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04 Ijpscr 120 23
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and
Clinical Research 2023; 3(1):37-44
Andhra Pradesh, India, 2Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, A.S.N College of Pharmacy, Tenali,
Andhra Pradesh, India, 3Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Faculty of Pharmacy, Dr. M. G. R. Educational
and Research Institute, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
IJPSCR/Jan-Mar-2023/Vol 3/Issue 1 38
Susmitha, et al.: RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation for Quantitation of Levonorgestrel and Ethinylestradiol
flask by dissolving in HPLC grade water and the 7 mL of diluent and sonicate the above solution to
final volume was adjusted up to the mark with the dissolve completely the above samples and made
same water up to 1000 mL. up to the mark with the same solvent. From this
pipette, out 0.3 mL of the above stock solution and
transfer into 10 mL volumetric flask and fill the
Preparation of mobile phase
diluent up to the mark.
Mixture of buffer solution, water, and acetonitrile
in the ratio of 40:20:40 (400 mL of phosphate Chromatographic conditions
buffer, 200 mL of water, 400 mL of acetonitrile)
was transferred into 1000 mL volumetric flask and The liquid chromatographic analysis was
kept under sonication for 10 min, degassed and performed using a Shimadzu HPLC system
filtered through 0.45 um membrane filter. equipped with a PDA Detector. Chromatographic
separation of both the drugs was achieved using
a C18 µ-bondopak column having dimensions
Diluent preparation
of 250*4.6 mm, 5 µm particle size, and in an
The mobile phase is used as diluent.
isocratic mode with mobile containing a mixture
of phosphate buffer, water, acetonitrile in the
Preparation of standard solution of ratio of 40:20:40 (v/v). Elution of drugs was
levonorgestrel carried out at room temperature with a flow rate
of 0.9 mL/min, injection volume of 20 µL, and a
A 10mg of levonorgestrel working standard was total run time of 12 min. Before injecting blank
accurately weighed and transferred into a 10 mL and drug solution, the chromatographic system
clean dry volumetric flask and add about 7 mL was equilibrated for 80 min with the degassed
of diluents is added and sonicated to dissolve mobile phase. The blank solution was filtered
completely and volume was made up to the mark through 0.22 µm nylon filter and injected to
with the same solvent. Further, 0.3 mL of the above check the solvent interference.
stock solution was pipetted into a 10 mL volumetric
flask and diluted up to the mark with diluent
20 µL of the standard, samples are injected into
Preparation of standard solution of the chromatographic system and the areas for
Ethinylestradiol levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol peaks are
measured and the % assay is calculated using the
A 10 mg of ethinylestradiol working standard was
accurately weighed and transferred into a 10 mL
clean dry volumetric flask and add about 7 mL
of diluents is added and sonicated to dissolve RESULTS
completely and volume was made up to the mark
with the same solvent. Further, 0.3 mL of the above Method development
stock solution was pipetted into a volumetric flask Initially, mobile phase optimization was carried out
and diluted up to the mark with diluent. with shimadzu C18 µ-bondopak column using buffer,
acetonitrile, and water at different concentrations.
Preparation of sample solution During these trials, the peaks are not eluted
properly. Finally, the mobile ratio was changed to
Weigh accurately 10 tablets and crushed in a 40:20:40 v/v at a flow rate of 0.9 mL/min. With
mortar and pestle and weight equivalent to 10 mg this composition of mobile phase, the peaks were
of levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol samples into eluted satisfactorily. The peaks were well separated
a 10 mL clean dry volumetric flask and add about by following chromatographic parameters. The
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Susmitha, et al.: RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation for Quantitation of Levonorgestrel and Ethinylestradiol
run time of the method was 12 min. The detection are summarized. The chromatogram of the standard
wavelength was at 260 nm. The prescribed method solution is shown in Figure 4 and the chromatogram
was validated as per the ICH guidelines. of the sample solution is shown in Figure 5
The retention times of levonorgestrel and The peaks were eluted at different concentrations
ethinylestradiol were found to be 3.6 min and of standard solution and the calibration curve was
5.1 min, respectively. No major deviations were plotted using peak area against concentration. The
observed in the retention times during the analysis. regression coefficient was found to be 0.999 for
The percentage of related standard deviation the above two drugs. The linear concentrations of
(%RSD) of the lowest concentration of individual levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol are in the range
six peaks was <2%. System suitability parameters of 10–50 µg/mL for ethinylestradiol and 20–100 µg/
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Susmitha, et al.: RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation for Quantitation of Levonorgestrel and Ethinylestradiol
mL for levonorgestrel, respectively. The linearity developed method can be adopted in industry and
results of levonorgestrel are tabulated in Table 1 as well as academics for the assay of levonorgestrel
and linearity results of ethinylestradiol are tabulated and ethinylestradiol.
in Table 2. Calibration graphs of levonorgestrel and
ethinylestradiol are shown in Figures 6 and 7.
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Susmitha, et al.: RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation for Quantitation of Levonorgestrel and Ethinylestradiol
intra-day analysis which reveals that the proposed the peak response area with slope, where k =3.3 and
method is more precise. 10 for LOD and LOQ. Sensitivity means lowest
amount of sample detected with signal response,
i.e., 3:1 and 10:1, calculated in terms of %RSD
should not be more than 10%. LOD chromatogram
The most important aspect of this method was for levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol is shown in
its usage in the formulation analysis. Hence, Figure 8 and LOQ chromatogram for levonorgestrel
the marketed formulations were collected and and ethinylestradiol is shown in Figure 9.
analyzed by employing the above method. The test
samples are prepared by weighing a known amount
of sample and diluted with the mobile phase. Later Robustness
the solution was filtered through a membrane filter The robustness of the method was studied by
and the solution was further diluted to get the injecting the standard solution with variation
equivalent concentration like that of the standard in the optimized conditions of the method. It
solution. The two samples are injected separately includes change in flow rate and also column
and the concentration was calculated as per the temperature. The values indicate there are no
standard formula. The results were found to be
significant deviations in results. System suitability
within the acceptable range.
results (flow rate change) for levonorgestrel
and ethinylestradiol were tabulated below in
Limit of detection (LOD) and limit of Tables 7 and 8. System suitability results (change
quantification (LOQ) in mobile phase composition) for levonorgestrel
and ethinylestradiol are shown in Tables 9 and 10.
LOD and LOQ were calculated for sensitivity
measurement by dividing K* standard deviation of
Table 7: System suitability results (flow rate change) for
Table 5: Repeatability results of levonorgestrel levonorgestrel
Injection Area S. No. Flow rate (mL/min) System suitability results
Injection‑5 2251693
Average 2244605 Table 8: System suitability results (flow rate change) for
Standard deviation 6657.7 ethinylestradiol
%RSD 0.33 S. No. Flow rate (mL/min) System suitability results
RSD: Related standard deviation USP plate count USP tailing
1. 0.8 1748.5 1.23
Table 6: Repeatability results of ethinylestradiol 2. 1.0 1548.2 1.2
Injection Area 3. 1.2 1948.1 1.2
Injection‑1 1501418
Injection‑2 1486941
Injection‑3 1490657
Table 9: System suitability results (mobile phase) for
Injection‑4 1487327
S. No. Change in mobile System suitability results
Injection‑5 1490385
phase composition USP plate count USP tailing
Average 1491347
1. 10% less 2257.1 1.51
Standard deviation 5882.5
2. Actual 2457.2 1.12
%RSD 0.39
3. 10% more 2633.1 1.61
RSD: Related standard deviation
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Susmitha, et al.: RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation for Quantitation of Levonorgestrel and Ethinylestradiol
Table 10: System suitability results (mobile phase) for Table 11: Ruggedness results of levonorgestrel
ethinylestradiol Injection No. Area
S. No. Change in mobile System suitability results 1 2194759
phase composition USP plate count USP tailing 2 2195701
1. 10% less 2357.1 1.22 3 2196192
2. Actual 2501.3 1.2 4 2195327
3. 10% More 2799.2 1.2 5 2200952
Average 2196586
Ruggedness Standard deviation 2496.1
%RSD 0.11
Ruggedness was deliberate by changing the RSD: Related standard deviation
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Susmitha, et al.: RP-HPLC Method Development and Validation for Quantitation of Levonorgestrel and Ethinylestradiol
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