Technical Specs Wirepas RF Solution

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Head End System and RF Mesh


Technical Specification
RF Mesh Solution

Classified as External
Head End System and RF Mesh

Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................................... 4
1. Scope of Work .............................................................................................................................. 4
1.8 Other requirements....................................................................................................................... 5
RF Solution Provider’s Responsibilities and Obligations ........................................................... 6
2. Price Schedule.............................................................................................................................. 7
3. Payment Schedule and Terms ................................................................................................ 11
3.1.1 Payment Milestone for Supply part of NIC/Module and Gateway ........................ 11
3.1.2 Payment of Quarterly Opex .......................................................................................... 12 Payment Milestone for Implementation of HES/NMS ............................................. 12 Payment Milestone for Operation, Maintenance and Support Services after
completion of Operational Go Live ............................................................................................. 13
3.1.1 Payment Terms............................................................................................................... 13
Appendix – A: Software Licenses BoQ ........................................................................................... 14
Appendix – B: Cloud IT Infrastructure Sizing and Guidelines .................................................. 16
4. System Requirements: - ........................................................................................................... 17
5. Functional Requirements ........................................................................................................ 19
6. RF Communication Solution Requirement .......................................................................... 22
6.1 General Requirement of RF Mesh Communication Network ................................ 23
7. RF Communication Network Infrastructure for Smart Meters ........................................ 25
8. Network Management System (NMS).................................................................................... 25
8.1 NMS Requirements Specific to HES ............................................................................. 26
8.2 Network Protection & Security.................................................................................... 26
9. Solution Integration ................................................................................................................. 28
10. Gateway/ Router/Access Point for RF Mesh Communication network ......................... 28
10.1 Functional Requirements for Gateway/ Router/Access Point.............................. 28
10.2 Connectivity Requirement for Gateway/ Router/Access Point ............................ 29
10.3 Electrical/ Power Supply Requirements for – Gateway/ Router/Access Point . 30
10.4 Constructional/Mechanical Requirements for – Gateway/ Router/Access Point30
10.5 Environmental/ Operational requirements for Gateways/Routers/Access Points
10.6 Testing of the Gateways/ Routers/ Access Points ................................................... 31
11. RF NAN Module or RF Network Interface Card (NIC) ......................................................... 31
11.1 Functional Requirements for RF NAN Module ......................................................... 31
11.2 Electrical/ Power Supply Requirements for RF NAN Module................................ 32
11.3 Constructional and Operational Requirement for RF NAN module ..................... 32
12. Design considerations for HES/NMS: .................................................................................... 32
12.1 Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) ......................................................................... 32
Head End System and RF Mesh

12.2 High-Speed Solution Architecture .............................................................................. 32

12.3 Modular Design............................................................................................................... 33
12.4 Applications .................................................................................................................... 33
12.5 Operating System ........................................................................................................... 33
12.6 Unified Dashboard and Reporting Application ........................................................ 34
12.7 Time and Calendar Feature .......................................................................................... 34
12.8 Remote Diagnostic ......................................................................................................... 34
12.9 Development and Test Environment ......................................................................... 34
12.10 Network Communication.............................................................................................. 34
12.11 Prepaid functionality..................................................................................................... 34
12.12 Service Orders ................................................................................................................ 34
12.13 High Availability, Load Balancing & Scalability ....................................................... 34
12.14 Deployment Guidelines................................................................................................. 35
12.15 HES/NMS Security .......................................................................................................... 35
12.16 KMS (Key Management System).................................................................................. 35
13. Integration Requirement......................................................................................................... 36
14. Risk Mitigation........................................................................................................................... 36
15. Implementation Approach and Timelines ........................................................................... 36
15.1 Implementation Stages ................................................................................................. 36
15.2 Implementation Timelines & Milestones .................................................................. 37
15.3 Stabilization Phase......................................................................................................... 38
16. Quality Assurance (QA), Factory Acceptance Test (FAT), Site Acceptance
Test (SAT) and System Acceptance Test ....................................................................................... 39
16.1 Site Acceptance Test (SAT) .............................................................................................. 39
16.2 System Availability Test .................................................................................................. 41
16.3 Operational Acceptance ................................................................................................... 41
17. Operation, Maintenance and Support Services post Operational
Acceptance.......................................................................................................................................... 41
17.1 Head End System/Network Management System ................................................... 41
17.2 Other Services ................................................................................................................. 42
18. Service Level Agreements ....................................................................................................... 44
18.1 HES/NMS System performance SLAs ....................................................................... 44
18.2 Expectations/Exclusions for SLA.............................................................................. 47
19. Important Points ....................................................................................................................... 48
20. Training....................................................................................................................................... 48
21. Warranty/Guarantee................................................................................................................ 48
22. Liquidated Damages ................................................................................................................. 49
Form 1: OEM Authorisation Format ........................................................................................... 51
Head End System and RF Mesh


S. No. Abbreviation Full Forms

1. AMS Annual Maintenance Services
2. ATS Annual Technical Services
3. AMI Advanced Metering Infrastructure
4. AMR Automated Meter Reading
5. BoQ Bill of Quantities
6. DLMS Device Language Message Specification
7. FAT Factory Acceptance Test
8. GPRS General Packet Radio Service
9. GSM Global System for Mobile Communications
10. HES/NMS Head End System
11. NOMC Network Operation and Monitoring Center
12. IEC International Electro technical Commission
13. IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
14. IP Internet Protocol
15. MDMS Meter Data Management System
16. OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
17. SAT Site Acceptance Test
18. SBD Standard Bidding Documents
19. SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
20. TCP Transmission Control Protocol
21. VLAN Virtual LAN
22. WAN Wide Area Network
23. WPC Wireless Planning & Coordination Wing
24. NCIIPC National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Center
25. NIC Network Interface Card

1. Scope of Work
The Scope of this document covers:
1.1 Supply of Head End System, Network Management System Application Software along with
ATS for the contract period as mentioned in the subsequent section of this contract.
1.2 Supply of Network Interface Card + Antenna for each make and model of Smart Meters.
1.3 Supply of Gateway/Routers for RF Mesh communication with Smart Meters.
1.4 Supply of RF NIC & Gateways, provisioning of the HES/NMS, NMS with prepayment system in
compliance to SBD version 4 with its amendment.
1.5 Implementation Services: Design, Build, Test and Deploy the supplied HES/NMS, NMS
Application on the provisioned cloud environment (provided by IntelliSmart), configuration,
customization, business process/ systems integration (MDM, workforce management etc.) and
commissioning (FIIT, UAT/SAT, System Availability Testing).
1.6 Development of analytics reports and dashboards.
1.7 Operation, Maintenance and Support Services/AMS of the deployed system along with the
customizations and upgrades for the entire project period on 24X7 basis as per SLA.

*The offered HES/NMS Software licenses will be in the name of the DISCOMs (the details of
DISCOMs shall be shared with the successful RF Solution Provider(s) and will be perpetual, non‐
Head End System and RF Mesh

exclusive, non-transferable, irrevocable, royalty‐free license, without restriction. At the time of

exit / end of contract, these licenses shall be handed over to IntelliSmart /DISCOM.

Unless otherwise stipulated in the specifications, the Scope of Work shall include all such items not
specifically mentioned but that can be reasonably inferred as being required for comprehensive,
successful, and satisfactory implementation of the Solution.

The entire project as mentioned under the scope of works section must be completed timely in phased
manner. The entire scope (i.e., deployment of the HES/NMS on the Cloud Infrastructure (to be provided
by IntelliSmart) with full configuration and the integration with all operational business eco-systems
in production environment followed by SAT, Operational Acceptance).

Project Duration:

The Operation, Maintenance and Support services period for deployed RF Mesh Solution including
HES/NMS and NMS for this project shall be for (a) period of 102 months (approx.) from the date of
operational acceptance of the solution or (b) expiry of total meter-months (93-meter months) of
operating the AMI system after Operational acceptance of AMISP contract of IntelliSmart with

The RF Solution Provider shall carryout the above-mentioned scope of work as part of the below
AMISP projects in Two (2) DISCOMs. The HES/NMS deployment should be scalable up to 150% smart
meters for each project.
Table – 1: Projects Status

Project Communication Technology Quantity

Project - 1 RF Mesh Solution (Wirepas) 3,00,000
Project - 2 RF Mesh Solution (Wirepas) 8,60,000
Total 11,60,000

1. The above-mentioned quantities are tentative and may vary based on the project
2. IntelliSmart reserves the right to make Quantity variation of -30% and +50% for the
numbers of meters for each project. The exact meter quantity and project name shall be
declared at the time of signing the contract.
3. RF Solution Provider shall submit the REC empanelment certificate along with proposal.

1.8 Other requirements

i. The Proposed RF Mesh Solution including HES/NMS and NMS shall be scalable and
perform to meet the desired SLA.
ii. RF Solution Provider should submit details of the proposed solution for ensuring
scalability up to minimum 5 million smart meters on one instance. A Self- Certification
shall also be submitted in this regard.
iii. RF Solution Provider has to offer OEM’s perpetual license along with eight (8) year’s
Annual Technical Support from the date of operational acceptance. During the
implementation & ATS period OEM shall provide all the technical updates/support,
service packs, any version upgrades without any additional cost.
iv. RF Solution Provider shall provide Annual Maintenance Services (AMS) for the
implemented system for the period of 8 (eight) years from the date of operational
Head End System and RF Mesh

v. RF Solution Provider should also provide the required training to the users for operating,
developing system and administrative training to selective persons for running system
after support period free of cost.
vi. RF Solution Provider has to provide all the overarching 3rd party software which it
deploys for operation of the system free of cost till the AMS period.
vii. RF Solution Provider shall be responsible for software updates, upgrades, patch for
HES/NMS are supplied, installed, and commissioned during the contract period.
Including Training to IntelliSmart / DISCOM employees on new version of software from
the OEM or OEM’s certified training RF Solution Provider shall be arranged by the RF
Solution Provider.

RF Solution Provider’s Responsibilities and Obligations

RF Solution Provider’s Responsibilities and obligations include, but are not limited to, the following: -
a. RF Solution Provider has the overall responsibility to deliver the product and/or services that
meets the functional and performance requirements of this Contract.
b. It shall be the obligation of RF Solution Provider that all the systems, sub-systems, and
equipment’s/devices in their scope along with its interfaces with other systems shall conform in
all respect to high standards of engineering, design, and workmanship, and shall be capable of
performing continuous commercial operation as per best industry standards.
c. In the event of the RF Solution Provider(s) going bankrupt or issues which prevent the RF Solution
Provider (s) from fulfilling the obligations during the tenure of the contract, the RF Solution
Provider (s) must adhere to Escrow principles for ensuring seamless operation. Adherence to such
an Escrow arrangement is a pre-condition of award of contract to RF Solution Provider(s).
d. The cloud server sizing, network bandwidth, storage, OS, database, load balancer, network
equipment, backup and archiving policy, cloud native and managed services, IaaS, and PaaS etc.
shall be proposed by RF Solution Provider for complete duration of project. Any variation in
proposed architecture and sizing shall be sole responsibility of RF Solution Provider. Any financial
impact due to increase in cloud server sizing to meet the performance by RF Solution Provider
during project shall be borne by RF Solution Provider only. RF Solution Provider shall submit the
Self-declaration certificate in this regard at the time of contract signing (RF Solution Provider can
use their own formats for each project separately).
e. RF Solution Provider must carry out the due diligence on his part and collect the required data
/information for the objective of this contract. Any associated works/ items not described in the
Scope of work, Technical Specifications & BoQ but are required for a viable and fully functional
system is the responsibility of RF Solution Provider.
f. RF Solution Provider shall appoint key personnel with relevant experience for the project and keep
the IntelliSmart informed about these resources along with their CV post award LOA.
g. Attend progress review meeting (daily/weekly/fortnightly/monthly) with IntelliSmart &
DISCOMs at appropriate level, as required.
h. Co-ordination & Collaboration with the other Contractors appointed by IntelliSmart and/or
DISCOMs in executing the project in an amicable environment.
i. RF Solution Provider shall submit an exit management plan.
j. RF Solution Provider shall submit a list with the details of Assumptions & Exclusions taken with
the submission of his offer towards this contract.
k. In case, the RF Solution Provider is an Authorized Service Provider/RF Solution Provider of a
proposed RF Mesh Technology (Wirepas), Authorized Service Provider/RF Solution Provider is
eligible to offer their proposals subject to meeting the required product specification.
Head End System and RF Mesh

l. The Bidder shall also furnish one authorization letter from the OEM as per format given at Form 1:
OEM Authorization Format of this RFP.
m. The Bidder (Authorized Service Provider/RF Solution Provider) and RF Mesh Technology
company shall enter in a tripartite agreement with IntelliSmart before issuance of
n. RF Solution Provider shall submit the signed copy of this technical specification as a proof of
acceptance of the clause-by-clause compliance. Deviation, if any, shall be submitted by RF Solution
in their format.

2. Price Schedule
A1 Schedule - Project 1:

Per Unit Basi

S. No. Item Description Quantity UOM Node/ Price c Remark
Meter Con
A CAPEX part - Invoicing shall be done based upon supply
a Supply of Hardware - Capex
RF Mesh Network
Interface Card + Capex
1 3,00,000 Nos
Antenna for Single
Phase & Three Phase
WC Smart Meters
Gateway/ Router/
Access Point for RF Capex
2 1,500 Nos
Mesh Communication
network in the project
b Implementation & Installation Services - Capex (60% - Milestone Based)
Applications software
license – Head End
3 System (HES/NMS) and 3,00,000 Nos 60% Capex
Network Management
System (NMS) with
Application Deployment
on cloud instance,
Customization, Testing, 60% Capex
4 3,00,000 Lot
generation and
Integration with MDMs,
and other applications,
Unified SLA Dashboard,
Reporting, other
monitoring applications
B Opex Part - Invoicing shall be done after 1 month post issuance of Operation Go-
Head End System and RF Mesh

Per Unit Basi

S. No. Item Description Quantity UOM Node/ Price c Remark
Meter Con
c Implementation & Installation Services - Opex (40% - Per Meter Per Node/Month
for 93 Months)
Applications software
license – Head End
5 System (HES/NMS) & 93 40% Opex
Network Management
System (NMS) with
Application Deployment
on cloud instance, Per
Configuration, meter 40% Opex
6 93
Customization, Testing, Per
Dashboards/Report Month
generation and
Integration with MDMs,
and other applications,
Unified SLA Dashboard,
Reporting, other
monitoring applications
d Implementation & Installation Services - Opex (Per Meter Per Month for 93
GW/Router/Access Per Opex
7 Point Installation 93 meter
planning survey & Per
Installation along with Month
e Maintenance Support services post Operational Go-live - Opex (Per Meter Per
Month for 93 Months)
AMC/ATS for deployed
Systems on cloud Opex
8 instance - Head End and 93 meter
Network application
and integration
Operations and Per
Maintenance support meter Opex
9 93
services Per

A2 Schedule - Project 2:
Table: 3
Head End System and RF Mesh

S. No. Item Description Quantity UOM Per Unit Contract Remark
Node Price Value
A CAPEX part - Invoicing shall be done based upon supply
a Supply of Hardware - Capex
RF Mesh Module +
1 Antenna for Single 8,60,000 Nos 60%
Phase & Three Phase Capex
WC Smart Meters
Gateway/ Router/
2 Access Point for RF 4,300 Nos 60%
Mesh Communication Capex
network in the project
b Implementation & Installation Services - Capex (60% - Milestone Based)
Applications software
license – Head End 60%
System (HES/NMS) & Capex
3 Network Management 8,60,000 Nos
System (NMS) with
Application Deployment
on cloud data centers,
Configuration, 60%
Customization, Testing, Capex
4 Dashboards/Report 8,60,000 Lot
generation and
Integration with MDMs,
and other applications
Project SLA Unified
Dashboard, Reporting

B Opex Part - Invoicing shall be done after 1 month post issuance of Operation Go-
Implementation & Installation Services - Opex (40% - Per Meter Per Month for 93
Applications software
license – Head End Per 40%
System (HES/NMS)/ meter of
5 Network Management 93 Opex
System (NMS) with Month
Application Deployment
on cloud data centers, Per
6 Configuration, 93 meter 40%
Customization, Testing, Per of
Dashboards/Report Month Opex
generation and
Integration with MDMs,
and other applications
Project Unified SLA
Dashboard, Reporting
Head End System and RF Mesh

S. No. Item Description Quantity UOM Per Unit Contract Remark
Node Price Value
d Implementation & Installation Services - Opex (Per Meter Per Month for 93
Per Opex
Point Installation
7 93 meter
planning survey &
Installation along with
Maintenance Support services post Operational Go-live - Opex (Per Meter Per
Month for 93 Months)
AMC/ATS for deployed
Systems on cloud data Per
center - Head End meter Opex
8 System and Network 93
Management Month
application and
integration interfaces,
Operations and
9 93 meter Opex
Maintenance support

Below items can be excluded from the RF Solution Provider’s scope. However, RF Solution
Provider shall share the unit price against below items which may be excluded from scope of

Items can be excluded from the RF Solution Provider’s Scope

Unit Price
S. Item Material/Service
Qty UoM (Excl Amount
No Code Description
1 - Supply of FG 23 (SiLab) 11,80,000 Each
2 - Wirepas License 11,80,000 Each
Note: The number of Gateways /Router is based on BCITS’s assessment. However, it is
the responsibility of BCITs to install additional Gateways / Routers without any
additional cost to meet the coverage and SLA requirements for the meters fitted
with BCITS RF NICs (Wirepas)

B. Manpower cost for change management

Price per with GST Fee Components Unit Quantity (Basic)
unit (INR) (@18%)
1 Blended cost (man Man 20
months) for Sr. months
Technical resources
Solution Architect
Business Analyst
Head End System and RF Mesh

Development leads
2 Blended cost (man Man 20
months) of Jr months
Total cost

Total Cost: A1 + A2 + (B x 2) = INR _________________________________________ (In figure)

Rupees_______________________________________ (In words)

2.1 The price shall be all inclusive for the cost of below Systems and Services
a) Solution Design: Application & Cloud Sizing and BoQ, Business Process & Solution deign
/ documentation - HLD, LLD, Server deployment architecture, networking, security,
bandwidth requirements, test plan, test schedule, UAT/SAT etc.
b) Supply of Application software Licenses with ATS
c) System deployment on the provisioned cloud data center (DC, DR) to be provided by
d) Configuration, Customization, Integration, and testing of solution
e) Training, Site Acceptance Testing (SAT) for operational acceptance
f) Monthly Operations and Application Maintenance & Support of the deployed system

2.2 The price shall be all inclusive for the costs/expenses for the scope of supplies and services
for the finished product, costs and expenses of whatsoever nature (whether direct, indirect or
ancillary) incurred by or imposed on the RF Solution Provider including its subcontractors
and suppliers in the performance of the work, all profit, license, royalty, technical specification,
inspection, testing, warranty, maintenance etc. and of the costs of the Freight and
Transportation, loading/unloading, packaging and forwarding, transit insurance, handling, for
and including transfer to and delivery at site (if any ) etc. and of all applicable taxes, duties,
tariffs, fees, levies, insurance premiums, etc.

3. Payment Schedule and Terms

3.1 Payment Schedule
The implementation duration for the deployment of the solution is two (2) months from the date
of Letter of Award (LOA) for each of the projects. Post successful implementation and acceptance
of the system the Operational, maintenance and Support services phase will commence. The
payment shall be made as per the below schedule:

3.1.1 Payment Milestone for Supply part of NIC/Module and Gateway

Table 4: Payment Terms for Item 1 and 2 of Table 2 and Table 3

S. No. Phase Payment Terms Conditions

1 Supply Phase 70% (Seventy) against receipt and Payment shall be
acceptance of *Material with 100% GST released within 30
amount of Material at designated site days after receipt of
stores/warehouse (RF NIC + Antenna at original Tax invoice at
Meter Manufacturers location. Gateways at Client for the supplies
Head End System and RF Mesh

S. No. Phase Payment Terms Conditions

Site Stores/Warehouse) for the quantity delivered, with receipt
supplied subject to following: Submission acknowledged,
and acceptance of DLMS Compliance Matrix, sig
Data Exchange information and Test ned, and stamped by
Procedures and Type test reports. Client authorized
PDI report and Material Delivery Clearance representative at
Certificate (MDCC) designated project
*Material: RF NIC + Antenna and Gateways location.
Retention at the rate of 3% of Invoice
Value shall be retained as per clause 9 of
the LOA
2 Integration and 30 (Thirty) % payment against Installation An SLA report from
Commissioning of meters and receipt of data for at least 30 HES/NMS shall be
Phase, days continuously, integrated and verified at generated to confirm
completion of HES/NMS and MDM. commissioning of
monthly SAT meters and data
cycle availability with
HES/NMS verified by
In case of delays in integration for which RF
Solution Provider is not responsible, then
this 30% shall be released within 30 days
after 03 months of supply provided that no
major hardware/firmware failure is
reported for other lots.

3.1.2 Payment of Quarterly Opex

Item 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 of price schedule A1 and A2, shall be released based on the number of smart
meters successfully completed SAT for the calendar month on the deployed system. The payment
shall be released subject to the SLAs certification by IntelliSmart project manager and the penalty
(if any) Refer Clause 17: Service Level Agreement (SLA). Payment Milestone for Implementation of HES/NMS

A. For Item nos. 3 & 4 of Table-2 and Table-3
Deliverable /Task Payment (%)
1. Initiation & Analysis of requirements including Interfaces with Item 3 & 4
Design the MDM and existing systems. 15 (Ten) % of
Submission of design and deployment architecture Implementation
document. Charges
Approval of design & deployment architecture
2. Deployment of Deployment of the HES/NMS with configuration Item 3 & 4
HES/NMS in and integration interfaces in production 25 (Thirty) % of
production environment with stage -1 functionality* Implementation
Completion of Charges
Stage 1 Approval of report and dashboard format /
templates / UI for reports and SLA dashboard
Deployment of the HES/NMS with configuration Item 3 & 4
and integration interfaces in production
environment with stage -2 functionality*
Head End System and RF Mesh

A. For Item nos. 3 & 4 of Table-2 and Table-3

Deliverable /Task Payment (%)
3 Completion of - Configuration / customization of the HES/NMS 30 (Thirty) % of
SAT /UAT and application for advance features, reporting and Implementation
Operational Go SLA Dashboard /Reports Charges
Live by - User Training to users
DISCOM - Low Level Design Document
- Successful completion of SAT/UAT &
Availability test
4 After Six Six months of Post Operational Acceptance Item 3 & 4
months of support and Evaluation of the functional and 30 (Twenty) % of
Operational Go technical functionalities deployed and fixing of gap Implementation
Live on if any Fixing of defects / bugs identified. Charges
Completion of Tuning the system to meet the SLA target.
stabilization update reports, UI, Dashboard, user manuals and
phase other relevant documents Payment Milestone for Operation, Maintenance and Support Services after
completion of Operational Go Live
For Item 5, 6, 7 & 8 of price schedule A1 & A2: The Quarterly payment towards Operations,
Maintenance and Support Services (FMS services) shall be paid at the end of each quarter (3
months) after certification by IntelliSmart Project-in-Charge for satisfactory services. The
payment shall be released subject to the SLAs certification by IntelliSmart Project-in-Charge and
the penalty (if any) in conjunction with quarterly payment for Supply of HES/NMS services. Refer
RFP Clause - 17: Service Level Agreement (SLA).

B. For Item nos. 5, 6, 7 & 8 of Table-2 and Table-3

Maintenance & Support (M&S) charges per annum – on Prorated Annually
basis Year – 1 to 8 (for
93- meter months
The Quarterly payment towards Operations, Maintenance and Support after 1 month
Services (FMS services) shall be paid each calendar month after post operational
Operational Acceptance on certification by IntelliSmart project manager go-live)
satisfactory services. The payment shall be released subject to the SLAs
certification by IntelliSmart project manager and the penalty (if any).
* User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and/or System Acceptance Testing (SAT)/Operational
Go-Live shall be as per RFP of opportunity against which LOA is issued (here in this case
reference #2).
** Year-1 shall commence after achievement of Operational Go-Live from the DISCOM.
*** Refer Clause 14: Implementation Approach & Timelines

3.1.1 Payment Terms

a. Further, all payments shall be made subject to deduction of TDS (Tax deduction at Source) as
per the Income-Tax Act and / or any other statutory provisions.
b. All the payments will be done to the selected RF Solution Provider by IntelliSmart after the
delivery of services.
Head End System and RF Mesh

c. Payment will be released through RTGS/NEFT within 30 working days subject to receipt of
the invoice along with Acceptance Certificate from the Project In-charge and all requisite
documents subject to correctness and validation of the invoice.
d. Payment is linked to the compliance with the SLA metrics and delivery timelines. The actual
payment is the payment due to the Service Provider after any SLA related deductions &
Liquidated Damages (LD) if any.
e. Interest shall not be paid on the bank guarantee submitted by Bidder(s).
f. In case of delay in project, the entire cost and/or time over-run shall be the responsibility of
the Bidder(s) and shall be borne by him only.
g. Power to withhold: Notwithstanding anything contained in the payment schedule mentioned
above, if in the opinion of the IntelliSmart, any work done or supply made or service rendered
by Bidder(s) is deficient in any manner in comparison to the prescribed standards,
IntelliSmart shall be at liberty to withhold a reasonable portion of the payments due to the
Bidder(s), till such work/ supply/ service is made conforming to the prescribed standards.
These powers to withhold payments shall be without prejudice to any other power/ right of
the IntelliSmart under this contract.
h. If any excess payment has been made by IntelliSmart due to difference in quoted price in
proposal and successful Bidder’s invoice, IntelliSmart may without prejudice to its rights
recover such amounts by other means after notifying the Bidder(s) or deduct such excess
payment from any payment subsequently falling due to the Bidder(s).
i. IntelliSmart reserves the right, as its sole discretion to waive any penalty being imposed on
the Bidder(s) in case the Bidder(s) fails to meet milestones/agreed service level due to a valid
reason beyond the control of Bidder or upon IntelliSmart’ s request. Waiver shall be granted
on merit and only as an exception by IntelliSmart / DISCOM Officials.
j. The payment shall be processed only upon receipt of (i) acceptance of WO and signing of
contract agreement; (ii) submission of CPG as per tender documents in addition to
deliverable documents.

Appendix – A: Software Licenses BoQ

A.1. RF Solution Provider shall be responsible for supplying all required licenses of the Head End
System Application Software and any other software, database required for deployment of the
Head End System Solution for Smart Meters in prepaid mode for this contract in Production (DC
& DR) and non-production environments (Development, Test / Training) along with Application
Technical Support (ATS) for the entire duration of project.
A.2. All the licenses shall be full use perpetual including Platform Licenses (Database, Application,
Middleware etc.)
A.3. The RF Solution Provider shall provide detailed BoQ of the Application Software, Database
Licenses for each instance of deployment as per the below table for the complete numbers of
meters project wise: -

Project -1 Quantity
OEM Part Part Primary Disaster
Metrics (Development /Testing,
Name No Description Data Centre Recovery
Head End System and RF Mesh

Project -2 Quantity
OEM Part Part Primary Disaster
Metrics (Development /Testing,
Name No Description Data Centre Recovery

A.4. On reaching the operational acceptance and at the completion of the implementation phase of each
project, RF Solution Provider shall submit deployment details, Software inventory list - Name of
Software, OEM / supplier, pertinent documents, language and libraries, metrics and qty of licenses
deployed, all custom codes for each deployment.
A.5. The Solution deployed by the RF Solution Provider shall have unrestricted license allowing
IntelliSmart /DISCOMs utilizing the functionality to the maximum.
A.6. RF Solution Provider shall provision licenses for both Primary (Active) and Data Recovery
(Passive) sites.
A.7. RF Solution Provider shall deploy and manage the application instances for Web, Batch, Reporting,
database, and storage of the Head End System on the Cloud Infrastructure provisioned through
IntelliSmart Cloud RF Solution Provider.
A.8. The RF Solution Provider shall refer the below information, data for estimating most optimal BoQ
for Software Licenses, Deployment Architecture, Sizing, and phased production deployment on
cloud for DC & DR including nonproduction environments. Cloud Infrastructure shall be
provisioned by IntelliSmart for these deployments in progressive manner as per the sizing and
services requirement given by the RF Solution Provider and agreed by IntelliSmart through its
Cloud Service Provider (VMs, Compute, Memory, Storage, OS, DB services, Web Application
Firewall (WAF), Networking requirements, Load Balancer, Connectivity bandwidth etc.)

Important Note:
1) RF Solution Providers are advised to give the best optimized IT Infrastructure requirements for
their solution. IntelliSmart shall evaluate the offers from the RF Solution Providers on the Total
cost of ownership including the cost of the IT Infrastructure requirements from its Cloud services
RF Solution Providers.
2) RF Solution Provider shall be responsible for the SLA performance for the deployed solution on
the provisioned cloud.
3) As per agreed sizing. Any additional IT Infrastructure required for the performance of agreed
scope of work shall be at the cost of the RF Solution Provider.
4) The cloud server sizing, network bandwidth, storage, OS, database, load balancer, network
equipment, backup and archiving policy, cloud native and managed services, IaaS, and PaaS etc.
shall be proposed by service provider for complete duration of project. Any variation in proposed
architecture and sizing shall be sole responsibility of HES/NMS Service provider. Any financial
impact due to increase in cloud server sizing to meet the performance by HES/NMS
implementation RF Solution Provider during project shall be borne by HES/NMS Service provider
only. HES/NMS Service provider shall submit the Self-declaration certificate in this regard at the
time of contract signing (HES/NMS Service provider can use their own formats for each project
Head End System and RF Mesh

Table -II
Data Retention 45 Days

Environments Required High Availability
Production Yes Yes
Disaster Recovery Yes Yes
Development /Test Yes No
Training Optional No

Appendix – B: Cloud IT Infrastructure Sizing and Guidelines

RF Solution Provider shall be responsible for overall deployment of application, designing, including
sizing for- VMs, Compute cores, memory, storge, network, backups etc.

The RF Solution Provider shall collaborate with the IntelliSmart appointed Cloud Service
Provider/Main Service Provider, System/Security Auditors in compliance to the best industry
practices and manners. The RF Solution Provider along with Project CSP/MSP shall conduct all
necessary activities for - provisioning, configuring of Cloud Environment for application deployment
and thereafter operate, maintain, and support the deployed application for the entire duration of the
contract period and meet the SLA requirement for performance, availability, business continuity,
storage, and cyber / data security management at application level.

Please note that the deployed RF Mesh Solution including HES/NMS application on Cloud
infrastructure for the projects shall be compliant to the key requirement of the SBD version 4 with its

B.1 Application Deployment Approach

i. The RF Mesh Solution including HES/NMS application deployment architecture shall
necessarily deliver the required functions in a secure, scalable, fault tolerant manner for the
projects in a cloud Primary Data Centre & a DR Data Centre.
ii. The deployment architecture shall be simple, scalable architecture with no Single-Points-Of-
Failure (SPOFs) with Distinct application, database, and storage tiers to simplify operational
processes / flexibility such that tiers can be dynamically configured/upgraded / scaled to meet
demand with minimal impact on other tiers. The application deployment should preferably be
in stable active-active high availability configuration with effective load balancing such to
ensures that the application is always in operation and accessible with desired response time.
iii. The application deployment shall ensure that the capabilities and performance of DR are the
same as DC. The secondary Disaster Recovery (DR) site shall be used to support failover
operation. While DC is operating normally, data shall be replicated from DC to DR. If DC fails,
DR can start operating in its place, without any reliance on DC.
iv. Regular backups and archives shall be done for rapid intra-site restore and recovery following
accidental or malicious misconfiguration or deletion. Care shall be taken to ensure database
backups are restorable. Backups shall be regularly restored to a server and verified to ensure
the integrity and efficacy of the backup-restore function.
v. The RF Solution Provider shall submit a high-level deployment architecture with writeup along
with this proposal. Technical details of the other clouds and communication Infrastructure
shall be provided by IntelliSmart to the successful RF Solution Provider during
design/deployment phase.
Head End System and RF Mesh

B.2 Sizing Inputs

The RF Solution Provider shall provide estimated Cloud Infrastructure and data connectivity
requirements for the deployment in staged manner.

IntelliSmart shall provision the cloud in progressive manner as per the sizing and services requirement
given by the RF Solution Provider and agreed by IntelliSmart through its Cloud Service Provider.

The sizing for the cloud shall be furnished in a format for each project to operate the estimated
numbers of meters in each of the project for DC setup in the excel sheet attached.

B 3. Recommended Guidelines

While sizing the infrastructure requirement the RF Solution Provider shall take in consideration the
below good industry practices and guidelines
i. Application shall support latest version of operating systems. Licensed OS shall be considered:
a. Windows
b. Linux (RHEL)
In case OS is in considered as part of license package of the application then the support of OS
shall remain in the part of the RF Solution Provider
ii. Open-source database shall not be considered. If it is considered, then support enterprise level
license must be taken by the implementation RF Solution Provider.
iii. HES/NMS application shall support virtualization and auto scaling and dynamic
computing capabilities and cloud agnostic.
iv. The maximum size to be considered for each VM shall never exceed the below mentioned
a. CPU: 112 vCPU
b. RAM: 800 GB (Ideally should be a multiplier of 4)
c. VM Per Drive space: 4 TB
d. Maximum IOPs: 4000 Per TB
e. Shared Storage: 600 TB
v. Load Balancer: L4 in case of separate appliance in case Load balancer configuration if done at
VM level, shall be sized for enough transactions per seconds.
vi. VM Zoning shall be done considering all security measures for application, databases, and
other servers, preferably all servers should be in MZ zone.
vii. Overlaying security architecture would be of CSP but underlaying application-level security
must be maintained by the RF Solution Provider as per industry best practices.
viii. The RF Solution Provider shall specify the cloud native services and cloud managed services
requirements separately.
ix. The proposed deployment architecture shall be envisaged with separate subnets for
application and database workloads.
x. The proposed solution shall be easily integrable with the CSP AD solution.
xi. RF Solution Provider shall mention the cloud native services and managed services separately
for estimate the CSP scope of work. Any assumptions which have not been mentioned in
proposal by RF Solution Provider shall not be considered at the time on signing the contract.

4. System Requirements: -
The main objective of the RF Mesh Solution including HES/NMS is to manage the field devices (meters,
Gateways and RF NIC etc.) and acquire meter data automatically avoiding any human intervention and
store data acquired from meters. The RF Solution Provider shall provide the HES/NMS to meet the
technical, functional and performance parameters for quantity of smart meters is mentioned below.
Head End System and RF Mesh

4.1 RF Solution Provider shall have to meet the data availability criteria as mentioned in other part
of technical specification. The communication module to be provided by HES/NMS provider shall
be plug & play type.
4.2 The HES/NMS application shall be part of the RF Communication Network Infrastructure to
enable two-way communication, data collection, support/ monitoring/ control of RF smart
meters automatically.
4.3 RF Solution Provider shall design/hire reliable, interference free robust communication
network. It shall be effective & flexible for providing communication in variable terrain, topology
& consumer density. Before designing the communication network, the RF Solution Provider
shall do the site survey and would provide the most efficient communication infrastructure.
4.4 RF Solution Provider shall supply and commission the HES/NMS that shall have the capacity of
storing and processing any number of meter types and shall thereby allow data exchange with
an unlimited number of meter manufacturers using the IS16444, IS 15959 (Part 1, 2, 3) and DLMS
4.5 The HES/NMS shall perform all the required functions as per defined functionalities of AMI
(conforming to SBD 4 with its amendments) and it is the responsibility of the RF Solution
Provider to supply the required software application and define the infrastructure requirements
to achieve the defined functionalities of the AMI.
4.6 HES/NMS solution and shall be responsible for the establishment and management of all radio
mesh networks elements, discovery of meters, Gateways/Routers/Access points once deployed,
overall system monitoring as well as security management of underlying network elements
HES/NMS/ NMS software solution shall be able to operate with multiple operating systems like
Windows, Linux, and on multiple hypervisors.
4.7 The RF Solution Provider shall ensure DC-DR drill every quarter to run the complete system on
DR for 10 days and roll back to DC after successful drill.
4.8 HES/NMS shall support distributed architecture for scalability without degradation of the
performance using additional infrastructure.
4.9 The HES/NMS shall support the storage of raw meter data, alarm, and alerts for a minimum of 45
4.10 HES/NMS Software must support auto-provisioning of hardware and load balancing with
capability to share load with addition of servers.
4.11 HES/NMS shall have the capability to receive push and pull all meter related data as specified in
latest versions of IS 16444 and IS 15959 and further store the same in HES/NMS’s database.
4.12 HES/NMS shall be capable to integrate with existing IT OT systems like MDM, WFM and NMS as
the use cases specify.
4.13 HES/NMS shall be fully redundant in hot standby, disaster recovery and support auto-
provisioning and load balancing.
4.14 The scalability shall ensure the ability to handle applicable workloads.
4.15 System (each instance) shall be horizontally scalable, and deployment shall be such that it should
support 50% of growth during the project duration (approx. 102 months)
4.16 HES/NMS shall support meter life cycle (i.e., inventory, provisioning, installation, and
replacement/removal including SIM, GATEWAY and RF module).
4.17 HES/NMS shall support single sign-on through active directories.
4.18 HES/NMS shall support notification module for dispatching notifications based on exceptions to
concern user/s via email, SMS. The notifications should be based on the data received from the
field devices.
4.19 HES/NMS shall support centralized remote management, monitoring and control of all
communication networks and communication equipment, by integrating with Telecom Network
Management functionality (NMS) through e.g., SNMP protocol / REST API.
4.20 HES/NMS shall support self-discovery and self-registry functionality to detect and register
meters within 60 minutes of meter connection provided they are pre-provisioned in the
HES/NMS prior to installation. Devices shall register themselves in head-end application upon
Head End System and RF Mesh

its deployment and establishment of communication.

4.21 HES/NMS shall be capable to collect data over communications systems –Mesh RF Technology.
4.22 HES/NMS shall support centralized remote management, monitoring and control of all
communication network and communication equipment.
4.23 HES/NMS application license shall be in the name of DISCOM and will be perpetual. At the
exit/end of the project the licenses shall be transferred to DISCOM at no cost.
4.24 The backend application shall support Single Sign-on and LDAP for user authentication,
authorization and shall support role-based user access. There must be audit trail functionality
for managing and storing all the records of activities performed by authorized/unauthorized
users. The complete solution for RF smart metering Infrastructure shall comply with stringent
norms of cyber security.
4.25 Adequate data base and security features for storage of data need to be ensured and industry
standard database platforms like Oracle/ MS SQL/ MY SQL, etc shall be deployed. HES/NMS
database shall be accessible from application through business processes and managed APIs.
4.26 Data Validation and Exception Handling
• The system shall detect and prevent logical data errors when the data is inserted either by
user entry or from other systems.
• Any data error shall not affect system functions that are not directly associated with it.
• The system shall generate an error code and description which can be used to help facilitate
debugging end user problems. The error code must be referenced for the actual exception

5. Functional Requirements
5.1 HES/NMS should support in maintaining automatic time sync and time set of meters as per IS
15959. Manage time distribution to ensure that devices (NICs) / meters always have an accurate
RTC using NTP servers. The time distribution mechanism shall consider the network latencies.
5.2 HES/NMS shall support on-request reading at user selectable periodicity of any available
information by meter/customer or batch of meters/customers. On demand meter read may be
for single meter or for a group of meters.
5.3 HES/NMS shall provide outage detections notification and power restoration notification
information in support of enhanced outage management and improved customer satisfaction.
This information should be possible to be shared with other systems such as WFM, without the
need for each of these systems to access the HES/NMS database directly.
5.4 HES/NMS shall support sending commands for connect & disconnect to meters. This facility shall
be provided for both single meter as well as for a group of meters.
5.5 HES/NMS shall discover all smart meters once deployed in the field, the periodic collection of all
meter registers as well as the processing of all alarms and commands such as connect/disconnect
for those meters.
5.6 HES/NMS shall enable the utility to upgrade the firmware of the communication devices (NIC)
and meters over the air (OTA) in batch mode for a single meter or a group of meters and NICs.
HES/NMS shall support different meter types to upgrade the firmware within one bulk command
and (or) single command.
5.7 The meter collection mechanism shall be robust to ensure no loss of data at application level.
HES/NMS shall have functionality of gap reconciliation and gap closing process for billing data,
daily data or interval data retrieved from the meter.
5.8 HES/NMS shall have the functionality of Gap reconciliation process on the basis of the meter type.
5.9 HES/NMS shall support in fetching all metering parameters from the meter (Billing and Non
billing parameters) as defined by the utility and as supported by the meter.
5.10 HES/NMS shall support the configuration of manufacturer or utility specific OBIS codes.
5.11 HES/NMS shall support accepting the billing, daily, interval data and event data on both pull
mode (On Demand Read) and push based on the data available in the memory of the meter.
5.12 HES/NMS shall support to accept all ODR commands (for individual OBIS codes) from the third
Head End System and RF Mesh

party MDMS system using CIM interface / RESTful API.

5.13 HES/NMS shall support retry functionality in all commands. Configurable retry functionality
for RC/DC/ODR/FOTA etc.
5.14 HES/NMS shall be able to integrate with Communication solution provider’s NMS for obtaining
communication health related data.
5.15 HES/NMS shall support all application interfaces to be compatible with existing standards of
IEC 61968-9/ Restful API.
5.16 HES/NMS shall have capabilities such as Communication Network/Routing Management,
Field/ End Device Management, Application Profiles, Data Management, Dashboard, Analysis &
Reporting, Data/Cyber Security, Notification Management and Audit trail.
5.17 HES/NMS shall support audit trail and Event & Alarm Logging for last 45 days.
5.18 HES/NMS shall accept meter data downloaded from the smart meters through CMRI (any
format) or any other reading tools.
5.19 HES/NMS shall be integrated with Mobile App/HHU/MRI for manual RC/DC transaction
occurred in field to update the actual status of switch.
5.20 HES/NMS shall check the physical switch status after sending DC/RC command to ensure
whether actual switch status (ON/Off) is changed in meter or not.
5.21 HES/NMS shall support RC /DC prioritization mechanism or any other transaction/commands
5.22 HES/NMS shall support Queue management software to support high scalable solution.
5.23 HES/NMS shall identify the source of reading / data in the system as either through AMI path
or any other reading tools.
5.24 The head end system shall support meter energization checks (on-demand pings) by
meter/customer or batch of meters/customers.
5.25 The head end system shall support on-demand reading of any available information by
meter/customer or batch of meters/customers (On-Demand Read).
5.26 The head end system shall provide outage detection notification and power restoration
notification information in support of enhanced outage management and improved customer
satisfaction (Outage Management).
5.27 HES/NMS/ NMS application shall have facility to visualize Network topology of all RF mesh
meters and network element preferably on a GIS map System shall be able to report any security
breach or unauthorized communication devices logged in on the network. It shall have security
features to avoid all cyber threats like DDoS, spoofing, malwares etc.
5.28 Suitable network management system (NMS) shall be available to monitor the performance of
the communication network round the clock. The NMS shall provide viewing of all the networking
elements deployed at site and enable configuration, parameterization of the networking devices
and the nodes.
5.29 HES/NMS should have a built-in streaming data interface with (for sharing data with other
applications such as MDM / Billings applications.
5.30 HES/NMS shall support push information (all profiles, events etc.) to MDMS and other AMI
systems too.
5.31 HES/NMS should support pre-payment functionality of the MDM by relaying the commands
and data, to and fro from the meters.
5.32 HES/NMS shall ensure data integrity checks, for example, checksum, time check, pulse,
overflow, etc. on all metered data.
5.33 Device management functionality to get periodic updates from devices (NICs)/meters on
health check, hardware & firmware version, location mapping etc.
5.34 RF Solution Provider shall provide Ticketing tool to the project teams to handling the issues of
daily basis.
5.35 HES/NMS shall support the selective pull mechanism for meter data (HES/NMS) from MDMS.
5.36 Configuration (HES/NMS shall facilitate configuring of following meter parameters)
- Load profile capture period
- Demand integration period
Head End System and RF Mesh

- Setting of parameters for TOD/TOU billing

- Prepaid / Postpaid function
- Net Metering / forwarded metering.
- Billing date / month-to-date for prepaid meters.
- Load limit
- Time and interval between auto reconnection attempts
- Number of retry counts and relay lockout period.
- Clock setting /time synchronization
- Event setting for connect/disconnect.
- Number of auto re-connection attempts
- Remote firmware upgrade: It shall be possible to update the firmware of the meters in both
Unicast (one to one) and in Multicast fashion (Group of meters). It shall be also possible to
have remote firmware upgrade for an individual and a group of NICs.
- Password settings (Key rotation and support suit0, suit1 and suit2)
- Push profile.
5.37 HES/NMS shall be enabled with Event Correlator to enable correlation of occurrence and
restoration of events. HES/NMS shall PULL relevant event-log automatically when new event
comes in via PUSH. Optimization of Network usage for Pull actions via Staggering per Cell site
5.38 HES/NMS shall support Key Management System to allow safe key storage, users to remotely
manage and change keys of the field devices securely.
5.39 Service order tickets could be generated by MDM but processed and closed under jurisdiction
of the HES/NMS combine. If the utility already has a separate Workforce Management System
(WFM), then the service order tickets can be routed from the MDM and the NMS to the WFM for
completion of the tasks and reporting.
5.40 Monitoring and Reporting Capability: HES/NMS shall have critical and non-critical reporting
functionality. The critical & non-critical information generated from this reporting functionality
shall be made available to MDM at user configurable periodicity.
5.41 Reporting UI and SLA dashboard in HES/NMS as per the SBD version 4 with its amendment’s
requirements. HES/NMS shall provide the SLA data via an appropriate interface. HES/NMS shall
have reporting and dashboard for end-to-end monitoring and data analysis. Separate analytics for
User Interface transaction and for APIs based transactions e.g., if the RC/DC is happened through
HES/NMS user interface, Mobile Application discrete analysis and reporting is required, if the
RC/DC is triggered through APIs (via MDM) discrete analysis and reporting is required.
5.42 The backend system of RF Communication Network Infrastructure shall have dashboards to
monitors the performance of the underlying communications links shall provide reports on the
overall performance of the network, utilization, and performance of individual elements. There
shall be an analysis window where dynamic reports can be extracted based on logic by the system
administrator or users. It shall be possible to export the report data in a XLS, CSV format
5.43 Critical Reporting: HES/NMS shall have alarms and keep record of following events-
- Event log for devices (NICs)/meter events such as tamper/power failures etc
- Data not received from devices (NICs)/meter.
- Relay does not operate for connect / disconnect.
- Communication link failure with devices (NICs)/meter
- Network Failure
- Power Failure
5.44 Non-Critical Reporting: HES/NMS shall report and keep record of following communication
failure events-
- Retry attempts.
- Missed periodic reading.
- Failure to connect.
5.45 HES/NMS shall be enabled with Application Monitoring feature such as Grafana, Prometheus
Head End System and RF Mesh

- Monitor system health.
- Monitor individual HES/NMS services.
- Shall provide monitoring at OS level.
- Shall provide monitoring at DB level.
- Shall monitor I/O metrics.
- HES/NMS shall be enabled with Asset Management feature.
- Device Inventory state management
- Device location Information Management (address and map views) Maintaining extended
asset attributes.
- Firmware Image Management
- Activity Calendar configuration Management
- Importing of manufacturer-provider DLMS / other key material

6. RF Communication Solution Requirement

The engagement of RF Communication Service Provider (Wirepas) is in the scope of RF Solution
Provider to meet the performance level as given in this RFP document.

The RF Solution Provider shall implement a reliable RF mesh communication network to create
coverage to connect smart meters in the project area. In this type of communication network, smart
meters installed in an area shall interconnect with each other using RF mesh network and they shall
communicate with nearby Gateway/Router/Access Points to transfer data to the backend system. In
such communication network, if any Gateway/Router/Repeaters/Access Points fail, then meters
connected on that device shall automatically reconfigure the mesh with available nearby nodes.

The RF Solution Provider shall Design, Supply, Install, Test, and Commission a RF Mesh
Communication Infrastructure for seamless data transfer from Smart Meters to backend AMI system.
1. Gateway/Routers/Repeater/Access Points shall be deployed across project area to provide RF
coverage for end devices incorporating the communication nodes.
2. The smart meters shall have plug and play type communication module for two-way
communication for any given communication technology with HES/NMS/Access
3. The mesh network shall operate in unlicensed frequency band subject to WPC/DOT
compliance in India and shall be remotely reprogrammable to accommodate different
frequencies in the event larger bandwidth is made available in the unlicensed band in future.
4. Communication devices shall manage mesh network and meters nodes and shall function as a
bridge between end devices and backend applications. RF Network Communication elements
like Gateways/ Routers/ repeaters/ Access Points shall facilitate end-to-end connectivity for
seamless data transfer. As required, antennas of the network elements shall be installed at
suitable maintainable height as to have maximum coverage area.
5. RF mesh meters nodes shall be connected to a Gateway/ Routers/ Access Point either directly
or via other meter nodes of RF mesh If a gateway/ Router/Access Point is down, then mesh
nodes shall be able to connect to adjacent available Meter node/ Gateway/ Router/ Access
6. Communication network should be scalable, reliable, self-healing and self-configuring. It
should be based on open standards. Communication network should be able to send/ receive
IPv6 traffic within mesh network and from gateway to RF Head-end System.
7. It shall support IPv6 network addressing.
8. Each node shall keep a track of best available nearby nodes or access points.
9. It shall support remote firmware upgrading as well as remote configuration from the control
center. Configuration of programmable parameters of smart meters/nodes shall be done
through HES/NMS.
10. It shall be secure enough to avoid all cyber threats.
Head End System and RF Mesh

11. Communication network shall be interoperable and can transfer data from different devices
in the mesh network to backend application software.
12. RF Solution Provider shall provide a test setup comprising of all the elements such as gateway/
router, mesh terminals, software for testing the system at beginning of project at RF Solution
Provider’s works.
13. The Network Interface Card (NIC) / Communication Module should be integrated with at least
5 (Five) makes of meters in India to enable the respective meters to seamlessly integrate with
proposed HES/NMS and/or MDM thus enabling interoperability of the system.
14. The operational testing of all the network elements must be demonstrated by the RF Solution
Provider to the satisfaction of the IntelliSmart.
15. The equipment shall be weather-proof, dustproof, and constructed for outdoor installation on
poles (minimum rating: IP-65). The mounting provision shall be for either pole mounting or
mounting brackets for flat surfaces.
16. Enclosure: Provision for security sealing shall be provided and in case the gasket of the cover
is used for protection against moisture, dust and insects, the gasket shall be of made of weather
and aging resistant material.
17. Gateway shall have suitable power supply arrangements. Provision of battery backup for at
least 4 hours shall be there to continue operation in case of power supply failure. The life
expectancy of battery shall be 10 years or more.
18. A suitable network management system (NMS) shall be provided by RF Solution Provider to
monitor the performance of the communication network round the clock. The NMS shall
provide viewing of all the networking elements deployed at site and enable configuration &
parameterization of the networking devices and the nodes. In case of public network such as
cellular, the web-based portal (for example Open Network platform) should be provided to
have the network view at location of installed devices. The portal shall have connectivity &
subscription management.
19. The RF Solution Provider shall ensure that the solution offered is designed to have a high
success rate in case of OTA firmware up-gradation on number of meters/communication
devices simultaneously and the Access points & Nodes shall have more than adequate memory
capacity for the Firmware upgrades to happen smoothly, and securely, as well as, avoiding
over writing operations during the Firmware upgrades, thus avoiding obsolescence of the
hardware installed at site in quick time.
20. The quality of installation of the various equipment & power supply wiring to all field
equipment shall be as per standards/ regulations/prevailing practices of the DISCOM. The
supply of electricity needed for operation and maintenance of entire Communication system
shall be the provided by IntelliSmart/DISCOM free of cost.
21. In case of public network such as cellular, the web-based portal (for example Open Network
platform) should be provided to have the network view at location of installed devices. The
portal shall have connectivity & subscription management.
22. Equipment type approval (ETA) is to be obtained for communication module/equipment as
per Department of Telecom, Government of India requirements. Radio emission
characteristics for the chosen license free band shall comply with latest NEAP and G.S.R
(General Statutory Rules) notification from Depart of Telecom, Govt. of India. A list of
standards followed in all the devices / equipment used in communication network shall be

6.1 General Requirement of RF Mesh Communication Network

1. The RF NAN modules and network devices shall register automatically to the RF Mesh
Network and reconfigure dynamically to give self-forming and self-healing capability.
2. The RF Mesh network elements like Gateway/Routers/Access Points shall simply acts as a
network passage and the meters shall dialogue directly with HES/NMS servers.
3. Standards: The RF Mesh Communication Network solution shall be based on open standards
and comply relevant IEEE/ BIS standards, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) RFCs,
DoT/WPC regulations:
Head End System and RF Mesh

Table 5 – BIS Standards

RF Band: It shall Operate in Unoccupied License free Spectrum

IEEE 802.15.4g - Standard for smart metering DISCOM networks
IP traffic between the HES/NMS and Gateway/Router shall be IPv6
(RFC2460, RFC6282, RFC4443)
IP traffic over Radio Mesh networks - 6LoWPAN (RFC6775)
Mesh Routing: IPv6 RPL- RFC 6550 and associated RFC of Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF)
Application Layer - IS 15959 Part 2 & 3 and Constrained Application Protocol
CoAP (RFC7252)
Transport Layer – TCP/UDP
Data Security over internet - TLS/ DTLS (RFC 4347 and associated)
The RF Network Communication NAN module and other network elements
like Gateways/ Routers/ Access Point shall comply to the DoT/ WPC
regulation and must have Equipment Type Approval (ETA) from WPC. Radio
output power shall be adaptive and as per WPC recommendations. It shall
not exceed 1W.

4. The number of Smart Meters per Gateway/Routers depends upon the technology
solution/ architecture, and on level of resiliency and overall quality expected for a specific
deployment. RF Solution Provider shall indicate this number in their solution.
5. Access point shall push events like tamper, power off etc. to HES/NMS immediately on
occurrence/receipt from field devices/meters.
6. Access point shall communicate with routers/nodes/end points on RF mesh network
(Unlicensed or Licensed frequency band as permitted by WPC/Statutory Bodies in
country of deployment as applicable).
7. Access point shall periodically monitor meter reads/downstream commands and shall
retry and reconnect in case of failed events/reads.
8. After Power Interruption, on restoration of power supply access points/GATEWAY shall
establish communication with underlying devices as well as upstream application
(HES/NMS) automatically.
9. Gateway / Router /GATEWAY/Access point shall support remote firmware upgrades as
well as remote configuration from the control Centre.
10. RF Mesh Technology Upgradation: The RF Solution Provider shall ensure the possibility
of up-gradation of the proposed RF Mesh Communication Infrastructure from time to
time to meet the increasing demand of the system in operation/ overcoming system
limitations/ bugs. The RF Solution Provider shall also ensure incorporation of new
hardware (communication devices etc.), if required, in future. The RF Solution Provider
therefore shall ensure that all such upgrades shall seamlessly fit into the existing end to
end system in operation and shall be backwardly compatible to the earlier generation
devices/ software/ Firmware in operation to guard against obsolescence at no cost to
IntelliSmart during the contract period.
11. The Gateway / Router / GATEWAY/ Access Points shall have provision to maintain the
time and date information and shall always be in Time synchronization to the HES/NMS
server via NTP to sub second accuracy. The Gateway / Router / Access Points shall
support time distribution to each Mesh Node.
12. Access point shall facilitate recording of minimum of the following events at HES/NMS
(for seven (7) days):
 No of lost packets.
 Retry attempts.
 Missed periodic reading.
Head End System and RF Mesh

 Failure to connect.
 Tamper events

7. RF Communication Network Infrastructure for Smart Meters

The RF communication network infrastructure should be based on IPV6 compliant RF mesh network.
The Communication network shall provide reliable medium for two-way communication between
network element nodes, Smart Meters & backend system. RF based network should use license free
frequency bands available in India for this purpose.

The communication infrastructure should be primarily based on RF mesh communication network for
densely populated areas. The communication network shall be based on suitable standards from
ITU/IEC/IEEE/CEN/CENELEC/ETSI for NAN Technology. The proposed RF Mesh communication
network, the Wireless Radio communication modules (NAN Module) in meters and network devices
like, Gateways/Routers etc shall facilitate the connection and intercommunication of wireless nodes
through multi hop wireless path and ensure multiple, redundant connection to the mesh network.

The Backhaul Infrastructure and SIM cards (4G with fallback 2G Communication Technology) shall be
provided by IntelliSmart from leading Service Provider along with aggregated Bandwidth at Cloud
Data Center (DC &DR) and NOMC.

8. Network Management System (NMS)

The proposed NMS shall facilitate following activities:
A. Security Management to protect systems and network from unauthorized access, manage user
access, authorizing rights and privileges.
B. Viewing of all network elements deployed in the field and administer configuration changes of the
network devices and nodes through toolkits to automate the following tasks:
a) Capture running configuration, capture start-up configuration, upload configuration.
b) Compare configuration.
c) Real-time or scheduled capture of device configurations
d) Store historical device configurations captured and enable comparison of current device
configuration against a previously captured configuration.
C. Security patch management of all applications shall be encrypted and signed.
D. Performance Management to monitor network performance as specified.
E. Fault Management to recognize, isolate, log and identify fault on network and connected nodes,
F. The network management software shall be based on the latest secured version of SNMP v3. The
NMS shall have a simple browser-based user interface to provide all the pertinent information
about the system. The NMS shall not impact the availability and performance of AMI applications
and shall load not more than 1% of network bandwidth and shall have secure communication.
G. The Network Management Software shall have followed functionality:
a) It shall maintain performance & error statistics, and present this information via displays,
periodic reports, and on-demand reports.
b) Apart from real-time monitoring of critical network devices, the above information shall be
collected and stored at user configurable periodicities i.e., 5 minutes to 60 minutes. The NMS
shall be capable of storing the above data for a period of one (1) year at an interval of 5
c) It shall maintain a graphical display for connectivity and status of peripheral devices. The
monitored devices shall be configured to send SNMP notifications, and the graphical element
representing the device shall change to a different color depending on the severity of the
notification received.
d) It shall issue alarms when error conditions occur.
e) The period over which the statistics are gathered shall be adjustable by the user and the
accumulated statistics shall be reset at the start of each period.
Head End System and RF Mesh

f) The statistics shall be available for printout and display after each period and on demand
during the period.
In case more than one technology of AMI (example RF between Smart Meter & GATEWAY for Smart
Meters and GPRS between Smart Meter and HES/NMS for some Smart Meters) deployed in the field.
It shall maintain statistics on the performance and availability of node being delivered per AMI

8.1 NMS Requirements Specific to HES

The Network Management System (NMS) function within the HES/NMS shall manage
communication network and its associated devices and monitor the performance of network. This
module shall provide real time information about the IP network and its associated NAN/WAN
modules in the field device/s.

A. NMS shall be able to collect parameters viz. terminal status, device status, next hop.
B. information, RF / PLC signal strength, Hardware/software version numbers, communication
logs/events etc. For cellular WAN network, it shall be able to constantly monitor the meter WAN
module for its connectivity and signal strength and quality.
C. NMS function shall be able to perform ping & trace-route to an individual and a group of Nodes
(NAN / WAN), Routers /Gateways / Access Point, GATEWAY.
D. NMS function shall routinely check the logged in status of the end node / field device and its
availability in the network for data exchange. In case of failure to get the ‘alive’ message from the
end node/field device, it shall mark and notify the node as logged out. It shall be also possible to
restart of a node (NAN/WAN) as well as trigger a hardware reset of the node.
E. NMS function should be able to collect and store monitoring profiles from End Points.
F. NMS function should be able to collect and store monitoring profiles from End Points
(NAN/WAN modules) and network devices for performance evaluation and troubleshooting
purposes. Historical logs of monitored profiles shall be available analysis through standard
reporting tool.
G. If GIS is enabled, then topology, location (lat./long) and status of all network nodes shall be
visible on GIS map.

8.2 Network Protection & Security

The proposed RF mesh solution must have highest degree of Scalability and interoperability. The
solution components shall be standard based and shall conform to High degree of information &
Cyber security norms. The system security mechanisms and communication protocols shall be based
on open standards and industry standard protocols. RF Solution Provider shall provide/ detail out
these aspects in their technical proposal:
a)Availability: The radio mesh technology shall insure an Always ON (24x7) network which can
penetrate difficult to reach locations and provide Non-Line of Sight (NLoS) coverage through
obstructions/ built environment for large meter concentration.
b) Scalable Architecture: The communication architecture shall be variant -1 as defined under
IS 16444.
c) RF Mesh network shall use license free frequency band available in India for smart metering
application. The communication NAN modules, Gateway/Router shall be approved by DoT/WPC and
shall have desired valid Equipment Type Approvals (ETA) for India.
d) Future ready and Low Life Cycle Cost: The RF NAN modules and the network element
equipment must have built-in reserve capacity to allow memory and processes to be upgraded with
new functionality over time.
e)End to End Security: The system shall be designed with a focus on security and data integrity. The
system security mechanisms and communication protocols shall be based on open standards and
The Network shall have adequate cyber security measures as detailed below:
Head End System and RF Mesh

• Secure Access Controls: The system shall include mechanisms for defining and controlling user
access to the operating system environment and applications. Measures such as password strength,
password aging, password history and reuse prevention must be implemented.
• Authorization Controls: A least-privilege concept such that users are only allowed to use or access
functions for which they have been given authorization shall be available.
• Logging: Logs must be maintained for all attempts to log on (both successful and unsuccessful), any
privilege change requests (both successful and unsuccessful), user actions affecting security (such as
password changes), attempts to perform actions not authorized by the authorization controls, all
configuration changes etc. Additionally, the access to such logs must be controlled in accordance to
the least-privilege concept mentioned above, so that entries may not be deleted, accidentally or
• Hardening: All unnecessary packages must be removed and/or disabled from the system.
Additionally, all unused operating system services and unused networking ports must be disabled or
blocked. Only secure maintenance access shall be permitted, and all known insecure protocols shall
be disabled.
• Malicious Software Prevention: Implementation of anti-virus software and other malicious
software prevention tools shall be supported.
• Network Security: The network architecture of the HES/NMS must be secure with support for
firewalls and encryption. The system shall also allow host-based firewalls to be configured, as an
additional layer of security if the network firewall were to fail.
• Suitable network management system (NMS) shall be provided to monitor the performance of the
communication round the clock. The NMS shall provide viewing of all the networking elements
deployed at site and enable configuration, parameterization of the networking devices and the nodes.
• Communication network shall be secure enough to avoid all cyber threats like DdoS, spoofing,
malwares etc.
• The network shall be horizontally and vertically scalable to accommodate future meter
installations. Utility/Employer will define the scalability level required for the network at the time of
• The overall cyber security policy and implementation shall account for:

a) Prevent unauthorized users from reading or writing data or files, executing programs or
performing operations without appropriate privileges.
b) Document all user sign on procedure
c) Record all network traffic for detecting unauthorized activity, unusual activity and attempts to
defeat system security (Contractor to propose and document what constitutes normal
d) A user authentication scheme consisting of at least a user identification and password shall be
required for the user to request a connection to any network node.
e) GUI to provide role-based access based on user identity and user role. Shall have following types
of users:
i) Administrator
ii) Operator
iii) Field staff
iv) Viewer/Guest
Head End System and RF Mesh

9. Solution Integration
The backend system of RF Communication Network Infrastructure (HES/NMS) shall support
integration through APIs to exchange data with MDMS/ Billing system and other AMI applications,
Billing, GIS, Dashboard & Reporting Applications etc. The data exchange models and interfaces shall
comply with CIM/XML/ IEC 61968/62056.

The integration mechanism adopted must have minimal impact on the existing systems. The access to
data will only be through applicable business rules i.e., the applications will not access data directly
without going through APIs managed by business rules/validation/workflow.

10. Gateway/ Router/Access Point for RF Mesh Communication

a) Gateway/Router/Access Point shall work as bridge for the connectivity between the RF Mesh
networks elements, Wide Area Network (WAN) and backend system in both directions.
b) The Gateways/ Routers/Access Points shall support to form a reliable mesh communication
network which shall be self-healing and self-forming. If any network element like Meter,
Gateway/Routers/Repeaters/Access Point fails then nodes connected on that network
element shall automatically reconfigure the mesh with available nearby meter, Gateway/
Router and joins the mesh network. In the coverage area of the Mesh network, Radio Nodes
shall operate in harmony with each other as a single network.
c) The meter data shall be constantly transmitted through the WAN as IP packets, eliminating the
need to store data for later transmission.
d) Data Concentrator Unit (GATEWAY) shall have capability of handling data for at least 200 nos.
of Smart Meters.
e) The GATEWAY/Gateway/Router/Access point provides the central link between Smart Meters
and HES/NMS, enabling continuous/periodic meter to read and control. GATEWAY shall
exchange data from Smart Meters on RF communication and with HES/NMS on WAN.
f) It shall have provision of dual SIM with capable to communicate over 4G and fall back on 2G.

10.1 Functional Requirements for Gateway/ Router/Access Point

a) GATEWAY shall Configuring the communication with underlying nodes/meters.

b) It shall support on demand read and ping of individual/group of meters. It shall be possible
to get IPv6 ICMP request/ response and IPv6 Trace-route from the Server to any Gateway/
c) Communication of data from the field devices and push the data at configured intervals to
the HES/NMS. It should also support the HES/NMS in pulling data from the field
devices/meters. The data acquisition (Push/Pull) frequency shall be configurable. GATEWAY
shall be capable to prioritize control commands.
d) Gateway shall ensure a secure communication to HES/NMS and shall have internal memory
for storing interval data for at least 5 (five) days. This storage shall be in non-volatile memory
as opposed to battery backed memory.
e) The equipment shall be weatherproof, dustproof, and constructed for outdoor installation on
poles (minimum rating: IP65). A suitable mounting provision shall be made for the
f) Enclosure: Provision for security sealing shall be provided and in case the gasket of the cover
is used for protection against moisture, dust and insects, the gasket shall be made of weather
and aging resistant material
g) It shall push events like tamper, power off etc. to HES/NMS immediately on
occurrence/receipt from field devices/meters.
h) It shall be able to acquire and send data to HES/NMS for full capacity (as per designed for no.
of meters/field devices) to ensure the performance level.
Head End System and RF Mesh

i) Device Management: It shall have device management and monitoring feature. It should
periodically upload the logs to the backend system.
 Login and Logout with Communication network
 Firmware version
 Mesh Topology information
 Events like -power outage and restoration,
 Low/failed RF (NAN) and Cellular connectivity (WAN)
j) After power Interruption, on restoration of power supply, it shall establish communication
with underlying devices as well as upstream system (HES/NMS) automatically.
k) It shall support remote firmware upgrading as well as remote configuration.
l) The Gateway/ Router/Access Points shall have an RTC which shall maintain the time and
date information for the entire life cycle of the device. This RTC shall always be in Time
synchronization via Network Time Protocol (NTP) to sub second accuracy. The Gateway/
Router/AP shall support time distribution to each Mesh Node in such a way to eliminate the
latency inherent to the radio mesh network.
m) It shall have self- diagnostic feature for RTC, memory, battery, communication module
(NANWAN) etc.

10.2 Connectivity Requirement for Gateway/ Router/Access Point

A. The GATEWAY shall ensure the appropriate backhaul for secure transfer of data to HES/NMS
either via cellular or Fiber Optic communication. In case of cellular backhaul, it shall support
SIM card / e-SIM with dynamic/static IP as the architecture demands from any service
provider. It shall have Wide Area Network (WAN) connectivity to the HES/NMS through
suitable means. Best available link shall be used to connect to HES/NMS.
B. GATEWAY shall be able to communicate with meters through a secured, standard
communication protocol between meter and GATEWAY.
C. GATEWAY shall periodically monitor meter reads/downstream commands and shall retry
and reconnect in case of failed events/reads.
D. It shall push events such as tamper, power off etc. to HES/NMS immediately on
occurrence/receipt from field devices/meters. GATEWAY shall be able to acquire and send
data to HES/NMS for full capacity (as per designed for no. of meters/field devices) to ensure
the performance level. Full capacity of GATEWAY is required to be indicated in the offer.
E. On restoration of power supply, GATEWAY shall establish communication with underlying
devices as well as upstream application automatically.
F. GATEWAY shall be able to communicate with the nearest meters.
G. Remote firmware upgrade: The GATEWAY shall support remote firmware upgrades as well
as remote configuration from the Network Operation cum Monitoring Centre (NOMC)
H. The RF based communication solution shall establish transparent IP Mesh Network. Each
network node shall have IPv6 address and shall keep a track of best available nearby node.
The network elements like Gateways/Routers/Access Points shall support IPv4 and IPv6
network addressing.
I. NAN Connectivity: Gateway/Router/Access Point must have RF modem card to maintain a
6LoWPAN mesh network and shall be capable of running the communication, security
protocol stack as defined in IS16444.
J. WAN Connectivity: The 6LoWPAN Mesh network shall get connected to the WAN through
Gateway/Routers/ Access point installed at a vantage position utilizing the available link
such as Ethernet, 4G with fallback Communication Technology network and ensures high
data availability even in poor/ intermittent coverage area.
K. GATEWAY shall facilitate recording of minimum of the following events at HES/NMS (for 7 days):
i. No of packet failures
ii. Retry attempts.
iii. Missed periodic readings
Head End System and RF Mesh

iv. Failure to connect

v. Tamper events
L. GATEWAY shall be able to operate in both Push and Pull mode.

10.3 Electrical/ Power Supply Requirements for – Gateway/

Router/Access Point
A. Gateway/ Router shall have suitable power supply arrangement. It shall operate on three
phase or single-phase AC 50 Hz supply in Indian distribution grid condition.
B. Enclosure/box of GATEWAY shall be IP65 or better compliant. A suitable mounting
arrangement required for GATEWAY installation shall also be provided.
C. A suitable and optimum power supply shall be provided keeping in view that even in case
of outage in one or two phases, GATEWAY can be powered. GATEWAY should be capable of
withstanding surges & voltage spikes of 10 kV. Power supply shall be terminated on
suitable sized Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) to facilitate isolation during on-site
D. The proposed gateway shall support three phase supply, the operating voltage range i.e.,
Input of the power supply shall be 85 V AC P-P to 500 V AC P-P. For Single phase supply the
device shall operate in range from 160V AC P-N to 370 V AC P-N. Phase Neutral interchange
shall not affect the functionality of the Gateway/ Router in any manner.
E. The Power chord shall be of at least 3 meters length and 1.2KV insulation.
F. Gateway/ Router shall be capable of withstanding surges & voltage spikes of 10 KV in the
Indian LV power condition.
G. GATEWAY shall have battery with backup for 4(Four) hours for normal meter reading, to
push tamper event, carry out on demand reading and the network health status/
connectivity continuity & check. GATEWAY should have the suitable feature to send power
outage and restoration message to the HES/NMS.
H. GATEWAY shall have built-in Real Time Clock (RTC) with separate battery backup. It shall
have self- diagnostic feature for RTC, memory, battery, communication module, etc.

10.4 Constructional/Mechanical Requirements for – Gateway/

Router/Access Point
A. The Field network elements like Gateway/ Router/AP shall have Weather resistant outdoor
enclosure, for longer life and greater durability. The enclosure shall be Metallic/ Plastic
Casing with power supply enclosed inside. In case of plastic, it should be engineering polymer
PC/PBT with UL-VO rating.
B. Gateways/ Routers/Access Points cover, and body shall have arrangements for sealing.
C. It shall have safety against fire and shall not be ignited by thermal overload or by live parts
in contact.
D. Water and dust proofing for Gateways/Routers/Access Points shall be provided and
enclosure shall be IP65 compliant. In case the gasket of the cover is used for protection
against moisture, dust and insects, the gasket shall be made of weather and aging resistant
E. The Gateways/Routers/Access Points enclosure shall be fitted with one set of RF & Cellular
Antenna and shall have provision for connecting external RF and cellular Antenna. It shall
have RJ45 port for ethernet connectivity.
F. Gateways/Routers/Access Points shall have the provision for visible status indicator to
provide visual indication of GW function.
 Power ON
 Connected to RF Mesh Network
 Connected to Cellular Network
 Data Transmission
G. Gateways/Routers/Access Points shall have suitable fixing arrangement for mounting on the
DISCOM pole or light pole, as well wall mounting.
Head End System and RF Mesh

10.5 Environmental/ Operational requirements for

Gateways/Routers/Access Points
A. Operating Temperature: -20 0C to +65 0C.
B. Storage Temperature: -40 0C to +80 0C.
C. Humidity: up to 95% RH (Non-Condensing).

10.6 Testing of the Gateways/ Routers/ Access Points

Gateways/ Routers/Access Points shall be tested for the following. The type test report shall be
submitted along with technical proposal.
Table 7 – Smart meter Key Management System

Test Standard
Radio interference measurement CISPR 32
Surge test IEC 610004-5
Fast transient burst test IEC 61000-4-4
Test of immunity to electrostatic discharges IEC 61000-4-2
Test of immunity to electromagnetic HF field IEC 61000-4-3
Ingress Protection for Enclosures IP-65

11. RF NAN Module or RF Network Interface Card (NIC)

1. RF NAN Module or NIC for the meters shall comprise of RF Mesh node with Antenna and a
Meter Interface board. It shall be the enabler for data exchange between Smart
Meter/Gateways/ Routers/AP and back-end systems.
2. RF NAN module shall run IPv6/ 6LoWPAN communication firmware stack and shall be
assigned a unique IPv6 address to enable bi-directional IP connectivity between that Smart
Meters and HES/NMS.
3. For DLMS enabled meters (IS16444), the RF NAN module shall run the DLMS stack for
communicating and access to the full range of DLMS capabilities supported by the meter. The
data received by the RF NAN module shall be transmitted over the radio network securely
up to the HES/NMS.
4. The RF NAN module shall be designed with suitable dimension to fit in meter pluggable slot
and shall operate in the same environment as of meter. The NAN module shall interface
through compatible connector within the host smart meter.
5. The RF NAN module must have necessary hardware support to deliver first breath and last
gasp as defined in IS16444 and IS15959 part 2 &3.
6. It shall have design life of 10 years.

11.1 Functional Requirements for RF NAN Module

1. RF NAN Module (NIC) shall support communication protocols as mentioned in IS16444 and
shall be interoperable at smart meter (IS16444) level for multiple make and model.
2. NAN Module shall have persistent RF network connectivity throughout and shall connect to
RF mesh network automatically. It shall support self-configuring and self-healing concepts.
After power Interruption, on restoration of power supply, it shall login to the mesh network
and establish communication automatically to the upstream network element and HES/NMS.
3. RF NAN Module shall support two-way communications between smart meter & Backend
System for data exchange, configuration parameters exchange, alarms, operational
commands, firmware upgrade as defined in IS16444 and IS15959.
4. The RF NAN module Maximum Radio output power shall be adaptive and shall be as per WPC
Head End System and RF Mesh

5. The NAN module shall support on-demand/ schedule (15/30 minutes, Daily, Monthly)
reading, connect/disconnect, time sync/set, configuration and over the air firmware upgrade
from the head-end system.
6. It shall support push services, alarms services of the smart meter as defined in IS16444 and
IS15959 part 2 and 3.
7. NAN module shall recover from any deadlock situation immediately on its own and shall have
remote Device Management Capability such as Reset, Configuration, Log Check, Ping, and over
the air Firmware upgrade for the NIC as well interfaced meter.
8. It shall provision of a unique certificate/ key in each RF NAN Module for mutual
authentication with the NMS for security point of view. It shall support standard security
protocols and shall be compliant to the cyber security standards. Data must be encrypted
with AES 128/256.

11.2 Electrical/ Power Supply Requirements for RF NAN Module

A. RF NAN Module must be capable of operating on the power drawn from the smart meter as
defined in BIS standard of Smart meter IS16444.
B. The power consumption of RF NAN module shall be optimal to meet the requirement of IS
16444 for both Idle mode and communication mode.
C. The RF NAN module must not exceed maximum power requirement of 7W in any case and it
shall be in line with the smart meter standard as per IS16444. There must be proper
protection and isolation between smart meter and NAN module power supply.
D. The Power supply/ backup requirement for RF NAN module for Last Gasp shall be drawn
from Smart Meter.

11.3 Constructional and Operational Requirement for RF NAN module

A. It shall work with PCB antenna which shall be placed inside the Plug-in module enclosure.
Antenna placement shall not interfere with smart meter functionality in any manner.
B. It shall be fitted with LED for visual indication for Power ON, Traffic status. Antenna interface
and LED visualization should be without removing the card from the smart meter slot.
C. Environmental Operating conditions is similar to Smart meters.
 Operating Temperature: -10 0C to +60 0C.
 Storage Temperature: -20 0C to + 70 0C.
 Humidity: up to 95% RH (Non-Condensing)

12. Design considerations for HES/NMS:

The following design considerations must be considered for HES/NMS application.

12.1 Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

HES/NMS solution must follow SOA principles to provide specific services using well-defined
interfaces. The HES/NMS solution design shall be implemented in such a way that there is an
opportunity for reuse. The integration architecture shall be based on the concept of a service
so that all applications to the HES/NMS are able to integrate without any complexity to

12.2 High-Speed Solution Architecture

The solution shall be highly scalable with a design to optimize the processing of a large volume
of data. Some of the key concepts shall be-
12.2.1 Data is separated into so-called topics (different type and structure of data) which allows
a differentiated treatment,
Head End System and RF Mesh

12.2.2 Use of Message Bus as storage layer for a short period to free up DB storage, and to free
up DB from being an interface between services.
12.2.3 Message bus should be able to handle large volumes of data ~ 1 million messages per
12.2.4 Ability of the system to restrict services to consume only relevant data and Direct DB
access should be forbidden, access should only be done via the APIs and services.
12.2.5 Resilience is built into the solution by design, services can run in parallel and replace
each other if necessary.
12.2.6 All interaction can run in real time (data comes in and other services can consume it right
way without waiting until it is stored in DB).
12.2.7 Subscribers on the bus can be authorized and messages integrity can be
12.2.8 Performance of the system does not depend on the writing Speed of the DB.

12.3 Modular Design

The system architecture should contain at least three tiers i.e., the application user interface,
processing logic and data storage must be separated. The logical design of components,
subsystems and applications shall be partitioned with well-defined interfaces and logical
boundaries to separate components. This shall allow the system to be more adaptive to changes
in internal logic, platforms, structures and make it easier to scale, support and maintain

12.4 Applications
All components of HES/NMS application system shall be maintainable by RF Solution Provider
using the supplied software utilities and documentation. The software design and coding
standards of the system shall address the followings:
12.4.1 Expansion: Software shall be dimensioned to accommodate the size of HES/NMS
application up to 50% of Smart Meters.
12.4.2 Modularity: Software shall be modular i.e., functionally partitioned into discrete,
scalable, reusable modules consisting of isolated self-contained functional elements
and designed for ease of change. The system shall make maximum use of common
industry standards for interfaces.
12.4.3 User-Directed Termination: Functions taking long execution times shall recognize and
process user requests to abort the processing.
12.4.4 Portability & Interoperability: The system shall be designed for hardware
independence and operation in a network environment that facilitates interoperability
and integration of third-party applications. HES/NMS applications should support
multiple enterprise versions of databases.
12.4.5 Programming Languages: The software shall be written using high level ISO or ANSI
standard programming languages.
12.4.6 All applications shall be designed with sufficient background logs which capture
various level of errors encountered (warning, fatal, informational) while executing, so
that the same can be reviewed and attended to.

12.5 Operating System

The operating system of all the equipment of HES/NMS application system including network
equipment shall be latest version. The operating system shall be hardened to provide robust
security. The operating system and data file shall be placed in different disk partitions.

In order to facilitate cyber security requirements including patch management, common

operating system is preferable to be used by all HES/NMS server nodes. This is also to minimize
the maintenance. All licenses for Operating System and other application software shall be
Head End System and RF Mesh

supplied by the AMISP and shall be valid throughout the contract period.

12.6 Unified Dashboard and Reporting Application

RF Solution Provider shall development, test, Integrate and deploy on Cloud data centers a Unified
Dashboards and Reporting Application for the Project AMI systems Operations, Management SLA
reporting and Interface for NOMC & DISCOM users. The Application shall have access for the NOMC
users for monitoring the operation and availability of the system and data. It shall also facilitate
access to DISCOM and Project Users to various reports related. The reports and SLA formats shall
be finalised at the time of project initiation. It is expected that there will around 20-25 reports
required for the project.

12.7 Time and Calendar Feature

The HES/NMS application & other servers shall maintain time and calendar for use by various
software applications. The internal clocks of all servers and workstation consoles shall be
automatically synchronized on Network Time Protocol (NTP) protocol. The calendar shall be
customizable for working hours, holidays, weekends etc. The holidays, including type of days,
shall be entered for each year at the beginning of the year and shall be recognized by all

12.8 Remote Diagnostic

Remote Diagnostic facility with necessary hardware as required shall be provided for
communication between the HES/NMS application system at the cloud data center and the
NOMC for the diagnosis of hardware & software problems. The login shall be protected by a
username & password entry. An automatic logging and intimation shall be provided to inform
authorized person from AMISP/ utility on such events of remote access and diagnosis.

12.9 Development and Test Environment

A Development system independent of the production environment shall be defined at the
cloud data center which shall provide testing facility for integration of changes/modifications
of the AMI application and new field devices before putting it online with Real-time system.
This Development system shall be on a VLAN separated from the production VLAN and shall
be self-sufficient to carryout testing of changes/ modifications.

12.10 Network Communication

The network communications software shall use a standard network protocol such as TCP/IP,
UDP etc. and shall support IPv6. The network communication software shall include network
security, security management, patch management and network services of the AMI system.
Network communication software shall have scalability feature as envisaged.

12.11 Prepaid functionality

HES/NMS should be able to switch the Smart Meter between prepaid and post-paid modes by
a simple change in configuration of the Smart Meter firmware remotely. The trigger to toggle
between Post-paid and Prepaid will be sent by upstream system. The integration for which will
be defined by AMISP.

12.12 Service Orders

Service order tickets could be generated by MDM but processed and closed under jurisdiction
of the HES/NMS combine. The service order tickets can be routed from the MDM and the NMS
to the WFM for completion of the tasks and reporting.

12.13 High Availability, Load Balancing & Scalability

The deployment of HES/NMS and NMS application shall have adequate redundancies so as to
have no single point of failure. The HES/NMS and(or) NMS must support virtualised cloud data
Head End System and RF Mesh

center environment and High-Availability clustering for 24x7x365 availability with automatic
load balancing and backup that ensure failover and disaster recovery.

The system shall support recoverability feature using commonly available and industry
standard backup & archival applications. The application shall be scale both vertically and
horizontally to support a greater number of meters without compromising performance using
additional hardware Adequate data base and security features for storage of data at HES/NMS
and(or) NMS need to be ensured.
RF Solution Provider shall provide a comprehensive detail on the proposed deployment
architecture, Security, scalability, and availability features their solution. It should be noted
that the RPO shall be less than or equal to 30 minutes and RTO shall be less than or equal to 1

12.14 Deployment Guidelines

RF Solution Provider shall provide a comprehensive detail on the proposed deployment
architecture, Security, scalability, and availability features their solution. It should be noted
that the RPO shall be less than or equal to 30 minutes and RTO shall be less than or equal to 1

RF Solution Provider shall provide High Level Technical design/ deployment

architecture of their application and database including Compute, Memory, Storage,
Network, security, and other requirement for deployment Infrastructure (Production,
Test/development) in a Cloud Infrastructure for each of the projects.

Adequate data base and security features for storage of data need to be ensured and industry
standard database platforms like Oracle/ MS SQL/ MY SQL, etc shall be deployed. HES/NMS
database shall be accessible from application through business processes and managed APIs.

12.15 HES/NMS Security

The HES/NMS application shall support Single Sign-on and LDAP for user authentication,
authorization and shall support role-based user access. There has to be audit trail functionality
for managing and storing all the records of activities performed by authorized/unauthorized
users. The complete HES/NMS solution for smart metering Infrastructure shall comply with
statutory norms of cyber security.

The HES/NMS shall support measures such as password policy, password strength, password
aging, password history and reuse prevention.

12.16 KMS (Key Management System)

The HES/NMS shall have functionality to securely store and manage the security keys /
certificates related to Smart Meters. Appropriate Security algorithm shall be put in use for
storing keys in the database of HES/NMS. The HES/NMS software Key Management system
shall allow to generate and configure all or selective security keys (group) of the smart meters
in compliance to IS 15959 as per below table:

Sl. Re-
Key/Secret Application
No. programmability
Low Level Secret
1 Used for reading meter data Yes
(LLS) - MR
High Level Secret (HLS) Used for reading and
2 Yes
- US reprograming meter setting
High Level Secret (HLS) Used for Remote Firmware
3 Yes
- FU upgrade
Head End System and RF Mesh

4 Encryption Key (EK)* Used for data encryption Yes

Authentication Key
5 Used for data authentication Yes

The HES/NMS shall be able to share the stored keys in secure way with other applicable in
encrypted/ decrypted form and encryption/ decryption methodology shall be share to other
application to use rotated key/ Secret (password).

For smooth functioning of the entire system, it is essential that the details of such algorithm
including the mechanism of security key generation be kept in a secured escrow account which
shall be used by the IntelliSmart/ DISCOM only in case of default or contract termination.

The HES/NMS shall have comprehensive smart meter key management system to manage
entire lifecycle, which includes secure import and export, expiration monitoring, renewal, and
termination of keys.

13. Integration Requirement

The HES/NMS solution system shall generally support functionalities in alignment to the latest “Model
Standard Bidding Document” SBD version 4 with its amendment for appointment of Advanced
Metering Infrastructure Service Provider (AMISP) under RDSS issued by the REC Limited (REC) in
August 2022.

HES/NMS shall support integration with the AMI application landscape system to meet the use cases
mentioned in SBD version 4 with its amendments. Clause 2.4 “Meter Data management system at page
no. 171.

The RF Solution Provider shall Co-ordination & Collaboration with the other Contractors appointed by
IntelliSmart and/or DISCOMs in integrating the solution and executing the project in an amicable

14. Risk Mitigation

The HES/NMS provider Project Manager shall identify, plan, and monitor risks. There shall be
permanent risk management including at least qualitative risk management and an update to the risks
and the according risk responses. An according risk register shall be maintained and frequently
exchanged between the buyer and the provider.

Some key Risk which HES/NMS provider shall consider:

a. Non billing of consumers due to fall in communication rate.
b. Delay in integration of HES/NMS, MDMS, Mobile App etc.
c. Lack of data acquisition or inability to acquire data from meter and data transfer to HES/NMS.
d. Issue due to non-interoperability of each system.
e. Managing data from different metering protocol and meter security keys Requirement of API
if in case required

15. Implementation Approach and Timelines

The Scope of HES/NMS shall be completed in two stages to support the smart meter deployment and
DISCOM’s Business as Usual (BaU) operations.

15.1 Implementation Stages

Stage -1:
Head End System and RF Mesh

In Stage-1, the basic core application will be configured and integrated with the different make and
type of smart meters and MDMS to support the smart meter deployment on ground and keep the
continuity of business operation at DISCOM.

RF Solution Provider in consultation with IntelliSmart shall workout with DISCOM on the minimum
core functionalities, FIIT use cases to be deployed at this stage.

Below table is an indicative prioritization of the minimum use case implementation during Stage-1
Sl. No. Use Case Activity Description
1 Collection of scheduled Meter Profile (Instantaneous, Block load and daily)
2 Monthly Billing profile collection
3 Remote Meter disconnection
4 Remote Meter Reconnection
5 Detects meter tampering event and corresponding configured alarms and alerts,
power quality alerts, remotely read event logs at scheduled frequency
6 Consumer connection outage and restoration event
7 Outage and restore event recorded by meter is sent to HES/NMS as and when
event occurs
8 Ping response and acknowledgement from meters
9 Transfer Prepaid balance amount to smart meters
10 Firmware upgrade with acknowledgement and response
11 On-Demand read of meters from consumer premises, for both individual and
groups of meters
12 Remote altering setting of meters, for both individual and groups of meters
13 RTC time synchronisation
14 Integration with 5 different makes of meters
15 Access to HES/NMS and NMS web page

Stage -2:
In second stage, the balance functional requirement and other advance features and report, analytics,
SLA, event correlation module, key management system, cyber security balance meter make and type,
and related integration shall be delivered to meet the Final UAT/SAT use case Demonstrations, its
acceptance from IntelliSmart and successful execution of the UAT/SAT activities for the first LOT of
meters for the project.

15.2 Implementation Timelines & Milestones

Time is essence for this project. Below table is key milestones and timelines to achieve these critical
deliverable/ tasks. Within 3 months from the date of Letter of Award/Purchase Order, the system shall
be made operational with stage 1 functionality and shall achieve successful SAT for the 1st LOT of
meters within 6 Months. RF Solution Provider needs to adhere to the given timelines and provide
detailed project plan for implementation and deliverable milestones as part of its design
Milestones Deliverable / Task Timelines
Analysis of requirements including 1 week from the date of
integration Interfaces. receipt of LOA
1. Initiation & Design Approval of design document and 2 weeks from the date of
business process related to HES/NMS receipt of LOA
2. Development Provisioning of the development 3 weeks from the date of
environment setup environment on cloud for HES/NMS and receipt of LOA
Head End System and RF Mesh

Milestones Deliverable / Task Timelines

deployment of HES/NMS software for
development / configuration.
3a. Implementation / Integration of the HES/NMS solution 6 weeks from the date of
Development with MDM for the use cases for stage 1 receipt of LOA
Stage 1 Configuration / customization of the
HES/NMS application for core feature
Deployment of the HES/NMS with 8 weeks from the date of
3b. Deployment of
configuration and the integration receipt of LOA
interfaces in production environment of
with stage -1 functionality and
Completion of
conducting FIIT as per SBD version 4
Stage 1
with its amendments
4. Completion of Integration of the HES/NMS solution for 12 weeks from the date of LOA
SAT/UAT and the use cases for Stage 2
Operational Go Integration of HES/NMS with MDMS
Live - Configuration / customization of the
HES/NMS application for advance
features, reporting & Dashboard, and
- Training to users
- Deployment of the HES/NMS with
completed configuration and the
integration interfaces in production
Successful completion of UAT/SAT &
system availability test
5. Operational 16 weeks from the date of LOA
Operation Maintenance and support
Acceptance and &
Resource availability.
Start of Operations
SoPs for the Operations and
and Maintenance,
Maintenance, Support services.
Support services
Software Inventory

15.3 Stabilization Phase

There shall be a stabilization phase of Six months from the of Operational Acceptance of the system. In
this period RF Solution Provider shall provide support to stabilization of the implemented HES/NMS
system. As part of this, following activities will be carried out:
i. Deploy all relevant functional and technical implementation team during the stabilization
ii. During stabilization, if complete solution is not working or performing as per the IntelliSmart /
DISCOM requirements, RF Solution Provider will rectify, reconfigure / tune the HES/NMS
solution to comply the same.
iii. Fixing of defects / bugs identified
iv. RF Solution Provider will update user manuals and other relevant documents if there is any
change in the process or solution.
v. SLA will be monitored during this period and RF Solution Provider will be responsible for
compliance of the same.

The HES/NMS service provider shall submit for AMISP’s approval a detailed implementation schedule.
This shall describe all the project activities of both the HES/NMS service provider and AMISP. As a
minimum, this schedule shall include the following:
i. Preparation of test plans and procedures
ii. Site tests
Head End System and RF Mesh

iii. Variance correction and retest

iv. Delivery of complete system including hardware and software
v. New system installation
vi. Subsystem integration and testing
vii. Interface testing
viii. Final system and user documentation
ix. Training

The RF Solution Provider shall use a commercially available project management application (for
example, Microsoft Project) to maintain the project schedule. This project management application
shall be used to track the progress of the project from start through completion. Schedule monitoring
shall be based on a comparison of completed tasks versus scheduled tasks and estimation of the
required effort to complete the remaining tasks.

16. Quality Assurance (QA), Factory Acceptance Test (FAT), Site

Acceptance Test (SAT) and System Acceptance Test
To ensure that the HES/NMS provider produces a well-engineered and contractually compliant
equipment, a quality assurance program shall be followed.

The HES/NMS provider must employ documented Quality Assurance (QA) techniques and practices
throughout this project. The HES/NMS provider should prepare implementation methodology
Schedule of Factory Acceptance Test, supply, installation, SAT (Site Acceptance Test), Trial runs,
commissioning etc.
The factory acceptance testing shall be as per relevant BIS/IEC standards. The tests shall be carried
out during inspection of each lot at supplier’s works. In case of non-availability of facilities for the test
specified as above, the test shall be carried out at NABL accredited Lab at supplier’s cost.

Submission of Quality Assurance (QA) techniques indicating completion of various activities within
targeted time frame. This QA program shall be adhered to the preparation of all Contract deliverables,
including documentation, hardware, firmware, and software. The program shall aim at minimization
of defects, early detection of actual or potential deficiencies, timely and effective corrective action, and
a method to track all such deficiencies etc.

The AMISP shall be allowed access to the RF Solution Provider’s facilities during system design and
testing and to any facility where hardware or software is being produced. The RF Solution Provider
shall provide office and testing facilities, equipment, and documentation necessary to complete all

The AMISP shall be allowed to inspect the HES/NMS provider hardware and software quality
assurance standards, procedures, and records. Documents identified in the approved software quality
assurance plan will be inspected to verify that the RF Solution Provider has performed the required
quality assurance activities.

16.1 Site Acceptance Test (SAT)

SAT shall be carried out with devices (NICs)/Meters in lots as these are delivered and passes through
the Field Installation and Integration tests. The first lot to be subjected to SAT shall consist of the
complete cloud data center and its hardware and software components along with supply, installation
& integration of a minimum of [5%] devices (NICs)/Meters (along with its related hardware and
software equipment). The SAT for remaining meter population shall be staged on monthly basis based
on the monthly supply, installation and integration of Smart Meters (along with its related hardware
Head End System and RF Mesh

and software equipment).

All the SAT requirements mentioned below shall be calculated at Meter Data Management, RF Solution
Provider shall ensure the data availability at HES/NMS within 80% of total time defined for MDM (e.g.,
total time allowed in SBD version 4 with its amendment is 12 hours, HES/NMS SLA window is 9.6
hours, MDM SLA window is 2.4 hours) to allow reconciliation and calculation window for Meter Data
Management to calculate the SLA.

Performance Requirement (Meter

Performance Test Type
Data Management)
1. Load Profile Data Read
One-month block load profile for installed From 98% of the meters in 12 hours after the
meters midnight
2. Billing Profile Data Read
From 98% of the meters in 12 hours after the
Billing profile data for installed meters
3. On-Demand Remote reads of meters
Collection of 7 days of interval energy data
and the current total accumulated energy Within 2 minutes
from a selected individual meter
4. Remote connect/ disconnect
Action to response for individual meter Less than 3 mins

5. Ping Response with acknowledgement/ response for selected meters

Action performed at 98% of meters within
For installed meters
5 minutes; and
For an individual meter Action performed within 3 seconds
6. Meter loss and restoration of supply
Alert to be received within 3 minutes for
Receiving of alert for all affected AMI meters
60% of meters
7. Meter Tamper Alerts
Receiving of alert for an individual meter Alert to be received within 3 minutes
8. Power Quality Alerts
Receiving of alert for an individual meter Alert to be received within 5 minutes
9. Firmware upgrade with acknowledgement/ response for selected meters
Action performed at 99% of meters within
[18] hour; and
For installed AMI meters (for a batch of at
Action performed at 99.9% of meters
least 20% of installed base)
within [24] hours
10. Remotely altering settings in meter
Action performed at 99% of meters within
For installed AMI meters (for a batch of at
[8] hours; and
least 20% of installed base)
Action performed at 99.9% of meters
within [24] hour
11. Remotely read events logs
Action performed at 90% of meters within
[30] minutes; and
For reading the full event log for installed Action performed at 99% of meters within
smart meter 1 hour; and
Action performed at 99.9% of meters
within [6] hours.
12. Prepaid Recharge
Head End System and RF Mesh

Performance Requirement (Meter

Performance Test Type
Data Management)
Payment success to consumer
acknowledgement Within 5 Minutes

Payment success to meter update (From MDM From 90% of meters within 30 minutes
to HES/NMS to Meter) From 99% of meters within 1 (one) hour

13. Demonstration of Disaster Recovery Capability (DC-DR Drill) {CSP Supported}

Recovery Time Objective (RTO) [1 hour]
Recovery Point Objective (RPO) [30 Minutes]

16.2 System Availability Test

After UAT/ SAT a system Availability test shall be conducted as per the test plan given by IntelliSmart.
This test shall be performed for a continuous 120 hrs. of the deployed system and shall meet the system
availability as defined below:

Sl. No. System Minimum System Availability Requirements

1. HES/NMS 99.5%
2. User Interface 99.5%

16.3 Operational Acceptance

The Operational Acceptance of the deployed HES/NMS solution shall be considered as complete on
a) Completion of training obligations
b) Successful Integration of HES/NMS with other business application of AMI project eco-systems and
c) Successful completion of UAT/SAT for the first LOT of Smart Meters.
d) Successful completion of system availability test for 120 (one hundred twenty) hours after first
successful SAT
e) Independent third-party cyber security audit of the cloud setup

17. Operation, Maintenance and Support Services post

Operational Acceptance.
After successful completion of UAT and SAT, Solution Operations Maintenance and support period will
commence. The broad scope the operations services are as below:

17.1 Head End System/Network Management System

The scope under operation services related to HES/NMS shall include (not limited to)
17.1.1 Comprehensive management of all the software (including licensing and annual technical
support cost) under scope of this contract.
17.1.2 Any bug fixing, Fine tuning of All in-scope applications, business processes/ databases,
Implementation of OEM released patches in defined maintenance/ downtime window after
testing the same in non-production environment.
17.1.3 Support, enhancement, upgrade of: UI, Integration interfaces, workflows, reports/Dashboards
(existing / new) and the analytics.
17.1.4 HES/NMS ---MDM/ Billing system integration API performance monitoring, issue
management, troubleshooting and fixes.
17.1.5 Software routine technical upgrade/ patch implementation, applying recent fixes and
improvements for the software application as applicable.
Head End System and RF Mesh

17.1.6 System health monitoring and maintenance to keeps the system reliable and its performance
tuned to optimal level. The HES/NMS service provider shall analyse various system logs and
alerts for system health monitoring (Remotely) and taking corrective measures.
17.1.7 Correcting software errors (bugs) or provide work around solution.
17.1.8 Perform backup and restore management in accordance with mutually agreed to backup and
restore policies and procedures, including performance of daily, weekly, monthly quarterly and
annual backup functions (full volume and incremental) for data and software maintained on
Servers and storage systems.
17.1.9 including interfacing with DISCOMS’s specified backup media storage facilities.
17.1.10 Adoption of policies as defined by IntelliSmart and conforming to standards wherever
17.1.11 Provide integration and user support.
17.1.12 Project related enhancements like - reports/ dashboard modification and integration
API modifications to comply with business requirements along with security compliance as
17.1.13 Reinstallation/ recovery of application in case of relocation/maintenance of
infrastructure and support during Disaster Recovery to ensure high availability.
17.1.14 HES/NMS application specific server, OS, security, and database management
17.1.15 Meter Communication Module firmware upgrade over the air to keep the system
updated to the latest engineering releases for communication performance, meter Interfaces
and security.
17.1.16 Firmware/ software upgrades as and when applicable for compliance to data/ cyber
security guidelines, BIS 16444 and 15959 standards as applicable.
17.1.17 MIS reports and data mining for Performance/ SLA measurement.
17.1.18 Day to day operations of the deployed HES/NMS under supervision and authority of
the IntelliSmart /DISCOM. These shall include among others,
- Changeover of consumer meters from post-paid to prepaid mode and vice versa.
- Ensuring prepaid transaction as per IS 15959, DLMS standard.
- Connecting, disconnecting, or reducing consumer’s sanctioned load under approval from
- Ensuring availability of BP, LP, interval data and event notifications from meters in time
schedules as agreed
- Ensuring scheduled collection of billing
- Ensuring daily / monthly reports from the HES/NMS system as per agreed list, and are
made available to IntelliSmart / DISCOM
- Ensuring smooth data exchange traffic between the Smart Meters, HES/NMS system,
MDM System
- Patch management of applications at cloud data center
- Provide reports, dashboard, and backup data to support various SLA.
- Carry out performance checks of various functions as per agreed schedule or on demand.
17.1.19 As part of their Operation and Maintenance responsibilities, the RF Solution Provider
shall develop a compendium of Operation and Maintenance Manuals. These manuals shall be
kept updated as often as necessary to reflect best practices being employed in the project.
17.1.20 The RF Solution Provider has to hand hold the DISCOM /IntelliSmart team to take over
operation, maintenance, and support services after completion of contract period. The project/
system devices should allow their functionalities to be upgraded without disruption to the
existing functionalities by downloading new software and configuration information under
their scope.
17.1.21 Software maintenance, debugging and support throughout the contract period.

17.2 Other Services

The HES/NMS services shall also include the following services:
Head End System and RF Mesh

17.2.1 Operations and Support Manpower

For the Operations, Maintenance and support of the project, RF Solution Provider shall provide
HES/NMS services and deploy necessary functional and technical resources (Dedicated / Shared /
Onsite/Offsite) as per the project/contract need.

RF Solution Provider shall submit a list of resources which they will deploy for Operation, Maintenance
and Support Services after completion of Implementation phase till the end of the Support and O&M
period. IntelliSmart reserves the right to evaluate the skills and performance of resources and ask for
replacement if not found satisfactory.

Sl. No. Resource Type Count Location (Onsite/ Off Site / Hybrid)

Beside the adequate and proficient /skilled resources deployed at RF Solution Provider’s backend
facilities for delivering of the services, RF Solution Provider shall position following minimum man-
power resources at each project (2 Projects are in scope) NOMC/Site for the project duration.
a) [One] number of operations staffs for monitoring of HES/NMS
b) [One] HES/NMS product & Integration specialist (5+ years’ experience in relevant area)
c) [One] Data Analyst (5+ years’ experience in relevant area)

17.2.2 Maintenance and Support activity

The RF Solution Provider shall carryout the below routine maintenance and support activities for the
deployed system:
Item Routine maintenance & support task
1.0 Problem Identification
Root cause analysis to determine whether the fault is attributable to Software or cloud
2.0 Software Problem Resolution
2.1 Report problem and assist with problem identification
Provide or recommend corrections, temporary patcHES/NMS, workarounds, or other fixes
to system problems
Install and test corrections, temporary patcHES/NMS, workarounds, or other fixes to
system problems
3.0 Routine Software Support
3.1 Build and maintain database, displays and reports – Tuning for optimum performance
3.2 Perform system back-ups & restore or reinstall software from back-ups
3.3 Scheduled and Preventive maintenance activities
3.4 Monitor system logs (part of remote monitoring service)
3.5 Maintain system logs
3.6 Maintain user accounts
4.0 Integration and Database
Head End System and RF Mesh

Item Routine maintenance & support task

4.1 Monitoring of System Integration API /Interface for its functioning /performance
The above-mentioned aspects are not exhaustive, and RF Solution Provider is required to provide all
necessary support to ensure the complete solution is functional as per business requirements without
any additional cost.

17.2.3 Exit/ Handover

Six (6) months before the end of Maintenance Support Services the RF Solution Provider shall prepare
and submit a detailed exit plan (“Exit Plan”). IntelliSmart Project-in-Charge along with designated team
will review the Exit plan. If the plan is rejected RF Solution Provider shall prepare alternate plan within
two (2) working days. If the second plan is also rejected, IntelliSmart Office Manager will provide a
plan to the RF Solution Provider, and it should be adhered in totality.
On acceptance of the Exit plan, the RF Solution Provider shall
i. Execute all documents that may be necessary to effectively transfer the ownership and title,
including OEM warranties in respect of all equipment, material, hardware and software,
customized development etc. and escrow license.
ii. Handover all developed codes, related documentation, and other Configurable Items, if any in
his possession.
iii. Handover the list of all IT Assets, passwords to the IntelliSmart.

The RF Solution Provider shall design a comprehensive team/organization structure to for

IntelliSmart/DISCOMs to manage the system. The RF Solution Provider shall carry out an analysis of
the skill set requirement for the to manage system and carry out the training & knowledge transfer.

The RF Solution Provider and the Authorized personnel from IntelliSmart will sign a completion
certificate at the end of successful completion (all points tracked to closure) of the Exit Plan.

18. Service Level Agreements

RF Solution Provider will ensure the HES/NMS and cloud infrastructure meet the uptime and
performance SLAs after the Operational acceptance. RF Solution Provider shall be held responsible for
maintaining SLA of data subject to availability in HES/NMS. RF Solution Provider shall showcase
reconciliation report for any shortage in HES/NMS SLA in comparison to data availability at MDM. SLA
parameters shall be monitored on monthly basis as per the individual SLA parameter requirements as

18.1 HES/NMS System performance SLAs

18.1.1 *Subject to timely data availability in HES/NMSs for MDMs in the SLA time window. The SLA
penalties are capped at maximum 30% of the invoice amount.
18.1.2 ## Subject to actions status availability within the SLA time window
a) For RF NIC Module and Field Gateways

S. Defined Service Level Validation

No. Parameter Requirement Procedure
NIC/Module Identification NIC Failure Rate
Failure Rate of defective (i) For Initial 5 Years
(i) For Initial 5 Years NIC/Module (a) Up to ≤1.5%
(a) Up to ≤1.5% Yearly in the Yearly accumulation
accumulation of the backend of the month wise
month wise installed system or at installed quantity –
Head End System and RF Mesh

S. Defined Service Level Validation

No. Parameter Requirement Procedure
quantity. consumer No Penalty.
NIC/Module premises. (b) 1.5% - 2% - Rs
Failure Rate: (ii) Balance tenure of the Exclusion: RF 300 for each defective
Failure is contract, after end of module RF Module (Yearly
defined as any initial 5 Years - becoming Basis for initial 5 Year)
1 occurrence (a) Up to ≤2% faulty due to
when the Yearly reasons that If NIC Failure is beyond
equipment is accumulation of are not 2% on Yearly basis:
not functioning the month wise attributable to Termination of
per design installed quantity the RF RF Solution Provider’s
specification. Solution contract along with
Note: Provider e.g., forfeiture of Retention
Volume of defect to be burnt meter Money/Retention
calculated on yearly etc. Bank Guarantee
basis on Installed (RBG).
Example on
NIC/Module failure
rate calculation for
Initial 5 years, meters
installed in Apr'23 is
1000 nos., if the total
nos. of faulty nodes are 10
nos. till Mar'24 out of
1000 nos. of the
installed meters in (ii) Balance tenure of
Apr'23, Then there is no the contract, after end
penalty and if it exceed of initial 5 Years -
15 nos., then the penalty (a) Up to ≤2% Yearly
will be levied on the total accumulation of the
faulty quantity from the month wise installed
installed base of the quantity – No Penalty.
meters of Apr'23 (b) 2% - 2.5% - Rs
Example on NIC failure 300 for each defective
rate calculation for RF Module (Yearly For 3
balance tenure of the Year)
contract, meters If NIC Failure is beyond
installed in Apr'23 is 2.5% on Yearly basis:
1000 nos. and fault rate Termination of
of this installed nodes RF Solution Provider’s
during FY29 is 10 nos., contract along with
Then there is no penalty forfeiture of Retention
and if it exceed 20 nos. Money/Retention
during FY29, then the Bank Guarantee
penalty will be levied on (RBG)
the total faulty quantity
from the installed base
of the meters of Apr'23
buffer Stock:
sufficient stock Non-returnable
of NIC/Module 0.5% of pluggable RF Availability buffer Stock Below
2 and Gateway Module + Antenna and of buffer 0.5%: 10% penalty on
Head End System and RF Mesh

S. Defined Service Level Validation

No. Parameter Requirement Procedure
shall 0.5% of gateway meter stock the buffer meter
be ensured by in cost/NIC
the RF Solution warehouse
Provider for
replacement of
within 24
shall provide
required 100% within 30 days
firmware in for upgrade / changes Firmware Support
3 case of 100% for upgrade / Date of 0.5% of impacted
malfunctionin changes (which needs written NIC/module cost per
g or a feature validation and impact request by month beyond 45 days
request at no study on overall Client
extra cost to metering).
M. Note- as
per IS 15959
upgrade shall
be limited to
firmware only.
Note: The SLAs are mutually exclusive
b) For the Deployed HES/NMS and RF Communication System

Data/performance parameter Requirement Penalty
(Averaged over a month)
1. Scheduled Interval data readings
Periodic collection of the interval From 97% of meters within
load profile data for installed meters 7 hours
*Assuming interval of 15/30 minutes From 99% of meters within Deduction of 5% of Monthly
as per requirement. 11 hours Invoice of Opex Part (item no.
Note: 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 of Table 2 & 3)
Number of operational meters=N From 99.5% of meters charges for every 0.5% fall or
Number of meters with successful within 22 hours part thereof in SLA.
48/96 sample interval data=Y
% SLA Z=(Y/N) *100
2. Scheduled daily meter read profile
From 97%of meters within Deduction of 2% of Monthly
12 hours after midnight
Head End System and RF Mesh

Data/performance parameter Requirement Penalty
(Averaged over a month)
Previous day interval Energy and From 99.5% of meters Invoice of Opex Part (item no.
Total accumulated Energy within 22 hours after 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 of Table 2 & 3)
midnight charges for every 0.2% fall or
thereof in SLA
3. Scheduled billing profile data for the billing period
Collection of Billing and block profile From 95% of meters Deduction of 1% of Monthly
data for the billing period for within 36 hours of the scheduled Invoice of Opex Part (item no.
the entire installed population periodic collection 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 of Table 2 & 3)
charges for every 0.1% fall or
part thereof in SLA.
From 99.5% of meters
within 48 hours of the
scheduled periodic
From 100% of meters within 160
hours of the scheduled periodic
collection or end of the billing

4. Remote connect and disconnect with Success response

Action performed at 95% of Deduction of 1% of Monthly
On receiving the Connect and meters within 10 minutes; and Invoice of Opex Part (item no.
Disconnect command from 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 of Table 2 & 3)
MDMS Action performed 99.5% of meters charges
within 5 hours for every 0.1% fall or part
thereof in SLA.
5. Remotely top-up amount (for pre-paid application only)

Update of Current Balance and Deduction of 2% of Monthly

recharge information to the 99.9% meters within 30 minutes Invoice of Opex Part (item no.
smart meters in prepaid after 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 of Table 2 & 3)
receiving the information to the charges every 0.5% fall or
HES/NMS system from MDMS part thereof in SLA
6. Availability of AMI System per month
Deduction of 1% of Monthly
Availability of the delivered AMI Invoice of Opex Part (item no.
System per month ≥99.5% 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 of Table 2 & 3)
charges for every 0.1% fall or
thereof in SLA.

If the SAT is failed and the complete lot is rejected due to failure in meeting the performance
requirement, it will attract a flat penalty of 30% of the monthly invoice amount submitted by RF
Solution Provider.

18.2 Expectations/Exclusions for SLA

1. SLA will be applicable only on available meters (excluding faulty, powered off or tampered
Head End System and RF Mesh

2. SLA will not be applicable in if mobile jammers are installed for any reason.
3. SLA will not be applicable for meters installed in metal box.
4. SLA will not be applicable if there is a mass power outage in utility area of operation for SLA period.

19. Important Points

i. The maximum Penalty out of the above shall be restricted to 30% of the total invoice amount. If
the RF Solution Provider will attract penalties at a capping of 30% for 3 consecutive months, will
be considered for 100% penalties from the 4th month onwards and a show cause notice will be
issued to RF Solution Provider.
ii. Exclusions (Non-Operational meters): Power Outages, Meter bypass by consumers, Local
Temporary/ Permanent disconnection by Utilities, and Meter burnt shall be excluded from
the above SLA calculations.
iii. The penalties would be computed on the basis of performance for the calendar month.

20. Training
The RF Solution Provider shall impart Application Training to IntelliSmart & DISCOM employees with
the objective of capacity building. The training should de imparted as per the training plan/ schedule
prepared and agreed during preparatory phase. The training shall be imparted for the following
domains (including, but not limited to):
i. Smart meter installation and communication
ii. HES/NMS and its user interface
iii. AMI troubleshooting/ diagnostics
iv. Use of Analytics and Dashboards
v. SLA tools and validation methods
vi. Application administration

HES/NMS provider shall develop a training environment with training modules for professional users
and end users. A business process and role-based training scenario shall be developed by the HES/NMS
provider. Some of the training will be onsite. All costs related to the logistics and contents of the
training shall be borne by the HES/NMS provider irrespective of the location of the training.

All the training material in hard copy & soft copy including audio visual content which includes
recording of the training delivered shall be handed over to the IntelliSmart. The HES/NMS provider
shall provide associated documentation for all deployed systems to ensure a smooth transition from
deployment to post-deployment operations and maintenance of the system.

21. Warranty/Guarantee
a. The Supplied NIC Module and any materials against this Contract shall be warranted for
satisfactory performance as per the RFP timelines of the respective Project against which
LOA/PO is issued.
b. The Partner shall warrant that all the NIC/module that would be supplied as part of this
contract would be new, unused and of the most recent or current models, and that they
incorporate all recent improvements in design and goods, unless provided otherwise in the
Contract and in good working condition in full compliance with the requirements of the
specifications and are free from any defect in materials and workmanship for satisfactory
working for the entire warranty period.
c. The Partner further warrants that the NIC/module and other goods supplied as part of this
contract shall be free from defects arising from any act or omission of the Partner or arising
from design, goods, integration and workmanship, under normal use.
d. If the NIC/modules are found to be defective/damaged or are not in conformity with the
specifications within the guarantee period, they shall be replaced by the Partner free of cost
within 30 days from the date of receipt of the intimation from the IntelliSmart/DISCOM of such
Head End System and RF Mesh

defects or damages. In case, the defective or damaged Goods are not replaced within the
defined period, the Partner shall pay a sum for the delay in repair/replacement of the defects
or damages as mentioned in SLA Table along with penalty.
e. The Partner shall provide 0.5% quantity as buffer stock for replacement of RF Modules,
Gateways found faulty / defective during the guarantee period of 93-meter months to facilitate
immediate compliance of SLA of the IntelliSmart. However, defective RF Modules, Gateways
will be replaced only after proper checking by IntelliSmart’s employee that the RF
Module/Gateway is actually faulty. Such defective RF Modules, Gateways replaced will be
stored in the IntelliSmart’s project warehouse where joint inspection will be done by technical
team of IntelliSmart & Partner every month or accumulation of more than 100 RF Modules or
Gateways to ascertain that RF Module, Gateway is found faulty due to manufacturing defect.
The RF Modules, Gateways found damaged during transit, mishandling or improper storage,
burnt / damaged due to loose connections/ excess load will not be covered under warranty /
guarantee. Such RF Modules, Gateways will neither be replaced nor counted towards defective
RF Modules, Gateways under SLA. If required IntelliSmart may procure such additional
quantity on payment of Contract Price vide separate P.O.
f. In case of the defective/damaged smart RF Modules/Gateways, as intimated by
IntelliSmart/DISCOM, are replaced by the Partner, the Partner shall change the Node ID. etc. of
the replaced RF Modules/Gateways. The process/terms shall be mutually agreed between the
Partner & IntelliSmart. IntelliSmart will dismantle the defective equipment from site however,
the Partner shall be responsible at its own cost to get the defective RF Modules/Gateways
delivered at its own factory for repairing.
g. The Partner warrants that all the software applications deployed are of latest version and bug
/ defect free from any act of omission of the Partner or arising from design, coding, logic,
algorithm or workmanship services.
h. The complete cover warranty shall remain valid up to a period of 93 (Ninety-Three) meter
months from the date of operational acceptance of the project. The Partner shall, in addition,
comply with the performance and/or guarantees specified under the Contract. If for reasons
attributable to the Contractor, these guarantees are not attained in whole or in part, the Partner
o Make such changes, modifications, and/or additions to the deployed System as may be
necessary in order to attain the contractual guarantees specified in the Contract at its
own cost and expense and to carry out further performance tests as may be provided.
o Pay liquidated damages to the Employer with respect to the failure to meet the
contractual guarantees. Liquidated damages shall be limited to the Partner’s SOW and
shall be limited to 10% of the value of the LOA.
i. IntelliSmart shall give a Notice to the Partner stating the nature of any such defects together
with all available evidence thereof, promptly following the discovery thereof. IntelliSmart shall
afford all reasonable opportunity for the Partner to inspect such defects.
j. Upon receipt of such notice, the Partner shall, within the period of 15 days and with all
reasonable speed, carry out the remedial activities including testing and update of the deployed
system and related Services thereof free of cost.
k. If the Partner, having been notified, fails to remedy the defect(s) within 15 days, IntelliSmart
may proceed to take such remedial action as may be necessary, at the Partner's risk and
expense and without prejudice to any other rights which IntelliSmart may have against the
Partner under the Contract. The performance guarantee and liquidated damages (limited to
10% of the value of the LOA) be entitled to be recovered without prejudice to other rights of

22. Liquidated Damages

l. Except as provided under Clause of Force Majeure, if the Partner fails to deliver any or all of
the deployed System or perform the related Services within the agreed schedule, IntelliSmart
Head End System and RF Mesh

shall without prejudice to all its other remedies under the Contract, deduct from the Contract
Price, as liquidated damages, a sum equivalent to 1% of the value of the deployed System or
Related Services of contract value, which were not delivered for each week or part thereof of
delay until actual delivery or performance, subject to a maximum of 10% of the remaining or
undelivered LOA value.
m. In the event the System and related Services supplied do not meet the minimum specifications
as per the PO, and the same is not replaced/ modified by the Partner to meet the requirements
within 15 (fifteen) working days of being informed by IntelliSmart or as mutually decided
between IntelliSmart and Partner, IntelliSmart shall reserve the right to terminate this Contract
and recover liquidated damages by forfeiting Retention Money/Retention Bank Guarantee
n. In addition, the Partner is liable to IntelliSmart for payment of penalty as specified in the
Service Level Agreement. Service Level Agreement, deduction, liquidated damages etc shall be
limited to Partner SOW and shall be applicable only if reasons attributed to Partner supply /
service and shall be in proportion to amounts to be agreed in the LOA, depending on each
o. In the event the Partner fails to meet a particular performance criterion as mentioned under
the Service Level Agreement (SLA) specified in Clause 18 or unable to meet the requirement of
timelines for cumulatively 3 (three) months in past 6 (six) months, resulting in the penalty and
LD for the particular performance criterion, IntelliSmart may issue an Default Notice to the
Partner directing it to take steps within 30 days to comply with the performance criterion and
also reserves the right to terminate the Contract/Po along with forfeiture of CPBG/ Retention
Money/Retention Bank Guarantee (RBG).
p. In the event that amounts otherwise becoming due under Partner’s invoice value is insufficient
to pay liquidated damages to IntelliSmart, IntelliSmart may deduct the amount so payable by
the Partner by recovery from CPBG/Retention Money/ Retention Bank Guarantee (RBG).
q. Both Partner and IntelliSmart agree that the above percentages of price reduction are genuine
pre-estimates of the loss/damage which IntelliSmart would have suffered on account of delay
on the part of Partner and the said amount will be payable on demand without there being any
proof of the actual loss/or damage caused by such delay. The sole fact of late delivery shall be
good and sufficient evidence that Partner shall be obliged to pay IntelliSmart liquidated
damages. A decision by IntelliSmart in the matter of applicability of liquidated damages shall
be final and binding. The Liquidated Damages will be levied for reasons of delay solely
attributable to the Partner and IntelliSmart should not have contributed any act or omission
which led to such delay.
r. Notwithstanding the above, in case of regular and repeated complaints against the Partner and
its failure in providing satisfactory services and supply of faulty meters, IntelliSmart reserves
the right to forfeit the Contract Performance Bank Guarantee towards non-performance of the
s. Alternatively, IntelliSmart reserves the right to subcontract the work from elsewhere at the
sole risk at the cost of Partner and to recover all such extra costs incurred by IntelliSmart from
resources available including encashment of Contract Performance Bank Guarantee or any
other sources, etc. Further, if any extra cost is incurred by IntelliSmart due to delay in work
completion by the Partner beyond the completion time as per Contract, the same shall also be
recovered from Partner’s invoice Retention Money/Retention Bank Guarantee (RBG), etc.
Alternatively, IntelliSmart may cancel the order completely or partly without prejudice to its
right under the alternatives mentioned above.
Head End System and RF Mesh

Form 1: OEM Authorisation Format

(On Letterhead of OEM)

Head, Supply Chain Management (SCM)
IntelliSmart Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd.
Registered Office: Unitech Business Park,
Ground Floor, Tower A, Sector 41, South City 1,
Gurgaon – 122003

Subject: Authorization letter from RF Mesh Technology company

RFP Ref No..…………………………………...……………….

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

We ,……………….. as established and reputable RF Mesh Technology provider, having offices / factories
at……………………………………………, do hereby authorize our RF Solution Provider
M/s…………………………………………………….. and established and reputable implementation and services
provider for our software applications having offices / factories at
………………………………………………………., India to submit proposal in relation to the RFP referenced
above and to supply, customize, implement and support the Software Applications provided by us .

We do hereby confirm that we will execute a tripartite agreement with M/s ………………(name of
Bidder) and IntelliSmart guaranteeing back-to-back services and support for 10 years from the date of
operational acceptance of the project or transfer to the DISCOMs, whichever is earlier in line with the
RFP details and only duly authorize the …………………………………………… (name of Bidder) to act on our
behalf in fulfilling any or all installation, Technical support and maintenance obligation as required in
the RFP. We hereby extend our full Guarantee and warranty in accordance with the conditions of the
RFP, with respect to the Software Application and deployment services offered by the above firm in
response to this RFP.

We do hereby confirm if service provider fails to deliver and implement the RF Mesh Technology as
per RFP requirements, we are held responsible for delivering the services on behalf of service provider
to meet the project timelines as defined in RFP.

We do hereby confirm to support with ESCROW account for fulfilling the RFP requirements.

For and on behalf of [insert: name of OEM]

Signed: _______________________________________________________________

Date: __________________________________

In the capacity of [insert: title of position or other appropriate designation] and this should be signed
by a person having the power of attorney to legal bind the manufacturer.

Head End System and RF Mesh

Place:................... (Signature)........................................….........………..

(Printed Name)...........................................………….


(Common Seal).…………..........…...….......................


1. The letter of Undertaking should be on the letterhead of the RF Technology company and should
be signed by a person competent and having Power of Attorney to legally bind the OEM. It shall
be included by the Bidder in its bid.

2. Above undertaking shall be registered or notarized so as to be legally enforceable

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