MECH 1001 Master Syllabus

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Revised by Jorge Canales August 2023

School of Skilled Trades & Arts

Master Syllabus for Introduction to Electrical Systems (3 credit hours)

INSTRUCTORS: This master syllabus contains all the departmentally agreed upon policies and
information about this class. It also acts as a contract for the course, and so this is the place to list the
things that will be required of students. Text that is not highlighted must be included in your syllabus
unless otherwise stated. You will find information for you that is highlighted in GREEN. Please edit the
green text to include information about you and your class in the appropriate fields and delete the
remaining GREEN highlighted italicized comments meant for instructors only.

Course Name / Introduction to Electrical INSERT INSERT

Section Number: CRN:
Number: Systems (MECH 1001) Section # CRN #
Class Day(s): INSERT Class Days Class Time: INSERT Class Time
Class Location: ATC 137 Course Credits: 3 credit hours
Prerequisite: Math Skills 2 Alg + Reading and Writing Skills 2
Instructor: INSERT Name Email: INSERT Email
Phone: 224-4000 Ext. INSERT Ext # (voice message is forwarded to email)
Office INSERT Office
Office Hour(s): INSERT Office Hours
Location: Location

Texts & Supplies

Required Material: Amatrol E-Learning Library

Recommended text(s): AC/DC Electrical Systems - Student Reference Guide

Electrical Control Systems - Student Reference Guide
Electrical Wiring - Student Reference Guide

Supplies: Scientific Calculator, #2 Pencil, Sharpener, Eraser, Pen INSERT other materials (ex: 3-
ring binder) that you want all of your students to have, if applicable.

PaperCut is an element of the sustainability effort at CNM. Its purpose is to reduce paper usage.
Each student has an online account with an allotment of 150 pages of free printer pages per term. If
this allotment runs out, the student may purchase additional pages. For more information, go to the
PaperCut website:

Course Description
Covers the basic concepts of AC and DC theory including calculation and measurement, resistance,
voltage, current, capacitance and inductance. Cover electrical circuitry, meters, power sources,
conductors, and insulators. Basic circuit troubleshooting. Emphasis is placed on safety.

Student Learning Outcomes

1. Use Ohm’s Law to calculate voltage, current, and resistance in a series circuit.
2. Demonstrate the ability measure resistance voltage & current.
3. Describe the function of an electrical schematic.
Revised by Jorge Canales August 2023

Course Requirements
 Attendance: According to CNM regulations, students enrolled for credit or audit are
expected to attend all class sessions. Students who miss the equivalent of 15% of contact
time may be dropped from the course by the instructor. But it is ultimately the student’s
responsibility to withdraw from the course. Absences from class do not relieve students from
responsibility for missed assignments, material covered in class, or exams.
 CNM requires students to attend class and instructors to take attendance. It is your
responsibility to protect the financial interests of the college by not allowing students to
receive financial aid for classes not attended. This is also important for failing students in
order to document whether they actually stayed in the class (which impacts state funding).
 In Class: INSERT other in class requirements (ex: problem-solving in groups, etc.), if
 All Mechatronics course sections use the Amatrol E-Learning Library as a required
resource for the theory component of the course, so please consider using it also for
your in-class quizzes and skill performance assessments. The Amatrol Instructor’s Guide
(available for download on the Mechatronics Sharepoint) contains Multiple Choice Quizzes,
Skill Performance Assessment Record Sheets & Student Handouts, course preparation and
delivery instructions. Please contact Jonathan Kliglesmith, Amatrol’s Technical Service Rep,
for technical assistance and support at
 Homework: Online homework will be assigned through the Amatrol LMS. The
homework due dates are listed INSERT where you will include due dates.
 SACA Exams: The SACA Certifications are free and available to all individuals enrolled
as students at CNM. All of SACA's Specialist Certifications are available on-demand and
year-round via CNM's Assessment Centers.
INSERT info about midterm exams or any other assessment apart from the final exam
 Cumulative Final Exam: Our final exam will be on INSERT Final Exam Date from
INSERT Start Time to INSERT End Time. All classes must meet during their scheduled time
during Final Exam week.

Important dates and deadlines, the last day to drop courses and other information, can be
found at,
Revised by Jorge Canales August 2023

Course Grading

INSERT the grading scheme for your class using percentage weights and list all the different
types of coursework by which you will evaluate students.
A suggested grading scheme is given in the table below.
These are the policies you must adhere to:
 The CNM grade scale must be used. This scale reflects grade lines for A/B/C/D/F as
90%/80%/70%/60%/below 60%.
 Participation and/or attendance CANNOT count for more than 10% of a student’s
total course grade.
 At least 50% of the course grade must be determined by in-class (proctored) work (ex:
 At least 50% of the final exam must be done in class, individually.
 Final exam must be cumulative
 At least two assessments must be administered during the semester, save the final
 All students must receive a grade greater than or equal to 50% on the final exam in
order to pass this course.

The following will be used to determine The following scale is used to assign course
your grade in this course: grades:
% Percentile Range Grade

Amatrol E-Learning Modules 20 90-100 A

Lab Modules (Skill PDFs) 20 80-89 B

Theory Quizzes 20 70-79 C

Skill Performance 20 60-69 D

Exam 20 Below 60 F

Total 100

Note: A final grade of “D” or “F” is not acceptable for this course if it is required for graduation or
as a prerequisite for other courses. A final grade of “D” or “F” requires repeating this course.

Late/Make-up/Re-take Policies

[Enter policy here]

Revised by Jorge Canales August 2023

Course Codes & Policies

Student Behavior:
As a member of this classroom, students are responsible for understanding and adhering to the
CNM codes and policies that govern and prescribe acceptable student behavior and can be
found at and the Student Code of
Conduct can be accessed at
If a student behaves in a manner that is disruptive to the educational process or violates any
other provisions of the Code of Conduct, this behavior will (generally) first be addressed by the
instructor. If the behavior continues, or escalates, this behavior will be reported to the Dean of
Students for appropriate disciplinary action. If a student demonstrates behavior that is a
violation of the Code of Conduct, CNM instructors may require the student to leave the
classroom. Should this occur, the incident will be reported to the Dean of Students for further
disciplinary action.

Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty hurts everyone involved. Forms of dishonesty

are collaboration during in-class exams; receiving assistance from others on take-home quizzes
and exams; sharing completed assignments. The Dean of Students will be notified of any
instances of academic dishonesty. The Academic Dishonesty Guide can be found

Student Resources/AT Advisement/Graduation

Disability Resources Center: DRC 505- 224-3259

The Disability Resource Center's mission is to advocate in partnership with students who have
disabilities by providing accommodations that promote an accessible educational environment
at CNM. Our goal is to empower and ensure that students with disabilities have equal access to
educational opportunities by minimizing barriers such as: physical, psychological and academic.
We support student academic success through the use of auxiliary aids, accommodations and
disability services. DRC info can be found at
center, and the DRC service animal policies,

AT Advising. All Advising and other office-related work is taking place remotely during the
COVID-19 pandemic. Students can schedule an advising appointment from the AT webpage,
using the “See an AT Advisor” link

Instructors, if you have any questions regarding the syllabus please do not hesitate to contact the course
coordinator, Jorge Canales,
Revised by Jorge Canales August 2023

Tentative Class Schedule

Tentative Schedule: The outline provided here is meant as a guide and demonstrates how the
learning resources satisfies the Student Learning Outcomes. You should modify it to meet
your own style of teaching, but be sure to cover all of the SLOs.

Mechatronics Classes meet twice a week for 3-hour lab sessions or 4 times a week for 1.5-
hour sessions. Use the appropriate tentative schedule to account for the lab time you have

Be sure to also account for holidays that may affect your class and to adjust the schedule if
you are teaching a short-term or summer class.

TENTATICE SCHEDULE (For 15 sessions of 3hrs each)

Session Dates Lab Assignment (Skill PDF)

1 Basic Electrical Circuits
Electrical Measurements
2 Circuit Analysis
Inductance and Capacitance
3 Combination Circuits
4 Control Logic
Valves and Relays
5 Limit Switches
6 Advanced Systems
Introduction to Electronic Sensors
7 Electronic Sensor Applications
9 Introduction to Electrical Wiring
Residential Wiring System Components
10 Service Connection and Circuit Protection
11 Introduction to Electrical Control Wiring
Panel Wiring Fundamentals
12 Grounding Control Systems
Connecting Wires in Panels
13 Wiring a Motor
14 Electro-Pneumatic Valves
Electro-Pneumatic System Installation
Revised by Jorge Canales August 2023

TENTATICE SCHEDULE (For 30 sessions of 1.5hrs each)

Session Dates Lab Assignment (Skill PDF)

1 Basic Electrical Circuits
2 Electrical Measurements
3 Circuit Analysis
4 Inductance and Capacitance
5 Combination Circuits
6 Transformers
7 Review
8 Control Logic
9 Valves and Relays
10 Limit Switches
11 Timers
12 Advanced Systems
13 Introduction to Electronic Sensors
14 Electronic Sensor Applications
15 Review
17 Introduction to Electrical Wiring
18 Residential Wiring System Components
19 Service Connection and Circuit Protection
20 Review
21 Introduction to Electrical Control Wiring
22 Panel Wiring Fundamentals
23 Grounding Control Systems
24 Connecting Wires in Panels
25 Wiring a Motor
26 Wiring a Motor (cont’d)
27 Electro-Pneumatic Valves
28 Electro-Pneumatic System Installation
29 Review
Revised by Jorge Canales August 2023

Electronic devices/dress code/smoke free campus

AT Dress Code: Proper PPE in all lab environment required at all times. Protective equipment,
including personal protective for eyes, head and extremities shall be required in lab environment
in accordance with OSHA standard 1910.132 and 1926.95, AT guidelines and industry
standards. Proper attire as deemed appropriate by industry and CNM code of conduct shall be
observed in AT classrooms. Clothing displaying profanity, inappropriate and unprofessional
language shall not be tolerated in the classroom/labs. AT faculty have the right to monitor
professional and unprofessional apparel in the classroom at any time.

Smoke-free campus: In an effort to respect all students, CNM has created smoke-free zones
as well as designated smoking areas at all CNM locations. The use of tobacco products,
including the use of chewing tobacco and e-cigarettes is limited to the designated smoking
areas and banned from all other areas. View CNM’s policy on smoking at View a map of the designated smoking areas at

COVID-19 Protocols for Skilled Trades & Arts Face-to-Face Classes

It is our highest priority to keep you and those around you safe. We want you to be aware of the
following guidelines that we urge all CNM community members to follow. Please read these
guidelines and follow all helpful signage on campus.
· COVID-19 Symptom Checking: As of December 19, 2022, the requirement to complete and
submit a Daily Health Self-Assessment before coming to a CNM location will no longer be
required if you do not have COVID or COVID symptoms. Only individuals who test positive for
COVID or experience symptoms of COVID will be required to complete the Daily Health Self-
· Wellness: Now more than ever it is important that you only come to campus when you are
feeling well. If you have a fever, cough, stomach symptoms, or headaches (list not inclusive)
then please stay home. If this happens, you will need to fill out a Daily Health Self-Assessment
through myCNM and then notify your instructor of your illness and, if possible, that instructor will
work with you to ensure you stay current with your coursework.
· Face Masks: Though CNM recommends face masks, we do not require face masks to be worn
indoors or outdoors at CNM locations.
· Vaccines: All students, faculty, and staff will continue to need to be fully vaccinated or receive
an approved exemption to be on CNM campuses. You're considered fully vaccinated if you've
received the initial primary series of the Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson vaccines. To
request an exemption, go to:
· Seating Chart: Your instructor will create a seating chart to better track potential COVID
exposures. Please maintain your chosen seat for the entire term.
· Non-compliance: Any requirements not followed by the student may result in dismissal from
class, referral to the Dean of Students, and/or other disciplinary action.
Revised by Jorge Canales August 2023

Cleaning and Hygiene: As our partner in lab safety, you will be responsible for keeping
our work environments clean and safe. Your instructor will let you know what will be
required in your lab. Please follow all guidance posted in labs and communicated to
you by your instructor or instructional technicians.
Also, frequent hand washing, and sanitizing is crucial to combatting COVID-19. There
may be sinks with soap dispensers in the lab where you are working. There are also
hand sanitizing stations in many labs and hallways. Please utilize these resources to
reduce your risk of exposure to COVID.
Student Code of Conduct: We also want you to be aware that the CNM Student Code
of Conduct has been updated to reflect these new practices. You can find the safety
protocols at
Revised by Jorge Canales August 2023

Please Note: this syllabus is an agreement between the faculty and the students in this
class. The instructor of this class has the right to make changes to this syllabus at any

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Student Acknowledgment

(Please return to instructor at next regularly scheduled class meeting.)

I have read and understand the Course Syllabus. The Course Syllabus is designed to assist with my
learning and enhance my opportunities for student success.

Course Name: Section Number: CRN:

Instructor’s Name: Office Hours:

Phone #: CNM Email:

Student’s ID#:
Alternative Alternative
Phone #: Email:
Certificate(s) Term/Year of
Desired: Graduation:
Student’s Major:
Term/Year of
Degree Desired:
Student’s Name:

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