ISCC EU 202-5 Waste and Residues-V4.0
ISCC EU 202-5 Waste and Residues-V4.0
ISCC EU 202-5 Waste and Residues-V4.0
ISCC EU 202-5
This ISCC document is protected by copyright. It is freely available from the ISCC website
or upon request.
No part of this copyrighted document may be changed or amended. The document may not
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Note: From 1st July 2021, only the version 4.0 of this ISCC document is applicable. This version
of the document has been submitted to the European Commission in the framework of the
recognition process of ISCC EU under the legal requirements of the Renewable Energy
Directive (EU) 2018/2001 (RED II). The recognition of ISCC EU in the framework of the RED
II is pending. This ISCC document may be subject to change depending on further legislation
and further requirements of the European Commission.
1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 5
General: All reference with regard to the RED refer to the recast Renewable Energy
Directive (EU) 2018/2001 (recast) (also referred to as RED II)
Amendment: Only a consistent verification can avoid a deliberate increase in the 1
production of waste or residues. For this purpose, “the correct determination
whether a material meets the applicable definitions for waste and residues is
Addition: “For materials that are or may be eligible for extra incentives in individual 1
EU Member States (e.g. “double counting”) a higher risk may be associated with the
correct determination of the raw material. This includes but is not limited to waste,
residues materials that are eligible for the production of advanced biofuels (i.e.
biofuels or biogas produced from materials listed under Annex IX (Part A) of the
RED II) and products derived therefrom.”
Addition: “It is the responsibility of the auditor to determine whether a material 1
meets the definition for waste and residues at the point in the supply chain where
the material originates (i.e. the point of origin). This verification is generally done
during an audit.”
Addition: “The RED II provides further specification by stating that this excludes 3.1
“substances that have been intentionally modified or contaminated in order to meet
this definition”
Adjustment of the definition of “Residues” 3.2
Addition: New chapter 3.3. “Co-Products” 3.3
Addition: New chapter 3.4 “Further Definitions” 3.4
Addition: New chapter 3.5 “Advanced Raw Materials” 3.5
Amendment: The content of the previous chapters 4.3.1 - 4.3.3 are now included in
the ISCC EU System Document 203 “Traceability and Chain of Custody”
Amendment: The information from the previous chapter 3.3 “ISCC” have been
included throughout the document where appropriate
Adjustment of the process to determine if a material meets the definition for waste 5
and residues or has to be considered as product or co-product
Addition: “It is the responsibility of the auditor to determine whether a material 5.1
meets the definitions of waste or residue at the point of origin, i.e. the element in the
supply chain where the material is generated. The auditor shall follow the below
process to determine if a material meets the definitions for waste or residues as
defined in the RED II. This process is based on the definitions for waste, residues
and co-products as stated in the RED II and WFD…”
Addition: New chapter 5.3 “Intentional Contamination or Modification” 5.3
Addition: New chapter 5.4 “Discarding a Material” 5.4
Addition: New chapter 5.5 “Origin of the Material” 5.5
Addition: New chapter 5.7 “Correct Declaration of Material 5.7
This document provides the definitions, legal framework and verification Definitions, legal
process for verifying if materials meet the definition for waste and residues. framework and
The Renewable Energy Directive (EU) 2018/200111 (often referred to as process
RED II) includes definitions of and specific incentives for the promotion of
biofuels, bioliquids or biomass fuels originating from waste and residues. The
verification and assessment of a material and its waste or residue status is
important as there is no EU-wide harmonised list defining or classifying waste
or residues. Only a consistent verification can avoid a deliberate increase in
the production of waste or residues or a deliberate declaration of material as
waste or residue. For this purpose, the correct determination whether a
material meets the applicable definitions for waste and residues is crucial.
The sustainability risks for final products that are produced from agricultural Different risks
and forest biomass are different from the ones related to waste and residues.
In the case of agricultural and forest biomass, the main task at the origin of
the feedstock (farm/plantation or forest) is to verify that the criteria for
sustainable production of the biomass are complied with. In the case of waste
and residues, the main task at the origin is to verify the type of raw material
and that it meets the applicable definitions of waste or residue. For materials
that are or may be eligible for extra incentives in individual EU Member States
(e.g. “double counting”) a higher risk may be assumed. This includes but is
not limited to waste, residues materials that are eligible for the production of
advanced biofuels (i.e. biofuels or biogas produced from materials listed under
Annex IX (Part A) of the RED II) and products derived therefrom.
The auditing and certification principles under ISCC apply equally to Focus on points
agricultural and forest biomass and to waste and residues. However, for waste of origin
and residues there is a special focus on the point of origin as this is the supply
chain element where it is determined if the raw material meets the definitions
for waste and residues. Furthermore, for points of origin of waste or residues
a different risk approach is applied, leading to differences in the frequency and
intensity of audits compared to the process for agricultural and forest biomass.
In this document the regulatory framework for waste and residues is described Regulatory
as well as requirements to determine whether a material meets the definition framework and
for waste or residues at the point of origin.
Directive (EU) 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (recast), in the
following referred to as RED II
ISCC is not a public authority or agency and therefore ISCC is not in the Responsibility of
position to officially classify material as waste, neither by certification nor by auditors
In the following referred to as WFD.
Article 2 (23) of the RED II
A residue “means a substance that is not the end product that a production Definition
process directly seeks to produce; it is not a primary aim of the production residue
process and the process has not been deliberately modified to produce it”.4
Residues that are generated by “related industries or processing” are referred Processing
to as “processing residues” under this standard. Examples for processing residues
residues are crude glycerine (glycerine that is not refined) and bagasse.6
The classification according to one of the two residue categories therefore Origin of the
depends on where the material was generated, either at a farm or a forest unit residue
or at a different element of the supply chain, such as a processing unit. This
needs to be verified by the auditor as it determines which requirements the
material must comply with. If, for instance, corn cobs (i.e. cobs cleaned from
the corn kernels) are directly removed from a field they would classify as
agricultural residue. If the corn cobs are generated in a processing unit (i.e.
corn kernels are separated from the cob in a processing unit) the cobs would
classify as processing residue. This distinction is important as processing
residues do not have to comply with the sustainability requirements according
to Art. 29 (2) – (5) of the RED II (see chapter 4.1 below).
A production process may generate multiple substances that can qualify as Co-products are
end products that the process directly seeks to produce, especially if these no residues
substances are of significant value to the producer. These “co-products” (see
Article 2 (43) of the RED II
Article 2 (44) of the RED II
Annex V, part C, point 18 of the REDII
The RED II specifies that co-products “are different from residues and Co-products are
agricultural residues, as they are the primary aim of the production process”.7 products
The specification of co-products and the definition for (processing) residues Significant value
may give the impression that a production process generally results only in
one single end product (“the” primary aim of the process), and that all further
materials resulting from this process might be considered as processing
residues. However, in many cases a production process results in other
materials not being the (single) primary aim of the process, but which are still
of significant value for the producer. A major use for such “co-products” from
the food sector (e.g. sugar production, oilseed crushing, starch production,
etc.) is animal feed, i.e. the material is used directly by farmers to feed animals
or it is being used by the feed industry. These “co-products” do not qualify as
(processing) residues.
> further use is lawful, i.e. the substance or object fulfils all relevant
product, environmental and health protection requirements for the
specific use and will not lead to overall adverse environmental or
human health impacts.
Co-products in the context of ISCC are treated similarly to main products with Upstream
regards to the certification process and the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission certification
calculation. This means that co-products require upstream certification (i.e. up
to and including the origin of the initial feedstock from which the co-product is
derived, such as the agricultural crop) and GHG emissions are allocated to
them (i.e. co-products do not have zero life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions
at the point where they are generated).
Preface (117) of the RED II
Art. 5 (1) of the WFD
Further Definitions
“Biowaste” means biodegradable garden and park waste, food and kitchen Biowaste
waste from households, offices, restaurants, wholesale, canteens, caterers
and retail premises and comparable waste from food processing plants.9
“Food” (or ‘foodstuff’) means any substance or product, whether processed, Food
partially processed or unprocessed, intended to be, or reasonably expected
to be ingested by humans. Food shall not include feed (defined as any
substance or product, including additives, whether processed, partially
processed or unprocessed, intended to be used for oral feeding to animals).10
“Food waste” means all food as defined in Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No Food waste
178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council that has become
> mixed waste and separately collected waste from other sources, where
such waste is similar in nature and composition to waste from
> Municipal waste does not include waste from production, agriculture,
forestry, fishing, septic tanks and sewage network and treatment,
including sewage sludge, end-of-life vehicles or construction and
demolition waste.12
“Point of Origin” means the point in the supply chain where a waste or residue Point of Origin
is generated. In the WFD this is referred to as the “original waste producer”.
Used Cooking
“Used Cooking Oil (UCO)” means oils and fats of vegetable or animal origin Oil
that have been used for cooking or frying food. UCO is usually generated at
restaurants, canteens, or similar operations where food is cooked or
Art. (3) No. 4 of the WFD
Art. 2 Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Art. 3 No. 4a of the WFD
Art. 3 No. 2b of the WFD
Even though several materials listed in Annex IX Part A of the RED II qualify Annex IX
as waste or residues, it is not a “positive list” of waste and residues. Raw materials can be
certified under
materials listed in Annex IX Part A and Part B can generally be products, co- ISCC
products, wastes or residues. Raw materials listed in Annex IX Part A and
Part B can be certified under ISCC.
EU Member States
Member States are responsible to decide whether a biofuel produced from a Individual EU
certain raw material is eligible for double counting (i.e. counting the energy Member State
content of a batch of biofuel twice towards the biofuel quota obligation of a
quota obligated party) in the respective country. Some EU Member States
have published so-called “positive lists” of waste and residues or have
included the raw materials eligible for double counting within the national
EU Member States might set additional or more specific requirements for Analysis of
materials to be accepted as waste or residue or to be eligible for double target market
counting. ISCC does not guarantee the acceptance of biofuels produced from
waste and residues by the competent authorities. It is therefore recommended
that market participants research the requirements for biofuels produced from
waste and residues in the country in which the final biofuel shall be counted
towards a national biofuel quota. As a general rule, requirements set by
competent public authorities or regulators must always be complied with.
ISCC does not overrule national legislation.
Article 27 (2) letter (a) of the RED II. Note: The implementation of incenctive mechanisms such as
“double-counting” depends on the individual EU Member States.
See Preface (91) and Art. 28(6) of the RED II. Materials can only be added to but not removed from
Annex IX.
Residues from agriculture, aquaculture, fisheries and forestry, must comply Applicable to
with the relevant sustainability requirements for sustainable cultivation of residues from
agriculture and
biomass laid down in Article 29 (2) – (7) of the RED II and in ISCC EU System forestry
Documents 202-1 “Agricultural Biomass: ISCC Principle 1” and 202-3 “Forest
Biomass: ISCC Principle 1”. Therefore, the certification process for such
residues starts at the level of cultivation, similar to the process for agricultural
and forest biomass.
Biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels produced from waste and residues must GHG reduction
comply with the GHG reduction target laid down in Article 29 (10) of the target
The requirements for GHG calculation and verification are specified in ISCC
EU System Document 205 “Greenhouse Gas Emissions”.
The general definitions of supply chain elements are specified in ISCC EU Relevant
System Document 201 “System Basics”. The requirements for traceability and reference
chain of custody as well as general and specific audit requirements for the
chain of custody elements are specified in ISCC EU System Document 203
“Traceability and Chain of Custody”.
5 Verification Process
5.1 Overview
It is the responsibility of the auditor to determine whether a material meets the Responsibility of
definitions of waste or residue at the point of origin, i.e. the element in the the auditor
supply chain where the material is generated.
The auditor shall follow the below process to determine if a material meets the Definitions of the
definitions for waste or residues as defined in the RED II. This process is RED II and WFD
based on the definitions for waste, residues and co-products as stated in the
RED II and WFD (see also chapters 3.1 to 3.3).18
It is the responsibility of the point of origin to enable the auditor to conduct the Responsibility of
entire verification process appropriately and to provide adequate evidence to the point of
the auditor proving that the material generated by the point of origin qualifies
as a waste or residue.
The flow chart (figure 2) provides an overview of the process to determine if a Process for
material meets the definition for waste and residues or has to be considered determination of
waste or
as product or co-product. residues
The result of this process (including a subsequent certification under ISCC) is not an official classification
of the respective material according to national or international waste law. Such a classification depends
on the applicable waste legislation and is the in the jurisdiction of competent public authorities or agencies.
The first alternative (“the holder discards”) describes an actual action or Material is being
activity of the point of origin. This e.g. refers to a material which was thrown discarded
away or which was disposed at a landfill by its original owner. An example is
municipal solid waste. Another example is UCO from a private household that
is thrown into a public container by the private household. The fact that a
material is (or was) disposed at a landfill or in a public container indicates that
the material was discarded by the point of origin, and thus that the waste
definition is met.
The second alternative (“the holder intends to discard”) describes an intention Intention to
of the point of origin. An example is food waste, such as leftover food, or UCO, discard material
both being generated at a restaurant. Considering the purpose of a restaurant,
it can generally be assumed that a restaurant has the intention to discard food
waste as well as UCO because the purpose of the restaurant is to sell food to
its customers and not sell food waste or UCO. Another example is a palm oil
mill generating palm oil mill effluent (POME). POME is a wastewater from the
palm oil mill consisting of mainly water and a small amount of solid matter and
oil (POME oil). Considering the purpose of the palm oil mill, it can generally
be assumed that the palm oil mill has the intention to discard the POME
because the purpose of the palm oil mill is to produce palm oil as efficiently as
possible and losing oil to the wastewater reduces the yield of the palm oil mill.
> The material is commonly used for specific purposes (other than
energy applications);
> Existing contracts between the point of origin and subsequent users;
> Established market and market conditions (sound supply and
> Evidence that the material fulfils the same specifications as other
products on the market;
> The economic benefit for the point of origin is low / insignificant;
As the existence of a market or an alternative application for a waste or Economic value
residue material may be difficult to assess during an audit, the economic value
of a material is a feasible criterion which can be assessed. If the economic
benefit for the point of origin is insignificant, it can be assumed that the main
goal of the point of origin is to reduce the amount of waste or residue in favour
of the main or primary product(s). Therefore, the risk for deliberate production
or intentional contamination can be considered to be low. The economic
benefit of a material generated at a point of origin can be regarded as
insignificant if the economic value of the material is 15% or lower than the
economic value of the main or primary product(s). This only applies if the
material in question is used for non-bioenergy purposes. This means, if only
bioenergy applications are relevant to be considered as “further use of the
material”, the economic value in this case is not relevant to determine if a
material meets the definition of a processing residue. In the case of two or
more main or primary products, the average economic value of those products
shall be used.
“Normal industrial practice” can include all steps which a producer would take Normal industrial
for a product, such as the material being filtered, washed or dried (modification practice
of size or shape by mechanical treatment); or adding materials necessary for
further use; or carrying out quality control. However, treatments usually
considered as a recovery operation cannot, in principle, be considered as
normal industrial practice in this sense. Some of such processing tasks can
be carried out on the production site of the manufacturer, some on the site of
the next user, and some by intermediaries, as long as they also meet the
criterion of being “produced as an integral part of a production process”.
> What is the nature and extent of the tasks needed to prepare the
material for direct further use? How integrated are these tasks in the
main production process?
> Are the tasks that are undertaken as part of “normal industrial practice”
also “an integral part of a production process”?
> If there are no relevant technical specifications for the material, it can
still be lawful to use it simply if its use is not specifically forbidden.
> The material does not meet the technical or product specifications
required for it to be usable.
The correct categorisation of animal fats according to the categories 1, 2 and Correct
3 must be done by veterinarians or inspectors of competent authorities.20 categorisation of
animal fat/tallow
Points of origin for animal fat (e.g. rendering plants) require an adequate
permit demonstrating which materials can be handled at the specific site.
ISCC auditors must verify the respective evidence demonstrating the category
of the material before issuing a certificate and before stating a specific
category on the annex to an ISCC certificate. This is especially important if
the rendering plant (point of origin) is located outside of the European Union.
Animal fat which is not categorised according to the respective EU regulations
must be considered as “uncategorised” under ISCC.
It is the responsibility of the auditor to check that at the point of origin no false Responsibility of
declaration of a material has taken place. This check also includes if there are the auditor
any incentives (e.g. price premiums) for the economic operator to not correctly
declare waste/residues materials as described above.
The false declaration of waste and residues is classified as a critical non- Critical non-
conformity under ISCC. The intentional false declaration of waste and conformity
residues is regarded as fraudulent activity under ISCC. Please see ISCC EU
System Document 102 “Governance” for further information on non-
conformities and sanctions.
This has to be done in accordance with the EU animal by-product legislation (Regulation (EC) 1069/2009
and Commission Regulation (EU) 142/2011)