Converting A Manual RTG Terminal To An AutoRTG Terminal
Converting A Manual RTG Terminal To An AutoRTG Terminal
Converting A Manual RTG Terminal To An AutoRTG Terminal
Converting a manual RTG
a manual RTG
terminal to an
AutoRTG terminal
timo Alho
Automation is the next
step towards improving
terminal to an AutoRTG terminal
Converting a manual RTG
This white paper describes the possibilities and processes of converting a rubber-tyred gantry crane
(RTG) terminal to automated operation (Kalmar AutoRTG). Increasing the automation level of a
terminal with products that automate a single part of the operation or the whole process is recognised
as the next step towards improving performance at today’s container terminals. The benefits of
automation include lower operational costs as well as improved terminal productivity, capacity, safety
and security.
Automating an existing RTG terminal is a complex project that requires deep expertise, careful
planning, a capacity for wide-ranging systems integration and the ability to consider numerous factors
beyond technical implementation. Besides the actual automated system, there is also extensive
change management within the entire organisation of the terminal, as operating an automated
terminal requires a thorough change of business processes as well as different skillsets for the people
operating the terminal.
In this paper, we examine several of these areas, ranging from the financial impact of automation to
terminal and infrastructure design as well as organisational considerations. Finally, we look at proven
results from the advanced RTG installation at Norway’s largest freight port in Oslo.
1. Why AutoRTG?
1.1 RTG benefits
Rubber-tyred gantry cranes (RTGs) are the most popular equipment
choice for container stacking at terminals around the world, especially
where high-capacity stacking and good manoeuvrability are key
requirements. With a global installation base of some 8,000 machines,
approximately 60% of the world’s container terminals use RTGs.
RTGs also offer high stacking density and an easy automation upgrade
path that is compatible with older equipment. As RTGs are able to
interact with both road trucks and terminal tractors, the RTG concept is
equally suited to both transshipment and import-export operations.
When considering the choice of automation solution and terminal
terminal to an AutoRTG terminal
Automated technologies from ASCs are increasingly being deployed in this field.
An often-heard remark from people seeing an automated terminal for
equipment the first time is how smooth the operation seems. No aggressive driving
sustainability the sustainability of operations. Significant fuel and energy savings are
realised through optimal driving patterns as well as the reduced need for
of operations. air-conditioning and yard lighting.
2. Terminal implications
2.1 Timeframes for conversion
Key priority is An RTG terminal can be automated in several steps, each implementing
3. Infrastructure
3.1 The big picture
Smooth and efficient deployment of new technology in an automation
project requires thorough testing to ensure that all subsystems form a
solution that complies with planned business processes. The execution
of all business processes has to be confirmed first in a lab environment
where all subsystems are present and end-to-end scenarios have to be
terminal to an AutoRTG terminal
verified with simulation and emulation before starting the testing in a live
Converting a manual RTG
4. Automation conversion
4.1 Degrees of automation in an AutoRTG terminal
basic crane remote control all the way to fully automated operation. The
desired automation level can be selected based on the existing systems,
operating environment and business goals of the terminal. Typically,
Converting a manual RTG
At the next level of automation, the crane makes automatic gantry and
trolley moves under the operator’s supervision. This mode of operation
streamlines operations and saves valuable seconds on each move,
providing significant incremental gains over time. Automatic gantry
steering is already the norm in new RTG installations. Other automated
solutions that are rapidly gaining ground include container location
systems and stack profiling which increases safety through improved
collision avoidance.
Finally, in a fully automated RTG setup, all crane functions including hoist
operation, container picking and placing, and stack housekeeping are
automated. If needed, an operator can still step in to manage exceptions
remotely. Only the servicing of trucks in the truck lane happens under
remote control.
4.2 Step-by-step automation approach
However, this is not the only option, as areas of the terminal can also
be automated in one go, for example on a block-by-block basis. The
Process optimum choice will always depend on the business needs of the
automation is
an easy way to Whether automating the terminal with a step-by-step or block-by-
block approach, the cost savings can immediately be measured and
begin evaluated as the conversion progresses. A well-planned automation
automating a project will also involve adding readiness for future automation levels
that may be needed at a later date.
terminal and
will continue 4.3 Process automation
The most 5. Safety and security
crucial safety
element in any Safety is always paramount in any terminal operation. Automated
terminals provide significant improvements in occupational safety by
terminal to an AutoRTG terminal
strict the terminal has operated for nine years with zero accidents.
between maintaining strict separation between automated areas and those with
people working in them. In an RTG terminal, the key area to consider is
automated the truck lane, which must be engineered to provide a safe yet practical
areas and interface for loading and unloading outside road trucks. Particular
attention must be paid to the driver interface and the driver waiting
those with areas. To maintain adequate throughput with roadside operations, road
people trucks must also be able to drive safely in and out of the truck lane at
designated places along the length of the truck lane.
working in
them. For RTG operations, another key safety consideration is container
handling, both in the stack and during loading/unloading. Safety can
be further improved with automated gantry steering, anti-truck lifting
which prevents a locked chassis from being accidentally lifted, and
stack profiling which eliminates the risk of containers being accidentally
knocked off the stack.
6. Maintenance
Manual crane systems will work even the equipment is not in perfect
condition, since human operators can usually compensate for the quirks
terminal to an AutoRTG terminal
operations, This requires a major change in practices and attitudes for maintenance
operations. With automatic operations, the emphasis shifts to more
the emphasis frequent preventive maintenance. However, as this maintenance is
shifts to more usually done at planned intervals, the caused impact to the operation
is minimal. As collisions and other accidents due to human error are
frequent eliminated, the need for ad hoc repairs is also reduced dramatically,
preventive bringing cost savings in the long term. Automated equipment can also
provide continuous updates on its status and can send alerts when any
maintenance. faults are detected.
7. Automating existing
The actual automation of most RTGs of recent model years is
relatively straightforward. Steering and driving is controlled by onboard
automation systems instead of from the cabin, while sensors and data
links are added for control, monitoring and system diagnostics.
Kalmar’s automation solution is suitable for use with any brand of RTG
together with Kalmar equipment. However, there are limits due to the
age and type of cranes that may not be practical and/or economical to
automate, potentially leading to less than optimal performance. In older
models, sensor installation may not be feasible, but they can still be
remote controlled. A terminal can also successfully run different models
and generations of RTGs.
The best automation solution will always be based on the needs of the
customer. Working with a fully integrated system from a single vendor
– and upgrading equipment when necessary – is often the lowest risk
and most cost-effective solution for the terminal in the long run, when
considering the longer term maintenance of the solution in the rapidly
changing world of new technology.
terminal to an AutoRTG terminal
Converting a manual RTG
The most significant cost savings from automation are due to the drastically smaller number of operators required.
Typically, a single operator can handle two to three AutoRTGs remotely, and in quiet periods even up to six
8. Human resources
The most significant and immediate cost savings from automation
are due to the drastically smaller number of (but more highly skilled)
operators required. Typically, a single operator can handle two to three
AutoRTGs remotely, and in quiet periods even up to six machines.
New tasks that will need to be handled include automation system
specialists; system optimisation engineers; IT system service and
maintenance professionals; and instructors for internal staff and external
parties.These competences can be built in-house or sourced from a
trusted external provider.
terminal to an AutoRTG terminal
automation is The job profile of the workforce will be transformed, a new maintenance
foremost a approach is required, IT and engineering operations will need to
major culture converge, and business processes will need to be mapped and planned
more carefully than before.
change in
how a terminal Whether creating a new automated terminal or converting a manual
terminal to automated operation, change management is crucial.
operates. Equipment is easily replaced, but human behaviour takes more time to
adapt. Change is inevitable, so the question is how to manage it.
10. Financial impact
10.1 Metrics
Kalmar can work together with the customer to calculate the financial
terminal to an AutoRTG terminal
salary costs are the simple and immediately obvious benefit that is easy
to calculate together with the automation vendor. For more detailed
long-term projections, the terminal is the best expert in forecasting their
own future volumes and operations.
Benefits will 10.3 Additional savings
seeking to For an RTG terminal, automation can also safely enable somewhat
stay ahead
Converting a manual RTG
terminal to an AutoRTG terminal
Converting a manual RTG
The RTG cranes installed at the port will be the most advanced in
the world and the first to benefit from the automated positioning
functionality realised within the Kalmar Terminal Logistic System
software platform and already used in Kalmar ASCs, AutoStrads™
and AutoShuttles™. This will be supported by a number of Kalmar
SmartPort process automation solutions.
terminal to an AutoRTG terminal
automation professional with in software and hardware of industry experience and started
more than 15 years of experience development, automation project his career at Kalmar in 2002 as
in research and development, management and project sales development engineer for terminal
product management and sales in as well as related business model tractors. He moved on to Cargotec
international business environment. development. Before joining daughter company Bromma and
His background is in Kalmar Kalmar in May 2014, he worked was most recently Managing
straddle carrier and shuttle carrier as CEO in a Finnish industrial Director of Bromma Malaysia
automation development. He investment and development responsible for Bromma Supply,
lead the project of the onboard company focusing on demanding including engineering, sourcing
automation control system design automation solutions, and, and total deliveries. Since early
for automated straddle carriers prior to that, in management 2014, he is heading Kalmar’s RTG
including software architecture positions at Elqotec, a consumer and STS business lines which are
design, software development, electronics contract manufacturer. closely working together with the
testing, commissioning and joint venture Rainbow-Cargotec
support in Patrick’s AutoStrad Industries in China.
terminal project in Brisbane during
2000–2007. Timo Alho is currently
responsible for automation sales at