Virtual Selfhood and Consumer Behavior
Virtual Selfhood and Consumer Behavior
Virtual Selfhood and Consumer Behavior
Keywords: In the vast digital landscape of the Metaverse, users can create and personalize their avatars as virtual repre
Avatar sentations of themselves. This study delves into the emotions users experience in relation to their avatars and
Attachment theory examines how this attachment influences their consumption behaviors within the virtual world. The research
employed a sample of 214 active users participating in Second Life, a prominent virtual world platform. By
Virtual reality
analyzing survey data, we explore the dynamics of self-presentation and attachment between users and their
Second life virtual personas across this well-established platform. Our research offers valuable contributions to the existing
literature on the Metaverse, providing empirical evidence on how virtual reality platforms like Second Life foster
avatar customization and how this, in turn, affects consumer behavior. As the Metaverse gains prominence in the
business world, understanding the habits and preferences of virtual reality users is increasingly crucial. We aim
to enhance our understanding of consumer behavior by incorporating attachment theory into our research on
long-standing virtual environments like Second Life. Our study of Second Life provides valuable insights into the
dynamics of consumer behavior within a well-established virtual world, which can be applied to the emerging
Metaverse platforms. This knowledge helps businesses identify consumer profiles, address their needs, and
enhance their virtual presence and success.
Received 25 April 2023; Received in revised form 6 September 2023; Accepted 16 September 2023
Available online 22 September 2023
2949-8821/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
M. Kalyvaki et al. Computers in Human Behavior: Artificial Humans 1 (2023) 100016
The concept of the Metaverse represents a bold new frontier for mar provider specializing in virtual currencies (Metaverse Economy Payment
keting research and practice. As an immersive digital universe that Solutions | Tilia, n. d.; Second Life and Tilia Parent Company Adds Key
merges physical and virtual realities, the Metaverse is reshaping the way Leadership Roles to Support Rapid Growth, n. d.). The resurgence of
businesses engage with consumers and offering exciting new opportu Second Life amid the COVID-19 pandemic highlights the enduring ap
nities for innovation and growth (Alcañiz et al., 2018; Wedel et al., peal and adaptability of virtual worlds in the face of unprecedented
2020). global challenges. Despite the persistence of SL as a virtual platform,
To thrive in the Metaverse, brands must grasp the underlying factors little work has been conducted which uses SL to understand the
that influence consumption within a 3D environment. While the novelty connection that consumer may have to their avatars in virtual settings.
of virtual environments may initially pique users’ interest, sustaining Given the aforementioned benefits and complexity of SL, this platform
their engagement requires a deeper understanding of additional ele serves as a useful tool for researchers to conduct such tests.
ments (Vasalou & Joinson, 2009). The current research will focus on the
role of avatars in promoting the connection users feel to the virtual 2.2. Attachment theory, consumption, and the self-avatar relationship
realm. The connection between users and their avatars is of paramount
importance in this context since avatars act as digital extensions of users, In order to understand the link between avatars and consumer
allowing them to interact with the virtual realm (Belk, 2013). Previous behavior, one must first understand relevant theories in the psycho
studies have highlighted that users tend to form a strong attachment to logical literature which have been extended into virtual settings. One
their avatars, which, in turn, impacts their behavior within the virtual example is that of attachment theory (Ainsworth & Bell, 1970). This
environment (K. M. Lee & Nass, 2003). For example, research has sug theory originally concentrated on the relationships between mothers
gested that users tend to favor avatars that which are more “human-like” and infants, but has since been expanded to encompass various human
and resemble their own gender (Nowak & Biocca, 2003), as well as those relationships, such as friendships, romantic partnerships, and even
who resemble their own physical appearance (Messinger et al., 1970; connections with celebrities (Candel & Turliuc, 2019; Stfania et al.,
Park & Kim, 2022). Users who develop self-similar avatars exhibit 2023; VanMeter et al., 2015). More recently, attachment theory has
stronger identification (Trepte & Reinecke, 2010), enhanced enjoyment been extended to provide valuable insights into consumers’ purchasing
of gaming experiences (Waddell et al., 2015), increased self-awareness behavior by examining emotional connections in various contexts
(Vasalou & Joinson, 2009) and in the context of violent games, (Thorpe et al., 2019). For example, attachment theory has been
heightened aggression (J. A. Lee et al., 2021). While it appears clear that employed to investigate emotional bonds with brands (Boateng et al.,
avatars serve as important vessels for connection to the virtual world, 2020; Bidmon, 2017; Kim et al., 2021; Park et al., 2013; Whan Park
much work has been conducted in the gaming world, while less work has et al., 2010) and retail environments, both physical (Brocato et al., 2015;
been conducted on avatars and consumer behavior. The current research Johnson et al., 2015; Shaw & Sullivan, 2013) and virtual (Horáková
seeks to identify prior work on the avatar-consumer relationship, then et al., 2022). Kerschbaumer et al. (2023) note that attachment styles
detail a descriptive study conducted which explored relationships be lead to varying levels of anxiety about interpersonal relationships—this
tween avatar use and consumer behavior in the Second Life virtual re anxiety then extends into consumer behavior by modifying the types of
ality platform. Gaining insight into the factors that propel consumption relationships consumer build with brands and products. Attachment
in the Metaverse is essential for brands aiming to establish a presence in theory also helps to inform our comprehension of consumer behavior
this domain, as it can assist in pinpointing consumer profiles and needs within virtual spaces, such as online retail environments and social
(Kohler et al., 2011). networking sites. For example, VanMeter et al. (2018) operationalized
attachment to social media (ASM) using eight components, extending
2. Literature review attachment theory to marketing within social media contexts. Subse
quent research has demonstrated that social media attachment in
2.1. Second Life and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic fluences the quality of brand interactions (R. VanMeter et al., 2018).
Horáková et al. (2022) would later demonstrate that consumers’
The COVID-19 pandemic has not only created opportunities for attachment to online and traditional brick-and-mortar retail spaces did
growth in the realm of virtual worlds but has also led to the renaissance not significantly differ from one another.
of certain platforms, such as Second Life, which witnessed a consider The importance of attachment theory for the current research is
able surge in user engagement during this period (“Second Life”, understanding that individuals also develop attachments to digital ob
“Minecraft” … The “Confined” Find Themselves in Virtual Worlds, n. d.; jects (Koles & Nagy, 2021). One prominent digital object is the avatar, a
Sun et al., 2022). As the pandemic unfolded, both long-time virtual re digital representation of the user in virtual environments (Bente et al.,
ality enthusiasts and newcomers flocked to these platforms in search of 2008; Johnson et al., 2015). Users form relationships with their avatars,
social interaction and novel experiences (Dwivedi et al., 2022; which has been termed the avatar-self relationship (Koles & Nagy, 2021;
Krischke-Leitão & Gomes, 2021; Riar et al., 2022). Second Life (SL), Nagy & Koles, 2014). This relationship can foster the creation of a vir
which was launched in 2003, has remained one of the pioneering and tual self that users aspire to become, either reflecting their actual self or
most prominent virtual reality platforms for almost two decades (Bonsu an idealized version (Fig. A1) (Vasalou & Joinson, 2009). Procter (2020)
& Darmody, 2008). suggests that more recent research departs from the notion of the user as
SL, a virtual world environment based in the United States and the sole agent controlling their avatar and instead views the user-avatar
operated by Linden Research, Inc., enables users or “residents” to create relationship as a dialectical process (Procter & Studies, 2020).
free accounts and customize their avatars to their liking (Bonsu & Dar Individuals participating in virtual reality environments, such as
mody, 2008). The platform offers a variety of communication tools, Second Life, develop strong connections to the digital spaces they
including voice chat and item sharing, and allows users to teleport their occupy, which subsequently results in an increased likelihood of
avatars to different virtual locations (Bonsu & Darmody, 2008). The engaging in consumer behaviors in the virtual setting (Ducheneaut et al.,
dynamic nature of SL’s virtual environment is a result of its co-creative 2009), such as acquiring virtual goods and services to augment their
foundation, where residents actively participate in generating fashion, virtual personas (Lehdonvirta, 2009). These connections concentrate on
objects, animations, and decorations (Bonsu & Darmody, 2008). virtual products as crucial elements of users’ digital identities (Guo &
The strength of SL’s economy is evidenced by the ability of residents Barnes, 2011). Avatar attachment theory combines attachment theory
to exchange virtual currency (Lindens) for real-world currency and vice with the digital representations that users generate for themselves in
versa. This robust virtual economy is further underscored by the plat online settings (Banks & Bowman, 2016; Lewis et al., 2008), suggesting
form’s recent partnership with Tilia, a dedicated payment service that users establish bonds with their virtual selves and that this has
M. Kalyvaki et al. Computers in Human Behavior: Artificial Humans 1 (2023) 100016
consequences for consumer behaviors in digital spaces (Waddell et al., effort in customizing my avatar”, “I care about my avatar’s appearance”,
2015). and “My avatar is an extension of myself”.
Prior research has identified ley factors which can influence avatar
The items listed above, although constructed by the current re
attachment. These factors include identity expression (Ridden, 1997),
searchers, are consistent with prior work asking users about their ex
social interactions with other users’ avatars (Yee & Bailenson, 2007),
periences with avatar construction and involvement (e.g., Takano &
immersion and realism (Slater & Wilbur, 1997), and having a wide range
Taka, 2022; Wang et al., 2019). By exploring these hypotheses, we can
of customization options (Bessière et al., 2007) Offering incentives and
more fully understand the relationship between users’ attachment to
rewards for users to customize and invest time in their avatars can also
their avatars and their consumption behaviors in virtual spaces such as
motivate them to continue using the platform and develop a deeper
SL. A better understanding of these connections will offer insights into
connection with their virtual selves (Lehdonvirta, 2011). In under
the psychological aspects of virtual identity formation and how they
standing the self-avatar relationship more fully, prior work has also
may influence user engagement and spending habits in digital envi
attempted to characterize what this relationship looks like. For example,
ronments (Ducheneaut et al., 2009; Lehdonvirta, 2009; Banks &
Nagy and Koles (2014) found that some users developed their avatar to
Bowman, 2016; Bowman et al., 2021).
represent functional aspects of themselves in the digital setting, while
others developed an avatar which represented their ideal selves in “the
3. Method
real world”. Kim et al. (2023) found that more positive user-avatar re
lationships were found when avatars were more realistic and made users
3.1. Research design and procedures
feel psychologically closer to their avatar persona. Most recently, Eti
enne, Leclercq, Remacle, Dessart, & Schyns, (2023) found that avatar
In this research study, a survey was conducted using Qualtrics, an
non-verbals are essential for creating a more immersive Metaverse
online survey platform that included Likert scale questions. The survey
experience for users. These findings are, perhaps, also explained by the
questionnaire was hosted on a third-party website, and no personally
extended-self theory (Belk, 2013), which cites that users find ways to
identifiable data was collected from any of the respondents. The purpose
become attached to their avatar in digital worlds. However, attachment
of this study was to collect both qualitative and quantitative data from
theory adds depth to this theory by suggesting that users differ in the
users of Second Life, a virtual world platform. To ensure high-quality
form and strength of their avatar relationship.
data and response rates, the focus of the study was explained to the
Despite these findings, preliminary relationships between the user-
respondents on the welcome page, emphasizing the importance of their
avatar relationship and actual consumer behavior are limited. For
participation and the confidentiality of their responses. This was done in
example, Arachchi and Samarasinghe (2023) found that aspects of the
line with the recommendations of Dillman (1978) for survey design (D.
avatar construction were related to the acceptance of fashion retail
Dillman, 1991; D. A. Dillman, 1978). Participation in the study was
services, although this study did not directly assess purchase/purchase
voluntary, and the participants were allowed to withdraw their partic
intentions. Both Wang et al. (2019) and Zhang (2022) found relation
ipation at any time during the process of filling out the surveys.
ships between avatar identification and intentions to purchase in-game
A total of 214 useable responses were received from Second Life
virtual items in a mobile game setting. Finally, in the most direct test of
users who were recruited through solicitation on social media platforms
the relationship of interest, a recent paper published in a conference
such as Facebook and Flickr, as well as in various in-world locations such
proceeding by Park and Kim (2022) found relationships between
as malls, beaches, and clubs. Purposive sampling was used to recruit
appearance similarity with an avatar and purchase intentions, and that
users who were at least 18 years of age and whose avatars were at least a
this link was explained by avatar identification.
month old. The latter criterion was to ensure that respondents had some
Overall, a few things are increasingly clear. First, prior work has
Second Life experience to tap on when responding to the survey.
suggested that online objects receive interactions which are similar to
The survey consisted of Likert scale questions that aimed to collect
“real world” objects, which includes the development of attachment and
data on users’ opinions, attitudes, and behaviors concerning their ex
pseudo-relationships (Bente et al., 2008; Johnson et al., 2015; Koles &
periences on Second Life. Likert scales are widely used in social science
Nagy, 2021; Nagy & Koles, 2014). Also, preliminary work has shown
research as they provide a standardized format for collecting data on a
that aspects of the avatar-user relationship may be tied with purchasing
range of constructs (Beglar & Nemoto, 2014). The survey was conducted
behavior (Arachchi & Samarasinghe, 2023; Park & Kim, 2022; Wang
online, and the questionnaire was designed to be completed in approx
et al., 2019; Zhang, 2022), although much of this work merely measured
imately 15 min. The use of an online survey platform and Likert scale
intentions and was assessed in a gaming setting. Therefore, the current
questions enabled the researchers to efficiently collect data from a large
work intends to address multiple gaps in the literature. Our first hy
sample size.
pothesis is that users will tend to view avatars as an extension of
themselves, a conceptual replication of prior work which would verify
that avatars continue to serve a similar function as they have in prior 3.2. Participants
The study’s participants ranged from 25 to 65+ years. The largest
H1. The proportion of users who agree with items such as “My avatar is age group was represented by individuals between 55 and 64 years,
an extension of myself”, “I care about my avatar’s appearance”, and “I constituting 36.02% of the total sample (refer to Appendix, Table 1).
invest considerable effort in customizing my avatar” will be significantly With regard to gender, the majority of participants were female, making
greater than 50%. up 59% of the sample. In terms of ethnicity, the predominant group
Next, we intend to address if there are relationships between user’s
attachment to their avatars and the amount of money they spend in SL. Table 1
Relationships will finally address if avatar relationships actually Summary (number, proportion, p-value) of users who responded with 4 or 5 on
contribute to the purchasing behavior in this specific online setting. the Likert scale on which users find their avatar to be extensions of themselves.
Question Number Proportion p-value (one-
H2. A positive correlation will exists between users’ attachment to
their avatars and purchasing behavior in Second Life (SL), manifested in
My avatar is the extension of myself 148 0.75
a significant association between the weekly amount of money spent in <.01
I do care how my avatar looks 176 0.90 <.01
SL/amount of purchases in SL and responses to following questions such I put a lot of work customizing my 166 0.84 <.01
as “I have a strong connection with my avatar”, “I invest considerable avatar
M. Kalyvaki et al. Computers in Human Behavior: Artificial Humans 1 (2023) 100016
M. Kalyvaki et al. Computers in Human Behavior: Artificial Humans 1 (2023) 100016
Table 4 are more invested in their avatars and the virtual environment not only
Fisher’s exact test p-values. tend to purchase more in SL, but they also engage in more adjacent
Variable 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. avatar-related activity. While this is not all that surprising, it does sug
gest that avatar behaviors share heavy overlap, and that failed in
1. Lindens – .38** .25** .20** .33** .22** .31**
2. Purchase – .29** .44** .47** .21** .24** terventions which target specific avatar behaviors may be easily
3. Connection – .38** .25** .15* .23** adjusted to target different, adjacent avatar-related behaviors instead.
4. Custom – .30** .09 .17* This should instill a sense of promise in creating avatar interventions by
5. Look – .57** .58** marketers.
6. Care – .70**
7. Extension –
Note: Ns range from 193 to 200 due to missingness. **p < .01; *p < .05. 5.1. Limitations and future research
Fig. 1. Images of Sl classic starter avatars and a female and male customized avatar (Linden Lab, 2015).
M. Kalyvaki et al. Computers in Human Behavior: Artificial Humans 1 (2023) 100016
virtual world, leading to virtual consumption of products and services. elsewhere for publication.
This, in turn, can impact the success of businesses operating within the
Metaverse. Finally, money spent based on income groups, gender, and Permission notes
other demographic factors may provide additional insights into
spending patterns. The limited data points and small sample size pre The authors confirm that all materials, figures, and data included in
sents an opportunity for future research. the manuscript are original content, and no permission is required from
third parties for their use in this submission.
Funding source declaration
Declarations of interest
The authors report that no external funding was received for the
research, authorship, or publication of this manuscript. None.
All authors have contributed significantly to the research, writing, The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
and revision of this manuscript. They have seen and approved the final interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
version of the manuscript and confirm that it has not been submitted the work reported in this paper.
Table 1
Sociodemographic characteristics of participants
Sociodemographic Characteristic N %
Female 127 59.35
Male 79 36.92
Non-Binary 3 1.40
Prefer Not to Say 5 2.34
25–34 years old 16 7.58
35–44 years old 25 11.85
45–54 years old 56 26.54
55–64 years old 76 36.02
65+ years old 38 18.01
Highest educational level
Less than high school degree 5 2.43
High school graduate (high school diploma or equivalent including GED) 35 16.99
Some college but no degree 53 25.73
Associate degree in college (2-year) 30 14.56
Bachelor’s degree in college (4-year) 43 20.87
Master’s degree 25 12.14
Doctoral degree 5 2.43
Professional degree (JD, MD) 10 4.85
Married Status
Divorced 66 31.58
Married 85 40.67
Never Married 35 16.75
Separated 8 3.83
Widowed 15 7.17
Less than $10,000 21 11.86
$10,000 to $19,999 19 10.73
$20,000 to $29,999 25 14.12
$30,000 to $39,999 13 7.34
$40,000 to $49,999 10 5.66
$50,000 to $59,999 10 5.66
$60,000 to $69,999 12 6.78
$70,000 to $79,999 12 6.78
$80,000 to $89,999 13 7.34
$90,000 to $99,999 8 4.53
$100,000 to $149,999 25 14.12
$150,000 or more 9 5.08
Note: n = 214. Not all participants completed the entire questionnaire.
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