Clinical Cases For General Practice Exams 4e
Clinical Cases For General Practice Exams 4e
Clinical Cases For General Practice Exams 4e
Clinical Cases
for General
Page ii
I am delighted that Dr Andrew Moreton, Dr Leela Arthur, Dr Rebekah
Ledingham and Dr Lucas Wheatley were willing to join me in writing this
fourth edition. They are experienced and compassionate clinicians with a
great desire and ability to help doctors learn through the process of passing
exams. Their cases challenged and taught me when I tried them out, and they
are a very welcome addition.
I would also like to express my appreciation to all those who helped with
the previous editions of this book. Dr Linda Samera, Professor John
Wakerman, Dr Ethel Gilbert, Dr Patrick Mutandwa, Dr Nina Kilfoyle, Dr
Chris Lesnikowski, Dr Rob Roseby, Dr Peter Tait and Dr Rupa Vedantam
were a great help with the first edition. The second edition benefited from
input from Dr Pat Giddings, Dr Louise Baker, Dr Trudi Cullinan, Dr Tyler
Schofield, Dr Daniel Cloughton, Dr Danielle Butler, Dr Katrina Page, Dr
Louise Butler, Dr Sarah Koh, Dr Charles Mutandwa, Dr Ann Dunbar, Angela
Beilby and Dr Tim Henderson. For the third edition I was helped by Dr
Andrew Moreton, Dr Genevieve Yates, Dr Bambi Ward, Dr Robert Menz, Dr
Sarah Kloeden and Dr Sally Banfield.
The photographs in Figures 1 and 3 were supplied by iStockphoto; the
Eczema Association of Australasia Inc. provided the photograph for Figure 2;
Dr Andrew Moreton supplied the photographs in Figures 4, 6 and 7; and Dr
Brendan Bell supplied the ECG in Figure 5.
Page iii
Clinical Cases
for General
Medicine is an ever-changing science. As new research and clinical experience broaden our knowledge,
changes in treatment and drug therapy are required. The editors and the publisher of this work have
checked with sources believed to be reliable in their efforts to provide information that is complete and
generally in accord with the standards accepted at the time of publication. However, in view of the
possibility of human error or changes in medical sciences, neither the editors, nor the publisher, nor any
other party who has been involved in the preparation or publication of this work warrants that the
information contained herein is in every respect accurate or complete. Readers are encouraged to
confirm the information contained herein with other sources. For example, and in particular, readers are
advised to check the product information sheet included in the package of each drug they plan to
administer to be certain that the information contained in this book is accurate and that changes have
not been made in the recommended dose or in the contraindications for administration. This
recommendation is of particular importance in connection with new or infrequently used drugs.
This fourth edition published 2019
First published 2005, second edition 2010, third edition 2015
Reprinted 2011, 2012, 2013 (twice), 2016
Text © 2019 Susan Wearne
Illustrations and design © 2019 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
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Page v
About the author and contributing authors
List of abbreviations
How to use this book
Section 7 Dermatology
Case 22 Sammy Burnside
Case 23 Robert Kerslake Page vi
Section 10 Endocrinology
Case 32 Veronica Richards
Section 11 Eyes
Case 33 Edward Galloway
Case 34 Henrik Schneider
Case 35 Roger Chin
Section 12 Gastroenterology
Case 36 Jenna Banks
Case 37 Enrico Castallani
Case 38 Kirrilee DeMarco
Case 39 Mohammed Noor
Case 40 Annie Nguyen
Case 41 Kathy Jones
Case 42 Jack Kingsley
Case 43 Neil Dawson
This is the book that I looked for when I first moved to Australia. A group of
GP registrars wanted help preparing for their Fellowship exam and examples
of clinical cases did not exist, so I began writing questions. This book is the
teaching material that I have developed and refined since then.
It has been rewarding to hear many stories of doctors who found the book
useful. Doctors have persuaded non-medical friends, partners and spouses to
role-play patients and the instructions have proved adequate to provide
realistic exam practice.
One GP registrar expressed concern that the book was too ‘cook book’ or
formulaic. Forgive me if I have unintentionally promoted uniformity. Each
time I see a GP at work or in a role-play, I see new ways of being a GP. Each
of us brings our personality and experience to our role, but some core
principles apply to each consultation. I hope that my practice will forever
include the formula of an introduction, building rapport to understand
something of the person’s life and situation, hearing their concerns, assessing
the problem in bio–psycho–social terms and working with them to create a
plan that they understand and want to implement.
We have to judge each situation, without being judgemental, listen intently
and be supportive without being patronising. How I achieve this varies for
different patients and makes the job both challenging and satisfying. This
‘how’ of calibrating words and actions to individuals is crucial in exams and
in practice; the ‘what’ of creating therapeutic relationships, and explaining
medical terms is different for fractious children, over-stretched middle-aged
professionals or an elderly person facing losing health and their
Most of the cases are adapted from my clinical practice and identifying
details have been changed to protect the patient’s identity. If you think you
can spot yourself or a friend it is only because these cases cover common
clinical conditions. I appear in them and, with their permission, so do many
of my family.
I hope that this book assists medical students, GP registrars and GPs to
learn more about the art and science of being an effective GP.
Page ix
Dr Leela Arthur
Leela Arthur BSc (Hons 1), MBBS, FRACGP, DCH graduated from the
University of Queensland in 2008, then completed her FRACGP in Hervey
Bay in 2015. She has since moved back to her home town of Brisbane Page x
where she is now working both in general practice, and as a ‘GP with
Special Interest’ in an irritable bowel syndrome clinic within the hospital
system. She has a keen interest in teaching medical students and registrars
and has been a medical educator for Queensland Rural Medical Education for
several years. More recently, she has become an examiner for the RACGP.
She has a particular interest in chronic disease management and refugee
In her spare time, Leela enjoys going on adventures with her husband and
children, and singing women’s barbershop with her quartet Kit’n’Kaboodle,
and chorus Brisbane City Sounds.
Dr Rebekah Ledingham
Rebekah Ledingham Bsc (Nursing); BMBS; DRANZCOG; DCH; FRACGP
is a GP and medical educator in Broome, Western Australia. She is
passionate about Aboriginal health and committed to Closing the Gap and
supporting an increasing number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
people in the health workforce. She is also a keen advocate for the well-being
of medical students and doctors in training, and would like to see a more
nurturing, flexible system in which to grow our future workforce. She
founded the online group Medical Mums and Mums to be, now a support
network for more than 7000 doctors, after struggling with the prospect of
being a junior doctor and a mum simultaneously, but remains eternally
thankful that she ignored the (ridiculous) advice not to have babies, as they
are growing into fabulous humans who help it all make sense.
Dr Lucas Wheatley
Lucas Wheatley BBiomedSc, MBBS, FRACGP, GDipClinEd,
GDipSurgAnat, MPH qualified in Medicine in 2009 and entered service with
the Royal Australian Air Force. After completing his FRACGP and MPH,
with several tours overseas working in Primary Care and Aeromedical
Retrievals, Lucas returned to Brisbane, Queensland. Furthering his scope of
practice with additional training in surgery and critical care, Lucas splits his
time between working for Queensland Health and the Australian Defence
Force. Focusing on clinical and procedural training, Lucas has an interest in
medicine in austere and rural environments, with a passion for registrar and
medical student education, examining for the University of Queensland and
Bond University.
Dr Genevieve Yates
Genevieve Yates is Associate Director of Training for North Coast GP
Training, a general practitioner and medical writer. She also delivers medico-
legal education sessions and develops resource materials for MDA National
and is an examiner for the RACGP and a member of the RACGP Fellowship
Support Panel. In 2014, she was named GPET Medical Educator of the Year.
She has particular interests in doctors’ health and wellbeing, ethics and
professionalism, and the medical humanities.
Page xi
List of abbreviations
Abbreviation Meaning
24hrECG 24 hour electrocardiogram
ABPI ankle blood pressure index
ACE angiotensin converting enzyme
ACR albumin-creatinine ratio
ACRRM Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine
ACS acute coronary syndrome
ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
ADLs activities of daily living
ADT adult diphtheria-tetanus vaccine
AFB acid fast bacilli (tuberculosis)
AF atrial fibrillation
alb albumin
Anti CCP anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody
ARB angiotensin receptor blocker
b.d. twice a day (bis die)
bHCG beta human chorionic gonadotropin
bili bilirubin
BMI body mass index
BP blood pressure
bpm beats per minute
BSL blood sugar level
CABG coronary artery bypass grafting
CHA2DS2VASc calculates risk of ischaemic stroke
Chol cholesterol
CI confidence interval
CK creatine kinase
Cl chloride
Coags coagulation tests
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
COX2 inhibitors cyclo-oxygenase 2 inhibitors
CPD continuing professional development
Creat creatinine
CRP C-reactive protein
CST cervical screening test
CT computerised tomography
CXR chest X-ray
dTpa diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccine adult formulation
DNA did not attend Page xii
DMARDs disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs
DVT deep venous thrombosis
ECG electrocardiogram
ED emergency department
EDNOS eating disorder not otherwise specified
ELISA enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
EPDS Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Score
ERCP endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate
FAI free androgen index
FBC/E full blood count/examination
FEV1 forced expiratory volume in 1 second
FODMAPs fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides
and polyols
FSH follicle stimulating hormone
FVC forced vital capacity
GA general anaesthetic
GCS Glasgow coma scale
GGT gamma-glutamyl transferase
GP general practitioner
GPM gravida, parity, miscarriages
GTN glyceryl trinitrate
GTT glucose tolerance test
HAS-BLED calculates the risk of bleeding from anticoagulation in patients
with atrial fibrillation
Hb haemoglobin
HbA1c haemoglobin A1c
HCO3 bicarbonate
HDLChol high density lipoprotein cholesterol
Hep B hepatitis B
Hep C hepatitis C
Hib haemophilus influenzae type B vaccination
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HPV human papillomavirus
HRT hormone replacement therapy
HZV herpes zoster vaccine
IBS irritable bowel syndrome
IM intramuscular injection
INR international normalised ratio
IUCD intrauterine contraceptive device
IV intravenous
JVP jugular venous pulse
K potassium
kg kilogram
LBP lower back pain Page xiii
LDH/LH lactate dehydrogenase
LDLChol low density lipoprotein cholesterol
LFTs liver function tests
LH luteinising hormone
LMP first day of last menstrual period
LSCS lower segment Caesarean section
LUTS lower urinary tract symptoms
m metre
mane in the morning
MCS microscopy, culture and sensitivity
MCP metacarpophalangeal joints
MCV mean cell volume
mg milligram
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
MSU midstream urine
MTHFR methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
MTP metatarsophalangeal joints
MVA motor vehicle accident
Na sodium
NAAT nucleic acid amplification test
NAD no abnormality detected
NH&MRC National Health and Medical Research Council
NIDDM non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
NIPT non-invasive pre-natal testing
nocte at night
NPS National Prescribing Service
NRT nicotine replacement therapy
NSAIDs non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
OA osteoarthritis
OCP oral contraceptive pill
ocp ova, cysts and parasites
od once a day
OGTT oral glucose tolerance test
OTC over the counter—medication bought from a pharmacy without
a prescription
Pap Papanicolaou
PBS Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme
PCOS polycystic ovarian syndrome
PCR polymerase chain reaction
PEFR peak expiratory flow rate
PMH past medical history
PND paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea
PR per rectum
PrEP pre-exposure prophylaxis
prn as and when needed (pro re nata) Page xiv
Prot protein
PSA prostate specific antigen
qds four times a day (quarter die sumendus)
RACGP Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
RDW red cell distribution width
RFDS Royal Flying Doctor Service
RPR rapid plasma reagin test for syphilis
RR relative risk
sc subcutaneous
SHBC steroid hormone binding globulin
SLR straight leg raising
SOB shortness of breath
The aim of this book is to help you prepare for Australian general practice
exams using clinical case role-plays.
General practice activity data1 indicate that general practitioners’ work has
become increasingly complicated: patients have multiple comorbidities and
are prescribed more drugs. My impression is that more research information
can counter-intuitively create less certainty. GPs spend more time assessing
patients’ personal risk–benefit of any particular intervention. Screening for
prostate cancer and prescribing hormone replacement therapy are prime
examples of where there is a high risk of iatrogenic disease. The GP needs to
be an expert in reading patients’ personalities and fears, as well as scientific
data. The cases in this book test the skill of taking a holistic approach to
managing uncertainty in a complex context.
Most doctors find the time restrictions of the exam difficult. Three minutes
is not long to read a patient’s notes but may be longer than many doctors take
to do this in clinical practice. Likewise, dealing with a problem in eight
minutes, challenges some candidates, while others expertly breeze through
with time to spare to include opportunistic health promotion, confirming that
the examiners do not ask the impossible. Cases should be quicker than in real
life as the ‘patient’ knows in advance the answers to the important questions
and candidates are not required to make clear, contemporaneous written
Consultation frameworks
The traditional consultation framework comprises history, examination,
investigation, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. While suitable for
emergency care, this model is inadequate for the complexity of general
I recommend the following texts that suggest some task-based and some
process-based consultation frameworks:
• Pendleton, D, Schofield, T, Tate, P, et al. 2003, The new consultation:
developing doctor–patient communication, Oxford.
• Neighbour, R 2004, The inner consultation: how to develop an Page xvii
effective and intuitive consulting style, 2nd ed, Oxford.
• Stewart, M, Brown, J. B., Weston, W. W., et al. 2003, Patient-centred
medicine: transforming the clinical method, 2nd ed, Oxford.
In 2001 a meeting of medical educators and communication skills experts
reached a consensus on the essential elements of communication in medical
encounters (Kalamazoo Consensus Statement).5 In this book I have adopted
the elements of their suggested approach to cases, summarised as:
• build the doctor–patient relationship
• open the discussion
• gather information
• understand the patient’s perspective
• share information
• reach agreement on problems and plans
• provide closure.
Clinical practice is still the best preparation for general practice and general
practice exams. My hope is that this book will supplement your clinical work
so that during exams you can demonstrate that you have the knowledge, skills
and attitudes necessary for general practice in Australia.
1. Britt, H, Miller, G. C., Henderson, J, Bayram, C, Valenti, L, Harrison,
C, et al. 2014, A Decade of Australian General Practice Activity 2004–
05 to 2013–14, General Practice Series no. 37.
2. Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, ‘Definition of
general practice and general practitioner’. Available at:
.au/ whatisgeneralpractice, accessed 1 June 2010.
3. WONCA Europe, ‘The European definition of general practice/family
medicine’. Available at:,
accessed 1 June 2010.
4. Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine, ‘The ACRRM
position on the specialty of general practice’. Available at: www.acrrm., accessed 22 April 2015.
5. Participants in the Bayer-Fetzer conference on physician–patient
communication in medical education 2001, ‘Essential elements of
communication in medical encounters: the Kalamazoo consensus
statement’. Academic Medicine vol. 76, pp. 390–3.
6. Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2011, ‘The RACGP
Curriculum for Australian General Practice’. Available at: http://curric, accessed 27 February 2015.
7. Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine 2013, Primary
Curriculum, Fourth ed.
8. Fraser S. W. and Greenhalgh, T 2001, ‘Coping with complexity:
education for capability’, British Medical Journal, vol. 323, pp. 799–
9. Bordage G 1994, ‘Elaborated knowledge: a key to successful
diagnostic thinking’, Academic Medicine, vol. 69, issue 11, pp. 883–5.
10. Hays, R 1999, Practice-based Teaching: a Guide for General
Practitioners, pp.19–21.
Page xxi
This book is designed to help medical students and doctors practise clinical
cases likely to be seen by general practitioners in Australia. Each case
consists of instructions for the doctor and role-playing patient, a suggested
approach, case commentary and references, or recommended further reading.
The cases are written in note form as is usual practice in clinical records.
It is based on my experience of facilitating case-based learning groups for
medical students and general practice registrars. Trial and error helped
establish what worked and what did not, but everyone is different, so if you
find a new way of practising please let me know.
Find a group
Most people find it is easier to study with a group rather than in isolation. A
group motivates you to persevere and learning from your mistakes in a safe
environment is far better than learning from making mistakes with patients.
If you are in isolated practice you can still join a group. I have run practice
consultation groups over the phone, via Skype or video-conference. It
presents some challenges but can be done. I do not know of any technology
for remote physical examination, but all other aspects of the consultation can
be practised. If you have not been observed conducting physical
examinations you could videorecord consultations with patients (with Page xxii
their written consent), friends or relatives. Send password-protected
copies to your group and ask them for constructive feedback. Your physical
examination of each system and body part must be so automatic that you can
focus and interpret what you find.
Groups work better if group rules have been agreed to. The group needs to
develop trust so that ignorance leads to learning rather than embarrassment.
Confidentiality is an important issue. Participants will learn more if learning
is derived from and related to their own clinical practice, so everyone needs
to know that they can safely share their experiences.
Allocate roles
Allocate the roles to the role-players ahead of the session if possible. This lets
the role-players familiarise themselves with the scenario and search out more
information about the clinical problem, which adds to their learning. Props
can help role-players give a more authentic look and mimic the sorts of clues
that prompt GPs in clinical practice.
These scenarios are about common problems; at some stage one of the
scenarios could be about a condition that the role-player, or a friend or
relative, suffers from. This may enhance their performance but equally it
could create a tense situation. By allocating roles in advance, the role-player
can decline the case before major issues develop.
Observers of the role-play will learn more if they see only the ‘Instructions
for the doctor’. Encourage observers to make notes on how they would
approach the case, which helps them to be active learners rather than passive
observers. They can also give constructive feedback to the role-playing
doctor and patient.
One person can facilitate the case and have access to all the information. The
checklists are designed for the facilitator to tick off as the doctor deals with a
particular aspect of the case.
Please give the doctor the examination findings only on specific request.
Doctors should demonstrate their reasoning by asking for the findings that
will confirm or refute the diagnosis. For example ‘what are the neurological
findings’ is too broad a question to ask about a patient with a suspected
stroke. Instead questions should be asked about the expected changes in tone,
power, sensation, coordination and reflexes in the affected limbs.
Allocate a timekeeper for each scenario. Students and junior general practice
registrars may decide to use the material without a time limit but more
experienced doctors should complete the short cases in eight minutes Page xxiii
and the long cases in nineteen minutes, following three minutes to
read through the case scenario.
Allow time for discussion after each scenario: usually twenty minutes for
short cases and thirty minutes for long cases is adequate.
Room setup
Set up the room like a consulting room, with chairs for the patient and doctor,
a desk, examination couch and standard consultation equipment. The patient
should be sitting on the chair at the beginning of the consultation even if they
will need to be examined. It gives too big a clue if the doctor walks in and
finds the patient dressed ready for a physical examination! Role-playing
patients may prefer to wear bathers or shorts under their clothes to ease their
potential embarrassment at being examined BUT remember that this is about
learning, not humiliation. If the patient role-player does not wish to be
examined, please accommodate this.
In physical examination cases you should demonstrate in a deliberate way
that you are performing the examination correctly. Talking yourself through
the examination, making a running commentary of your actions and findings,
can increase your awareness of what you are doing and why, and demonstrate
your clinical reasoning to observers.
Case commentary
There is a commentary on the relevant issues in each case as well as
references and suggestions for further reading.
Have fun
Lastly, do enjoy your practice sessions. This is NOT about ritual humiliation.
I learn something new each session about clinical practice, which improves
the quality of care I give as a GP and increases my interest in the profession.
1. Elwyn, G, Frosch, D, Thomson, R, Joseph-Williams, N, Lloyd, A,
Kinnersley, P, et al. 2012, ‘Shared decision making: a model for clinical
practice’, Journal of general internal medicine, vol. 27, issue 10, pp.
2. Participants in the Bayer-Fetzer conference on physician–patient
communication in medical education 2001, ‘Essential elements of
communication in medical encounters: the Kalamazoo consensus
statement’, Academic Medicine, vol. 76, pp. 390–3.
3. Pendleton, D, Schofield, T, Tate P & Havelock, P 2003, ‘The new
consultation: developing doctor–patient communication, Oxford.
4. Silverman, J, Draper, J & Kurtz, S. M. 1997, ‘The Calgary–Cambridge
approach to communication skills teaching II: the SET-GO method of
descriptive feedback’, Education for General Practice, vol. 8, pp. 16–23.
Page 1
Section 1
Aboriginal health
Page 2
Case 1
Kasey Kox
Kasey is a 17-year-old Aboriginal girl who has not been seen at your
Melbourne practice before.
Sexual health
You were sexually active with a boyfriend last year (aged 16) and would
accept an STI check if offered.
You had the cervical cancer vaccines at school and haven’t had any
screening tests yet.
Your periods are regular and very light since the contraceptive implant
went in.
Family history
Your dad has diabetes and kidney problems.
Your mum had a heart operation in her 30s for her valves. If asked for
more detail say, ‘rheumatic heart’ and that she takes blood thinners.
Your sister also has heart problems; if asked specifically, say she gets a
monthly injection to prevent it getting worse.
Vital signs
Joint examination—including other joints
Skin examination looking for skin sores (alternative source of Group A Strep)
and erythema marginatum or subcutaneous nodules (both rare)
Cardiovascular, particularly auscultation of the heart and looking for signs of
heart failure.
Blood culture
Throat swab and swab any infected skin sores
Anti-DNase B
Anti-streptolysin O titre
STI screen
Surgery tests
Major criteria (need two major or one major and two minor for Page 6
diagnosis plus evidence of preceding Group A streptococcal infection)
— Carditis, including subclinical evidence of rheumatic vasculitis on
— Polyarthritis or aseptic monoarthitis or polyarthralgia
— Erythema marginatum
— Subcutaneous nodules
— Chorea (Sydenham’s chorea does not need evidence of preceding
Group A streptococcal infection, providing other causes of chorea are
Minor criteria Page 7
— Monoarthralgia
— Fever (>38°C)
— ESR > 30 or CRP >30
— Prolonged PR interval on ECG.
Given the differentials in this case, hospital referral for further workup is
appropriate. If septic arthritis can be excluded, benzathine penicillin would be
given for acute rheumatic fever and aspirin or NSAIDs would be first-line
treatment for pain.
Ongoing management would include four-weekly benzathine penicillin as
secondary prophylaxis of recurrent episodes of acute rheumatic fever with the
aim of preventing rheumatic heart disease.
Online resources
ARF/RHD Guideline app
Bossingham, D 2015, ‘Case study: Atypical arthritis: a young woman
presents with fever and joint pains.’ How to Treat—Australian Doctor,
Available at:
pical-arthritis, accessed 18 March 2019.
Karthikeyan, G & Guilherme, L 2018, ‘Acute rheumatic fever’, Lancet, vol.
392 (10142), pp. 161–74.
Page 8
Case 2
Sharon Price
Sharon, a 39-year-old Aboriginal woman who works in retail, has just
moved to your area. She was seen by a colleague last week for some
scripts and your colleague suggested Sharon book in for an Aboriginal
adult health check.
1. National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation and The
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2018, National guide
to a preventive health assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander people, 3rd ed, RACGP, East Melbourne, Vic.
2. Centre for Remote Health, CARPA standard treatment manual, 7th ed.,
Alice Springs, NT.
3. Kimberley Aboriginal Health Planning Forum 2018, Kimberley
Aboriginal Medical Services guidelines. Available at:, accessed 18 March 2018.
Case 3
Erin Campbell
Erin Campbell is a 14-year-old girl who presents to you with moderate
facial acne. Her mum has come with her to the surgery but lets Erin see
you on her own.
Specific questions
Duration of acne
Location of acne
Impact of acne on social life and relationships
What has she tried so far as treatment?
What does she think causes the acne?
General health, e.g. are her periods regular?
Request permission to examine.
Examine the face
— Confirm acne
— Describe signs: comedones, pustules, erythema or scarring.
Management Page 16
Arrange follow-up.
1. Usatine, RP, Smith, MA & Mayeaux Jr, EJ 2009, The Color Atlas of
Family Medicine, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, p. 439.
2. Dawson, AL & Dellavalle, RP 2013, ‘Acne vulgaris’, British Medical
Journal, vol. 346, p. f2634.
3. Zaenglein, AL 2018, ‘Acne vulgaris’, New England Journal of Medicine,
vol. 379, no. 14, pp. 1343–52.
4. Goodman, G 2006, ‘Acne and acne scarring: the case for active and early
intervention’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 35, no. 7, pp. 503–4.
Page 18
Case 4
Amanda Porter
Amanda Porter is a 16-year-old girl who has been coming to the practice
for a long time. Last week during a school trip her class teacher caught
Amanda making herself sick after the evening meal. With Amanda’s
consent the teacher phoned to make this appointment.
Specific questions
Establish facts about the vomiting and weight loss
Exclude significant physical pathology
— Energy and general health
— Diet, appetite
— Fever, cough, sputum Page 20
— Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, bowel disturbance, abdominal
pain, amenorrhoea
— Thirst, polyuria
Explore symptoms of an eating disorder using the SCOFF questionnaire:1
1. Do you make yourself Sick because you feel uncomfortably full?
2. Do you worry you have lost Control over how much you eat?
3. Have you recently lost more than One stone (approx 6.4 kg) in a three-
month period?
4. Do you believe yourself to be Fat when others say you are too thin?
5. Would you say Food dominates your life?
Exercise regime
Drugs such as laxatives
Or HEADSS1 screen:
— H Home situation
— E Employment, Education, Economic situation
— A Activities, Affect, Ambition, Anxieties
— D Drugs, Depression
— S Sexuality
— S Suicide, Self-esteem, Stress
Explain that a physical examination is needed.
Explain reasons for concern about vomiting
Raise possibility of an eating disorder
Perform physical examination and urinalysis
Recommend blood tests to exclude electrolyte disturbance
Assure of ongoing support and follow-up
Reassure that assistance is available.
1. Morgan, JF, Reid, F & Lacey, JH 1999, ‘The SCOFF questionnaire:
assessment of a new screening tool for eating disorders’, British Medical
Journal, vol. 319, pp. 1467–8.
2. Rowe, E 2017, ‘Early detection of eating disorders in general practice’,
Australian Family Physician, vol. 46, no. 11, pp. 833–8.
3. Madden, S, Morris, A, Zurynski, YA, Kohn, M & Elliot, E. 2009,
‘Burden of eating disorders in 5–13-year-old children in Australia’,
Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 190, no. 8, pp. 410–4.
4. Goldenring, J & Cohen, E 1988, ‘Getting into adolescents’ heads’,
Contemporary Paediatrics, July pp. 75–80.
Further reading
Hay, P, Chinn, D, Forbes, D, Madden, S, Newton, R, Sugenor, L et al. 2014,
‘Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists clinical
practice guidelines for the treatment of eating disorders’, Australian &
New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 48, no. 11, pp. 977–1008.
Page 22
Page 23
Section 3
Aged care
Page 24
Case 5
Elsie Humphries
Alternative instructions
Medical students and junior doctors might learn more from this scenario if
they are asked to conduct the physical examination and negotiate a
management plan with Mrs Humphries without a time restriction.
You are called to see Mrs Elsie Humphries, an 85-year-old woman, at
home. Her family phoned for the visit because she has told them that she
has had several falls recently. They run a business interstate and visit her
twice a year. The family want reassurance that Mrs Humphries is safe.
Specific questions
Ask about the falls
— Frequency of the falls
— Timing of the falls
— Mrs Humphries’ ideas on the cause of the falls
— Have any of the falls been witnessed?
— Have any injuries been sustained?
— Any history of fits, incontinence or loss of consciousness?
Obtain further history exploring possible causes of falls
— Environment related/accommodation
— Impaired sensory input
— Drugs and alcohol Page 28
— Locomotor disorders
— Lower cerebral perfusion—postural hypotension, syncope,
uncontrolled atrial fibrillation
— Epilepsy
— Systemic illness, e.g. infection
Explore her response to the falls, how she sees her future
Social history—current support mechanisms, how is she managing activities
of daily living, driving, continence
Request permission to examine.
Ask the facilitator for specific examination findings or seek permission to
Assess the home
• Causes of falls—loose rugs, obstacles, poor lighting, footwear
• Safety items—personal alarm
Assess Mrs Humphries
• Temperature
• Inspect for evidence of injury such as multiple bruises of different ages
• Cardiovascular system
— Pulse, rate and rhythm
— BP standing and sitting
— Jugular venous pulse
— Heart sounds
— Carotid bruits
— Ankle oedema
• Respiratory system
— Respiratory rate
— Chest auscultation
• Neurological system
— Cognitive function
— Hearing and visual acuity, including type of glasses worn
— Tremor
— Weakness
— Proprioception and balance: Romberg’s test
— Coordination
• Movements
— Walking
— Neck movements Page 29
— Falls risk-assessment tests, e.g. sit-to-stand test, 6-metre walk
• Mental health
— Depression
— Anxiety
• Miscellaneous
— Thyroid
— Toenails
— Metabolic.
UEC 24 hr ECG
Vitamin D
LFTs Exclude underlying urine infection—MSU for MCS
CT head To exclude cerebral haemorrhage.
Outline to Mrs Humphries that her cataracts and her toenails may be causing
the falls
Explain treatment is available for both
Seek Mrs Humphries’ consent for referral and treatment:
• ophthalmologist for cataracts
• podiatrist for toenails.
Drug therapy:
• monitor current therapy
• consider risk–benefits of warfarin with CHA2DS2–VASc and HAS-
BLED calculators.1
Maintain activity and mobility
With Mrs Humphries’ permission, she should be referred to My Aged Care ( for assessment. Some reassurance that services
can help her maintain her independence may encourage this.
Other options to consider will depend on the services available locally but
could include occupational therapy, physiotherapy, group
exercise/balance programs, continence services, social services, volunteer
services such as Meals on Wheels, trial of hip protectors, referral to a falls
The issues to include regarding home safety are:
• current likelihood of fall—is she safe staying at home?
• ability to feed, dress and bathe safely
• clear passageways of trinkets and memorabilia Page 30
• remove loose rugs
• get frame/walking aid
• telephone near bed
• regular visitors.
Bone density scan should be considered
Arrange follow-up
Ask Mrs Humphries if she wishes you to discuss the outcome of the visit
with her family.
1. National Prescribing Service 2017, Predicting risk with oral
anticoagulants. Available at:
topics/news/predicting-riskwith-oral-anticoagulants, accessed 24 June
Further reading
Gillespie, LD, Robertson, MC, Gillespie, WJ, Sherrington, C, Gates, S,
Clemson, LM, et al. 2012, ‘Interventions for preventing falls in older
people living in the community’, Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews, doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD007146.pub3.
Mackenzie, L & Clemson, L 2014, ‘Can chronic disease management plans
including occupational therapy and physiotherapy services contribute to
reducing falls risk in older people?’, Australian Family Physician, vol.
43, pp. 211–5.
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2018, Guidelines for
preventive activities in general practice, 9th ed, updated, RACG, East
Melbourne, Vic.
Waldron, N, Hill, AM & Barker, A 2012, ‘Falls prevention in older adults—
assessment and management’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 41, pp.
Page 32
Case 6
Flora McMillan
In January of this year Flora McMillan, aged 73, fell on her left arm and
sustained a Colles fracture. She recently had a bone densitometry scan
done and the results are:
Further reading
Ewald, D 2012, ‘Osteoporosis—prevention and detection in general practice’,
Australian Family Physician, vol. 41, pp. 104–8.
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and Osteoporosis
Australia 2017, Osteoporosis prevention, diagnosis and management in
postmenopausal women and men over 50 years of age, 2nd ed, RACGP,
East Melbourne. Available at:
s/files/20439%20Osteoporosis%20guidelines.pdf, accessed 23
November 2018.
Therapeutic Drugs Administration 2014, ‘Strontium ranelate (Protos) and risk
of adverse events’. Available at:
e-protosand-risk-adverse-events-0, accessed 23 November 2018.
Therapeutic Guidelines 2014, ‘Treating osteoporosis: calcium and vitamin D
supplements and osteoporosis therapy’, in eTG complete [Internet], TG,
Winzenberg, T, van der Mei, I, Mason, RS, Nowson, C & Jones, G 2012,
‘Vitamin D and the musculoskeletal health of older adults’, Australian
Family Physician, vol. 41, pp. 92–9.
Page 36
Case 7
Nell Worthington
Mrs Nell Worthington is an 80-year-old retired legal secretary. She has
hypertension. She has just moved to your area to be nearer to her
daughter. She has brought her summary sheet from her previous practice.
You are an 80-year-old retired legal secretary. You have just moved to be
nearer your daughter. Life has been hard since Vince, your husband, died in
2008. You are feeling lost as you try to establish your new life in this town.
You had attended the same doctor back home for years and are nervous about
coming here today.
You have been feeling lethargic recently but have put this down to the
move. Your opening line will be, ‘Doctor I’m feeling tired, but maybe this is
because I have just moved here.’
Specific questions
Enquire about current symptoms
Brief systems review—any problems with your breathing, your appetite, your
bowels, your ‘waterworks’, sleep, energy level, weight changes?
Sensitively explore any mood symptoms
Review information on summary sheet with Mrs Worthington Page 38
Confirm current medication
Explore other cardiac risk factors
— Exercise
— Smoking
Other preventive health measures
— Immunisation status
— Alcohol consumption
Full physical examination—needed, but not part of this consultation.
Explain need for investigations
Surgery tests: BSL or urine dipstick, ECG
Lab tests
— Arrange urgent UEC—drug regimen risks hyperkalaemia, can cause
— Non-urgent BSL, FBC, LFTs, TFTs.
Cease potassium supplement and explain why
Arrange follow-up—how Mrs Worthington will get the results.
Further reading
Kalisch, LM, Caughey, GE, Barratt, JD, Ramsay, EN, Killer, G, Gilbert, AL
et al. 2012, ‘Prevalence of preventable medication-related
hospitalizations in Australia: an opportunity to reduce harm’,
International Journal for Quality in Health Care, vol. 24, pp. 239–49.
Miller, GC, Britt, HC & Valenti, L 2006, ‘Adverse drug events in general
practice patients in Australia’, Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 184,
pp. 321–4.
Nyirenda, MJ, Tang, JI, Padfield, PL & Seckl, JR 2009, ‘Hyperkalaemia’,
British Medical Journal, vol. 339, p. b4114.
Phillips, AL, Nigro, O, Macolino, KA, Scarborough, KC, Doecke, CJ,
Angley, MT et al. 2014, ‘Hospital admissions caused by adverse drug
events: an Australian prospective study’, Australian Health Review, vol.
38, pp. 51–7.
Page 40
Case 8
Margaret Wilson
Margaret and Don Wilson have been your patients for many years. Don
has developed Alzheimer’s disease. You made the diagnosis on the basis
of a typical history and an unremarkable organic screen. Don has been
seeing a geriatrician who has started him on donepezil (Aricept) with
little response to date. Margaret is generally healthy but is carrying
Don’s care almost single-handedly and you are concerned about how she
is coping.
The following information is on her summary sheet:
Past medical history
Paracetamol 665 mg 2 tds
Nil known
Social history
Alcohol intake—two standard drinks per week.
You and your husband, Don, have been coming to see this doctor for many
years. Don is 76 and has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.
He sees a visiting geriatrician (Dr Sue Davies), who has prescribed a
medication—Aricept—but so far there doesn’t seem to be any improvement.
You are finding his care very draining and are worried about how you are
going to manage. Don is anxious when you are not nearby, so he follows you
around the house or garden and seems to need your reassurance all the time.
He asks the same things over and over again and needs assistance with all but
the most basic activities. You have found yourself getting increasingly
frustrated with him and have lost your temper with him lately. You have
never been physically violent, but you worry about what might happen if
things continue the way they are. Dr Davies suggested Don go to home group
once or twice a week, but he doesn’t want to go and usually refuses. You
have stopped going out to most of your usual activities (walking, croquet and
bridge) because you don’t feel you can leave Don alone. You have lost
contact with most of your friends and can feel yourself being worn down
Your appetite is normal and you are sleeping reasonably well, but you
often worry about what is going to happen to Don. Your mood is dominated
by worry about Don but is otherwise OK and your energy levels seem
normal. Your children live interstate and are busy with their own lives. You
don’t have anyone you feel you can share your worries with, and you are
grieving the relationship you previously had with Don where you could talk
about things. If the doctor raises possible placement in care, you respond by
saying, ‘Oh, I could never do that’. Don needs almost constant help, and you
have heard stories about people being neglected in nursing homes. You can’t
bear to imagine Don wasting away by himself in one of those places—
besides you took a vow to stay with him in sickness and in health. You have
not had any suicidal thoughts but you feel lonely and trapped in an
impossible situation with no way out. You are hopeful the doctor will have
some answers for you.
Specific questions
Explore Margaret’s ability to cope
Establish whether Don and Margaret are safe
How is she currently managing her stress
Explore Margaret’s supports
Sensitive questioning regarding option of applying for carer’s pension.
Reflect on your concerns about Margaret’s current stress
Demonstrate empathy and acknowledge the difficulties her role entails
Education about carer stress and its management principles:
• need for regular respite, offer referral to arrange
• involvement in a carer support group
• making time for herself for social and physical activities and connecting
with others.
Ensure regular and close follow-up.
Further reading
Alzheimer’s Association 2014, ‘Caregiver stress’. Available at:
care/alzheimers-dementia-caregiver-stress-burnout.asp, accessed 25
September 2014.
Brooks, D, Ross, C & Beattie, E 2015, Caring for someone with dementia:
the economic, social and health impacts of caring and evidence based
supports for carers, Alzheimers Australia. Available at: www.dementia.
ublication-42.pdf, accessed 16 August 2018.
Burke, D 2012 ‘Carer stress’, Australian Doctor, 15 May 2012. Available at:, accessed 23 May
Commonwealth of Australia 2006, Dementia: the caring experience. A guide
for families and carers of people with dementia, Canberra, ACT.
Strivens, E & Craig, D 2014, ‘Managing dementia-related cognitive decline
in patients and their caregivers’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 43,
no. 4, pp. 170–4. Page 44
Page 45
Section 4
Page 46
Case 9
Helen Berkovic
Helen Berkovic is a 53-year-old prison officer. You have just returned
from leave and in your absence Helen has been seeing your locum. The
locum has diagnosed essential hypertension as blood pressure readings
have been over 180/110 on three different occasions.
Treatment options
— Exercise
— Weight loss
— Salt reduction
— Reduce alcohol intake
— Address potential life stressors—work
— Treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea
Discuss smoking and assess readiness to quit
— Start medication.
Follow-up Page 48
This is a common general practice situation. The first aim of this
case is to ensure that the doctor has the skill to take over
management of a patient from a colleague.
Traditional medical training is for doctors to plan patient
management after taking a history and conducting an
examination themselves. The increase in team practice requires
doctors to pick up a consultation at different stages of the
process. Reading the patient’s notes was considered ‘cheating’
prior to seeing patients as a medical student: now it is a
prerequisite of every consultation. Scanning notes with an
attitude of critical trust is needed.
The second aim is to ensure the doctor can think holistically
about hypertension and cardiovascular risk. Helen needs
tailored, practical assistance to lower her risk of cardiovascular
disease both through medication and via non-pharmacological
interventions such as quitting smoking and increasing physical
Helen meets the criteria for starting medication for her blood
pressure. ACEI, ARB, calcium-channel blockers, thiazide-like
diuretics are drugs of first choice for uncomplicated
hypertension in non-pregnant adults. The actual choice is
influenced by individual patient factors such as associated
medical conditions and the risks of adverse effects of the drug.
Lastly, arrangements for ongoing monitoring and follow-up
are needed.
Case 10
Dilip Patel
Dilip Patel is a 44-year-old plumber who lives in your rural town. Four
weeks ago he had severe chest pain while working and was admitted to
hospital with acute coronary syndrome. Tests confirmed myocardial
infarction and triple vessel disease for which he had coronary artery
bypass graft (CABG) surgery in a metropolitan tertiary hospital. Dilip is
now on the following medications:
• Atorvastatin 80 mg od
• Glyceryl trinitrate spray prn
• Aspirin 100 mg od
• Clopidogrel 75 mg od
• Perindopril 5 mg od
• Metoprolol 50 mg od.
You are a 44-year-old plumber in a rural town. Four weeks ago you had
severe chest pain while working and you were admitted as an emergency to
the local hospital. You were told that you had had a heart attack. After lots of
tests you had urgent bypass surgery in a big city hospital.
You are now back home. On discharge from the hospital you were given a
long list of medications to take. You have never needed tablets before and
keep forgetting to take them.
You are unsure what the tablets are for as you assumed the bypass surgery
cured the problems. You have all the tablets with you in a shopping bag in
case the GP asks you what you are taking. You have the following questions
for the GP:
• why do I need to take tablets when the operation fixed the problem?
• what does each tablet do?
• how long will I be on these tablets?
• do they have any side effects?
You take:
• Atorvastatin 80 mg once per day
• Glyceryl trinitrate spray as required for chest pain
• Aspirin 100 mg once per day
• Clopidogrel 75 mg once per day
• Perindopril 5 mg once per day
• Metoprolol 50 mg once per day.
You quit smoking 10 years ago and do not drink alcohol. You do no
regular exercise.
Once the GP has discussed your worries about the medication you will be
interested to hear any other advice the GP offers. If the GP starts to give other
advice before answering your concerns about the medication you will get
quite cranky and irritable.
Why do I need to take tablets when the operation fixed the problem?
The operation has bypassed the blocked blood vessels or ‘pipes’. You need to
keep the new vessels or ‘pipes’ open and prevent blockages in any other of
your blood vessels. This is best done with a healthy lifestyle and medication.
Summarise information
Surgery was needed to bypass the blocked blood vessels
Aim now to get fit and stay healthy by:
• taking medication as prescribed
• regular check-ups—blood pressure, lipids
• not smoking
• graded increase in exercise
• healthy diet—offer dietician referral
• establish cardiac rehabilitation program.2
Offer to provide printed patient handout on any of these topics.
1. National Heart Foundation of Australia 2012, Reducing risk in heart
disease; an expert guide to clinical practice for secondary prevention of
coronary heart disease. Available at:
in-heart-disease.pdf, accessed 18 February 2019.
2. Therapeutic Guidelines Ltd 2018, ‘Secondary prevention of
cardiovascular events’. In: eTG complete [Internet], Melbourne, Vic.
3. Thakkar, JB & Chow, CK 2014, ‘Adherence to secondary prevention
therapies in acute coronary syndrome’, Medical Journal of Australia, vol.
201, pp. S106–9.
4. Stroke Foundation 2012, Guidelines for the management of absolute
cardiovascular disease risk; National Vascular Disease Prevention
Alliance. Available at:
CVD-Risk-Full-Guidelines.pdf, accessed 24 June 2018.
5. Stafford, L, Jackson, HJ & Berk M 2008, ‘Illness beliefs about heart
disease and adherence to secondary prevention regimens’, Psychosomatic
Medicine, vol. 70, pp. 942–8.
6. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2018, Guidelines
for preventive activities in general practice, 9th ed, updated, RACGP,
East Melbourne, Vic.
Page 55
Case 11
Jackie Maloney
Jackie Maloney is a 50-year-old taxi driver. She smokes 30 cigarettes a
day. She has asked for an appointment to see you today because she has
noticed some pain in her chest when she lifts heavy suitcases or has to go
up stairs.
Please have a copy of Assessing Fitness to Drive available and pass to the
candidate on request. Please keep the copy out of sight until requested.
Establish rapport
Open questions to explore patient’s ideas, concerns and expectations.
Specific questions
Detail about the heaviness/pain
Shortness of breath
— Relieving factors
Assess cardiac risk factors
— Smoking
— Diabetes
— Hypertension
— Hyperlipidaemia
— Family history
Explore lifestyle contributing factors, diet and exercise
Request permission to examine.
Looks well
No cyanosis
Height 1.65 m
Weight 87 kg
BMI 32 kg/m2
Waist circumference 94 cm
Blood pressure 130/80 mmHg
Pulse 72
Apex beat not displaced
Heart sounds normal, no added sounds
Chest clear
Peripheral pulses present, no abnormalities found, no oedema.
Planned management
FBC, UEC, LFTs, fasting blood glucose, lipids—fasting, resting ECG,
consider troponin (see Case Commentary).
Treatment Page 58
— GTN spray
— Aspirin low dose
— Beta-blocker or nitrate or long-acting calcium-channel blocker
Check emotional impact of possible diagnosis
Arrange cardiology referral and further testing according to local protocols
and facilities (see below)
Recommend urgent attendance at hospital/call ambulance if pain not settling
at 10 minutes1
Check and discuss implication for driving2
Ensure follow-up and offer health promotion (smoking cessation,
immunisations, check alcohol intake, advice regarding exercise).
Further reading
Australian cardiovascular risk charts, Australian absolute cardiovascular
disease risk calculator. Available at:, accessed 18
February 2019.
Stroke Foundation 2012, Guidelines for the management of absolute
cardiovascular disease risk, National Vascular Disease Prevention
Alliance. Available at:
lications/Absolute-CVD-Risk-Full-Guidelines.pdf, accessed 18 February
Page 60
Case 12
Eric Schmidt
Mr Eric Schmidt is a retired farmer aged 76. He is used to hard physical
work and is worried that he can no longer walk very far. He did not want
to bother the doctor about it but finally let his daughter make an
appointment when she saw him struggling at the weekend.
You are a retired farmer aged 76. You are used to hard physical work and are
worried because you can no longer walk very far. You did not want to bother
the doctor about it but finally let your daughter make an appointment when
she saw you struggling at the weekend.
You get a cramp-like pain in your right leg after walking a certain
distance. Once you stop and rest for five minutes you can continue on further.
Currently you can get to the first paddock, about 500 m, but then have to lean
on the gate for a while until the pain in your leg goes away.
You do not have any nocturnal pain or any other symptoms of
cardiovascular disease.
You roll your own cigarettes and get through about 20 a day. You drink
two or three cans of beer at the weekend. You have considered giving up
smoking and would like advice from the doctor on how to do this,
particularly if the doctor thinks that this will improve your leg pain.
Establish rapport
Open-ended questions to explore Mr Schmidt’s ideas, concerns and
Specific questions
Establish claudication distance and how quickly pain eases with rest
Absence of pain at night or at rest
Check for other symptoms of cardiovascular disease—angina, TIAs,
shortness of breath, fatigue
Effect of low temperature on symptoms
Impact of symptoms on function
Recent worsening of symptoms
Cardiovascular risk factors—smoking history and readiness to change
Past medical history
Family history
Medication—ask about over-the-counter medication, complementary or
alternative medicines
Request permission to examine.
Height 1.80 m
Weight 80 kg
BMI 24.7 kg/m2
Waist circumference 82 cm
Blood pressure 135/80 mmHg right arm, 132/78 mmHg left arm
Pulse 65 Apex beat not displaced
Heart sounds normal
No signs of heart failure
No carotid bruits
Peripheral pulses
— Note colour, distribution of hair
— Postural colour change
— Capillary filling
— Glycosuria, proteinuria.
Intermittent claudication.
Lipids—fasting with ratio
Fasting BSL
Exclude arteritis/thrombophlebitis—ESR or CRP
Doppler study of peripheral arteries—ankle-brachial pressure index.
‘Keep walking, stop smoking’
Explain the pathophysiology of intermittent claudication and the rationale for
exercise and giving up smoking
Offer practical advice on quitting smoking; schedule follow-up
Treat any dyslipidaemia, diabetes, hypertension
Start aspirin1
Advise on urgent symptoms that would need early review: critical ischaemia
(gangrene, rest pain, ulcers) and features of acute coronary syndrome
Plan follow-up including review of need for immunisations, particularly
Referral for intervention such as angioplasty, stenting or surgery if femoral
pulses absent, critical ischaemia (urgent) or persistent symptoms despite
medical treatment.
1. Au, T, Golledge, J, Walker, P, Haigh, K & Nelson, M 2013, ‘Peripheral
arterial disease, diagnosis and management in general practice’,
Australian Family Physician, vol. 42, pp. 397–400.
2. Peach, G, Griffin, M, Jones, KG, Thompson, MM & Hinchliffe, RJ 2012,
‘Diagnosis and management of peripheral arterial disease’, British
Medical Journal, vol. 345, p. e5208.
3. Burns, P, Gough, S & Bradbury A 2003, ‘Management of peripheral
arterial disease in primary care’, British Medical Journal, vol. 326, pp.
4. Lakshmanan, R, Hyde, Z, Jamrozik, K, Hankey, GJ & Norman, PE 2010,
‘Population-based observational study of claudication in older men: the
Health in Men Study’, Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 192, pp. 641–5.
5. Handbook of Non-Drug Intervention (HANDI) Project Team 2013,
‘Exercise for intermittent claudication and peripheral arterial disease’,
Australian Family Physician, vol. 42, pp. 879.
Page 65
Section 5
Page 66
Case 13
Doug Sullivan
Doug Sullivan is a 32-year-old man who has been a patient of the
practice for 12 months.
He has a history of intravenous drug use (mainly opiates) and alcohol
dependence. He has been off illicit drugs and alcohol for two years and is
compliant with a methadone maintenance program. He is on telmisartan
(Micardis) for hypertension and esomeprazole (Nexium) for gastro-
oesophageal reflux.
He is divorced with three children who live with their mother on the
coast. He is not working consistently but sometimes helps his father who
runs a contract construction crew.
He presented last month with back pain, which he attributed to having
to sleep in his car on a recent trip back from the coast. There were no
neurological symptoms and physical examination was largely
unremarkable apart from paraspinal muscle spasm, so you managed him
with simple measures.
Last week he attended the emergency department with the same pain
and the discharge letter is attached. He was asked to see you if the pain
You have now had almost five weeks of pretty constant upper lumbar pain,
which you describe as deep and throbbing. If asked to score it, it is seven or
eight out of ten. It started the day after you slept in your car returning from
visiting your children on the coast. It’s worse with movement but also hurts
when lying down. You find yourself walking around or sitting instead of
lying down. Night-times are very difficult and you often wander around
unable to sleep, or try sleeping in a lounge chair. You’ve tried paracetamol
and ibuprofen as well as a heat pack and some topical creams, none of which
seem to help much.
The oxycodone from the doctor in emergency has not helped, nor has the
meloxicam. You have had low back pain before but this feels different. It is
higher, more constant and more severe. You worry that something else might
be going on.
In answer to specific questioning: There has been no disturbance of
bladder or bowel and no radiation of the pain. There’s been no trauma.
You’ve not had any fever and in fact have been otherwise pretty well other
than having ‘rotten teeth’ which the dentist has started to work on. You have
had two bad teeth removed and need several more extracted, but you are
stretching it out partly because of finances and partly because there’s so
much work to be done. You think you might have lost a couple of kilos in the
last month or two but you put that down to your rotten teeth and not being
able to chew well.
There’s no weakness or altered sensation. You have been tempted to try
alcohol to see if it helps with the pain or with sleep but you feel you’ve
worked hard to get on top of your drinking and don’t want to go back again.
Similarly, with respect to drugs, you have been tempted—especially when
the pain has been bad but have resolved to stay clean for the sake of your
children. You are down to 15 mL of methadone and are hoping to get off it
by the end of this year.
Physical examination
General appearance: man of stated age in mild distress at rest
Gait: walks slowly bracing his back in the upper lumbar region Vital signs:
• HR 85/min regular
• BP 134/85 mmHg sitting in both arms
• Temp 37.1°C
• BMI 24 kg/m2
• RR 14/min
Spine examination: (each item to be asked for individually)
Appearance: normal
Range of movement: normal
Palpation: locally tender over L2/3 spinous processes with some paraspinal
muscle spasm
Deep tendon reflexes: normal
Straight leg raising: normal
Neurological examination: power, tone and sensation testing all normal
Cardiovascular examination: normal Page 70
Respiratory examination: normal
Surgery tests: normal
Remainder of physical examination is normal.
Investigation results
FBC/EUC/LFTs: normal
ESR 52 CRP 68
CT lumbar spine: There is bony destruction at L2/3 level extending well into
the body of L3 with a small intervertebral/interosseous abscess. There is
loss of the disc space with circumferential soft tissue swelling at L2/3
level. No other abnormality is noted.
CONCLUSION: Acute discitis at L2/3 level with vertebral osteomyelitis and
intervertebral abscess.
X-ray lumbar spine: There is loss of the disc space with circumferential soft
tissue swelling at L2/3 level. There is bony destruction of the body of L3
consistent with osteomyelitis with a possible small intervertebral abscess.
No other abnormality is noted.
Recommend further investigation with a CT or MRI.
Other investigations are normal.
Explain that Doug has an uncommon but serious infection involving his
lumbar vertebra and disc. He will require admission to hospital where he may
undergo surgical drainage of his abscess to ascertain the organism(s)
involved. He will require prolonged (at least several weeks) of antibiotic
treatment, initially parenteral, then oral.
1. Wheeler, L, Karran, E & Harvie, D 2018, ‘Low back pain: can we
mitigate the inadvertent psycho-behavioural harms of spinal imaging?’,
Australian Family Physician, September, vol. 47, no. 9. Available Page 72
accessed 25 February 2019.
2. Bratton, R 1999, ‘Assessment and management of acute low back pain’,
American Family Physician, 15 November, vol. 60, no. 8, pp. 2299–306.
3. Jensen, S 2004, ‘Back pain—clinical assessment’, Australian Family
Physician, June, vol. 33, no. 6. Available at:,
accessed 25 February 2019.
4. Traeger, A, Buchbinder, R, Harris, I & Maher, C 2017, ‘Diagnosis and
management of low-back pain in primary care’, Canadian Medical
Association Journal, 13 November, vol. 189, no. 45, pp. E1386–95.
5. Nagashima, H, Tanishima, S & Tanida, A 2018, ‘Diagnosis and
management of spinal infections’, Journal of Orthopaedic Science,
January, vol. 23, issue 1, pp. 8–13.
Page 73
Case 14
Jeanette Wilkinson
Mrs Jeanette Wilkinson is a 48-year-old personal care worker at a
residential aged care facility. Jeanette and her family have been attending
your practice, in a small regional town, for several years, although
Jeanette rarely attends for herself.
The following information is on her summary sheet:
Past medical history
G3P2M1: Two spontaneous vaginal deliveries (healthy babies), one
Nil regular
Nil known
None recorded
Family history
Father myocardial infarction age 65
Social history
Personal care worker at a residential aged care facility
Lives on a farm outside of town Page 74
Cervical screening
Up-to-date and normal.
Prompts if needed:
• there are so many things worrying me, it’s really getting me down
• things with my husband haven’t really been so great
• I’m so tired all the time, I even wake up feeling tired.
Specific questions
Explore why she feels she may have the MTHFR mutation
Depression—including mood, anhedonia, sleep, appetite, fatigue, motivation,
concentration, thoughts of worthlessness/hopelessness/suicidal ideation
and suicide risk assessment
Sleep history—falling asleep, sleep interruptions, snoring, daytime fatigue
Exploration of stressors—home, relationship, work, financial
Exclude menopause or perimenopause as a cause of symptoms
Other systems review, e.g. fever, weight loss, headaches, joint symptoms,
thirst/polyuria, abdominal pains/bowel changes, genitourinary symptoms,
chest pain and shortness of breath
Preventative health—smoking, alcohol, nutrition, physical activity,
General appearance, height, weight and BMI
Blood pressure/pulse/temperature
Cardiovascular and respiratory examination
Thyroid examination Page 77
Lymph nodes/liver/spleen
Office tests including finger-prick glucose and urinalysis
Objective measure of psychological distress such as K10.
The candidate should recognise the interplay between all these issues and
focus on depression as the biggest issue for the patient. The candidate should
recognise possible sleep apnoea as something that may be causing
microsleeps and hence be potentially serious for the patient.
Addressing the request for MTHFR screening—candidate should be able to
explain why this is not appropriate in a sensitive manner, while leaving the
consult open to exploring her issues and concerns Management of
• explanation of problem
• options for treatment—exercise, mindfulness, mental health apps/online
psychoeducation, psychology (consider Mental Health Care Plan),
medication, support groups
• patient safety—discuss pros/cons of time off work, provide information
about emergency assistance, such as Lifeline
Plan to investigate for sleep apnoea (recognising that this needs to be
reasonably urgent given driving with microsleeps)
Plan to address her weight, assess her risk of cardiovascular disease, manage
BP, check for diabetes, cholesterol and urine ACR in future consults
Further investigations for fatigue (such as thyroid function or iron studies) are
not necessary at this stage without any red flags. They should not be
requested unless fatigue persists, despite management of the above issues
Address the relationship difficulties and poor libido. She and her husband
may benefit from a referral for relationship counselling and/or assistance
with parenting a child with ADHD
Extras for case—offer preventative health care, including immunisations (e.g.
hepatitis B and Q fever, given her work).
1. Wilson, J, Morgan, S, Magin, PJ & van Driel, M 2014, ‘Fatigue—a
rational approach to investigation’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 43,
pp. 457–61.
2. Long, S & Goldblatt, J 2016, ‘MTHFR genetic testing: controversy and
clinical implications’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 45, pp. 237–40.
3. Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, ‘Position statement:
Responding to patient requests for tests not considered clinically
appropriate’. Available at:
for-tests-not-considered-clinically-appropriate, accessed 31 January 2018.
Page 79
Case 15
Craig Kelly
Craig Kelly is a 22-year-old man. He has not previously been seen at the
Temperature 37°C
Pulse 88
BP 112/70 mmHg
Abdominal examination normal
No signs of opiate use or withdrawal
Urinalysis normal.
Establish/suspect that patient is a drug seeker
Negotiate permission to speak to previous GPs, specialists
Ask whether Craig has ever injected drugs
Phone Prescription Shopping Information Service
Advise of local resources to assist with addiction
Mention contacting the State/Territory poisons branch or drug dependence
Manage any anger or other emotion in the consultation
Advise on needle exchange scheme if injecting mentioned
Demonstrate commitment to provide ongoing care if the patient Page 82
Consider opportunistic health promotion about smoking and need for
Hepatitis B and other immunisations.
Further reading
Best, DW & Lubman, DI 2012, ‘The recovery paradigm—a model of hope
and change for alcohol and drug addiction’, Australian Family
Physician, vol. 41, pp. 593–7.
Degenhardt, L, Whiteford, HA, Ferrari, AJ, Baxter, AJ, Charlson, FJ, Hall,
WD et al. 2013, ‘Global burden of disease attributable to illicit drug use
and dependence: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study
2010’, Lancet, vol. 382, pp. 1564–74.
James, J 2016, ‘Dealing with drug-seeking behaviour’, Australian Prescriber,
vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 96–100.
Kotalik, J 2012, ‘Controlling pain and reducing misuse of opioids: ethical
considerations’, Canadian Family Physician, vol. 58, pp. 381–5, e190–
Monheit, B 2010, ‘Prescription drug misuse’, Australian Family Physician,
vol. 39, pp. 540–6.
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2015, ‘Prescribing
drugs of dependence in general practice’. Available at:
u/your-practice/guidelines/drugs-landing/, accessed 26 January 2018.
Page 84
Case 16
Wazza Wainright
Wazza Wainright, aged 48, drives road trains for a living. He has booked
in to see you for his commercial driving licence renewal. Wazza attends
your practice but this is the first time that you have seen him. He has
completed part of his driving assessment with your practice nurse, and
relevant sections of this are available below.
The following information is on his summary sheet:
Past medical history
Nil significant
Nil known
Social history
Road train driver
Alcohol intake—two standard drinks weekly
The below assessments have been handed to you by your practice Page 85
b) Watching TV
Blood pressure 136/82 mmHg
Pulse 76, regular
Height 180 cm
Weight 149 kg
BMI 46 kg/m2
Management phase
Explain that if commercial vehicle standards are not met, licence cannot be
Observe for response and acknowledge any anger or frustration
Explain need for referral to specialist physician for sleep studies
Explain likely relationship between sleep apnoea and obesity
Encourage initiation of increased exercise and decreased calorie intake
Assure him of ongoing support, arrange follow-up and offer health check
Document advice in records.
1. Austroads and National Transport Commission 2016, Assessing Fitness to
Drive, 5th ed, Sydney.
2. Mansfield, DR, Antic, NA & McEvoy, RD 2013, ‘How to assess,
diagnose, refer and treat adult obstructive sleep apnoea: a commentary on
the choices’, Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 199, pp. S21–6.
3. Hamilton, GS & Joosten, SA 2017, ‘Obstructive sleep apnoea and
obesity’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 46, pp. 460–3.
Further reading
Kee, K & Naughton, MT 2009, ‘Sleep apnoea: a general practice approach’,
Australian Family Physician, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 284–8.
Page 88
Case 17
Hope Briganza
Hope Briganza is a 26-year-old child care worker who is a regular
patient of the practice. She is generally healthy. She presented to your
colleague 10 days ago and he diagnosed a lower back strain.
Physical examination
General appearance: young woman in no distress at rest
HR 94/min regular
BP 104/68 mmHg sitting
Temp 38.1°C
BMI 24 kg/m2
RR 12/min
Remainder of cardiovascular examination unremarkable
Abdominal exam: abdomen soft; no masses; mild suprapubic tenderness;
bowel sounds active
Musculoskeletal: lumbar spine normal
Costovertebral angle tenderness on the right
Remainder of physical examination is normal.
Surgery tests Page 92
U/A: leucocytes ++; blood +
Urine Beta HCG: negative
BSL (random): 5.6 mmol/L
ECG: Sinus rhythm normal.
1. Colgan, R, Williams, M & Johnson, J 2011, ‘Diagnosis and treatment of
acute pyelonephritis in women’, American Family Physician, 1
September, vol. 84, no. 5, pp. 519–26.
2. Wagenlehner, FM, Lichtenstern, C & Rolfes, C 2013, ‘Diagnosis and
management for urosepsis’, International Journal of Urology, vol. 20, no.
10, pp. 963–70.
3. Therapeutic Guidelines: Antibiotics 2019, ‘Acute pyelonephritis in
adults’. In: eTG Complete [Internet]. Available at:,
accessed 23 May 2019.
4. Emergency Care Institute NSW 2017, ‘Management of pyelonephritis’,
Available at:
resources/clinical-tools/renal/pyelonephritis, accessed 23 May 2019.
Page 94
Page 95
Section 6
Child health
Page 96
Case 18
Kylie Chong
Kylie Chong is an 8-year-old girl who has seen you a few times for
minor illnesses in childhood. Kylie’s mum, Ilana, has booked to see you
today because ‘Kylie is out of control and won’t do what she is told’.
Ilana wants you to prescribe the drug that is used in attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Instructions for Kylie’s mother, Ilana Chong
You have three children and work part-time as a cleaner. You were brought
up in Australia and so was your husband. His family migrated to Australia
from China. Your husband and his family consider child rearing to be the
mother’s main responsibility. You are keen to have support and will be open
to any suggestions from the doctor if you feel respected not blamed.
You had a normal pregnancy and birth. Kylie reached all her milestones.
Kylie is the middle child of the family. From the beginning she has been
the most challenging but recently you feel things are out of your control. She
is doing OK at school but her behaviour is very disruptive at home. It is so
frustrating that the teachers report her to be good, while at home Kylie is
disobedient and refuses to join in with the family. Getting her up to go to
school in the mornings is a nightmare and at weekends all she does is watch
TV and eat junk food. You have tried a strict diet free from preservatives but
that made no difference. A recent hearing check was normal.
You have come to the doctor today because you have heard there is Page 97
a drug for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and you
think it might be the answer for Kylie.
If the doctor asks about the three main symptoms of ADHD of inattention,
hyperactivity and impulsiveness, you are to answer that Kylie does NOT
have these symptoms.
Specific questions
Kylie’s behaviour—define the issues
Pregnancy, birth and developmental history
Relationship with siblings and family
School performance, reports from teachers
General health, appetite, mood
Test against criteria expected in ADHD
— Inattention
— Hyperactivity
— Impulsiveness.
Outline available options
— Positive parenting groups
— Agreed family rules—reward appropriate behaviour, ignore
undesirable behaviour
— Negotiate with whole family about the issue—involve Kylie’s Page 98
— Family therapy
— Offer online resources, e.g.
Assure of continued support.
Further reading
Feldman, HM & Reiff, MI 2014, ‘Clinical practice. Attention deficit-
hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents’, New England
Journal of Medicine, vol. 370, pp. 838–46.
Furlong, M, McGilloway, S, Bywater, T, Hutchings, J, Smith, SM &
Donnelly, M 2012, ‘Behavioural and cognitive-behavioural group-based
parenting programmes for early-onset conduct problems in children
aged 3 to 12 years’, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, vol.
Jarman, R 2015, ‘Finetuning behaviour management in young children’,
Australian Family Physician, vol. 44, no. 12, pp. 896–9
Halasz, G 2009, ‘Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: time to rethink’,
Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 190, pp. 32–3.
Page 99
Case 19
Brandon Harkness
Brandon is a lively two-year-old Caucasian boy. He has been a patient at
the surgery since he was born and has attended only for coughs and
colds, and immunisations. His growth has been along the 75th centile.
Four weeks ago, Julie brought Brandon in concerned that he had
‘gastro’. He had vomited three times in the night and had profuse watery
diarrhoea. He was not dehydrated. You advised fluids and expected that
the illness would soon resolve. Today Julie has come to see you because
Brandon’s diarrhoea is continuing.
Specific questions
Details about the episode of gastro
Details about the diarrhoea—frequency, smell, blood, colour, consistency,
Systemic upset
Abdominal pain
Appetite and thirst
Current diet—any observed relationship between diet and diarrhoea
Consumption of fruit, fruit juice, milk
Medications used
Known allergies Page 101
Anyone else in family with diarrhoea
What else has Julie tried?
Any recent travel?
Request permission to examine.
Ask the facilitator for specific examination findings
Level of alertness, responsiveness and hydration
Weight and height plotted on centile chart (75th centile)
Ears, nose, throat
Absence of jaundice or rash
Abdominal examination
— No tenderness elicited
— No masses found
— No organomegaly
— No perianal rash or ulceration.
Differential diagnoses
Toddler’s diarrhoea (also known as chronic non-specific diarrhoea)
Temporary lactose or other disaccharide intolerance
Worth excluding infectious cause, e.g. Giardia.
Regular weighing and follow-up
Check for pathogens—faecal MCS and PCR for enteric pathogens
Advise balanced diet, avoid snacks, reduce consumption of fruit juice
If not settling, consider further testing to include ESR, FBE, coeliac
antibodies, stool pH (5.5 or less and sugars suggest carbohydrate
1. Kneepkens, C & Hoekstra, J 1996, ‘Chronic nonspecific diarrhea of
childhood: pathophysiology and management’, Pediatric Clinics of North
America, vol. 43, pp. 375–90.
2. Zella, GC & Israel, EJ 2012, ‘Chronic diarrhea in children’, Pediatrics in
Review, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 207–17.
3. Klish, WJ 2006, ‘Chronic non specific diarrhoea of childhood’. In: JA
McMillan, RD Feigin & CD De Angelis et al. (eds), Oski’s Pediatrics
Principles and Practice, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pp. 1924–6.
Page 103
Case 20
Natalie Jones
Jacinta Jones comes in to see you to discuss Natalie, her six-year-old
daughter. She had taken Natalie to a paediatrician because her asthma
was not well controlled on her medication of prophylactic cromoglycate
and salbutamol.
You have read the letter from the paediatrician suggesting that Natalie
start on inhaled steroids. You are not quite sure why she has booked this
appointment to see you today, particularly as she did not come to see you
about Natalie before going to the paediatrician.
Instructions for Natalie’s mother, Jacinta
You are an articulate business executive in your late thirties. You live in a
large house in a prestigious area of Sydney and travel a substantial amount
for work. Natalie is your only child and you had her ‘later on’ so that you
could establish your career first. Your husband is also in business and leaves
the child care arrangements to you.
Natalie is six years old and has asthma. You are often up at night when she
coughs and this is exhausting for both of you. Natalie uses a salbutamol
inhaler and cromoglycate as a preventer. You recently took Natalie to see a
private paediatrician about the asthma. You did not ask your GP for a referral
and just paid the full price. You have precious little time for appointments
and a friend’s child sees a paediatrician for their asthma so you thought it
would be best.
You are concerned that the paediatrician has decided to start Page 104
Natalie on steroids. You know they are banned in athletes and do not
understand why they are being given to Natalie. You have made an
appointment to see the GP and have the following questions on your mind:
Further reading
National Asthma Council 2016, Australian Asthma Handbook, version 1.2,
National Asthma Council, Melbourne, Vic. Available at: www.asthmaha, accessed 19 February 2019.
Robinson, PD & Van Asperen, P 2009, ‘Asthma in childhood’, Pediatric
Clinics of North America, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 191–226.
Van Asperen, PP, Mellis, CM, Sly, PD & Robertson, CF 2011, ‘Evidence-
based asthma management in children—what’s new?’, Medical Journal
of Australia, vol. 194, no. 8, pp. 383–4.
Zhang, L, Prietsch, S & Ducharme, F 2014, ‘Inhaled corticosteroids in
children with persistent asthma: effects on growth’, Cochrane Database
of Systematic Reviews, no. 7.
Page 107
Case 21
Latu O’Donnell
Mele and her 11-year-old son Latu have been coming to your surgery
since they moved to the area three years ago. Mele’s ex-husband, Robert,
moved interstate after their marriage ended. Mele is from Tonga and her
parents live nearby. She works as a receptionist for the local council and
has another part-time job as a cleaner. Latu has previously been healthy,
presenting only for minor illnesses. Mele presents today to discuss her
concerns about Latu’s increasing weight and sedentary lifestyle.
General appearance
BMI percentiles
Heart rate
Blood pressure
Use a BMI chart to show Mele that Latu is bordering on obese.
Briefly outline the health consequences of obesity.
Affirm Mele’s decision to present and existing positive aspects of her care,
and build confidence in Latu’s successful weight management.
Interventions with strong evidence in Latu’s age group include limiting
screen time, increasing water consumption, physical activity interventions
with a home component and diet interventions with a community and
home component.
Lifestyle interventions should ideally include the whole family. Mele has
admitted to gaining weight herself so a program for her and Latu would
be beneficial.
Ongoing follow-up with a health care team and monitoring weight and
growth velocity will be important.
Further reading
Curtis, M 2004, ‘The obesity epidemic in the Pacific Islands’, Journal of
Development and Social Transformation, vol. 1, November.
Kirk, SFL, Cockbain, AJ & Beazley, J 2008, ‘Obesity in Tonga: a cross-
sectional comparative study of perceptions of body size and beliefs
about obesity in lay people and nurses’, Obesity Research & Clinical
Practice, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 35–41.
Mavoa, HM & McCabe, M 2008, ‘Sociocultural factors relating to Tongans,
and Indigenous Fijians’ patterns of eating, physical activity and body
size’, Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 375–
Miller, WR & Rollnick, S 2002, Motivational Interviewing: Preparing
People for Change, The Guilford Press, New York.
Mihrshahi, S, Gow, ML & Baur, LA 2018, ‘Contemporary approaches to the
prevention and management of paediatric obesity: an Australian focus’,
Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 209, no. 6, pp. 267–74.
National Health and Medical Research Council 2013, ‘Clinical practice
guidelines for the management of overweight and obesity in adults,
Adolescents and Children in Australia’, NHMRC, Melbourne, Vic.
Available at:
/n57_obesity_guidelines_130531.pdf, accessed 15 October 2014.
Page 113
Section 7
Page 114
Case 22
Sammy Burnside
Sammy is a four-month-old boy who has an itchy rash.
Specific questions
Duration of the rash
Site of the rash
Precipitating and relieving factors
Impact on Sammy and family
Previous treatment tried
Current treatment—including use of soaps
Request permission to examine.
Expose down to nappy
— Dry skin with excoriations
— Widespread patches of eczema
— Exclude secondary infection.
Plus possible contact allergy to tea-tree oil.
Discuss and explain the diagnosis of eczema
Explain that eczema can be controlled but not cured
Often improves as child grows up.
Avoid heat
— Loose fitting, cotton clothing and bedding
— Tepid comfortable bath water preferred over hot water
Avoid prickle and irritants
— Wool, nylon, seams and clothing labels
— Chlorine, sand and grass
— Soaps and bubble baths, perfumed creams or other products
— Tea-tree oil is a common cause of contact allergy and should be
Avoid dryness
— Soap-free washes
— Regular emollient regime, e.g. 50% soft 50% liquid paraffin four
times per day
— Note that lotions are drying and are best avoided. Likewise, sorbolene
and aqueous cream can cause stinging and irritation and are no longer
Consider gloves to reduce scratching
Keep fingernails short.
Treat inflammation
Intermittent topical steroid to control flares
— For example, hydrocortisone 1% ointment bd to affected areas
— A more potent steroid for non-sensitive areas of the body may be
required to control more severe flares
— Provide guidance on how much to use, e.g. one fingertip unit covers
the area of two adult palms
— Topical steroids should be used until the skin is smooth and Page 117
itch and inflammation has settled
— Addressing any fear of topical steroid use is important to ensure that
adequate steroids are used to control the eczema
Treat infection if present
Plan follow-up
Consider referral if no improvement.
Further reading
Greenhawt, M 2010, ‘The role of food allergy in atopic dermatitis’, Allergy
and Asthma Proceedings, vol. 31, no. 5, pp 392–7.
Katelaris, CH & Peake, JE 2006, ‘Allergy and the skin: eczema and chronic
urticaria’, Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 185, no. 9, pp. 517–22.
McAleer, MA, Flohr, C & Irvine, AD 2012, ‘Management of difficult and
severe eczema in childhood’, British Medical Journal, vol. 345, p.
Ross, T, Ross, G & Varigos, G 2005, ‘Eczema: practical management issues’,
Australian Family Physician, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 319–24.
Strathie Page, S, Weston, S & Loh, R 2016, ‘Atopic dermatitis in children’,
Australian Family Physician, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 293–6.
Therapeutic Guidelines Ltd 2018, ‘Atopic dermatitis’. In: eTG complete
[internet], Therapeutic Guidelines Ltd, Melbourne, Vic.
The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, ‘Eczema’, Clinical Practice
Guidelines. Available at:
eczema, accessed 15 August 2018.
Page 119
Case 23
Robert Kerslake
Robert Kerslake is a 24-year-old chef with a rash on the outside of his
right and left elbows. He has tried some 1% hydrocortisone cream
purchased over the counter and it cleared the rash for a short time;
however, it recurs each time he stops using it.
The following information is on his summary sheet:
Past medical history
Chickenpox aged eight
Nil recorded
Nil known
Social history
Lives alone
Smokes 10–20 cigarettes per day.
You are 24 years old and work as a chef. You work long hours and the
kitchen is often very hot. A few months ago, you developed a rash on your
elbows. You bought some hydrocortisone cream from a chemist and when
you use it the rash goes; as soon as you stop using it, the rash reappears. The
rash is only on your arms.
The rash is annoying you more and more and it is getting you down.
Normally you like to socialise but the rash is making you stay home rather
than going out with your mates and you are worried customers may think the
rash is infectious.
You have no family history of skin disease and have no joint, hair or nail
problems. You are keen to find out from the doctor what the rash is and what
can be done about it.
When the doctor asks to look at the rash please show them the photograph.
(Refer to Figure 3, centre insert page B.)
Specific questions
Explore the symptoms of the rash and impact on his life
Ask about other involvement, e.g. joint pain, nails or hair
Ask about treatment so far
Observe clinical photograph.
Confirm diagnosis of psoriasis
Education regarding psoriasis
— Inform psoriasis is non-infectious
— Treatment aimed at containment, not cure
— Discuss impact of stress and smoking1
Initial topical treatments
— Sunlight—improves psoriasis; balance sun exposure to help psoriasis
while minimising risk of skin cancer
— Emollients, e.g. liquid/soft paraffin
— Salicylic acid + coal tar preparations
— Intermittent use of corticosteroids for flares
— Vitamin D analogues such as calcipotriol (usually in combination
with corticosteroids)
Other topical therapies that can be considered
— Dithranol
— Topical retinoids, such as tazarotene
— Calcineurin inhibitors, such as pimecrolimus (Elidel)
Systemic treatments may be required (under the direction of a dermatologist)
for more severe or extensive psoriasis, or for psoriasis with systemic
involvement, e.g. UV light therapy, systemic retinoids, methotrexate,
cyclosporine or newer immunomodulatory drugs
Offer information about support groups, patient education leaflet
Opportunistic health promotion
— Assess motivation to stop smoking
Arrange follow-up.
1. Weigle, N & McBane, S 2013, ‘Psoriasis’, American Family Physician,
vol. 87, no. 9, pp. 626–33.
2. Clarke, P 2011, ‘Psoriasis’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 40, no. 7,
pp. 468–73.
3. Nestle, FO, Kaplan, DH & Barker, J 2009, ‘Psoriasis’, New England
Journal of Medicine, vol. 361, pp. 496–509.
4. Jenner, N, Campbell, J, Plunkett, A & Marks, R 2002, ‘Cost of psoriasis:
a study on the morbidity and financial effects of having psoriasis in
Australia’, Australasian Journal of Dermatology, vol. 43, pp. 255–61.
5. Magin, PJ, Adams, J, Heading, GS & Pond, CD 2009, ‘Patients with skin
disease and their relationships with their doctors: a qualitative study of
patients with acne, psoriasis and eczema’, Medical Journal of Australia,
vol. 190, pp. 62–4.
Page 123
Case 24
Ken Anderson
Ken Anderson is a 60-year-old sheep and cattle farmer who is a regular
patient. He is usually healthy, but you have seen him for hypertension
and hyperlipidaemia (both well-controlled), as well as for minor physical
The following information is on his summary sheet:
Past medical history
Telmisartan 40 mg od
Rosuvastatin 10 mg od
Nil known
Social history
Smokes 15 cigarettes per day.
You’ve noticed a scaly lesion on your right cheek, which has been there for
about six weeks. You have scratched it off a couple of times but it seems to
come back. It is not painful, tender or itchy and does not bleed. It is pink or
flesh-coloured, is slowly growing and is now about 3 mm in diameter. If
asked you don’t think you have had any previous skin lesions apart from the
usual bumps, bruises and scratches that come with farming.
You are fair skinned but tend to tan rather than burn. You have spent your
whole life in rural Australia and most of your days are in the sun. You wear a
hat and usually long-sleeved clothes but don’t use sun protection creams
regularly. If asked, your father had a number of skin lesions removed by his
doctor but you don’t think any were melanomas.
You are fit and healthy and generally pretty cavalier about your health,
although you are worried this spot might be a skin cancer.
Specific questions
Duration of the lesion
Bleeding, itching or pain
Any treatment applied
Any previous lesions
Sun exposure
Skin type Page 125
Family history of skin conditions
General health
Request permission to examine.
Exposure—adequate lighting and magnification
Check rest of skin for other lesions.
Hyperkeratotic actinic keratosis
Background sun damage.
Explanation of actinic (also called solar) keratosis and natural history
Outline treatment options—cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen as first-line
Explain likely blister formation and aftercare required
Discussion about sun protection
Consider nicotinamide for prevention of further actinic keratoses
Advise regarding future skin checks.
Further reading
Australian Centre for Agricultural Health and Safety, Farm Health and Safety
Toolkit for Rural General Practices. Available at:
res.pdf, accessed 22 November 2018.
Sinclair, R 2012, ‘Skin checks’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 41, no. 7,
pp. 464–9.
Uhlenhake, E 2013, ‘Optimal treatment of actinic keratoses’, Clinical
Interventions in Aging, vol. 8, pp. 29–35.
Page 127
Section 8
Ear, nose and
Page 128
Case 25
Ruby Chan
Ruby Chan is 40 years old and works long hours at the local club. She
has booked this appointment to see you because of facial pain.
You practise in a small rural town of 600 people. You are the only
resident health professional.
You are a 40-year-old woman who has had facial pain for a few days. It is
getting worse and it kept you awake last night. You have had a cold and are
overdue for a check-up at the dentist. The nearest dentist is over 50 km away.
The pain is worse when you chew food. You have a slight headache but this
does not get worse on bending forwards or sneezing. Your sense of smell is
Your father died of cancer of the tongue. You have never been sure
exactly what this is, but it does mean that you are more concerned than
normal about your pain being something serious. You would like the doctor
to find this out but will not reveal this unless asked appropriately.
Inspect and/or palpate head and neck
Check teeth, lymph nodes, skin, eyes, salivary glands, temporomandibular
joint, cervical spine, nose, mouth, pharynx and post-nasal space and
Urgent dental consultation
Pain relief—aspirin or paracetamol, clove oil.
1. Quail, G 2015, ‘Facial pain–a diagnostic challenge’, Australian Family
Physician, vol. 44, no. 12, pp. 901–4.
2. Wetherall, J, Richards, L, Sambrook, P & Townsend, G 2001,
‘Management of acute dental pain: a practical approach for primary
health care providers’, Australian Prescriber, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 144–8.
3. Beech, N, Goh, R & Lynham, A 2014, ‘Management of dental infections
by medical practitioners’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 43, no. 5, pp.
Further reading
Kingon, A 2009, ‘Solving dental problems in general practice’, Australian
Family Physician, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 211–6.
Page 132
Case 26
Jane Matthews
Jane Matthews is a 31-year-old woman who is pregnant for the first time.
She is coming to see you because she has noticed a slight swelling in her
neck just below her Adam’s apple.
You are a 31-year-old married hairdresser. You are excited about being
pregnant for the first time. Everything has been going well. Last week you
were on holiday and you have just been looking at the photos again. Your
neck looked a bit odd in the photos and you have now had a closer look in the
mirror. There is a smooth swelling in the middle below your Adam’s apple.
You saw your GP last week about the pregnancy and the check-up was
fine. You have booked today’s appointment just to sort out the swelling. You
are not particularly worried about it.
Specific questions
Weight loss, appetite, vomiting, lumps elsewhere
Heat tolerance, energy levels, palpitations, tremor, and difficulty swallowing
solids or liquids
Change in voice, change in skin or hair, sweating, sleep pattern Page 134
Previous thyroid dysfunction, medications (specifically amiodarone,
Family history: any family history of thyroid problems, diabetes
Request permission to examine.
Inspection of the swelling
— Site
— Size
— Consistency
— Tenderness
Movement on swallowing
Percussion—not needed
Auscultation of swelling for bruits
Palpation of lymph nodes of the neck
Examination for thyroid signs
— Pulse
— Tremor
— Eyes—for proptosis
— Warmth of peripheries
— Reflexes
— General skin changes
There is minor diffuse thyroid swelling and no other abnormality.
1. Hughes, K & Eastman, C 2012, ‘Goitre—causes, investigation and
management’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 41, pp. 572–6.
2. Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and
Gynaecologists 2015, Testing for hypothyroidism during pregnancy with
serum TSH. Available at:
TSH-(C-Obs-46)-Review-July-2015.pdf?ext=.pdf, accessed 19 February
3. Smith, A, Eccles-Smith, J, D’Emden, M & Lust, K 2017, ‘Thyroid
disease in pregnancy and postpartum’, Australian Prescriber, vol. 40, pp.
4. Roland, N & Bradley, PJ 2014, ‘Neck swellings’, British Medical Journal
vol. 348, p. g1078.
Page 136
Case 27
Pamela Taylor
You are asked to see Mrs Taylor, a 62-year-old tourist who has recently
arrived in town. She is feeling dizzy.
You will experience nausea when asked to move on and off the examination
The candidate would observe nystagmus in your eyes during the Dix-
Hallpike manoeuvre.
No other abnormalities are found on clinical examination.
Specific questions
Dizziness—spinning feeling or as if about to faint, episodic or continuous
Vertigo—relationship to position
Nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea—exclude gastroenteritis
Change in hearing
Visual symptoms
Previous history of similar episode
— Fits
— Cardiac cause
— Head injury
Past medical history
— Medication including OTC and complementary or alternative
— Allergies
Request permission to examine.
Cardiovascular system
— Pulse
— BP lying and standing
— Heart sounds
Neurological examination
— Cognitive function—no apparent problem
— Cranial nerves Page 138
III, IV, VI eye movements, look for nystagmus
VIII otoscope examination, hearing
— Coordination—finger–nose or heel–toe test
— Gait
— Romberg’s test
— Head-thrust test1
— Dix-Hallpike manoeuvre1
— Cervical spine movements.
Instruct patient on using the Epley manoeuvre or Brandt-Daroff exercises to
treat the condition by canalith repositioning3, 4
Limited role and efficacy for antihistamine and antiemetic agents
Arrange follow-up
Advise against driving
Investigate for alternative causes and consider specialist referral if symptoms
1. Dommaraju, S & Perera, E 2016, ‘An approach to vertigo in general
practice’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 45, pp. 190–4.
2. Kim, JS & Zee, DS 2014, ‘Clinical practice. Benign paroxysmal
positional vertigo’, New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 370, pp.
3. Glasziou, P, Bennett, J, Greenberg, P et al. 2013, ‘The Epley manoeuvre
—for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo’, Australian Family
Physician, vol. 42, pp. 36–7.
4. Therapeutic Guidelines Ltd 2018, ‘Brandt-Daroff exercises, patient
handout’. In: eTG complete [Internet], Therapeutic Guidelines Ltd,
Melbourne, Vic.
Page 140
Case 28
Trevor Watts
Trevor Watts is a 41-year-old man. For the last few months he has
noticed a ringing sound in his right ear and sometimes there is ringing in
his left ear. At first it did not bother him but now he is finding it very
hard to live with. It is beginning to interfere with his sleep and it is
getting him down.
He has no known deafness, balance problems or pain in his ears.
He is otherwise well.
You are 41 years old and work as an office manager. For the last few months
you have noticed a ringing sound in your right ear, and more recently an
occasional ringing also in your left ear. At first it did not bother you but now
you are finding it very hard to live with. It is beginning to interfere with your
concentration and sleep and it is getting you down.
You have no known deafness, balance problems, vertigo or pain in your
ears. You are otherwise well. You do not take any medication.
In your late teens and early twenties, you were a drummer in a successful
rock and roll band. ‘The louder the music the better’ was your motto. You
have always worked in an office environment in one capacity or another.
You live with your girlfriend and her two children from a previous
relationship. You smoke 20 cigarettes a day and drink 10 stubbies of beer
every Friday and Saturday night.
Establish rapport
Open-ended questions to elicit Trevor’s ideas, concerns and expectations.
Specific questions
Tinnitus—timeline, pitch, frequency, duration, character (pulsatile or not),
continuous or intermittent
Medication—exclude use of ototoxic drugs such as aspirin, loop diuretics
Past noise exposure—occupational or recreational
Past history of infections, surgery or trauma
Exclude depression with screening questions
Exclude serious neurological problem.
Audiometry1—bilateral high frequency sensorineural deafness demonstrated.
Management2, 3
Reassure and explain nature of tinnitus
Aim for symptom control/habituation, cure unlikely
Suggest join support group
Tinnitus masker Page 143
Relaxation treatment
Cognitive behavioural therapy
Brief intervention regarding smoking and drinking
Arrange follow-up.
1. Rose, E 2011, ‘Audiology’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 40, no. 5,
May, pp. 290–2.
2. Esmaili, A & Renton, J 2018, ‘A review of tinnitus’, Australian Journal
of General Practice, vol. 474, pp. 205–8.
3. Flanagan, S 2013, ‘How to treat: tinnitus’, Australian Doctor, 5 July.
Available at:,
accessed 23 May 2019.
4. Lozano, AM 2011, ‘Harnessing plasticity to reset dysfunctional neurons’,
New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 364, pp. 1367–8.
Page 144
Case 29
Clayton Dixon
Clayton Dixon is an 8-year-old Indigenous boy who lives with his
grandmother, Shirley. They have been in the area for several years and
often attend the accident and emergency department (ED) of the local
hospital or a bulk-billing medical centre in town. You have some letters
summarising his presentations to the ED but have no other notes. You
have seen him for boils, scabies, chest infections and discharging ears,
and he has been seen for similar presentations in the ED as well. Past
medications include Flopen (flucloxacillin), Amoxil (amoxycillin),
Kenacomb Otic (triamcinolone acetonide, neomycin, nystatin,
gramicidin), Sofradex (dexamethasone, framycetin and gramicidin),
Ascabiol (benzyl benzoate) and Lyclear (permethrin).
Differential diagnoses
Chronic suppurative otitis media with perforation
Aminoglycoside ototoxicity
Possibility of cholesteatoma formation or suppurative labyrinthitis.
1. Indigenous and Rural Health Division 2015, ‘Recommendations for
clinical care guidelines on the management of Otitis Media in Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander Populations’, Department of Health, Canberra,
Further reading
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2018, ‘6.4 Ear health and hearing
loss among Indigenous children’, Australia’s Health 2018. AIHW,
Australia’s health series no. 16, AUS 221, Canberra. Available at: www.
us-221-chapter-6-4. pdf.aspx, accessed 19 February 2019.
Closing the Gap Clearinghouse (AIHW & AIFS) 2014, ‘Ear disease in
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children’, resource sheet no. 35.
Produced by the Closing the Gap Clearinghouse. Canberra: Australian
Institute of Health and Welfare & Melbourne: Australian Institute of
Family Studies.
Coates, H 2008, ‘Ear drops and ototoxicity’, Australian Prescriber, vol. 31,
pp. 40–1.
‘Deadly Ears, Queensland Health’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Ear Health Program.’ Available at:
services/deadly-ears/middle-ear-disease/, accessed 01 December 2018.
Hill, S 2012, ‘Ear disease in Indigenous Australians: a literature review’,
Australian Medical Student Journal, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 45–9.
Gunasekera, H, O’Connor, T, Vijayasekaran, S & Del Mar, C 2009, ‘Primary
care management of otitis media among Australian children’, Medical
Journal of Australia, vol. 191, no. 9, p. 55. Page 150
Page 151
Section 9
Page 152
Case 30
Catriona Chryssides
Catriona Chryssides is a 29-year-old arts coordinator. You have been
asked to see her as an emergency because of dizziness and palpitations
on a Saturday morning.
You are doing a locum in a remote Aboriginal community. The clinic
has a treatment room with emergency equipment and medication. The
nearest hospital is 300 km away and patients requiring urgent hospital
care are evacuated by the RFDS plane. Hospital specialists provide
telephone advice if needed. An Aboriginal Health Practitioner is also
working in the clinic.
The facilitator will give you the physical examination findings and the
results of initial investigations when specifically requested.
Treatment1, 2
Valsalva manoeuvre and leg raise—no effect
Carotid sinus massage—no effect
Cold stimulus—not available
Insert IV cannula—take blood for FBC, UEC, troponin (TFTs can be
delayed), magnesium, calcium
Intravenous adenosine as bolus of 6 mg, 12 mg, plus 20 mL saline flush
(Note: if the candidate does not know the dose regime, it is acceptable for
them to check this in a formulary)
Warning to patient of what to expect (sense of impending doom, or heart
Returns to sinus rhythm with resolution of symptoms after second bolus.
Further management
Finish secondary survey
Review history—history of palpitations
Explain what happened Page 155
Assess likely precipitants—caffeine intake, current stressors
Advice about manoeuvres to try if it recurs
Advise regarding work—unlikely to need time off
Driving—check in Austroads book/website3
ECG when in sinus rhythm to check for delta wave of Wolf–Parkinson–
White (WPW) syndrome.
Future management
Arrange follow-up and, if recurrent, other treatments available such as
medication or ablation
Health promotion—smoking cessation.
1. Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2018, ‘Modified
Valsalva manoeuvre for supraventricular tachycardia’, Handbook of Non-
Drug Interventions (HANDI), RACGP, Melbourne, Vic.
2. Medi, C, Kalman, JM & Freedman, SB 2009, ‘Supraventricular
tachycardia’, Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 190, pp. 255–60.
3. Austroads and National Transport Commission 2017, Assessing Fitness to
Drive, 5th ed, Sydney.
4. Whinnett, ZI, Sohaib, SM & Davies, DW 2012, ‘Diagnosis and
management of supraventricular tachycardia’, British Medical Journal,
vol. 345, p. e7769.
5. Lee, G, Sanders, P & Kalman, JM 2012, ‘Catheter ablation of atrial
arrhythmias: state of the art’, Lancet, vol. 380, pp. 1509–19.
Page 157
Case 31
Carrie Patterson
You are driving to work along the local high street. You see a cyclist
swerve across the road and fall off her bicycle. You stop your car and
grab your emergency equipment and drugs.
The following information is on your medical record at your own Page 158
GP’s surgery:
Past medical history
Insulin-dependent diabetes since age 13
Long-acting insulin glargine (Lantus 25 u at night)
Long-acting insulin mixed with short-acting insulin (Mixtard 30/70 42 u
mane, 18 nocte)
Short-acting insulin (Novorapid 6–12 u before meals tds)
Social history
Employed as a barmaid.
A–no Allergies
P–Past history, injuries, hospital admissions
L–Last time ate or drank
Top-to-toe examination including check for medical alert bracelet or
As soon as the doctor realises that the person is diabetic and on insulin, they
should proceed with management of possible hypoglycaemia.
— Glucagon IV, IM or SC—adult dosage: 1 mg and/or
— Glucose 50% IV at 3 mL/min via large vein—adult 20–50 mL
depending on response
— Offer slow-acting oral carbohydrate, such as bread, milk or fruit, once
patient able to eat1
The scenario should finish with clearance from the scene and arrangement for
transport to a hospital/clinic, preferably by ambulance
Full physical examination will be required in the hospital or clinic.
1. Craig, ME, Donaghue, KC, Cheung, NW, Cameron, FJ, Conn, J, Jenkins,
AJ & Silink, M 2011, for the Australian Type 1 Diabetes Guidelines
Expert Advisory Group. National Evidence-Based Clinical Care
Guidelines for Type 1 Diabetes for Children, Adolescents and Adults.
Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing, Canberra.
2. Baird, A 2008, ‘Emergency drugs in general practice’, Australian Family
Physician, vol. 37, pp. 541–7.
3. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2017, Managing
emergencies in general practice: A guide for preparation, response and
recovery. RACGP, East Melbourne, Vic, pp. 4–7.
4. Atkinson, MA, Eisenbarth, GS & Michels, AW 2014, ‘Type 1 diabetes’,
Lancet, vol. 383, pp. 69–82.
5. National Diabetes Services Scheme 2011, Diabetes and Driving, Diabetes
Page 161
Section 10
Page 162
Case 32
Veronica Richards
Veronica Richards is 49 years old and has two teenage children. She
grew up in the Philippines and has lived in Australia for the last 30 years.
She came to you four weeks ago complaining of tiredness, at which time
you provided some lifestyle advice.
Hydration good, no cyanosis, anaemia or jaundice
Weight 70.8 kg
Height 1.62 m
BMI 27 kg/m2
Pulse 66 reg
BP 130/82 mmHg
No thyroid enlargement
No thyroid eye signs
Chest clear Page 164
Heart sounds normal
Abdomen soft, no masses, no organomegaly
Neurology—grossly normal, reflexes slow
Urine dipstick—negative.
FBE, ESR or CRP—normal
UEC including calcium and magnesium—normal
Fasting blood sugar—normal
Urine for MCS—normal
Iron studies—normal
TSH 42.80 (0.3–4.0) mIU/L*
Free T4 8.0 (9.0–25.0) pmol/L*
Antithyroid peroxidase 345 (< 5.5) IU/mL*
Antithyroglobulin 23 (< 4.5) IU/mL*
Tiredness—character, duration
Exclude common/serious causes
— Anaemia—diet, occult bleeding, heavy periods
— Diabetes—excessive thirst, polyuria, nocturia
— Menopause—skin changes, regularity of periods, flushing, sweats
— Psychological—mood, affect, sleep, enjoyment of/satisfaction with
life, relationships, stress
— Thyroid—weight changes, skin changes, heat/cold intolerance, bowel
— Occult malignancy—weight loss, cough, haemoptysis, date of last
cervical screening test, breast symptoms, bowel changes, family
history of cancer
Lifestyle factors
— Ask about exercise, smoking, alcohol, drug use
Assess impact of tiredness on her, what treatments has she tried, is there
anything she is worried about?
Request permission to examine.
General appearance
BP and pulse
Thyroid examination
Cardiovascular and respiratory exam
Abdominal examination
Neurological exam
Urine dipstick.
UEC including calcium and magnesium
Fasting blood sugar
Urine for MCS
Iron studies
Thyroid function tests, request antibodies after abnormal thyroid function
Explain condition
Commence thyroxine
Need for regular blood tests and follow-up.
Veronica has hypothyroidism. The doctor should explain that this Page 166
is a common problem and can be treated with replacement thyroxine.
Veronica will need ongoing follow-up to ensure that the correct dose is given.
The most common cause of hypothyroidism in Australia is autoimmune
chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, characterised by raised circulating levels of
thyroid peroxidase antibody.6
1. Murtagh, J 2003, ‘Fatigue: a general diagnostic approach’, Australian
Family Physician, vol. 32, no. 11, pp. 873–6.
2. Harrison, M 2008, ‘Pathology testing in the tired patient: a rational
approach’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 37, no. 11, pp. 908–10.
3. Gialamas, A, Beilby, J & Pratt, NL et al. 2003, ‘Investigating tiredness in
Australian general practice. Do pathology tests help in diagnosis?’
Australian Family Physician, vol. 32, no. 8, pp. 663–6.
4. Koch, H, van Bokhoven, MA et al. 2009, ‘Ordering blood tests for
patients with unexplained fatigue in general practice: what does it yield?
Results of the VAMPIRE trial’, British Journal of General Practice, vol.
59, no. 561, pp. e93–100.
5. Wilson, J, Morgan, S, Magin, PJ & van Driel, M 2014, ‘Fatigue—a
rational approach to investigation’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 43,
no. 7, pp. 457–61.
6. So, M, MacIsaac, RJ & Grossmann, M 2012, ‘Hypothyroidism—
investigation and management’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 41, no.
8, pp. 556–62.
7. Dick, ML & Sundin, J 2003, ‘Psychological and psychiatric causes of
fatigue. Assessment and management’, Australian Family Physician, vol.
32, no. 11, pp. 877–81.
8. Rosenthal, TC, Majeroni, BA, Pretorious, R & Malik K 2008, ‘Fatigue:
an overview’, American Family Physician, vol. 78, no. 10, pp. 1173–9.
Page 167
Section 11
Page 168
Case 33
Edward Galloway
Edward Galloway is a 66-year-old retired fireman. He spends much of
his time fishing and playing golf and he has noticed increased watering
of both eyes when he goes outside. He finds this frustrating and
embarrassing and is thinking of stopping golf as sometimes it is so hard
to see the ball.
He has decided to come to his usual GP for help.
The following information is on his summary sheet:
Past medical history
Transurethral resection of the prostate two years ago
Skin graft following extensive burn to left lower leg in a fire 10 years ago
Family history
Both parents died in their mid-80s
Mother had glaucoma
Social history
Retired fireman
Non-smoker, alcohol consumption unknown.
You are a 66-year-old retired fireman. You spend much of your time fishing
and playing golf and have noticed increased watering of both eyes when you
go outside. You find this frustrating and embarrassing and are thinking of
stopping golf as sometimes it is so hard to see the ball.
You decide to see your usual GP for help.
In the latter part of her life your mother was partially sighted due to
glaucoma. You have heard that this runs in the family and are worried that
this is what’s causing the watering. You will only admit to this if the doctor is
sensitive and empathic in their approach to you.
You have difficulty seeing at times because of the watering but your
vision is 6/6 bilaterally when you wear your glasses.
Specific questions
Eyes watering—timing
Any discharge, eyes sticky or gritty in the morning
Exclude pain or visual disturbance
Treatments tried so far Page 170
Date of most recent optometry check-up—including screening for
Confirm not on any medication, check OTC medications, e.g. decongestants
Request permission to examine.
Visual acuity and fields to confrontation
Conjunctivae and sclerae
Eyelids/lashes (exclude blepharitis), if lid eversion attempted facilitator to
state this is normal and not necessary to perform
Pupil size, shape and reaction to light
Fluoroscein stain—need to ask to do but not expected to perform in the time
Fundoscopy—need to ask to do but not expected to perform in the time
All findings normal apart from mild conjunctival injection both eyes.
Explain dry eyes1
Reassure unlikely to be glaucoma but still needs at least annual checks with
— Blink more
— Trial of humidifiers
— Regular use of tear ointment at night and drops during the day
— Bathing of eyelid margins to encourage flow of oily tears
— Arrange follow-up
— Future options for severe symptoms could be discussed, e.g.
tetracyclines, punctal plugs.2
Dry eyes are a common problem in the elderly that can readily
be diagnosed and treated in general practice. The GP will be able
to get Edward back to regular golf and reassure him that these
symptoms do not indicate that he is getting glaucoma. Page 171
However, Edward will require regular optometry checks on his
eye pressure and visual fields.
As people age, less oily tears are produced. This reduced
lubrication is felt particularly when outside, in arid areas and in
air-conditioned rooms. The surface of the eye senses the dryness
and reflex tearing (watery tears) occurs. Treatment is aimed at
optimising the production of oily tears by bathing the eyelids,
clearing any duct blockages and replacing the oily tears with
artificial tears.
It is counter-intuitive to offer artificial tears to someone with
watery eyes but is a simple way of improving someone’s quality
of life. Sometimes the preservatives in eye drops can irritate
eyes further. If this is the case, or if frequent use is required, a
preservative-free preparation should be recommended.3
1. Hodge, C & Sutton, G 2003, ‘Dry eyes: eye series 3’, Australian Family
Physician, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 265–6.
2. Lemp, MA 2008, ‘Advances in understanding and managing dry eye
disease’, American Journal of Ophthalmology, vol. 146, no. 3, pp. 350–6.
3. British Medical Journal 2016, ‘The management of dry eye’, vol. 353,
pp. i2333.
Page 172
Case 34
Henrik Schneider
You are working as a GP locum at a well-equipped clinic five hours
drive away from the nearest base hospital. An Austrian tourist Henrik
Schneider, aged 25, telephones you at 6.30 am saying he needs an urgent
consultation for his painful, red, blurry right eye and you agree to see
him. He is leaving in an hour for the town where the base hospital is
Henrik does not take any medication, has no known allergies and no
significant past medical history.
Specific questions
Exclude pus-like discharge
Exclude itching
Exclude foreign body or eye injury
Confirm normally wears contact lenses
Previous history of eye problems
Request permission to examine.
Visual acuity
Observe photograph, candidate should note
— Distribution of erythema—circumcorneal
— Anterior chamber clear/no hypopyon
— Cornea—no fluorescein uptake (excludes dendritic ulcer or Page 174
corneal abrasion secondary to extruded foreign body or
contact lens problem)
— Pupil size and reactions to light—pupil smaller on right and irregular
Check for foreign body, including everting upper lids
Check for photophobia.
Explain condition
Discuss with ophthalmologist at base hospital and arrange referral and review
Commence topical steroids if available
Not to wear contact lenses until ophthalmologist confirms it is safe to do so.
Further reading
Cronau, H, Kankanala, RR & Mauger, T 2010, ‘Diagnosis and management
of red eye in primary care’, American Family Physician, vol. 81, no. 2,
pp. 137–44.
Durkin, SR & Casey, TM 2005, ‘Beware of the unilateral red eye: don’t miss
blinding uveitis’, Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 182, no. 6, pp. 296–
Statham, MO, Sharma, A & Pane, AR 2008, ‘Misdiagnosis of acute eye
diseases by primary healtrh care provides: incidence and implications’,
Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 189, no. 7, pp. 402–4.
Page 176
Case 35
Roger Chin
Roger Chin is a 57-year-old financial planner who is a regular patient of
the practice. He is generally healthy and is on perindopril (Coversyl) for
hypertension. He is happily married with three grown children and two
grandchildren. Along with most of his family he does get classic
migraines but rarely in recent years. He called early this morning and
asked to be seen urgently.
The following information is on his summary sheet:
Past medical history
Migraine with aura
Perindopril 5 mg mane
Eletriptan (Relpax) 40 mg stat prn
Nil known
Social history Page 177
Married to Dorothy
Occasional alcohol
Family history
Physical examination
General appearance: ‘As you see him’
Vital signs
— HR 70/min regular
— BP 130/78 mmHg
— Temp 36.1°C
— BMI 26 kg/m2
— RR 12/min
Eye examination: (each item to be asked for individually)
Appearance: normal
Red reflex present bilaterally
Pupils equal, round and reactive to light and accommodation with no relative
afferent pupil defect
Visual acuity
— Uncorrected: L = R = both = 6/24
— Corrected: L = 6/12; R = 6/7.5 both = 6/7.5
Visual fields by confrontation: normal
Fundoscopy (un-dilated pupil) is unremarkable
Cardiovascular exam: normal
Remainder of physical examination is normal
Surgery tests: BSL (random) 5.6 mmol/L
U/A: normal.
Case 36
Jenna Banks
Jenna Banks is a 25-year-old tax manager studying for her chartered
accountancy exams. You last saw her for contraception. She is coming to
see you today because of recurrent abdominal pain and bloating.
You are a 25-year-old tax manager studying for your chartered accountancy
exams. Your abdominal pains started after you contracted traveller’s
diarrhoea during a trip to Bali six months ago. You saw a GP when your pain
symptoms weren’t improving and stool tests were negative for infection.
Things have been worsening over the last few months as your stress
regarding your accountancy exams has increased. Most days of the week you
experience bouts of abdominal pain, bloating and flatus. The pain can be so
severe that you need to lie down but mostly you can continue at work. The
pain comes on at any time during the day, and is a squeezing, cramp-like
pain, usually in the left or right side of your abdomen. The pain is sometimes
relieved by defecating. You have never woken at night with symptoms.
You have not lost weight, been nauseated or vomited. Your bowel habit
alternates between constipation (hard, rabbit-like pellets) and diarrhoea. You
do not pass any blood or mucus rectally. You have not noticed any particular
food triggers. You have tried some herbal remedies which did not improve
your symptoms.
You are stressed and anxious regarding your exams, but are not depressed.
You have no past history of anxiety or depression.
Your periods are regular on the contraceptive pill, and your bowel
symptoms do not worsen with your menstrual cycle.
You want the doctor to make sure that you have nothing seriously wrong
with you and to tell you what the problem is.
All physical examination findings are normal. Please give the following
clinical examination findings on specific request:
• temperature, pulse, BP all normal
• looks well
• no hand or nail changes
• no jaundice or anaemia
• abdominal examination—no tenderness, no masses, normal rectal
Suggested approach to the case
Establish rapport
Open questions to explore Jenna’s ideas, concerns and expectations.
Specific questions
Bowel habit, including symptoms of urgency and faecal incontinence
Exclude PR blood or mucus
Nocturnal symptoms
Explore specific dietary triggers for symptoms, e.g. lactose, wheat/gluten,
Exclude other systemic symptoms including weight loss
Menstrual history—exclude relationship of symptoms to menstrual periods
Check current medication use, including over-the-counter and
complementary medicines
Recent travel or gastroenteritis
Determine impact of symptoms on Jenna’s life and impact of stress on
Exclude relevant family history, e.g. bowel cancer, inflammatory bowel
Request permission to examine.
Hands, face, mouth—normal
Abdominal and rectal examination—normal.
1. Ford, AC, Lacy, BE & Talley, NJ 2017, ‘Irritable bowel syndrome’, New
England Journal of Medicine, vol. 376, pp. 2566–78.
2. Charles, J & Harrison, C 2006, ‘Irritable bowel syndrome in Australian
general practice’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 35, pp. 840–1.
3. Linedale, EC & Andrews, JM 2017, ‘Diagnosis and management of
irritable bowel syndrome: a guide for the generalist’, Medical Journal of
Australia, vol. 207, pp. 309–15.
4. Holtmann, GJ, Ford, AC & Talley, NJ 2016, ‘Pathophysiology of irritable
bowel syndrome’, Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology, vol. 1, pp.
5. Bolin, T 2009, ‘IBS or intolerance?’, Australian Family Physician, vol.
38, pp. 962–5.
Page 189
Case 37
Enrico Castallani
Enrico Castallani is the licensee of the local hotel. He rarely comes to the
surgery, although you know that he has been in town for over two years
now. Today he has asked for an urgent appointment because of bad
abdominal pain. You agree to see him and note the following
information on his medical records.
Establish rapport
Open questions about abdominal pain.
Specific questions
Nature of pain and radiation
Absence of haematemesis
Vomiting and nausea—present
Absence of melaena or blood in stool or change in bowel habit
Absence of symptoms of liver disease—no jaundice
Absence of symptoms of gallstones
Explore alcohol consumption and motivation for change—negotiate a follow-
up plan
Discuss need for overall health check at some stage
Request permission to examine.
Temperature 38.0°C, sweating BP 116/80 mmHg
Pulse 110
Height 1.78 m
Weight 92 kg
BMI 29 kg/m2
Hands normal, no liver flap, no jaundice
Examination of abdomen
— Severe abdominal pain with guarding, rebound and rigidity
— Pain hypogastrium
— Absence of ascites, hepatomegaly
— Bowel sounds—reduced
Lungs clear
BSL 4.5 mmol/L
Arrange analgesia
Nil by mouth
Admission to hospital—transfer by ambulance essential
Commence intravenous fluids
Give oxygen
Explain to patient procedure for admission and rationale.
1. Basnayake, C & Ratnam, D 2015, ‘Blood tests for acute pancreatitis’,
Australian Prescriber, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 128–30.
2. Nesvaderani, M, Eslick, G & Cox, M 2015, ‘Acute pancreatitis: update
on management’, Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 202, no. 8, pp. 420–
3. Wilkinson, I, Raine, T, Wiles, K, Goodhart, A, Hall, C & O’Neill, H
2017, Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine, 10th ed, University Press,
4. Ewing, J 1984, ‘Detecting alcoholism: the CAGE questionnaire’, Journal
of the American Medical Association, vol. 252, pp. 1905–7.
Page 193
Case 38
Kirrilee DeMarco
Kirrilee is a 23-year-old fashion designer. She presents to you with a
three-week story of abdominal pain.
She is a new patient at the practice and so no past medical history is
Instructions for the patient, Kirrilee DeMarco
You are a 23-year-old fashion designer. You live with your female partner,
Natalie, who is a nurse.
In the last three weeks you have had abdominal pain. At times the pain is
severe. Since the pain started, you have needed to rush to the toilet, and have
been passing loose bowel motions at least three times a day. On a couple of
occasions, you have been woken from sleep with pain and a need to pass
bowel motions. Last week you noticed some blood mixed in with the stool
and that was when you decided to make a doctor’s appointment.
You feel the pain in your right iliac fossa. It is worse after you eat.
You are nauseated but have not vomited. You have lost your appetite and
have two painful ulcers in your mouth. You have lost 2 kg in weight and feel
weak. You have not had fevers.
Your periods are generally regular and non-painful. Your last Page 194
period was last week and normal. There is no vaginal discharge. You
have no dysuria, frequency or haematuria. You have no history of any eye
issues or joint pains.
You work in the city as a fashion designer. You and Natalie have been
together since you met at university.
You have never smoked. Most Saturday nights you drink four to five
glasses of wine.
You recently visited your brother on the central New South Wales coast
but have not travelled overseas.
Nil prescribed
A friend gave you ginger tablets from the herbal shop but they had no
effect, nor did the ranitidine or antacids that you bought from the chemist
You have no allergies
Family history
Both your parents are alive and well
Clinical examination findings
Tenderness without guarding to be demonstrated in the right iliac fossa.
Instructions for the facilitator
Clinical examination findings
To be given if requested/examination demonstrated:
Temperature 37.0°C
Hands normal
BP 114/80 mmHg
Pulse 64
Height 171 cm
Weight 76 kg
BMI 26 kg/m2
No jaundice or pallor
Mouth ulcers × two
Examination of chest and cardiovascular system—normal
Examination of abdomen
— Abdominal pain without guarding in right iliac fossa
— Bowel sounds—normal
— Rectal examination and proctoscopy—normal
Urine dipstick—NAD.
Iron 9 (9–30) umol/L
Transferrin 3.2 (2.0–3.6) g/L
T. saturation* 11 (15–45) %
Ferritin* 240 (10–80) ug/L
Coeliac serology
— Deamidated gliadin IgG/tissue transglutaminase IgA both negative,
normal IgA level
Stool tests
— Microscopy—semi-formed faecal matter
— Normal faecal bacterial growth, pcr negative
— No ova, cysts or parasites Page 196
— Viral pcr negative
— Clostridium difficile toxin negative.
Vital signs including temperature, BP/pulse
Height, weight and BMI
General inspection for pallor and jaundice
Hand signs
Cardiovascular/respiratory examination
Examination of abdomen
— Palpation, auscultation, percussion
— Ask to do rectal examination and proctoscopy
Urine dipstick.
Initial investigations
UEC Page 197
Iron studies
Coeliac serology
Stool for MCS/pcr, ocp, viral pcr and clostridium difficile toxin.
Differential diagnosis
Crohn’s disease
Ulcerative colitis
Appendicitis—much less likely given symptom duration
Irritable bowel syndrome—in the presence of alarm symptoms the above
differentials need exclusion prior to making this diagnosis.
Explanation of possible cause and plan of investigation
Recommend referral for colonoscopy
Phone contact with a gastroenterologist may be appropriate to ensure early
Arrange follow-up—with result of colonoscopy
Discuss safety-netting to ensure early review if symptoms worsen
Discuss impact of illness on ability to work, assess need for medical
High alcohol intake at weekends, raised GGT—motivational interviewing
regarding willingness/ability to consider change.
Abdominal pain is a common problem with a wide differential
diagnosis. A thorough history and examination in this case
should give the doctor the clues needed to consider Crohn’s
disease in the differential diagnosis. More common causes of
pain and bleeding, such as infection, need to be excluded, prior
to referral for endoscopy.
It is estimated that over 75 000 people are living with Page 198
inflammatory bowel disease in Australia, with over 1622
new cases being diagnosed every year. Inflammatory bowel
disease occurs at any age, with a typical age of onset in the
twenties. It is a chronic disease with a high degree of morbidity
and commonly affects young people at a time when they are
trying to establish careers and relationships. Psychological co-
morbidity is common, and it is important to consider the impact
of this diagnosis on Kirrilee at future follow-up consultations.
Case 39
Mohammed Noor
Mohammed Noor is a 23-year-old student studying business at
He presents today complaining of epigastric burning.
You display epigastric tenderness on examination of the abdomen. Physical
examination is otherwise normal.
Results of tests
Blood tests must be requested item per item; do not give a result unless it has
been requested
FBC confirms a normal Hb 131 g/L, and normal white cell count CRP
Iron studies: ferritin 44 μg/dL (normal 20–150 μg/dL)
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) serology positive, urea breath test positive,
stool antigen positive
UEC, LFTs and all other tests normal.
— Clarify nature, frequency, severity and duration of symptoms
— Relationship to meals, identification of specific triggers (spicy foods,
caffeine, alcohol, smoking, fatty foods, stress)
— Relieving factors
— Acid reflux or waterbrash
— Nausea or vomiting
— Early satiety, bloating, belching
— Changes in bowels
Exclude alarm features
— PR bleeding, melaena/haematemesis
— Dysphagia or odynophagia
— Unintentional weight loss
— Family history of gastrointestinal malignancy
Discuss the impact of symptoms on day-to-day life
Brief systems review
Past medical history
Drugs—NSAIDs, prescribed medication, OTC, recreational/illicit
Family history
Social history—alcohol consumption, smoking
Request permission to examine.
Pulse, BP
Check for: jaundice, pallor
Abdominal examination
— Inspection
— Palpation
— Examine for liver, spleen, kidneys
— Percussion
— Auscultation.
Request results from the facilitator
LFTs Page 203
Iron studies
H. pylori serology (useful only if negative)
Urea breath test (gold standard, can be requested instead of serology) or stool
antigen test if serology positive.
Differential diagnoses
Malignancy unlikely in the absence of alarm features.
Explain most likely diagnosis
Discuss general measures—avoiding triggers (spicy food, caffeine etc.);
smaller, more frequent meals; weight reduction; over-the-counter antacid
or alginate medications
Commence triple therapy for H. pylori
Plan review, repeat H. pylori testing after six weeks to ensure eradication
If symptoms persist after eradication, consider acid-suppression therapy
Sensitively address and reassure patient regarding fear of malignancy.
Further reading
Duggan, AE 2007, ‘The management of upper gastrointestinal symptoms: is
endoscopy indicated?’ Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 186, pp. 166–
Mitchell, H & Katelaris, P 2016, ‘Epidemiology, clinical impacts and current
clinical management of Helicobacter pylori infection’, Medical Journal
of Australia, vol. 204, pp. 376–80.
Talley, NJ 2017, ‘Functional dyspepsia: advances in diagnosis and therapy’,
Gut and Liver, vol. 11, pp. 349–57.
Yaxley, J & Chakravarty, B 2014, ‘Helicobacter pylori eradication—an
update on the latest therapies’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 43, pp.
Page 205
Case 40
Annie Nguyen
Annie Nguyen is 19 years old and in her first year at university. She has
not been to the clinic before. She has made the appointment because she
has been nauseated for the past three days.
While waiting to see the doctor she completed a new patient questionnaire
in which she gave the following information:
Past medical history
Glandular fever Year 12 of high school
Nil known
Fully immunised
Family history
Nil relevant
Social history
Lives on campus in hall of residence
Alcohol—three standard drinks per week.
Specific questions
— Anorexia
— Nausea and vomiting
— Haematemesis
— Suspect food prior to onset of symptoms
— Abdominal pain
— Diarrhoea/constipation
— Blood or melaena pr
Associated features, such as headache
Systems review—fever, energy level Page 207
— Frequency, haematuria, discharge
— Menstrual cycle, LMP, risk of pregnancy
Infectious contacts—are any other students or staff at hall of residence
unwell? Potential public health issues may need consideration if history
suggests others with similar symptoms
History of recent travel
Substances—medication prescribed elsewhere, OTC, alcohol, drugs of abuse
Request permission to examine.
Abdominal examination—for tenderness, masses or organomegaly
Urine specimen dipstick.
Nil needed.
Case 41
Kathy Jones
Kathy Jones is a 55-year-old woman who has been attending your
practice for several years. She is mostly healthy but has hypertension and
dyslipidaemia, which are well-controlled with telmisartan and
atorvastatin. She is married with three grown children and works as a
school librarian. She went through menopause about five years ago and
found some relief from her hot flushes with some over-the-counter
natural remedies. She is quite health conscious, enjoys a good diet and
remains physically active.
Investigation results
Please give the candidate the following investigation results on specific
FBC, ESR—normal
Specific questions
Exclude cardiac symptoms (no SOB, palpitations, etc.)
Weight loss Page 212
Fevers/night sweats
Medications, including over-the-counter
Systems review—should elicit arthralgia
Social history—alcohol, drugs
Occupational history
Family history
Preventative health, e.g. cervical, breast and bowel cancer screening.
Request permission to examine
General appearance (no jaundice, pallor or pigmentation)
Vital signs
Cardiovascular and respiratory examination
Thyroid examination
Check lymph nodes
Abdominal examination
Examination of hands/wrists
Urine dipstick
Ferritin/iron studies
HFE gene test.
Explanation of hereditary haemochromatosis
Commence therapeutic venesection—initially weekly, then maintenance
schedule to keep ferritin within normal range
Avoid vitamin C (and iron) supplements
Avoid alcohol until iron stores are normalised
Will need regular monitoring of iron studies and venesections to maintain
normal indices
Screening of adult family members.
Further reading
Allen, K 2010, ‘Hereditary haemochromatosis: diagnosis and management’,
Australian Family Physician, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 938–41.
Delatycki, M & Allen, K 2013, ‘Hereditary haemochromatosis: how to treat’,
Australian Doctor, vol. 12, April.
Goot, K, Hazeldine S, Bentley, P, Olynyk, J & Crawford, D 2012, ‘Elevated
serum ferritin: what should GPs know?’ Australian Family Physician,
vol. 41, no. 12, pp. 945–49.
Wilson, J, Morgan, S, Magin, P & van Driel, M 2014, ‘Fatigue—a rational
approach to investigation’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 43, no. 7,
pp. 457–61.
Page 215
Case 42
Jack Kingsley
Jack is a 43-year-old man whose wife Julie and two children attend the
practice. He saw you last week for a full check-up, including a physical
examination, which was normal. He feels he can trust you and so made
another booking to discuss something else.
You have known you were hepatitis C positive since 2001 when you were
diagnosed. You injected drugs in your twenties so think this is when you
became infected.
Julie and the children know about your diagnosis. You take precautions
around them and they have never had any exposure to your blood. Julie is
your only sexual partner since diagnosis and you no longer use drugs.
You were diagnosed when in prison for car theft and were commenced on
interferon. You only had about four weeks of treatment as it made you unwell
and after leaving prison you wanted to get your life together and leave your
past behind.
The treatment didn’t work and you accepted that you would live with
hepatitis C until it killed you as it did your mum. One of your friends from
your drug days recently died of liver cancer. At his funeral another friend told
you of his cure on a new treatment.
You had a difficult childhood and ended up in foster care. As a young
adult you were homeless and used IV drugs.
You know you should have seen a doctor regularly but you have lived in
fear of your past coming back to haunt you and just preferred to get on with
your life. But now, with talk of a new treatment, you think it’s worth
investigating the options and you want to ask the doctor about it.
You feel fit and run three times a week and ride 10 km to work and back
five times a week. You don’t smoke. You drink four to six stubbies of full-
strength beer on the weekends.
You have avoided your favourite sport of AFL due to the risk of injury
and blood exposure for your teammates but would love to play again.
You don’t take any other drugs and vow never to do that again.
You are very careful with any blood exposure and would never dream of
getting a tattoo or anything similar.
If there is a new treatment you are happy to undergo any testing the doctor
If the treatment sounds like the interferon treatment you are more reluctant
as you remember how bad it made you feel.
If the doctor asks about mood, you are in good spirits. The trauma of your
childhood will never go away but most days you feel lucky to be part of a
loving family, have a good job and a safe home. You do have your moments,
but you had counselling in prison, which gave you some strategies to deal
with nightmares and jumpy moments. You have no thoughts of hurting
Re-establish rapport
Elicit patient’s concerns
Explore diagnosis and possible cause
Ask about past treatment attempts
Approach in a sensitive, non-judgemental manner
Reassure and encourage his newly proactive approach
Brief screen for symptoms of depression and recognise that there is a risk of
co-morbid depression/post-traumatic stress disorder
Check for possible exposures for family members
Brief history regarding any ongoing high-risk activities—tattoos, IV drug
use, sexual partners
SNAP—smoking, nutrition, alcohol, physical activity assessment.
Pre-treatment work-up for hepatitis C treatment
— Liver biochemistry
— Blood glucose
— HCV RNA and genotype
— Upper abdominal ultrasound
— Serology for HIV, hepatitis A virus and hepatitis B virus
For immunisation if not immune to hepatitis A and/or B
Treatment can be commenced by GPs unless there is cirrhosis (needs
gastroenterologist referral)
Offer a GP management plan (prefilled plan available on ASHM website)
Advise to reduce alcohol intake and warn that if there is evidence of cirrhosis
alcohol should stop completely
Ensure understanding of the need for compliance
Reassure patient about improved side effect profile and efficacy of treatment
compared with interferon.
Follow–up to discuss results and decide on best course of treatment
Discuss further exploration of mental health at next visit.
Jack has not had adequate medical care for his chronic HCV.
However, he is now motivated. Discussing the care he has not
received will threaten the therapeutic relationship; focusing on
his new proactive approach is preferable.
Jack may already have cirrhosis or possibly hepatocellular
carcinoma. At this visit it is important to think about these
complications when ordering investigations, but there is cause
for optimism with the new direct antiviral agents even if his test
results show elements of cirrhosis. Candidates are not expected
to know the details of the medications but should be able to
describe that they are oral for a 12–24 week course and have a
high chance of cure.
Further reading
Khoo, A & Tse, E 2016, ‘A practical overview of the treatment of chronic
hepatitis C virus infection’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 45, no.
10, pp. 718–20.
Strasser, S 2017, ‘Managing hepatitis C in general practice’, Australian
Prescriber, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 64–9.
Therapeutic Guidelines Ltd 2017, ‘Hepatitis C’. In: eTG complete Page 219
[Internet]. Therapeutic Guidelines Ltd, Melbourne.
Hepatitis C Management and Treatment. Available at:
V/management-hepc/, accessed 26 February 2019.
Hepatitis C Virus Infection Consensus Statement Working Group 2017,
Australian recommendations for the management of hepatitis C virus
infection: a consensus statement, August. Gastroenterological Society of
Australia, Melbourne, Vic.
Page 220
Case 43
Neil Dawson
Neil Dawson is a 61-year-old insurance broker who has spent most of his
life avoiding doctors. His wife, worried about him, finally convinced him
to come and see you last week for his first doctor appointment in at least
a decade. She was worried about his increasing fatigue and his ankles
that sometimes swell.
Your further history and systems review elicited no alarm symptoms.
You established that Neil has had some psychosocial stressors (caring for
his mother with dementia who passed away 12 months ago, plus some
financial concerns regarding his home business), but has no signs of
depression or anxiety.
You ascertained that Neil is not particularly bothered by his swollen
ankles, but that he thought this was a sign that it was time to come to get
things checked up.
BP 138/85, pulse 80 and regular
Weight 132 kg
Height 177 cm
BMI 42.1
Chest clear, good air entry
Heart sounds dual, nil added
JVP not elevated
Mild peripheral oedema to ankles
Respiratory examination normal
Thyroid examination normal
No lymphadenopathy
Abdominal exam difficult due to body habitus, some distension, shifting
Few spider naevi upper chest
Palmar erythema noted
You arranged for some initial blood tests and asked Neil to return for a
follow-up appointment.
Iron studies
Iron 15 (9–30) umol/L
Transferrin 2.8 (2.0–3.6) g/L
Transferrin saturation 30 (15–45) %
Ferritin* 180 (10–80) ug/L
Case 44
Kim Hosking
Kim Hosking is a 70-year-old retired architect. He comes to see you
every few months for a blood pressure check. At the last check Kim
mentioned that he was having ‘waterworks trouble’ and you suggested
he make an appointment to discuss this further.
You are a 70-year-old retired architect. Over the past few years your urine
stream has become weaker. You pass urine more often and now have to get
up about three times each night. You get frustrated that, having got out of
bed, you then have to wait a while before the stream starts. It embarrasses
you that you often dribble after passing urine, which wets your clothes.
Your blood pressure is currently well-controlled and except for the urinary
symptoms, you enjoy being retired. Two weeks ago, at your blood pressure
check, you mentioned to your GP that you had ‘waterworks trouble’. The GP
suggested that you make an appointment to discuss this, which is why you
are here.
Bladder diary
Urine for MCS
PSA—needs informed consent.
Modify caffeine and fluid intake if excessive
Encourage bladder training
For benign prostatic hypertrophy, alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists or 5-
alpha-reductase inhibitors or phosphodiesterase inhibitors (private script),
or refer for surgery (transurethral resection or minimally invasive)
Arrange follow-up.
1. Jiwrajka, M, Yaxley, W, Perera, M, Roberts, M, Dunglison, N, Yaxley, J
& Esler, R 2018, ‘Review and update of benign prostatic hyperplasia in
general practice’, Australian Journal of General Practice, vol. 47, no. 7,
pp 471–5.
2. Cochrane Complementary Medicine, Prostate Enlargement, Page 232
Cochrane Collaboration. Available at:,
accessed 20 February 2019.
Further reading
Arianayagam, M, Arianayagam, R & Rashid, P 2011, ‘Lower urinary tract
symptoms. Current management in older men’, Australian Family
Physician, vol. 40, pp. 758–67.
Woo, HH, Gillman, MP, Gardiner, R, Marshall, V & Lynch, WJ 2011, ‘A
practical approach to the management of lower urinary tract symptoms
among men’, Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 195, pp. 34–9.
Page 233
Case 45
Jock Palmer
Jock Palmer is a 52-year-old executive whose employer offers annual
screening tests to their employees. This year they have included the
prostate specific antigen (PSA) test. The company sent round an
information letter but this left Jock confused. Jock trusts you as his GP
and wants your opinion as to whether he should have this PSA test.
Please discuss this with Jock.
The following information is on his summary sheet:
Past medical history
Nil significant
Family history
Nil significant
Social history
Business executive
Alcohol—six standard drinks per week.
You are a 52-year-old executive. Your employer offers you annual screening
tests. This year you received a letter informing you that the tests would
include the prostate specific antigen (PSA). The company sent round an
information letter but this left you confused. You trust your GP and want the
GP’s opinion as to whether you should have this PSA test. You have made
this appointment with your GP to discuss the PSA test.
You are well and have no urinary symptoms.
During the consultation you will ask the following questions:
1. What is the PSA test?
2. What are the advantages of having the test?
3. Is there any reason not to have the test done?
4. If the test is high, does that mean that I have cancer?
5. What would happen if the result was high?
6. Should I have the test?
The following information is on your summary sheet:
Past medical history
Nil significant
Family history
Nil significant
Social history
Business executive
Alcohol—six standard drinks per week.
1. National Health and Medical Research Council 2014, PSA Testing for
Prostate Cancer in Asymptomatic Men. Information for Health
Practitioners. Available at:
delines/men4d-psa-testing-asymptomatic.pdf, accessed 20 February 2019.
2. Cancer Council Australia 2018, ‘Prostate Cancer Detection’. Available at:
screening.html, accessed 1 December 2018.
3. Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2018, ‘Guidelines for
preventative activities in general practice, Prostate Cancer’, RACGP,
Melbourne, Vic. Available at:
guidelines/red-book/early-detection-of-cancers/prostate-cancer, accessed
20 February 2019.
4. Wilson, J & Junger, G 1968, ‘The Principles and Practice of Screening
for Disease’, World Health Organization, Geneva.
5. Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2015, Should I have
prostate cancer screening? RACGP, Melbourne, Vic. Available at:
cancer-screening-infosheetpdf.pdf, accessed 1 December 2018.
Further reading
Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia and Cancer Council Australia PSA
Testing Guidelines Expert Advisory Panel 2016, ‘Draft clinical practice
guidelines for PSA testing and early management of test-detected
prostate cancer’, Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia and Cancer
Council Australia, Sydney.
Page 238
Case 46
Costa Rinaldi
Costa Rinaldi is a 36-year-old man. He rarely comes to see the GP but
has booked an appointment today because his girlfriend sent him. They
want a family but have not achieved a pregnancy after a year without
using contraception. Costa’s girlfriend has a child from a previous
Specific questions1
General health—fever, systemic malaise, weight loss
Sexual function/genitalia
— Frequency of coitus
— Libido, exclude erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory failure, retrograde
— Urethral discharge.
Past medical history
History of undescended testes, trauma, orchitis
History of mumps, other infections—STIs, TB
Prescribed, OTC, drugs of abuse (e.g. anabolic steroids).
Social history
Alcohol consumption, smoking, recreational drugs.
Occupational history
Impact of current issue on relationship and self-esteem
Seek permission to examine.
Differential diagnosis
Female subfertility
— Cannot assume that it is a male problem
— Need to address the issue as a couple.
Sperm count × two—ideally fresh specimen after three days abstinence, two
to three weeks apart
LH, FSH and morning testosterone1 +/− total testosterone, prolactin
Screening for STI and HIV.
Discuss impact on relationship and consider need for relationship counselling
Reassurance subfertility not caused by chickenpox
Reduction in weight and alcohol consumption needed
Timing of intercourse
Plans for follow-up with partner.
1. Katz, D, Teloken, P & Shoshany, O 2017, ‘Male infertility—the other
side of the equation’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 46, no. 9, pp.
Further reading
Hirsh, A 2003, ‘Male subfertility: ABC of subfertility’, British Medical
Journal, vol. 327, pp. 669–73.
Cissen, M, Bensdorp, A, Cohlen, BJ, Repping, S, de Bruin, J & van Wely, M
2016, ‘Treatments for male subfertility’, Cochrane Collaboration, 26
Page 243
Section 14
Mental health
Page 244
Case 47
Phyllis Brown
You have been called to see Phyllis Brown, aged 74, at home. She has
not attended the practice since her husband, Ernie, died two years ago.
Ernie and Phyllis were very close and did everything together. They
were involved in the local bowling club and seemed to almost live there.
Ernie died suddenly of a heart attack at the club one day and Phyllis
took it badly. She now relies on most of her shopping being delivered or
done by her daughter. The daughter has asked for this visit as she feels
that her mother needs a good check-up.
The following information is on her summary sheet:
Past medical history
Cholecystectomy 1994
Nil known
Nil known
Social history
You are 74 years old and were widowed two years ago. You and Ernie had a
good marriage and you find it hard without him. Most of the time you
manage at home on your own but going out is impossible. As soon as you
know you have to go out, you get anxious. Your heart races and you get
diarrhoea. You start to shake and feel a lump in your throat. At times it even
becomes difficult to breathe. As soon as you decide not to go out, everything
calms down and you feel much better.
As a result you are staying home more and more. Life is just easier when
you don’t try to go out. You have adapted by using the phone to pay bills and
your daughter has been good about helping with the shopping. Your daughter
is concerned that you have not had a check-up with the doctor and so has
persuaded the GP to do a home visit.
You would like to go out as you miss your friends but feel helpless and do
not know how to get over your problems.
Specific questions
Establish history of agoraphobia (anxiety regarding public places)
Explore bereavement and possible prolonged grief reaction
Exclude depression
Confirm diagnosis and possible link to grief.
Agoraphobia is a disabling condition that GPs may have limited
experience of—the illness itself prevents sufferers from
attending for help. The illness can be improved with treatment.
Initially home visits may be the only way to provide assistance
for the agoraphobia, preventive health care and the management
of other acute or chronic problems.
In this case, it is important for the doctor to establish rapport
with Phyllis and demonstrate empathy for her problem.
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is more effective—and
more cost-effective—than medication. Phyllis may be able to
access CBT via a mental health care plan. Free online access to
CBT training is another option, for example, MoodGYM (http:// or Developing new
skills such as mindfulness meditation can help.
SSRIs and TCAs are equal in efficacy with SSRIs and are
more often used because of their relative lower side effect
profile and safety in overdose. Benzodiazepines are not
recommended first line due to side effect profile and the risk of
dependence. However, they are as effective as SSRIs and may
have a place in specific situations, such as enabling Phyllis to
leave the house for an important event.
Further reading
Andrews, G et al. 2018, ‘Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
Psychiatrists clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of panic
disorder, social anxiety disorder and generalised anxiety disorder’,
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 52, no. 12, pp.
Lampe, L 2013, ‘Drug treatment for anxiety’, Australian Prescriber, vol. 36,
no. 6, pp. 186–9.
Taylor, CB 2006, ‘Panic disorder’, British Medical Journal, vol. 332, pp.
Page 248
Case 48
Shirley Hill
A young mum, Shirley Hill, has arranged for a neighbour to look after
her children so she can see a GP. She has been feeling tired all the time
since the birth of her second child. She has just moved to the area. Just
before she moved she went to her previous GP who did the following
tests for tiredness which were all normal: FBC, ESR, UEC, TFTs, BSL,
iron studies and urine for MCS.
The following information is on her summary sheet, which she brought
from her previous GP:
Specific questions
Function and energy
Sleep—terminal insomnia present
Interest in life
Social concerns—money, social supports
History of abuse
Use of drugs or alcohol
Brief systems review—weight changes, thirst, fever
Question about delivery, feeding and current health of baby
Risk assessment—suicidal ideation Page 251
Ask about and assess the safety of the children
Past or family history of depression.
Ask for the examination findings
All normal
EPDS or other depression scale.
Explain most likely diagnosis—postnatal depression
Investigations—no more needed than as above
Psychoeducation regarding diagnosis
Options for treatment
— Counselling, support groups, online resources
— Greater interaction with community, e.g. mothers’ group, playgroups
— Mobilising social/family support in the short term
— Drug therapy—SSRIs first line (fluoxetine and paroxetine best
avoided in the peripartum period)
— Cognitive behavioural therapy with psychologist
— Regular exercise
Discuss situation with Bill
Consider referral to psychiatrist if not improving
Offer mental health plan
Arrange early review.
Further reading
Austin, M-P, Highet, N & the Expert Working Group 2017, ‘Mental health
care in the perinatal period: Australian clinical practice guideline’,
Centre of Perinatal Excellence, Melbourne.
Goldin Evans, M, Phillippi, S & Gee RE 2015, ‘Examining the screening
practices of physicians for postpartum depression: implications for
improving health outcomes’, Women’s Health Issues, vol. 25, no. 6, pp.
Marley, JV, Kotz, J, Engelke, C, Williams, M, Stephen, D, Coutinho, S, et al.
2017, ‘Validity and acceptability of Kimberley mum’s mood scale to
screen for perinatal anxiety and depression in remote Aboriginal health
care settings’, PLoS ONE vol. 12, no. 1, pp. e0168969. http://doi:10.137
Therapeutic Guidelines Ltd 2014, ‘Psychiatric conditions in pregnancy and
the postpartum’. In eTG Complete. Available at:
Page 253
Case 49
Monica Middlethorpe
Monica Middlethorpe is 36 years old and comes to see you for assistance
with claustrophobia. She is planning a trip to Europe and is worried
about the flight.
You are 36 years old. You work as an administrative assistant and used to be
a tour guide.
You now get anxious when in enclosed spaces. It starts with butterflies in
your stomach, then your chest feels tight, your heart races, you feel
frightened and you have a strong urge to run out into an open space. You
recently flew interstate and your husband was quite upset with you when you
almost didn’t get on the plane home. You drank a couple of glasses of wine
in the bar before take-off and somehow managed to fly.
You are planning a trip to Europe in six weeks and are worried about the
flight. You have come to see your usual GP for help.
If the doctor asks sensitively, you will reveal that three years ago you had
an asthma attack when leading a tour group in a cave. You did not have any
salbutamol with you and became unwell and anxious. You had to change jobs
because it was so awful. Since then you have been afraid of closed spaces and
realised, when planning this trip, how much it is affecting your life.
Psychoeducation and reassurance that help is available
Short term—can use benzodiazepines for specific situations but risk of
addiction, not suitable for long-term use
Longer term—cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
Offer online resources available via online portal
Review or arrange for review of chronic disease
— Asthma control, inhaler technique
— Need for flu vaccine.
Further reading
Andrews, G, et al. 2018, ‘Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
Psychiatrists clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of panic
disorder, social anxiety disorder and generalised anxiety disorder’,
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 52, no. 12, pp.
Bassilios, B, Pirkis, J, King, K, Fletcher, J, Blashki, G & Burgess, P 2014,
‘Evaluation of an Australian primary care telephone cognitive
behavioural therapy pilot’, Australian Journal of Primary Health, vol.
20, no. 1, pp. 62–73.
Handbook of Non Drug Intervention (HANDI) Project Team 2013, ‘Internet-
based cognitive behaviour therapy for depression and anxiety’,
Australian Family Physician, vol. 42, no. 11, pp. 803–4.
Lampe, L 2013, ‘Drug treatment for anxiety’, Australian Prescriber, vol. 36,
no. 6, pp. 186–9.
Orman, J, O’Dea, B, Shand, F, Berk, M, Proudfoot, J & Christensen, H 2014,
‘e-Mental health for mood and anxiety disorders in general practice’,
Australian Family Physician, vol. 43, no. 12, pp. 833–7.
Page 257
Case 50
Tom Newton
Last week you were on call and admitted Tom Newton to the local
mental health unit. Tom is 19, lives with his parents and is in second
year, studying engineering at university.
Tom’s parents called you as his behaviour was markedly disturbed;
they suspect Tom has been using illicit drugs. For the last week the
television had been telling Tom that it was his role to save the world
from itself. When Tom said that the TV had told him that he had to die to
save the world, his parents sought help.
The hospital has told Tom’s parents that he has had an acute
psychosis. Tom’s mother, Ann, has made this appointment to talk with
you about psychosis; she has heard from a friend that Tom is at risk of
In practice, especially when as a GP you care for whole families,
it can be hard to remember who has given permission for you to
say what to whom. Things can never be ‘unsaid’ so, if Page 260
anything, it is wise to be cautious rather than overly
open. Conversely, saying nothing at all is unhelpful, as evidence
suggests that Tom will benefit from his family’s support.1, 3
1. Early Psychosis Guidelines Writing Group and EPPIC National Support
Program 2016, Australian Clinical Guidelines for Early Psychosis, 2nd
ed, update, Orygen, The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental
Health, Melbourne, Vic.
2. Stafford, MR, Jackson, H, Mayo-Wilson, E, Morrison, AP & Kendall, T
2013, ‘Early interventions to prevent psychosis: systematic review and
meta-analysis’, British Medical Journal, vol. 346, p. f185.
3. Lee, HE & Jureidini, J 2013, ‘Emerging psychosis in adolescents—a
practical guide’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 42, pp. 624–7.
4. Fraser, R, Berger, G, Killackey, E & McGorry, P 2006, ‘Emerging
psychosis in young people: Part 3—key issues for prolonged recovery’,
Australian Family Physician, vol. 35, pp. 329–33.
Page 261
Section 15
Page 262
Case 51
Anthony Campbell
Anthony Campbell is a 46-year-old Aboriginal man who is complaining
of pain in his right foot. He sprained his ankle when he was leaving a
council meeting a few months ago. For the last few weeks he has
experienced pain first thing in the morning, and after standing or walking
for a period of time.
The following information is on Anthony’s summary sheet at your
suburban general practice:
Past medical history
Ramipril 5 mg od
Nil known
Nil recorded
Family history
Nil known
Social history
Married Works as a finance officer for the local town council
Infrequent alcohol consumption.
You are a 46-year-old Aboriginal man. You work as a finance officer for the
local council. You have come to see the GP today because of a pain in your
right heel. You experience sharp intense pain when you put your heel down
first thing in the morning or after sitting.
The pain eases after you have been up for a while, but it gets worse after
walking any distance. It is worse when you walk around barefoot.
The pain is getting worse, not better. You first noticed it a few weeks ago.
A few months ago, you sprained your ankle when coming out of a council
meeting late at night. Your ankle discomfort had seemed to have completely
resolved, but you wonder if the two problems are connected (they turn out
not to be).
Use open questions to explore Anthony’s ideas, concerns and expectations.
Specific questions1
Location of the pain—plantar fascia insertion right foot
Duration of the pain
Timing Page 264
What’s been tried so far?
Injury to ankle—sprain after council meeting, location of current pain
suggests no connection
Exclude other musculoskeletal/systemic symptoms1
Request permission to examine.
Height 1.85 m
Weight 99 kg
BMI 29 kg/m2
Expose both feet and ankles to the knees
— Alignment and range of movement normal
— No scars or skin changes
— Observe gait—some pain on putting down right heel
— Acutely tender right calcaneum at insertion of plantar fascia, no
lateral/medial calcaneal tenderness
— No other tenderness or increased temperature
— Normal foot and ankle movements
— No excess joint laxity.
Reassurance not caused by ankle injury
— Stretching exercises—of plantar fascia and Achilles tendon2
— Arch supports and heel cushions
— Ice
— Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, if needed, but caution
because on Ramipril for hypertension
— Avoid walking barefoot or wearing flat shoes
If not settling, consider referral/steroid injection or trial of custom-made night
1. Rio, E, Mayes, S & Cook, J 2015, ‘Heel pain: a practical approach’,
Australian Family Physician, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 96–101.
2. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2018, ‘Stretching
exercises for plantar fasciitis’, Handbook of Non-Drug Interventions
(HANDI), RACGP, Melbourne, Vic.
3. Goff, JD & Crawford, R 2011, ‘Diagnosis and treatment of plantar
fasciitis’, American Family Physician, vol. 84, no. 6, pp. 676–82.
4. Covey, CJ & Mulder, MD 2013, ‘Plantar fasciitis: how best to treat?’
Journal of Family Practice, vol. 62, no. 9, pp. 466–71.
5. McMillan, AM, Landorf, KB, Gilheany, MF, Bird, AR, Morrow, AD &
Menz, HB 2012, ‘Ultrasound guided corticosteroid injection for plantar
fasciitis: randomised controlled trial’, British Medical Journal, vol. 344,
p. e3260.
Page 266
Case 52
Martin Chatterjee
Martin Chatterjee is a 48-year-old office manager who does little regular
exercise. Last week he played Masters’ cricket and scored a career best
of 32 runs. He does not recall specifically injuring his shoulder, but has
since had pain in his left (non-dominant) shoulder. He is finding it
difficult to move his left arm and to sleep, as the pain wakes him up
whenever he tries to move. He has applied ice and is taking paracetamol
at night. This is his first experience with a shoulder problem.
The following information is in Martin’s medical record:
Medical history
Type 2 diabetes diagnosed two years ago
Height 1.85 m
Weight 106 kg
BMI 31 kg/m2
Waist circumference 95 cm
Metformin 500 mg bd Paracetamol 500 mg 2 nocte prn
Social history Page 267
Office manager
Stopped smoking two years ago.
Brief summary of the case by the candidate leading to request to examine the
Ask patient to remove shirt completely and observe for pain and restricted
Inspect anterior and posterior for
— Asymmetry—expect non-dominant shoulder to be higher than
— Bruising
— Scars
— Muscle wasting.
Bones and joints
— Sternoclavicular joint
— Clavicle
— Acromioclavicular joint
— Glenohumeral junction
— Humerus
— Scapula.
Muscles and tendons
— Subscapularis muscle, teres minor muscle
— Supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles
— Long head of biceps
— Pectoralis muscle
— Deltoid muscle.
Active and passive examination
— Forward flexion
— Extension
— Abduction—difficult to initiate abduction, painful arc Page 269
between 60° and 120°
— Adduction
— Internal rotation
— External rotation
— Circumduction—limitation at lateral arc
— Neck/back movements and axillae (facilitator, report to doctor results
are normal to save time).
Repeat with movement resisted
— Finding: pain on resisted abduction suggesting supraspinatus problem
— Test supraspinatus—resist abduction with thumb pointing upwards
— Test infraspinatus—resist abduction with thumb pointing downwards.
Apprehension test
Patient lying down, supine, arm externally rotated with elbow flexed to 90°.
Differential diagnosis
Most likely diagnosis—supraspinatus tendinopathy causing impingement
(candidate will still pass if says rotator cuff inflammation/tendinopathy)
Consider rotator cuff tear or adhesive capsulitis
Ex-smoker—consider risk of lung tumour.
Continue rest, ice
Explain—inflammation should settle and resolve
Prevent frozen shoulder (more common in diabetics and 40–60 year olds)2
Discuss safety driving
Need for certification for work
No indication for other investigations at this stage, do CXR if pain
Follow-up, encourage continued fitness and weight loss and monitor diabetes
Consider subacromial corticosteroid injection if symptoms persist.3
1. Brun, S 2012 ‘Initial assessment of the injured shoulder’, Australian
Family Physician, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 217–20.
2. Masters, S 2007, ‘Shoulder pain’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 36,
no. 6, pp. 414–20.
3. Arroll, B & Goodyear-Smith, F 2005, ‘Corticosteroid injections for
painful shoulder: a meta-analysis’, British Journal of General Practice,
vol. 55, no. 512, pp. 224–8.
4. Awerbuch, MS 2008, ‘The clinical utility of ultrasonography for rotator
cuff disease, shoulder impingement syndrome and subacromial bursitis’,
Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 188, no. 1, pp. 50–3.
5. Johal, P, Martin, D & Broadhurst, N 2008, ‘Managing shoulder pain in
general practice: assessment, imaging and referral’, Australian Family
Physician, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 263–5.
Page 271
Case 53
Sarah Cosgrove
Sarah Cosgrove is 71 years old and has come to see you complaining of
pain in her right hip. This pain has been gradually getting worse over the
past few years. The pain is beginning to interfere with her daily activities
and she gets some stiffness after she has rested. She still cycles to do her
Mrs Cosgrove has pain in both first metacarpophalangeal joints, both
knees and her neck.
Alternative scenario
The doctor is told that Mrs Cosgrove has osteoarthritis of the right hip. They
are required to focus on management. The emphasis would be on ensuring
Mrs Cosgrove understands the problem and chooses with the doctor the
options for treatment. The doctor should notice hesitation when surgery is
discussed and explore the rationale for her concern.
161cm, 68 kg
BMI 26 kg/m2
Timed Up and Go1
Posture, look for Trendelenburg’s sign
Aim to minimise pain and maintain function
Maintain fitness and exercise
Symptomatic treatment
— Analgesia: paracetamol as first line, NSAIDs as second line
Physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, walking stick
Referral for joint replacement when pain is intractable
Arrange follow-up.
1. Waldron, N, Hill, A & Barker, A 2012, ‘Falls prevention in older adults.
Assessment and management’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 41, no.
12, pp. 930–5.
2. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2018, ‘Diagnosis
and management of hip and knee osteoarthritis algorithm’. In: Guideline
for the management of knee and hip osteoarthritis, 2nd ed, RACGP, East
Melbourne, Vic, p. 64.
3. McKenzie, S & Torkington, A 2010, ‘Osteoarthritis. Management options
in general practice’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 39, no. 9, pp. 622–
4. Uthman, OA, van der Windt, DA, Jordan, JL, Dziedzic, KS, Healey, EL,
Peat, GM et al. 2013, ‘Exercise for lower limb osteoarthritis: systematic
review incorporating trial sequential analysis and network meta-analysis’,
British Medical Journal, vol. 347, p. f5555.
5. Nuesch, E, Rutjes, AW, Husni, E, Welch, V & Juni, P 2009, ‘Oral or
transdermal opioids for osteoarthritis of the knee or hip’, Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews, CD003115.
Further reading
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2018, Guideline for
the management of knee and hip osteoarthritis, 2nd ed, RACGP, East
Melbourne, Vic.
Page 275
Case 54
Jeremy King
Jeremy King is a 25-year-old plumber who comes to see you for review
following a car accident. He was driving to work when a truck went very
slowly into the back of his car while he was stationary at traffic lights.
He attended the hospital emergency department where he was examined.
The doctor did not think X-rays were needed1 and only did them
following pressure from Jeremy. No fractures were identified.
Jeremy has returned for review a week after the accident. The brake
and indicator light of Jeremy’s work ute needed replacement but
otherwise it was fine.
You are a 25-year-old self-employed plumber. Your business has been going
badly and you have been getting increasingly tired and frustrated at work.
You have wanted to take time off but cannot afford to.
Last week you were driving to work when a truck went very slowly into
the back of your work ute while you were stationary at traffic lights. You
attended the hospital emergency department where you were examined. The
doctor said that you did not need X-rays but you insisted that they do some;
no fractures were identified.
You have come to see your GP for review a week later.
The brake and indicator light of your work ute needed replacement but
otherwise it was fine.
The truck driver’s insurance company has already arranged for the repairs
to your car, so you could get back to work next week. You have had one
week off but want to take more time out. Your neck was a bit sore after the
accident and you get mild pain at the end of the day. You have no other
residual symptoms.
You want the GP to sign you off for more sick leave.
Clinical examination findings
Clinical examination is normal. There is a full range of pain-free movement.
Feel—no bony tenderness, no muscular spasm or increased tone
Move—full range of movement.
Explain neck strains, reassure that symptoms will resolve, with no benefit
from further time off
Suggest physiotherapy, simple analgesics; aim to maintain full range of
Empathise regarding business problems, screen for underlying mood disorder
A good doctor will also explore whether Jeremy smokes, drinks or uses
This case tests the GP’s applied knowledge and skill and also
their professional and ethical role. The car accident and resulting
insurance claim has given Jeremy his first paid time off in years.
He is still tired, and he thinks that more paid leave from the
truck driver’s insurance company would really help him.
A clinical assessment of the neck injury is required plus a
decision about whether further sick leave is indicated. The
minimal residual pain and absence of physical signs demonstrate
that Jeremy is fit to return to work. The doctor must avoid
collusion by endorsing further unjustified sick leave.
Psychological, physiological and financial compensation factors
all influence recovery from whiplash. The GP will need to make
Jeremy feel supported and understood with regard to his Page 278
injury and his business pressures, but at the same time
be clear that there is no justification for further sick leave.
The GP can offer follow-up about the accident, the business
pressures and preventive health.
1. Ackland, H & Cameron, P 2012, ‘Cervical spine. Assessment following
trauma’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 41 no. 4, pp. 196–201.
Further reading
Ferrari, R 2014, ‘Predicting recovery from whiplash injury in the primary
care setting’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 43, no. 8, pp. 559–62.
Russell, G & Nicol, P 2009, ‘“I’ve broken my neck or something!” The
general practice experience of whiplash’, Family Practice, vol. 26, no.
2, pp. 115–20.
Teichtahl, A & McColl, G 2013, ‘An approach to neck pain for the family
physician’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 42, no. 11, pp. 774–7.
Page 279
Case 55
Geoff Sharp
Geoff Sharp is a 54-year-old teacher. His wife has booked this
appointment as she is fed up with listening to him complain about a pain
in his right elbow. He says that he cannot make her cups of tea, as he
can’t pour the kettle.
Specific questions
Duration of pain
Onset of pain
Precipitants of pain
General health
Treatment so far
Impact of problem on Geoff’s life
Request permission to examine.
Ensure full view of both arms
— Exclude deformity or swelling
— Muscle mass
— Elicit tenderness Page 281
— Exclude temperature increase in right arm
— Test range of movement of elbow joints—active, then passive
— Flexion, extension and pronation/supination
— Test movement against resistance
Pain is maximal on wrist extension against resistance.
Tennis elbow—extensor tendinopathy.
Education about the diagnosis
Range of treatment options starting with the least invasive1, 2
— Wringing exercises3, 4
— Topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
— Oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs—exclude
contraindications prior to recommendation/prescription
— Support bandage—epicondylitis brace
— Referral for physiotherapy, ultrasonography treatment
— Steroid/local anaesthetic injection5
— Surgery—tendon transfer2
Occupational therapy review of work situation
Advice about the safety of driving
Arrange follow-up
If time allows, discuss preventive health measures such as smoking, blood
pressure, exercise, diet, alcohol consumption, immunisation status.
1. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2016, ‘Exercise for
tennis elbow’. In: Handbook of Non-Drug Interventions (HANDI).
Available at:, accessed 1 December 2018.
2. Orchard, J & Kountouris, A 2011, ‘The management of tennis elbow’,
British Medical Journal, vol. 342, p. d2687.
3. Murtagh, J, Rosenblatt, J, Coleman, J & Murtagh, C 2018, Murtagh’s
General Practice, 7th ed, McGraw-Hill Education, Sydney, pp. 726–8.
4. American Academy of Family Physicians 2007, ‘Information from your
family doctor. Exercises for tennis elbow’, American Family Physician,
vol. 76, no. 6, pp. 849–50.
5. Coombes, BK, Bisset, L, Brooks, P, Khan, A & Vicenzino, B 2013,
‘Effect of corticosteroid injection, physiotherapy, or both on clinical
outcomes in patients with unilateral lateral epicondylalgia: a randomized
controlled trial’, Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 309,
no. 5, pp. 461–9.
Page 283
Case 56
Anna Wong
Anna Wong is a 32-year-old mother of two. During the appointment for
her four-month-old son’s immunisation last week, she mentioned that
she had been feeling tired and had aching joints. You recommended she
try some simple analgesics and make an appointment to see you. She has
come back today to discuss her symptoms.
The following information is on her summary sheet:
Past medical history
Nil significant
Nil known
Social history
Married, two children (four months and two years)
Hairdresser, currently on maternity leave
Non-smoker, non-drinker.
Six weeks ago, your left wrist became painful. Initially, you put it down to
the way you were holding your baby to breastfeed. During the following
fortnight your other wrist plus feet, ankles and hands started to hurt and have
been steadily getting worse. You are also feeling really tired and run-down—
a bit like the flu—although you suspect this is due to breastfeeding, lack of
sleep and trying to look after your family. You have not noticed a fever.
Paracetamol does not provide much relief. You have avoided anti-
inflammatories, as the pharmacist said they weren’t safe to take when
On specific questioning:
• You think your wrists and feet have been a bit swollen but you’re not
sure. The pain is worse on waking and you have stiffness for the first one
to two hours of the day. You have lost three kg in two months without
specifically trying, which you are very pleased about (getting rid of the
‘baby bulge’).
• You have not travelled anywhere recently and have no other contacts with
similar symptoms.
• You have no personal or family history of auto-immune disease or
allergies. Your only knowledge of arthritis is that it is a ‘wear and tear
disease that old people get’.
Systematic approach
General examination plus specific examination of thyroid, skin (rash, bruises,
nodules), nails and eyes
Joint examinations should include all affected joints, looking for swelling,
deformity, tenderness and range of motion (active and passive).
Recognise that clinical picture plus anti-CCP positive indicates diagnosis of
rheumatoid arthritis
Arrange rheumatological referral
Relief of joint symptoms (seeking rheumatological opinion if needed)—e.g.
paracetamol, NSAIDs/COX-2, prednisone
May consider starting DMARD (e.g. methotrexate), in conjunction with
specialist advice if early appointment with rheumatologist is not possible
If medication is recommended, provide appropriate advice about
Patient information and education (e.g. referral to patient information and
support service organisations, such as Arthritis Australia and the
Australian Rheumatology Association)
Patient support regarding coping with diagnosis
Provide opportunity for questions
Arrange follow-up appointment.
This case assesses whether candidates:
• have an efficient and structured approach to conducting the
history and examination on a patient presenting with
• rationally and appropriately investigate suspected Page 287
rheumatoid arthritis, and correctly interpret the test
• provide appropriate patient education and support, after
sensitively explaining the diagnosis
• refer this patient for specialist care in addition to considering
immediate treatment.
The key features1 that together raise suspicion of rheumatoid
arthritis in Anna are:
• persistent joint pain and swelling (>6 weeks)
• joint pain and swelling affecting at least three joints
(including at least one small joint)
• symmetrical involvement of MCP/MTP joints
• morning stiffness for more than 30 minutes.
Together with a positive anti-CCP and raised inflammatory
markers, these allow a definitive diagnosis of rheumatoid
arthritis (as per 2010 classification criteria2).
1. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2014, ‘Early
diagnosis and management of rheumatoid arthritis’. Available at:, accessed 1
December 2018.
2. Wilsdon, T & Hill, C 2017, ‘Managing the drug treatment of rheumatoid
arthritis’, Australian Prescriber, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 51–8. Page 288
Page 289
Section 16
Page 290
Case 57
Wilma Burns
Mrs Wilma Burns is 54 years old and has been a patient at the practice
for several years. She is a keen gardener.
Specific questions
Relevant to carpal tunnel syndrome
— Distribution of paraesthesiae
— Weakness of thumb movements Page 292
— Symptoms worse at night and early in the morning
Identify possible cause of carpal tunnel syndrome
— Diabetes, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, hypothyroidism, employment,
Exclude other causes
— Neck or shoulder pathology, OA
— Malignancy—Pancoast tumour, bone tumour
Request permission to examine.
Confirmation of area of paraesthesiae
Decreased sensation over the palm
Wasting of thenar eminence
Reduced power thumb abduction
Tinel’s sign
Phalen’s sign
Examination of the neck and shoulder.
Discuss/explain diagnosis.
Consider EMG depending on availability.
Night splints
Consider corticosteroid injection
Refer for surgical decompression if conservative methods fail.
1. D’Arcy, CA & McGee, S 2000, ‘The rational clinical examination. Does
this patient have carpal tunnel syndrome?’ Journal of the American
Medical Association, vol. 283, pp. 3110–7. Erratum appears in Journal of
the American Medical Association 2000, vol. 284, no. 11, pp. 1384.
2. Wipperman, J & Goerl, K 2016, ‘Carpal tunnel syndrome: diagnosis and
management’, American Family Physician, vol. 94, no. 12, pp. 993–9.
3. Simpson, MA & Day, B 2011, ‘Painful numb hands’, Medical Journal of
Australia, vol. 195, pp. 388–91.
in median nerve.
Page 294
Case 58
Sybil Clarke
A 65-year-old woman, Sybil Clarke, has booked a long appointment. She
has noticed a tremor and her family have told her that they can no longer
read her writing.
You are a 65-year-old retired school secretary. You have always been a very
meticulous sort of person. Much to your embarrassment you now have a
shake. You have made the appointment because your family said that they
could not read your writing on the Christmas card that you sent them.
The shake has been getting worse gradually over the last couple of years,
but it’s now at a point that it is making it hard to complete day-to-day tasks
such as doing up buttons. Your writing has deteriorated, becoming smaller
and harder to read. You are finding it harder to move, and sometimes it can
take a bit longer to get out of a chair. You are often fatigued. You had put this
down to getting older but are starting to worry that you’re getting older much
quicker than your friends. You haven’t had any falls. If asked, your voice has
become softer and your family have complained they can’t hear you when
you’re talking on the phone. You have had no issues with dribbling but do
occasionally find it a little tricky to swallow foods like steak and bread. You
are mostly continent of urine but have noticed some increased urgency over
time. There have been no changes in your bowels.
You are mostly managing at home with cooking, cleaning, shopping and
so forth, but are noticing that things take a bit more of a toll on you than in
the past.
You have no mood symptoms or excessive anxiety, but you are worried
about the cause of your tremor and deteriorating health.
Specific questions
Writing—what has changed?
Tremor—when does it occur?
Bradykinesia—slow movements, e.g. difficulty getting out of a chair, rolling
over in bed
Dribbling/excess salivation
Impact of symptoms on function and wellbeing
Mood symptoms—anxiety/depression
General health to exclude other causes—headaches, weight loss, fever,
Medication—exclude drug-induced Parkinsonism
Request permission to examine.
Neurological examination
— Gait—shuffling
— Balance—retropulsion test (the patient stands vertically and the
doctor pulls them backwards to check for the speed of balance
recovery. Parkinson disease patients are slower to recover)1
— Tremor—at rest
Peripheral nervous system
— Coordination—normal
— Tone—cogwheel rigidity
— Power—slow movements but normal strength, writing shows Page 297
— Reflexes—normal
— Sensation—normal
Cranial nerve examination
— Normal except for expressionless face and glabellar tap—persistence
of blinking reflex typical of Parkinson disease.
Explain condition
Demonstrate empathy and observe response to this diagnosis
Information—patient information leaflet/websites/support groups.
Drug therapy
— Contraindication for anticholinergic drugs present
— Aim to preserve quality of life3
— Start with a low dose of levodopa/dopa-decarboxylase inhibitors
(carbidopa or benserazide)4—for example, Sinemet
— Dopamine agonist (e.g. pramipexole) or a monoamine oxidase type B
inhibitor (e.g. selegiline) can be added later if needed
Consider neurology referral
Maintain function—healthy diet, regular exercise4
Consider occupational therapy/physiotherapy/exercise physiology/speech
therapy referrals
Arrange follow-up.
Given the story of a new tremor plus difficulty writing,
Parkinson disease is the most likely problem. Doctors who think
of Parkinson can ask specific questions to confirm this Page 298
and then demonstrate the cardinal signs of resting
tremor, bradykinesia and rigidity on examination. Doctors who
do not suspect Parkinson disease will need to take a more
comprehensive history as well as doing the full neurological
The doctor should consider other common causes of tremor,
such as essential tremor, physiological tremor, hyperthyroidism,
and potentially serious causes such as cerebellar disorders or a
cerebral tumour. A good doctor will be able to demonstrate their
clinical reasoning by asking relevant questions and conducting
their examination appropriately so as to conclude that these
disorders are less likely.
Mrs Clarke’s history of glaucoma means that anticholinergic
medication for the Parkinson disease is contraindicated.
Telling Mrs Clarke the likely diagnosis needs to be done
sensitively. A good doctor may have been able to elicit her
concerns at Parkinson being a possible cause. Such doctors will
then be confirming her suspicions rather than breaking the news
to her.
The doctor should consider the impact of the diagnosis on
Mrs Clarke and provide appropriate support and follow up.
Referral for assistance at home is not needed now but may be in
the future. Likewise, Sybil’s driving capacity will need to be
assessed once her functioning on medication is known.
(The list of ‘instructions for the patient’ looks daunting, but it
can be done. I found that playing Sybil was not only excellent
revision for Parkinson but also gave me new insight into what it
might feel like to have the ‘shaking palsy’.)
Samii, A, Nutt, JG & Ransom, B 2004, ‘Parkinson’s disease’, Lancet, vol.
1. 363, pp. 1783–93.
2. Sirisena, D & Williams, DR 2009, ‘My hands shake: classification and
treatment of tremor’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 9, pp. 678–83.
3. Hayes, MW, Fung, VS, Kimber, TE & O’Sullivan, JD 2010, ‘Current
concepts in the management of Parkinson disease’, Medical Journal of
Australia, vol. 192, pp. 144–9.
4. Gazewood, JD, Richards, DR & Clebak, K 2013, ‘Parkinson disease: an
update’, American Family Physician, vol. 87, pp. 267–73.
Further reading
Sellbach, A & Silburn, P 2012, ‘Management of Parkinson’s disease’,
Australian Prescriber, vol. 35, pp. 183–8.
Page 299
Case 59
Rosie Inkamala
Rosie Inkamala is a 36-year-old Indigenous woman. Rosie has come to
see you because two days ago, on the weekend, she could not move her
right side for about half an hour. She thought she was having a stroke
and was relieved that her movement came back. She has come to see you
for a check-up now that the clinic is open.
Specific questions
Details about loss of movement—duration, sites of loss of movement
Aura (suggests migraine)
Any associated loss, such as loss of vision, sensation, consciousness or
bladder control
Any residual problem
Previous episodes
Family history of stroke, heart disease
Systems review, e.g. exclude fever, weight change
Request permission to examine.
Cardiovascular system
— Pulse—rate, rhythm, volume
— BP
— Splinter haemorrhages
— Apex beat
— Heart sounds, added sounds
— Carotid bruits
— Evidence of CCF
— JVP raised
— Pulmonary oedema
— Hepatomegaly Page 302
— Pitting dependent oedema
Neurological system
— Gait
— Balance
— Peripheral nervous system
— Inspection—wasting, tremor, fasciculation
— Tone
— Sensation—light touch
— Power
— Reflexes
— Coordination
— Cranial nerve examination
I questions regarding change sense of smell
II acuity, fields, pupil reflexes, fundi
III, IV, eye movements, exclude diplopia and nystagmus V opening jaw and
VI facial sensation
VII facial movements
VIII hearing, balance
IX, X swallowing
XI shrug shoulders
XII tongue movements.
Summary of findings
BP 124/82 mmHg
No evidence of cardiac failure, soft pansystolic murmur
Controlled AF
No residual neurological deficit
BMI 22 kg/m2.
Differential diagnoses
Hemiplegic migraine
Postictal state
Intracranial bleed.
Management Page 303
Digoxin level
Fasting lipids
LFTs and coagulation studies (liver damage)
CT scan asap to exclude haemorrhagic event1
Carotid duplex ultrasound or CT angiogram
Continue current medications
Consider additional anticoagulation post CT scan result—low molecular
weight heparin plus warfarin is recommended; clopidogrel is an
alternative. Doctors need to assess patient’s safety regarding warfarin: the
risks can outweigh the benefits in patients who consume high volumes of
alcohol or cannot reliably attend for monitoring
Culturally appropriate, motivational interviewing regarding alcohol and
tobacco use. Offer support from drug and alcohol team regarding alcohol
Encourage regular exercise, eating healthy bush tucker
Arrange follow-up.
The doctor should ask if an interpreter is available. In this
scenario one is not, so the doctor will need to communicate with
Rosie in simple English. The doctor should avoid using a loud
voice or assuming that an inability to understand English
signifies intellectual disability. These challenges can lead
doctors to give up on communication and thus deny patients
essential information.
Rosie is at risk of a disabling stroke. A TIA is not a Page 304
benign event but should be considered a warning for
stroke. Sensitivity will be needed when encouraging Rosie to be
investigated and to adopt a healthier lifestyle, and when helping
her determine the relative risks and benefits of commencing
warfarin. Rosie’s atrial fibrillation is associated with mitral
regurgitation following her rheumatic heart disease. Prescribing
the newer oral anticoagulants for this situation would be off-
label as these are only approved for non-valvular atrial
Rosie should be advised to seek assistance immediately if the
paralysis returns. Urgent transfer to a hospital for thrombolytic
therapy can then be arranged.2–4
1. Leung, ES, Hamilton-Bruce, MA & Koblar, SA 2010, ‘Transient
ischaemic attacks—assessment and management’, Australian Family
Physician, vol. 39, pp. 820–4.
2. Brieger, D 2014, ‘Anticoagulation: a GP primer on the new oral
anticoagulants’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 43, pp. 254–9.
3. Wang, Y, Wang, Y, Zhao, X, Liu, L, Wang, D, Wang, C et al. 2013,
‘Clopidogrel with aspirin in acute minor stroke or transient ischemic
attack’, New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 369, pp. 11–9.
4. Dhamija, RK & Donnan, GA 2007, ‘Time is brain—acute stroke
management’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 36, pp. 892–5.
Page 305
Case 60
Joe Summers
Joe Summers is a 67-year-old retired truck driver. He has been a patient
at the practice for years but only attends to get his licence renewed. One
year he went to a Pit Stop health promotion stand at the local show and
he recorded a BMI of 39 kg/m2 and a waist circumference of 115 cm.
Joe has noticed over the last few months that he cannot feel so well
with his hands and feet. He assumed this was a normal part of ageing but
he mentioned it when he went to buy some shoes and the shop assistant
was concerned and told him that he had to come to see a doctor.
You are a 67-year-old retired truck driver. You have been a patient at the
practice for years but only attend to get your licence renewed. One year you
went to a Pit Stop health promotion stand at the local show and you recorded
a BMI of 39 kg/m2 and a waist circumference of 115 cm. You already knew
you were overweight and drank too much so did not see the point of going
back to the GP to be told off again.
You have noticed over the last few months that you cannot feel so well
with your hands and feet. You also get funny tingling feelings that are
irritating. You assumed this was a normal part of ageing but you mentioned it
when you went to buy some shoes. The shop assistant was concerned and
told you to come to see a doctor for a check-up.
Establish rapport
Summarise history
Request permission to examine.
Observe patient walking
Skin intact
No muscle wasting or fasciculation
— 10 g monofilament testing
— Pain sense with neuro-pin
— Vibration sense
— Joint position sense
Motor function
Random BSL or urinalysis.
Reduced sensation in both feet to ankle level and hands to wrists, i.e. glove
and stocking sensory neuropathy.
Initial investigations
Fasting blood glucose
FBC, ESR, B12, folate
Liver function tests, renal function, TSH
Fasting lipids and ratio
Further assessment
— Drug and alcohol history.
1. Azhary, H, Farooq, MU, Bhanushali, M, Majid, A & Kassab MY 2010,
‘Peripheral neuropathy: differential diagnosis and management’,
American Family Physician, vol. 81, pp. 887–92.
2. Pascuzzi, RM 2009, ‘Peripheral neuropathy’, Medical Clinics of North
America, vol. 93, pp. 317–42.
3. Ogrin, R & Sands, A 2006, ‘Foot assessment in patients with diabetes’,
Australian Family Physician, vol. 35, pp. 419–21.
4. Singh, N, Armstrong, DG & Lipsky, BA 2005, ‘Preventing foot ulcers in
patients with diabetes’, Journal of the American Medical Association,
vol. 293, pp. 217–28.
Page 309
Section 17
Palliative care
Page 310
Case 61
Liz Ross
Liz Ross is 81 years old and a regular patient of yours. She has recently
been diagnosed with metastatic ovarian cancer and her treatment is
supportive rather than curative. She is currently feeling quite well
physically and is pain free. Liz has come in to see you today because her
daughter has told her to ‘get her affairs in order’.
Your opening statement is ‘As you know doctor my days are numbered, my
daughter thinks I should get my affairs in order and talk to you about
You are an 81-year-old woman with recently diagnosed ovarian cancer.
Your treatment will not cure your cancer but aims to keep you comfortable.
At the moment you feel very well and live independently. You have limited
health literacy and don’t understand the legal or practical aspects of advance
care planning. You don’t need anything else today as you saw your specialist
You have come to terms with your diagnosis and feel satisfied that you’ve
lived a long and good life. You are not depressed and don’t have any
questions regarding your prognosis or treatment at this time.
You have heard there is a form that will stop hospital doctors ‘giving you
the paddles’ if your heart stops. You think this is a reasonable idea, as you
don’t want to prolong your life if you are very ill with little chance of
Your understanding from what your daughter has told you, is that these
forms will mean you don’t have to make any future decisions, handing over
the management of your health and financial affairs to your daughter. While
this appeals in one sense, and you trust that your daughter will act in your
best interests, you also feel like you would like to have a say in what happens
while you still have your faculties and feel less comfortable with signing
something that hands over decision-making at this point.
You have a simple will, leaving your estate to your children and your
grandchildren and you are happy with that.
Initially answer questions about your understanding with a hesitant ‘yes’;
however, if asked to explain in your own words or for other appropriate
assessments of understanding, you respond in a way that shows your
understanding is very limited. If the matter is explained again in a clear and
helpful way, your response indicates increased understanding of the issues.
Your reading level is mid-primary school and you don’t use a computer.
Once the doctor explains the idea of an advance care plan or a living will,
you want to pursue this. If the doctor indicates that they will give you the
legal forms (Guardianship and Power of Attorney), you don’t feel you need
this right away. You would like another appointment to organise a living will
and, if the doctor suggests it, you think it would be best if your daughter
Further reading
Advanced Care Planning Australia 2018, Factsheet for health professionals.
What is advance care planning? Retrieved from: www.advancecareplann
accessed 5 March 2019.
Bird, S 2014, ‘Advance care planning’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 43,
no. 8, pp. 526–8.
Koay, K, Schofield, P & Jefford, M 2012, ‘Importance of health literacy in
oncology’, Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, vol. 8, no. 1, pp.
Johnson, CE, McVey, P, Rhee, JJ et al. 2018, ‘General practice palliative
care: patient and carer expectations, advance care plans and place of
death—a systematic review’, BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care,
Published Online First: 25 July 2018. doi: 10.1136/bmjspcare-2018-
Page 314
Case 62
Frank Stanley
Frank is a 68-year-old retired postman who is dying from bowel cancer.
He is now receiving palliative care and has a prognosis of weeks to
months. He lives with his wife in a country town; their daughter lives
nearby and helps a lot.
You visit Frank at home and glean the following:
• Frank is taking 20 mg oxycodone (Oxycontin) BD and 5 mg
oxycodone (Endone) for breakthrough pain two to three hourly
• he sleeps badly as he is waking throughout the night to take
breakthrough pain medication. It relieves the pain for about 90
Please answer the examiner’s questions about Frank.
1. Ask about the detail of his pain to determine best options for
• consider if the pain is from the tumour, metastases, constipation or
another new condition
• Frank most likely needs a higher dose of slow-release pain medication
• calculate his current total daily dose from the slow-release oxycodone
and the total breakthrough doses of oxycodone
• increase the slow-release oxycodone dose to the current total daily
• provide breakthrough oxycodone at a sixth to a twelfth of the total
• if a patient is on two different opioids, use an opioid conversion chart
to calculate current total 24-hour dose of morphine, and then calculate
the slow-release and breakthrough doses
• ask Frank to document his breakthrough doses so that you can
increase slow-release doses as needed in future
• reassure that using opioids is appropriate
• provide scripts for laxatives, as well as asking about constipation
• add paracetamol regularly as this potentiates the action of opioids
• consider the role of palliative radiotherapy, chemotherapy or nerve
blocks, but these would require hospital care away from home
• heat/cold packs, antispasmodics, nifedipine (for tenesmus) and
corticosteroids could also be tried.
3. Palliative care, given its many facets, is done best with a team. Others
you may want to involve in end-of-life care include, but are not limited
• spiritual care—pastor/priest/chaplain
• palliative care teams, either locally or remotely. Most states have
palliative care advice lines etc.
• community care—visiting nurses, carers
• home help, meals-on-wheels
• respite for his family—hospital, local nursing home, local volunteers
• psychologist/social worker.
1. Hart, A, Palliative care consultant, Western Australia (personal
Further reading
Mitchell, G 2014, ‘End-of-life care for patients with cancer’, Australian
Family Physician, vol. 43, no. 8, pp. 514–19.
Opioid Calculator—FPM ANZCA. App produced by the Faculty of Pain
Medicine of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists.
Available for Apple and android. PalliAGED app available on android and Apple.
Australian Government Department of Health palliative care resource.
Tait, P, Morris, B & To, T 2014, ‘Core palliative medicines: meeting the
needs of non-complex community patients’, Australian Family
Physician, vol. 43, no. 1–2, pp. 29–34.
Therapeutic Guidelines Ltd, Palliative Care Expert Group 2016, Therapeutic
Guidelines: Palliative Care. Version 4. Therapeutic Guidelines Ltd,
North Melbourne, Vic.
Page 318
Case 63
Katrina Carroll
Katrina Carroll, a long-term patient of yours, is attending for an urgent
appointment after scheduled routine follow-up with her breast surgeon.
Your receptionist has obtained Dr Fisher’s report from her recent review
as follows:
Dear Doctor,
Re: Mrs Katrina Carroll, I saw Katrina for routine annual review
following her T2 N1 M0 receptor negative left breast cancer four years
ago. She has been well and had no specific complaints, but clinical
examination revealed an enlarged, firm node in the left supraclavicular
area. I organised an excision biopsy, which unfortunately returned results
consistent with metastatic breast cancer. I organised staging scans which
suggested she has metastasis in her T7 and L1 vertebrae, as well as two
lesions in her liver.
We discussed her results today and I outlined that her condition is not
operable. I have organised for her to see the oncologist next week.
A good candidate should explore Katrina’s concerns and recognise her
husband’s denial
Sensitively dismiss surgery as a curative option Page 321
Gently discourage the pursuit of an unorthodox cure at great expense
to the family
Emphasise the GP’s role in supporting Katrina and her family through the
next stage of Katrina’s care
Give compassionate but realistic information about Katrina’s prognosis
Be prepared to sensitively encourage Katrina to face her mortality and
maximise her time remaining
In response to the questions about prognosis you could introduce the concept
of survival data and their value, given that each case is different
Katrina’s five-year survival could be up 25% but it is dependent on receptors
and her response to chemotherapy.
Further reading
Barbato, M 2002, Caring for the Palliative Care Patient, McGraw-Hill,
Kübler-Ross, E 1969, On Death and Dying, Routledge, London.
National Health and Medical Research Council 2011, ‘An Ethical Framework
for Integrating Palliative Care Principles into the Management of
Advanced Chronic or Terminal Conditions’. Available at: www.nhmrc.g
palliative_care_terminal_110908.pdf, accessed 24 September 2014.
Page 323
Section 18
Page 324
Case 64
Bill Ferguson
Bill Ferguson is a 60-year-old carpenter. He has smoked 30 cigarettes
per day since leaving school at the age of 14. Yesterday he was
diagnosed as having had a transient ischaemic attack. The doctor at the
Emergency department told him that he had to stop smoking.
Bill has come to see you today to ask for advice about stopping
smoking. He has previously resisted any discussion about giving up
smoking whenever he attends for regular blood pressure and cholesterol
The following information is on his medical record:
Past medical history
Hypertension five years
Hypercholesterolaemia three years
Perindopril 5 mg od
Atorvastatin 80 mg per day
Aspirin 100 mg per day
Nil known
Family history
Father died of a stroke, aged 64
Mother aged 93, moderate dementia living in a nursing home
Social history Page 325
Smokes 30 cigarettes per day
Alcohol intake—not known.
Establish rapport and confirm reason for consult
Use the 5 A’s approach:1
1. Ask
How many cigarettes per day, for how long
2. Assess
Readiness to quit
Previous attempts/experience of quitting, longest period of abstinence
Assess nicotine dependence
— Minutes after waking to first cigarette
— Cravings or withdrawal symptoms in previous quit attempts
Personal preference of using nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) or
medication, such as bupropion or varenicline
3. Advise
Specific advice on how to use NRT or medication
4. Assist
Talk through strategies when craves a smoke
— 4 D’s: delay, deep breathe, drink, distract
— Give information about Quitline
5. Arrange
Arrange follow-up
Relapse prevention advice.
1. Zwar, N, Mendelsohn, C & Richmond, R 2014, ‘Tobacco smoking:
options for helping smokers to quit’, Australian Family Physician, vol.
43, no. 6, pp. 348–54.
2. Mendelsohn, C 2013, ‘Optimising nicotine replacement therapy in
clinical practice’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 305–9.
3. McRobbie, H, Bullen, C, Hartmann-Boyce, J & Hajek, P 2014,
‘Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation and reduction’, Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews, vol. 12:CD010216.
Further reading
Australian Medical Association, Tobacco Smoking and E-cigarettes 2015.
The AMA Position. Available at:
tobacco-smoking-and-e-cigarettes-2015, accessed 1 December 2018.
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2011, Supporting
smoking cessation: a guide for health professionals, RACGP,
Melbourne, Vic.
Page 328
Case 65
Taylor Jordan
Taylor Jordan is a 30-year-old woman not previously seen by you. She
has made an appointment to ask you for advice on losing weight.
Three months ago, she attended the surgery and was examined and
tested to exclude any organic cause for her obesity.
You are 30 years old. You have always had a problem with your weight. You
used to play hockey at state level but no longer exercise regularly. You work
at a call centre about an hour’s drive from home. Life is a constant series of
diets but your height is 1.70 m, your weight is 90 kg and BMI is 30.2 kg/m2
with an 80 cm waist. Three months ago, you attended the surgery and were
examined and tested to exclude any organic cause for your obesity.
A friend at work lost weight through a very low-calorie diet but now she is
putting the weight back on. You had thought of trying this diet but are now so
uncertain about what to do that you have decided to see another GP for
Specific questions
Review current weight, BMI, waist circumference and trend1
Review current diet and alcohol intake
Review current exercise level and attitude towards exercise
Exclude eating disorder
Brief review of Taylor’s previous weight loss strategies.
This case tests the doctor’s ability to engage with Taylor and
encourage her with the difficult task of lifestyle change. GPs
need to skilfully support and motivate patients into action by
exploring their readiness for change and by being non-
judgemental.2 The formula for losing weight is simple, but
counteracting the multiple environmental, cultural, social and
personal factors3 that have contributed to obesity in Australia is
Taylor’s recent physical examination and tests mean that
these do not need to be repeated. The doctor should review
Taylor’s daily routine, her diet and activity. Obesity results from
a chronic imbalance between energy intake from food and
energy expenditure. Changes to her diet and energy use
(exercise) are needed. The doctor should encourage Taylor to
consider realistic changes that fit around her work. For example,
is there an option to park the car 15 minutes’ walk away from
work; can she exercise during her lunch breaks; what exercise
can she do at weekends? Picking activities she enjoys will turn
exercise from a chore to a hobby. Can she gain needed support4
by teaming up with a work colleague or friend who also wishes
to lose weight?
One pitfall is linking exercise with a reward of food and
actually putting on more weight. To burn off the kilojoules in
one banana (365 kJ), the average person would need to cycle for
11 minutes; to burn off the kilojoules in one beer (585 kJ), they
would need to walk for 33 minutes—and one jam doughnut
(1360 kJ) is equivalent to
References Page 331
Further Reading
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2015, Smoking,
nutrition, alcohol, physical activity (SNAP): A population health guide
to behavioural risk factors in general practice, 2nd ed, RACGP,
Melbourne, Vic.
Page 332
Case 66
Ali Turnbull
Ali Turnbull is a 32-year-old artist who comes to see you requesting
sleeping tablets. This is the first time that she has been to this surgery.
Prior to seeing you she completed the new patient questionnaire as below:
Past medical history
Recurrent tonsillitis
Can’t remember, will ask Mum
Cervical screen
Normal two years ago
Family history
Mum and Dad both fine, live interstate
Social history
Single Smokes 15 cigarettes per day
No recreational drugs.
You are a 32-year-old artist who has come to the GP to request sleeping
tablets. You used to combine your artwork with work as a Community
Development Officer at the downtown youth centre. This year you sold
enough paintings to be able to afford to paint full-time. You love the freedom
and chance to express yourself and are happy to be earning enough money
doing what you love to do.
Your timetable is flexible enough to fit around your inspiration to paint
and you often end up painting all night if you are working well. You fit
shopping, washing and cleaning in between painting sessions, sometimes
taking your work outside for more inspiration. You drink about eight cups of
coffee per day and do no regular exercise. You drink two to three beers a day.
Your ideal evening is painting until late and then catching up with friends on
social media from the comfort of your bed.
Your mood is stable and you have no weight loss or other symptoms
suggestive of an organic illness.
The only frustration is that you cannot sleep and you have decided to see if
the local GP can help. This is your first visit to this practice as you previously
saw the GP near the youth centre.
Establish rapport
Open-ended questions to establish Ali’s ideas, concerns and expectations.
Specific questions1
Sleep pattern and quality, bedtime regime
— Work
— Family or community commitments
— Alcohol and other drugs
— Smoking
— Exercise
General health
— Brief systems review to exclude organic illness
Mental health
— Mood, energy levels—exclude mania or depression
Strategies and treatments tried so far.
Primary insomnia, secondary to lifestyle.
Management1, 2
Explain problem—need for significant lifestyle change to improve sleep
quality in short-term and long-term health
No indication for medication
Appropriate sleep environment—quiet, dark, appropriate temperature,
comfortable bedding
Regular routine—consistent daytime rising important
Develop regular night-time routine—keep bed for sleep, not the internet
Cut down caffeine
Stop smoking
Cut down alcohol consumption
Regular exercise (at least two hours ahead of bedtime)
If can’t sleep, get up and try again
Bedtime restriction—limiting duration in bed to average calculated sleep
Ali’s success in her painting career has meant freedom from the
restrictions imposed by paid external employment. Her love of
her work means that it seems effortless to her to stay up for
much of the night painting. However, this freedom comes at a
price of poor sleep and a lifestyle that has the potential for harm
in the long term. Ali needs specific advice on how to restore her
circadian rhythms to promote good quality sleep and a non-
judgemental space to discuss the implications of her smoking,
alcohol consumption and lack of exercise.
The last thing that Ali needs is medication so that she can
mask the problem of not sleeping and continue to push her body
beyond the design specification!
1. Cunnington, D, Junge, M, Fernando & A 2013, ‘Insomnia: prevalence,
consequences and effective treatment’, Medical Journal of Australia, vol.
199, no. 8, pp. S36–40.
2. Therapeutics Guidelines Australia 2013, ‘Patient information sheet:
advice on good sleep practices’.
Further reading
Berk, M 2009, ‘Sleep and depression—theory and practice’, Australian
Family Physician, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 302–4.
Fernando 3rd, A, Arroll, B & Falloon, K 2013, ‘A double-blind randomised
controlled study of a brief intervention of bedtime restriction for adult
patients with primary insomnia’, Journal of Primary Health Care, vol.
5, no. 1, pp. 5–10.
Mansfield, D & McEvoy, R 2013, ‘Sleep disorders: a practical guide for
Australian health care practitioners’, Medical Journal of Australia, vol.
199, issue 8 supplement, p. 8.
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, ‘Brief behavioural
therapy: insomnia in adults’, Handbook of Non-Drug Interventions
(HANDI). Page 336
Page 337
Section 19
Page 338
Case 67
Vincent Butler
You are on call and it is the end of the Saturday morning surgery.
Your receptionist gives you a message from the laboratory to say that Mr
Vincent Butler’s INR level is 5.7.
This case requires the GP to talk with a professional colleague
about a common clinical situation. The doctor will be assessed
on their ability to listen and then talk concisely, clearly Page 342
and appropriately answer the questions. Medical jargon
can be used provided it is clear that both doctors use the same
jargon or abbreviations to have the same meaning.
Warfarin is indicated for primary and secondary prevention
of cardiovascular disease following evidence from randomised
controlled trials of its benefits.1 While there is evidence of
benefit at the population level for those at high risk, it is up to
the GP to assess the risks and benefits for an individual patient,
taking into consideration that patient’s psychological, social,
cultural and biomedical factors and the clinic’s ability to monitor
the drug safely.2, 3 The new anticoagulants that do not require
INR monitoring are changing the treatment of non-valvular atrial
fibrillation but are not licensed for use in patients like Mr Butler
who have had valve replacements.4
Case 68
Stephanie Clark
Stephanie Clark works as a receptionist at your single-doctor practice.
Her 3-year-old child, Letitia, attends the local childcare centre. Last
week another child, Daisy, attended the practice because of diarrhoea.
Daisy’s mum, Sally, was advised to keep Daisy at home until the results
of the stool tests were available.
Sally brings Daisy to the practice today for a follow-up. Sally
mentioned that she already knew that the stool test showed an infection
that needed treatment, as Stephanie had told her when they met in the
supermarket yesterday.
Breach of patient confidentiality is a reason for instant dismissal in all
your staff contracts. Your practice manager is currently on leave and so
you have to meet with Stephanie on your own.
1. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners National Expert
Committee on Standards for General Practices. Standards for General
Practices, 5th ed, RACGP, Launched 26 October 2017. Criterion C6.3:
Confidentiality and privacy of health and other information. Available at:
practices-(5th-edition)/, accessed 3 September 2018.
2. Medical Board of Australia. Good medical practice: A code of conduct
for doctors in Australia. 3.4 Confidentiality and privacy,
conduct.aspx, accessed 3 September 2018.
Page 347
Case 69
Debra and Declan Poole
Last Friday you did your first evening on call for the practice. It was
much busier than you had expected. As it was your wedding anniversary
you were keen to get home as soon as possible.
You are a bit puzzled as to why the practice principal has asked to
chat with you after this morning’s surgery about a problem. Your
memory is that you saw mostly kids with runny noses and one with an
ear infection.
Instructions for the practice principal
Last weekend you were on call when you received a phone call from an
angry and anxious mother, Debra Poole. Her son Declan, aged four, had a
painful ear and they had come to see the new doctor at the practice. Debra
said that the doctor seemed to be in a hurry and had a quick look in his ears
but no further examination before prescribing amoxycillin.
Debra gave Declan the first dose of the medication but then looked more
carefully at the packet and saw the drug was similar to penicillin. Two years
previously Declan had had an allergic reaction to penicillin requiring him to
stay overnight in hospital. Once she realised what had happened she went
straight to the emergency department. As a precaution he was admitted to
hospital for observation. Fortunately, Declan did not react to the single dose
of amoxycillin but Debra lost a day’s pay because she monitored him the
following day.
When you talked with Debra on the weekend you promised that Page 348
you would discuss this with your colleague on Monday.
1. Medical Board of Australia. Good medical practice: A code of conduct
for doctors in Australia. 3.10 Adverse events,
conduct.aspx, accessed 3 September 2018.
2. Steer, N 2010, ‘Managing clinical risks—tips from the toolkit 9’,
Australian Family Physician, vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 791–2.
3. Weingart, SN, Toth, M, Sands, DZ, Aronson, MD, Davis, RB & Phillips,
RS 2003, ‘Physicians’ decisions to override computerised drug alerts in
primary care’, Archives of Internal Medicine, vol. 163, pp. 2625–31.
4. van der Sijs, H, Aarts, J, Vulto, A & Berg, M 2006, ‘Overriding Page 350
of drug safety alerts in computerized physician order entry’,
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, vol. 13, no. 2,
pp. 138–47.
5. Sweidan, M, Reeve, JF, Brien, JE, Jayasuriya, P, Martin, JH & Vernon,
GM 2009, ‘Quality of drug interaction alerts in prescribing and
dispensing software’, Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 190, pp. 251–4.
6. Hayward, J, Thomson, F, Milne, H, et al. 2013, ‘Too much, too late:
mixed methods multi-channel video recording study of computerized
decision support systems and GP prescribing’, Journal of the American
Medical Informics Association, vol. 20, pp. e76–e84.
7. Makeham, M, Stromer, S, Bridges-Webb, C, Mira, M, Saltman, D,
Cooper, C, et al. 2008, ‘Patient safety events reported in general practice:
a taxonomy’, Quality & Safety in Health Care, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 53–7.
Further reading
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care 2013,
Implementing the Australian Open Disclosure Framework in small
practices. ACSQHC, Sydney.
Page 351
Section 20
Page 352
Case 70
Andrew Bond
Mr Andrew Bond is a 65-year-old man who has not been to the surgery
for a while. He is usually well. You spent time with him a year ago when
he was giving up smoking. You are not sure why he has booked this
appointment with you today.
Specific questions
Sputum Page 354
Pain Shortness of breath
Family history
Social history
— Confirm smoking history
— Occupational history—exposure to asbestos
— Travel
Systems review—to include weight loss/appetite/energy/sleep
Request permission to examine.
General signs
— Weight loss
— Cyanosis
— Clubbing
Respiratory system
— Respiratory rate
— Use of accessory muscles
— Trachea
— Chest expansion
— Percussion
— Auscultation
— Lymph node enlargement
Abdominal examination looking for evidence of metastatic spread to the
Differential diagnosis
Lung cancer—doctor must mention this as a possibility
Acute respiratory tract infection
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Tuberculosis (less likely without risk factors).
Initial investigations
LFTs Page 355
Chest X-ray
Consider spirometry
Sputum for cytology and MCS.
While not an initial investigation, Mr Bond has risk factors for lung cancer
and will require a chest CT and specialist referral irrespective of initial
Assure Mr Bond of ongoing support
Non-urgently need to find out about alcohol consumption and check of
immunisation status
No proven benefit for cough medicine
Arrange follow-up.
Case 71
Kerrie Griffiths
Kerrie Griffiths is a 32-year-old woman whose first child was born by
caesarean section a week ago. Baby Eloise is doing fine and Kerrie was
discharged home yesterday.
This morning Kerrie has noticed a sharp pain on the left side of the
chest. The pain is worse on breathing in. You are called to see Kerrie at
The following information is on her medical record:
Past medical history
Fluticasone 250 mcg 1 puff bd
Salbutamol inhaler prn
Up-to-date, rubella booster pre-pregnancy
Family history
Nil significant
Social history
You are 32 years old and your first child was born by caesarean section a
week ago. Baby Eloise is doing fine and you were discharged home
yesterday. This morning you have noticed a sharp pain on the left side of
your chest. This is worse on breathing in and you feel short of breath. You
have asked the doctor to see you at home.
This is a new pain. It is preventing you from breathing comfortably. You
have had a cough this morning and have coughed up a bit of blood. You do
not have a temperature and do not have any pain or symptoms suggestive of a
deep vein thrombosis in your legs. You are breastfeeding without difficulty.
Establish rapport
Ask after the baby, feeding, sleep etc.
Open questions to explore Kerrie’s ideas, concerns and expectations.
Specific questions
Details about the pain
Check for haemoptysis, dizziness, syncope, shortness of breath
Enquire about asthma control Exclude infection as likely cause—ask about
fever, systemic upset
Leg pain or swelling
Past history of thromboembolism or known thrombophilia disorders
Exclude mastitis/feeding problem
Reason for caesarean section—epidural or general anaesthetic?
Social history—does she smoke?
Family history of thromboembolism or thrombophilia disorders
Request permission to examine.
Respiratory rate
— Use of accessory muscles
— Palpation—chest expansion
— Percussion
— Auscultation
Heart sounds
Legs—for signs of a DVT.
Differential diagnosis
Must mention pulmonary embolus
Basal atelectasis
Other options including musculoskeletal chest wall pain—less likely.
1. Chapman, NH, Brighton, T, Harris, MF, Caplan, GA, Braithwaite, J &
Chong, BH 2009, ‘Venous thromboembolism—management in general
practice’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 38, pp. 36–40.
2. Tapson, VF 2008, ‘Acute pulmonary embolism’, New England Journal of
Medicine, vol. 358, pp. 1037–52.
3. Doherty, S 2017, ‘Pulmonary embolism: an update’, Australian Family
Physician, vol. 46, pp. 816–20.
4. Agnelli, G & Becattini, C 2010, ‘Acute pulmonary embolism’, New
England Journal of Medicine, vol. 363, pp. 266–74.
Page 361
Case 72
Paul Jackson
Paul Jackson is a 20-year-old man who is about to start a painting and
decorating apprenticeship. Paul had asthma as a child but has been well
since. Four weeks ago, he had a viral upper respiratory tract infection.
Since then he has had a cough, which is keeping him awake at night. He
has to stop playing soccer after only 10 minutes due to shortness of
breath and wheeze. He is noticing some wheeze occasionally during the
day, maybe two to three times per week.
The following information is on his summary sheet:
Past medical history
Childhood asthma
Family history
Maternal osteoporosis
Social history
Lives with de facto partner
You are 20 years old and will soon start a painting and decorating
As a child you had asthma. Four weeks ago, you had a cold and since then
you have had a cough. The cough is dry and worse at night; your girlfriend is
getting really irritated by it. You are worried because you are short of breath
and wheezy after exercise. You can manage only around 10 minutes of
playing soccer before coming off. You have occasionally (two to three times
per week) felt a little wheezy at other times during the day. It feels as though
your asthma has come back.
Poorly controlled asthma.
Explain likely recurrence of asthma
Asthma can recur in adulthood
Reassure Paul that asthma can be treated
Poorly controlled asthma—start both preventer (low-dose inhaled Page 364
corticosteroid) and reliever (e.g. salbutamol)
Discuss rationale and mechanisms of action of both medications
Demonstrate/explain the use of inhalers and spacer
On suggestion of starting inhaled steroids, watch for emotional reaction and
respond appropriately
Enquire sensitively about the reasons for the concern about steroids, for
example, Paul’s mother developed osteoporosis
Outline risks and benefits of inhaled steroids, in particular addressing any
concerns raised by Paul
Plan follow-up and development of an asthma action plan
Assure Paul that asthma should not stop him starting his apprenticeship but to
observe any impact from paint fumes
Advise on when to return for follow-up, and to contact urgently if condition
Discuss asthma first aid and emergencies
Other health promotion—use of alcohol and other drugs
Advice regarding influenza vaccination.
Case 73
Nicholas Morris
Nicholas Morris is 63 years old and has booked in to see you this
morning. The last entry in the notes was five years ago when he attended
after a dog bite.
Specific questions
Shortness of breath, including exercise tolerance
Chest pain
Orthopnoea/paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea
Ankle swelling
Impact of symptoms on lifestyle and ability to work
Smoking history
Alcohol history
Family history
Systems review—include energy levels, sleep, weight loss or change in
Request permission to examine.
General signs
— Weight and BMI
— Cyanosis
— Clubbing
— Tobacco stains on the fingers
Respiratory system
— Respiratory rate
— Use of accessory muscles
— Trachea
— Nodes
— Chest shape
— Chest expansion Page 369
— Percussion
— Auscultation
Cardiovascular system
— Pulse
— Blood pressure
— Heart sounds
— Signs of heart failure.
Differential diagnoses
Carcinoma of the bronchus
Heart failure.
Fasting lipids
Fasting BSL
Chest X-ray.
Using the COPD-X management plan:
Confirm diagnosis and assess severity
Explain most likely diagnosis chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Inform that this illness is related to smoking
Assess ability to travel overseas.
Optimise function
Inhaled bronchodilators
Pulmonary rehabilitation.
Prevent deterioration
Use motivational interviewing techniques to discuss smoking
Outline options for assistance in giving up smoking
Immunisations—influenza, pneumococcal vaccines as per Page 370
Australian Immunisation Handbook.
Develop support network and self-management plan
GP and primary care team follow-up
Develop written action plan to aid in recognition and response to
Manage eXacerbations (cover in subsequent consultations)
Increased bronchodilators
Systemic steroids
Early treatment with antibiotics if signs of infection.
Other issues
Check alcohol consumption
Offer follow-up to address other preventative health issues.
Lim, ML, Brazzale, DJ & McDonald, CF 2012, ‘“Is it okay for me to. . .?”
Assessment of recreational activity risk in patients with chronic lung
conditions’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 852–4.
Seccombe, L & Peters, M 2010, ‘Patients with lung disease. Fit to fly?’,
Australian Family Physician, vol. 39, no 3, pp. 112–5.
Walters, J 2010, ‘COPD—diagnosis, management and the role of the GP’,
Australian Family Physician, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 100–3.
Yang, IA, Brown, JL, P George, J, Jenkins, S, McDonald, CF, McDonald, V,
et al. 2017, ‘COPD-X Concise Guide for Primary Care’. Available at: ww, accessed 20 November 2018.
Page 372
Case 74
Jonty McLeod
Jonty McLeod is 12 years old. Following his parents’ divorce, he spends
half his time with his mum, Elspeth, and half with his dad, Matt. Jonty
has mild persistent asthma, which is well controlled with inhaled
The following information is on Jonty’s medical record:
Past medical history
Fluticasone 100 mcg bd
Salbutamol 200 mcg prn via spacer
Nil known
Family history
Mother has severe eczema
Social history
Attends high school.
You are 12 years old. You are quite settled in the routine of spending half
your time with your father, Matt, and half with your Mum, Elspeth. You
enjoy being in your Mum’s city flat, which has a nearby cinema and ice-
cream shop. Time with your Dad is also enjoyable but more chaotic, as his
house is packed with half-finished custom-made furniture, plus his ever-
loyal, kelpie-cross Homer.
You have had asthma since you were a baby and it is well controlled. For
the last few months you have noticed it has been worse when you are at
Dad’s and you also seem to sneeze a lot. Your nose is often itchy, runny and
blocked, so that you can find it difficult to sleep.
You are in grade seven at a school half-way between Mum and Dad’s and
are generally a happy kid. There are no problems at either home or at school,
other than finding blowing your nose all the time annoying and embarrassing!
You are a self-employed carpenter. Your marriage to Elspeth fell apart
because she wanted to live in the city, whereas you wanted a more relaxed
country lifestyle. You have both been much happier since the divorce and
Jonty seems to thrive on the variety of having two very different homes.
In recent months you have been nagging Jonty to blow his nose and often
hear him sneezing and awake during the night. When you finally caught up
with Elspeth after one of her overseas trips, you were surprised to find out
that Jonty sleeps through when he is at her house and seems well most of the
You have now come to see your own doctor to plan what to do.
Note: If you are unable to persuade someone to play Jonty’s role, please
change the scenario so that the consultation takes place with Matt on his own.
Apyrexial, pulse 84, respiratory rate 14/minute
Ears normal
Throat normal
Nose—blocked, with serous discharge
Chest—no respiratory distress, clear on auscultation
Height 1.55 m (over 50th percentile)
Weight 51 kg
BMI 21 kg/m2
Predicted PEFR rate 323 L/min
Actual PEFR 255 L/min = 79% of predicted.
Observation of environmental precipitants
Consider skin-prick test or serum-specific IgE.
Treatment options
— Identify and avoid allergens
— Antihistamines
— Intranasal corticosteroids
— Saline nasal spray may help with congestion
Arrange follow-up and consider referral for immunotherapy.
Further reading
Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy 2017, ‘Allergic
rhinitis clinical update’. Available at:
gic-rhinitis-clinical-update, accessed 23 November 2018.
National Asthma Council 2014, ‘Australian Asthma Handbook, version 1.0’,
National Asthma Council, Melbourne. Available at: www.asthmahandboo, accessed 23 November 2018.
National Asthma Council 2017, ‘Epidemic thunderstorm asthma’, National
Asthma Council, Melbourne. Available at: www.assets.nationalasthma.or, accessed 23 November
Rueter, K & Prescott, S 2014, ‘Hot topics in paediatric immunology: IgE-
mediated food allergy and allergic rhinitis’, Australian Family Physician,
vol. 43, no. 10, pp. 680–5.
Page 377
Section 21
Sexual health
Page 378
Case 75
Ben Ramsay
Ben Ramsay is a 33-year-old engineer who recently ended a long-term
relationship with his partner Tim. He has presented to you today to
discuss taking PrEP to lower his risk of HIV. Please discuss his
suitability for PrEP and answer his questions.
Establish rapport
Demonstrate a non-judgemental empathic response to his request for PrEP
Listen carefully to his ideas and concerns
Exclude symptoms suggestive of recent STI
Assess his current risk of HIV and other STIs
Check details of PrEP using drug resource available and discuss with Ben
Reinforce value of using condoms.
Further reading
Cornelisse, V 2018, PrEP on the PBS: An opportunity in HIV prevention.
Retrieved from:
-hiv-prevention, accessed 25 February 2019.
Decision making in PrEP Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Page 382
Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine 2018. Retrieved from: ww
w.Ashm.Org.Au/Products/Product/3000100092, accessed 25 February
Ward, J, Hawke, K & Guy, RJ 2018, ‘Priorities for preventing a concentrated
HIV epidemic among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians’,
Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 209, no. 1, pp. 5–6.
Wright, E, Grulich, A, Roy, K, Boyd, M, Cornelisse, V, Russell, D,
Zablotska, I 2017, ‘Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and
Sexual Health Medicine HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis: clinical
guidelines’, Journal of Virus Eradication, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 168–84.
Page 383
Case 76
Vinay Singh
Vinay Singh is a 35-year-old management consultant whom you’ve seen
a few times for minor ailments. His wife and children are regular patients
of yours. His wife rang the surgery this morning to say Vinay is sick
with the flu and has a strange non-itchy rash on his palms and soles.
Upon arrival Vinay is put in a spare consulting room for quarantine
purposes. His wife and children are in the waiting room.
On specific questioning
You travel overseas about five times per year, for one to two weeks, to either
the United States or South-East Asia for work. Your family does not
accompany you on these trips. Not uncommonly on these overseas trips
you’ll have sex with male and/or female sex workers (vaginal, oral and anal
—receptive and penetrative). You use condoms ‘most’ of the time. You have
never had a sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening or any previous
STI (to your knowledge).
You see these trips as well-deserved opportunities to let your hair down
and have some fun. You compartmentalise your life: you see yourself as a
‘different person’ when working overseas and believe that your trips away
enhance your ability to be a good husband and father, as they allow you to
‘blow off steam’. You categorically see yourself as a heterosexual loving
father and husband. You deny any mood problems or guilty feelings—while
life has its ups and downs, you see yourself as a relatively happy and
confident person.
You were born in India and have lived in Australia since the age of 10.
You are not religious and don’t have any particularly strong cultural or
extended family ties. You have not been back to India for more than 10 years.
You did not visit any wooded/rural areas during your recent trip to the
United States and have no particular reason for thinking you have Lyme
disease except that you have heard that it is ‘common over there’.
You do not smoke and rarely drink alcohol, as it tends to give you a
headache and to make you feel sleepy. If asked about other drugs, you pause,
look uncomfortable and say ‘not really’. If asked to expand in a sensitive and
non-judgemental way, you admit to using methamphetamine (‘meth’/‘ice’) as
a party drug when overseas for work. You also use it to help you to keep
awake and alert when jetlagged (e.g. before a big meeting). You have used it
in tablet form but prefer ‘snorting’ it (intranasally). You’ve never used IV
drugs. You used marijuana a few times in college but not since then. You do
not consider yourself an addict and you’re not interested in giving it Page 385
up. You’ve never used drugs in front of your wife or kids (they are
unaware of your drug use). You purchase drugs from local dealers (usually in
nightclubs). You never carry drugs while travelling and you’ve never been in
trouble with the law. You have had some dental decay requiring crowns and
veneers to be fitted, but otherwise no adverse effects from the meth use.
About three months ago (two to three weeks after returning from a trip to
Thailand), you noticed a painless ulcer around your anus. It healed in about
three weeks. You have been otherwise well until last week. You have noticed
some new, painful lumps around your anus.
Suggested prompt: ‘Is there any chance this could be something I got
When the diagnosis is given
You are devastated by the syphilis diagnosis and initially disbelieving:
‘Could there be some mistake?’
You thought syphilis was an old disease that had been eradicated, like
polio. You thought you may have been vaccinated against it in the past. You
know nothing else about it, other than it can ‘send you crazy’.
You are initially resistant to the idea of informing your wife, but you agree
that if the reasons (including the health risks to your wife) are explained
sensitively and with empathy you will sit down and talk with her this
evening. You would prefer to talk to her alone initially, rather than her
finding out another way. If suggested, you are willing to return for a follow-
up visit with your wife and to follow an appropriate management plan.
Suggested prompts:
• ‘What should I tell my wife?’
• ‘Do I need tests to see if it’s cured?’
• ‘You did say that this consultation was confidential, didn’t you?’
Investigation results
FBE within normal limits
Urea and electrolytes within normal limits
LFTs within normal limits
First pass urine PCR—negative for Chlamydia and gonorrhoea
Oral and anal swabs PCR—negative for Chlamydia and gonorrhoea
Swabs of lesions on palms/soles PCR—negative for enteroviruses
Anogenital lesions, wet mount preparation of expressed exudate—dark field
microscopy reveals syphilitic spirochaetes
Syphilis serology—positive ELISA, followed by positive results on
confirmatory testing
Hepatitis A, B and C serology negative, non-immune
HIV Ab negative
Lyme disease serology—result pending (three-to-four week turnaround)
Chest X-ray normal.
Sexual history should include partners (number and gender), sexual practices,
protection from STIs, previous STIs
Drug history should include drug type/s, frequency of use, route of
administration and readiness to modify behaviour
Relationship with wife/family, beliefs and self/cultural identity, mood.
Ask the facilitator for specific examination findings as per above list
Must ask for description of skin lesions
Must ask for examination of anogenital area.
As per above list
Key investigations include
— First pass urine PCR
— Oral and anal swabs: PCR and wet mount preparation
— Syphilis/Hepatitis B/HIV serology.
Sensitively break news of secondary syphilis infection
Patient education about syphilis, including explaining cause, transmission,
stages (primary, secondary and tertiary) and correcting any
Treat infection
— Benzathine penicillin G 1.8 g IM single dose OR
— Procaine penicillin G 1.0 g IM daily for 10 days OR
— Doxycycline 100 mg twice daily for 14 days (if allergic to penicillin)
Vaccinate against hepatitis A and B
Talk to sexual health unit/clinic
Tracing of all sexual partners, if possible
Wife needs to be informed and tested (encourage Vinay to inform her, but
offer assistance: yourself and/or contact tracing service)
Refrain from sexual activity until seven days after treatment of both partners
is complete
Safe sex messages
Follow-up—regular STI screening
Follow-up—clinical and lab testing (syphilis serology ) at 3, 6 and 12 Page 388
Harm reduction regarding methamphetamine use. Aim to move from
precontemplation to contemplation.
Case 77
Samantha Heyward
Samantha Heyward is 21 years old and her family have been your
patients for many years. She has mostly enjoyed good health and has
been on the oral contraceptive pill for about five years, initially for
irregular periods and then for contraception.
She has also had some depression, which got quite severe during her
final year of school and she has been on sertraline since then. She has
tried a couple of times to stop taking it, but within a month or so her
mood drops and she recommences. Sam has a close relationship with her
parents and has two older brothers who are both married with children
but live nearby. You see Sam every several months and at her last
appointment she was doing well. She told you she had a new boyfriend,
Glen, and was enjoying her work as a clerk in the courthouse.
Specific questions
Explore libido mismatch
Explore the relationship
Exclude abuse
Explore arousal, orgasm and dyspareunia
Explore general health and medications.
General appearance BMI
Further reading
Arndt, B 2009, The Sex Diaries, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne.
Goodwach, R 2017, ‘Let’s talk about sex’, Australian Family Physician, vol.
46, no. 1–2, pp. 14–18
Phillips, N 2000, ‘Female sexual dysfunction: evaluation and treatment’,
American Family Physician, no. 62, no. 1, pp. 127–36. Page 396
Page 397
Section 22
Travel health
Page 398
Case 78
Tanya Hardy
Tanya is a nursing student who has generally been very healthy but has
presented in the past for immunisations, an episode of bronchitis and
once for emergency contraception.
You are coming to the doctor today because you and a friend are planning a
backpacking holiday after you both graduate. In two months you will go to
Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and then party in the Thai islands before going to
Malaysia and finishing in Singapore.
You have read about a backpacker track where you can get food and
accommodation for a couple of dollars a day and alcohol is ‘super-cheap’. If
asked, you are hoping to do some jungle trekking, see wild monkeys, ride an
elephant, learn to ride a scooter, try scuba diving and do lots of partying.
You have never travelled overseas before and aren’t big on planning.
Nothing is booked apart from your flights. You’re very excited about the trip
but haven’t thought much about any health issues. You are receptive to issues
the doctor raises and listen attentively to their advice, asking the sort of
practical questions you think the real Tanya would ask.
Your health is good, and your only regular medication is your
contraceptive pill. Your family are all healthy but live interstate.
If asked, you are not currently sexually active, having broken up with your
boyfriend six months ago. You’ve heard men in Asia are very friendly and
fun-loving so you’re looking forward to making new friends on your trip.
You have used marijuana in the past and ecstasy on occasion when you’ve
gone dancing. You’ve heard about the magic mushroom shakes you can get
in Asia and can’t wait to try them.
You had various immunisations three years ago when you started nursing.
You’re not exactly sure which ones, but you think they included hepatitis B,
pertussis and measles/mumps/rubella. You currently smoke about 10 to 15
cigarettes a day and have done so since you started nursing. You plan to give
up one day, but certainly not on your big holiday. You don’t drink alcohol
every day but about once a week you go out with your friends and drink up to
10 to 12 drinks. This doesn’t really bother you, apart from the hangovers,
which you plan to sleep through on your holiday. If explored, a couple of
times in the past you have had too much to drink and ended up sleeping with
guys you don’t know very well. About half of the times this has happened
you have not remembered to use condoms. You are forthcoming about all this
if asked, but will clam up if you feel the doctor is lecturing you.
Specific questions1
Previous travel history Specific travel questions
— Intended activities
— Precise itinerary
— Style and mode of travel
— Type of accommodation
— Time of year
— Length of stay
— Any travel/health insurance
Drug (including recreational drugs) and alcohol history
Smoking history
Previous vaccinations
General health and systems review
Request permission to examine.
General appearance
Vital signs.
Food and water advice—should be practical and specific
Accidents and safety—alcohol and road safety, wearing helmets,
hiking/jungle safety
Safe sex/contraception
Malaria/dengue prevention, zika advice
Rabies prevention
Drug awareness
Travel insurance
Simple medical/first aid kit
— Typhoid
— Hepatitis A +/− Salmonella
— Japanese encephalitis
— Cholera
— +/− Rabies
Advise her to seek medical attention if she becomes unwell within the first
few weeks of her return to Australia
Provide written information as well.
1. Chen, LH, Hochberg, NS & Magill, AJ 2015, ‘The pre-travel
consultation’, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA.
2. Henderson, J, Harrison, C, Bayram, C & Britt, H 2015, ‘Travel advice and
vaccination’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 44, no. 1–2, pp. Page 403
Further reading
Batchelor, T & Gherardin, T 2007, ‘Prevention of malaria in travellers’,
Australian Family Physician, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 316–20.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2017, CDC Yellow Book 2018:
Health Information for International Travel, Oxford University Press,
New York.
Leder, K 2015 ‘Advising travellers about management of travellers’
diarrhea’, Australian Family Physician. Vol. 44, no. 9, pp. 34–37.
Neilson, A & Mayer, C 2010, ‘Cholera—recommendations for prevention in
travellers’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 222–5.
Neilson, A & Mayer, C 2010, ‘Hepatitis A: prevention in travellers’,
Australian Family Physician, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 942–8.
Neilson, A & Mayer, C 2010, ‘Rabies: prevention in travellers’, Australian
Family Physician, vol. 39, no. 9, pp. 641–5.
Page 404
Case 79
Betty Ward
During her routine check-up last week, 68-year-old Betty Ward
mentioned that she had just booked to go on an overseas holiday. Today
she has returned with her planned itinerary.
On specific questioning:
Your travel agent reassured you that the pace of the tour will be ‘sedate’ and
that they ‘will take good care of you’. You have not yet investigated travel
insurance options. You live independently but can walk only 30 to 40 metres
without ‘stopping to catch a breath’. You have been on warfarin for four
years and have monthly INR tests. Your INR results have been stable and
you have not required any dose adjustment for more than six months.
You are happy to see a respiratory physician if this is recommended, as
long as it can be done before your trip.
Specific questions2
Previous travel experience
Itinerary (places/activities/length of stay)
Method of travel (flights/rail/bus/vehicle; independent/tour)
Travel companion? Support available?
Travel insurance? Health insurance?
Current exercise tolerance
Immunisation status.
Medical and medication summary
Letter from GP stating medication is for personal use
Carry list of emergency contacts
Consider medical alert bracelet
Find travel companion, if possible
Advice about importance of travel insurance (warn her that she may have
difficulty finding insurance to cover pre-existing conditions)
Advice about carrying medication (e.g. in original packaging, spare supplies
split between cabin and checked luggage)
Discuss mobility needs with tour group company and airline Page 407
Send for specialist assessment/get specialist advice about need for
inflight supplemental oxygen (Clearance to Fly certificate)4
Test INR just before departure or consider switching to new orally active
anticoagulants5, 6
Warn about INR variations due to unfamiliar diet etc. and possible need for
testing while overseas (provide letter)
Advice about travel medical kit
General safety precautions (e.g. motor vehicle, theft)
Discuss impact of jet lag (tends to be more severe in older travellers; consider
scheduling ‘recovery’ days/stopover if possible).
Register with SmartTraveller website.3
Further reading
Lim, M, Brazzale, D & McDonald, C 2012, ‘“Is it okay for me to. . .?”
Assessment of recreational activity risk in patients with chronic lung
conditions’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 41, no. 11, pp. 852–4.
Henderson, J, Harrison, C, Bayram, C & Britt, H 2015, ‘Travel advice and
vaccination’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 44, no. 1–2, pp. 14–15.
Page 409
Section 23
Women’s health
Page 410
Case 80
Jenny Butterfield
Jenny Butterfield is a 35-year-old woman who has heavy periods. Her
periods are regular but last up to 10 days. For the first three to four days
she is leaking despite wearing both tampons and sanitary pads. She has
to change protection every half an hour and takes time off work during
her period because of this. The periods are not painful. She has no other
gynaecological symptoms and she does not pass clots. She is separated
from her husband.
The following information is on her medical record:
Past medical history
Two normal vaginal deliveries
Nil known
Pap smear
Normal this year
Family history
Mother died of pancreatic cancer, aged 53
Social history
Two children Page 411
Clinical examination findings
Normal abdominal and pelvic examination.
FBC and iron studies
Consider clotting factors and thyroid function tests.
Treatment options
Levonorgestrel releasing intrauterine device (Mirena)
NSAIDs—check no contraindication Antifibrinolytic such as tranexamic acid
Oral contraceptive pill—if no other risk factors
Ultrasound scan and endometrial sampling not needed initially
Consider referral for danazol, endometrial resection or ablation or
hysterectomy if medical treatment is not effective
Offer to discuss with employer if Jenny wishes
Arrange follow-up.
Further reading
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care 2017, Heavy
Menstrual Bleeding Clinical Care Standard, Sydney, ACSQHC.
Bano, R, Datta, S & Mahmood, TA 2016, ‘Heavy menstrual bleeding’,
Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine, vol. 26, no. 6, pp.
Gupta, J, Kai, J, Middleton, L, Pattison, H, Gray R & Daniels, J et al. 2013,
‘Levonorgestrel intrauterine system versus medical therapy for
menorrhagia’, vol. 368, pp. 128–37.
Lethaby, A, Duckitt, K & Farquhar, C 2013, ‘Non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs for heavy menstrual bleeding’, Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews 1:CD000400.
Lethaby, A, Penninx, J, Hickey, M, Garry, R & Marjoribanks, J 2013,
‘Endometrial resection and ablation techniques for heavy menstrual
bleeding’, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 8:CD001501.
Middleton, LJ, Champaneria, R, Daniels, JP, Bhattacharya, S, Cooper, KG,
Hilken, NH et al. 2010, ‘Hysterectomy, endometrial destruction, and
levonorgestrel releasing intrauterine system (Mirena) for heavy menstrual
bleeding: systematic review and meta-analysis of data from individual
patients’, British Medical Journal, vol. 341, p. c3929.
Page 414
Case 81
Vikki Nicolaides
Vikki Nicolaides is a 34-year-old accountant. She and Nico, her
boyfriend, have been together for four years and they are considering
starting a family. She has made this appointment to find out about when
to stop the pill.
You are 34 years old and work long hours as an accountant. Over the past
year you have been discussing with your boyfriend the possibility of starting
a family. You want to find out from the GP when to stop taking the pill and
would be happy to have any other advice that you are offered.
You have regular periods on the pill and your BMI is 24 kg/m2.
Your Mum and sister have diabetes. They were both diagnosed in their
30s. Your maternal grandmother is now on dialysis due to her kidney trouble
and also was diagnosed young with diabetes. But they’re all heavyset and you
think you got your Dad’s genes. You’re hoping this won’t be an issue for
Further reading
Dorney, E & Black, K 2018, ‘Preconception care’, Australian Journal of
General Practice, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 424–9.
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
2019, Prenatal screening for Fetal Genetic or Structural Conditions.
Accessed at:
ns-(C-Obs-35)-Review-March-2016.pdf?ext=.pdf, accessed 8 June 2019.
Tan, YL & Kidson-Gerber, G 2016, ‘Antenatal haemaglobinopathy screening
in Australia’, Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 204, no. 6, pp. 226–30.
Page 418
Case 82
Shantelle Kickett
Shantelle Kickett is a 31-year-old Noongar woman from Western
Australia. She has moved in with her long-term partner and is planning a
family soon. She is concerned about her fertility as she only gets five
periods a year. A colleague ordered tests and Shantelle has come to you
for the results today.
Pelvic USS
The uterus and both ovaries were clearly identified. No abnormality
demonstrated. No hydronephrosis.
FSH 6 (5–20) mIU/mL
LH 18 (5–20) mIU/mL
FSH/LH ratio 1:3 (elevated)
FAI 12 (normal 7–10)
SHBG 20 (18–114) nmol/L
Signs of hyperandrogenism (acne, hirstusim, central obesity, striae)
Urinary bHCG.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) with oligomenorrhoea—possibly
anovulatory cycles.
Doctors need to ask about hirsutism because women often self-
treat to hide their abnormal hair growth. A normal ultrasound
result does not exclude PCOS and patients must be off the
contraceptive pill for three months before biochemistry testing
for PCOS.
Case 83
Zahra Mohammed Ibrahim
Zahra Mohammed Ibrahim is a 36-year-old Somali refugee who arrived
in Australia 18 months ago. She presents with a two-month history of
missed periods and is asking for a pregnancy test. Your practice nurse
has completed a urine pregnancy test that is positive.
Specific questions
Determine whether pregnancy is planned and wanted
Date of last menstrual period
Ask about previous pregnancies and complications
Ensure Zahra is well
Clarify past medical history, current medications, allergies, family history
Ask regarding previous cervical screening and FGM
Explore social history and support network, and mental wellbeing.
General appearance
Blood pressure and heart rate
Height, weight and BMI
Cardiovascular/respiratory/thyroid examination
Abdominal examination—palpate for fundus and liver examination
Urine dipstick
Finger-prick BSL
Edinburgh postnatal depression scale.
Case 84
Lori Dalton
You are a 67-year-old retired journalist. You are a keen bushwalker but get
frustrated because of the pain in your osteoarthritic knees. You have seen an
advert for rosehip powder at your local health food shop and want to know
whether to use this during your planned trekking holiday in Nepal. The advert
quoted an article in the Australian Family Physician,1 so you have brought in
the abstract to ask your GP about it.
You will ask the GP the following questions:
1. What do you think about this article, doctor? Do you think that the
information is reliable? (Supplementary question: Why do you think
2. The article talks about randomised controlled trials. Please would you
explain what these are. And I’ve heard of some trials being ‘double
blind’. What does this mean?
3. Do you think the rosehip powder is worth trying?
4. Will the rosehip powder be safe for me to take while also taking
5. Should I take it with me when I go on my trekking holiday to Nepal?
Suggested answers
1. What do you think about this article, doctor? Do you think that the
information is reliable? (Supplementary question: Why do you think
that?) This article is about using rosehip powder to help with
inflammatory conditions such as arthritis.
Factors to consider2, 3
• Journal: the Australian Family Physician is a peer-reviewed,
professional journal, indexed by Medline. Reputable journals with
high impact factors are regarded as reliable, but they still require
systematic scrutiny.
• Article: sponsored or not? Are there conflicts of interest?
• Level of evidence: meta-analysis, but not clear in abstract who
conducted this, or what methods were used. There is no indication on
the inclusion or exclusion criteria.
• Gold standard is methodology used by the Cochrane collaboration.4
Consider and explain what the levels of evidence are and how these
support recommendations.
• Trials: were all trials of rosehip powder included or only those
• Statistical and clinical significance: in this paper, response is Page 434
described as ‘twice as likely’; it is not clear if this is the
absolute or relative risk of benefit. There is no indication of the
sample sizes or statistical power.
• Author(s): publication history, qualifications, academic affiliations,
financial ties to research topic or conflicts of interest.
2. The article talks about randomised-controlled trials. Please would you
explain what these are. And I’ve heard of some trials being ‘double
blind’. What does this mean?
• Randomised controlled trials test whether treatments work.2
• A group of people, all with the same clinical problem, are randomly
allocated to have different treatments. The effect of a new treatment is
compared to an inert, look-alike pill (the placebo) or another
• Ideally trials are ‘double blinded’ so that neither the patient nor the
person who assesses the effects of the treatments know which
treatment the patient is on. This reduces the potential for bias among
the groups.
• Calculations are done before the trial to work out how many
participants are needed (the power of the trial) to be sure any result is
both clinically and statistically significant.
3. Do you think the rosehip powder is worth trying? From the information in
this article it may be worth trying, but it is not something that I have
previously studied or recommended. The Therapeutic Goods
Administration (TGA)—the Australian government organisation that
checks whether medicines work and are safe—lists products that are
approved for use; we can examine the TGA and other sources of
information. Within the article the number of people who have tried it
seems very low compared to the number who have used other anti-
inflammatories and painkillers. Also, the article mentions people who
have taken it for a short time only and so its long-term safety is uncertain
from this information.
It is not clear what type of arthritis the participants in this study had,
whether they were men or women and what age they were. This makes it
more difficult to know if the results apply to you.
4. Will the rosehip powder be safe to take while also taking ibuprofen? I’m
sorry, Mrs Dalton, but I cannot answer that question from this article. The
participants were on either the rosehip powder or a dummy placebo pill.
There is no information on the safety of mixing the rosehip powder with
other medications.
5. Should I take it with me when I go on my trekking holiday to Page 435
Nepal? A general rule is to not start taking a medication for the
first time while overseas. If you do want to take it with you, I would
suggest a trial of several weeks before you go, so that if you have a bad
response to it you will know while you are still in Australia and will have
time to recover before you actually go away. It is also worth checking to
see if rosehip powder can legally be taken into Nepal.
There’s another option. Your dose of ibuprofen is quite low. Providing
you are not getting any side effects from it, you could increase the dose,
add regular paracetamol, and try walking poles and leg strengthening
1. Cohen, M 2012, ‘Rosehip—an evidence-based herbal medicine for
inflammation and arthritis’, Australian Family Physician, vol. 41, no. 7,
pp. 495–8.
2. Greenhalgh, T 2014, How to read a paper: the basics of evidence-based
medicine, 5th ed, British Medical Journal Books.
3. Margolis, S 2018, ‘Evidence-based medicine’, Australian Journal of
General Practice, vol 4, no. 6.
4. Spurling G, Mitchell B & van Driel M 2018, ‘Unlocking the value of
Cochrane reviews for general practitioners’, Australian Journal of
General Practice, vol. 47, no. 6, pp. 333–6.
5. Smith, A 2002, ‘It’s natural so it must be safe’, Australian Prescriber, vol.
25, pp. 50–1.
Further reading
1. van Driel, M & Spurling, G 2017, ‘Guidelines and systematic reviews:
Sizing up guidelines in general practice’, Australian Family Physician,
vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 438–40
2. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2018, Guideline for
the management of knee and hip osteoarthritis, 2nd ed, RACGP, East
Melbourne, Vic.
Page 436
Case 85
Kaitlin Johansen
You are working an evening clinic in general practice and a patient of
your practice, Kaitlin Johansen, comes in unexpectedly, tearful, reporting
she has been raped at a party. Your last patient cancelled, so you can see
Kaitlin now.
Suggested resources
Daisy App helps people connect to local resources. Available at: https://www
RACGP White Book. Available at:
For local resources in your state check this website:
Further reading
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2014, Abuse and
violence: Working with our patients in general practice, 4th ed, RACGP,
Melbourne, Vic.
Guidelines for medico-legal care for victims of sexual violence © World
Health Organization 2003 Retrieved from:
FB8EB39ABA1385216?sequence=1, accessed 26 February 2019.
Tarczon, C & Quadara, A 2012, ‘The nature and extent of sexual assault and
abuse in Australia’, Australia Centre for the Study of Sexual assault,
Melbourne. Retrieved from:
on-documents/rs5.pdf, accessed 26 February 2019.
Australian Bureau of Statistics’ 2016 Personal Safety Survey. Available at: ht
016, accessed 9 March 2019. Page 440
Page 441
Section 25
Page 442
Case 86
Jill Krecher
Jill Krecher is a 29-year-old woman who has been to the surgery four
times for minor ailments in the last few months. The receptionist told
you she sounded teary on the phone when she booked for an appointment
You have asked to see the doctor urgently as you can’t teach today due to
your bruises. You have a black eye, which you can’t cover with make-up and
bruises on your arms. Your partner Paul has become increasingly violent.
You haven’t been able to tell anyone and have hidden the bruises. This
weekend he has been very violent. He’s never hit you in the face before.
You have had some time off work recently as his behaviour has been
upsetting you so much, but you’ve told the doctors it’s either gastro or a viral
Today you think the doctor will probably notice the bruises and if they ask
you will tell them what’s going on. You feel so much shame about being in
this situation you can’t bring it up unprompted.
Initially, tell the doctor you’ve had trouble sleeping and don’t think you
can teach today.
If you trust them and they ask questions about your situation you will tell
them you had an argument with your partner and ‘things have been a bit
rough lately’. If they ask about violence or if you feel safe you will confide in
You’ve been with Paul for two years. The first year he was like a dream
come true and he swept you off your feet. All your friends and family loved
him too. But he then became jealous and slowly you’ve stopped seeing
friends and family.
He first hit you six months ago after a male colleague chatted to you at a
local café. He thought you were cheating. His violence is getting more
frequent and last night he strangled you until you almost passed out.
Your friends seem worried about you, but they have stopped ringing as
often as you have been withdrawn.
There are no children involved.
You would like to consider leaving but have no idea where to start and
you are scared about what Paul will do if you leave.
Use statements such as:
‘You deserve to feel safe’
‘You do not deserve to be treated this way’ Page 445
‘I am here to help you’
‘I am concerned about your safety’
Avoid statements such as:
‘Why don’t you leave?’
‘Why did he hit you?’
‘You should leave’
Traumatised patients often need time. You may not have much time in an
initial consultation, but early follow-up and enlisting the help of a team
help the patient to get the time they may need.
Assess safety
Does the patient feel safe?
Are there any red flags?
Is the violence escalating?
In this case the patient has experienced non-lethal strangulation. Studies show
this increases the risk of attempted and completed homicide four to six
fold in the future. This behaviour needs to be recognised as a significant
Suggested resources
Daisy App helps people connect to local resources. Available at: https://www
RACGP White Book, Chapter 2 Intimate partner violence. Available at: https
Case 87
Marcus Petrovic
Marcus Petrovic is 28-year-old man who moved to your practice six
months ago. He has a 10-year history of schizophrenia with frequent
hospital admissions. In the last year he has been relatively stable on
fortnightly Zuclopenthixol (Clopixol) depot injections and nightly
quetiapine (Seroquel).
He is obese, has borderline hypertension and is not very physically
active. He has a family history of diabetes, heart disease and
dyslipidaemia. He smokes but does not drink alcohol. He is unemployed
and is on a disability support pension.
Your previous impression has been that he seems quite blunted in
affect and you suspect he has at least some moderate intellectual and/or
developmental delay, which gives him a child-like manner. Six months
ago, he moved to your town to live with his parents but he has recently
moved into a flat with friends. He is on the waiting list to see a local
psychiatrist but has yet to engage with local mental health services.
He takes his medication, recognising that it has probably contributed
to his good run in recent years. He presents today in between his
scheduled fortnightly appointments.
Specific questions
Explore the history of drug use—its context and Marcus’ awareness of
risks/safe injecting
Assess mood and thought content as well as any psychotic symptoms and, if
present, their relationship to the drug use
Explore Marcus’s awareness of his current vulnerability with his new friends
and with the police.
General appearance
Vital signs
Examine right antecubital fossa for possible abscess; examine both
antecubital fossae for track marks
Cardiovascular examination.
Manage the presenting complaint (cellulitis) with appropriate antibiotics, e.g.
flu/dicloxacillin to cover Staphylococcus aureus, which is the likely
causative organism. Add in a topical skin wash such as chlorhexidine.
Outline the health risks of IV drug use to Marcus in words he understands.
Explain the need for safe injecting as well as testing for bloodborne
viruses and offer immunisation against hepatitis B.
Gently introduce the idea that his friends may be taking advantage of him.
Ensure follow-up.
Physical examination
General appearance: obese man of stated age in no distress
Vital signs
HR 78/min regular
BP 135/82 mmHg sitting
Temp 36.8°C
Height 178 cm
Weight 121 kg
BMI 38 kg/m2
RR 14/min
Right antecubital fossa has a round area of redness, warmth and induration of
the skin with no evidence of any underlying abscess
Both antecubital fossae have several small marks consistent with fresh
puncture wounds
Cardiovascular examination: normal
Respiratory examination: normal
Abdominal examination: normal
Mental state examination: normal apart from a blunted affect and limited
Surgery tests: ECG—sinus rhythm 75/min; BSL (random)—6.2; Urinalysis
Remainder of physical examination is normal and further investigations are
not available.
Diagnostic impressions/problem list Page 452
Figure 7 Close-up of painful, red blurry right eye (see page 172).
Photo courtesy of Dr Andrew Moreton