Skripsi Asytiya Haninah 06620190059

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Nomor Stambuk : 06620190059
Fakultas / Program Studi : SASTRA / PENDIDIKAN BAHASA
Jenjang Pendidikan : S1 (STRATA SATU)
Penetapan Pembimbing : SK.DEKAN.FAK.SASTRA.UMI
Tanggal : 03 Rabiul Awal 1444 H.
29 Septembeer 2022 M

Disetujui Oleh:
Pembimbing I Pembimbing II

Dr. Hj. Syamsidar, M.Hum Muhajir, S.S.,M.Pd.,Ph.D

NIDN 2015126602 NIDN 0918078002

Dekan Fakultas Sastra Ketua Program Studi

Dr. Rusdiah, M.Hum Rizkariani Sulaiman, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NIPS 106930467 NIDN 0918098901


Nomor Stambuk : 06620190059
Fakultas / Program Studi : SASTRA / PENDIDIKAN BAHASA
Jenjang Pendidikan : S1 (STRATA SATU)
Dasar Penetapan Penguji : SK.DEKAN.FAK.SASTRA.UMI
Tanggal : 21 Dzulhijjah 1444 H
10 Juli 2023 M
Tanggal Ujian Skripsi : 24 Dzulhijjah 1444 H
10 Juli 2023 M

Tanggal Yudisium : 06 Muharram 1445 H

24 Juli 2023 M

Disahkan Oleh:


Rizkariani Sulaiman, P.Pd., M.Pd. Ketua Program Studi (……….…..…)

Dr. Hj. Syamsidar., M.Hum. Penguji I (………......….)

Rizkariani Sulaiman. S.Pd., M.Pd. Penguji II (..……...…......)

Hadijah. S.Pd., M.Pd. Penguji III (….…….....….)


In the name of Allah, the most beneficient and the most merciful. All praise to
Allah SWT, the lord of the world, the almighty god for his blessing, mercy, guidance,
and helps that has given to research until the researcher could finish this research with
the title “The Effectiveness of Using Think Pair Share Strategy to Improve Students
Reading Comprehension at The First Grade of MAN 1 Barru. Salam and Shalawat to
our Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family and his followers.

In writing this study, the researcher has a lot difficulties, it would have never
been finished without assistance, suggestion, motivation, and guidance from many
people of my surrounding. Therefore, the researcher wants to express him deepest
and gratitude and marvelous thanks, especially to following person:

1. A profound gratitude is directed to my beloved Father M.Pahmuddin, my Mother

Sarinah for the endless love, pray, support, and finance until the end of my study
and for the phone call every week in order to remind me to keep going and never
give up.

2. Prof. Basri Modding as the rector of Universitas Muslim Indonesia.

3. The Dean of Faculty of Letters, Dr. Rusdiah., M.Hum.

4. The Head of English Education Study, Hadijah, S.Pd.,M.Pd. for advise and

5. To my Supervisor, Dr. Hj. Syamsidar, M.Hum and Muhajir, S.S., M.Pd., Ph.D.
who has given me the great guide to finish my study.

6. All the Lecture and the staffs of Faculty of Letter Universitas Muslim Indonesia for
their guidance and service during his study.

7. Ahmad R., S.Ag., M.Pd. as the Headmaster of MAN 1 Barru and special thanks for
English teacher Dra. Hj. Mawarti, M.Pd. and the staffs of MAN 1 Barru.

8. All the First grade of MAN 1 Barru class X IPA 1 intake 2022-2023 who gave
their time to participate in this research.

9. My Beloved Friends Airin, Ayu, Qory Azzahra, Andani, Izzah, Afifah, Cia, Lisa
and Dilla.

10. My Beloved Generation UNION 2019

11. Thanks to all people who help the researcher and those whom the researcher
cannot mention one by one.

Makassar, April 13th 2023

Asytiya Haninah


Asytiya Haninah. 06620190059. 2023. The Effectiveness of Using Think Pair
Share Strategy to Improve Students Reading Comprehension at The First Grade
of MAN 1 Barru. Supervised by Syamsidar and Muhajir.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of TPS (Think Pair
Share) strategy on students' reading comprehension, whether there were significant
differences in students' understanding at MAN 1 Barru, before and after learning
using the TPS strategy. The results of the study show that the application of the TPS
strategy in the teaching and learning process by reading is effective for improving
students. They are more enthusiastic in learning to read. In addition, students are
interested in various topic materials presented by the teacher. They can be actively
involved in the learning process in understanding the reading. You can see the
average value of the pretest in the reading test with descriptive text. The data shows
that the average value of the pretest is 66.57%, the post-test is 80.42%. Based on the
observation results, 20% of students experienced obstacles, namely the class became
noisy, 80% of students who were active and dared to share their ideas in front of the
class, and based on the results of the questionnaire, 85% of students agreed that the
TPS strategy can improve reading comprehension. So, the TPS strategy is effective in
increasing students' reading comprehension in first grade at MAN 1 Barru.

Keywords: TPS (Think Pair Share) strategy, reading comprehension, improvement.


Asytiya Haninah. 06620190059. 2023. Keefektifan Menggunakan strategi Think
Pair Share untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Membaca Siswa pada kelas satu di
MAN 1 Barru. Dibimbing oleh Syamsidar dan Muhajir.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keefektifan strategi TPS (Think
Pair Share) terhadap pemahaman membaca siswa, apakah ada perbedaan yang
signifikan dari pemahaman siswa di MAN 1 Barru, sebelum dan sesudah
pembelajaran dengan menggunakan strategi TPS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
bahwa penerapan strategi TPS dalam proses belajar mengajar dengan membaca
efektif untuk meningkatkan siswa. Mereka lebih antusias dalam belajar membaca.
Selain itu, siswa tertarik dengan berbagai topik materi yang disampaikan oleh guru.
Mereka dapat terlibat secara aktif dalam proses pembelajaran dalam memahami
bacaan tersebut, dapat dilihat nilai rata-rata pre-test dalam tes membaca dengan teks
descriptive, data menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata pre-test adalah 66.57%, post-test
adalah 80.42%. Berdasarkan hasil observasi 20% siswa yang mengalami hambatan
yaitu kelas menjadi ribut, 80% siswa yang aktif dan berani membagikan idenya
didepan kelas, dan berdasarkan hasil angket mencapai 85% siswa setuju bahwa
strategi TPS dapat meningkatkan pemahaman membaca. Jadi, strategy TPS efektif
untuk meningkatkan pemahaman membaca siswa pada kelas satu di MAN 1 Barru.

Kata Kunci : TPS (Think Pair Share) Strategi, pemahaman membaca, peningkatan.

GUIDANCE APPROVAL..................................................................................i

APPROVAL OF THE EXAMINATION..........................................................ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION........................................................................1
A. Background..................................................................................1
B. Problem Statement.......................................................................5
C. Objective of the Research............................................................5
D. Significance of the Research.......................................................5
E. Scope of the Research.................................................................6
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE....................................................7
A. Previous Studies..........................................................................7
B. The Effectiveness of Using TPS (Think Pair Share)
Strategy to Improve Students Reading Comprehension..............9
C. The Obstacles of Using TPS (Think Pair Share)
Strategy to Improve Students Reading Comprehension..............11
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD...........................................................14
A. Research Design..........................................................................14
B. Population & Sample...................................................................16
C. Research Instrument....................................................................16
D. Data Collection............................................................................18
E. Data Analysis...............................................................................21
CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION..............................................23
A. Research Findings.......................................................................23
1. The Profile of MAN 1 Barru................................................23

2. The Effectivenes of Using TPS (Think Pair Share)

Strategy to Improve Students Reading Comprehension.......24
3. The Obstacles of Using TPS (Think Pair Share)

Strategy to Improve Students Reading Comprehension…..46
B. Discussion....................................................................................50
1. The Effectiveness of Using TPS (Think Pair Share)
to Improve Students Reading Comprehension.....................50
2. The Obstacles of Using TPS (Think Pair Share)
Strategy to Improve Students Reading Comprehension.......52
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION......................................54
A. Conclusion...................................................................................54
B. Suggestion...................................................................................55

A. Background

Language is the primary tool for communication purposes, for establishing

peace and order in our society, for showing authority and power, and for attaining

goals and objectives. Generally, every country has a national language, and every

city has local language. It is really showed that language is the main factor to

interact with other people.

According to Wahyu (2001), language is a system of symbols that are

meaningful and articulate sound (generated by said tool) which are arbitrary and

conventional, which is used as a means of communicating by a group of human

beings to give birth to feelings and thoughts. It means that every people are given

ability to process sound and it has important role for communicating with people

around us.

In teaching and learning of language, there are four skills; namely

speaking, writing, listening and reading. According to

Williams & Gelman (1998)
, reading is one of the four language skills which can be classified into two

types; initial reading and reading comprehension. Initial reading is an effort made

by those who have not been able to read to learn reading (e.g. how to read the

alphabet and combination of letters or simple words), whereas reading

comprehension is an activity aimed to understand the message of a particular text.

The teaching of reading as an English foreign language (EFL reading) in

Indonesia can be generally included in the teaching of reading comprehension.


This is because it aims at improving the skills of learners, who have been able to

read in their first language and in EFL, in understanding the meaning of a written


Reading is an activity that involves a thinking to catch the information that

provided. Reading activities show the interaction between the reader and the text.

Generally, theories underlying reading instruction involve three theories: the text

structures theory, schema theory, and metacognitive theory. In which, the

importance of the text in facilitating reading signifies the importance of the text

structure theory. The roles of the reader’s knowledge in understanding messages

in a reading text are the emphasis of the schema theory (Cahyono & Widiati,


Reading is useful for some purposes, perhaps it require for carrier, study

and for pleasure. Reading not only embraced some skills and language

components but also can enlarge the knowledge to get more information.

According to Harmer (2007), states there are many reason for getting students to

read English texts is an important part of the teacher’s job. In the first place, many

students want to be able to read texts in English either for careers, for study

purposes or simply for pleasure.

In reading class, some of the students feel bored with these activities;

beside they don’t know about the meaning, they also don’t have interesting to

read. Student problem can be solved by giving information to students that

reading is very important which has aims to: (a) introduce and develop reading

skills which are useful outside the classroom. (b) introduce or practice language

(Lindsay and Knight, 2006). By knowing the aims of reading, students will be

motivated to love the reading activities. Besides, the problem faced by students it

can be about their background knowledge of the topic selected in reading or the

vocabulary building. Gebhard (1996) states that student’s ability to comprehend

the content of reading. Material depends in part on their knowledge about the

topic of the reading selection. The vocabulary building problem, it is not just

beginners who need lots of vocabulary. All students need to work constantly on

building vocabulary and teacher can show students how to do this on their own.

Based on the problem stated above, there is problem that also face by

students of MAN 1 Barru which is one of strategies area of Barru district. Almost

all the students are native population, according to the writer experiences when

conducted teaching practice and the information got from the teacher of MAN 1

Barru, the native population are having difficult to build vocabulary in English

reading texts. Perhaps, it caused by learning English that they get is less or in

everyday life English language not used, so the vocabulary cannot improve.

The use of effective comprehension strategies is highly important to solve

the student’s problem reading comprehension in MAN 1 Barru. Learning

strategies are steps taken by students to enhance their own learning. Strategies are

especially important for language learning because they are tools for active, self-

directed involvement, which essential for developing communicate competences

(Oxford, 1990). Strategies are one of the important to manage the classroom, by

using the best strategies we will easy to manage class and the learners will easy to

understand what being studied.


Related with statement above, the writer used Think Pair Share strategy

that can be applied in reading. Think Pair Share strategy is one kinds of

cooperative learning method which is useful for students not only to comprehend

the English text but also the students can learn the sociality of life, because this

strategy requires the students to discuss, share and respect of their friend. Based

on Goor & Schween (1993), Five common formats used for cooperative learning

activities are: STAD, Think-pair-share, jigsaw, Team accelerated instruction, and

group investigation. Think Pair Share; Students first tried to answer a question or

learn material by themselves, then discuss their taught and understandings with

their partners, and finally share with their whole group or the class (Kagan, 1992).

To prove that strategy is effective to be used can be seen from the previous

studies. One of the previous studies, namely the thesis written by Sormin &

Ginting (2012) conducted a research entitled improving students’ achievement in

reading comprehension through Think Pair Share technique at senior high school.

Based on the previous studies above can be concluded that Think Pair

Share strategy is effective to be used in teaching and learning process, especially

in reading comprehension.

For this reason, the researcher interested to conduct research entitled “The

Effectiveness of Using TPS (Think Pair Share) Strategy to Improve Students’

Reading Comprehension at The First Grade of MAN 1 Barru”.


B. Problems Statement

Based on the background above, to make this research more focus the

researcher formulates two research questions as follow:

1. How effective is the use of TPS (Think Pair Share) strategy to improve

student’s reading comprehension at the first grade of MAN 1 Barru?

2. What are the obstacles in using the TPS (Think Pair Share) strategy to

improve student’s reading comprehension at the first grade of MAN 1


C. Objectives of the Research

In relation to the problem statements above, the objective of the research

were as follows:

1. To find out how effective the use of TPS (Think Pair Share) strategy to

improve student’s reading comprehension at the first grade of MAN 1 Barru.

2. To find out the obstacles in using the TPS (Think Pair Share) strategy to

improve student’s reading comprehension at the first grade of MAN 1 Barru.

D. Significance of the Research

There are several benefits expected to be achieved from this research as


1. For the English teacher, the findings of this research are expected to provide

information for an effective learning strategy called the TPS (Think Pair

Share) and also know the obstacles of the strategy to improve students

reading comprehension.

2. For the students, the findings of the research are expected to offer interesting

and various learning experience. So, they will participate in the reading class

more actively.

3. For Researcher, The findings of this research provide useful experience.

Researcher can see how well and effectively the improvement of students in

learning English by using the TPS strategy. This research can also find out

what are the obstacles to using the TPS strategy.

Besides that, the result of the research hopefully would be very beneficial

for the other researches. So, it could increase their knowledge to make a new

research in improving reading comprehension or other research.

E. Scope of the Research

The scope of this research conducted at MAN 1 Barru. This research aims

at determining the effectiveness and obstacles when using TPS (Think Pair

Share) strategy to improve students’ reading comprehension. The subject of

this research is 35 students of class X.1 at MAN 1 Barru.

A. Previous Studies

In this research, there were some reviews of related research from previous

researchers, they are:

Malik and Fathimah (2011) conducted a research entitled the effectiveness

Think Pair Share method in improving students reading comprehension of

descriptive text. The research conducted in experimental study that has a result

there is improvement in experiment class after they are taught using Think Pair

Share method.

Sormin and Ginting (2012) conducted a research entitled improving

students’ achievement in reading comprehension through Think Pair Share

technique at senior high school. The research conducted in Classroom Action

Research (CAR). It consists of two cycles and each cycle consists of three

meeting. The result of the research showed that TPS technique can improve

students’ reading achievement in reading comprehension.

The third is thesis written by Sugiarto and Sumarsono (2014) conducted a

research entitled The Implementation of Think Pair Share Model to Improve

Students’ Ability in Reading Narrative Texts. The research conducted in

Classroom Action Research that has a result there is improvement in term of

students’ ability in reading English narrative text after they were treated using

Think Pair Share. It can be identified from the students’ score which was

increased from 71 to 80 after being treated using TPS. Based on the previous


studies above about the use of Think Pair Share method, the researcher can

conclude that using Think Pair Share method is effective in teaching reading

comprehension. Based on the previous studies above about the use of TPS (Think

Pair Share) strategy, the writer conducted a research in teaching reading

comprehension by using TPS strategy too. Although in the same strategies on the

use TPS (Think Pair Share), but it is also have the differences whether on research

design or finding result. The first previous stud written by Malik and Fathimah

(2011), the design is experimental study Experiment class is taught in Think Pair

Share method, and control class is taught without Think Pair Share method.

Second, the thesis written by Sormin and Ginting (2012) it consists of two cycles

and each cycle consists of three meeting. The last is thesis written by Jannah. It is

experimental research using quasi experimental research design. Meanwhile, in

this study the writer uses experimental research design using one group pre-test

and post-test, and investigates The Effectiveness of Using TPS strategy to

Improve Students Reading Comprehension by comparing the students score

before being taught by using TPS strategy and after being taught by using TPS


Generally, to perceive the research finding above, it showed that Think

Pair Share strategy can improve the students reading comprehension. Although,

the result of Jannah (2013) showed there is not significant different between

pretest and posttest score. At least, Think Pair Share did not make the students

score low.

B. The Effectiveness of using TPS (Think Pair Share) strategy to improve

student’s reading comprehension.

Think Pair Share is a structure first developed by Lyman (1981). It

introduces the peer interaction element of cooperative learning in the idea of ‘wait

to think’ time, which has been demonstrative to be a powerful factor in improving

students responded to question. Think-pair and share can be defined as a multi-

mode discussion cycle in which student listen to a question or presentation, have

to think individually, talk with each other in pairs, and finally responses with the

large group. This strategy provides students with a clear focus and time to

formulate individual ideas and finally share them to other students.

According Robertson (2006), Think Pair Share strategy makes students

interact with the material and his friends. So, they will be criticized and more

willing to take risk to present their ideas in front of the class because they have

already discussed with their partner and it helps them to be more active in the

class with no fear.

Think Pair Share strategy is one of the cooperative learning strategies

which have a positive impact on students’ reading motivation and achievement,

we know that students are moved to want to learn because of motivation and

motivation obtained by TPS strategy so that students would be more interested

and not bored in the learning process. According to Abass (2008) that cooperative

learning strategy gives students opportunities to interact with each other and it

enhances their motivation in learning.


According to Wang (2007), good teaching strategies can motivate students

and make them focus on the learning process. This means that the TPS strategy

can improve students' reading comprehension.

TPS strategy gives students the opportunity to learn intensively from their

peers so that they can generate confidence when presenting ideas in front of their

friends. This application can also increase student activeness in teaching and

learning process. This strategy also does not make students bored in the process of

reading so that they are able to understand the contents of the reading well and can

answer questions related to the content of reading that has been read (Utami &

Yuneva, 2018).

Based on description above, the writer assumes that reading motivation

has a big impact upon reading comprehension in improving student ability

towards reading. Therefore, think pair share is might be effective to improve

reading understanding to students.

According to Arends (2009), there were three steps in teaching reading

using think pair share, as follows:

Step 1 Thinking: the teacher poses a question or an issue which associated

with the lesson and asks students to spend a minute thinking alone about the

answer or the issue. Students need to be taught the talking is not part of

thinking time.

Step 2 Pairing: next, the teacher asks students to pair off and discuss what

they have been thinking about. Interaction during period can be sharing

answer if a question has been posed or sharing ideas if a specific issue was

identified. Usually, the teacher allow no more than four or five minutes for


Step 3 Sharing: in the final step, the teacher as the pair to share what they

have been with the whole class. It is effective to simply go around the room

for pair to continue until about a fourth or a half of the pair has had a chance

to report.

So, there are three steps in think pair share. The first step is to think, the

students work independently to think about a question or issue, the second

step is pair, they pair one of their peer share their ideas to each other and the

last step is share, the students in each pair work together to share their ideas to

the class.

C. The obstacle of using TPS (Think Pair Share) strategy in student’s reading


According to Ibrahim and Nur (2000), the use of TPS is time consuming.

The time consuming means when the teacher who did not prepare the lesson plans

accurately or the students feel confident to work individually better than in group.

Furthermore, the teacher is hard to assist all the trainers the discussion since they

have so many groups. Because of there are many groups in class, some of the

teacher hard to assist the learner works in group. It also can be very noisy because

the students wok in group. When they discuss the text or the topic they can talk

each other can be noise with another student.


According to Lyman (1981), obstacles in using TPS strategy, they are as


1. Not all students focus on the topic (questions) given, because they can share

everything with their partner out of the topic (question) given.

2. There is a possibility that the students who have low understanding about the

topic (the question) given likely cheat to the other pairs.

To anticipate the disadvantages are by giving the students time limitation

to do exercises given by the researcher so there is no chance for them to discuss

out of the topic. The second is the researcher must be known the students reading

achievement by giving pretest first. So it can be seen how many students in high

and low achiever. Then, the research can be divided the high and low in one


According to Hamdayana (2014), the obstacles to using the TPS (Think

Pair Share) strategy are as follows:

a. It is not easy for students to organize systematic thinking.

b. Fewer ideas coming in.

c. If there are objections, there are no intermediaries from the students in the

group concerned so that many groups report and are monitored.

d. The number of students did not have an impact on group formation, because

there was one student who did not have a partner.

e. The number of groups formed is large.

f. Depend on a partner.

In reading class, some of the students feel bored with these activities;

beside they don’t know about the meaning, they also don’t have interesting to

read. Student problem can be solved by giving information to students that

reading is very important which has aims to: (a) introduce and develop reading

skills which are useful outside the classroom. (b) introduce or practice language

(Lindsay and Knight, 2006).

Based on description above,

This chapter discusses the research design, population and sample,
research variable, the research instrument, the data collection and the data

A. Research Design

The design of this study used quantitative method with Classroom Action

Research (CAR) approach. According to Harmer (2003), class action research is

the name which is given to series procedures teachers can engage in, either

because the wish to improve aspect of their teaching or because they wish to

evaluated the success of certain activities and procedures. It means that, action

research is a systematic research that done by researcher to solve problems in

order to get better improvement. In this research, the researcher aimed to

overcome the problems of teaching and learning process in the class, especially in

reading comprehension.

According to Burns (2009), the purpose of action research is uses to know

the increasing of learning process by applying some teaching technique. Action

research is done to see whether teaching techniques are effective to use for

students in learning English or not.

According to Ary (2010), there are explanations of Classroom Action

Research process, namely:

1. Planning

A plan is developed for taking action and/or for gathering information

and data in order to observe or capture the experience or monitor the


practice. It is in the phase that the research questions and method are


2. Acting

The researcher implements the plan or changes a practice and collecting

data. Data may be collected from variety of sources.

3. Observing

The researcher synthesizes and analyzes the data. Key issues related the

problems are identified. This leads to reflection once more.

4. Reflecting

The researcher reflects on and interprets the information and

communicates or reports it to others. A new understanding of the nature of

the problem is developed. Actions are taken and a new area of focus is


From these descriptions above, Classroom Action Research is a research

which is conducted in the classroom to clarify and resolve practical teaching

issues and classroom problems. In the other words, it can be defined as a form of

research to perform a specific action to improve and enhance the learning practice

in the classroom so that students are better qualified to obtain better learning

results. Therefore, Classroom Action Research is also conducted research to

improve the learning process so that students can achieve maximum results.

B. Population & Sample


The populations of the research are the students at MAN 1 Barru in the

2023/2024 academic year. In this study, the subjects of the research were students

of class X.1, which consisted of 35 students.


Based on the population of this study above, the sample was determined

by using total sampling technique because the population is one class only which

consist 35 students. According to Sugiyono (2007), if the total population is less

than 100, then the entire population is used as a sample.

C. Research Instrument

1. Reading Test

In reading test, students are divided into a group or pairs. And the teacher

gives assignments to all groups. Then, each student thinks and does the task

himself. After that students pair up with one of the colleagues in the group and

discuss with their partner, and then the two pairs meet again in group of four. It

aims to know the effectiveness of using TPS strategy. (Reading test instrument


The researcher divided the score into criteria based on the scoring

procedure of reading comprehension. The researcher gave score result of the

students test was classified into four levels as follows:


Table 1.1 : Rubric of Scoring Reading Comprehension.

No. Score Criteria
Excellent: main ideas, vocabulary and details information
1. 90-100 from the text accurate, all connected to each other and to
the task sufficient to support
Good: main ideas, vocabulary and details information
2. 70-89 from the text accurate, all connected to each other and the
task, but are insufficient or inappropriate support.
Average: the response does not address the task. The
3. 50-69 response is few or not accurate details from the text and
these details are not relevant to the task.
Fair: the response does not address the task. The
4. 30-49 response provides no accurate details from the text and
these details are not relevant to the task
(Adapted from Brown, 2003)
2. Questionnaire

In this research, the researcher gave questionnaire items to the students at

the first grade then students answer the questionnaire. This aims to determine The

Effectiveness and Obstacles of Using TPS Strategy in improving reading

comprehension at the first grade of MAN 1 Barru. (Questionnaire instrument


3. Observation

This research observed the effectiveness of students using TPS strategy to

improve reading comprehension, student work and attitude during the teaching

learning process in each cycle.


D. Data Collection

The data collection of this research consisted of 2 cycles. This aims to

determine student knowledge about the using of TPS strategy and aims to

determine the appropriate action in the next cycle. Cycle one consisted of two

meetings and cycle two consisted of two meetings. In conducting the action

research there are four steps that are covers such as: planning, action, observation,

and reflection. More easily understood how the process of CAR (Classroom

Action Research) approach can be described as follow:

1. Cycle I

a. Planning

There are many activities carried out in planning, they are:

1). Researcher made observations on the teaching and learning process,

especially in class X.1 MAN 1 Barru to find out initial data or

diagnostic texts such as the problems encountered.

2). The Researcher made the lesson plan about the use of think pair

and share to teach every meeting (2 meetings) and make an

observation sheet format to see the condition of students in the

teaching process.

3). The Researcher made for teaching material. The teacher will make

an evaluation of the instrument used in the classroom action research

cycle 1.

b. Action

The researcher conducted two cycles, which was the first cycle

consisted of two meetings. Each meeting the researcher gave the

reading material (descriptive text). Improving the students reading

comprehension through think pair and share in the class as follow:

1. The researcher divided the students into several groups

2. The researcher gave explanation about descriptive text.

3. The researcher gave explanation about the teaching material.

4. The researcher gave the students story about my beloved family.

5. The researcher gave the time for the students’ to read the story.

6. The researcher asked students about the material.

7. At the end of the first cycle, the researcher g a v e the reading


8. The researcher observed and analysis about the result of the

reading test.

c. Observation

In this phase, the researcher observed:

1. Student participation and response during teaching and

learning process.

2. Situation of teaching and learning activities.

3. Student competence in answering exercise.

d. Reflection

After collecting the data, the researcher evaluated the learning


process. Continue with reflection by seeing the result of the

observation. This classroom action research is successful if

most of students (75%) get up the scores standard

2. Cycle II

a. Planning

The procedures of the second cycle as follows:

1. The researcher made the lesson plan about the use think pair and

share to teach every meeting (2 meeting) and make an observation

sheet format to see the condition of the students in the teaching


2. The researcher prepared teaching materials.

b. Action

1. The researcher divided the students into several groups.

2. The researcher gave explanation about teaching material.

3. The researcher gave the students about my school.

4. The researcher gave the time for the students to read the story of

using think pair and share strategy.

5. At the end of the second cycle, the researcher gave the

reading test (descriptive text).

6. The researcher observed and analysis about the result of the test.

c. Observation

In this phase, the researcher observed:


1. Student participation and response during teaching and learning


2. Situation of teaching and learning activities.

3. Student competence in answering exercise.

d. Reflection

After collecting the data, the researcher evaluated the learning

process. Continue with reflection by seeing the result of the

observation, whether the teaching learning process of reading by used

reading method and Think Pair and Share reaches success criteria

based on the test result of the second action.

E. Data Analysis

To analyze the row data, this research used an analyzed quantitative. The

quantitative data was analyzed to see the improving of students reading

comprehension. The researcher searched the mean of each post-test from every

cycle. The researcher applied the following formula:

1. Data Analysis Test

Students’ improvement in reading test would be calculated in percentage

by using the following formula:

X 2− X 1
%= × 100

Gay, (2012)



% = Improvement in percentage

X1 = Total score in cycle 1

X2 = Total score in cycle 2

b. The mean score of the students’ reading test would be calculated by

using the formula:

x= Gay, (2012)


x : Mean score

∑x : Total sum of all score

N : Total the number of samples

2. Data Analysis Questionnaire

The percentage of each item in questionnaire tabulated following the


P= × 100 %

Gay, (2006)


P = Percentage

F = Frequency

Q = Total Population


A. Research Findings

In this part, researcher would like to findings the two research problems

about Effectiveness and Obstacles Students’ of Using TPS (Think Pair Share)


1. The Profile of MAN 1 Barru

Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 1 Barru is a public school located at.

Sultan Hasanuddin Street, Coppo District Barru Regency, Barru City, was

founded in 1997 with a land area of 15,000 m2, a building area of 8,500 m2 and a

sports field/yard and garden area of 6,500 m2. MAN 1 Barru, although located

outside the city of Barru District, is easy to reach because of its proximity to the

provincial axis road. The atmosphere of the teaching staff at MAN 1 Barru is

quite adequate even though there are several fields of study that still use honorary

workers. The number of (PNS) teachers is 30 people, while (non-PNS) teachers

are 8 people, and administrative staffs are 6 people, and library management staffs

are 2 people, so that the total workforce at MAN 1 Barru is 46 people.

The number of students of MAN 1 Barru educates 301 students, and there

are 13 classes where class X is divided into 5 classes, class XI is divided into 4

classes, class XII is divided into 4 classes.


2. The Effectivenes of Using TPS (Think Pair Share) Strategy to

improve student’s reading comprehension.

During the researcher processed, to find out the effectiveness of using TPS

strategy to improve reading comprehension, researcher conducted it in two cycles.

Cycle I was done in two meetings and Cycle II was done in two meetings. After

conducted the research in Cycle I and Cycle II, researcher conducted comparison

between the results in both of the cycle, two find out the percentage of students

improvement in reading comprehension using TPS strategy.

a). Implementation of Cycle I

In Cycle I researcher performs the research procedure based on the order

such as planning, action, observation and reflection. Cycle I was conducted in two

meetings and took 2x45 (90 minutes). Cycle I was done on March, 10 th 2023 until

March 17th 2023. It was done classroom X.I MAN 1 Barru, which consisted of 35

students. The activity in Cycle I as follow:

First Meeting: Pre-Test (Cycle I). Friday, 10th March 2023

 Planning

Researcher prepared the lessons plan regarding to the materials that would

be taught to the students. The lesson plan was made based on the syllabus that

applied in the relevant school. In this meeting, researcher make learning plans

related to descriptive text about my beloved family. First, researcher plans to

explain some descriptive text explanations such as understanding of what

descriptive text, the purpose, generic structure and language features that are often

found in narrative text.


 Action

At the first meeting the researcher enters the class, the researcher greets

the students, introduces himself, and announces the purpose of his arrival. When

the researcher came to class, at first the class atmosphere was conducive. They

looked so amazed. In their minds who this girl is, what she wants to do, after that

the researcher asked that before entering the lesson all students pray.

At the first meeting the research did not directly use the method you

wanted to use. The researcher first explained the descriptive text material using

the same method as is usually done by English teachers in class, namely the

method of explaining on the blackboard. After explaining the material and doing

some question and answer activities with students, the researcher asked the

students to discuss with their friends about the material. After making sure that

students understand the lesson and there are no more questions related to the

material just learned, then the researcher asked the students to do a test (pre-test)

before being given treatment for the next meeting. The test given is in the form of

descriptive text which consists of 10 essay questions and is carried out within 45

minutes. They took the test within 90 minutes and the researcher corrected student

work and gave a mark as a pre-test in cycle I, the following score as follow:

Table 2. Students reading comprehension score in pre-test Cycle I

Students Score
No Students initial
(Cycle I)

1 ABA 70
2 AN 65
3 DPB 80
4 CW 85
5 HS 75
6 MADP 85
7 MAH 65
8 MFH 65
9 MFAF 65
10 MRF 60
11 AF 75
12 ARF 60
13 HIW 65
14 MS 65
15 MFS 75
16 NAF 65
17 NNS 80
18 NR 55
19 N 60
20 NA 75
21 NMM 55
22 RSR 90
23 RW 65
24 SANA 45
25 UAM 60
26 AZA 55
27 AAA 60

28 F 65
29 IA 75
30 MR 65
31 MIS 65
32 MYF 60
33 R 45
34 AZS 65
35 AA 70
Total Score 2330
Mean Score 66.57

 Observation

At the first meeting of cycle I, the researcher made observations in the

class to carry out activities teaching and learning process related to the

effectiveness of students in the learning process takes place. At this meeting,

almost all students did not achieve a certain score pass the test, it turns out that

students do not understand about generics descriptive text structure, low learning

motivation, and students' lack of interest in reading. Researcher Summarize some

problems in class as follows:

Table 3. Problem and solution at the first meeting in Cycle I

No Problems Solution
Their motivation regarding
the importance of reading,
students who always read
and understand the reading
1. Bored students learning to read. will be able to become
outstanding students with
academic progress who are
able to answer questions
related to what they read.

Researcher would walk

around the classroom while
Some students did not follow
learning process and paid
2 the procedure or the generic
attention on students' work
structure of Descriptive text.
and help them to work
according to the procedure
Researchers will help them
By coming to the table and
Students feel confused by what
3 understanding the meaning
they read.
of the word that the student
does not understand.

 Reflection

Based on the result of the observation. At the first meeting, the pre-test

results given were still low and many students did not meet the score standard.

This is because students experience learning difficulties and lack of motivation

given to improve students' reading comprehension.

Table 4. Classification and the Percentage of Students’ Reading Comprehension

Score in Pre-Test (Cycle I)

No Classification Score Pre-Test (Cycle I)

F %
1. Excellent 90-100 1 2.85
2. Good 70-89 11 31.4
3. Average 50-69 21 60
4. Fair 30-49 2 5.71
TOTAL 35 100%

Based on these conditions, the researcher will re-design the

syllabus at the next meeting in Cycle II by implementing the TPS Strategy.

Pre-test results showed that students' reading comprehension was low and

using the wrong structure. The table above shows that percentage of

students’ reading test score in Cycle I (Pre-test). Out of 35 students only 1

student get excellent score (2.85%), 11 students get good score (31.4%),

21 students get average score (60%), and 2 students get fair (5.71%).

Cycle I








Excellent Good Average Fair

Chart 1. Students Reading Comprehension Mean Score in Cycle I (Pre-test)

The results of the pre-test, the student's score in the criteria for

understanding the main idea is very low. Out of 35 students, only 1 student got

the best score on these criteria and 2 students got scores below the average. R and

SANA stated that the most difficult thing in reading comprehension is understand

the words in a descriptive text sentence.


Second Meeting : Cycle I. Monday, 13th March 2023

The second meetings in Cycle I was done on March 13th 2023.

Researcher started the classroom at 08.00 pm and took about 90 minutes in

learning process. The procedure in the second meeting also consists of

planning, action, observation and reflection.

 Planning

Researchers plan the materials about descriptive text that would be taught

to the students. The lesson plan was made based on the syllabus that applied in the

relevant school. Second meeting was done on Monday, 13th 2023. At this meeting,

the researcher re-examined the material that had been studied in the previous

meeting and explain in more detail the things that students lacked in the previous

test by applied TPS (Think Pair Share) strategy

 Action

For action, the researcher did the same activity as first meeting, but had a

with more in while-activity. The teaching learning was followed by 35 students.

The teacher and researcher prepared a lesson plan for two meetings at once.

At the second meeting, the researcher continued to prepare material

according to the needs of students based on their syllabus. In the syllabus,

students are left to construct their own reading text and can analyze the generic

structure of descriptive text. It is also possible for students to be able to study both

individually and in groups.

The researcher entered the class and greeted the students cheerfully. Then,

the researcher asked them to pray before continuing the learning process. After

that, the researcher checked their attendance list. Before starting the learning

process, the researcher asked how their day was. They replied that they were fine

but a little tired. So before the learning process the researchers did ice breaking,

namely "I Says" so that they felt interested and invited them to focus on the next

agenda, namely the learning process.

At the second meeting in cycle I, the researcher re-explained the material

from the previous meeting by applying the TPS strategy. Researchers also provide

more explanations about students' weaknesses based on their pre-test. The

procedures carried out in class using TPS Strategy are:

1. Researchers prepare text completion materials

2. Researchers divided into 7 groups consisting of 4-5 students

3. The researcher gave an interesting example of Descriptive Text

4. The researcher then explains the TPS strategy procedure

5. The researcher allows the learning process to take place with the TPS


After all the learning processes were finished, the researcher said goodbye

and reminded the students to keep their enthusiasm for the next subject.

 Observation

At the second meeting of cycle I the results of the observations were still

the same as the previous meeting. This observation discusses everything that

happens in the teaching process. In this phase, when the teacher teaches in class,

the teacher observes student activity. Found some students are still confused and

inactive in class and the atmosphere in the class is void when things are worked.

Some of them also still asked the researchers about the English translation

because they did not bring a dictionary with them. However, by implementing the

TPS Strategy, they actively share ideas about the topic with their group mates and

enthusiastically participate in the learning process.

Students also go around in the classroom to ask their friends about the

assignments given. Students seemed more interested in the pictures and text

given. They pay attention to the teacher's explanation when applying the TPS

strategy and sometimes discuss it with their friends. The situation is conducive

because there is no noise outside the classroom so students can hear clearly. To

overcome the weaknesses of Cycle I. Apparently, students enthusiastically

followed and responded to the lessons during the teaching and learning process.

They were also enthusiastic about doing the exercises in groups because at this

meeting the researchers provided more variations of the exercises.

 Reflection

Based on the observations at this meeting, it was seen that there was a

significant increase in students' motivation and interest in learning reading

comprehension. In Cycle I the researcher realized that the results of Cycle I were

very lacking or even failed to improve students' reading comprehension.

Therefore, the researcher decided to provide further explanation to the students

according to their difficulties in the next cycle and conducted a post-test in Cycle

II to find out the students' improvement in students' reading comprehension by

using the TPS strategy.

b). Implementation of Cycle II


In Cycle II researcher performs the research procedure based on the order

such as planning, action, observation and reflection. Cycle II was conducted in

two meetings and took 90 minutes. Cycle II was done on March, 17 th 2023 until

March 24th 2023. It was done classroom X.I MAN 1 Barru, which consisted of 35

students. The activity in Cycle II as follow:

Third Meeting : Cycle I. Friday, 17th March 2023

The third meeting was done in Cycle II on March, 17 th 2023. This meeting

was the third meeting of researchers during the research process. In this meeting,

the Class Start at 08.45 Am and took about 90 minutes. This meeting

consisted of planning, action, observation and reflection.

 Planning

For this cycle, the researcher prepared some steps for gaining the

successful teaching learning they were:

a. The researcher made lesson plan and selected material the topic

about My House.

b. TPS strategy to improve students reading comprehension.

c. Preparing materials of descriptive text.

 Action

For action, the researcher did the same activity as cycle I. The teaching

learning was followed by 35 students and took time 90 minutes. The teacher and

researcher prepared a lesson plan for two meetings at once. The action of the third

meeting in cycle II was done on March, 17th 2023. The steps described as follows:

The researcher started the lesson by greeting to the students and checked

the attendance list. The researcher reviewed the last lesson by asking the last

topic. In addition, the researcher introduced the new topic about My House to the


The researcher still focused on improving the students’ reading

comprehension by using TPS strategy. The researcher given the text entitled My

House, and then the researcher asked the students to think about the content of the

text. Next, the researcher asked the students to identify about the text and found

information in the text. After that, the researcher asked the students to pair with

their friend. The students discussed about the content of the text, and to found

information of the text. Then, the researcher asked them to reading and reciting

stages. The researcher gave five minutes to them for prepare themselves to

sharing in front of the class. The students were asked to recite the text using their

own words.

The last stage, review stage, the researcher asked them to review the text

and gave last chance to ask anything related to the text. The researcher did reading

test. The students were given answer sheet of reading test. At this stage, all

students involved the task.

 Observation

Based on observation in this meeting, students not bored even though this

method was applied many times. Students motivation in learning writing was

improved and they understand the procedure well and their ability on

understanding the material also better than in previous meeting. Every group

made a noisy but every one of them only focused on their own group.

 Reflection

In this meeting student can understand the procedure well and their ability

on understanding the material also better. Research conclusion in this meeting, all

of the students had motivation in learning.

Fourth Meeting: Post-test (Cycle II). Friday, 24th March 2023

The last meeting in Cycle II was done in March, 24th 2023. The class

was start in 08.45 am and took about 90 minutes learning process. At this cycle,

the researcher did the same step as first cycle. The cycle comprised planning,

action, observation and reflection. The researcher tried to modify based the

weaknesses found in first cycle. The cycle described as follows:

 Planning

For this cycle, the researcher prepared some steps for gaining the

successful teaching learning they were:

a. The researcher made lesson plan and selected material which t h e

t o p i c is about School.

b. Think Pair Share (TPS) strategy to improve students reading


c. Preparing materials of descriptive text.

d. Preparing observation sheet and test instrument that is reading test.

 Action

In the second cycle, the researcher used the same strategy in teaching

reading using TPS strategy, but with different topic. The fourth meeting was done

on March, 24th 2023. The class was start at 08.45. The researcher came to class of

X.1 with the English teacher. The steps described as follows:

As usual, the researcher opened her teaching learning process by greeting

the students and checking students’ attendance list. At the first time, the

researcher did some flashback about the descriptive text materials which have

been discussed in the previous meeting.

The researcher made a review about descriptive text by guiding the

students to answer her questions. After that, the researcher focused on topic that

have been prepared by teacher and researcher. The topic was about My School.

The students looked active to hold on their own topic. The researcher asked the

students to think about the content of the text. Next, the researcher asked the

students to identify about the text and found information in the text. After that, the

researcher asked the students to pair with their friend. The students discussed

about the content of the text, and to found information of the text. Then, the

researcher asked them to reading and reciting stages. The researcher gave five

minutes to them for prepare themselves to sharing in front of the class. The

students were asked to recite the text using their own words.

The last stage, review stage, the researcher asked them to review the text

and gave last chance to ask anything related to the text. The researcher did reading

test. The students were given answer sheet of reading test. At this stage, all

students involved the task. The test given is in the form of descriptive text which

consists of 10 essay questions and is carried out within 45 minutes. They took the

test within 90 minutes and researchers corrected their work and give a mark as a

post-test if cycle II, the following score as follow:

Table 5. Students reading comprehension score in post-test Cycle II

N Students Students Score

o initial (Cycle II)

1 ABA 75
2 AN 75
3 DPB 90
4 CW 90
5 HS 90
6 MADP 90
7 MAH 75
8 MFH 75
9 MFAF 80
10 MRF 75
11 AF 90
12 ARF 75
13 HIW 80
14 MS 75
15 MFS 90
16 NAF 90
17 NNS 90
18 NR 80
19 N 75
20 NA 80
21 NMM 65
22 RSR 95
23 RW 75
24 SANA 75
25 UAM 75

26 AZA 75
27 AAA 80
28 F 75
29 IA 80
30 MR 75
31 MIS 75
32 MYF 80
33 R 80
34 AZS 80
35 AA 90
Total Score 2815
Mean Score 80.42

 Observation

The students were actively involved in teaching learning.

Their responses were good. In this meeting, the students were more

actives. The students were excited with the example of describing

text given by the teacher. The researcher asked the students to pair

and discuss about the text. The researcher decided to ask some

students who did not understand in doing discussion with their partner

about the text. The researcher re-explained how to doing discussion

with their partner about the information of the text. The next, the

students share the result of their discussion in whole class. After that,

the researcher gave the conclusion of the resulted of discussion.

 Reflection

In this cycle, the reflection was still the same as previous


cycle. The reflection overed discussed about all what happened in the

learning process. The researcher and the English teacher felt satisfied

in as much their made efforts to improve the students’ reading

comprehension in descriptive text had been realized. The students

could understand how to found the information of the text, generic

structure of the text, and they confident to share with their friend in

whole class. The students’ motivation in learning English especially in

reading was improved. The students looked enthusiastic when they

were asked to read and answer the question that given by the teacher.

After achieving the target research the researcher and the

teacher decide to stop the Collaborative Action Research because it

had already successful. Therefore, the researcher and the real teacher

did not have to revise the plan. According to the result of evaluating

between the researcher and teacher, it could be conclude that, the

implementation of Collaborative action research by using TPS (Think

Pair Share) strategy to improve students’ reading comprehension in

descriptive texts was appropriate with the planning that had been

discussed by the researcher and the real teacher or collaborator

previously. In this case, each section was planned as good as possible

in order to the reading activities could accomplish well. The score of

students’ reading comprehension as follow:

Table 6. Classification and the Percentage of Students’ reading


comprehension Score in Post-Test (Cycle II)

No Classification Score (Cycle II)
F %
1 Excellent 10 28.5
2 Good 70-89 24 68.5
3 Average 50-69 1 2.85
4 Fair 30-49 0 0
TOTAL 35 100%

The table above shows that percentage of students’ reading test

score in Cycle II (Post-Test). There were no students get fair score, only 1

student get average score (2.85%), 24 students get good score (68.5%),

and 10 students get excellent score (28.5%).

The explanation above shows that students' reading comprehension

is low in the pre-test (Cycle I) and increases in the post-test (Cycle II). The

average value of students in the post test Cycle II will be seen in the chart


Cycle II

Excellent Good Average Fair

Chart 2. Students Reading Comprehension Mean Score in Cycle II (Post-Test)

The result of the post-test was better than the pre-test. Almost all of

the students' reading comprehensions were improved. Based on the

observation results in the classroom, there were no more students

disturbing each other, making noise in class was reduced. Students do not

feel bored anymore during the learning process, and there are no more

students sleeping in class.

 Comparative Result of Cycle I and Cycle II

To find out the percentage of students’ improvement in reading comprehension,

researcher used the following formula:

X 2− X 1
%= × 100
%= ×100
¿ 20 %
Based on the explanation above, it showed that students’ reading

comprehension was improve 20% from the first test. Based on the result in Cycle

I (pre-test), students mean score was 66.57 and in Cycle II (post-test) students

mean score was 80.42. It showed that the mean score was increased from 66.57 to

80.42, and it was passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM) in MAN 1

Barru, where based on the calculation of the formula above, the percentage of

improvement was 20%. The comparative of students score between Cycle I and

Cycle II as follow:

Table 7. Comparative Score of Students Reading Comprehension in Cycle I and

Cycle II

Students Score
No Cycle Cycle State
1 ABA 70 75 Passed
2 AN 65 75 Passed
3 DPB 80 90 Passed
4 CW 85 90 Passed
5 HS 75 90 Passed
6 MADP 85 90 Passed
7 MAH 65 75 Passed
8 MFH 65 75 Passed
9 MFAF 65 80 Passed
10 MRF 60 75 Passed
11 AF 75 90 Passed
12 ARF 60 75 Passed
13 HIW 65 80 Passed
14 MS 65 75 Passed
15 MFS 75 90 Passed
16 NAF 65 90 Passed
17 NNS 80 90 Passed

18 NR 55 80 Passed
19 N 60 75 Passed
20 NA 75 80 Passed
21 NMM 55 65 -
22 RSR 90 95 Passed
23 RW 65 75 Passed
24 SANA 45 75 Passed
25 UAM 60 75 Passed
26 AZA 55 75 Passed
27 AAA 60 80 Passed
28 F 65 75 Passed
29 IA 75 80 Passed
30 MR 65 75 Passed
31 MIS 65 75 Passed
32 MYF 60 80 Passed
33 R 45 80 Passed
34 AZS 65 80 Passed
35 AA 70 90 Passed
Total Score 2330 2815
Mean Score 66.57 80.42

The student score of pre-test and post-test are classified into some criteria.

The criteria and percentage of the students’ score of Pre-test (Cycle I) and post-

test (Cycle II) are as follow :

P= X 1OO %
Table 8: The Criteria and the Percentage of Students’ Reading Comprehension
Score in Pre-Test (Cycle I) and Post-Test (Cycle II)
No Classification Score Pre-Test Post-Test
(Cycle I) (Cycle II)

F % F %
1 Excellent 90-100 1 2.85 10 28.5
2 Good 70-89 11 31.4 24 68.5
3 Average 50-69 21 60 1 2.85
4 Fair 30-49 2 5.71 0 0
TOTAL 35 35 100%

From data above, it showed that by TPS strategy, score percentage in each

criterion was improved. The different between students’ reading comprehension

score percentage in each criterion Cycle I and Cycle II can be seen in following


40 Cycle I
Cycle II
Excellent Good Average Fair

Chart 3. Improvement of Students’ Criteria reading comprehension in Cycle I

and Cycle II

In chart above, it showed the differences students improvement or

their achievement in criteria of reading comprehension on Cycle I and

Cycle II. The improvement of students’ criteria of reading comprehension

in Cycle I and Cycle II also can be provided directly by the total of mean

score, as the following table and chart below:


Table 9. Improvement of students of mean score

Sub cycle Cycle I Cycle II

Kind of test Pre-test Post-test

Mean of students 66.57 80.42

Cycle I Cycle II

Chart 4. The Comparison Total Mean Score Students Cycle I and

Cycle II

Based on result of data analysis and research findings, it

showed students’ reading comprehension was improved. In the first
test on Cycle I (pre- test), students mean score was 66.57 and got a
significant improvement in Cycle II (Post-test) with mean score
80.42. Based on explanation above, it clearly showed that the
effectiveness of using TPS strategy can improve students’ reading

3. The obstacle of using TPS (Think Pair Share) strategy in student’s

reading comprehension

After the implementation of Cycle II was done, in the last meeting after

did a post-test, researcher asked the students to answer the questioner regarding

to what were their obstacle by using TPS strategy.

The purpose of this questionnaire was to determine the effectiveness of

TPS strategy during the treatment. The frequency and the rate percentage of the

students’ score of interest are presented as follows:

SA = Strongly Agree
A = Agree
U = Undecided
D = Disagree
SD = Strongly Disagree

No Category Frequency Percentage

1 Strongly Agree 27 77.14%
2 Agree 8 22.85%
3 Undecided 0 0
4 Disagree 0 0
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0

Table.10 Result of Questionnaire No.1

No Category Frequency Percentage
1 Strongly Agree 11 31.42%
2 Agree 24 68.57%
3 Undecided 0 0
4 Disagree 0 0
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0
Table.11 Result of Questionnaire No.2
No Category Frequency Percentage
1 Strongly Agree 6 17.14%
2 Agree 28 80%
3 Undecided 1 2.87%
4 Disagree 0 0
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0

Table.12 Result of Questionnaire No.3

No Category Frequency Percentage
1 Strongly Agree 0 0
2 Agree 29 82.85%
3 Undecided 6 22.85%
4 Disagree 0 0
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0

Table.13 Result of Questionnaire No.4

No Category Frequency Percentage
1 Strongly Agree 30 85.71%
2 Agree 5 14.28%
3 Undecided 0 0
4 Disagree 0 0
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0
Table.14 Result of Questionnaire No.5
No Category Frequency Percentage
1 Strongly Agree 6 17.14%
2 Agree 28 80%
3 Undecided 1 2.85%
4 Disagree 0 0
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0
Table.15 Result of Questionnaire No.6
No Category Frequency Percentage
1 Strongly Agree 31 88.57%
2 Agree 4 11.42%
3 Undecided 0 0
4 Disagree 0 0
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0
Table.16 Result of Questionnaire No.7
No Category Frequency Percentage
1 Strongly Agree 0 0
2 Agree 7 20%
3 Undecided 0 0
4 Disagree 28 80%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0

Table.17 Result of Questionnaire No.8

No Category Frequency Percentage
1 Strongly Agree 0 0
2 Agree 3 8.57%
3 Undecided 1 2.85%
4 Disagree 31 88.57%
5 Strongly Disagree 0 0

Table.18 Result of Questionnaire No.9

No Category Frequency Percentage
1 Strongly Agree 0 0
2 Agree 0 0
3 Undecided 0 0
4 Disagree 6 17.14%
5 Strongly Disagree 29 82.85%

Table.19 Result of Questionnaire No.10

The results of the questionnaire above show that the TPS strategy

is effective for students in learning reading comprehension. Based on

these data, the only obstacle to the learning process in class (20%) is that

the class becomes noisy when students learn by the discussion method but

this brings something good, because students who were initially not active

in learning became active with the learning method applied and students

who only a small portion discussed outside the material, this meant that

students increased their learning and focused on learning activities.

(82.85%) students like learning using the TPS strategy in

increasing students' reading comprehension compared to other methods.

even students do not feel bored learning English by using this strategy


B. Discussion

1. The effectiveness of using TPS (Think Pair Share) strategy to improve

students reading comprehension.

In this part, the discussion deals with the interpretation of the findings

derived from the result of statistical analysis and the researcher's notes during the

classroom interactions. It examines the results of treatment teaching and learning

process toward the use of Think Pair and Share to improve students' reading

comprehension at the first grade of MAN 1 Barru on 2023/2024 academic year

which is conducted of two circles during 4 meetings. The description of the data

collected through reading test as explained in the previous section shows that the

students' reading comprehension was improved. It was supported by the frequency

and the rate percentage of the students' score in cycle 1 and cycle 2.

Reading comprehension is the act of combining information in a passage

with prior knowledge in order to construct meaning. In addition, reading

comprehension can be defined as a thinking process through which readers

become aware of an idea, understand it in terms of their experiential background,

and interpret it in relation to their own needs and purposes (Khoiriyah, 2010).

There are several previous studies that show the same problem as this

research. The researcher will discuss a comparison between previous theories and

research results. In this research, the implementation of three steps really help

students improve their abilities, the TPS strategy gave contribution in students’

reading proved that the teaching learning became more interesting. With

arranging presentation, students provided good respond toward the lesson.

Reading always comes along with comprehension. Patel and Jain (2008), state

that reading is not only a source of information and a pleasure activity, but as a

means of consolidating and extending one’s knowledge of the language. By

reading students can understand what the writer means enhance their knowledge.

It can communicate with other people through written, because reading is an

interactive process between language and mind. Harmer (2001), states that

reading is an incredibly active occupation. To do it successfully, we have to

understand what the word mean.

In this study, the researcher concluded that the use of Think Pair and Share

was effective in improving students' reading comprehension skills through Think

Pair and Share. As stated earlier, this study aims to improve reading

comprehension skills of first grade at MAN 1 Barru with using of Think Pair and

Share strategy. It deals with the statement of Anggraini, Marbun, & Wardah

(2018), In the thesis “Improving students' ability in writing descriptive text

through thinking pair share” during the teaching and learning process, they also

showed positive response toward the lesson. The quantitative data of the students'

mean score was improved.

In the fourth meeting of treatment, the students were more enthusiastic and

interested in learning English. It doesn't match the statement in English teacher

when the researcher did observation before doing this research. This is supported

by Iddings and McCafferty (2006) who says that Think Pair Share strategy is a

wonderful way to involve the students and to raise their confidence they need

through participating in a relatively relaxed manner. In addition, by applying

Think Pair Share strategy in teaching learning process, the students were

motivated and also excited in learning English especially in reading class. Based

on the discussion above, we can see that there was a different result between cycle

1 and cycle 2 in teaching reading through TPS strategy. The researcher may say

that teaching reading through Think Pair and Share is a good way to improve the

students' reading comprehension.

2. The obstacles of using TPS (Think Pair Share) strategy to improve

students reading comprehension.

Based on the observation, students’ are lack of motivation in reading

comprehension. It happened because teacher technique in reading comprehension

is not interesting. The students just sit and listen about the explanation of the

teacher. It makes the students felt bored. The condition of classroom was not

conducive, because the students felt bored in the learning process. And then, the

students did not pay attention when the teacher was presenting material in the

classroom. It is difficult for students to improve their reading comprehension.

Based on the problems above, the researcher believed that TPS strategy

was a good strategy in conducting reading activity. With conducting a classroom

action research that implements TPS strategy, it is expected that the teacher was

able to improve the students’ reading comprehension. It provides students with

opportunity to think a few minutes carefully, discuss with the pair and talk about

what they learned to the whole of the class. According to Barragato (2015) This

strategy is best to use after introducing students to a new topic. TPS (Think Pair

Share) strategy allows the teacher to check the students’ level of understanding

before moving deeper into the subject matter. It also gives students an opportunity

to apply what they are learning, thus making your content more meaningful.

Finally think pair share provides a safe opportunity for students to make mistakes

or answer incorrectly without being penalized by losing points because they did

not recognize knowledge gaps in their learning.

The researcher revealed that TPS strategy successes in improving the

students’ reading comprehension. Based on the result’s observation which is

aimed to improve the students’ reading comprehension by using TPS strategy, the

researcher concluded that teaching reading by using TPS strategy can improve

students’ reading comprehension. Practically, the used of TPS strategy was

effective to teach reading. The situation in the classroom was good, because in

learning process the students were active in discussed about the material

descriptive text. They can found the main idea and generic structure of the text,

and they were felt confident to present the result their discussion in whole class.

After that, the students can found the main idea and the content of the text. With

the students can understood the text, so they can answer the questions by the


From this explanation above, the researcher and the teacher decided to

stop the research, because the implementation of using TPS strategy was running


A. Conclusion

Based on analysis and interpretation in the previous chapter, it can be

concluded that the process of the students’ reading comprehension by using TPS

strategy for first grade of MAN 1 Barru improved. It can be seen as follows:

1.The Effectiveness of Using TPS (Think Pair Share) Strategy to improve

reading comprehension.

a. The researcher concludes that teaching reading by using TPS strategy can

improve students’ reading comprehension. They enjoy learn material about

descriptive text with various topics, the students’ had good motivation in reading,

and the reading comprehension score of the students’ were very good.

b. Student motivation increases by using the TPS strategy interspersed with ice

breaking which makes students more active and focused on learning. It could be

seen from the process of improving students’ reading comprehension in every

cycle and could be seen from the increase students’ mean score among

preliminary research, cycle I and cycle II in chapter four. There were

improvements in each cycle it can be seen from students’ mean score in every


2.The Obstacles of using TPS (Think Pair Share) strategy to improve reading


a. Less interested in the reading given by the teacher so that students feel bored.

b. The noisy class atmosphere affects students to become unfocused and easily

fall asleep.

c. Students are not confident

d. Nervous

e. students find it difficult to mention the words in the text

f. lack of learning process time

B. Suggestion

Based on the research result, the researcher gives some suggestion as


1. The application of Think Pair and Share can improvement the students’ reading

comprehension in terms of literal comprehension on word meaning with main

idea at class X MAN 1 Barru. So it is strongly suggested to be applied in teaching

reading in the classroom in order to increase the students’ reading comprehension.

2. To improve reading comprehension, it is highly recommended to be more

creative in teaching students so that the teaching and learning process is

maximized and does not make students bored.



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Appendix I. Lesson Plan


Subject : Reading Comprehension

Level : Senior High School (First grade)

Topic : Talking about My Lovely Family

Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes (90 minutes)

Method/Tehcnique : Think Pair Share

A. Standard Competence

1. Students able to to improve their using Think Pair Share (TPS)


2. Understand the meaning of written functional texts and short

essays very much simple form of descriptive text to interact with

surrounding environment

B. Basic Competence

1. Understanding the meaning in written discourse in deep descriptive

form context of everyday life.

2. Able to express meaning in reading in descriptive form in the context

everyday life.

3. Able to express meaning in writing in descriptive form in the context

of everyday life.

4. Students able to read in front of the class.


C. Procedure

1. Students can understand the sentence structure of descriptive text.

2. Students can read aloud descriptive text.

3. Students can understand the content of descriptive reading

4. Students can present the contents of descriptive readings

D. Time Allocation

1 x 40 minutes (every meeting)

E. Learning Goals

1. At the end of the lesson students can understand the sentence

structure of the text descriptive.

2. At the end of the lesson students can read aloud the descriptive


3. At the end of the lesson students can understand the contents of the

descriptive text.

4. At the end of the lesson can present the reading content of the text


F. Learning Material

 Understanding of descriptive text

Descriptive is a text describing a particular person, place or


Descriptive describe someone or something in detail. The


a) To describe current activities or events


b) To describe activities in the picture.

Generic structure of descriptive text:

a) Identification: identifies phenomenon to be described

b) Description: describe parts, qualities and characteristic

The language features:

a) Specific participant

b) The use of simple present and present continuous tense

c) Action verb

d) Adjective

e) Using relational verbs (is, am, are) and (has, have)

G. Model/Learning Method

a) Approach: CAR

b) Model: Cooperative Learning

c) Strategy: TPS (Think Pair Share)

H. Learning activity steps:

step - step
No Teacher Students
1. Opening Greeting and pray Pray together
2. Main Review a bit about
teaching descriptive text.  Notice
 Explain teacher
Think Pair explanation
Share Strategy.
 Students
 Teacher give
question in general.
based on
 Give  Students

text to students,
read and
them for
understand content
from the text.
 The teacher asks  Students
students to pair up discussing
with their friends with their
for discussion. partners.
 The teacher asked  Students
them to present the present the
result of the results of the
discussion with 8 discussion in
minutes their front of their
partner. friends.

To find out how far Answer the

they understand the teacher’s
3. text, the teacher questions
gives questions to
Greeting and pray Students pray
I. Learning Resources

a) English book for Grade X Students 2017

J. Media

Whiteboard an things around us.

Appendix II. Reading Test


Cycle 1

Cycle 2

Appendix III. Observation Sheet


Appendix IV. Questionnaire Sheet


Appendix V. Surat Pengesahan Judul dan Penetapan Pembimbing


Appendix VI. Surat Izin Penelitian Fakultas Sastra


Appendix VII. Surat Izin Penelitian dari Dinas PMPTSP Provinsi Sulawesi

Appendix VIII. Surat Keterangan Telah Selesai Melakukan Penelitian di

MAN 1 Barru


 Documentation of learning using the TPS (Think Pair Share)


Picture 1. The teacher is explaining the TPS (Think Pair Share) learning


Picture 2. Students are thinking about the questions given by the teacher.

Picture 3. Students are understanding the descriptive text reading given

by the teacher.

Picture 4. Students are understanding the descriptive text reading given

by the teacher.

Picture 5. The teacher is guiding students and motivating students.

Picture 6. Students are presenting the results of group discussions


Picture 7. Students are doing a final evaluation.

Picture 8. The front view of MAN 1 Barru

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