Icu Emergency NSG
Icu Emergency NSG
Icu Emergency NSG
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BACKGROUND: This course deals with concepts,
principles, theories and techniques of nursing care of sick
adult clients with life-threatening conditions, acutely
ill/multi-organ problems, high acuity and emergency
situation toward health promotion, disease prevention,
restoration and maintenance, and rehabilitation.
OBJECTIVE: The learned are expected to provide safe
and appropriate and holistic nursing care to groups of
clients with health problems and special needs utilizing the
nursing process
NCM 118: Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acute Multiorgan Problems, High Acuity & Emergency Situations, Acute & Chronic
Chapter I
● Is the specialty within nursing that deals ● Patient-centered
specifically with human responses to ● Safe
life-threatening problems. These problems ● Effective
deal dynamically with human responses to ● Efficient
actual or potential life-threatening illnesses The nursing interventions are expected to be
● Is based on a scientific body of knowledge delivered in a timely and equitable manner
and incorporates the professional
competencies specific to critical care nursing CATEGORIES OF CRITICAL CARE
practice and is focused on restorative, UNIT
curative, rehabilitative, maintainable, or ● The critical care unit can be categorized
palliative care, based on identified patient’s according to patient’s age group or medical
need. specialties
● Professional regulation Commission - Board A. AGE GROUP
of Nursing (PRC-BON) is committed to 1. Neonatal: 0-28 days
provide need-driven, effective and efficient 2. Pediatric: 18 and below
specialty nursing care services of high 3. Adult: 18+
standard and at international level within the B. SPECIALTY
obtainable resources. In the existing environment, the majority of
● The Critical Care Nurses Association of the the critical care units in the Philippines
Philippines, Inc. (CCNAPI) provide service for patients or various
specialties. They are labeled as general ICUs.
PRC-BON WORKING GROUP In certain hospitals, the critical care
DEVELOPING THE NURSING unit/service is dedicated to the ff specific
● Take on the task of setting the process-based
1. Medical
framework and guidelines for specialty
2. Surgical
nursing services
3. Cardio-Thoracic
4. Cardiac
○ Clinical Nurse Practitioners
5. Respiratory
○ Nurse Educators
6. Neurosurgical
○ Nurse Managers
7. Trauma
NCM 118: Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acute Multiorgan Problems, High Acuity & Emergency Situations, Acute & Chronic
● Is defined by the dynamic interaction of the ETHICAL PRINCIPLES
critically ill patient/family,the critical care
● Autonomy
nurse and the critical care environment to
● Beneficence
bring about optical patient outcomes through
● Non-maleficence
nursing proficient in an environment
● Justice
conducive to the provision of the highly
● Veracity
specialized care.
● Fidelity
NCM 118: Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acute Multiorgan Problems, High Acuity & Emergency Situations, Acute & Chronic
● Nurses acts as advocate to donors and
recipients and must be a skilled assessor for
possible organ donors
● Cost vs outcome
NCM 118: Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acute Multiorgan Problems, High Acuity & Emergency Situations, Acute & Chronic
Chapter II
● A sputum test, using a sample of sputums
PNEUMONIA (spit) or mucus from cough, may be used to
INTRODUCTION: find out what germs are causing your
● Inflammation of the lung parenchyma pneumonia.
● Caused by microorganisms which enter the Signs/symptoms:
lower respiratory system and cause infection ● Shortness of breath
○ Bacteria ● Increase breathing rate
○ Mycobacteria ● Heavy sputum
○ Mycoplasma ● Fever and chills
○ Fungi ● Chest pain that is worse when you breathe or
○ Parasites cough
○ Viruses ● Fatigue and muscle aches
● Infection or inflammation that develops after ● Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
someone inhales airborne pathogens or ● Cough, particularly cough productive of
aspirates pathogens in secretions from the sputum
upper respiratory or gastrointestinal tract
● It can cause breathing problems and other
● Pneumonia arises from flora present in
symptoms. In community acquired
patients whose resistance has been altered or
pneumonia can get infected in a community
from aspiration of flora present in the
setting. It doesn't happen in a
○ Hospital
● An inflammatory reaction may occur in the
○ Nursing home
alveoli, producing exudates that interfere
○ Health center
with the diffusion of oxygen and carbon
Pneumonia is an acute infection of the dioxide.
pulmonary parenchyma with an intense infiltration of ● White blood cells also migrate into the
neutrophils in and around the alveoli and the terminal alveoli and fill normally air filled spaces.
bronchioles. The affected bronchopulmonary ● Due to secretions and mucosal edema, there
segment or the entire lobe may be consolidated by are areas of the lung that are not adequately
the resulting inflammation. ventilated and cause partial occlusion of the
VENTILATOR ACQUIRED alveoli, with a resultant decrease in alveolar
RESPI-PANDEMIC oxygen tension.
VAP is pneumonia that develops 48 hours or ● Hypoventilation may follow causing
longer after mechanical ventilation is given by means ventilation perfusion mismatch.
of an endotracheal tube or tracheostomy. Intubation ● Venous blood entering the pulmonary
compromises the integrity of the oropharynx and circulation passes through the under
trachea and allows oral gastric secretions to enter the ventilated areas, and travels to the left side of
lower airways. the heart poorly oxygenated
● The mixing of oxygenated and poorly
oxygenated blood can result in arterial
● Physical examination may reveal dullness to
percussion of the chest. crackles or rales on
Auscultation, Bronchial breath sounds, TREATMENT AND MANAGEMENT
Tactile Fremitus, EgophonyAuscultation, ● The treatment may vary based on symptoms
Bronchial breath sounds Tactile Fremitus and type of pneumonia. If the patient has
Egophony. severe pneumonia, they will need to stay in
● A chest x-ray looks for inflammation in your the hospital for some time.
lungs. A chest x-ray is often used to diagnose ● Antibiotics are the key to treatment for
pneumonia. bacterial CAP. The health provider will
● Blood test such as a complete blood count likely start patient on this medicine even
( CBC) see whether your immune system is before identifying the type of bacteria
fighting an infection.
NCM 118: Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acute Multiorgan Problems, High Acuity & Emergency Situations, Acute & Chronic
● Bacteria pneumonia: Patients with mild ●
Exposure to fumes from burning fuel
pneumonia who are otherwise healthy are ●
treated with oral macrolide antibiotics. ●
Occupational exposure to dusts and
● Dont smoke consecutive years
● Practice good hygine Emphysema
● Stay rested and fit ●
Complex lung disease characterized by
● Wearing surgical masks by the sick may also destruction of the alveoli, enlargement of
prevent illness distal airspaces, and a breakdown of alveolar
● Appropriate treating underlying illnesses walls. There is a slowly progressive
● Get a pneumonia vaccination deterioration of lung function for many years
before the development of illness.
● Assess the rate, rhythm, and depth of
● Panlobular Emphysema: destruction of
respiration, chest movement, and use of
accessory, chest movement, and use of respiratory bronchiole, alveolar duct and
accessory muscles. alveolus.
Tachypnea, shallow respirations and ○ All air spaces within the lobule are
asymmetric chest movement are frequently essentially enlarged, but there is little
present because of the discomfort of moving inflammatory disease
the chest wall and fluid in the lung due to a ○ Hyperinflated chest, marked
compensatory response to airway
dyspnea on exertion, and weight
● Assess cough effectiveness and productivity loss occurs
coughing is the most effective way to ○ Expiration becomes active and
remove secretions. Pneumonia may cause requires muscular effort
thick and tenacious secretions in patients. ● Centrilobular (Centroacinar) Emphysema:
● Auscultate lung fields, noting areas of pathologic changes take place mainly in the
decreased airflow and adventitious breath center of the secondary lobule, preserving
sounds; crackles, wheezes.
Decreased airflow occurs in areas with the peripheral portions of the acinus
consolidated fluid. ○ There is a derangement of V/Q
● Observe the sputum color, viscosity, and ratios, producing chronic
odor. Report changes. hypoxemia, hypercapnia,
Changes in sputum characteristics may polycythemia, and episodes of
indicate infection. Sputum that is right-sided HF
discolored,tenacious, or has an odor may
○ Leads to central cyanosis and
increase airway resistance and warrant
further intervention. respiratory failure
● Assess the patient's hydration status. ○ Peripheral edema also manifests
● Airway clearance is hindered by inadequate S/sx of emphysema:
hydration and the thickening of secretions. ● Dyspnea, decreased exercise tolerance
● Minimal cough, except with respiratory
PULMONARY DISEASE ● Sputum expectoration
Introduction: ● Barrel chest
● Airflow limitation that is not fully reversible,
progressive and is normally associated with CHRONIC BRONCHITIS
an inflammatory response of the lungs due to Chronic inflammation of the lower respiratory tract
irritants. characterized by excessive mucous secretion,
● One of the major causes of chronic morbidity cough, and dyspnea on exertion associated with
and mortality worldwide recurring infections of the lower respiratory tract.
Risk Factors S/Sx of Chronic Bronchitis:
● Tobacco Smoking: most common ● Usually insidious, developing over a period
● Asthma of years
NCM 118: Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acute Multiorgan Problems, High Acuity & Emergency Situations, Acute & Chronic
● Presence of a productive cough lasting at diaphragmatic breathing with activities such
least 3 mos a year for 2 successive years as walking, bathing, bending, or climbing
● Production of thick, gelatinous sputum; stairs
● Provide small frequent meals and offer liquid
greater amounts produced during
superimposed infections ● Administer low flow of oxygen (1-2L/min)
● Wheezing ● Administer bronchodilator as prescribed
● Dyspnea ● Adequately hydrate the patient
GOLD SYSTEM FOR GRADING COPD ● Instruct the patient to avoid bronchial
● Allows the doctors to better match pts with irritants
right treatments ● If indicated, perform CPT in the morning
and at night as prescribed
● Encourage alternating activity with rest
1. Symptom Grades periods
- CAT (COPD Assessment Test) ● Teach relaxation technique or provide a
- mMRC (Modified Medical relaxation tape for patient
Research) ● Enroll patient in pulmonary rehabilitation
2. Spirometry Grades program where available
- GOLD 1: Mild ● Assessing the patient
- GOLD 2: Moderate
- GOLD 3: Severe
Acute changes worsening in the pts
- GOLD 4: Very Severy respiratory symptoms beyond the normal
3. Exacerbation risk day-to-day variations.
- Time when COPD symptoms get so ● Cause: tracheobronchial infection and air
much worse that it need to make a pollution
change in medication which is Signs and symptoms:
termed as FLARE ● Dyspnea
- Flare ups are more likely if the ● Confusion
● Lethargy
spirometry result is Gold 3 and Gold
● Respiratory muscle fatigue
4 ● Persistent worsening hypoxemia
4. Other health problems ● Paradoxical chest wall movement
● Peripheral edema
DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURE ● Worsening or new onset of central cyanosis
● Worse coughing
● ABG Levels
● Fever
● CXR: painless, non-invasive test; most
commonly preferred dx examination to
● Roflumilast (Daliresp)
produce images of heart, lungs, airways, ● Tx of an exacerbations require identification
blood vessels, etc. of primary cause and administering the
● Alpha-antitrypsin test: used to detect a specific treatment
deficiency of the AAT protein ● Bronchodilator: first line therapy
○ Normal range 100-200 mg/dL ● Corticosteroids, antibiotic agents, O2 therapy,
and intensive respiratory interventions
Management and Treatment: ● When a pt arrives in ED, the first line
● Smoke cessation treatments are:
● Bronchodilators ○ Supplemental O2
● Inhaled and systemic Corticosteroids ○ Short-acting inhaled bronchodilator
● Alpha 1 antitrypsin augmentation therapy ○ Oral or IV corticosteroids (in
addition to bronchodilators
● Antibiotics
○ Antibiotics
● Mucolytics ● Bullectomy
● Antitussive ● Lung Volume Reduction Surgery
● Vasodilators ● Lung transplantation
Nursing interventions: ● Pulmonary Rehabilitation
● O2 Therapy
● Pulmonary rehabilitation
● Pursed-lip breathing Nursing interventions
● Assessing the pt
● Instruct the patient to coordinate
NCM 118: Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acute Multiorgan Problems, High Acuity & Emergency Situations, Acute & Chronic
● Achieving Airway Clearance pressure
● Improving Breathing Patterns ● Assessing risk factor, skin care and
● Improving activity Intolerance protection
● Monitoring and Managing Potential ● Providing correct and appropriate nutrition
Complications therapy
NCM 118: Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acute Multiorgan Problems, High Acuity & Emergency Situations, Acute & Chronic
does not resolve with IV fluids, prompt Relieving Anxiety
initiation of vasopressor therapy is ● Encourages the stabilized pt to talk about any
recommended, with agents that may include fears or concerns related to this frightening
dopamine or norepinephrine.
episode, answers the patient’s and family’s
● Hemodynamic measurements and evaluation
for hypoxemia (pulse oximetry or arterial questions concisely and accurately, explains
blood gas or performed. If available, the therapy, and describes how to recognize
MDCTA will be performed. untoward effects early.
● The ECG is monitored continuously for Postoperative Care
dysrhythmia and right ventricular failure, ● Measure the pt’s pulmonary arterial pressure
which may occur suddenly . and urinary output and assess the insertion
● Blood is drawn for serum electrolytes.
site of the arterial catheter for hematoma
● If the patient has suffered massive embolism
and is hypotensive, an indwelling urinary formation
catheter is inserted to monitor urinary output. ● Maintaining the blood pressure at a level that
● Small doses of IV morphine or sedatives are supports perfusion of vital organs is crucial.
given to relieve patient anxiety, to alleviate
chest discomfort, to improve tolerance of the PULMONARY HYPERTENSION
endotracheal tube, and to ease adaptation to
the mechanical ventilation if necessary.
~ characterized by elevated pulmonary arterial
MANAGEMENT pressure and secondary right ventricular failure. It
Oxygen therapy may be suspected in a patient with dyspnea with
● Correct the hypoxemia exertion without other clinical manifestation. Unlike
● Relieve the pulmonary vascular systemic blood pressure, pulmonary pressures cannot
vasoconstriction be measured indirectly. In the absence of these
● Reduce the PH measurements, clinical recognition becomes the only
Elastic Compression Stockings indicator of PH. However, PH is a condition that is
● Reduces venous stasis. often not clinically evident until late in its
Elevating the leg progression. Patients are classified by the world
● Increases venous flow. health organization ( WHO) into five groups based
upon the mechanism of PH.
Minimizing r the risk of PE ● Group 1: Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
● Encourage ambulation and active and (PAH)
passive leg exercises to prevent venous stasis ● Group 2: PH due to left heart disease
in patient prescribed ● Group 3: PH due to chronic lung disease
● Instructs the patient to move the legs in a and/or hypoxemia
pumping exercise. ● Group 4: Chronic thromboembolic
● Advises the patient not to sit or lie in bed for pulmonary hypertension
prolonged periods, not to cross the legs and ● Group 5: PH with unclear multifactorial
not to wear constrictive cloth. mechanism
Preventing thrombus formation
● Conduct a careful assessment of the patient Pathophysiology
health history , family history and ● Conditions such as a collagen vascular
medication record. disease, congenital heart disease,
● Assess for the pain or discomfort in the anorexigens (Specific appetite depressant),
extremities and evaluate for warmth, redness chronic use of stimulants, portal
and inflammation. hypertension, and HIV infection increase the
Assessing the Potential PE risk of PH in susceptible patients.
● Assess pt’s signs every 2 hours during ● Vascular injury occurs with endothelial
thrombolytic infusion, while the patient dysfunction and vascular smooth muscle
remains on bed rest. dysfunction, which leads to disease
Managing Pain progression.
● Provide a semi-fowler’s position to pt ● Normally the pulmonary vascular bed can
● Continue to turn patients frequently and handle the blood volume delivered by the
reposition them to improve the V/Q in the right ventricle. It has a lot of resistance to
lungs blood flow and compensates for increased
● Administer opioid analgesic agents as blood volume by dilation of vessels in the
prescribed for severe pain pulmonary circulation.
● However if the pulmonary vascular bed is
NCM 118: Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acute Multiorgan Problems, High Acuity & Emergency Situations, Acute & Chronic
destroyed or obstructed, as in PH, the ability ●
Oxygen therapy – this involves inhaling air
to handle whenever flow or volume of blood that contains a higher concentration of
is received is impaired and the increased oxygen than normal
blood flow then increases the pulmonary ● digoxin – this can improve your symptoms
artery pressure. by strengthening your heart muscle
● As pulmonary arterial pressure increases the contractions and slowing down your heart
pulmonary vascular resistance also increases. rate
● Both pulmonary artery constriction and SURGERY
reduction of the pulmonary vascular bed Some people with pulmonary hypertension may need
result in increased pulmonary vascular surgery. The 3 types of surgery currently used are:
resistance and pressure. This increased ● Pulmonary Endarterectomy – an operation
workload affects the right ventricular to remove old blood clots from the
function. pulmonary arteries in the lungs in people
● The myocardium ultimately can not meet the with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary
increasing demands imposed on it leading to hypertension
right ventricular hypertrophy and ● balloon pulmonary angioplasty – a new
failure.Passive hepatic congestion may also procedure where a tiny balloon is guided into
develop the arteries and inflated for a few seconds to
push the blockage aside and restore blood
Diagnostic flow to the lung; it may be considered if
Clinical Assessment pulmonary endarterectomy is not suitable,
● History and examination and has been shown to lower blood pressure
● Functional class in the lung arteries, improve breathing, and
Physiological assessment increase the ability to exercise
● Exercise testing ● atrial septostomy – a small hole is made in
● Pulmonary function the wall between the left and right atria of
● Right heart catheterization the heart using a cardiac catheter, a thin,
Functional Imaging Assessment flexible tube inserted into the heart's
● Echocardiography chambers or blood vessels; it reduces the
● Cardiac magnetic resonance pressure in the right side of the heart, so the
Static Imaging heart can pump more efficiently and the
● Pulmonary angiography blood flow to the lungs can be improved
● Ventilation- per-fusion scan ● transplant – in severe cases, a lung
● Ct and x-ray transplant or heart lung transplant may be
● Ultrasound needed; this type of surgery is rarely used
because effective medicine is available
● Shortness of breath Nursing Responsibilities
● Tiredness ● The major nursing goal is to identify patients
● Chest pain (angina) at high risk for PH, such as those with
● A racing heartbeat (palpation) COPD, PE, congenital heart disease, and
● Swelling (oedama) in the legs, ankles, feet or mitral valve disease so that early treatment
tummy (abdomen) can commence.
● The nurse must be alert for signs and
Treatment and management symptoms, administer oxygen therapy
Different classes of medications used to treat PH.
appropriately, instruct the patient and family
This includes calcium channel blockers, prostanoids,
about the use of home oxygen therapy.
endothelin antagonists and phosphodiesterase
● In patients treated with prostanoids, the need
inhibitors. The choice of therapeutic agent is based
for central venous access, subcutaneous
on many facets, including the classification group
infection proper administration and dosing of
status of the patient with PH
the medication, pain at the injection site and
There are many treatments for pulmonary arterial
potential severe side-effects is extremely
hypertension (PAH). Which treatment or
combination of treatments you'll be offered will
● Emotional and psychosocial aspects of this
depend on a number of factors, including what's
disease must be addressed.
causing PAH and the severity of your symptoms.
● Formal and informal support groups for
Treatments include:
patients and families are extremely valuable.
● Anticoagulant medicines– such as warfarin
to help prevent blood clot
● diuretics (water tablets) – to remove excess
fluid from the body caused by heart failure
NCM 118: Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acute Multiorgan Problems, High Acuity & Emergency Situations, Acute & Chronic
Chapter IV
DISEASE ● Chest pain (angina) or discomfort,
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS, formerly often described as aching, pressure,
called ischemic heart disease) tightness or burning
- Large spectrum of clinical conditions ● Pain spreading from chest to the
including unstable angina, shoulders, arms, upper abdomen,
back, neck, or jaw
myocardial injury, and MI.
● Nausea or vomiting
- Caused by a sudden onset of cardiac ● Indigestion
tissue ischemia secondary to impaired ● SOB (dyspnea)
blood flow. ● Diaphoresis
- Precipitating event: blockage in the ● Lightheadedness, dizziness or
coronary arteries or a mismatch syncope
between the demand and supply of ● Unusual or unexplained fatigue
● Feeling restless or apprehensive
blood to cardiac tissue.
- The resulting tissue ischemia can TREATMENT & MANAGEMENT
● GOAL: Improve blood flow to the
cause symptoms such as substernal
heart muscle.
chest pressure, radiation of pain to ● Aspirin: blood thinner
the left arm, shoulder, or jaw; and ○ Reduce risk of blood clots,
changes in the ECG. prevent blockage of coronary
DIAGNOSIS arteries.
● Nitrates: widen arteries, improving
ECG: electrodes attached to skin record the
blood flow to and from the heart.
electrical activity of the heart. Certain
Better blood flow means the heart
changes in the heart’s electrical activity may
doesn’t have to work as hard.
be a sign of heart damage.
● Beta blockers: help relax heart
Stress Test: heart rhythm, blood pressure,
muscle, slow heartbeat and decrease
and breathing are monitored while the client
blood pressure so blood can flow to
walks on a treadmill or rides a stationary
the heart more easily.
bike. Exercise makes the heart pump harder
● Angiotensin-converting enzyme
and faster than usual, so a stress test can
(ACE) inhibitors: helps relax blood
detect heart problems that might not be
vessels and lower blood pressure.
noticeable otherwise.
○ Recommended if the pt have
Echocardiogram: help identify whether an
area of the heart has been damaged and isn’t high BP or DM in addition to
pumping. MI.
Stress echocardiogram: similar to a regular ○ Used if the pt has heart failure
echocardiogram, except the test is done after or if the heart doesn’t pump
the client exercises in the doctor’s office on a blood effectively
treadmill or stationary bike. ● Ranolazine (Ranexa): helps relax
Nuclear Stress test: small amounts of
coronary arteries to ease angina.
radioactive material are injected into the
bloodstream. While the client exercises, the ○ Prescribed with other angina
doctor can watch as it flows through the medications, such as calcium
heart and lungs - allowing blood-flow
problems to be identified.
NCM 118: Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acute Multiorgan Problems, High Acuity & Emergency Situations, Acute & Chronic
These two problems result to the sign and Signs and sYmptoms
symptoms such as fainting/syncope even ● Fatigue
sudden death ● Heart palpitation
● Edema on the legs calves and ankles
Restrictive ● Shortness of breath
cardiomyopathy ● Syncope fainting
● The lower heart chamber (the
ventricle) grow stiffer and more rigid Treatment and management
Nio cure , only supportive care
as the condition progress making in
unable to relax
➢ Heart medications can improve the
● Occurs because abnormal tissue is
blood flow, control symptoms or treat
replacing the regular heart muscle.
underlying conditions. Blood thinners
The abnormal tissue.
such as warfarin (coumadin),beta
● This type of cardiomyopathy is more
blockers such as propranolol (inderal)
common in older people.
or medication to lower cholesterol.
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Devices to correct arrhythmias:
1. Problem with the heart muscle ➢ Pacemakers or implantable
A. fibrosis /scarring-caused by cardioverter defibrillators (icd), treat
radiation from cancer treatment irregular heart rhythms. These devices
or may be idiopathic monitor heart beat. They send
B. Infiltration- electrical impulses to the heart when
➢ Amyloidosis- proteins are deposit in an arrhythmia starts.
NCM 118: Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acute Multiorgan Problems, High Acuity & Emergency Situations, Acute & Chronic
Devices to improve blood flow: BUN & creatinine, troponins level,
➢ Cardiac resynchronization therapy electrolytes (especially K+ if on Lasix:
(CRT) devices control the waste K+ and low potassium increase
contractions between the left and right the risk of digoxin toxicity)
sides of the heart. A left ventricular ● Edema in the leg: Keep legs elevated
assist device (LVAD)helps the heart and patient in high Fowler’s to help
pump blood. with breathing
Surgical: ● Safety (at risk for falls d/t fluid status
➢ For severe symptoms or underlying changes, swelling in legs and feet, and
heart conditions, heart surgery is orthostatic hypotension).
➢ Providers usually only recommend
open heart surgery or a heart EDUCATING:
transplant when other treatments have
● Early S/Sx HF exacerbation
failed to bring relief.
Nursing management ○ Weight gain
● Maintain cardiac output, increase
activity tolerance and relieve anxiety. ○ Orthopnea
● Monitor for any complication. ● Low salt (allowed 2-3 G Na+ per day)
● Monitor vital signs and symptoms of and fluid restriction (no more than
heart failure. 2L/day)
● Advice to take proper nutrition ● Vaccination to prevent illness, such as
● Provide emotional support annual flu and to be up-to-date with
● Encourage adequate rest
pneumonia vax
● Treat HTN-DASH diet, sodium
restriction beta blockers. ● Exercise aerobic (as tolerated)
What is arrhythmia? ● Daily weights (watch for no more
● Is an irregularity of the heartbeat that than 2-3 lbs per day and 5 lbs per
can cause the heart to beat too week)
fast(tachycardia)>100bp, too slow ● Compliance with medications
(bradycardia)<60bmp, or origin of
● Smoking cessation
● The speed and rhythm of the heartbeat ● Limiting alcohol
is controlled by an internal electrical COLLABORATIVE MN’T
system that generates the electrical CARE PRIORITIES
pulse through the heart's conduction
1. Treat the underlying cause and
system, causing the heart to contract
and pump blood. This process repeats precipitating factors
each new heartbeat. ● Initial therapy on stabilizing,
Classification of arrhythmias the hemodynamic and
Heart Rate respiratory status and searching
● Slow for reversible causes of HF
● Fast 2. Provide O2 therapy and support
● Absent
Classification ventilation
● Bradyarrhythmia ● Supplemental O2 is required to
● Tachyarrhythmia optimize the pt’s SpO2
● PulsCardiac diet (low salt and fat) ● Pulse oximetry (SpO2):
● Fluid restriction (no more than 2L per External monitoring of pt’s
day) hemoglobin saturation. SpO2
● Lab values: Watch BNP, kidney fxn
NCM 118: Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acute Multiorgan Problems, High Acuity & Emergency Situations, Acute & Chronic
NCM 118: Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acute Multiorgan Problems, High Acuity & Emergency Situations, Acute & Chronic
NCM 118: Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acute Multiorgan Problems, High Acuity & Emergency Situations, Acute & Chronic
disease: arrhythmia
What is arrhythmia?
An arrhythmia is an irregularity of the
heartbeat that can cause the heart too beat
too fast (tachycardia) >100bpm, too slow
(bradycardia) <60bmp, or create an abnormal
rate, rhythm, sequence of conduction or
origin of conduction. The speed and rhythm
of the heart beat is controlled by an internal
electrical system that generates the electrical
pulse through the heart’s conduction system,
causing the heart to contract and pump
blood. This process repeats with each new
Classification of Arrhythmias
Slow Bradyarrhythmia
Fast Tachyarrhythmia
Absent Pulseless
NCM 118: Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acute Multiorgan Problems, High Acuity & Emergency Situations, Acute & Chronic
● Loss of consciousness,
● Loss of normal breathing: APNEA
● Loss of pulse and BP (apical &
central pulsations [carotid, femoral])
● Cardiovascular collapse
● Ventricular fibrillation
● Cardiac standstill
● SOB (Women > Men)
● Extreme tiredness (unusual fatigue)
● Back pain
● Flu-like symptoms
● Belly pain, nausea, and vomiting
● Chest pain, mainly angina (Men >
● Repeated dizziness or fainting,
especially while exercising hard,
sitting, or lying on your back
● Heart palpitations, or feelings as if the
heart is racing, fluttering, or skipping
a beat.
NCM 118: Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acute Multiorgan Problems, High Acuity & Emergency Situations, Acute & Chronic
exam and possibly order tests. Tests to see inside your small intestine.
● Blood testYou may need a complete a light and camera is placed in your
rectum to look at your rectum and the
blood count, a test to see how fast
last part of the large intestine that
your blood clots, a platelet count and
leads to your rectum (sigmoid colon).
liver function tests.
● Ballon assisted enteroscopy A
● Stool test. Analyzing your stool can
specialized scope inspects parts of
help determine the cause of occult
your small intestine that other tests
using an endoscope can't reach.
● Nasagastric lavageA tube is passed
Sometimes, the source of bleeding
through your nose into your stomach
can be controlled or treated during
to remove your stomach contents.
this test.
This might help determine the source
● Angiography A contrast dye is
of your bleed.
injected into an artery, and a series of
● Upper endoscopyThis procedure
X-rays are taken to look for and treat
uses a tiny camera on the end of a
bleeding vessels or other
long tube, which is passed through
your mouth to enable your doctor to
● Imaging test A variety of other
examine your upper gastrointestinal
imaging tests, such as an abdominal
CT scan, might be used to find the
● ColonoscopyThis procedure uses a
source of the bleed.
tiny camera on the end of a long tube,
which is passed through your rectum
to enable your doctor to examine your
large intestine and rectum. ● Signs and symptoms of GI
● Capsule endoscopy In this bleeding can be either obvious
procedure, you swallow a (overt) or hidden (occult).
vitamin-size capsule with a tiny Signs and symptoms depend
camera inside. The capsule travels
on the location of the bleed,
through your digestive tract taking
which can be anywhere on the
thousands of pictures that are sent to a
GI tract, from where it starts —
NCM 118: Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acute Multiorgan Problems, High Acuity & Emergency Situations, Acute & Chronic
1. Attaining Normal Fluid Volume
NCM 118: Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acute Multiorgan Problems, High Acuity & Emergency Situations, Acute & Chronic
Chapter V
Nasogastric tube
Introduction ● To relieve vomiting and digestion
● Nasogastric tube feeding is common
● To feed with fluids when oral intake is
practice and many tubes are inserted
not possible.
daily without incident. However, there
is a small risk that the tube can CONTRAINDICATIONS OF NGT
become misplaced into the lungs ● Head trauma, maxillofacial injury,
during the insertion, or move out of anterior fossa skull fracture
the stomach at e later stages. ● Patient with Hx of esophageal
● Auscultation must not be used to stricture, esophageal varices
check or correct nasogastric tube ● Patient in coma have the potential of
placement as studies have shown this vomiting during an NG insertion
method to be inaccurate.NG tube procedure, thus requiring protection
should be aspirated and the tube of the airway prior to placing NGT.
position confirmed using pH indicator
strips that CE marked and intended NG insertion is most commonly used for
for use on human gastric aspirate. patient who:
● Surgical patients
~ It is a method of introduction a tube ● Ventilated patients
through nose into stomach ● Neuromuscular impairment
● 6-8 french gauge ● Patients who are unable to maintain
● Length of tube is measured in cm adequate oral intake to meet
Types of tubes metabolic/nutrition demands.
Short tubes: passed through the nose into the ● To assess patency of the nares.
stomach equipment
Medium tubes: tubes are passed through the ● Personal protective equipment
nose to the duodenum and jejunum ● NG tube
Long tubes:passed through the nose,through ● Catheter tip irrigation 60 ml syringe
the esophagus and stomach into the intestine. ● Water soluble lubricant preferably 2%
xylocaine jelly
● Adhesive tape
● Low powered suction device OR
drainage bag
● Stethoscope
● Cup of water 9if necessary) ice chips
● Emesis basin
● pH indication ships
Indication of gi Procedure: ng insertion
intubation ● Perform hand hygiene and prepare all
● To decompress the stomach and
remove gas and liquids necessary equipment
● To lavage the stomach and remove ● Identify the pt by closing the door to
ingested toxins the patient's room and/or drawing the
curtain surrounding the patient's bed
● To administer medications and feed
● Introduce yourself for knowledge and
● To collect gastric juice for diagnostic
anxiety regarding insertion of the
● Explain the procedure and its
NCM 118: Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acute Multiorgan Problems, High Acuity & Emergency Situations, Acute & Chronic
purpose: answer any question and ● Insert the NG tube tip slowly into the
provide emotional support as needed. patient's nostril in advance steadily.
● Observe standard precaution ● Twist that should slightly, apply
throughout the procedure Assess the downwards pressure, and continue
patient to determine if the patient trying to advance the tube. If
meets the criteria for NGT placement significant resistance is felt, remove
● Check the condition of the NGT for that you've and allow the patient to
defects (e.g..rough edges): use the rest before trying again in the other
catheter to flush water through the nostril.
lumen to verify its impact and Note: if there is difficulty in passing the NG
patients. tube, you may ask the patient to sip water
● Obtaining the patient's verbal consent slowly through a straw unless oral fluids are
prior to beginning the procedure. contraindicated. If oral fluids are not
● Palpitate patient's abdomen for this allowed, ask the patient to try swallowing
tension pain and/or rigidity auscultate while advancing the tube.
for vowel sound. Position patient suctioning
sitting up at 45 to 90 degrees (unless Removal of the secretion from the oral
contraindicated by the patient cavity or nasal cavity and pharynx through
condition), with a pillow under the the suction.
head and shoulders. Suctioning of the upper respiratory airways
● Raised bed to a comfortable working is indicated when the client is:
height. 1. Is unable to expectorate cough
● Agree on signals the patient can use if secretion.
they wish you to pause during the 2. Is unable to swallow.
procedure. 3. Makes flight bubbling or rotting brief
● Place a towel on the patient's chest sounds. Purpose To remove secretion
and provide facial tissue and an that abstract the airway. To facilitate
emesis basin. respiratory ventilation. To prevent
● Provide the patient with drinking infection that may result from
water and straw if the patient is not accumulated secretion
fluid restricted.
● Use your dominant hand to insert the Assessment
tube stand on the patient's right side if ● Assess for restlessness.
you are right handed or on the ● Gurgling sounds during respiration.
patient's left side if you are left ● Adventitious sounds when the chess
handed. is auscultate.
● Measure distance of the tube from the ● Change in mental status, skin color,
tip of the nose to.. rate and pattern of respiratory and
● the earlobe to pulse rate rhythm.
● the xiphoid process PROCEDURE.
● and then mark the tube at his point. a. Explain the procedure to the pt that
● Lubricate NG tube tip for about 6-8 suctioning will receive breathing
inches with lubricant using a paper difficulty and that the procedure is
square or according to your agency painless but may stimulate the cough,
policy. gag, or sneeze reflexes
● Apply clean non sterile gloves. b. Provide semi-fowler’s position to pt
● Curve 10-15 cm off the end of the NG for conscious person who has
tube around your gloves finger, and functional gag reflex with turned to
then release it. one side for oral suctioning or with
● Have the patient drophead forward the neck hyperextended for nasal
and breathe through the mouth. suctioning
NCM 118: Nursing Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acute Multiorgan Problems, High Acuity & Emergency Situations, Acute & Chronic