E. Discussing New Concepts and The teacher will discuss that the given
Practicing New Skills #2 story is an example of a short story and The teacher will discuss the
the following questions are the elements intonation and its kinds.
of the story. (15mins.)
-The teacher will now discuss the short
story and its elements. (15mins.)
F. Developing Mastery Answer the following questions: (5mins.) Each group will make a short Activity: Write true if the The students
(Leads to Formative Assessment 1. The hero or good person in the role play that will show the statement is true and false if will spell out
3) story. elements of the short story. the statement is not. (10mins.) 10 words.
2. Story told in first person and is - Characters 1. How many more Using
true story. - Settings hours before you’re dictionary,
3. Story form the “I” point of - Climax done with your they will
view. - Problem game? – RI search the
4. Where the story takes place. - Resolution 2. Liam, study your meaning of
5. The force that opposes the - Lesson of the story lessons now. – FI the words
protagonist (30mins.) 3. What a crazy show?– they spell
6. A piece of prose that can be The students will present FI out.
read on one sitting. their mini role play in front. 4. Wow! That man is
7. The main idea or message of genius, isn’t he?- RI
the story. 5. Blue is my favorite
8. Position from which the story is color.-RI
told to the reader. 6. Get me my shoes.-RI
9. Plot in the story when the 7. You should listen to
conflict is resolved. your mother when
10. The high point of the story she’s talking to you.-
when the conflict is resolved. FI
8. Did you finish your
homework?- RI
9. I love watching
10. Which book is the
best for you?-RI
G. Finding Practical Applications of In our lives, there is also called a story, In saying a word, phrase or They will give 1
Concepts and Skills in Daily this is what is happening in our daily sentences you should use example of sentence
Living living. There is also elements of a story proper intonation in order for using the word.
where in there are characters either you to understand by someone -They will also give the
protagonist or antagonist. There is a and he/she able to understand synonyms of each
setting where we usually go, and what you want to convey. word.
especially there is a lesson. In our daily For example you are worried to
lives, we tend to make mistakes but your mother and you want to
those serve as a lesson for us. (5mins.) say “How are you?” You should
use the right intonation so that
your mother sees that you are
really worried to her. (5mins.)
H. Making Generalizations and The students will define what is a short The students will define
Abstractions about the Lesson story. They will enumerate the elements intonation and will identify the
of a short story. (4mins.) kinds of intonation. (5mins.)
I. Evaluating Learning Activity: Make your own short story and Each group will identify the Group activity (10mins.) Each
identify the elements of the story. elements of the short story group will be given phrases or
(10mins.) that other group presented in sentences that they will say
the role play. using right intonation. They will
(30mins.) make a scenario where in they
will say the following lines:
- To a friend you meet
- To a friend you
haven’t seen for 10
- To a neighbor whom
you don’t like
- To a 6 month old
- To know if someone
is listening on the
- To member of a
family departing at
the airport
- To someone who has
been annoying you
- To a child starting his
very first day at
- To a boy/girl friend
- To a friend at the end
of a training program
J. Additional Activities for
Application or Remediation
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the
IV. REFLECTION students learn?
Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation