Datasheet Vspace

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vSpace™ desktop virtualization software

Key features NComputing allows multiple users to share a single computer—all at the
• Creates multiple user same time, and at revolutionary low costs. Right out of the box, a PC can
workspaces within a be used by multiple users—but not all at the same time. That’s what
single OS NComputing vSpace software does. It allows the computer’s operating
system and applications to be simultaneously shared. But how do multiple
• Extends each user workspace users each connect their screens and keyboards to the shared computer?
to a remote NComputing That’s the role of the hardware (also known as access devices). And because
access device we design the entire solution—the hardware, the software, and the
communications protocol that connect the two—NComputing has
• Communicates with access the best performing and lowest cost virtual desktops in the world.
devices via the User eXtension
Protocol (UXP)

• Highly optimized for best


• Supports multimedia
applications, such as
video and Flash

• Includes administration

• Compatible with A breakthrough protocol

operating system NComputing created its own optimized and highly efficient User eXtension
virtualization solutions Protocol (UXP) in order to give users a full, rich PC experience. As a result,
NComputing solutions give users the most responsive and interactive
• Supports Windows and Linux experience possible.

Flexible operating system support

Our mission is to drive complexity and cost out of computing. If you want to
vSpace™ desktop virtualization software
do the same in your organization, you’ll be glad to know that vSpace supports
multiple versions of Windows and Linux. And vSpace is compatible with
system virtualization technology such as VMWare and Microsoft, giving you
the flexibility to configure your environment to exactly meet your needs.

Administration console
vSpace includes an administration console. With the console, you can easily
set up, configure, and manage shared computers and access devices. For the
L-series access devices, the administration console allows an administrator
to remotely monitor and, if necessary, control a user’s session. Access device
settings can be configured centrally from the administrator console, including
the ability to lock out connection of USB devices. For the X-series, the vSpace
console lets you assign host computer USB ports to individual users. Best of
all, the vSpace console is easy to use and requires no special training.

Over a decade of development

NComputing vSpace software has been developed and refined for over
ten years. It is continually optimized to make the most efficient use of a
PC’s resources. And it is proven every day with millions of users throughout
the world.

• Automatically distributes shared computer resources among multiple

independent user sessions
• Developed specifically for NComputing access devices to deliver the
best possible performance at the lowest possible price
• Communicates with access devices via NComputing’s own optimized
Key features and highly efficient User eXtension Protocol (UXP)
• Compatible with operating system virtualization solutions for both
1:1 and 1:many configurations
• Includes administration console to manage access device settings,
sessions, and updates
• Excellent multimedia support with synchronized audio and video

A license is necessary to use NComputing vSpace software. One software

license is included with each L-series access device, and that license entitles
you to run a single virtualized desktop session connecting to the supplied
NComputing access device. Each X-series kit includes a license to run three
or five virtualized desktop sessions (the number of access devices included
in the kit).

• Shows information about active sessions

• Shows applications running, station names, user names, connection
status, IP address (L-series only)
• Send message to a currently connected session
console features • View station and remotely control the mouse and keyboard
(L-series only)
• Stop station for any current session
• Network broadcast of a message to any session on the
same network

Supported operating Microsoft Windows and several variants of Linux (refer to the support
systems** section of the website for versions supported)

Supported access • L-series (L130, L230)

devices • X-series (X350, X550)

• Core vSpace desktop virtualization software

• Internet registration utility
Software • Update utility
components • Virtual Audio Driver
• Virtual Video Driver
• Virtual USB Driver (L230 only)
*A pplication software, client access and operating system licenses for the shared PC and access devices may be required by the respective software
vendor and must be purchased separately.
** Please refer to the Microsoft operating system licensing requirements and technical details at
Specific Linux support information is available in the NComputing Knowledge Base.

Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries Windows® is a
registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Additional
software licenses may be required by the software licensors. Please check your software user license
agreements to ensure your continued compliance with such agreements.

©Copyright 2003-2010. NComputing, Inc. All rights reserved. NComputing is the property of NComputing.
Other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners. Specifications subject to
change without notice. Performance may vary, depending on the configuration of the shared computer.

datasheet vspace REV5

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