Otzi Investigation
Otzi Investigation
Otzi Investigation
4. Why were scientists able to find out so much about Otzi the Iceman? (1 sentence)
Scientists learned a lot about Ötzi the Iceman because he was amazingly well-preserved in
ice for thousands of years. His body, clothes, and tools survived, giving us clues about how
people lived during his time. By studying Ötzi, scientists can understand things like what
he ate, what tools he used, and even how he died, helping us learn about ancient history.
5. What was the purpose of the tattoos on Otzi’s body? (1-3 sentences)
The tattoos on Ötzi the Iceman's body might have had different purposes. Some scientists
think they could have been for pain relief, like acupuncture, because they were on parts of
his body that might have hurt. Others believe they could have been for religious or cultural
reasons, like showing his status or protecting him from harm. Overall, these tattoos give us
a glimpse into the beliefs and practices of people from Ötzi's time.
Stomach Contents Fat and meat of ibex and red deer, whole wheat seeds and
fern leaves and spores.
Clothing Otzi's clothing was made from hide, leather and braided
grass to keep him protected from the cold and wet.
Weapons Otzi used to carry a small copper bladed axe and a flint
dagger both with wooden handles. 14 arrows made of
viburnum and dogwood, two of which had flint points and
feathers. A fur arrow quiver and a bow of yew. Otzi also
carried a bow made of yew, a grass net that may have
served as a sack, a leather pouch and as well as a U- shaped
wooden frame.
7. Was Otzi a young man or an old man when he died? How do you know? (3-4
Otzi was 45 years old when he died, he was neither young or old. We know that Otzi was
this old, because of the remains from his body. Scientists used various methods to
determine how old he was, some of them include- Radiocarbon dating, DNA analysis and
bone structure examination.
8. What kind of job do you think Otzi could have had in his community? Use evidence
to support your answer. (3-4 sentences)
Otzi may of have been a coppersmith, based on the high levels of copper and arsenic in his
hair. He might of have been a trader or a tribal leader, based on his copper axe which was
a sign of status. Otzi might of have been a herdsman or a craftsman, based on his wooden
tools and clothing.
9. How do you think Otzi died? Use evidence to support your answer. (3-4 sentences)
I think Otzi died by a rival tribe. It think this happened because he was found with various
items that would have been valuable to other humans. These items include a copper axe, a
flint knife, a bow and some arrows.
10. Using everything you’ve discovered in your source analyse, write a paragraph
describing what life may have been like for people who lived at that time. Use
evidence to support your answer (8-10 sentences)
Throughout the Copper Age which was a period of the late Neolithic, ancient humans
converted them self from hunter/gatherer mode to agriculture and food production.
During the Copper Age, people employed a variety of copper-based weapons, including
axes, knives, swords, spearheads, maces, and arrows. For a brief period, some of these
weapons were also composed of stone and flint. At that time, people wore simple
garments made from animal hides or woven plant fibres, like linen or wool. They likely
wore tunics, skirts, and loincloths for everyday activities, and might have used leather
belts or straps to fasten their clothing. The Neolithic Revolution (12,500–5,000 years ago)
produced the modern way of life in which people live in houses, surrounded by neighbours
in towns and cities, protected by the law, consume food that is grown on farms, and have
free time to learn, explore, and create.