Samarth C J - Resume
Samarth C J - Resume
Samarth C J - Resume
Samarth C J 9110497498
Quick Learner | Team Player
Obtain a position in a reputed organization where I can become
An essential part of organizational growth and develop my
Skills further. Also Open to learn and work in new technology Stack.
i) Programming Languages
Danske IT , Bengaluru — Associate Software Engineer -Java,C++,C,Python,React-JS,
August 2021 - PRESENT NodeJS,HTML,CSS.
- Danske IT is a subsidiary of Danske Bank, working here
In the financial crime prevention Department as a ii) Knowledge of SQL and
Full Stack Web developer Databases Technologies.
- Initially was working in a team responsible for screening
Of Customers for various sanctions. Had a built a web based iii) Knowledge of
Solution for case handlers to flag those Customers mainly Spring-boot,Hibernate and
Using Java,Spring-boot and React JS.
- Presently Working in a team which manages the crossborder openshift.
Payments.Here we have built web based solution which is
iv) Knowledge of kubernetes
Used by case handlers to apoorve or flag any suspicious
Payments of sanctioned entities. There are around 21 types of and docker.
Products which have been categorized and 2 levels of screening
Through our product.This Product is also built using java, v) Environment - Intellij
Spring-Boot and React JS. IDEA,MySQL,VS
- Currently working Towards merging of both these platforms
Code,Anaconda Syder,Jupyter
Internally where a customer can be screened and even the
Cross Border payments if any. Notebook, Linux.