Datasheet Vspace
Datasheet Vspace
Datasheet Vspace
• Supports multimedia
applications, such as
video and Flash
• Includes administration
Administration console
vSpace includes an administration console. With the console, you can easily
set up, configure, and manage shared computers and access devices. For the
L-series access devices, the administration console allows an administrator
to remotely monitor and, if necessary, control a user’s session. Access device
settings can be configured centrally from the administrator console, including
the ability to lock out connection of USB devices. For the X-series, the vSpace
console lets you assign host computer USB ports to individual users. Best of
all, the vSpace console is easy to use and requires no special training.
Supported operating Microsoft Windows and several variants of Linux (refer to the support
systems** section of the website for versions supported)
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change without notice. Performance may vary, depending on the configuration of the shared computer.