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A Dual-Band Wearable Conformal Antenna Based On Ar

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International Journal of Antennas and Propagation

Volume 2022, Article ID 9970477, 8 pages

Research Article
A Dual-Band Wearable Conformal Antenna Based on Artificial
Magnetic Conductor

Shuqi Wang and Huan Gao

School of Communication and Information Engineering, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Xi’an 710054, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Shuqi Wang; wangshuqi@xust.edu.cn

Received 8 November 2021; Accepted 25 February 2022; Published 16 March 2022

Academic Editor: Giuseppe Castaldi

Copyright © 2022 Shuqi Wang and Huan Gao. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
In order to improve the effectiveness of the antenna performance of wearable devices, a dual-band flexible monopole antenna with
a 3 × 3 artificial magnetic conductor structure of the ISM band is proposed by using meander technology. An annular-shaped
artificial magnetic conductor (AMC) is placed directly below the antenna, which can be better suitable for wireless body area
network (WBAN) applications. A polyimide substance is used as the antenna substrate, which makes the antenna bendable and
thin. Benefiting from the in-phase reflective properties of the double ring AMC structure, the antenna has good radiation
characteristics. Compared with the single antenna, numerical simulation and measurement results show that the gain of the AMC-
loaded antenna is increased by 4.54 dBi and 3.86 dBi at 2.45 GHz and 5.8 GHz, respectively. In addition, the specific absorption
rate (SAR) of 1 g is only 0.35 W/kg at 2.45 GHz and 0.39 W/Kg at 5.8 GHz when the antenna is placed on human tissue, which is far
below the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) standard. The antenna is easy to be conform to the human body and has
strong robustness to structural deformation and human body load.

1. Introduction monopole antenna which covers 3.1–3.3, 4.2–4.9, and

6–10.6 GHz. Its radiation efficiency is 30.3%, 45%, and 62.7%
Wireless body area networks are one of the important in each band for mismatching and loss close to human
technical means for personal health information collection tissues [16]. Le and Yun proposed a very compact dual-band
and transmission. With the rapid development of artificial antenna adopting zigzag line and gap loading. The size is
intelligence and Internet of Things technology, low-power only 0.15 × 0.1 × 0.004λ^3. The change of S-parameter under
wearable devices have become the focus of academic and bending conditions can be ignored, but the gain is only
industrial circles [1–4]. The design of flexible antennas has 2.0 dBi and 3.2 dBi due to the influence of human tissues
great significance for the effective and reliable transmission below, and the SAR value meets the standard only at 10 mm
of wearable device data [5–7]. away from the human body [17]. Li et al. designed an
Antennas for wearable devices should not only have the ultrawideband antenna for the first time by using flexible
characteristics of softness, low profile, and small shape [8] graphite films with high conductivity as the antenna radi-
but also need to inhibit the excessive radiation and heat ation element. The antenna achieved 122% fractional
absorbed by the human body [9, 10]. The United States and bandwidth from 0.34 GHz to 1.4 GHz, and the overall profile
the European Union limit the standard value of SAR to was only about 0.1 mm. Yet its near-omnidirectional radi-
measure the safety of antenna radiation [11]. At present, the ation pattern indicates that there is a certain impact on the
antennas used in wearable devices mainly include monopole safety of the wearer [18].
antennas [12], microstrip patch antennas [13], planar In order to alleviate the problem of antenna impedance
inverted-F antennas [14], and button antennas [15], etc. mismatch caused by human tissue, an electromagnetic
Chun Ping Deng proposed a miniascape-like triple-band metasurface structure has been introduced into wearable
2 International Journal of Antennas and Propagation

antennas to effectively reduce the SAR value of radiation into signals. Then a rectangular slot of length L2 and width W2 is
the human body. Jiang et al. have successively designed two placed in the middle of the patch to achieve miniaturization.
wearable antennas loaded with metasurface units. A medical A new low-frequency resonance point is introduced by
body area network antenna operating at 2.36–2.4 GHz is meander technology, that is, the gap etched on the backside of
proposed in [19], the metasurface under the planar the floor. For the sake of increasing the flexibility and radi-
monopole antenna not only serves as an isolated ground ation performance of the antenna, the substrate is made of
connection but also as the main radiator. A circularly po- flexible polyimide material with a relative dielectric constant
larized flexible antenna using a composite material of PDMS of 3.5 and a thickness of 0.5 mm. The 1.15 mm wide 50Ω
and silver nanowires was proposed in [20]. By placing a 2 × 2 impedance feeder is used to match the input impedance
cell structure below the monopole antenna, the circular without an additional matching network.
polarization bandwidth is greatly increased. Compared with Three-dimensional electromagnetic simulation software,
traditional circular polarization antennas, the antenna has CST, was used for simulation. All the optimized parameters
better stability to structural deformation. Liu et al. studied a are L � 30 mm, W � 23 mm, L1 � 13.2 mm, W1 � 6.4 mm,
single-band monopole antenna integrating a small slotted L2 � 8.1 mm, W2 � 1.65 mm, L3 � 11 mm, W3 � 1.15 mm,
Jerusalem cross artificial magnetic conductor grafting layer t � 1.8 mm, h � 11.1 mm, u � 0.6 mm, a1 � 8.5 mm, a2 � 8.3 mm,
for telemedicine applications. Except for a 64% reduction in and a3 � 4.1 mm.
SAR, the front and back ratio (FB) and gain increased by The frequency selection surface design uses a 3 × 3
8 dB and 3.7 dBi, respectively, compared to before loading double-annular AMC structure. Its structure is simple and
the AMC [21]. Gao et al. proposed a slot antenna with an its unit volume is D0 × D0 × 1.2 mm3. And the equivalent
EBG structure, which is made of felt and conductive fabric circuit diagram of the square annular AMC unit is shown in
and can easily form conformal with the human body, and the Figure 2, C1 represents the equivalent capacitance between
FB ratio can reach 17 dB [22]. Alemaryeen and Noghanian the upper patch and the ground, C2 represents the surface
used Pellon fabric as a substrate to manufacture a broadband capacitance caused by the element gap, and LS is the
antenna system with an impedance bandwidth of 34%, equivalent inductance generated by the current resonance
achieving good impedance matching in the 5.8 GHz band. It on the surface of the patch.
is confirmed that the performance of the integrated AMC Input impedance Z0(ω) and resonant frequency f0 are
antenna is much better than that of the traditional monopole determined by the following equation:
antenna, and the radiation of the back lobe is greatly re-
duced, but the specific absorption rate is not discussed in j􏼐1 − ω2 C1 Ls 􏼑
Z0 (ω) � Z1 (ω)‖Z2 (ω) � ,
detail [23]. Gao et al. designed a wearable antenna with a ω􏼐C1 C2 Ls ω2 − C1 − C2 􏼑
nonuniform metasurface by using the characteristic mode (1)
analysis. By adjusting the rotation angle of the cell, the 􏽳�������
1 C1 + C2
working band of the antenna is majorized to cover the 5 GHz f0 � .
WLAN, and the average gain reaches 7.63 dBi, which pro- 2π C1 C2 Ls
vides a new idea for the design of nonuniform metasurface
The reflection phases of the double-annular AMC
[24]. Several other papers have also proposed different to-
structure and the solid patch structure are shown in Figure 3.
pologies of metasurface wearable antennas that operate in
The material, thickness, and sizes of the two structures
the free and open ISM band. According to reports [25, 26],
remain the same, and the size of the patch structure is larger
the proposed antenna has a small volume and high gain, and
than that of the ring structure at the same resonant fre-
the antenna inspired by the structure of electromagnetic
quency. Let us adjust the edge length of the ring cell so that it
band-gap and artificial magnetic conductor is also helpful in
produces two 0° reflected phase points, and the AMC re-
minimizing the electromagnetic coupling between the an-
flected phase is approximately consistent with 2.45 GHz and
tenna and the human body, while reducing the specific
5.8 GHz. The optimized size parameters are D0 � 20.4 mm,
absorption rate of the human body by more than 99%.
D1 � 18.8 mm, D2 � 9.4 mm, and g � 1 mm. The simulation
For further exploration of the emission characteristics in
results indicate that increasing the element gap will increase
body area network communication, a low-profile flexible
the resonance frequency of each band, while increasing the
dual-band wearable antenna based on compact AMC is
ring edge length will decrease the resonance point of the
proposed. The feasibility of utilizing the in-phase reflective
corresponding band. The whole structure is composed of
properties of the AMC structure to suppress backward ra-
three layers. Besides the antenna and AMC surface designed
diation, improve the radiation gain, and enhance the isolation
previously, there is also a flexible foam layer in the middle.
effect between the antenna and the human body is explored.
The antenna prototype made is shown in Figure 4.

2. Configuration of Antenna and AMC Structure

3. Analysis of Simulation and
The overall structure of the funnel-shaped dual-band wear- Measurement Results
able antenna system is shown in Figure 1, which is composed
of a top monopole antenna and an AMC array below. The 3.1. S-Parameters in Different Cases. The measured and
above antenna consists of three layers, and the funnel-shaped simulated S11 curve of the antenna are shown in Figure 5,
radiation unit in the upper layer generates high-frequency and a comparison is made between the structures with and
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 3

D1 L
D2 L1
g L2






(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1: Configuration of the funnel-shaped antenna system: (a) global view, (b) front view, and (c) back view.

Z0 (ω)
C1 C2 C1

Z1 (ω) Z2 (ω)

Figure 2: Equivalent circuit model of the AMC.

180 2.4 GHz–2.485 GHz and 5.725 GHz–5.85 GHz bands of the
wearable antenna, which shows that the designed antenna
meets the index requirements.
90 To reflect the actual operation scene, the designed an-
Phase (Degree)

tenna system is placed on the human abdomen to dem-

onstrate the influence of human tissues on its impedance
matching. Measurement S11 of the antenna approaching
human tissues is shown in Figure 6. It can be perceived that
-90 after the AMC structure is loaded, the frequency point is
somewhat offset. But in general, the electrical characteristics
of the human body have little effect on the antenna’s per-
-180 formance. This, on account of the in-phase reflective
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 properties of the artificial magnetic conductor, effectively
Frequency (GHz) isolates the antenna from the human body.
For the sake of investigating the wearable performance of
Ring the antenna further, the S-parameter curves when the foam
Patch cylinder bent at different radii are shown in Figure 7. As the
Figure 3: Reflection phase of the square ring and square patch. bending radius R continues to decrease, the low-frequency
band moves to the left, and the impedance matching
gradually gets worse. However, the bandwidth of
without AMC. The antenna still has dual-band character- S11 < −10 dB can basically cover the ISM band. In other
istics after being integrated with the AMC structure, the words, the bending condition has little effect on the antenna
resonance points less than −10 dB are produced at 2.45 GHz performance, which can be applied to wearable devices.
and 5.8 GHz. The measured S11 is in accordance well with the
simulated results. Compared with the antenna without AMC
structure, the bandwidth of the antenna is narrower, which 3.2. Far-Field Radiation Patterns, Gain, and Efficiency.
may be caused by the narrow reflection phase bandgap of the An antenna pattern is a graph that represents the rela-
periodic structure. But it can also cover the tionship between antenna radiation characteristics and
4 International Journal of Antennas and Propagation

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4: Photographs of the antenna system: (a) monopole antenna, (b) AMC surface, and (c) assembled antenna system.

0 0

-10 -10

S11 (dB)
S11 (dB)



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)

Sim.w/o AMC On flat

Mea.w/o AMC R=70 mm

Sim.w AMC R=50 mm

Mea.w AMC Figure 7: S11 of the proposed antenna system when bent under
different radius.
Figure 5: Simulated and measured S11 for the funnel-shaped
antenna with and without AMC.
spatial angle. The normalized radiation patterns of 2.45 GHz
and 5.8 GHz are shown in Figure 8, which includes simu-
0 lation and measurement results. The pattern of the YOZ
plane of a monopole antenna is symmetrical, while the
radiation of the XOZ plane is omnidirectional. After the
antenna is loaded with the AMC structure, the amplitude of
S11 (dB)

the back lobe of the whole antenna is significantly reduced

-20 compared with that of the main lobe, and the maximum
radiation direction of the main lobe is kept in the Z-axis
direction of the antenna, thereby obtaining a better orien-
tation. This also implies that the antenna leads to low-back
radiation toward the human body with the inclusion of
-40 AMC, which is in line with the unilateral radiation direction
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
required by the design of the wearable device. The measured
Frequency (GHz) results are consistent with the simulation results at the two
frequency points. The difference between them is due to
In free space
manufacturing and measurement errors.
On the body Besides, the gain and efficiency of the antenna are shown
Figure 6: Measured S11 on human tissues for the proposed antenna in Figure 9. It can be obtained that the gain at both frequency
system. bands is significantly improved when the AMC structure is
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 5

0 0
30 330 30 330
20 20

0 60 300 0 60 300

-20 -20

-40 90 270 -40 90 270

-20 -20

0 120 240 0 120 240

20 20
150 210 150 210
180 180

Sim Monopole Sim Monopole

Mea Monopole Mea Monopole
Sim Integrate Sim Integrate
Mea Integrate Mea Integrate
(a) (b)
0 0
30 330 30 330
20 20

0 60 300 0 60 300

-20 -20

-40 90 270 -40 90 270

-20 -20

0 120 240 0 120 240

20 20
150 210 150 210
180 180

Sim Monopole Sim Monopole

Mea Monopole Mea Monopole
Sim Integrate Sim Integrate
Mea Integrate Mea Integrate
(c) (d)

Figure 8: Radiation pattern of antenna: (a) 2.45 GHz in E-plane, (b) 2.45 GHz in H-plane, (c) 5.8 GHz in E-plane, and (d) 5.8 GHz
in H-plane.

used as an antenna reflector. Among them, it increases from 4. SAR Value

1.13 dBi to 5.67 dBi at 2.45 GHz and from 3.03 dBi to 6.89 dBi
at 5.8 GHz. On the contrary, the propagation path of elec- SAR is an important parameter to evaluate the radiation
tromagnetic waves between the top antenna and the AMC safety performance of antennas. A three layer model of
structure becomes longer and the power loss increases due to human tissues with skin, fat, and muscle [28] was used to
the addition of the AMC array [27]. So, the efficiency also analyze the SAR of the antenna. The relative permittivity,
decreases by about 10%. electrical conductivity, and tissue density of each layer of
6 International Journal of Antennas and Propagation

12 1.0



Gain (dBi)



0 0.0
2.40 2.42 2.44 2.46 2.48 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8
Frequency (GHz)

Gain w/o AMC

Gain w AMC
Effi w/o AMC
Effi w AMC
Figure 9: The gain and efficiency of the antenna.

Table 1: Electromagnetic parameters of human tissues.

Tissue Relative permittivity Conductivity (S/m) Density (kg/m3)
Skin 38.01 1.46 1001
Fat 5.28 0.10 900
Muscle 52.73 1.76 1006

8.4 17.5
7 14
6 12
5 10
4 8
3 6
2 4
1 2
0 0

(a) (b)

0.35 0.399
0.32 0.36
0.28 0.32
0.24 0.28
0.2 0.24
0.08 0.08
0.04 0.04
0 0

(c) (d)

Figure 10: SAR value distribution of antenna: (a) monopole at 2.45 GHz, (b) monopole at 5.8 GHz, (c) integrate at 2.45 GHz, and
(d) integrate at 5.8 GHz.
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation 7

Table 2: Comparison of the proposed antenna with other antennas reported in the literature.
Ref. Dimensions (mm2) Number of unit cell Freq. (GHz) SAR value 1 g (W/kg) Distance from body (mm) Gain (dBi)
[9] 72 × 72 3×3 2.45/5.8 2.48/3.33 — 5.2/7.7
[10] 86 × 86 4×4 3.5/5.8 0.0683/0.333 1 9.07/6.63
[12] 68 × 38 2 ×1 2.45 0.5 2 6.88
[19] 62 × 42 2×2 2.4 0.48 5 6.2
[22] 81 × 81 3×3 2.45 0.554 6 7.3
[25] 75.7 × 75.7 3×3 2.45 0.022 3 6.58
This paper 61.5 × 61.5 3×3 2.45/5.8 0.35/0.39 1 5.67/6.89

human tissue are shown in Table 1. Here we refer to the Conflicts of Interest
tissue thickness of ordinary adults, that is, the skin layer
thickness is 1 mm, the fat layer thickness is 2 mm, and the The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
muscle layer thickness is 10 mm for simulation calculation.
The antenna with and without the AMC structure is located Acknowledgments
1 mm above the human tissue model, and the simulation
model and results are shown in Figure 10. This work was supported by the National Natural Science
The maximum SAR of the proposed antenna is 0.35 and Foundation of China (NFSC) under grant no. 61901357.
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