Riddle Answers
Riddle Answers
Riddle Answers
A: This socks
2. Q: A spider was seeking a job and got a role in IT. Why did the spider get the job?
A: Because spiders are great web designers
3. Q: What has branches but no fruit, leaves, or trunk?
A: A bank
4. Q: Two monkeys were sitting on a tree. One monkey jumped, and the other followed too.
Why did the other monkey jump as well?
A: Monkey see monkey do
5. Q: What belongs to you, but your friends use more than you do?
A: Your name
6. Q: I have a face and two hands but no legs or arms. What am I?
A clock
7. Q: What is extremely light, but even the strongest man cannot hold for over five
A: Breath
8. Q: What can you see in the middle of April and March but cannot find at the beginning or
end of either month?
A: The letter “R”
9. Q: What word contains all 26 letters?
A: Alphabet
10. Q: I have 13 hearts but no other organs. What am I?
A: A deck of cards
11. Q: What do snakes give each other when they say goodbye?
A: A little hiss on the cheek
12. Q: Sometimes, I can be sour or sweet. Sometimes, I am red or green. People say I put
doctors out of business. What am I?
A: Apple
13. Q: Spelled backward, I am something people hate. Spelled forward, I am what you do
every single day. What word am I?
A: Live
14. Q: What is full of holes but still retains water?
A sponge
15. Q: If a farmer properly feeds and houses a rooster, then how many eggs will the animal
lay on average?
A: Roosters do not lay eggs
16. Q: I am a word. My first two letters describe a male, while my first three letters describe a
female. My first four letters describe a great man. All my letters together describe a great
woman. What word am I?
A: Heroine
17. Q: What starts with a T, ends with a T, and has a T in it?
A: A teapot
18. Q: What has many teeth but cannot bite?
A: A comb
19. Q: I get smaller every time I take a bath. What am I?
A: Soap
20. Q: What can you break even without holding?
A: A promise
21. Q: If you have me, then you should not share me. If you share me, then you do not have
me anymore. What am I?
A: A secret
22. Q: There was a plane crash, and every single passenger survived. Who died?
A: The passengers in a relationship
23. Q: What has a tail and head but no body?
A: A coin
24. Q: What two words contain thousands of letters?
A: Post office
25. Q: There are two ducks behind a duck, two ducks in front of a duck, and one duck in the
middle. How many ducks are there?
A: Three ducks
26. Q: What building has the most stories?
A: A library
27. Q: What has a bottom at the top?
A: Your legs
28. Q: What has many keys but cannot open a single lock?
A: A piano
29. Q: What can jump but has no legs?
A: Jumper cables
30. Q: Michelle’s father has three daughters. The first two daughters are Angel and Bangel.
What is the name of the third daughter?
A: Michelle
31. Q: A cowboy rides into town on Monday. He stayed in town for two days and left on
Monday. How was that possible?
A: The name of the cowboy’s horse is Monday
32. Q: I am a fruit, a bird, and a person. What am I?
A: Kiwi
33. Q: What do Europe and a frying pan have in common?
A: They both have “Greece” at the bottom
34. Q: How many months have 28 days?
A: All months have 28 days
35. Q: What can you hold in your right hand but not in your left hand?
A: Your left hand
36. Q: How can you tell Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, and Uranus are about to get married?
A: They all have rings
37. Q: What do the moon and a dollar have in common?
A: Four quarters
38. Q: What can you find on the ground at all times but will never get dirty?
A: Shadow
39. Q: What ball can you roll but cannot bounce or throw?
A: Eyeball
40. Q: I can be hard, and I can be soft. I can be hot, and I can be cold. I can be still, and I
can run. What am I?
A: Water
41. Q: What is always coming but never arrives?
A: Tomorrow
42. Q: The more you take from me, the larger I get. What am I?
A: A hole
43. Q: If the day before two days after the day before tomorrow is Saturday, then what day is
A: Friday
44. Q: How many “9” s are there between 1 to 100?
A: 20
45. Q: What has a neck and wears a cap but does not have a head?
A: A bottle
46. Q: How can you spell “C-O-W” in thirteen letters?
47. Q: Where do roads, cities, and jungles exist, but there are no vehicles, people, or
A: A map
48. Q: A word that starts and ends with the letter “h.” People often describe this word as
wealth. What is the word?
A: Health
49. Q: I only have one color. I do not have a permanent size. You will see me in the sun, but
when the rain comes, I hide. I cannot cause you harm, and I feel no pain either. What am
A: Shadow
50. Q: Between a ton of feathers and a ton of sand, which is heavier?
A: None is heavier since they both weigh a ton