Cooperative Act of Thailand TranslationTHECOOPERATIVES
Cooperative Act of Thailand TranslationTHECOOPERATIVES
Cooperative Act of Thailand TranslationTHECOOPERATIVES
Part II
Supervision and Promotion of Cooperatives
Chapter 1
Board of National Cooperative Development
Chapter 2
Registrar of Cooperatives
Section 15. The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
shall concurrently be the Registrar of Cooperatives.
The Registrar of Cooperatives shall appoint a government official of the
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, of a position not lower than that of the
division director or its equivalent, to be a Deputy Registrar of Cooperatives with the
power and duties provided in this Act or entrusted by the Registrar of Cooperatives.
The appointment under paragraph two shall be published in the Government
Section 16. The Registrar of Cooperatives shall have powers and duties as
(1) to register, to promote, to assist, to advise and supervise a cooperative in
accordance with the provisions of this Act and other Acts;
(2) to prescribe the system of accounting, the standard of audit, books and
forms which the cooperatives have to the submit to the Registrar, including other
forms relevant to the operation of the cooperatives in accordance with this Act;
(3) to appoint an auditor, a cooperative inspector and a liquidator;
(4) to order a cooperative to be inspected or investigated on matters relating to
the formation, operations or the financial conditions of the cooperative;
(5) to suspend all or certain acts of a cooperative, or to order the dissolution
of a cooperative being considered that its action or non-action may cause any damage
to itself or its members;
(6) to delete a name of a dissolved cooperative from the register;
(7) to make an annual progress report on each type of cooperatives for
submission to the Board of National Cooperative Development;
(8) to make regulations or orders to facilitate the enforcement of this Act, and
to benefit the operation of a cooperative;
(9) to do any other act which is prescribed by this Act to be the powers and
duties of the Registrar of Cooperatives, or which is entrusted by the Minister.
All the powers of the Registrar of Cooperatives in making orders, permissions,
approvals or any other actions in accordance with this Act may be entrusted by him to
a Deputy Registrar, a cooperative inspector or a competent official specified by him,
to act on his behalf.
The assignment of Powers under paragraph two shall be published in the
Government Gazette.
Chapter 3
Supervision of Cooperatives
Chapter 4
Cooperative Development Fund
Section 27. The Cooperative Development Fund abbreviated “CDF” shall be
set up in the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives for the purpose of promoting
the affairs of cooperatives. It shall consist of money and properties as prescribed in
section 28.
Part III
Chapter 1
Formation and Registration of Cooperatives
Chapter 2
By-laws and Amendment of By-laws
Section 43. The by-laws of a cooperative must at least contain the following
(1) name of cooperative with a word “limited” at the end of its name;
(2) type of cooperative;
(3) objects;
(4) address of central office and branch office;
(5) capital which is divided into shares, value of shares, payment of share value
in cash or in kind, sale and transfer of shares as well as repayment of share value;
(6) conditions concerning operation, accounting and finance of cooperative;
(7) qualifications of members, procedure for admission of members, cessation
of membership as well as rights and duties of members;
(8) prescriptions for general meetings;
(9) election, term of office, vacation of office and meeting of board of
(10) appointment, term of office, vacation of office, prescription of power,
duty and responsibility of manager.
Section 44. An amendment of by-laws shall be made only by resolution of the
general meeting, and the amended by-laws must be submitted for registration by the
Registrar of Cooperatives within thirty days from the date of resolution of the general
meeting. The amended by-laws shall be enforceable after being registered by the
Registrar of Cooperatives.
In the case where such amendment is a change of name of a cooperative, the
cooperative shall return the certificate of registration; and the Registrar of
Cooperatives shall issue to the cooperative a new certificate of registration with the
change of its name.
The amendment of by-laws and the change of name of a cooperative shall not
affect any right or responsibility of the cooperative.
The provisions of section 36, section 37 and section 38 shall, mutatis
mutandis, apply to the amendment of by-laws.
Section 45. In the case where there is a problem of interpretations of the by-
laws of a cooperative, the cooperative shall ask for the ruling of the Registrar of
Cooperatives and shall accept the ruling and act accordingly.
Chapter 3
Operations of Cooperatives
Section 46. For the purpose of carrying out its objects, a cooperative shall
have the power to do the following :
(1) to carry on business, production, commerce, service and industry for the
members’ benefits;
(2) to provide appropriate welfare or relief to the members and their families;
(3) to give technical assistance to its members;
(4) to apply for or accept technical assistance from the Government, foreign
agencies or any other person;
(5) to receive saving or fixed deposits from members or other cooperatives in
accordance with the regulations of the cooperative which are approved by the
Registrar of Cooperatives;
(6) to grant a loan or credit, to lend, to let, to let on hire-purchase, to transfer
or take mortgage or pledge of property of the members;
(7) to acquire, to purchase, to hold ownership or real rights, to possess property, to
raise loans, to borrow, to hire or hire-purchase, to take transfer of a hire or hire-purchase,
mortgage or pledge, to sell or dispose of property by any other means;
(8) to lend money to any other cooperative in accordance with the regulations
of the lending cooperative which are approved by the Registrar of Cooperatives;
(9) to carry on all other affairs in connection with, or relating to, the fulfilment of
the objects of the cooperative.
Section 47. A loan or guarantee raised or given by a cooperative shall be limited to
the amount approved by the Registrar of Cooperatives.
Section 48. A cooperative shall keep liquid assets in accordance with the criteria
and methods as prescribed in the ministerial regulations.
Section 49. Any subsidy or property of the Government, of foreign agencies
or any other person, if given to a cooperative for a specific purpose, shall be used for
such purpose; if not, it shall be allocated as reserve of the cooperative.
Section 50. A cooperative shall have a board of directors consisting of a
chairman and not mote than fourteen other members of the board of directors who are
elected from members in a general meeting of the cooperative.
A board of directors has a term of office of two years each from the date of election.
When one year is complete in the first term of the first office of a board of directors,
one-half of the members of the board shall vacate the office by ballot. Such vacation
of office shall be regarded as a complete term of office.
Members of a board of directors vacating the office may be re-elected as board
members but not more than two consecutive terms of office.
In the case where there is an election of a member of a board of directors to replace
the one vacating the office, a newly elected board member shall be in office for a
period equivalent to the remaining term of office of the member whom he replaces.
Section 51. The board of directors shall carry on the affairs of the cooperative
and represent it in matters concerning the third persons. For this purpose, the board
may entrust one or several board members or the manager of the cooperative to act on
its behalf.
Section 52. A person with the following characteristics shall not be qualified
to be, or to act as, a member of the board of directors or a manager:
(1) used to serve a final judgement of imprisonment for a penalty concerning
dishonesty on property;
(2) used to be expelled or dismissed from government service, government or
private organizations, on account of dishonesty in the conduct of his duties;
(3) used to be dismissed, or to be dismissed on final rulings under section 22 (4),
from office of a member of the board of directors of a cooperative;
(4) used to be dismissed from office of a member of the board of directors by a
general meeting of a cooperative on account of dishonesty in the conduct of his
Section 53. A cooperative shall have one or more supervisors elected from
members or third persons by the general meeting to supervise the affairs of the
cooperative and to report the findings to the general meeting.
The number of supervisors under paragraph one shall be prescribed by the
Registrar of Cooperatives.
Section 54. The board of directors shall call an ordinary general meeting
once a year within one hundred and fifty days from the last day of the accounting year
of the cooperative.
Section 55. Upon reasonable circumstances, the board of directors may call
an extraordinary general meeting whenever it thinks fit. If the Registrar of Cooperatives
notifies in writing to call an extraordinary general meeting, or in the case where the
cooperative has suffered losses, more than one-half of its paid-up share capital, the
extraordinary general meeting must be called without delay, but not later than thirty
days from the date of its acknowledgement.
Members not less than one-fifth of the total number of members, or not less than
one hundred members, or delegates of members, in case of a cooperative having
delegates of members under section 56, not less than one-fifth of the total number of
delegates or not less than fifty delegates may sign a petition requesting the board of
directors to call an extraordinary general meeting.
In case of members or delegates of members of a cooperative requesting for an
extraordinary general meeting, the board of directors shall call it within thirty days
from the date of receiving the written request. If the board does not call it within the
said period, the Registrar of Cooperatives has the power to do so within a period he
thinks fit.
Section 56. Any cooperative having more than five hundred members may
specify in its by-laws that the general meeting may consist of the delegates of members.
But the total number of the delegates shall not be less than one hundred.
The methods of election, number and term of office of the delegates of members
shall be prescribed in the by-laws.
Section 57. At a general meeting of a cooperative, the presence of not less
than one-half of the total number of members or not less than one hundred members
or, in case of a general meeting consisting of the delegates of members, not less than
one-half of the total number of the delegates or not less than one hundred delegates
shall constitute a quorum.
At a general meeting, a member or delegate of members shall not appoint
other person his proxy.
Section 58. At a general meeting of a cooperative, if the presence of members or
delegates of members, as the case may be, is insufficient to constitute a quorum,
another general meeting shall be called within fourteen days from the date of the first
call of the general meeting. As for the subsequent meeting, if it is not an extraordinary
general meeting requested by the members or delegates of members, the presence of
members or delegates of members, as the case may be, not less than one-tenth of the
total number of members or delegates of members or not less than thirty of them shall
be deemed a quorum.
Section 59. Each member or delegate of members shall have one vote.
In case of equality of votes, the chairman of the meeting shall have an additional vote
as a casting vote. The decision of a general meeting shall be made by a majority of
votes, except that a not less than two-thirds majority of votes of the members or
delegates of members present in the general meeting shall be required in the
following cases:
(1) amendment of by-laws;
(2) amalgamation of cooperatives ;
(3) division of a cooperative ;
(4) dissolution of a cooperative;
(5) any other matters which the by-laws require a not less than two-thirds
majority of votes of the members or delegates of members present at the general
Section 60. In appropriating the annual net profit of a cooperative, at least not
less than ten per cent of the net profit shall be contributed to the reserve fund; and not
more than five per cent of the net profit, but not exceeding the rate specified by the
Board of National Cooperative Development, shall be made a subscription to the
Cooperative League of Thailand.
The balance of the annual net profit, after being contributed to the reserve fund
of the cooperative and the subscription to the Cooperative League of Thailand, may,
subject to the by-laws of the cooperative, be appropriated by the general meeting as
follows :
(1) as dividend on paid-up shares not exceeding the rate prescribed for each
type of cooperatives in the ministerial regulations;
(2) as patronage refund to the members in proportion to their volume of
business done with the cooperative during the year;
(3) as bonuses to the members of the board of directors and the personnel of
the cooperative not exceeding ten per cent of the net profit;
(4) as contributions to accumulated funds for carrying out any activity of the
cooperative as prescribed in the by-laws.
Section 61. The reserve fund of a cooperative under section 60 paragraph one
can be withdrawn from the reserve-fund account only for a compensation of its losses,
or for a contribution to the reserve fund of a newly registered cooperative which is
separated from the cooperative under section 100.
Section 62. A cooperative may deposit or invest its money as follows:
(1) to deposit it in any cooperative federation or any other cooperatives;
(2) to deposit it in any bank, or any financial institution whose object it is to
give financial assistance to cooperatives;
(3) to purchase securities of the Government or state enterprises;
(4) to purchase shares of any bank whose object it is to give financial
assistance to cooperatives;
(5) to purchase shares of a cooperative federation or other cooperatives;
(6) to purchase shares of any institution whose business it is to facilitate or
promote the affairs of cooperatives with the approval of the Registrar of Cooperatives;
(7) to deposit or invest by other modes prescribed by the Board of National
Cooperative Development.
(2) a register of shares which must at least have the following particulars :
(a) name, type and office address of the cooperative;
(b) name of members holding shares, value of shares, number of shares
held and paid-up shares;
(c) date of acquisition of shares.
The cooperative shall keep the registers under (1) and (2) at its office and shall
send the copies thereof to the Register of Cooperatives within ninety days from the
date of registering the cooperative.
The cooperative shall notify any change of particulars in the registers to the
Registrar of Cooperatives within thirty days from the last date of the accounting year
of the cooperative.
Section 65. A cooperative shall maintain its bookkeeping and accounts and
particulars of the true nature and accuracy as prescribed by the Registrar of
Cooperatives, and keep them including relevant documents at the office of the
cooperative for a period as specified by him.
Any cash transactions shall be recorded in the accounts on the date when the
transactions happen. Other transactions not concerned with cash shall be recorded in
the accounts within three days from the date when the transactions happen.
The recording of transactions in any account shall be accompanied with the
relevant documents, complete and comprehensive.
Section 66. A cooperative shall make a balance sheet at least once in twelve
months, which is deemed to be an accounting year of the cooperative.
The balance sheet must show particulars of assets, liabilities and capital of the
cooperative together with the profit and loss account in the form prescribed by the
Registrar of cooperatives.
The balance sheet must be completed and it must be examined by an auditor
and then submitted, for approval, to the general meeting of the cooperative within one
hundred and fifty days from the last date of the accounting year.
Section 67. A cooperatives shall make an annual report showing the results of
its operations, and shall submit it together with the balance sheet to the Registrar of
Cooperatives within thirty days from the date of the meeting.
Section 68. A cooperatives shall keep at its office the annual reports showing
the results of its operations and the balance sheets together with the by-laws and the
laws on cooperatives for inspection by the members.
Chapter 4
Section 69. The Registrar of Cooperatives shall appoint auditors to audit the
accounts of cooperatives.
The audit shall be conducted in accordance with the generally accepted
standard of audit and the regulations prescribed by the Registrar of Cooperatives.
Chapter 5
Dissolution of Cooperatives
Part IV
Part V
Amalgamation of Cooperatives
Part VI
Division of Cooperative
Part VII
Cooperative Federations
Section 101. Five or more cooperatives wishing to carry on the business
jointly so as to accomplish their common objects may form a cooperative federation.
Whichever cooperative federation, be it a regional cooperative federation or a
national cooperative federation, shall be formed with the objects of offering facilities
and benefits to the cooperatives of the same types operating in the specific region or
the whole country as the case may be, or undertaking the same kind of business of
production, trade, industry or services in accordance with the criteria and conditions
as prescribed by the National Cooperative Development Board.
Section 102. A Cooperative federation shall be formed only by the resolution
of the general meeting of each cooperative to participate in the formation of the
cooperative federation.
Section 103. In the formation a cooperative federation, the board of directors
of each cooperative shall appoint a representative to constitute a founding committee
for undertaking the formation of a cooperative federation.
The Provisions of Part III Cooperatives shall, mutatis mutandis, apply to the
formation and registration of a cooperative federation.
Section 104. In applying for the registration of a cooperative federation, at
least five members of the founding committee shall sign the application and file it
with the Registrar of Cooperatives.
Section 105. A registered cooperative federation shall be a juristic person and
a cooperative under this Act.
For the purpose of carrying out its objects, a cooperative federation has the
power to act in accordance with section 46 and that as prescribed in the ministerial
The provision of Part III, Part IV, Part V and Part VI shall, mutatis mutandis,
apply to a cooperative federation.
Section 106. A general meeting of a cooperative federation shall compose of
the representatives of the cooperatives which are members of the cooperative federation,
whom the boards of directors of the cooperatives elected one each in accordance with
the by-laws of the cooperative federation. In a general meeting, the presence of not
less than one-half of the total number of representatives or one hundred
representatives, as the case may be, shall constitute a quorum.
One representative shall have one vote, or may have additional votes in
accordance with the proportional voting system as prescribed in the by-laws of the
cooperative federation.
Section 107. A general meeting of a cooperative federation shall elect its
board of directors from the representatives of the cooperatives which are its members
in accordance with the number, criteria and procedures as prescribed in the by-laws of
the cooperative federation.
Cooperative League of Thailand
Part IX
Farmers Groups
Part x
Section 129. Any person who uses the word “cooperative” or the word
“farmers group” as a name or a part thereof of his business without being a cooperative or
a farmers group registered under this Act, shall be liable to imprisonment for not
exceeding six months, or to a fine of not exceeding ten thousand baht, or both the
imprisonment and fine, together with a fine of five hundred baht to one thousand baht per
day until he stops using such name.
Section 130. Any person who does not appear for enquiry or does not send a
document concerning the operations or minutes of a meeting of a cooperative or a
cooperative federation according to the order of the Registrar of Cooperatives, Deputy
Registrar of Cooperatives, inspector of cooperatives, auditor or competent official
entrusted by the Registrar of Cooperatives making an order under section 17; or any
person who does not appear for inquiry or does not send a document concerning the
operations or minutes of a meeting of a farmers group according to the order of the
Registrar of Farmers Groups, or a competent official entrusted by him under section
128, as the case may be, shall be liable to a fine of not exceeding ten thousand baht.
Section 131. Any person who obstructs to, or does not appear for enquiry
before the Registrar of Cooperatives, Deputy Registrar of Cooperatives, inspector of
cooperatives, auditor or competent official entrusted by the Registrar of Cooperatives
under section 18; or any person who obstructs to, or does not appear for enquiry
before, the Registrar of Farmers Groups, or a competent official entrusted by him
under section 124, shall be liable to a fine of not exceeding ten thousand baht.
Section 132. Any person who disobeys to take custody of the property of a
cooperative, or to deliver to the liquidator the property, account books, documents and
other things of the cooperative under section 78 shall be liable to a fine of not
exceeding ten thousand baht.
section 133. Any person who disobeys to rectify any defect in accordance
with the order of the Registrar of Cooperatives under section 22 (1) shall be liable to a
fine of not exceeding ten thousand baht.
Transitional Provisions
Countersigned by
Chuan Leekbhai
Prime Minister
Remark The reason for the proclamation of this Act is that the Cooperatives
Act B.E. 2511 has been in force for a long time. Several provisions of the Act are not
conducive to the development of cooperatives to catch up with the competition in
present-days business system. In addition, the Cooperatives Act B.E. 2511 embodies,
too, the provisions concerning farmers groups which should be improved
concurrently. It is, therefore, appropriate to upgrade wholely the law on cooperatives
by setting the cooperative system on a one-kind cooperative basis, i.e. a cooperative
the liability of a member of which is limited to the amount of shares held by him.
Furthermore, in order to develop cooperatives soundly with respect to the supervision
and promotion of cooperative affairs, the National Cooperative Development Board
is institutionalised for the purpose of advising to the Government the ideas
concerning policies and guidelines for the promotion and development of
cooperatives. There are also provisions on the Cooperative Development Fund for the
purpose of giving financial assistance to the cooperatives, and provisions on the
improvement of the member of members and the term of office of the board of
directors of the Cooperative League of Thailand. In addition, the provisions on
farmers groups are improved in order for them to develop into cooperatives
systematically. Also, the provisions on penalties are to be made more appropriate.
Published in the Government Gazette Vol. 116 No. 30 Gor, dated April 23rd , 1999.