This document contains questions about organizational behavior concepts including personality, groups, communication, leadership, motivation, and organizational culture. It asks the test taker to identify definitions, theories, and relationships between different concepts. The questions cover topics like personality development, Freud's model of the mind, types of groups in organizations, factors of effective communication, leadership styles, motivation theories, and indicators of organizational culture and morale.
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This document contains questions about organizational behavior concepts including personality, groups, communication, leadership, motivation, and organizational culture. It asks the test taker to identify definitions, theories, and relationships between different concepts. The questions cover topics like personality development, Freud's model of the mind, types of groups in organizations, factors of effective communication, leadership styles, motivation theories, and indicators of organizational culture and morale.
This document contains questions about organizational behavior concepts including personality, groups, communication, leadership, motivation, and organizational culture. It asks the test taker to identify definitions, theories, and relationships between different concepts. The questions cover topics like personality development, Freud's model of the mind, types of groups in organizations, factors of effective communication, leadership styles, motivation theories, and indicators of organizational culture and morale.
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This document contains questions about organizational behavior concepts including personality, groups, communication, leadership, motivation, and organizational culture. It asks the test taker to identify definitions, theories, and relationships between different concepts. The questions cover topics like personality development, Freud's model of the mind, types of groups in organizations, factors of effective communication, leadership styles, motivation theories, and indicators of organizational culture and morale.
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Organizational Behaviour - 5
1. Commanlities and differences suggest in certain respects, every person is like
Correct Answer All other people , Some other people , No other person 2. Major determinants of personality Correct Answer Biological , Situation 3. Identify the process influence personality development. Correct Answer Socialization process , Identification process 4. According to Frend the human mind is composed of Correct Answer Preconscious mind , Conscious mind , Unconscious mind 5. Match The Following Personality is a stable set of characteristics and tendencies That determine those commanlities and differences in the psychological behaviour of people
Monetary rewards, authoritarian leadership style and motivational strategies for performance are ineffective. When applied to intelligent, independent, confident worker.
It is interesting to know that the word “personality” by derivation should mean
What an individual only appears to be not what he really is.
Personality is the organization of an individuals
Personal pattern of tendencies.
Event in the surrounding environment strongly influence.
The way people behave at any particular time.
6. Match The Following
*A personality becomes disorderly When either the id or super ego is active. *A can have strong super ego is Likely to be in constant and pronounced battle with the id. *When too much energy is consumed by ego in mediating between the id and super ego An individual personal development is adversely affected. *Id is pressing for satisfaction The ego is trying to delay it. *Cattell has extensively worked on traits In various work settings employing a number of psychological measures 7. Advise the management of Beta and Gamma Ltd. About the various groups that can be created in an organisation. Correct Answer Effective group , Formal group , Informal group 8. The features of team empowerment are as follows: Correct Answer Potency , Autonomy , Impact 9. The team whose members collaborate through use of various information technologies is known as ________ team. Correct Answer Virtual 10. Select the relevant parts of the communication process. Correct Answer Encoding , Receiver , Decoding 11. Mr. Jay sets up a task force to improve communication effectiveness within his organization. What factors should be considered by the task force to achieve effective communication? Correct Answer Assume existence of interpersonal differences , Emphasize description rather than interpretation or evaluation , Ensure that everyone practices empathy 12. The formation of specific goals, feedback on progress towards the goals and reinforcement of desired behavior all stimulate ________. Correct Answer Motivation 13. A communication media is said to rich when which of the given parameters are satisfied? Correct Answer It facilitates rapid feedback 14. Face-to-face conversation is often regarded as the richest communication media, because: Correct Answer Handles multiple cues simultaneously 15. When an organism is confronted with a threat, according to the general adaptation theory states, the physiological response will occur in which of the three stages? Correct Answer Alarm reaction , Resistance reaction , State of exhaustion 16. Identify the categories of life stressors: Correct Answer Life changes , Daily stressors , Life trauma 17. Which are the main personal stressors stated by Yoga? Correct Answer State of helplessness , Jealously , Temptations 18. The people who cre________te unnecessary stress for themselves pertain to type A category. Correct Answer A 19. If the stress persists, or the defensive reaction proves ineffective, the organism develops itself for the fight mechanism. Correct Answer False 20. There exist some organizational stressors which relate to its structure and climate. Correct Answer True 21. ________ in one form of dominance, in which the followers more or less willingly accept direction and control by another person. Correct Answer Leadership 22. The two dimensions of leadership which emerged from the Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire were 'consideration' and '________'. Correct Answer Initiating structure 23. The ability to think in terms of models, frameworks, and broad relationships is known as ________ skill. Correct Answer Conceptual 24. The ________ leadership style is an expression of the leader's trust in the abilities of his subordinates. Correct Answer Participative 25. At the supervisory level the requirement of conceptual skill is the highest. Correct Answer False 26. Industrial psychology focuses its attention on the development of tests for the________of employees. Correct Answer recruitment 27. The factors which contributed to the rise of human relations movements are Correct Answer The great depression , The rise of trade unionism , Hawthorne experiments 28. Frederick W. Taylor developed Correct Answer Wage payment plans , Internal parity of wages , External parity of wages , Non-financial incentives 29. Human behaviour is simple to understand Correct Answer False 30. In Organizational Behaviour, 'caused behaviour' means Correct Answer By his own behaviour, a manager can affect how an employee behaves. 31. Autocratic organization model depends on: Correct Answer Power 32. The models of Organizational Behaviour are: Correct Answer Autocratic , Custodial , Supportive 33. All parts of the organizational system are independent. Correct Answer False 34. Select the needs which are discussed by the need hierarch theory. Correct Answer Physiological needs , Security needs , Self realization needs 35. Features of Theory Y are: Correct Answer Work is as natural as play , Humanistic and supportive approach , People have the required potential 36. Which of the given factors are also known as dissatisfiers? Correct Answer Hygiene factors 37. According to the equity theory, how do you define the point when equity occurs? Correct Answer Person's outcomes = Other's outcomes 38. From the given information identify the morale indicator. Correct Answer Exit interviews 39. Morale indicates a group phenomenon. Correct Answer True 40. The higher the number of the petty grievances, the higher is the morale. Correct Answer False 41. The process by which a new employee is inducted into its culture is known as Correct Answer Organizational socialization 42. Handling of crises by managers and employees reveals an organizational culture. Correct Answer True 43. One of the factors causing decrement in work is ________. Correct Answer fatigue 44. A person of lower than normal intelligence is less bored by ________ work. Correct Answer repetitive 45. Music has a direct effect on productivity. Correct Answer False 46. Different kinds of work like heavy and muscular work, or light work, or clerical work yield curves that are- Correct Answer different from each other