Gunsmithing 1.2 1st Draft

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FCV: Stands for Fortune Card Value.

The effect modifies a

Item Effects Shorthand Fortune Card Value when used.
Items are written in a shorthand notation to help reduce
the amount of time it takes at the Market to get cards FCD: Stands for Fortune Card Draw. This modifies how
written and to quickly reference effects. many cards are Drawn when a Character turns in
Gathering Skills.
++All Items listed assume the Character is using the
Item gains the listed effects unless the affect targets Trap: The number of Traps which can be attached to the
another Character.++ Item.
Req: The Effect requires what is listed to gain any effects Lock: Requires Lockpicks and lists the required RP time to
listed after the Req write up. If the Item has Req before pick the Lock.
any other effects, it has no benefits for Characters that do
not meet the requirements. Weapons, Shields, and Armor Italics Sections
can still be worn if they only have a Req, but function as Sections in italics on Schematics do not have to be written
basic versions of those item types. on the Item Cards. These include clarifications and
additional notes on how the item functions or other things
 Same [Faith]: The effect only benefits the Character if associated with it.
they have the same Faith keyword associated with the
o If an Architecture overlaps with an Area effect (like
Sanctified Ground) this means the Architecture’s
Faith Keyword, the Sanctified Ground’s Faith
Keyword and the Character’s Faith Keyword must
all match if it notes Same [Faith].
 Req [Skill Name]: The Item User must know the listed
Skill to gain that effect.
 Req [Species Family or Subgroup]: Only members of
the listed Species Family or Subgroup gain the effects
listed after the Req.
 Some Req may have a comma indicating the
Character has multiple requirements to gain the effect.
o For example, Req True Believer, Same [Faith]
means the Character has to have the True
Believer and Same [Faith] as the Item to gain the
 If Req has a / it means either Requirement is needed
to gain the effect.

RP [Time]: Indicates there is an RP time associated with

the effect. Effect will list how long that RP time is.
Generally, the italics section afterward will explain what
kind of RP should be done.

Consume [Time]: The Character must RP drinking or

eating the Item. The Character must remain in place while
they do this. If they move or are moved, the effect is
interrupted and the Item is wasted.

Next Strike: The Character’s next Strike is declared as the

effect in quotations following Next Strike. If an Item lists
Next Strike/Consume, it can be used either as a Next
Strike effect or if it is consumed.

Energy / Health Costs: Effects listing #E or #H mean the

character must spend the number of Energy (E) or Health
(H) to gain the effect.

If an effect has a +/- before the number, then the

Character spends that much additional or less Energy to
use the effect.
Req Smoke and Shot: When using Snapshot, may
Gunsmithing declare "Gun Sweep, 30".

Basic Gunsmithing Distant Thunder

Item Type: Black Powder Rifle
Gunsmiths can also make any Basic Gun or Part a Tinker
Expires: 2 Years
can make.
Resources: 1x Gun Stock, 1x Rifle Barrel, 3x Brass, 5x
Gunsmiths can make Black Powder in the Alchemy
Fine Glass
Section, or Cartridges from the Tinkering Section.
Crafting Time: 1 Hour
Crafting Skill: Gunsmith
Item Type: Gun Augment Effect: Ammo: Black Powder (1).
Expires: 3 Years Req Near and Far: Can make Aimed Shots from Near and
Resources: 3x Steel Far with Critical Strike, if does not have Agony, Bleed,
Crafting Time: 10 Minutes Disorient or Fear
Crafting Skill: Tinkering or Gunsmithing
Dwearn Bellringer
Effect: Bayonet must be added to an existing Gun. Add
Item Type: Black Powder Pistol
the "Bayoneted" prefix to the Gun's name.
Expires: 2 Year
When put on a Pistol, add the following to the Weapon
Resources: 1x Gun Stock, 1x Pistol Barrel, 3x Bronze, 1x
Card: “Counts as a Gun and Small Melee weapon.”
Direbone, 2x Lodestone
When put on a Rifle add the following to the Weapon Card:
Crafting Time: 30 Minutes
“Counts as a Gun and Bastard Melee weapon.”
Crafting Skill: Gunsmith
It is encouraged to have a boffer safe Phys rep to
represent this weapon and throw packets. Alternatively,
Effect: Ammo: Black Powder (1).
a Player may have an appropriately sized Small or
Req Warning Shot: Warning Shot may be declared as
Bastard weapon with a Black Band to represent it.
"Gun, Disorient 30s". Cannot be Aimed or used with
Near and Far.
Pellet Shot
Item Type: Ammunition, Consumable Dwearnian Thuddgun
Expires: 5 Years
Item Type: Black Powder Rifle
Resources: 3x Lead, 2x Sulfur, 1x Oil Shale
Expires: 1 Year
Crafting Time: 20 Minutes
Resources: 1x Mithril, 10x Steel, 2x Ironwood, 5x
Crafting Skill: Gunsmith
Hardwood, 3x Oil Shale, 2x Wool, 2x Bronze
Crafting Time: 1 Hour
Effect: Creates 10 Pellet Shot.
Crafting Skill: Gunsmith

Scope Effect: Reload: 20s and 3 Black Powder.

Item Type: Gun Augment Does not deal Gun Damage, instead, User may expend 1
Expires: 1 Year Bomb Item and fire it using Aim or Near and Far.
Resources: 1x Brass, 1x Voyager Quartz, 2x Fine Glass Cannot be Augmented or added to a Launcher Effigy.
Crafting Time: 20 Minutes
Crafting Skill: Gunsmith Dwearnian Thuddgun may not be added to an Effigy with
Launcher or have Augments added unless it specifies it
Effect: Reduce Aim Counts of Critical Shot by 2 (stacks, is for the Thuddgun.
min 3), if User does not have Agony, Bleed, Disorient or
Fear. Gunline Rifle
The Market Rep adds the Scoped prefix to the Gun’s
Item Type: Black Powder Rifle
Expires: 2 Years
Resources: 1x Gun Stock, 1x Rifle Barrel, 1x Honorite, 1x
Black Powder Gunsmith Schematics Core Wood, 2x Lead, 2x Copper
Crafting Time: 40 Minutes
Blunderbuss Crafting Skill: Gunsmith
Item Type: Black Powder Rifle
Expires: 1 Year Effect: Ammo: Black Powder (1).
Resources: 1x Gun Stock, 1x Rifle Barrel, 1x Shield Wax, Half Reload Time after using the Critical Strike from
1x Direbone, 4x Steel Prepare to Attack.
Crafting Time: 40 Minutes If User stands still, may make Aimed Gun Attacks. Aimed
Crafting Skill: Gunsmith Gun attacks without Iron Sights Aim have Aim count 8.
Effect: Ammo: Pellet Shot (1).
Handcannon Req Iron Sights Aim: User can deliver the following Skills
Item Type: Black Powder Pistol with Aimed Shots for Skill +1E:
Expires: 1 Year  Condemnation: “Gun Faith – Seal [Common effect], 1
Resources: 1x Gun Stock, 1x Pistol Barrel, 2x Steel, 2x min.”
Ironwood, 1x Fulgurite Wood, 1x Direbone  Castigate: “Gun Faith – Disorient 30s”
Crafting Time: 30 Minutes  Ranged Smite: “Gun Faith – 30 Magic.
Crafting Skill: Gunsmith
Req Iron Sight Aim, True Believer: No additional cost to
Effect: Ammo: Black Powder (1). use the listed Skills.
Req Kill Shot: Kill Shot +2E to declare "Gun, 20 Pierce,
Knockback 20".
Special Ammunition
Pre-Loaded [Type] Cylinder
Cartridge Gunsmith Schematics Item Type: Ammunition, Consumable
Cavalry Rifle Expires: 5 Years
Item Type: Cartridge Rifle Resources: 1x Steel, 2x Wax, 5 Cartridges for Pistol
Expires: 1 Year Cylinders, 8 Cartridges for Rifle Cylinders
Resources: 1x Gun Stock, 1x Rifle Barrel, 2x Brass, 2x Crafting Time: 20 Minutes
Steel, 2x Aluminum, 1x Lodestone Crafting Skill: Gunsmith
Crafting Time: 45 Minutes
Crafting Skill: Gunsmith Effect: Creates 1 Pre-Loaded [Type] Cylinder.
Replace the [Type] Based on how many Cartridges are
Effect: Ammo: Cartridge (8) used to make the item.
Requires Near and Far: During a Dash, User may make
non-Aimed Gun attacks or Reload this Rifle. Runic Shot
Item Type: Ammunition, Consumable
Duelist Pistol Expires: 5 Years
Item Type: Cartridge Pistol Resources: 3x Black Powder, 1x Dire Blood, 4x Grave
Expires: 2 Years Ash, 1x Star Shard
Resources: 1x Gun Stock, 1x Pistol Barrel, 3x Brass, 2x Crafting Time: 20 Minutes
Silver, 1x Honorite Crafting Skill: Alchemy or Gunsmith
Crafting Time: 40 Minutes
Crafting Skill: Gunsmith Effect: Counts as Black Powder Ammo.
Gun attacks using Runic Shot gain Magic Damage tag.
Effect: Ammo: Cartridge (5)  Creates 5 Runic Shot.
Snap Shot gains Drain damage tag when used in Duelist A Gun cannot have more than one type of ammunition
Stance. loaded into it at once.

Showman's Spark Steel Tipped Cartridges

Item Type: Cartridge Pistol, Delicate Item Type: Ammunition, Consumable
Expires: 2 Years Expires: 5 Years
Resources: 1x Gun Stock, 1x Pistol Barrel, 1x Silver, 1x Resources: 5x Cartridges, 3x Steel, 2x Black Powder
Brass, 3x Fool's Gold Crafting Time: 15 Minutes
Crafting Time: 30 Minutes Crafting Skill: Gunsmith
Crafting Skill: Gunsmith
Effect: Counts as Cartridge Ammo
Effect: Ammo: Cartridge (5) Normal Cartridge Gun Attacks gain Pierce.
Req Trick Shooting: During Performance or Preach RP, Gunslinger Skills/Critical Strike can be combined with Kill
using Gunslinger Skills does not interrupt the RP. Shot to add Pierce or Deathblow tags effects.
 Creates 5 Steel Tipped Cartridges.
Sanctified Rifle A Gun cannot have more than one type of ammunition
loaded into it at once.
Item Type: Cartridge Rifle
Expires: 1 Year
Resources: 1x Gun Stock, 1x Rifle Barrel, 2x Silver, 1x Gun Augments
[Sapphire or Topaz], 1x Infused Bark
Crafting Time: 1 Hour Blunderbuss Choke
Crafting Skill: Gunsmith and Preach Item Type: Black Powder Rifle Augment
Expires: Same as Augmented Gun
Effect: Ammo: Cartridge (8) Resources: 1x Marble, 3x Fats, 5x Iron, 3x Coal, 1x Cloth,
5x Hide, 1x Direbone
Crafting Time: 30 Minutes
Crafting Skill: Gunsmith

Effect: Ammo: Pellet Shot (1).

All normal attacks as “Gun Sweep 10”.
Gunslinger Skills cost +5E, but gain “Gun Sweep” modifier.
Cannot make Aimed Shots.
The Market Rep adds the Choked prefix to the Gun’s

Cylinder Pin System

Item Type: Cartridge Gun Augment, Delicate
Expires: Same as Augmented Gun
Resources: 1x Aluminum, 2x Wax, 1x Oil Shale
Crafting Time: 1 hour
Crafting Skill: Gunsmith

Effect: Change the Ammo: Cartridge on the Item to

“Reload: 12s (min 6), 1x Pre-Loaded [Type] Cylinders
[Number of Shots: 5 or 8]”. [Type] must match the gun
it is being added to (Pistol or Rifle) of the correct type for
the Gun.
The Market Rep adds the “Cylinder Pin” prefix to the
Gun’s name.

Volleygun Modification
Item Type: Black Powder Gun Augment
Expires: Same as Augmented Gun
Resources: BP Rifle: 1x Rifle Barrel, 2x Tin, 1x Bronze, 3x
BP Pistol: 1x Pistol Barrel, 1x Tin, 1x Bronze, 2x Coal
Crafting Time: 30 Minutes
Crafting Skill: Gunsmith

Effect: Volley (X).

Volley (X): The Black Powder Gun gets one additional
Barrel which can be loaded and fired allowing the Black
Powder Gun to fire more than once before being
Reloaded. X is the number of barrels the gun has.
Each Barrel must be reloaded separately.
Up to 3 additional Barrels may be added to one Black
Powder Gun.
The Market Rep will add “Multi-Barrel” prefix to the Item
Card when modified to show the Gun has been modified.
A Multi-Barrel Black Powder Gun cannot have other Black
Powder Gun Augments attached to it. Normal Gun
Augments do not count in this case.

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