Customer Buying Behaviour and Reasons of Customer Attrition in Online Shopping of Fruits and Vegetables in Surat City

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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2019; 8(4): 745-751

E-ISSN: 2278-4136
P-ISSN: 2349-8234
JPP 2019; 8(4): 745-751 Customer buying behaviour and reasons of
Received: 22-05-2019
Accepted: 24-06-2019 customer attrition in online shopping of fruits and
RN Vaghasiya
vegetables in Surat city
Senior Research Fellow, PME
Cell, Office of the Directorate of
Research, Navsari Agricultural
RN Vaghasiya and MG Thakkar
University, Navsari, Gujarat,
India Abstract
Retail sector is the most booming sector in Indian economy and it is presently largest employer sector
MG Thakkar after agriculture. Some economists say that retailing is one of the pillars of the economy in India. With
Associate Professor, ASPEE over 18,000 products and over a 1000 brands in our catalogue you will find everything you are looking
Agribusiness Management
for. Right from fresh fruits and vegetables, rice, spices and seasoning to packaged product, beverages,
Institute, Navsari Agricultural
personal care products, meat and many products are available. Nowadays consumers want the cheapest,
University, Navsari, Gujarat,
biggest and quickest product from their retailer. They are moving towards the eastern model retailing
revolution. Day by day consumers buying behaviour are changed due to the increasing income is
affecting the purchasing of the product. The survey intends to analyze the factors which are influencing
online customer buying behaviour in fruits and vegetables sector, another part is why the customer
attrition in big basket retail industry. The study was done under the title of “customer buying behaviour
and factors influencing in online shopping of fruits and vegetables in Surat city” based on survey done by
customers of big basket. Big basket is a new type of market which came into existence in India since
2011. It is the type of market where various kinds of products are available under one roof. The present
study focuses on the consumer buying behaviour towards the purchasing of fruits and vegetables in big
basket online retailing company. It also focuses on the customer attrition towards online shopping of
fruits and vegetables in the study area. It also focuses on the customer complaints analysis in the study
region. For the purpose of this project, Descriptive cross sectional research design has been followed. A
Descriptive research design is the one which is description of the state of affairs as it exist at present. It
includes survey and fact finding enquires of different kind. The researcher has no control over the
variables. The researcher used this research design to find out the respondents opinion. Sometimes these
are referred to as “co relational” or “observational” studies. Descriptive studies can involve a one-time
interaction with groups of people (cross-sectional study) Descriptive studies, in which the researcher
interacts with the participant, may involve surveys or interviews to collect the necessary information.
This study describes the customer buying behaviour and the reasons of customer attrition at a particular
point of time during study period. Data have been collected only once from the respondents, so it is
descriptive cross sectional research designThe project involves main objective is customer attrition in
online shopping of fruits and vegetables in Surat city and we can find that the majority of the customers
are complaints of the quality of the fruits and vegetables and price of the fruits and vegetables is higher
compare to the other competitor. We finally conclude that the big basket required more attention on the
customer given importance factor for purchasing fruits and vegetables and try to maintain the existing
customers as long possible for better sale and decreasing customer attrition; if the one customers are
dissatisfied they drop the other customers, if the customers are satisfied so they talk to positive things to
their friends and relatives.

Keywords: Buying behaviour, fruits and vegetables, online shopping, customer attrition, customer
complaints, customer satisfaction

1. Introduction
The word ‘Retail’ is derived from the French word ‘retailer’, meaning ‘to cut a piece off’ or ‘to
break bulk’. In simple terms, it implies a first-hand transaction with the customer. Retailing
involves a direct interface with the customer and the coordination of business activities right
from the concept or design stage of a product or offering to its delivery and post-delivery
service to the customer. According to Kotler, “Retailing includes all the activities involved in
selling goods or services to the final consumers for personal, non-business
is India’s largest online supermarket and allows a customer to walk away from the drudgery of
RN Vaghasiya grocery shopping and welcome an easy relaxed way of browsing and shopping for groceries.
Senior Research Fellow, PME The company currently operates from Bangalore, Mumbai and Hyderabad and has a diverse
Cell, Office of the Directorate of portfolio that carries more than 18,000 products and over 1,000 brands. Within this the online
Research, Navsari Agricultural grocery market is expected to be about USD 10Billion in the next 4 years from now. A
University, Navsari, Gujarat,
majority of this market is likely to be concentrated in the urban cities in the country.
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Back in 2014, there were a number of start-ups such as been collected only once from the respondents, so it is
ZopNow, Aaram-Shop, and Farm2Kitchen in this category descriptive cross sectional research design.
with each city having multiple local players. Most of them
were not able to sustain due to various business and 5. Source of Data
operational reasons, some which are already well known. The The data were collected from primary as well as secondary
winner in this category is going to be one who addresses the sources.
multiple challenges in delivering a great service to the
customer. 5.1 Primary Source
Primary data have been collected from the existing customers
2. Objectives of the study with the help of structured questionnaire containing open
a. To study the socio economic profile of customers. ended and close ended questions as well as 5 point likert scale
b. To study the factors influencing online shopping of fruits based statement.
and vegetables in Surat city.
c. To analyze the customer complaints in online shopping of 5.2 Secondary Source
fruits and vegetables in the study region. Secondary data have been collected from relevant research
d. To find out the reasons for customers attrition in online paper, earlier project report, books, online resources etc.
shopping of fruits and vegetables in the study region.
e. To suggest remedial measures to improve customer 6. Instrument of Data Collection
satisfaction and reduce customer attrition in online Structured questionnaire
shopping of fruits and vegetables in the study region.
7. Sampling Method: Non-probability purposive sampling
3. Need and Significance of Study: The present study method as only those existing customers have been surveyed
focuses on the consumer buying behaviour towards the whose contact details were provided by the company.
purchasing of fruits and vegetables in big basket online
retailing company. It also focuses on the customer attrition 8. Sample Size: 150 existing customers.
towards online shopping of fruits and vegetables in the study
area. It also focuses on the customer complaints analysis in 9. Analytical Tools: Mainly ranking method and graphical
the study region. presentation have been used to achieve the objectives of the
study, analytical procedures like the tabular analysis and
4. Research Design graphical method, cumulative score, were used.
For the purpose of this project, Descriptive cross sectional
research design has been followed. A Descriptive research 10. Limitation of the Study
design is the one which is description of the state of affairs as a. The data was collected solely on the basis of information
it exist at present. It includes survey and fact finding enquires given by customers selected in the sample.
of different kind. The researcher has no control over the b. The project area covered was Surat region, so the outcome
variables. The researcher used this research design to find out of the project cannot be applied to other places due to
the respondents opinion. Sometimes these are referred to as demographic and geographic differentiation.
“co relational” or “observational” studies. Descriptive studies c. The project work was required to be
can involve a one-time interaction with groups of people completedin3months.So the limited time available and
(cross-sectional study) Descriptive studies, in which the therefore only limited respondents were included in study.
researcher interacts with the participant, may involve surveys d. Personal biases might have come while answer the
or interviews to collect the necessary information. questionnaires.
This study describes the customer buying behavior data have
Table 1: To study the socio economic profile of customers
Socio-economic profile
No. of respondent Percentage (%)
Male 107 71.33
Female 43 28.67
Under 13 Years 01 0.67
13-17 Years 08 5.33
Age group 18-25 Years 114 76.00
26-50 Years 27 18.00
Above 50 Years 00 0.00
Married 100 66.67
Marital status Divorce 00 0.00
Unmarried 50 33.33
Housewife 19 12.67
Service 39 26.00
Self employed 76 50.67
Agriculture 00 0.00
Business 09 6.00
Student 07 4.67
Joint 127 84.67
Types of family
Nuclear 23 15.33
<3 39 26.00
Family size 3 to 5 55 36.67
>5 56 37.33
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Illiterate 02 1.33
Primary 05 3.33
Education Secondary 102 68.00
UG 22 14.67
PG 19 12.67
<1.5 57 38.00
Income (Lakhs) 1.5 to 3 45 30.00
>3 48 32.00

Table 2: Awareness of online shopping of Fruits and vegetables From the above table represent the customers have been using
among customers online shopping sites for buying fruits and vegetables, here
S. No Source of information No of respondents 53.33% customers are using online shopping sites more than
1 Friends 37 24 months, 20.67% customers are using online shopping sites
2 Advertisement 34 for 1 to 6 months, 18% customers are using online shopping
3 News paper 47 sites for 7 to 12 months, remaining 8% customers are using
4 Relatives 32 online shopping sites for 12 to 24 months. So we can
Total 150 conclude that the 80 customers out of 150 customers are using
online shopping sites for more than 24 months.
From the above table represents the Awareness of online
shopping of Fruits and vegetables, here 31.33% customers are Table 5: How long customers have been using big basket sites for
aware through newspaper, 24.67% customers are aware buying F & V
through friends, 22.67% customers are aware through S. No Time No of respondents
advertisement, and remaining 21.33% customers are aware 1 1-6 Months 41
through relatives. So we can conclude that the majority of 2 7-12 Months 26
customers are aware through newspaper. Added to that the 3 12-24 Months 78
2nd most influencing source of awareness for online shopping 4 >24 Months 5
behaviour is friends. So, referencing and positive word of Total 150
mouth through friends and relatives hold great importance and
the customers who have stopped purchasing from Big Basket From the above table represent that customers have been
through online mode surely had some sort of using big basket sites for buying fruits and vegetables, here
grievance/complaint which remained unresolved. Hence, they 52% customers are using online big basket sites 12 to 24
may spread negative word of mouth and probably induce months, 27.33% customers are using online big basket sites
several others not to rely on online purchasing of fruits and for 1 to 6 months, 17.33% customers are using online big
vegetables. Hence, this is an important finding which is basket sites for 7 to 12 months, remaining 3.33% customers
connected with the main objective of my study that is, finding are using online shopping sites for more than 24 months. So
out the reasons for customer attrition and taking remedial we can conclude that the 78 customers out of 150 customers
measures for the same. are using online big basket sites for last 12 to 24 months.
Table 6: Customer monthly expenditure on buying fruits and
Table 3: How long customers have been using online shopping
vegetables in online site
S. No Time No of respondents
S. No Expenditure/ Month No of respondents
1 1-6 Months 37
1 500-999 Rs 43
2 7-12 Months 14
2 1000-1499 Rs 8
3 12-24 Months 19
3 1500-2000 Rs 96
4 >24 Months 80
4 >2000 Rs 3
Total 150
Total 150
From the above table represents that, 53.33% customers are From the above table represents the Customer monthly
using online shopping more than 24 months, 24.67% expenditure on buying fruits and vegetables in online site,
customers are using online shopping for 1 to 6 months, here 64% of the customers are used 1500 to 2000 Rs/Month
12.67% customers are using online shopping for 12 to 24 for buying fruits and vegetables in big basket site, 28.67%
months, remaining 9.33% customers are using online customers used 500 to 999 Rs/Month, 5.33% customers used
shopping for 7 to 12 months. So we can conclude that the 80 1000 to 1499 Rs/Month, remaining 2% of the customers are
customers out of 150 customers are using online shopping for used more than 2000 Rs/Month for buying fruits and
more than 24 months. This means 53.33% of our population vegetables in big basket site. So we conclude that majority of
belonging to the youth, most of them are tech-savvy and they the customers are spend 1500 to 2000 Rs/Month for buying
want to buy online, and because of this the online purchasing fruits and vegetables.
of fruits and vegetables is gradually increasing.
Table 7: Customers Frequency of order F & V from big basket
Table 4: How long customers have been using online shopping sites online sites (per week)
for buying F & V
S. No. Order/Week No of respondents
S. No. Time No of respondents 1 <1 Time 25
1 1-6 Months 31 2 1-2 Times 82
2 7-12 Months 27 3 3-4 Times 40
3 12-24 Months 12 4 5-6 Times 3
4 >24 Months 80 5 Everyday 0
Total 150 Total 150
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From the above table represent the Customers Frequency of purchase fruits and vegetables in festival sale of big basket
order fruits and vegetables from big basket online sites (per company.
week) here 54.67% customers are place order 1 to 2 times per
week, 26.67% customers are place order 3 to 4 times per Table 9: Customers secured about online shopping of fruits &
week, 16.67% customers are place order less than 1 times per vegetables
week, 2% customers are place order 5 to 6 times per week, S. No. Security No of respondents
0% customers are place order to everyday, so we conclude 1 Highly secured 25
that majority of customers are place order in 1 to 2 times per 2 Secured 110
week. 3 Average 12
4 Risky 3
Table 8: Different Types of offer motivate customers to purchase 5 Highly risky 0
online F & V Total 150

S. No. Offers No of respondents Above table shows that Customers secured about online
1 Seasonal sale 31 shopping of fruits & vegetables, here majority 73.33%
2 Festival sale 80 customers are fill the online shopping is secured, 16.67%
3 Gift voucher 14 customers are fill the online shopping is highly secured, 8%
4 Payback 12 customers are fill the online shopping is average, remaining
5 Coupons 6 2% customers are fill the online shopping is risky compare to
6 Doesn't matter 7 the offline shopping. Hence we can state that the majority of
Total 150 customers are fill secured when purchase online fruits and
vegetables in big basket site. This table also indicates that the
From the above table represents Different Types of offer majority of the customers are fill secured when they purchase
motivate customers to purchase online fruits & vegetables, online shopping of fruits and vegetables it means big basket
here 53.33% customers are like festival sale of big basket, have a positive point to majority of the customers are like to
20.67% customers are like seasonal sale of big basket, 9.33% purchase online because now a days the majority of youth are
customers are like gift voucher for purchasing fruits and doing job or their private business, they have not enough time
vegetables, 8% customers are like to payback offer, 4% to spend purchasing fruits and vegetables in market, day by
customers are like coupons, and remaining 4.67% customers day the online purchasing trend has increased and majority of
are purchase fruits and vegetables without any offers. So we customers fill secured when they purchase online fruits and
conclude that majority of the customers are interested to vegetables.

Table 10: Factors influencing online shopping behaviour of customers

S. No Factors 1 2 3 4 5 CS Mean Rank
1 Availability of product 140 (140) 8 (16) 1 (3) 1 (4) 0 (0) 163 1.08 1
2 Wide range of product available 6(6) 142 (284) 2 (6) 0 (0) 0 (0) 296 1.97 4
3 Quality of product available 13 (13) 103 (206) 33 (99) 1 (4) 0 (0) 322 2.14 7
4 Discount, scheme & offers 11 (11) 86 (172) 43 (129) 10 (40) 0 (0) 352 2.34 11
5 Affordable price 16 (16) 75 (150) 38 (114) 21 (84) 0 (0) 364 2.42 13
6 Variety of choice 19 (19) 54 (108) 46 (138) 31 (124) 0 (0) 389 2.59 15
7 Online customer service 24 (24) 64 (128) 28 (84) 34 (136) 0 (0) 372 2.48 14
8 Packaging of product 28 (28) 64 (128) 33 (99) 25 (100) 0 (0) 355 2.36 12
9 On time delivery 36 (36) 67 (134) 25 (75) 22 (88) 0 (0) 333 2.22 10
10 Easy return policy 32 (32) 78 (156) 26 (78) 14 (56) 0 (0) 322 2.14 7
11 Information provided online and trustworthy 35 (35) 72 (144) 23 (69) 20 (80) 0 (0) 328 2.18 9
12 Convenient payment option 38 (38) 81 (162) 12 (36) 19 (76) 0 (0) 312 2.08 6
13 Discount alert message 37 (37) 91 (182) 14 (42) 8 (32) 0 (0) 293 1.95 3
14 Can avoid long queues at the counter 49 (49) 67 (134) 14 (42) 20 (80) 0 (0) 305 2.03 5
15 Save time, energy & fuel 50 (50) 74 (148) 17 (51) 9 (36) 0 (0) 285 1.90 2
(1= highly important, 2= very important, 3= moderately important, 4=less important, 5=not at all important)

Above table shows that Factors influence online shopping energy & fuel 3) Discount alert message are mostly influence
behaviour of customers, here different factors are there like to the big basket customers for purchasing fruits and
Availability of products, Wide range of product available in vegetables.
big basket sites, Quality of product available, Discount, Below table shows that the Important parameters for buying
scheme & offers, Affordable price of the product, Variety of online fruits and vegetables and we conclude that the 1st
choice are available, Online customer service are available, parameter quality of fruits and vegetables are most important
Packaging of product are good, On time delivery, Easy return parameter for the customers, the 2nd parameter are
policy, Information provided online and trustworthy, convenient payment option available in big basket sites is
Convenient payment option, Discount alert message receive, important parameter as a customer, and 3rd parameter are
Can avoid long queues at the counter, Save time, energy & price of fruits and vegetables is less compare to the other
fuel etc. this table shows that the main three factors are online retailer of fruits and vegetables. This main three
influence to purchase fruits and vegetables online, and this parameter are affect to the frequency of customer placed order
main three factors is 1) Availability of products 2) Save time, on big basket sites and customer attrition rate.

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Table 11: Important parameters for buying online fruits and vegetables
S. No Factors 1 2 3 4 5 CS Mean Rank
1 Quality of fruits & vegetables 143 (143) 5 (10) 2 (6) 0 (0) 0 (0) 159 1.06 1
2 Price of fruits & vegetables 14 (14) 134 (268) 2 (6) 0 (0) 0 (0) 288 1.92 3
3 Freshness of fruits & vegetables 21 (21) 69 (138) 43 (129) 17 (68) 0 (0) 356 2.37 9
4 Discount, scheme & offer 15 (15) 73 (146) 47 (141) 15 (60) 0 (0) 362 2.41 10
5 Every time availability of fruits & vegetables 20 (20) 61 (122) 49 (147) 20 (80) 0 (0) 369 2.46 13
6 Variety of choice 39 (39) 60 (120) 32 (96) 19 (76) 0 (0) 331 2.20 7
7 Online customer service 26 (26) 58 (116) 39 (117) 27 (108) 0 (0) 367 2.44 12
8 Packaging of product 34 (34) 51 (102) 32 (96) 33 (132) 0 (0) 364 2.42 11
9 On time delivery 39 (39) 63 (126) 21 (63) 27 (108) 0 (0) 336 2.24 8
10 Return of purchase item 38 (38) 84 (168) 5 (15) 23 (92) 0 (0) 313 2.08 6
11 Surety about product delivered 36 (36) 87 (174) 15 (45) 12 (48) 0 (0) 303 2.02 4
12 Delivery slot time 45 (45) 72 (144) 14 (42) 19 (76) 0 (0) 307 2.04 5
13 Convenient payment option 70 (70) 59 (118) 6 (18) 15(60) 0 (0) 266 1.77 2
(1= highly important, 2= very important, 3= moderately important, 4=less important, 5=not at all important)

Table 12: Bases of above table, this table classify the parameter for their importance given by the customers, when they buying fruits and
vegetables online
S. No Type of parameter Particular parameter No of parameter
Quality of fruits & vegetables
1 Highly important Convenient payment option 3
Price of fruits & vegetables
Surety about product delivered
Delivery slot time
2 Very important 4
Return of purchase item
Variety of choice
On time delivery
Freshness of fruits & vegetables
Discount, scheme & offer
3 Moderately important 6
Packaging of product
Online customer service
Every time availability of fruits & vegetables
4 Less important - 0
5 Not at all important - 0
Total - 13

Above table shows that the customers importance parameter parameter is Surety about product delivered, Delivery slot
when they buying fruits and vegetables online, here thirteen time, Return of purchase item, Variety of choice. Moderately
parameter are classify based on their importance given by the important parameter is every time availability of fruits &
customer. In this table quality of fruits and vegetables, vegetables, online customer service, Packaging of product,
convenient payment option, price of fruits and vegetables are Discount, scheme & offer, Freshness of fruits & vegetables,
mark as a highly important parameter. Very important on time delivery.

Table 13: Major area of customer complaints

S. No. Complaints parameter No of respondents Percentage Rank
1 Quality of fruits & vegetables 101 100.00% 1
2 Price of fruits & vegetables 89 88.12% 2
3 Freshness of fruits & vegetables 29 28.71% 13
4 Not availability of fruits & vegetables 33 32.67% 9
5 Variety of choice not available 30 29.70% 10
6 Online customer service 27 26.73% 11
7 Packaging of product 49 48.51% 6
8 Mismatching between product order & delivered 52 51.49% 4
9 On time product are not delivered 29 28.71% 12
10 Difficulty in returning fruits & vegetables 36 35.64% 8
11 Extra charge for home delivery 49 48.51% 5
12 Delivery at odd time 46 45.54% 7
13 Payment of purchase item is faulty due to technical issue. 55 54.46% 3

Above table represents the Major area of customer complaints customer complaints this two complaints are mostly found.
when they purchasing fruits and vegetables in big basket sites, Quality and price of fruits and vegetables given highly
this table are shown the different complaints are found from important by the customers so company have found more
big basket customers, here main complaints is quality of fruits complain in this parameter so the company need to more
and vegetables, price of the fruits and vegetables are high attention to this parameter, to reduce the customer attrition
compare to the other online retailer, during survey of rate.

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Table 14: Customer complaints resolved Above table represents the Customer complaints resolved
No Parameter No of respondents
percentage, here 29.70% customers complaints are resolved
by the company representative, 17.82% customers complaints
1 Yes by the company representative 30
are resolved by customer through their own efforts, but
2 Yes by me 18
52.48% customers complaints not solved so we can found that
3 No the problem was not resolved 53
customer are not satisfied by the company and that’s why
Total 101
customer attrition is increase.

Table 15: Perceived gap between expected important factors and the actual availability of these factors with reference to online purchase of
fruits and vegetables
S. No Influencing Factors Perceived Importance Rank Actual Availability Rank Gap
1 Quality of fruits & vegetables 1 13 -12
2 Price of fruits & vegetables 3 12 -9
3 Freshness of fruits & vegetables 9 1 +8
4 Discount, scheme & offer 10 9 +1
5 Every time availability of fruits & vegetables 13 5 +8
6 Variety of choice 7 4 +3
7 Online customer service 12 3 +9
8 Packaging of product 11 8 +3
9 On time delivery 8 2 +6
10 Return of purchased item 6 6 0
11 Surety about product delivered 4 10 -6
12 Delivery slot time 5 7 -2
13 Convenient payment option 2 11 -9

Above table shows the perceived gap between expected c. Company should tries to give a more convenient payment
important factors and the actual availability of these factors option like card swipe machine along with Cash on
with reference to online purchase of fruits and vegetables. Delivery.
Here quality of fruits and vegetables factors needed to more d. Fruits and vegetables are perishable in nature so company
work out by the company, because customer gives the tries to delivered product at the right time.
importance of this factors is one and actual availability of this
factor is thirteen so perceived gap is minus twelve, due to this 12. Conclusion
more customer are dissatisfied and their attrition rate is With youngsters increasing is our population, extent of online
increase. Follow by the quality of fruits and vegetables two purchase is witnessing upward trend. To reap advantage of
factors are come and that is price of fruits and vegetables and such a favorable situation, every company needs to be very
convenient payment option, nowadays price is more user friendly and competitive. This study proves that in case
importance to the customers because every competitor are of online purchase of fruits and vegetables, consumers expect
looks to their product price and they try to decrease their price the highest quality products as physical checking is not
with compare to their competitor, particular big basket work possible in online purchase. Further, consumers also want
in the fruits and vegetables section, in this section price are convenience of payment with multiple payment options and
change day to day basis, so company needs to proper follow obviously since they would be purchasing online without the
up to the price selection of the product. Here same perceived psychological advantage of bargaining with the road side
gap found in convenient payment option, company try to give vendor, they want the best price also. Based on respondents
a more choice to the customers to pay the money, they give opinion about parameters of importance and major reasons of
option to customers like cash on delivery, net banking, credit complaints, the study identifies several areas where company
card facility, debit card facility, swipe machine available at need to focus to improve customer satisfaction and reduce
the time of delivery etc. another area of concern is Surety of customer attrition.
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