"Innovative Single-Piece Pattern Design For 3D Printing: A Paradigm Shift in Manufacturing" by
"Innovative Single-Piece Pattern Design For 3D Printing: A Paradigm Shift in Manufacturing" by
"Innovative Single-Piece Pattern Design For 3D Printing: A Paradigm Shift in Manufacturing" by
Allowance: Allowance is the difference between basic of ➢ 3D printers can come in a variety of shapes and
the mating parts. It is the sizes ranging from equipment that can
Minimum clearance or maximum interference between Fit on a desk to large construction models used in the
parts or the tightest fit between two mating making of 3D-printed houses.
a) Dimensions of casting. ➢ Frame: Frame helps keep all the other components
of your 3D printer together at one Place. It also
b) Design and intricacy of casting.
maintains the stability of the entire machine. If your
c) Resistance of mol to shrinkage. frame is robust, you Will have a more durable 3D
d) Molding materials used. printer.
e) Method of molding used.
f) Pouring temp of the molten metal. ➢ Material: Filament is used for the FDM 3D printers.
Filaments are available in spools. These are heated to
certain temperature and are liquified to be deposited on
the print Bed.
Future Scope
The cancer detection system using the machine learning
techniques is much efficient and gives the betterment
results to radiologist and assist them. This enhance with the
additional features for upgrading in the future. On this
processing system to support the radiologist to detect the
affected patients as accurate as the result.
Reference .