to heavy rainfall during the south-west monsoon. The highest monthly average duration
recorded of fog is 0.1 day in some months from December to May. Wind
The predominant direction of wind is south-west or north-east depending on the monsoon season.
The south-west monsoon winds are relatively stronger than the north-east winds. The maximum wind
speed recorded is 110 KMPH in May 1950 from east-north-east. It is, however, known that wind
speed as high as 150 KMPH may be experienced occasionally during cyclones in the Bay of Bengal.
The wind rose indicating the wind climate for the four quarters of the year (viz. January-March; April-
June; July-September & October-December.) is presented hereunder. Cyclones
Average number of cyclones occurring at Visakhapatnam is 3 to 4 per year. Cyclonic storms and
depressions occur with greatest frequency is August, October and November generally.
The tides at Visakhapatnam are semi-diurnal with tidal levels, relative to the Chart Datum (CD), as
follows: Waves
The wave rose indicating the wave direction and period for the four quarters of the year (viz. January-
March; April-June; July-September & October-December.) is presented hereunder. From this data, it
is observed that the external waves of Hs = 0 to 1 m occur for about 150 days and Hs > 2 m occur for
about 15 days in a year. From the wave rose diagram it is seen that the predominant wave direction
will be form SSE to SE during south-west monsoon period from May to August. This will change to
ESE direction during September and October. During the months of November to January, the
predominant wave direction would be from ESE quadrant. The months of December to April are
relatively calm except for occurrence of occasional cyclones.
Figure 2.4 Wave Rose Indicating the Wave Direction and Period for the Four Quarters of
the Year Currents
Currents in the Bay of Bengal are seasonal and are mainly due to south-west and north-east
monsoons. From February to June offshore currents flow towards the north-east and from August to
December towards south-west at velocities ranging from 0.5 to 1 knot. In the vicinity of
Visakhapatnam coast currents are neither related to wind nor to tides in any appreciable way.
Towards north, the coast bears about 50° to the east. Hence if a wave orthogonal bearing 130° to the
east the wave crest will be parallel to the coast and there will be no steady longshore current. This
concludes that the determining factor for the direction of current is the direction of the predominant
Visakhapatnam is situated on the east coast and is subject to intense littoral drift moving from south to
north. Interception of the littoral drift by any artificial barrier causes up-coast accretion and shoaling
and compensating erosion along the down-coast because of mass discontinuity of the natural littoral
drift. There is a strong littoral drift of sand northwards from March to September. Maximum amount of
drift takes place from May to August when the waves are the highest. It is believed that the drift is
largely confined to a zone within 200 m of the shore and is within the 6 m contour. The quantum of
annual maintenance dredging carried out in 2009-2010 was 4.46 lakh cubic meters.
Inner Harbour has a water spread of 100 ha and it comprises of an entrance channel of 1.62
km in length and 14.5 m draft, a turning basin and three navigable arms – northern, western
and north-western accommodating a total of 18 berths.
Outer Harbour is a protected tranquil basin of 200 ha encompassed by set of three
breakwaters. It has 6 berths and draft of 18.0 m.
Within outer harbour an area of 24 ha is designated as Fisheries harbour.
There are 10 berths on the east quay viz. EQ 1 to EQ 10. These are designed to handle partially
loaded Panamax vessels. The brief details of the berths are provided in Table 3.1.
EQ-3 PET coke, other dry bulk including Iron ore, food 167 10.6
In recent times, to meet the demands of trade, the port has taken action for phase wise deepening of
Inner Harbour berths to cater to fully laden Panamax vessels and also refurbishing the berthing
facilities to handle such vessels.
In line with this, the Port has awarded a concession to M/s Adani Vizag Coal Terminal Ltd. (a SPV
formed by the consortium of Mundra Port & SEZ Ltd and Adani Enterprises) for developing EQ 1
berth to handle fully loaded Panamax vessels up to 80,000 dwt. The project involved dismantling the
old EQ1 berth of 167 m and part of EQ 2 berth and constructing a new EQ 1 berth of 280 m long and
16.10 m deep. This will handle steam coal through a complete mechanised system with 2x100 T
Harbour Mobile Cranes; 1 stacker; 1 reclaimer; 1 stacker-cum-reclaimer; 1 wagon loader and an
interconnecting conveyor system. This new berth is provided with a stockyard of 101,200 m2 area.
This is expected to handle a minimum 6.41 MTPA. The concession agreement was signed in August,
2012 and the project was completed in September, 2014. The commercial operations commenced
during October, 2014.
The remaining portions of EQ 2, EQ 3 and EQ4 remain as old monolithic type construction with a draft
of 10.06 m.
EQ 7 has been given on license to M/s ABG and the project is presently on hold. The details are
covered in a subsequent section.
The Port has taken up the development of Eastern Quay-10 (EQ-10) berth in the Northern arm for
handling Liquid Cargo (excluding POL products) with a throughput of 1.85 MTPA on Design, Build,
Finance, Operate, and Transfer (DBFOT) basis.
The License to develop EQ-10 was awarded to a consortium of M/s IMC Limited who formed a SPV
named M/s AVR Infra Pvt Ltd (AVRIPL) for this purpose. The concession agreement for a thirty-year
concession period was signed during August 2010.
The berth will have a length of 180.9 m and will be able to cater to vessels up to 14 m draft. 60 m of
berth length was already constructed by M/s. Vizag Sea Port Ltd., as shore protection to their berth
EQ-9 and this will become part EQ-10 berth. The concessionaire will be building additional 120.9 m
of berth length and another 50 m of return end to retain the earth. In addition an area of about 30,000
m2 of land at North of S-4 conveyor for development of receipt, storage and dispatch facilities and
about 3,200 m2 of land for laying pipelines are leased to the Concessionaire.
For storing the products, 6 numbers of MS vertical cylindrical storage tanks each of 14 m diameter
and 20 m height are constructed. These are connected to the berth by 1x12”+2x10” dock lines. The
ship-shore transfer will be effected through 8” or 6” SS flexible hoses with a discharge rate of 300
In addition a 2” fresh water line and a 1.5” nitrogen purging line are provided. Pig launchers & Pig
receivers are also provided for clearing purposes.
The location of the berth with the backup area is shown in the satellite picture in Figure 3.2.
There are 6 berths on the west quay viz. WQ 1 to WQ 6. These were designed to handle partially
loaded Panamax vessels (Table 3.2).
WQ 6 berth has been given on license to a consortium of M/s. ABG Infralogistics Limited on DBFOT
basis who formed a SPV named M/s West Quay Multiport Pvt. Ltd. (WQMPL) for this purpose. This
berth will handle LAM coke, CP coke, steel and granite blocks with capacity of 2.08 MTPA. They have
reconstructed the berths with diaphragm wall and a system of vertical and raker piles. The berths
have been designed for a length of 255 m and with 16 m water depth. They have been assigned a
combined stockyard of 14.67 acres area with 2.47 acres behind the berth and 12.2 acres north of VPT
flyover. This berth is semi-mechanised with 2 no. 60 T cranes and front end loaders.
The western arm accommodates on the northern side a captive berth of M/s. Coromandal Fertilisers
for handling fertilisers and two liquid bulk berths OR 1 & OR 2. These two berths are connected to
the refinery and marketing terminals of oil companies. The details of these berths are given in
Table 3.3.
The satellite picture of Container berth, Ore berth and the GC berth is presented as Figure 3.4.
The container terminal is being operated by M/s. Visakha Container Terminal Pvt. Ltd.; the licensee
has been awarded this project through BOT Basis. This terminal has a total berth length of 451 m with
a depth of 16.5 m and capable of accommodating up to 100,000 dwt vessels. The terminal is
equipped with 4 Post Panamax RMQCS, 6 Rubber-tyred Gantry cranes and 6 Reach stackers. The
terminal has 2,500 TEU ground slots and can handle up to 4.13 lakh TEUs per annum. There are two
on dock railway sidings for evacuating containers through rail.
The ore berth is located on the southern side of the container terminal (Figure 3.5). It has been
designed as a finger jetty capable of accommodating initially 150,000 dwt and ultimately 200,000
DWT ore carriers. Two carriers can be berthed one on each side .Presently the jetty has a water
depth of 17.50 m. The overall length of the berth between centre lines of extreme mooring dolphins is
371 m with permissible vessel length of 270m. The berth is supported by a fully mechanised system
backed up by a stockyard located north of inner harbour dock arms. The berth is served by a single
8000 TPH capacity ship loader. The stockyard has a capacity of 120,000 T and is equipped with 3
wagon tipplers (2×100 T +1×120 T); 2 stackers each of 2700 TPH; 3 reclaimers each of 4000 TPH
and a closed conveyor system linking the yard to the berth.
The old general cargo berth, capable of handling 100,000 DWT vessels, was given on license to M/s.
Vizag General Cargo Berth (VGCB) Pvt Ltd. on PPP mode during 2010 for upgrading it to handle
200,000 dwt coal carriers (Figure 3.6). It was proposed to handle coking coal and steam coal imports
through this berth. The upgradation included strengthening the berth to take the loads of a 200,000
dwt vessel. The old 22.2 m wide deck was further extended by 21 m with crane rails. The structural
integrity of the old berth was also critically examined as part of this upgradation. The licensee was
allotted a space of 129,930 m 2 in the eastern yard for locating the stockyard. The material handling
system included 3 ship unloaders each of 5000 TPH capacity; 1 stacker of 3000 TPH capacity; 1
reclaimer of 3500 TPH capacity; 1 wagon loader of 3500 TPH capacity and interconnecting conveyor
system. The upgraded berth was commissioned in April 2013.
The offshore tanker terminal is located parallel to the south breakwater (Figure 3.7). It is made up of
concrete caissons for mooring/berthing dolphins and for service platform. The overall length is 408 m
and is designed to handle Suezmax tankers up to 150,000 DWT. This terminal is connected to the
HPCL refinery through a 36” diameter pipeline. This pipeline is partially submarine and partially on-
land over a trestle. This terminal was originally provided to handle the crude oil imports and later
facilities were supplemented to handle POL products also. However, this berth is out of commission
as it suffered considerable damage due to the Hudhud cyclone which hit Visakhapatnam during
October, 2014.
The LPG berth is located parallel to breakwater. This berth is designed to handle Panamax vessels
up to 80,000 dwt. The layout is of isolated berthing and dolphins with a central service platform. This
berth handles POL products also along with LPG. The berth is connected to the adjacent LPG cavern
of M/s South Asia LPG Pvt Ltd. (a joint venture of HPCL & Total) and also to the tankage of IOC and
Eastern India Petroleum Ltd., a private company (Figure 3.8).
This has been constructed with an understanding and cooperation of the port. The port will provide
the pullback tugs whenever a tanker is discharging at the SBM. A satellite picture of the SBM along
with a tanker is shown in the Figure 3.9 and the turret buoy with floating hoses is shown in the
Figure 3.10 hereunder.
The expansion proposals in the pipeline are conversion of the existing Berths EQ-2, EQ-3, EQ-4 and
part of EQ-5 into two Berths of 280 m length each under PPP mode.
The Port Authority has decided to develop Eastern Quay-1A (EQ-1A) berth on south side of EQ-1
berth for handling thermal coal and steam coal in the inner harbour on Design, Build, Finance,
Operate, and Transfer (DBFOT) basis.
The License was awarded to a consortium of M/s SEW Infrastructure Ltd. who formed a SPV named
“M/s SEW Vizag Coal Terminal Pvt Ltd” (SVCTPL) for this purpose. The Concession Agreement for a
thirty-year concession period was signed during February 2012.
The berth has been designed for handling fully loaded Panamax vessels of 80,000 DWT with a draft
of 14.0 m with a dredge depth of (-) 16.1 m. The total length of the berth is 280 m and the berth is
divided into two portions based on the type of construction i.e. land based and marine based.
The berth will be fully mechanised with the following material handling system:
An area of 1,01,200 m2 has been allotted for stacking the coal at the east dumps from where the
cargo will be handled through rakes.
At present finished fertilizers are handled at EQ berths with the help of wharf cranes. Keeping in view
the increased demand for fertilizers and the need to enhance efficiency, the Port has decided to
undertake mechanisation of Eastern Quay-7 (EQ-7) berth in the Northern arm for handling finished
fertilizers with a throughput of 5.21 MTPA on Design, Build, Finance, Operate, and Transfer (DBFOT)
The License to develop EQ-7 was awarded to a consortium of M/s ABG Infra logistics Limited, who
formed a SPV named “M/s Vizag Agri Port Pvt. Ltd” for this purpose. The concession agreement for a
thirty-year concession period was signed during May 2012.
The length of EQ – 7 berth is 255 m which can accommodate Panamax vessels of 233 m long and
12.5 m draft finished fertilizer, Murate of Phosphate (MOP) and general cargo are expected to be
The concessionaire has been allotted a land measuring 225,267 m for silos, storage sheds, railway
loading facility and truck parking area.
Ship – shore transfer through gantry type ship unloaders with 35 T capacity and with a
discharge rate of 800 TPH
Conveyor system for 3.08 km length with 1200 mm wide belts
2 no. scraper reclaimers
8 no. front end loaders
12,000 T capacity silos with automatic bagging plant of 8,400 TPD capacity
28,000T storage shed with railway loading platform for loading two rakes simultaneously.
Truck parking area.
The location of the berth with the backup area is shown in the satellite picture in Figure 4.2
Keeping in view the anticipated increase in container traffic and also to maintain additional potential,
the Port has decided to undertake development of a new berth as an extension to the existing
container berth to handle container cargo on Design, Build, Finance, Operate, and Transfer (DBFOT)
basis. The new terminal is expected to have a capacity of 0.54 MTEU.
The License to develop the Container terminal extension was awarded to the existing Operator M/s.
Visakha Container Terminal Pvt Ltd. (VCTPL). The concession agreement for a thirty-year concession
period was signed during Dec 2014.
The new berth will be 395m long and 34m wide, and will be designed for 19 m water depth to
accommodate vessels up to 150,000 DWT. However, initially the dredging will be done up to (-) 16.5
m only. The concessionaire has also been allotted 141,000 m 2 area to be reclaimed immediately
behind the berth and another 24,570 m2 behind GCB. For retaining the filling in the backup area, rock
bund will be constructed. Heavy duty pavements will be laid for the RTG operating area and loaded
container stacking area and light duty pavements for road ways and empty container stacking area.
This is expected to accommodate about 2370 TEU ground slots.
The location of the berth with the backup area is shown in the satellite picture in Figure 4.3
To cater to the future growing traffic needs, the Port has decided to up-gradate the existing facility and
to create a new facility for iron ore handling on Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer (DBFOT)
basis. With these, the capacity is expected to be enhanced to 23 MTPA.
The License for these was awarded to M/s. ESSAR Ports Ltd. The concession agreement for a thirty-
year concession period was signed during May 2013.
The original ore handling complex was developed in 1966 to cater to iron ore loading into vessels of
size 35,000 DWT and was upgraded in 1976 for a capacity of 8 MTPA with mechanized handling
facilities to handle vessels of 100,000 DWT. Since then the OHC is being constantly upgraded in line
with changing requirements of the trade.
i) Construction of a mooring dolphin and extension of the ore berth by about 50 meters to
accommodate 200,000 DWT vessels
ii) Dredging at the berth to a depth of 21 meters to cater to 200,000 DWT vessels
iii) Strengthening the existing two stockpiles (east & middle) at OHC with a view to increase
the stacking capacity
iv) Develop the backup area, water supply area, illumination, firefighting, railway, and road
v) Replacement of existing equipment as listed below:
Ship loader 1 × 8000 TPH
Reclaimer 2 × 4000 TPH
Stackers 2 × 2700 TPH
Twin tippler 1 × 1500 TPH
Rotary tippler 1 × 1500 TPH
Mobile crane 1 × 45 T
vi) Strengthening a part of the existing conveyor system, surge bin and procurement of
belts, up-gradation of dust suppression equipment
The creation of new facility at West Quay-1 (WQ-1) berth in Inner harbour includes:
The location of the berth with the backup area is shown in the satellite picture in Figure 4.4
To meet the anticipated demand of dry bulk cargo, a proposal to develop two berths in West Quay
North has been taken up. The cargo profile includes Manganese Ore (IMP), bauxite, gypsum, BF
Slag, Ilmenite sand, Limestone and other bulk cargo. An extent of 1.01 lakh sq. meters has been
allotted as storage area. The assessed capacity is 6.39 MT. The port is developing these berths from
internal resources. Work was awarded to ITD Cementation India Ltd. during October, 2015.
The location of the project is at the extended northern arm. The proposal is to club the existing WQ 7
berth and the proposed WQ 8 berth to be developed in continuation as a single quay length of 560 m
to accommodate two Panamax vessels. The berth shall be designed for an initial dredged depth of
13.5 m below CD and an ultimate depth of 16.1 m below CD. Development of back up area, water
supply, area illumination, and fire-fighting, railway and road connectivity are also part of the project.
Since the backup area is not sufficient to store cargo, this has to be developed in the process
involving demolishing existing structures, filling up the area and ground improvement measures.
The location of the berths with the backup area is shown in the satellite picture in Figure 4.5
The existing EQ 2 to EQ 5 berths are of monolithic construction with a draft of 10.06 m are to be
replaced by a single multipurpose terminal of 560 m length to cater to fully laden Panamax vessels of
14 m draft. A berth length of 280 m is required for the safe mooring and operation of the design vessel
with 230 m length. The remaining length of EQ 2 together with EQ 3 and EQ 4 berths and a portion of
EQ 5 berth (about 89m) are proposed to be merged for developing a multipurpose terminal to cater
two vessels each of 230m.
Harbour Mobile cranes (HMC) are proposed for ship to shore handling with grab attachments to
handle bulk cargo viz. Pet Coke, Other bulk. For handling steel products and containers, the same
type of HMC will be adequate to handle these two types of cargos with hook and spreader
attachments. For Shore clearance, dumpers and pay loaders are proposed for bulk cargoes, Fork Lift
Trucks (FLT) and mobile cranes are proposed for steel cargo and for container handling, Rubber
Tyred Gantry (RTG) cranes, tractor trailers and reach stackers are proposed.
The location of the berths and the layout are given in the drawing in Figure 4.6.
Liquid Bulk
Dry Bulk
12. Containers EQ2, EQ3, VCTPL 4.37 4.92 4.55 4.21 2.57
The 3 main cargos handled at VPT include coal, POL and iron ore. Competition is driving volume
pressure across all 3 commodities. Hence, BCG has focused on demand creation and generating
additional revenues from existing operations and cargo demand through improving overall port
They have dwelt mostly on the performance of VGCB berth under privatised operation. According to
them, VGCB is operating at below par capacity. As against their stipulated capacity of 10 MTPA, they
handled only 7 million tonnes during 2014-15. One of the main reasons for the low performance was
the lack of adequate rakes for cargo evacuation. While they needed to evacuate through 7 to 8 rakes
per day, they were able to operate only 4 rakes per day. According to them, the lack of adequate
rakes is due to the delay in implementation of electrification and doubling of Raipur – Vizianagaram
line which is expected to be completed by end 2018. This line connecting to Chhattisgarh, Madhya
Pradesh and Western Odisha is popularised by major steel plants in India and remains the key
hinterland driving coal cargo volumes through VPT.
The average inventory storage was assumed to be 10 days. However, due to the slow evacuation the
actual inventory storage has doubled and in some cases trebled. As a result, instead of operating at a
capacity of >80,000 MT/day, the berth is only able to operate at ~30,000 – 35,000 MT/day for full
vessel. In order to overcome this problem, they have suggested allotment of additional land to them to
improve their performance. They have suggested movement of existing FCI go downs to the periphery
of the port and use of the land parcel of ~28–30 acres near the VGCB terminal for coal storage. This
will also reduce coal storage on the port periphery and replace coal with clean cargo of FCI.
They have suggested the rationalization of existing storage cost at PPP–BOT terminals. The
rationalization of storage cost needs to be worked out with TAMP as there are no existing clauses in
the current contract which provide for change in storage cost structure. Lowering of storage charges
from their current levels will only serve to make the existing operations more effective and attract
additional cargo to high productive, high profitability berths. This will also reduce lighter age operations
and hence conventional coal handling operations at VPT.
S.No. Berth Occupancy Cargo Volume No. of Ships Ship/ Parcel Size Maximum Minimum Average
Ship size - VLCC 3,05,871 2,65,539 2,92,352
25,66,661 20
Parcel size - VLCC 1,82,204 72,000 1,28,333
Ship size - Suezmax 1,60,791 1,47,468 1,52,606
19,71,329 16
1 Single Buoy Mooring 22% Crude Parcel size - Suezmax 1,45,038 3,439 1,23,208
Ship size - Others 1,13,918 73,580 83,702
9,72,494 16
Parcel size - Others 1,05,816 49,981 60,781
55,10,484 52
Ship size - Suezmax 1,59,901 1,47,468 1,52,398
Out of 22,45,123 20
commission Parcel size - Suezmax 1,42,860 20,467 1,12,256
2 OSTT from November Crude Ship size - Others 1,05,849 73,531 83,961
2014 due to 11,65,870 26
cyclone damage Parcel size - Others 84,940 20,009 44,841
34,10,993 46
Ship size 51,673 4,851 31,347
POL 15,98,853 175
Parcel size 31,443 949 9,136
3 OR 1 79% Ship size 47,878 9,051 17,970
CHEMICALS 1,30,919 58
Parcel size 10,527 200 2,250
17,29,772 233
Ship size 51,603 3,851 25,985
POL 12,15,121 170
Parcel size 31,059 105 7,148
4 OR 2 82% Ship size 32,950 8,804 15,626
CHEMICALS 2,18,124 143
Parcel size 8,483 162 1,525
14,33,245 313
Ship size 64,220 23,257 55,145
LPG 11,12,281 234
Parcel size 17,004 200 4,753
5 LPG 70% Ship size 76,586 10,314 46,182
POL 17,93,842 104
Parcel size 50,549 1,993 17,248
29,06,123 338
S. No Berths Occupancy Cargo Volume No. of Ships Parcel Size Maximum Minimum Average
3,35,767 63 Parcel size 23,740 300 5,330
Varies from Caustic Soda 3,47,059 29 Parcel size 18,806 299 11,968
1 70% to 79%
Average 72% Foodgrains 2,69,540 47 Parcel size 30,890 280 5,734
S. No. Berths Occupancy Cargo Volume No. of Ships Parcel Size Maximum Minimum Average
36,73,700 253 Parcel size 55,634 400 14,521
coking, & coke
27,11,028 139 Parcel size 51,000 147 19,504
Varies from Alumina Powder 11,84,725 39 Parcel size 30,600 29,470 30,378
WQ 1 WQ 2 WQ 3
1 68% to 79%
WQ 4 WQ 5 WQ 6
Average 74% Bauxite 6,41,083 18 Parcel size 56,195 4,762 35,616
Rock Phosphate;
2,35,799 22 Parcel size 42,171 2,004 10,718
Sulphuric Acid
S. No. Berth Occupancy Cargo Volume No. of Ships Maximum Minimum Average
5,21,258 56 Shifting
coal, coke
1 OB 1 79%
Others 1,87,570 23 Shifting
14,57,819 93
51,59,856 88
S. No. Berth Occupancy Cargo Volume No. of Ships Maximum Minimum Average
EQ 8 & EQ 9
1 61% & 74% Gypsum 5,15,505 21 Parcel size 43,660 4,000 24,548
49,43,957 374
69,62,519 210
Liquid Ammonia;
Rock Phosphate;
5,04,357 45 Parcel Size 38,664 488 11,207
Molten sulphur;
4 FB 25%
5,04,357 45
Except for SBM, all other liquid bulk berths are having high levels of berth occupancy. This is
because POL products are mostly handled for marketing purposes and the parcel size is
relatively small. So is the case with chemicals. This situation is likely to continue in the future
also. Hence the port should plan additional berth to reduce the high berth occupancy of the
existing berths.
The productivity of the berths depends largely on the parcel size and the mechanisation of
handling system.
The productivity of east quay berths are less as compared to that of west quay berths. This is
mainly because of the parcel size.
The OSTT has been severely damaged during the cyclone of November 2014 and has been
out of commission since then. It may take quite some time for it to be refurbished and re-
commissioned. However, since it has been handling mostly crude oil, the SBM will be able to
take care of its share without any problem.
Secondly, in order to streamline the cargo handling operations, the Port has awarded several PPP
projects for specific cargo and with full mechanisation. These projects are as follows:
EQ I was already awarded to Adani Vizag Coal Terminal Pvt Ltd. for handling thermal coal.
Its capacity is 6.5 MTPA
EQ 1A has been awarded to SEW Vizag Coal Terminal Pvt Ltd. for handling Thermal and
Steam coal. Its capacity is expected to be 7.5 MTPA
EQ 7 has been allotted to Vizag Agri Port Pvt Ltd. of ABG for handling finished fertilisers. Its
capacity is expected to be 5.2 MTPA
EQ 10 has been awarded to AVR Infra Pvt Ltd. of IMC for handling liquid cargo other than
POL products. It is expected to handle 1.8 MTPA
VCTPL has been awarded an extension to handle 0.54 MTEU containers.
OB 1, OB 2 along with WQ 1 has been allotted to Essar Ports Ltd. to upgrade the existing
mechanised system in OB 1 & OB 2 and to install new mechanised system at WQ 1 for
handling iron ore. All these berths are expected to handle a consolidated volume of 23
Proposals to develop two numbers of Berths WQ-7 and WQ-8 with Internal Resources, to
handle Manganese Ore, Bauxite, Gypsum, limestone, etc., with a throughput of 6.39 MTPA.
In addition to these capacity adding programmes, the Port should look into the availability and utility of
the backup land for stockyards for dry bulk terminals.
Currently the port handles ~12 MTPA of thermal coal and ~14.6 MTPA of POL. Other major
commodities include coking coal, containers, fertilizers and iron-ore. Going into the future we expect
the total traffic at the port to go to ~80 MTPA by 2020 and 100-110 MTPA by 2025.
The origin-destination of key cargo (accounting for greater than 85% of the total traffic) for all Indian
ports and development of traffic scenarios for a period of next 20 years has been carried out by
McKinsey & Co. as mandated for this project. Accordingly, based on a macro-level analysis the
future traffic for Vishakhapatnam up to 2035 has be derived as presented in this section.
POL crude and product constitute the biggest portion of traffic handled at the port. Visakhapatnam
handles roughly 15 MTPA of POL which comprises approximately 8 MTPA of crude import, 4.6 MTPA
of product movement and 1.1 MTPA of LPG imports.
Expansion of HPCL in the future will lead to traffic of roughly 15 MTPA of crude import by 2025. POL
coastal traffic is expected to reach 7.5 MTPA by 2025 which includes 4-5 MTPA of coastal shipping
potential from Paradip to Vizag port to cater to the demand of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
(Figure 6.1).
Deficit: 6.3
16 10
1. Assumes RIL Jamnagar and Essar Oil export nothing while Reliance SEZ exports 100% product
Figure 6.1 Coastal Shipping Potential of MS/HSD from Paradip to Vizag by 2025
LPG imports are expected to increase to 1.5 MTPA by 2025 driven by government’s focus on
distribution of LPG connections to rural households. The split of the current POL traffic and the
estimated traffic in 2025 is as shown in Figure 6.2.
Crude oil imports to rise
to around 15 MTPA
from 8 MTPA
Includes ~4-5 MTPA of considering HPCL's
coastal shipping refinery expansion
potential from Paradip plans
to Vizag port
LPG imports are
expected to increase
with government's
focus on distribution of
LPG connections to
4.1 rural households
SOURCE: Indian Petroleum and Natural Gas Statistics 2013-14; Basic Port Statistics of India 2013-14
Currently the port unloads 9.3 MTPA of thermal coal out of which approximately 4 MTPA is for power
generation in Adani Power Maharashtra Ltd. in Gondia district. Remaining is primarily for the
consumption of non-power plants (>50% of the overall imports). Unloading of thermal coal will be
driven by Tiroda plant, demand of captive power plants and import substitution.
The port also handles 2.8 MTPA of outbound coal which is coastal shipped to Tamil Nadu. This figure
is projected to grow to ~3.7 MTPA by 2020, ~5 MTPA by 2025 and 5-6 MTPA by 2035.
The port currently handles 6 MTPA of coking coal which is used for steel production in the steel plants
of Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited (RINL), SAIL Bhilai, Tata Steel Limited, Jindal Power and Steels
Limited. Other consumers of coking coal include Uttam Galva Metallics, Jayswal Neco and Bhushan
Power and Steel Limited. We project that going forward the volumes of coking coal handled by the
port will increase to 8.6 MTPA by 2020, 11-12 MTPA by 2025 and 14.5-16.5 MTPA by 2035. This
increase will be driven primarily by expansion in SAIL Bhilai and Nagarnar plants. The increase of
coking coal traffic due to expansion of steel plants in the hinterland would also be shared by the
competing non-major port of Gangavaram.
Loading of thermal
coal for TNEB to
9.0 continue
Unloading of thermal
coal will be driven by
6.1 Tiroda plant,
demand of captive
power plants and
import substitution
Coking coal demand
will increase to meet
the expansion plans
of RINL, SAIL Bhilai
(by 2020) and
Thermal Thermal Coking
coal coal coal Chhattisgarh (post
loading unloading unloading 2020)
SOURCE: Indian Petroleum and Natural Gas Statistics 2013-14; Basic Port Statistics of India 2013-14
6.2.4 Containers
The port, through the Visakha Container Terminal currently handles ~0.25 MTEUs. Andhra Pradesh
and Telangana are the key hinterlands for the port. Other hinterlands include Odisha (primarily
Bhubaneshwar and Jharsuguda), Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Chhattisgarh. Visakhapatnam region
itself contributes ~20% to the total container traffic at port as shown in Figure 6.4 and Figure 6.5.
Maharashtra 2,121 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rajasthan 43 448 0 60 0 0 0 0 0
Karnataka 94 0 163 0 66 0 0 0 50
Kerala 0 0 0 0 0 0 351 0 0
Madhya Pradesh 43 70 0 14 0 0 0 29 0
Bihar/Jharkhand 0 0 0 0 0 85 0 8 0
Uttaranchal 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Orissa 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 69 0
Chhatisgarh 15 18 0 14 0 0 0 15 0
North East 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0
Port total 4,202 2,390 1,468 693 551 562 351 263 50
The port currently handles ~8 MTPA of iron-ore and pellet exports which is expected to increase to
~12 MTPA by 2020. Depending on how the export volumes pick-up in future, the volume handled by
the port will increase to 14-16 MTPA by 2025.
6.2.6 Fertilisers
The port imported 2.6 MTPA of fertilizers and raw materials for fertilizers in FY 15. This comprises of
approximately 1.5-1.8 MTPA of finished fertilizer and 1-1.2 MTPA of raw material of fertilizers. The
finished fertilizer serves the demand in the hinterlands of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Madhya
Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. Part of the raw material for fertilizers is utilized in the DAP, NPK, Urea and
AS fertilizer plants in Andhra Pradesh itself and a part of it is sent to plants in Uttar Pradesh.
The overall volume of fertilizer and fertilizer raw material is expected to increase to ~4 MTPA by 2020,
~5 MTPA by 2025 and 7-8 MTPA by 2035.
Visakhapatnam port also handles alumina power and other ores of approximately 2.6 MTPA currently.
This is utilized by customers including NALCO, Sesa Sterlite Ltd., and other metallurgy units. This
figure is expected to increase to 2.6 MTPA by 2020 and ~3-4 MTPA by 2025.
Other highly fragmented cargo also makes a sizeable chunk of the total cargo volume handled at
Visakhapatnam port. This volume is currently 4.6 MTPA and is expected to increase to ~8 MTPA by
2020 and 10-12 MTPA by 2025.
The overall commodity wise projections for the port are shown in Table 6.1.
Liquid Cargo
Mainly Crude imports driven by HPCL
POL 14.6 18.7 24.5 27.1 30.0 35.5 Vizag expansion and coastal shipping
of product from Paradip refinery
Chemicals 1.0 1.3 1.7 1.8 2.9 3.3
Dry and Break Bulk Cargo
Thermal Coal (Loading) 2.8 3.7 4.7 5.2 5.0 5.5
Thermal Coal (Unloading) 9.3 10.0 11.0 11.5 13.3 15.2
Driven by expansion in SAIL Bhilai by
Coking Coal* 6.1 8.6 11.8 12.6 14.5 16.5 2020 and Nagarnar Chattisgarh post
Visakhapatnam is strategically positioned to serve large areas in the hinterland of the country through
coastal shipping. Coal, steel and fertilizer can be major commodities to/from Visakhapatnam in case
coastal shipping revolution takes place in the country.
Fertilizers: There is a potential for coastal shipping of ~2 MTPA of fertilizer from Andhra
Pradesh to West Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat via Visakhapatnam port by 2025.
Steel: ~1.5 MTPA of steel can be coastally shipped from RINL, Visakhapatnam to demand
states of Maharashtra, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu by 2025.
Figure 6.8 Coastal Shipping Potential of Iron and Steel from Vizag Port
* The coastal opportunity identified is contingent on a number of enablers like last mile connectivity, availability of handling infrastructure at the ports,
rationalization of port charges, availability of aggregators for different commodities wherever individual parcel sizes are small. The handling charges
and sea freights assumed for the analysis is INR 150 per tonne per handling and INR 0.2 per tonner per km respectively
* OSTT is not considered in the current and ongoing capacity but OSTT may be considered to handle POL Products (1.5 MTPA
From the above table, the following conclusions are made mainly with reference to the traffic
projections for year 2025:
For handling all types of coal and coke import the total capacity available at dedicated berths
will be about 29.4 MTPA. The berths are EQ 1: VGCB and EQ 8/EQ 9.
Adequate capacity for coal export is available once EQ1A becomes operational
Additional capacity will be distributed among WQ berths. Hence these will be able to take care
of the projected traffic up to 2020.
For handling iron and manganese ores, the total capacity available at the dedicated berths of
OB 1; OB 2 and WQ 1 and WQ 2 will be 22.5 MTPA. As of now, there will be surplus capacity
For handling fertilisers, Alumina and chemicals sufficient capacity is available through berths
EQ 7; WQ 5 and EQ 10.
For handling containers, with the license for expansion given to VCTPL capacity will be
created more than what future traffic has been projected.
The other berths of EQ and WQ, after the streamlining of cargo with the new berths, will have
sufficient capacity to handle the other assorted dry bulk and break bulk cargo.
However during the master plan horizon significant coal import is projected at the port for which there
would be shortfall of capacity. Same is the case with Breakbulk cargo wherein it would be required to
upgrade the existing breakbulk berths by way of deepening and providing handling equipment.
The indicated capacity of high productivity berths such as VGCB, AVCTPL (EQ 1) and SVCTPL
(EQ1A) could be taken as only name- plate capacities as the actual performance is under-par due to
the limitations in the available storage space. There is an urgent need to allocate additional area to
these agencies for improving their performance standards. These are discussed in detail hereunder.
The material handling system comprise 3 grab unloaders, each of 2000 TPH capacity; 2 stacker cum
Reclaimer units with capacity of 6000 TPH in stacking mode and 3500 TPH in reclaiming mode; 1
wagon loader of 3500 TPH capacity and interconnecting conveyor system. The upgraded berth was
commissioned in April 2013. Its capacity was assessed as 10.18 MTPA and it handled 7 MT during
2014 -15.
The existing stackyard has two outer stockpiles of 600 m length and 37 m width and a central
stockpile of 600 length and 70 m width. Owing to the stipulation imposed while getting environmental
approval, the stockpile height has to be limited to 10 m only. Consequently, the maximum theoretical
capacity of the entire stackyard is 500,000 T for stacking of coking coal, assuming it to be
homogeneous and for one customer only. However the practical storage that could be achieved at this
stackyard is much less due to the following factors:
The terminal caters to multiple customers who bring the cargo i.e. coking coal and steam coal,
in different grades, requiring separate stockpiles for each customer and for each grade.
Sometimes even a single cape size ship brings three different grades of materials which have
to be stacked in different stockpiles.
Different stockpiles are also needed for the different material so as to avoid the contamination.
Due to railway traffic situation and route congestions, railways do not supply rakes to only one
location and in same route. Therefore the terminal has to cater to at least 7 to 8 different
customers, so that the railways would be able to supply sufficient rakes leaving for diversified
destination in different routes
Because of these a number of stockpiles (numbering 16 to 20) are to be provided in the stackyard as
against the ideal number of 3 stockpiles: one at the middle and two at the end, used to arrive at the
theoretical maximum capacity of the yard.
Thus, providing large number of stockpiles results in significant reduction in the capacity of the
stackyard. Further, the maximum allowable height of stockpile also has an impact on its capacity.
Presently terminal is working at the scenario 3 wherein the maximum allowable storage capacity is
only 3,60,000 T and it handled 7 MT last year. Factoring 70% stackyard utilisation, the average dwell
time of cargo works out to about 15 days, which is already very tight while considering the dwell time
of about 30 days at the similar multi-user terminals at Gangavaram, Dhamra, Karaikal etc.
One of way to increase the storage capacity is to allow higher stacking height of 12 to 15 m. The
mitigation measure for environmental impact could be the frequent use of the dust suppression
system, covering of the stockpiles and providing wind screens of height 15 m near the periphery of the
stackyard. This might increase the stacking capacity approximately by an additional 20%. Another way
to manage with the limited storage space is to reduce the dwell time of cargo further by way of faster
evacuation. However there are the following constraints for faster evacuation of cargo:
The evacuation of the coal from stackyard depends on the availability of the rakes, which
currently are in short supply. Apart from rakes the route congestion at that point in time on that
particular route is also a governing criterion due to which VGCB tries to send rakes to
hinterland in different directions so as to avoid choking of the main railway network.
Even if the adequate rakes were available, the evacuation of the coal is governed by the
requirement of the customers whose decisions are based on the plant’s daily consumption
and availability of storage space at the plant end. It’s prevalent and established practice in
Indian sub-continent that customers would evacuate cargo based on above criteria and port’s
stack yard is required to meet their storage needs.
The wagon loading system provided at the port comprises of two silos of 800 T capacities
each. These silos can discharge material into rakes positioned on separate rail tracks.
However the feeding to these silos is through one conveyor only and therefore at a given point
of time only one silo can be used for rake loading thereby limiting the capacity of wagon
loading at an average of 9 rakes per day, which is lower as compared to the average
unloading rate at the berth. Therefore adequate space should be available to stack the
balance quantity of cargo.
The handling system provided at the berth has a rated capacity of 6,000 TPH with an average
throughput of about 60,000 TPD. This translates to the berth capacity of about 13 MTPA. The wagon
loading system can cater to a maximum of about 10 rakes per day i.e. about 36,000 TPD. This shows
that the current stackyard area and the evacuation infrastructure do not match with the berth capacity,
which appears to be the main bottleneck of the project. With this existing bottleneck, the project is
likely to underperform, leading to revenue loss to Visakhapatnam Port Trust and PPP Project partner.
In view of the above reasons it is considered necessary that additional stacking area be allocated to
VGCB terminal. This would enable the terminal to handle higher volumes to match the assessed
capacity of the berth.
The possible area for this additional stackyard is towards the east of berths EQ2 to EQ5, where FCI
godowns exist. These godowns can be shifted towards the periphery of the port. This will have a dual
advantage in that the dirty cargo storage at the port periphery nearer to the habitation will be replaced
by cleaner cargo of FCI and at the same time release the much needed additional area for VGCB.
BCG has also suggested movement of existing FCI go downs to the periphery of the port and use of
the land parcel near the VGCB terminal for coal storage.
The land identified for allocation to VGCB measures about 16 ha. The details of the additional
stackyard and the associated handling system are given below:
It is suggested to take a tap off point from the transfer tower through which a conveyor,
following the route of railway line, would be taken to the northern side of the stackyard.
A schematic drawing showing the location of the additional stockyard, its layout and the route of the
conveyor are shown in the Figure 7.2.
The estimated CAPEX for the development of new yard is about Rs. 150 crores.
The material handling system comprise of Rail Mounted, self-propelled boom type luff-able, Slew-able
stacker cum bucket wheel reclaimer 2 no. with rated capacity of Stacking Capacity 3200 TPH (Rated)
and Reclaiming Capacity 2500 TPH (Rated).
The licensee was allotted an area of 1,01,200 m² for stacking the coal at the east dumps from where
the cargo is further loaded in to the rakes through the stacking system.
With the trapezoidal shape of land made available with AVCTPL, two linear stockpile of unequal
length can only be provided which does not create the effective cargo storage capacity. Owing to the
stipulation imposed while getting environmental approval, the stockpile height has to be limited to 10
m only. With the height limitation in these two stockpiles locations the storage capacity is further
Hence there is a requirement of additional land to create a third Stackyard to increase the targeted
terminal capacity. It has been identified that land between EQ-1 berth and AVCTPL back up yard
could be utilised for the third Stackyard measuring about 2.53 acres. This area can be effectively
utilized by the EQ-1 berth operator increasing the cargo storage capacity thereby increasing the
terminal capacity which is constrained by storage capacity. The proposed land is indicated accordingly
in Figure 7.4.
The material handling system comprise of 2 no. of Rail Mounted stacker cum bucket wheel reclaimer
with Stacking Capacity 3000 TPH (Rated) and Reclaiming Capacity 3000 TPH (Rated).
The coal unloaded from rakes by a suitable twin rail wagon tippler system shall be fed on to receiving
conveyors which transport it to the coal Stackyard having an area of about 102,513 sqm.
There is a vacant land of 2.82 acres (11,412 sqm) at one end of the stockyard which is outside the
area officially handed over to SVCTPL. It is suggested that this Temporary land be converted to
Permanent land which can be utilized as the parking for the stacker cum reclaimer cars which in turn
would effectively increase the stackyard length and therefore the total stacking capacity of the
The proposed conversion of Temporary land to permanent land is indicated in blue colour as in
Figure 7.6.
The proposed location of stacking area (Area 2) is identified as a plot in between Transit shed of SAIL
and the existing rail route of EQ 1 & EQ 1A berths of inner harbour, VGCB & VCTPL of outer harbour.
The approximate area of this plot is about 88,000 sqm (8.8 ha.). The location is shown in Figure 7.7.
Figure 7.7 Proposed Redeveloped Berths, Stacking Area Location, and Connectivity
Regarding rail connectivity, it can be seen that the existing railway lines pass close to stacking area 2
and a siding at the interface could be provided for the rail bound cargo.
Presently POL products are handled both at the Inner Harbour (IH) as well as at Outer Harbour (OH).
At Inner Harbour, they are handled at berths OR I and OR II while at Outer Harbour they are handled
at the LPG jetty. The details of these berths are presented in the Table 7.4.
The traffic details for the past 4 years were analysed to get the share of IH and OH in handling the
total traffic. This information is presented in Table 7.5.
A cursory scrutiny of the tanker sizes indicates that on an average about 55% of the tankers are over
45,000 DWT. Hence these groups of tankers were selected for further detailed analysis and the
results are presented in Table 7.6.
During the past 4 years the maximum ship size handled at IH was 50,000 to 52,000 DWT and
that at OH was about 75,000 DWT.
During the past 3 years, the maximum parcel size at IH has been 31,000 T to 33,000 T. The
maximum parcel size at OH has been 50,500 T to 65,000 T.
Recently the Port has upgraded the Northern Arm to handle fully loaded Panamax vessels. If such an
upgradation has to be carried out at the Western Arm, the efforts and their sequence are examined in
this section.
The present layout of the Western Arm, with OR 1 and OR 2 berths is presented in the Figure 7.8.
OR 1
OR 2
OR 1
On the northern side are the Fertiliser Berth, OR 1 and OR 2 while on the southern side are the lay-by
berths of Hindustan Shipyard. A set of product pipelines run behind OR 1 and OR 2. The existing
cross section of OR 1 & OR 2 is presented in Figure 7.9.
The suggested option is to extend the existing berths on either side to create additional berthing
facilities. It is to be noted that the berthing line of the Fertiliser berth and that of OR 1 & OR 2 are not
in the same alignment. The berthing face of OR 1 & OR 2 is set back with reference to the berthing
face of Fertiliser berth. Hence it is not possible to make a continuous quay with the fertilizer berth.
OR 1 and OR 2 are each 183 m long. When big tankers call at these berths, it happens that the
tankers have to have overhang beyond the berths and the mooring ropes have to be taken ashore at
either ends. Hence it is suggested that OR 1 be extended by about 75 m on the eastern side and OR
2 be extended towards fertilizer berth to fill the gap of about 187 m to make the total length of the
berths as 553 m. This would enable berthing of two big tankers comfortably within the berth and also
enable berthing of 3 MR tankers (about 50,000 DWT) with LOA of about 180 m.
With these measures, the status quo at IH will be maintained without any widening or deepening of
the Western Arm, but with a benefit of one additional berth, which would help in significantly reducing
the pre-berthing detention. The IH berths will handle most of the POL traffic including the future
increase consequent to the refinery expansion.
75 m
This option is similar to option 1 in terms of getting the additional berth length. However it is proposed
in this option that the entire quay length (existing and proposed) shall be upgraded to handle fully
loaded panamax ships of draft 14.5 m. Initially the fertilizer berth shall be strengthened and along with
newly built berth of 187 m length shall be deepened. Berths OR 1 and OR 2 shall be subsequently
dismantled, reconstructed and deepened.
The following aspects have to be borne in mind before deciding to upgrade the OR 1 and OR 2 to
enable handling of fully loaded Panamax size vessels:
1. At present vessels having beam of 32 m and even above up to 36 m are being handled at
these berths and therefore it is envisaged that width of the dock arm is adequate to handle as
the required width is governed by the beam and not by the draft of the ships.
2. The existing monoliths are designed for the dredged level of -9.5 m CD and therefore they
cannot withstand deepening to -16.0 m CD in the front.
Therefore in case it is decided to upgrade OR 1 and OR 2 to enable handling of deeper draft ships,
the efforts and their sequence are as follows:
OR 1 has to be decommissioned and the pipeline ends have to be closed with flanges.
The existing monoliths have to be dismantled and a new berthing structure has to be
A new set of pipelines have to be laid behind the new berth and running parallel to the existing
set of pipelines till a common tap off point.
After commissioning the new OR 1, OR 2 has to be decommissioned and reconstructed.
This reconstruction could be extended to the gap between the Fertiliser berth and OR 2 to get
additional berthing length.
OR 2 have to be connected to the new set of pipelines already laid with OR 1.
In this process, it has to be noted that one berth has to be decommissioned. As explained earlier, the
POL traffic is handled by 3 berths – OR 1 & OR 2 and LPG berth. While the IH harbour berths handle,
on an average 1.4 MTPA each, LPG berth handles on an average 1.9 MTPA. All the berths are
occupied to the optimum extent. If one berth is to be decommissioned, there is no alternate berth to
handle its share of traffic. OSTT may not be of much help as the only pipeline connection to it is for
handling crude oil. For handling products, a new set of pipelines have to be laid, that too, partly
submarine and partly on land. It is difficult to get the ROW for the new set of pipelines from OSTT to
the respective tankage terminals far away.
In this option as a first step the gap between the fertilizer berth and OR 2 shall be filled by building a
new berth of 187 m length.
Once the additional berth length is commissioned, the reconstruction of berth OR 1 would be taken
up. In addition, the OR 1 will also be extended towards east by 75 m to make the total berth length of
258 m, which would be adequate to handle the Panamax size ship. The berthing line of the
reconstructed berth OR 1 would be kept at the same location i.e. same as that of OR 2. This would
enable a continuous quay length of 628 m for handling of POL products.
In this scheme only one berth would be available for handling of deeper draft ships and remaining
one/two berth for handling the smaller parcels as in the present case.
There is definitely a need for additional berthing facilities for handling POL traffic so that the high
occupancy of OR 1, OR 2 and LPG berths could be reduced.
Based on the past traffic trend it is observed that the number of larger parcel sizes are very limited.
These higher parcels can continue to be handled at the LPG berth in OH. It is therefore suggested
that Scheme 1 could be adopted for implementation in which only the additional berth length of 250 m
would be added to OR 1 and OR 2. These berths would however continue to handle the smaller
parcel sizes as being handled in the present case.
However in case it is still desired that the deeper draft ships with POL products are to be handled at
IH, it is recommended to adopt Scheme 3 in which only berth OR 1 shall be upgraded to handle
deeper draft ships, which are likely to be in very limited numbers. Apart from that additional quay
length of 250 m would be built adjacent to OR 1 and OR 2 berths.
The capacity for handling liquid products after the aforesaid augmentation schemes are executed and
commissioned is presented hereunder. This will be the situation by 2020 and will remain the same
S. No. Cargo Berth
1. Crude oil SPM 15.00
4. Chemicals EQ 10 1.85
Total 24.85
It is to be noted that presently OSTT is equipped to handle only crude oil and is in a damaged
condition due to Hudhud cyclone. The entire crude traffic will henceforth be handled at the SPM only.
As and when OSTT gets restored and as the POL product traffic picks up, the port may examine
laying product pipelines from OSTT to shore.
National Highway No. 5, which is part of the “Golden Quadrilateral” skirts Visakhapatnam Port in an
arc with the closest at about 12 km distance. On the southern side it connects to Tamil Nadu, Kerala,
Karnataka, East & West Godavari Districts of Andhra Pradesh. On the northern side it connects to
Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand and West Bengal. For the northern
connectivity, the traffic from/to Visakhapatnam Port has to pass through the Convent Junction and for
southern connectivity; the traffic has to pass through the Dockyard Junction. The Convent Junction is
connected to NH-5 through (1) Gyanapuram Road as well as (2) Tadchettapalem Road. The
Dockyard Junction is connected to NH-5 through (3) Industrial Bypass as well (4) New Gajuwaka
Road. These are shown in the following Figure 8.1 & Figure 8.2.
In the port, all the dry bulk, break bulk, containers and a major portion of liquid bulk are handled at the
Northern arm and the Outer Harbour while some POL products are handled at the Western Arm.
Hence as could be seen in the Figure 8.1, all these dry bulk, break bulk and containers that move
through road have to access NH-5 only through the Convent Junction.
In view of this, the road connectivity is looked at from two perspectives – internal connectivity of the
port leading to the Convent Junction and the external connectivity from the Convent Junction up to
NH-5. The following paragraphs describe the existing situation and the proposals for upgrading the
connectivity. EQ 1A to EQ 7 Berths
The present connectivity of these berths is shown in the following Figure 8.3.
EQ 1A and EQ 1 are connected to the Convent Junction through the road just behind the berths, the
existing 2 lane service road which travels adjacent to the stackyards of these berths to reach H8
junction. The H8 junction is connected to the Convent Junction through the 3 lane Outer Harbour road
which passes through Ambedkar Junction. There is connectivity through the service road which
travels in between the stackyards of these berths to touch the north gate. From there it moves via
existing 4 lane road located behind SAIL transit shed to reach Port connectivity through Ambedkar
junction and Convent junction.
EQ 2 to EQ 7 berths are connected to the Convent junction through the service road behind the berths
leading to the North Gate junction and thereafter through the 4 lane EQ 7 road passing through
Ambedkar junction.
Before Ambedkar Junction, there is a bottleneck of railway crossing, hampering traffic movement.
There is a requirement of development of FOB and an exclusive 4- lane road from Tirupathi Raju
Environmental Park up to Convent Junction, within Port boundary.
EQ 8 to EQ 10 berths are connected to port connectivity road (linking the Convent junction with NH-5)
through the 6 lane S4 road and the Ramp B located in front of VSPL main gate as shown in the
Figure 8.4. If this route is congested, there is an alternative connectivity via the 6 lane S4 road
reaching the 4 lane EQ 7 road and thereafter the Convent junction through Ambedkar Junction.
The present situation of WQ berths connectivity is shown in the Figure 8.5 hereunder.
The stackyards at Kancharapalem, on east side of ESSAR is connected to Port Connectivity road for
inward movement of cargo towards STP pond area and for outward movement, the road connectivity
is via road on the north side of ESSAR, leading up to Y-junction and from there on connected to Port
Connectivity road. These stackyards are adequately connected through road. However, there are
constraints for these users to go to eastern dock.
The present situation of Outer Harbour berths connectivity is shown in the Figure 8.6.
The connectivity of outer harbour berths VGCB and VCTPL is through the 3 lane Outer Harbour road
starting from the Fisheries Harbour and proceeding to the Convent junction through Ambedkar
junction. Incidentally this also serves as the connectivity to the Fishing Harbour.
Type of Surface
Length Breadth
S. No. Name of Road
(m) (m)
Western Sector
Ambedkar Junction
S4 Road Junction
WQ5 Gate Junction
Nalco Junction
K R Sons Junction
Existing Circle
Loading / Unloading
The rotary has to be designed properly taking care of all the arms of the same.
Regulations has to be enforced for the errant vehicles
The roads around the rotary should have 7.0 m wide road through out with proper
8.5.2 S4 Road
Start of S4 Road
Conveyor Belt
Loading / Unloading
Presently the road is having 4 lane configurations. The foundation of the conveyor belt works as a
median. The road is about 3 km in length but it has 3 railway line crossing. The railway lines are active
and have frequent wagon movement which in turn results major traffic congestion. The road condition
is extremely poor. Presently although the roads have 4 lane configuration, traffic uses the road as
individual 2 lane road.
The road needs to be used as divided 4 lane road with strict traffic regulation.
It is proposed to have good quality cement concrete pavement for better traffic movement
It is proposed to use traffic light system / uses of the flagman for the traffic comes from the
loading / unloading yard to reduce the conflict with the through traffic
It is proposed to have a divided 4 lane road in between Nalco junction and K R Sons Junction.
It is also proposed to have integrated development plan for the three junctions namely WQ5 junction,
Nalco junction and K R Sons junction.
It is observed major traffic congestion occurs when the wagon comes at the yard which in turn
increases the movement of Truck traffic.
Proposed Road
Figure 8.7 Proposed 2 Lane Road from WQ5 Junction to K R Sons Junction
From the fishing village it is proposed to have a 4 lane road. There are some critical issues along this
road which were discussed during the site visit of AECOM. It is proposed the maximum using of
existing road so that the cost of construction may be minimised.
Existing road from fishing harbour to Convent Junction stretches for about 5.75 km.
The critical location 1 mentioned may not have the required width. The boundary wall may need to
be shifted to accommodate the road configuration
The proposed road passes through another critical area as mentioned in critical Location 2. The
conveyor belt does not allow the proper 4 lane configuration. There is a hillock at one side. The
existing road width will be used for 2 lane and other 2 lane is proposed to be through hillock cutting.
The geological property of the rock need to be analysed during detailed design stage. If the hillock
cutting made the rock unstable, in that case the road has to be taken through a tunnel. The length of
the tunnel will be about 400m. The actual length may be determined during the detailed study.
Another recommendation is to provide a 2 lane elevated corridor along with a 2 lane road at
concurrent locations before they connect to the 4 lane road beyond critical locations 2 and 3.
Necessary ramp at both ends shall be provided. Also Truck parking for Incoming vehicles need to be
allotted to avoid Parking at roadside during peak hours.
Figure 8.8 Outer Harbour Road with Critical Locations for Widening (4 Lane Road
After the canal, there is no such critical location till it reaches the Convent junction. VPT initiated
action for the development of Fly Over Bridge connecting existing road from EQ up-to the road
connecting Port Connectivity Junction (Convent Junction).
Critical Location 1
Road Widening in
Critical Location 3
Environmental Park
Ex 6 Lane Road
Before Ambedkar Junction, there is a bottleneck of Railway crossing, hampering traffic movement,
requiring a fly over bridge with necessary diversion and shall be connected to the outer harbour and
existing 4-lane road of Eastern sector road with proper ramp below the S-4 conveyor. These shall be
connected to the new Fly over proposed by NHAI and from there it shall be connected to the Port
connectivity Road.
New ramp exclusively for incoming vehicles shall be provided from Port connectivity road (near
Convent junction) to Outer harbour and eastern Sector. The location of Fly over with new Ramp is
shown in Figure 8.9. Capacity calculation considering projected road traffic is indicated in Table 8.2.
Cargo Originating Cargo Capacity By Conveyor Capacity of Proportion of PCUs per Proposed Road
S. No. Road Details Trucks per Recommendation Remarks
Center MTPA / Truck (T) No. of Trucks from trucks on the Peaking PCU Hour on the Total PCUs /Fly over
By Rail (%) By Road (%) hour both
Transhipment Terminal (per annum) road under Factor Factor proposed per Hour
(%) ways
consideration road
Existing Capacity
VCTPL 8 20% 70% 10% 15 373,333 100% 106.67 50% 4.5 720
1 Projected Capacity
VCTPL 20 20% 70% 10% 15 933,333 100% 266.67 50% 4.5 1,800
4 lane undivided From Outer harbour to
carriageway Convent Junction upgrade 3 Critical locations shown in the Fig
From Outer Harbour 1,931
VGCB 10.18 90% 10% 0% 15 67,867 100% 19 50% 4.5 131 (Capacity 2400 pcu lane to 4 lane road with 4.2
per hour) necessary elevated corridor
Existing Capacity
I) From Eastern Sector EQ1 6.4 90% 10% 0% 15 42,667 100% 12 50% 4.5 82 Existing 4 lane road upto old
(via Existing EQ7 Road 431
EQ2-5 4.14 60% 40% 0% 15 110,400 100% 32 50% 4.5 213 Ambedkar Junction
3.22 90% 10% 0% 15 21,467 100% 6 50% 4.5 41
Projected Capacity
EQ1A 7.36 90% 10% 0% 15 49,067 1 14 1 4.5 95
EQ1 6.4 90% 10% 0% 15 42,667 100% 12 50% 4.5 82 From EQ1A to New
EQ2-5 6.4 60% 40% 0% 15 170,667 100% 49 50% 4.5 329 Proposed 4 lane road back
I) From Eastern Sector 4 lane undivided side of EQ1A to EQ 5 Berths.
(via Existing EQ7 Road 583 (Capacity 2400 pcu Required Fly over to avoid
) per hour) Railway Crossing near Old
6 90% 10% 0% 15 40,000 100% 11 50% 4.5 77 Ambedkar Jn to connect the
Port Connectivity Road
VPT has constructed this road connecting the port with NH-5 which essentially links the port with its
hinterland. The project stretch comprises a total distance of 12.47 km connecting the Convent Junction
(near port gate) to NH-5 near Ayyappan temple with about 4.85 km of flyovers and ramps. This has
been in operation for almost 10 years.
VPT is initiating action for the development of adequate road connectivity from Visakhapatnam Port –
Connectivity from Sheela Nagar Junction to Anakapalle-Sabbavaram/Pendurthi-Anandapuram road
under Phase-III i.e., NH-16 (Former NH-5) through SPV between VPT and NHAI.
The Port Cargo travelling via NH-5 from the point of Port Connectivity Junction reaches at Ayyappan
Temple Junction at Sheela Nagar, can travel either towards North or South, based on the destination.
From the point of Port Connectivity Road meeting NH-5, up-to the point of crossing the Visakhapatnam
city, there is congestion due to city traffic interacting with the Cargo movement. Hence NHAI has
proposed to upgrade the existing by-pass road between Anakapalle Junction up-to Anandapuram
Junction into a National Highway, which bypasses the city traffic, and VPT needs to synchronize its
port connectivity with this bypass road of NHAI.
This connectivity from Port Connectivity Junction with NH-5 at Ayyappan Temple Junction at
Sheelanagar, up-to the subject bypass road at Sabbavaram Junction, reduces a travel distance of
about 25 km on either side of travel, along with reduction of the city congestion enabling free cargo
movement, which needs to be taken up on priority. Consultancy services for preparation of detailed
project report entrusted to M/s. Aarvee Associates Architects Engineers & Consultants Pvt Ltd by
NHAI on 15.01.2016. The location of the proposed road connectivity is shown in Figure 8.11 and
Figure 8.12 hereunder.
VPT initiated action for the development of adequate road connectivity from Visakhapatnam Port to
NH-16 (former NH-5) i.e. Phase II works - Widening of existing 2-lane Port Connectivity Road to 4-
lane. The present road connects NH-16 (former NH-5) at Sheela Nagar to Port connectivity road
junction, for inward as well as outward movements of cargo. Presently the existing connectivity from
Western Sector starting from IBP Junction up-to RCL Junction is only a two lane. This stretch from
Western Sector starting from IBP Junction up-to RCL Junction needs to be converted into a four lane
to facilitate safe, efficient and smooth movement of traffic on project road and link roads in the Port
area. The scheme proposed to be taken up by the VPT and NHAI on EPC basis. The work already
awarded by NHAI on 22.01.2016 to the Contractor and the Cost of Rs. 76.94 Cr and will be
commencing soon. The Ministry released Rs. 20.00 Crore under the Sagarmala Project on
09.01.2016. The location of the proposed road connectivity is shown in Figure 8.13.
The Visakhapatnam Port has a vast railway network consists about 176.678 ETKM approximately
including Private sidings. The existing B.G Track in Port 83.718Km and 214Nos Points & Crossings
(i.e.21.40ETKM). The total track is being maintained by VPT is 105.118 ETKM and Private sidings of
71.56 ETKM and renders terminal services for the traffic carried by the Indian Railway to and from
hinterland. The VPT railway system has two gate ways for carrying cargos i.e., one Marshalling yard to
R&D yard for handling various general cargos and other from Ore Exchange Yard to OHC for handling
iron ore. VPT Railway network has two Sectors i.e. Eastern Sector and Western Sector, which are
under the jurisdiction of four subdivisions for development and maintenances. In the Eastern Sector
there are 2 yards i.e. (i) North Holding Yard & East Yard (ii) R & D Yard and in Western Sector there
are 2 yards i.e. (i) OHC Yard and (ii) Western Sector Yard. Maximum part of the OHC / lines are
owned, maintained and operated by the M/s. ESSAR Vizag Terminal Ltd.
Total track length of East yard and NH yard is 29.591 ETKM there are 31 lines and 53 points and
crossings. The railway track structure is modified according to the latest developments in loading /
unloading operations and serving lines to various terminals i.e., M/s. VGCBL, M/s. Adani Ltd., M/s.
SEW, M/s. VCTPL, M/s. SAIL, M/s. FCI–F siding etc.
The Reception & Dispatch yard (R&D yard) and west ore berth lines of Visakhapatnam Ports were
commissioned during the year 1969-72. The R & D yard with adjacent Spur lines, DE lines and W.O.B
lines are maintained by R & D Sub-division with a total 39.359 ETKM of track length, which consists 82
points & crossings, 21 B.G Railway lines in R & D yard, 2 Spur lines in TNEB complex, 10 lines in
W.O.B including DE lines and 1 siding in between R&D yard and OHC. In R&D yard there are 19 lines
with signalling and Electrical traction. Remaining lines including DE lines are without Electrical
tractions. The trains are being handling to and from R & D Yard to marshalling yard by E. Co. Railways
with Railway locos from R & D yard to various sidings by VPT locos.
Western Sector yard of Visakhapatnam Port has the multiple railway connectivity to various sidings,
yards and Ports operational with 28.520 ETKM. It consists of 26 B.G Railway lines & 40Nos of Points
& Crossings. Railway tracks in the Western Sector yard were laid for serving the different types of
cargo such as fertilizers, food grains, POL products of Central Warehousing Corporation, M/s.
H.P.C.L, Oil terminal of Indian Oil Corporation, M/s. Coramandal Fertilizers, M/s. F.C.I, M/s. Zinc, M/s.
HZL, M/s. Sarat Chatterjee etc.
The iron ore handling system consists of the Ore Exchange Yard operated by the Railways and the
Ore Handling Complex, operated by the Port.
The Ore Exchange yard consists of 12 lines of which line nos. 1 to 5 are reception lines and line no. 6
is engine run round line. These are fully wired. Line No. 7 is provided with full wiring and is used as
dispatch line only to K.K.line. Line nos. 8 and 12 are dispatch lines provided with top wiring. Line Nos.
9 & 11 are used for conducting P.M.E. (C&W) and these lines have only top wiring. Line no.10 is C&W
Material trolley line with top wiring. Additional lines are provided for repairing sick wagons.
In the Ore Handling Complex, there are ten pre-tippler and ten post tippler lines. A train after being
brought from the ore Exchange Yard is split into two equal parts and the wagons are uncoupled. They
are then brought to the tipplers by VPT Locos for tippling. After tippling, the empty wagons are
gathered in the post tippler lines and returned to the Ore Exchange Yard for onward dispatch to the
loading points.
In addition, there are three lines for manual unloading of iron ore rakes.
The movements between the Ore Exchange Yard and Ore handling Complex are shunt movements
controlled by J. Cabin of the Railways and Dumper cabin of the Port.
M/s. Adani Railway Lines: The existing Railway lines of M/s. Adani Vizag Coal Terminal Ltd., are
used for carrying and handling of Cargo at EQ1 berth of M/s. AVCTL. The existing Railway lines of
VPT are used by M/s. AVCTL for the transportation of cargo handling at EQ1.
M/s. SEW Railway lines: The existing Railway line of VPT will be used by M/s. SEW for the
transportation of cargo handling at EQ1A and they will lay 2 railway on pre tipper and post tipper.
The rail network connecting from EQ1&EQ1A stacking yard is shown in Figure 8.15.
The Existing Railway lines of NH yard are located behind EQ2 to EQ5 berths and run through crossing
the S4 road to connect to R&D Yard. From there it is connected to the DYD yard to connect main Line.
It is located adjacent to the M/s Godavari Fertiliser Chemical Ltd. mainly carrying finished fertilisers.
From there it is crossing the S4 road and it connects to main railway line via R&D yard and DYD yard. EQ8 & EQ9 Berth Railway Line ( M/s. VSPL Railway Lines)
The Railway lines of M/s. VSPL are used for the carrying cargo of M/s. VSPL, handling at EQ8 & EQ9
berths. These lines are directly connected to the R&D yard.
The Rail network connecting from the concern stacking yard is shown in Figure 8.16.
The existing Railway lines are used for carrying container cargo of M/s. VCTPL. These lines connect
to the R&D yard via NH yard.
M/s. VGCB connecting of two lines 10 & 11. The existing Railway lines are used for carrying cargo of
M/s. VGCB, these lines directly connect to R&D yard via NH Yard and further connect to marshalling
yard and then connect to the main line. The Rail network connecting from the concerned stacking
yards are shown in Figure 8.17.
The existing W.O.B lines are used for the handling of coal cargo at WQ1 to WQ5. 6 lines in W.O.B and
4 lines DEL lines as holding yard. These lines connect to R&D Yard via DE lines.
Existing Railway lines of M/s. EVTL (formerly OHC of VPT) are used for carrying & tippling of iron ore
at tipplers. M/s. EVTL Railway lines operational with 21.650 EQTKM. It consists of 24 B.G Railway
lines & 72 no. of Points & Crossings. Railway tracks these lines are directly connected to the Ore
Exchange Yard of E. Co. Railways.
The Rail network connecting from the concerned stacking yards are shown in Figure 8.18.
DEL Line
1 IN 400
12. Line No.7 882.93 0.883
Connecting Lines
33. 8&9 Dismantled tracks for loco, BVG siding 180.00 0.180
1 IN 800
45. WOB LOOPLINE 994.00 0.994
Total 30.613
Total 5.110
8. R - 10 600.00 0.600
Connecting Lines
Between R-6 main line point & R-9& R-10 lines
1. 57.00 0.057
2. Between Shunting neck line point & R-1 lines point 130.00 0.130
3. Between Line no.7 point & Route-y lines point 55.00 0.055
Western Sector
Total 24.520
Western Sector
Total 6.77
To reduce the congestion of movements from NALCO, WQ1 to 4 terminals of Western Yard, VPT has
initiated action to Extension of Line no.11 to 15 to full length at R&D Yard. On behalf of VPT, IPRCL
has been issued letter of award on 27th Aug 2015 to M/s. RITES Ltd. For providing consultancy
services for making DPR for extension of line no. 11 to 15 to full length at R&D yard of VPT and the
same is in progress.
The Cost of the Project is Rs. 30.0 Crore. The target date of Completion is December 2017. Proposed 3rd Line from Line from R&D Yard to East Yard at AKP Level
Congestion in Eastern yard & Outer Harbour is due to movements from EQ1, VCTPL, VGCB and to
reduce this constraint VPT has initiated action to develop the 3rd line from line from R&D yard to East
yard. In Principle Approval given for DPR by Railways Codal Chargeds paid to E.Co Railways. On
behalf of VPT M/s IPRCL has been awarded letter of award on 21st August 2015 for Project
Management Consultancy for “providing connection of dead end line at north of dead end line at north
of R&D yard to Eastern grid (Third line) from E.Co. Railways for VPT and same are in progress. This
works includes dead end line at north cabin and IE line of R&D yard.
The Cost of the Project is about Rs. 9.28 cr and the project duration is about 15-24 months. The
Project Target date of Completion is December 2016.
VPT has initiated action to develop the 3rd line at 14 Lever Goomty of NH yard to reduce the
congestion in rail network from Eastern Yard, Outer Harbour and NH Yard. This work is to be
entrusted to the East Coast Railways. Work Order issued to M/s. RITES Ltd vide Lr.No.PD-
24015/56/2015-PD-IV(Pt-II), Dt.27-08-2015 by IPRCL for providing consultancy services for making
DPR. Inception report was submitted by M/s RITES on 22.09.2015. The proposed location is shown in
Figure 8.20.
In addition to the proposed 3rd line at 14 Lever Goomty of NH yard following works are also entrusted
to Rites to prepare the DPR for Additional Line No. 1E on the Eastern Side of the R&D Yard. Work
order issued for Rs.4,59,85,245/- to M/s JD Constructions, VSKP for Civil and M/s. NCTC, Kolkata for
P. Way for Rs.4,62,98,310/- on 31.12.2015 and work is in progress
Cost estimate for construction of Panel Cabin at Revamped East Yard has already submitted to VPT
by M/s. RITES and the same has been forwarded to E.Co. Rlys for examination and remarks.
The Cost of the Project is about Rs. 11.0 Cr .The target date of Completion of the project is December
VPT has initiated action to develop the electrification works to improve the rail network inside the Port.
Electrification from AKP-East Yard for 4.698TKM and from East Yard for 18.783 amounting to 23.481
TKM is to be taken up as deposit work on urgent basis. Detailed estimates have been furnished to
VPT for 11.245 TKM for an amount for Rs.6.84 Cr. For balance length consent has been obtained
from PPP operators for Infrastructure cess. Block estimate submitted to E.Co. Railways for
The total cost of the Project is Rs. 19.58 cr and target date of Completion is December 2016.The
amount of Rs 6.80 Cr deposited to Eco. Railway.
Work order issued to M/s. RITES Ltd, Vide Lr.No.PD-24015/56/2015- PD-IV(Pt-II), dt.27-08-2015 for
preparation of DPR by Rites and draft DPR was submitted by M/s Rites on 28.10.2015
The cost of the project is Rs. 30 cr and the date of Completion is December 2017 S&T Works at R&D Yard, “B” Cabin, 14 Lever Goompty, Dumper Cabin and
Service Building
VPT has given IPRCL the order for providing consultancy services for the above work. The Project
Cost is about 35.74 Cr. Completion of the Project is by December 2017. DPR submitted by M/s Rites
on 30.11.2015.
VPT has initiated action to develop the signalling works to improve the rail network inside the Port. The
works at RRI cabin R&D yard and the Panel Cabin at 14 Lever are under progress by East Coast
Railways. The estimate is submitted by RITES for the RRI cabin at East yard and consent obtained
from PPP operators for infrastructure cess. The various signalling works in progress are shown in the
Figure 8.22 hereunder:
The details on number of rakes handled at each of the siding available at VPT are given in Table 8.4.
Considering that each siding served by mechanised means can handled 4 to 5 rakes per day and that
using manual labour can also handle about 2 to 3 rakes per day, the utilisation of current rail sidings is
very low as most sidings handled less than one rake per day. It is therefore important that a detailed
study be carried out to arrive at the sidings that are redundant and should be removed to make way for
additional storage and circulation space.
1. To make sidings full rake length (siding length of about 750 m) so as to reduce time.
2. There shall not be any crossover along the track
3. Wagon system to be mechanised Overview
Visakhapatnam Port is connected to trunk line directly through the Walt air Railway Marshalling Yard
to the Chennai-Howrah main line of East Coast consisting 1643km of double line rail link. The distance
from Visakhapatnam to Chennai is around 761km and from Visakhapatnam to Howrah is around
882km. The rail-borne traffic at Visakhapatnam Port is 32.8 MTPA out of 56.1 MTPA, which was about
58.5% of the total traffic handled at the Port during the year 2013-2014. VPT is well connected to the
hinterland through rail network. Apart from coal which is completely moved by rail, fertilisers, limestone
and food grains are the other dry bulk commodities being moved by rail. Rail transport is primarily
used for low value commodities for which transport costs are an important component of the delivered
price. However, apart from coal, most other commodities are beginning to shift to roads owing to the
shortage of rail capacity in many sectors. Iron ore exports have experienced a large shift to roads, on
account of the rapid increase in exports and the capacity crunch being faced by the railways.
Container traffic is also moving away from rail transport. The average interchange between the Port
and Railways at Ore Exchange Complex (OEC) is ~12 per day. The average interchange between the
Port and Railways at Reception and Dispatch yard (R&D Yard) is ~20 per day. The external rail
connectivity of Visakhapatnam Port to rail trunk routes is shown in the Figure 8.23 hereunder.
The trains handled at the sidings of western sector are traveling an additional distance of 10 km per
train with the existing arrangements and the queuing up at the Diamond crossing leads to increase in
turn round time and detention of rolling stock by about 3 to 4 hours per rake. It is eminent to develop
i) Direct connection from Mindi at western sector to East Coast Railways/ South Central
ii) A direct connection between OEC and Western Sector jointing at NAD Curve from East
Coast Railways
The above connectivity’s reduce congestion at R&D yard due to many PPP projects in Eastern Sector
through which about 40 additional trains are to be handled. Proposed direct connection from Mindi at Western Sector to East Coast
Railways/South Central Railways
VPT has initiated action to develop a connection from Mindi at Western sector to the East Coast
Railways/South Central railways. The trains handled at the sidings of western sector are traveling an
additional distance of 10 km per train with the existing arrangements and the queuing up at the
Diamond crossing leads to increase in turn round time and detention of rolling stock by about 3 to 4
hours per rake. The direct connection works from Mindi to East Coast railways and South Central
railways will be done in 2 phases. Currently the revised DPR needs to be submitted by M/s. RITES,
after approval of methodology by the VPT. The location of the proposed rail connectivity is shown in
Figure 8.24 hereunder.
Figure 8.24 Proposed Railway Connection from Mindi to East Coast Railways and South
Central Railways
VPT has initiated action to develop a connection between OEC and Western Sector jointing at NAD
curve. The trains handled at the sidings of western sector are traveling an additional distance of 10 km
per train with the existing arrangements and the queuing up at the Diamond crossing leads to increase
in turn round time and detention of rolling stock by about 3 to 4 hours per rake. The Revised DPR
submitted by Rites to E. Co. Railways. Work has been taken up through IPRCL and it is in progress.
The Cost of the Project is about 16.75 Cr and the duration is about 15-24 months. The target date of
completion is December 2016. Bulb Line from DYD to Western Sector and OEC by East Coast Railways
East Coast railway has initiated action to develop bulb line from DYD sector and OEC for engine
reversal and this line can also be used for handling western sector without coming to R&D yard .The
work has been completed.
VPT has initiated action to develop third line from R & D yard to DYD connecting dead end line at
North of R & D yard to Eastern grid to reduce the constraint of twin single lines at R&D. The rrevised
DPR for the project has been submitted by M/s. RITES to East Coast Railway. In principle approval
has been given for DPR by Railways. Codal Charges paid to E.Co. Railways. Work Order for PMC
issued to M/s. IPRCL Ltd., vide Lr.No.PD-24015/56/2015-PD-IV(Pt-II), Dt.17/21-08-2015 and the work
is in progress.
The Cost of the Project is about Rs. 9.28 cr. and the duration is about 15-24 months (will be decided
mutually based on volume/ size of works). The target date of completion is by December 2016.
VPT initiated to provide direct rail connectivity to Mindi Yard. This shall reduce travel distance by 10
km and time 3 hr. The total Cost of the Project is about 270.73 Cr. These are divided in 3 Phases.
Cost for Phase 1 is about Rs. 19.73 Cr, Phase 2 Rs. 112 cr. and Phase 3 about Rs. 139 cr.
Time period for the entire project shall be 15-24 months (will be decided mutually based on
volume/size of works) and date of Completion will be by December 2017.
Revised DPR based on E.Co.Rlys remarks has to be submitted by M/s. RITES. . Work order has been
issued to M/s. RITES Ltd., vide Lr.No.PD-24015/56/2015-PD-IV(Pt-II), dt.17/21-08-2015 by IPRCL for
It could be seen from Figure 9.2 that the breakwater has been planned such that it stays clear of the
submarine pipeline from SPM.
However it is noticed that the proposed layout is exposed to waves from NE direction and would result
in significant downtime during the NE monsoon period. Further this layout does not offer any benefit to
VPT. Considering these aspects another alternative layout has been developed as shown in
Figure 9.2.
In this layout additional berths for port shall be on the south of the existing south breakwater and that
for navy shall be on the lee of the proposed new breakwater. However, considering the fact that there
is no backup space for storage of cargo adjacent to the proposed harbour, the berths proposed for the
port could be used only for handling the liquid cargo.
Under such circumstances, the port should identify nearby minor ports under the State Port Directorate
for adoption and development as a satellite port. Visakhapatnam port can consider a suitable port
location along the Andhra coast for this purpose.
It may be noted that apart from these projects there could be several other projects which port would
be implementing as part of the routine operations and maintenance of the port facilities. Further the
phasing proposed is not cast in stone but could be reviewed periodically and revised based on the
economic scenario and demand for port at that particular point of time.
The port layout after completion of ongoing projects shall be as shown in Figure 10.1 and Figure 10.2.
The port layout after completion of projects mentioned above shall be as shown in Figure 10.3.
The port layout after completion of mentioned above shall be as shown in Figure 10.4.
Visakhapatnam port (VPT) is located on the east coast of India in the state of Andhra Pradesh, located between
Chennai and Kolkata. It is the only major port of Andhra Pradesh. VPT has 24 berths, with 5 under private
concession of which Adani, VSPL, Vedanta have concessions to operate coal berths, and DP World has concession
to operate a container terminal. The layout of the VPT port:
Cargo volumes have declined by 15% over the last 5 years, which has impacted the revenue of the port. The
operating margin is also under pressure—primarily due to expenses increasing steadily by ~8%.
Most berths at VPT either face a problem of low capacity utilization or low occupancy. Existing berths are in a
position to handle up to 100 million MT.
Figure 188: Capacity utilization of all the berths at VPT (calculated using BDP)
Three major cargos handled at VPT include coal, POL and iron ore. Competition is driving volume pressure across
all 3 commodities. Coal cargo has been under threat due to the emergence of Gangavaram port (less than 30 kms
from VPT). POL is also under threat because of volumes shifting to Paradip. Another major hit has been iron
ore—volumes have decreased after the ban on iron ore exports from the country.
A brief of the current port capacity and berth allocation is given below:
Berths VGCB, EQ1 and EQ1A are already under PPP – BOT and are fully mechanized with VGCB and
EQ1 being used to handle import coal, and EQ1A being developed to handle export coal. VGCB is PPP-
BOT with Vedanta, EQ1 with Adani, and EQ1A with SEW.
Ore Berths 1 and 2, which are currently owned by VPT, have been contracted to Essar to develop them
as iron ore handling berths with fully mechanized capabilities.
OSTT berth, which had suffered extensive damage during Cyclone Hudhud, is being redeveloped by
VPT to handle POL cargo.
LPG berth is currently owned by VPT and handles cargo through its network of pipelines.
VCTPL 1+2 are container terminals that are currently operated by Visakha Container Terminal under
One half of EQ2 (the other half is being used to increase berth length of EQ1), EQ3, 4, 5 are being
planned to be deconstructed and 2 deeper draughts (14.0 m) berths are being developed in the
medium term (3-year horizon). After berth reconstruction, 2 x 100 MT HMCs will be used to operate
each of the 2 new berths.
EQ6 berth currently does not have any shore cranes. Hence, current 20 MT shore cranes are being
planned to get transferred from adjoining EQ7 berth.
EQ7 berth has been contracted out to ABG to be developed as a dedicated fertilizer handling berth. The
berth draught will be increased from the current 11.0 m to 14.0 m.
EQ8 and EQ9 are 2 other general cargo berths being operated by Vizag Seaport Limited with a draught
of 14.5 m. They currently use 2 HMCs of 100MT for operations.
WQ1 berth is currently being planned to be given to Essar after berths OB1 and OB2 have reached
capacity, and will be mechanized for iron ore export.
WQ2 and 3 have draught of 12.5 m and will operate as General Cargo berths using 2 HMCs of 50 MT
and 100 MT.
WQ4 berth with draughts of 11.0 m will continue to operate as General cargo berth using ship cranes
for operations.
WQ5 is currently semi-mechanized to handle alumina and caustic soda with a draught of 11.0 m. This
is also not expected to change.
OR1 and OR2 berths currently have a berth draught of 11.0 m and handle POL products. Their
draughts will be increased to 14.0 m and new pipelines will be added in line with growth in POL
products at HPCL refineries. Also, this additional pipeline development will render the current
dedicated Fertilizer berth (FB) as defunct.
WQ6 is already mechanized by ABG and will be used to handle general cargo products.
WQ7 and WQ8 will have dredging operations for increasing berth draughts and will be used to handle
general cargo. They will have a draught of 14.0 m.
EQ10 is being planned to be developed by IMC under PPP – BOT and will also handle General Cargo.
SPM will continue to operate in the future as it is operating today.
Thus, VPT already has plans to emerge as a highly mechanized port with multiple dedicated berths as well as
general cargo berths under PPP-BOT operations.
EQ3 Conv VPT 10.0 General Cargo 784,998 2,141,814 Electric cranes 10 / 15 MT
EQ4 Conv VPT 10.0 General Cargo 803,672 2,141,814 Electric cranes 10 / 15 MT
EQ5 Conv VPT 11.0 General Cargo 1,178,824 2,141,814 Electric cranes 10 / 15 MT
General Cargo + Caustic Soda +
EQ6 Conv VPT 11.0 Phosphoric Acid (Pipeline) 1,193,557 2,472,840 Electric cranes 10 / 15 MT
EQ7 Conv VPT 11.0 Fertilizers 1,806,316 1,863,233 Electric cranes 20 MT
EQ8 Semi Mech VSPL 11.0 General Cargo 2,467,884 4,531,336 100 MT HMC, Conveyor
EQ9 Semi Mech VSPL 11.0 General Cargo 2,293,593 4,531,336 100 MT HMC, Conveyor
WQ1 Conv VPT 12.5 General Cargo 2,341,058 4,651,718
WQ2 Conv VPT 12.5 General Cargo 2,716,472 4,651,718 2 50 HMC between 3 berths, Ship
WQ3 Conv VPT 12.5 General Cargo 2,602,368 4,651,718 Cranes
WQ4 Conv VPT 11.0 General Cargo 1,581,754 3,655,793 Ship Cranes
WQ5 Semi Mech VPT 11.0 Alumina + Caustica Soda (Pipeline) 2,489,314 3,873,323 Ship Crane + Conveyor
FB Mech Captive berth for CFL 10.0 Fertilizers 504,357 2,936,667
OR1 Mech VPT 11.0 POL 1,619,916 3,469,639 Pipeline
OR2 Mech VPT 11.0 POL 1,424,884 3,090,288 Pipeline
SPM Mech VPT - POL 5,510,484 10,000,000 Pipeline
EQ1A Mech SEW - Thermal Coal 7,000,000 Conveyor mech.
WQ6 Mech ABG - General Cargo 2,113
WQ7, WQ8 -
Figure 190: Existing berth details (FY15 end) with cargo handling capacity at VPT
In addition, VPT receives the following revenue share from the different PPP-BOT berths operating currently:
VPT currently faces stiff competition from Gangavaram port, located 13 kms away. In the same period from
2010–11 to 2014–15, volumes at Gangavaram have increased from ~14 Mn MT to ~21 Mn MT, largely driven
by an increase in coal cargo from ~10 Mn MT to ~16 Mn MT. Market share at VPT for coal handling has, therefore,
come down from ~60% in 2010–11 to <50% in 2014–15. Coal has been a key driver of cargo at VPT and any loss
in market share of coal handling needs to be addressed immediately.
With these facts in view, it is critical to create and attract additional demand at VPT to improve overall
operations. Also, there is potential to improve financial performance of the port by driving higher cargo volume
share for coal (both coking and steam coal imports) through existing mechanized terminals rather than
conventional operations. Hence, our effort has focused on demand creation and generating additional revenues
from existing operations and cargo demand by improving overall port throughput.
EQ3 Conv VPT 14.0 General Cargo 2 Semi Mech (100 MT HMC)
EQ4 Conv VPT 14.0 General Cargo 2 Semi Mech (100 MT HMC)
Figure 192: Gangavaram has been growing at 10% YoY, and is arguably adding capacity
Low capacity utilization at VPT berths is a key concern area. In addition, VPT also faces the constraints of capacity
on railway lines connecting the port to the hinterland. Also, it has been losing customers and volumes to
Gangavaram. Thus, VPT needs to approach the issue of demand generation and retention with a very high
VPT currently has 4 main railway lines connecting it to the different areas within the hinterland:
RV line (Raipur – Vizianagram): This line connects VPT / GVM to the hinterland in Chattisgarh,
Madhya Pradesh, Western Odisha. Here, VPT typically has a share of 62% of rakes going from VPT and
GVM out of a total number of ~14 rakes. This line is constrained and is a key bottleneck for increasing
port volumes.
South Central line (Visakhapatnam – Vijaywada): This line connects Visakhapatnam to Vijaywada and
is also used for traffic all the way through Telangana and Eastern Maharashtra. Out of an average of 2
rakes here, VPT has a share of ~23%. Gangavaram port has been effectively targeting customers along
this line as it can absorb additional rakes.
Main line (Visakhapatnam – Kharagpur): This line connects Visakhapatnam to Kharagpur and is also
used for traffic around Coastal Odisha, West Bengal and other areas of North East India. Out of an
average 1 rake here, VPT has almost 72% of volume share.
Local line: This connects Visakhapatnam to the local hinterland. Out of ~2.2 rakes here, VPT has a
share of ~44%.
Figure 193: VPT faces severe rake constraint in its immediate hinterland along RV line
As is evident, Gangavaram Port has been strategically targeting customers along the South Central Railway line
and local customers to drive higher volumes.
Initiative Overview
VPT has no formal mechanism to engage with customers. There is an urgent need to target customers along
unconstrained lines and attract them to VPT. This requires creating a separate Marketing/Sales or Business
Development team that can take the responsibility of reaching out and engaging with the customers.
Key Findings
In a highly competitive setting with frequent churn of customers from VPT to Gangavaram, an absence of a
Marketing/Sales or Business Development team is a severe handicap and is one of the key reasons why there
have been a number of customer exits from the port. In addition, lack of awareness of the port facilities along
with end-to-end handling cost is another constraint faced by the port operations.
A BD team reporting to the Chairman with experience in driving marketing and sales is needed. This team will
draw on support as needed from other teams—Traffic, Accounts, etc. Its core function will be:
Customer Identification and targeting: Identifying the customers in the hinterland. This in turn can be
of the following categories:
Customers already working with VPT
Customers working with both VPT and Gangavaram
Customers who have worked with VPT in the past, but are now working at Gangavaram
Customers who have never operated through VPT
Customer Repository: Developing a detailed customer repository to map the entire hinterland and
their cargo requirement.
Competitive intelligence: Cargo and volume handled of different customers at Gangavaram along with
potential end-to-end handling cost, if possible.
Customer Relationship management: Engage with existing customers to identify if they are facing any
constraints at the port.
An initial list of customers who should be immediately targeted includes:
2 VPT 1.1 Setup new Business Development team to convert customers for VPT
The new
Anrak Aluminium should
team(customer initially
at VPT till FY15)focus on potential customers
along the non congested SC railway line
In addition, new customer search and targets can be prioritized using the following map as a reference:
Adani JSPL Monnet
MSPGCL Uttam Value
Indiabulls SAIL
RV railway
Mumbai port
Vizag port
Krishnapatnam port has Rs. 60 SC railway
freight cost advantage vs VPT
in this shared hinterland along
line Nava RINL Gangavaram port
SC railway line Bharat
8-9Cr. revenue opportunity
from these plants in Andhra
APGENCO and Telangana by capturing
25% coal imports
Kakinada port
Shortest distance considered for determining the hinterland from the nearest ports
Source: BCG analysis; Indian Railways; Lit. search
Figure 195: Spread of power plants, steel plants, aluminium plants from Vizag Ports along different rail
Expected Impact
Having a Sales/Marketing or Business Development will help streamline existing customer handling processes
and will, over a period of time, lead to increase customer retention and get additional customers and their cargo
volumes to the port. Initiative: VPT 1.2 Reconfigure cargo handling volumes along S. Central Railway
Initiative Overview
Same customers handle part of their cargo in mechanized berths and part of their cargo in conventional berths.
The port makes around Rs. 70/MT of cargo handling on the mechanized berths, but makes a much smaller
amount due to the use of labor at the conventional berths. If cargo volumes can be moved from the conventional
berths to the mechanized berths, the operating profit for the port will go up. This initiative is also linked to
initiative VPT 2.1 and VPT 2.2.
Key Findings
There are a number of customers who continue to handle cargo across both mechanized and conventional
berths. The cargo in question is typically coking or steam coal.
Key customers handling coal cargo by both mechanized and conventional berths include:
Figure 196: Coal cargo customers who use both mechanized and conventional berths
For actual end-customers (highlighted in gray), there is possibility to drive cargo handling towards mechanized
berths, thereby improving port productivity and profitability.
The BD team lays special focus on interacting with the above customers. There is also a need to liaise with BD
teams of the PPP – BOT operators and provide the right value proposition for each of the customers. This will
help drive higher volumes through more productive berths and, hence, improve port efficiency.
Expected Impact
Reconfiguration of existing cargo from one berth to another will lead to improvement of overall port productivity
and profitability. This will also drive improved environment management at the port as the volume will be
directed through mechanized means.
VPT has been losing market share to Gangavaram for the following reasons:
Availability of multiple deep draught berths (Depth: 18m) at Gangavaram compared to only 1 current
berth at VPT (VGCB berth)
Low productivity, hence lower overall capacity utilization at VGCB due to operational constraints
Prohibitive storage costs at VPT driving volumes away, compared to almost free storage at
The VGCB berth, like Gangavaram, is capable of handling cape size vessels bringing cargo of ~150,000 MT in
each call to the port. However, average cargo parcel size handled at VGCB was only ~33,800 MT. Initiative: VPT 2.1 Allocate additional land to high productive berths
Initiative Overview
2 VPT 2.1 Allocate additional land to high productive berths to drive higher productivity
to be allocated to PPP – low
driving BOT berths to ensure effective
utilization productive operations keeping in
and competitiveness
view existing operating conditions within the port. Any development in space should ideally be carried out by
the PPP BOT. berths
40 • VGCB getting 4 – 5 rakes
against 10 rakes required 100
0 2 10 3 3 6 7
0 0
VGCB VPT < 10 15 20 30 45
B1 Increase in rakes after
completion of doubling of # of days
lines and electrification works
A1 Allocate additional land to B2 Identify customers on non- C1 Revisit TAMP rates for
mechanized berths to ease constrained Railway lines for storage on BOT land
operations additional cargo
1. Also used to store coals sometimes 2. Based on white paper on Dry Bulk Terminal Characteristics: Vianen et al
Based on data shared by Traffic Dept on storage areas and MTs cargo for 2014-15
Figure 197: Low yard availability, low rake availability and high storage cost are critical constraints for VGCB
Key Findings
VGCB was designed to handle ~10 Mn MT of import coal in a year. In order to do this, it needed ~7–8 rakes for
coal evacuation in a day. In 2014–15, it could handle only ~6.9 Mn MT of coal. Such low cargo handling was
chiefly due to lack of adequate rakes for cargo evacuation (1585 rakes/year or 4.3 rakes/day). Lack of adequate
rakes is in turn being driven by delay in implementation of electrification and doubling of Raipur – Vizianagram
line of the Railways, which is expected to be complete by end of 2018. This line connecting Chattisgarh, Madhya
Pradesh and Western Odisha is populated by major steel plants in India and is key to driving coal cargo volumes
for VPT.
In addition, the average inventory storage for VGCB was assumed to be 10 days, implying storage of ~300,000
MT of cargo. Land was suitably allotted (total ~33 acres, ~25 acres for cargo storage) to store ~400,000–
450,000 MT of coal. However, due to slow cargo evacuation, the actual average inventory storage days for larger
customers (especially SAIL) has increased to >20 days and is also closer to ~30 days in some instances. Due to
slow evacuation, the berth gets frequently choked due to lack of land for evacuating the cargo. Therefore, instead
of operating at a capacity of >80,000 MT/day, the berth is only able to operate at ~30,000–35,000 MT/day for
full vessel discharge, severely increasing the time spent by the vessel at the port and increasing the cost for the
end customer. Also, the berth was able to handle only 4 vessels out of 186 vessels with volume > 100,000 MT in
2014–15, though it is designed to handle high capacity vessels.
As2 the
VPTkey RV Railway
2.1 Allocate upgrade
additional project
land to high is still
productive not
berths to complete, it is important to increase the geographic spread of
drive higher productivity
customers to be in a position to handle additional cargo. Currently, this is not possible as a large volume of
A1 Space constraints results in vessel shifting from mechanized
existing storage is used by SAIL cargo (~150,000 MT–200, 000 MT out of ~400,000 MT of cargo stored in VGCB
to conventional
stackyard), and the remaining area berths
is blocked by cargo from other major steel players.
Non exhaustive list of vessels supplying coal to end customers on S. C. Railway line from VGCB berths
PRABHU SHAKTI COKING COAL Uttam Galva 26,716 54,657 INR 38L Resultant
loss of
Gandhar Oil
UNION TRADER STEAM COAL 25,443 30,409 INR 21L due to
Refinery India handling at
Gandhar Oil non VGCB
ECOLA STEAM COAL 22,396 46,192 INR 32L berths
Refinery India
SEA HERMES COKING COAL Uttam Galva 26,415 52,947 INR 37L
IKAN BAWAL COKING COAL Uttam Galva 31,297 49,956 INR 35L
COKING COAL Uttam Galva 25,676 55,597 INR 39L
Extra cargo from same vessel for
same customer not handled at VGCB
berths due to non-availability of land Total INR 2.4 Cr
Figure 198: Space constraints at VGCB led to higher lighterage operations, hence loss of cargo handling at high
productive and high profitability berths
Inadequate storage space and difficulties in evacuation is resulting in lighterage operations and, hence,
loss of both productivity and profitability for VPT.
Also, VPT has been facing multiple complaints from nearby residential areas of higher pollution due to handling
and storage of dirty cargo near residential areas. One of the key drivers of this pollution has been handling of
dirty coal cargo through conventional means at VPT. In order to make port operations sustainable in the long
run, it is also important to move the handling of coal cargo through conventional means to mechanized means
to reduce any instances of air pollution.
Adequate land needs to be allocated to PPT – BOT berths under the purview of existing contract conditions to
drive higher port productivity and port volume.
In order to decongest operations and meet project volumes at VGCB of ~10 Mn MT, average inventory
turns of 12–15 or ~830,000 MT of inventory is required. At the current stack height of ~4 m of cargo
storage, this requires an additional land parcel of ~22–25 acres of land.
As per the current contract, provision for allotting excess land has been included in Clause 9 iii. Land
lease charges paid on this land by VGCB to VPT will be the same as charged by the port for any long
term lease rate as defined under SoR. The proposed clearing and development of land for use as
storage areas (including capital expenditure such as setting up of conveyor land) should be taken up
by the private player under PPP – BOT. Existing contract conditions have this provision for additional
land allocation to VGCB berth for project needs.
2 VPTis2.1
a land parcel
Allocate of ~28–30
additional land to highacres nearberths
productive the to
VGCB terminal
drive higher that can be used for this purpose. It will involve
A1 Allocating
movement of existing FCI additional
godowns to the land parcel
periphery canand
of the port, help use ofincrease
the said land parcel for coal storage.
This will also reduce coal storage on
mechanized volumes and also reduce pollutionthe port periphery and replace coal with cleanconcerns
cargo of FCI.
Addn. land parcels identified for storage – will Three key steps for defining
involve relocation of long term leases holdings approach and solution
Map of east quay land parcel
Land parcel holds coal 1 Procedural: Considerations under which
close to city limit –
high risk of pollution dditional land can be allocated
Need for additional mechanization
to improve productivity and 2
Economic: Land allocation and
reduce environmental risk
subsequent operations are economically
Figure 199: Identified parcel for land may need some godowns to be shifted out to the periphery
area of the port
All technical studies of how the land will be developed should be carried out by the PPP – BOT player. Initial
estimates for the overall investment required for the total development is ~Rs. 90–100 Crs, including 2-sway
conveyor systems, stacker reclaimer systems and land development.
Expected Impact
VPT is expected to have the following benefits due to the proposed changes:
Productivity: Higher coal volume handling through mechanized means at VGCB will lead to increase
in overall productivity for the port, which in turn will lead to a reduction in the turnaround time for
the vessels at the port. Higher space at VGCB will help the terminal maintain a larger distribution of
end customers (geography-wise), increasing the number of rakes it gets every day.
Profitability: Higher volumes at VGCB will lead to increase in revenues and, hence, revenue share for
VPT. Because no costs are associated with the project from VPT's perspective, this will lead to a direct
addition of operating surplus to VPT's books. For every additional ton of cargo handled, VPT will be
making ~Rs. 70 in just cargo handling. Therefore, due to this allocation, if cargo volumes are taken up
to ~10 Mn MT, it will lead to an increase in operating surplus by Rs. 21 Crs.
Environmental concerns: Problems faced by VPT due to conventional handling of dirty cargo can be
further mitigated as coal handling will move towards mechanized handling, with conventional coal
handling volumes expected to decrease. Initiative: VPT 2.2 Rationalize storage costs at PPT – BOT berths
Initiative Overview
This is a prohibitively high storage cost and is affecting VGCB's (hence VPT's) competitiveness vis-a-vis
Gangavaram. Thus, despite VGCB’s lower price point without storage costs, it is not a more effective proposition
for the end customer due to the distortions created by the high storage costs, which make it a costlier option.
This will lead to a further erosion of volumes over time, affecting port performance.
This is also a very high storage cost structure and will undermine competitiveness of the terminal when it is fully
Key Findings
VGCB, while being mechanized like berths in Gangavaram, is not competitive on price points chiefly
due to high storage cost
In addition, even compared to lighterage operations at VGCB and WQ berths, VGCB is not competitive
in spite of higher productivity and higher vessel size handling capability, which is again driven by very
high storage costs
Report mechanized berths have very low utilization currently
High storage and waiting costs making making berth uncompetitive
VGCB less competitive compared to GVM berths and even WQ berths Low utilization of VGCB
% Capacity utilization
Total cost to the customer for coal import in per ton (Rs.)
Draft: 17.5 m Draft: 18.0 m Draft: 11.0 m
505 - 625 80
600 547 - 577
Figure 200: VGCB berth is currently less competitive compared to Gangavaram, and even compared to part
lighterage operations at VGCB and remaining unloading WQ berths
Rationalization of existing storage cost at PPP–BOT terminals is required. In 2014-15, instead of the planned
storage revenues at VGCB of ~Rs. 1.7 Crs, the actual revenues were more than Rs. 20 Crs. This additional non-
core revenue is at the cost of handling excess cargo volume and, hence, is a net non-value adding proposition for
the entire logistic network.
The rationalization of storage cost needs to be worked out with TAMP as there are no existing clauses in the
current contract that provides for change in storage cost structure.
Expected Impact
Lowering of storage charges from the current levels will only serve to make the existing operations more
effective by attracting additional cargo to high productive, high profitability berths. This will also reduce
lighterage operations and, hence, conventional coal handling operations at VPT. Initiative: VPT 3.1 Set up dashboard, regularize weekly meetings to track performance and
use inputs to set up port productivity norms
Initiative Overview
At present, there is no regular performance review system at the port. In the absence of a tracking system, strict
operational discipline is not enforced. As a result, varying levels of variance creep into regular operations. Also,
from a port perspective, it gets difficult to benchmark performance levels for individual berths. There is a need
to set up a dashboard-based weekly performance review to track performance across the berth–cargo–
stevedore combination.
Key Findings
At present, there is minimal tracking and review of existing operations. As a result, there are significant variances
in performance for the same berth-cargo-equipment combination for different stevedores, as well as for the
same variance
stevedore observed
across different instances. in productivity for stevedores
Cargo: Steam Coal Data for Vizag Port from 1 – Jan – 2015 to 30 – Jun – 2015
Bothra Shipping Sea Port Logistics KR & SONS Eversun Logistics SVK Shipping Kanha Shipping
No. of vessels 16 2 2 3 5 1
Figure 201: Steam coal cargo handling performance for different stevedores
Absence of any productivity norms for the vessels or stevedore performance impacts the overall port
productivity across conventional berths. Therefore, through a structured review mechanism, there is a need to
identify the right productivity norms that can be set as targets for the stevedores.
Stevedore A
Benchmark performance
12,356 12,116 11,984
10,888 +114%
9,781 9,607 9,386
10,000 9,003 8,894 8,700
Apus Alam Nueva Nonna Massallia White Magia Menalon NPS Sri Prem Santa Anna Elgiznur Pan
Madu Fortuna Ulia Diamond Ocean Varsha Monica Elizabeth Cebi Energen
Figure 202: The same stevedore has a wide variance in performance across different vessels
Regular reviews of port operations are critical to create transparency, a single source of truth to measure
performance and set up a process of continuous improvement. There is also a need to link performance
reviews through an integrated IT system to remove any manual interventions.
In addition, targets and norms to govern equipment performance and vessel performance need to be put in place
to ensure effective governance of operations.
Expected Impact
With adequate norms and tracking, there is a potential to increase the productivity of most cargo categories by
> 10%. This will free capacity on the berth, will reduce vessel turnaround time, and will also help in reducing
pre-berthing delays, improving the overall service levels at the port.