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DATE: 22/11/2023

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives


The investigation report was initiated based on a request of the European Commission
(EC, 2022).

This report consists of a main report which highlights the main findings of the investigation
and Appendices with more detailed information and supporting analysis.

ECHA would like to thank the stakeholders that made contributions to the calls for
evidence, and requests for information.

This version of the report has been reviewed for confidential information and any such
information has been redacted.

Version Changes Date

1.0 Final version for publication 22/11/2023

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

REPORT ............................................................................................................... 1

1. Background ...................................................................................................... 1

2. Overall conclusions ............................................................................................ 2

3. Summary of risks .............................................................................................. 5

3.1. Risks from PVC polymer .................................................................................. 5

3.2. Risks from current PVC additives ...................................................................... 8

3.3. Legacy additives in PVC and alternative materials ............................................. 33

3.4. Recycling of PVC ........................................................................................... 35

3.5. About the role of microparticle releases ........................................................... 37

4. Impacts of risk mitigation ................................................................................. 39

4.1. Substitution of additives ................................................................................ 39

4.2. Substitution of the material............................................................................ 46

4.3. Technical release minimisation measures and applicability ................................. 58

4.4. Life-cycle considerations of risk reduction measures.......................................... 59

5. Regulatory options........................................................................................... 62

5.1. Regulatory measures to reduce PVC microparticles releases ............................... 62

5.2. Restriction of PVC additives............................................................................ 64

5.3. Other and complementary regulatory options ................................................... 66

6. Assessment and data gathering follow-up priorities.............................................. 67

APPENDICES....................................................................................................... 69

ANNEX 1 ............................................................................................................ 70

REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 99

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

Table 1. Prioritised heat stabilisers ........................................................................ 10
Table 2. Prioritised plasticisers .............................................................................. 12
Table 3. Prioritised flame retardants ...................................................................... 15
Table 4. Identified potential risks for workers during PVC compounding and conversion and
at recycling facilities (based on realistic worst-case approach) .................................. 32
Table 5. Identified potential risks for consumers during article service life (based on
realistic worst-case approach)............................................................................... 32
Table 6. Concern banding for the prioritised additives used in PVC ............................ 40
Table 7. Costs to EU companies of moving to plasticisers of lower concern ................. 42
Table 8. Costs to EU companies of moving to heat stabilisers with lower concern ........ 45
Table 9. Impacts of replacing PVC with alternative materials in pipes ......................... 49
Table 10. Impacts of replacing PVC with alternative materials in cables...................... 50
Table 11. Impacts of replacing PVC with alternative materials in flooring.................... 51
Table 12. Impacts of replacing PVC with alternative materials in window frames ......... 53
Table 13. Impacts of replacing PVC with alternative materials in packaging ................ 54
Table 14. Impacts of replacing PVC with alternative materials in blister packs ............. 54
Table 15. Impacts of replacing PVC with alternative materials in toys ........................ 55
Table 16. Impacts of replacing PVC with alternative materials in medical applications .. 56
Table 17. Impacts of replacing PVC artificial leather with alternative materials ............ 57
Table 18. Summary of the costs of replacing PVC with alternative materials ............... 58
Table 19. Overview of regulatory options for emission reduction of PVC microparticles . 62
Table 20. List of PVC additives currently in use compiled in CfE1 ............................... 70
Table 21. List of PVC additives in focus for the investigation report prioritised as explained
in section 3.2 of this report and Appendix B.2 ......................................................... 95

Figure 1. Distribution of most common plasticisers in the European market ................ 18
Figure 2. Generic sequence of exposure scenarios ................................................... 26
Figure 3. Contribution to the overall estimated releases per additive type .................. 28
Figure 4. Contribution to the overall estimated releases per use ................................ 29
Figure 5. Contribution to the overall estimated releases per lifecycle exposure scenario 29
Figure 6. Risk matrix considering potential hazard and overall release estimation ........ 33
Figure 7. PVC post-consumer waste per sector........................................................ 35
Figure 8. Contribution of specific product types to recycling volumes of PVC in 2022 ... 37

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives


Acronym/ Meaning

ARN Assessment of regulatory needs

BAT Best Available Technique

BAT-AELs BAT Associated Emissions Levels

BOEL Binding occupational exposure limit

BREFs BAT Reference documents

CCH Compliance check

CfE Call for evidence

CLP Classification, labelling and packaging

CMR Carcinogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic

CoRAP Community rolling action plan

CWW Common waste water

DWD Drinking Water Directive

ECVM European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers

ED Endocrine disruptor

EDC Ethylene dichloride (1,2-dichloroethane)

EoL End-of-life

EQS Environmental Quality Standards

ES Exposure scenario

EVA Ethylene vinyl acetate

GHG Greenhouse gas

HBM4EU Human biomonitoring for Europe

HCl Hydrochloric acid

HDPE High density polyethylene

IED Industrial Emissions Directive

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

Acronym/ Meaning

LCA Lifecycle analysis

LDPE Low density polyethylene

LVOC Large volume organic chemicals

OC Operational conditions

OEL Occupational exposure limit

PBT Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic

PCDDs polychlorinated dibenzodioxins

PCDFs polychlorinated dibenzofurans

PE Polyethylene

PET Polyethylene terephthalate

PE-X Crosslinked polyethylene

PLASI Plastics additives initiative

PMT Persistent, mobile and toxic

POP Persistent organic pollutant

PP Polypropylene

PS Polystyrene

PU Polyurethane

PVC Polyvinyl chloride

PVDC Polyvinylidene chloride

RAC Risk assessment committee

REACH Registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals

RMM Risk management measures

RoHS Restriction of (the use of certain) Hazardous Substances

RRM Regulatory risk management

SEAC Socio-economic analysis committee

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

Acronym/ Meaning

SEv Substance Evaluation

SVHC Substance of very high concern

TPE Thermoplastic elastomer

TWA Time-weighted average

VCM Vinyl chloride monomer

vPvB Very persistent and very bioaccumulative

vPvM Very persistent and very mobile

WEEE Waste from electrical and electronic equipment

WFD Waste Framework Directive

WGC Waste gas from chemicals

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives


1. Background
PVC and its additives have been under regulatory scrutiny in the past decade. Certain
additives in PVC, such as cadmium- and lead-based stabilisers and certain phthalates,
have been concluded to pose an unacceptable risk to human health and the environment
and are now restricted under REACH. The PVC industry has also taken an active role by
phasing out those substances even before the regulatory measures were implemented.

Nevertheless, there are growing concerns that the alternative substances used to replace
the restricted additives may themselves pose risks. Furthermore, potential risks may also
arise from the manufacturing of PVC. The possible impact on circular economy of legacy
additives in PVC has also been raised recently.

Consequently, the Commission requested ECHA to collect information on the potential risk
to human health and the environment posed by PVC additives and PVC itself, including an
assessment of the socio-economic impacts of potential risk management measures (EC,

Three calls for evidence were organised to collect data for this investigation report (for
details see Appendix E):

- Call for evidence 1 (CfE1): a targeted call for evidence towards key industry
associations in the PVC supply chain during July-September 2022. The objective of
the call was to identify the PVC additives currently used in the EU, their functions
and typical concentrations, as well as whether they are used in soft or rigid PVC.
Information about R&D activities on additives was also requested.

- Call for evidence 2 (CfE2): This call for evidence was run between 2 November
2022 and 6 January 2023. The request is located on ECHA’s website:
rev/71301/term. The objective of the call was to retrieve information on the
volumes of PVC and prioritised additives (section 3.2) used per sector and use.
Furthermore, end-of-life information (e.g. on recycling rates per use) and
measured exposure information were requested.

- Call for evidence 3 (CfE3): This call for evidence was run between 1 February 2023
and 31 March 2023. The request is located on ECHA’s website:
rev/72201/term. The objective of the call was to retrieve information on 1)
alternative substances to the currently used prioritised additives in PVC, and 2)
additives used in alternative plastics to PVC.

Data collected via calls for evidence, literature, publicly available information and
interactions with stakeholders were used to perform a risk screening (Appendices A and
B) and impact assessment (Appendix C).

In addition, data were collected regarding the regulatory framework on plastics and PVC
(Appendix D) and the impact of the regulatory actions on the use of legacy additives in
PVC (Appendix F).

The result of this work is summarised in the sections below.

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

2. Overall conclusions
PVC is used in rigid and soft forms in various sectors and uses, including building and
construction (pipes and pipe fittings, cables, flooring, window frames, wallpaper, roofing,
other rigid profiles), electrical and electronic equipment (cables), health services (medical
applications), plastic products (packaging, toys), textiles, leather and fur (clothing), other
miscellaneous consumer articles and vehicles (automotive interiors and cables).

The annual sales volume of compounded PVC totalled 6.8 million tonnes in the EU in 2021.
Approximately 70 % of PVC is used by the building and construction sector, and the largest
individual uses are pipes, flooring, cables and window frames. Appendix A provides an
overview of the PVC volumes and uses.

This investigation project focusses on a list of 63 PVC additives (aka ‘prioritised additives’,
Table 21) out of ca. 470 PVC additives identified as currently in use (Table 20), which
belong to three main classes of additives (heat stabilisers, plasticisers and flame
retardants), and the impact assessment covers pipes, flooring, cables, window frames,
packaging, toys, medical applications, and artificial leather applications, which use 70–85
% of the total volume of compounded PVC consumed annually in the EU.

This investigation identified risks to human health from some of the prioritised additives,
via direct exposure based on conventional realistic worst-case quantitative risk
assessment. Risks to the environment (incl. man via environment) were also found for all
prioritised additives based on a pragmatic approach applied in absence of a more complete
set of data. Risks due to microparticle exposures in the environment are also expected for
PVC itself. However, this is not a PVC-specific issue but a general challenge for any plastics,
which is also recognised in the EU Plastics strategy (EC, 2023c). The potential risks are
described in further detail in section 3 and in Appendices A and B.

Alternative materials to PVC are available for all uses covered in the assessment, but the
substitution of PVC with alternative materials generally entails substantial costs, as PVC is
often the low-cost option. Availability of alternative materials may be an issue when the
share of PVC products is large (building and construction sector), or certification/
authorisation is needed (medical applications).

Alternative additives, with a lower level or currently no identified concern, are available
for plasticisers, heat stabilisers and flame retardants, but they may impact technical
performance. Substitution of additives normally entails costs, although they are
considerably lower compared to the costs of replacing PVC with alternative materials.
Substitution to alternative additives may increase the import of additives, at least in the
short term. The impacts of risk minimisation are described in detail in section 4 and
Appendix C.

Based on the findings from the risk screening and impact assessment, the following
recommendations for follow-up actions are drawn. These recommendations are
complementary to each other and not ordered by any means.

Need for regulatory actions (further elaborated in section 5 together with other
complementary measures) should be considered to address the identified risks from PVC
additives and PVC microparticles:

• Regulatory action is needed to minimise risks from plasticisers, and in

particular ortho-phthalates that (i) contain constituents which have already been
confirmed as reprotoxic or endocrine disruptors, (ii) have data showing effects on
reproductive and/or endocrine system (additivity of effects within this group is known

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

and/or highly likely), and/or (iii) for which a direct read-across/grouping approach can
be applied. The most suitable regulatory action seems to be a REACH restriction.

The need for regulatory action is based on the environmental (and man via
environment) risks assessment which applied a non-threshold case-by-case risk
approach. These substance groups are the main contributors to the total environmental
exposure to prioritised additives. The additives are assumed to be very persistent when
they are released within PVC microparticles. It is therefore preferable not to wait until
each of these substances (or subgroups) have gone through the steps of CLH, SVHC
or even data generation before a restriction would take place, as a significant amount
of the substances would have been placed on the market, and then further
accumulated in the environment before risk reduction would take place.

Alternative general-purpose plasticisers that have currently no concern could replace

large volume medium-chain (e.g. DINP) and also long-chain ortho-phthalates (e.g.
DIDP) for many uses with no significant impacts on performance. Medium-chain ortho-
phthalates could also potentially be replaced with long chain ortho-phthalates of less
concern, in some cases with no additional unit cost.

It is important to note that, although there has been a transition to use longer-chain
ortho-phthalates in the EU, shorter-chain ortho-phthalates are still widely produced
and used in other markets, e.g. China, India, and other parts of Asia, the Middle East,
Africa and Latin America. Consequently, imported articles are likely to contain shorter-
chain ortho-phthalates and could pose a risk.

Although in this investigation report the focus was on PVC, and plasticisers are mostly
used in PVC (over 85 % of total volume) it is acknowledged that plasticisers are also
used in other polymers to a lower extent. For other polymers the same environmental
risk approach applies and therefore regulatory action may also be necessary (risks not
quantified in this report).

• Regulatory action is needed to reduce the risks from the organotin substances
(other than ‘MOTE with a concentration of DOTE below 0.3%’). The seemingly
most suitable regulatory action is REACH restriction, combined possibly with other

Risks for workers at recycling plants were identified in this investigation, based on a
realistic worst-case default estimation approach. All uses contribute to the risk.

There are indications that MOTE has already been used to substitute DOTE, at least in
packaging, with no significant impacts on performance or costs. Substituting organotin
substances with mixed metal stabilisers would lower technical performance, and
industry has stated that some PVC articles that use organotin substances could not be
produced with these additives due to performance issues. Use of mixed metal
stabilisers (Zn/Ca) would be more costly than organotin substances due to the larger
quantity needed, but as the volumes are low, the additive costs are relatively limited.
Main costs are likely related to R&D and reformulation.

It is important to note that there has been a transition to using mainly Zn/Ca-based
heat stabilisers in the EU and the use of organotin substances has been reduced to
specific applications where transparency and/or higher stabilising performance is
needed. However, they are widely used in other geographic locations and specifically
in North America, where they are used for almost all rigid PVC applications.
Consequently, imported articles containing organotin substances (other than MOTE

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

with a concentration of DOTE below 0.3%) may be placed on the market, and
contribute also to releases and exposures during recycling and landfilling.

• Regulatory action is necessary to ensure minimisation of the releases of PVC

microparticles and prioritised PVC additives. This can be done by implementing
and improving on-site emission minimisation technologies for PVC microparticle
releases, especially at recycling sites and landfills. Despite of data gaps, end-of-life
(recycling and landfills) can be considered the main contributor to the overall releases
of prioritised PVC additives. Recycling plants are a significant source of PVC
microparticles. There is sufficient evidence to consider action at the EU level. The socio-
economic impacts of implementing emission minimisation technologies were not
assessed in this investigation report, apart from regulatory measures that would affect
the volume of recycled PVC. This is further elaborated under section 6.

• Flame-retardants also contribute significantly to the overall releases of the prioritised

additives. Flame-retardants are used in high amounts and high concentrations also in
other plastics than PVC. In order to ensure a sufficiently wide angle, follow-up as
proposed in ECHA’s strategy on flame retardants is recommended.

Data and assessment gaps are presented in Appendices B and C and priorities for data
gathering and assessment follow-up steps in section 6. Those data gaps could be
addressed by e.g. data generation, using the European Partnership for the Assessment of
Risks from Chemicals (PARC), founding, industry initiatives.

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

3. Summary of risks
3.1. Risks from PVC polymer

Risks from the uncompounded PVC resin itself, i.e. from PVC without considering the
additives, were assessed covering also the production of PVC and the end of life.

The identified main sources of potential risk are: 1) the starting materials, EDC and VCM,
which are released during the production of PVC, 2) the generation of PCDD/Fs during the
production and during the incineration of PVC waste, 3) exposure of workers to PVC dust,
and 4) PVC microparticle releases to the environment.

3.1.1. Starting materials in the production of PVC

PVC is produced by polymerisation of vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) which is almost

exclusively produced by cracking 1,2-dichloroethane (EDC). EDC is manufactured from the
chlorination/oxychlorination of ethylene (more details in Appendix A.1.1).


EDC and VCM are classified as carcinogens (Carc. 1B and Carc. 1A respectively) and the
exposure to these substances is predominantly occupational exposure for which there are
the following Binding Occupational Exposure Limits (BOELs) set in the EU: 2 ppm or 8.2
mg/m3 (8h TWA) for EDC, and 1 ppm or 2.6 mg/m3 (8h TWA) for VCM.

Both EDC and VCM are produced in closed systems that are highly automated and
monitoring is conducted to assess the effectiveness of the operational conditions and risk
management measures in place. This also applies to PVC manufacturing plants. Thus, the
data collected by the European Council of Vinyl Manufacturers (ECVM) in two recent
periods, namely 2013-2015/6 and 2017/8-2021, shows measurements below the EU
BOELs (Appendix A.2.3.3). ECVM represents the seven leading European PVC resin
manufacturers accounting for 85 % of the PVC resin manufactured in EU.

In addition, the Medical Committee of ECVM has been maintaining a registry of cases of
angiosarcoma of the liver, a rare type of cancer associated with repeated exposure to VCM.
According to VinylPlus, no angiosarcoma case has ever been reported in persons having
started working in the VCM/PVC industry after implementation of the measures to reduce
VCM exposure.

This information seems then to indicate that the operational conditions and risk
management measures implemented in the VCM/PVC industry are adequate and effective
to control the risk for workers from EDC and VCM.


Reductions of EDC and VCM emissions from PVC production facilities have been driven by
voluntary initiatives of the PVC industry to optimize the manufacturing process and by
regulatory requirements. National or regional authorities are obliged to issue and regularly
renew operating permits for plants conducting activities under the scope of the Industrial
Emissions Directive with conditions based on the use of Best Available Techniques (BAT),
which are developed, agreed and documented in BAT Reference documents (BREFs). BAT
Associated Emissions Levels (BAT-AELs) are especially relevant because permitting
authorities must set a maximum to allowed emissions in line with, or below these BAT-
AELs. Derogations may be granted in exceptional cases under strict conditions (Article 15

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

& 4 of the IED). Changes in BAT-AELs resulting from a BREF revision must be transposed
in permits within at most 4 years (Art. 1 & 21 of the Industrial Emission Directive).

In this regard, three BREFs are relevant for the EDC/VCM/PVC manufacturing chain: the
Large Volume Organic Chemicals (LVOC) BREF, the Polymers BREF and the Waste Gas
from Chemicals (WGC) BREF. In addition, the EDC/VCM/PVC manufacturing chain is also
regulated by BREFs covering all industries like e.g. the Common Waste Water (CWW)
BREF. These BREFs set forth BAT-AELs for, among others, EDC, VCM, PCDD/Fs, HCl and
PVC dust.

A third-party verification of compliance with the criteria set on the ECVM charter done in
2022 showed that the overall compliance with the emission limits seems to be now at
~90 % and most of the 10 % non-compliance seem to correspond to failures to respect
guidelines (e.g. monitoring frequency) rather than excessive emissions or exposures
(CfE2, #1601). The aggregated emissions to air and water from 2000 until 2021 have
been reduced by 67 % for EDC and 65 % for VCM, respectively.

This information seems then to indicate that the operational conditions and risk
management measures implemented in the VCM/PVC industry are adequate and effective
to control the risk for workers from EDC and VCM.

PVC articles

The improved manufacturing practices over the years in the PVC industry have
considerably reduced the residual content of VCM in PVC products. In some cases, such
as the use of PVC for food packaging and PVC used in medical applications, the levels
permitted are set by the specific regulations (below 1 ppm in the finished article). For
other cases, voluntary initiatives of the PVC industry have set a limit below 1 ppm as well,
and PVC producers are required to sample at least once per week in those cases (ECVM,

As already mentioned above, a third-party verification of compliance with the criteria set
on the ECVM charter showed an overall compliance of ~90 %. In addition, measured data
indicates very low residual content of EDC and VCM in articles manufactured with PVC
(Svensson, 1994).

However, it should be mentioned that the presence of residual content of EDC and most
in particular VCM is highly dependent on the manufacturing process in place and
consequently company dependent. Thus, in the recent ECHA’s investigation report on the
potential presence of CMR 1A or 1B substances in childcare articles it was identified that
in a few cases VCM was measured in PVC childcare articles (outside the EU only and mostly
from one manufacturer) at concentrations above 1000 mg/kg (ECHA, 2023a).

This information seems then to indicate that the levels of residual ECD/VCM in PVC articles
seem to be appropriately controlled in Europe.

3.1.2. PCDD/Fs

PCDDs and PCDFs are families of organic compounds that are known persistent organic
pollutants (POPs) listed under the Stockholm convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants.
PCDD/Fs can be generated during the oxychlorination of ethylene in the production of EDC,
as well as during the thermal oxidation of chlorinated production residues during

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

Similar to EDC and VCM, BAT-AELs for PCDD/Fs are set in the relevant BREFs for the
EDC/VCM/PVC manufacturing chain. BAT-AELs are also set in the Waste Incineration BREF.
Therefore, those BAT-AELs limit the amount of dioxin that is emitted to the environment.

Further, and as mentioned before, a third-party verification of compliance with the criteria
set on the ECVM charter showed an overall compliance of ~90 % for the members of ECVM
which represent 85 % of the total PVC resin manufactured in EU.

National emissions reported to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution

obtained from the European Environment Agency (EEA) suggest that the emissions of
PCDD/Fs have been declining over the years (although it is not possible to determine the
fraction corresponding to the PVC industry).

Whilst PVC is a source for generation of PCDD/Fs during incineration, its significance for
the overall PCDD/Fs generation in those activities is not clear. Other sources of chlorine
are available in municipal waste and thus impacting the PCDD/Fs generation. This is
apparent when looking at the above-mentioned national emissions reported to the
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution obtained from the European
Environment Agency (EEA). Further, the PCDD/Fs generation does not seem proportional
to the amount of chlorine present but rather the production of PCDD/Fs in incinerations
processes is strongly linked to furnace types, their operating conditions and the type and
efficiency of air pollution control systems.

As the formation of hazardous transformation products depends on the conditions of

incineration, it is not possible to quantify to which extent these products are formed in
standard waste incinerators in the EU in practice and what share would correspond to PVC
waste. From a regulatory point of view, the Industrial Emission Directive contains specific
provisions on the emission of all harmful pollutants from waste incineration plants
(Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/2010), including chlorine and PCDD/Fs for
which BAT-AELs are available (Appendix A.2.3.1).

3.1.3. PVC dust

For PVC itself, there is a potential for exposure and release of PVC dust that might be
formed during handling, conveying and/or processing of PVC and PVC articles. However,
it is not possible to quantify this exposure/release at this moment. One of the most
common means of generation is via abrasion, but PVC dust is also generated when articles
are cut or shredded, which are key activities in the recycling processes.

PVC resin is not classified as a possible carcinogen, and it is considered a polymer of low
concern by the OECD although this classification does not consider the whole life cycle of
the polymer (OECD, 2009). Nevertheless, some epidemiology data in PVC baggers suggest
that long-term exposure to high levels of PVC dust might promote pulmonary
carcinogenesis through persistent alveolar inflammation, alveolar macrophage activation,
and release of growth factors (Girardi et al., 2022, Mastrangelo et al., 2003). That could
be similar to what was already reported for other non-genotoxic non-soluble dusts with
low toxicity (e.g. carbon black, toner, talc) (Soutar et al., 1997). Inhaled PVC dust (in
particular with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 5 µm) may remain in the pulmonary
interstitium for a long time (Waxweiler et al., 1981). PVC dust is also associated with
pneumoconiosis or interstitial fibrosis (Studnicka et al., 1995). However, it should be noted
that the measured PVC dust concentrations in those studies were often over 10 mg/m3
which indicates that it cannot be clearly differentiated whether the cause of the effects has
been the substance in particulate form or the dust itself.

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

The effect of the size of the PVC dust particles needs further evaluation. A data gap can
be indicated for a closer evaluation and literature review for epidemiological and
toxicological data on the specific effects of PVC dust via inhalation. Further, a difference is
expected between exposure to uncompounded PVC resin dust and compounded PVC dust
due to the migration and leaching of additives from the PVC microparticles (Zhang et al.,
2020). In this regard, soft PVC needs higher concentrations of additives compared to
alternative plastics.

Conventional warnings related to generic dust properties are used also for PVC dust based
on several safety data sheets available publicly.

Currently, PVC dust does not have an EU BOEL. However, there are occupational limits for
PVC dust in place in several countries in EU Member States that range from 0.3 mg/m3
(8h TWA) in Germany for the respirable fraction to 5 mg/m3 (8h TWA) in Austria with a
median of 1 mg/m3 (Gestis database). Further, nearly all EU Member States have binding
occupational limit values in place for general dust, which is normally equal of or below 5
mg/m3 (Gestis database).

The ECVM members do regular measurements for the most exposed activities (drying
area, bagging area, truck loading area) on the respirable fraction. According to the data
provided by VinylPlus, most results are either at or below the level of detection (0.1

This information seems then to indicate that the operational conditions and risk
management measures implemented in the VCM/PVC industry are adequate and effective
to control the risk from PVC dust in industrial settings.

3.1.4. PVC microparticle releases to the environment

See section 3.5.

3.2. Risks from current PVC additives

A list of additives currently used in PVC was compiled using the initial list of substances
provided in Annex 2.2 to the report “The use of PVC in the context of a non-toxic
environment” and a targeted call for evidence (CfE1) with the key industry associations of
the PVC supply chain. The result was a list with ~470 substances (Annex 1 to this report
and Appendix B) (EU, 2022).

In the following, these 470 substances were prioritised for further work in this investigation
report considering the following aspects: hazard scoring (severe hazards only), and
release potential (Appendix B).

As a result, substances belonging to the group of heat stabilisers, plasticisers and flame
retardants with high and medium scores were further assessed, and a subset of substances
having a (potential) hazard as CMR 1A or 1B, STOT RE 1, ED and/or PBT/vPvB was
identified. A small extension to the core selection criteria was made with the aim of
considering the additives in the context of groups of structurally related substances. For
the substances with high and medium scores, groups of substances were identified (e.g.
terephthalates). Substances belonging to those groups were also considered, even when
not scoring high or medium (e.g. DOTP).

This prioritisation resulted in a total of 63 substances (Annex 1 to this report) belonging

to several substance groups and covered under Appendices B.3, B.4 and B.5 and shown
in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3. The rest of substances identified to be in use in PVC as

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

heat stabilisers, plasticisers and flame retardants are considered of low/no concern for

Although all prioritised substances were initially identified as currently being used in PVC
in the CfE1, from the information provided in subsequent calls for evidence (CfE2 and
CfE3) no uses in PVC were explicitly identified for many of those substances or the
substances are not registered under REACH. Further assessment was only performed for
those substances that are registered under REACH, and for which uses in PVC were
explicitly identified.

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

Table 1. Prioritised heat stabilisers

Aggregated Leading
Group Chemical name EC No CAS No tonnage (potential) Identified uses in PVC
(REACH) hazard
Repr. 1B
2-ethylhexyl 10-ethyl-4,4-dioctyl-
(H360D), STOT Pipe fittings, Window frames, Packaging
239-622-4 15571-58-1 1000-10000 RE 1 (H372, (food and non-food), Automotive parts,
immune Medical packaging (blister packs)
oxathiastannolan-5-one 239-581-2 15535-79-2 0 Pipe fittings, Window frames
2-ethylhexyl 10-ethyl-4-[[2-[(2-
ethylhexyl)oxy]-2-oxoethyl]thio]- Pipe fittings, Window frames, Packaging
4-octyl-7-oxo-8-oxa-3,5-dithia-4- 248-227-6 27107-89-7 1000-10000 - (food and non-food), Automotive parts,
stannatetradecanoate Medical packaging (blister packs)
Repr. 1B
(H360D), STOT
dioctyltin dilaurate
222-883-3 3648-18-8 100-1000 RE 1 (H372, No identified uses
Organotin 2-ethylhexyl 10-ethyl-4,4- STOT RE 1
Pipe fittings, Window profiles, Packaging
substances dimethyl-7-oxo-8-oxa-3,5-dithia- (H372, nervous
260-829-0 57583-35-4 1000-10000 (food and non-food), Automotive parts,
4-stannatetradecanoate system), Repr.
Medical packaging (blister packs)
(DMTE) 2 (H361D)
Ethyl 9,9-dioctyl-4,7,11-trioxo-
3,8,10-trioxa-9-stannatetradeca- Repr. 2
268-500-3 68109-88-6 100-1000 Pipe fittings, Window frames
5,12-dien-14-oate (H361D)
DioctylTin Reprotoxicity
261-645-3 59185-95-4 10-100 No identified uses
di(2ethylhexylmercaptopropionate) (developmental)
2-ethylhexyl 4,4-dibutyl-10-ethyl-
234-186-1 10584-98-2 10-100 thymus), No identified uses
2-ethylhexyl 14-ethyl-6,6-dioctyl-
4,8,11-trioxo-5,7,12-trioxa-6- 233-117-2 10039-33-5 10-100 No identified uses
thymus), Repr.
2 (H361D)
2-ethylhexyl 10-ethyl-4-[[2-[(2- 260-828-5 57583-34-3 1000-10000 Repr. 2 Pipe fittings, Window frames, Packaging

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

Aggregated Leading
Group Chemical name EC No CAS No tonnage (potential) Identified uses in PVC
(REACH) hazard
ethylhexyl)oxy]-2-oxoethyl]thio]- (H361D) (food and non-food), Automotive parts,
4-methyl-7-oxo-8-oxa-3,5-dithia- Medical packaging (blister packs)
Isodecyl diphenyl phosphite 247-777-4 26544-23-0 0 - Window frames
Tris(nonylphenyl) phosphite 247-759-6 26523-78-4 0 ED (hydrolysis No identified uses
products), PBT
Triphenyl phosphite 202-908-4 101-02-0 100-1000 Neurotoxicity No identified uses
Mono-, di- and
Phosphorous acid, mixed 2,4-
triphenylphosphite Reprotoxicity,
bis(1,1-dimethylpropyl)phenyl and
derivatives 700-485-5 939402-02-5 1000-10000 ED, (hydrolysis No identified uses
products), PBT
Diisodecyl phenyl phosphite 247-098-3 25550-98-5 0 - Potential use in window frames
2-ethylhexyl diphenyl phosphite 239-716-5 15647-08-2 0 - No identified uses
Diisotridecyl phenyl phosphite 267-466-7 67874-37-7 0 - Potential use in window frames
1,3-diphenylpropane-1,3-dione 204-398-9 120-46-7 1000-10000 - Flooring, Toys, Automotive parts
Reaction mass of 1-
Phenyl 1,3-diones
phenyloctadecane-1,3-dione and 915-316-2 1000-10000 Reprotoxicity Window frames
barium 4-dodecylphenolate 300-141-0 93922-04-4 10-100 No identified uses
Others Amines, N-(C16-18 (even
numbered) and C18-unsatd. alkyl) 800-029-6 1290049-56-7 100-1000 STOT RE 1 No identified uses
trimethylenedi-, ethoxylated

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

Table 2. Prioritised plasticisers

Aggregated Leading
Group Subgroup Chemical name EC No CAS No tonnage (potential) Identified uses
(REACH) hazard
Diisobutyl phthalate Repr. 1B, ED (HH,
201-553-2 84-69-5 >1 No identified uses
Short chain (DIBP) ENV)
(C3) Diallyl phthalate Repro, ED (HH,
205-016-3 131-17-9 100-1000 No identified uses
Dibutyl phthalate Repr. 1B, ED (HH,
201-557-4 84-74-2 >1000 No identified uses
Benzyl butyl phthalate Repr. 1B, ED (HH,
201-622-7 85-68-7 1-10 No identified uses
Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate Repr. 1B, ED (HH,
chain 204-211-0 117-81-7 10000-100000 Medical applications
1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid,
di-C6-8-branched alkyl esters, Repr. 1B, ED (HH,
276-158-1 71888-89-6 NO No identified uses
C7-rich ENV), PBT
Reprotoxicity, ED
Flooring, Cables, Packaging
Di-''isononyl'' phthalate 100000- (HH based on
249-079-5 28553-12-0 (food and non-food), Artificial
(DINP) 1000000 constituents,
leather, Automotive
Bis(2-propylheptyl) phthalate 100000- Reprotoxicity, ED Cables, Packaging, Artificial
phthalates 258-469-4 53306-54-0
(DPHP) 1000000 (HH, ENV), PBT leather, Automotive
1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid,
benzyl C7-9-branched and Reprotoxicity, ED
Medium 271-082-5 68515-40-2 0 No identified uses
linear alkyl esters (ENV), PBT
1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid,
di-C7-11-branched and linear Repr. 1B, ED
271-084-6 68515-42-4 0 No identified uses
alkyl esters (ENV), PBT
1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, Reprotoxicity, ED
Flooring, Cables, Packaging
di-C8-10-branched alkyl esters, (HH based on
271-090-9 68515-48-0 10000-100000 (food and non-food), Artificial
C9-rich constituents,
leather, Automotive
Diundecyl phthalate Reprotoxicity, ED Cables, Packaging, Artificial
222-884-9 3648-20-2 100-1000
(DUP) (HH, ENV), PBT leather, Automotive
Long chain
Diisotridecyl phthalate Reprotoxicity, ED
(C9-C18) 248-368-3 27253-26-5 0 No identified uses
1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, 271-085-1 68515-43-5 1000-10000 Repro, ED (HH, Cables, Packaging, Artificial

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

Aggregated Leading
Group Subgroup Chemical name EC No CAS No tonnage (potential) Identified uses
(REACH) hazard
di-C9-11-branched and linear ENV), PBT leather, Automotive
alkyl esters
1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid,
di-C11-14-branched alkyl Reprotoxicity, ED Cables, Packaging, Artificial
271-089-3 68515-47-9 1000-10000
esters, C13-rich (HH, ENV), PBT leather, Automotive
1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid,
Flooring, Cables, Packaging
di-C9-11-branched alkyl esters, 100000- Reprotoxicity, ED
271-091-4 68515-49-1 (food and non-food), Artificial
C10-rich 1000000 (HH, ENV), PBT
leather, Automotive
1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid,
Reprotoxicity, ED
di-C16-18-alkyl esters 290-580-3 90193-76-3 1000-10000 Artificial leather
1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid,
Reprotoxicity, ED
di-C10-12-branched alkyl esters 700-989-5 #N/A 1000-10000 Cables, Artificial leather
bis(decyl and/or dodecyl)
Reprotoxicity, ED
benzene-1,2-dicarboxylate 931-251-2 #N/A 1000-10000 Cables, Artificial leather
Dibutyl terephthalate Flooring, Artificial leather,
217-803-9 1962-75-0 1000-10000 ED
(DBTP) Automotive
Flooring, Cables, Packaging
Bis(2-ethylhexyl) terephthalate 100000- (food and non-food), Toys,
229-176-9 6422-86-2 -
(DOTP or DEHTP) 1000000 Artificial leather, Automotive,
Medical applications
1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid,
Reprotoxicity, ED Cables, Artificial leather,
tri-C9-11-alkyl esters 304-780-6 94279-36-4 1000-10000
(HH, ENV), PBT Automotive
1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid,
Reprotoxicity, ED Cables, Artificial leather,
mixed decyl and octyl triesters 290-754-9 90218-76-1 10000-100000
(HH, ENV), PBT Automotive
Trioctyl benzene-1,2,4- Cables, Artificial leather,
Trimellitates Reprotoxicity, ED
tricarboxylate 201-877-4 89-04-3 1000-10000 Automotive, Medical
(TOTM) applications
Triisononyl benzene-1,2,4-
Reprotoxicity, ED Cables, Artificial leather,
tricarboxylate 258-847-9 53894-23-8 100-1000
(HH, ENV), PBT Automotive
Triisodecyl benzene-1,2,4- Reprotoxicity, ED Cables, Artificial leather,
253-138-0 36631-30-8 1000-10000
tricarboxylate (HH, ENV), PBT Automotive

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

Aggregated Leading
Group Subgroup Chemical name EC No CAS No tonnage (potential) Identified uses
(REACH) hazard
Nonylbenzoate, branched and
447-010-5 670241-72-2 100-1000 Repro 1B No identified uses
Benzoic acid, C9-11, C10-rich,
421-090-1 131298-44-7 1000-10000 Repro 1B Flooring
branched alkyl esters

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

Table 3. Prioritised flame retardants

Aggregated Leading
Group Chemical name EC No CAS No tonnage (potential) Identified uses
(REACH) hazard
Trixylyl phosphate 246-677-8 25155-23-1 100-1 000 Repr. 1B, ED Cables
Phenol, isopropylated, phosphate Reprotoxicity, ED,
273-066-3 68937-41-7 1 000-10 000 Cables
(3:1) PBT
Reaction mass of 3-methylphenyl
diphenyl phosphate, 4-
methylphenyl diphenyl phosphate,
bis(3-methylphenyl) phenyl 945-730-9 - 1 000-10 000 Reprotoxicity, ED Cables
phosphate, 3-methylphenyl 4-
methylphenyl phenyl phosphate
Organophosphates and triphenyl phosphate
Tris(methylphenyl)phosphat 809-930-9 1330-78-5 1 000-10 000 Reprotoxicity, ED Cables
tert-butylphenyldiphenyl phosphate
939-505-4 100-1 000 Reprotoxicity, ED Cables
Diphenyl tolyl phosphate 247-693-8 26444-49-5 0 Reprotoxicity, ED Cables
Reaction mass of 4-tert-
butylphenyl diphenyl phosphate
700-990-0 - 1 000-10 000 Reprotoxicity, ED Cables
and bis(4-tert-butylphenyl) phenyl
phosphate and triphenyl phosphate
Tris(2-ethylhexyl) phosphate 201-116-6 78-42-2 1 000-10 000 ED (HH,ENV) Cables
Carc.2 (TBD if Sealants in window frames, Flooring,
Diantimony trioxide 215-175-0 1309-64-4 >10 000
Carc. 1) Cables, Automotive
Dimolybdenum trizinc nonaoxide 245-322-4 22914-58-5 1-10 - No identified uses
Zinc borate 215-566-6 1332-07-6 10-100 Reprotoxicity Flooring, Cables, Automotive
Sealants in window frames, Cables,
Hexaboron dizinc undecaoxide 235-804-2 12767-90-7 1 000-10 000 Reprotoxicity
Artificial leather, Automotive
Paraffin waxes and Hydrocarbon
waxes, chloro 264-150-0 63449-39-8 10 000-100 000 PBT No identified uses
Halogenated (LCCP)
247-426-5 26040-51-7 100-1 000 PBT No identified uses

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

3.2.1. Hazard assessment

The dynamics of leaching from PVC and the further fate after leaching of the additives can
be very complex (Appendix B). The working assumption for this report is, nevertheless,
that the fate of the additives can be assumed to be the same as of PVC microparticles in
the environment for those additives releases which occur bound in PVC microparticles and
thus rendered as vP (Appendix A). Accumulation of PVC and additives contained therein
can be expected in the environment in the similar manner as for vP substances. However,
it is acknowledged that experimental or estimated leaching data are needed for PVC
microplastics released and present in the environment. Such data are not available for the
substances in focus of this report.

A further concern of PVC is co-exposure to several additives (Appendix B.6.12). This is

especially the case for the environmental exposures. Risks due to co-exposures were not
quantified. A quantification of environmental risks (incl. man via environment) due to co-
exposures is likely not possible to carry out for the prioritised additives within a reasonable
timeframe. Considering the multitude of the prioritised additives and the nature of their
effects including confirmed severe hazards (very toxic threshold and non-threshold), it is
likely that only a part of the risks from co-exposures might become quantified within the
next years. For some of the risks, no quantification would become possible due to non-
threshold hazards or lack of data to derive sufficient thresholds or dose-responses. While
making such an attempt to quantify risks from co-exposures over the dozens of prioritised
additives, their accumulation in the environment would continue.

It is noted that direct co-exposures of workers (especially at recycling sites) and

consumers also clearly occur due to PVC uses, but they were not further identified. Partially
similar challenges apply to their assessment as described above.

Many of the additives focused on this project have already confirmed threshold or non-
threshold severe toxicity, as listed in the following subsections. Part of the prioritised
additives are suspected to have such severe toxicity, and the confirmation is pending
further data and/or assessment. For all prioritised additives, data show hazardous effects.
The effects, regardless of whether indicating severe toxicity or not, in combination with
the above two elements of very high persistence and complex co-exposures, give rise to
a concern which should be considered as non-threshold.

In summary, the concern related to the PVC additives should be considered as of non-
threshold character because:

• the additives released within PVC microparticles are expected to behave in the
environment as very persistent substances because they are bound in the PVC
microparticle matrix,

• the use of additives in PVC induces direct human and environmental co-exposures.
Synergistic or additive effects cannot be excluded,

• the leading effects of the prioritised additives are severe, many of which are non-
threshold (see following subsections) and/or

• substances for which the lead effect has been so far suspected based on screening
information (and pending confirmation) data on further effects are largely available
to support the hazard profile (need full assessment in the follow-up).

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

More information about the assessments of regulatory needs for those substances and the
data generation needs are available in Appendices B.3, B.4 and B.5 and they are
summarised in sections, and below. Heat stabilisers

General information about heat stabilisers can be found in Appendix B.3. Currently, the
PVC industry in Europe has moved almost entirely to the use of mixed metal stabiliser
systems which are mostly Zn and Ca soaps of fatty acids (metal carboxylates). In these
systems Zn compounds are the primary stabilisers which are blended with Ca compounds
(secondary stabilisers) to mitigate the degradation that the formed Lewis acid ZnCl2 can
exert on the polymer. Thus, Ca compounds will react with ZnCl2 to form CaCl2 which is
relatively inert. The mixed metal stabiliser systems (e.g. Zn/Ca soaps) are not further
discussed in this section as the substances belonging to this group were not prioritised for
further work (low hazard for now at the time of writing).

Ca/Zn heat stabilisers systems represent ~94 % of the total stabilisers used in the EU and
the rest corresponds to organotin substances.

Organotin substances

Organotin substances have been widely used in PVC applications, but currently their use
in Europe has been reduced to specific applications where transparency and/or higher
stabilising performance is needed. However, they are widely used in other geographic
locations and specifically in North America, where they are used for almost all rigid PVC

In general, organotin substances display developmental toxicity and some are classified
as Repr. 1A or 1B (DOTE and reaction mass of DOTE and MOTE). Although MOTE seems
to be currently of no concern, it should be noted that MOTE is still under data generation
and the registrants have not responded yet to ECHA’s request for testing data.

Further, several of them display neurotoxicity and/or immunotoxicity (Table 1). An

assessment of regulatory needs for this group of substances is currently ongoing in ECHA
but results are not yet available.

Considering the structural similarity and the toxicological profile of these substances, it
might be possible that they share a similar mode of action and thus, an additive effect in
cases of co-exposure. However, at this moment, this remains unclear.

Also, recent concerns for potential endocrine disrupting properties are also currently under

Phenyl 1,3-diones

These substances seem to be used as co-stabilisers with colour-improving properties with

Ca/Zn heat stabilisers systems. From the information received in the different calls for
evidence uses in PVC were identified only for window frames, flooring, toys and automotive
parts. However, since they are used together with Ca/Zn heat stabilisers systems, phenyl-
1,3-diones might be used in more PVC applications.

Although the two substances prioritised in this group were initially identified as potential
PBT in an assessment done in ECHA, this was later clarified not to be the case. Data
generation has been requested to clarify potential reproductive toxicity for substance EC

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives


Other substances belonging to the heat stabilisers group were initially identified as being
in use in PVC (Table 1). However, based on the information provided during the different
calls for evidence no uses were finally identified. In addition, several of the
phenylphosphites are also not registered under REACH. Therefore, no risk screening has
been performed for those substances. However, other information sources identify
phenylphosphites to be used in combination with Zn/Ca heat stabilisers (Appendix B). Plasticisers

More general information about plasticisers in PVC can be found in Appendix B.4.

Plasticisers can be classified according to function and/or structure. The functional

classification differentiates between primary and secondary plasticisers. Primary
plasticisers are the main substances granting plasticity to PVC without compatibility
problems. Secondary plasticisers are substances exhibiting lower solubility and
compatibility with PVC that are mixed with primary plasticisers to reduce costs and/or
improve other properties, e.g. fire resistance.

Over 85 % of all plasticisers consumed in Europe are used in flexible PVC applications
(European Plasticisers, 2023). The most common plasticisers include esters such as
adipates, azelates, citrates, benzoates, ortho-phthalates, terephthalates, sebacates and
trimellitates. Different alcohols and different acids will lead to plasticisers exhibiting a
range of performance, permanence and compatibility with PVC. Ortho-phthalates are the
most widely used plasticisers.

Figure 1. Distribution of most common plasticisers in the European market

In the EU, there has been a transition from low molecular weight ortho-phthalates (DIBP,
DBP, BBP, DEHP), which are identified as SVHC under the REACH Regulation, included in

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

Annex XIV and subject to restriction (entries 30 and 51), to higher molecular weight
phthalates. Today, the most used ortho-phthalates are DINP, DPHP and DIDP (DINP and
DIDP are subject to restriction, entry 52). It is noted that outside of the EU, low molecular
weight phthalates continue to account for approximately 35 % of the global consumption
as they are widely produced and used in China, India, and other parts of Asia, the Middle
East, Africa and Latin America (CfE2,#1601). Figure 1 above shows the distribution in the
European market of the most common plasticisers.

A total of 28 substances used as plasticisers were prioritised for further assessment. They
can be grouped into the following groups: ortho-phthalates, terephthalates, trimellitates
and benzoates (Table 2).


Even though ortho-phthalates are usually referred to as simply ‘phthalates’, the phthalate
esters family also includes other subgroups such as isophthalates and terephthalates,
which differ in the relative position of the two carboxylates in the benzene ring, i.e. ortho,
meta or para positions respectively.

Ortho-phthalates can be sub-grouped based on the alkyl backbone length (not the total
carbon range) of the alkyl substituent. Thus, following the assessment of regulatory needs
performed for ortho-phthalates, 1 the following subgrouping was considered in this
investigation report: short-chain phthalates (backbone chain length lower than C4),
medium-chain phthalates (C4-C6), medium-chain phthalates (C7-C8) and long-chain
phthalates (C9-C18).

There are 6 substances identified as SVHC among the ortho-phthalates:

- 3 for Repro. 1B (H360Df) and ED properties for human health (BBP, DBP, DIBP)

- 1 for Repro. 1B (H360FD) and ED properties for human health and the environment

- 2 for Repro. 1B: DIHP (H360D) and D711P (H360Df)

In the EU, there has been a transition from short-chain ortho-phthalates and medium-
chain (C4-C6) ortho-phthalates to higher molecular weight ortho-phthalates due to several
regulatory actions following the identification of several of those substances as SVHC. As
a consequence, none of the short-chain ortho-phthalates and the medium-chain ortho-
phthalates have been identified in any use in PVC with the exception of DEHP in medical

In the assessment of regulatory needs (ARN) for ortho-phthalates done by ECHA1 it is

indicated that medium-chain (C7-C8) ortho-phthalates (DINP and DPDP) are likely not or
not as potent reproductive toxicants as the ortho-phthalates with shorter backbone alkyl
chains. Nevertheless, EFSA in an update of the risk assessment for five phthalates2

Assessment of regulatory needs for ortho-phthalates (ECHA, 2021)

Update of the risk assessment of di-butylphthalate (DBP), butyl-benzyl-phthalate (BBP), bis(2-
ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), di-isononylphthalate (DINP) and di-isodecylphthalate (DIDP) for use
in food contact materials

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

concluded that small or transient reproductive effects might be able to contribute to the
reprotoxic effects of other phthalates after combined exposure. However, endocrine
disrupting properties cannot be excluded due to: 1) potential presence of constituents with
shorter backbone alkyl chain, 2) unclear covering of this endpoint in the toxicological
studies available for DINP and identified effects on the thyroid observed in toxicological
studies available for DPHP. Both DINP and DPDP are currently subject of dossier

For long-chain (C9-C18) ortho-phthalates, in the ARN for ortho-phthalates it is concluded

that the available experimental data do not show clear reproductive toxicity and it appears
that these substances do not share the reprotoxic and ED properties of shorter chain ortho-
phthalates. However, no firm conclusion was able to be drawn because adequate data was
only available for a few substances and the substance identity data for these UVCB
substances indicates that they might contain constituents similar to medium-chain (C4-
C6) ortho-phthalates. In this case, several substances are currently subject of dossier
evaluation to clarify those concerns.

Therefore, although it is acknowledged that medium-chain (C7-C8) and long-chain (C9-

C18) are still subject of further evaluation in ECHA, for the purpose of this investigation
report it is considered as if medium-chain (C7-C8) are likely going to display ED properties
and less likely for long-chain (C9-C18).

In addition, a potential for PBT/vPvB properties was also identified for medium-chain (C7-
C8) ortho-phthalates since they screen as potentially bioaccumulative based on the values
for logKow. Although they are identified by the registrants as readily biodegradable, flaws
in the available data cannot fully support this conclusion. As mentioned above, both DINP
and DPDP are currently subject of dossier evaluation also in this regard.


According to the assessment of regulatory needs (ARN) for terephthalates done by ECHA,3
potential thyroid toxicity is assumed for DBTP, a C4 linear constituent, and therefore
potential ED concern based on the effects seen for substance EC 946-149-3 (C4-C6 mixed
terephthalate). In this case, hypertrophy of follicular epithelium in thyroid glands is seen
in both sexes at 300 and 1000 mg/kg bw/day. This substance is currently subject of dossier

For DOTP no hazards of potential hazards were identified.

No PBT/vPvB properties have been identified for any of the terephthalates.

Therefore, although it is acknowledged that substance EC 946-149-3 (C4-C6 mixed

terephthalate), and consequently also DBTP, is still subject of further evaluation in ECHA,
for the purpose of this investigation report it is considered as if they are likely to display
ED properties.


Assessment of regulatory needs for isophthalates, terephthalates and trimellitates (ECHA, 2021):

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

Based on the assessment of regulatory needs (ARN) for trimellitates done by ECHA3 no
firm conclusion or potential reproductive toxicity and ED properties can be made for this
group of substances based on the available data and further data will be needed.
Nevertheless, some of the data available raises a concern about potential ED properties.

Several substances belonging to this group are currently subject of dossier evaluation to
clarify this concern.

As mentioned before, although these substances are still subject to further evaluation in
ECHA, for the purpose of this investigation report it is considered as if they are likely to
display ED properties.

Similarly, the available data for these substances does not allow to conclude on PBT/vPvB
properties either and this hazard is also under consideration in dossier evaluation.


Based on the available information,4 both benzoates (EC 421-090-1 and 447-010-5) were
identified as potential reprotoxicants. This was also identified for two additional substances
that were not identified as currently used in PVC: 2-ethylhexyl benzoate (EC 226-641-8)
and benzoic acid C12-15 alkyl esters (EC 270-112-4).

This assessment also concludes that they are unlikely to display PBT/vPvB properties.

Both substances EC 421-090-1 and 447-010-5 are currently subject of dossier evaluation
to clarify the concerns. Flame retardants

More general information about flame retardants in PVC can be found in Appendix B.5.

From the information provided in the calls for evidence, the EU Commission report on the
use of PVC in the context of a non-toxic environment and ECHA’s Regulatory Strategy on
Flame Retardants, the use of flame retardants in PVC is quite limited, especially in the
case of rigid PVC, compared to other commodity plastics like e.g. polyolefins, stryrenics
and acrylics (ECHA, 2023b). Thus, any potential risk from the use of flame retardants will
not be specific to PVC. On the contrary, the risk would include all plastics and be more
associated with other plastics than PVC.

The high chlorine content (~57 %) of pure PVC renders the polymer inherently flame
retardant and generally, no flame retardants are added to rigid PVC. For soft PVC, the fire
properties of plasticised PVC are largely determined by the type and amount of plasticiser
used. The typical plasticisers used in PVC are volatile enough to be emitted from PVC when
it is strongly heated by a flame, and they are flammable under those circumstances (Weil
et al., 2006). In addition, the higher additive content of flexible PVC results in a lower
content of chlorine by weight in the compounded PVC and decreased inherent flame-
retardant properties. Flame retardants can therefore be used in PVC when needed to meet
specifications (e.g. oxygen index, heat release, smoke evolution) and standards, e.g. in
high temperature cables (CfE2,#1569, 1570, 1571, 1575, 1583, 1585 and 1589), flooring

Assessment of regulatory needs for Benzoates (ECHA, 2020):

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

(CfE2,#1603), and automotive applications (CfE2,#1595 and 1653). However, higher

loadings or more efficient flame retardants/flame retardant systems are needed in other
alternative commodity plastics considering the intrinsic flame resistance of PVC (Polcher
et al., 2020).

In PVC composites, smoke production is generally the most important concern and thus,
smoke suppression, rather than flame retardancy, is the focus when using PVC.

Among the substances identified as being in used in PVC, several flame retardants were
identified. A total of 12 substances used as flame retardants were prioritised for further
assessment. They can be grouped into the following groups: organophosphates, inorganics
and halogenated flame retardants (Table 3).


Organophosphorus flame retardants are often proposed as alternatives to halogenated

flame retardants (Blum et al., 2019). Among them are the organophosphate esters which
are organic esters of phosphoric acid containing either alkyl chains or aryl groups.
Nevertheless, most of the organophosphates identified to be used in PVC are
triphenylphosphate derivatives. Only one trialkylphosphate derivative was identified: Tris-
(2-ethylhexyl) phosphate (EC 201-116-6).

All triphenylphosphate derivatives have been identified as potential reprotoxicants and

endocrine disruptors for both human health and environment 5 and data generation is on-
going to clarify those concerns.

In addition, several organophosphorus flame retardants are known to cause

organophosphorus-induced delayed neuropathy (OPIDN) after single (acute) and repeated
exposure. OPIDN was observed not only in animal studies, but also in humans. Metabolic
transformation from o-methyl/cresyl isomers to highly neurotoxic derivatives such as
saligenin cyclic o-cresyl phosphate is possible from o-methyl/cresyl isomers (Nordic Expert
Group, 2010), therefore all substances containing TOCP (tri-o-cresylphosphate, EC 201-
103-5) as constituent or impurity may be neurotoxic.

In general, substances in this group are unlikely to meet the PBT/vPvB criteria based on
the data available.

Although it is acknowledged that these substances are still subject of further evaluation,
for the purpose of this investigation report it is considered as if they are likely to display
ED properties.


Inorganic flame retardants are the main flame retardants reported to be used in PVC.
According to the information provided in the calls for evidence, diantimony trioxide (EC
215-175-0) is the main substance used among the inorganic flame retardants and was
therefore prioritised for assessment in this report. The other two substances most often
referred to are zinc borates (EC 215-566-6 and 215-804-2). This seems to be in line with

Assessment of regulatory needs for Triphenylphosphate derivatives (ECHA, 2021):

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

the focus on synergists (antimony) to take advantage of the high chlorine content in PVC
and smoke suppressants (borates).

Diantimony trioxide is probably the most important flame retardant for PVC. Although
usually not effective as a flame retardant in the absence of a halogen, it is a powerful
synergist when used with a halogenated flame retardant or in halogenated polymers such
as PVC (Weil et al., 2006). Antimony oxide is not volatile but antimony oxyhalide (SbOX)
and antimony trihalide (SbX3) formed in the condensed phase, by reaction with the
halogenated flame retardant (chlorine in case of PVC), are volatile. They facilitate the
transfer of halogen and antimony into the gas phase where they function. Those forms are
very effective retardants at typical flame temperatures.

Zinc borates are established in PVC as partial replacement for antimony trioxide with the
advantage of reducing the smoke and anti-afterglow action (Weil et al., 2006). By
themselves, zinc borates are less effective flame retardants in PVC than diantimony
trioxide, but combinations of zinc borates and diantimony trioxide are very effective and
thus, they are normally used together.

This assessment is based on the assessments of regulatory needs (ARN) for inorganic
borates6, molybdenum simple compounds7 and the assessment of DE CA in the CoRAP
justification document and Substance Evaluation decision for Diantimony Trioxide.8

A general hazard concern for reproductive toxicity was identified for a group of inorganic
borates (containing boric acid and salts based on alkali metals, alkaline earth metals or
ammonium counter ions). No additional hazard was identified.

Even though zinc salts were not included in the inorganic borates group, the concern still
remains regarding their reproductive toxicity. Data generation may be requested to clarify
this concern.

DE CA justified the inclusion of Diantimony trioxide in CoRAP based on inconclusive test

results on genotoxicity. Thus, a concern was identified for in vivo genotoxicity at site-of-
contact tissue after inhalation exposure. Some of the observed carcinomas are suspected
to be caused by a systemically available antimony species which would be then
independent of the route of exposure. Consequently, a decision following Substance
Evaluation was sent to the registrants requesting further data that is expected during the
second half of 2023.

In the assessment of regulatory needs for Dimolybdenum trizinc nonaoxide (EC 245-322-
4) it was concluded that, based on the current available information, it was not possible

Assessment of regulatory needs for inorganic borates is not yet published.

Assessment of regulatory needs for molybdenum simple compounds:

CoRAP justification:

Substance evaluation decision:


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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

to conclude on reproductive toxicity and that further data may be needed. However, no
potential human health hazard was identified to date.

Halogenated flame retardants

Even though halogenated flame retardants were identified as flame retardants currently
used in PVC and Table 3 shows the two substances prioritised for assessment in this report
(LCCP and bis(2-ethylhexyl) tetrabromophthalate), no specific information regarding their
use was provided in the calls for evidence.

It was suggested that they might be used in cables and automotive applications
(CfE2,#1564 and #1595) but the information provided is not concrete and not sufficient
to quantify the use. At the same time, most of the other notifiers in the calls for evidence
suggested that halogenated flame retardants are not used in PVC which seems to
contradict the information received in previous projects, from which it can be concluded
that halogenated flame retardants are used in soft PVC (ECHA, 2022).

Therefore, considering the lack of information, no further assessment was performed for
those substances.

Nevertheless, it should be mentioned that, as highlighted in ECHA’s Regulatory Strategy

for Flame Retardants, Paraffin waxes and hydrocarbon waxes, chloro (also referred to as
‘LCCP’) may contain alkanes, C14-17, chloro (EC 264-150-0) congeners identified with
PBT/vPvB properties (constituents) (ECHA, 2023b). These are expected to be addressed
in the restriction proposal for medium-chain chlorinated paraffins (MCCP) and other
substances that contain chloroalkanes with carbon chain lengths within the range from
C14 to C17. In addition, data generation (CCH, possibly followed by SEv) is suggested to
further clarify human health hazards and PBT properties of paraffin waxes and
hydrocarbon waxes, chloro.

Also highlighted in ECHA’s Regulatory Strategy for Flame Retardants is the general concern
identified for aromatic brominated flame retardants due to their known or potential
PBT/vPvB properties (ECHA, 2023b). Among those aromatic brominated flame retardants
are the brominated phthalates and specifically Bis(2-ethylhexyl) tetrabromophthalate (EC
247-426-5) which has been identified as a SVHC for vPvB hazard properties. For those
substances a wide generic restriction was identified to be the most appropriate regulatory

3.2.2. Exposure assessment

The exposure assessment and risk screening for prioritised additives (Appendices B.3, B.4
and B.5) were only performed if the substances were confirmed to be used in PVC during
the calls for evidence and if the substances are currently registered under REACH.

The assessments of regulatory needs (ARN) published on ECHA website9 were taken into
account. If a potential non-threshold hazard was identified, i.e. ED and/or PBT/vPvB, this
has been assumed as confirmed for the purpose of the assessment. In this case, the
assessment is limited to the estimation of releases of the substances to the environment.
Nevertheless, human health exposure and risk were also be considered when appropriate


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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

for those substances that are classified for human health threshold hazards, i.e. Repro. 1
or STOT RE 1, or when the only potential hazard identified is Repro. 1 or STOT RE 1.

Exposure scenarios were identified covering the PVC compounding (formulation), the PVC
article production (conversion), the article service life for the uses of PVC assessed in this
investigation report, the professional uses for building and construction products and the
waste stage covering recycling, landfilling and incineration.

• ES1: Formulation (PVC compounding)

• ES2: Article production (PVC conversion)

• ES3: Article service life. Use in pipes and pipe fittings

• ES4: Article service life. Use in window frames

• ES5: Article service life. Use in cables

• ES6: Article service life. Use in flooring

• ES7: Article service life. Use in packaging (food and non-food)

• ES8: Article service life. Use in toys

• ES9: Article service life. Use in artificial leather

• ES10: Article service life. Automotive interiors

• ES11: Article service life. Medical applications

• ES12: Professional use. Handling plastic articles

• ES13: Waste stage. Recycling

• ES14: Waste stage. Landfill

• ES15: Waste stage. Incineration

The generic sequence of the exposure scenarios described above are illustrated in Figure

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Figure 2. Generic sequence of exposure scenarios

The assumptions and strategy for release and exposure estimations are described in
Appendices B.6.2 and B.6.3 respectively. The key input parameters for the estimation of
release are described in Appendices B.6.2.1 to B.6.2.5. The volumes per use for the
substances, which is the basis for the release estimation, are provided in Appendices
B.6.4.2 to B.6.11.2.

ECHA has received data on migration for some substances (e.g. organotin substances used
as heat stabilisers in rigid PVC or ortho-phthalates (DEHP, DINP, DIDP)), especially from
testing required by other legislation (Drinking Water Directive, Food Contact Materials
legislation). This testing shows very low migration and compliance with the relevant
legislation. However, the transfer of those results to the releases / exposure estimation is
not straightforward. The following are some reasons behind that:

• If you consider all possible uses, releases to environment are subject to different
conditions (for example the impact of weathering for outdoor use) and different
mechanism for release (e.g. abrasive operations leading to particle dispersion).

• Releases towards saliva for consumer exposure cannot be simulated by

(controlled) migration to water, while the migration to food does not represent the
potential migration to skin.

Moreover, none of the migration tests can be used to simulate the mechanisms of emission
to air leading to inhalation exposure; in fact, emission to air is mainly described by
partitioning between air and solid matrix, which is very different than the mechanisms
regulating partitioning from solids to water / food simulants.

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

In this regard, it should be highlighted that even though the migration data suggests a
low migration for higher molecular weight ortho-phthalates (e.g. DINP, DIDP), they have
been nevertheless detected in human biomonitoring data (HBM4EU, 2022). The recent
results of the HBM4EU (HBM4EU, 2023) initiative suggest widespread human exposure to
these compounds simultaneously and specially infants/children who seem to carry a higher
body burden than adults (Saravanabhavan and Murray, 2012, Wang et al., 2019).
Although the main source of exposure for high molecular weight ortho-phthalates might
be via food contact materials, other sources of exposure cannot be completely discarded.

3.2.3. Risk characterisation Releases as proxy of risk

A concern of non-threshold nature was identified considering:

- the very persistent properties of PVC microparticles and therefore of the additives
contained within,

- the fact that currently is not possible to estimate environmental exposures of

individual additives in combination with the co-exposure of the environment
(including man via environment) to several additives simultaneously from (and
within) the PVC matrix, and

- the available effects data on the prioritised additives.

Releases of prioritised additives within the PVC microparticles are likely causing an ongoing
increase of the environmental levels. Environmental levels for the additives contained
within the PVC microparticles are difficult to reverse once they are reached.

For the purpose of this investigation report, it is considered sufficient to assume as a work
hypothesis that emissions of the additives can be taken as a proxy for risk to the
environment and man via environment. Consequently, the application of REACH Annex I,
para 0.10 and hence a case-by-case environmental risk assessment is recommended as a
general approach. For further details, see Appendix B.6.13. Environmental risk (total releases)

The releases per environmental compartment per group of prioritised additives, per
function and the total releases are reported in Appendix B.6.13. Aggregating the releases
of multiple substances together on a mass unit per year basis is providing a straight-
forward picture of the releases at stake. Due to the applied case-by-case (non-threshold)
risk approach, there is no need to normalise these releases (e.g. to be presented by molar
weight), as no comparison to a no-effect level is carried out. A similar approach for
aggregating releases of multiple substances has been taken in various restriction dossiers
on poly- and perfluorinated substances (PFASs).

The main contributors to the overall estimated releases of the prioritised additives are
plasticisers (79 %), followed by flame retardants (19 %) and heat stabilisers (2 %). This
is a consequence of the high absolute use volumes of particularly plasticisers, as well as
of the higher overall concentrations of additives needed for soft PVC applications
(prioritised flame retardants are also mainly used in soft PVC). Although this analysis was
carried out only for the prioritised additives, a similar picture is likely to emerge if all the
additives were considered based on the typical compounding recipes for PVC.

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives




Heat stabilisers Plasticisers Flame retardants

Figure 3. Contribution to the overall estimated releases per additive type

Since plasticisers are mainly used in PVC (over 85 % according to the European
Plasticisers), higher risks to the environment can be expected to emanate from soft PVC
when compared to alternative materials in this regard.

From the prioritised plasticisers in this report, ortho-phthalates are the major contributors
to the overall releases (Appendix B.6.13). More specifically, medium chain (C7-C8) ortho-
phthalates (DIDP and DINP) account for 49 % of the total releases followed by long-chain
(C9-C18) ortho-phthalates with 12 % of the total releases.

Consequently, the main uses contributing to the overall release of the prioritised additives
are soft PVC applications. Four uses account for 97 % of the total overall estimated
releases for the prioritised additives: cables (67 %), flooring (15 %), artificial leather (8
%) and automotive interiors (7 %). It is noted that the relevance of roofing material (a
soft PVC end-use) for the release estimation was only understood after the CfE2. Those
releases were not estimated in this report.

Of the PVC lifecycle steps, the major contributors to the overall estimated releases are the
ES12 (Professional use. Handling of plastic articles), which covers installation and removal
of building and construction products, ES13 (Waste stage. Recycling) and ES14 (Waste
stage. Landfilling) with an overall of ~45 %, ~31 % and ~11 % of the total estimated
releases, respectively. Releases from the service life of articles have a low contribution to
the overall picture.

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

2% 1%

8% Cables
Artificial leather
Automotive interiors
Medical application
Window frames

67% Pipes and pipe fittings


Figure 4. Contribution to the overall estimated releases per use

0.2% ES1: Formulation (PVC
3.0% compounding)
0.0% ES2: Article production (PVC
0.2% 0.6% conversion)
ES3: Article service life. Use in pipes
4.3% 0.0% and pipe fittings
15.2% ES4: Article service life. Use in
window profiles
ES5: Article service life. Use in cables

4.7% 0.1% ES6: Article service life. Use in

ES7: Article service life. Use in
packaging (food and non-food)
ES8: Article service life. Use in toys

ES9: Article service life. Use in

28.5% artificial leather
ES10: Article service life. Automotive
ES11: Article service life. Medical
37.3% application
ES12: Professional use. Handling
plastic articles
ES13: Waste stage. Recycling

ES14: Waste stage. Landfill

ES15: Waste stage. Incineration

Figure 5. Contribution to the overall estimated releases per lifecycle exposure scenario

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Due to the non-threshold nature of the risk (Section, minimisation of the releases
of additives should be the focus of regulatory and/or voluntary actions. The releases of
additives are strongly linked to the releases of PVC microparticles and release minimisation
may be expected to be most effective when minimisation of both the additives and
microparticles is targeted. However, this needs further assessment. Minimisation potential
of the releases from the key life-cycle steps as listed above need further information (data

This investigation did not analyse a 20-year baseline horizon as is usual in restriction
proposals, but a plausible baseline horizon can still be discussed qualitatively. If neither
the current total annual use volumes of PVC and prioritised additives (and in their
allocation to the various uses) nor the annual volumes of PVC and additives routed to
recycling, landfilling and incineration change, an increase of the overall volume of PVC and
additives circulating in the economy can be expected. It is then likely that the volumes of
landfilled and incinerated PVC would also increase.

The increase of the total volumes of PVC and additives circulating in the economy results
generally in an increase of annual releases10. Considering that the released PVC and the
additives released in the PVC microparticles are very persistent in the environment, the
total stock of PVC and additives in the environment will steadily increase unless the
releases are minimised.

In the alternative baseline scenario, the PVC volume in the economy (and in landfills)
remains at the current level and hence the annual releases remain approximately at the
current level. This results in an increase of the environmental stock due to the high
persistence of the PVC and additives therein. The current trends in the use of PVC (see
Appendix A and C) and the societal aim to increase recycling rates as well as the voluntary
substitution trends complicate the baseline forecast significantly. Increases in the recycling
rate do not directly reduce the releases and may even have a contrary effect (see section
C.13.3 of Appendix C) in case that no site-specific release minimisation at
recycling/landfilling stage is carried out or no containment is possible. It would therefore
be necessary to investigate the mass balance of various baseline scenarios. Risks to workers and consumers

With regard to the human exposure data and subsequent risk characterisation, the results
described in Appendices B.6.4.4, B.6.5.4, B.6.6.4, B.6.7.4, B.6.8.4, B.6.9.4 and B.6.10.4
are collected in Table 4 and Table 5.

Results obtained with the default realistic worst case exposure assessment methodology
suggest that there are risks from DOTE and DEHP for workers exposed at recycling
facilities. For DMTE and Diantimony trioxide, risk to workers is likely in recycling facilities
with lower levels of operational conditions and risk management measures in place. For
MMTE and Zn borates, no potential risks were identified. Further refinement of exposure
estimation (e.g. considering actual OCs and RMMs implemented in recycling facilities) and

The release estimates of additives are highly dependent on the additive volumes. Hence, in this
simplistic baseline scenario one consequence would be that the releases of prioritised additives would
increase. Only if the environmental releases would be not higher than the annual virgin PVC and
additives volumes added to the economy (plus the volume removed by incineration), and the total
PVC use volume is not increasing, there is no increase of releases.

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

DNEL derivation (in most cases the DNELs derived by the registrants were used) may be

Considering the structural similarity of the prioritised organotin substances and their
toxicological profile (section, an additive effect in case of co-exposure may be
possible. Co-exposure occurs in those worker exposure settings most relevant at recycling
facilities. Thus, the potential risks identified for some of the additives (DOTE, DMTE) could
be extended to organotin substances in general. A similar logic may be applicable to DEHP
and ortho-phthalates, in particular medium-chain (C7-C8) ortho-phthalates (section Especially for workers at recycling facilities, potential risks related to further co-
exposure may be relevant and warrant further attention. Further, since organotin
substances are widely used in almost all rigid PVC applications in other geographic
locations (specifically in North America), they are to be found in imported articles and
consequently in the PVC waste stream.

For consumers during article service life, risks from organotin substances in automotive
interiors were initially identified with the realistic worst-case approach. However, the result
may be an overestimation. Organotin substances in the automotive sector were identified
in monofilament profiles (CfE2,#1601). In the absence of further information, it was
assumed that those were used only in automotive interiors. Further information collected
from specific car manufacturers on the use (e.g. the specific car parts where these
additives are used) indicates that organotin substances are not used in car interiors, but
in exterior parts. However, specifications have not been requested from all non-EU car
manufacturers and some uncertainty regarding this risk therefore remains.

For DOTE, a risk was identified for consumer uses of packaging based on the realistic
worst-case approach, but further information needs to be sought and considered carefully
since the combined RCR is only slightly higher than 1. The exposure results might be
overestimated since, in the absence of further information, a concentration of 1 % (w/w)
in articles was assumed. It is however more likely that the use of DOTE is in combination
with MOTE and thus concentrations of DOTE might be much lower. Further clarification
was sought from the packaging industry with mixed results. At least in pharmaceutical
packaging, DOTE seems to have been replaced completely with MOTE, and this might well
be happening for all packaging uses.

Further, based on the realistic worst-case default approach a risk for consumers was also
identified for the plasticiser benzoate EC 421-090-1 which is mainly related to dermal
exposure. However, further information would need to be carefully considered to either
confirm or refine this result since the RCR is also only slightly higher than 1.

It is noted that this investigation project was not able to screen potential threshold risks
related to exposure to other substances than those mentioned above, because no DNELs
were available for other prioritised additives (several reasons apply). Hence the identified
risks to workers and consumers give only an indication of the whole spectrum of potential
risks. This is a data/analysis gap.

No quantification of risks from co-exposures was attempted in this project, but the
following scenarios were considered of concern and needing follow-up: (1) co-exposure of
workers in industrial and professional steps where soft PVC containing both plasticisers
and flame retardants are handled, (2) workers at recycling plants can be expected to be
co-exposed to the whole spectrum of prioritised additives, (3) consumer co-exposure from
flooring and from automotive interiors (both soft-PVC uses) cannot be excluded.

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

Table 4. Identified potential risks for workers during PVC compounding and conversion
and at recycling facilities (based on realistic worst-case approach)

EC 421- Zn
090-1 borates
Covered by Covered by
and No risk No risk No risk No risk No risk
Authorisation1 Authorisation1
ES2: Article
ES13: Waste
Risk Risk No risk Risk No risk Risk No risk
(Lower RMMs)
ES13: Waste
Recycling Risk No risk No risk Risk No risk No risk No risk
DOTE and DEHP are listed in Annex XIV

Table 5. Identified potential risks for consumers during article service life (based on
realistic worst-case approach)

EC 421- Zn
090-1 borates
ES6: Article
service life. Potential
N/A N/A N/A N/A No risk No risk
Use in risk
ES7: Article
service life.
Use in Potential
No risk No risk N/A N/A N/A N/A
packaging risk
(food and
ES9: Article
service life.
Use in N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A No risk
ES10: Article
service life. Potential Potential Potential
N/A N/A No risk No risk
Automotive risk risk risk
* Risk was identified in the default assessment based on the information submitted in CfE2, but based on the
further information received, the concern may be removed (see text).

This investigation project did not analyse a 20-year baseline horizon, which is a standard
assumption in restriction proposals, but a plausible baseline can be discussed qualitatively.
Considering the current trends in the use of PVC (see Appendix A and C) and the societal
aim to increase recycling (section 3.4), an increase in PVC waste and recycled PVC is
expected. This will likely result in an increase in exposure to the prioritised additives of
workers in recycling facilities. Further, the relative proportions between rigid and soft PVC
in the waste and recycling (e.g. if recycling of soft PVC increases compared to that of rigid
PVC) may also result in an increase in the concentration of certain additives entering the
recycling plant. Finally, an increase in the PVC that is to be recycled may also result in an
increase of workers exposed to the relevant additives.

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The overall concentrations of additives in articles may or may not remain constant and
therefore also the development of consumer exposures needs further exploration. Risk matrix

Considering the overall risk approach (non-threshold concern) there is no quantitative

method available to understand the differences between the substances with regard to the
prediction of the timing and scale of effects in the baseline situation (when no action is
taken). However, a simplified risk matrix approach is proposed based on the lead effects
of the substances listed in the hazard assessment (section 3.2.1) and the overall release
estimation (section and Appendix B.6.13). The risk matrix may support the
prioritisation of the substance groups from the point of view of potential further regulatory

All organotin substances have been put together except for MOTE.
Medium-chain (C7-C8) ortho-phthalates may contain medium-chain (C4-C6) ortho-phthalates and/or display
additive effects after combined exposure with them. Therefore, they could be considered together.
No release estimation was done for substances for substances for which no hazard was identified for now or for
which no use in PVC was identified. MOTE, Zinc molybdate and DOTP were in the release banding based on the
volumes used for the substances.

Figure 6. Risk matrix considering potential hazard and overall release estimation

Medium-chain ortho-phthalates (both C4-C6 and C7-C8) are assigned the highest priority
followed by organotin substances, organophosphates and zinc borates. It should be noted
that the halogenated flame retardants (section are not prioritised considering the
lack of specific information for PVC and because they are addressed under the flame
retardants strategy.

3.3. Legacy additives in PVC and alternative materials

ECHA identified for this investigation project also the additives which are already heavily
regulated and/or not used anymore in PVC. A literature search and analysis of the results
was carried out for ~50 substances (Appendix F) to roughly screen the current status of
use and exposures and the impact of the existing regulatory measures to volumes,

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

concentrations in products and to human exposure. The results can be found in

Appendix F. It is noted that lead compounds were excluded from the project due to the
restriction decision recently adopted under REACH.

The analysis of the legacy additives in alternative plastics may be limited as only legacy
additives used in PVC were looked at, whereas alternative plastics may be relevant for
some additional legacy additives which are not relevant for PVC.

The main findings can be summarised as follows:

1. The import and volume statistics, as well as product and exposure concentration
information, indicate that the regulatory measures seem to have had an impact.
From all included legacy additives, it was only possible to identify from the data an
apparent correlation between the risk management of the substances and levels in
humans for the regulated phthalates and cadmium. For other legacy substances
other exposure sources than PVC may be more or equally relevant and no strong
link between their regulated use in PVC and the observed reductions in imports,
volumes and concentrations could be made.

2. At the EU level, current legacy additives do not normally cause a challenge for
recyclability. However, there are some exceptions and a concentration limit may
have a severe impact on the recyclability, or technical consequences. The recyclers
may choose to ensure compliance with a concentration limit by mixing waste
sources (e.g. cadmium, see Appendix F) in order to ensure recyclability. In this
case the volume of a legacy additive present in the economy by the time of the
restriction and further recycled after the restriction is only gradually reduced over
time after several recycling loops via releases and incineration.

3. For alternative plastics, the situation with current legacy additives is similar to PVC
with the exception of HBCD which was never used in PVC but in other plastics.
However, concentrations of legacy additives in products at end of service life may
be expected to be higher for especially soft PVC compared to its alternative plastics.

4. For the next steps on PVC and its additives, it is important to differentiate the
specific conditions depending on whether the driver is a risk to human health due
to direct exposure or risk to the environment (or man via environment). Due to the
fact that the major contributors to the overall additive releases from PVC lifecycle
are recycling, professional handling (in construction sector) and landfilling, the key
action for reducing environmental releases (beside site specific release reduction
management) is to reduce the overall volume of the substance at these life-cycle
stages, and in particular in recycling and landfilling. Whether such a volume
reduction or full containment is reached by specific concentration limits or by other
means (e.g. contained closed-loop recycling, cf. lead in PVC) needs to be further
explored. Substitution of a substance in new products would only have a partial
influence on the environmental releases over time due to the long lifetime of PVC
products. A significant fraction of the additive volume becomes a legacy volume as
a consequence of substitution as it still remains in the circular economy or ends up
in landfills. A mass balance of PVC over (20 years of) time was not estimated in
this project (a data gap) for the current PVC legacy additives but would be vital to
carry out in the planning of a potential REACH restriction or other type of
substitution to understand the level of effectiveness of a substitution in particular
from the viewpoint of the (new) legacy additives volumes after substitution. A
concentration limit of a substance in the product/waste/recyclate as a specific
instrument of a restriction has a direct role in reducing the risks of workers and
consumers, but whether it is effective for reducing (or minimising) risks to the

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

environment needs to be clarified. This question is particularly important to address

for soft PVC, which contains several additives in total concentrations which are
generally higher than in alternative plastics.

3.4. Recycling of PVC

Several major applications of PVC are in products with long service lifetimes. As the
widespread production of many of these long-lived products already began several
decades ago, increasing amounts of PVC waste will enter the waste management system
over the coming decades. It is estimated that 2.9 million tonnes of PVC waste are
generated annually in Europe (CfE2, #1601) (VinylPlus, 2017). However, the amount of
PVC waste is expected to increase over the years.

There are two main sources of PVC wastes: pre-consumer and post-consumer waste. Pre-
consumer waste consists of waste generated during the production of final and
intermediate products in which the materials are normally homogeneous, and the additives
are known. Pre-consumer waste can be recycled within the manufacturing facility and thus
it might not even enter the external waste stream. Post-consumer waste, the main source
of PVC waste (around 83 % or 2.4 million tonnes per year), consists of products that have
been discarded at the end of their life. In the post-consumer waste materials are likely not
homogeneous and the additives concentrations and profiles are less known.

The majority of the post-consumer waste comes from the building and construction
industry (44 %), packaging (20 %), electric and electronic equipment (8 %), automotive
industry (4 %) and the rest from several other sectors. Waste composition is affected by
the lifetime of the articles (CfE2, #1601). Thus, for articles with a relatively short lifetime
(e.g. packaging), most of the PVC consumed enters the waste stream within one year from
the production, and waste production is closely coupled with consumption. For other
products with longer lifetimes the situation is different.

Building and construction


Electrical and eletronic equipment



0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200


Rigid PVC Soft PVC

Figure 7. PVC post-consumer waste per sector

At present the vast majority of PVC pre-consumer waste is recycled (>90 %). Incineration
accounts for <8.0 % and landfilling for <2 % (CfE2, #1601). Within the EU, post-consumer
waste is mainly incinerated (51 %). Landfilling accounts for 29 % and recycling for 20 %
of the total post-consumer waste (CfE2, #1601).

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According to VinylPlus, approximately 813 000 tonnes of PVC waste was recycled in 2022
(VinylPlus, 2023). This figure includes pre-consumer waste (508 000 tonnes) and post-
consumer waste (305 000 tonnes). Figure 8 shows that the total volume of recycled PVC
from pre-consumer waste is always higher than the total volume of recycled PVC from
post-consumer waste, with the notable exception of cables for which the volume of
recycled PVC from post-consumer waste far exceeds the volume of recycled PVC from pre-
consumer waste. It can also be seen that window frames are the main source of the total
PVC (rigid and soft) that is recycled, both from pre-consumer (47 % of the total) and post-
consumer (56 % of the total) waste. It should be further noted that under its VinylPlus
2030 commitment, the organisation aims to recycle 900 000 tonnes/year by 2025 and
1 000 000 tonnes/year by 2030.

The economic incentives and technical needs for collecting, sorting and processing make
recycling more difficult in some waste streams than in others. An example of non-recovery
post-consumer waste are PVC water pipes that remain in the ground after replacement.
An example to the contrary are cables, for which the economic incentive to recover the
metal seems to drive the recycling of PVC. However, the rate of recycling does also depend
on technical needs like collecting, sorting and processing. For PVC used in cables, the rate
of recycling is not the same across different sectors. Thus, according to the data provided
by VinylPlus, while the rate of recycling in building and construction (~50 %) and for
electric and electronic equipment (~60 %)11 is substantial, this is not the case for the
automotive sector (~11 %).

If economic profitability (usually associated to scaling and the availability of enough

adequately sourced PVC waste) cannot be achieved, the recycling of PVC will not take
place unless there are legal obligations or voluntary measures to enforce or promote it. In
this regard, the on-going work by the PVC industry to improve recycling of PVC should be

In terms of the type of PVC, recycled rigid PVC accounts for 60 % of the total recycled PVC
both from pre-consumers and post-consumer waste (VinylPlus, 2023).

This rate seems to contradict the information received from plastic recyclers which suggests that
PVC in electrical and electronic equipment mostly ends up in the heavy fraction of the shredder light
fraction which is subsequently incinerated.

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

Recycled PVC 2022







Flooring Window Pipes and Rigid Other Cables Flexible
frames fittings films rigid PVC

Pre-consumer Post-consumer

Source: VinylPlus Progress Report (VinylPlus, 2023)

Figure 8. Contribution of specific product types to recycling volumes of PVC in 2022

Today, PVC waste is recycled mainly by mechanical recycling which is more effective when
the provenance of PVC waste is known, i.e. if the PVC waste is cleaner, has a known
composition and the previous history is available to the recycler. However, those waste
sources are limited.

New technologies for chemical (feedstock) recycling of mixed PVC wastes are still under
development (Sadat-Shojai, 2011). And even though the recycling rates of these
technologies have increased for plastic in general, they are still not optimal for several

For PVC, as well as for other plastics, there is a potential for release of microparticles that
might be formed during handling, conveying and/or processing of PVC articles. One of the
most common means of generation is via abrasion, but also when articles are cut or
shredded, which are common activities in the recycling processes (see the next section on
the microparticle releases).

In addition, and for soft PVC in particular, higher additive concentrations are expected in
compounded PVC compared to other plastics (albeit exceptions may apply) and therefore,
additive releases carried by the PVC microparticle releases can also be expected to be
proportionally higher than for those of other plastics. This is especially relevant for workers
in recycling facilities where combined exposure to multiple PVC additives is likely.

More information about waste management of PVC/PVC articles can be found in Appendix

3.5. About the role of microparticle releases

PVC microparticle releases have a role as the main carrier of PVC additives releases. Most
of the PVC additive releases to the environment occur in particle form (see Appendix B).
The activities with the highest dust/microparticle formation potential contribute the most
to the estimated additive releases. The largest contributors to the environmental releases
of (prioritised) additives (section see and Appendix B) can, in absence of more

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

detailed information and approaches, and relying on the default exposure assessment
approaches of OECD and ECHA, be assumed to reflect well the most significant contributors
to the PVC microparticle environmental releases as well.

PVC uses can be expected to cause environmental releases of PVC microparticles in all life-
cycle steps (see Appendix A). Although no attempt was made in this project to estimate
such releases, an estimate was derived for the releases to the aquatic environment from
recycling plants based on a recent study (see Appendix A for details). Although the
estimate (7 750 tonnes per year) covers member facilities of VinylPlus only, it is an
indication of significant PVC microparticle releases. Furthermore, the scarce measured
environmental data provides evidence of PVC microparticle exposures in the environment.
Due to the lack of specific effects studies for PVC based on ECHA (2020) data (no data
search carried out in this project), specific observed effects of microparticle exposures
cannot be directly attributed to PVC but generically to any plastic microparticles. Despite
of the data gaps, it can be inferred that PVC uses cause same risks as caused by the
releases of intentionally added synthetic plastic microparticles, for which a restriction has
been recently adopted (EC, 2023b).

As discussed in section 3.2, the additives are considered as very persistent when released
in particle form. Minimization of the PVC microparticle releases to the environment, in
particular from the soft PVC, is needed due to the non-threshold nature of the risk from
(prioritised) PVC additives. Soft PVC needs higher concentrations of additives compared
to alternative plastics. Contribution of soft PVC via microparticle releases in particular to
the co-exposures of additives is proportionally higher than for alternative plastics and for
rigid PVC.

To summarise, reduction (minimisation) of PVC microparticle releases to the environment

is needed as:

1. PVC microparticle releases function as the main carrier for (the prioritised) PVC
additive releases,

2. the additive releases carried by the PVC microparticle releases can be expected to
be proportionally higher from PVC than from other plastics due to the higher
additive concentrations usually needed (exceptions may apply),

3. PVC microparticles contribute to a proportionally higher additives co-exposure than

other plastics (and other alternative materials),

4. PVC microparticles render the additives very persistent, and

5. PVC microparticles cause a risk themselves in analogy to the restricted intentionally

added plastic microparticles.

Particularly point 2 and 3 are specific to PVC, whereas the other points can be expected to
apply similarly to other plastics. The link between the estimated additives releases and
PVC microparticle releases needs to be understood more in detail in order to identify the
most effective emission reduction measures, considering that the recycling rates are
increasing as a result of EU policy on plastics (data and assessment gap).

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

4. Impacts of risk mitigation

PVC is used in various sectors and uses, each having their specific functionality
requirements, alternatives, substitution possibilities and impacts. The impact assessment
covers both alternative materials to PVC and alternatives to prioritised substances used as
additives in PVC, which include some plasticisers, heat stabilisers and flame retardants
(see Appendix B).12

The impacts were assessed by use, covering pipes, cables, flooring, window frames,
packaging, medical packaging (blister packs), toys, medical applications and artificial

The main focus of the impact assessment is on the costs of substituting PVC with
alternative materials or substituting certain additives in PVC with other substances. In
addition, the impacts of no-recycling of PVC were assessed. The costs of other potential
risk management options, such as product modifications or emission abatement at the
end-of-pipe, were not assessed.

In the absence of a quantitative risk assessment, human health and environmental

benefits were not monetised. Benefits from the substitution of PVC and prioritised
additives, as well as from technological emission reduction measures, are described
qualitatively. Foreseen follow-up work related to the impact assessment is described in
Appendix C. This includes a proposal for an approach for calculating the release reduction
potential of different risk management measures, taking into account the damage
potential of the additives based on their level of concern.

The geographic scope of the impact assessment is the European Union as of 2020 (EU27).
The assessment could also apply to the EEA states. However, because of a lack of data for
Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, impacts in these countries were not assessed.

All cost estimates are expressed in 2022 prices, with inflation adjustment based on the
Eurostat consumer price index (Eurostat, 2023). Annual costs are presented whenever
possible. The discount rate used in the calculation of net present value of lifetime costs is
3 % (EC, 2023a).

4.1. Substitution of additives

This section describes the impacts from replacing prioritised additives used in PVC with
alternatives. The assessment was made separately for the three groups of additives and
their uses.

For all of the prioritised additives, there is a non-threshold potential hazard (very high
persistency, ED and/or PBT/vPvB) for which release/exposure should be minimised. In
order to facilitate the impact assessment, additives were categorised based on the
assessed level of concern to four categories: high, medium, low and currently no identified

Additives were prioritised for further analysis in the report based on their hazard scoring and
release potential. Several substances currently used were excluded, because they were undergoing
the final stages of regulatory decision process towards regulatory risk management.

Roofing, wallpapers and other (miscellaneous consumer items) have not been covered in the
analysis due to lack of data.

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

concern (Table 6). This concern banding was done based on hazard properties and
(un)certainty of a (potential) hazard. This allows calculating the costs of moving from
additives of higher concern to those of lower concern, or to additives with no identified

Table 6. Concern banding for the prioritised additives used in PVC

Currently no
Function High concern Medium concern Low concern
Organotins (DOTTG,
Heat Organotins (DOTE,
stabilisers DOTDL, DMTE)
Phenyl 1,3-diones
Medium chain (C7-C8)
Long chain (C9-C18)
Plasticisers DEHP Terephthalates (DBTP) DOTP
Flame Organophosphates
Diantimony trioxide Zinc molybdate
retardants Zinc borates
MOTE with a concentration of DOTE below 0.3%

Substitution costs were estimated for reducing the quantity of the prioritised additives,
based on the price difference between a prioritised additive and an alternative additive of
lower concern. The costs are a proxy of the consumer surplus losses to be expected from
the substitution. When available, additional one-off costs related to either R&D or
machinery were estimated.

Supply chain impacts include producer surplus losses for the EU producers of additives.
They were estimated when the currently used additive is (mainly) produced in the EU,
while the alternative additive is (mainly) imported. The assessment follows the SEAC
approach for cases where alternatives are generally available in the EU (SEAC, 2021) and
assumes a 10 % profit margin, 20-year assessment period, and a discount rate of 3 %.

Considering that the hazards in PVC additives are mainly non-threshold and most of them
lack a dedicated dose-response function that would link exposure to expected health
outcomes, a PBT approach should be applied (SEAC 2023). The impact assessment for
PBT (and other persistent) substances consists of calculating the cost per kg or tonne of
releases avoided (so-called cost-effectiveness). The cost-effectiveness of release
reductions of prioritised additives was not quantified in the impact assessment of this
investigation report (see Appendix C for reasons why that was not feasible).

The main gap of the impact assessment relates to the supply chain impacts on
manufacturers of the chemicals and raw materials (additive producers, suppliers of
chemicals etc.), and the possible employment impacts.

4.1.1. Benefits of additives substitution in reducing risks

The environmental benefits, and hence risk reduction, from substituting prioritised
additives can currently be quantified only in terms of release reduction. The difference of
the (eco)toxicity profiles between a prioritised additive and its alternative can be
considered qualitatively. This results from the risk assessment approach taken for the
environmental risks (‘PBT-like’ concern, see Appendix B).

Substitution of prioritised PVC additives may be expected to gradually reduce their volume
in the circular economy and may hence be expected to also reduce their releases. This
project did not quantify how much the substitution of the prioritised additives would reduce

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

additive releases. The magnitude of the release reduction is uncertain. It is mainly

dependent on the relationships between the remaining volume of the substituted additive
in the circular economy, the applications in which recycled PVC is used, as well as the
volume of PVC annually landfilled, recycled and incinerated. Releases may also change in
case the substitution changes the volumes going to recycling, landfilling and incineration.

As a result of substituting prioritised additives, negative impacts on human health (via

indirect exposure) and the environment might be prevented or they would appear further
in the future. The benefit can be described qualitatively in a similar manner as in the recent
restrictions of PBT/vPvB and PBT-like substances, but may be less pronounced, due to e.g.
the expected increase in the recycling of PVC. In case substitution would be complemented
with other technical release prevention/reduction measures, reduction of recycling (of
those products containing prioritised additives), and increase of incineration (of those
products containing prioritised additives), the benefits would likely be more pronounced.
However, mass balance modelling would be necessary to better estimate the outcomes.

The benefits of substituting specific additives for which there are risks to human health
from the direct exposure of workers and/or consumers can be explicitly identified. The
substitution would gradually lead to a control of risks related to the known toxicity
endpoint(s) (e.g. neurotoxicity, reproductive toxicity). However, risks due to the prevailing
co-exposures were not quantified (see qualitative discussion in Appendix B). Thus, the
benefits of substituting individual additives may be underestimated by the conventional
risk assessment approach applied in this project. Benefits could be higher if also additional
prioritised additives for which no risk was identified individually (or no assessment was
made) were substituted. Such additional benefits can, however, only be understood by
carrying out a risk assessment addressing the most relevant co-exposures.

4.1.2. Plasticisers

Plasticisers are needed in soft PVC uses, e.g. pipes (flexible tubes), cables, flooring, soft
packaging, toys and artificial leather. Of the prioritised additives, medium chain ortho-
phthalates (DEHP, DINP, DPHP, D810P), long chain ortho-phthalates (DIDP, DUP, D911P,
D114P, DDP and DDDP, D1012P), terephthalates (DOTP, DBTP), trimellitates (TOTM,
T810TM, T911TM, TINTM, TIDTM) and triphenylphosphate derivatives (tBuTPP) are used.

The main alternative plasticiser is DOTP, which is included in the list of prioritised additives
but has currently no identified concern. Also DINCH, which is not in the list of prioritised
additives, could be a potential alternative, but its availability is lower than DOTP. Thus,
the analysis mainly focuses on replacing prioritised additives with identified concern with

DOTP could replace DINP (medium concern) and DIDP (low concern) in standard cables,
flooring, packaging and artificial leather. DOTP has already been gradually replacing DINP
in the EU, e.g. in flooring (ERFMI, e-mail, 1.6.2023, Bywall & Cederlund 2020).

Based on information from the industry, DINP is replaceable with DOTP with no
considerable impacts on performance (CfE3, #1708, VinylPlus). The main cost would be
in terms of the possible price difference between the two plasticisers (CfE3, #1708,
VinylPlus). The availability of DOTP in the world market has pushed down the prices to be
comparable to DINP (Chemorbis, 2022a), and DOTP has been on average €50/tonne more
expensive than DINP and DIDP (Chemorbis, 2022b).

In all medical applications, DEHP can be replaced by the other non-regulated alternatives
(DOTP, DINCH, TOTM and BTHC) (CfE3, #1708, VinylPlus). DOTP has already replaced
DEHP in most medical applications, but DEHP remains to be used in specific applications,

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

including blood bags (CfE3, #1708, VinylPlus). DOTP is on average €580/tonne more
expensive than DEHP (ECHA, 2006, Intratec, 2023, Maag et al., 2010).

Other medium chain ortho-phthalates (medium concern) and trimellitates (medium

concern) could potentially be replaced with long chain ortho-phthalates (low concern). For
example, DPHP could be replaced with DIDP or DUP in cables that require a high
temperature resistance. The prices of DPHP and DIDP are assumed to be equal, and thus
the costs from this replacement would mainly entail reformulation costs. The other long
chain ortho-phthalates, such as DUP, are assumed to be twice as expensive as DIDP,
based on anecdotal evidence. Trimellitates are assumed to have the same price as long
chain ortho-phthalates.

The main supply chain impacts would take place as a result of replacing plasticisers
produced mainly in the EU with substances that are largely imported. Many medium and
low concern plasticisers are mostly produced in the EU, except for DUP (100 % imported)
and DBTP (90 % imported). DINP and DIDP are almost entirely produced in the EU (0.2–
2.4 % imported), and also DEHP is largely manufactured in the EU (9 % imported).

DOTP is primarily imported (67 %), mainly from South Korea, US, China and Turkey
(Chemorbis 2023; CfE3, #1708, VinylPlus). Thus, moving from the other plasticisers to
DOTP would mean profit losses for EU plasticiser producers, at least in the short term. If
DOTP manufacturing capacity would increase in the EU, the profit losses would be reduced
or eliminated.

The profit impacts can be estimated based on the purchase prices and sales volumes of
the plasticisers to be replaced (DINP, DIDP and DEHP) and the profit margins. If DOTP
capacity building would take place in the EU, the profit losses incurred by producers of
other additives would eventually be compensated by increases in the profit of DOTP

In addition to costs related to additive prices and profit losses to EU plasticiser producers,
there may be (one-off) reformulation costs for article manufacturers. Estimates vary
between €0.25–5 million per company, depending on the sector and use. Table 7
summarises the costs of moving to plasticisers of lower concern.

Table 7. Costs to EU companies of moving to plasticisers of lower concern

Use Additive(s) to be Alternative Additional Supply chain Other costs

replaced additive(s) additive impacts:
costs per producer
year profit losses
(million €) (million €)
Cables DINP (standard DOTP 2 1 Reformulation
cables) costs to cable
Medium chain Long chain 14 None providers: €0.3
ortho-phthalates ortho- million per
and trimellitates phthalates company,
(high temperature ~€120 million
rating cables)
Flooring DINP DOTP 1.4 0.5 Reformulation
already largely
taken place
Soft DINP DIDP DOTP 0.13 0.05 NA
DEHP DOTP 1.0–5.9 0.08

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

Medical TOTM DOTP? NA NA R&D activities,

applications logistics, the
additive itself,
costs, ~€0.25
million per
Toys No plasticisers with None None NA
identified concern
used in EU
Artificial DINP DIDP DOTP 0.5–2.8 0.7 NA
leather DPHP DIDP None NA NA

D810P Long chain 0.8–5.0 NA NA

Trimellitates Long chain None NA NA
Medium Long DINCH None NA R&D costs up
chain chain to €5 million
ortho- ortho- per company
phthalat phthalat Mesamoll 9-56 NA NA
es es
Total 29–87 2.3 NA
(million €)
Notes: NA = not available. Colours correspond to concern categories, defined based on the (potential) hazard
and its certainty: red = high concern, orange = medium concern, yellow = low concern, green = currently no
identified regulatory concern.

4.1.3. Heat stabilisers

Over 90 % of the heat stabilisers used in the EU are mixed metal stabilisers, mostly Zn/Ca
carboxylates, which have currently no identified concern. Of the prioritised heat stabilisers,
organotins (mainly DOTE, DMTE, MOTE and MMTE) and phenyl 1,3-diones are used. About
6 % of the total stabiliser consumption in the EU are organotins.

Organotins are used specifically for their performance-enhancing properties (CfE3, #1708,
VinylPlus). Organotins contribute to the long-term heat stability and durability of the
product and provide colour retention and transparency (CfE3, #1708, VinylPlus). They are
suitable for high-demanding process conditions and provide a good processability with
high throughput (CfE3, #1708, VinylPlus). Organotins are used in specific applications
including pipes, window frames, rigid packaging and medical packaging (blister packs),
but also (potentially to a small extent) in flooring.

Although mixed metal stabilisers (mainly Zn/Ca) are already largely used, they have a
lower performance in terms of long-term heat stability and durability than organotins
(CfE3, #1708, VinylPlus). Thus, substituting organotins with mixed metal stabilisers has
impacts on the performance. Industry has indicated that without organotins, some
products could no longer be produced, including window frames as well as pressure fittings
and valves in pipes, at least not without a suitable transitional period (CfE3, #1708,
VinylPlus; CfE3, #1652, TEPPFA).

The use of MOTE and MMTE would be of lower concern than DOTE and DMTE, but there is
contradictory information on their interchangeability. According to industry information,

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

DOTE has already been substituted by MOTE to the extent possible, and it is not possible
to fully replace DOTE with MOTE and DMTE with MMTE, as different organotins bring
specific technical performance properties and hence cannot simply replace each other
(CfE3, #1708, VinylPlus). However, this may not be the case for packaging. In
pharmaceutical packaging, DOTE has already been replaced with MOTE, and there are
indications that DOTE and MOTE are easily exchangeable in all packaging (pharmaceutical
packaging representative, personal communication, 29/09/2023). Similarly, there has
been a major move away from DOTE to MOTE in food packaging since 2018 (VinylPlus,
email communication, 09/10/2023). Thus, it appears that specifically in packaging, MOTE
can replace DOTE without any major consequences on performance or costs. For the other
uses where organotins are needed, i.e. pressure pipes, fittings and valves as well as
window frames, it is unclear to what extent MOTE could replace DOTE. A more complete
analysis of replacing DOTE will be possible when information is available from REACH
applications for authorisation on the technical performance and costs of alternatives for
DOTE, which should start in Q3 of 2023 given the latest application date for that substance.

As no alternative additives to organotins with similar performance are currently available,

eliminating their use would require replacing them with lower-performing additives, such
as mixed metal stabilisers, developing novel additives that perform similarly, or replacing
PVC with alternative materials (see section 4.2 for cost estimates)

The costs of replacing organotins with mixed metal stabilisers were estimated, recognising
that the latter do not provide the same performance. The price of organotin additives is
on average €9 000–12 000/tonne, while Zn/Ca stabilisers cost €5 000–7 000/tonne
(ESPA, email communication, 18/05/2023). However, a 1–3 times larger quantity of the
Zn/Ca stabiliser is needed (ESPA, email communication, 18/05/2023). Assuming the
average price and taking into account the larger quantity of Zn/Ca stabiliser needed, using
a mixed metal stabiliser would be approximately €1 500/tonne more expensive than using

In addition to increased costs, lower heat stability with mixed metal stabilisers may also
reduce the processing time window for converters, increasing downtime and generating
more scrap, as well as increasing the energy consumption in manufacturing, leading to
increased risk of damage to machinery and eventually reducing the recyclability of PVC
(CfE3, #1625, Swish Building Products; #1675, BENVIC SAS).

Stabilisers are relatively small volume products (e.g. compared with plasticisers) and often
made in batch reactors (CfE3, #1708, VinylPlus). Thus, the total replacement costs are
not as high as for plasticisers (CfE3, #1708, VinylPlus). However, the development of new
stabilisers is expected to incur significant costs, including R&D costs associated with the
adjustment for formulations and testing of key properties for compounders, evaluation of
formulations and alignment with application requirements for converters, conformity with
norms or quality labels either for the compounders or converters, as well as investments
to build new plants and machinery (CfE3, #1657, BENVIC SAS, #1708, VinylPlus). Precise
cost estimates of developing novel heat stabilisers to replace organotins are not available,
but earlier substitution costs could give potential indication of their magnitude. For
example, costs of replacing lead-based stabilisers over a period of 15 years were of the
order of €100–250 million (CfE3, #1708, VinylPlus). Additionally, reformulation, R&D and
requalification cost at converters may be significant, reaching up to €5 million for a single
company (CfE3, #1708, VinylPlus).

The main impacts on the supply chain of chemical would occur from replacing additives of
concern with ones of lower concern. Of the organotins, DOTE and MOTE are mainly
manufactured in the EU (DOTE 80 %, MOTE 65 %), as is ‘reaction mass of 1-

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

phenyloctadecane-1,3-dione and phenylicosane-1,3-dione’ (72 %). Almost all DMTE and

DOT-MalEt is imported (6–7 % manufactured in the EU) and MMTE is fully imported.

Import of Zn/Ca stabilisers to the EU is negligible, except from Turkey (ESPA, email
communication, 18/05/2023). Considering that Zn/Ca stabilisers are largely produced in
the EU, no significant negative supply chain impacts in the EU are expected from replacing
organotins with Zn/Ca stabilisers. Table 8 summarises the costs of moving to heat
stabilisers of lower concern.

Table 8. Costs to EU companies of moving to heat stabilisers with lower concern

Use Additive(s) to be Alternative Additional Supply Other costs

replaced additive(s) additive chain
costs per impacts:
year producer
(million €) profit
(million €)
Pipes DOTE MMTE MOTE Zn/Ca 0.2 None Reformulation
DMTE DOTTG stabilisers costs; over €10
million per
product range
(number of
product ranges
Flooring DOTE Phenyl MOTE Zn/Ca NA NA NA
1,3- stabilisers
Window DOTE MMTE MOTE Zn/Ca 0.9 None Reformulation,
frames DMTE DOT- stabilisers R&D and
MalEt requalification
DOTTG costs for
Phenyl converters up to
1,3- €5 million per
diones company
Rigid DOTE MMTE MOTE Zn/Ca 2.1 None Reformulation,
packaging DMTE stabilisers R&D and
(MOTE, no requalification
cost costs for
information converters up to
available) €5 million per
Blister DOTE MMTE MOTE Zn/Ca 2.2 None Reformulation,
packs DMTE DOTTG stabilisers R&D and
(MOTE, no requalification
cost costs for
information converters up to
available) €5 million per
Toys Phenyl 1,3-diones Zn/Ca NA NA NA
Total 5.4 NA NA
Notes: NA = not available. Colours correspond to concern categories, defined based on the (potential) hazard
and its certainty: red = high concern, orange = medium concern, yellow = low concern, green = currently no
identified regulatory concern.

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4.1.4. Flame retardants

Limited information is available regarding the prioritised flame retardants used in PVC and
their potential alternatives. Of the prioritised flame retardants, diantimony trioxide (ATO)
and borates are used in cables and artificial leather in automotive interiors, and in low
quantities in flooring. In addition, phosphates are used in cables.

Diantimony trioxide (ATO), an inorganic synergist to enhance the flame retardancy of

halogens such as chlorine, is one of the most commonly used flame retardants in PVC (e.g.
CfE3, #1653; #1683; #1704; #1708).

Zinc stannate, magnesium dihydrate and aluminium trihydrate have been mentioned as
potential alternative flame retardants (CfE3, #1708, VinylPlus; #1620, anonymous). New
low toxicity flame retardants and smoke suppressants are under market development, but
the exact chemistry is proprietary and undergoing patent filing (VinylPlus, email
communication, 16/05/2023).

There are indications that the prioritised flame retardants currently used could not be
easily replaced due to negative impacts on flame retardancy, increased additive costs and
issues with zinc availability (CfE3, #1697, EURATEX). However, many of the flame
retardants used in cables could potentially be replaced by ATO (a move from high or
medium concern to low concern), and ATO could possibly be replaced by zinc stannate,
magnesium dihydrate or aluminium trihydrate (a move from low to currently no identified
concern) (CfE3, #1620; #1704; #1708; Vinylplus, email communication, 16/05/2023). At
present, there is no information on the costs and other impacts of such substitution.

4.2. Substitution of the material

This section describes the impacts of substituting PVC with alternative materials. The costs
of substituting PVC with alternative materials were monetised, at least partly, for all uses
covered in the impact assessment.

For some uses (pipes, cables, flooring, window frames), article lifetime costs were
assessed, including the purchase, installation, replacement, maintenance and dismantling
costs. These uses have a long lifetime, often decades. The lifetime costs are expressed as
net present value over the lifetime of the material that has the longest lifetime in each
use. This allows considering the difference in lifetimes of the various materials
quantitatively. The lifetime costs of a representative article were multiplied with the annual
quantity of PVC articles placed on the market in the EU. The resulting figure represents
the annual cost of substituting PVC with an alternative material in that specific use, or the
annual change in the consumer surplus for the end-users of the affected articles.

For some uses (packaging, medical packaging (blister packs), medical applications, toys,
artificial leather), assessment of lifetime costs was not possible due to lack of information.
For these, the costs include the difference in the price of the materials for the total annual
sales volume of PVC in the use, as well as some discussion on possible additional costs of
substitution. The cost estimates for these uses can be considered as providing supporting
information but are not deemed sufficient for a proper assessment of substitution costs.

Producer surplus losses were estimated for the producers of PVC articles using SEAC’s
approach to assessing changes in the producer surplus for cases where alternatives are
generally available in the EU (SEAC 2021) and assuming a 10 % profit margin, 20-year
assessment period and a discount rate of 3 % (SEAC, 2021).

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Investment cost estimates are reported for some uses. However, the profit losses and the
one-off costs related to new machinery cannot be aggregated due to double-counting
issues as both approximate the same loss in producer surplus impact.

Supply chain impacts were not quantified due to lack of data. The main exclusions are the
supply chain impacts for the manufacturers of the chemicals (PVC producers,
compounders, additive producers etc.) and the raw materials, and the possible
employment impacts on the entire supply chain, starting from the raw material supply all
the way to the production of the PVC articles.

Circular economy aspects and wider environmental impacts of PVC and alternative
materials were assessed based on life cycle analysis (LCA) data and literature. Where
possible, these wider impacts were quantified, and for climate change impacts also
monetised, to assess the costs to society. A more rigorous quantitative approach was
applied for flooring to give an example of a proposed approach in the follow-up-work for
uses such as pipes, cables and window frames that have good LCA data availability.

There is no quantitative comparison of human health and environmental risks between

PVC and alternative materials. A qualitative comparison can be found in Appendix A.

4.2.1. Benefits of material substitution in reducing risks

As pointed out in section 3 and Appendices A and B, substitution of PVC with other plastics
would be expected to have a two-fold effect. Firstly, particularly for substituting soft PVC,
it can be expected that the releases of priority additives and hence environmental risks
are reduced, as the alternative plastics generally contain less and partly other additives
(it is noted however that the safety of additives not used in PVC was not mapped in this
project). Secondly, a minor effect on the risks directly related to the plastic microparticle
releases can be expected, but it is not known whether that has an overall positive (risk
reduction) or negative impact (risk increase). The factors that determine whether the
substitution would result in a reduction or increase of risk are mainly related to differences
in the rate of recycling and landfilling of PVC and the alternative plastics. For a reliable
estimation, the difference of the microparticle releases of a plastic alternative and PVC
would need to be assessed.

4.2.2. Pipes

PVC is used in many piping applications, which can be narrowed down into three broad
applications: potable/drinking water, sewage, and industry.

These categories account for more than 95 % of the total use of PVC in pipes. For
potable/drinking water and sewage, there are many alternative materials that the water
service provider or other end-users can choose to use. According to industry, there is
evidence that alternatives are widely used, but it is possible that there can be niche uses
where PVC would be hard to replace with an alternative.

The annual volume of PVC pipes in 2017 for potable/drinking water was 254 000 tonnes,
for sewage 682 000 tonnes and for industry 88 000 tonnes. Sub-applications that are not
covered by the three categories had an annual volume of around 80 000 in total. (CfE2,
#1596, TEPPFA.)

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The impact assessment was performed by converting the tonnages into a functional unit
of a DN20014 PVC pipe. The annual tonnage in the EU translates into 20 000 – 34 000 km
of potable/drinking water pipes, 54 000 – 91 000 km sewage pipes, and 7 000 – 12 000
km industrial pipes. Potable/drinking water and sewage pipes are fully covered in the
socioeconomic analysis. More details related to the industry pipes are discussed in the
section dealing with prioritised additives, their substitutability and associated costs. Other,
smaller uses are not covered by the analysis.

For all three pipe applications, many different materials or combination of materials (i.e.
internal, or external coating) are used. The choice of the material of the pipes is not only
based on performance requirements since all listed materials under each application are
technically feasible. For a more detailed overview of the use of different materials, ECHA
asked APE (Aqua Publica Europea) to conduct a market study of EU water companies
(regional & municipal). A total of 10 companies sent responses to the market study. Based
on the stakeholder responses, there are large differences between EU countries with
regard to which materials are favoured (APE, market study, 2023).

PVC is not the most commonly used material for potable/drinking water. The main
alternatives to PVC in this pipe category are PE and ductile iron. PVC is also used as a
water service pipe within buildings, where the main alternative is PP. In the economic
assessment, it was estimated that 70 % of PVC is replaced with PE, 20 % with ductile iron
and 10 % with PE. PVC is the cheapest pipe material for potable/drinking water, with PE
pipes being at least 20 % and ductile iron pipes 90 % more expensive.

While the difference in the purchase cost is high, the purchase cost itself is a minor cost
component in comparison to the installation costs (5-10 % of the total cost), and thus the
price of the pipe itself is not a deciding factor when choosing the material.

PVC is also the cheapest available material for sewage systems based on the market study.
For small diameter sewage pipes, common alternatives to PVC are PP, PE and stoneware.
In regions where different piping materials are used within the sewage infrastructure, PVC
is mainly used for gravity non-pressurised systems. PE is 30-100 % more expensive
(gravity pipes), and stoneware is 190-400 % more expensive compared to PVC. It is also
likely that stoneware is more expensive to install. The main alternative for gravity pipes,
PP, is around 0-20 % more expensive compared to PVC. (Pipelife, personal
communication, 2023). For large diameter sewage pipes, PVC is used to a lesser extent.
The main materials are concrete, stoneware and PP.

Based on the information, it is expected that the main alternative for PVC sewage pipes
are PP (75 % replacement) and PE (25 % replacement).

All the materials listed as alternatives for pipes fulfil the key characteristics. However,
there are differences in their performance, e.g. with regards to the ease of detecting leaks,
flow capacity and lifetime. The largest use for PVC is in the category of small diameter
pipes in gravity sewage pipes. PVC is easier to install than PE pipes since it does not need
to be welded and has a smoother surface than PE pipes making it less likely for the pipe
to get stuck (APE, 2023; HSY, personal communication, 2022 & 2023). PE can also be
used as a gravity sewage pipe but will need a protective tube to keep its shape.

DN stands for Diametre nominel which denotes the inside diameter (in millimeters) of a pipe.
DN200 pipe has an inside diameter of 200mm.

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

PP pipes do not require welding and have a smooth surface and are therefore the main
alternative for PVC sewage pipes as well as PVC pipes that are used in buildings.

Table 9. Impacts of replacing PVC with alternative materials in pipes


(Main) Potable/drinking water: PE, Ductile Iron, Carbon Steel, PP

Sewage: PP, PE, (Concrete and Stoneware)

Industry: PE (medium and high density), PE-X, polyamide/nylon,

stainless steel, copper, ductile iron, aluminium, PP

Economic The total cost of replacing PVC pipes for potable/drinking water and
impacts sewage would be in the magnitude of €520 million per year in the EU.

Industry is not included in the calculation. However, it represents only 3-

4 % of the total PVC tonnage in the use.

In addition, some of the alternatives might be slightly more expensive to


Supply chain Pipe manufacturers would have to invest at least €840 million for new
impacts machinery if they were to switch producing only alternative materials
(ECHA Market survey 2023, TEPPFA).

Life cycle If PVC pipes are replaced with alternative material pipes, the CO2
impacts emissions would decrease. This is attributable to lower CO2 emissions of
PP compared to PVC. With the social cost of carbon approach, the value
of the decrease would be around €120 million per year.

However, in total, based on the current evidence, it cannot be concluded

if PVC performs better or worse than other materials.

4.2.3. Cables

A cable is an assembly of one or more wires to transmit electrical power or data. The
conductor of the cable is most often copper or aluminium. The next layer in a typical cable
is the insulation, which protects the wire(s). Insulation is made out of non-conducting
material, such as plastic or rubber. The most common material used for insulation is PVC.
The top of the cable is called the jacket or the sheath of the cable. Again, the same material
choices apply, the most common ones being PVC and polyolefins. For many cables, there
is also a layer called armour between the insulation and the jacket, most often made of
steel (Aupetit, 2021).

Cables are used in many sectors. The main sectors are buildings and construction,
electrical and electronic equipment (EEE), and vehicles (in which the automotive sector is
the main sub-sector). Approximately 466 000 tonnes of compounded PVC are used to
produce cables annually in the EU. This figure includes the cables used in the building and
construction sector, in EEE, and in vehicles (mainly cars). (CfE2, #1564, Europacable).
However, Europacable (CfE2, #1564, Europacable) points out that this does not include
imported cables, and the actual tonnage of PVC in cables placed on the EU market may be

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

significantly higher. However, more cars are exported from the EU than imported to the
EU (ACEA, 2022), partially balancing this mismatch.

In the cables placed on the EU market, PVC has the highest market share of around 35-
40 %. PE (including low/medium/high density PE and PE-X) cables have a market share
of around 33-38 %, low smoke zero halogen/halogen-free flame-retardant (LS0H/HFFR
“halogen free cables” – main resins polyolefins mixed with EVA) have a market share of
around 18 % and others, such as silicone rubber cables, represent the remaining market
share (PVC4Cables websites, 2023).

Mainly due to a stricter fire safety requirement for buildings materials the overall market
share of PVC cables has decreased significantly (from around 65 % in 2000 to around
35 % in 2023) (Aupetit, 2021; Sarti and Piana, 2022).

The economic impacts of substitution are calculated for the end-users of the cables, who
pay the purchase of the cable, either in the price of the cable itself, or as a component in
a more complex product. In the case of cables, evaluation of the costs for use and
maintenance are not relevant as cables do not need ordinary maintenance and the costs
of use (for example in the form of loss of electric power) are not significant if cables are
correctly installed.

The functional unit used in the assessment is a standard 3 x 1.5 mm cable for the building
and construction sector; a standard GTP cable for the vehicle sector; for EEE, we are only
able to assess the costs based on the material costs. It is assumed that the main
alternative would be halogen-free cables for the building and construction sector (10-15 %
more expensive), PE-X for the vehicles (10-20 % more expensive) and TPE for EEE (152 %
more expensive).

Table 10. Impacts of replacing PVC with alternative materials in cables


(Main) Building and construction: Halogen-free cables, PE

Vehicles: PE-X


Economic If total volume of PVC would be replaced with the main alternatives, the cost
impacts would be at minimum €384 million per year. However, it is likely that there would
be large R&D costs for both the cable manufacturers and the manufacturers of
EEE and vehicles.

Supply chain One-off costs related to machinery could then amount to €4-8 billion. While an
impacts average lifespan of a 40 years is indicated for such machinery (CfE3, #1656,
Fenerazione ANIE), on average, the current machinery has a remaining lifespan
of 20 years. The annualised costs would then be around €270 – 540 million.

Life cycle Only one relevant study was identified. In the study, PE outperformed PVC in all
impacts but one of the assessed impact categories. On the other hand, PVC outperformed
PET in all other impact categories with the exception of acidification. The ranking
of materials for the total (standardised across impact categories) environmental
impacts was quite clear, as PE was the favoured material, PVC the second, and
PET performed the worst. As PE is one of the main alternatives to PVC, there
would likely be fewer negative impacts for the environment following the

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

However, with the current knowledge, there is not enough evidence to calculate
the environmental impacts of switching from PVC to alternative cable materials.

4.2.4. Flooring

PVC is used as a material in flooring. There are different types of PVC flooring.
Homogenous PVC flooring refers to floor covering with one or more layers of the same
composition and colour, either as sheets or tiles. Heterogenous PVC flooring consists of an
added wear layer (or a foam layer), and are available as sheets, tiles or planks. Tiles and
planks can be sold as Luxury Vinyl Tiles. PVC flooring is in the market segment of resilient
flooring (with linoleum, other polymers, rubber and cork), which consist of materials that
can withstand heavy use, are easy to maintain, hygienic, and comfortable underfoot.
However, products within the resilient market segment also compete with other products
in the flooring market in general.

In 2021, an estimate of 773 000 tonnes of compounded PVC was imported and used for
flooring (60 % imported, 40 % EU production) in the EU. The tonnage equates to roughly
200 million square meters of flooring (ERFMI, e-mail, 02.06.2023). PVC has a market
share of 91 % of the resilient flooring market, but in the overall flooring market, the
market share of PVC is lower than 10 %.

Given that many alternative materials exist PVC represents a small share of the overall
flooring market, and an alternative can be found for every use. Therefore, ECHA does not
see the technical feasibility of the alternatives as a significant problem for substitution.
However, PVC tends to be less costly compared to alternative materials. The low cost is
the result of low material cost, ease of installation and ease of maintenance, and better
durability compared to some materials (i.e. carpet and laminate).

The economic impacts (reported in Table 11) of substitution were calculated for the end-
user of the flooring. Material cost, installation cost, maintenance, and lifetime are included
in the assessment. The cost of substitution is calculated both for the resilient flooring
materials and the flooring materials in general.

Table 11. Impacts of replacing PVC with alternative materials in flooring


Alternatives Other polymers, linoleum, rubber, ceramics, carpet, laminate, wood

Economic If the total volume of PVC would be replaced with the cheapest alternative
impacts polymer, the total cost would be in minimum €2.4 billion per year.

If PVC is replaced with other resilient flooring materials according to their market
shares in the market segment, the total cost would be in minimum €10 billion
per year and calculated with the mean prices €15 billion per year.

If PVC is replaced with other flooring materials according to their market shares
in the EU flooring market, the total cost would be in minimum €13 billion per year
and calculated with the mean prices €39 billion per year. The minimum figure is
probably more likely, since alternatives such as wood and laminate are very
costly in heave use due to the need for multiple replacements during the lifecycle
of 60 years, and materials such as carpet, linoleum and ceramics are thus more
likely alternatives for PVC.

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

Supply chain The annual profit losses would be around €22 million.

Life cycle In total, quantitative results show that there would be negative impacts for the
impacts environment, if PVC would be replaced with the currently used alternatives in
their current market shares. If other alternatives would be instead of carpet, such
as ceramics or linoleum, negative environmental impacts would be reduced or
even reversed in most impact categories.

4.2.5. Window frames

PVC is a common material for window frames, alongside wood, aluminium and aluminium-
clad wood. Approximately 0.3–1.9 million tonnes of compounded PVC are used for window
frames annually in the EU, which is approximately half of the rigid PVC used in the building
and construction sector (CfE2, #1601, VinylPlus; #1587, EuPC).

The impact assessment has been performed using the standard window (1.82 m2) as the
unit, and all cost information has been converted into costs per standard window unit.

In total 56.6–78.5 million windows are sold in the EU27 annually (Ceresana, 2020, Fenster
and Fassade, 2017, Fenster and Fassade, 2023). The market shares of the frame materials
in the EU27 in 2015 were PVC 50.1 %, aluminium 21.5 %, wood 22.0 %, and aluminium-
clad wood 6.4 % (VFF 2017). The market share of fiberglass is below 1 % in Europe (ECHA
market survey 2023, EPPA). 15

General performance properties for window frames include durability, waterproofing,

resistance to pressure and warping, resistance to fire, energy efficiency (good thermal
performance), light weight, low maintenance and ease of cleaning.

All window frame materials have relatively similar technical performance, and there seem
to be no critical differences in the technical performance of the different materials when
they are properly treated and maintained. Wood requires surface treatment to achieve
weather resistance and more frequent maintenance than the other materials and can also
be somewhat less resistant to pressure and warping and heavier than the other materials
(ECHA market survey 2023, EPPA, VinylPlus).

The economic impacts are estimated based on purchase, installation, maintenance and
dismantling costs of window frames (Marangoni and Garbarino, 2011). The purchase cost
of aluminium, wood and aluminium-clad wood frames is higher than PVC. Maintenance
costs are higher for wood frames compared to the other materials, as they require more
frequent treatment. Installation and dismantling costs are the same across the materials.

All alternative materials (wood, aluminium and aluminium-clad wood) are commercially
available (EC 2022). PVC windows have the shortest lifetime (25-30 years) and aluminium
the longest (45 years), with wood and aluminium-clad wood somewhere in between (e.g.

Fiberglass has been excluded from the analysis due to its small market share in Europe and lack
of lifetime cost information.

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

Asif et al. (2005), Carlisle and Friedlander (2016)). Table 12 presents the impacts of
replacing PVC with alternative materials in window frames.

Table 12. Impacts of replacing PVC with alternative materials in window frames

Window frames

Alternatives Wood, aluminium and aluminium-clad wood

Economic The annual cost of replacing the total volume of PVC in window frames would be
impacts €1877–2026 million for aluminium-clad wood, €2979–4138 million for aluminium
and €4084–5672 million for wood. With substitution taking place according to the
current market shares of the alternative materials, the annual cost would be
approximately €3322–4614 million.

Supply chain Due to the large market share of PVC window frames, substituting all PVC frames
impacts with alternative materials could be challenging in the short term. It is likely that
the companies making PVC window frames cannot easily switch to aluminium or
wood, as they require different skills.

Import of PVC, wooden and aluminium window frames to the EU is limited (3–
9 % of total consumption). Thus, no significant impacts on EU producers are

Life cycle Production, use and end-of-life stages are important for determining the broader
impacts environmental impacts of window frames. The use phase is particularly relevant,
as the lifetime of windows is quite long and has an influence on the energy
demand of buildings via heat loss (Saadatian et al., 2021b, Souviron et al., 2019).

Existing studies allow no conclusion on the preferable window frame material

throughout all life cycle stages and impact categories. Some studies find PVC to
have larger environmental impacts than other materials (Owsianiak et al., 2018,
Souviron et al., 2019), while others consider the impacts of aluminium to be the
highest and wood lowest, with PVC in the middle (Saadatian et al., 2021a,
Saadatian et al., 2021b).

4.2.6. Packaging

PVC is used in both rigid and soft food and non-food packaging, including rigid food packs
and trays, shrink foils and films, cling films, closures, labels, transparent gift films and
blister packs16. More than 400 000 tonnes of compounded PVC are used in food and non-
food packaging across the EU each year (ECVM 2023b), mainly for rigid applications.

Performance criteria for packaging include durability, transparency, barrier protection,

temperature resistance and in some cases flexibility (ECHA market survey 2023). There
are various alternative materials to PVC in packaging, including both plastics and other
types of materials. There appear to be no critical differences between the lifetime or
performance of PVC and the alternative materials in packaging. Table 13 presents the

Use of PVC in blister packs in medical packaging is presented in Section 4.2.7.

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available information on the impacts of replacing PVC with alternative materials in

packaging (excluding blister packs).

Table 13. Impacts of replacing PVC with alternative materials in packaging

Packaging (excluding blister packs)

combination with PVC/other materials), PVDC (only in combination with PVC/
other materials), bioplastics, aluminium, paper, ceramics, glass

Economic Only costs of the materials have been estimated (no other costs). Material costs
impacts are lower per tonne for some and higher for some materials compared to PVC.
The difference in material costs ranges from €-450 to €1 500 million per year,
depending on the alternative.

Supply chain Annual profit losses to the PVC packaging producers would be around €3–8
impacts million.

Life cycle Main life cycle impacts of packaging come from the production, feedstock (raw
impacts material supply) and transportation phases (Baitz et al., 2004). Overall, plastics
appear rather preferable for non-reusable packaging in terms of impacts over the
total life cycle, but there is no consensus which plastic is overall the most
favourable (Baitz et al. 2004).

It is not possible to compare the CO2 emissions between packaging materials,

due to lack of data.

4.2.7. Medical packaging: blister packs

Rigid PVC is the dominant materials for the base film of blister packs (Sphera 2022), which
are largely used for pharmaceutical (medicine) and nutraceutical (such as dietary
supplements and functional foods) purposes, but also for packaging other individual
products. The volume of compounded PVC in blister packs is 47 000 – 284 000

Overall performance criteria for PVC in packaging include durability, transparency, barrier
protection and in some cases flexibility (ECHA market survey 2023). Pharmaceutical blister
packs are primary packaging, meaning that they come into direct contact with the product
and affect shelf-life. For pharmaceutical blister packs, barrier protection (in particular
water barrier) is the most critical factor, as it ensures drug stability and affects shelf-life
(ECHA market survey 2023, Flexible Packaging Europe, anonymous).

Alternative materials to PVC in blister packs include other plastics and aluminium. It
appears that the alternative materials perform as well as or better than PVC in most of the
aspects, but there are differences in barrier protection and transparency. Table 14
presents the available information on the impacts of replacing PVC with alternative
materials in blister packs.

Table 14. Impacts of replacing PVC with alternative materials in blister packs

Blister packs

Alternatives Aluminium, PET, PP, BOPP, COC/PO (only in combination with PVC/other
materials), PCTFE, EVOH (only in combination with PVC/other materials), PVDC

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(only in combination with PVC/ other materials)

Economic Only costs of the materials have been estimated (no other costs). Material costs
impacts are lower per tonne for some plastics and higher for some compared to PVC.
Aluminium is more expensive than PVC. The difference in material costs ranges
from €-250 to €1 300 million per year, depending on the alternative.

Supply chain Annual profit losses to the PVC blister pack producers would be around €1–7
impacts million.

Life cycle No conclusion on the preferable material throughout the entire life cycle and all
impacts potential alternative materials. PVC is preferable to aluminium and to the
combination of PVC/PVDC or OPA/aluminium/PVC as the base film material for
lice cycle stages from resource extraction to the factory gate (Bassani et al.,
2022, Raju et al., 2016).

It is not possible to compare the CO2 emissions between blister pack materials,
due to lack of data.

4.2.8. Toys

Both soft and rigid PVC is used in various toys including dolls, bath ducks, snorkels,
inflatable beach toys, balls and paddling pools, rubber boats and rafts, modelling clay,
trampolines, building blocks, and toy figures ((Baitz et al., 2004, Sphera, 2022), CfE3).
PVC appears to be used the most in inflatable toys, boats and rafts (Baitz et al. 2004,
Sphera 2022).

The manufacture of toys and childcare articles has largely moved outside the EU, mainly
to China (CfE2, #1601, VinylPlus; (Eurostat, 2022)).The share of PVC of the plastics used
in toys and childcare articles in the EU is small, with total volume estimated to be 6 000–
36 000 tonnes per year (CfE2, #1601, VinylPlus).

Performance criteria for toys include flexibility, water resistance, high strength to weight
ratio, durability, resistance to flexing, ease of decorating and moulding possibilities.
Various alternative materials are available. There appear to be no evident differences in
other properties, but PVC is superior in the ease of painting, decorating and gluing. Table
15 presents the available information on the impacts of replacing PVC with alternative
materials in toys.

Table 15. Impacts of replacing PVC with alternative materials in toys


Alternatives PP, PE, TPE, EVA, PU, PS, silicone, rubber, wood

Economic Only costs of the materials have been estimated (no other costs). Material costs
impacts are lower per tonne for some and higher for some materials compared to PVC.
The difference in material costs ranges from €-1 to €100 million per year,
depending on the alternative.

Supply chain Annual profit losses to the PVC packaging producers would be around €0.1–0.9
impacts million.

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Life cycle Comparison of life cycle impacts, including CO2 emissions, of PVC and alternative
impacts materials for toys is not possible due to lack of comparable data.

4.2.9. Medical applications

PVC is the single most commonly used polymer in medical devices in Europe (Global-
Market-Insights, 2021). It is particularly important in medical bags (blood, intra-venous
(IV), dialysis and urine), and used also in sterile disposable tubing, catheters and
cannulas; connectors; medical bags; oxygen and anaesthetic masks; and exam and
surgical gloves (CfE2, #1588, EFPIA; CfE2, #1600, VinylPlus Deutschland e.V.; CfE2,
#1601 VinylPlus). Most of these applications are soft PVC.

Overall performance criteria in medical applications include biocompatibility, elasticity and

flexibility (with good tensile strength), safe storage of contents, heat resistance, chemical
resistance, water resistance, sterilizability, transparency, surface properties (abrasion
resistance, surface friction), dimension control, kink resistance and recovery, solvent
bondability, printability, manufacturability (cutting, welding, bonding and moulding) and
avoidance of latex allergies (ECHA market survey 2023; CfE3, #1629, MedTech Europe;
CfE3, #1693).

Several alternatives to soft PVC in medical applications are on the market or in

development, but publicly available research on their performance and properties is sparse
(Sphera 2022). No single alternative material would not be suitable to replace PVC in all
medical uses, and there may be challenges in finding suitable alternatives to PVC for some
uses (CfE2, #1611, MedTech Europe; CfE3, #1628, MedTech Europe). Table 16 presents
the available information on the impacts of replacing PVC with alternative materials in
medical applications.

Table 16. Impacts of replacing PVC with alternative materials in medical applications

Medical applications

Alternatives PU, EVA, PP, PE, PET, EAA, PS, ABS, SBS, TPE, rubber latex, PE and PO blends,
PU and PE blends, non-phtalate/non-DEHP plasticised PVC

Economic Economic impacts of substitution include possible changes in material costs,

impacts investment costs and costs related to testing, validation and approval of the new
material for medical applications.

No information on lifetime costs or costs of final products is available. Material

costs are lower per tonne for some and higher for some materials compared to
PVC. The difference in material costs ranges from €-50 to €870 million per year,
depending on the alternative. Reformulation or material changes could cost
around €650 000–€900 000 per project/product.

Supply chain Considering the extensive use of PVC in medical applications, in particular
impacts medical bags, supply issues for alternative materials and products are possible.

Annual profit losses to the PVC packaging producers would be around €1–4

Life cycle Comparison of life cycle impacts, including CO2 emissions, of PVC and alternative
impacts materials for medical applications is not possible due to lack of comparable data.

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4.2.10. Artificial leather

Artificial (synthetic) leather consists normally of polyester textiles coated with PVC or PU
(Meyer et al., 2021). Soft PVC is commonly used in artificial leather both in clothing (e.g.
jackets, pants, bags and shoes) and automotive interiors (e.g. panel skins, seat
upholstery, door panels and trim parts). The compounded PVC volume is 47 000–281 000
tonnes/year in clothing and 21 000–127 000 tonnes/year in automotive uses (CfE2,
#1601, VinylPlus; #1587, EuPC).

The main functionalities required from artificial leather include durability, water resistance,
flame resistance, UV radiation resistance, cold resistance, insulation, comfort, aesthetic
factors, lightweight, staining, and cleanability (ECHA market survey 2023; Bywall and
Cederlund (2020); CfE3, #1697, EURATEX).

Several alternatives are available that either replace artificial leather altogether or only
the PVC component in artificial leather. PVC artificial leather is less durable and
comfortable in terms of breathability and flexibility than leather, but it provides a better
water and staining resistance and cleanability. Compared to PU artificial leather, PVC is
more durable, has a higher weather resistance, and has a lower risk of staining, but is less
comfortable (less breathable and flexible). PU leather is thought to resemble real leather
better, as it wrinkles and remains soft throughout its life. Table 17 presents the available
information on the impacts of replacing PVC with alternative materials in medical

Table 17. Impacts of replacing PVC artificial leather with alternative materials

Artificial leather

Alternatives leather, cotton, silk, wool, latex, polyester, PA, PU artificial leather, bio-based
artificial leather

Economic Economic impacts of substitution include possible changes in material costs and
impacts investment costs.

No information on lifetime costs or costs of final products is available. Material

costs are lower per tonne for some and higher for some materials compared to
PVC. The difference in material costs ranges from €-130 to €1300 million per
year for clothing and €-60 to €600 million per year for automotive interiors,
depending on the alternative.

Supply chain Annual profit losses to the PVC packaging producers would be around €1–7
impacts million in clothing and €1–3 million in automotive interiors.

Life cycle Comparison of life cycle impacts, including CO2 emissions, of PVC and alternative
impacts materials for artificial leather is not possible due to lack of comparable data.

4.2.11. Summary of substitution costs

Table 18 summarises the costs of replacing PVC with alternative materials in the
production of new articles for the sectors and uses covered in the impact assessment.

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Table 18. Summary of the costs of replacing PVC with alternative materials

Sector Use Sub-use Total costs (€

million per year)
Building and Pipes and fittings Potable water/ 530
construction Drinking water
Industry NA
Cables Building and 100–580
construction cables
Vehicle cables
EEE cables
Flooring Homogenous and 2 400–39 000
heterogeneous PVC
Window frames - 2 000–2 200
Medical applications Medical applications - 1–880*
(blood and infusion
bags, medical
devices, gloves and
medical tubing)
Plastic products Packaging Rigid food and non- 4–2 800*
food packaging
Soft food and non-
food packaging
Blister packs
Toys - 1–110*
Textiles, leather and Clothing Artificial leather (not 1–1 300*
fur car) / Bags, luggage
Vehicles Automotive (interior) Artificial leather, 1–600*
foamed films
Notes: NA = not available. * No lifetime costs assessed, only material costs and producer surplus losses.

4.3. Technical release minimisation measures and applicability

As described in sections and, the lifecycle major contributors to the overall
estimated releases are the professional handling in the construction sector (~45 %) and
activities in recycling facilities (~31 %). In addition, potential risk to workers in recycling
facilities was also identified for some substances: organotin substances, DEHP (that could
be extended to medium-chain ortho-phthalates due to additive effects in a scenario of
combined exposure) and diantimony trioxide.

Recycling plants are a common life-cycle stage for almost all of the PVC uses (with few
exceptions). Although the various PVC uses/life-cycle stages may have specificities related
to the additives used, all types of PVC are channelled via recycling plants and hence those
function as the mixing point of release/exposures for practically all PVC additives.
Furthermore, recycling plants can be expected to be the most significant common source
of releases of PVC microparticles where generally all uses contribute to the releases.

Despite the data gaps identified, there seems to be sufficient evidence to identify the
lifecycle steps above as the main contributors to the overall estimated releases of
prioritised PVC additives and by extension to the overall release of PVC microparticles.
Plastic microparticle releases is not an issue that only applies to PVC but to other plastics
as well and it is expected to be a significant contributor to the overall releases of other
plastics microparticles from the same lifecycle steps as well. However, PVC, and in
particular soft PVC, requires in total more additives (in the number of additives, functions

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

and their concentration in PVC) than other plastics and microparticle releases function as
the main carrier of the PVC additives releases.

Implementation and/or improvement of on-site emission minimisation technologies can

be expected to reduce the risks related to the prioritised PVC additives and the PVC
microparticles. Likewise, the implementation and/or improvement of risk management
measures on-site could also be expected to reduce the occupational risks for workers.
More detailed information on the measures and their costs has not been gathered for this
report. Some cost estimates for best available techniques for waste treatment are available
(Pinasseau et al., 2018), but additional work is needed to assess the socio-economic
impacts of emission minimisation by technical measures.

It should be considered that recycling of PVC is expected to increase because of both

voluntary efforts in the PVC industry and the objectives set in different regulations, e.g.
the waste framework directive, packaging and packaging waste directive and sector-
specific regulations (see Appendix D). Further, although in the EU there has been a
transition from short-chain ortho-phthalates and medium-chain (C4-C6) ortho-phthalates
to higher molecular weight ortho-phthalates in case of plasticisers and from organotin
substances to Ca/Zn chemistries in the case of heat stabilisers, this is not completely the
case outside the EU and import of articles containing those substances is still possible.

The benefits from the reduction in the release of additives brought about by technological
means is the attenuation or prevention of the increase of the environmental exposures
(including man via environment exposures) of the PVC additives. This benefit can be
expected to be proportionally higher especially for the release reduction of PVC at recycling
plants than for the release reduction of an equal volume of other recycled plastics. The
emergence of the known (or potential) severe long-term effects from the prioritised
additives is delayed or prevented. Furthermore, the likelihood of synergistic and/or
cumulative effects caused by the whole spectrum of additives arriving at (and released
from) the recycling stage are attenuated in the environment (and for man via
environment). This means the prevention/attenuation of effects related to human health
(reproduction, immunological effects, neurotoxic effects, effects on endocrine system,
other) and of population effects in nature (endocrine effects, chronic other effects).

To conclude, release reduction by technological means (especially at recycling plants) is

considered beneficial for the attenuation/prevention of long-term effects of the prioritised
PVC additives. However, benefits would also encompass the less known and even less
predictable effects of PVC additives at large, as well as reduce a variety of co-exposures.
Risks caused by microparticles exposure in the environment would be reduced. Thus,
positive benefits are expected from technical exposure and release reduction of PVC
microparticles on environmental species and human health (e.g. in the prevention of
reproduction toxic, neurotoxic and immunotoxic (and potentially also carcinogenic) effects
in a long term.

4.4. Life-cycle considerations of risk reduction measures

4.4.1. Upstream supply chain

Chlorine and ethylene are the two main inputs for the production of PVC. Chlorine is
produced by electrolysis of brine, also called the chlor-alkali process. The main outputs of
the chlor-alkali process are chlorine, caustic soda and hydrogen. Around 32 % of chlorine
is used for the production of PVC (Euro Chlor, 2023). Ethylene is used in a wider scale (for
example, to produce polyethylene).

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Approximately 99.5 % of all caustic soda is produced by the chlor-alkali process. Caustic
soda is an important material for many industries, including for example paper & pulp,
alumina and chemical industry. Stakeholders have commented that if there would be a
restriction that would decrease/cease the use of PVC, and thus have a large impact on the
demand for chlorine, there would also be wider impacts for the chlor-alkali chain affecting
the supply of caustic soda: there would be a significant decrease in the demand for
chlorine. This would then also impact the market of the other outputs of the chlor-alkali
process, most importantly caustic soda (CfE3, #1643, Vinyl Environmental Council).

At least the following impacts would occur if a restriction would alter the production of

- If there is a decrease in the demand of chlorine (e.g. 30 %, the share of total

chlorine used for PVC), the market price of chlorine would decrease. The demand
function for chlorine is unknown, particularly in the case of large-scale changes in
the demand. It is not known if the market price of chlorine would stay positive (due
to the possible disposal cost), or if the industry would need other ways to treat the
excess chlorine. In the case of smaller changes in the demand of chlorine from the
PVC industry, the main impact would be a lower price of chlorine.

- If the price of chlorine decreases, this would make the chlor-alkali process less
profitable and would increase the price of caustic soda as well, since caustic soda
is produced 99.5 % out of this process.

4.4.2. Impacts of non-recycling of PVC

In a scenario where the recycling of PVC would cease or decrease, there would be socio-
economic impacts for the end-users of the products made of PVC recyclate, profit losses
for the recyclers, increased cost of EoL treatment of PVC, likely employment impacts, and
substantial increases of GHG-emissions and other environmental impacts from the
increased production of virgin PVC. Such a scenario could take place either as an indirect
impact of a more general risk management measure, for example a strict limit value of
one of the prioritised additives, or directly from a risk management measure targeting
emissions at the recycling sites. On the benefit-side, a shift from recycling to incineration
and burning could decrease the environmental emissions, particularly for soft PVC.

To analyse these impacts further, ECHA has drafted a hypothetical scenario where
recycling of PVC would come to a full stop. The assessment has been implemented
separately for rigid and soft PVC since there is a large difference in terms of the use
volumes of the prioritised additives between these types of PVC. The impacts are assumed
to be linear to the extent the recycling would be reduced, and thus a, say, 20 % decrease
in recycling would result in 20 % of the quantified impacts.

The amount of recycled post-consumer waste was around 310 000 tonnes in 2022, with
120 000 tonnes being soft and 190 000 tonne rigid PVC waste. The total amount of post-
consumer waste of PVC is around 2 500 000 tonnes per year, and thus around 12 % is
recycled. Stakeholders expect progress in the future to increase the share of PVC waste
that is recycled with technological development (mechanical & chemical recycling) and
social innovation (“designed for recycling”, market incentives for collection) (VinylPlus,

Most of the post-consumer recyclate comes from applications where PVC articles can easily
be separated from other articles, the waste stream is homogenous and easily recyclable.
These types of articles are window frames, which are easily separated during demolition
work. Similarly, cables and (above-ground) pipes can be easily obtained in the demolition

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phase. Due to digging and cleaning costs, underground pipes are typically left in the
ground after the lifecycle. For the cables, there are high economic incentives for recycling
so that the conductor material (e.g. copper) can be recovered.

Most of the rigid PVC recyclate is obtained from window frames. Out of the quantified
impact categories, the monetised impacts are largest for the increase of GHG emissions
related to the need for virgin PVC. The total annual cost from stopping the recycling of
rigid PVC would be around €210-400 million, plus possible capacity problems for
incineration plants and employment impacts for the recyclers. The environmental and
health benefits of ceasing recycling of rigid PVC (for the workers) are expected to be
substantially lower.

Most of the soft PVC recyclate is from cables. Soft PVC recyclate is not used for the same
use after recycling, but, for example, for different types of road furniture or agricultural
items. Out of the quantified impact categories, the monetised impacts are largest for the
increase of GHG emissions. The total annual cost from stopping the recycling of soft PVC
would be around €125 million, plus possible capacity problems for incineration plants and
employment impacts for the recyclers.

The benefits from non-recycling of soft PVC are higher than for the rigid PVC, despite of
the lower volume of soft PVC rerouted from recycling to incineration and landfilling. This
is because soft PVC contains more additives than rigid PVC that are present in significantly
higher concentrations than heat stabilisers used in rigid PVC. For human health, this
scenario results in some benefits as the worker exposure at recycling sites reduces to zero
for plasticisers and flame retardants. Overall, it seems that the benefit (linked to the risk
reduction) of stopping the recycling of soft PVC is higher compared to non-recycling of
rigid PVC. More detailed information is available in Appendix C.

For the challenges in the recycling related to substitution see also section 3.3.

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5. Regulatory options
As described in section 3, three main potential risks were identified for PVC and PVC
additives and are related to:

- environmental risk from release of PVC microparticles,

- environmental risk from release of prioritised additives, mainly bound to PVC

microparticles, for this investigation report, and

- potential risk to workers, especially in recycling facilities, by (combined) exposure

to organotin substances (except MOTE with a concentration of DOTE below 0.3%)
and medium-chain (C4-C6 and C7-C8) ortho-phthalates.

Regulatory alternatives to address the risks above are discussed in the sections below.
The regulatory alternatives discussed are not exclusive and can be used in combination.

5.1. Regulatory measures to reduce PVC microparticles releases

The main justification to propose emission reduction by technological means is that the
environmental risks identified in sections and 3.1.4 are mainly linked to PVC
microparticle releases.

The lifecycle major contributors to the overall estimated releases of the prioritised PVC
additives are the professional handling in the construction sector (~45 %) and the end-
of-life, in recycling facilities (~31 %) and landfills (~11 %). In addition, PVC waste and
recycling of PVC is expected to increase, which both induce further releases from recycling
sites and landfills unless improvement of the site release reduction measures are

Table 19 shows an overview of the current legislation/initiatives by activity and the options
to address by technological means the risks identified above.

Table 19. Overview of regulatory options for emission reduction of PVC microparticles

Activity Concern Current Gaps Need for (further)

legislation/initiatives regulation and
Waste Microparticle IED: WT BREF and BAT Operation Tackle installations
treatment releases during conclusion on waste outside the outside the scope of
the treatment treatment (dust emission scope of the BAT conclusions and
operation controls) BAT conclusions consider more
Stricter level of control in specific measures for
some MS Emission microparticles.
requirements in
OELs for dust BAT conclusions
OELs for PVC dust at not specifically
national level in several MS targeted at

Emissions to
Recycling of Spillage of pellets National regulations in place Environmental
plastics during production in few countries (e.g. releases of PVC Microplastic
(pellet France) microparticles initiative: proposal of
polymer not covered on a regulation on
production) OELs for dust an EU wide preventing plastic
level, however, pellets losses would

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Activity Concern Current Gaps Need for (further)

legislation/initiatives regulation and
OELs for PVC dust at new regulation reduce releases,
national level in several MS proposed however, dust via
shredding does not
Voluntary limits for PVC dust seem to be directly
used by industry covered

Landfills Microparticle Landfill directive: Emissions of Addressing

releases via air • Requirements to microparticles to microplastics in water
and landfill minimise landfilling water and to air legislation (currently
effluent and • Treatment monitoring as a first
leachate requirements. step proposed)

Ban and restriction of

landfilling of plastic waste of
waste in several MS

IED revision: IED extension

to landfills

Water legislation

Technological means to achieve release minimisation could be introduced via the Industrial
Emissions directive, in particular via the WT BREF, by extending the scope of the BAT
conclusions. Currently, only installations exceeding a specific waste tonnage per day
depending on the type of waste are in scope.

Plastic microparticles pollution is already in the focus and the Microplastics initiative 17 aims
at addressing various sources of plastic microparticles pollution. A proposal for a regulation
on preventing plastic pellet losses was published in October 2023 (EC, 2023d). While
pellets loss is an issue in the plastic production at several steps of the PVC life-cycle, it is
not clear whether the technical measures to be implemented at ‘installations’ to comply
with the proposed regulation to decrease pellets spills would also , to some extent, reduce
other PVC microparticle releases, e.g. those formed during the shredding steps in the
recycling plants or during industrial processes handling PVC in both pelletised and other
form of PVC. Many of the PVC life-cycle steps do not handle pellets but other forms of
PVC and induce thereby PVC microparticle releases as described in Appendix A.
Furthermore, many of the life-cycle steps of PVC (e.g. professional handling of plastic
articles) take place in a wide dispersive manner, not in installations, which are the subject
of the requirements of the proposed regulation. Similar applies to expected releases of
microparticles from other plastics. A need for broader regulatory risk management
instrument to reduce the microparticle releases should be therefore further investigated.

The impacts of emission minimisation technologies were not assessed in this investigation
report. It is unclear if the implementation of technological means would be feasible and/or
effective for the professional handling in the construction sector (e.g. installation and
removal, debris). A follow-up activity is necessary to gather information at more detailed
level on the different recycling sites, the measures in place, their feasibility and costs. No
such information was provided in CfE2.


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Regulatory options to reduce releases of PVC microparticles from landfills would be linked
to the landfill directive and therefore inter alia to the classification of the relevant waste

5.2. Restriction of PVC additives

Restriction under REACH is one of the legislative instruments which can promote or ensure
substitution of substances and define other measures to support risk reduction related to
the manufacture and use of substances.

In the context of PVC, it is technically possible to define individual PVC additives, additive
groups and the PVC itself as restriction targets. There is also an overarching, common
environmental risk caused by all prioritised substances and the respective PVC uses based
on the working approach taken (see section 3.2.3 for details). No further quantitative
rationale of selecting additive groups and uses for a potential restriction(s) can be derived
from the risk approach applied directly. A pragmatic approach as proposed in section can be used to select the priority substance groups. The benefits of substitution
have been generally described in section 4.1.1 (for PVC additives) and section 4.2.1 (for
PVC itself). However, it is highlighted that it is necessary to carry out further work for
especially informing on whether substitution of the identified substance groups in the
highest concern and release category in section 3.2.3 would entail a sufficient level of
effectiveness in reducing/minimising the risk and/or whether certain uses only should be
targeted from the point of view of the combination of the impact and effectiveness.

As discussed in section 3.3, restriction does not have necessarily direct significant impact
on releases as there would further be releases from articles in use, recycling, recycled PVC
uses and landfills. A more immediate impact could be achieved in a scenario in which
recycling of PVC comes to a full stop (see section 4.4). A qualitative assessment of the
impact of such a scenario was carried out separately for rigid and soft PVC (Appendix C).
Overall, it seems that the benefit (risk reduction) of stopping the recycling of soft PVC is
higher compared to non-recycling of rigid PVC. It is noted, that ECHA is aware of the
objective of the Plastics Strategy and its more recent downstream strategies to increase
recycling rates in the EU (see Appendix D) and notes that the non-recycling scenario is
provided for comparison only.

When considering which PVC uses contribute the most to the environmental risk found for
prioritised additives, it appears that cables (a soft PVC use) stand out as a single
contributor to the prioritised additives releases. As discussed in section 4.2, substitution
of PVC with alternative materials in cables would be less costly than in other uses and
hence for minimising risks of additives a restriction of PVC in cables seems worthwhile
further assessment.

In addition, restriction may work as an instrument to reduce the risks to workers,

especially in recycling facilities (worker exposure at recycling step is not covered by
Authorisation under REACH), which have been identified for some organotin substances
(DOTE and DMTE), DEHP and diantimony trioxide. As explained in section, it may
be warranted to expand the substitution to all prioritised organotin substances (except
MOTE with a concentration of DOTE below 0.3%) and to all medium-chain (C4-C6 and C7-
C8) ortho-phthalates.

Considering the risk prioritisation matrix shown in Figure 6 and the risks to workers
identified in recycling facilities, substitution (hand-in-hand with regulatory activities to
reduce releases by technological measures) may be warranted for medium-chain (C4-C6
and C7-C8) ortho-phthalates and organotin substances. Nevertheless, it is acknowledged
that there are other groups of substances that are used in high volumes and for which it

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should be clarified whether substitution would also be necessary like zinc borates,
organophosphates and trimellitates.

Organotin substances and medium-chain ortho-phthalates have very different use profiles.
While for organotin substances the stabilisation of PVC is by far the largest use of the
substances (only a small fraction is used as catalysts), medium-chain (C4-C6 and C7-C8)
ortho-phthalates are also used in other applications with other functions as well.
Nevertheless, 85 % of the total volume of plasticisers are used in PVC according to the
European Plasticisers. In addition, while organotin substances are only used in very specific
rigid PVC applications (food and non-food packaging in particular), medium-chain ortho-
phthalates are used more transversally in soft PVC applications. Nevertheless, as described
in section, soft PVC in cables is the main contributor to additive releases (67 % of
the overall estimated releases) and the main source of the soft PVC that is recycled,
accounting for 81 % of the total recycled post-consumer soft PVC waste (Figure 8).

Although this investigation report has been focused on PVC, it is acknowledged that ortho-
phthalates are used in other polymers in which they are also contained as additives and
where the same risk approach would be applicable. We have not quantified the releases
from those sources and it will be relevant to estimate them at a later point but considering
that at least 85 % of the volume of plasticisers is used in PVC, a PVC-specific restriction
can be expected to be sufficiently effective. Due to the very high persistence and ongoing
accumulation of the additives in the environment it is important to act on risks when
identified without delay. Acting on these additives on PVC would be the first step followed
by, where necessary (based on the results of similar risk screening as presented here)
regulatory action on these additives in other polymers.

Therefore, although specific actions could be considered for specific applications related to
those groups of substances, for ortho-phthalates in particular substituting efforts should
be considered in a wider context and considering all the uses of the substances and not
only PVC, which is subject to this investigation report.

In addition, as explained in section 4.1.2 and 4.1.3, substitution of the prioritised additives
as mentioned above might be possible for most of the uses and the economic impact does
not seem to be prohibitively high.

Although an emission reduction by technological means (section 5.1) would address some
of the main contributors to the overall estimated releases and thus mitigate the
environmental risk, it will not address the entire lifecycle of the PVC articles.

Restriction under REACH is a regulatory instrument that would enable substitution of

specific PVC additives groups in all relevant uses of PVC across several sectors. It is
unlikely that another legislation determining restrictions could cover in one process the
necessary number of substances and/or substance groups and all relevant uses in
practically one assessment. Furthermore, the risk concept on the environmental risk as
presented in this report is not a novelty under the REACH restriction process but similar
PBT-like risks have been assessed for intentionally added microplastics, PFHxA and PFASs
in fire-fighting foams.

Sector and product specific legislation such as the Directive 2000/53/EU on end-of-life
vehicles, the RoHS Directive (Directive 2011/65/EU) or the Construction Product
Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 305/2011) would cover individual sectors only and hence
could not cover in one evaluation and legislative process all the sectors contributing to the
environmental and worker risks of PVC uses. The Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC and
the proposed Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) could also be used as
a basis to address the presence of additives hampering recycling. Considering the number

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

of sectors and uses of the prioritised additives and of those additives with highest priority
for regulatory action, regulating the same substance groups under the various sector
legislations may result in a cumbersome process compared to proposing a restriction under

When considering the Drinking Water Directive (Directive (EU) 2020/2184) and Food
Contact Materials legislation as well as the Medical Device Regulation, these do not address
environmental risks as presented in this report but cover only the exposure (by
leaching/volatilisation/migration) from the actual products during use, not over the
lifecycle of the material. Furthermore, for some PVC uses no sector specific legislation is

5.3. Other and complementary regulatory options

Although there are several sector/product-specific regulations (Appendix D) that could be

used to partially address the main potential risks identified above, the diverse number of
uses of PVC suggests that a more holistic approach would be necessary. Some of the
concerns e.g. growing production and plastic pollutions are in the focus of policy and
regulatory initiatives and could also more broadly addressed by approaches tackling plastic
materials as a whole (see Appendix D).

In addition to regulatory measures to reduce PVC microparticles releases and the

restriction of use and placing on the market of some additives, other complementary
measures could be used. Concerns related to the waste lifecycle stage and recycling could
be addressed by waste legislations. To ensure the proper treatment of specific PVC waste
streams it could be considered to add some PVC containing waste types to the list of waste.
The definition of end-of-waste criteria for PVC could include requirements such as
threshold values for certain additives for the materials ceasing to be waste.

Stricter measures to prevent releases of PVC microparticles could be required in the future
to meet requirement under water protection legislation. Addressing microplastics pollution
is envisaged in the revision of the water directives (Water Framework Directive, EQSD and
Groundwater Directive) and monitoring microplastics pollution is considered for surface
and groundwater. However, setting an actual EQS would only be foreseen as a second
step after more information is available.

Setting occupational exposure limits for PVC dust and hazardous PVC additives could also
be considered as a (complimentary) regulatory measure. Setting limits on the exposure
to PVC dust and hazardous PVC additives will help employers to identify operational
conditions and risk management measures to protect workers’ health at work. This would
be particularly relevant to address the potential risk identified at recycling facilities. In
addition, this could also impact the emissions to the environment but not address it

Other complementary measures to address the listed concerns could be for example
measures under the Ecodesign Directive/Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation
(ESPR), or setting incentives through procurement schemes or product labelling schemes
(e.g. EU Ecolabels).

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

6. Assessment and data gathering follow-up priorities

Based on the findings from the risk screening and impact assessment, several
recommendations were identified (section 0) and regulatory options were explored
(section 5). However, further work and data needs were also identified to support the
recommendations drawn.

From the point of view of the risk screening, the following have been identified:

- Measured and estimated release of additives from PVC microparticles in the

environment and in workplaces.

- Measured and estimated releases of PVC microparticles (including approach

development, where necessary). Comparison with other plastics and relative
contribution to microplastic pollution.

- Risk assessment of direct human exposure for co-exposure (especially recycling


- Mass balance of PVC and (prioritised) additives in circular economy over a 20-year
timespan considering selected end-of-life, recycling rate and substitution scenarios.
Corresponding temporal development of releases and environmental stock.

- Further information on ‘miscellaneous consumer articles’ and a consequent risk

assessment (not assessed in this project due to lack of data although the share of
the total volume is high).

- Risk assessment of alternative additives (in case regulatory action on certain

additives as mentioned in section 0 is taken forward as a follow-up activity).

- Risk assessment of alternative materials (in case PVC substitution as mentioned in

section 0 taken forward as a follow-up activity).

For the impact assessment, the following priorities have been identified:

- Data to conduct impact assessment for some uses

o building and construction: roofing, wallpaper, other profiles and sheets.

o clothing: other uses than artificial leather.

o vehicles: other uses than artificial leather, e.g. automotive parts.

o miscellaneous consumer articles.

- Estimation of impacts of other risk reduction measures than substitution, in

particular technical emission reduction solutions

- Improved data on full/lifetime substitution costs for some uses (packaging, medical
packaging (blister packs), medical applications, toys and artificial leather).

- Cost-effectiveness analysis for prioritised additives and PVC alternative materials

in terms of costs per avoided releases, taking into consideration the damage
potential of additives.

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

- Quantifying the benefits of potential restriction options based on prioritisation

scoring/concern banding.

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

The appendices are available as separate files:

Appendix A and B: Use overview and risk screening

Appendix C: Impact Assessment

Appendix D: Regulatory Framework

Appendix E: Stakeholders Engagement

Appendix F: Legacy additives

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

List of PVC additives currently in used compiled in CfE1 (Table 20) and list of PVC additives in focus for the investigation report prioritised
as explained in section 3.2 of this report and Appendix B.2 (Table 21).

Table 20. List of PVC additives currently in use compiled in CfE1

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
200-313-4 57-11-4 Stearic Acid Lubricant n.a.
201-039-8 77-58-7 Dibutyltin dilaurate Heat Stabiliser n.a.
201-067-0 77-90-7 Tributyl O-acetylcitrate Plasticiser n.a.
201-070-7 77-93-0 Triethyl citrate Plasticiser n.a.
201-071-2 77-94-1 Tributyl citrate Plasticiser n.a.
201-116-6 78-42-2 Tris-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphate Flame retardant Plasticiser
201-286-1 80-51-3 4,4'-oxydi(benzenesulphonohydrazide) Blowing agent n.a.
201-297-1 80-62-6 Methyl methacrylate co-monomer n.a.
201-344-6 81-33-4 Perylene-3,4:9,10-tetracarboxydiimide Pigment n.a.
201-346-7 81-39-0 3-methyl-6-(p-toluidino)-3H-dibenz[f,ij]isoquinoline-2,7-dione Pigment n.a.
201-353-5 81-48-1 1-hydroxy-4-(p-toluidino)anthraquinone Pigment n.a.
201-375-5 81-77-6 6,15-dihydroanthrazine-5,9,14,18-tetrone Pigment n.a.
201-398-0 82-16-6 1,8-bis[(4-methylphenyl)amino]anthraquinone Pigment n.a.
201-553-2 84-69-5 Diisobutyl phthalate Plasticiser n.a.
201-557-4 84-74-2 Dibutyl phthalate Plasticiser n.a.
201-618-5 85-60-9 6,6'-di-tert-butyl-4,4'-butylidenedi-m-cresol Antioxidant n.a.
201-622-7 85-68-7 Benzyl butyl phthalate Plasticiser n.a.
201-877-4 89-04-3 Trioctyl benzene-1,2,4-tricarboxylate Plasticiser n.a.
202-319-2 94-28-0 2,2'-ethylenedioxydiethyl bis(2-ethylhexanoate) Plasticiser n.a.
202-908-4 101-02-0 Triphenyl phosphite Heat Stabiliser Flame Retardant
203-051-9 102-76-1 Triacetin Secondary n.a.

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
203-090-1 103-23-1 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) adipate Plasticiser n.a.
203-091-7 103-24-2 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) azelate Plasticiser n.a.
203-234-3 104-76-7 2-ethylhexan-1-ol Solvent n.a.
203-350-4 105-99-7 Dibutyl adipate Plasticiser n.a.
203-366-1 106-14-9 12 hydroxystearic acid Heat Stabiliser Lubricant
203-431-4 106-79-6 Dimethyl sebacate Plasticiser n.a.
203-672-5 109-43-3 Dibutyl sebacate Plasticiser n.a.
203-755-6 110-30-5 N,N'-ethylenedi(stearamide) Lubricant n.a.
203-757-7 110-33-8 Dihexyl adipate Plasticiser n.a.
203-953-2 112-27-6 2,2'-(ethylenedioxy)diethanol Solvent n.a.
203-961-6 112-34-5 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)-ethanol Heat stabiliser n.a.
203-982-0 112-53-8 Dodecan-1-ol Solvent n.a.
204-000-3 112-72-1 1-Tetradecanol Heat stabiliser n.a.
204-017-6 112-92-5 Octadecan-1-ol Lubricant n.a.
204-104-9 115-77-5 Pentaerythritol Heat Stabiliser n.a.
204-211-0 117-81-7 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate Plasticiser n.a.
204-398-9 120-46-7 1,3-diphenylpropane-1,3-dione Heat Stabiliser n.a.
204-407-6 120-55-8 Oxydiethylene dibenzoate Plasticiser n.a.
204-558-8 122-62-3 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) sebacate Plasticiser n.a.
204-650-8 123-77-3 C,C'-azodi(formamide) Blowing agent n.a.
204-794-1 126-58-9 2,2,2',2'-tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)-3,3'-oxydipropan-1-ol Heat Stabiliser n.a.

204-822-2 127-08-2 Potassium acetate Heat stabiliser n.a.

204-881-4 128-37-0 2,6-di-tert-butyl-p-cresol Heat Stabiliser n.a.
204-909-5 128-80-3 1,4-bis(p-tolylamino)anthraquinone Pigment n.a.
205-016-3 131-17-9 Diallyl phthalate Plasticiser Vestolit:
agent, HMW PVC

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
205-249-0 136-51-6 Calcium bis(2-ethylhexanoate) Heat stabiliser n.a.
205-251-1 136-53-8 Zinc bis(2-ethylhexanoate) Heat stabiliser n.a.
205-465-5 141-17-3 Bis(2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethyl) adipate Plasticiser n.a.
205-525-0 142-17-6 Calcium dioleate Heat stabiliser n.a.
205-590-5 143-18-0 Potassium oleate Heat stabiliser n.a.
205-633-8 144-55-8 sodium hydrogen carbonate Blowing agent Foaming agent
205-685-1 147-14-8 29H,31H-phthalocyaninato(2-)-N29,N30,N31,N32 copper Pigment n.a.

205-743-6 149-57-5 2-ethylhexanoic acid Manufacture of other n.a.

207-439-9 471-34-1 Calcium carbonate Filler n.a.
208-167-3 513-77-9 Barium carbonate Heat stabiliser n.a.
208-293-9 520-45-6 3-acetyl-6-methyl-2H-pyran-2,4(3H)-dione Heat Stabiliser n.a.
208-336-1 522-75-8 2-(3-oxobenzo[b]thien-2(3H)-ylidene)benzo[b]thiophene-3(2H)-one Pigment n.a.

208-551-0 533-00-6 Barium dibenzoate Heat stabiliser n.a.

209-047-3 553-72-0 Zinc dibenzoate Heat stabiliser n.a.
209-097-6 555-43-1 glycerol tristearate Lubricant n.a.
209-151-9 557-05-1 Zinc distearate Heat stabiliser Lubricant
209-167-6 557-28-8 Zinc dipropionate Heat stabiliser n.a.
209-378-3 574-93-6 29H,31H-phthalocyanine Pigment n.a.
209-481-3 582-25-2 Potassium benzoate Heat stabiliser n.a.
210-826-5 624-03-3 Ethane-1,2-diyl palmitate Lubricant n.a.
211-014-3 627-83-8 Ethylene distearate Lubricant n.a.
211-670-0 683-18-1 Dibutyltin dichloride Heat Stabiliser n.a.
212-660-9 839-90-7 Tris(2-hydroxyethyl)-1,3,5-triazinetrione Heat Stabiliser n.a.
213-561-3 980-26-7 5,12-dihydro-2,9-dimethylquino[2,3-b]acridine-7,14-dione Pigment n.a.

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
213-879-2 1047-16-1 5,12-dihydroquino[2,3-b]acridine-7,14-dione Pigment n.a.
214-987-2 1241-94-7 Diphenyl (2-ethylhexyl) phosphate Flame retardant Plasticiser
215-137-3 1305-62-0 Calcium dihydroxide Heat stabiliser n.a.
215-138-9 1305-78-8 Calcium oxide Heat Stabiliser Dessicant
215-160-9 1308-38-9 Chromium (III) oxide Pigment n.a.
215-168-2 1309-37-1 Diiron trioxide Pigment n.a.
215-170-3 1309-42-8 Magnesium hydroxide Flame retardant Heat Stabiliser.

215-171-9 1309-48-4 Magnesium oxide Heat stabiliser n.a.

215-175-0 1309-64-4 Diantimony trioxide Flame Retardant n.a.
215-204-7 1313-27-5 Molybdenum trioxide Flame Retardant n.a.
215-222-5 1314-13-2 Zinc oxide Pigment Light Stabiliser
Kicker for blowing
215-277-5 1317-61-9 Triiron tetraoxide Pigment n.a.
215-279-6 1317-65-3 Ground Calcium carbonate Filler n.a.
215-282-2 1317-80-2 Rutile (TiO2) Pigment n.a.
215-283-8 1318-02-1 Zeolite Heat Stabiliser n.a.
215-284-3 1318-23-6 Aluminium oxide hydroxide Flame retardant n.a.
215-290-6 1319-46-6 Trilead bis(carbonate) dihydroxide Heat Stabiliser n.a.
215-524-7 1328-53-6 Polychloro copper phthalocyanine Pigment n.a.
215-566-6 1332-07-6 Zinc borate Flame retardant n.a.
215-609-9 1333-86-4 Carbon black Pigment Electric
215-664-9 1338-41-6 Sorbitan stearate Anti-fogging n.a.
215-665-4 1338-43-8 Sorbitan oleate Anti-fogging n.a.
216-472-8 1592-23-0 Calcium distearate Heat stabiliser Lubricant
216-823-5 1675-54-3 2,2'-[(1-methylethylidene)bis(4,1-phenyleneoxymethylene)]bisoxirane Heat Stabiliser n.a.

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
217-420-7 1843-03-4 4,4',4''-(1-methylpropanyl-3-ylidene)tris[6-tert-butyl-m-cresol] Antioxidant n.a.

217-421-2 1843-05-6 Octabenzone Light Stabiliser n.a.

217-803-9 1962-75-0 Dibutyl terephthalate Plasticiser n.a.
218-216-0 2082-79-3 Octadecyl 3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)propionate Antioxidant n.a.

218-235-4 2090-05-3 Calcium dibenzoate Heat stabiliser n.a.

219-470-5 2440-22-4 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-p-cresol Light Stabiliser n.a.
219-518-5 2452-01-9 Zinc dilaurate Heat Stabiliser Lubricant
219-535-8 2457-01-4 Barium bis(2-ethylhexanoate) Heat stabiliser n.a.
221-218-4 3033-29-2 Dihydro-2,2-dioctyl-6H-1,3,2-oxathiastannin-6-one Heat stabiliser n.a.
221-264-5 3049-71-6 2,9-bis[4-(phenylazo)phenyl]anthra[2,1,9-def:6,5,10- Pigment n.a.

221-424-4 3089-17-6 2,9-dichloro-5,12-dihydroquino[2,3-b]acridine-7,14-dione Pigment n.a.

221-605-8 3159-62-4 Calcium(2+) 12-hydroxyoctadecanoate n.a. n.a.

221-625-7 3164-85-0 Potassium 2-ethylhexanoate Heat stabiliser n.a.
222-020-0 3319-31-1 Tris(2-ethylhexyl) benzene-1,2,4-tricarboxylate Pigment n.a.
222-530-3 3520-72-7 4,4'-[(3,3'-dichloro[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-diyl)bis(azo)]bis[2,4-dihydro-5- Pigment n.a.

222-883-3 3648-18-8 dioctyltin dilaurate Heat stabiliser n.a.

222-884-9 3648-20-2 Diundecyl phthalate Plasticiser n.a.
223-276-6 3806-34-6 3,9-Bis (octadecyloxy)-2,4,8,10-tetraoxa-3,9-diphosphaspiro Heat Stabiliser n.a.

223-445-4 3896-11-5 Bumetrizole Light Stabiliser n.a.

223-460-6 3905-19-9 N,N'-phenylene-1,4-bis[4-[(2,5-dichlorophenyl)azo]-3- Pigment n.a.

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
223-754-4 4051-63-2 4,4'-diamino[1,1'-bianthracene]-9,9',10,10'-tetraone Pigment n.a.
224-081-9 4196-89-8 2,2-dimethylpropane-1,3-diyl dibenzoate Plasticiser n.a.
224-597-4 4424-06-0 Bisbenzimidazo[2,1-b:2',1'-i]benzo[lmn][3,8]phenanthroline-8,17-dione Pigment n.a.

224-867-1 4531-49-1 2,2'-[(3,3'-dichloro[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-diyl)bis(azo)]bis[N-(2- Pigment n.a.


225-166-3 4696-56-4 Calcium dilaurate Heat stabiliser n.a.

225-167-9 4696-57-5 Barium dilaurate Heat stabiliser n.a.
225-184-1 4702-90-3 4-[(1,5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-phenyl-4H-pyrazol-4-ylidene)methyl]- Pigment n.a.

225-202-8 4712-55-4 Diphenyl phosphonate Heat stabiliser n.a.

225-443-9 4851-50-7 1,4-bis[[4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenyl]amino]-5,8- Pigment n.a.

225-590-9 4948-15-6 2,9-bis(3,5-dimethylphenyl)anthra[2,1,9-def:6,5,10-d'e'f']diisoquinoline- Pigment n.a.


225-744-5 5045-40-9 3,3'-[(2-methyl-1,3-phenylene)diimino]bis[4,5,6,7-tetrachloro-1H- Pigment n.a.


225-822-9 5102-83-0 2,2'-[(3,3'-dichloro[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-diyl)bis(azo)]bis[N-(2,4- Pigment n.a.


225-935-3 5160-02-1 Barium bis[2-chloro-5-[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthyl)azo]toluene-4- Pigment n.a.


226-103-2 5280-68-2 N-(4-chloro-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-3-hydroxy-4-[[2-methoxy-5- Pigment n.a.


P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
226-106-9 5280-78-4 N,N'-(2-chloro-1,4-phenylene)bis[4-[(2,5-dichlorophenyl)azo]-3- Pigment n.a.

226-107-4 5280-80-8 3,3'-[(2,5-dimethyl-p-phenylene)bis[imino(1-acetyl-2- Pigment n.a.


226-109-5 5281-04-9 Calcium 3-hydroxy-4-[(4-methyl-2-sulphonatophenyl)azo]-2-naphthoate Pigment n.a.

226-789-3 5468-75-7 2,2'-[(3,3'-dichloro[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-diyl)bis(azo)]bis[N-(2- Pigment n.a.


226-866-1 5521-31-3 2,9-dimethylanthra[2,1,9-def:6,5,10-d'e'f']diisoquinoline- Pigment n.a.


226-939-8 5567-15-7 2,2'-[(3,3'-dichloro[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-diyl)bis(azo)]bis[N-(4-chloro-2,5- Pigment n.a.


226-970-7 5580-57-4 3,3'-[(2-chloro-5-methyl-p-phenylene)bis[imino(1-acetyl-2- Pigment n.a.


226-999-5 5590-18-1 3,3'-(1,4-phenylenediimino)bis[4,5,6,7-tetrachloro-1H-isoindol-1-one] Pigment n.a.

227-217-5 5718-26-3 Methyl 2-[(1,5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-phenyl-4H-pyrazol-4- Pigment n.a.


227-930-1 6041-94-7 4-[(2,5-dichlorophenyl)azo]-3-hydroxy-N-phenylnaphthalene-2- Pigment n.a.


228-768-4 6358-31-2 2-[(2-methoxy-4-nitrophenyl)azo]-N-(2-methoxyphenyl)-3- Pigment n.a.


P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
228-787-8 6358-85-6 2,2'-[(3,3'-dichloro[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-diyl)bis(azo)]bis[3-oxo-N- Pigment n.a.

229-066-0 6408-72-6 1,4-diamino-2,3-diphenoxyanthraquinone Pigment n.a.

229-176-9 6422-86-2 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) terephthalate Plasticiser n.a.

229-662-0 6642-31-5 6-amino-1,3-dimethyluracil Heat stabiliser n.a.
229-722-6 6683-19-8 Pentaerythritol tetrakis(3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4- Antioxidant n.a.

229-904-5 6829-22-7 14H-benz[4,5]isoquino[2,1-a]perimidin-14-one Pigment n.a.

229-934-9 6846-50-0 1-isopropyl-2,2-dimethyltrimethylene diisobutyrate Plasticiser n.a.
230-049-5 6925-69-5 12H-phthaloperin-12-one Pigment n.a.
230-258-1 6992-11-6 4-[(2,5-dichlorophenyl)azo]-N-(2,3-dihydro-2-oxo-1H-benzimidazol-5- Pigment n.a.

230-303-5 7023-61-2 Calcium 4-[(5-chloro-4-methyl-2-sulphonatophenyl)azo]-3-hydroxy-2- Pigment n.a.


230-426-4 7128-64-5 2,5-thiophenediylbis(5-tert-butyl-1,3-benzoxazole) fluorescent whitening n.a.

231-141-8 7440-31-5 Tin dust Pigment n.a.
231-159-6 7440-50-8 Copper dust Pigment n.a.
231-175-3 7440-66-6 Zinc dust Pigment n.a.
231-293-5 7486-38-6 Disodium adipate Heat stabiliser n.a.
231-511-9 7601-89-0 Sodium perchlorate Heat stabiliser n.a.
231-626-4 7659-86-1 2-ethylhexyl mercaptoacetate Heat Stabiliser n.a.
231-784-4 7727-43-7 Barium sulfate Filler X-ray absorber
232-190-8 7789-79-9 Calcium phosphinate Flame retardant n.a.
232-192-9 7789-82-4 Calcium molybdate Flame retardant n.a.
232-274-4 8001-22-7 Soybean oil Solvent n.a.

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
232-278-6 8001-26-1 Linseed oil Solvent n.a.
232-292-2 8001-78-3 Castor oil, hydrogenated Lubricant n.a.
232-315-6 8002-74-2 Paraffin waxes and Hydrocarbon waxes Lubricant n.a.
232-353-3 8007-18-9 Antimony nickel titanium oxide yellow Pigment n.a.
232-391-0 8013-07-8 epoxidized soybean oil Heat Stabiliser Plasticiser
232-401-3 8016-11-3 Linseed oil, epoxidized Plasticiser co-stabiliser
232-455-8 8042-47-5 White mineral oil (petroleum) Lubricant n.a.
233-117-2 10039-33-5 2-ethylhexyl 14-ethyl-6,6-dioctyl-4,8,11-trioxo-5,7,12-trioxa-6- Heat stabiliser n.a.

233-226-5 10094-45-8 (Z)-N-octadecyldocos-13-enamide Lubricant n.a.

233-257-4 10101-66-3 Ammonium manganese(3+) diphosphate Pigment n.a.
234-186-1 10584-98-2 2-ethylhexyl 4,4-dibutyl-10-ethyl-7-oxo-8-oxa-3,5-dithia-4- Heat stabiliser n.a.

234-319-3 11097-59-9 carbonato(2-)]hexadecahydroxybis(aluminium)hexamagnesium Heat stabiliser n.a.

234-853-7 12036-76-9 Lead oxide sulfate (Basic lead sulphate) Heat Stabiliser n.a.
235-049-9 12062-81-6 Iron manganese trioxide Pigment n.a.
235-067-7 12065-90-6 Pentalead tetraoxide sulphate Heat Stabiliser n.a.
235-252-2 12141-20-7 Trilead dioxide phosphonate Heat Stabiliser n.a.
235-330-6 12167-74-7 Pentacalcium hydroxide tris(orthophosphate) Pigment n.a.
235-380-9 12202-17-4 Tetralead trioxide sulphate Heat Stabiliser n.a.
235-425-2 12225-06-8 N-(2,3-dihydro-2-oxo-1H-benzimidazol-5-yl)-3-hydroxy-4-[[2-methoxy- Pigment n.a.

235-462-4 12236-62-3 2-[(4-chloro-2-nitrophenyl)azo]-N-(2,3-dihydro-2-oxo-1H-benzimidazol- Pigment n.a.


235-476-0 12239-87-1 Copper chlorophthalocyanine Pigment n.a.

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
235-558-6 12286-66-7 Calcium bis[4-[[1-[[(2-methylphenyl)amino]carbonyl]-2-oxopropyl]azo]- Pigment n.a.

235-702-8 12578-12-0 Dioxobis(stearato)trilead Heat Stabiliser n.a.

235-790-8 12737-27-8 Chromium iron oxide Pigment n.a.
235-804-2 12767-90-7 Hexaboron dizinc undecaoxide Flame Retardant n.a.
235-811-0 12769-96-9 Sodium aluminosilicate violet Pigment n.a.
236-671-3 13463-41-7 Pyrithione zinc Biostabiliser n.a.
236-675-5 13463-67-7 Titanium dioxide Pigment n.a.
237-067-2 13598-37-3 Zinc bis(dihydrogen phosphate) Pigment n.a.
237-860-3 14024-63-6 Bis(pentane-2,4-dionato-O,O')zinc Heat Stabiliser n.a.
237-898-0 14059-33-7 Bismuth vanadium tetraoxide Pigment n.a.
238-238-4 14302-13-7 [1,3,8,16,18,24-hexabromo-2,4,9,10,11,15,17,22,23,25-decachloro- Pigment n.a.

238-877-9 14807-96-6 Talc (Mg3H2(SiO3)4) Filler Flame retardant


239-581-2 15535-79-2 2,2-dioctyl-1,3,2-oxathiastannolan-5-one Heat Stabiliser n.a.

239-594-3 15546-11-9 Methyl (Z,Z)-8,8-dibutyl-3,6,10-trioxo-2,7,9-trioxa-8-stannatrideca- Heat Stabiliser n.a.

239-622-4 15571-58-1 2-ethylhexyl 10-ethyl-4,4-dioctyl-7-oxo-8-oxa-3,5-dithia-4- Heat Stabiliser n.a.


239-685-8 15602-15-0 Magnesium 2-ethylhexanoate Heat stabiliser n.a.

239-716-5 15647-08-2 2-ethylhexyl diphenyl phosphite Heat Stabiliser Flame Retardant
239-879-2 15782-05-5 Strontium 4-[(5-chloro-4-methyl-2-sulphonatophenyl)azo]-3-hydroxy-2- Pigment n.a.
naphthoate (1:1)

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
239-898-6 15793-73-4 4,4'-[(3,3'-dichloro[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-diyl)bis(azo)]bis[2,4-dihydro-5- Pigment n.a.

239-937-7 15834-04-5 2,2-bis[[(1-oxopentyl)oxy]methyl]propane-1,3-diyl divalerate Plasticiser n.a.

240-385-4 16294-75-0 14H-anthra[2,1,9-mna]thioxanthen-14-one Pigment n.a.

240-920-1 16883-83-3 Benzyl 3-isobutyryloxy-1-isopropyl-2,2-dimethylpropyl phthalate Plasticiser n.a.

241-029-0 16958-92-2 Bis(tridecyl) adipate Plasticiser n.a.

241-753-7 17772-51-9 3-hydroxy-2-(3-hydroxy-2-quinolyl)-1H-inden-1-one Pigment n.a.
242-159-0 18282-10-5 Tin dioxide Pigment n.a.
242-894-7 19224-26-1 Propylene glycol dibenzoate Plasticiser n.a.
243-001-3 19372-44-2 Bis(pentane-2,4-dionato)calcium Heat Stabiliser n.a.
243-283-8 19766-89-3 Sodium 2-ethylhexanoate Heat stabiliser n.a.
244-007-9 20749-68-2 8,9,10,11-tetrachloro-12H-phthaloperin-12-one Pigment n.a.
244-320-0 21295-57-8 6-(cyclohexylamino)-3-methyl-3H-dibenz[f,ij]isoquinoline-2,7-dione Pigment n.a.
244-492-7 21645-51-2 Aluminum hydroxide Flame retardant Filler
244-776-0 22094-93-5 2,2'-[(2,2',5,5'-tetrachloro[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-diyl)bis(azo)]bis[N-(2,4- Plasticiser n.a.

245-322-4 22914-58-5 Dimolybdenum trizinc nonaoxide Flame retardant n.a.

245-950-9 23949-66-8 N-(2-ethoxyphenyl)-N'-(2-ethylphenyl)oxamide Light Stabiliser n.a.
246-466-0 24800-44-0 [(methylethylene)bis(oxy)]dipropanol Solvent n.a.
246-770-3 25265-71-8 Oxydipropanol Solvent n.a.
246-771-9 25265-77-4 Isobutyric acid, monoester with 2,2,4-trimethylpentane-1,3-diol Plasticiser Viscosity
depressant for
246-998-3 25448-25-3 Triisodecyl phosphite Heat Stabiliser Flame Retardant

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
247-038-6 25496-72-4 Oleic acid, monoester with glycerol Antistatic n.a.
247-098-3 25550-98-5 Diisodecyl phenyl phosphite Heat Stabiliser Flame Retardant
247-304-1 25869-00-5 Ammonium iron(3+) hexakis(cyano-C)ferrate(4-) Pigment n.a.
247-384-8 25973-55-1 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4,6-ditertpentylphenol Light Stabiliser n.a.
247-426-5 26040-51-7 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) tetrabromophthalate Flame Retardant Plasticiser
247-660-8 26401-35-4 Diisotridecyl adipate Plasticiser n.a.
247-693-8 26444-49-5 Diphenyl tolyl phosphate Flame Retardant Plasticiser
247-759-6 26523-78-4 Tris(nonylphenyl) phosphite Heat Stabiliser Antioxidant
247-761-7 26530-20-1 octhilinone (ISO); 2-octyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one Biostabiliser n.a.
247-777-4 26544-23-0 Isodecyl diphenyl phosphite Heat Stabiliser Flame Retardant
247-952-5 26741-53-7 3,9-bis(2,4-di-tert-butylphenoxy)-2,4,8,10-tetraoxa-3,9- Antioxidant n.a.

247-978-7 26761-42-2 Potassium neodecanoate Heat stabiliser n.a.

248-227-6 27107-89-7 2-ethylhexyl 10-ethyl-4-[[2-[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]-2-oxoethyl]thio]-4- Heat Stabiliser n.a.

248-258-5 27138-31-4 Oxydipropyl dibenzoate Plasticiser n.a.

248-299-9 27178-16-1 Diisodecyl adipate Plasticiser n.a.
248-368-3 27253-26-5 Diisotridecyl phthalate Plasticiser n.a.
248-370-4 27253-29-8 Zinc neodecanoate Heat stabiliser n.a.
248-375-1 27253-33-4 Calcium neodecanoate Heat stabiliser n.a.
249-044-4 28472-97-1 Diisodecyl azelate Plasticiser n.a.
249-047-0 28473-19-0 Diisodecyl sebacate Plasticiser n.a.
249-079-5 28553-12-0 Di-''isononyl'' phthalate Plasticiser n.a.
249-125-4 28654-73-1 [N,N,N',N',N'',N''-hexaethyl-29H,31H-phthalocyaninetrimethylaminato(2- Pigment n.a.

249-828-6 29761-21-5 Isodecyl diphenyl phosphate Plasticiser Flame Retardant

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
249-828-6 29761-21-5 Isodecyl diphenyl phosphate Flame Retardant Plasticiser
250-063-5 30125-47-4 3,4,5,6-tetrachloro-N-[2-(4,5,6,7-tetrachloro-2,3-dihydro-1,3-dioxo-1H- Pigment n.a.

250-705-4 31566-31-1 glycerol monostearate Lubricant Antistatic

250-800-0 31778-10-6 Butyl 2-[[3-[[(2,3-dihydro-2-oxo-1H-benzimidazol-5-yl)amino]carbonyl]- Pigment n.a.

250-830-4 31837-42-0 2-[[1-[[(2,3-dihydro-2-oxo-1H-benzimidazol-5-yl)amino]carbonyl]-2- Pigment n.a.

oxopropyl]azo]benzoic acid

251-156-3 32687-78-8 2',3-bis[[3-[3,5-di-tert-butyl-4- Antioxidant Metal deactivator


251-178-3 32724-62-2 1,4-bis[(2,6-diethyl-4-methylphenyl)amino]anthraquinone Pigment n.a.

251-646-7 33703-08-1 Diisononyl adipate Plasticiser n.a.

252-104-2 34590-94-8 (2-methoxymethylethoxy)propanol Solvent n.a.
252-669-5 35674-68-1 Zinc bis[12-hydroxyoctadecanoate] Heat Stabiliser n.a.
252-722-2 35773-43-4 3-(5-chlorobenzoxazol-2-yl)-7-(diethylamino)-2-benzopyrone Pigment n.a.
252-772-5 35869-64-8 N,N'-(2-chloro-1,4-phenylene)bis[4-[(4-chloro-2-nitrophenyl)azo]-3- Pigment n.a.

252-917-2 36211-43-5 Barium 3,5,5-trimethylhexanoate Heat stabiliser n.a.

252-939-2 36265-41-5 Didodecyl 1,4-dihydro-2,6-dimethylpyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate (DHP) Heat stabiliser n.a.

252-939-2 36265-41-5 Di-docecyl-1,4-dihydro-2,6-dimethylpyridin-3,5-dicarboxylat, Heat stabiliser n.a.

253-039-2 36443-68-2 Ethylenebis(oxyethylene) bis[3-(5-tert-butyl-4-hydroxy-m- Antioxidant n.a.


P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
253-138-0 36631-30-8 Triisodecyl benzene-1,2,4-tricarboxylate Plasticiser n.a.
253-256-2 36888-99-0 5,5'-(1H-isoindole-1,3(2H)-diylidene)dibarbituric acid Pigment n.a.
255-005-2 40618-31-3 N,N'-(2,5-dichloro-1,4-phenylene)bis[4-[(2,5-dichlorophenyl)azo]-3- Pigment n.a.

255-460-7 41611-76-1 1,4-bis[(2-ethyl-6-methylphenyl)amino]anthraquinone Pigment n.a.

255-965-2 42844-93-9 [1,3-dihydro-5,6-bis[[(2-hydroxy-1-naphthyl)methylene]amino]-2H- Pigment n.a.
256-367-4 49553-76-6 Oleic acid, monoester with oxybis(propanediol) Lubricant n.a.
257-098-5 51274-00-1 Iron hydroxide oxide yellow Pigment n.a.
257-515-0 51920-12-8 N-(2,3-dihydro-2-oxo-1H-benzimidazol-5-yl)-3-hydroxy-4-[[2-methoxy- Pigment n.a.

258-469-4 53306-54-0 Bis(2-propylheptyl) phthalate Plasticiser n.a.

258-847-9 53894-23-8 Triisononyl benzene-1,2,4-tricarboxylate Plasticiser n.a.
258-964-5 54079-53-7 [[4-[[2-(4-cyclohexylphenoxy)ethyl]ethylamino]-2- Pigment n.a.
259-509-3 55172-98-0 Barium neodecanoate Heat stabiliser n.a.
260-742-8 57453-97-1 magnesium neodecanoate Heat stabiliser n.a.
260-828-5 57583-34-3 2-ethylhexyl 10-ethyl-4-[[2-[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]-2-oxoethyl]thio]-4- Heat Stabiliser n.a.

260-829-0 57583-35-4 2-ethylhexyl 10-ethyl-4,4-dimethyl-7-oxo-8-oxa-3,5-dithia-4- Heat Stabiliser n.a.


261-257-4 58446-52-9 Phenylicosane-1,3-dione heat stabiliser n.a.

261-645-3 59185-95-4 DioctylTin di(2ethylhexylmercaptopropionate) Heat stabiliser n.a.

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
261-785-5 59487-23-9 4-[[5-[[[4-(aminocarbonyl)phenyl]amino]carbonyl]-2- Pigment n.a.

263-272-1 61847-48-1 Methyl 4-[[(2,5-dichlorophenyl)amino]carbonyl]-2-[[2-hydroxy-3-[[(2- Pigment n.a.


263-467-1 62229-08-7 Sulfurous acid, lead salt, dibasic Heat Stabiliser n.a.
264-038-1 63231-60-7 Paraffin waxes and Hydrocarbon waxes, microcryst. n.a. n.a.

264-150-0 63449-39-8 Paraffin waxes and Hydrocarbon waxes, chloro Plasticiser Flame Retardant
264-843-8 64359-81-5 4,5-dichloro-2-octyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one Biostabiliser n.a.
265-233-4 64771-72-8 Paraffins (petroleum), normal C5-C20 Lubricant n.a.
265-634-4 65212-77-3 Calcium 4,5-dichloro-2-[[4,5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-(3- Pigment n.a.

266-928-5 67701-03-5 Fatty acids, C16-18 Lubricant n.a.

266-936-9 67701-12-6 Fatty acids, C14-18 and C16-18-unsatd., zinc salts Heat stabiliser n.a.
267-015-4 67762-38-3 Fatty acids, C16-18 and C18-unsatd., Me esters Viscosity modifier n.a.
267-051-0 67774-74-7 Benzene, C10-13-alkyl derivs. Viscosity modifier n.a.
267-466-7 67874-37-7 Diisotridecyl phenyl phosphite Heat stabiliser n.a.
268-459-1 68092-46-6 Zinc m-toluate Heat stabiliser n.a.
268-460-7 68092-47-7 Barium m-toluate Heat stabiliser n.a.
268-500-3 68109-88-6 Ethyl 9,9-dioctyl-4,7,11-trioxo-3,8,10-trioxa-9-stannatetradeca-5,12- Heat Stabiliser n.a.

269-047-4 68186-85-6 Cobalt titanite green spinel Pigment n.a.

269-049-5 68186-87-8 Cobalt zinc aluminate blue spinel Pigment n.a.
269-050-0 68186-88-9 Zinc iron chromite brown spinel Pigment n.a.

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
269-052-1 68186-90-3 Chrome antimony titanium buff rutile Pigment n.a.
269-053-7 68186-91-4 Copper chromite black spinel Pigment n.a.
269-054-2 68186-92-5 Chrome tungsten titanium buff rutile Pigment n.a.
269-056-3 68186-94-7 Manganese ferrite black spinel Pigment n.a.
269-060-5 68186-97-0 Iron cobalt chromite black spinel Pigment n.a.
269-072-0 68187-11-1 Cobalt chromite blue green spinel Pigment n.a.
269-075-7 68187-15-5 Zirconium praseodymium yellow zircon Pigment n.a.
269-101-7 68187-49-5 Cobalt chromite green spinel Pigment n.a.
269-103-8 68187-51-9 Zinc ferrite brown spinel Pigment n.a.
269-144-1 68188-18-1 Sulfonic acids, C14-17-sec-alkane, sodium salts Antistatic Emulsifier
270-185-2 68412-38-4 Manganese antimony titanium buff rutile Pigment n.a.
270-487-4 68442-70-6 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, mixed cetyl and stearyl esters Lubricant n.a.

270-958-4 68512-13-0 Copper, [29H,31H-phthalocyaninato(2-)-N29,N30,N31,N32]-, Pigment n.a.

brominated chlorinated

271-082-5 68515-40-2 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, benzyl C7-9-branched and linear alkyl Plasticiser n.a.

271-084-6 68515-42-4 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C7-11-branched and linear alkyl esters Plasticiser Lubricant

271-085-1 68515-43-5 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C9-11-branched and linear alkyl esters Plasticiser n.a.

271-089-3 68515-47-9 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C11-14-branched alkyl esters, C13-rich Plasticiser n.a.

271-090-9 68515-48-0 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C8-10-branched alkyl esters, C9-rich Plasticiser n.a.

271-091-4 68515-49-1 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C9-11-branched alkyl esters, C10-rich Plasticiser n.a.

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
271-176-6 68516-73-4 Tetramethyl 2,2'-[1,4-phenylenebis[imino(1-acetyl-2-oxoethane-1,2- Pigment n.a.

271-235-6 68526-86-3 Alcohols, C11-14-iso-, C13-rich Solvent n.a.

271-376-3 68551-41-7 Fatty acids, C6-19-branched, calcium salts, overbased Heat stabiliser n.a.

272-713-7 68909-79-5 Hematite, chromium green black Pigment n.a.

273-066-3 68937-41-7 Phenol, isopropylated, phosphate (3:1) Flame Retardant Plasticiser
273-688-5 69011-06-9 [Phthalato(2-)] dioxotrilead Heat Stabiliser n.a.
274-324-8 70131-50-9 Bentonite, acid-leached Filler n.a.
274-570-6 70321-86-7 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4,6-bis(1-methyl-1-phenylethyl)phenol Light Stabiliser n.a.

274-668-9 70546-25-7 3-(benzothiazol-2-yl)-7-(diethylamino)-2-oxo-2H-1-benzopyran-4- Pigment n.a.


275-063-2 70955-74-7 Diisotridecyl phosphonate Heat stabiliser n.a.

275-738-1 71631-15-7 Nickel iron chromite black spinel Pigment n.a.
276-057-2 71832-85-4 Calcium bis[4-[[1-[[(2-chlorophenyl)amino]carbonyl]-2-oxopropyl]azo]- Pigment n.a.
276-158-1 71888-89-6 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C6-8-branched alkyl esters, C7-rich Plasticiser n.a.

276-344-2 72102-84-2 5-[(2,3-dihydro-6-methyl-2-oxo-1H-benzimidazol-5-yl)azo]barbituric Pigment n.a.


277-146-9 72968-71-9 Methyl 4-cyano-5-[[5-cyano-2,6-bis[(3-methoxypropyl)amino]-4- Pigment n.a.


277-873-1 74441-05-7 N-[4-(aminocarbonyl)phenyl]-4-[[1-[[(2,3-dihydro-2-oxo-1H- Pigment n.a.


278-758-9 77745-66-5 Triisotridecyl phosphite Heat Stabiliser Flame Retardant

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
278-770-4 77804-81-0 2,2'-[ethylenebis(oxyphenyl-2,1-eneazo)]bis[N-(2,3-dihydro-2-oxo-1H- Pigment n.a.

279-356-6 79953-85-8 3,3'-[(2-chloro-5-methyl-p-phenylene)bis[imino(1-acetyl-2- Pigment n.a.


279-767-0 81457-65-0 Copper, [29H,31H-phthalocyaninato(2-)-N29,N30,N31,N32]-, [[3-(1- Pigment n.a.

methylethoxy)propyl]amino]sulfonyl derivs.

281-192-5 83897-84-1 Calcium magnesium carbonate oxide Filler n.a.

282-780-4 84418-68-8 Neodecanoic acid, zinc salt, basic Heat stabiliser n.a.
283-563-7 84682-03-1 Zinc 3,5,5-trimethylhexanoate Heat stabiliser n.a.
284-660-7 84961-70-6 Benzene, mono-C10-13-alkyl derivs., distn. residues Lubricant n.a.
286-272-3 85203-81-2 zinc octanoate, basic Heat stabiliser n.a.
286-484-6 85251-71-4 Fatty acids, C16-18, calcium salts Heat stabiliser n.a.
286-490-9 85251-77-0 Glycerides, C16-18 mono- and di- Lubricant n.a.
287-477-0 85535-85-9 Alkanes, C14-17, chloro Plasticiser Flame Retardant
290-580-3 90193-76-3 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C16-18-alkyl esters Plasticiser n.a.
290-656-6 90194-45-9 Benzenesulfonic acid, mono-C10-13-alkyl derivs., sodium salts Antifriction agent n.a.

290-754-9 90218-76-1 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid, mixed decyl and octyl triesters Plasticiser n.a.

292-811-3 91001-42-2 Fatty acids, C12-20 and C12-20-unsatd., 2-ethylhexyl esters Viscosity modifier n.a.

292-883-6 91002-07-2 Fatty acids, C16-18, barium salts Heat stabiliser n.a.
292-932-1 91031-31-1 Fatty acids, C16-18, esters with ethylene glycol Lubricant n.a.
292-951-5 91031-48-0 Fatty acids, C16-18, 2-ethylhexyl esters Lubricant n.a.

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
292-966-7 91031-62-8 Fatty acids, C16-18, lead salts Heat Stabiliser Lubricant
293-048-9 91051-00-2 Fatty acids, C8-10, zinc salts Heat Stabiliser Lubricant
293-049-4 91051-01-3 Fatty acids, C16-18, zinc salts Heat Stabiliser Lubricant
293-208-8 91052-47-0 Glycerides, C16-18 mono- Lubricant Antistatic
293-215-6 91052-54-9 Glycerides, C16-18 mono-, di- and tri- Lubricant n.a.
293-728-5 91082-17-6 Sulfonic acids, C10-21-alkane, Ph esters Plasticiser n.a.
295-361-6 92044-82-1 Fatty acids, C9-13-neo-, barium salts Heat stabiliser n.a.
295-362-1 92044-83-2 Fatty acids, C9-13-neo-, potassium salts Heat stabiliser n.a.
295-363-7 92044-84-3 Fatty acids, C9-13-neo-, zinc salts Heat stabiliser n.a.
296-473-8 92704-41-1 Kaolin, calcined Filler n.a.
300-141-0 93922-04-4 barium 4-dodecylphenolate Heat stabiliser n.a.
304-780-6 94279-36-4 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid, tri-C9-11-alkyl esters Plasticiser n.a.

305-962-8 95370-96-0 Fatty acids, C14-22, 2-ethylhexyl esters, epoxidized heat Stabiliser n.a.
305-998-4 95465-85-3 Fatty acids, C14-18 and C16-18-unsatd., barium salts Heat stabiliser n.a.
306-084-8 95912-88-2 Fatty acids, C16-18, isotridecyl esters Lubricant n.a.
306-797-4 97404-33-6 Fatty acids, C16-18, C16-18-alkyl esters Lubricant n.a.
307-055-2 97489-15-1 Sulfonic acids, C14-17-sec-alkane, sodium salts Antistatic Emulsifier
308-208-6 97925-95-6 Ethanol, 2,2'-iminobis-, N-(C13-15-branched and linear alkyl) derivs. Antistatic n.a.

309-928-3 101357-30-6 Silicic acid, aluminum sodium salt, sulfurized Pigment n.a.
310-193-6 1345-16-0 Cobalt aluminate blue spinel Pigment n.a.
401-540-3 84632-65-5 Pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4-dione, 3,6-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-2,5-dihydro- Pigment n.a.

401-990-0 106990-43-6 N,N',N'',N'''-tetrakis(4,6-bis(butyl-(N-methyl-2,2,6,6- Antioxidant n.a.


404-410-4 12027-96-2 Stannate (Sn(OH)62-), zinc (1:1), (OC-6-11)- Flame retardant n.a.

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
405-290-6 12036-37-2 Zinc stannate Flame retardant n.a.
406-040-9 125643-61-0 reaction mass of isomers of: C7-9-alkyl 3-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4- Antioxidant n.a.

406-750-9 129757-67-1 A mixture of: bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-octyloxypiperidin-4-yl)-1,10- Light Stabiliser n.a.

decanedioate; 1,8-bis[(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-((2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-

411-080-5 Calcium 2-((5-amino-3-methyl-1-(3-sulfonatophenyl)-1H-pyrazo l-4- Pigment n.a.


411-220-5 134701-20-5 2,4-dimethyl-6-(1-methyl-pentadecyl)phenol Antioxidant n.a.

411-380-6 147315-50-2 2-(4,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)-5-((hexyl)oxy)phenol Light Stabiliser n.a.

413-890-4 82469-79-2 1,2,3-Propanetricarboxylic acid, 2-(1-oxobutoxy)-, 1,2,3-trihexyl ester Plasticiser n.a.


413-920-6 88949-33-1 Pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4-dione, 3,6-bis([1,1'-biphenyl]-4-yl)-2,5- Pigment n.a.

416-250-2 84632-59-7 Pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4-dione, 3,6-bis[4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenyl]- Pigment n.a.

419-370-3 84632-66-6 Pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4-dione, 2,5-dihydro-3,6-bis(4-methylphenyl)- Pigment n.a.

421-090-1 131298-44-7 Benzoic acid, C9-11, C10-rich, branched alkyl esters Plasticiser n.a.
421-640-0 Reaction mass of 9-[(12-oxo-6a,12-dihydro-4H-isoindolo[2,1- Pigment n.a.
10,10'-oxydi(12H-isoindolo[2,1-a]heteropolycycl-12-one) and 9,9'-
423-570-6 169314-88-9 aluminium-magnesium-zinc-carbonate-hydroxide Heat Stabiliser n.a.
431-890-2 166412-78-8 1,2-Cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid, 1,2-diisononyl ester Plasticiser n.a.

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
432-420-9 6-(2,5-Dimethylbenzoyl)-3-hydroxy-2-(3-hydroxy-2-quinolinyl)-1 H- Pigment n.a.
Inden-1 -one

433-240-3 253430-12-5 C.I. Pigment Yellow 214 Pigment n.a.

447-010-5 670241-72-2 Nonylbenzoate, branched and linear Plasticiser n.a.
480-340-8 156157-97-0 Di(μ-2,2´,2´´-nitrilotris(ethanol)-diperchlorato)dinatrium Heat Stabiliser n.a.

500-015-7 9004-96-0 Oleic acid, ethoxylated Viscosity modifier n.a.

500-195-7 68131-39-5 Alcohols, C12-15, ethoxylated Anti-fogging n.a.
500-241-6 69011-36-5 Isotridecanol, ethoxylated Antistatic n.a.
600-734-7 106276-78-2 Benzoic acid, 2,3,4,5-tetrachloro-6-cyano-, methyl ester, reaction Pigment n.a.
products with 4-[2-(4-aminophenyl)diazenyl]-3-methylbenzenamine and
methanol sodium salt (1:1)

601-214-2 112926-00-8 Silicon dioxide n.a. n.a.

601-420-2 116265-68-0 Poly (dipropyleneglycol) Phenyl phosphite Antioxidant n.a.
602-617-6 12236-03-2 C.I. Disperse Orange 47 Pigment n.a.
603-155-8 12671-74-8 C.I. Solvent Yellow 98 Pigment n.a.
603-331-4 129423-54-7 4-Chloro-2-[[4,5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-(3-sulfophenyl)-1H-pyrazol- Pigment n.a.
4-yl]azo]-5-methylbenzenesulfonic acid calcium salt (1:1)

603-411-9 1303-96-4 Sodium tetraborate decahydrate Confidential Flame Retardant

604-984-8 154946-66-4 Benzenesulfonic acid, 4-chloro-2-[2-[4,5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-oxo-1-(3- Pigment n.a.
sulfophenyl)-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]diazenyl]-5-methyl-, ammonium salt (1:2)

605-352-4 164251-88-1 C.I. Solvent Red 195 Pigment n.a.

606-790-9 215247-95-3 Diindolo[2,3-c:2',3'-n]triphenodioxazine, 9,19-dichloro-5,15-diethyl- Pigment n.a.

607-104-0 225375-65-5 Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane Flame retardant n.a.

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
607-457-0 24937-78-8 Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Impact modifier n.a.
607-511-3 25053-09-2 methyl methacrylate-butadiene-styrene copolymer Impact modifier n.a.
607-520-2 250640-08-5 Benzoic acid, 4-[2-(2-hydroxy-6-sulfo-1-naphthalenyl)diazenyl]-, Pigment n.a.
strontium salt (2:1)

607-544-3 25101-03-5 Hexanedioic acid, polymer with 1,2-propanediol Plasticiser n.a.

607-756-6 25608-33-7 Methylmethacrylate butylmethacrylate copolymer Lubricant n.a.
608-050-0 27136-15-8 Methyl methacrylate-butyl acrylate-styrene copolymer Impact modifier Lubricant

608-534-1 308069-39-8 silver phosphate glass Biostabiliser n.a.

608-609-9 31370-61-3 Benzene, 1,3-diisocyanatomethyl-, homopolymer Adhesion-improving n.a.
611-533-9 57455-37-5 C.I. Pigment Blue 29 Pigment n.a.
612-812-8 61951-89-1 C.I. Solvent Violet 36 Pigment n.a.
612-923-1 61969-44-6 C.I solvent blue 97 Pigment n.a.
613-688-8 64754-90-1 Chlorinated polyethylene Impact modifier n.a.
614-115-4 67762-35-0 Coconut oil, ethoxylated Lubricant n.a.
614-498-8 68441-17-8 Ethene, homopolymer, oxidized Lubricant n.a.
614-625-7 68585-36-4 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),, mono-C10- Dispersing agent n.a.
14-alkyl ethers, phosphates

614-875-7 68989-03-7 Quaternary ammonium compounds, coco alkylbis(hydroxyethyl)methyl, Antistatic n.a.

ethoxylated, Me sulfates

615-609-2 71838-95-4 C.I. Reactive Orange 82 Pigment n.a.

615-613-4 71839-01-5 C.I. SOLVENT GREEN 28 Pigment n.a.
616-600-6 78245-94-0 2,2'-((3,3'-Dichloro(1,1'-biphenyl)-4,4'-diyl)bis(azo))bis(N-(2,3-dihydro- Pigment n.a.
2-oxo-1H-benzimidazol-5-yl)- 3-oxobutanamide)

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
617-600-9 84632-50-8 Benzonitrile, 3,3'-(2,3,5,6-tetrahydro-3,6-dioxopyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole- Pigment n.a.

617-601-4 84632-59-7 Pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4-dione, 3,6-bis[4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenyl]- Pigment n.a.


618-223-2 88949-33-1 C.I. Pigment Red 264 Pigment n.a.

618-357-1 9003-18-3 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber Impact modifier n.a.
618-371-8 9003-56-9 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Impact modifier n.a.
618-396-4 9004-81-3 Polyethylene glycol monolaureate Lubricant Antistatic
618-466-4 9011-14-7 Methylmethacrylate homopolymer Lubricant n.a.
618-500-8 9017-01-0 Benzene, 1,3-diisocyanatomethyl-, homopolymer Bonding Agent n.a.
618-500-8 9017-01-0 Benzene, 1,3-diisocyanato-2-methyl-, polymer with 2,4-diisocyanato-1- Bonding Agent n.a.

619-088-2 94945-26-3 C.I. Solvent Yellow 130 Pigment n.a.

630-433-6 25852-37-3 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, methyl ester, polymer with butyl 2- Plasticiser n.a.

638-753-8 68989-03-7 Quaternary ammonium compounds, coco alkylbis(hydroxyethyl)methyl, Antistatic n.a.

ethoxylated, Me sulfates

639-967-4 24937-93-7 1,3-Butylene glycol, adipic acid polymer Plasticiser n.a.

680-352-5 9002-88-4 polyethylene wax Lubricant n.a.
688-127-3 68989-03-7 Quaternary ammonium compounds, coco alkylbis(hydroxyethyl)methyl, Antistatic n.a.
ethoxylated, Me sulfates

700-073-5 1215036-04-6 Fatty acids, C8-10, diesters with 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-D-glucitol Anti-fogging n.a.

700-485-5 939402-02-5 Phosphorous acid, mixed 2,4-bis(1,1-dimethylpropyl)phenyl and 4-(1,1- heat stabiliser n.a.
dimethylpropyl)phenyl triesters

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
700-989-5 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C10-12-branched alkyl esters Plasticiser n.a.

700-990-0 Reaction mass of 4-tert-butylphenyl diphenyl phosphate and bis(4-tert- Plasticiser Flame Retardant
butylphenyl) phenyl phosphate and triphenyl phosphate

701-257-8 91082-17-6 C14-17 alkanes, sec-mono- and disulfonic acids, phenyl esters Plasticiser n.a.

701-279-8 1931129-39-3 benzyl butyl cis-cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylate Plasticiser n.a.

800-029-6 1290049-56-7 Amines, N-(C16-18 (even numbered) and C18-unsatd. alkyl) Heat stabiliser n.a.
trimethylenedi-, ethoxylated

809-930-9 1330-78-5 Tris(methylphenyl) phosphate Flame Retardant Plasticiser

843-673-3 73018-26-5 Hexanedioic acid, polymer with 1,3-butanediol and 1,2-propanediol, 2- Plasticiser n.a.
ethylhexyl ester

843-673-3 73018-26-5 polyesters of 1,2-propanediol and/ or 1,3- and/or 1,4-butanediol and/ or Plasticiser n.a.
polypropyleneglycol with adipic acid, which may be end- capped with
acetic acid or fatty acids C 12-C 18 or n-octanol and/or n-decanol

905-983-8 Reaction mass of benzyl 2-ethylhexyl adipate and bis(2-ethylhexyl) Plasticiser n.a.
adipate and dibenzyl adipate

907-434-8 Reaction mass of ethylenebis(oxyethylene) dibenzoate and Plasticiser n.a.

oxydiethylene dibenzoate and oxydipropyl dibenzoate

907-437-4 Reaction mass of oxydiethylene dibenzoate and oxydipropyl dibenzoate Plasticiser n.a.

914-460-3 Reaction mass of Fatty acids, montan-wax and Fatty acids, montan-wax, lubricant n.a.
1-methyl-1,3-propanediyl esters and Fatty acids, montan-wax, calcium
salts and Montan wax

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
914-469-2 Reaction mass of Fatty acids, montan-wax and Glycerides, montan-wax lubricant n.a.
and Montan wax

915-316-2 Reaction mass of 1-phenyloctadecane-1,3-dione and phenylicosane-1,3- Heat stabiliser n.a.


918-481-9 Hydrocarbons, C10-C13, n-alkanes, isoalkanes, cyclics, < 2% aromatics Solvent n.a.

919-029-3 Hydrocarbons, C16-C20, n-alkanes, isoalkanes, cyclics, Solvent n.a.

919-164-8 Hydrocarbons, C10-C13, n-alkanes, isoalkanes, cyclics, aromatics (2- Solvent n.a.

920-107-4 Hydrocarbons, C12-C15, n-alkanes, isoalkanes, cyclics, < 2% aromatics Solvent n.a.

931-251-2 bis(decyl and/or dodecyl) benzene-1,2-dicarboxylate Plasticiser n.a.

931-299-4 68390-94-3 Amides, C16-18 and C18-unsatd., N,N'-ethylenebis- Lubricant n.a.
931-434-7 Reaction products resulting from the esterification of Sorbitol with C8 – Anti-fogging n.a.
18 (even) and C18 unsaturated fatty acids in the ratio of 1:1

939-379-0 Reaction mass of melamine and Nickel, 5,5'-azobis-2,4,6(1H,3H,5H)- Pigment n.a.

pyrimidinetrione complexes

939-505-4 Reaction mass of p-t-butylphenyldiphenyl phosphate and bis(p-t- Flame Retardant Plasticiser
butylphenyl) phenyl phosphate
939-588-7 91744-35-3 Reaction mass of dilauric acid, ester with dihydroxypropaneyl acetate Plasticiser Lubricant
and lauric acid, ester with hydroxypropanediyl diacetate

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

EC/List No. CAS No. Substance name Main function Other function
945-730-9 Reaction mass of 3-methylphenyl diphenyl phosphate, 4-methylphenyl Flame Retardant Plasticiser
diphenyl phosphate, bis(3-methylphenyl) phenyl phosphate, 3-
methylphenyl 4-methylphenyl phenyl phosphate and triphenyl phosphate

949-147-0 1041263-42-6 Tris(2-propylheptyl) phosphite Heat stabiliser n.a.

950-347-5 1,2-Cyclohexanedicarboxylic Acid, 1-(phenylmethyl) ester, ester with Plasticiser n.a.
2,2,4-trimethyl, 1,3-petanediol mono(2-methyl propanoate)

Table 21. List of PVC additives in focus for the investigation report prioritised as explained in section 3.2 of this report and Appendix B.2

Function Subgroup EC No. CAS No. Substance Name

239-622-4 15571-58-1 2-ethylhexyl 10-ethyl-4,4-dioctyl-7-oxo-8-oxa-3,5-dithia-4-
239-581-2 15535-79-2 2,2-dioctyl-1,3,2-oxathiastannolan-5-one
248-227-6 27107-89-7 2-ethylhexyl 10-ethyl-4-[[2-[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]-2-oxoethyl]thio]-4-octyl-
222-883-3 3648-18-8 dioctyltin dilaurate
260-829-0 57583-35-4 2-ethylhexyl 10-ethyl-4,4-dimethyl-7-oxo-8-oxa-3,5-dithia-4-
Heat 268-500-3 68109-88-6 Ethyl 9,9-dioctyl-4,7,11-trioxo-3,8,10-trioxa-9-stannatetradeca-5,12-
Organotin substances
stabilisers dien-14-oate
261-645-3 59185-95-4 2-ethylhexyl 12-ethyl-5,5-dioctyl-9-oxo-10-oxa-4,6-dithia-5-
234-186-1 10584-98-2 2-ethylhexyl 4,4-dibutyl-10-ethyl-7-oxo-8-oxa-3,5-dithia-4-
233-117-2 10039-33-5 2-ethylhexyl 14-ethyl-6,6-dioctyl-4,8,11-trioxo-5,7,12-trioxa-6-
260-828-5 57583-34-3 2-ethylhexyl 10-ethyl-4-[[2-[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]-2-oxoethyl]thio]-4-

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

Function Subgroup EC No. CAS No. Substance Name

247-777-4 26544-23-0 Isodecyl diphenyl phosphite
247-759-6 26523-78-4 Tris(nonylphenyl) phosphite
202-908-4 101-02-0 Triphenyl phosphite
Mono-, di- and 700-485-5 939402-02-5 Phosphorous acid, mixed 2,4-bis(1,1-dimethylpropyl)phenyl and 4-(1,1-
triphenylphosphite derivatives dimethylpropyl)phenyl triesters
247-098-3 25550-98-5 Diisodecyl phenyl phosphite
239-716-5 15647-08-2 2-ethylhexyl diphenyl phosphite
267-466-7 67874-37-7 Diisotridecyl phenyl phosphite
204-398-9 120-46-7 1,3-diphenylpropane-1,3-dione
Phenyl 1,3-diones 915-316-2 Reaction mass of 1-phenyloctadecane-1,3-dione and phenylicosane-1,3-
300-141-0 93922-04-4 barium 4-dodecylphenolate
Others 800-029-6 1290049-56- Amines, N-(C16-18 (even numbered) and C18-unsatd. alkyl)
7 trimethylenedi-, ethoxylated(NLP)
201-553-2 84-69-5 Diisobutyl phthalate
205-016-3 131-17-9 Diallyl phthalate
201-557-4 84-74-2 Dibutyl phthalate
201-622-7 85-68-7 Benzyl butyl phthalate
204-211-0 117-81-7 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate
276-158-1 71888-89-6 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C6-8-branched alkyl esters, C7-rich
249-079-5 28553-12-0 Di-''isononyl'' phthalate
Plasticisers Ortho-phthalates 258-469-4 53306-54-0 Bis(2-propylheptyl) phthalate
271-082-5 68515-40-2 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, benzyl C7-9-branched and linear alkyl
271-084-6 68515-42-4 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C7-11-branched and linear alkyl esters
271-090-9 68515-48-0 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C8-10-branched alkyl esters, C9-rich
222-884-9 3648-20-2 Diundecyl phthalate
248-368-3 27253-26-5 Diisotridecyl phthalate
271-085-1 68515-43-5 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C9-11-branched and linear alkyl esters

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

Function Subgroup EC No. CAS No. Substance Name

271-089-3 68515-47-9 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C11-14-branched alkyl esters, C13-rich
271-091-4 68515-49-1 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C9-11-branched alkyl esters, C10-rich
290-580-3 90193-76-3 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C16-18-alkyl esters
700-989-5 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C10-12-branched alkyl esters
931-251-2 bis(decyl and/or dodecyl) benzene-1,2-dicarboxylate
217-803-9 1962-75-0 Dibutyl terephthalate
229-176-9 6422-86-2 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) terephthalate
304-780-6 94279-36-4 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid, tri-C9-11-alkyl esters
290-754-9 90218-76-1 1,2,4-Benzenetricarboxylic acid, mixed decyl and octyl triesters
Trimellitates 201-877-4 89-04-3 Trioctyl benzene-1,2,4-tricarboxylate
258-847-9 53894-23-8 Triisononyl benzene-1,2,4-tricarboxylate
253-138-0 36631-30-8 Triisodecyl benzene-1,2,4-tricarboxylate
447-010-5 670241-72-2 Nonylbenzoate, branched and linear
421-090-1 131298-44-7 Benzoic acid, C9-11, C10-rich, branched alkyl esters
246-677-8 25155-23-1 Trixylyl phosphate
273-066-3 68937-41-7 Phenol, isopropylated, phosphate (3:1)
945-730-9 Reaction mass of 3-methylphenyl diphenyl phosphate, 4-methylphenyl
diphenyl phosphate, bis(3-methylphenyl) phenyl phosphate, 3-
methylphenyl 4-methylphenyl phenyl phosphate and triphenyl phosphate
809-930-9 1330-78-5 Tris(methylphenyl)phosphat
939-505-4 Reaction mass of p-t-butylphenyldiphenyl phosphate and bis(p-t-
Flame butylphenyl) phenyl phosphate
retardants 247-693-8 26444-49-5 Diphenyl tolyl phosphate
700-990-0 Reaction mass of 4-tert-butylphenyl diphenyl phosphate and bis(4-tert-
butylphenyl) phenyl phosphate and triphenyl phosphate
201-116-6 78-42-2 Tris-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphate
215-175-0 1309-64-4 Diantimony trioxide
Inorganic 245-322-4 22914-58-5 Dimolybdenum trizinc nonaoxide
215-566-6 1332-07-6 Boric acid, zinc salt

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

Function Subgroup EC No. CAS No. Substance Name

235-804-2 12767-90-7 Hexaboron dizinc undecaoxide
264-150-0 63449-39-8 Paraffin waxes and Hydrocarbon waxes, chloro
247-426-5 26040-51-7 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) tetrabromophthalate

P.O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland | Tel. +358 9 686180 |

Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

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Investigation report – PVC and PVC Additives

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