Detoxifying Organs: Diaphragm

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Detoxifying Organs

Diaphragm (Pg 204-212)

1. Place Hand on Ribs and below - Massage Organs.
2. Exhale with Lung Sound (Ssssssss) using Pump
Press Technique releasing tension in Diaphragm
by massaging down to the ~avel and inhale deeply.
3. Continue massaging Navel, Dlaphragm and
undemeath the Ribs exhaling and inhaling going
deeper with sofler Finger motion (6x).
4. Meditate - Massage around Diaphragm to open it up.
5. Press Pericardium Point on Arrn opening Diaphragm.
Lungs (Pg 231- 233)
(Women have Weak Lungs & need to be act/vated)
1. Rock Rlb Cage exhaling Lung Sound (Ssssssss).
2. Hold in pressure with Hands on Ribs when inhaling.
3. Keep Rocking maintaining pressure for Full Exhala-
tion holding Hands still maintaining pressure for the
Full lnhalation expanding Lungs (3-5x).
4. On Last lnhalation remove Hands so Lungs can
overfill with air releasing an)' tension & patting.
5. Press Lun11 Holding Point (LU-1) on Chest clearing
and releasing Lungs improving Lung expansion.

For Perfect Digestion

1. Mix Saliva (Original Chi from Kidneys) wlth Food by
chewing Food until it tums to a Liquid - Swallow.
2. Liquids: Chew & move them with Saliva-Swallow.

CC 3(9)

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CC 3 (9)

Detoxifying Organs
Liver (Pg 239-246)
1. Baking: Left Hand under Ribs-Ri!jhl over Body-Heat.
2. Thuml> Scoop Technique: Press1ng Web Pt of Right
Thumb & lndex Finger under Right Rib Caga with Left
Hand pumping on top drawing Sick Energy to Navel
exhallng Liver Sound (Shhhhhh) releasing Energy.
3. Massage Liver & Gall Bladder under Ribs with Hands.
4. Sitting ''p 92211:1 CYS'CFS ' i:'.25 dClexififing it drawing
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