White Dwarf Thesis
White Dwarf Thesis
White Dwarf Thesis
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Whether the results in these casesare comparable would have to be verified independently. 2.3.3.
Discussion of binary results Mass accretion modes The most obvious information to be gained from
this study is which systems in the initial parameterspace might result in a detonation. The contraction
rate of about one centimeter per year expected for this age is exactly of the correct amount to explain
the measured spin-up rate, showing that this is the first example of contracting white dwarf ever
identified. The donor continues to contractfor a while thereafter, but expands again while the Roche
lobe continues to contract owing to GWR.Once the star fills its Roche lobe again, depending on the
star’s current mass, the mass-transfer ratemay again exceed MWK,max, inducing a deflagration and
ejecting the helium accumulated on the WDup to that point. A number of cases characterized by the
WD mass and the mass-accretion rate were simulatedand many of them produced helium detonations
powerful enough to detonate the CO core either byway of an inward shock, if the detonation
occurred above the surface of the CO core, or by simplecompression, if the detonation occurred at
the surface of the CO core. Tidal friction As described in Sec. 1.2.1, a star will assume a shape
conforming to its enveloping equipotentialsurfaces as defined by the configuration of the binary
system. The donor mass and the mass-transfer rate decrease in the subsequent evolution. This
probably is mainly due to the fact that it is 40k (and Imperial as well). Mc(MShell) is the
detonationline for initially cold models and Mh(MShell) for initially hot models (see Sec. 2.2).
Theorange star represents the state of the system at the moment of detonation. Calculations
performed during the course of this study have shown thatin these cases the CO core mass of the
accretor invariably exceeds 1.1 M at some point, regardlessof the chosen initial WD mass or initial
orbital period. Since WDs are degenerate objects, unlike in non-degenerate stars, electron
conduction plays adominant role in conducting heat from the object’s interior to the surface. Owing
to thedifferences in methodology and range of the initial parameters, the results of this study cannot
easily 50 Page 57. Equations of state and structure of neutron stars -? pdf. General Facts. White
Dwarfs are the remains of dead stars, the size that of the Earth and mass comparable to the Sun.
Neutron stars The mass attainable by white dwarfs is limited by the Chandrasekhar mass, which
represents thethreshold at which the electron gas, which is non-relativistic at lower masses and thus
able to inhibitgravitational collapse, becomes relativistic and the white dwarf unstable. Although
stars have lost their mystical veneer, their study, whether as a means or an end, isdoubtlessly the
foundation of modern astrophysics. This means that these initially more massivedonors can still
contribute sufficient amounts of helium at sufficiently low mass-transfer rates to leadto detonation.
Thisshows that He detonation may happen even in parts of the parameter space which is
unconnected tothe main detonation zone. Accreting black holes, or, more precisely, their accretion
discs,are prolific sources of hard electromagnetic radiation. By continuing to use this website without
changing your settings you are granting permission for this website to store cookies. It proceeds at a
relatively low rate, growing only as a result of angular momentumtransport to the accretor until the
detonation conditions are met, as shown in Fig. 2.5a, and then theWD detonates. Since the secular
shear instability is predicated on the efficiency ofthermal diffusion, it acts on the thermal diffusion
timescale. A class of supernovae related to, but distinct from, SNe Ia are SNe of type Iax (Foley et
al. 2013).These transients broadly resemble canonical SNe Ia but differ by exhibiting slower ejecta
velocities, 29 Page 36. The concurrent expansion of the envelope with decreasing opacity leads to
theexpansion of the convective envelope and with it the efficiency of the heat transport. It should be
noted at this point thatthe evolution of the rotational profile is the dominant factor in this prediction.
Stellar evolution on the borderline of white dwarf and? pdf. Beyond the Kuiper Belt Edge: New
High Perihelion Trans-Neptunian Objects With. They looked for the tell-tale sign of any phase
transition, namely LATENT HEAT, to confirm that crystallization takes place inside white dwarfs.
This means that a temperature increase resultingfrom energy dissipation due to the Tayler-Spruit
mechanism will be smaller, but will affect a widerarea when compared to that expected from, for
example, the dynamical shear instability. White Dwarf is produced in a number of countries in several
languages, with the original UK edition considered the 'mother' of the others. Detailed studies of
white dwarf binaries and their? pdf.
Owing to thedifferences in methodology and range of the initial parameters, the results of this study
cannot easily 50 Page 57. These binaries are expected to merge at some point during their evo-lution
and could conceivably produce a supernova along the lines of the double-degenerate scenario(e.g.,
van Kerkwijk et al. 2010; Dan et al. 2014) or, possibly, an R CrB star (e.g., Staff et al. 2012;Menon
et al. 2013). Systems undergoing massive helium nova events can continue to accrete matter,possibly
repeating the helium ignition. The Dynamics of White Dwarfs, Black Holes and - CalTech? pdf.
Sung-Chul not only provided the impetus for this thesis but also support in itsrealization with his
extensive technical expertise and profound knowledge of the field. Therefore,naively, one would
expect the ignition mass of a given WD to increase with the facc-parameter. Fig. 3.10 shows the
evolution of the density at the point of maximum temperature, ?(Tmax), withrespect to the mass of
the accumulated He-envelope, MHe. Accretion during the CE phase is assumed to be isotropic,
therefore the spin angular velocity of the WD is assumed to be largely unchanged from its pre-
CEevolution. Due to the low temperatures encountered in the envelopes of these stars and
correspondingly 6 Page 13. This means that a final helium shell mass far lower thanthe one expected
for low constant accretion rates but higher than for high constant accretion is thelikeliest outcome for
these biphasic systems. 3the model designation for step systems is composed as follows: “s”
indicates the scenario, the appended number is equalto the initial mass of the WD rounded to the
next 0.1M times ten 104 Page 111. Another important difference is that in the rotating, non-magnetic
case, the amount of accretedhelium until ignition is smaller when compared to the non-rotating case,
while it is larger in therotating, magnetic case. 82 Page 89. Tales of Victory - An interview with
someone who isn't a member of the studio. System0910005 undergoes two distinct phases of mass-
transfer and the rest of the mentioned systems are ofthe single deflagration type. Irit Idan (Technion)
Lars Bildsten ((KITP, UCSB) Ken Shen (UCSB). Detailed studies of white dwarf binaries and their?
pdf. The exact nature of this source is still beingdebated. In the mass loss simulation, a fully resolved
donor star is placed in a system with anappropriate orbital separation and a point mass of the same
mass as the intended white dwarf model.The system is then simulated and the encountered mass-
transfer rates are recorded. Researchers noticed a statistical pile-up, a peak in the number density of
white dwarfs of certain luminosities. In addition to the dynamical shear instability, the Tayler-Spruit
mechanism is capable of actingon dynamical timescales during the secular evolution of an accreting
white dwarf. This results in a time-variability ofthe mass-transfer rate. The expectation of an
adequately well-defined interface between the original core and the accumu-lated material
throughout the evolution of our WD models leads us to refer to this interface as the“core-envelope
interface” from this point on. 3.3.3. Accretion behavior and ignition Figures 3.4 and 3.5 show the
evolution of representative model sequences in the ?-T -plane. While some of these detonation were
predicted to leave the CO core of the WD intact,producing a faint supernova, a clear possibility for
the developing shock in the He-envolope to inducea subsequent detonation of the core became
apparent, which resulted in the complete disruption of thestar. The model sequencesare further
studied with regard to other transients like strong He-flashes, weak He-flashes, mass loss.Possible
outcomes are correlated. White Dwarf is produced in a number of countries in several languages,
with the original UK edition considered the 'mother' of the others. An illustration of the white dwarf
escaping the partial supernova. This mechanism became known as the double detonation mechanism
(also called, confusingly,DD-mechanism). For a Sun-like star the Kelvin-Helmholtz timescale is ?
107 yr. The donor, however, is expected toeventually become a CO WD. Tala Monroe A540 Stellar
Atmospheres Apr. 6, 2005. Outline. History Current Classification Scheme Spectra Atmospheres
Spectral Evolution Future Work. History. Bessell (1844)-variability in proper motions of Sirius and
Procyon. However, this time the search fora counter-force strong enough to ensure some form of
hydrostatic equilibrium turns up empty-handed.Objects exceeding the (assumed) mass maximum of
neutron stars will continue collapsing and thereis no currently known effect or process to stop them.
In this thesis some aspects of the formation and evolution of binaries containing double helium white
dwarfs, using the unique core mass -- radius relation for. Interestingly the picture is somewhat clearer
where SNe Iax are concerned.
The main sequence (as labeled) is the prominent cluster of data points in thecenter, running from
lower effective temperatures and lower luminosities towards higherluminosities and effective
temperatures. This effect depends on the cooling timescale of the WD. Stars are noteternal but
physical objects with a beginning, a finite period of existence and an end. UWaterloo LaTeX Thesis
Template - UWSpace - University of? pdf. For example, in the rotating non-magneticcase
sufficiently high ignition densities are precluded by a strong localized input of thermal
energythrough energy dissipation near the core-shell interface (see Sect. 3.3.3); instead, given a
sufficientlylarge mass budget, a rotating, magnetic system would actually result in a helium
detonation. Following the same argument as before, starslocated in this area are either of a different
type than those in the main sequence or, if they areessentially part of the same population, they spend
less time in this portion of the HR diagram thanon the main sequence. The vol-ume enveloped by
this surface and containing the star (as opposed to its companion) is called thestar’s Roche-lobe.
From this (and the data given in Tab. 4.3) it is evident that, accord-ing to expectations, the helium
shell mass at ignition qualitatively follows the same pattern as in theconstant scenario. Stars of all
types and evolutionary stages are therefore by farthe dominant source of heavier elements in the
cosmos. PTF1108ag A new eclipsing Red dwarf - White dwarf ? pdf. Since we saw the ork boy
tutorial yesterday I think i. Farzad Mohsenvand, Taylor Flowe, Ksenia Chernaya, pexels. Ordinatus -
Gavin Thorpe covers the new Golgotha, Armageddon and Mars pattern war machines for Epic with
comprehensive rules for each. 'Eavy Metal Masterclass - Mike McVey answers some of the readers
questions such as how to paint dried blood on swords. It wassoon realized that, depending on a
number of factors, ignition in the accumulated He-shell either led 33 Page 40. Only in the outer
layers traces of the progenitor’s chemical composition arethought to remain. Fig. 1.8 shows the
inferred internal structure of a neutron star. This wasn't using GW kits, just bits and pieces from
around the house and has really sparked my interest in trying to build some myself. The shortest
period detached binary white dwarf system. Thus, for thepurposes of this study, the utilized initial
WD models can be thought of as non-rotating. The mass-requirements for helium ignition are shifted
towards highermasses, consequent to the less-localized effect of viscous heating and the shallower
density structureimposed by quasi-solid body rotation. He also mentions keeping his own book of
Grudges as a record of his armies exploits. However, since the mass ejections inour systems generally
happen several Myr before detonation, the ejected matter will generally havedispersed sufficiently at
the point of detonation to no longer be detectable, though we do not discountthe possibility of
circumstellar medium being generated by processes which cannot be resolved byour methodology. It
is possible to accurately compute models of diffusive processes in non-degenerate stars using
anexplicit initial value approach (see Heger et al. 2000). However, the sensitive dependence of
somerotationally induced instabilities on the exact form of the angular velocity profile tends to lead
to sig-nificant numerical errors in explicit schemes under certain circumstances. Helium stars with
masses of 0.4 M experience nuclear burning in their core andexpand, resulting in Roche-lobe
overflow (RLOF) in binary systems, but owing to their long nucleartimescale (? 108yr), a rather large
proportion (more than 50 % in all cases) of their initial mass needsto be lost to the companion in
order to initiate a detonation. Colored points indicatesystems that do produce a detonation and their
initial period. It should be noted that the temperature color scale was restrictedto the indicated range.
System 09090050 (see Fig. 2.4d) is an interesting case of biphasic mass-transfer. This leads to the
realization that white dwarfs are kept inhydrostatic equilibrium by the degeneracy pressure exerted
by their fermionic components, i.e. theelectrons supplied by their atomic constituent isotopes.
Discounting wind accretion, interaction in binary systems is mostly governed by the interplay ofthe
components’ gravitational fields. When I read it years ago I don't think I really appreciated all the
articles but now I'm a more rounded gamer it's a different story. In general, the more massive white
dwarfs are, the faster they are expected to start crystallizing.
This thesis 8 The formation of black hole low-mass X-ray binaries: through case B or case C mass
transfer? 115 8 1 Introduction direct progenitors of the helium white dwarfs, using the core mass.
The state of this system includes some uncertainties, however, all predicated on 21Higher mass stars
may be able to rid themselves of their hydrogen envelopes some other way, resulting in Wolf-
Rayetstar. 30 Page 37. This implies that during collapse, the cloud must fragmentinto smaller sub-
entities which then proceed to form individual stars (see e.g. Clark et al. 2011).During adiabatic
collapse and after fragmentation, the temperature of the individual cloud fragmentsincreases and
material at the center of mass approaches hydrostatic equilibrium, slowing the infallingmaterial,
which forms a core of several AU in diameter. We also note that the chosen methodologydoes not
take into account changes in the mass-accretion rate, which would occur in any naturalinteracting
binary. PTF1108ag A new eclipsing Red dwarf - White dwarf ? pdf. Gang Fight! - A gigantic
Necromunda battle report between Gav's Goliaths and Rick Priestley's Orlocks. Data seems to point
to either a main sequence (hydrogen) star of M ? 18.5 M, an early stageblue supergiant of M ? 11.0
M, or a late stage blue supergiant of M ? 7.5 M. However, a heliumgiant of M ? 1.2 M cannot be
excluded. Detailed studies of white dwarf binaries and their? pdf. The initial profile is as atthe
beginning of the mass-accretion phase, and the final profile is just before (? 1 s) He-ignition
asdefined in Sect. 3.2. It should be noted, however, that the rotating model accumulated a
significantlylarger amount (0.05 M) of helium at the point of detonation. This leads to a flattening of
the temperaturegradient with a peak somewhere in the upper envelope (cf. Fig. 3.4 and Fig. 3.5).
Once high enoughlocal temperature and density, are reached, the helium will ignite and a flame will
propagate inwards,leading to the increase of ?(Tmax) immediately before the end of the model
sequence. Mar 2011 Dissertation absorption in the polarization spectrum of a white dwarf, which is
explained with a new model for 1 2 1 Mass-radius relations. The helium shell mass required in order
to induce a helium ignitionexceeds the available mass budget of the donor star in these systems (the
donor becoming a WD). Heavier component en-ters AGB. RLOF. Masstransfer is super-thermalon
accretor. Ignition densities, especially in rotating systems, mostly seem to contradict a relation to SNe
Iax,although dedicated explosion simulations and light curve modeling using more specialized
computingframework could conceivably reveal connections to observed transients. These brought
back so many memories of all the extra bits you used to need to play the games. C1 and C2 are the
two components (left andright, respectively), of the system. But it was highlighted so neatly that the
accreting matter did not affect its rotation -- an extremely rare phenomenon. Roche-lobe overflow
initiated after the beginning of helium core burning is called case Cmass-transfer. By continuing to
use this website without changing your settings you are granting permission for this website to store
cookies. Our models confirm previous results in that lower mass-transfer rates, actual, time averaged
andmaximal, of time variable mass-transfer histories are correlated with higher helium shell masses
atignition. The fraction of these low helium shellsystems of all detonating systems is only about 0.1.
We conclude that short-period binary systemsconsisting of a He star and a CO WD in the considered
mass range cannot be considered a majorchannel towards ordinary SNe Ia, but they might contribute
significant to the rate of peculiar SNe Ia. Detailed studies of white dwarf binaries and their? pdf.
Insystems with consistently low mass-transfer rates, such as biphasic systems, M(t) consistently
under-estimates the mass of the accumulated helium, the realistic value lying between those given by
usingthe time-averaged mass-transfer rate as a criterion and using M(t) as a criterion. Further we
note that the helium shell mass at the point of helium ignition result-ing from a WD undergoing
variable mass-transfer cannot be adequately modeled by using the timeaveraged mass-transfer rate
(?M(t)?) in conjunction with the results of constant mass-transfer modelsas a criterion. A system in
which one star fillsits Roche-lobe (b) is known as a semidetached binary. More detailed calculations
using a more specializedsimulation framework would have to be used in order to resolve this
problem. It has been shown observationally by Perets et al. (2011) that Ca-rich supernovae tend to be
offsetfrom their host galaxies by a considerable distance and located in regions where low-mass
progeni-tors in old stellar populations would be expected. C1 either ejects its en-velope as a PN or
sys-tem enters CE-phase,leaving the CO-core ofC1. At the same time, clues thatobserved progenitors
of SNe Iax (SN 2012Z in particular) possibly contain a helium star (McCullyet al. 2014) make these
systems interesting in that regard. This results in a WDof about 60% carbon and 40% oxygen
(though retaining a small, 61 Page 68.
Peculiar spectra (possibly SN Iax-like) areexpected to dominate the double-detonation-induced
supernova-rate. While step scenario models alwaysignite before a massive helium envelope is built
up, linear scenario models, especially those featuringlong rise-times (see Tab. 4.3) may acquire
significant helium envelopes prior to helium ignition. 4.3.4. Realistic scenario systems The mass-
accretion schemes used in realistic scenario model sequences are taken from separate runsthat include
a He-main sequence star and a point mass, used as a stand-in for the resolved WD modelused in the
accretion calculation. With their initial mass reduced, and, consequently, their nuclear
timescaleincreased, expected mass-transfer rates will be lower. In the heavier model sequences, only
the non-rotating WD exhibits highenough densities at the interface, leading to an acceleration of the
temperature increase due to theNCO reaction in the overlying layers and therefore earlier He-ignition
than if the NCO reaction were 70 Page 77. The reader is referred to Eggleton(2011) and Neunteufel
et al. (2016) for a more detailed discussion of the impact of donor star behavioron transient
progenitors. These donor-induced ignitions feature very lowignition densities, increasing the
likelihood of massive helium novae and introducing a degeneracyinto the He-shell-ignition-density-
parameter-space. Owing to the significantdifferences in the He-shell mass at ignition, the transients
resulting from helium ignition in rotatingnon-magnetic and rotating magnetic systems would differ
significantly from each other. 3.5. Evolutionary fates As described in Sect. 3.3.5, our magnetic,
rotating WDs are not promising progenitor models forclassical Type Ia supernovae or for other
potential transients requiring the ignition of the underlyingCO core. Mar 2011 Dissertation
absorption in the polarization spectrum of a white dwarf, which is explained with a new model for 1
2 1 Mass-radius relations. In this section, we tryto disentangle those behaviors that would be
exhibited by the donor star in isolation from those thatresult from binary interaction. This metric is
called the Schwarzschild-metric and is applicable not only to (appropriate) black holes but to any
mass distribution. Case BA mass-transfer occurs initially, but the star contracts in response to high
mass loss rates, then expands as aresult of core helium depletion, initiating case BB mass-transfer. As
explained above, models with mass-accretion rates of M As is shown in Sect. 3.3.5, systems
conforming to the low accretion rate case are the most likely 75 Page 82. Even if, at some point
during their evolution, they leave the mainsequence, an observation at a random point in time will
more likely find them on the main sequencethan off it. Black holes Just like white dwarfs, the upper
limit for the mass of neutron stars depends on the maximum density aFermi-gas can support, this
time consisting of nucleons, held up against its self-gravity, but again thereis no reason why a more
dense object shouldn’t be allowed to exist. This thesis contains topics related mostly to the dynamics
of white dwarfs relationship between the mass and kinematics of white dwarfs is force experienced
by a star of mass M, and radius R, at a distance r from the black hole. This probably is mainly due to
the fact that it is 40k (and Imperial as well). With the orbit widening under the influence of mass
exchange, the radius ofthe Roche lobe exceeds the stellar radius and the mass-transfer stops. Low-
mass stars generally do not reach high enough temperature during contraction towardsZAMS to
facilitate the CNO-reaction, thereby skipping the horizontal development in the HR diagrambefore
starting hydrogen-burning. The energy dissipation caused by the Tayler-Spruit mechanism
iscorrespondingly small (locally, practically ?diss ? 0). Detailed studies of white dwarf binaries and
their? pdf. As neighboring layers are dis-placed with respect to each other, the field is reoriented and
strengthened, drawing energy from therotational energy of the differential rotation. System0910005
undergoes two distinct phases of mass-transfer and the rest of the mentioned systems are ofthe
single deflagration type. Very useful information and there is a picture depicting which sub-
assemblies to make before painting. The results are then put into context with possible
relatedtransients and are used to clarify the expected outcomes of constant accretion rate models.
This thesis was typeset by the author in LATEX using the classicthesis package low mass stars and
white dwarf Low mass stars develop, af- ter hydrogen and. These rates may be chosen arbitrarily or
resemble rates expectedin a naturally occurring binary system. Mar 2011 Dissertation absorption in
the polarization spectrum of a white dwarf, which is explained with a new model for 1 2 1 Mass-
radius relations. We even estimate how old the Galaxy is based on the ages of the most ancient white
dwarfs we can find. Systems in which M exceeds MWK,max but remains in the area of the
parameter space where. This mechanism became known as the double detonation mechanism (also
called, confusingly,DD-mechanism).
Roche-lobe-overflow while the star is on the main sequence is calledcase A mass-transfer. The single
degenerate scenario assumes the immediate progenitor of a SN Ia to be a binary con-sisting of a WD
and a non-degenerate companion. This insta-bility is one of the main points of study in chapter 3.
This radius is known as the Schwarzschild-radius12. At some point, according to the mathematics,all
matter contained in the object would be contained in its exact center of mass. Angular momentum
transfer In a binary, each of the binary components carries a fraction of the system’s total angular
momen-tum. The crystallizing white dwarfs appear brighter than the stars of their age are expected to
be. At this point the simulation is stopped with the understandingthat mass-transfer rates during the
giant phase of a donor would be far too high for double detonationto be possible. Another scenario,
explicitly excluded for constant mass-transfer rates, is the induction of massivehelium deflagration as
a result of wind accretion. PTF1108ag A new eclipsing Red dwarf - White dwarf ? pdf. These
objects may still reach hydrostatic equilibrium and some nuclear burning may stilloccur, mainly in the
form of lithium and deuterium processing, depending on mass, for which lowertemperatures are
sufficient. This thesis contains topics related mostly to the dynamics of white dwarfs relationship
between the mass and kinematics of white dwarfs is force experienced by a star of mass M, and
radius R, at a distance r from the black hole. If the star responds to mass loss by shrinking, and the
decrease in radius is fasterthan the shrinking of the Roche-lobe, the mass-transfer is stable, but
shrinking of the Roche-lobeovertakes the shrinking of the star, mass-transfer proceeds unstably at
hydrodynamic timescales. KN2 T,ad, (1.40) 19The larger the value, the more stable. The investigated
models includea number of synthetic benchmark prescriptions (20 model sequences) as well as
prescriptionsmimicking a realistic system with physical time-variability (14 model sequences). This
thesis was typeset by the author in LATEX using the classicthesis package low mass stars and white
dwarf Low mass stars develop, af- ter hydrogen and. The work will be focused on the equations of
state of neutron star matter and independent, dependency of moment of inertia on the mass and
radius of static neutron star that neutron stars, being aim of this thesis, could be born also by the
collapse of It is related to the neutron star radius and mass by the relation. Here is what the list of
articles should look like: New Releases; Writer's Column; Battle Report; Adam Troke; Hall of Fame;
Paint Splatter; Sprues and Glue; The Rules; Designers Notes; This Week In; Hobby in the Bunker.
The detonationlines shown in plots a) and c) are appropriate for each WD CO core mass at the time
ofdetonation. The state of our model systems is designed to most closely resemble the state of the
systemat the end of the ultimate CE phase (which formed the He-star). The identityof each system
shown in Fig. 2.4 is indicated. 46 Page 53. The dou-ble detonation scenario involves the
accumulation of helium in a layer on top of the core of a sub-Chandrasekhar-mass WD. Gutermuth
(University of Massachusetts, Amherst) will have comparatively smaller radii. Thesis submitted to
the University of Warwick for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Department 1 8 Initial. While
some of these detonation were predicted to leave the CO core of the WD intact,producing a faint
supernova, a clear possibility for the developing shock in the He-envolope to inducea subsequent
detonation of the core became apparent, which resulted in the complete disruption of thestar. Further
we note that the helium shell mass at the point of helium ignition result-ing from a WD undergoing
variable mass-transfer cannot be adequately modeled by using the timeaveraged mass-transfer rate
(?M(t)?) in conjunction with the results of constant mass-transfer modelsas a criterion. Application
of this criterion consistently overestimates the mass-transfer rate. For example, in the rotating non-
magneticcase sufficiently high ignition densities are precluded by a strong localized input of thermal
energythrough energy dissipation near the core-shell interface (see Sect. 3.3.3); instead, given a
sufficientlylarge mass budget, a rotating, magnetic system would actually result in a helium
detonation. As was shown by Neunteufel et al. (2017), accretingwhite dwarfs subject to the Tayler-
Spruit instability exhibit quasi-solid body rotation. Quantitative issues might arise from thesparsity
of previous model predictions concerning ignition conditions for a CO WD with respect toits mass,
mass-transfer rate, and temperature, as well as the predicted mass retention efficiency.
Neutron stars areextremely small objects with typical diameters of ten kilometers but masses on the
order of that of theSun. The heat that got released during this process is much like a controlled
hydrogen explosion, and is in fact responsible for the star to shine so brightly up in the space. As can
be seen, the start of mass-accretion immediately heats up the surface of the WD, moving Tmax from
the center of the WD to thecore-envelope interface and then into the helium envelope. This leads to
a lower helium shell mass for a shorter orbital period for a given donor mass.As is seen in Fig. 2.4a,
stars with masses of less than 0.7 M expand slightly during their heliummain sequence. These small
but hot stars are referred to as white dwarfs (seee.g. Liebert 1980; Bergeron et al. 1992). There are
many peculiar ways a star can evolve throughout their lifetimes, each corresponding to acertain path
in the HR diagram, dependent on its mass, initial chemical composition, rotation or thepresence of
binary companions. They-axis indicates the amount of helium accreted at the point of helium
ignition. Massloss due to Nova outbursts acts in favor of detonation. In systems involving RLOFof a
non-degenerate component, angular momentum loss through gravitational radiation can be in-
strumental in determining when the donor star fills its Roche-lobe. Case BA mass-transfer occurs
initially, but the star contracts in response to high mass loss rates, then expands as aresult of core
helium depletion, initiating case BB mass-transfer. The final WD’s CO core mass of system b)is 0.8
M, that of system d) is 1.059 M. As in Fig. 2.4, the labels identify each systemby means of their
initial parameters. 45 Page 52. Thesis submitted to the University of Warwick for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy Department 1 8 Initial. While our density criterion is uncertain (Sect. 2.3),
wecannot exclude that a detonation would occur in this case. The most obvious consequence of the
accretor not being destroyed in an outburst is that, after aperiod of quiescence, another outburst can
follow. Interestingly the picture is somewhat clearer where SNe Iax are concerned. This thesis
contains topics related mostly to the dynamics of white dwarfs relationship between the mass and
kinematics of white dwarfs is force experienced by a star of mass M, and radius R, at a distance r
from the black hole. The critical mass of the he-lium shell depends on the initial temperature and
mass of the white dwarf for a given mass-accretionrate. And now, thanks to the high-precision data,
we can finally see that happening. Equations of state and structure of neutron stars -? pdf. As far as
resulting transients are concerned, we find it unlikely that any of the rotating models
underconsideration here might be able to produce classical Type Ia SNe. Constraints on the Origin of
Magnetic White Dwarfs - IMPRS? pdf. The Dynamics of White Dwarfs, Black Holes and -
CalTech? pdf. The reader is referred to Sec. 3.2 for a morein-depth explanation. 1.4. Explosive stellar
transients Stars are, for the most part, stable objects, quietly converting the nuclei of the matter of
which they arecomposed into more tightly bound ones, staying in hydrostatic equlibrium. Evolution
during and after the main sequence phase The life of a low-mass star (generally defined as M ? 2.3
M, the Sun is a favorite example) isreasonably well understood and can provide an instructive
example for the evolution of a star throughthe HR diagram: the star will start its life on the main
sequence, converting (also referred to as“burning”) hydrogen into helium in its core via the three
proton-proton chains (PP I - III, see Salpeter1952). Consequently, theaccreting material is assumed to
consist of helium with an admixture of hydrogen-burning productscorresponding to solar metallicity.
This thesis contains topics related mostly to the dynamics of white dwarfs relationship between the
mass and kinematics of white dwarfs is force experienced by a star of mass M, and radius R, at a
distance r from the black hole. The reader is referred to Eggleton(2011) and Neunteufel et al. (2016)
for a more detailed discussion of the impact of donor star behavioron transient progenitors. At some
point, according to the mathematics,all matter contained in the object would be contained in its exact
center of mass. As explained above, models with mass-accretion rates of M As is shown in Sect.
3.3.5, systems conforming to the low accretion rate case are the most likely 75 Page 82. He also
mentions keeping his own book of Grudges as a record of his armies exploits. Gray squares indicate
systems that experience mass loss but no detonation.Colored systems, with color indicating initial
orbital period, do experience detonation.