2020 Meta
2020 Meta
2020 Meta
Research Article
A Compact Dual-Band Metasurface-Based Antenna for Wearable
Medical Body-Area Network Devices
Electronic and Information Engineering College, Henan Institute of Technology, Xinxiang, Henan 453000, China
China United Network Communications Group Co. Ltd., Xinxiang Branch, Xinxiang, Henan 453000, China
Received 5 March 2020; Revised 24 June 2020; Accepted 8 July 2020; Published 1 August 2020
Copyright © 2020 Guangchen Mu and Pengshan Ren. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
A compact, low-profile wearable antenna capable of operation within the 5.1–5.46 GHz and 5.7–5.85 GHz medical body-area
network band is suggested to make the antenna better for wearable devices. The integrated metasurface (MSs) antenna consists of
as few as array of three wan-shaped components, directly below the planar waveguide-fed monopole antenna. The measurement
of the integrated antenna is 0.56λ0 × 0.56λ0 × 0.08λ0 , all while achieving an average gain of 8.2 dBi in working frequency and a
front-to-back ratio (FB) in excess of 19 dB. As demonstrated by in-depth examination, the antenna performs exceptionally well in
withstanding the distortion of structure, far superior to planar monopole antenna. Additionally, the metasurface enables the
specific absorption rate (SAR) low to 0.84 W/kg, which makes this type of antenna suited to application in different
wearable devices.
1. Introduction body [8, 9]. Meanwhile, the inverted-F antenna has been
investigated for on-body communications; nevertheless, a
There is a growing focus on issues like fitness monitor for the considerable amount of energy is absorbed by human
old patients with persistent illness, patient tracking and tissues because of the inverted-F antenna almost-omni-
healthcare, and significant increase in Wireless Body-Area directional radiation performance [10]. With the in-
Network (WBAN) applications [1–3]. Metamaterials are creasing attention paid to MSs, the unique properties of
variety of man-made composite substance, possessing ex- MSs can not only improve the radiation characteristics of
traordinary characteristics not achievable in a natural state. the monopole, but also effectively reduce the harm to the
Metamaterials are expanded by arranging electrically small human body that is found. Consequently, the meta-
scatterers into two dimensions, given the name metasurface surfaces are suitable for the wearable antenna systems that
(MSs) [4]. Metasurfaces have advantages such as low-profile, people can wear. In 2009, a double-band patch antenna
low loss, easy to design. Attention of relevant research containing (electromagnetic band gap) EBG structures is
scholars internal and abroad is received. Several important designed [11]. Structurally, the antenna is comprised of
applications are widely used, including polarization control, ordinary clothes and works at 2.45 GHz and 5 GHz
surface wave couplers, and antenna reflector [5–7]. wireless bands. The EBG structures can increase the
For the best performance of wearable devices, the positive gain and reduce the coupling between antenna
antennas used in WBAN require being compact, flexible, and human body. Subsequently, a flexible dual frequency
lightweight, and preferably comfortable to wear. Initially, antenna with MSs is proposed [12]. In order to make the
some scholars proposed that microstrip antennas and antenna thin and flexible, the substrate is made of pol-
cavity-backed slot antennas are enabled for the purpose of yimide, and thickness of 0.05 mm significantly lowers the
wearing, but failed to display desirable properties with overall size of the antenna. In 2012, a wearable antenna
2 Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
with nanosilver ink printed EBG array on photo paper Table 1: Comparison of the proposed integrated antenna with
working at the frequency 2.4–2.5 GHz is designed [13]. previous works.
Afterwards, this design is further optimized [14]. It is only Ref. Volume (mm3) B.W (GHz) Gain (dBi) Material
with a 2 × 1 array of EBG structures but still working at the [22] 102 × 68 × 3.6 4.3–5.9 6.12 Pellon
ISM band. In 2014, a comfortable dual-band antenna with 5.64–5.8 5.8
Artificial Magnetic Conductor (AMC) for WBAN is [19] 38 × 50 × 3.048 RO4350
2.4–2.51 11.8
proposed [15]. The radiation characteristics are improved [15] 102 × 102 × 3.75 5.71–5.85 8 Vinyl
compared to traditional monopole antennas. In 2016, an 3.63–4.23
[17] 62.4 × 33 × 4.5 6.67–7.94 RO3003
antenna with JC structure metasurfaces working in the 5.1–5.35
wireless WLAN band of 5.15–5.25 GHz and Proposed 43.2 × 43.2 × 4.6 5.725–5.85 8.2 RO4003
5.72–5.82 GHz is presented [16]. The MSs is isolated of not
only the ground but also the main radiator, which greatly
reduces the specific absorption rate (SAR). Meanwhile, a 2. Design of Dual-Band Integrated Antenna
wideband antenna with interdigitated MSs is proposed The integrated MSs antenna involves two components: the
[17]. Finally, the antenna achieves an impedance band- top is a planar monopole and the bottom is 3 × 3 wan-shaped
width of 10% and a gain greater than 6.67 dBi, and the MSs. The design is shown in Figure 1. The top antenna is fed
working principle of the antenna through dispersion by coplanar waveguide (CPW) for printing in upper surface
analysis is explained. In 2017, a wearable antenna with a of the RO4003 substrate, its relative dielectric constant is
novel miniaturized EBG structure at 2.4 GHz is presented 3.38, loss tangent is 0.0027, and the thick is d = 0.3 mm,
[18]. The EBG structure greatly reduces the impact of the length is b = 32 mm, and width is a = 23.4 mm. The CPW size
antenna due to high loss of the human body and finally is b3 = 5.5 mm and a4 = 11.2 mm. The dimensions are
results in gain enhancement of 7.8 dBi and SAR reduction a1 = 6 mm, b1 = 18 mm, and a3 = 1.4 mm. The MSs structure
of more than 95%. The same year, a MSs antenna for is located directly below the monopole antenna and its
wireless applications is put forward [19]. The MSs im- overall size is 43.2 × 43.2 mm2. The coupling between the
proves the bandwidth and gain of patch antennas. antenna and the MSs can be regulated through adjusting the
Meanwhile, a wireless power transfer (WPT) system in- clearance among the two structures and finally adjusting the
tegrating with MSs is designed [20]. After integrating with interval d1 = 4 mm. The MSs is composed of 3 × 3 wan-
MSs, the efficiency of the WPT system has a great im- shaped cell and is covered with copper at the bottom. Wan-
provement. Compared with the original WPT system, type size is w1 = 6.8 mm, w2 = 13.4 mm, w3 = 2.9 mm, and
magnetic coupling resonance intensity can be increased g1 = 0.6 mm, and interval in the two-unit cell is g = 1 mm.
by 15.7 dB. In 2018, a coplanar wave guide fed elastic The geometric layout of the suggested antenna is depicted in
monopole is proposed [21]. Its bandwidths are Figure 1.
1.5–3.0 GHz and 4.5–6.5 GHz. The EBG structure can be At Step 1 of the layouts, the sizes of the anisotropic MSs
used to achieve low SAR. In 2019, a textile antenna in- are designed. Figure 2(b) is the equivalent circuit of the MSs
tegrated with AMC is designed [22]. Compared with the unit, and its resonance frequency f is [14]
traditional monopole antenna, the proposed integrated
antenna has better performance in structural deformation f � ����������, (1)
and human body loading. 2π Ls + Ld Cs
Herein, a low-profile printed monopole integrated an-
tenna based on a wan-type structure metasurfaces is pro- where Ls is the equivalent inductance of the patch, Cs is the
posed. The antenna operating frequency band conforms to series surface electric capacity resulting from the clearance
IEEE802.11a. The integrated antenna proposed in this paper among the component structures, and Ld indicates the
is designed by using the in-phase reflection characteristics of equivalent inductance of the substrate and its fully con-
AMC which importantly improves the front-to-back (FB) nected ground on the back, largely affected by the dielectric
ratio and accordingly lowers SAR. Furthermore, the constant and the thick of the substrate. The change of the size
designed antenna has the advantages of flexibility and low- will cause the change of the resonant frequency band of the
profile which makes it suitable for wearable devices. MSs accordingly. Figure 2(a) shows the MSs unit structure
Table 1 shows the comparison between the proposed model, the unit size is l1 � 14.4 mm, and the remaining sizes
antenna and the work reported in the literature, including are given in Figure 1. The wan-type unit is placed in an air
antenna volume, bandwidth, gain, and SAR. It can be seen box, and the surroundings are, respectively, set as master-
from Table 1 that the antenna designed in the operating slave boundaries to simulate the periodic MSs structure. The
frequency band has a relatively high gain. In addition, in upper surface of the air is set as a floquet port, so that the
order to design antennas suitable for wearable equipment, incident wave enters the unit vertically from the upper
flexible materials are mainly used as substrate. At present, surface in the negative z direction. Based on this simulation,
flexible material technology is difficult to achieve, popu- the reflection phase result of the periodic structure can be
larized, or expensive. Therefore, it is important to study how obtained. Therefore, the size is finally determined through
to use conventional substrate materials to design antennas HFSS simulation optimization, and the corresponding re-
that meet the performance of wearable devices and have a flection phase results are shown in Figure 2(c). It can be seen
bendable profile. that the frequency band corresponding to the reflection
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 3
phase in the range of -90 ± 45° satisfies the target frequency the SAR value to the minimum and improving the ro-
band of the antenna operation, namely, 5.1–5.46 GHz and bustness of antenna to people, which ensures suitability for
5.7–5.85 GHz [16]. the purpose of wearing.
In order to protect the human body from harmful ra-
3. Results and Discussion diation, the International Commission on Non-Ionizing
Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) has set out relevant regu-
According to the antenna design, S11 can be finally got as latory requirements. According to the regulation, the
shown in Figure 3(a). Moreover, the suggested antenna is maximum SAR of 10 g of tissue must not exceed 2 W/kg. The
processed by PCB process, and the measurement result is Federal Communications Commission stipulates that the
also shown in Figure 3(a). It shows that the suggested an- average SAR of a 1 g organization must be no greater than
tenna obtains good impedance in 5.1–5.46 GHz and 1.6 W/kg. The equation indicates that the SAR value is as-
5.7–5.85 GHz, and the frequency band satisfies IEEE sociated with the used input power [3]:
802.11a. Meanwhile, using the E8362B network analyzer
shows that the measurement result at 5.2 GHz has the lowest σ|E|2
SAR � , (2)
return loss of −25 dB compared with the simulation result, ρ
and the operating bandwidth is almost identical. The
measurement result at 5.8 GHz has wider operating band- where σ indicates the electrical conductivity for the tissue in
width than the simulation result, which is most likely due to S/m, E denotes the electric field in V/m, and ρ refers to the
error within the manufacturing tolerances and measurement mass density of the tissue in kg/m3. As a benchmark, a
system. The gap d1 between the monopole and the MSs is 100 mW power accepted is chosen to evaluate the SAR
insulated by a thin foam when measuring. Figure 3(b) il- performance of the proposed integrated antenna.
lustrates the measurement and simulation outcomes of Figure 7 presents the result of SAR values of 1 g and 10 g
voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR). The VSWR of the tissues at 5.2 GHz and 5.8 GHz frequencies. Figure 7(a)
antenna is basically less than 1.5 within the operating fre- represents the SAR value of 1 g tissue at 5.2 GHz, and the
quency, which satisfies the requirements of the technical maximum value is 1.5 W/kg; Figure 7(b) shows the result of
indicators. the SAR value of 1 g tissue at 5.8 GHz, where the maximum
The suggested E- and H-plane gain total radiation value is 1.6 W/kg. Obviously, the SAR results are in ac-
patterns are presented in Figure 4. For comparison, the cordance with international regulations for 1 g of tissue at
single monopole pattern is illustrated in this diagram as well. both frequencies. Figures 7(c) and 7(d) show the SAR of 10 g
Evidently, the monopole has the radiation feature of the tissue at 5.2 GHz and 5.8 GHz; the maximum values are
dipole in the E-plane and the omnidirectional radiation 0.84 W/kg and 0.56 W/kg, respectively, clearly also in ac-
character shown in the H-plane. Conversely, radiation is cordance with international regulations. The above shows
noticeably improved with MSs, and integrated antennas that the SAR must be within the safety limits before using the
have strong directional radiation properties with a half antenna in WBAN.
power beamwidth (HPBW) of roughly 65° and 72° at In many applications, the antenna is anticipated to be
5.2 GHz, 60° and 70° at 5.8 GHz for E- and H-plan separately. subject to bending throughout working. Figures 8(a) and
For comprehension of the radiating mechanisation of 8(b) illustrate the model when the bending radius Ra is
this integrated MSs antenna, simulation reveals the surface 40 mm and 70 mm, separately. Figures 9(a) and 9(b)
current in Figure 5 at frequency bands of interest 5.2 GHz represent the results of S11 and gain of the antenna
and 5.8 GHz. For the monopole, the surface current con- with varying bending Ra, separately. Figure 9(a) dem-
centrated at feeder and patch connections is at all the lower onstrates that the antenna is moved to the blue in low-
and upper frequency bands. However, the surface current is frequency stage while Ra � 40 mm, and there is almost no
primarily concentrated on the monopole and wan-shaped change in the high-frequency band. While Ra � 70 mm,
MSs below it at 5.2 GHz and 5.8 GHz for the integrated the antenna moved to the red at around 5.2 GHz, and the
antenna. It shows that when using MSs as the reflector of the high-frequency section remains unchanged broadly. To
antenna, it is still effectual even the two are very close. sum up, even if the antenna is bent, it still operates in the
Meanwhile, the wan-shaped MSs proposed in the paper IEEE.802.11a standard frequency channel and fully meets
design acts as the primary radiator. Even more, radiation the 20 M bandwidth. For gain, the designed antenna has a
characteristics of integrated antenna result in a significantly gain reduction of about 1 dBi at 5.2 GHz and remains
higher FB. basically unchanged at 5.8 GHz when Ra goes from 70 mm
To validate it, the gain and FB are calculated as shown in to 40 mm.
Figure 6. The monopole has a gain of roughly 2 dBi while the Figure 10 shows the measured S11 when the integrated
integrated MSs antenna has 8.2 dBi and 8.4 dBi at working antenna is placed on the human body, and the simulation
frequency, as Figure 6(a) illustrates. In comparison, the results are also included for comparison. When placed on
integrated MSs antenna shows a FB of around 19 dB, as the tissues, the working frequency band is 5.17–5.3 GHz and
indicated in Figure 6(b). This value is significantly greater 5.715–5.94 GHz. Obviously, the simulation result is slightly
compared to the monopole. It implies that only a low different from the measurement, which may be caused by the
amount of energy is radiated into people after being placed measurement error and the influence of the human body
on the body [7]. These properties are conducive to reducing conductor.
4 Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
W1 a
W2 a1
b b1
H (y)
E (x) Ls
K (z)
Zin Zd
(a) (b)
Reflection phase (deg)
4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5
Frequency (GHz)
Figure 2: (a) Wan-type metasurface unit structure; (b) equivalent circuit; and (c) reflection phase of unit.
Figure 11 represents the antenna E- and H-plane gain total bending of the integrated MSs antenna is barely impactful on
radiation pattern at 5.2 GHz and 5.8 GHz in differing cir- the radiation. It is indicated that the proposed antenna indeed
cumstances of bending, respectively. The figure reveals that the has a little influence on the property caused by bending.
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 5
5 11
0 9
S11 (dB)
–20 3
–25 1
4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 5 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6
Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)
0 0
10 330 30 330 30
300 60 300 60
240 120 240 120
Integrated antenna
Figure 4: Continued.
6 Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
0 0
330 30 330 30
300 60 300 60
Integrated antenna
5.2 GHz
Figure 5: Surface current of the monopole and the integrated MSs antenna at working frequency.
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 7
10 25
5 20
FB ratio (dB)
Gain (dBi)
0 15
–5 10
–10 5
–15 0
4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)
Figure 6: Gain and FB of the monopole and the integrated MSs antenna.
(a) (b)
SAR Field [W/kg] SAR Field [W/kg]
8.4168e – 001 5.6269e – 001
7.8940e – 001 5.2766e – 001
7.3713e – 001 4.9263e – 001
6.8485e – 001 4.5760e – 001
6.3257e – 001 4.2258e – 001
5.8029e – 001 3.8755e – 001
5.2801e – 001 3.5252e – 001
4.7574e – 001 3.1749e – 001
4.2346e – 001 2.8247e – 001
3.7118e – 001 2.4744e – 001
3.1890e – 001 2.1241e – 001
2.6662e – 001 1.7738e – 001
2.1435e – 001 1.4236e – 001
1.6207e – 001 1.0733e – 001
1.0979e – 001 7.2300e – 002
5.7511e – 002 3.7272e – 002
5.2334e – 003 2.2446e – 003
(c) (d)
Figure 7: SAR values distribution (a) and (c) at 5.2 GHz and (b) and (d) at 5.8 GHz. (a) and (b) 1 g of tissue. (c) and (d) 10 g of tissue.
8 Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ra = 40 mm Ra = 70mm
(a) (b)
Figure 8: Structure deformation integrated MSs antenna with varying values of radius: (a) Ra � 40 mm and (b) Ra � 70 mm.
0 10
Gain (dBi)
S11 (dB)
–20 –5
4.9 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9
–40 Frequency (GHz)
4 4.3 4.6 4.9 5.2 5.5 5.8 6.1 Integrated antenna
Frequency (GHz) Ra = 40 mm
Ra = 70 mm
Ra = 40mm
Ra = 70mm
Integrated antenna
(a) (b)
Figure 9: Structure deformation integrated MSs antenna: (a) S11 and (b) Gain.
S11 (dB)
4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7
Frequency (GHz)
E-plane H-plane
0 0
10 10
330 30 330 30
300 60 300 60
240 120 240 120
210 150 210 150
10 10
180 180
0 0
10 10
330 30 330 30
300 60 300 60
240 120 240 120
210 150 210 150
10 10
180 180
Figure 11: E- and H-plane gain total radiation patterns of structurally deformable wearable antenna: (a) 5.2 GHz and (b) 5.8 GHz.