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SnagIt Studio 6.0.1 - STUDIO.

TXT 7 January 2002

1. WHAT IS SnagIt Studio?



3.1 Installation Instructions
3.2 Installed Files
3.3 Uninstall Instructions




5.1 Creating and Saving Documents
5.2 Drawing with Objects
5.3 Drawing Tools
5.4 Catalogues




1. What is SnagIt Studio?
SnagIt Studio is an object-based drawing program designed for
annotation of screen captures and other images. SnagIt Studio helps
you quickly markup any image using object-based vector drawing
tools. A powerful Catalogue feature includes many preset annotation
shapes and allows you to create your own collections of custom
drawing shapes.

Use SnagIt Studio to add text boxes, captions, callouts, rubber

stamps, arrows, sticky notes, and other drawing objects to your
images. Use the hilite tool to highlight a portion of your image.
Add frames and borders. Quickly overlay images to create a collage
of images or to print multiple images on a single page.

With object-based "vector" drawing tools, an extensible shape

Catalogue, and unlimited undo/redo, SnagIt Studio is far more
powerful than ordinary paint programs and an incredible
productivity tool for image annotation.


In order to run SnagIt Studio, your system must meet these


o SnagIt version 5.0 or higher

o An IBM PC or compatible that meets the minimum hardware
requirements for your version of Microsoft Windows.

o Windows NT 4.0 (or higher), Windows 95 B (or higher), or

Windows 98 installed and configured on your system.

o A mouse or other pointing device.


3.1 Installation Instructions

Double-click the file "setup.exe". Follow the on-screen


3.2 Installed Files

The installation program copies the following files to the install

folder on your computer during installation:

arrows.cat Arrow shape catalogue

callouts.cat Callout shape catalogue
clipart.cat Clip Art shape catalogue
my catalogue.cat Blank user catalogue
pointers.cat Pointer shape catalogue
sample.txt Sample SnagIt Studio document
shapes.cat Basic shape catalogue
stamps.cat Stamp shape catalogue
studio.cnt Windows Help contents file for the Studio
studio.exe SnagIt Studio executable
studio.hlp SnagIt Studio Help File
studio.txt This file

These files are copied in addition to the files already installed

by SnagIt, the screen capture tool.

3.3 Uninstall Instructions

1. Run the Windows Control Panel

2. Open the Add/Remove Programs applet from Control Panel
3. Select SnagIt Studio from the list of applications
that can be uninstalled by Windows
4. Click on the Add/Remove button to uninstall the program


1. Create a new document by using "File->Import" to open an

existing image file, or "File->New" to create a blank canvas.
Importing an image fills your canvas with a "background image".
Drawing objects are placed on a "layer" above the background
image or blank canvas.

2. Markup your image using the drawing tools in the "Annotation

Toolbar" or by dragging shapes from the Catalogue to your
document. Select a drawing tool and then click over the
canvas to apply the tool. Since all drawing tools and
catalogue shapes are object-based, they can be modified,
repositioned and resized at any time.

3. To modify a drawing object, first select it with the mouse.

Move or resize the object by dragging it with the mouse.
Hit the Delete key to delete the selected object. Use the
"Properties Toolbar" or "Font Toolbar" to change the
properties of a selected object. To change the text in a
drawing object, simply click on the existing text.

4. Use "File->Save/Save As" to save your document with drawing

object information preserved. Use "File->Export" to save
your document as an image file. Note that the drawing object
information and properties are never saved in an exported
image file.

v6.0.1 Changed Studio's file saving dialog so that it remembers
the last directory a file was saved to when saving a
new file.

Fixed a problem where Studio could fail on startup if

certain registry entries were corrupted.

Changed Studio so the File Save dialog does not appear if

the file has already been saved once, Studio will just save
the file without showing the dialog.

v6.0.0 Added a menu option for checking for more recent versions.

Added a menu option for going to frequently asked questions.

Added a menu option for going to other TechSmith products.

v5.2.2 Fixed a problem with the File|Import open file dialog did
not resize correctly.

Fixed a problem with copying and pasting from the Studio

bitmap editor into the Studio canvas area. The image
was being slightly changed.

Fixed a problem where Studio did not refresh the printer

settings after a default printer change was made.
So printing could fail if you changed the Windows default
printer settings while Studio was running.

Fixed a problem where invoking Studio from SnagIt

with an image to import and Studio is already running
minimized, a new canvas is created with no image in it.

Fixed a problem where copying an image to clipboard would

distorts the image resolution.

Fixed a problem where if you copy a bitmap from the

Studio dialog based bitmap editor, then paste it as
an object in your document sometimes you were unable
to edit the newly pasted bitmap.

v5.2.0 Studio is now a SnagIt output. Screen captures created

with SnagIt can be directly sent to Studio.

Enhanced the bitmap editor's color selector. Now the

right mouse button will set the transparent color.

Fixed Studio to now use locale specific user interface

settings (e.g. decimal number entry in the Page Setup

Fixed the Duplicate menu item's shortcut key.

Fixed the icon spacing and resource problem with the cool

Changed the default JPG file quality from 75% to 90%.

v5.1.1 Fixed a problem with Studio's free hand drawing tool

causing program failures on Windows ME.

Fixed a problem with images being distorted when scaling

images in Studio.

Improved Studio's bitmap editor transparency feature.

Added transparency for GIF output.

Fixed color conversion when increasing to greater than

8 bit color.

v5.1.0 Added "Edit->Copy Image" to copy the document as an image

to the clipboard.

Enhanced "Edit->Copy" to copy the document as an image

to the clipboard if no object is selected.

Enhanced "Edit->Bitmap" to edit the background bitmap if no

object is selected.

Added "Edit Bitmap" to the view right click context menu to

edit the background bitmap.

v5.0.2 Now saves the window position of the "Paint Edit" dialog.

v5.0.1 Added a preview window to the page layout dialog.

Added the ability to save the list of currently opened

catalogues. These catalogues will be reopened on startup
of every new session.

Improved selection of multiple drawing objects using the

shift key. Also prevent objects from being moved or sized
off the drawing canvas.

Improved view drawing and repainting by eliminating

flickering when the window is resized.

Fixed problem with displaying transparent bitmaps.

Fixed problem with not being able to print in Landscape


Fixed problem so that all the images in the catalogues can

now be rotated.

Fixed problem where program may crash due to no printers

being installed.

Fixed toolbar repaint problems when the property sheet

window was moved over the drawing items toolbar.


6.1 Creating and Saving Documents

Create a new document using "File->Import" to open an existing

image file, or use "File->New" to create a blank canvas. An
imported image becomes the "background image" of your canvas.
The canvas and background image are a background layer that you
draw on top of.

Save your document with all drawing object information preserved

by using "File->Save As" or "File->Save". You will be prompted to
save any changes when you close a document. "File->Export" saves
your document as an image file without any drawing object
information. If you want to modify your drawing objects in the
future, save your document using "File->Save As" or "File->Save"
to preserve the drawing object information.

6.2 Drawing with Objects

All drawing objects are placed in a layer above the canvas and
background image. When you create a new document with "File->New",
you can select the canvas size or have the size based on an
imported background image. When you create a new document with
"File->Import", the canvas size is always based on the imported

The canvas and background image can be manipulated in the following


1. You can set the canvas size using "Layout->Canvas Size".

For example, you could increase the canvas size for an
imported image to add drawing objects around the image
instead of on top of it.

2. You can manipulate the background image position and size on

the canvas by enabling the "Layout->Background Image Layout"
mode. With this mode enabled, the drawing object layer is
hidden to allow you to select the background image and
position it on the canvas and to resize the background
3. You can set the background color of the canvas by selecting
the canvas (i.e. clicking on the canvas or background image
instead of a drawing object) and using "BackColor" on the
"Properties Toolbar".

Drawing objects are created by using the drawing tools in the

"Annotation Toolbar" or by dragging shapes from a Catalogue onto
your document. Since all of the drawing tools and Catalogue shapes
are object-based, they can be easily modified, repositioned, and
resized at any time.

To modify a drawing object, select the object with the mouse using
the "Select" drawing tool. You can then move the drawing object
by dragging it with the mouse and resize it by grabbing one of the
green boxes around the selected object. To delete a drawing
object, simply select it and then hit the Delete key.

You can change the properties of drawing objects you have created
by selecting it and then changing the appropriate property in
either the "Properties Toolbar" or the "Font Toolbar". For
example, to change the line width and color of a drawing object,
select the object and then change the "Pen Width" and "ForeColor,
on the "Properties Toolbar". To change the text in a drawing
object that contains text, simply click on the existing text. To
change the text properties, select the object and then choose the
Font and Font Size, etc on the "Font Toolbar".

The "Edit Points" property can be enabled to manipulate the shape

of an existing object by enabling "Edit Points" that you can pull
with the mouse to modify the shape of the object. The "Free
Rotate" property can be enabled to rotate the object using the
mouse by any angle.

The "Layout" menu options help you align and size your drawing
objects. "Layout->Flatten All" converts all drawing objects to a
raster image and opens the raster image in a bitmap editing dialog
with full raster-style paint tools.

The "Draw" menu options help you adjust the foreground/background

positioning of your drawing objects as well as group and rotate
objects. The "Draw->Order" options allow you to send any object
to the foreground or background. The "Draw->Group" options help
you group objects together so that they can be positioned,
resized, or saved in a catalogue as a single grouped object.

6.3 Drawing Tools

Markup your background image or blank canvas using the drawing

tools in the "Annotation Toolbar". Select a drawing tool and
then click over the canvas or background image to apply the tool.

The following drawing tools are available:

o Select - select existing drawing objects to modify them

o Line - draw straight lines

PenWidth, PenStyle, ArrowHead, ForeColor

o Polyline - draw an arbitrary polygon shape

PenWidth, PenStyle, ForeColor, BackColor,
HatchStyle, Edit Points, Free Rotate

o Freehand - draw a freehand line

PenWidth, PenStyle, ArrowHead, ForeColor,
Edit Points, Free Rotate

o Border - draw a rectangle border

PenWidth, ForeColor, BackColor, HatchStyle,
Free Rotate

o Arc - draw a curve

PenWidth, PenStyle, ForeColor, BackColor,
Free Rotate

o Ellipse - draw an ellipse

PenWidth, PenStyle, ForeColor, BackColor,
HatchStyle, ShadowStyle, Free Rotate

o Frame - draw a frame with a text title

PenWidth, ForeColor, BackColor, HatchStyle,
FreeRotate, "Font Toolbar" properties

o Text - draw a text box

PenWidth, ForeColor, BackColor, HatchStyle,
ShadowStyle, "Font Toolbar" properties

o Bitmap - place an image from an image file or the Windows

clipboard on the document

Free Rotate, the "Bitmap Dialog" allows
you to select a transparent color for a
Bitmap object.

o Hilite - draw a translucent highlight rectangle

6.4 Catalogues

Use the Catalogue feature to drag and drop preset drawing objects
from a catalogue onto your document. Note that you can create your
own drawing objects and save them in your own catalogues. Creating
reusable drawing objects for repetitive annotation tasks is an
incredible timesaver. Since catalogues are kept in files
(e.g. MyShapes.cat), you can easily share custom catalogues with
other users and create catalogues for specific projects or
departments in an organization. "Catalogue->New" creates a new
catalogue. "Catalogue->Open" opens an existing catalogue.

An empty catalogue named "My Catalogue" is already created for you

to get started. To add a drawing object to a catalogue, select the
object and then use the "Catalogue->Add Item" menu option to add it
to the current catalogue. Or, just hold down the Alt key and then
select an existing drawing object from your document and drag it
into the catalogue. You can create any number of custom catalogues
with any number of drawing objects.


o Does not support lower than 16-bit color desktop settings

o Drawing objects are not resized when the Canvas size is changed
o Compressed and OS2 bitmaps cannot be rotated

SnagIt Studio is bundled and sold with SnagIt. It is a feature of
SnagIt 5.0. If you have a valid SnagIt license, SnagIt Studio will
also be registered. See the SnagIt README.TXT if you need to
register SnagIt.

Please note: If you are evaluating SnagIt and SnagIt Studio, this
program must be registered if it is used beyond the 45 day
evaluation period. If this time period is exceeded, SnagIt Studio
will no longer save or print documents.


TechSmith Corporation
P.O. Box 4758
East Lansing, MI, 48826-4758

Phone: 517-333-2100
Fax: 517-333-1888
Sales: sales@techsmith.com
Support: support@techsmith.com
WWW: http://www.techsmith.com

Thank you for using SnagIt!

TechSmith Corporation

(C) 2002 TechSmith Corporation. All Rights Reserved. TechSmith

and SnagIt are registered trademarks of TechSmith Corporation.
Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of
their respective holders.


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