p38 Bosch Edc Nanocom Evolution
p38 Bosch Edc Nanocom Evolution
p38 Bosch Edc Nanocom Evolution
The Bosch Electronic Diesel Control (EDC) has long been fitted to most diesel vehicles in one
form or another. It is a sophisticated system capable of self detecting many problems. Our
software module handles both early and later variations used in the listed applications although
many more applications may exist that use a compatible variant.
Vehicle makes models and variants known or believed to be using this vehicle system, required
diagnostic lead and degree of known compatibility.
The Electronic Diesel Control (EDC) has a very sophisticated system for logging faults and
although it has only 27 fault codes, for each code it logs, there is attached to it a number of
flags which give much more information about the fault, thus multiplying the effective number
of different events which share the same basic code by many times. There are also two system
sensor values, which are stored as a form of freeze frame data giving more information about
the circumstances that caused the fault. The data that is captured depends on the fault. Each
code read-out of the system is presented, starting with a description of the circuit to which the
fault is pertaining, followed by the name of the first value and the value itself, the name of the
second value and the value itself, then by a list of the meanings of the flags which have been
The flag options are:
o TOO HIGH: The value from the sensor in question is / was above accepted limits.
o TOO LOW: The value from the sensor in question is / was below accepted limits.
o OPEN CIRCUIT: The sensor in question was not detected in its wiring loop.
o INVALID VALUE: The value from the sensor in question is / was not a sensible or
possible value.
o MAJOR FAULT: A fault that can prevent the engine from running and requires
immediate attention.
o FAULT LOGGED: A fault which causes no adverse or noticeable affect, but never the less
has been seen.
o CURRENT: Where the fault is actually there now as opposed to having been there and
not being there when the fault memory is read.
o INTERMITTENT: Where the fault in a sensor has been seen and logged on one occasion,
then the sensor has been accepted as working OK, and then goes faulty and the cycle
This function first reads the fault code memory to ensure that there are faults to clear and if
there are completely erases and clears the fault code memory. Having deleted the faults it then
re-checks the fault memory to check that it is clear, reporting success if it is. Failure to clear the
fault memory successfully is usually due to the system re-logging the fault the moment the fault
memory is clear. This indicates that the fault has not been rectified properly and as far as the
system is concerned, still exists. The re-check for successful clearing of the fault code memory
may pass but then the system may re-log the fault shortly after.
BOSCH EDC - Diagnostic Capabilities (Settings)
Values, configuration settings, and other stored information which can be read from the ECU,
edited and then rewritten back. Read settings can also be stored as a standard HTML page for
reference. These pages can then later be re loaded and re written back to the ECU. Please note
that some values may be read only due to the fact that they are supplied from the ECU’s ROM
or are internally calculated.
• Hardware revision: Gives the manufacturer's hardware revision number for the EDC
• Software revision: Gives the manufacturer's software revision number for the EDC ECU.
• Firmware revision: Gives the BMW reference number for this EDC ECU.
• Sub revision: Gives the revision number for the firmware of the EDC ECU.
• Identity number: The unique identity or serial number for this EDC ECU.
• EMS code: When the ignition is turned on, the Body Control Unit or the programmable
Alarm providing it is in receipt of a recent valid mobilization code, i.e. the correct key
fob has been pressed, or a correct EKA code has been entered and is therefore, not in an
alarmed or immobilised state, will send a coded signal to the EDC ECU, which it then
compares against a unique non changeable security code (the EDC code) it has stored in
it. If the code received and the code stored compares OK, the EDC allows the engine to
start. This forms the basis of the immobiliser. If the EDC ECU, the BCU or the
programmable Alarm is replaced, the two codes will not match and it will not be
possible to start the engine. It is therefore necessary to synchronize the codes in both
the BCU/Alarm and the EDC ECU. This function reads the code from the EDC ECU but
since it is not possible to change the code at this end, the code obtained from this
function has to be set in the BECM which can easily be done by going into the BECM –
Settings – Alarm section. Once the code is manually input, close the screen back to the
menu page and Click Write Settings
• Pump calibration: The later EDC ECUs have the ability to store 15 bytes of information
which are used to help the ECU compensate for manufacturing tolerances for the Diesel
pump. These are entered into the ECU when the vehicle is made and other than reading
the values from the old ECU when replacing the ECU, it is not possible to later find out
the correct values if they have been lost or if the Pump itself is being replaced. In these
cases, nominal values of 8 for the first digit and 128 for all of the others should be used.
• Idle value: This value should normally be 128 and may be altered to increase or
decrease the idle speed. However, moving this value more than two or three in either
direction may have undesirable consequences. We recommend adding or removing only
one at a time from the original number and testing the results. If after adding 3 or 4
without the required effect being produced, then a problem may exist in the engine
management system.
BOSCH EDC - Diagnostic Capabilities (Inputs)
This is real time live display of the information the electronic control unit of the selected vehicle
system is currently deriving from its input sensors. It is split into 3 sections – FUELLING,
• Start fuel (mg/str): A value in mg/str that is used internally in calculations regarding
compensation during starting.
• Fuel quantity feedback: A value measured in mg/str that is used along with the Fuel
• Quantity and Fuel Quantity compared values for the EDC ECU to calculate fuelling
required compensation values and current load conditions.
• Fuel quantity Current: The current fuel quantity value, measured in mg/str is, in
conjunction with the fuel quantity compared value, also measured in mg/str, an
indication of any increase in demand which obviously varies with load. Any increased
load on the engine such as heated windscreens or air conditioning compressors will
need a compensation for the load. When the load is applied, this value should rise
above the fuel quantity comparison value momentarily then drop back below to where
it normally is.
• Fuel quantity compared: The fuel quantity compared value, measured in mg/str is, in
conjunction with the current fuel quantity Value, also measured in mg/str, an indication
of any increase in demand which obviously varies with load. Any increased load on the
engine such as heated windscreens or air conditioning compressors will need a
compensation for the load. This is the non compensated value.
• Fuel temperature (C): The current fuel temperature sensor input value in degrees
centigrade. This is used to help the EDC ECU to compensate for hot fuel conditions
especially when starting.
• SWG set point (mV): The current SWG Set Point value over a range of 0 to 5000 mille-
volts. The SWG is the Control Sleeve Travel sensor. This value is the value which the
• EDC ECU has determined it should be getting back from the sensor. This value should be
below 1,500 mille-volts after approximately 20 seconds.
• SWG actual (mV): The current SWG Actual value over a range of 0 to 5000 mille-volts.
• The SWG is the Control Sleeve Travel sensor. This value is the value which the sensor is
giving the EDC ECU.
• Injector set point degrees: The current Injection SWG set point in degrees over a range
of 0 to 25 degrees. The Set point values should be higher when the engine is cold and
decrease to 1 or 2 degrees when fully warm, at that point the Timing Modulation should
also remain steady at between 45% and 55%.
• Injector actual degrees: The current Injector Actual value in degrees on a range of 0 to
25 degrees. The Actual value should be within 0.5 degrees of the set point value; at that
point the Timing Modulation should also remain steady at between 45% and 55%.
• Timing modulation (%): This value is the amount of percentage change that the EDC
• ECU applies to the injection timing. It can be checked in conjunction with the Injection
set points and actual values. On a fully warm engine this value should steadily remain
between 45% and 55%. There should be no erratic fluctuations.
• Idle: The current status of the idle switch attached to the accelerator pedal. This switch
should be closed when the Throttle Pot percentage is below 9% and open when the
Throttle Pot percentage is above 9%.
• Low idle: Low idle status as determined by the ECU.
• Needle (rpm): The Engine's speed as determined from the Needle lift sensor in RPM.
This value should never differ from the value obtained by the Crank Speed sensor by
more than 40 RPM at idle.
• Crank speed (rpm): The Engine's speed as determined from the crankshaft sensor in
RPM. This is used to check correct operation of the Needle Lift Sensor.
• Road speed (mph): The vehicle's current road speed in miles per hour.
• Road speed (km/h): The vehicle's current road speed in kilometers per hour.
• ELAB: The current status of the fuel cut-off valve (ELAB).
• Alarm status: The current status of the ECU. i.e. if it is not in receipt of a valid EDC code
before starting is attempted, it will go into alarm thus inhibiting starting.
• Primary brake: This shows the state of the uppermost of the two switches that are
actuated by motion of the brake pedal. Normally it should indicate low, changing to high
as soon as motion is applied to depress the brake pedal.
• Secondary brake: This shows the state of the lowermost of the two switches that are
actuated by motion of the brake pedal. Normally it should indicate high, changing to low
towards the bottom of the brake pedal's travel.
• Aircon requested: When the A/C button is pressed, an active low signal is output to the
EDC ECU (The Request). This then looks at factors like engine temperature, load, current
acceleration etc. and will, according to when these conditions allow, grant Air
conditioning. This involves it engaging the clutch to drive the Air Conditioning pump,
altering its internal fuelling to compensate for the load imposed by the pump, managing
along with the Hevac the Condenser fans, and also telling the Hevac that Air
Conditioning has been granted. This shows the current status of the request line from
the Hevac ECU.
• Aircon grant: When the A/C button is pressed an active low signal is output to the EDC
ECU (The Request). This then looks at factors like engine temperature, load, current
acceleration etc. and will, according to when these conditions allow, grant Air
conditioning. This involves it engaging the clutch to drive the Air Conditioning pump,
altering its internal fuelling to compensate for the load imposed by the pump, managing
along with the Hevac the Condenser fans, and also telling the Hevac that Air
Conditioning has been granted. This shows the current status of the grant line to the
Hevac ECU.
• Clutch: The current status of output which drives the clutch pedal.
This is a choice of outputs that can be tested. Click on the each option to activate the output for
30 seconds.
• Timing Solenoid: This triggers the timing solenoid which is mounted on the Injector
pump. It should be heard ticking.
• ELAB valve: Forces on the fuel shut-off valve (ELAB) for 30 seconds.
• Flash warning lamp: Flashes the engine malfunction indicator lamps in the instrument
cluster to check correct operation and that the ECU has full control.