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Sri R.K.

Shah October 17, 2008

V.P. ( Commercial)
Birla Tyres
Shivam Chambers
53 Syed Amir Ali Avenue
Calcutta – 700 019

Dear Sir,

As discussed with you my opinion on applicability of exemption notification from payment

of service tax for Marketing Agent of Birla Tyres is as follows:-

Business auxiliary services were brought into service tax net w.e.f. 1.7.2003. As per
definition of business auxiliary services, services as commission agent are considered
business auxiliary service. However services of commission agents have been exempted from
service tax w.e.f. 1st July, 2003 vide notification no. 13/2003 dated 20th June, 2003.
Commission agent has been defined in the notification, as a person who causes sale or
purchase of goods, on behalf of another person for a consideration, which is based on
quantum of such sale or purchase.

The question arises whether Marketing agent appointed by Birla Tyres can be considered as
Commission agent within the definition of notification no. 13/2003 dated 20th June, 2003. A
circular no. 59/8/2003 dated 20th June, 2003 was issued to clarify the distinction between a
commission agent & a clearing and forwarding agent. It was stated in the above circular that
a consignment agent’s job is to receive goods from the principal and dispatch them on the
directions of the principal, whereas a commission agent’s job is to cause sale/purchase on
behalf of other person. Thus, the essential difference is that a commission agent sells or
purchases on behalf of the principal while consignment agent receives and dispatches the
goods on behalf of the principal. It is possible that a person may be consignment agent as
well as a commission agent. Such a person would already be covered in the category of
Clearing and Forwarding agent and would be liable to pay service tax in that category. In
other words, the present exemption notification is available only to such commission agent
who is not a consignment agent.

The agreement between Birla Tyres and its Marketing agent is for performing the duties of
clearing, receiving, warehousing, safe storing, selling, dispatching, collecting payments and
discharging other functions. On reading of the agreement it appears that Marketing agents are
performing the duties of both consignment agent and commission agent. Hence as per
abovementioned circular no. 59/8/2003 dated 20th June, 2003 marketing agents are already
covered in the category of Clearing and Forwarding agent and would be liable to pay service
tax in that category. Which means the present exemption notification no. 13/2003 dated 20th
June, 2003 is not applicable to marketing agents.

You may contact the undersigned for any further clarification in this regard.

Thanking You,

Yours faithfully,
For Agarwal Shraff & Co.
Chartered Accountants

(Vinay Kumar Shraff)


CC : Sri S.K. Parikh

Sr. president & Company Secretary
Keshoram Industries Limited

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