Controlling a substation by a fuzzy controller speeds up
response time diminishes up the possibility of risks normally
related to human operations. The automation of electric
substation is an area under constant development Our research
has focused on, the Selection of the magnitude to be controlled,
Definition and implementation of the soft techniques,
Elaboration of a programming tool to execute the control
operations. it is possible to control the desired status while
supervising some important magnitudes as the voltage, power
factor, and harmonic distortion, as well as the present status. The
status of the circuit breakers can be control by using a knowledge
base that relates some of the operation magnitudes, mixing status
variables with time variables and fuzzy sets .The number of
necessary magnitudes to a supervise and to control a substation
can be very high in the present research work, many magnitudes
were not included .To avoid the extensive number of required
rules nevertheless , controlling a substation by a fuzzy controller
has the advantage that it can speed up the response time and
diminish the possibility of risks normally related to human
Plant Description
Controller Design
Experimental Results
Electric substations are facilities in charge of the voltage transformation
to provide safe and effective energy to the consumers. This energy supply has to
be carried out with sufficient quality and should guarantee the equipment
security. The associated cost to ensure quality and security during the supply in
substations is high. Automatic mechanisms are generally used in greater or lesser
scale, although they mostly operate according to an individual control and
protection logic related with the equipment itself and not with the topology of the
whole substation in a given moment.
The automation of electric substation is an area under constant
development. Nevertheless, the control of a substation is a very complex task due
to the great number of related problems and, therefore, the decision variables
that can influence the substation performance. Under such circumstances, the
use of learning control systems can be very useful.
Many papers on applications of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to
power system have been published in the last year. The difficulties associated
with the application of this technique include:
Selection of the magnitude to be controlled
Definition and implementation of the soft techniques
Elaboration of a programming tool to execute the control operations
Selection, acquisition and installation of the measurement and control
Interface with this equipment and
Applications of the controlling technique in existent substations.
Our research has focused on the first three points, and the interest of
the present work is to expose the obtained result and to present them for
discussion. The objective is to show that it is possible to control the status of
circuit breakers (CB) in a substation making use of a knowledge, mixing status
variables with time variables and fuzzy sets.
Even when all the magnitudes to be controlled cannot be included in
the analysis (mostly due to the great number of measurements and status
variables of the substation and, therefore, to the rules that would be required by
the controller), it is possible to control the desired status while supervising some
important magnitudes as the voltage, power factor, and harmonic distortion, as
well as the present status.
The system under study represents a test substation with two 30KVA
three-phase transformers, two CBs, two switches, three current transformers,
and two potential transformers. It also contains an auto transformer (to regulate
the input voltage) as well as impedance to simulate the existence of a transmission
line. The input voltage are the same (220V), this characteristic was selected in
There are a great number of variables that can be chosen to control a
substation. Nevertheless, a limited number of variables were selected for this
The following input variables have been defined:
Vout: Voltage at output bus, phase A (V).
PF: power factor at output bus, phase A
THDv(%):Total voltage harmonic distortion at output bus(%)
Tv, t(s): Amount of time the voltage Vout is in range
[114.3V;119.5V](tolerance zone)
Tv,nt(s): Amount of time the voltage Vout is below 114.3V(alert zone).
In selecting the variables, several aspects were kept in mind. For
example, the voltage influences in the connection and disconnection of loads
when its value leaves some ranges during certain time. These ranges are
represented in figure.2
Experimental results.
To carry out the experiment, a software for the platform windows
9x/2000 using Delphi was elaborated. Signal generators for the analog input
variables were used.
The experiment was starting from the status 0011. During the first
400 measurments,243 actions could not be determined by the controller ,an
expert gave the answers i.e., ,and as a result,243 new controller rules were
Figure 6 shows the status behavior of the plant during the first 400
sampling times with extreme simulated variations in the inputs. The status
frequency is shown in table2.
Table 2. Frequency of topologies obtained during the 400 system operations
Topology Frequency
0(=00000) 0.019
4(=00100) 0.009
6(=00110) 0.102
7(=00111) 0.046
20(=10100) 0.93
22(=10110) 0.056
23(=10110) 0.009