Engaging7 Test May2022
Engaging7 Test May2022
Engaging7 Test May2022
Aprendizagens Essenciais
Áreas temáticas: Compreensão oral: Compreensão escrita: Interação escrita:
- Atividades de - Identificar o conteúdo - Compreender textos - Interagir de forma
lazer principal do que se ouve, narrativos sobre temas simples, completando
os intervenientes e a abordados no domínio formulários, mensagens e
sequência do discurso intercultural textos curtos.
assim como informações - Identificar informação Produção escrita:
específicas essencial em textos adaptados - Escrever sobre uma
de jornais e revistas experiência
Listening test
léxico e conhecer Connectors: 4. Ligar frases com so, Therefore, ou 5x1= 1 ponto
algumas estruturas so, However,. 5 por cada
frequentes do therefore, a. Molly’s father thought that magic wasn’t a resposta
funcionamento da however, passion for her. However, he was wrong. correta
língua b. Molly loves doing magic. Therefore, she
practises doing it every day.
c. Her aunt Katie enjoys seeing her regularly, so
she visits her every weekend.
d. Molly is still a beginner. However, she wants
to go on Britain’s Got Talent.
e. Her parents support her, so they let her
participate in many talent shows.
Prefixes 5. Completar as palavras com os prefixos. 5x1= 1 ponto
a. in(correct) b. im(mature) 5 por cada
c. dis(agree) d. il(logical) resposta
e. un(tidy) correta
6. Escrever uma palavra com os sufixos. 5x1= 1 ponto
Suffixes a. decision b. equipment 5 por cada
c. successful d. imagination resposta
e. agreement correta
Writing 20% Respostas a 1. Responder a perguntas pessoais 5x2= 2 pontos por
W9 – Interagir, com perguntas. sobre os temas da unidade. 10 cada
linguagem simples, Personal answers: resposta
sobre assuntos do Tema: a. I have... talents. correta
dia-a-dia b. Yes, I could. / No, I couldn’t.
Writing about c. People should exercise for…
W10 – Produzir a talent show d. The sport I like the most is…
textos de 35 a 50 e. Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
palavras 2. Produzir um texto com dados relativos à 5x2= 2 pontos
descrição de um evento de talentos. 10 por cada
There was a talent show at school last Friday. frase
The parents and the students went to the show, correta
so there were over 200 people there. I liked the
girl’s band and the rap dancers the most. The
winner was Molly, the magician. I thought the
talent show was great!
Listening scripts:
Exercise 1
Hi! I’m Philippa. During the week I don’t have much free time to practise sport, but at weekends I always meet a
couple of friends and play paddle with them. It’s similar to tennis but a bit easier. I usually play on Saturday
afternoons at around 3 pm. Sometimes Jason, my best friend, asks me to play with him on Sunday mornings. That’s
a lot of sport for a weekend, don’t you think?
Hello, my name is Ron. I’m not a big fan of traditional sports like basketball or football. I prefer doing a sport that
is fun. That’s why I go parasailing. I can only go parasailing when the weather is good and the sea is calm. My father
and my brother are also fans of this sport. You should try it!
Hi, I’m Heidi and I love being around water. I like swimming a lot, but that’s not my favourite sport. In the summer
I usually swim at my uncle’s house. He’s got a big swimming pool in his backyard. But my favourite sport is
kitesurfing. It isn’t expensive and it’s really great fun!
Hello. My name is Duncan. I’m a very active person, so I like to play different types of sport. However, there is
one sport that I particularly like. My friends get together to play paintball once a month. You shouldn’t try paintball if
you don’t like getting hurt. Believe me, you can get many bruises.
Hi! I’m Tracy and I am as lazy as a cat. I don’t like doing sport in my Physical Education lessons because we have
to run a lot and do exercise. It’s exhausting! But if you ask me to go on an adventure, then you can count me in. Last
year my mother took me to a mountain where people go to paraglideI I thought it was fascinating! I started doing it
straight away. Imagine what it’s like to fly away for one or two hours. What an adventure!
Exercise 2
Hi! I’m William and I play basketball for the school team. It’s not the best team on the planet but it’s our team, so for
me it’s the best! We’re a great team and we all get along very well. We have practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Sometimes we have to practise more often to be well prepared for the tournament. Last week Jason, a friend of
mine, asked me if he could join our team. He is not what you can call a good basketball player but I told him that he
could improve if he did his best during practice. This week he played with us on Tuesday and he had a good time.
The only problem was that his legs hurt the day after the practice. I’m happy that he joined the team because he will
be more active and he will improve his health. Fun and sport combined together, what more could you ask for?
3 Find words in the text that have the same meaning as the following words: /6
d. ___________________ e. ___________________
a. Molly’s father thought that magic wasn’t a passion for her. He was wrong. (however)
b. Molly loves doing magic. She practises doing it every day. (therefore)
c. Her aunt Katie enjoys seeing her regularly. She visits her every weekend. (so)
d. Molly is still a beginner. She wants to go on Britain’s Got Talent. (however)
e. Her parents support her. They let her participate in many talent shows. (so)
6 Write a new word adding a suffix. Change the word in brackets if necessary. /5
1 Answer the questions about you.
2 Write a postcard about a talent show (35-50 words). Use the topics in the box to /10
help you.
Where and when: at school; last Friday
Who went and how many people: the parents, the students; over 200
Who you liked the most: The girl’s band + the rap dancers
Who was the winner: Molly, the magician
What you thought of the show: great