Geography Grade 11 Term 1 Week 1 - 2021
Geography Grade 11 Term 1 Week 1 - 2021
Geography Grade 11 Term 1 Week 1 - 2021
INTRODUCTION As background you should remember the following from Grade 10 • Learner activity 1 is a revision
• The composition and structure of the atmosphere. task on the work of Grade 10.
• Heating of the atmosphere
• Moisture in the atmosphere.
• Read and interpret synoptic weather maps.
CONCEPTS AND You must know: You must be able to:
SKILLS • How the atmosphere is heated up and why is it irregular. • apply knowledge and concepts on
• How the daily insolation and energy loss results into the various geographic sources.
energy balance. • read and interpret sources such as
• The causes of seasons as a result of the earth’s axis and graphs, maps, world maps,
revolution around the sun. infographics, diagrams to answer
• The results of winds and oceans on the transfer and data response questions & write a
displacement of energy. paragraph.
How are the • Incoming radiation from the Sun is mainly higher
Earth’s energy, short-wave radiation that heats the Earth’s
atmosphere surface. The heated Earth radiates lower energy,
unequaly heated long-wave, infrared energy back into the
up? atmosphere. This heats the atmosphere.
• The incoming solar energy that reaches the Earth’s
surface is called insolation and is unevenly
distributed over the Earth.
• More insolation reaches the surface in the tropics
than in the polar regions. In the tropics, the Sun’s
rays come in nearly perpendicular to the surface.
At the poles the surface is angled away from the
incoming rays of the Sun.
What are the • Between the tropics, the angle of incoming solar
effects of rays is high. More energy is gained than lost, so it is
unequal heating hotter.
on the Earth’s • In the polar regions, the angle of incoming solar
energy balance? rays is low, so solar heating is low.
• More heat is reflected into space. More energy is
lost than gained and there is an energy deficit.
• Near 37° both north and south of the equator, a
balance exists between energy gained and
energy lost.
The importance of the earth’s rotation and revolution around the Sun
What causes • It results into the origin of seasons where the distance to Sun varies on a
seasons? predictive manner to create summer, autumn, winter and spring.
• What are the causes of the seasons?
How do winds • The uneven heating of the Earth causes pressure differences because warm
contribute to air is less dense and tends to rise. This difference creates a pressure gradient
heat transfer? force and causes wind to blow from regions of high pressure (HP) to regions
of low pressure (LP).
• Imagine an Earth with no features that does not turn. See Figure to the right)
• Under such circumstances a belt of low pressure forms in the hot equatorial
regions while a belt of high pressure forms over the cold polar areas.
• The pressure difference causes cold, dry winds to flow from the polar high
• At the equator, warm moist air rises. This warm air diverges in the The Earth rotates from west to east and
upper atmosphere and flows towards the poles. Coriolis force deflects winds in the northern
• Over the polar regions, the air cools, becomes more dense, and hemisphere to the right and in the southern
sinks down back towards the surface. hemisphere to the left.
• But the Earth does have features of land and sea and it does turn For more information on the Coriolis Force
around on its axis so there is not a steady flow of air from the poles see next lesson.
to the equator and back to the poles.
• Ozone.
1.3 Write a paragraph of EIGHT lines and discuss the causes and effects of ozone
2.2 Explain why insolation differs between the tropics and the poles.
2.5 Copy the figure of seasons below into your workbook and add the following annotations:
2.6 Give a brief explanation for the positive heat balance at the tropics and a negative heat
balance at the poles.
2.7 Explain the concept of Coriolis force.
2.8 Explain how winds contribute to the transfer of energy between the tropics and the poles.
2.9 Write a paragraph of EIGHT lines and explain how surface ocean currents contribute to the
transfer of heat.
2.10 Write short notes on how deep ocean currents contribute to the transfer of heat.