In resped of the provisions of Annex I of the fntemalionaf Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships,
1973, as modified bV the protocol of 1978 relating thereto (hereinafter referred 10 as "the Convention")
1. This form is 10 be used fa( the thjrd type of ships as categorized In the IOPP Certificate, I.e. "ships otherlhan
any 01 the above". For oil tankers and ships other than oillankers with cargo tanks coming under Regulation
2(2) of Annex I 0( the Convention, FORM B shall be used.
2. This Record shall be permanently attached 10 the IOPP Celtirrcale. The IOPP Certificate shall be available
on board the ship at all times.
3. If the language of the original Record shall be at least in English. French, or Spanish. If an official language
of the issuing country is also used, this shan prevail in case of a dispute or discrepancy.
4 . Entries in boxes shall be made by inserting either a cross (X) for the answers ""yes" and -applicable" or a
dash (.) for the answers "no· and "not applicable" as appropriate.
5. Regulations mentioned in this Re<:Ord refer to regulations of Annex t of the Convention and resolutions refer
to those adopted by the International Maritime Organization.
1 PARTICULAltS OF SHIP The ship is ceriified under the International Code of Safety for High Speed Craft and engaged on B
a scheduled service with a lurn-around time not exceeding 24 hours
2.5.2 The ship is filled with holding lank(s) for total retention on board of all ~
oily bilge water as follows:
Tank Location
Tank Identification Volume (mJ)
Frames (from)-(to) Lateral Position
I Rot.. 10 R<K:O<M"I...-.!I1ion on ~ perfonn..-.ce _ 1.51 ~ '" oiIy-w_ Hpl<1ting ~ ..... _ 011 c:or¥6nI mel... ~.., by !he Or~ ion
on I ~ No\><ombe< 1911 by ..sotJtIcn A.393(X), wI"IIch ",,*M<Md "OOIIAion 11..233 (VI I). F......, lefef..-.ce " mlode 10 II1e GtideIi"1H _196Cif..cation. lor poIUion
Pfl vltlCion ~ lor m..:tWlery IJ*8 bl1g&s -..:Iop!1d by rhe M.m. E.......nwm..... PrnIeaion Commil:l. . '" the Or~ bot ,..OUiOn MEPC.6O(33) wI"Oc;h.
~ 6 July 1993. ~~ A.393(X) _1I..~' Xl) and II>!I ~ GukItIinot n t;:«ifoc:atico"ls lor poIkAIon pr.....-.rion ~ 10( ~
~ '" t!V!>I ~ by the M ........ EnWOMl ..... Pr()(<IC1ion Convnilt. . ", tho ~MIon by ,eroukln ME PC .101 ,~ 9)wI"Iictl. efI«Itv. ""'" 1 J..-...y
2005.tupetMdtd '~Ion' MEPC.6O(3J).A.393(X) _ A -44"lXl ~
3.1 The ship is provided with oil residue (sludge) tanks for retention of oil residues (sludge) onboard as follows:
Tank T.ocation
Tank Identification Volum e (m')
Lateral Position
Total Volume (m3):
3.2 Means for the disposal of residues (sludge) retained In oil residue (sludge) tanks:
2 Bilge water holding tank(s) are not required by the Convention. if such tank(s) are provided they shall be listed in Table 3.3
4.1 The ship is provided with a pipeline for the discharge of residues from machinery bilges
and sludge to reception facilities, fitted with a standard discharge connection
in accordance with regulation 13
5.1 The ship is provided with a shipboard oil pollution emergency plan in compliance with
regulation 37
5~2 The ship is provided with a shipboard marine pollution emergency plan in compliance with
regulation 37.3
6.1 Exemptions have been granted by the Administration from the requirements of Chapter 3 El
of Annex I of the Convention in accordance with regulation 3.1 on those items listed under
paragraph(s) _ _ of this Record.
7 EQUIVALENTS (regulation 5)
7.1 Equivalents have been approved by the Administration for certain requirements of Annex I El
on those items listed under paragraph(s) of this R8(:Ord.